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Vallée, Olivier. Airy functions and applications to physics. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2004.

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Vallée, Olivier. Airy functions and applications to physics. 2nd ed. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2010.

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Ghatak, A. K. Modified Airy function and WKB solutions to the wave equation. [Gaithersburg, Md.]: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1991.

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Argentina) Luis Santaló Winter School-CIMPA Research School Topics in Noncommutative Geometry (3rd 2010 Buenos Aires. Topics in noncommutative geometry: Third Luis Santaló Winter School-CIMPA Research School Topics in Noncommutative Geometry, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 26-August 6, 2010. Edited by Cortiñas, Guillermo, editor of compilation. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2012.

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Zemanian, A. H. Realizability theory for continuous linear systems. New York: Dover, 1995.

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Numerical evaluation of the incomplete airy functions and their application to high frequency scattering and diffraction. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University, ElectroScience Laboratory, 1992.

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Vallee, Olivier, and manuel Soares. Airy Functions And Applications To Physics. Imperial College Press, 2004.

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Vallée, Olivier, and Manuel Soares. Airy Functions and Applications to Physics. IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/p345.

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Vallée, Olivier, and Manuel Soares. Airy Functions and Applications to Physics. IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/p709.

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Kanzieper, Eugene. Painlevé transcendents. Edited by Gernot Akemann, Jinho Baik, and Philippe Di Francesco. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198744191.013.9.

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This article discusses the history and modern theory of Painlevé transcendents, with particular emphasis on the Riemann–Hilbert method. In random matrix theory (RMT), the Painlevé equations describe either the eigenvalue distribution functions in the classical ensembles for finite N or the universal eigenvalue distribution functions in the large N limit. This article examines the latter. It first considers the main features of the Riemann–Hilbert method in the theory of Painlevé equations using the second Painlevé equation as a case study before analysing the two most celebrated universal distribution functions of RMT in terms of the Painlevé transcendents using the theory of integrable Fredholm operators as well as the Riemann–Hilbert technique: the sine kernel and the Airy kernel determinants.

Braaksma, B. L. J. 1934-, Immink Geertrui K. 1946-, and Put, Marius van der, 1941-, eds. The Stokes phenomenon and Hilbert's 16th problem: Groningen, The Netherlands, 31 May-3 June 1995. Singapore: World Scientific, 1996.

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B. L. J. Braaksma (Editor), Geertrui Klara Immink (Editor), and Marius Van Der Put (Editor), eds. The Stokes Phenomenon and Hilbert's 16th Problem: Groningen, the Netherlands: 31 May-3 June 1995. World Scientific Pub Co Inc, 1996.

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Ganz, Jeremy C., and P. L. Gildenberg. Proceedings of the 1992 Meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 7-9, 1992 (Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery). S. Karger AG (Switzerland), 1993.

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Kende, Mathias. Conclusions. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198817611.003.0003.

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The Conclusion to this book confirms that the TPRM has functioned relatively well but that its performance could and should be improved in order for it to remain politically relevant. In this regard, this chapter provides some recommendations with regard to the objectives, the structure, and the respective participants of the TPRM. Each of these recommendations are tested against the background of the last (sixth) appraisal of the system (2016) whose results precede the upcoming Eleventh WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires (December 2017). The book concludes that some of the results of the last appraisal are a step into the good direction but that the WTO Membership will need to be more ambitious in order to keep the system relevant.

Percilia Leite Recalde Rubio, Adriana, and Neide Araújo Castilho Teno. Narrativas de professores readaptados: conflitos e ações articuladas no cotidiano das escolas. Brazil Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.31012/978-65-5861-624-5.

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The work NARRATIVES OF READAPTED TEACHERS: CONFLICTS AND ARTICULATED ACTIONS IN THE EVERYDAY OF SCHOOLS is the result of a study carried out in public schools involving readapted teachers. The reality experienced by readapted teachers has been, in most cases, more stressful than the acquired disease itself. According to the legislation, they are appointed to exercise actions such as Pedagogical Advisory, pedagogical reinforcement, administrative functions, which theoretically would be involved in the educational and learning process. In this work, the reader finds reflections about the role of readapted teachers within the different schools, and the obstacles that prevent them from carrying out actions linked to their profession. The objective of the work is to give visibility to the practices of studies under the method of narratives, through interviews, called in this study formative narratives. The book involves different airs of knowledge: Education, Linguistics, Psychology given its methodological focus linked to the studies of Bardin (2011), and the semantic analysis. We believe that this work stimulates other studies about the method of formative narratives in educational contexts.

Kende, Mathias. The Trade Policy Review Mechanism. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198817611.001.0001.

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This book is the first academic monograph to provide a critical analysis of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM). In order to do so, it first looks at the TPRM’s historical development into the WTO’s mechanism for peer review. In this context, the book provides a historical analysis of the concept of peer review and distils a peer review mechanism’s theoretical core elements in terms of objectives, structure and participants. It then applies these elements to the five defining institutional phases of the TPRM (Article X of the GATT (1947), the Tokyo Round negotiations resulting in the Understanding Regarding Notification, Consultation, Dispute Settlement and Surveillance (1979), the report ‘Trade Policies for a Better Future: Proposals for Action’ (1985), the Functioning of the GATT System (FOGS) negotiations (1986), and the provisional adaption of the TPRM during the Montreal mid-term review of the Uruguay Round (December 1988)). The book then measures to which degree the TPRM has been performing well as the WTO’s mechanism for peer review. In order to do so, it follows the first five institutionally mandated appraisals of the TPRM (1999, 2005, 2008, 2011, and 2013). The book concludes that the TPRM has functioned well but that its performance could and should be improved in order to remain politically relevant. In order to do so, it provides some recommendations which are tested against the background of the last (sixth) appraisal which precede the upcoming Eleventh WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires (December 2017).

T. Wave Phenomena. Courier Dover Publications, 2014.

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