Książki na temat „Temps fictionnel”

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Maria, Remarque Erich, i Michel Tournier. Un temps pour vivre, un temps pour mourir. Paris, France: Mémoire du livre, 2000.

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Mangin, Annick. Temps et écriture dans l'œuvre narrative de Silvina Ocampo. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail, 1996.

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Marcel, Proust. Le temps retrouvé. Paris: Gallimard, 1990.

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Marcel, Proust. Le temps retrouvé. Paris: Flammarion, 1986.

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Haruki, Murakami. La fin des temps: Roman. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1992.

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Wharton, Edith. Le Temps de l'innocence. [Paris]: Flammarion, 1987.

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Wharton, Edith. Le temps de l'innocence. Paris: J'ai lu, 2003.

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Proust, Marcel. A la recherche du temps perdu. Paris: Laffont, 1988.

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Proust, Marcel. A la recherche du temps perdu. Paris: R. Laffont, 1987.

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Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. L'amour aux temps du choléra: Roman. Paris: France Loisirs, 1987.

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Marcel, Proust. A la recherche du temps perdu. Paris: Gallimard, 1989.

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Marcel, Proust. A la recherche du temps perdu. [Paris]: Gallimard, 1987.

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Marcel, Proust. À la recherche du temps perdu. Paris: Gallimard, 1988.

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Marcel, Proust. A la recherche du temps perdu. Paris: B. Grasset, 1987.

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Marcel, Proust. A la recherche du temps perdu. [Paris]: Gallimard, 1999.

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Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. L'amore ai tempi del colera. Milano: Mondadori, 1990.

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Büchi, Alberto, red. La macchina del tempo / L'isola del dottor Moreau. Italy: Crescere Edizioni, 2019.

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Wells, H. G. The time machine ; and, the invisible man. New York: Signet Classics, 2007.

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Wells, H. G. Seven novels: Complete and unabridged. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2006.

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Wells, H. G. The Time Machine & The Invisible Man. New York: Penguin USA, Inc., 2009.

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Wells, H. G. Mashina vremeni ; Chelovek-nevidimka ; Voĭna mirov ; Pishcha bogov. Moskva: Izd-vo "Pravda", 1988.

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Wells, H. G. Four complete novels. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1994.

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Colfer, Eoin. Colonie perdue. Paris: Gallimard Jeunesse, 2007.

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Colfer, Eoin. The Lost Colony. New York, USA: Hyperion Books, 2009.

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Colfer, Eoin. Colonie perdue. [Paris]: Gallimard jeunesse, 2008.

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Steglich-Petersen, Asbjørn. Fictional Persuasion and the Nature of Belief. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198805403.003.0010.

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Psychological studies on fictional persuasion demonstrate that being engaged with fiction systematically affects our beliefs about the real world, in ways that seem insensitive to the truth. This threatens to undermine the widely accepted view that beliefs are essentially regulated in ways that tend to ensure their truth, and may tempt various non-doxastic interpretations of the belief-seeming attitudes we form as a result of engaging with fiction. This chapter evaluates this threat, and argues that it is benign. Even if the relevant attitudes are best seen as genuine beliefs, their lack of appropriate sensitivity to the truth does not undermine the essential tie between belief and truth. To this end, this chapter considers what is taken to be the three most plausible models of the cognitive mechanisms underlying fictional persuasion, and argues that on none of these models does fictional persuasion undermine the essential truth-tie.

Dickens, Charles. Temps Difficile. French & European Pubns, 1985.

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Dickens, Charles. Temps Difficiles. Gallimard Education, 1999.

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Atlan, Corinne, i Murakami Haruki. La Fin des temps. Seuil, 2001.

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Atlan, Corinne, i Murakami Haruki. La Fin des temps. Seuil, 1998.

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Charles Dickens (duplicate of OL24638A). Temps Difficiles Annoté. Independently Published, 2022.

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Charles Dickens (duplicate of OL24638A). Temps Difficiles Annoté. Independently Published, 2021.

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Charles Dickens (duplicate of OL24638A). Temps Difficiles Annoté. Independently Published, 2022.

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Charles Dickens (duplicate of OL24638A). Temps Difficiles Annoté. Independently Published, 2021.

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Charles Dickens (duplicate of OL24638A). Temps Difficiles Annoté. Independently Published, 2021.

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Brèque, Jean-Daniel, i Margaret Eleanor Atwood. Le temps du déluge. ROBERT LAFFONT, 2012.

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Wharton, Edith. Le Temps de l'innocence. Flammarion, 1993.

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Wharton, Edith. Le temps de l'innocence. Flammarion, 1993.

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Marcel, Proust. Le Temps Retrouve : Bk. 8, A la Recherche du Temps Perdu. French & European Pubns, 1990.

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Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. L'Amour aux temps du choléra. Grasset, 1987.

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Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. L'Amour aux Temps du Cholera. French & European Pubns, 1992.

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Au Temps De L' Innocence. Audiocite, 2017.

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McEwan, Ian. Bambini Nel Tempo. Einaudi, 1998.

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Marcel, Proust. A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu. Wyd. 5. Fixot, 1998.

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Marcel, Proust, i Stéphane Heuet. A la recherche du temps perdu. Delcourt, 2002.

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Marcel, Proust. A LA Recherche Du Temps Perdu. Gallimard, 2002.

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Wells, H. G., i Henry D. Davray. La Machine à explorer le temps. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.

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Wells, H. G., i Henry D. Davray. La Machine à explorer le temps. Independently published, 2018.

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Wells, H. G., i Holybooks. La machine a explorer le temps. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

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Wells, H. G., i Henry D. Davray. La machine a explorer le temps. Gallimard, 2001.

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