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Brink, T. L. "Proper Scoring of the Geriatric Depression Scale." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 37, no. 8 (August 1989): 819. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1532-5415.1989.tb02248.x.

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Fennell, Melanie J. V., John D. Teasdale, Simon Jones, and Anita Damlé. "Distraction in neurotic and endogenous depression: an investigation of negative thinking in major depressive disorder." Psychological Medicine 17, no. 2 (May 1987): 441–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0033291700025009.

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SynopsisThe effects on depressive thinking and depressed mood of a brief, standardized distraction procedure were examined. In low endogenous patients (scoring 3 or less on the Newcastle Diagnosis Scale (NDS)), distraction significantly reduced the frequency of depressing thoughts. Consistent with Beck's cognitive model of depression, these patients were significantly less depressed after distraction than after a control procedure. In high endogenous patients (scoring 4 or more on the NDS), distraction produced less marked reductions in frequency of depressing thoughts, and no significant change in depressed mood. It is suggested that the relationship between negative thinking and depressed mood differs in the two patient groups.

Matthey, Stephen, Charmian Lee, Rudi Črnčec, and Tania Trapolini. "Errors in scoring the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale." Archives of Women's Mental Health 16, no. 2 (December 18, 2012): 117–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00737-012-0324-9.

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Sen, Indira, Daniele Quercia, Marios Constantinides, Matteo Montecchi, Licia Capra, Sanja Scepanovic, and Renzo Bianchi. "Depression at Work: Exploring Depression in Major US Companies from Online Reviews." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6, CSCW2 (November 7, 2022): 1–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3555539.

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Studies on depression in the workplace have mostly investigated its impact on individual employees. Little is known about its association with the company as a whole, or the state where the company is based. This is due to the lack of scalable methodologies operationalizing depression in the specific context of the workplace, and of data documenting potential distress. In this work, we adapted a work-related depression scale called Occupational Depression Inventory (ODI), gathered more than 350K employee reviews of 104 major companies across the whole US for the (2008-2020) years, and developed a deep-learning framework (called AutoODI) scoring these reviews on a composite ODI score. Presence of ODI mentions manifested itself not only at micro-level (companies scoring high in ODI suffered from low stock growth) but also at macro-level (states hosting these companies were associated with high depression rates, talent shortage, and economic deprivation). This new way of applying AutoODI onto company reviews offers both theoretical implications for the literature in computational social science, occupational health and economic geography, and practical implications for companies and policy makers.

Kriswiastiny, Rina, Festy Ladyani Mustofa, Syuhada Syuhada, and Reychan Gustiawan Putra. "Hubungan Aktifitas Penyakit SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) Berdasarkan Mex-Sledai Scoring Terhadap Depresi Di Komunitas Odapus Kota Bandar Lampung." MAHESA : Malahayati Health Student Journal 1, no. 4 (December 4, 2021): 370–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.33024/mahesa.v1i4.3949.

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ABSTRACT: RELATIONSHIP OF SLE (SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS) ACTIVITIES BASED ON MEX-SLEDAI SCORING ON DEPRESSION IN ODAPUS COMMUNITIES BANDAR LAMPUNG Background: Depression is a clinical manifestation that can occur in patients with SLE and it is suspected that the level of SLE disease activity can affect these events (Nery, et al. 2007). Ironically, this section is a part that is often overlooked by many people, including the health sector. In fact, by understanding this point of view, cross-scientific collaborative treatment such as the Internal and Psychiatry Fields can be done to improve the treatment and quality of life of patients.Objective: To determine the relationship between SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) disease activity based on MEX-SLEDAI Scoring against depression in the Odapus Community, Bandar Lampung City 2020.Methodology: The type of research used in this study is correlative analytic with cross-sectional design. The sample used in this study were patients with SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) based on MEX-SLEDAI Scoring for depression in the Odapus Community, Bandar Lampung City 2020. Data analysis used the Spearman test.Results: In the activity variable SLE and depression, the P value = 0.001 (P <0.05) with a correlation value of r = 0.490 was obtained.Conclusion: There is a relationship between SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) disease activity based on MEX-SLEDAI Scoring against depression in Odapus Community, Bandar Lampung City 2020 with moderate correlation strength. Keywords: Lupus, Depression, MEX-Sledai INTISARI: HUBUNGAN AKTIFITAS PENYAKIT SLE (SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS) BERDASARKAN MEX-SLEDAI SCORING TERHADAP DEPRESI DI KOMUNITAS ODAPUS KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNGLatar Belakang: Depresi merupakan manifestasi klinis yang dapat muncul pada penderita SLE dan diduga tingkat aktivitas penyakit SLE dapat mempengaruhi kejadian-kejadian tersebut (Nery, dkk. 2007). Ironisnya, bagian ini merupakan bagian yang sering luput diperhatikan oleh banyak orang, termasuk bidang kesehatan. Padahal, dengan memahami sudut pandang ini, pengobatan kolaboratif lintas keilmuan seperti Bidang Interna dengan Bidang Psikiatri dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengobatan dan kualitas hidup pasien.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan aktifitas penyakit SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) berdasarkan MEX-SLEDAI Scoring terhadap depresi di Komunitas Odapus Kota Bandar Lampung 2020.Metodologi: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analitik korelatif dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penderita penyakit SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) berdasarkan MEX-SLEDAI Scoring terhadap depresi di Komunitas Odapus Kota Bandar Lampung 2020. Analisa data menggunakan Uji Spearman.Hasil: Pada variabel aktifitas penyakit SLE dan depresi diperoleh nilai P value = 0,001 (P<0,05) dengan nilai korelasi r = 0,490.Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan aktifitas penyakit SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) berdasarkan MEX-SLEDAI Scoring terhadap depresi di Komunitas Odapus Kota Bandar Lampung 2020 dengan kekuatan korelasi sedang.Kata Kunci : Lupus, Depresi, MEX-Sledai

Arias De La Torre, J., G. Vilagut, A. Ronaldson, A. Serrano-Blanco, J. Valderas, V. Martín, A. Dregan, I. Bakolis, and J. Alonso. "Prevalence of depression in Europe using two different PHQ-8 scoring methods." European Psychiatry 65, S1 (June 2022): S299. http://dx.doi.org/10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.763.

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Introduction The prevalence of depression based on the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8) may vary depending on the scoring method. Objectives 1) To describe the prevalence of depression in Europe using two PHQ-8 scoring methods. 2) To identify the countries with the highest prevalence according to each method. Methods Data from 27 countries included in the European Health Survey (EHIS-2) for the year 2014/2015 were used (n=258,888). All participants who completed the PHQ-8 were included. The prevalence of depression and its 95% Confidence Interval (95%CI) were calculated overall for the whole of Europe and for each country using a PHQ-8≥10 cut-off point and the PHQ-8 algorithm scoring method. Weights derived from the complex sample design were considered for their calculation. Results The overall prevalence of depression for all Europe was lower using the PHQ-8>=10 cut-off point (6.38%, 95%CI 6.24-6.52) than the PHQ-8 algorithm (7.01%, 95%CI, 6.86-7.16). Using the PHQ-8≥10 cut-off point, the highest prevalence was observed in Iceland (10.33%, 95%CI, 9.33-11.32), Luxembourg (9.74%, 95%CI, 8.76-10.72) and Germany (9.24%, 95%CI, 8.82-9.66). Using the PHQ-8 algorithm the highest rates were observed in Hungary (10.99%, 95%CI,10.14-11.84), Portugal (10.63%, 95%CI, 9.96-11.29) and Iceland (9.80%, 95%CI, 8.77-10.83). Conclusions There is variability in the prevalence of depression rates in Europe according to the PHQ-8 scoring method. These findings suggest the necessity of identify the method of choice for each country comparing with a gold standard measure (clinical diagnosis). Countries with consistent higher prevalence of depression based on PHQ-8 regardless of scoring method deserve further study. Disclosure This work has been funded by CIBERESP (ESP21PI05)

Ali, Habiba Sharaf, Hina Shams, Leela Vikram Kessani, and Roomana Ali. "DEPRESSION." Professional Medical Journal 22, no. 11 (November 10, 2015): 1480–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.29309/tpmj/2015.22.11.927.

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Infertility is very stressful event and is proven to associate with depression,anxiety, sexual dysfunction loneliness, sadness and impaired couple’s relationship. Objectives:To determine the frequency of depression in infertile females and to determine the various riskfactors associated with infertility and depression. Study Design: Prospective cross sectionalstudy. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Ziauddin University Karachi. Period:January to June 2014. Methodology: Infertile women were interviewed and the diagnosis andseverity of depression was assessed together with the effects of different predicators such asage, duration of infertility, employment educational and socioeconomical status using PHQ-9 scale scoring. Results: This study showed that 199 (58%) of the infertile women sufferedfrom depression. There was a statistically significant association with socio economical statuswhile no significant association was detected with age of women, duration of infertility andeducational status. Conclusion: We found a high prevalence of depression among infertilewomen. Depression was more among women belonging to higher socioeconomic class.

Antoniak, Katherine, Clea Tucker, Katherine Rizzone, Tishya A. L. Wren, and Bianca Edison. "Athlete Identity and Mental Health of Student Athletes during COVID-19." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 24 (December 19, 2022): 17062. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192417062.

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The purpose of our study is to evaluate athletic identity (AI) and mental health measures of youth and young adult athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional study recruited athletes aged 11–25 years from universities, high schools, and middle schools in California and New York. Participants were emailed a link to an anonymous, cross-sectional electronic survey. The measure included the athletic identity measurement scale (AIMS), the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4), and demographic variables. Chi-square, Fisher’s Exact Test, and linear regression were used to examine the relationships between AI, symptoms of anxiety, and symptoms of depression by age, gender, and race. The survey was completed by 653 participants. AI was stratified by tertiary percentiles. The odds of positively scoring for symptoms of anxiety were 60% higher for participants in college compared with high school (OR: 1.60, 95% CI: [1.09, 2.35]). Conversely, the odds of scoring positively for symptoms of depression were 68% higher for participants in high school compared to college (OR: 1.68, 95% CI: [1.09, 2.59]). The odds of scoring positively for symptoms of depression were higher for athletes who scored as high AI, compared to those who scored as moderate (OR: 1.72, 95% CI: [1.11, 2.68]) or low (OR: 1.93, 95% CI: [1.20, 3.12]). The odds of scoring positively for symptoms of anxiety on the PHQ-4 were 3.2 times higher for participants who identified as female (OR: 3.19, 95% CI: [2.31, 4.41]), and the odds of scoring positively for symptoms of depression were 2.4 times higher for participants who identified as female (OR: 2.35, 95% CI: [1.56, 3.54]). Female athletes experienced symptoms of depression and anxiety at significantly higher rates than male athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. High school students experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety, but greater symptoms of depression as compared to the collegiate group, while college students experienced greater odds of symptoms of anxiety. Athletes in the high AI group were more likely to report symptoms of depression than moderate or low identity groups. Female athletes reported lower AI than male athletes, but still had greater symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Elezi, F., S. Tomori, and G. Tafani. "Evaluation of anxiety symptoms and depression in the general albanian population during quarantine." European Psychiatry 64, S1 (April 2021): S100—S101. http://dx.doi.org/10.1192/j.eurpsy.2021.292.

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IntroductionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, the Albanian authorities declared mandatory stay-at-home measures, closing businesses, schools and public places.ObjectivesTo investigate the impact of these immediate changes on the mental wellbeing of the population.MethodsRespondents (N=1678) from 18 to 60 years old were selected through a convenient sampling method. Questionnaires were administered online reporting time spent daily in the COVID-19 topic and genealities; the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7.ResultsFindings suggest a significant negative correlation between age and anxiety scoring (r(n=1678)=-.121, p≤.001) and age and depression scoring (r(n=1678)=-.232, p≤.001), shown also on the ANOVA test for age and anxiety (F=6.019, p≤.05) and age and depression (F=20.326, p≤.05). Differences on the level of education resulted in a lower score of anxiety and depression respectively (F=3.524, p≤.05), (F=7.739, p≤.05) on respondents with higher education. Those who were jobless from the pandemic scored higher on anxiety and depression respectively (F=9.760, p≤.05) (M=6.21, ds=4.686) and (F=16.051, p≤.05) (M=8.18, ds=5.791). Significant differences were found related to different amounts of time spent on the COVID-19 topic, respectively for anxiety and depression (F=25.736, p≤.001), (F=5.936, p≤.003), with people who spend less than 1 hour scoring higher on depression (M=7.57, ds= 5.849) and those who spend more than 3 hours scoring higher on anxiety (M=6.76, ds=5.60).ConclusionsHigher education individuals, having a job and being in a romantic relationship relate to lower levels of depression during Covid-19 quarantine in Albania. Spending more time on the COVID-19 topic daily and being a female relate to higher level of anxiety.DisclosureNo significant relationships.

Liu, Wen-Juan, Xiao-Dan Wang, Wei Wu, and Xiao Huang. "Relationship between depression and blood cytokine levels in lung cancer patients." médecine/sciences 34 (October 2018): 113–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/medsci/201834f119.

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Objective: To study the correlation between depression and blood cytokine levels in lung cancer patients.Methods: 92 patients with advanced lung cancer were evaluated for depression using the scoring index of depression self-rating scale. Lack of depression (n=24), mild depression (n=45), and moderate depression (n=23) were found in the cohort. Meanwhile, 40 healthy subjects were selected as the control group. The levels of IL-10, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α in each group were detected by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, and their correlation with the degree of depression was analyzed.Results: The levels of IL-10, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α were all higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). Moreover, the depression statuses of patients with lung cancer were positively correlated with IL-10, IL-6, and TNF-α levels (r = 0.705, 0.301, and 0.446, P<0.01); however, the level of IL-8 was not relevant (r=0.136, p>0.05).Conclusion: Serum levels of IL-10, IL-6, and TNF-α are associated with depression scoring in patients with lung cancer.

Mehdi, Muntazir, Muhammad Waseem, Dr Hafiza Swaiba Afzal, Ahmad Zeeshan Jamil, Muhammad Junaid Iqbal, and Maryam Rafiq. "Interstitial Lung Disease and Depression – A Questionnaire Based Study." BIOMEDICA 36, no. 4 (December 31, 2020): 374–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.51441/biomedica/5-82.

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Background and Objective: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) causes depression due to its painful course in patients. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of depression and find the association of depression with selected clinical variables in patients with ILD. Methods: This questionnaire based cross-sectional study was done at the department of pulmonology, District head quarter hospital Sahiwal from 1st Oct 2019 to 31st March 2020. The questionnaire was distributed among the diagnosed cases of ILD who presented in outpatient department of DHQ Sahiwal after taking informed consent. The depression scoring was done in them according to Beck depression inventory II. Frequency distribution statistics and inferential statistics were done by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. P-value < 0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Results: Depression was graded into four types according to Beck depression inventory II scoring system. Depression levels of minimal, mild, severe and extremely severe were found to have frequencies of 42.90, 14.30, 31.40 and 11.4% respectively. Depression was more prevalent in females (77.14%). Sixty two percent of severely depressed had rural background. Three fourth (75%) of severely depressed patients were from lower class group. Half of the severely depressed patients were suffering from hypertension. One fourth had ischemic heart disease. Illiteracy dominated in severely depressed where 3/4th of the participants had not received any education. Our study found statistically significant result of Beck score with socioeconomic groups (P = 0.037). High statistically significant result was also found when Beck scoring was associated with co-morbidities (P = 0.001). Conclusions: The increased frequency of depression in the patients of ILD was associated with many demographic factors. The development of improved methods for the assessment of ILD and its co-morbidities could have profound effects on the quality of life and expected survival of ILD patients.

Cox, J. L., J. M. Holden, and R. Sagovsky. "Detection of Postnatal Depression." British Journal of Psychiatry 150, no. 6 (June 1987): 782–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1192/bjp.150.6.782.

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The development of a 10-item self-report scale (EPDS) to screen for Postnatal Depression in the community is described. After extensive pilot interviews a validation study was carried out on 84 mothers using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for depressive illness obtained from Goldberg's Standardised Psychiatric Interview. The EPDS was found to have satisfactory sensitivity and specficity, and was also sensitive to change in the severity of depression over time. The scale can be completed in about 5 minutes and has a simple method of scoring. The use of the EPDS in the secondary prevention of Postnatal Depression is discussed.

Iwata, Noboru, Akizumi Tsutsumi, Takafumi Wakita, Ryuichi Kumagai, Hiroyuki Noguchi, and Naotaka Watanabe. "The Effect of Alternative Scoring Procedures on the Measurement Properties of a Self-Administered Depression Scale." European Journal of Psychological Assessment 35, no. 1 (January 2019): 55–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000371.

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Abstract. To investigate the effect of response alternatives/scoring procedures on the measurement properties of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) which has the four response alternatives, a polytomous item response theory (IRT) model was applied to the responses of 2,061 workers and university students (1,640 males, 421 females). Test information functions derived from the polytomous IRT analyses on the CES-D data with various scoring procedures indicated that: (1) the CES-D with its standard (0-1-2-3) scoring procedure should be useful for screening to detect subjects with “at high-risk” of depression if the θ point showing the highest information corresponds to the cut-off point, because of its extremely higher information; (2) the CES-D with the 0-1-1-2 scoring procedure could cover wider range of depressive severity, suggesting that this scoring procedure might be useful in cases where more exhaustive discrimination in symptomatology is of interest; and (3) the revised version of CES-D with replacing original positive items into negatively revised items outperformed the original version. These findings have never been demonstrated by the classical test theory analyses, and thus the utility of this kind of psychometric testing should be warranted to further investigation for the standard measures of psychological assessment.

Deshmukh, Sakshi, and Shrikant Sant. "EVALUATION OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC- RELATED DEPRESSION IN GERIATRIC PATIENTS AT PRH, LONI: A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY." International Journal of Advanced Research 9, no. 5 (May 31, 2021): 1303–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/ijar01/12971.

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Question:Has COVID-19 Pandemic affected the psychological health of the elderly patients at PRH, Loni? Design: Descriptive Participants: 300 Intervention: Non Interventional Outcome measures: Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS- 15) Score Results: The average of males having significant depression determined, using Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) was 3.56 whereas for females, it was 3.48. The difference in scoring depression between males and females was 1% percentage wise. Conclusion: On an average 41.8% of geriatric patients at PRH, Loni suffered from depression according to GDS- 15 score grading, during the time span of 3 months i.e. from January 2021 to March, 2021. Both inpatients as well as outpatients visiting PRH, Loni were included in the study with equal number of participation of males and females. This study concluded that males suffered from depression slightly higher than females. From the three categories of depression, mild depression had the highest rating than moderate and severe types of depression which was higher in females than in males. Broadly speaking, mild depression was the highest amongst older adults aged between 60 to 80, out of which females were moreover affected than males with a difference of 2.1%. Moderate depression amongst males was 4.6% and in females was comparatively higher with the percentage of 5.3%. The gender difference in the scoring was 2.1%. The percentage of Severe depression was 0.6% in males and was nil in females despite having a slightly higher rate of depression, in general at PRH, Loni.

Siddiqui, Amna Rehana, Sarah Mahasin, Roa Alsajjan, Marwah Hassounah, Zeinah Alhalees, Norah AlSaif, Fahad D. Alosaimi, and AlJohara AlQuaiz. "Depression literacy in women attending university hospital clinics in Riyadh Saudi Arabia." International Journal of Social Psychiatry 63, no. 2 (January 9, 2017): 99–108. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0020764016685346.

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Background: Depression literacy in general population constitutes an ability to understand depression, with knowledge of disease, its risk factors and symptoms. High levels of depression literacy promote early intervention, potentially reducing related disability. Aim: This study investigated the depression literacy in women visitors to clinics of a tertiary care hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Methods: Women of 18 and more years were surveyed during their visit to primary and other healthcare clinics of a public hospital in Riyadh. Knowledge on depression symptoms, causes and management approaches identified depression literate women scoring more than 30 points on a 42-item tool. Results: Of the 409 participants, 65.5% were depression literate, 50% educated as college and above, 64.3% married, 50.7% housewives, 62.4% reported use of multiple information sources (range, 0–8) and had a mean age of 34.9 (standard deviation ( SD), 12.4) years. In a logistic regression model, participants scoring less than 30 for depression literacy were significantly associated with women having less than college-level education, divorced marital status and use of decreasing number of learning resources. Conclusion: Women with low education divorced; using fewer information sources need specific considerations by healthcare providers for assessment of depressive disorders in this setting.

Yu, Sen-Chi, and Min-Ning Yu. "FUZZY PARTIAL CREDIT SCALING: A VALID APPROACH FOR SCORING THE BECK DEPRESSION INVENTORY." Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 35, no. 9 (January 1, 2007): 1163–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2007.35.9.1163.

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In this study a new scaling method was proposed and validated, fuzzy partial credit scaling (FPCS), which combines fuzzy set theory (FST; Zadeh, 1965) with the partial credit model (PCM) for scoring the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996). To achieve this, the Chinese version of the BDI-II (C-BDI-II) was administered to a clinical sample of outpatients suffering depression, and also to a nonclinical sample. Detailed FPCS procedures were illustrated and the raw score and FPCS were compared in terms of reliability and validity. The Cronbach alpha coefficient showed that the reliability of C-BDI-II was higher in FPCS than in raw score. Moreover, the analytical results showed that, via FPCS, the probability of correct classification of clinical and nonclinical was increased from 73.2% to 80.3%. That is, BDI scoring via FPCS achieves more accurate depression predictions than does raw score. Via FPCS, erroneous judgments regarding depression can be eliminated and medical costs associated with depression can be reduced. This study empirically showed that FST can be applied to psychological research as well as engineering. FST characterizes latent traits or human thinking more accurately than does crisp binary logic.

Nolan, Rebecca F., Yong Dai, and Patricia D. Stanley. "An Investigation of the Relationship between Color Choice and Depression Measured by the Beck Depression Inventory." Perceptual and Motor Skills 81, no. 3_suppl (December 1995): 1195–200. http://dx.doi.org/10.2466/pms.1995.81.3f.1195.

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The relationship between self-reported depression and color preference was investigated. It was proposed that a cognitive schema would be activated affecting negatively that pan of the environment selected for cognitive preference. When requested to select a series of preferred colors, the 72 undergraduates scoring above 10 on the Beck Depression Inventory tended to choose black or brown. It is believed that internal schema represented in 3 questions may be reflected in color choice(s).

Mandic-Gajic, Gordana. "Possibility to predict the development of secondary depression in primary alcoholics during abstinence." Vojnosanitetski pregled 62, no. 11 (2005): 833–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/vsp0511833m.

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Background/Aim. The relationship between alcoholism and depression is observed in clinical trials. The factors which could predict persistence of secondary depression after alcohol withdrawal are not enough explored on admission. The differences between depressed (DA) and non-depressed (NDA) alcoholics regarding the degrees of severity of withdrawal, severity of depression and the intensity of cognitive dysfunctions were explored on admission to investigate possibility of prediction of the development of secondary depression in alcoholics. Methods. A group of primary male alcoholics (n=86) was recruited during inpatient treatment. After 4 weeks alcoholics were divided in the DA group (n=43) and NDA (n=43) group according to the score on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D). Clinical assessment of withdrawal, scoring on the Alcohol Dependency Severity Scale- ASD, and scoring on the Mini Mental Scale-MMSE were performed in all the participants on admission. The differences between the groups were tested by the Student's t-test. Results. The DA group showed the significantly higher severity of depression, higher levels of alcohol withdrawal symptoms and cognitive dysfunctions than the NDA group on admission. Conclusion. The specific group of depressive alcoholics was shown to be characterized by the higher severity of alcoholism and depression on admission, which could predict prolonged, secondary depression. Early detection and concurrent therapy of secondary depression could improve the treatment, and reduce the relapse of alcoholism.

Aung, Thin Nyein Nyein, Saiyud Moolphate, Yuka Koyanagi, Chaisiri Angkurawaranon, Siripen Supakankunti, Motoyuki Yuasa, and Myo Nyein Aung. "Depression and Associated Factors among Community-Dwelling Thai Older Adults in Northern Thailand: The Relationship between History of Fall and Geriatric Depression." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 17 (August 25, 2022): 10574. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710574.

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Background: Globally, population aging is happening more quickly than in the past, and Thailand ranks the world’s number three among the rapidly aging countries. Age-related decline in physical and mental health would impact depression among older adults. We aimed to determine the depression among the community-dwelling Thai older adults in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Methods: The baseline data, collected by door-to-door household visits of an intervention arm from a cluster randomized controlled trial (Community-Integrated Intermediary Care (CIIC): TCTR20190412004), were included in this cross-sectional study. Descriptive analysis and binary logistic regression were applied. Results: The mean age was 69.31 ± 7.10 years and 23.8% of study participants were older than 75 years. The Thai geriatric depression scale showed 6.5% had depression. Adjusted risk factors for depression were older age, being single, drinking alcohol daily, having diabetes, having experience of a fall last year, self-rated health as neutral, poor/very poor, and moderate/severe dependency by ADL scoring. Conclusion: Our findings highlighted the potentially modifiable risk factors in addition to the common predictors affecting depression among community-dwelling older adults. Fall prevention programs and public health interventions to prevent diabetes are recommended. Furthermore, self-rated health and Barthel’s ADL scoring would be simple tools to predict risk factors for geriatric depression.

Kirsch-Darrow, Lindsey, Michael Marsiske, Michael S. Okun, Russell Bauer, and Dawn Bowers. "Apathy and Depression: Separate Factors in Parkinson's Disease." Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 17, no. 6 (September 30, 2011): 1058–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1355617711001068.

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AbstractThe objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that apathy and depression are dissociable in Parkinson disease (PD) by conducting a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of items from two commonly used mood scales. A total of 161 non-demented PD patients (age = 64.1; ± 8.4 years) were administered the Apathy Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory-II. Items were hypothesized to load onto four factors: (1) an apathy factor representing loss of motivation, (2) dysphoric mood factor representing sadness and negativity, (3) loss of interest/pleasure factor representing the features common to both apathy and depression, and (4) a somatic factor representing bodily complaints. Results indicated a good fit for the overall CFA model, χ2 (128, N = 146) = 194.9; p<.01. RMSEA was .060 (p = .16). The four-factor model was significantly better than all alternative nested models at p < .001, including an overarching single factor model, representing “depression.” Results support the concept that apathy and depression are discrete constructs. We suggest a “factor based” scoring of the Apathy Scale and Beck Depression Inventory-II that disentangles symptoms related to apathy, depression, overlapping symptoms, and somatic complaints. Such scoring may be important in providing useful information regarding differential treatment options. (JINS, 2011, 17, 1058–1066)

Huijbrechts, I. P. A. M., P. M. J. Haffmans, K. Jonker, A. van Dijke, and E. Hoencamp. "A comparison of the ‘Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression’ and the ‘Montgomery-Asberg Depression rating Scale’." Acta Neuropsychiatrica 11, no. 1 (March 1999): 34–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0924270800036358.

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SummaryAlthough the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) is the most frequently used rating scale for quantifying depressive states, it has been criticized for its reliability and its usability in clinical practice. This criticism is less applying to the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). Goal of the present study is to investigate the reliability and validity, and clinical relationship between the HRSD and the MADRS. For 60 out-patients with diagnosed depression (DSM IV296.2x, 296.3x, 300.40 and 311.00), the HRSD and MADRS were scored at baseline and 6 weeks later by an independent rater according to a structured interview. Also the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) was assessed by a psychiatrist. Satisfying agreement was found between the totalscores (r= .75, p>.000 en r=.92, p>.000 respectively, at baseline and 6 weeks later). Furthermore agreement was found between the items of both scales, and these agree with the clinical impression. The reliability of the MADRS is more stable than the reliability of the HRSD (α = .6367 and α =.8900 vs α = .2193 and α = .8362 at baseline and at endpoint respectively). Considering the ease of scoring both scales in one interview and the widely international use of the HRSD, scoring both the HRSD and the MADRS to measure the severity of a depression seems to be an acceptabel covenant.

Lynch, Sean, Paul Clarkson, Denise Fairhurst, Rachel Edwards, Rupalee Suresh, and Stephen Curran. "A comparative study of two scoring methods for screening for depression with the Brief Depression Scale." Primary Care Psychiatry 8, no. 2 (June 15, 2002): 73–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1185/135525702125000903.

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Gul, Ejaz, Muhammad Muslim Khan, Mukhtiar Azeemi, and Pirzada Muhammad Muneeb. "DEPRESSION;." Professional Medical Journal 25, no. 08 (August 4, 2018): 1177–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.29309/tpmj/2018.25.08.80.

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Depression is a common problem among women. Different variables contributein influencing depression among women. Menopause is one variable that may trigger symptomsof depression. Different variables jointly contribute in influencing the presentation of menopausalsymptoms including sociocultural, psychological and environmental factors. No studies havebeen conducted to assess mean age and symptoms of depression among menopausalwomen of Mardan. Objectives: To assess accompanying symptoms of depression and theirseverity among menopausal women. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: GynaeOut-patient Department at Mardan Medical Complex. Period: February 2017 to October 2017.Methods: The sample consisted of 200 women ranging in age from 45-71 years. Each patientwas assessed using sociodemographic sheet, menopausal symptoms were assessed usingMenopausal rating scale and severity of depression was measured using Hamilton depressionscale. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS Version 21.0. Results: According to thefindings of this study, mean age at menopause was noted to be 49.1 ranging from 44-59. Amongthe many predominant menopausal symptoms, the most common among these symptomsreported were joint and muscle discomfort in 62% of women, followed by sleep problem (17%),and physical and mental exhaustion (11%). The least reported menopausal symptoms weredrying of vagina, sexual problems and anxiety. Depression was found among 26 % of thefemale participants according to Hamilton scoring criteria. Mild depressive symptoms werenoted among 24%, moderate depressive symptoms 14%, severe 5% and very severe 7%.Conclusion: According to the results of the current study, 50 % of the participants lies in therange of depression according to Hamilton depression scores. Among these 50%, more thanhalf 26 % lies in the range of severe to very severe depression while the rest 24% lies in therange of mild to moderate depression.

Copeland, J. R. M., A. T. F. Beekman, M. E. Dewey, C. Hooijer, A. Jordan, B. A. Lawlor, A. Lobo, et al. "Depression in Europe." British Journal of Psychiatry 174, no. 4 (April 1999): 312–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1192/bjp.174.4.312.

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BackgroundThis is the first report of results from the EURODEP Programme.AimsTo assess the prevalence of depression judged suitable for intervention in randomised samples of those aged ⩾65 in nine European centres.MethodThe GMS-AGECAT package.ResultsDifferences in prevalence are apparent, 8.8% (Iceland) to 23.6% (Munich). When sub-cases and cases are added together, five high- and four low-scoring centres emerge. Women predominated over men. Proportions of sub-cases to cases revealed striking differences but did not explain prevalence. There was no constant association between prevalence and age. A meta-analysis (n=13 808) gave an overall prevalence of 12. 3%, 14.1% for women and 8.6% for men.ConclusionsConsiderable variation occurs in the levels of depression across Europe, the cause for which is not immediately obvious. Case and sub-case levels taken together show greater variability, suggesting that it is not a matter of case/sub-case selection criteria, which were standardised by computer. Substantial levels of depression are shown but 62–82% of persons had no depressive level. Opportunities for treatment exist.

Kim, Sang-Hee, Moon-doo Kim, Young-suk Kwak, Chang-In Lee, Ji-eon Kang, Jeong-Kuk Song, and Joon Hyuk Park. "Prevalence and Associatedfactors of Alcohol use Disorder and Depressive Disorder in Jeju." Journal of Medicine and Life Science 10, no. 2 (December 1, 2013): 145–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.22730/jmls.2013.10.2.145.

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We investigated the prevalence and associated factors of alcohol use disorder and depressive disorder and the influence ofthose diseases on quality of life. 507 adults participated in the study. Using the scores of Alcohol Use Disorder IdentificationTest-Korea (AUDIT-K) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria, theparticipants were categorized into one of three diagnostic groups: social drinking, harmful drinking and alcohol use disorder.Using scores of Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) scores, we classified individual scoring 16 to 24as having probable depression and those scoring≥25 as having definite depression. Prevalence of social drinking, harmfuldrinking and alcohol use disorder were estimated to be 72.0%, 22.1%, 5.9%, respectively. Gender, age, educational level,religion and AUDIT-K score were associated with greater risk of alcohol problem. Mental component score (MCS) of alcohol usedisorder was lower than that of social drinking. Prevalence of normal, probable depression, and definite depression wereestimated to be 77.5%, 13.0%, 9.5%, respectively. Religion, job, cohabitants and medical insurance state were associated withgreater risk of depression. Both physical component score (PCS) and mental component score (MCS) were lower in patients withdepressive disorder than normal group. Alcohol use disorder and depressive disorder were very common and may cause poormental and physical health. More attention should be paid to detection and management of alcohol use disorder and depressivedisorder.

Ferrando, Stephen J., Julia Samton, Niv Mor, Stephanie Nicora, Marianne Findler, and Brian Apatoff. "Patient Health Questionnaire-9 to Screen for Depression in Outpatients With Multiple Sclerosis." International Journal of MS Care 9, no. 3 (January 1, 2007): 99–103. http://dx.doi.org/10.7224/1537-2073-9.3.99.

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Depression is common in multiple sclerosis (MS), with a reported lifetime prevalence of 25–50% and a median point prevalence of 14%. Identification and validation of brief screening tools is essential. The objective of this study was to determine whether the self-administered Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) is a potentially useful screening tool for depression in an MS clinic population. The PHQ-9 is an increasingly used clinical tool that is brief and specifically queries the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV: Text Revision (DSM-IVTR) depression criteria, making it easier for the clinician to diagnose depressive disorders. It has been validated in multiple medical and neurological populations. A total of 248 patients were given the PHQ-9 in the clinic waiting room, and 225 (mean age 43 years, 69% women) provided full responses. Rates of PHQ-9 depression are reported based on two scoring methods. With syndrome-based PHQ-9 scoring, 26 patients (12%) met criteria for either major depression (n = 15, 7%) or subthreshold major depression (n = 11, 5%). With a cut score of ≥10, 19% met criteria for significant depression. Both results are comparable to reported prevalence rates of depression in the MS literature. Twenty patients meeting syndromal depression criteria on the PHQ-9 were available for formal psychiatric evaluation, and all were diagnosed with a depressive disorder. Depressive symptom profiles revealed a low frequency of frank depressed mood and a preponderance of somatic symptoms, particularly fatigue and sleep disturbance. These preliminary results suggest that the PHQ-9 may be a useful tool in screening for depression in outpatients with MS. A formal validation study is indicated.

Stockly, Olivia, Audrey E. Wolfe, Shelley A. Wiechman, Kimberly Roaten, Colleen M. Ryan, and Jeffrey C. Schneider. "575 Determining Risk Factors Associated with Development of Depression Following Burn Injury." Journal of Burn Care & Research 41, Supplement_1 (March 2020): S129—S130. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jbcr/iraa024.202.

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Abstract Introduction Depression symptoms following burn injury are common, however a tool to risk stratify the likelihood of development of these symptoms does not exist. This study aims to examine the demographic and clinical factors associated with depression symptoms at 12 months post-injury. This data will be used to develop a depression risk scoring system. Methods Data from the Burn Model System National Database (2015–2019) were analyzed. Depression subscale scores of the PROMIS-29 were examined at 12 months and those with scores greater than 60 were considered to have depression symptoms. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population were compared between those with and without depression symptoms. Predictors of depression symptoms at 12 months post-injury were determined using multivariate logistic regression. Results The analysis included 298 individuals (52 with and 246 without depression symptoms). Those with depression symptoms at 12 months post-injury were more likely to be female, have had psychological treatment in the year prior to injury, and have sustained a suspected self-inflicted burn injury. Those with depression symptoms were less likely to be married or working at the time of injury compared to those without depression symptoms. No differences in age, burn size, race/ethnicity, etiology of injury, or education level were observed between groups (Table 1). Psychological therapy or counseling in the year prior to injury was the only significant predictor of depression symptoms at 12 months post-injury (p= 0.016). Age and female gender approached significance (p=0.092 and p= 0.086, respectively). Conclusions A history of recent pre-injury psychological treatment was the only significant predictor of depressive symptoms found one-year post-injury. Applicability of Research to Practice This data will be used to create a depression risk scoring system to be used at time of acute care admission to identify burn survivors who are at high risk of developing depression. Identifying those at high risk of depression will facilitate appropriate utilization of resources and potential treatment prophylaxis.

Domino, George, and Di Shen. "Attitudes toward Suicide in Patients with HIV/AIDS." OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying 34, no. 1 (January 1, 1996): 15–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.2190/x216-2h03-a797-0vaq.

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This study investigated the attitudes toward suicide of HIV positive patients, a population at substantial risk for suicide. Such attitudes have not been studied, and it is quite possible that the depression and stress associated with HIV may be mediated by such attitudes. The Suicide Opinion Questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Hopelessness Scale, and a demographic questionnaire were administered to three male samples ( n = 36 each). The first sample consisted of HIV positive gay men, with the diagnosis of AIDS or AIDS related complex (ARC). The second sample consisted of HIV negative gay men who had no symptoms for AIDS or ARC. The third sample consisted of thirty-six heterosexual males in good physical health with no evidence of AIDS, ARC, or other major medical conditions. The three samples were matched on age, ethnicity, education, and reported annual income. The three samples differed significantly on both depression and hopelessness, with HIV positive scoring highest, HIV negative scoring intermediate, and heterosexual scoring lowest. Depression correlated significantly with scores on the SOQ mental illness and cry for help scales for both HIV groups, but not for the heterosexual group. Hopelessness scores correlated significantly with the SOQ mental illness scale for the HIV negative and heterosexual groups, but not for the HIV positive group. Significant differences in attitude toward suicide between HIV positive and the other two samples were obtained on four of the SOQ scales. No significant differences were obtained between HIV negative and heterosexual respondents. These results suggest that as the HIV/AIDS entity progresses, attitudes toward suicide are altered in order to cope with the stress and to maintain cognitive balance.

Shrestha, Dipty. "Depression among pregnant women: A hospital based study." Journal of Kathmandu Medical College 5, no. 2 (October 15, 2017): 61–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/jkmc.v5i2.18410.

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Background: Being a mother for every woman is of great pride. But this moment of happiness and pride is associated with depression that might affect the health of both the mother and the baby. So this matter has to be looked into and taken care of but is not being done especially in our context.Objective: To identify the prevalence of depression and its severity in pregnant women from 14 weeks to 36 weeks of gestation at Kathmandu Medical College and Teaching Hospital.Methods: This is a descriptive and prospective study where 195 pregnant women from 14 weeks to 36 weeks of gestation were enrolled. The study was conducted at Kathmandu Medical College and Teaching Hospital from 1st October 2015 to 1st February 2016. The Centre For Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale was used in this study to identify depression in pregnancy. This is a structured scale used worldwide to study the relationship between depression and pregnancy. It consists of 20 items; each given a score of 0, 1,2 and 3. A total score of 16 or more is considered depression. After taking informed consent, cases fulfilling the inclusion criteria were asked questions as per the scale and scoring were done.Results: Among the total 195 cases, eight (4.1%) had CESD scale scoring above 16 indicating depression and among these eight cases, five were in the age group of 18 – 25 years, two in the age group of 26 – 30 years and one in the age group of more than 30 years.Conclusion: This study did not show definite relationship between depression and pregnancy. Journal of Kathmandu Medical College Vol. 5, No. 2, Issue 16, Apr.-Jun., 2016

Cole, J. C., M. J. Atkinson, and M. Nokela. "Scoring the Center for Epidemiologic Studies – Depression Scale: Which Items Go Where?" Value in Health 16, no. 7 (November 2013): A550. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2013.08.1421.

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Riccelli, Patricia T., Carol E. Antila, J. Alexander Dale, and Herbert L. Klions. "Depressive and Elative Mood Inductions as a Function of Exaggerated versus Contradictory Facial Expressions." Perceptual and Motor Skills 68, no. 2 (April 1989): 443–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.2466/pms.1989.68.2.443.

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Two studies concerned the relation between facial expression cognitive induction of mood and perception of mood in women undergraduates. In Exp. 1, 20 subjects were randomly assigned to a group who were instructed in exaggerated facial expressions (Demand Group) and 20 subjects were randomly assigned to a group who were not instructed (Nondemand Group). All subjects completed a modified Velten (1968) elation- and depression-induction sequence. Ratings of depression on the Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist increased during the depression condition and decreased during the elation condition. Subjects made more facial expressions in the Demand Group than the Nondemand Group from electromyogram measures of the zygomatic and corrugator muscles and from corresponding action unit measures from visual scoring using the Facial Action Scoring System. Subjects who were instructed in the Demand Group rated their depression as more severe during the depression slides than the other group. No such effect was noted during the elation condition. In Exp. 2, 16 women were randomly assigned to a group who were instructed in facial expressions contradictory to those expected on the depression and elation tasks (Contradictory Expression Group). Another 16 women were randomly assigned to a group who were given no instructions about facial expressions (Nondemand Group). All subjects completed the depression- and elation-induction sequence mentioned in Exp. 1. No differences were reported between groups on the ratings of depression (MAACL) for the depression-induction or for the elation-induction but both groups rated depression higher after the depression condition and lower after the elation condition. Electromyographic and facial action scores verified that subjects in the Contradictory Expression Group were making the requested contradictory facial expressions during the mood-induction sequences. It was concluded that the primary influence on emotion came from the cognitive mood-induction sequences. Facial expressions only seem to modify the emotion in the case of depression being exacerbated by frowning. A contradictory facial expression did not affect the rating of an emotion.

Lail, Raees Abbas, Nauman Aziz, Hafiza Swaiba Afzal, Sajjad Hussain Sabir, Tooba Waseem, Iqra Qamar, and Nabeel Bhatti. "Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress (By DASS 42 Scoring System) among the undergraduate students of Sahiwal Medical College." Professional Medical Journal 28, no. 03 (March 10, 2021): 407–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.29309/tpmj/2021.28.03.5437.

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Objective: The purpose of this study is to observe the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among undergraduate MBBS students of Sahiwal Medical College Sahiwal stratified by their gender, class and residences. Study Design: Cross-sectional Survey. Setting: Sahiwal Medical College Sahiwal. Period: 15th March, 2020 to May 15, 2020. Material & Methods: A validated questionnaire was distributed through Whatsapp to different students of all the five MBBS classes. The online survey was done because of countrywide lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic. Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-42) accomplished by 209 students. Results: Depression, anxiety and stress levels of temperate to severe range were found in 48.30, 59.80 and 44.40% of our study group, respectively. Depression was more prevalent in male students (62.50%) while anxiety and stress totals were greater amongst female students (69.40% and 63.60% respectively). First- and final-year students had high prevalence of depression (71.00% and 72.40% respectively) and stress (64.50% and 72.40% respectively) while first year and 2nd year students were more prevalent with anxiety (77.40% and 79.60% respectively) then the others. Hostel residents were found to be high in depression (61.50%) while day scholars were having greater prevalence rates of anxiety and stress (70.40% each). Students who were pleased with their training had lesser depression, anxiety and stress scores than individuals who were not contented. Conclusions: The increased prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress signs amongst college students is disturbing. This displays the necessity for major and ancillary preventive actions, by the improvement of suitable and fitting support facilities for this group.

Marconi, Agustina, Bjorn Hanson, Ellie Kachel, Megan Crass, and Elizabeth C Falk-Hanson. "Campus Population Changes in Depression Severity Correlated with the COVID-19 Pandemic." Global Research in Higher Education 5, no. 2 (May 19, 2022): p1. http://dx.doi.org/10.22158/grhe.v5n2p1.

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Introduction: Mental health consequences during COVID-19 Pandemic burdened societies. Objective: The aim is to assess the average PHQ-9 in medical visits during pandemic months and compare it with historical data, adapting an existing methodology. Methodology: we used average PHQ-9 score from medical departments, comparing 2020 Fall term data to historical baseline. The increase above baseline and threshold was reported as percentage. We compared the observed average for the current period with the expected average and the higher limit of the 95% confidence interval (CI 95%) derived from historical five years of data. Also, we analyzed the PHQ-9 difference between female and male students for the whole period. Results: Average PHQ-9 for total sample, females and males increased. Difference female- male in scoring was significant. Discussion: In line with national and international literature, our population showed increases in depressive scoring during pandemic months. Women had a higher percentage of increase.

Deaner, Stephanie L., and Jasmin T. McConatha. "The Relation of Humor to Depression and Personality." Psychological Reports 72, no. 3 (June 1993): 755–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.2466/pr0.1993.72.3.755.

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The present study focused on an assessment of humor, depression, and personality. 38 male and 91 female college students responded to five self-report questionnaires, i.e., Martin and Lefcourt's Situational Humor Response Questionnaire and Coping Humor Scale, Svebak's Sense of Humor Questionnaire, Zimmerman's Inventory to Diagnose Depression, and the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Analysis indicated that individuals who scored lower on the depression scale tended to score higher on the Coping Humor Scale, Extraversion, and Neuroticism. Also, individuals scoring higher on the humor scales tended to score higher on Extraversion and Emotional Stability. These personality factors appear to be strongly related to the sense of humor construct and depression. Perhaps the personality factors of introversion and neuroticism may be employed to identify a predisposition toward depression.

Goutama, Ivany Lestari, Hendsun Hendsun, and Eva Lestari. "A palpable depression." International Journal of Advances in Medicine 9, no. 11 (October 26, 2022): 1120. http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-3933.ijam20222664.

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Several studies have shown that patients with depression, anxiety and stress have a higher ratio in developing atrial fibrillation (AF), with higher proportion occurring in patients with recurrent episodes of AF which are related to severity of disease and increased mortality ratio. We aim to discuss the case of AF caused by mental disorder to examine its relationship and impact in patient’s clinical outcomes. A 70 years-old-man came to clinic with palpitation five days before admission. He often cries and has not been able to sleep since his wife died three months prior. He admits to have neither hope nor desire to do his usual activities or even start new activities. Vital signs show BP 140/90 mmHg, pulse 150x/m, RR 20x/m, SpO2 98%. Cardiopulmonary examination revealed irregular S1-S2. ECG shows premature atrial contraction which evolved to asinus rhythm with HR 150x/minute, AF and incomplete right bundle branch block a months after the first ECG was examined. Depression-Anxiety-stress scoring-42 (DASS-42) was conducted in this patient. Results shows the patient has very severe depression, intermediate anxiety and severe stress. Mental disorders lead to increased etiology of cardiac remodeling factors due to degeneration and sympathetic stimulation, which then induced the AF. Further research is needed to examine whether psychiatric treatment can prevent AF in improving quality of life, healthy behavior and awareness for managing mental health.

Madihie, Amalia, and Mohd Saizam Said. "Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) among Counselling Students: A Preliminary Study." Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development 1, no. 1 (September 1, 2015): 90–101. http://dx.doi.org/10.33736/jcshd.191.2015.

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This research aimed to determine the correlation between level of depression, anxiety and stress among counselling students at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. This research adopted a correlational study with a quantitative approach in order to observe the correlation between the variables. Eighty six (86) respondents participated in this study. The study was conducted using Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) instrument. The result showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of depression, anxiety and stress among counselling students at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. This research also provides awareness towards the counselling students on their level of depression, anxiety and stress. For future research, it is suggested that personality test and scoring test be conducted for level of depression, anxiety and stress in order to see the correlations between variables.Keywords: DASS-21; depression; anxiety; stress; counselling student; Malaysia

Boudewyn, Arne Cornelius, and Joan Huser Liem. "Psychological, Interpersonal, and Behavioral Correlates of Chronic Self-Destructiveness: An Exploratory Study." Psychological Reports 77, no. 3_suppl (December 1995): 1283–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.2466/pr0.1995.77.3f.1283.

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In this study, we selected individuals high and low on a measure of chronic self-destructiveness—the tendency to perform behaviors that later reduce positive consequences and increase the probability of experiencing negative ones—and attempted to differentiate high and low scorers based on a set of hypothesized antecedent and concurrent psychological, interpersonal, and behavioral correlates. Men and women were equally represented in high- and low-scoring groups. High scorers reported experiencing more interpersonal exploitation, greater depression, lower self-esteem, more externalizing attitudes, and less control in relationships than low scorers. High-scoring individuals also engaged in more frequent acts of acute self-destructiveness, including attempted suicide. A significant age covariate effect emerged: high-scoring men and women were younger than low-scoring individuals. These findings underscore the importance of studying chronic self-destructiveness within a developmental framework and suggest that issues of safety and self-care may be particularly germane to educational and clinical interventions aimed at young adults.

Mermerelis, A., S. M. Kyvelou, V. Akke, C. Papageorgiou, C. Stefanadis, and A. Douzenis. "Association of arterial stiffness burden with anxiety and depression in different stages of hypertension." European Psychiatry 41, S1 (April 2017): S414. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.359.

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IntroductionThere has been an attempt to associate anxiety and depression with arterial stiffness. In the present study, we assessed differences in arterial stiffness among 3 groups of hypertensive patients compared to control normotensives as well as possible association with anxiety and depression scoring system.MethodsThe study cohort comprised of 127 patients (75 male, mean age 54 ± 14) who underwent assessment of their blood pressure levels and were divided in four groups: group I (normotensives, n = 34), group II (stage 1 HTN, n = 33), group III (stage 2 HTN, n = 30) and group IV (stage 3 HTN, n = 30). The evaluation of anxiety disorder was made by means of Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS), while the evaluation of depression was made with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Arterial stiffness evaluation was done with Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI). Statistical analysis was done with SPSS for windows. P-value was set at 0.05 for differences to be considered significant.ResultsBoth CAVI R and CAVI L indices were significantly higher as the severity of hypertension progressed (P < 0.001). BDI score was significantly correlated with CAVIR (Pearson r = 0.53, P < 0.0001) and CAVI L (Pearson r = 0.39, P < 0.0001). HADS score was also significantly correlated with both CAVIR (Pearson r = 0.53, P < 0.0001) and CAVIL (Pearson r = 0.43, P < 0.0001).ConclusionsThere is a burden in the arterial stiffness of this population with the increase of the levels of BP which is not surprising. However, the new finding is that there is a strong correlation with arterial stiffness indices and both anxiety and depression scoring system.Disclosure of interestThe authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

Cheng, Shuo, Di An, Zhiying Yao, Jenny Jing-Wen Liu, Xuan Ning, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, et al. "Association between Mental Health Knowledge Level and Depressive Symptoms among Chinese College Students." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 4 (February 14, 2021): 1850. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18041850.

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This study aimed to explore the association between mental health knowledge level and the prevalence of depressive symptoms among Chinese college students. A cross-sectional study was conducted in six universities in Jinan, Shandong Province, China, and a total of 600 college students were recruited to self-complete a series of questionnaires. The Mental Health Knowledge Questionnaire (MHKQ) was used to investigate the level of mental health knowledge. Depressive symptoms were investigated with the depression subscale of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21). The prevalence rate of depressive symptoms among college students was 31.2%. Compared with MHKQ scoring in the 1st quartile, college students with MHKQ scoring in the 3rd quartile and in the 4th quartile reported lower levels of depressive symptoms after adjusting for potential confounding factors. Since mental health knowledge level was related to depressive symptoms among college students, increased efforts to promote the level of mental health knowledge in Chinese college students are critical.

Chang, Shun‐Chiao, M. Maria Glymour, Stefan Walter, Liming Liang, Karestan C. Koenen, Eric J. Tchetgen, Marilyn C. Cornelis, Ichiro Kawachi, Eric Rimm, and Laura D. Kubzansky. "Genome‐wide polygenic scoring for a 14‐year long‐term average depression phenotype." Brain and Behavior 4, no. 2 (February 12, 2014): 298–311. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/brb3.205.

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Kramarow, Ellen, and Debra Brody. "Depression and Cognitive Functioning Among Adults Age 60 and Over: United States, 2011-2014." Innovation in Aging 4, Supplement_1 (December 1, 2020): 291. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igaa057.933.

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Abstract Previous studies have noted an inverse association between depression and cognitive functioning. The objective of this research is to explore this relationship with data from a nationally representative survey containing validated measures of cognition, depression, and other health conditions. The study population was respondents aged 60 and over who completed the examination component of the 2011-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) (N=3,472). Cognitive tests included the CERAD word list learning trials, measuring immediate and delayed memory, and the Digit Symbol Substitution test (DSST), measuring attention and processing speed. The presence of depressive symptoms was based on a score of 10 or higher out of 27 from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Statistical analyses included regression models with low cognitive performance (scoring in the lowest 25th percentile) as the dependent variable. Results from regression models showed that having depressive symptoms significantly increased the odds of scoring in the lowest 25th percentile of both the DSST (OR = 3.4) and the CERAD test (OR = 1.7), controlling for age, sex, and race and Hispanic origin. Adding in a measure of heart disease showed an independent effect of heart disease on low cognitive performance (OR = 1.7 for DSST and OR = 1.3 for CERAD test), while the effect of depression was lessened but still statistically significant. In this study, depression is associated with cognitive functioning, but its effect may be attenuated by the presence of other chronic health conditions.

Bin Abdulrahman, Khalid A., Abdulaziz Yahya Alsharif, Abdulrahman Bandar Alotaibi, Abdulrahman Ali Alajaji, Abdullah Ali Alhubaysh, Abdulrahman Ibrahim Alsubaihi, and Nahaa Eid Alsubaie. "Anxiety and Stress among Day Traders in Saudi Arabia." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 18 (September 7, 2022): 11252. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191811252.

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Background: People nowadays are more concerned about their financial status and how to improve their quality of life; one method is day trading. This study aims to investigate the association between stress or anxiety and day trading among day traders in Saudi Arabia. Methods: We collected the data through DASS-21, a set of three self-report scales designed to measure the emotional states of depression, anxiety, and stress. It tells if the person has mild, moderate, severe, or extremely severe emotional status. Our study will focus on two domains: stress and anxiety. Day traders scoring between 0 and 7 on the anxiety scale were classified as normal anxiety. Scoring between 8 and 9 on the anxiety scale, mild anxiety, and between 10 and 14 on the anxiety scale as moderate anxiety. Those scoring between 15 and 19 were classified as severe, and those scoring >20 as extremely severe. Results: Our results showed that out of 387 valid surveys, day traders scoring < 14 on the stress scale were classified as everyday stress (N = 249, 64.3%), and those scoring between 15 and 18 as mild (N = 49, 12.7%) and those scoring between 19 and 25 as moderate (N = 46, 11.9%), those scoring between 26 and 33 as severe (N = 34, 8.8%), and those scoring > 34 were classified as extremely severe (N = 9, 2.3%). Conclusions: The prevalence of anxiety and stress is considerable among day-traders. Therefore, it is fundamental to develop more effective health promotion strategies for the target population to make them aware of and learn how to control and prevent these harmful emotional feelings.

Hossain, Molla Muntasir, and Md Abdul Wahab. "Academic Stress, Anxiety and Depression among the Students of Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka Cantonment." Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh 12, no. 1 (January 24, 2016): 79–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jafmc.v12i1.39974.

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Introduction: Study in Medical College can act as a contributing factor in developing depression in medical students which may have possible negative academic and professional consequences. Study in any medical course is perceived as being inherently stressful across the globe. Studies on psychological problems such as academic stress, anxiety and depression among medical students have seen that these disorders are under diagnosed and under treated. In this background the present study was carried out with an aim to assess the magnitude of depression and its associated factors in medical students in AFMC. Objective: To find out the prevalence of depressive symptoms and its associated factors among the students of Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Materials and Methods: This descriptive type of cross sectional study was carried out in AFMC, Dhaka, Bangladesh for a period from February to April 2014. A total of 211 students studying from 1styear to 4th year MBBS participated in the study. Depression was assessed by Goldberg’s General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) scoring was used to find out the level of depression. BDI scoring 0-10 was considered as normal ups and downs, 11-20 as mild depression, 21-30 as moderate depression, 31-40 as severe depression and more than 40 as extreme depression. Additional questions regarding socio demographic variables were also included. Data analysis was done by software SPSS 19 for windows. Results: A total of 211 students participated in the study. Among them 86(40.8%) students were reported as having mild to moderate depressive symptoms. Depression was very significantly (p<0.001) higher in 1st year 55(83.3%) than 2nd year 25(38.46%), 3rd year 03(5.45%) and 4th year 03(12%) students. Depression was significantly (p<0.05) higher in Non English Medium background 82(38.8%) than English Medium background 04(1.9%). Conclusion: Depression may be a significant hidden problem for few of the Medical students and mechanisms to identify and help students with mental health problems should be seriously considered. This calls for in-house counseling service and mentorship program at medical colleges for early detection and treatment of these problems that may help in the improvement of academic performance. Journal of Armed Forces Medical College Bangladesh Vol.12(1) 2016: 79-82

Joshi, Saumya, Heer Patel, and Nirmika Patel. "Evaluation of Depression among Medical Students of Gujarat during COVID-19 Pandemic." Healthline 12, no. 1 (March 31, 2021): 76–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.51957/healthline_183_2020.

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Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic is a public health emergency with both physical and mental health risks. During this pandemic general medical complications have received the most attention, whereas only few studies address the potential direct effect on mental health of SARS-CoV-2 and the neurotropic potential. Objectives: To evaluate the depression score of an individual based on PHQ-9 scoring scale and to further classify the severity of depression among medical students. Method: It was a cross-sectional observational study, where primary quantitative data was collected using the PHQ-9 scale to assess the level of depression among the medical students of Gujarat through Google forms. Results: Most of the participants were from 1st year MBBS (>50%) and 2nd year MBBS (37%) and rest were from 3rd year. Around 29.4% students suffered from minimal depression, 34% has mild depression, 19% had moderate depression, 12% had moderately severe depression and 5.6% students suffered from severe depression. Conclusion: COVOD-19 pandemic is having impact on mental health of the medical students. Early evaluation of depression may help to decide intervention to reduce further depression among the students.

Alhetheli, Ghadah I. "The Impact of Vitiligo on Patients' Psychological Status and Sexual Function: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire-Based Study." Open Dermatology Journal 15, no. 1 (February 26, 2021): 23–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1874372202115010023.

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Introduction: Vitiligo is a chronic pigmentary cutaneous disorder. Although vitiligo is not a life-threatening disease, it seriously affects patients' psychological status and Quality-of-Life (QoL). Moreover, the effect of vitiligo on genital image severely affects sexual function, especially in females. Patients & Methods: This cross-sectional questionnaire-based study had targeted patients with vitiligo of both genders. 173 patients who had responded to the given questionnaires were included and their responses were statistically analyzed. Patients’ files were revised for extraction of demographic and clinical data and the previous evaluation of the Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (VASI) score. Results and Discussion: Median VIS-22 score was in the range of 21-49, but 109 patients had a median score of 28. Seventy-eight patients had mild and 15 patients had moderate depression. Regression analysis defined the sense of being unattractive, disappointed in self and discouragement about the future as the most significant underlying causes of depression. Ninety-two patients had sexual dysfunction and scoring of satisfaction by the sexual act was the highest while scoring for the desire was the lowest. Regression analysis revealed that female gender, high ASEX and VASI scores are the significant predictors for high BDI-II. ROC curve analysis defined a high ASEX score as a significant predictor for a high BDI-II score. Conclusion: The obtained results indicated a deleterious effect of vitiligo on patients’ psychological status that may progress to depression. The effects of the disease on body image, especially the genital area, induced sexual dissatisfaction with an impact on sexual function. Altogether, raise a suggested adjuvant role for psychotherapy in patients with vitiligo which might even indirectly lead to improvement of vitiligo.

Leone, James E., Kimberly A. Wise, Elizabeth M. Mullin, Kimberly A. Gray, Philip A. Szlosek, Matthew F. Griffin, and Cara A. Jordan. "Celiac Disease Symptoms in Athletes: Prevalence Indicators of Perceived Quality of Life." Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach 12, no. 3 (April 9, 2020): 246–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1941738120905137.

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Background: Celiac disease (CD) is a common gastrointestinal pathology; however, prevalence and comorbidities are unknown in collegiate athletics. Hypotheses: (1) Athletes will have similar odds of CD as general population estimates (approximately 1 in 141) based on self-report and signs and symptoms, (2) athletes scoring higher on the Celiac Symptom Index (CSI) will have lower self-reported quality of life (QoL), (3) athletes scoring higher on the CSI will have higher depression scores, and (4) athletes scoring higher on the CSI will have higher perceived stress scores. Study Design: Epidemiological cross-sectional study. Level of Evidence: Level 4. Methods: The CSI, WHO Quality of Life-BREF, Beck Depression Inventory, and Perceived Stress Scale were used to assess patients’ signs and symptoms of CD and psychosocial measures/QoL in male and female National Collegiate Athletic Association (all divisions) athletes (N = 141). Participants also self-reported a formal diagnosis of CD. Chi-square analyses determined CD prevalence. Odds ratios determined risk for either being diagnosed with CD or reporting more symptoms than the general population. Correlational analyses determined whether symptoms correlated with QoL and psychosocial measures. Results: Athletes were 3.85 times (95% CI, 0.42-34.89) more likely to report a CD diagnosis and were 18.36 times (95% CI, 2.40-140.48) more likely to report a high degree of CD symptoms than the general population. Athletes with more symptoms had worse physical, psychological, social, and environmental QoL indicators and higher depression and perceived stress scores. Conclusion: Athletes may be a higher risk population for experiencing CD and report greater signs/symptoms compared with general population estimates. Additionally, athletes with higher CD symptom scores also reported poorer QoL. Clinical Relevance: Allied health care professionals should be aware of the diversity of CD symptoms and be prepared to refer athletes when gastrointestinal symptoms persist to ensure proper care and unhampered performance.

Ijaz, Samar Fatima, and Iftikhar Ijaz. "Immediate Psychological Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on Mental Health of Pediatric Healthcare Workers." Annals of King Edward Medical University 28, no. 1 (April 30, 2022): 85–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.21649/akemu.v28i1.5018.

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Background: COVID-19 pandemic has been effecting the world since December, 2019. Front line healthcare professionals faced increased stress level while dealing with overload of patients. Hence it triggered feelings of loneliness, despair and physical mental fatigue. Objective: To determine the immediate psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of pediatric healthcare workers by using Depression Anxiety Stress scoring scale, DASS-21 scale. Methods: This cross-sectional online survey was conducted from 1st July to 30th November 2020 in the department of Pediatric Medicine Unit II, King Edward Medical University/Mayo Hospital, Lahore. A 21-item Depression Anxiety Stress scoring scale was circulated online among Healthcare workers of Teaching hospitals of Lahore. These included Pediatric Specialists, General Physicians, Postgraduate Trainees in Paeds Medicine, House Officers in Paeds Medicine and Pediatric Nurses. 150 Healthcare workers (HCWs) participated. Responses were analyzed with SPSS V.26. Results: Out of 150 healthcare workers, 101(67.3%) were falling in the range of 20-30 years, 76(50.7%) were females, 81(54%) were singles, maximum 59(39.3%) were postgraduate trainees and majority 65(43.4%) had

Mikulincer, Mario, Uri Lifshin, and Phillip R. Shaver. "Towards an Anxiety-Buffer Disruption Approach to Depression: Attachment Anxiety and Worldview Threat Heighten Death-Thought Accessibility and Depression-Related Feelings." Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 39, no. 4 (April 2020): 238–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1521/jscp.2020.39.4.238.

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Introduction: In two studies, we tested an anxiety-buffer disruption approach to depression, examining the effects of attachment insecurities, worldview threat, and death concerns on depression-related feelings. Method: In both studies, Israeli undergraduates reported on their attachment insecurities (anxiety, avoidance), were exposed to a worldview threat or a no-threat condition, and then rated their current level of depression-related feelings. Results: In Study 1 (N = 124), we also measured death-thought accessibility and found that a worldview threat (versus no-threat) heightened death-thought accessibility and depression feelings only among participants scoring relatively high on attachment anxiety, and that death-thought accessibility mediated the effects of worldview threat and attachment anxiety on feelings of depression. In Study 2 (N = 240), we randomly assigned participants to a mortality salience or a control condition and found that heightened death concerns caused more depression only when a worldview threat was present and participants' attachment anxiety was high. Discussion: The roles that disruption of anxiety buffering systems and death-related concerns play in depression were discussed.

Doebbeling, C., L. Losee, J. Powers, S. Johns, and J. Connor. "Screening for unmet psycho-social needs in cancer care." Journal of Clinical Oncology 24, no. 18_suppl (June 20, 2006): 8633. http://dx.doi.org/10.1200/jco.2006.24.18_suppl.8633.

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8633 Background: Persons receiving cancer care are at risk for undiagnosed depression, but the burden of anxiety symptoms and social work needs is not well described. The objectives of the clinical intervention were: 1) to describe the burden of depression, anxiety and social distress; and 2) to determine whether an unmet need for psycho-social services existed in a sample of cancer patients at a university cancer center with an active psycho-social referral program. Methods: We developed a survey composed of the Memorial Distress Thermometer (MDT), specific social work needs, and the depression and anxiety modules from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). The clinical survey was administered to a convenience sample presenting for either referral visits or ongoing cancer treatment at the Indiana University Cancer Center for a four month period. Patient request for services, indicated need, and standardized threshold scores were used to determine need for referral (MDT ≥ 4; PHQ depression ≥ 10; PHQ anxiety ≥ 10). Descriptive statistics were calculated. Results: 184 patients (70% male) completed the survey. One-third of those screened met criteria for social work referral. 78% reported at least some distress (mean score 3.6) on the MDT, with 46% (n=81) scoring 4 or above. Social work needs included helping children cope with parental illness (11%), pharmaceutical expenses (11%), insurance assistance (6%), discussing illness with spouse (6%), and lodging during treatment (5%). Mental health distress was common. 34% met criteria for referral to psychological or psychiatric services. The mean PHQ depression score was 4.7, with moderate to severe depression (score ≥ 10) in 13%. Symptoms of generalized anxiety were also common, with a mean score of (5.0) and 11% scoring ≥ 10. Conclusions: In persons receiving cancer care, previously unknown distress, social work needs, depression, and anxiety were common. The burden of symptoms resulted in a markedly increased need for psycho-social services. These data reflect upon the significant need for regular screening and integration of psycho-social services with cancer treatment. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

Rzepa, Ewelina, Jennifer Fisk, and Ciara McCabe. "Blunted neural response to anticipation, effort and consummation of reward and aversion in adolescents with depression symptomatology." Journal of Psychopharmacology 31, no. 3 (January 16, 2017): 303–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0269881116681416.

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Neural reward function has been proposed as a possible biomarker for depression. However, how the neural response to reward and aversion might differ in young adolescents with current symptoms of depression is as yet unclear. Thirty-three adolescents were recruited, 17 scoring low on the Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (low risk group) and 16 scoring high (high risk group). Our functional magnetic resonance imaging task measured; anticipation (pleasant/unpleasant cue), effort (achieve a pleasant taste or avoid an unpleasant taste) and consummation (pleasant/unpleasant tastes) in regions of interest; ventral medial prefrontal cortex, pregenual cingulate cortex, the insula and ventral striatum. We also examined whole brain group differences. In the regions of interest analysis we found reduced activity in the high risk group in the pregenual cingulate cortex during anticipation and reduced pregenual cingulate cortex and ventral medial prefrontal cortex during effort and consummation. In the whole brain analysis we also found reduced activity in the high risk group in the prefrontal cortex and the precuneus during anticipation. We found reduced activity in the hippocampus during the effort phase and in the anterior cingulate/frontal pole during consummation in the high risk group. Increased anhedonia measures correlated with decreased pregenual cingulate cortex activity during consummation in the high risk group only. Our results are the first to show that adolescents with depression symptoms have blunted neural responses during the anticipation, effort and consummation of rewarding and aversive stimuli. This study suggests that interventions in young people at risk of depression, that can reverse blunted responses, might be beneficial as preventative strategies.

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