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Статті в журналах з теми "Dry culture":


Koveshnikov, V. S., M. A. Matvienko та A. A. Rodionova. "Starter culture for kоumiss from pure dry bacterial cultures". Dairy Industry 65, № 9 (2020): 52–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.31515/1019-8946-2020-9-52-54.

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Zieliński, Antoni. "Polish Culture — Dry or Wet?" Nordisk Alkoholtisdkrift (Nordic Alcohol Studies) 11, no. 5-6 (October 1994): 258–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1455072594011005-607.

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The author argues against Harry Levine's “somewhat up-setting” classification of societies into temperance and non-temperance oriented cultures. This classification, he argues, does not apply to Poland as it is neither “dry” nor “wet”, which he illustrates by describing the development of sobriety movements in Polish territory in the 19th and 20th centuries. An important concept was the virtue of sobriety in Catholicism, which is not too distant from the Protestant doctrine. The temperance movement was significantly influential in contributing to the brisk decline of alcohol consumption during the second half of the 1800s. During the mid-war period consumption in Poland was among the lowest in Europe. Today there are two conflicting systems of convictions as regards alcohol: the older one relates to common sense (in which some situations are wet and some are dry) and the newer one (moral option) finds support from a scientific approach. In the deep layers of consciousness the old system is still resident, while on the surface, the new ethical and rational system is evident in current debate. This situation leads to a conflict of values on the family level.

Zieliński, Antoni. "Polish Culture: Dry or Wet?" Contemporary Drug Problems 21, no. 2 (June 1994): 329–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/009145099402100209.

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Okimura, T., M. Kuwayama, C. Mori, F. Aono, Y. Takehara, and O. Kato. "Efficiency of dry culture system in human blastocyst culture." Fertility and Sterility 96, no. 3 (September 2011): S109. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.07.426.

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Turner, K., AW Rogers, and EA Lenton. "Effect of culture in vitro and organ culture on the dry mass of preimplantation mouse embryos." Reproduction, Fertility and Development 6, no. 2 (1994): 229. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/rd9940229.

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The dry mass of mouse embryos cultured in vitro in medium alone or in an organ culture system were measured by means of the Vickers M86 scanning microinterferometer. The data were compared with previous data on the dry mass of preimplantation embryos in vivo. The metabolism of embryos cultured in vitro differs from that of fresh embryos. In cultured embryos, dry mass decreases throughout the 2-cell stage whereas the dry mass is increasing at this stage in vivo. Embryos in an organ culture system regain a dry mass profile, similar to that observed in vivo at the late cleavage stage. These results support the view that conditions for embryo metabolism are suboptimal in vitro and that, although the oviduct may confer some advantage on developing embryos in vitro, it is unable fully to support the pattern of metabolism, as assessed by dry mass, observed in vivo.

Sipaúba-Tavares, L. H., B. Scardoeli-Truzzi, D. C. Fenerick, and M. G. Tedesque. "Comparison of photoautotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation of microalgae Messastrum gracile (Chlorophyceae) in alternative culture media." Brazilian Journal of Biology 80, no. 4 (December 2020): 914–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1519-6984.226548.

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Abstract Growth and biological conditions of Messastrum gracile were evaluated to compare the effect of photoautotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation on the increase of biomass production and chemical conditions cultured in macrophyte and commercial culture media. The growth rate (k) of M. gracile was different in the culture media, higher in mixotrophic cultivation for Lemna minor culture medium, whilst to Eichhornia crassipes and NPK culture media were higher in photoautotrophic cultivation. Mean lipid contents in photoautotrophic cultivation were 8.2% biomass dry weight, whereas they reached 19% biomass dry weight in mixotrophic cultivation. Protein contents were below 48% biomass dry weight in photoautotrophic cultivation and 30% biomass dry weight in mixotrophic cultivation. Messastrum gracile cultured in macrophyte culture media (E. crassipes and L. minor) and NPK culture medium provided satisfactory results with regard to lipid and protein contents in mixotrophic and photoautotrophic cultivations, respectively. Lipid and protein contents in alternative media were higher or similar to the CHU12 commercial culture medium.

Акулов (Akulov), Антон (Anton) Николаевич (Nikolaevich). "PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS OF GREAT BURNET SANQUISORBA OFFICINALIS (L.) CELL CULTURE." chemistry of plant raw material, no. 1 (March 6, 2019): 241–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.14258/jcprm.2019014119.

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Callus cultures were obtained from the seeds of great burnet plants. Long-passed suspension cultures were obtained by transferring callus cultures to a liquid medium. The increase in the biomass of the suspension culture for the passage was 501%, the yield of dry biomass was 120 mg/g wet weight. The content of methanol-extracted phenolic compounds in the suspension culture increased during the passage and reached a maximum (34.6 mg/g dry weight) on the 22nd day of cultivation. An HPLC analysis of the phenolic compounds of the suspension culture and the rhizomes of the herbaceous plants was carried out. The proportion of some phenolic compounds in the obtained culture is significantly higher compared to their proportion in the rhizomes of plants. Such compounds were gallic, ferulic and caffeic acids, as well as condensed tannins. The obtained culture can be an object for conducting experiments on enhancing the synthesis of phenolic using various inductors. All this allows us to consider the obtained culture as a potential source of biologically active phenolic compounds.

Chi, Hee-Jun, Jun-Sang Park, Chang-Seok Yoo, Su-Jin Kwak, Ho-Jeong Son, Seok-Gi Kim, Chae-Hee Sim, Kyeong-Ho Lee, and Deog-Bon Koo. "Effect of evaporation-induced osmotic changes in culture media in a dry-type incubator on clinical outcomes in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles." Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine 47, no. 4 (December 1, 2020): 284–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.5653/cerm.2020.03552.

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Objective: This study investigated whether adding outer-well medium to inhibit osmotic changes in culture media in a dry-type incubator improved the clinical outcomes of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) cycles. Methods: In culture dishes, the osmotic changes in media (20 µL)-covered oil with or without outer-well medium (humid or dry culture conditions, respectively) were compared after 3 days of incubation in a dry-type incubator. One-step (Origio) and G1/G2 (Vitrolife) media were used. Results: The osmotic changes in the dry culture condition (308 mOsm) were higher than in the humid culture conditions (285–290 mOsm) after 3 days of incubation. In day 3 IVF-ET cycles, although the pregnancy rate did not significantly differ between the dry (46.2%) and humid culture (52.2%) groups, the rates of abortion and ongoing pregnancy were significantly better in the humid culture group (2.3% and 50.2%, respectively) than in the dry culture group (8.3% and 37.8%, respectively, p<0.05). In day 5 IVF-ET cycles, the abortion rate was significantly lower in the humid culture group (2.2%) than in the dry culture group (25.0%, p<0.01), but no statistically significant difference was observed in the rates of clinical and ongoing pregnancy between the dry (50% and 25.0%, respectively) and humid culture groups (59.5% and 57.3%, respectively) because of the small number of cycles. Conclusion: Hyperosmotic changes in media occurred in a dry-type incubator by evaporation, although the medium was covered with oil. These osmotic changes were efficiently inhibited by supplementation of outer-well medium, which resulted in improved pregnancy outcomes.

TOLVANEN, RIINA, SANNA HELLSTRÖM, DIETER ELSSER, HEIKE MORGENSTERN, JOHANNA BJÖRKROTH, and HANNU KORKEALA. "Survival of Listeria monocytogenes Strains in a Dry Sausage Model." Journal of Food Protection 71, no. 8 (August 1, 2008): 1550–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.4315/0362-028x-71.8.1550.

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The survival of five inoculated Listeria monocytogenes strains (DCS 31, DCS 184, AT3E, HT4E, and HR5E) was studied in dry fermented sausages prepared using two different starter cultures (starter A and B) with or without a protective Lactobacillus plantarum DDEN 2205 strain. L. monocytogenes was detected throughout ripening in every sausage sample in which the L. plantarum DDEN 2205 strain had not been used. The use of either starter A, with a high concentration of protective culture, or starter B, with a low concentration of protective culture, resulted in L. monocytogenes–negative sausages after 17 days of ripening. Differential survival was noted among the L. monocytogenes strains during fermentation. Strains AT3E and DCS 31 survived in sausages with protective cultures more often than did the other strains, whereas HT4E and HR5E were inhibited during ripening by all starter and protective cultures used. Protective cultures such as L. plantarum may be used as part of a hurdle strategy in dry sausage processing, but variations in susceptibility of different L. monocytogenes strains can create problems if other hurdles are not included.

Room, Robin. "Dry and wet cultures in the age of globalization." SALUTE E SOCIETÀ, no. 3 (November 2010): 229–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.3280/ses2010-su3015-ing.

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The distinction between dry and wet cultures seems to be out-of-date. The case of the European youth is emblematic. The factors which falsificated this distinction are the changements occured in drinking practices due to the globalization of youth culture and the communicative power of alcohol industries.

Дисертації з теми "Dry culture":


Collins, Kathy Flynt. "THE USE OF LACTOBACILLUS SALIVARIUS L28 AS A BIOPROTECTIVE CULTURE IN DRY FERMENTED SAUSAGES." UKnowledge, 2017. https://uknowledge.uky.edu/animalsci_etds/78.

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A challenge study to validate a 5 log10 CFU/g reduction of non-O157 Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in dry fermented sausage (DFS) was performed. A 4.49 ± 0.474 log10 CFU/g was achieved over two trials. The results indicated that the process was not effective in reducing the pathogen to the level required of most pathogens by the USDA. Lactobacillus salivarius L28 (L28) was screened in vitro for the ability to inhibit STEC utilizing the paper disk diffusion method. This strain is a known bacteriocin producer. The results revealed that L28 would be a good candidate for use as a protective culture as large zones of inhibition were noted against the STEC. No zones of inhibition were noted against the commercial starter culture; therefore, it would not adversely impact the quality of the DFS. The supplementary L28 strain was added to a commercial starter culture to provide an additional hurdle in the protection against STEC. The sausage trial showed the additional strain did not offer a significant difference in reduction of the pathogen (p > 0.05). Further study will be required before L28 could be considered for use as a bioprotective culture.

Boggs, Joseph. "Prohibition's Proving Ground: Automobile Culture and Dry Enforcement on the Toledo-Detroit-Windsor Corridor, 1913-1933." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1554303806568032.

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Namanda, Sam. "Current and potential systems for maintaining sweetpotato planting material in areas with prolonged dry seasons : a biological, social and economic framework." Thesis, University of Greenwich, 2012. http://gala.gre.ac.uk/11977/.

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This study on sweetpotato seed systems was conducted in Mukono, Kamuli, Bukedea and Soroti districts in Uganda, and in Mwanza, Shinyanga and Meatu regions in the Lake Zone of Tanzania during 2007 – 2011. It aimed at developing simple, affordable and applicable technologies for conserving and multiplying sweetpotato planting material for early season planting after the long dry season. The study sought to understand and describe farmers’ existing approaches, improve on rapid multiplication techniques and develop rational use of available planting material. Complete lack of or insufficient planting material for early planting immediately following the long dry season was reported. Farmers recognised that obtaining planting material early was beneficial as it resulted in increased root yield, an early source of food and sales at high prices. The Triple S (Sand, Storage and Sprouting) method of producing ample planting material for early season planting was developed in Uganda after testing various ways of storing the roots during the dry season so as to eliminate dry season mortality. Using roots obtained from crops planted in the conventional time and planting them out in watered gardens 1-2 mths before the rains to act as sources of sprouts for vine cuttings was the most appropriate. The method was validated in Tanzania which has a longer dry season. The use of 20cm cuttings instead of the mini cuttings (10 cm) in rapid multiplication of vines needed less labour and care. Pre-planting fertiliser (NPK: 25:5:5) doubled the quantity of planting material generated, and planting shorter and fewer cuttings than recommended saved planting material to enable more extensive plant coverage and doubled potential production. All these findings greatly contribute to the improvement of the conservation and multiplication of planting material, especially to improving the availability of early planting material.

Aquino-Ramos, Jorge Luis 1961. "Influence on milk protein percentage of isocaloric infusions of glucose in the rumen, or propionate and acetate in the duodenum of cows fed dry rolled sorghum." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/282163.

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Experiments were conducted to elucidate mechanisms of increased milk protein percentage in cows fed diets containing steam flaked (SFS) vs dry rolled (DRS) sorghum grains. In experiment 1 treatments were: DRS diet plus duodenal infusion of 30% sodium acetate (DA), or SFS diet plus duodenal water infusion (SFS). In the experiment 2 the DRS diet plus duodenal infusion of 23% sodium propionate (DP), was compared with the DRS diet plus ruminal infusion of 21% glucose (RG). Sorghum was 35% of DM in all diets and infusates were 5L/d. The SFS diet tended (P .19) to increase milk protein content and decrease ruminal pH. The DA infusion increased FCM, and tended to increase fat% and yield. The RG infusion increased milk protein percent and decreased ruminal pH, and the DP infusion tended to decrease DMI. In experiment 3 treatments were: (1) SFS, (2) DA, and (3) RG. Diets and infused amounts were similar to previous trials. No parameters was affected by treatment, but milk protein percent, yield of milk and milk protein were numerically higher SFS than DA, similar to the previous study. Milk composition and production for cows fed DRS plus RG were the same as for cows fed SFS. An in situ trial was conducted to better characterize ruminal starch degradation. The same (DRS and SFS) diets were used as in infusions trials. Treatments were divided into diets and grains as follows: (1) diet DRS, (2) diet SFS, (3) grain DRS, and (4) grain SFS. Material for incubation was ground to pass a 2 mm screen and placed in the rumen for 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48h. DM degradability was not affected by treatment. Starch degradability at 4, 8 and 12h and were higher for the SFS than for DRS diets or grains. In situ data support the infusion data which of higher ruminal starch degradability with SFS than DRS. The studies suggest that increased milk protein content resulting from feeding SFS compared with DRS relates more to increased ruminal starch fermentability (as stimulated by RG) than to greater absorption of acetate or propionate.

Anglin, Chad O'Neal. "Restricting dry matter intake of stocker calves and its subsequent effects on grazing, feedlot performance, and carcass characteristics." Thesis, Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/1073.

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May, Matthew Leonard. "The effects of grain processing method, wet and dry distiller’s grains with soluble and roughage level on performance and carcass characteristics of finishing cattle." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/537.

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Master of Science
Department of Animal Sciences and Industry
James S. Drouillard
A series of five trials were conducted to evaluate grain processing, distiller's grains inclusion in finishing diets, interactions between distiller's grains and dry-rolled corn (DRC) or steam-flaked corn (SFC), efficacy of removing roughage in the presence of distiller's grains and the digestibility of distiller's grains in steam-flaked and dry-rolled corn diets. The first trial was designed to determine the optimum flake density of SFC in beef finishing diets. Diets consisted of corn flaked to densities of 360, 411, or 462 g/L. Observed improvements in mill production would support increasing flake density; however numerical decreases in animal performance offset economic benefits of increased productivity. The second trial was conducted to evaluate optimum levels of sorghum wet distiller's grains in finishing diets. Crossbred yearling steers were fed diets containing DRC or SFC and levels of distiller's grains were 0, 10, 20, or 30% of diet dry matter. Distiller's grains can effectively replaced a portion of the corn in finishing diets, but their nutritional value was greater in DRC diets than in SFC diets. In trial 3, crossbred heifers were fed diets containing SFC with 0% DDG and 15% corn silage (CS), 25% DDG and 15% CS, or 25% DDG and 5% CS. In trial 4, crossbreed heifers were fed diets similar containing DRC or SFC with 0% DDG and 15% CS, 25% DDG and 15% CS, or 25% DDG and 5% CS. Results indicate that roughage levels can be reduced in feedlot diets containing DDG with no adverse effects on performance or carcass quality. The fifth trial was a metabolism study conducted to evaluate the digestibility of DDG in beef cattle. Treatments consisted of DRC with 0% DDG, DRC with 25% DDG, SFC with 0% DDG, and SFC with 25% DDG. There were no significant grain processing by distiller's grain interactions observed in main effects. In conclusion optimum flake density was 360 g/L, feeding distiller's grains has a greater value in DRC diets vs. SFC diets, roughage level and type are important in formulating finishing diets, roughage can be reduced when feeding distiller's grains, and ruminal ammonia, and pH are decreased and ruminal lactate is increased when feeding DDG and SFC.

Ortiz, Manoel. "Dry Powders Inhalers (DPI) obtidos a partir de nanocápsulas de núcleo lipídico contendo budesonida : caracterização, avaliação in vivo em modelo animal de asma e da toxicidade in vitro em cultura celular." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/159497.

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A asma é definida como uma doença inflamatória crônica de caráter multifatorial, caracterizada pela obstrução reversível das vias aéreas, denso infiltrado inflamatório e hiper-reatividade brônquica a estímulos externos. Clinicamente, a doença é marcada por sintomas episódicos de dispneia, sibilo, tosse seca e sensação de aperto no peito. A terapia convencional da asma compreende o uso de anti-inflamatórios e broncodilatadores. A budesonida é um glicocorticoide esteroide e é dos fármacos mais utilizados na terapêutica da asma. No entanto, a budesonida apresenta baixa biodisponibilidade oral e o uso prolongado pode levar a efeitos adversos graves como afinamento da pele e supressão adrenocortical. No desenvolvimento de novas formulações, a avaliação da toxicidade é de extrema importância. Por conseguinte, o uso de cultura celular é de grande valia no desenvolvimento de protocolos para avaliação da toxicidade de novas formulações. Adicionalmente, a nanotecnologia é uma ferramenta importante para resolver problemas de biodisponibilidade e para contornar efeitos adversos da terapêutica convencional. Desta forma, o objetivo desta tese foi desenvolver um novo sistema nanoestruturado na forma de pó seco para inalação (Dry powders inhalers – DPI), obtido por aspersão contendo budesonida encapsulada, visando o tratamento da asma aguda e crônica. Essa proposta foi baseada na obtenção de um sistema pulverulento nanoestruturado com tamanho reduzido e controlado, visando a entrega pulmonar da budesonida. Na etapa de pré-formulação foi realizado um estudo fatorial avaliando diferentes métodos de preparação das nanocápsulas e os adjuvantes de secagem utilizados. As análises de tamanho de partícula, da formulação selecionada (nanocápsulas contendo budesonida e secas por aspersão com leucina) mostraram um tamanho reduzido e adequado para a administração pulmonar (2,7 μm). A morfologia demonstrou que estas partículas possuem um tamanho reduzido, forma esférica e superfície irregular, características importantes para a administração pulmonar. Quando analisada a distribuição pulmonar in vitro, em Impactador de Andersen, a formulação apresentou uma fração de partículas finas (Fine Particle Fraction – FPF) de 28%. Analisando os resultados dos experimentos em modelos de asma aguda e crônica induzidos por ovalbumina, os resultados da mecânica respiratória e função pulmonar mostraram uma diminuição na resistência e na elastância pulmonar, quando a budesonida nanoencapsulada foi utilizada, quando comparada com uma formulação comercial de budesonida, nas duas doses utilizadas (0,5 e 1,0 mg/Kg). Esse tratamento com nanocápsulas também mostrou eficiência na redução da inflamação, pela redução do número de leucócitos totais no fluido de lavagem bronco alveolar (Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid – BALF) e, principalmente, redução significativa no número dos eosinófilos no infiltrado pulmonar. Corroborando esses resultados, a quantificação da eotaxina – 1 e das citocinas pró-inflamatórias foram reduzidas, quando comparadas ao tratamento comercial. A análise histopatológica mostrou que quando o tratamento com as nanocápsulas foi utilizado, a produção de muco foi reduzida, bem como a produção de fibrose sub-epitelial, sugerindo um possível efeito sobre o remodelamento tecidual. Os resultados de toxicidade utilizando linhagem celular epitelial pulmonar (H441) mostrou uma redução na toxicidade da budesonida, quando encapsulada nas nanopartículas, tanto na forma de suspensão como na forma pulverulenta. Essa redução da toxicidade foi de 75% e de 50%, na dose de 100 μg/mL, para a suspensão e para o DPI, respectivamente. O conjunto dos resultados obtidos mostrou a potencial aplicabilidade da budesonida nanoencapsulada para o tratamento da asma, utilizando esse novo sistema DPI.
Asthma is characterized as a chronic inflammatory disease developed by multifactorial aspects such as genetic predisposition and exposure to environmental factors such as pollution, smoke and microorganisms. The conventional asthma therapy comprises the use of bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory. Budesonide is a glucocorticoid and is the most frequently used therapy in the treatment of asthma. However, this drug has low oral bioavailability and long term use may lead to adverse effects such as skin thinning and adrenal suppression. The evaluation of the toxicity of new formulation has critical role in the pharmaceutical development. The use of cell culture experiments can help this aspect. Additionally, nanotechnology is an important tool to solve problems regarding bioavailability and to circumvent adverse effects of conventional therapy. The aim of this work was to develop a nanostructured system as dry powder inhaler (DPI) containing budesonide loaded, obtained by spray-drying, targeting the treatment of acute and chronic asthma. This proposal was based on obtaining a nanostructured powder system with reduced and controlled size, aiming an alternative to treatment of asthma. A factorial study comparing different methods to produce the nanocapsules as well as the type of drying adjuvants was performed. The particle size of the selected formulation was 2.7 μm, an adequate reduced size suitable for pulmonary administration. The morphology of these particles showed a small size, spherical shape and irregular surface. All these characteristics are important for pulmonary administration. When analyzed the in vitro pulmonary distribution of the DPI, using an Andersen Cascade Impactor, showed a fine particle fraction (FPF) of 28%. Analyzing the results of the biological experiments, the mechanical respiratory and pulmonary function showed a decrease in lung elastance and resistance when budesonide was used nanoencapsulated compared with a commercial formulation of budesonide in two doses (0.5 and 1.0 mg / kg). Both treatments also showed nanocapsules efficiency in reduction of inflammation by reducing the total of leukocytes in the bronchial alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and especially significant reduction in eosinophil infiltration in the lung tissue. Corroborating with these results, the quantification of eotaxin - 1 and proinflammatory cytokines was reduced when compared to commercial budesonide treatment. Histopathological analysis showed that when treatment with the nanocapsules was used, mucus production was reduced and reversed the phenomena of airway remodeling. The cytotoxicity assay by Alamar blue using the bronchial epithelium cell line (H441) showed a reduction on the toxicity of budesonide when the nanocapsules were used even in suspension or in the DPI. The cytotoxicity reduction were 75 and 50%, at 100 μg/mL, for the suspension and the DPI, respectively. All these results show that budesonide-loaded nanocapsules in dry powder inhaler is a promising approach for the treatment of asthma.

Uwituze, Solange. "The effects of feeding dry distiller’s grains with solubles on ruminal metabolism, growth performance, and carcass traits of feedlot cattle." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/801.

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Master of Science
Department of Animal Sciences and Industry
James S. Drouillard
Three trials were conducted using dried distiller's grains with solubles (DDGS) to evaluate effects on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, ruminal fermentation, and diet digestibility in cattle fed steam-flaked corn-based diets. In trial 1, crossbred yearling heifers were used in a finishing trial to evaluate interactions between corn-DDGS feeding levels and roughage source (alfalfa hay vs corn silage) in terms of impact on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. Experimental diets were based on steam-flaked corn and contained 0% DDGS with 6% alfalfa hay (AH), 0% DDGS with 10% corn silage (CS), 25% DDGS with 6% AH, or 25% DDGS with 10% CS (DM basis). Results indicated no interaction between levels of DDGS and roughage source. Heifers fed DDGS as a partial replacement for steam-flaked corn had similar growth performance and carcass merit compared to heifers fed diets without DDGS. Corn silage and alfalfa hay were comparable roughages when a portion of steam-flaked corn was replaced with DDGS. The second trial was a companion metabolism study in which ruminal fermentation characteristics and diet digestibility were examined in 12 cannulated Holstein steers fed steam-flaked corn finishing diets with or without DDGS, using alfalfa hay or corn silage as roughage sources. Diets were similar to those fed in the performance study and consisted of steam-flaked corn with 0 or 25% DDGS (DM basis) and 6% AH or 10% CS (DM basis). Feeding DDGS decreased ruminal pH and ruminal ammonia concentrations, and digestion of DM and OM were less compared to diets without DDGS. The decrease in digestibility was largely attributable to poorer digestion of CP and, to a lesser extent, a reduction in starch digestion. The third study was designed to investigate effects of pH (5.0, 5.5, and 6.0) on in vitro fermentative activity by ruminal microorganisms from cattle adapted to a finishing diet containing 25% DDGS (DM basis). Higher pH led to greater dry matter disappearance in vitro (P < 0.01). DDGS can be an effective substitute for steam-flaked corn. Efforts to address low ruminal pH and low ruminal ammonia may prove beneficial for improving value of DDGS as cattle feed.

Keriuscia, Gokul Jarishma. "Eukaryotic diversity of miers valley hypoliths." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/4031.

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>Magister Scientiae - MSc
The extreme conditions of Antarctic desert soils render this environment selective towards a diverse range of psychrotrophic microbial communities. Cracks and fissures in translucent quartz rocks permit an adequate amount of penetrating light, sufficient water and nutrients to support cryptic microbial development. Hypolithons colonizing the ventral surface of these quartz rocks have been classified into three types: cyanobacterial dominated (Type I),moss dominated (Type II) and lichenized (Type III) communities. Eukaryotic microbial communities were reported to represent only a minor fraction of Antarctic communities. In this study, culture independent techniques (DGGE, T-RFLP and clone library construction) were employed to determine the profile of the dominant eukaryotes, fungi and microalgae present in the three different hypolithic communities. The 18S rRNA gene (Euk for eukaryotes), internal transcribed spacer (ITS for fungi) and microalgal specific regions of the 18S rRNA gene, were the phylogenetic markers targeted for PCR amplification from hypolith metagenomic DNA. Results suggest that the three hypolith types are characterized by different eukaryotic, fungal and microalgal communities, as implied by nMDS analysis of the DGGE and T-RFLP profiles. Sequence analysis indicates close affiliation to members of Amoebozoa, Alveolata, Rhizaria (general eukaryote), Ascomycota (fungal) and Streptophyta (microalgal). Many of these clones may represent novel species. This study demonstrates that Dry Valley hypolithons harbour higher eukaryote diversity than previously recognised.Each hypolithon is colonized by specialized microbial communities with possible keystone species. The ecological role of the detected microorganisms in the hypolith environment is also theorized, and a trophic hierarchy postulated.

Abi, Antoun Elie. "Étude éthnoarchéologique sur l'agriculture traditionnelle et ses techniques dans le village 'Araya dans le Mont Liban." Thesis, Paris 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA01H001.

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Cette thèse traite le thème de l’agriculture traditionnelle et ses techniques dans le cadre socio-culturel de ‘Araya, village du Mont Liban, situé à 10 km environ à l’est de Beyrouth. Le sujet, d’orientation ethnoarchéologique, basé sur l’enquête orale, est abordé d’une manière rétrospective ; il s’agit de reconstruire le modèle actuel de l’agriculture afin d’interpréter des phénomènes agricoles passés. Le texte aborde en premier lieu les types de culture divisés en cultures sèches et irriguées ainsi que les travaux nécessaires liés à leur croissance, comme l’essartage, l’épierrement, la fertilisation, etc. ; de même, le texte décrit les activités agro-industrielles, comme la transformation du blé en farine, la fabrication de la mélasse et l’extraction de l’huile d’olive... Les terrasses constituent l’un des points essentiels traités ; elles sont composées d’une plateforme soutenue par un mur de soutènement en pierre assemblé à sec. Avec des outillages rudimentaires, le paysan de la montagne a pu transformer des terrains pentus et incultes en jardins verdoyants. Parmi les activités agricoles étudiées, l’irrigation occupe une place privilégiée. Elle est pratiquée durant la saison sèche qui s’étend entre les mois d’avril et de septembre. Les installations d’irrigation sont des captages constitués de galeries souterraines qui déversent l’eau d’une nappe dans un bassin. L’eau emmagasinée est ensuite partagée entre les propriétaires. La dernière rubrique concerne les outillages agricoles classés, selon leurs fonctions, en outils de coupe, du travail de la terre, de cueillette, de dépiquage, de vannage et d’attelage. Certains remontent à la haute antiquité ; d’autre, beaucoup plus récents, datent du XIXe s.
The traditional agriculture in the village of 'Araya is the subject treated. It is an ethnoarchaeological approach dealt in a retrospective method. It aims at reconstructing the agriculture model in order to develop an accurate interpretation of the ancient agricultural process. At the start, the farming metho divided into two types, namely dry and irrigated, are studied followed by the activities needed in the growing process such as clearing, soil treatment and fertilization, etc. Otheragricultural processes are concerned such as the transformation of wheat into flour. The farming methods on terraces, which are platforms sustained by dried up walls; the transformations of ga rdens into fields with the use of rudimentary tools;the irrigation during two seasons, spring and summer, which consists of trapping the water in basins in underground galleries, are developed. Finally, the tools are classified according to their functions such as cutting, picking, trimming. Some of them go back to Antiquity other originated in the nineteenth century

Книги з теми "Dry culture":


Chikafumbwa, Fredson J. K. Integrated aquaculture-agriculture adoption and impact in rainfed farming systems in Sakata, Malawi. [Lilongwe?: SADC, 1996.

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Croes, Dale R. The Hoko River archaeological site complex: The wet/dry site (45CA213), 3,000-1,700 B.P. Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press, 1995.

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Ratigan, Dylan. Greedy bastards: How we can stop corporate communists, banksters, and other vampires from sucking America dry. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2012.

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Evans, Robert C. Culture and society in Shakespeare's day. New York: Chelsea House, 2012.

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Zwagerman, Joost. Perfect day en andere popverhalen. Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers, 2006.

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Spencer, Amy. DIY: The rise of lo-fi culture. 2nd ed. London: Marion Boyars, 2008.

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Spencer, Amy. DIY: The rise of lo-fi culture. London: Marion Boyars, 2005.

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Jacobs, Katrien. Netporn: DIY web culture and sexual politics. Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008.

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Din, Suma. One day. London: A. & C. Black, 2013.

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Judd, Peter A. Worship in a diverse culture. Independence, Mo: Herald Pub. House, 1995.

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Частини книг з теми "Dry culture":


Wilson, Duncan. "‘Make Dry Bones Live’: Tissue Culture at the Cambridge Research Hospital." In Tissue Culture in Science and Society, 4–28. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230307513_2.

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di Lernia, S. "Dry Climatic Events and Cultural Trajectories: Adjusting Middle Holocene Pastoral Economy of the Libyan Sahara." In Droughts, Food and Culture, 225–50. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/0-306-47547-2_14.

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Jona, R., and D. Travaglio. "Dry Weight Variations as Influenced by Ethylene Inside Tissue Culture Vessels." In Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant Hormone Ethylene II, 445–46. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-4453-7_85.

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Kaslow, Harvey R., Zhijun Guo, Dwight W. Warren, Richard L. Wood, and Austin K. Mircheff. "A Method to Study Induction of Autoimmunity in Vitro: Co-Culture of Lacrimal Cells and Autologous Immune System Cells." In Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film, and Dry Eye Syndromes 2, 583–89. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-5359-5_82.

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Diebold, Yolanda, Rosa M. Corrales, Margarita Calonge, M. Victoria Saez, Sagrario Callejo, M. Carmen Lazaro, and Jose M. Herreras. "Human Conjunctival Epithelium in Culture: A Tool to Assay New Therapeutic Strategies for Dry Eye." In Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 307–11. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-0717-8_43.

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Bagge, Sverre. "On the Far Edge of Dry Land: Scandinavian and European Culture in the Middle Ages." In Scandinavia and Europe 800-1350, 355–69. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1484/m.tcne-eb.3.4120.

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Kanai, Akane. "DIY Culture." In Keywords in Remix Studies, 125–34. New York : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315516417-12.

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Quinn, Patrick. "Short Culture: Day 1/Day 2/Day 3 Embryo Culture." In Clinical Embryology, 85–97. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-8376-2_6.

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Quinn, Patrick. "Short Culture: Day 1/Day 2/Day 3 Embryo Culture." In Practical Manual of In Vitro Fertilization, 133–40. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-1780-5_16.

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Griffiths, John. "Empire Day Pageant at Perth." In Empire and Popular Culture, 265–66. London: Routledge, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781351024822-36.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Dry culture":


Watanabe, Keizo, and Satoshi Ogata. "Drag Reduction by Culture Solutions of Dry Malted Rice." In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2009-10421.

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Turbulent drag reduction by culture solutions of dry malted rice was investigated in a 2.00mm-inner-diameter pipe flow of length 50 diameters at Reynolds numbers from 500 to 8000. The drag reducing abilities of the solutions were tested by comparing drag reduction effectiveness at different concentrations and culture times in water. Comparisons between polysaccharide biopolymer solutions and culture solutions of dry malted rice revealed that the test solutions exhibited Type B drag reduction, which were roughly parallel to, but displaced upwards from, the Newtonian Prandtl-Ka´rma´n law. The maximum drag reduction ration was about 30% at a Reynolds number of 8,000. It is shown also that the onset point of drag reduction phenomena was Ref = 200.

Shi, Bing, Thomas Kuhn, Lawrence Duffy, and Hong Liang. "Tribological Performance of Cell-Treated Nickel Matrix." In World Tribology Congress III. ASMEDC, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/wtc2005-63694.

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In this study, effects of cell culture on surface properties, and tribological performance were investigated. The wettability of Ni under dry and lubricated conditions, as well as cell-cultured specimens was evaluated. The tribological performance of these samples was compared using a pin-on-disk tribometer. Dry friction tests were conducted and compared with the bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution lubricated Ni and the cell culture media lubricated Ni. The lubrication behavior was discussed and new biofluid mechanisms were proposed.

Zhang, Zuo-fa, Guo-ying Lv, Hui-juan Pan, Lian-gen Shi, Shu-mei Liu, and Lei-fa Fan. "Notice of Retraction: Antidiabetic Activities of Dry Matters of Culture Broth of Cordyceps militaris in Submerged Culture." In 2011 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. IEEE, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icbbe.2011.5780430.

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Cho, Yun-Chu, Hung-Chan Jeon, Han-Do Kim, Myung-Eun Lee, and In-Ho Cho. "A Study on the Development of Dry Floor Heating System Member with Thermal Storage." In 5th International Workshop on Art, Culture, Game, Graphics, Broadcasting and Digital Contents 2016. Global Vision School Publication, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.21742/asehl.2016.2.13.

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Milaeva, O. V., and V. B. Dumnov. "«WHEN THE PAINT WILL DRY OUT, IT WILL TURN INTO GUNPOWDER»: MEXICAN MURALISM AS A REFLECTION OF THE IMAGES OF THE REVOLUTION." In A glance through the century: the revolutionary transformation of 1917 (society, political communication, philosophy, culture). Vědecko vydavatelskě centrum «Sociosfera-CZ», 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.24045/conf.2017.1.13.

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Ishimori, Yuu, Akihiro Sakoda, Mina Yamada, Yuko Makino, Satoshi Yamada, and Hideyasu Fujiyama. "Feasibility Study on Phytoremediation Techniques for Soil Contaminated by the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident." In ASME 2013 15th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/icem2013-96319.

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Tottori University and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency carried out jointly the feasibility study on phytoremediation techniques, which apply to soil contaminated by the TEPCO’s Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP accident. This paper illustrates the results from experimental investigations. Experimental investigations include both water-culture tests and field tests. Several plants, mainly halophytes that can specifically absorb more Na than K, and others like sunflower demonstrated for other domestic large-scale tests, were water-cultured and examined for screening. Easily cultivated and harvested plants without harmful effects on subsequent cultivation were also considered. New Zealand spinach was selected as a candidate for demonstrations in fields. The field tests were carried out at two sites of different agricultural types in Minami-soma, Fukushima prefecture. Concentration of 137Cs in soil is about 4.5 Bq/g-dry as the average of 10 cm depth. The aims of the field tests are to confirm absorption ability and environmental adaptation of the test plants and to document the cost and performance of projects. In conclusion, the absorption of 137Cs activity per unit area (Bq/m2) by New Zealand spinach could be approximately 0.5%. To achieve an effective result in removal of 137Cs from soil in around a decade, it is required to find the plant which has ten or more times higher absorption capacity than New Zealand spinach. From the consistency of both results in water-culture and field tests, the water-culture test can be valid for screening. In addition, applicable sites will be limited to fields which are too steep or too narrow to use mechanical diggers, and which are free from any restrictions to enter.

Maulana, Fadhlurrahman, Wisnu Wardhana, Nasruddin, and Nining Betawati Prihantini. "The potency of microalgal biomass from agathis small lake, Universitas Indonesia as biofuel source: Study of dry season wild mix-culture." In THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL TROPICAL RENEWABLE ENERGY CONFERENCE (THE 5TH iTREC). AIP Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0064316.

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Eroğlu, Feyzullah, and Esvet Mert. "A Research on the Relationship between Preferred Music Type and Entrepreneurship Tendency." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.36880/c08.01858.

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Cultural systems are grouped into high culture, folk culture and popular culture. High cultural, scientific, philosophical, aesthetic information, etc. Folk culture is based on folklore information from the past day. Popular culture represents the degraded and dissolved state of traditional cultures, various subculture areas, which have failed after modernization efforts. The aim of the study is to reveal the influence of young musical genres on the entrepreneurial tendencies. The first method used in the research is the questionnaire survey for senior students studying in the university business and economics. According to the survey data, questionnaires were distributed out of a total of 350 students, only to the evaluation of the survey of 311 eligible. The most important findings of the research can be summarized as follows. While 6,1% of the "youth of higher education" who participated in the survey preferred "high culture product" music; 10,6% were "folk culture products" music; and 83,3% preferred "popular culture product" music. The "entrepreneurship tendencies", which are the main aim of the subjects of "education for young people" receiving basic courses in economics and business administration, were found to be 131,5 (Min 36, Max.180). According to the research findings, in the direction of the basic assumption of the study, "entrepreneurial tendencies" of students who prefer music, which is a high cultural product, are higher than others. The sort of "entrepreneurial tendencies" is followed by popular genres and popular music genres.

Paraschiv, Alina-Nicoleta, Milica Dima, Aurelia Diaconu, Elena Ciuciuc, and Mihaela Croitoru. "RESEARCH ON THE BEHAVIOR OF AN ASSORTMENT OF BELL PEPPER ON THE SANDY SOILS IN SOUTH-WEST OLTENIA ACCORDING TO THE CULTIVATION METHOD USED." In GEOLINKS Conference Proceedings. Saima Consult Ltd, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.32008/geolinks2021/b1/v3/40.

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The pedo-climatic conditions specific to sandy soils in southwest Oltenia determine differences in performing different phenophases of growth and development of plants, both between varieties and in the physiological behavior of the same variety under different yield conditions. Therefore, at the Dăbuleni Research and Development Station for Plant Culture on Sands, research was carried out on some physiological, biochemical and production processes at five varieties of bell peppers cultivated in the open fields and solar. Determinations of photosynthesis, foliar transpiration, the biochemical composition of fruits, quantity, and quality of bell pepper production were performed. The physiological and biochemical processes studied were influenced by the environmental conditions specific to each cultivation method, but also by the studied variables. Of the 5 varieties studied, the best results on the biochemical composition of the fruits were recorded at the Artim variety (8.83% total dry substance, 4.60% soluble dry substance, 0.19% acidity, 3.80% carbohydrate and 36.96% vitamin C). The production was between 15,387 t / ha for open-field plants and 108,574 t / ha for plants grown in the solar, the differences between the two cultivation methods being statistically assured as distinctly significant.

Shiraishi, Toshihiko, Kazutaka Ohashi, Shin Morishita, and Ryohei Takeuchi. "Investigation of Mechanism of Proliferation Promotion of Cultured Osteoblasts by Mechanical Vibration." In ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2011-64845.

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This paper describes effects of mechanical vibration on osteoblasts. Their cell proliferation was investigated when sinusoidal inertia force was applied to the cells. After the cells were cultured in culture plates in a CO2 incubator for one day and adhered on the cultured plane, vibration group of the culture plates was set on an aluminum plate attached to a exciter and cultured under sinusoidal excitation of 0.5 G and 12.5 Hz for 24 hours a day in another incubator separated from non-vibration group during 21 days of culture. The time evolution of cell density was obtained by counting the number of cells with a hemocytometer. The phase contrast microscopic images and the cross-sectional confocal microscopic images of cells were captured under an inverted microscope system. As a result, it is found that the mechanical vibration elongated the pseudopods of cells to enhance their mobility resulting in promoting multilayer of the cells.

Звіти організацій з теми "Dry culture":


Lee, Aubra L., and Anne F. Gettys. Cultural Resources Survey. Road Alignment Alternatives Sunlight Day Recreational Area, Nimrod Lake, Arkansas. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada196833.

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Zhytaryuk, Maryan. UKRAINIAN JOURNALISM IN GREAT BRITAIN. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, March 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vjo.2021.50.11115.

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Professor M. Zhytaryuk’s review is about a book scientific novelty – a monograph by Professor M. Tymoshyk «Ukrainian journalism in the diaspora: Great Britain. Monograph. K.: Our culture and science, 2020. 500 p. – il., Them. pok., resume English, German, Polish.». Well-known scientist and journalism critic, Professor M. S. Tymoshyk, wrote a thorough work, which, in terms of content, is a combination of a monograph, a textbook and a scientific essay. This book can be useful for both students and practicing journalists or anyone interested in the history of the Ukrainian diaspora, Ukrainian journalism and Ukrainian culture. The author dedicated his work to Stepan Yarmus from Winnipeg, Canada – archpriest, journalist, editor, professor. As the epigraph to the book were taken the words of Ivan Bagryany: «Our press, born under the sword of Damocles of repatriation», not only survived and survived to this day, but also showed a brilliant ability to grow and develop. It was shown that beggars that had come to the West without money at heart can and know how to act so organized. It was also an example of how a modern «enbolshevist» and «denationalized» by the occupier man person is capable of a combined mass action».

Marchais, Gauthier, Marchais, Gauthier, Sweta Gupta, Cyril Owen Brandt, Patricia Justino, Marinella Leone, Eustache Kuliumbwa, Olga Kithumbu, Issa Kiemtoré, Polepole Bazuzi Christian, and Margherita Bove. Marginalisation from Education in Conflict-Affected Contexts: Learning from Tanganyika and Ituri in the DR Congo. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), January 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.19088/ids.2021.017.

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This Working Paper analyses how violent conflict can enhance or reduce pre-existing forms of marginalisation and second, how new forms of marginalisation emerge as a result of violent conflict. To do so, we focus on the province of Tanganyika in the DRC, where the so-called ‘Twa-Bantu’ violent conflict has been disrupting the education sector since 2012, and secondarily on the province of Ituri, which has been affected by repeated armed conflicts since the 1990s. We use a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative data collection methods and several months of qualitative fieldwork. The study shows that the political marginalisation of ethno-territorial groups is key in understanding marginalisation from education in contexts of protracted conflict. Our results show that the Twa minority of Tanganyika has not only been more exposed to violence during the Twa-Bantu conflict, but also that exposure to violence has more severe effects on the Twa in terms of educational outcomes. We analyse key mechanisms, in particular spatial segregation, and the social segregation of schools along ethnic/identity lines. We also analyse the interaction between ethno-cultural marginalisation and economic, social and gender-related marginalisation.

Marchais, Gauthier, Sweta Gupta, Cyril Owen Brandt, Patricia Justino, Marinella Leone, Eustache Kuliumbwa, Olga Kithumbu, Issa Kiemtoré, Polepole Bazuzi Christian, and Margherita Bove. Marginalisation from Education in Conflict-Affected Contexts: Learning from Tanganyika and Ituri in the DR Congo. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), January 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.19088/ids.2021.048.

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This Working Paper analyses how violent conflict can enhance or reduce pre-existing forms of marginalisation and second, how new forms of marginalisation emerge as a result of violent conflict. To do so, we focus on the province of Tanganyika in the DRC, where the so-called ‘Twa-Bantu’ violent conflict has been disrupting the education sector since 2012, and secondarily on the province of Ituri, which has been affected by repeated armed conflicts since the 1990s. We use a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative data collection methods and several months of qualitative fieldwork. The study shows that the political marginalisation of ethno-territorial groups is key in understanding marginalisation from education in contexts of protracted conflict. Our results show that the Twa minority of Tanganyika has not only been more exposed to violence during the Twa-Bantu conflict, but also that exposure to violence has more severe effects on the Twa in terms of educational outcomes. We analyse key mechanisms, in particular spatial segregation, and the social segregation of schools along ethnic/identity lines. We also analyse the interaction between ethno-cultural marginalisation and economic, social and gender-related marginalisation.

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