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Eayrs, Joshua O. "Individual differences in visual perception capacity and related brain morphology". Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2018.

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Limited capacity for perception results in various phenomena of inattentional blindness in task conditions that load perceptual capacity. These effects have been extensively studied under the load theory framework, with numerous demonstrations spanning a wide variety of perceptual load manipulations. Research also established contrasting effects of loading perception versus cognitive control functions (e.g. working memory). The convergence of findings across different manipulations of perceptual load together with the contrasting effects of cognitive control load suggests a generalised capacity for perception, which is distinct from general cognitive capacity. The purpose of this thesis was to examine this hypothesis further, using an individual differences approach and relating traditional visual perception and awareness paradigms to the phenomenon of subitizing: the ability to detect a limited number of items in parallel from a brief exposure that has traditionally been studied within the enumeration literature. The research first extended perceptual load effects to measures of unattended processing in an enumeration paradigm, demonstrating that distractor effects are only found within subitizing capacity but not in set sizes that exceed capacity (Chapter 2). A series of individual differences experiments then revealed significant correlations between tasks involving subitizing, motion tracking, ‘change blindness’ and ‘inattentional blindness’. These relationships were furthermore established to withstand controls for non-perceptual factors, establishing perceptual capacity as distinct from working memory capacity or general cognitive effort (Chapters 3-4). Finally, voxel-based morphometry analyses of structural brain images established distinct correlates of grey matter density for perceptual capacity across tasks (Chapter 5). Taken together, the results of this thesis establish individual differences in perceptual capacity across a diverse range of paradigms and stimuli, demonstrating a common, general capacity limit for perception which correlates with individual differences in performance and grey-matter density and is independent from other cognitive constructs such as number estimation abilities and executive working memory.

Orihuela, Kuri Karla Beatriz. "Visual word recognition of morphological complex words and multilingualism". Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2019.

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Cette thèse de doctorat s'attache à décrire les processus impliqués en lecture dans une perspective psycholinguistique. Elle s'intéresse spécifiquement au rôle de la morphologie dans les premières phases de la reconnaissance visuelle des mots. Un des objectifs est de mieux comprendre les différences et les similitudes entre les représentations mentales monolingues et multilingues. Pour cela, plusieurs études expérimentales ont été conçues. L'effet de “pseudo-morphologie” a été testé dans les premières sections (examinant l'affixation et la directionnalité) pour explorer de quelle manière la structure du mot et la saillance (par exemple, les caractéristiques internes et la fréquence) jouent un rôle dans l'accès lexical. Les sections suivantes sont dédiées aux effets des tests multilingues en langue maternelle et en langue seconde et à l'effet de facilitation à travers les langues (anglais, français et espagnol). Les résultats s'inscrivent dans la lignée du modèle supra-lexical (Giraudo & Dal Maso, 2018)
This PhD thesis describes the processes involved during reading from a psycho-linguistic perspective, in particular, the role of morphology in the early stages of visual word recognition. It also seeks to better understand the differences and similarities between Monolingual and Multilingual mental lexical representation. To this end a series of experimental studies were designed. The so called ”pseudo-morphology” effect was tested in the first sections (exploring affixation and directionality), with the aim to explore how the structure of the word and saliency (for example, internal characteristics and frequency) play a role in lexical access. The section dedicated to multilingualism tests effect in first and second language and the cognate facilitation effect across languages (English, Spanish and French). The results obtained go in line with the recent supra-lexical model (Giraudo & Dal Maso, 2018) which postulates that construction morphology (Booij, 2010) is the main principle of organization of the mental lexicon
La presente tesis doctoral describe los procesos involucrados durante la lectura desde una perspectiva psico-lingüística, en particular, el papel de la morfología en las primeras etapas del reconocimiento visual de palabras. También busca comprender mejor las diferencias y similitudes entre la representación léxica mental monolingüe y multilingüe. Para ello se diseñaron una serie de estudios experimentales. El supuesto efecto "pseudo-morfológico" se pexploró de forma experimental, con el objetivo de comprender cómo la estructura de la palabra y la sus características (por ejemplo, frecuencia) desempeñan un papel en el acceso léxico. Incluye de igual manera una sección dedicada a experimentos con participantes multilingües en la cual se explora el afecta el efecto de facilitación de reconocimiento de cognados (en inglés, español y francés). Los resultados obtenidos concuerdan con el reciente modelo supra-léxico (Giraudo & Dal Maso, 2018)

Linusson, Sixten. "Age-graded Variation in Japanese Visual Language : The different morphology of adults’ and children’s manga". Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Institutionen för språk, litteratur och lärande, 2021.

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Previous studies have shown that not only is there something called visual language through which we understand graphical expressions, but also that each culture has its own visual language. Furthermore, there are variances within these visual languages, denoted by genre, which can be interpreted to be dialects. In a similar fashion to a study by Neil Cohn and Sean Ehly in 2016, which uncovered the dialectical differences, this study has utilized 67 graphical schemas, known as visual morphemes, and a corpus of 20 volumes of Japanese comics, to investigate age-grading in the Japanese visual language. The corpus, consisting of 10 volumes aimed towards adults and 10 volumes aimed towards children, was searched for graphical schemas, and their relative frequencies were analyzed with independent samples t-tests. The results show great similarities between the populations, supporting the findings of previous studies indicating that there is a shared visual language between genres. However, there were also great differences in how the visual morphemes were used, with many morphemes being used in statistically different proportions between the populations. Further age-grading was also found in the absolute frequency and the meanings of the morphemes which were used, with children’s visual language appearing to be much more expressive. These results imply that there is significant age-grading in the Japanese visual language and that it can be characterized in several ways, including absolute frequency, content, and proportional use.

Hermann, Simon Maximilian [Verfasser]. "Visual analytics methods for shape analysis of biomedical images exemplified on rodent skull morphology / Simon Maximilian Hermann". Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2017.

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Liu, Wei-Kuang. "Managing change : tensions between urban morphology and everyday life in the heterotopic urban context of Tainan". Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2011.

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Urban conservation and development practices are often in conflict. This thesis examines this general claim in the context of rapid urban development in East Asia through an analysis of the postcolonial historic city of Tainan, in Southern Taiwan. Following a particular line of urban conservation scholarship (Ashworth, Larkham, Conzen) this thesis argues that urban conservation is best conceived as the management of urban change, and that change should be considered as part of urban conservation policy. The aim of such urban conservation practice would be not only to maintain the historic traditions of a place, but also to promote the development of new possibilities of place. In this sense, the treatment of historical urban fabric should aim to preserve memory and tradition as much as serving as an ‘incubator’ for new senses of place. To this end, the thesis seeks to combine morphological and everyday life approaches to urban scholarship. A sense of place is not only derived from the emotional feelings, orientation or identity attached to an existing environment, but also relies on the practices of everyday life. These practices are significant aspects of urban places, but they are often difficult to map, measure and analyse. Thus, the thesis argues, mapping the morphological changes of a city is not enough for a rounded study of the everyday life dimensions of urban space. As a result, this thesis proposes that empirical approaches to everyday life are as important as morphological studies when exploring issues of urban change. The thesis builds on a number of existing approaches to this wider issue of the interrelationship between urban morphology and everyday life. In particular, it examines the Versailles School’s approach to typomorphological study. This approach to urban analysis emphasizes morphological change and its grounding in existing typological rules of everyday space, so as to continue the everyday life culture that it supports. This thesis develops methodologies based on these principles. In addition, it draws on the concepts of time-geography and heterotopic spaces as a means of specifying the representational approaches to everyday life narratives and an understanding of postcolonial complex urbanism, respectively. Following this approach, this thesis presents a series of case studies on the historic city centre of Tainan, the ancient capital of Taiwan. As a result of its colonial past, the urban blocks in that city can be understood as heterotopias in the contemporary city. Drawing on the case studies, this thesis argues that the everyday life-style in Tainan city centre is inseparable from the existing block typology and the functional conditions that reside in the coexistence of the historical and the modern urban structures. Thus, when considering urban conservation policies, the relationship between this social spatial condition and the everyday life that it supports must be carefully considered.

TANG, JUN. "Reconstructing The Evolution of Urban Districts: The Use of Computer-Generated Visual Simulation in Urban Design". University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2002.

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Chen, Baiyu. "Suprachiasmatic nucleus projecting retinal ganglion cells in golden hamsters development, morphology and relationship with NOS expressing amacrine cells". Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2006.

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Chen, Baiyu, i 陳白羽. "Suprachiasmatic nucleus projecting retinal ganglion cells in golden hamsters development, morphology and relationship with NOS expressingamacrine cells". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2006.

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Hayes, Susan. "Seeing and measuring the 2D face". University of Western Australia. School of Anatomy and Human Biology, 2009.

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This is a study of the factors that affect face shapes, and the techniques that can be used to measure variations in two dimensional representations of faces. The materials included thirty photographs of people in natural poses and thirty portraits that were based on the pose photographs. Visual assessors were asked to score the photographs and portraits in terms of pose (cant, turn and pitch) and also to compare the portraits to the photographs and score them in terms of likeness in the depiction of the face and its component features. Anthropometric indices were derived and used to score the images for the pose variables as well as for aspects of individual variation in external face shape and the spatial arrangement of the features. Geometric morphometric analysis was also used to determine the shape variation occurring in the photographs, the variation within the portraits, and to specifically discern where the portraits differ from the photographs in the depiction of head pose and individual differences in facial morphology. For the analysis of pose it was found that visual assessors were best at discerning the extent of head turning and poorest at discerning head pitch. These tendencies occurred in the visual assessments of both the photographs and the portrait drawings. For the analysis of the individual variation in face shapes it was found that external face shape varies according to upper face dimensions and the shape of the chin, and that vertical featural configurations are strongly linked to external face shape. When the portrait and photograph data were placed in the same geometric morphometric analysis the inaccuracies in the portrait drawings became evident. When these findings were compared to the visual assessments it transpired that, on average, visual assessment was generally congruent with the geometric morphometric analysis, but were possibly confounded by patterns of dysmorphology in the portraits that were contrary to what this study suggests are normal patterns of face shape variation. Overall this study has demonstrated that while anthropometric and visual assessments of facial differences are quite good, both were comparatively poor at assessing head pitch and tended to be confounded by the dysmorphologies arising in the portrait drawings. Geometric morphometric analysis was found to be very powerful in discerning complex shape variations associated with head pose and individual differences in facial morphology, both within and between the photographs and portraits.

Cerio, Donald Greene. "The Visual Apparatus of Avian Dinosaurs and Other Diapsids: Anatomical Correlates of Behavior and Evolution". Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2019.

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Månsson, Martin. "Patterns and predictability of visual attention in different street types : An eye tracking study exploring the predictability of the distribution of human visual attention based on the spatial arrangements of buildings in a two-dimensional plan". Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för fysisk planering, 2017.

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Streets are the most resilient elements in a city. While buildings are replaced and property borders redrawn, the streets remain. The primary means of planning new streets and the built environment surrounding it is by the creation of a two-dimensional plan - in a Swedish context called a detailed development plan. The two-dimensional plan is sometimes criticized for its inability to take the three-dimensional world into account and thus its inability to predict the actual outcome of the plan. To address this critique and provide additional understanding for this planning device, this paper empirically explores if the distribution of visual attention can  be predicted from a two-dimensional plan.  Visual attention is explored due to sight being the most prominent means used by humans to gather information in the urban environment. Fifteen subjects performed a simple, computerized eye-tracking experiment, whereby their visual attention was measured as they looked at 40 images on a monitor. The 40 images depicts four different street types: blocked, open, curved and angled, each of which was represented with a simple figure image, as per interpretation from a two-dimensional plan, as well as a photograph of the same environment, representing the actual outcome of the plan. The results show that the simple figure images have effective predictive capabilities, as  the distribution of visual attention exhibited a similar pattern in both the figure image and the photograph. The results also show that different patterns of visual attention are evoked by each of the four different street types. In sum, the results indicate that two-dimensional plans are able to predict the future three-dimensional outcome of a given plan in terms of visual attention. These indications are valuable for planners, architects, engineers and decision-makers when planning for new urban environments. The results are also valuable for understanding human perception of streets in a wider context.

Carson, Robyn. "Processing Grammatical and Notional Number Information in English and French". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2018.

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Number is a grammatical category found in nearly every language around the world (Corbett, 2000). The syntactic expression of number is referred to as grammatical number. In English and French, two number categories are in use: singular and plural. Nouns that are written more frequently in their singular form are called singular-dominant, while those that are written more frequently in their plural form are called plural-dominant. Several lexical decision and picture naming studies have found that grammatical number and noun dominance interact, resulting in a surface frequency effect for singular-dominant nouns only. Singular-dominant nouns are recognized/named significantly faster in their singular form than in their plural form, while plural-dominant nouns are recognized/named equally fast in both forms (e.g., Baayen, Burani, & Schreuder, 1997; Biedermann, Beyersmann, Mason, & Nickels, 2013; Domínguez, Cuetos, & Segui, 1999; New, Brysbaert, Segui, Ferrand, & Rastle, 2004; Reifegerste, Meyer, & Zwitserlood, 2017). The objective of this thesis is to extend our understanding of the singular-dominant noun surface frequency effect in English and French by adopting three procedures. First, advanced linear mixed modelling techniques were used to improve statistical power and accuracy. Second, the noun dominance ratio technique (Reifegerste et al., 2017) was applied to investigate whether the surface frequency effect remains significant when noun dominance was treated as a continuous variable. Third, a determiner-noun number agreement task was created to determine whether the surface frequency effect could be reproduced in a novel task. Three studies were conducted. In Study 1, two lexical decision tasks (LDTs) were conducted. Results revealed that in both English and French, singular nouns were recognized faster than plural nouns while the noun dominance effect was non-significant. The interaction between grammatical number and noun dominance was significant in French and marginally so in English. The interaction pattern was identical in both languages, singular-dominant nouns demonstrated a surface frequency effect while plural nouns did not. In Study 2, three determiner-noun number agreement tasks (NATs) were conducted. Results revealed that in both English and French, plural nouns were recognized faster than singular nouns. No other effects were significant. Incorporating irregular singular nouns (e.g., bonus) and plural nouns (e.g., mice) as foils produced the same results. In Study 3, two LDTs and one NAT were conducted. Lexical decision results revealed that in both English and French, singular nouns were recognized faster than plural nouns. However, the effects of noun collectivity and animacy were significant in English only; non-collective nouns were recognized faster than collective nouns while inanimate nouns were recognized faster than animate nouns. Number agreement results revealed that in English, plural nouns were recognized faster than singular nouns; no other effects reached significance. Taken together, my studies confirm that a strong surface frequency effect exists during visual word recognition for singular-dominant nouns. However, the surface frequency effect does not extend to the formation determiner-noun number agreement decisions, which were influenced nearly exclusively by grammatical number.

Nano, Del Castillo Ariadna. "Impacto entre el visual merchandising y la experiencia que vive el cliente femenino de 18 a 30 años, del sector A/B en las concept store de Morphology en el distrito de Miraflores en el presente año". Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2019.

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El e-tailing es una nueva manera de compra que cada vez tiene mayor acogida en el cliente, se estima que en el 2021 las compras online representarán el 15.5% de las ventas de retail, debido a ello la mejor manera de contrarrestar la nueva modalidad de compra es a través del concept store debido a la atmósfera agradable que puede brindar el visual merchandising creando en el cliente una experiencia que no podrá vivirla a través de sus compras por internet. La investigación fue realizada a través del método mixto, llevándose a cabo la recolección y el análisis de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos. A la vez es una investigación de diseño transversal con un diseño transaccional correlacional. Para corroborar la información teórica se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad, focus groups y encuestas. La investigación cualitativa indica que los factores sensoriales como la vista, el oído, el tacto, el olfato y el gusto influyen en la intención de compra. A través de la investigación cuantitativa se pudo corroborar lo investigado cualitativamente, sí hay relación entre la intención de compra y los factores sensoriales, debido al rechazo de la hipótesis nula. El promedio de la correlación es de 0.499, lo que significa que es una correlación fuerte y cuanto más presente estén los cinco sentidos en la tienda, la intención de compra en las mujeres será más fuerte. La investigación es de gran utilidad para aquellas tiendas que brinden experiencia al consumidor, utilizando los sentidos generando una implicancia en la intención de compra.
E-tailing is a new way of buying that is increasingly welcomed by the client, it is estimated that in 2021 online purchases represent 15.5% of retail sales, due to this the best way to counteract the new modality of purchase is through the concept store due to the pleasant atmosphere that visual merchandising can offer, creating in the client an experience that can not be lived through its purchases over the internet. The research was conducted through the mixed method, carrying out the recollection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. At the same time, it is a transversal design research with a correlational transactional design. To corroborate the theoretical information, in-depth interviews, focus groups, and surveys were conducted. Qualitative research indicates that sensory factors such as sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste influence purchase intent. Through quantitative research it was possible to corroborate what was researched qualitatively, there is a relationship between purchase intention and sensory factors, due to the rejection of the null hypothesis. The average of the correlation is of 0.499, which means that it is a strong correlation and the more present the five senses are in the store, the purchase intention in women will be stronger. The research is very useful for those stores that provide consumer experience, using the senses generating an implication in the purchase intention.
Trabajo de investigación

Engle, Teresa A. "Experimental Navigation and the Creative Process". VCU Scholars Compass, 2005.

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For this creative project, I am exploring alternate methods of navigating urban environments, and ways in which this activity can inspire creativity. This process is intended to create a new awareness of the urban landscape, break out of the prescribed, and to inspire innovation. The range of possibilities for this way of navigating is vast, and part of the challenge of my experience has been defining boundaries, assigning variables, and using strategies for exploration – making my process inherently morphological. I hope that my work here will encourage others to step out of their comfort zone and experience their environment in a new way.

Spíchalová, Barbora. "Pokročilé metody detekce kontury srdečních buněk". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2015.

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This thesis focuses on advanced methods of detecting contours of the cardiac cells and measuring their contraction. The theoretical section describes the types of confocal microscopes, which are used for capturing biological samples. The following chapter is devoted to the methods of cardiac cells segmentation, where we are introduced to the generally applied approaches. The most widely spread methods of segmentation are active contours and mathematical morphology, which are the crucial topics of this thesis. Thanks to the those methods we are able in the visual data to accurately detect required elements and measure their surface chnage in time. Acquired theoretical knowledge leads us to the practical realization of the methods in MATLAB.

Montmerle, Martin. "The connectivity logic of cannabinoid type-1 expressing interneurones in the mouse visual cortex". Thesis, Paris 6, 2017.

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La perception sensorielle dépend d'une interaction constante entre plusieurs zones corticales. Typiquement, pour chaque sens il y a une zone primaire qui reçoit directement des informations sensorielles du thalamus et une zone secondaire qui associe cette information avec des centres cognitifs plus élaborés (information descendante). Pourtant, les propriétés synaptiques et les microcircuits impliqués dans ces différents processus ne sont toujours pas élucidés. Nous savons que le récepteur cannabinoïde de type 1 (CB1) est exprimé à un plus grand niveau dans les cortex sensoriels secondaires. Ce récepteur est principalement exprimé par des cellules paniers inhibitrices qui expriment aussi le peptide cholecystokinin (CCK). En utilisant des enregistrements entre des paires d'IN CCK/CB1 et NP dans la couche 2/3 (C2/3) des centres visuels primaires (V1) et secondaires (V2) de souris adultes, nous avons demontré que dans le V1 les IN CCK projettent quasiment exclusivement dans leur propre couche, tandis que dans le V2 ils projettent aussi dans la couche 4 (C4). Malgré cette difference morphologique, ces IN avaient les mêmes signatures électrophysiologiques, suggérant qu'il s'agisse bien d'un type cellulaire homogène. En revanche, les connections synaptiques avec les NP étaient nettement plus petites et non fiable dans la C2/3 de V2. Cette différence disparut avec l'application d'un antagoniste de CB1, suggérant que ce récepteur médie une inhibition tonique qui est spécifique à une zone et couche corticale. Cette étude montre ainsi qu'il existe des microcircuits inhibiteurs particuliers dans les aires primaires et secondaires visuelles
During sensory processing, the correct subjective representation and interpretation of the external world is accomplished by a constant bi-directional communication between primary and secondary sensory cortices. Yet, the specific microcircuit players involved in these distinct cortical areas are still poorly characterized. After finding that the cannabinoid receptor (CB1) is more widely expressed in secondary than in primary sensory areas, we asked whether the neurons expressing CB1 had different properties in the two areas. CB1 is mainly expressed in large inhibitory basket cells that target the soma of other neurons. Using whole-cell patch clamping in acute brain slices from adult mice, we found that in layer 2/3 of the primary visual area of mice (V1), CB1+ interneurons exerted strong and reliable inhibition onto pyramidal cells, in contrast with the small and unreliable inhibition in secondary visual area (V2). Interestingly, pharmacological blocking of CB1Rs in V2 led to a potentiation of inhibition, while in V1 this effect was not observed, suggesting that CB1 interneurons in V2 are ‘doped’ by tonically or constitutively activated receptors. Differences in CB1 mediated plasticity also support this hypothesis. In V2, CB1+ interneurons projected their axons both within their cortical layer and to deeper layers, while in V1 these projections were principally intralaminar. Strikingly, infra laminar connections in V2 shared synaptic characteristics with those of L2/3 in V1. This study therefore suggests that different visual areas exhibit differential CB1-mediated modulation of perisomatic inhibition onto layer 2/3 and 4 principal neurons

Doza, Sajid-Bin. "Riverine Fortress city of "Mahasthan" in deltaic Bengal: in search for the traditional settlement pattern of ancient cities". Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2016.

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Bengala passou por enormes experiências de desenvolvimento sócio‐cultural, de estabilidade económica e de avanço da literatura e das artes. Durante o reinado Budista, Hindu e do Sultanato, a sociedade foi‐se valorizando e enriquecendo com estes diferentes valores e a amálgama cultural que representaram. Esta coexistência foi evoluindo e as pessoas começaram a dedicar‐se ao comércio, mas foram organizando e reformando a própria sociedade. O verdadeiro "renascimento" desta política económica e cultural Bengali seguiu um determinado caminho entre os possíveis. Para se manter e para proteger o território dos inimigos e de todas as ameaças externas, os “heróis” antigos foram previdentes, desenvolvendo uma forte capacidade em reforçar território fortificado, que designamos por cidade‐fortaleza. Esta tipo de cidade histórica planeada foi implantada, com variações, neste delta Bengali; por isso, os padrões de instalação e ocupação antigos foram observados na sua relação com as margens ribeirinhas e os recursos de água adjacentes e centrados em torno de uma estrutura religiosa. Uma cronologia popular no país ajuda a compreender a formação de um povoado ou de uma cidade. Na era Budista, a comunidade religiosa, o bazar e as vias marítimas eram o ponto central que concentram a mistura de pessoas e nações. Este sítio não foi excepção do delta de Bengali, embora esta tese fosse sinuosa e estivesse no meio de uma grande rede fluvial; os antigos dirigentes face à necessidade de criar sistemas de protecção territorial foram gerando os diversos padrões de assentamento e ocupação, com mega‐estruturas, infraestruturas e uma arquitectura público que se foram tornando os elementos característicos do domínio do espaço. Essas fortalezas ribeirinhas foram organizando padrões de assentamento cujas características variavam em função das percepções estratégicas e da morfologia do sítio; afinal estas foram as cidades do Delta que, além do perfil do rio, muitas vezes dependeram de influências locais e tradicionais. Neste delta Bengal, a cidade podia obedecer a tipos diferentes, mas, no geral, havia um padrão geral de ocupação das cidades que os administradores budistas antigos concebiam com um planejamento estratégico e uma morfologia que ía além da muralha do forte. O objectivo desta investigação é, em primeiro lugar, identificar e analisar a morfologia das antigas cidades‐fortaleza e os padrões de assentamentos em termos das suas estratégias de defesa e da arquitectura que organizava a ligação ao rio da terra Bengali. Em segundo lugar, o contexto e a organização do planeamento e lugar das estruturas fortificadas, abordando‐as numa perspectiva de conjectura, através do trabalho pictográfico e ilustrado. O antigo assentamento e a própria arquitectura de MAHASTHAN, um sítio datado do século VIII AD é um local ideal para essa investigação, dado ser um local de memória, de um espaço evocativo, ter um "sentido de lugar" e, claro, um padrão espacial tradicional flexível em relação as condições regionais e às construção tradicionais deste delta Bengali. Por fim, o estudo irá explorar a imagem (restauração conjectural) da escala da cidade, do espaço, da função e do sentido cultural do próprio bairro da antiga povoação ribeirinha, através da revisão crítica da literatura, do conhecimento das sucessivas escavações arqueológicas e com a ajuda da informação histórica pictográfica. O estudo irá explorar ainda o significado desses antigos assentamentos no subcontinente e a sua transformação em Bengali, focando as estratégias actuais de defesa e a sua manifestação física, bem como o papel que pode ter o Património Digital; Riverine Fortress city of `MAHASTHAN´ in Deltaic Bengal: In search for the traditional settlement pattern of ancient cities Abstract: Bengal had passed through enormous experiences of socio‐cultural development, economical stabilities, advancement in literature and arts. During the reign of Buddhist, Hindu and Sultanate Bengal the society was cherished and enriched with full of values and cultural amalgamation. Co‐existence in the society evolved up and people started occupying time in trade‐transaction and society reformation. The ‘rebirth’ of the Bengali cultural consistency took a way forward to immense possible trails. To remain retain established and to protect the territory from external forces as well as the enemies, the ancient heroes had prepared themselves, besides invented with strong capability to reinforce fortified territory or the fortress city. The historic city planning implanted with different characteristics, and prolonged with variations in this delta land of Bengal. Ancient Bengal was focused with their settlement pattern by the bank of the river or by the watery sources. Settlement in the ancient time used to develop centering a religious structure. Eventually; it is the popular chronology for deriving a hamlet or a town. For the Buddhist era, religious community, bazaar and the maritime route came to focus with the mixture of various people and the nation. Simply, it was no exception for the case of the delta land Bengal, although this mainland is curved and chiseled with cress cross river networks; the ancient heroes contributed outposts for territorial protection and thoroughly generated the pattern of settlement. Mega structures, infrastructures and public welfare architecture were becoming the notion of the domain. That river fort architecture and the settlement patterns had the strategic and morphological characteristics, which got different from other purpose built forts, nonetheless‐was in consistence with the local city context. Bengali riverine fortress cities experienced lots of local and traditional influences only for being the river fort and their settlement around it, stating from the component, elements of forts and formal profile of the river. So, undoubtedly Bengal conceived unique kind of riverine oriented fortress settlement pattern, which has distinct typescripts. Even in the case of this fort formation the ancient Buddhist administrators had some strategic planning, morphology for spread city beyond the fort wall. The objective of the research is firstly to identify and to analyse the morphology of the ancient fortress cities1 and settlements in terms of their defence strategies and river fort architecture of Bengal. Secondly the context and the planning organization and positioning the sites for fortification addressing pictographic and conjectural restoration2 includes ancient city formation through river‐fort architecture in Bengal. The ancient settlement and architecture, dated back 8th Century AD of a specific site of MAHASTHAN would be the intensive area of the research, its memory, space, ‘sense of place’ and the traditional spatial pattern would be the intensive area of the study that would remind flexible towards regional conditions and building tradition as happened in riverine ancient Bengal. Lastly the study will explore the image (conjectural restoration) of the scale of the city, space, function and cultural longing of the neighbourhood pattern of ancient riverine settlement, through the critical literature reviewing, progressive archaeological excavation and by the referencing of historic pictographic information. The study will explore for meaning of ancient settlements in the subcontinent and its transformation in Bengal with a focus on defence strategies and its physical manifestation as well as the Digital Heritage phenomenon.

Denion, Eric. "Mouvements oculaires et morphologie orbitaire comparée chez les hominoïdes : effets sur le champ visuel". Caen, 2016.

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Ce travail avait pour buts de quantifier chez l'humain (15 volontaires sains) l'étendue du champ visuel avec mouvements oculaires, d'étudier l'effet de lunettes à branches larges sur cette étendue, d'étudier chez les Hominoïdes (100 crânes humains et 120 crânes non-humains) l'influence de la morphologie du bord orbitaire sur cette étendue. Les mouvements oculaires augmentent l'étendue du champ visuel binoculaire de 37% (p < 0,001). L'augmentation est maximale dans le quadrant temporal (+46%; p < 0,001). Les lunettes à branches larges font perdre 25% (p < 0,001) du champ visuel binoculaire avec mouvements oculaires, et 33% dans le quadrant temporal (p < 0,001). L'orbite humaine a le rapport largeur/hauteur le plus grand (1,19; p < 0,001). Convergente comme celle des autres Hominoïdes, elle a un bord latéral dont la position qui est de loin la plus postérieure (107,1° par rapport au plan sagittal; p < 0,001) évite l'empiètement sur le champ visuel temporal. Nous avons développé un modèle mathématique pour évaluer la perte de champ visuel temporal découlant de l'attribution à l'orbite humaine de la position qu'occupe le bord latéral de l'orbite chez les Hominoïdes non-humains. La différence de position de 8,4° par rapport au plan sagittal entre humains et chimpanzés / bonobos fait perdre 21,1° d'excentricité du champ visuel temporal avec mouvements oculaires. Dans la lignée humaine, le mode de vie terrestre et non arboricole, dans des milieux plus ouverts que les forêts tropicales et l'affirmation progressive de la bipédie pourraient compter parmi les facteurs ayant fait évoluer ainsi l'orbite
The aims of this work were to quantify in humans (15 healthy volunteers) the extent of the visual field with eye motion, to study the effect of wide-temple glasses on the extent of the visual field and finally to study in apes (100 human skulls and 120 non-human skulls) the influence of orbital margin morphology on the extent of the visual field. Eye motion increases binocular extent of the visual field by 37% (p < 0. 001). The increase is maximal in the temporal quadrant (+46%; p < 0. 001). Wearing wide-temple glasses results in a 25% decrease (p < 0. 001) of the binocular visual field with eye motion and a 33% decrease in the temporal quadrant (p < 0. 001). The human orbit has the largest width/height ratio (1. 19; p < 0. 001). While its convergent nature is shared with the other apes, in humans the orbit presents a singularly rearward temporal orbital margin (107. 1° to the sagittal plane; p < 0. 001), which precludes temporal visual field obstruction. We have developed a mathematical model to quantify the loss of visual field occurring when the human temporal orbital margin is placed in the position it has in non-human apes. A mere 8. 4° difference between humans and chimpanzees/bonobos relative to the sagittal plane resulted in a substantial (21. 1°) loss in lateral visual field eccentricity with eyeball abduction. In human lineage, this type of orbital morphology may have evolved mainly as an adaptation to terrestrial (as opposed to arboreal) open-country habitat and bipedal locomotion

Rivière, Valentin. "Vers un robot aérien autonome bio-inspiré à morphologie variable". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019.

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Ce manuscrit traite de la conception d’un robot quadrirotor bio-inspiré. Ce robot, nommé QuadMorphing, s’inspire de l’oiseau et possède la capacité de se replier en vol afin de diminuer son envergure. Cette particularité est intéressante pour des problématiques d’évitement d’obstacles dans des milieux encombrés.Le travail présenté ici contient une présentation du robot où la plateforme mécatronique y est décrite en détails. Puis, des résultats expérimentaux sont présentés et commentés afin de quantifier les performances du prototype QuadMorphing durant des scénarios de franchissement d’obstacles.La deuxième partie de cette thèse traite de l’estimation de la taille d’obstacles en vol grâce à une perception visuelle monoculaire. Deux algorithmes d’estimation ont été simulés afin d’être validés pour être ensuite mis en place sur une nouvelle version du robot qui a été testée expérimentalement. Ces estimations permettent par la suite de rendre le robot plus autonome pour éviter les collisions avec son environnement et actionner son système de changement de forme si cela est nécessaire
This paper describes a bio-inspired quadrotor design. This robot, called QuadMorphing, is inspired by birds and has the ability to fold its mechanical structure to reduce its wingspan during the flight. This feature could be useful for obstacle avoidance task in cluttered environments.The work presented here contains a full description of the mechatronic structure. Then, experimental results are presented and discussed in order to quantify the QuadMorphing performances during obstacle avoidance scenarios.The second part of this thesis deals with estimating obstacle size during flight using monocular visual perception. Two estimation algorithms were simulated in order to be validated and then implemented for experimental testing on a new version of the robot. In order to make the robot autonomous, the estimation of the size of the obstacle allows the robot to avoid collisions with its environment and to perform its morphological reduction if necessary

Coleti, Joel Sossai. "Base de dados morfológicos de terminologias do português do Brasil : descrição e análise morfológica com vistas à disponibilização on-line". Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:25:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4555.pdf: 1644030 bytes, checksum: 011edee36bed7484fcbb263f0e272f79 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-12
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
The researches in Linguistics and Language fields are extremely rich, consistent and efficient in Brazil, however, still aren‟t expressive in the Brazilian researches the issues involving morphology and terminology. In this context, this research aims to describe the structure of two terminological repertoire (Nanoscience / Nanotechnology and Biofuels), representing the area of Engineering, at the level of the internal structure of its constituent terms, checking out the main processes of terms construction. Using this morphological description was organized a database for future computational implementation and on-line data availability. Later, for the higher productivity processes the Rules of Words Formation were established, as established by SILEX Model. This model of morphological analysis was designed by Danielle Corbin (1987, 1991, 1997, 2004) and developed by his team. This research aims to fill a gap, analyzing and describing the possible morphological processes in Portuguese (Brazilian variant) terminology and examining the most productive rules by which words are formed.
As pesquisas nas áreas de Linguística e Letras são extremamente ricas, constantes e eficientes no Brasil, entretanto, ainda são pouco expressivas no cenário brasileiro as pesquisas envolvendo questões morfológicas em Terminologia. Diante deste cenário, esta pesquisa pretende descrever a estrutura de dois repertórios terminológicos (Nanociência/Nanotecnologia e Biocombustíveis), representativos da área de Engenharias, no nível da estrutura interna dos seus termos constitutivos, verificando-se os principais processos de construção dos termos. A partir dessa descrição morfológica, organizar-se-á uma base de dados de maneira que seja possível a implementação computacional e a disponibilização on-line dos dados obtidos. Posteriormente, para os processos de maior produtividade, estabelecer-se-ão as Regras de Formação de Palavras, conforme o Modelo SILEX. Este modelo de análise morfológica foi concebido por Danielle Corbin (1987, 1991, 1997, 2004) e posteriormente desenvolvido por sua equipe de trabalho. Esta pesquisa busca preencher uma lacuna, na medida em que analisa e descreve os processos morfológicos possíveis no âmbito de terminologias em português (variante brasileira) e examina as mais produtivas regras pelas quais os termos são formados.

Peña, Plaza Carlos. "L'image dans l'image : rhétorique visuelle d'une culture mondialisée : essai d'atlas des représentations ibéro-américaines, XVIe -XVIIIe siècles". Paris, EHESS, 2014.

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A partir d'une répertoire d'images provenant du monde ibéro-américain, la thèse développe un étude typologique et morphologique de la rhétorique visuelle de ces représentations d'une culture mondialisée. Le travail consiste en un articulation des analyses micro-historiques et macro-historiques qui permet d'éclairer les rapports entre le local et le global et la fonction mnémonique des images. L'approche sémiotique , iconologique et aussi anthropologique cherche à montrer les diverses modalités de transformation des images et le métissage visuel ou hybridation iconique dans leur passage de l'Europe à l'Amérique. Le travail de catégorisation et indexation par mots clés a permis d'identifier une série de dispositifs visuels d'encadrement de l'image dans l'image et une série de métaphores et symboles associés au rituel eucharistique. Le montage d'images et la configuration d'Atlas est l'instrument utilisé afin de visualiser les résultats de la recherche conformément aux oppositions structurelles de base identifiées dans le travail de classification
Through the study of a collection of images from the ibero-american world the thesis develops a typological and morphological study of the visual rhetoric of one of the first globalized cultures. The task consists of an articulation between the micro-historical and the macro-historical analysis, that allows to enlighten the connections between global and local, anc observe the commemorative function of those représentations of the colonial past. The approach is semiotic and iconological , but it is also anthropological. It tries to portray the diverse modalities of transformation of the images and their visual cross-breeding or hybridization in their passage from one continent to the other. The categorization and indexatioi with keywords allowed to identify certain visual framing devices of an image within the image and a séries of metaphors and symbols associated with the Eucharistie ritual. The Atlas configuration ,was the instrument used for the visualization of the results according to the basic structural oppositions identified during the process of classification

胡其湘. "Studies on the Morphology, Visual Development and Feeding Behavior in Larval Silver Sea Bream, Sparus sarba". Thesis, 1989.

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1.By the marphological and ecological characteristics, the development it larval Sparus sarba were divided into thrse stages: (1)Prelarvae stage(TL:3-4mm)(2)Postlarvae stage(TL:4-11mm) (3)Juvenils stage(TL:11-25mm) 2.The survival rate of the starved larvae was decreased with age after their mouths opened. All larvae died at the 9th day, and their PHK(point of no return) was between the 6th and the 7th day. Loconotion duration of the fed and unfed groups began to show the differences at the end of yolk-sac stage. Total lengths of these two groups showed significant differences after their oil gloubles were absorbed. Start feeding at the 3rd day had the highest survival rate. 3.Before the netanorphosis it was pure-cone retina. (Rods were not identified until the 40th day). The larvae showed negative phototactis at 28 days old. The density ratio of total photoreceptor nuclei to the cone numbers in the was greater than 1 at the age of 35 days old. It is likely that the rods appeared before metamorphosis. The newly hatched larvae have unpigmented and presumably functionlass retinae. On the 3rd day there was sparse pigment distributed. The retinomotor responses of the pigment aigration was synchronized with the period of their netanorphosis. The acuity of larvae depended on the focal length (which increases linearly with age) and on the density of cones. During the metamorphosis, the resolving angle decrease significantly. As the larvae grew, the acuity improved. 4.The effects of light intensity on feeding behavior as follows: (1)The higher of light intensity, the higher feeding rations in larvae and juveniles, (2)Under the natural photoperiod, continuous illumination and reverse photoperiod (illumination at night). The juveniles(TL:12-15 mm) fed artenias, the young (TL:30- 40mm) fed shriap meat. Both of their feeding amount were higher in light-period, and the feeding period was changed by light. It indicated that the larvae was "visual feeder", and the activity pattern was diurnal. (3)The growth rate reared in long photoperiods (L/D=16/8) was greater than those in the short photoperiods(L/D). (4)The juveniles(TL:12-15mm) under dark adaption, feeding artemias by chance and the young(TL:28-39mm) feeding without vision was not by chance alone.

Thejomayen, D. Moira. "The dendritic morphology of local patch and callosal neurons in the superficial layers of cat visual cortex (area 18)". Thesis, 1994.

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Using the double-labeling technique with fluorescent tracers local patch and callosal neurons in area 18 of the cat were studied. The main goal was to determine whether single cortical neurons participate in both the local patch networks and callosal projection. Callosal and local patch neurons were found in overlapping and interdigitating patch networks. Double-labeled cells were not found in the regions of overlap between the two populations of labeled cells, or in any other locations in area 18, suggesting that the callosal and local patch neurons form separate neuronal populations in the superficial layers of cat area 18. The morphology of local patch neurons was next examined and compared to callosal neurons in the superficial layers of area 18. The local patch neurons were mostly spiny pyramidal neurons including modified, small to medium sized standard, and star pyramids. Smooth, multipolar neurons, presumably of the basket cell type were also present. In the tangential plane, the basal dendritic trees of about half of the local patch pyramidal neurons in layer 2/3 had mediolaterally elongated fields and the rest had circular fields. The callosal neurons in layer 2/3 were standard, fusiform, and star pyramids. Callosal standard pyramids were, on average, larger than the local patch standard pyramids based on mean values of somatic areal measurements. The mean dendritic field width of the callosal cells was also larger than that of the local cells. Callosal cells also possesed a more complex dendritic branching pattern, with numerous branch points. Both features appear to be independent of cell size. Finally, almost all the callosal cells had closely circular dendritic fields when viewed in the tangential plane. Thus, the local patch and callosal neurons can be distinguished from each other by morphological and morphometric parameters.

Park, Junwoo. "Differential calretinin interneuron morphology in the primary visual cortex versus the lateral prefrontal cortex in the monkey and mouse". Thesis, 2020.

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In the mammalian neocortex, GABAergic interneurons play a variety of roles in higher-order brain functions as key components of brain circuits. Many studies have revealed properties of pyramidal neurons, but the functions of interneurons are relatively poorly understood. Focusing on inter-species differences, previous work in our lab (Gilman et al, 2017) revealed pyramidal neuron differences in monkey and mouse primary visual (V1) and frontal (FC) cortices. Here, we designed a comparative study in a similar context to reveal knowledge of Calretinin (CR)-expressing interneurons in monkey and mouse V1 and area FA of the mouse, prefrontal cortical area 46, and V1 of the monkey. Monkey and mouse brain tissues were immuno-stained, scanned with a confocal microscope and 3D reconstructed using NeuroLucida 360. Semi-automated analyses revealed that mouse CR interneurons on both brain regions were larger and showed more dendritic branching. Cell type sorting following the previous classification method by Cauli et al (2014) showed distinctive cell type distribution Monkey V1. CR interneurons in V1 regions in both species showed features that differentiate them from FC interneurons, including more node counts than those in FC. Also, a sudden increase in average V1 dendritic diameter after its 75% length progression was shown between species. These findings have provided gap-filling knowledge about CR+ interneuron species-specific differences in V1 and PFC, which gives a foundation for inter-species data comparison.

Velho, Mariana Dantas Oliveira Ribeiro. "Morphological decomposition in the processing of Portuguese words and pseudowords: the role of suffix salience and numerosity". Master's thesis, 2019.

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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psychology
Studies conducted in different languages using different tasks and techniques have provided evidence for morphological decomposition at early stage of visual word recognition of complex words. Several issues remain, however, open due mainly to the lack of control of the characteristics of the morphological constituents of those words (e.g., frequency of the roots and suffixes) which could have affected the results. In this study we present a lexical decision experiment performed by 48 undergraduate students from Minho University aimed to examine the role of the suffix-numerosity (i.e., how many words ends with a given letter string - e.g., ice, ite) and suffix-salience (i.e., in how many words that letter string [e.g., ice, ite] is a suffix) in the visual word recognition of Portuguese words (e.g., aldrabice) and pseudowords (e.g., calvite, calvaca). Pseudowords were made up of real roots (e.g., calv[o]) combined with high- and lownumerosity suffixes and high- and low-salience suffixes, giving rise to four experimental conditions (e.g., for the root alert[a]: alertaco; alertebre; alertite; alertenta). Ninety-six words made up of high-numerosity suffixes with high- and low-salience suffixes were also used (e.g., nojice, rebeldia, respectively), giving rise to two experimental conditions. Results from repeated measures ANOVAs revealed longer response times and more errors for pseudowords composed by letter strings that frequently are real endings in Portuguese words, as expected. However, conversely to the predictions, pseudowords made up of letter strings that most of the times constitute real suffixes in Portuguese words, facilitated (and not hindered) pseudoword processing. For words, participants were faster and more accurate when recognizing words with high- than low-salient suffixes, as expected. Results were discussed attending to the current models of morphological processing.
Estudos realizados em diferentes línguas e recorrendo a diferentes tarefas e paradigmas, sugerem que as palavras complexas são decompostas nos seus constituintes morfológicos em etapas iniciais do reconhecimento visual de palavras. Contudo, a falta de controlo das caraterísticas das palavras usadas nesses estudos, nomeadamente no que se refere à frequência de uso dos constituintes (bases e sufixos) torna problemática a generalização desses resultados. Neste estudo procurámos testar o papel da numerosidade do sufixo (i.e., quantas palavras terminam com um dado conjunto de letras – e.g., -ice, - ite) e da saliência do sufixo (i.e., em quantas dessas palavras esse conjunto de letras é sufixo) no reconhecimento visual de palavras (e.g.., aldrabice) e pseudopalavras (e.g.., calvite, calvaca) do português, apresentadas a 48 nativos deste idioma numa tarefa de decisão lexical. As pseudopalavras foram construídas a partir da combinação de bases reais de palavras portuguesas (e.g.., calv[o]) com sufixos reais de palavras portuguesas (e.g., -ice, -ite) que apresentam elevada ou baixa numerosidade e elevada ou baixa saliência, dando origem a quatro condições experimentais (e.g., para a base alert[a]: alertaco; alertebre; alertite; alertenta). Foram usadas também palavras com sufixos de elevada numerosidade que apresentam elevada ou baixa saliência (e.g., nojice, rebeldia), em duas condições experimentais. Os resultados revelaram tempos de resposta mais elevados e maior percentagem de erro na rejeição de pseudopalavras terminadas por conjuntos de letras mais frequentes no português, como esperado. No entanto, de forma contrária às predições, a saliência do sufixo, facilitou o reconhecimento de pseudopalavras. Relativamente às palavras, os participantes foram mais rápidos e precisos a reconhecer palavras com sufixos de elevada saliência do que palavras com sufixos de baixa saliência, como hipotetizado. Estes resultados são discutidos tendo em consideração os atuais modelos do processamento morfológico.

Frigon, Ève-Marie. "Projections du cortex visuel au claustrum de la souris : reconstructions tridimensionnelles d'axones individuels". Thèse, 2020.

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Renaud, Jean-François. "La figure bidimensionnelle et les principes de son extension dans le plan". Thèse, 2006.

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Cette thèse traite de la forme visuelle. Nous y étudions plus spécifiquement la configuration des figures bidimensionnelles, c’est-à-dire les caractéristiques de disposition des éléments concourant à fixer son aspect. Nos observations ont pour but d’isoler dans la forme perçue les diverses contraintes spatiales susceptibles d’en affecter les organisations dans le plan. De ces contraintes d’extension émergeraient des figures de base, peu nombreuses, agissant comme des repères dans une grille de reconnaissance des formes. Selon notre hypothèse, la catégorisation perceptive à l’aide de types morphologiques et d’indices structuraux expliquerait—au moins en partie—les processus d’appréhension des formes. Nous comptons identifier les classes dominantes de ce répertoire par l’étude et la systématisation des comportements spatiaux. La thèse s’adresse à tout individu qu’intéressent les fondements de la communication par l’image. Comme notre projet porte sur les attributs physiques et esthétiques de la forme beaucoup plus que sur sa fonction iconographique, le lecteur doit s’attendre à une démarche centrée sur les procédés d’expression plastique. Les formes seront analysées comme des sources d’information objectives.

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