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Статті в журналах з теми "Favola pastorale":


Becker. ""LA SELVA SIN AMOR", FAVOLA PASTORALE, ILUSTRACIÓN DE LAS TEORÍAS DE DONI." Revista de Musicología 10, no. 2 (1987): 517. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/20795151.

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Brum, Mario Sergio Ignácio. "OPÇÃO PELOS POBRES: A PASTORAL DE FAVELAS E A REORGANIZAÇÃO DO MOVIMENTO DE FAVELAS NO RIO DE JANEIRO NA REDEMOCRATIZAÇÃO." Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro) 31, no. 65 (December 2018): 413–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s2178-14942018000300006.

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RESUMO Neste artigo, analisamos o papel da Pastoral de Favelas na reorganização do movimento comunitário de favelas do Rio de Janeiro a partir de um debate interno da Igreja Católica, que, sob forte influência da Teologia da Libertação, aplicou na pratica a decisão das II e III Conferências Episcopais Latino Americana, em que a Opção Preferencial pelos Pobres passou a nortear a ação da Igreja, inclusive na criação das pastorais. No Rio de Janeiro, a Pastoral de Favelas marcou uma geração de ativistas, moradores de favelas ou não, que encontraram nela um acolhedor guarda-chuva para que pudessem ter uma atuação no movimento comunitário tida por eles como mais questionadora das estruturas da sociedade e com objetivo de transformação dessas estruturas através da conscientização e da mobilização dos moradores de favelas.

Farinola, Onofrio. "Papa Francesco e Bartolomeo I: il fraterno impegno a favore di una spiritualità ecologica integrale." Roczniki Teologiczne 68, no. 3 (July 12, 2021): 5–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/rt.21683-1.

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Papież Franciszek i Bartłomiej I: braterskie zaangażowanie w integralną duchowość ekologiczną Artykuł jest próbą ukazania założeń i rozwoju integralnego duszpasterstwa teoekologicznego w nauczaniu Franciszka i Bartłomieja I. Obaj pasterze są głęboko przekonani, że ekologia jest tematem głęboko ekumenicznym i międzyreligijnym. Autor analizuje różne aspekty ekolologii, odwołując się do specyficznej duchowości i teologii obu obrządków, zwracając uwagę na nowe podejście, jakim jest duszpasterstwo teoekologiczne. Artykuł kończy się wywiadem z Patriarchą Konstantynopola przeprowadzonym w 2017 roku, poświęconym zagadnieniom ochrony środowiska. L'articolo è un tentativo di mostrare i presupposti e lo sviluppo di una pastorale teo ecologica integrale nell'insegnamento di Francesco e Bartolomeo I. Entrambi i pastori sono profondamente convinti che l'ecologia sia un argomento profondamente ecumenico e interreligioso. L'autore analizza vari aspetti dell'cologia, riferendosi alla spiritualità e ala teologia specifiche di entrambi i riti, evidenziando un nuovo approccio, quello della pastorale teo ecologica. L'articolo si conclude co un'intervista al Patriarca di Costantinopoli, condotta ne 2017, dedicata alle questioni ambientali.

Durak, Adam. "A. FAVALE, Il ministero presbiterale. Aspetti dottrinali, pastorali, spirituali, Roma 1989." Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny 44, no. 1–3 (June 30, 1991): 81. http://dx.doi.org/10.21906/rbl.984.

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Gonçalves, Alfredo J., and Dirceu Cutti. "Seminário João XXIII e Centro de Estudo Migratórios." TRAVESSIA - revista do migrante, no. 52 (August 17, 2005): 17–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.48213/travessia.i52.702.

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Na trajetória do Seminário João XXIII, a sensibilidade sócio-pastoral para com os migrantes tem a idade do próprio edifício. Ele foi fundado ainda em 1954, passando a ter sua sede atual a partir de 1962, quando foi inaugurado o prédio que abriga, atualmente, a casa formativa e o Instituto Teológico São Paulo (ITESP), localizado no Alto do Ipiranga da capital paulista. Em tomo desta época, os seminaristas de filosofia e teologia que passaram por suas dependências, começaram a desenvolver uma ação pastoral em três frentes: presença na ex-favela do Vergueiro, localizada a cerca de dois quilômetros do seminário; algumas viagens às regiões onde a migração apresentava maiores desafios, tais como o nordeste brasileiro, Paraguai e o norte do Paraná; contatos com o Pe. Jacyr F. Braido e com Pe. Juarez Segalin, então à frente do Centro de Estudos Migratórios (CEM), fundado em 1969, e cujas dependências localizavam-se no prédio do Seminário. [...]

Chemin, Gabriele Alves de Paula, Suzelaine Taize Stadler, Elaine Cristina de Oliveira, César Rey Xavier, and Cristina Ide Fujinaga. "ALEITAMENTO MATERNO E PASTORAL DA CRIANÇA: UMA ANÁLISE DOCUMENTAL." Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudos em Saúde 7, no. 2 (December 1, 2018): 168–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.33362/ries.v7i2.1443.

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O artigo faz uma análise crítica documental do material impresso utilizado pelas líderes da Pastoral da Criança, sobre o aleitamento materno. A natureza do estudo é qualitativa, utilizando o método de análise de conteúdo do tipo temática e estrutural, a partir da análise documental. O material analisado reforça o conhecimento científico e a função biológica do aleitamento materno, homogeneizando as ações e descontextualizando a ação local e comunitária. A organização da Pastoral em grupos pequenos favorece o trabalho de apoio ao aleitamento materno, porém há muito que considerar sobre o papel singular de cada líder além do que está posto nos materiais padronizados pela instituição.Palavras-chave: Aleitamento materno. Organização comunitária. Políticas públicas. BREASTFEEDING AND PASTORAL OF THE CHILD: A DOCUMENTAL ANALYSIS ABSTRACT: The article makes a documentary critical analysis of printed material used by leaders of the Pastoral on breastfeeding. The nature of the study is qualitative, using the method of analysis of content of thematic and structural type, from the documentary analysis. The analyzed material reinforces the scientific knowledge and the biological function of breastfeeding, homogenizing actions and decontextualizing local and community action. The Pastoral organization in small groups favors the work in support of breastfeeding, but there is much to consider about the unique role of each leader beyond what is laid on standardized materials by the institution.Keywords: Breast feeding. Communitarian organization. Public policies.

Gonçalves, Alfredo José. "Morar e conviver." TRAVESSIA - revista do migrante, no. 14 (December 24, 1992): 22–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.48213/travessia.i14.334.

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As reflexões que se seguem nasceram a partir de um trabalho pastoral junto a com unidades eclesiais da periferia de São Paulo, mais especificamente algumas favelas do Parque Santa Madalena, zona leste da cidade. Não se trata propriamente de um artigo, e sim de alguns comentários a respeito do conceito morar, relacionando-o à convivência numa população com elevado número de migrantes. [...]

Santos, Francisco de Assis Souza. "COUNSELOR OF COUNSELOR - PREPARED TO LISTEN TO COUNSEL." REFLEXUS - Revista Semestral de Teologia e Ciências das Religiões 15, no. 1 (June 29, 2021): 207–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.20890/reflexus.v15i1.2364.

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Pastoral counseling requires those who practice a series of care so that the counselor is not reached, physically, psychologically and mentally, by the different realities heard by him. Usually, people seeking pastoral counseling are seeking answers to their problems and give the counselor the responsibility to lead them in solving the most varied demands. The counselor, for assuming this service as part of his or her pastoral ministry, is subjected to exhausting condition, and it is necessary that he or her psychically protect himself in some way. Thus, being a counselor to another counselor, hereinafter referred to as a pastoral therapist (TP), demands that anyone else do, distinguish what he hears from the person who reports the reason that made her seek this kind of help. The pastoral therapist (TP) must see beyond the pastor counselor or religious leader. Distinguish the human being who provides counseling service and who is also subject to the different types of suffering so far he exposes himself, as much as the people he also listens to. That's why being able to chart paths that preserve the mental health of the counselor and establish their psychic defenses is of paramount importance so that their service can be effective throughout their performance. What is expected of the Pastoral Therapist (TP) is that it can be this support that allows by advising to continue his altruistic task of helping so many who are experiencing difficult moments in life and that favors progressive state of disorder or mental discomfort. To this end, the TP should be competent when making use of different forms of listening for each case to be analyzed. He listens to that he considers the different psychology used as instruments that help the patient who is in treatment with professional psychologists and that can serve as another resource at the service of TP. Therefore, the performance of the TP aims to present invigorating guidelines in the role of those who act as counselors, providing resources that allow the counselor to protect itself from possible psychic weaknesses. Keywords: Counseling, Pastoral Therapy, Counselor, Pastoral Psychology.

Niccoli, Gabriele. "Modalità metamorfiche nella figura e funzione del maggior satiro ferrarese del tardo Cinquecento." Quaderni d'italianistica 29, no. 2 (June 1, 2008): 5–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.33137/q.i..v29i2.8453.

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Questo breve saggio intende analizzare il modo in cui, a distanza di poco più di un decennio dalla stesura e messinscena dell'Aminta, e consapevole degli schemi pastorali post-tassiani sperimentati da diversi drammaturghi, il Guarini sia in grado di effettuare, in un'ottica di colta ed oculata coscienza metamorfica, e in un ambiente controriformista decisamente fortificato persino nel contesto adulatorio della corte, non solo un mutamento ma una quasi totale riscrittura di alcune componenti costitutive, portanti, della favola boschereccia. Le modalità metamorfiche che investono la figura e la funzione del Satiro non ne sono che un sintomo. Di fronte ad una nuova realtà, tutta fatta di cangianti linee e colori, l'apportatore della crisi nelle selve guariniane presenta alcune lievi tracce di una certa patologia di corte dell'epoca, una sorta di paranoia da voyeur, quella che nella realtà aveva già fatto rinchiudere il maggiore e invidiato poeta estense in Sant'Anna, quella stessa che nella finzione della scena indurrà inesorabilmente l'alpestre e tragicomico personaggio alla disfatta.

Vincent Valla, Victor, Maria Beatriz Guimarães, and Alda Lacerda. "busca da saúde integral por meio do trabalho pastoral e dos agentes comunitários numa favela do Rio de Janeiro." Ciencias Sociales y Religión/Ciências Sociais e Religião 8, no. 8 (October 22, 2020): 139–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.2298.

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Esta pesquisa tem como foco pastores de igrejas evangélicas que moram e/ou convivem com a comunidade onde atuam. A radicalidade do gesto de conviver com moradores de favela se enquadra num conjunto de gestos também radicais oriundos da religião presbiteriana. Richard Shaull, considerado o “avô” da teologia da libertação, ao vir para o Brasil, baseado na vida de Cristo, trouxe a proposta dos seminaristas irem morar em comunidades pobres. Vimos nos questionando se a convivência com os pobres pode contribuir para a melhoria das suas condições de vida, e se o trabalho destes pastores tem alguma relação com o trabalho desenvolvido pelos agentes comunitários de saúde. Os objetivos deste artigo consistem em identificar as possíveis analogias entre o trabalho dos pastores e dos agentes comunitários na construção de uma saúde integral na sociedade contemporânea; e discutir como esta convivência influi na forma de cuidado que é oferecida às classes populares.

Дисертації з теми "Favola pastorale":


Patierno, Carolina. "Miti allo specchio : Ero e Leandro, Piramo e Tisbe : dal testo alla scena, dalle fonti classiche alle riscritture del Seicento italiano." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2021. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2021SORUL152.pdf.

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Le présent travail de recherche porte sur la réception des fabulae de Héro et Léandre et de Pyrame et Thisbé dans la littérature italienne du XVIIe siècle, en particulier dans quatre textes différents par genre, style et origine géographique : Gli amori infelici di Leandro ed Ero (1618), l'idylle de Giovanni Capponi, Hero et Leandro (1630) et La Tisbe, respectivement la «Favola maritima » et la «lieta favola» de Francesco Bracciolini, et Il Leandro (1679), le drame musical de Badovero-Pistocchi. La décision de mettre les deux mythes en relation étroite l'un avec l'autre se fonde sur certaines considérations exposées dans des études historico-philologiques faisant autorité sur l'origine du roman et de la nouvelle grecque (Rodhe 1876, Lavagnini 1921, Cataudella 1957) où les deux fabulae sont citées comme des exemples de proto-romans ou de proto-nouvelles en raison de la présence récurrente de topoi propres au roman hellénique. À partir d'une analyse thématique et rhétorique du « patrimoine génétique commun » aux deux mythes ou, mieux, du « noyau hellénique-romanesque » appartenant aux versions classiques de référence (Mus.; Ov., Her.18-19, Ov. Met., IV, 55-166), le parcours d’analyse des réécritures modernes des oeuvres à l’étude suit trois axes principaux : la vérification de l’idée de correspondance entre les deux mythes, déjà présente dans les versions anciennes, médiévales et de la Renaissance, ainsi que l’identification de leurs modalités d’expression dans les textes du XVIIe siècle ; l’analyse des processus de réécriture du mythe au sein des nouvelles métamorphoses baroques et des nouveaux hybrides scéniques, tant en référence à l'interaction entre le «noyau hellénique-romanesque», l'héritage tragique et les influences du genre idyllique et pastoral, qu’en ce qui concerne la relation entre le romanesque hellénique et le romanesque baroque ; la focalisation sur l'aspect herméneutique permettant de comprendre le sens nouveau assumé par le mythe pour les deux couples d'amants : clementia ou sententia ?
The present research focuses on the reception of the fabulæ of Hero and Leander and of Pyramus and Thisbe in Seventeenth-century Italian literature, in particular in four texts differing by genre, style and geographical origin: the idyll of Giovanni Capponi, Gli amori infelici di Ero e Leandro (1618); the ‘favola maritima’ Hero e Leandro (1630) and the ‘lieta favola’ La Tisbe by Francesco Bracciolini; and the ‘dramma per musica’ Il Leandro by Badovero-Pistocchi (1679). The decision to place the two myths in close relationship with each other was inspired by some remarks found in authoritative historical-philological studies on the origin of the ancient Greek novel and the Greek novella (Rodhe 1876, Lavagnini 1921, Cataudella 1957) where the two fabulæ are cited as examples of proto-novels for the insistent recurrence in them of topoi proper to the Hellenic novel. Starting from an accurate thematic-rhetorical analysis of the 'common heritage', or rather, of the 'Hellenic-romance nucleus' belonging to the classic versions of reference (Mus.; Ov., Her. 18-19; Ov. Met., IV, 55-166), the course of the research in modern rewritings in question follows three main coordinates: verification of the idea of correspondence between the two myths, already found in the ancient, medieval and Renaissance versions, and identification of the ways in which it is expressed in seventeenth-century texts; analysis of the processes of rewriting the myth within the new Baroque metamorphoses and the new stage hybrids, both in reference to the interaction between the 'Hellenic-romance nucleus', tragic inheritance and influences of the idyllic and pastoral genre, as well as in regard to the relationship between Hellenic and Baroque romance; focus on the hermeneutic aspect within which to read the new meaning assumed by the myth: clementia or sententia for the two couples of lovers?

Книги з теми "Favola pastorale":


Fratta, Giovanni. Nigella: Favola pastorale. Bologna: Archetipolibri, 2012.

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Jacobilli, Vincenzo. Amorosi sdegni: Favola pastorale. Foligno (Perugia): Orfini Numeister, 2003.

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Jacobilli, Vincenzo. Amorosi sdegni: Favola pastorale. Foligno: Orfini Numeister, 2003.

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Jacobilli, Michelangelo. I finti sdegni: Favola pastorale. Roma: Aracne, 2009.

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Riccò, Laura. L'Arcadia "in mano": Illustrazioni editoriali della favola pastorale (1583-1678). Roma: Bulzoni, 2012.

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Giraldi, Giambattista Cinzio. Egle ; Lettera sovra il comporre le Satire atte alla scena ; Favola Pastorale. Bologna: Commissione per i testi di lingua, 1985.

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Ongaro, Antonio. Favole. Torino: Res, 1998.

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Fulvio, Pevere, Beccari Agostino ca 1510-1590, Lollio Alberto 1508-1568, and Argenti Agostino d. 1576, eds. Favole. Torino: Edizioni Res, 1999.

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Riccò, Laura. Dalla zampogna all'aurea cetra: Egloghe, pastorali, favole in musica. Roma: Bulzoni editore, 2015.

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World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees (3rd 1991 Vatican City). Solidarity in favour of new migrations: Proceedings of the III World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees (Vatican City, 30 September - 5 October 1991). Roma: Peristegraf, 1991.

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Частини книг з теми "Favola pastorale":


"2. Performing L’Endimione: A History and Reappraisal of Guidi’s Favola pastorale." In Dreaming with Open Eyes, 39–74. University of California Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/9780520970403-006.

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Zanetti Domingues, Lidia Luisa. "Defining the Complex Relationship between Mercy, Justice, and Revenge." In Confession and Criminal Justice in Late Medieval Italy, 101–21. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192844866.003.0005.

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Chapter 4 analyses religious views of justice in late medieval Siena through the analysis of the sermons of the Dominican Ambrogio Sansedoni and the Franciscan Bindo Scremi. It evaluates the influence of the theology of atonement (as proposed by Anselm of Canterbury) on Sienese pastoral literature, and it concludes that sermons aimed at the laypeople in communal Italy tended to favour the more traditional redemption theology. The main effect of this preference for religious conceptions of divine and human justice was that of conceiving of it as a spectrum going from strict retribution to complete forgiveness, but with a requirement to favour the latter over the former. Religious discourses which compared divine and human justice, moreover, are explored as loci in which criticism, albeit veiled, of local reforms of criminal justice could be expressed.

Hardie, Alison. "‘Allowing the Business of Seclusion to Be My Friend’." In The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng, 193–219. Hong Kong University Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.5790/hongkong/9789888754076.003.0007.

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This chapter focuses on the conflict in Ruan’s writing, particularly his poetry, between engagement in society – in political/official activity or the sort of action for the common good expected of members of the gentry – and a life of pastoral or eremitic reclusion. His plays also reflect social and political issues of the day as well as the perils of official position. Ruan dealt with his forced exclusion from office by claiming to have made a positive choice in favour of reclusion, and he clearly enjoyed and appreciated country life, but ultimately his self-representation or ‘role-play’ as contented farmer or disengaged hermit, often inspired by the imagery of Tao Qian or by Buddhist ideas, appears unconvincing, especially in view of his prolonged and ultimately successful struggle to return to office.

Palumbo, Paolo. "Technology and Innovation." In Handbook of Research on Applying Emerging Technologies Across Multiple Disciplines, 321–32. IGI Global, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8476-7.ch018.

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During the first phase of the pandemic up to today, many religious activities, particularly liturgical celebrations, have been suspended, interrupted, re-organized. Drastic measures and choices were needed, always balanced with constitutional principles. In this social and historical contest, Facebook and similar digital platforms seem to have turned into liturgical spaces. Every kind of celebration is transmitted through them: “domestic” liturgies are held, retreat houses are switching to online activities, spiritual assistance is offered through a computer screen, and so on. The scientific contribution aims to highlight the problems and issues that have come to determine and present the practices used within the confessional systems. Also, a recent research on the subject, promoted by the Giustino Fortunato University, offers reflections that can favor a better relationship between the needs of worship, pastoral, and confessional regulations on the subject of sacraments and celebrations.

Sicari, Stephen. "Stevens: “And yet what good were yesterday’s devotions?”." In Modernist Reformations, 215–30. Liverpool University Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.3828/liverpool/9781638040248.003.0012.

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Usually considered lonely and aloof, even Stevens expresses in his poetry a desire to renew something called Church where “being there together is enough.” Typical of Stevens is his sense that everything becomes stale and tired and needs constant renewal. He does not reject the Church in favor of something called Nature, as the British Romantics might have wished, especially Wordsworth; but instead seeks to reform our notion of Church by making the earth a sacred place for communion. In The Rock, one of his last poems, he imagines “curing” the Rock (a figure of the earth as a hard place, and also a figure for the Church); curing as healing, and as preserving, and as pastoral serving. In the poem that follows, “St. Armorer’s Church from the Outside,” he places his ever-new chapel of breath just outside a dilapidated church.

Naas, Michael. "The Shepherd and the Weaver: A Foucauldian Fable." In Plato and the Invention of Life. Fordham University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.5422/fordham/9780823279678.003.0004.

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This chapter considers Michel Foucault’s provocative but very selective reading of the central myth of the Statesman in his 1977–78 seminar Security, Territory, Population. Contra Foucault, who claims that Plato never adhered to the pastoral model of governing, that is, the model of the ruler as shepherd, and that he in fact definitively rejects this model in the Statesman in favor of the model of the ruler as weaver, this chapter demonstrates that a more complex relation between the models, as between the two ages, is required. Though Plato never puts it in exactly this way, the statesman in the Age of Zeus is indeed a weaver, but he is a weaver who must, through his weaving, imitate the shepherd in the Age of Kronos. Hence the model for the statesman as weaver, that is, the model for the statesman understood through an image of technical production within the city, must always remain, in a way that will have everything to do with the question of life, the statesman as shepherd in a time before technology and before the city.

Dubeuf, Jean-Paul. "Future Prospects on the Goat Activities for the Coming Decades in the Context of a World in Transition." In Goat Science - Environment, Health and Economy [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.98651.

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This article explores the evolution of the goat sector in the world between 2000 and 2020 and its prospects. We base it mainly on the statistics available as well as on the author’s observations and his involvement in various projects. It also updates a study carried out on the same subject on the last decades of the 20th century. We observed a constant development and growth of the goat sector during this period. The trend has been the same between 2000 and 2020 but less strong and more localized in Asia and Africa. Several scenarios on our global future lead to consider the absolute need to preserve environment and biodiversity but above all to reduce the emission of GHGs for all productive sectors on the planet. In this case, we will face a dramatic progress and adevelopment paradigm shift. Although goat systems emit less GHGs than other ruminants, we can also observe an overall increase in net emissions by the goat sector between 2000. So, they contribute significantly and their net emission has to be reduced, which will disadvantage the most intensive systems. However, while animal production and the consumption of its products are increasingly ostracized, goat farming (as pastoral farming in general) could have a bright future in this context. Goats, particularly those of local populations and breeds, have more than any other ruminant significant capacities to valorize spontaneous absorbing GHGs forage resources (grass, shrubs, crop or feed residues) and without other uses. In addition, goats are easy to integrate in small farms and strengthen the complementarity between agriculture and animal production, largely abandoned in favor of specialization. The strengthening of localized and interdisciplinary scientific research will also be necessary to strengthen the role of goat farming and innovation and the author proposes the establishment of “living labs” associating all the actors involved for this purpose.

Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Favola pastorale":


Gonzalo Santos, Tomás. "Fontis nympha sacri. Deidades del agua en el arte y en la literatura francesa." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/xxvcoloquioafue.2016.3678.

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Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.
La leyenda Fontis nympha sacri, somnum ne rumpe, quiesco figura en las distintas variaciones que sobre el motivo de las ninfas pintara Lucas Cranach el Viejo en el segundo cuarto del siglo XVI. El texto en latín ilustra a la perfección una de las escenas más repetidas de cuantas atañen a estas deidades del agua: la «ninfa de la fuente» o la «ninfa dormida». En efecto, los pintores y grabadores del Renacimiento recrearon una y otra vez esta escena inspirándose en la mitología, la coartada cultural necesaria para llevar temas eróticos al arte. A partir de estas imágenes, comenzaron a proliferar distintas recreaciones literarias, muy cercanas en un principio a las representaciones icónicas. Nos detendremos aquí en algunos escritores franceses que, desde el siglo XVII hasta el XX, aportaron su pequeña contribución al motivo de la «ninfa dormida»; principalmente en los distintos subgéneros novelescos que fueron sucediéndose en el favor del público: novela pastoril, heroica, sentimental o campestre. Autores como Honoré d’Urfé, La Calprenède, La Fontaine, Marivaux, George Sand, o incluso Marcel Pagnol, van reelaborando la escena y se apartan con ello, paulatinamente, del tratamiento inicial, lo que supone perder –al menos aparentemente– toda referencia mitológica.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/XXVColloqueAFUE.2016.3678

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