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Hake, Theodore L. Collectible pin-back buttons, 1896-1986: An illustrated price guide. York, PA: Hake's Americana & Collectibles Press, 1986.

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Challen, Colin. Price of power: The secret funding of the Tory Party. London: Vision, 1998.

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Hake, Theodore L. Hake's guide to presidential campaign collectibles: An illustrated price guide to artifacts from 1789-1988. Radnor, Pa: Wallace-Homestead Book Co., 1992.

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Makinson, Larry. Money and politics: The price of admission : an illustrated atlas of campaign spending in the 1988 congressional elections. Washington, D.C: Center for Responsive Politics, 1989.

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Gores, Stan. Presidential and campaign memorabilia with prices. Wyd. 2. Greensboro, NC: Wallace-Homestead, 1988.

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Tyler, Rodney. Campaign!: The selling of the Prime Minister. London: Grafton Books, 1987.

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Jones, Nicholas. Campaign 2010: The making of the Prime Minister. London: Biteback, 2010.

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Cotler, Gordon. Prime candidate. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.

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Casdorph, Paul D. Prince John Magruder: His life and campaigns. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996.

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Stephen, Coleman. Leaders in the living room: The prime ministerial debates of 2010 : evidence, evaluation and some recommendations. Oxford: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2011.

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Seymour, William. The price of folly: British blunders in the War of American Independence. London: Brassey's, 1995.

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Seymour, William. The price of folly: British blunders in the War of American Independence. London: Brassey's, 1995.

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Butler, Paul J. A vote for national pride: The story of Palau's conservation education campaign. [Philadelphia, Pa.]: RARE Center for Tropical Conservation, 1996.

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Delacourt, Susan. Juggernaut: Paul Martin's campaign for Chrétien's crown. Toronto, Ont: McClelland & Stewart, 2003.

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Reynolds, Thomas C. General Sterling Price and the Confederacy. St. Louis: Missouri History Museum, 2009.

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Reynolds, Thomas C. General Sterling Price and the Confederacy. St. Louis: Missouri History Museum, 2009.

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Brough, G. J. Glyn Dŵr's war: The campaigns of the last Prince of Wales. St Athan: Wales Books, 2002.

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Bourgerie, Raymond. Palikao (1860): Le sac du Palais d'été et la prise de Pékin. Paris: Economica, 1995.

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Runtić, Davor. Domovinski rat: Rat prije rata. Vinkovci: Neobična naklada, 2004.

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Spencer, Dick. Trumpets and drums: John Diefenbaker on the campaign trail. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 1994.

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S, Gibson John. Edinburgh in the '45: Bonnie Prince Charlie at Holyroodhouse. [Edinburgh]: Saltire Society, 1995.

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Graham, Dominick. The price of command: A biography of General Guy Simonds. Toronto, Canada: Stoddart, 1993.

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Dziewanowski, M. K. War at any price: World War II inEurope, 1939-1945. Wyd. 2. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1991.

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Paunić, Dragutin. Tri sile pritisle Srbijicu: Priče solunaca. Beograd: Narodna knj., 1985.

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Bianchi, G. Castello di Donoratico: I risultati delle prime campagne di scavo, 2000-2002. Firenze: All'insegna del giglio, 2004.

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Dziewanowski, M. K. War at any price: World War II in Europe, 1939-1945. Wyd. 2. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1991.

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Dziewanowski, M. K. War at any price: World War II in Europe, 1939-1945. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1987.

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Runtić, Davor. Junaci Domovinskog rata: Ratne priče iz Domovinskog rata. Vinkovci: Neobična Naklada, 2004.

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Weller, Patrick Moray. Don't tell the prime minister. Melbourne: Scribe Publications, 2002.

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Paunić, Dragutin. Tri sile pritisle Srbijicu: Priče solunaca. Wyd. 2. Beograd: Narodna knj., 1988.

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Gross, Guy. Le Prince noir en Berry, 1356: En l'été 1356, de Bergerac à Poitiers à travers le Berry, l'expédition d'Edward de Woodstock, prince de Galles : idées reçues, : certitudes et probabilités. Bourges: Cercle généalogique du Haut-Berry, 2004.

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Gross, Guy. Le Prince noir en Berry, 1356: En l'été 1356, de Bergerac à Poitiers à travers le Berry, l'expédition d'Edward de Woodstock, prince de Galles : idées reçues, : certitudes et probabilités. Bourges: Cercle généalogique du Haut-Berry, 2004.

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Stevens, Stuart. The big enchilada: Campaign adventures with the cockeyed optimists from Texas who won the biggest prize in politics. New York: Free Press, 2001.

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Jovićević, Mirko. Ratne priče: Pete proleterske-crnogorske. Beograd: Stručna knj., 1990.

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Séguéla, Jacques. La prise de l'Elysée: Les campagnes présidentielles de la Ve république. Paris: Plon, 2007.

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Keegan, John. The price of admiralty: The evolution of naval warfare. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin, 1990.

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Walters, Simon. Second term: A story of spin, sabotage, and seduction. London: Politico's Pub., 2000.

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Even, J. C. Macsen Wledig (Magnus Clemens Maximus): L'empereur romain issu de Bretagne, son expedition en Gaule et sa prise de pouvoir, et complément d'information concernant l'installation des Bretons en Armorique, 383/384 ap. J.-C. Lannuon: J.-C. Even, 1991.

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Sołtyk, Roman. Account of the operations of the Army under the orders of prince Joseph Poniatowski during the 1809 campaign in Poland against the Austrians: Preceded by a notice on the life of the Prince enriched with a portrait and a map. West Chester, Ohio: Nafziger Collection, 2002.

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Minusso, Franco. Podgora: Le prime sei battaglie dell'Isonzo : la conquista di Gorizia. Valdagno (Vicenza): G. Rossato, 2008.

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Twarog, Emily E. LB. “Women—The Guardians of Price Control”. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190685591.003.0003.

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When the Office of Price Administration introduced its wartime rationing program, the Home Front Pledge Campaign, it sought the help of America’s women through mass meetings and then follow-up meetings with local organizations. The OPA believed that its program would succeed only if every woman assumed an individual responsibility to hold prices in line. Chapter 2 explores the ways in which American housewives worked with the Office of Price Administration on wartime price controls; built alliances with a vast array of organizations through their involvement in the national consumer coalition, the Consumer Clearinghouse; and organized national meat boycotts during the post–World War II strike wave.

Makinson, Larry. The Price of Admission: Campaign Spending in the 1994 Elections. Center for Responsive Politics, 1995.

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Golding, Peter. The election campaign: Two shows for the price of one. 1992, 1992.

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Makinson, Larry. The Price of Admission: Campaign Spending in the 1990 Elections. Center for Responsive Politics, 1991.

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Fraser, Arabella, i Bethan Emmett. Le Prix a Payer (Paying the Price) (Oxfam Campaign Reports). Oxfam academic, 2005.

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Makinson, Larry. The Price of Admission: Campaign Spending in the 1992 Elections. Center for Responsive Politics, 1993.

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Nappen, Enoch L. Warman's Political Collectibles: Identification and Price Guide (Warmans). Krause Publications, 2008.

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Cressman, Derek D. When money talks: The high price of "free" speech and the selling of democracy. 2016.

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Forsyth, Michael J. Great Missouri Raid: Sterling Price and the Last Major Confederate Campaign in Northern Territory. McFarland & Company, Incorporated Publishers, 2015.

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Hake, Theodore L. Encyclopedia of Political Buttons: United States 1896-1972 : Including Prices, Campaign History, Technical Facts and Statistics/With 1998 Revised Price Supplement. Wyd. 2. Hakes Americana & Collectibles, 1985.

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