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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Social work education":


Breaz, Alina Maria, und Mihaela TOMIŢĂ. „SOCIAL WORK AND SEXUAL EDUCATION IN SCHOOL“. Journal Plus Education 19, Nr. 1/2018 (2017): 249–61.

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Nash, Mary. „Social work education“. International Social Work 46, Nr. 1 (Januar 2003): 23–35.

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Feld, Allen. „Social Work Education“. Journal of Teaching in Social Work 11, Nr. 1-2 (31.05.1995): 159–75.

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Blunt, Kesha. „Social Work Education“. Journal of Teaching in Social Work 27, Nr. 3-4 (10.10.2007): 93–114.

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Kenny, William T. „SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION“. Journal of Advanced Nursing 13, Nr. 3 (Mai 1988): 419–21.

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Whittington, C. „Social Work Education“. British Journal of Social Work 19, Nr. 2 (01.04.1989): 158–63.

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Taylor, I. „SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION“. British Journal of Social Work 26, Nr. 3 (01.06.1996): 406–12.

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Taylor, I. „SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION“. British Journal of Social Work 29, Nr. 1 (01.02.1999): 175–80.

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Bisno, Herb, und Fred Cox. „Social Work Education“. Journal of Social Work Education 33, Nr. 2 (April 1997): 373–87.

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Sheehan, Rosemary. „Forensic Social Work: Implementing Specialist Social Work Education“. Journal of Social Work 16, Nr. 6 (07.07.2016): 726–41.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Social work education":


Gould, Nicholas G. „Contributions to social work education, social work and social theory“. Thesis, University of Bath, 1993.

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Radian, Elizabeth. „Social action and social work education in Canada“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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Rai, Lucy. „Student writing in social work education“. Thesis, Open University, 2008.

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This thesis explores the experiences of a group of social work students undertaking assessed academic writing as part of their professional training through distance learning in the UK in 2001. Drawing upon the concept of 'academic literacies' and informed by a psychosocial approach, this thesis explores the nature of students' writing within the context of the experiences of students and tutors. Writing in social work requires students to include reflections on personal experience and values. Due to this personal aspect of writing in social work, I have taken a particular interest in the relationship between identity and writing. In doing so I draw upon current research based upon sociological perspectives on writer identity but also critically examine the potential contribution of concepts from what I will generally be referring to as a 'psychosocial' approach, which incorporates elements of psychology and psychoanalysis alongside a sociological world view. In particular I explore the ways in which a psychosocial approach to writer identity can inform our understanding of writing practices surrounding the creation of student texts in higher education. My central argument is that academic writing in social work poses a particular challenge to student writers and their tutors due to its lack of transparency and the degree of self-disclosure required of authors. This thesis shows that, in common with higher education more generally writing conventions in social work are frequently implicit and contradictory. Additionally, the integration of personal experiences and values with theoretical discussion poses significant difficulties for students and tutors. Such 'self-disclosure' has implications which become evident when applying a psychosocial perspective to writer identity. I draw together these implications in relation to three features of writing practices, namely emotion, circularity, and human interaction. Emotion in this context refers to the emotion both experienced by students whilst writing texts and responding to feedback on them. This involves a circular process based upon not only the students� actions but also their interaction with others, primarily the tutor. I conclude by offering some pedagogical implications and suggesting some future research arising from this thesis.

Scholar, H. F. „Qualifying social work education and the collective identity of social work in England“. Thesis, University of Salford, 2017.

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This critical review examines seven peer-reviewed papers reporting research related to aspects of social work education in England, carried out against the backdrop of reforms following the work of the Social Work Task Force. The review takes a reflexive approach to the task of demonstrating the doctoral qualities and credentials of the portfolio, that is, the papers and commentary together, drawing on ideas from critical realism to support this process. It discusses the papers individually, considering their limitations; their originality and impact at the time they were produced; and the contribution they make as a body of work. Acknowledging the challenges of retrospectively connecting the papers, the review identifies links between them in their relevance to professional identity. It suggests that attention should be given to the notion of collective professional identity, conceived of as a shared occupational social identity, but including the capacity for action in the face of threats or challenges, and in contributing to the development of the profession. The review argues that qualifying social work education in England located in the universities but connecting with practice via placements, provides an important space for the shaping, maintenance and articulation of a collective identity for social work.

Maidment, Jane M. „Social work field education in New Zealand“. Thesis, University of Canterbury. Social Work, 2000.

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The focus of this research dissertation is social work field education in New Zealand. The purpose of conducting the study was to ascertain how both students and field educators experienced teaching and learning in the field. Results indicate that while teaching and learning thinking and theory have evolved in recent years to include a critical reflective dimension, the practice of field education is still largely based on an apprenticeship model. Practice experience and theoretical input relating to areas of societal inequality as well as the political context in which field education is delivered explain the continued use of the apprenticeship model. Students and field educators do, however, share a vision for how field education should be delivered. They agree on the attributes of an effective field educator, and on the methods needed to enhance practice teaching and learning. The research has, nevertheless, identified a discrepancy between this shared vision for field education and the reality that students experience in the field. Field educators are clearly marginalised in their role. Their work as educators is not sanctioned or recognised by employing agencies, and workload pressure frequently militates against social workers being able to accommodate students on placement. In this climate a minimalist approach to field education is adopted, resulting in unqualified social work staff and people who are not social workers acting as field educators. Without radical shifts in the recognition, resourcing and organisation of field education, student learning in the field will continue to be compromised. The theoretical framework used in this research was derived from existing learning theory, which was then reconceptualised and developed in light of the research outcomes to formulate a contemporary theory for practicum learning.


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Social work has seen tremendous growth since its beginnings more than a century ago. An issue that continues to draw attention in child welfare is teen pregnancy. While the issue of teen pregnancy is not new to social work, having education on the issues that pregnant teenagers go through, and having these vulnerable clients served with competent social workers has not kept pace with progress made in other areas of social work. The purpose of this study is to understand and improve the issues that pregnant and parenting teens face and bring attention to teen pregnancy in an attempt to develop curriculum in the classroom to educate future social workers on teen pregnancy. The research utilized a quantitative questionnaire, once collected the data will be entered through SPSS to obtain statistical analysis for teen pregnancy. The participants were be undergraduates and graduate social work students at University X. The results of the research and data will be used to illustrate areas where curriculum can be developed to assist social work students in the improving education and resources for teenage pregnancy

Mompati, Tlamelo Odirile. „The dissonance between social work education and social work practice : the case of Botswana“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1995.

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Sibeon, Roger Alan. „A sociological study of the social work profession with special reference to social work education“. Thesis, University of Leicester, 1987.

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Earlier work by Leonard (1966) and Heraud (1970) in formulating a holistic, comprehensive sociology of social work has been largely overtaken by developments both in sociology and in social work. Current sociological analyses of social work exhibit two distinctive features. First, relative detachment from major recent theoretical and empirical developments in mainstream sociology : second, a tendency to focus not upon the profession as a whole but upon specific, delineated aspects e:g the relation of theory to practice, professionalisation, social work education, professional socialisation, moral-political dimensions of social work, organisational and service-delivery issues, and the relation of social work to the welfare state. This research is addressed to the task of constructing a sociology of social work which draws explicitly upon recent developments in sociology, and which is concerned with the social work profession as a whole including the various components referred to above. These components are shown to collectively comprise the following three perennial and contemporary social work concerns which are empirically inter-related : the relationship of theory to practice, the politics of social work, and professional-organisational aspects including service-delivery issues. Particular though not exclusive attention is accorded to the relative 'centrality' of social work education : the research demonstrates social work education both influences and reflects wider developments throughout the profession and is a key empirical 'site of entry' for achieving a holistic sociological understanding of the social work profession. Much of the material necessarily is concerned with substantive issues in social work per se, but a vital part of the research is critical analysis of controversies surrounding paradigmatically diverse resources available within modern sociology for constructing a theoretically as well as empirically informed sociology of social work.

Shardlow, Professor Steven M. „Professional education in social work; learning for practice“. Thesis, University of Salford, 2005.

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Social work practitioners acquire professional competence through participation in higher education, which in England (since 2003) normally lasts three years. A core element of tfiis knowledge acquisition and skill development occurs through the medium of practice learning within agencies that provide social work services to the public. The argument developed in this thesis can be expressed as a single proposition, that my published work, when taken together, constitutes a consistent theoretical approach, which is designed to enable students, practice teachers and university based staff to work together to better promote and enable students to learn how to become competent practitioners in social work through undertaking periods of practice learning.

McSweeney, Fiona. „Learning for work : Social identities and professional education“. Thesis, Open University, 2011.

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The aims of this study were twofold. The first was to explore how social care practitioners undertaking a degree course to obtain the required professional qualification interpret the roles of student and social care practitioner and how structural factors particularly in the college environment impact on these interpretations. The second aim was to examine the development and change in the social identities of student and social care practitioner. The theoretical framework used to explore identity is that of structural symbolic interactionism as it provides a structure in which stability and change in identity, as well as the influence of social context can be examined. Congruent with the aims of the study and the theoretical framework a qualitative methodology is used. Data was mainly collected using a series of semi-structured interviews but supplemented through participant observation, questionnaires and diaries. Fifteen participants were involved and interviewed three times throughout their first academic year. Nine participants were interviewed again at the end of their second academic year. Commonality was found in the interpretations of the roles of social care practitioner and student, agreeing with existing literature. However variation was found among participants in the integration between and bi-directional impact of the two social identities suggesting that work-related learning is affected individual and social factors. Recommendations for the professional education of social care workers are made.

Bücher zum Thema "Social work education":


Joanna, Mellor M., und Solomon Renee, Hrsg. Geriatric social work education. New York: Haworth Press, 1992.

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Josie, Dunn, Lyons K. H. 1944- und British Association of Social Workers., Hrsg. Social work in education. UK: British Association of Social Workers, 1988.

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J, Harris Robert, Hrsg. Practising social work: Case studies from social work education. Leicester: University of Leicester, School of Social Work, 1987.

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Simmons, Robin, Ron Thompson und Lisa Russell. Education, Work and Social Change. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.

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Laging, Marion, und Nino Žganec, Hrsg. Social Work Education in Europe. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Lishman, Joyce. Social work education and training. Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012.

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Molankal, Gangabhushan M., und B. S. Gunjal. Social work education in India. Bangalore: IBH Prakashana, 2012.

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Anastas, Jeane W. Doctoral education in social work. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012.

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Thompson, Susan. Social work processes. Wrexham: Prospects Training Publications, 1999.

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Bent-Goodley, Tricia B. Teaching social policy in social work education. Alexandria,VA: Council on Social Work Educaton, 2003.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Social work education":


Duffy, Joe. „Social work education“. In Becoming a Social Worker, 44–49. 3. Aufl. London: Routledge, 2022.

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McCulloch, Trish. „Social work education“. In Social Work in a Changing Scotland, 90–99. 1st Edition. | New York : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2018.

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Thompson, Neil. „Social work as education“. In Practising Social Work, 74–85. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2009.

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Sattmann-Frese, Werner, und Stuart B. Hill. „Sustainability Work“. In Social Ecology and Education, 161–79. New York : Routledge, 2021.: Routledge, 2020.

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Thompson, Neil. „Social work as education“. In The Professional Social Worker, 84–97. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2017.

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Mohapi, Boitumelo Joyce, Felicity Besong Tabi und Zee Catherine Masuku. „Social Work Field Education“. In The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Field Education in the Global South, 388–402. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Adams, Robert. „Quality Education for Social Workers“. In Quality Social Work, 71–90. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1998.

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Hoang, Huong T., und Hang T. Dao. „Field Work Education in Social Work“. In The Routledge Handbook of Field Work Education in Social Work, 57–78. London: Routledge India, 2022.

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Sivakumaran, Shamila, und S. Jeevasuthan. „Field Work in Social Work Education“. In The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Field Education in the Global South, 76–91. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Gómez-Ciriano, Emilio José. „Social Work and Social Work Education in Spain“. In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Work Education, 473–82. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Social work education":


Justino, Elsa, Gina Santos und Diana Dias. „SOCIAL WORK REALLY WORKS: LEARNING OUTCOMES IN PORTUGUESE SOCIAL WORK UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES“. In 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2019.

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Pereira-García, Alexander. „SOCIAL WORK AND ICT“. In 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. IATED, 2020.

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Ó Súilleabháin, Fiachra, Kenneth Burns und Simone McCaughren. „ONLINE SOCIAL WORK TOOLS: COLLABORATIVE EDUCATIONAL RESPONSES TO REMOTE-BASED SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE“. In 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. IATED, 2020.

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Lorenzetti, Liza, Rita Dhungel, Diane Lorenzetti, Tatiana Oschepkova und Lemlem Haile. „A Transformative Approach to Social Work Education“. In Third International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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The paper presents an overview of “The Journey Guides Program” - a mentorship and experiencial learning framework developed by the Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary in Canada. This program was implemented in an Advanced Graduate Seminar, a preparatory course for graduate Social Work students prior to entering their field placements. This article begins by discussing critical pedagogy, the theoretical framework that undepinned the “The Journey Guides Program”, followed by a description of the eight-step process we adopted to implement this program. The authors conclude by discussing the benefits of the Journey Guides program, and plans for ongoing development and transferability of this model. Keywords: Journey guides, transformative learning; mentorship; social work

„Practical training in social work“. In Trends in the development of science and education. LJournal, 2015.

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Belchior-Rocha, Helena, Inês Casquilho-Martins und Jorge Ferreira. „SOCIAL AND ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY IN SOCIAL WORK TRAINING“. In 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED, 2022.

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Shcolyar, Mariana, und Maria Andriushchenko. „The Topical Aspects of Foreign Student Sociocultural Adaption in Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions“. In SOCIOLOGY – SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE – REGULATION OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS. NDSAN (MFC - coordinator of the NDSAN), 2020.

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Angelova, Dilyana. „SOCIAL WORK IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT“. In 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2022.

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Ripka, Irina, und Larysa Klymanska. „Formation of the Child's Perceptions of his Own Family in the Process of Family Education“. In SOCIOLOGY – SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE – REGULATION OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS. NDSAN (MFC - coordinator of the NDSAN), 2020.

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Xia, Long, und Wenjing Luan. „Rethinking of Social Work Practice Teaching“. In 2018 Symposium on Health and Education (SOHE 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Social work education":


Wright, Lynda. A Holistic Approach to Social Work Education. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Timme, Mary. Social work continuing education needs assessment study. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Wuest, Leslie. Factors Associated with Inclusion of Spirituality in Secular Social Work Education. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Dunne, Máiréad, Sara Humphreys und Carolina Szyp. Education and Work: Children’s Lives in Rural Sub‑Saharan Africa. Action on Children’s Harmful Work in African Agriculture, April 2021.

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This paper proposes a dynamic conceptual framework – the edu-workscape – for understanding how rural children in sub-Saharan Africa navigate three key gendered social arenas: the household, school and workplaces. Focusing on school, in particular, the paper highlights the violence, harm and labour that occur there, and argues that learning, work and harm co-exist across all three institutional domains, and in context, and should therefore be considered holistically.

Panichelli, Meg. The Intersections of Good Intentions, Criminality, and Anti-Carceral Feminist Logic: A Qualitative Study that Explores Sex Trades Content in Social Work Education. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Lysokon, Ilia. Analysis of the Definition "Management of Education" in the Ukrainian Pedagogical Discourse. Тернопіль, 2022.

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The national system of education has always been a subject of scientific discussions in the pedagogical paradigm. It should be noted that this system is multi-vector special processes and factors created by the state to implement the social mission of education in the society. Education as a constituent phenomenon includes many areas of work: educational process, scientific and scientific-technical activities, psychological and psychological-pedagogical counselling, financial and economic work and more. All these processes are united not only by the attitude to education as a system, but also to the process of governance in general. Therefore, the definition of "management of education" in various processes plays a particularly important role.

Opiyo, Newton. What are the effects of interprofessional education on professional practice and healthcare outcomes? SUPPORT, 2017.

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Delivering effective, high quality patient care is complex and requires that health and social care professionals work together effectively. Interprofessional education – training or learning initiatives that involve more than one profession in joint, interactive learning with the explicit purpose of improving interprofessional collaboration or patient care – is a possible strategy for improving how professionals work together as well as improving professional practice and patient care.

Panchenko, Liubov, und Andrii Khomiak. Education Statistics: Looking for Case-Study for Modeling. [б. в.], November 2020.

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The article deals with the problem of using modeling in social statistics courses. It allows the student-researcher to build one-dimensional and multidimensional models of the phenomena and processes that are being studied. Social Statistics course programs from foreign universities (University of Arkansas; Athabasca University; HSE University, Russia; McMaster University, Canada) are analyzed. The article provides an example using the education data set – Guardian UK universities ranking in Social Statistics course. Examples of research questions are given, data analysis for these questions is performed (correlation, hypothesis testing, discriminant analysis). During the research the discriminant model with group variable – modified Guardian score – and 9 predictors: course satisfaction, teaching quality, feedback, staff-student ratio, money spent on each student and other) was built. Lower student’s satisfaction with feedback was found to be significantly different from the satisfaction with teaching. The article notes the modeling and statistical analysis should be accompanied by a meaningful interpretation of the results. In this example, we discussed the essence of university ratings, the purpose of Guardian rating, the operationalization and measurement of such concepts as satisfaction with teaching, feedback; ways to use statistics in education, data sources etc. with students. Ways of using this education data in group and individual work of students are suggested.

Styugina, Anastasia. Internet game "Sign me up as an astronaut" for the formation of the social and psychological experience of younger adolescents with disabilities by means of game psychocorrection. Science and Innovation Center Publishing House, Dezember 2020.

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In the practice of a teacher-psychologist at the School of Distance Education, the game “Sign me up as an astronaut”, developed by the author, was tested, aimed at developing the skills of social and psychological interaction in younger adolescents with disabilities through the awareness and strengthening of personal resources by means of game psychocorrection. The specifics of the work of a psychologist at the School of Distance Education are determined by the following circumstances: - students have a severe disability and the corresponding psychophysical characteristics: instability of the emotional-volitional sphere, lack of motivation, severe physical and mental fatigue, low level of social skills, etc. - the use of distance educational technologies in psychocorrectional work; - lack of methodological recommendations for psychocorrectional work in conditions of distance technologies with school-age children. Such recommendations are available mainly for adults, they relate to the educational process, but they do not cover the correctional process. There is enough scientific and methodological literature on psychological and pedagogical correction, which is the basis for ensuring the work of a practicing psychologist, but there are difficulties in transferring these techniques, games, etc. - to the remote mode of correctional and developmental work, especially in the form of group work. During the game, various social and psychological situations are solved, which are selected strictly according to the characteristics of the social experience of the participants.


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Target. Currently, the development of professional values and official behavior of civil servants are relevant for training personnel for the public authority system. One of the ways to form the personality of a civil servant who is a professional is to increase the real level of his social responsibility. The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of social responsibility of civil servants. Method or methodology of the work. The systematic, activity-based and axiological approaches were used as methodological principles in the work. The research methods were analysis and synthesis, movement from the general to the particular, comparison and analogy, movement from the abstract to the concrete, complex generalization and classification. Results. The main results of the study include the concretization of the concept of «social responsibility of civil servants», the identification of the essential properties of social responsibility, the determination of the features of its functioning, the formulation of urgent problems for further research in this aspect. Scope of the results. The scientific results of the article can be applied when conducting psychological and pedagogical research and organizing classes in educational institutions of higher education.

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