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Статті в журналах з теми "COVID-19 vaccines":


Samaranayake, Lakshman, and Kausar Sadia Fakhruddin. "COVID-19 Vaccines and Dentistry." Dental Update 48, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 76–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.12968/denu.2021.48.1.76.

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Transplant pioneer, Peter Medawar, once said that a virus is ‘simply a piece of bad news wrapped in protein’. One could opine then, that the new COVID-19 vaccines are ‘Bits of corona viral proteins in gift wrapping.’ For, most of the COVID-19 vaccines are based on the principle that pre-exposure of the vaccinee's host immune system to the spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2, the first part of the viral anatomy that touches the vulnerable host cells, will elicit an effective antibody response to curb potential future infections. COVID-19 vaccines come in many sizes and shapes, and clearly, a return to normal, post-COVID dental practice entails protecting all members of the dental team with an appropriate vaccine, as and when available. We provide a thumbnail sketch of the COVID-19 vaccines currently in the offing, which we hope will be helpful for decision-making for choice of vaccine. The commentary ends with a discussion of the impact of COVID-19 vaccines on dentistry, in general.

Park, Jang Hyun, and Heung Kyu Lee. "Delivery Routes for COVID-19 Vaccines." Vaccines 9, no. 5 (May 19, 2021): 524. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9050524.

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The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has resulted in a pandemic with millions of deaths. To eradicate SARS-CoV-2 and prevent further infections, many vaccine candidates have been developed. These vaccines include not only traditional subunit vaccines and attenuated or inactivated viral vaccines but also nucleic acid and viral vector vaccines. In contrast to the diversity in the platform technology, the delivery of vaccines is limited to intramuscular vaccination. Although intramuscular vaccination is safe and effective, mucosal vaccination could improve the local immune responses that block the spread of pathogens. However, a lack of understanding of mucosal immunity combined with the urgent need for a COVID-19 vaccine has resulted in only intramuscular vaccinations. In this review, we summarize the history of vaccines, current progress in COVID-19 vaccine technology, and the status of intranasal COVID-19 vaccines. Future research should determine the most effective route for vaccine delivery based on the platform and determine the mechanisms that underlie the efficacy of different delivery routes.

Heena Bholaram Choudhary, Indra Hemaram Sirvi, Yash Rajendra Bamb, Priyanka Rajendra Bamb, and Rohan RajkumarPatekar. "COVID-19 Vaccines: Systematic review." World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 10, no. 1 (April 30, 2021): 143–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.1.0118.

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World facing pandemic challenges of SARS-Co-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2). Tyrrell and Bynoe identified first strain of human corona virus in 1965. Infection was originated from Wuhan city of China on November 2019. Virus officially named as COVID-19 which causes respiratory tract infections in humans. Preliminary symptoms like chest pain with difficulty in breathing, reduced in systemic oxygen level, cough and fever. At present, the majority of the pharmaceutical companies were in race to developing antiviral drug and vaccines against COVID-19. Industries conducting the experiment and clinical trial of various vaccines to ensure effectiveness and safety on human. Several of them were documentation for patent, authorization of clinical trial and marketing. We provide an overview of Covid-19 history, types of vaccine and mechanism of actions, current future therapeutic drugs and patents. Relative with the mechanism of actions such as inactivated vaccine, vector vaccines, DNA and RNA based vaccine and antiviral drugs already entered in (Phase II and III) clinical trials. The systemic study specified brief summary of various vaccines. Current status of clinical trial, safety and effectiveness according to ICH guidelines. A major adverse interaction with their toxicity study. The information of approved which give opportunity for upcoming scientist to improve the quality, and minimize the adverse effects. Scientist may face challenges during the post marketing clinical trial. This pandemic has provided various scopes for researchers to develop vaccine and antiviral drugs.

Islam, Shafiqul. "Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccine." Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine 40, no. 2 (December 12, 2022): 65–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jopsom.v40i2.61799.

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With the onset of the novel coronavirus, scientists and medical professionals worked tirelessly to develop an effective clinically approved vaccine for the same. Initially what seemed impossible is now a reality and not only have experts manufactured COVID vaccines in such a short span of time, but they have also developed different types and versions of it too. Equitable access to safe and effective vaccines is critical to ending the COVID- 19 pandemic, so it is hugely encouraging to see so many vaccines proving and going into development. WHO is working tirelessly with partners to develop, manufacture and deploy safe and effective vaccines. Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool. Being vaccinated does not mean that we can throw caution to the wind and put ourselves and others at risk, particularly because research is still ongoing into how much vaccines protect not only against disease but also against infection and transmission. But it’s not vaccines that will stop the pandemic, rather it’s vaccination with proper efficacy. Out of more than 100 research articles on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines 41 articles were included in the present study. As of 1 May 2021, there have been 152 661 445 Covid-19 cases with 3 202 256 deaths globally. This pandemic led to the race to discover a safe and effective vaccine to achieve herd immunity and curtail the damaging effects of Covid-19. This study aims to discuss the most recent WHO-approved Covid-19 vaccine subtypes, their trials, doses and efficacy. As of 16 May 2021, the number of countries that have approved the use of the following vaccines is Pfizer in 85, Moderna in 46, Oxford/AstraZeneca in 101, and Janssen in 41. JOPSOM 2021; 40(2):65-72

Loo, Ke-Yan, Vengadesh Letchumanan, Hooi-Leng Ser, Siew Li Teoh, Jodi Woan-Fei Law, Loh Teng-Hern Tan, Nurul-Syakima Ab Mutalib, Kok-Gan Chan, and Learn-Han Lee. "COVID-19: Insights into Potential Vaccines." Microorganisms 9, no. 3 (March 15, 2021): 605. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9030605.

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People around the world ushered in the new year 2021 with a fear of COVID-19, as family members have lost their loved ones to the disease. Millions of people have been infected, and the livelihood of many has been jeopardized due to the pandemic. Pharmaceutical companies are racing against time to develop an effective vaccine to protect against COVID-19. Researchers have developed various types of candidate vaccines with the release of the genetic sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in January. These include inactivated viral vaccines, protein subunit vaccines, mRNA vaccines, and recombinant viral vector vaccines. To date, several vaccines have been authorized for emergency use and they have been administered in countries across the globe. Meanwhile, there are also vaccine candidates in Phase III clinical trials awaiting results and approval from authorities. These candidates have shown positive results in the previous stages of the trials, whereby they could induce an immune response with minimal side effects in the participants. This review aims to discuss the different vaccine platforms and the clinical trials of the candidate vaccines.

Jacob-Dolan, Catherine, and Dan H. Barouch. "COVID-19 Vaccines: Adenoviral Vectors." Annual Review of Medicine 73, no. 1 (January 27, 2022): 41–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev-med-012621-102252.

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The worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has led to the unprecedented pace of development of multiple vaccines. This review evaluates how adenovirus (Ad) vector platforms have been leveraged in response to this pandemic. Ad vectors have been used in the past for vaccines against other viruses, most notably HIV and Ebola, but they never have been produced, distributed, or administered to humans at such a large scale. Several different serotypes of Ads encoding SARS-CoV-2 Spike have been tested and found to be efficacious against COVID-19. As vaccine rollouts continue and the number of people receiving these vaccines increases, we will continue to learn about this vaccine platform for COVID-19 prevention and control.

Jacob-Dolan, Catherine, and Dan H. Barouch. "COVID-19 Vaccines: Adenoviral Vectors." Annual Review of Medicine 73, no. 1 (January 27, 2022): 41–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev-med-012621-102252.

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The worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has led to the unprecedented pace of development of multiple vaccines. This review evaluates how adenovirus (Ad) vector platforms have been leveraged in response to this pandemic. Ad vectors have been used in the past for vaccines against other viruses, most notably HIV and Ebola, but they never have been produced, distributed, or administered to humans at such a large scale. Several different serotypes of Ads encoding SARS-CoV-2 Spike have been tested and found to be efficacious against COVID-19. As vaccine rollouts continue and the number of people receiving these vaccines increases, we will continue to learn about this vaccine platform for COVID-19 prevention and control.

Bahouq, Hanane, Madiha Bahouq, Abdelmajid Soulaymani, and Rachida Soulaymani-Bencheikh. "Pharmacovigilance in Covid-19 vaccines." E3S Web of Conferences 319 (2021): 01012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202131901012.

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The ongoing pandemic coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19), originated from Wuhan, China, has caused universal challenging and threatening with considerable health impact and economic losses. Therefore, vaccination, as preventive and protective medical countermeasure, remains an excellent issue for reducing morbidity and mortality of this emerging infectious disease. As of April 2021 and by Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) process, 16 vaccines were authorized by at least one national regulatory authority for public use: two Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) vaccines (Pfizer–BioNTech and Moderna), seven conventional inactivated vaccines (BBIBP-CorV manufactured by Siinopharm, CoronaVac, Covaxin, WIBP-CorV, CoviVac, Minhai-Kangtai and QazVac), five viral vector vaccines (Sputnik Light, Sputnik V, Oxford–AstraZeneca, Convidecia, and Johnson & Johnson) and two protein subunit vaccines (EpiVacCorona and RBD-Dimer). As other countries, Morocco has established an anti-COVID-19 vaccine strategy in order to effectively contribute to the monitoring of vaccine safety supported by the national platform health vigilance and regulated by the National Anti-Poison and Pharmacovigilance Center (CAPM). In this review, we recorded the main current developed COVID-19 vaccines and discussed pharmacovigilance strategies and tools related safety and tolerability of those therapies. In parallel, a review of the Moroccan experience in this field is also conducted.

De Moraes Silva, Melissa Andreia, Mateus Alves Borges Cristino, and Ricardo Jayme Procópio. "Thrombosis and COVID-19 vaccines." REVISTA CIÊNCIAS EM SAÚDE 11, no. 2 (June 20, 2021): 1–2. http://dx.doi.org/10.21876/rcshci.v11i2.1165.

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Vaccines against COVID-19 from Moderna Biotech Spain, SL (COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna – mRNA technology), AstraZeneca (Oxford/Astrazeneca Vaccine - ChAdOx1 - adenovirus vector technology) and Janssen-Cilag International NV (COVID-19 Vaccine) Janssen - Ad.26.COV2.S - adenovirus vector technology) used in Europe, the United States and Brazil has presented severe thrombotic adverse reactions. The recorded thrombosis occurred in unusual sites, such as the sagittal venous sinus.

Andrade, Sérgio Araújo, Patrícia Alves da Costa Andrade, Daniel Vaz Andrade, Regina Consolação dos Santos, Fernando de Pilla Varotti, and Bashir Abdulgader Lwaleed. "COVID-19 Vaccines: Bioethical Consideration." Persona y Bioética 25, no. 2 (March 23, 2022): 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.5294/pebi.2021.25.2.7.

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The COVID-19 pandemic produced immeasurable impacts on the economy, education, and socialization, besides the loss of millions of lives. Thus, there has been an accelerated development of an unprecedented number of COVID-19 vaccine candidates to control the pandemic. The World Health Organization’s emergency use authorization of COVID-19 vaccines still in clinical trial allowed immunizing the population. This paper presents a perspective of the bioethical precepts of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice in the emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of surveillance at all stages of vaccine development to detect adverse effects and ensure compliance with bioethical precepts.

Дисертації з теми "COVID-19 vaccines":


Persson, Morgan. "COVID-19 Vaccines : A literature analysis of the three first approved COVID-19 Vaccines in the EU." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för integrativ medicinsk biologi (IMB), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-179341.

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Svensson, Adrian. "En jämförelse av olika covid-19 vaccin." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-44521.

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Bakgrund: I slutet av 2019 upptäcktes flertalet fall av pneumoni av okänd etiologi i Wuhan, Kina. Efter isolering och sekvensering framkom det att det rörde sig om ett coronavirus, benämnt SARS-CoV-2. Sociala restriktioner och munskydd har inte lyckats stoppa denna pandemi, och hoppet ligger nu på de olika vaccinkandidater som började utvecklas under 2020. Syfte: Syftet var att jämföra olika vaccins effektivitet och förekomst av olika biverkningar. Metod: En systemisk litteraturstudie utfördes, där en sökning i Pubmed utfördes och fyra artiklar valdes ut till arbetet för att jämföra vaccineffektivitet och biverkningar för de tre vaccin som var godkända av läkemedelsverket i februari. Resultat: Pfizer/BioNTechs mRNA-vaccin hade en effektivitet på 94,8%, Modernas mRNA-vaccin en effektivitet på 94,1% och Oxford-AstraZenecas vektorvaccin uppvisade en effektivitet på 70,4%. De vanligaste biverkningarna vid vaccinering var smärta vid injektionsplatsen, huvudvärk samt utmattning. Slutsats: En tillfredsställande jämförelse kunde inte genomföras då de olika fas III studierna utfördes på olika åldersgrupper och i olika delar av världen där SARS-CoV-2 mutationerna skiljde sig åt, vilket kan ha påverkat resultaten.
Background: At the end of 2019, several cases of pneumonia of unknown ethology were discovered in Wuhan, China. After isolating and sequencing the pathogen it became apparent that it was a Coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2. Social restrictions and mask wearing mandates have not managed to stop this pandemic, and the hope lies with the different vaccine candidates that started to be developed during 2020. Aim: The aim was to compare different vaccines efficacy and prevalence of side effects. Method: A systemic literature study was implemented, the search was done in Pubmed and four papers were selected to compare vaccine efficacy and side effects for the three vaccines that were approved by Läkemedelsverket in February. Results: Pfizer/BioNTech’s mRNA-vaccine showed an efficacy of 94,8%, Moderna’s an efficacy of 94,1% and Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vector vaccine showed an efficacy of 70,4%. The most common side effects following vaccination was pain at the site of injection, headache and fatigue. Conclusion: A satisfying comparison could not be achieved since the different phase III studies were performed on different age groups and in different parts of the world where SARS-CoV-2 mutations differ, which could impact the results.

Polack, Fernando P., Stephen J. Thomas, Nicholas Kitchin, Judith Absalon, Alejandra Gurtman, Stephen Lockhart, John L. Perez, et al. "Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine." Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/655958.

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Lindholm, Anton. "VACCINE CITIZENSHIP : Covid-19 vaccination in a semi-rural community of Oaxaca, Mexico." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Socialantropologiska institutionen, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-195134.

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With emphasis on the arrival of Covid-19 vaccine in San Agustin Etla Mexico, the focus of this thesis is to investigate relations between ways of political organisation and vaccine uptake.   By having used a methodological framework of participant observation and semi-structured interviews from February to April 2021 this thesis illustrates responses that informants in the ages between 50-70 living in San Agustin Etla have to Covid-19 vaccine. I discuss aspects of a local vaccination culture, i.e., locally shaped responses to Covid-19 vaccine and reasons for vaccination and non-vaccination. Aspects I have found that may have affected a person’s response to Covid-19 vaccine are the spread/control of rumours, coercive measures, collective consciousness of risks, organisation of the household, social interaction, and earlier experience of vaccines. Based on the results of the investigation I argue that there is a correlation between the governance of “Usos y Costumbres” (practices and customs) in San Agustin Etla and vaccine uptake among people living there.

Sandaka, Gowtham Kumar, and Bala Namratha Gaekwade. "Sentiment Analysis and Time-series Analysis for the COVID-19 vaccine Tweets." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-21901.

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Background: The implicit nature of social media information brings many advantages to realistic sentiment analysis applications. Sentiment Analysis is the process of extracting opinions and emotions from data. As a research topic, sentiment analysis of Twitter data has received much attention in recent years. In this study, we have built a model to perform sentiment analysis to classify the sentiments expressed in the Twitter dataset based on the public tweets to raise awareness of the public's concerns by training the models. Objectives: The main goal of this thesis is to develop a model to perform a sentiment analysis on the Twitter data regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and find out the sentiment’s polarity from the data to show the distribution of the sentiments as following: positive, negative, and neutral. A literature study and an experiment are set to identify a suitable approach to develop such a model. Time-series analysis performed to obtain daily sentiments over the timeline series and daily trend analysis with events associated with the particular dates. Method: A Systematic Literature Review is performed to identify the most suitable approach to accomplish the sentiment analysis on the COVID-19 vaccine. Then, through the literature study results, an experimental model is developed to distribute the sentiments on the analyzed data and identify the daily sentiments over the timeline series. Result: A VADER is identified from the Literature study, which is the best suitable approach to perform the sentiment analysis. The KDE distribution is determined for each sentiment as obtained by the VADER Sentiment Analyzer. Daily sentiments over the timeline series are generated to identify the trend analysis on Twitter data of the COVID-19 vaccine. Conclusion: This research aims to identify the best-suited approach for sentiment analysis on Twitter data concerning the selected dataset through the study of results. The VADER model prompts optimal results among the sentiments polarity score for the sentiment analysis of Twitter data regarding the selected dataset. The time-series analysis shows how daily sentiments are fluctuant and the daily counts. Seasonal decomposition outcomes speak about how the world is reacting towards the current COVID-19 situation and daily trend analysis elaborates on the everyday sentiments of people.

Park, Yhesaem. "An Equitable Framework for Antiretroviral Therapy and COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Strategies in Botswana." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/42524.

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The HIV/AIDS epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic have ruined many people's lives. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has controlled the HIV/AIDS epidemic and COVID-19 vaccine is expected to ease confusion caused by the pandemic. However, the supply of health-resource falls far short of the demand in resource-constrained countries; thus, decision-making about resource allocation should be discussed. Botswana, as a resource-constrained country with a high prevalence of HIV, needs to construct its own framework for ART allocation. We propose an equitable framework for ART and COVID-19 vaccine allocation in Botswana based upon the egalitarian principle, which provides each individual has an equal chance of receiving them. We use a spatial mathematical model of treatment accessibility with an equity objective function, and sequential quadratic programming is used to address the nonlinear programming model. Considering Botswana's current health infrastructure, our strategy brings the most equal health outcomes. However, the disparity of accessibility still exists between rural and urban areas even from our equitable strategy. We present proposals that can increase the accessibility of rural areas using sensitivity analysis. Our work can be applied to different contexts, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.

Fridlund, Daniel, and Patrik Persson. "Uppfattade risker med covid-19 vaccin -Påverkar solidaritet och förändrad tillit riskuppfattningar?" Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-92438.

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Den pågående vaccineringen mot covid-19 har inneburit att många människor börjar se ljuset i tunneln på den mörka tid som coronapandemin orsakat. Det råder dock inte konsensus kring vaccinet som uteslutande positiv för folkhälsan då vissa istället väljer att betona riskerna som vaccinet kan medföra framför fördelarna med vaccination.Tidigare forskning visar att faktorer som tillit, risker och individuella medicinska överväganden, likväl som kulturella aspekter har en avgörande roll i riskuppfattning gällande vaccinering.Studiens teoretiska referensram utgår från Becks teori om risksamhället, Giddens begrepp tillit till expertsystem, samt Douglas kulturella riskteori och beskyllningskultur.Syftet med denna pilotstudie är att undersöka studenters riskuppfattning gällande vaccinet mot covid-19, samt ifall riskuppfattning påverkas av faktorer som förändrad tillit och solidaritetsgrad.Datainsamlingen utgörs av en kvantitativ metod i form av enkätundersökning, där studiens urval består av medlemmar i gruppen ”Dom kallar oss studenter” på Facebook. Data från undersökningen analyserades sedan genom univariat analys samt multivariata regressionsanalyser.Resultat från studien visar att studenter med försämrad tillit till myndigheter uppfattar risker med biverkningar från vaccinet i högre grad än studenter som har en likvärdig eller förbättrad tillit till myndigheter. Det visar även att studenter med hög solidarisk inställning ser mindre risker med biverkningar från vaccinet än de med låg solidarisk inställning.Nyckelord: Covid-19, Risk, Förändrad tillit, Tillit till expertsystem, Risksamhället, Solidaritet, Kulturell riskteori, Kris.
The ongoing vaccination against covid-19 has meant that many people begin to see the light in the tunnel of the dark time that the corona pandemic has caused. However, there is no consensus about the vaccine as exclusively positive for public health as some instead choose to emphasize the risks that the vaccine may entail over the benefits of vaccination.Previous research shows that factors such as trust, risks and individual medical considerations, as well as cultural aspects, play a crucial role in risk perception regarding vaccination.The theoretical frame of reference in this study is based on Beck’s theory of the risks society, Giddens’ trust in expert systems, and Douglas’ cultural risk theory and blameculture.The aim of this pilot study is to investigate students’ perception of risk regarding the vaccine against covid-19, and whether risk perception is affected by factors such as changes in trust and degree of solidarity.The data collection consists of a quantitative method in the form of a survey, where the study sample consists of members of the group ”Dom kallar oss studenter” on Facebook. Data from the survey were then analyzed by univariate analysis and multivariate regression analyzes.Results from the study show that students with impaired trust in authorities perceive risks of side effects from the vaccine to a greater degree than students who have an equivalent or improved trust in authorities. It also shows that students with a high degree of solidarity see less risks with side effects from the vaccine than those with a low solidarity attitude.

Claesson, Elin, and Gonzalez Esmeralda Patron. "Det virala viruset : En tematisk analys på desinformation om covid-19 vaccinen i svenska facebookgrupper." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för medier och journalistik (MJ), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-104458.

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The aim of this study is to examine disinformation about the covid-19 vaccine in posts from Swedish Facebook groups. At the end of 2019, the coronavirus started to spread around the world and became a global pandemic. On social media, especially Facebook, disinformation started to spread around about the virus. The study was based on 58 posts from 4 different Facebook groups where a qualitative thematic analysis was conducted to see which themes that were common in the disinformation. This method was paired with framing theory to see how the senders were framing their message and the disinformation. The research questions of this study are which themes can be identified in the disinformation about the covid-19 vaccine in the Swedish Facebook groups? And how are the covid-19 vaccines framed in these themes? This study resulted in 4 themes with 9 subcategories. The first theme is conspiracy theories with the subcategory mRNA. The second theme is scientific resistance with the subcategories questioning the content of the vaccines, critical of the manufacturing and approval of the vaccines, effectiveness, critical of pharmaceutical companies and alternative cure. The third theme is criticism of senders, and the fourth theme is warnings with the subcategories exhortation, swine flu and side effects. In the theme conspiracy theories, the posts are framing vaccine as something dangerous, untrustworthy and that it is a fraud. The posts can also be connected to already existing theories about the virus. In the second theme, scientific resistance, are the posts framing resistance against scientific proven fact about the vaccines. The posts also frame that there are other solutions for covid-19 than the vaccine. In the third theme, criticism against senders, the common frames were that the senders of information about the vaccine and vaccination were smeared, for example the Swedish government and the public health authority. These senders were framed as traitors and that the Swedish population would become their slaves. In the last theme warnings, the posts framed warnings and tried to influence people to not take the vaccine because of several reasons like side effects. The posts also framed that these reasons could lead to death or other health issues for the rest of their lives.

Myhr, Anton. "Attityder och tillit under Coronapandemin : En kvantitativ sociologisk studie om attityd- och tillitsstrukturer kring makthavare, vacciner och Covid-19-pandemin." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Sociologiska institutionen, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-444251.

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Den här uppsatsen har undersökt attityder och tillit till makthavare i Sverige i relation till olika aspekter av Covid-19-pandemin. Det här har gjorts genom att försöka besvara frågeställningarna: Hur relaterar tillit och attityder gentemot svenska samhälleliga institutioner till attityder mot vacciner, pandemirestriktioner och det upplevda hotet av Covid- 19? Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka en stor grupp människors aggregerade attityder och tillit, för att ge en fördjupad kunskap kring hur attityder och tillit kan vara strukturerade i det svenska samhället under Coronapandemin. För att besvara frågeställningarna och uppnå studiens syfte har en kvantitativ metod i form av en explorativ faktoranalys använts på data som insamlats från 281 respondenter via en webenkät. Resultatet har visat att högre tillit gentemot Sveriges demokratiska system och till media kan kopplas till en större acceptans av Sveriges pandemihantering och till de beslutsfattare som ansvarat för pandemihanteringen i Sverige. Tillit och positiva attityder gentemot dessa två faktorer har också visat sig hänga ihop med en positivare syn på vacciner, medan rädslan för Covid-19 i sig ter sig vara oberoende av tillit och attityder. Undersökningen har inte till avsikt att göra några frekvensmässiga analyser av vilka attityder eller hur hög tillit respondenterna upplever, och inte heller har syftet varit att generalisera resultatet som giltigt för hela Sveriges population. Målet har istället varit att studiens resultat ska kunna bidra till att öka kunskapen om och vidga vår förståelse för hur tillit och attityder kan vara strukturerade och hänga ihop i samhället.

Gezelius, Rebecka. "Vaccinmotståndet under Covid-19-pandemin : En netnografisk studie av vaccinmotstånd på Flashback forum." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik, konst och samhälle, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-85687.

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Covid-19-pandemin, eller Coronapandemin som den kallas i folkmun har påverkat människors livi över ett år med diverse restriktioner samt att 3,5 miljoner människor har avlidit med virusetCovid-19. Trots detta vill många inte vaccinera sig mot Covid-19 nu när olika vaccin har tagitsfram. En undersökning som genomfördes i januari 2021 visar att 63% av Sveriges befolkning villvaccinera sig mot Covid-19. Detta är beklagligt mot bakgrund av att World Health Organization(WHO) angav vaccinmotstånd som ett av tio globala hot mot hälsan år 2019. Det är av intresse attundersöka vaccinmotståndet riktat mot Covid-19-vaccinet eftersom det är ett relativt outforskatområde. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vaccinationsmotståndare uttrycker sig omCovid-19-vaccinet på internetforumet Flashback.Detta har undersökts genom en kvalitativ netnografisk studie där innehållet i 9 olikadiskussionstrådar på Flashback rörande ämnet har studerats. Resultatet av undersökningen haranalyserats med hjälp av Ulrich Becks begrepp “risk”, Anthony Giddens definition av begreppen“tillit” och “expertsystem”,samt tidigare forskning om vaccinmotstånd på sociala medier. Studiensresultat indikerar på att personer som är negativt inställda till Covid-19-vaccinet tenderar att sevaccinet som en stor risk. De uttryckte rädsla för diverse olika biverkningar och tenderade attvärdera vaccinet som en större hälsorisk än Covid-19-viruset. En vanlig tendens blandvaccinmotståndare på Flashback var att de förefaller hysa misstro till vetenskapen bakom vaccinoch ofta föredrog alternativa metoder istället för vaccin. De tenderade anse att Covid-19 inte är enfarlig sjukdom eller att helasjukdomen är påhittad av läkemedelsbolag, media, myndigheter ochregering tillsammans. Vaccinmotståndarna på Flashback hade ofta en föreställning om att vaccinenmot Covid-19 antingen ska döda eller sterilisera människor i syfte att utrota jordens befolkning,eller att läkemedelsbolagen vill tjäna pengar på vaccin. Detta indikerar på att vaccinmotståndarehyste mycket misstro mot dels Covid-19-vaccin men även mot läkemedelsbolag, regering,myndigheter och media
The Covid-19-pandemic, or Coronapandemic as it is popularly called, has affected everyone's livesfor over a year with various restrictions and 3,5 million people have died with the Covid-19-virus.Despite this, many do not want to be vaccinated against Covid-19 now that vaccines have beendeveloped. A survey conducted in January 2021 shows that 63% of Sweden's population want tobe vaccinated against Covid-19. This can be considered unfortunate because the World HealthOrganization listed vaccine resistance as one of ten global health threats in 2019. It is of interestto investigate vaccine resistance during the Covid-19-pandemic as it is a relatively unexploredarea. The purpose of this study is to investigate how vaccination opponents express themselvesabout the Covid-19-vaccines on the internet forum Flashback.This has been investigated through a netnographic qualitative study where the content of 9different threads on Flashback has been studied. The results of the study have been analyzed usingUlrich Beck's concepts of "risk", Anthony Gidden's definition of the terms "trust" and"expertsystem" as well as previous research on vaccine resistance on social media. The results ofthe study indicate that people who were against the Covid-19-vaccine tended to see the vaccine asa major risk. They were afraid of various side effects and they tended to value the vaccine as agreater risk than getting Covid-19. A common trend among vaccine opponents on Flashback wasthat they tended to distrust the science behind vaccines and instead prefered alternative methodsinstead of vaccines. They tended to think that Covid-19 is not a dangerous disease or that the wholedisease is invented by pharmaceutical companies, the media, the authorities and the governmenttogether. Vaccine opponents on Flashback tended to believe that the vaccine against Covid-19 willeither kill or sterilize people to depopulate the planet, or that the drug companies want to makemoney off vaccines. This indicates that vaccine opponents had a lot of mistrust of the Covid-19-vaccine as an expertsystem, but also pharmaceutical companies, the government, authorities and media.

Книги з теми "COVID-19 vaccines":


Anderson, Kat M., ed. COVID-19 Vaccines. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.17226/26622.

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Velásquez, Germán. Vaccines, Medicines and COVID-19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89125-1.

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Rodríguez, Germán Málaga. La verdad del ensayo: Un testimonio desde la primera línea sobre el caso "Vacunagate" peruano. Lima, Perú: Aguilar, 2021.

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Guest, Paul C., ed. Identification of Biomarkers, New Treatments, and Vaccines for COVID-19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71697-4.

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López, Juana Yucra. Percepciones y expectativas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19 de los pobladores de Poopó. Poopó-Oruro, Bolivia: Universidad Nacional Siglo XX, Carrera de Enfermería, Extensión Poopó, 2021.

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Gabaglio, Letizia. Epidemie, vaccini e novax: Per capire e scegliere consapevolmente. Milano: Centauria, 2021.

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Vogel, Patric U. B. COVID-19: Search for a vaccine. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-38931-4.

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Gayle, Helene, William Foege, Lisa Brown, and Benjamin Kahn, eds. Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.17226/25917.

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PHILLIPS, Richard. Covid-19 Vaccines Truth. Independently Published, 2021.

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Tigar, Nicholas. Corona Vaccine: How Covid-19 Vaccines Work. Independently Published, 2022.

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Частини книг з теми "COVID-19 vaccines":


Jain, Ananya, and Shilpa Sharma. "Nanotechnology in COVID-19 Vaccines." In Proceedings of the Conference BioSangam 2022: Emerging Trends in Biotechnology (BIOSANGAM 2022), 14–26. Dordrecht: Atlantis Press International BV, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6463-020-6_3.

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AbstractNanotechnology has been proposed in vaccine development as carriers and adjuvants time and again but received limited recognition before the development of vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic. Nanotechnology has played a pivotal role in the triumph of the vaccines for the current pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The first vaccine got approved within a year of the earliest reported case of the novel coronavirus. Presently, more than 35 vaccines are approved in at least one country, 10 out of which are sanctioned for emergency use by the WHO. The key categories include peptide vaccine, mRNA vaccine, inactivated & viral vector vaccines. Nanotechnology is a crucial component in the success of mRNA vaccines. Nanoparticles not only allow targeted drug delivery but also boost the pharmacokinetic profile and the immune response against the therapeutic. A few nanoparticles have received approval for use as adjuvants (MF59), and countless others (virosomes, PGLA) are under development for many vaccines for infectious diseases, for instance, Influenza, Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus, Malaria, Tuberculosis, etc. In this article, we will review the vaccines available against SARS-CoV-2 with a focus on the nanotechnology utilized in their development.

Akbarian, Mohsen, Kenneth Lundstrom, Elrashdy M. Redwan, and Vladimir N. Uversky. "Vaccine Development Strategies and the Current Status of COVID-19 Vaccines." In COVID-19, 161–80. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003190394-13.

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Ryan, J. Michael, and Serena Nanda. "Vaccines." In COVID-19: Surviving a Pandemic, 170–90. London: Routledge, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003302698-13.

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Whittaker, Elizabeth, and Paul T. Heath. "COVID-19 in Children and COVID-19 Vaccines." In Pediatric Vaccines and Vaccinations, 297–303. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77173-7_27.

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Perry, Candan Hizel, Havva Ö. Kılgöz, and Şükrü Tüzmen. "Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Therapeutics and Vaccines." In COVID-19, 181–95. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003190394-14.

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T., Devasena. "Promising COVID-19 Vaccines." In Nanotechnology-COVID-19 Interface, 115–26. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-6300-7_7.

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Yau, Yuan-Yeu, Subhrajyoti Mishra, Mona Easterling, and Ashwani Kumar. "COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines." In Biotechnological Innovations for Environmental Bioremediation, 769–802. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9001-3_31.

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Koley, Tapas Kumar, and Monika Dhole. "Features, Treatments and Vaccines." In The COVID-19 Pandemic, 176–94. 2nd ed. London: Routledge India, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003345091-12.

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Pathak, Drishya, and A. Philo Magdalene. "COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Administration in India." In Health Dimensions of COVID-19 in India and Beyond, 129–54. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7385-6_7.

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AbstractThe authors examine, in great detail, issues related to vaccine development, production, and distribution in India. They discuss the problems related to logistics for reaching vaccines to India’s large population. The role of international organizations engaged in vaccine development, procurement, and distribution is discussed.The development of vaccines for COVID-19 within a ten-month period has been an extraordinary achievement given that in the past it has taken 10–15 years to develop a vaccine. Of the seventy vaccine candidates currently in the pipeline globally, four are available for use. Currently, five vaccine candidates are in different stages of development in India.India is acknowledged globally to have a robust capacity for developing vaccines. India has also had a long history in organizing and implementing immunization programs for pregnant women and children. However, organizing a national vaccination program for COVID-19 is challenging because of India’s large population and fragile health infrastructure.India rolled-out the COVID-19 vaccination program in January 2021. The state governments have developed plans for the storage and distribution of the vaccine and for the implementation of the vaccination program. Important elements within the program are communications and advocacy that aim to inform the people about the vaccine and its benefits and to encourage them to get vaccinated so that the problem of vaccine hesitancy, a major deterrent, can be prevented.India and the world are at a critical juncture in the history of the pandemic where the availability of the vaccine shows a glimmer of hope—a light at the end of a dark tunnel.

Byttebier, Koen. "Covid-19 Vaccines and Medicines." In Economic and Financial Law & Policy – Shifting Insights & Values, 859–1029. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92901-5_9.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "COVID-19 vaccines":


Kumar, Vishnu, Vijay Srinivasan, and Soundar Kumara. "Towards Smart Vaccine Manufacturing: A Preliminary Study During COVID-19." In ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2021-70516.

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Abstract Biopharmaceutical community is devising modern techniques to boost the development, production, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in large scale with tremendous speed. This has shifted the focus towards smart manufacturing of vaccines through vaccine platforms. Vaccine platforms have great potential to rapidly generate new vaccines and can overcome the challenges of the traditional vaccine manufacturing approach without compromising on safety and efficacy. This preliminary study compares the traditional and modern vaccine manufacturing techniques, reviews COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing scenarios, and presents a framework to critique on the smartness of the novel platform-based COVID-19 vaccine development and manufacturing.

"What factors are related to practicing COVID-19 vaccine by population at Ghawr Al-Safi, Jordan." In International Conference on Public Health and Humanitarian Action. International Federation of Medical Students' Associations - Jordan, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.56950/yrrz1540.

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Background: COVID-19 vaccines have been offered in Jordan since early march 2021, to all governates around Jordan, in three types: (Pfizer, Sinopharm, and Astrazeneca). However, some populations weren’t vaccinated yet. Several factors maybe related to not practicing the vaccine by the population such as: knowledge, attitude, practice and accessibility of health care, particularly in areas with low socio-economic status. Therefore, studying factors affecting the approach towards vaccination is crucial to improve vaccination rates. Objective: To evaluate and assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices toward the COVID-19 vaccines in the Ghawr Al-safi population. Method: A cross sectional, population based study was conducted at Ghawr Al-safi. A random sample of 301 individuals was collected. A face to face interview of each participant was carried out by the reaseachers, using a well constructed, validated,and reliable questionnaire. The minimum(5,4, and4) and maximum(15,15,and 20) scores for the knowledge, attitude, and practice respectively. Results: Median age for the whole participants was 30, IQR=22.5-43.5 years. Females constitute 52.7%. of the participants .The most common sources of information about COVID-19 vaccines were television (68.7%) and social media (52.4%). Almost three quarters (74%) of the population were vaccinated with two doses, 61% were vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. The mean score for; Knowledge 7.75/15, attitude ,7.02/20. While for vaccine practice was relatively high with a mean of 14.62/20. The mean score on the satisfaction towards the healthcare services was 3.76/9. The practice scale was significantly correlated with the satisfaction (r= -0.299, p< 0.001),attitude (r= -0.387, p < 0.001), but not with knowledge (p = 0.448). The most prevalent reason (41%) for vaccination was to protect themselves and their families from COVID-19. What factors are related to practicing COVID-19 vaccine by population at Ghawr Al-Safi, Jordan Conclusion: Level of practice was significantly conversely correlated with attitude and not with knowledge. This indicates that people were vaccinated despite their doubts and apprehension toward the vaccines. Therefore, additional knowledge and awareness are required of Covid -19 and its consequences in that population. Keywords: covid-19, kap study , cross sectional

Zhu, Richard, and Sujata Bhatia. "Optimizing COVID-19 Vaccine Diffusion in Respiratory Mucosa through Stokes-Einstein Modeling." In 2022 Design of Medical Devices Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/dmd2022-1065.

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Abstract SARS-COV-2 vaccines, all of which are currently intramuscular shots, have the ability to prevent serious injury. However, the absence of sufficient mucosal immunity is a major concern. To counteract this deficiency that has led to continued transmission from vaccinated individuals and breakthrough cases, reformulating vaccines to be inhalable presents a logical administration route. Predecessor research has reported the inhalable route to be viable as aerosolized vaccine nanoparticles, AAV phage nanoparticles, and PIV-5 viruses were recently identified to elicit immune responses. In this study, the diffusion of vaccine nanoparticles across the mucosa is characterized and modeled, with respect to their observed behavior from previous studies in relation to the Stokes-Einstein equation, to predict the most efficient model of an inhalable COVID-19 vaccine. The Stokes-Einstein equation has been used in several studies to predict diffusion coefficients. These predictions may be modified to fit the specifications of mucosal interactions. It was determined that mucosal interactions play a significant role in vaccine nanoparticle diffusion, as demonstrated by the viral vector and virus-like nanoparticle diffusion, and can be characterized by an equivalent hydrodynamic radius. Moreover, as a counter to mucosal interactions, PEGylation was found to drastically decrease the viscous slowing of the mucus medium.

Sun, Jianping. "Identifying Safety-Vaccine Association for COVID-19 Vaccines from VAERS." In 4th International Conference on Statistics: Theory and Applications (ICSTA'22). Avestia Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.11159/icsta22.148.

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"ATTITUDE TO COVID-19 VACCINATION AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN: THE JORDANIAN EXPERIENCE." In International Conference on Public Health and Humanitarian Action. International Federation of Medical Students' Associations - Jordan, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.56950/lzes6209.

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Objective: In this study we aim to evaluate the attitude of pregnant women in Jordan towards COVID-19 vaccines, and to investigate the determinants for their attitudes. Method: : An analytical cross-sectional survey was carried out at King Abdullah University Hospital between July and December 2021.We utilizied a self-administered questionnaire that included closed-ended items covering demographic characteristics, clinical and obstetric characteristics, attitudes towards COVID- 19 vaccination, and potential predictors of vaccine acceptance. Results: The number of eligible participants living in the northern region in Jordan was 393 pregnant women, where 10.17% reported vaccine acceptance, 12.21% were hesitant, 77.60% completely rejected the vaccine, 27.22% indicated their acceptance of their physicians” vaccination recommendation during pregnancy, 54.19 % were against it, leaving 18.57% of participants hesitant towards taking the vaccine. Conclusion: Our results of this study disagree with the results of otter recent studies in that pregnant women tended to have a high level of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance, and it highlights the need for public health promotional campaigns to promote acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine by pregnant women. Keywords: COVID-19, pregnancy, attitudes, determinants of attitudes.

Broadnax, Pier A. "African American Nurse’s Hesitancy to Obtain COVID-19 Vaccinations." In 2nd Annual Faculty Senate Research Conference: Higher Education During Pandemics. AIJR Publisher, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.21467/proceedings.135.7.

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It has been over a year since the first laboratory-confirmed case of the Coronavirus -19 disease (COVID-19) was detected in the United States. Since then, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, there have been over 31, 023,000 citizens diagnosed with the disease, resulting in over 560,315 deaths. Although the rate of citizens being diagnosed with the virus as well as the number of deaths has slowed down since the use of the vaccine, there are still concerns regarding sections of communities and various minority groups who are resistant to obtaining the vaccines. Vaccines first became available in November 2020 in response to this pandemic, but distribution issues and problems with compliance soon became evident and demonstrated an extreme gap in health disparities. As of March 31, 2021, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that in the District of Columbia, African Americans (AA) make up 46% of the population but 45% of the infected cases as compared to whites who make up 31% of the population but only 26% of the infected cases. Anecdotally, it has been reported that AA nurses are hesitant to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine for a variety of reasons, including fear and mistrust of the medical community. The purpose of this pilot study was to survey a small group of AA nurses to refine a tool that will be used to obtain information on factors contributing to their hesitancy to obtain the COVID-19 vaccination. A secondary purpose is to create educational tools that would be effective in developing messages targeting the concerns of African American nurses.

Salinas, Jessica, Carlos Flores, Hector Ceballos, and Francisco Cantu. "Sentiment Analysis of Covid-19 Vaccine Responses in Mexico." In 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning Techniques and NLP (MLNLP 2021). Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5121/csit.2021.111415.

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The amount of information that social networks can shed on a certain topic is exponential compared to conventional methods. As new COVID-19 vaccines are approved by COFEPRIS in Mexico, society is acting differently by showing approval or rejection of some of these vaccines on social networks. Data analytics has opened the possibility to process, explore, and analyze a large amount of information that comes from social networks and evaluate people's sentiments towards a specific topic. In this analysis, we present a Sentiment Analysis of tweets related to COVID-19 vaccines in Mexico. The study involves the exploration of Twitter data to evaluate if there are preferences between the different vaccines available in Mexico and what patterns and behaviors can be observed in the community based on their reactions and opinions. This research will help to provide a first understanding of people's opinions about the available vaccines and how these opinions are built to identify and avoid possible misinformation sources.

Babatunde, E. O. "Assessment of Adult Awareness and Perception of Covid-19 Vaccines on Health Status of Urban Dwellers in Nigeria." In 28th iSTEAMS Multidisciplinary Research Conference AIUWA The Gambia. Society for Multidisciplinary and Advanced Research Techniques - Creative Research Publishers, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.22624/aims/isteams-2021/v28n2p1.

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The outbreak of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly inflicted a danger on health, economy and social relations globally covering the six continents and around 2.7 million people had died after contracting the respiratory virus. The global pandemic has necessitated some drastic measures to curb its spread. It is uncertain whether these measures are known and their perception about the measures cannot be ascertained. This study assessed the awareness and perception of COVID-19 vaccine on the health status of urban adult dwellers in Nigeria. The four research questions that guided the study. The study employed correlational research type of non-experimental design. Purposive sampling technique was used to sample 300 participants that took part in the study. Only participants that had taken the COVID-19 vaccine were included in the study. One instrument, Adult Awareness and Perception of Covid-19 Vaccines on Health Status Questionnaire (APCVHSQ) with Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient 0.85 was used for data collection. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistic of frequency, percentages and mean as well as thematic analysis. The result revealed that majority of the adult population are aware of the various measures embarked upon to curb the spread of the virus (2.50<3.07). Moreover, adult population in Nigeria perception of covid-19 vaccine prevalence was relatively negative (2.50<2.60). In addition, majority 249 (81.6%) of the adult population believed that their health conditions were not worsened after taken Covid-19 vaccine while 261 (84.2%) of the adult population in Nigeria did not find it difficult to cope with their daily activities after the vaccination. 48.4% had the higher cases of malaria associated with Covid-19 vaccination. It is suggested that more awareness campaign should be embarked upon by the agency responsible for mobilization to reduce the negative attitude of COVID-19 vaccine among the adult population. Keywords: COVID-19, vaccine, perception, adult population.

Alorini, Ghaida, and Danda B. Rawat. "Social Media Data-Driven Sentiment Analysis for COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccines." In 2022 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC). IEEE, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ghtc55712.2022.9911056.

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"FACTORS AFFECTING COVID-19 VACCINE UPTAKE IN LOW INCOME SETTINGS: A CASE STUDY OF MORO LGA, KWARA STATE, NIGERIA." In International Conference on Public Health and Humanitarian Action. International Federation of Medical Students' Associations - Jordan, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.56950/fypb7183.

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Background: Since the emergence of COVID-19 in December 2019, the virus has spread to several countries making it a global threat. The long term solution of COVID-19 is the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination programme as it is the cost effective way of fighting COVID-19 pandemic. In low middle income cuntries, rumours, lack of information and misinformation has led to hesitancy taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Objective: To evaluate predictors of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among adult residents of selected communities in Moro Local Government Area (LGA) of Kwara State, Nigeria. Method: A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out among 500 adult residents of Moro LGA. Data was collected with the aid of a pretested, validated, structured, interviewer administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed with Epi-info statistical software package vesion 3. 5.1. Chi-square (x2) test was used to determine any association between the dependent and independent variables. Confidence level was held at 95% and a pvalue of less than 0.05 (p<0.05) was considered as statistically significant. Results: Almost half 227 (45.4%) of the respondents have good knowledge of COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines while less one fifth 79 (15.8%) of the respondents have poor knowledge on COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccine. Conclusion: Almost half of the respondents 45.4% had good knowledge of COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccine. This was made possible due to the government aggressive approach to contain the spread of the virus through sensitization campaign using different media. Respondents unwilling to take the vaccine gave their reasons while some did not. Keywords: COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine, predictors, vaccine uptake, hesitancy, vaccination.

Звіти організацій з теми "COVID-19 vaccines":


Research, Gratis. Vaccines Through History: Smallpox to COVID-19. Gratis Research, March 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.47496/gr.blog.011.

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More recently, as genomes turned out to be promptly decodable, scientists have developed proficient knowledge at developing vaccines that depend on extraction of RNA or DNA from microbes and injecting these into the body.

Więcek, Witold, Amrita Ahuja, Esha Chaudhuri, Michael Kremer, Alexandre Simoes Gomes, Christopher Snyder, Alex Tabarrok, and Brandon Joel Tan. Testing Fractional doses of COVID-19 Vaccines. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, August 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.3386/w29180.

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Roldan de Jong, Tamara. Rapid Review: Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccines in South Africa. SSHAP, April 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.19088/sshap.2021.021.

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As of April 19, 2021, South Africa has recorded 1.56 million COVID-19 cases and almost 54,000 deaths - more than any other country on the African continent. The country has begun the national rollout of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine, with over 292 thousand doses administered it aims to achieve herd immunity by vaccinating at least 67 percent of its population (around 40 million people) by the end of 2021. The government suspended its initial rollout of the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine due to concerns over its effectiveness, particularly against the new B.1.351 variant, which accounts for 90% of the infections in South Africa. The J&J vaccine was put on temporary hold in April due to concerns about rare clotting disorders. Although data show that expected acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines is relatively high, the suspension of two vaccines in South Africa, where fear of infection is decreasing, will likely influence public reactions. Understanding how individuals and population groups perceive and make sense of COVID-19 vaccines is critical to inform the design and implementation of risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) strategies, and guide interventions aiming to promote and sustain acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines, while encouraging compliance with other COVID-19 preventive measures. This review syntheses community perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines in South Africa to inform RCCE strategies and policies and provides examples of successful practice. It draws on multiple secondary data sources: scientific literature, qualitative and quantitative studies, grey literature, and mainstream and social media. The review was supported by consultation with four local expert key informants from different fields. It is part of the Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP) series on social science considerations relating to COVID-19 vaccines. It was written for SSHAP by Tamara Roldan de Jong and Anthrologica on request of the UNICEF South Africa Country Office. Contributions were made from the RCCE Collective Service East and Southern Africa (ESAR) Region. The brief is the responsibility of SSHAP.

Makvandi, Monear, Laurie Wallis, Celine West, Haedi De Angelis, Zane VanWinkle, Vibeke Halkjaer-Knudsen, Erin Acquesta, Walter Beyeler, Katherine Klise, and Patrick Finley. Modeling efficient and equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1718986.

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Schmidt-Sane, Megan, Elizabeth Benninger, Tabitha Hrynick, and Santiago Ripoll. Youth COVID-19 Vaccine Engagement in Cleveland, Ohio, United States. Institute of Development Studies, June 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.19088/ids.2022.040.

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Despite overall progress in COVID-19 vaccination rates in Cleveland, vaccine inequity persists as young people from minority communities are often less likely to be vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is not just an issue of misinformation or lack of information. Vaccine hesitancy among young people is reflective of wider issues such as mistrust in the state or the medical establishment and negative experiences during the pandemic. This report is based on case study research conducted among minority youth (ages 12-18) in Cleveland, Ohio. While public discourse may label young people as “vaccine hesitant,” we found that there were hesitation differences based on social location and place. We found the greatest vaccine hesitancy among older youth (15+ years old), particularly those from minoritized communities. Unvaccinated youth were also more likely to be from families and friend groups that were unvaccinated. While some expressed distrust of the vaccines, others reported that COVID-19 prevention was not a priority in their lives. Instead, concerns over food security, livelihood, and education take precedence. Minority youth were more likely to report negative experiences with authorities, including teachers at their schools and police in their communities. Our findings demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is embedded in a context that drives relationships of mistrust between minority communities and authorities, with implications for COVID-19 vaccine uptake. Young people’s attitudes toward vaccines are further patterned by experiences within their community, school, family, and friend groups.

Schmidt-Sane, Megan, Tabitha Hrynick, Southall Community Alliance SCA, Charlie Forgacz-Cooper, and Steve Curtis. Youth COVID-19 Vaccine Engagement in Ealing, London, United Kingdom. Institute of Development Studies, June 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.19088/ids.2022.039.

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Despite progress in COVID-19 vaccination rates overall in Ealing, vaccine inequity persists as young people from minority communities are often less likely to be vaccinated. COVID-19 ‘vaccine hesitancy’ is not just an issue of misinformation or lack of information. ‘Vaccine hesitancy’ among young people is reflective of wider issues such as mistrust in the state or the medical establishment and negative experiences during the pandemic. This report is based on case study research conducted among minority youth (from ages 12-19) in the London borough of Ealing. While public discourse may label young people as “vaccine hesitant,” we found that there were differences based on social location and place. We found the greatest vaccine refusal among older youth (15+ years old), which in the context of this study were from minoritised communities who have experienced deprivation across the life course. Unvaccinated youth were also more likely to be from families and friend groups that were unvaccinated. While some expressed distrust of the vaccines, others reported that COVID-19 prevention was not a priority in their lives, but instead concerns over food security, livelihood, and education take precedence. Minoritised youth were more likely to report negative experiences with authorities, including teachers at their schools and police in their communities. Our findings demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is embedded in a context that drives relationships of mistrust between minority communities and authorities, with implications for COVID-19 vaccine uptake. Young people’s attitudes toward vaccines are further patterned by experiences within their community, school, family, and friend groups.

Cloidt, Megan, Eric Tranby, Abigail Kelly, and Julie Frantsve-Hawley. Dentists are an Untapped Resource for Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines. CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, April 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.35565/cqi.2021.2029.

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Mahimbo, Abela. Equitable access for COVID-19 vaccines for refugees in Australia. Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.53714/cvsz4194.

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Agrawal, Virat, Neeraj Sood, and Christopher Whaley. The Ex-Ante Moral Hazard Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.3386/w30602.

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Vallerani, Sara, Elizabeth Storer, and Costanza Torre. Key Considerations: Equitable Engagement to Promote COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake among Undocumented Urban Migrants. SSHAP, May 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.19088/sshap.2022.013.

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This brief sets out key considerations linked to the promotion of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among undocumented migrants residing in Rome, Italy. We focus on strategies to equitably distribute COVID-19 vaccines. Evidence from Italy is applicable to other contexts where vaccine administration is tied to “vaccine passports” or “immunity passes”. Undocumented migrants have been considered as some of the “hardest to reach” groups to engage in COVID-19 vaccination outreach. This brief uses the term undocumented migrant or migrant for brevity, but we refer to people living without formal Italian citizenship, refugee status or right to remain in Italy. This brief explores the everyday context of undocumented migrants lives, and how experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated difficult conditions. It links emerging vulnerabilities to perceptions of vaccines, and we suggest that migrants orientate themselves towards the vaccines within frameworks which prioritise economic survival. In many cases, migrants have accepted a COVID-19 vaccine to access paid employment, yet this has often generated mistrust in the state and healthcare system. Accordingly, this brief considers how vaccines can be distributed equitably to boost trust and inclusion in the post-pandemic world. This brief draws primarily on the ethnographic evidence collected through interviews and observations with undocumented migrants in Rome, along with civil society representatives and health workers between December 2021 and January 2022. This brief was developed for SSHAP by Sara Vallerani (Rome Tre University), Elizabeth Storer (LSE) and Costanza Torre (LSE). It was reviewed by Santiago Ripoll (IDS, University of Sussex), with further reviews by Paolo Ruspini (Roma Tre University) and Eloisa Franchi (Université Paris Saclay, Pavia University). The research was funded through the British Academy COVID-19 Recovery: G7 Fund (COVG7210058). Research was based at the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa, London School of Economics. The brief is the responsibility of SSHAP.

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