Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Minibioreactor"

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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Minibioreactor":


Vallejos, Jose R., Yordan Kostov, Arun Ram, Joseph A. French, Mark R. Marten e Govind Rao. "Optical analysis of liquid mixing in a minibioreactor". Biotechnology and Bioengineering 93, n.º 5 (2006): 906–11.

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Kumar, Arul, e M. N. Sivakumar. "Different Mechanized Minibioreactor Framework for Multifunctional Screening in Biotechnology". Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 11, n.º 12 (2018): 5379.

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Gu, Man Bock, Geun Cheol Gil e Joong Hyun Kim. "A two-stage minibioreactor system for continuous toxicity monitoring". Biosensors and Bioelectronics 14, n.º 4 (abril de 1999): 355–61.

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Rodriguez, Joaquín V., María Dolores Pizarro, Angel L. Scandizzi, Edgardo E. Guibert, Luciana L. Almada e María E. Mamprin. "Construction and Performance of a Minibioreactor Suitable as Experimental Bioartificial Liver". Artificial Organs 32, n.º 4 (abril de 2008): 323–28.

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Soley, A., A. Fontova, J. Gálvez, E. Sarró, M. Lecina, R. Bragós, J. J. Cairó e F. Gòdia. "Development of a simple disposable six minibioreactor system for suspension mammalian cell culture". Process Biochemistry 47, n.º 4 (abril de 2012): 597–605.

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Lee, J. H., C. H. Song, B. C. Kim e M. B. Gu. "Application of a multi-channel system for continuous monitoring and an early warning system". Water Science and Technology 53, n.º 4-5 (1 de fevereiro de 2006): 341–46.

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A multi-channel continuous toxicity monitoring system developed in our laboratory, based on two-stage mini-bioreactors, was successfully implemented in the form of computer-based data acquisition. The multi-channel system consists of a series of a two-stage minibioreactor systems connected by a fiber optic probe to a luminometer, and uses genetically engineered bioluminescent bacteria for the detection of the potential toxicity from the soluble chemicals. This system can be stably and continuously operated due to the separation of the culture reactor from the test reactor and accomplish easy and long-term monitoring without system shut down by abrupt inflows of severe polluting chemicals. Four different recombinant bioluminescent bacteria were used in different channels so that the modes of the samples toxicities can be reasonably identified and evaluated based upon the response signature of each channel. The bioluminescent signatures were delivered from four channels by switching one at once, while the data is automatically logged to an IBM compatible computer. We also achieved the enhancement of the system through the manipulation of the dilution rate and the use of thermo-lux fusion strains. Finally, this system is now being implemented to a drinking water reservoir and river for remote sensing as an early warning system.

Zou, Xiang, Xia Guo e Min Sun. "pH control strategy in a shaken minibioreactor for polysaccharide production by medicinal mushroom Phellinus linteus and its anti-hyperlipemia activity". Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 32, n.º 2 (28 de junho de 2008): 277–81.

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Kumar, Sathish, Christoph Wittmann e Elmar Heinzle. "Review: Minibioreactors". Biotechnology Letters 26, n.º 1 (janeiro de 2004): 1–10.

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Aboka, Fredrick O., Wouter A. Winden, Mashego M. Reginald, Walter M. Gulik, Marco Berg, Arthur Oudshoorn e Joseph J. Heijnen. "Identification of informative metabolic responses using a minibioreactor: a small step change in the glucose supply rate creates a large metabolic response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae". Yeast 29, n.º 3-4 (março de 2012): 95–110.

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Coufalík, Pavel, Peter Váczi, Ondřej Zvěřina, Kateřina Trnková, Kateřina Skácelová, Miloš Barták e Josef Komárek. "Nitrate and ammonium ions contents in field minibioreactors with Antarctic freshwater autotrophs". Czech Polar Reports 3, n.º 2 (1 de junho de 2013): 196–207.

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The content of nitrate and ammonium ions in aquatic environment is an important factor in the development of microorganisms colonies especially in low-nutrient environment. In this study, field experiments using small-volume minibioreactors were performed directly on the James Ross Island in Antarctica in order to describe changes in nitrate and ammonium ions contents in the Antarctic environment The ion concentrations in minibioreactors with local freshwater autotrophs was monitored for increased eutro-phication conditions. The content of nitrogen forms was determined in water samples taken from the minibioreactors regularly. Samples were taken to the laboratory of the Johann Gregor Mendel station where nitrogen content was evaluated using ion-selective electrodes. Furthermore, the freshwater autotrophs was subjected to basic taxonomic study. Closed system of the minibioreactors allowed the monitoring of nitrogen speciation changes which take place in the environment. These changes can be attributed to both the biological activity of microorganisms and external conditions. Increased eutrophication of water did not induce a rapid development of the freshwater autotrophs.

Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Minibioreactor":


Jakešová, Michaela. "Vývoj minibioreaktoru pro mikrobiální biotechnologie". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická, 2021.

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This master thesis deals with the development of a minibioreactor for microbial biotechnologies. The AlgaTox system – an analytical photobioreactor from BVT Technologies – was the default unit of the new device. The working volume of the new minibioreactor is in the range of 4 to 8 ml. The minibioreactor was composed of a minithermostat, a reaction vessel, an oxygen electrode, a temperature and pH probe, accessories for the supply of air to the liquid and an insertion for the transport of liquid from / to the reactor. The functionality of the assembled device and its characteristics were measured. Furthermore, an operating procedure for the decontamination process using a hydrogen peroxide mist was developed for the new equipment. An operating procedure for culturing microorganisms in a minibioreactor was also set up. Pilot cultivations of Halomonas halophila were demonstrated in the prepared equipment. In these cultivations, three assemblies for air supply to the liquid were tested. However, none of the assemblies was able to provide a sufficient supply of oxygen to cell culture – the dissolved oxygen value always dropped to 0%. For the further development, a new assembly was designed for the supply of air to the liquid - an aeration ring from a membrane tube.

Soley, Astals Albert. "Disseny i desenvolupament de minibioreactors amb instrumentació per a l’optimització de cultius cel· lulars". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2010.

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L’activitat de recerca i desenvolupament en el camp de la biotecnologia genera de forma altament dinàmica noves cèl· lules i productes d’interès en múltiples sectors. En aquest context, cal explorar en temps raonables i amb mitjans altament tecnificats i estandarditzats, el potencial productor de les diferents cèl· lules modificades, en quant al seu creixement, la capacitat producció i la qualitat dels productes obtinguts. Establir les condicions d’un procés productiu basat en cèl· lules requereix completar un nombre d’etapes molt elevat: des de la selecció del model cel· lular i la realització de treballs de biologia molecular fins a assolir un procés productiu amb unes condicions optimitzades. En aquest treball es presenta el disseny i desenvolupament d’un sistema de múltiples minibioreactors orientats a escometre les primeres fases del desenvolupament del bioprocés de forma ràpida, sistemàtica i amb informació rellevant sobre l’evolució de les principals variables de cultiu, de manera que sigui possible realitzar, entre altres experiments, la selecció de clons, caracterització del seu comportament en cultiu, optimització de medis de cultiu, i proves de toxicitat de molècules sobre els perfils dels cultius. El disseny del sistema de múltiples minibioreactors presentat reuneix els avantatges dels sistemes habituals de cultiu a petita escala, com són el treball amb volums reduïts i la capacitat de realitzar diversos cultius en paral· lel, així com els avantatges del treball amb reactors de major volum, com són l’homogeneïtat i el coneixement que les principals variables del cultiu estan en valors no limitants per a aquest. Així doncs, s’ha donat una elevada importància a que els minibioreactors disposin d’un sistema d’agitació que permeti assegurar l’homogeneïtat del seu contingut, i a disposar de sistemes de seguiment. Aquests permeten d’una banda conèixer els valors de les variables dels cultius, i d’altra banda la caracterització del comportament de les cèl· lules estudiades, obtenint dades útils per al disseny dels bioprocessos corresponents que puguin ser transferires amb èxit els processos cap a majors escales, i permetent prosseguir el camí cap a l’escala de producció sense que apareguin incidències, bàsicament pèrdues de productivitat, degudes a la manca de coneixement existent habitualment en les cultius a petita escala. Prèviament a iniciar l’etapa de desenvolupament tecnològic, s’ha realitzat un estudi preliminar per tal de tenir un major coneixement de les prestacions necessàries dels equips, tant pel que fa a la funcionalitat dels sistemes que proporcionen les condicions necessàries per al creixement dels cultius (agitació i aeració), com pel que fa a la potencialitat i limitacions dels sistemes de seguiment seleccionats. D’entrada, l’objectiu ha estat seguir el pH i l’oxigen dissolt com a variables del cultiu, la concentració cel· lular per a conèixer el creixement, i el consum d’oxigen com a indicador metabòlic, si bé el pH també és una variable que dóna informació interessant relativa al metabolisme i fisiologia dels cultius. Donats els diferents enfocaments de desenvolupament possibles en funció dels models cel· lulars a emprar, se n’ha seleccionat un d’ells, les cèl· lules animals. Així, el disseny detallat del sistema de minibioreactors s’ha orientat cap a aplicacions amb aquest model cel· lular, i aquesta elecció també s’ha tingut en compte en el capítol de desenvolupament, on s’han posat a punt els sistemes per a permetre la realització d’aquest tipus de cultius (bàsicament agitació i aeració), realitzant una caracterització hidrodinàmica dels minibioreactors desenvolupats. D’altra banda, també en aquest capítol es presenta el desenvolupament de les tècniques per a seguir la concentració cel· lular, el pH, l’oxigen dissolt i consum d’oxigen. La darrera part d’aquest treball, una vegada desenvolupades i validades les diferents tecnologies, consta de la realització de cultius emprant diferents tipus de cèl· lules, valorant la reproduïbilitat de l’equip i discutint la informació que aquest proporciona quan una línia cel· lular es cultiva a condicions diferents. Finalment, també cal remarcar que aquest treball obre les portes al desenvolupament de noves prestacions per al sistema de múltiples minibioreactors desenvolupat, com són el control del pH i de l’oxigen dissolt, i la possible utilització del sistema per al cultiu de bacteris i llevats.
The research and development in the biotechnological field generates a vast amount of new cells and products of interest for various economical sectors. In this framework, it is needed to explore, in reasonable times and with automated means, the potential of the generated, regarding its growth, productivity and quality of the obtained products. Establishing the culture conditions of a productive process based in cells required accomplishing several stages: from the selection of the cellular system and the realization of molecular biology works to the achievement of a bioprocess having optimized conditions. In this work the design and development of a multiple minibioreactor system is presented, having the aim of fastening the first stages of the bioprocess development, in a systematic way, and acquiring relevant information regarding the evolution of the main culture variables, making possible the realization of various sorts of experiments such as clone selections, the characterization of its culture performance, the culture medium optimization, and the toxicological evaluation of molecules. The design of the multiple minibioreactor system combines the benefits of the usual small scale culture systems, such as the consumption of small amounts of medium ad the capability of performing multiple parallel cultures, and the benefits of larger scale culture systems, such as the homogeneity and the knowledge of the main culture variables, ensuring these do not have limiting values. Consequently, special attention has been paid to the development of a stirring system ensuring the homogeneity of the bioreactor content and to the monitoring systems allowing the characterization of the cell growth and metabolism, which permits having sufficient data to upscale the process, minimizing the risks of such duty. Before starting the technological development stage, a preliminary study has been done with the aim of identifying and characterizing the required equipment features, regarding the auxiliary equipment supplying the culture conditions (stirring, aeration), and also regarding the potentiality and limitations of the monitoring systems. The main culture environmental variables to be monitored are pH and dissolved oxygen, whereas to monitor growth cellular concentration is to be followed. Additionally, oxygen consumption is to be used as a metabolic indicator, and pH is also a variable from which it can be obtained interesting information regarding culture physiology and metabolism. Given the different design possibilities for the required technologies depending on the cellular models to be used, one of them, precisely mammalian cells have been chosen. Thus, the detailed design and development of the minibioreactor system has been directed towards applications with such cellular model, paying special attention to the characteristic requirements of mammalian cells (basically agitation and aeration), and to the hydrodynamic characteristics of the system. On the other hand, also in the technological development chapter, techniques to monitor cell concentration, pH, dissolved oxygen and oxygen consumption have been implemented. Once the technological development has been completed and the required functionalities validated, in the last part of this work various cultures are performed with the aim of evaluating the culture reproducibility, and the information obtained by the equipment as it is used for culturing a certain cell line at various conditions. Finally, it is also interesting to underline the potential fields of development based on this work: new features of the multiple minibioreactor system, such as the pH and dissolved oxygen controls, and the potential use of the system for the culture of bacteria and yeast.

Silva, João Fernando de Andrade Cardoso da. "Mixing characterization in novel high throughput minibioreactors: scale-down modeling from bench scale". Dissertação, 2010.

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Silva, João Fernando de Andrade Cardoso da. "Mixing characterization in novel high throughput minibioreactors: scale-down modeling from bench scale". Master's thesis, 2010.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Minibioreactor":


Fontova, A., A. Soley, E. Sarró, J. Gálvez, R. Bragos, J. J. Cairó e F. Gòdia. "A Multiple Minibioreactor Platform for Parallel and Automated Mammalian Cell Culture". In Cells and Culture, 289–93. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010.

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De León, Antonio, Héctor Mayani e Octavio T. Ramírez. "Design, characterization and application of a minibioreactor for the culture of human hematopoietic cells under controlled conditions". In Current Applications of Cell Culture Engineering, 127–38. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1998.

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Auchtung, Jennifer M., Catherine D. Robinson, Kylie Farrell e Robert A. Britton. "MiniBioReactor Arrays (MBRAs) as a Tool for Studying C. difficile Physiology in the Presence of a Complex Community". In Methods in Molecular Biology, 235–58. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2016.

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"A minibioreactor for developing “perfused” capillaries in cardiomyocyte aggregates". In Innovative Developments in Design and Manufacturing, 45–48. CRC Press, 2009.

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Mironov, V., V. Kasyanov, K. Leong, D. Liu e C. Chua. "A minibioreactor for developing “perfused” capillaries in cardiomyocyte aggregates". In Innovative Developments in Design and Manufacturing. CRC Press, 2009.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Minibioreactor":


Fontova, A., A. Soley, J. Galvez, E. Sarro, M. Lecina, J. Rosell, P. Riu, J. Cairo, F. Godia e R. Bragos. "Multiple automated minibioreactor system for multifunctional screening in biotechnology". In Conference Proceedings. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 2006.

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Fontova, A., A. Soley, J. Galvez, E. Sarro, M. Lecina, J. Rosell, P. Riu, J. Cairo, F. Godia e R. Bragos. "Multiple automated minibioreactor system for multifunctional screening in biotechnology". In Conference Proceedings. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 2006.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

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