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Pugh, Cedric. "Housing and Land Policies in Delhi". Journal of Urban Affairs 13, n.º 3 (outubro de 1991): 367–82.

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LIM, Tai Wei. "Housing Policies in Hong Kong". East Asian Policy 12, n.º 01 (janeiro de 2020): 110–24.

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Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam presented her housing policies at the 2019 annual address in broad strokes, including using ordinances to resume undeveloped land in accordance with the law. The Hong Kong government could use its regulatory power as disincentives for private development of land given the highly bureaucratic, time-consuming and expensive land development approval process. The Hong Kong government would also work jointly with private sector landlords to potentially develop public housing and profit-driven projects, which would then be negotiated based on the Hong Kong government’s terms and conditions.

Granath Hansson, Anna. "Inclusionary housing policies in Gothenburg, Sweden, and Stuttgart, Germany". Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research 14, n.º 1 (18 de março de 2019): 7–28.

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Affordable housing shortage and concerns about social and income segregation have become a focal point of housing policy debate in many Western countries, and inclusionary housing policies (IH) have become widespread. IH is a term that summarizes municipal ambitions to spur the inclusion of affordable housing in otherwise market-rate projects through development restrictions. This article investigates IH policy objectives and outcomes of policies applied by the German city of Stuttgart and a Swedish pilot project in the city of Gothenburg. Although IH policies in the two countries generally have very similar objectives and incentive structures, underlying slow-moving institutions decide fundamental traits of the fast-moving institution of IH. In the Swedish case, allocation methods of low-rent apartments under the unitary housing system might prevent targeted polices such as IH from functioning as intended. In the German case, IH is integrated into the existing social and affordable housing system. Therefore its social objectives are not contested, although the limitation of private property rights and the incentive structures of developers are bound to be discussed. Irrespective of the housing system, the extent of public land ownership might also be a decisive factor in whether to implement IH policies or not. In Stuttgart, where public land ownership is limited, IH policies might be an effective way to produce affordable housing, as alternatives, including finding inexpensive land for public production, are limited. As Gothenburg municipality owns most of the land available for housing development, has a planning monopoly and public housing companies with good financial standing, it might find other, quicker and possibly less costly, ways to develop affordable housing than applying IH, especially if it is implemented mainly through public investors.

Ho, Tien Her, e Chia Nung Li. "Rethinking of Supply and Demand of Residential Land in Taiwan's Most Popular Housing Markets". Applied Mechanics and Materials 368-370 (agosto de 2013): 1954–61.

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In Taiwan, the strongest demand for housing is located in New Taipei City and Taoyuan County. It needs to use policies and systems to adjust the housing market timely and relieve the situation of supply and demand in the urban area. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the trends of the population growth in Taiwan, understand the current status of land use in the metropolitan area, study the possible schedules and issues about the release and use of all kinds of residential lands and public lands, consult some foreign cases and laws and domestic land policies, examine the supply and demand of residential land as well as the relevant supporting systems, assess the feasibility of the introduction of land reservation system, propose a strategy of adjustment of the supply and demand of residential land as well as the re-use of public lands, build the system framework of the supply and demand of housing market, in order to reduce the risk of an imbalance of the supply and demand of housing market in the future.

Sarkar, Anindo, Udayan Dhavalikar, Vikram Agrawal e Sebastian Morris. "Examination of Affordable Housing Policies in India". Business and Management Horizons 4, n.º 1 (6 de junho de 2016): 39.

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In this paper we critique the Government of India’s programmes for affordable housing in India, namely the Rajiv Awas Yojana and Housing for All 2022. We analyse the efficacy of these policies in being able to provide the sections of the population who are unable to avail housing from the formal market, both through direct support and most importantly in addressing the many distortions that have made the housing unnecessarily expensive, while taking away much of the value to consumers. We argue that while these programmes and policies are a major advancement over the previous approaches, they do not fully exploit the potential that is there in an increased FSI, appropriate exploitation of locational value, judicious use of government land, reform of titles and squatter rights, and more efficient land use regulations. They are also constrained by an inability to distinguish between what the markets can be coaxed to deliver and where state intervention becomes necessary.

Pugh, Cedric. "Land policies and low-income housing in developing countries". Land Use Policy 9, n.º 1 (janeiro de 1992): 47–63.

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ZHANG, Beibei. "Why Is Japan’s Housing Vacancy Rate So High? A History of Postwar Housing Policy". Social Science Japan Journal 23, n.º 1 (23 de dezembro de 2019): 65–77.

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Abstract This article provides an explanation for Japan’s current vacant housing crisis. While existing explanations usually ascribe the crisis to demographic factors or individual governmental policies, this article seeks to transcend those explanations by situating the vacant housing phenomenon within a broader social, economic, and historical context. Drawing on historical materials, the empirical analysis deciphers how the state has subordinated housing development to the overarching objective of economic growth through the manipulation of housing finance policies and land use planning regulations during the postwar period. The article argues that today’s vacant housing crisis is the result of the state’s pro-growth housing policies throughout the postwar period.

Metcalf, Gabriel. "Sand Castles Before the Tide? Affordable Housing in Expensive Cities". Journal of Economic Perspectives 32, n.º 1 (1 de fevereiro de 2018): 59–80.

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This article focuses on cities with unprecedented economic success and a seemingly permanent crisis of affordable housing. In the expensive cities, policymakers expend great amounts of energy trying to bring down housing costs with subsidies for affordable housing and sometimes with rent control. But these efforts are undermined by planning decisions that make housing for most people vastly more expensive than it has to be by restricting the supply of new units even in the face of growing demand. I begin by describing current housing policy in the expensive metro areas of the United States. I then show how this combination of policies affecting housing, despite internal contradictions, makes sense from the perspective of the political coalitions that can form in a setting of fragmented local jurisdictions, local control over land use policies, and homeowner control over local government. Finally, I propose some more effective approaches to housing policy. My view is that the effects of the formal affordable housing policies of expensive cities are quite small in their impact when compared to the size of the problem—like sand castles before the tide. I will argue that we can do more, potentially much more, to create subsidized affordable housing in high-cost American cities. But more fundamentally, we will need to rethink the broader set of exclusionary land use policies that are the primary reason that housing in these cities has become so expensive. We cannot solve the problem unless we fix the housing market itself.

Peng, Xi. "Report of Informal Housing Policy in India". Journal of Finance Research 2, n.º 3 (8 de novembro de 2018): 108.

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Informal housing can be broadly defined into two types: first, those in which occupants illegally occupy a certain area of a residential location and build a dwelling on the land; second, housing or residential areas which do not meet the master plan or building regulations. This report describes and evaluates the informal housing policies in India, introducing the improvement of the living standards brought on by these policies to the low-income residents of Chennai, while the case of Kannagi Nagar will be used to analyse the adverse effects of said policies.

Chhetri, Ram Bhandari. "Land Policy Instruments in Nepal". Journal of the Institute of Engineering 10, n.º 1 (31 de julho de 2014): 69–79.

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Corporate mobilization can be made realistic if policy facilitation is provided by the government sector. This research study aimed at exploring the possibility of a mechanism that will attract substantial investments from the private sector by mobilizing the existing capital market. To do so, the research within its objective framework examined the essential policy framework from the literature review, the existing legal, financial and planning and housing policies posing impediments to the prospective participation of the corporate sector in land and housing activities. This included but not necessarily restricted to the land administration, land legislatives, cadastral mapping system and current planning techniques used and the operational constraints it would pose upon the prospective mobilization of the corporate financing in land and housing development. The research study then finally intended to arrive at the framework that could possibly facilitate or promote corporate finance in land and housing sector in a greater way. The finding from the research is then translated into a framework for increased participation for corporate sector in land and housing that chiefly included following aspects. DOI: of the Institute of Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2014, pp. 69–79

Hananel, Ravit. "From central to marginal: The trajectory of Israel’s public-housing policy". Urban Studies 54, n.º 11 (24 de maio de 2016): 2432–47.

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Over the past decade, in the wake of the global housing crisis, many countries have again turned to public housing to increase the supply of affordable housing for disadvantaged residents. Because the literature and past experience have generally shown public-housing policies to be contrary to the urban-diversity approach, many countries are reshaping their policies and focusing on a mix of people and of land uses. In this context, the Israeli case is particularly interesting. In Israel, as in many other countries (such as Germany and England), there was greater urban diversity in public-housing construction during the 1950s and 1960s (following the state’s establishment in 1948). However, at the beginning of the new millennium, when many countries began to realise the need for change and started reshaping their public-housing policies in light of the urban-diversity approach, Israel responded differently. In this study I use urban diversity’s main principles – the mix of population and land uses – to examine the trajectory of public-housing policy in Israel from a central housing policy to a marginal one. The findings and the lessons derived from the Israeli case are relevant to a variety of current affordable-housing developments in many places.


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Singapore has developed its own unique state-driven housing system, with more than three quarters of its housing stock built by the Housing and Development Board and homeownership financed through Central Provident Fund savings. As a result, it has one of the highest homeownership rates amongst market economies. This paper provides a historical perspective of the main housing problems faced by successive prime ministers and their respective policy responses. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew (1959–1990), the government established an integrated land-housing supply and housing finance framework to channel much needed resources into the housing sector to deal with a chronic housing shortage. Under Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong (1990–2004), asset enhancement schemes to renew aging estates as well as market deregulation measures were implemented. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (2004–present) has been confronted with a different set of challenges — investment demand for housing, rising inequalities and rapidly aging population. These problems have brought about the introduction of carefully crafted macroprudential policies, targeted housing grants to assist low and middle income households, and schemes to help elderly households monetize their housing equity.

Acquaye, E., e S. O. Asiama. "Land policies for housing development for low‐income groups in Africa". Land Development Studies 3, n.º 2 (maio de 1986): 127–43.

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Masri, Rina Marina. "Analisis Keruangan Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Permukiman di Kabupaten Bandung dan Bandung Barat". Forum Geografi 26, n.º 2 (20 de dezembro de 2012): 190.

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The objectives of research are: to evaluate land suitability for housing based on soil characteristics; and to propose policy on the sustainable housing development in Bandung and West Land Bandung District. The method used in the spatial analysis is descriptive method based on several i.e. on data description of a case, circumstances, attitudes, relationships or a system of thought that became the object of research. The result of research as follows: 41.76% at fine zone residential lands, 44.81% at moderate zone residential good lands. Result of analysis give alternatives policies as set up the standardization the building coverage ratio, limited the conservation area to residential lands and others, increasing the conservation funding for decreasing natural accident disaster as flood, landslides etc.

Braithwaite, John. "Housing, crises and crime". Journal of Criminology 54, n.º 1 (março de 2021): 34–46.

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A disappointment of responses to the Covid-19 crisis is that governments have not invested massively in public housing. Global crises are opportunities for macro resets of policy settings that might deliver lower crime and better justice. Justice Reinvestment is important, but far from enough, as investment beyond the levels of capital sunk into criminal justice is required to establish a just society. Neoliberal policies have produced steep declines in public and social housing stock. This matters because many rehabilitation programmes only work when clients have secure housing. Getting housing policies right is also fundamental because we know the combined effect on crime of being truly disadvantaged, and living in a deeply disadvantaged neighbourhood, is not additive, but multiplicative. A Treaty with First Nations Australians is unlikely to return the stolen land on which white mansions stand. Are there other options for Treaty negotiations? Excellence and generosity in social housing policies might open some paths to partial healing for genocide and ecocide.

Ameh, Sunday Ojonugwa, e Benjamin Thomas Osafo. "Housing Policies: The Experiences and Constraints of Housing Industry in Ghana". Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 7, n.º 9 (25 de setembro de 2020): 416–34.

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Ghana housing policies in the pre- and post- independence have not been consistent and sustainable. Whiles the colonial government adopted self-help projects and piloted research findings, policies after independence focused on social housing, affordable housing and Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects. The impact of these policies did not improve the performance of the main stakeholders in the housing industry, thereby resulting to inadequate houses in most communities in Ghana. The research sought to identify the main challenges encountered by stakeholders in relation to government housing policies. The study adopted the exploratory and thematic literature review to ascertain the experiences and constraints faced by the Housing Industry (HI) in Ghana in relation to Ghana Housing Policies (GHP). The principle of demand and supply which determine the price mechanism in the housing market constitutes the theoretical orientation of the study. As such, challenges created by the housing policies in Ghana were related to the factors of demand and supply, principle of price mechanism and experiences of the global world and well as increase in urban shelter deviant rate. A comprehensive analysis was undertaken to reveal key findings on the challenges of the individual stakeholders namely households, financial institutions, estate developers and government land sector agencies. It was realized that prices of houses in Ghana were high in relation to households’ incomes. And that, the loan requirements of mortgage institutions of payment of 30% deposit, 50% monthly mortgage and 10 years mortgage term were unbearable by most households. It was recommended that estate developers should undertake demand assessment of households and the government should implement sustainable policies, hence reduce urban shelter deviant rate.

Meen, Geoffrey, e Christian Nygaard. "Local Housing Supply and the Impact of History and Geography". Urban Studies 48, n.º 14 (17 de março de 2011): 3107–24.

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This paper considers the impact of existing land use patterns on housing supply price elasticities in local areas of England, under existing planning policies. The paper demonstrates that, despite common national planning policies, local supply responses to market pressures vary considerably, because of differences in historical land uses. The study area covers the Thames Gateway and Thames Valley, which lie to the east and west of London respectively. However, whereas the latter is one of the wealthiest areas of England, the former includes some of the highest pockets of deprivation and was a government priority area for increasing housing supply. Due to differences in historical land use and geography, the price elasticity in the least constrained area is approximately six times higher than the most constrained.

Lateef Olanrewaju, Abdul, e Arazi Idrus. "What is determining affordable housing shortages in the Greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia?" Property Management 38, n.º 1 (1 de novembro de 2019): 52–81.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the determinants of the affordable housing shortage in the Greater Kuala Lumpur from the suppliers’ perspectives. Design/methodology/approach Primary data were collected through a cross-sectional survey questionnaire comprising 21 determinants and 111 experts in the housing industry. Findings The affordable housing shortages are consequences of regulations and policies on land allocations, building materials and the affordable housing market. The government should provide more lands to the developers or the government should directly build affordable housing on their lands. To lower the cost of construction, the government should reduce the importation tax and procedures, and the housing industry should find alternative building materials. Originality/value Theoretically, the research provided fresh insights into the causes of housing shortages and reasons for the increase in housing prices. The results will be useful to policymakers towards affordable housing delivery and to the developers and contractors on measures to increase profit margins and increase housing supply.

Zhang, Wei‐Bin. "Economic growth with space and fiscal policies with housing and public goods". Journal of Economic Studies 38, n.º 4 (6 de setembro de 2011): 452–82.

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PurposeThis study aims to examine dynamic interactions among economic growth, geography and the housing market with public goods financed by the government. A general dynamic equilibrium model of an isolated economy with economic geography, local public goods and capital accumulation is to be constructed. The economy has three sectors, supplying industrial goods, housing, and local public goods. The model synthesizes the main ideas in neoclassical growth theory, the Alonso urban model, and the Muth housing model in an alternative framework to the traditional growth theory.Design/methodology/approachThe model is based on the neoclassical growth theory with an alternative approach to household behavior. The paper shows how to solve the dynamics of the economic system and simulate the model to demonstrate dynamic interactions among economic growth, housing market, residential distribution and public goods over time and space.FindingsThe paper simulates equilibrium and motion of the spatial economy with Cobb‐Douglas production and utility functions. The simulation demonstrates, for example, that, as the tax rate on the land income is increased, the total capital stocks and the stocks employed by the three sectors are increased, the rate of interest falls and the output of the industrial sector and the wage rate are increased, the land devoted to local public goods falls and the land rent and housing rent rise over space, the consumption level of the industrial goods and the total expenditures on the public goods are increased.Practical implicationsThe paper provides some possible implications of the model for complicated consequences of government policy over time and space. In particular, the paper shows that a change in government policy not only has a macroeconomic impact over time, but also affects the economic geography of the national economy.Originality/valueThe paper offers insights into the linkage among growth, national public policies and economic geography.

Kollmann, Trevor M., e Price V. Fishback. "The New Deal, Race, and Home Ownership in the 1920s and 1930s". American Economic Review 101, n.º 3 (1 de maio de 2011): 366–70.

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Many federal government housing policies began during the New Deal of the 1930s. Many claim that minorities benefitted less from these policies than whites. We estimate the relationships between policies in the 1920s and 1930s and black and white home ownership in farm and nonfarm settings using a pseudo-panel of repeated cross-sections of households in 1920, 1930, and 1940 matched with policy measures in 460 state economic areas. The policies examined include FHA mortgage insurance, HOLC loan refinancing, state mortgage moratoria, farm loan programs, public housing, public works and relief, and payments to farmers to take land out of production.

Abelairas-Etxebarria, Patricia, e Inma Astorkiza. "Space-Time Analysis of Migrations, Employment, and Housing as A Basis for Municipal Sustainable Urban Planning". Sustainability 12, n.º 6 (21 de março de 2020): 2473.

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A close relationship exists between population, the housing market and the level of employment at the local level. On the one hand, the housing market is influenced by local planning decisions and, on the other hand, that market is a significant factor in population and economic dynamization. Although there are studies on these variables, it is not common to include their spatial perspective by introducing Geographic Information System (GIS) tools in the analysis. The aim of this study is to analyse space-time associations among the variables migrations, housing prices, and employment prior to and during the economic crisis, in order to adapt sustainable land use policies to be used by land use planning authorities. Bivariate Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (bivariate ESDA) has been used for this purpose. As our main results demonstrate, spatial positive autocorrelation was found between the variables employment in a village before the crisis and housing prices in neighbouring municipalities during it, indicating that people move to live in areas close to their workplace, but not necessarily to the same municipality. The analysis also shows spatial homogeneity of the variable housing prices, accompanied by temporal stability. The results indicate the need to implement sustainable control land use policies, not at the municipality level but at the county level.

Santoro, Paula Freire. "Urban planning instruments for promoting social interest housing: from zoning to obligatory percentages in São Paulo, Brazil, in dialog with Bogotá, Colombia". Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais 17, n.º 2 (28 de agosto de 2015): 99.

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One of the major challenges for urban planning in Latin America is to provide low-income families with housing in areas that have an infrastructure and a good supply of jobs and services, thereby promoting diversity and equity, translated by mixing classes, races and social cohesion. This mission becomes increasingly difficult in a neoliberal capitalist context which transfers the task of providing land and housing for low-income families to the market and where the logic of such actions is based on achieving more rent from land and consequently of the holding of real estate becoming more profitable. This paper sets out to discuss two proposals for urban instruments that dialog with the production of housing through the market and guarantee of the right to the city. The first centered on the reserve of land for the production of social interest housing (HIS, in Portuguese) in the zoning by creating Special Social Interest Housing Zones (ZEIS, in Portuguese), spread throughout Brazil, and described here based on the experience of São Paulo. Or else, comparatively, classifying land to be used as a priority for social housing (vivienda de interés prioritário) widespread in Colombia, and here presented by the Bogota experience. There is another, which already has international experience and has recently been debated in Brazil, which consists of conceiving of the promotion of social interest housing policies based on the regulation of urban restructuring but experiences of this are rare in Brazil. These may be termed as inclusive housing policies. As a result, this article points out that the creation of alternative regulations has set the tone for the market to exclude itself from producing housing of social interest, and guarantees greater profitability to commercial undertakings.

O'Loughlin, John, e Graham Hallett. "Land and Housing Policies in Europe and the USA: A Comparative Analysis". Geographical Review 80, n.º 2 (abril de 1990): 194.

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Patricios, Nicholas N. "Land and housing policies in Europe and the USA: A comparative analysis". Land Use Policy 6, n.º 2 (abril de 1989): 178–79.

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Muazu, Jallaludeen, e Derya Oktay. "Challenges and Prospects for Affordable and Sustainable Housing: The Case of Yola, Nigeria". Open House International 36, n.º 3 (1 de setembro de 2011): 97–118.

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This paper aims to determine the challenges and prospects for affordable housing within the context of sustainability by investigating the socio-economic and environmental impacts of housing developments based on the analysis of four so-called affordable housing schemes in Yola, Nigeria. Using questionnaire survey and indicators developed from literature reviews on affordable and sustainable housing, the findings suggest that due to inadequate availability of housing inputs (land, finance, infrastructure, labor and materials), lack of diversity, improper location, inefficient transport facilities and lack of user participation, the examined developments are neither sustainable nor affordable. The research hence contributes some empirical evidence to overcome the defined shortcomings and provides a basis for governments' housing commitments towards reforming and devising policies for community involvement in housing provision, providing easy access to land with legal title deeds, easy access to housing finance, infrastructure, etc.

Bhattacharyya, Debjani. "Speculation". Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 40, n.º 1 (1 de maio de 2020): 51–56.

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Abstract From the beginning of the twentieth century, new urban housing forms, including social housing, land pooling, and building syndicates, began to emerge as products of housing rights and labor movements. Yet this emergence cannot simply be accounted for by a history of workers' rights and housing movements but must also take into consideration the political economy of land and housing created by new forms of real estate speculation. This article situates the history of urban speculation and the new fiduciary innovations pertaining to urban land and housing markets within the scholarship on the development of architectural and town-planning theories during the early decades of the twentieth century. Focusing on Calcutta and Bombay—two central cities of the British Empire—as case studies, I will trace the history of how the housing market became a tradeable object of speculation through colonial policies that disentangled housing from its singular history and abstracted it out of its nonmonetizable attachments. Indeed, it is by understanding how the land and housing market became a site for future investments and ultimately was structured through new social relations and values following World War I that we might get a fuller understanding of how we arrived at our contemporary “residential capitalism” and landscapes of accumulation and homelessness.

Yap, Jeffrey Boon Hui, e Xin Hua Ng. "Housing affordability in Malaysia: perception, price range, influencing factors and policies". International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 11, n.º 3 (4 de junho de 2018): 476–97.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the affordability of Malaysian housing market, sufficiency of affordable housing and factors influencing the housing affordability in Malaysia. Design/methodology/approach In this study, qualitative research approach was adopted. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten industry practitioners from developers and real estate agencies and further validation with three industry experts. Findings The findings reveal that housing affordability is a grave concern to average Malaysians, and the supply of affordable housing is insufficient in the current residential property market. Income, property price, land cost and demand and supply are identified as significant factors affecting housing affordability. Research limitations/implications The research findings provide an insight rather than definitive information, as the small sample size could limit the generalizability of the findings. Future research can include participants from the public sector and focus on the policy options. Practical implications This paper provided numerous policies to ensure successful deliverability of affordable housing which eases government to partner with private sector to formulate a systematic framework for implementation of affordable housing programs and schemes. Social implications There is a need for government to pay more attention to housing needs of middle-income groups. Also, the government is urged to ensure transparent balloting process in every implementation of affordable housing programs. Originality/value The paper emphasised the issues of undersupply of affordable housing and mismatch of property price and income. The paper also highlights the key reasons behind high housing affordability index. Hence, it is hoped that this paper will encourage positive debate and gain some attention from the policymakers, practitioners and researchers in Malaysia and beyond.


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The purpose of this research is: 1) To know and analyze about enclaving on the cultivation rights title as a land source for low-income people housing development, 2) To know and analyze the role of the regional government in spatial planning organizing on cultivation rights title of the enclave of the land as a land source for low-income people housing development.This research use normative legal research method with qualitative approach. The results of this research is: 1) enclaving on the prolongation or renewal of the cultivation rights title can be used as a land source for the housing development for low-incomwe people, with a terms that its still concerned with the suitability and design on the spatial planning in that area, 2) regional governments as the representatives of the state in the regions authorized in planning, utilizing and controlling spatial in their regions, especially on the regional spatial planning policies, granting licenses, and giving punishment to anyone who violating the regional regulations. enclaving on the cultivation rights title as a land source for low-income people housing development must suitable with the spatial allocation that allows housing / flats to be built.

BRUEY, ALISON J. "Limitless Land and the Redefinition of Rights: Popular Mobilisation and the Limits of Neoliberalism in Chile, 1973–1985". Journal of Latin American Studies 44, n.º 3 (agosto de 2012): 523–52.

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AbstractIn 1985, the Pinochet dictatorship reversed radical neoliberal urban development policy in response to economic crisis and political pressure mounted by the urban poor in alliance with the Catholic Church and the Left. The regime's free-market policies conflicted with a popular sector political culture that considered housing a right which the state must uphold. To implement its radical policies, the regime sought to change the understanding that housing was a right and the state a legitimate target of demand. However, it was unsuccessful. In the early 1980s, organised pobladores successfully brought the affordable-housing crisis to the forefront of public attention via the resurrection of pre-coup forms of direct action and pressured the dictatorship to back down from neoliberal dogmatism.

Sangawi, Maryam Adnan, e Alan Faraydoon Ali. "The Implementation of Residential Projects on Sulaimani Master Plan". Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research 5, n.º 1 (3 de julho de 2020): 258–69.

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Urban planning is a science that is reflected in the methods of land uses especially housing use, which is one of the most important sector in the city. It is considered the most important human requirement after food and wearer. The master plan is considered as one of the most important urban frame. It contains all the structural plans to control the urban expansion of all service sectors for the land uses in the city. It is planned for present and future status for the cites. The city master plan guarantees the equal distribution of urban land expansion from all sides. It secures the provision and implementation of housing projects to all residents in the city, Because of the economic growth that the city of Sulaimani witnessed after 2003. The city was suffering from a lack of attention to the issue of preparing a master plan. It did not have a master plan except for old studies that were carried out by the federal government. The master plan studies began from 2006 to 2009, then in 2009 it was recognized. Therefore, this subject is very substantial and the problem is that the implementation and site projection of housing was done in unappropriate manner with the stages of the master plan and the absence of evidence to invest in a housing sector. The purpose of this study is to identify a clear vision of housing investment projects, and shed the light on the necessary policies to be considered. Geography information system has been used to indicate the locations of housing projects in the city of Sulaimani. There is conformity with allocated lands for housing in the master plan. Then questions were addressed to specialists and agencies who had worked in housing projects such as the Directorate of Housing, Directorate of Investment, and the municipality. The questionnaire was proven after seeking the assistance of 9 experts to know the extent of the credibility of the questions that were laid down. The research found there are non-planning factors that affect the implementation of housing projects. Absence of laws and administrative errors in the implementation of housing projects playing the main role of having no clear housing implementation vision.

Sette Whitaker Ferreira, João, Eduardo Rojas, Higor Rafael De Souza Carvalho, Carolina Rago Frignani e Ligia Santi Lupo. "Housing policies and the roles of local governments in Latin America: recent experiences". Environment and Urbanization 32, n.º 2 (8 de julho de 2020): 333–50.

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In the last few decades, most Latin American countries have made good progress in improving the living conditions of urban populations, but still face enormous challenges. This paper describes the roles of city and other local governments in designing housing policies and integrating them into governance, planning and finance. This includes many innovations in local governments’ housing policies, especially those implemented in the first decade of this century by progressive city governments. It also includes decentralization that supported municipal governments to develop their housing and urban development plans. Relevant as well are policies to address the quantitative deficit (insufficient supply of housing) and the qualitative deficit (inadequate quality of housing), such as informal settlement upgrading. The paper includes examples of where housing policy decentralization created spaces for democratic, participatory and inclusive city governance. It also highlights the importance for social housing of finance and the measures that may be taken to address this, including land management instruments and capture of real estate surplus value. But much of this innovation has been lost over the last decade, after the economic crisis and the rise of a new wave of conservative regimes in the region.

Wang, Hongbo, e Dan Rickman. "Housing Price and Population Growth across China: The Role of Housing Supply". International Regional Science Review 43, n.º 3 (12 de março de 2019): 203–28.

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In this article, we employ a spatial equilibrium growth model to empirically examine the role of housing supply growth in differences in housing price and population growth across the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and major cities of mainland China for 2002–2015. Areas in the East, particularly Shanghai, Ningbo, Qingdao, and Xiamen, are found to have had the least growth in housing supply, while autonomous regions and areas in the Southwest and Northeast had the most. The differences in housing supply growth are shown not only to have greatly influenced relative housing price growth, but they also greatly influenced relative regional population growth, suggesting that land and housing supply policies are a critical component of regional growth in China.

Syphard, Alexandra D., Avi Bar Massada, Van Butsic e Jon E. Keeley. "Land Use Planning and Wildfire: Development Policies Influence Future Probability of Housing Loss". PLoS ONE 8, n.º 8 (14 de agosto de 2013): e71708.

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Han, Libin, e Ming Lu. "Housing prices and investment: an assessment of China's inland-favoring land supply policies". Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 22, n.º 1 (6 de dezembro de 2016): 106–21.

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Liu, Jian, e Huay Ying Ong. "Can Malaysia’s National Affordable Housing Policy Guarantee Housing Affordability of Low-Income Households?" Sustainability 13, n.º 16 (7 de agosto de 2021): 8841.

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Housing affordability is a long-held issue in Malaysia, and housing policies have been implemented for low-income households over the years. However, there is a contradiction that housing affordability of low-income households has not been met, while the bulk of affordable housing is still vacant. In 2019, Malaysia enacted the National Affordable Housing Policy (DRMM) which was intended to improve housing affordability for low-income groups. This paper aims to answer why Malaysia’s long-term implementation of affordable housing policies cannot guarantee housing affordability, and whether the DRMM can effectively improve housing affordability as expected, by comparing the empirical factors of housing affordability. A literature review and a comparative analysis are adopted in the research. The paper concludes that low household income, high land price, construction cost and compliance cost, mismatch of supply and demand in terms of quantity, the instability of the national economy, low home financing ability, and incomprehensive housing planning have caused low housing affordability of low-income groups in Malaysia. The DRMM as anticipated can improve housing affordability by supplying affordable housing more precisely, lowering housing costs, and improving home financing ability. However, the exclusion of household income and economic factors may cause the ineffectiveness of the DRMM in improving housing affordability for low-income households.

Silva, Emerson dos Santos, Josiane Andréia Scotton e Vanessa Goulart Dorneles. "Habitação de Interesse Social como política pública e implementação do Programa ‘Minha Casa, Minha Vida’ em cidades médias, o caso de Erechim, RS, Brasil". Terr Plural 13, n.º 3 (2019): 110–21.

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This paper presents a brief contextualization of the recurrent Public Policies in Brazil, adopted as a guarantee of access to housing, as a right guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of 1988. The analysis is also made of how these Public Policies were reflected in the Municipality of Erechim, and it is evaluated how the City Hall, responsible for planning the land uses and manager of Public Policies, according to the City Statute of 2001, has acted in the regulation of these policies. The study was performed through non-systematic interviews with the technical staff of the Department of Housing and it was verified that the model adopted in the municipality is limited, due to the great complexity of the problem and the emerging demand. This study concludes that other measures could be taken concurrently, such as the mechanisms provided for in the City Statute to remedy the deficit for medium-sized cities, and in fact contributing to a housing policy and a more sustainable development.

Quigley, John M., e Steven Raphael. "Is Housing Unaffordable? Why Isn't It More Affordable?" Journal of Economic Perspectives 18, n.º 1 (1 de fevereiro de 2004): 191–214.

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This paper reviews trends in housing affordability in the U.S. over the past four decades. There is little evidence that owner-occupied housing has become less affordable. In contrast, there have been modest increases in the fraction of income that the median renter household devotes to housing. We find pronounced increases in the rent burdens for poor households. We explore the low-income rental market in more detail, analyzing the relative importance of changes in the income distribution, in housing quality, land use regulation, and zoning in affecting rent burdens. We also sketch out some policies that might improve housing affordability.

Kresse, Klaas, e Erwin van der Krabben. "Housing Supply Limitations, Land Readjustment and the Ecological Performance of the Urban Landscape". Sustainability 13, n.º 17 (31 de agosto de 2021): 9774.

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Public authorities in developing economies typically have to deal with fiscal stress, lack of resources and an underdeveloped real estate industry. This poses a severe challenge at times of rapid urbanisation. Governments typically react to housing demand shocks by introducing policies that support the real estate market’s capacity to supply housing. One prominent policy in this respect is land readjustment. It has been promoted as a best practice and has been extensively discussed from an efficiency perspective; however, little is known about the ecological performance of the urban landscapes that typically emerge with this tool. Therefore, this study developed an assessment framework that allows discussion of the ecological performance of these neighbourhoods as an outcome of the reciprocal interaction between public sector initiatives and real estate market responses. Based on a LEED ND assessment of the cases of Taipei and Seoul, the research identifies four institutional drivers of ecological costs. First, public agencies tend to neglect the ecological costs of greenfield site developments. Second, public agencies to not employ policies that promoe brownfield developments. Third, a weak public sectors’ negotiating position can result in an ecologically inefficient urban pattern. And finally, the public sector’s construction standardisation policies can impose real estate market limitations and wasteful use of resources in the long run.

Pearson-Merkowitz, Shanna, e Corey Lang. "Smart Growth at the Ballot Box: Understanding Voting on Affordable Housing and Land Management Referendums". Urban Affairs Review 56, n.º 6 (17 de julho de 2019): 1848–75.

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This study investigates voter decision-making on two smart-growth components: land preservation and affordable housing. We seek to understand how voters make concurrent decisions about unpaired smart-growth components at the ballot box. Previous studies of smart growth, affordable housing, and environmental preservation have focused primarily on describing the attitudes and traits of voters on these policies, utilize aggregate voting outcomes, or are case studies of single towns in which there is a fairly homogenous group of residents either supporting or opposing the policy. We draw on a unique data set to investigate the different covariates of attitudes for environmental preservation and affordable housing: an exit poll of voters in the 2016 Rhode Island General Election on bond referendums for environmental preservation and affordable housing. We find that the coalition for smart growth that includes both land preservation and affordable housing is undermined by views of minorities and the poor as undeserving.

Kar, Mohammad Reza Daime, Mohammad Ali Ahmadian, Katayoun Alizadeh e Hossein Hataminezhad. "Housing Planning for Lower Income Cities with Sustainable Development Approach in Mehregan Township of Mashhad Metropolis". Revista Eletrônica em Gestão, Educação e Tecnologia Ambiental 24 (8 de janeiro de 2020): 2.

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Housing is the most important element of the city, which is of great importance in the sustainable development of the city. Therefore, achieving sustainable housing in order to enhance and improve the quality of life of the present and future generations is a major issue. Housing from various perspectives, including architecture, construction of buildings, residential buildings, land and building costs, housing loans, housing market, housing regulations, house prices, Desirable housing, etc., can be considered. On the other hand, housing is the most important concern of the present-day human being and its most important function is economic performance. And its most important function is economic performance. The housing situation and the analysis of housing prices are of particular importance, because the main goal of urbanization is to create human settlements and, among the various uses of urban land, residential use is of particular importance. Also the share of housing is also significant in quantitative term. One of the indicators for measuring poverty is housing. Good and adequate housing is a housing that does not have too much density. And, in many cases, housing and environmental conditions are the most important factor affecting on level of satisfaction of a person in a neighborhood. Apart from the social class and economic conditions of individuals, housing is always one of the most important needs and priorities of the household. The main factors that have led to provide a place to live become a crisis, especially for low-income groups, are: Rapid population growth, a sharp increase in urbanization rates, lower household size, higher rates of profitability of the land market and housing, reduced demand for housing, reduced access rates and poor financial capabilities of the poor, the plummeting market of land and housing to the detriment of low-income groups, the reduction of land and housing supply, the lack of attention of the private sector and, ultimately, unsuccessful government policies. In spite of various experiences to address the problem of disadvantaged low-income groups, the root cause of this problem is the need to examine its structural factors. This paper has been conducted with the purpose of providing a affordable housing pattern for vulnerable urban areas with a sustainable development approach in the Mehregan township of Mashhad Metropolis detachable area using a descriptive-analytical method of applied type. The population of the study is 366 people based on the Cochran formula. Using descriptive and inferential statistics from the completed questionnaires, experts have been analyzed using non-parametric and parametric statistical methods. Since housing is a cross-domain and multidimensional domain, the attitude to it must be all-round and multi-dimensional. Hence, effective policies in the field of housing for low income groups regarding the potential of the marginal areas of Mashhad for system effectiveness will be considered. Finally, in the city of Mehregan, we can solve this problem, By drafting urban planning, architecture and housing construction in accordance with international standards and enhancing their flexibility and encouraging activities in marginalized fabric for the benefit of low income groups and changing the views and plans of urban development projects.

Agunbiade, Muyiwa Elijah, Abbas Rajabifard e Rohan Bennett. "What scope for integrating land management policies, land administration processes and data infrastructures for housing production in Nigeria?" Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 31, n.º 1 (5 de março de 2015): 51–68.

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Needham, Barrie, e Roelof Verhage. "Housing and land in Israel and the Netherlands: a comparison of policies and their consequences for access to housing". Town Planning Review 69, n.º 4 (outubro de 1998): 397.

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Ayoade, Oladotun, e Vian Ahmed. "An assessment of land use sources of barriers and the community-based housing model in the UK". International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 7, n.º 4 (30 de setembro de 2014): 539–58.

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Purpose – The aim of this study is to define land use policy sources of barriers to community-based housing options in practice. Design/methodology/approach – The paper accentuated the need to tackle land use sources of barrier to Community Land Trust (CLT) performance, through text analysis of semi-structured interview responses from key stakeholders. Findings – This study found out that there is a need to ameliorate stakeholder approach to community-based housing (CBH), which is hampered by restrictive land use sources of barriers that occur in an urban and rural context. These barriers were found to include both planning inadequacies and a systemic inefficient network of knowledge transfer practices between stakeholders. Recommendations include the need for drastic policy intervention through the political willingness to address Section 106 shortcomings in the choice of affordable housing supply models, and the inaccessibility of land below market rate in an endogenous prescriptive planning system. Practical implications – This paper highlights the subjective limitations of the CLT model in regards to grey areas between setting boundaries to what is an acceptable level of concessions to CBH and the socio-economic impact or benefits of a completely deregulated social housing system. These boundaries do vary from system to system, hence the need for UK housing institutions to address identified inherent barrier sources and their reconciliation with international best practices. Therefore, greater roles can be accorded to the CLT model in the UK affordable housing dynamics based on its confirmed strengths and merits. Originality/value – This paper adds to literature through the practical identification and interpretation of various key stakeholder perspectives on sources of CLT barriers and an idealised strategy to tackling them accordingly. This contributes to the housing affordability debate on the viability of CBH options, and how it could be invariably hampered by direct and indirect effects of planning and restrictive land use policies in practice.

Simarmata, Djamester A. "Peran Ekonomi Perkotaan dalam Ekonomi Nasional". Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia 3, n.º 1 (1 de julho de 2002): 31–39.

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This article discusses the indirect roles of urban economy to the national economy through its property and land market. Some national economic instruments have inevitable effects on the local variables, making the concept of regional autonomy limited. The level of interest rates is determined by the central bank, which has a strong nationwide effects, influencing the valuation of property and land, namely in the urbanized areas. One of the main concerns of many people and both local and national governments in the urbanized area is on housing. How should the national policies and local policies be harmonized so that the lower households could afford decent shelters for their families? And how should the policies on the property sectors with its interrelation to the banking system be remedied in order to avoid its negative impacts to the national economy. As is well known, the land and property sector largely depend on local policies.

Jahangir Alam, Md, e Reaz Akter Mullick. "Climate change effects upon massive land and housing development". International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 6, n.º 3 (12 de agosto de 2014): 315–31.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects on urban flood from rapidly growing land and housing development projects in flood zones and water bodies in and around Dhaka. The paper further extends the analysis to generate an insight into Dhaka’s urban flood due to possible climate change effects on top of land and housing development projects effects. Design/methodology/approach – A mixed method was applied for this research comprising qualitative techniques for analyzing the date gathered from reviewing the policies including the Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan reports, interviews, discussions and maps, whereas quantitative analysis was used to interpret the data gathered from the global positioning system (GPS) survey and questionnaire survey among the resident of the selected housing projects. Findings – Findings show that a large number of the projects have encroached flood-flow zones and ditches and drainage channels through massive land filling, which resulted in quick changes of land use with wide range of impacts on environment and habitat quality. This study highlighted that the potential climate change impact involves increasing rainfall and subsequent increase flooding. Besides, vast area will be submerged under water and increased warming in the city from high speed built-up area by unauthorized land development. Originality/value – The results of the research can be taken into consideration when making political decisions concerning adaptation to climate change.

Chahovets, T. "Formation of the policy of Soviet power in the housing issue in the 20’s of XX century". Науково-теоретичний альманах "Грані" 22, n.º 1 (21 de março de 2019): 5–13.

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In this publication formation of policy of Bolsheviks of rather housing question is considered. Housing policies of the Soviet power – some kind of unique experiment in the sphere of housing which had no analogs in the world and was conducted at the beginning of the XX century with an exception of a private ownership on the earth and the real estate, with change of a control system of housing and activity of people, formation of labor and household collectives, with development of state and departmental form of ownership on housing. All these processes happened in the uniform ideological field, in uniform political and welfare borders. Article purpose – not only to analyse theories which influenced formation of policy of Bolsheviks in a housing question, but also to track the embodiment them in life of the Soviet society.On the basis of the new approaches caused by the need for more objective estimates of historical heritage under conditions of democratization public lives the population life kommunization problem and also policy of Bolsheviks of rather housing question is investigated and reinterpreted. Process of change of old inhabited economy on anti-market destroyed house owners and apartments owners, liquidated old and created new types of development of living space, resisted to private individual housing. K. Marx, F. Engels and V. Lenin’s views of strategy and tactics of new anti-capitalist housing policies are considered. It is proved that housing policies in the 20-th years of the 20th century represented set of discriminatory and protectionist measures which created conditions for formation and existence of household collectives. The beginning of real practical actions for implementation of housing policies of Bolsheviks needs to be counted from the moment of adoption of the first decrees which cardinally changed the nature of a land ownership and the real estate. Housing policies of the Soviet power affected many processes which happened in society: from moral and ethical aspects of life in family before creation of «sotsgorodok» of future society. Thereof the earth and a housing stock, stopping being a purchase sale subject, turned into means of the state distribution, and as a result – into means of administrative and political influence.

Oliveira, Fernanda Paula. "Relationship between the Right to Adequate Housing and Urban Policies (Particularly Planning and Land-Use Planning Policies) in Portugal". Journal of Service Science and Management 13, n.º 01 (2020): 20–27.

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Monteurmisi, Chiara. "Towards the 'People's Home': First Housing Districts in Stockholm". Joelho Revista de Cultura Arquitectonica, n.º 8 (10 de janeiro de 2018): 80–95.

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The label «People’s home» coined by Swedish Social-Democrats expresses the first step towards the 1930s, 40s and early 50s, which would make Sweden a model for war-ravaged Europe. But “people” and “home” attracted planners, architects, co-operatives and politicians well before. The aim of this article is to trace the origins of their social concerns in first initiatives of land policies and mass-housing by discussing spatial experiments with housing districts on Stockholm’s fringe in the 1910s and 20s.

Cai, Xiang, e Wei-Ning Wu. "Affordable housing policy development: public official perspectives". International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 12, n.º 5 (7 de outubro de 2019): 934–51.

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Purpose This paper aims to examine the factors affecting the implementation of affordable housing policies in two Chinese municipal governments. Since 2010, the Chinese government has enforced an ambitious plan to adopt affordable housing provisions accompanying a series of urbanization programs. Furthermore, the policy implementation at the local level has led to various outcomes but has been scarcely investigated. The views of policy implementation from local officials are crucial in the context of intergovernmental relations. Therefore, it is important to examine the views of local public officials on the development status and challenges in the context of Chinese intergovernmental relations. Design/methodology/approach This paper verifies which factors exert significant impacts on the willingness of local officials to adapt affordable housing policies by using the logistic regression model and marginal effect estimation. With original data from the fieldwork surveys of city administrators, the measures incorporated local characteristics as well as the intergovernmental support from the central government in two selected megacities, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Findings There are significant differences in local investment between the selected cities. Intergovernmental support from the central government, city development strategies, implementation perceptions of local governments and land supply, all significantly impact the selection of an affordable housing program and its overall implementation. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ understanding, this study would be one of the first to empirically explore the view of municipal public officials on affordable housing policy in China. This paper provides an empirical analysis from municipal public officials on the local implementation of affordable housing policies in China. As the outcome of housing policies actually depends on the implementation willingness of public officials and the overall performance of local governments, this explorative study would benefit the future development of China’s affordable housing policy.

Iheme, John Owuike, James Bassey Effiong e Samuel Bassey Ekung. "The Effect of Government Policy on Housing Delivery in Nigeria: A Case Study of Port Harcourt Low Income Housing Programme". International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 61 (outubro de 2015): 87–98.

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Housing is one of the most important needs of individuals next to food and clothing. Housing needs for low income earners has reached an alarming stage in Nigeria. On the supply side, numerous government policies have earlier aimed at disabling the massive shortage through numerous housing reform programmes. Despite these preceding efforts, housing remains an illusion to an average Nigerian. This research assessed the effect of government policy on housing delivery in Nigeria. The objectives were to determine housing needs of the low income group in Nigeria and to determine the impact of government policies on affordable housing provision to the low income group. Survey method was used to collect data from 44 respondents through the administration of questionnaires which was analyzed with statistical tools. The findings from the study shows that insufficient fund is closely related to other finance related factors identified as barriers to the accessibility of public housing by the low income group who are non-public servants. Such factors as high interest rate, low per capita income, lack of security of income, lack of collateral and high cost of public houses. The study suggest the creation of a viable secondary mortgage market, improvement of land registration and allocation, compassionate urban renewal programmes, cost saving house designs amongst others.

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