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Altman, Morris. Human agency and material welfare: Revisions in microeconomics and their implications for public policy. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.

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Garry, Patrick M. The American vision of a free press: An historical and constitutional revisionist view of the press as a marketplace of ideas. New York: Garland Pub., 1990.

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Traunspurger, Walter, ed. Ecology of freshwater nematodes. Wallingford: CABI, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1079/9781789243635.0000.

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Abstract This book, with its 12 chapters, not only encourages all ecologists to consider free-living nematodes as a model organism in their investigations, but also shows how important it is to study the fundamentals of ecology, for example, the distribution and diversity of a group of organisms as well as the interactions of those organisms with others. Detailed studies of this type will ultimately provide a better understanding of food webs, their role in the respective habitat, and the changes therein caused by human activities. In this context, research during the past 20 years has determined that, in addition to aquatic environments, nematodes are good indicators of sediment and soil quality. This book takes into account much of the recent research on the ecology of freshwater nematodes. It contains many new chapters as well as revisions and updates of the chapters of the 2006 book. The objective was to write a comprehensive yet readable guide for interested biologists, from students to career scientists.

Office, General Accounting. [Impoundment control--revisions to President's 103rd special impoundment message for fiscal year 1992]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1992.

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Office, General Accounting. [Impoundment control--revisions to President's 103rd special impoundment message for fiscal year 1992]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1992.

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Canada. Pacific Salmon Treaty: Including: Yukon River agreement, revisions to December, 2002, memorandum of understanding (1985), exchange of notes--1985, 1999 & 2002. [Vancouver, B.C.?]: Pacific Salmon Commission, 2004.

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Canada. Pacific Salmon Treaty: Including: Yukon River agreement, revisions to December, 2002, memorandum of understanding (1985), exchange of notes--1985, 1999 & 2002. [Vancouver, B.C.?]: Pacific Salmon Commission, 2004.

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Canada. Pacific Salmon Treaty: Including: Yukon River agreement, revisions to December, 2002, memorandum of understanding (1985), exchange of notes--1985, 1999 & 2002. [Vancouver, B.C.?]: Pacific Salmon Commission, 2004.

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Canada. Pacific Salmon Treaty: Including: Yukon River agreement, revisions to December, 2002, memorandum of understanding (1985), exchange of notes--1985, 1999 & 2002. [Vancouver, B.C.?]: Pacific Salmon Commission, 2004.

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Cappelen, Herman. Fixing Language. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198814719.001.0001.

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Fixing Language is a book about ways in which language (and other representational devices) can be defective and improved. In all parts of philosophy there are philosophers who criticize the concepts we have and propose ways to improve them. Once one notices this about philosophy, it’s easy to see that revisionist projects occur in a range of other intellectual disciplines and in ordinary life. That fact gives rise to a cluster of questions: How does the process of conceptual amelioration work? What are the limits of revision (how much revision is too much)? How does the process of revision fit into an overall theory of language and communication? This book is an effort to answer those questions. In so doing, it is also an attempt to draw attention to a tradition in twentieth- and twenty-first-century philosophy that isn’t sufficiently recognized as a unified tradition. There’s a straight intellectual line from Frege (e.g. of the Begriffsschrift) and Carnap to a cluster of contemporary work that isn’t typically seen as closely related: much work on gender and race, revisionism about truth, revisionists about moral language, and revisionists in metaphysics and philosophy of mind. These views all have common core commitments: revision is both possible and important. They also face common challenges: how is amelioration done, what assumptions need to be made, e.g., about the nature of concepts, and what are the limits of revision?

Vargas, Manuel. Revisionist Accounts of Free Will: Origins, Varieties, and Challenges. Oxford University Press, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195399691.003.0023.

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Deery, Oisín. Naturally Free Action. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198789796.001.0001.

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Do we have free will? This book argues that the answer to that question is “yes,” by showing how the concept of free will refers to many actual behaviors, and how free actions are a natural kind. Additionally, the book addresses the role of phenomenology in fixing the reference of the concept, and argues that free-agency phenomenology is typically accurate, even if determinism is true. The result is a realist, naturalistic framework for theorizing about free will, according to which free will exists and we act freely. For the most part, this verdict is reached independently of addressing the compatibility question, which asks whether free will is compatible with determinism. Even so, the book weighs in on that question, arguing that the natural-kind view both supports compatibilism and provides compatibilists with an attractive way to be realists about free will. The resulting position is preferable to previous natural-kind accounts as well as to revisionist accounts of free will and moral responsibility. Finally, the view defuses recent empirical threats to free will and is able to address emerging questions about whether an artificially intelligent agent might ever act freely or be responsible for its behaviors.

Altman, Morris. Human Agency and Material Welfare: Revisions in Microeconomics and their Implications for Public Policy. Springer, 2012.

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Net, Le. Contract Formation and Contracts for the Benefit of a Third Party in Vietnam. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198808114.003.0021.

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This chapter examines the recent changes to the Vietnamese Civil Code and its impact on contract formation and third party beneficiaries. Since the enactment of the first modern civil code in 1995, major revisions have been made every ten years with the 2015 Code repealing more than 50 per cent of the 2005 Code; representing more than 300 articles of the 2005 Code. Concepts like apparent authority were only recognized in 2005, while the notion of an offer to the world (rather than to specific parties) was only recognized in 2015. The 2015 Code was a product of the move from a planned economy to a socialist-oriented free market economy. The challenge of the Code was to address state interest and regulatory concerns to modify the norms of contractual freedom found in the Code.

Longstaffe, Stephen. The Plebeians Revise the Uprising. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198806899.003.0006.

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This chapter focuses the plebeian rebellion sequence in 2 Henry VI, noting that although both Quarto and Folio versions seem to derive from a lost, parent source, all modern editions of the scene are based on the Folio, and little scrutiny has been devoted to its revisions. Performing this task, the chapter demonstrates that, politically, the Quarto excises much potentially troubling matter: minimizing the confrontationalism of plebeian class anger, violence, and destruction, and making the rebellion funnier. Reducing the megalomaniac distance of Cade from his followers, it restores to him some solidarity and credibility as an authentic commons leader. In narrative content, and in the liberatingly antinomian quality of its laughter, the Quarto’s rebellion relaunches the endangered radical tradition in a mode of heightened appeal: renewing the vision of ‘Merry England’ as a realm free of gentlemen.

Trask, Michael. Ideal Minds. Cornell University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.7591/cornell/9781501752438.001.0001.

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Following the 1960s, the decade's focus on consciousness-raising transformed into an array of intellectual projects far afield of movement politics. The mind's powers came to preoccupy a range of thinkers and writers: ethicists pursuing contractual theories of justice, radical ecologists interested in the paleolithic brain, cultists, and the devout of both evangelical and New Age persuasions. This book presents a boldly revisionist argument about the revival of subjectivity in postmodern American culture, connecting familiar figures within the intellectual landscape of the 1970s who share a commitment to what the book calls “neo-idealism” as a weapon in the struggle against discredited materialist and behaviorist worldviews. In a heterodox intellectual and literary history of the 1970s, the book mixes ideas from cognitive science, philosophy of mind, moral philosophy, deep ecology, political theory, science fiction, neoclassical economics, and the sociology of religion. It also delves into the decade's more esoteric branches of learning, including Scientology, anarchist theory, rapture prophesies, psychic channeling, and neo-Malthusianism. Through this investigation, the book argues that a dramatic inflation in the value of consciousness and autonomy beginning in the 1970s accompanied a growing argument about the state's inability to safeguard such values. Ultimately, the thinkers who the book analyses found alternatives to statism in conditions that would lend intellectual support to the consolidation of these concepts in the radical free market ideologies of the 1980s.

Brittnacher, Hans Richard, ed. Verräter. edition text + kritik im Richard Boorberg Verlag, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/9783967072136.

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Der neunte Band der "Projektionen" untersucht in mehreren Beiträgen aus film- und literaturanalytischer Perspektive die Figur des Verräters: als Liebes- und als Landesverräter, als Spion und Hochstapler, als Kronzeuge oder als Denunziant und legt dabei die Facetten einer quecksilbrigen Praxis des Überlaufens, des Transitorischen, des Wechsels und des Überlebens frei. Cäsar, einem notorischen Verräter, wird das Wort zugeschrieben: "Proditionem amo, sed proditores non laudo" - wohl liebe er den Verrat, doch die Verräter wolle er deshalb nicht loben. Wer verrät, der verletzt das Vertrauen als Grundbedingung des sozialen Lebens, aber er beugt auch der Erstarrung vor - ohne Verrat, so scheint es, ist Veränderung nicht zu haben. Aber über keinen wird schneller der Stab gebrochen, keinen verachten wir so sehr wie den, der seinen Freund, seine Liebste, seine Sache, sein Land oder den Parteigenossen verrät. Ihm traut keiner über den Weg – es ist die Tragik des Verrats, unvermeidlich zu sein, und die Tragödie des Verräters, seines Lohns nicht froh zu werden. Die düsteren Heroen des Verrats heißen Don Juan oder Judas Ischariot – der eine, ein eitler Geck mit Mantel, Degen und Schnallenschuhen, ist der Virtuose der Lieblosigkeit, der andere, ein religiöser Fanatiker, hat seinen Meister für schäbige 30 Silberlinge verkauft. Solchen infernalischen Gestalten stellen sich als eher unscheinbare, verkommene Zwillingsbrüder Spione, Denunzianten oder Kronzeugen zur Seite. Mittlerweile aber kann, ernüchtert vom Totalitarismus des 20. Jahrhunderts, der Verräter sogar Heldenformat gewinnen: sei es als Abweichler, als Renegat oder Revisionist oder eben als Whistleblower, der im Alleingang die Perfidie eines Überwachungsstaates enthüllt.

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