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Salmon, John F. Glaucoma: A colour manual of diagnosis and treatment. 3rd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004.

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Stamper, Robert L. Becker-Shaffer's diagnosis and therapy of the glaucomas. 8th ed. [Edinburgh]: Mosby/Elsevier, 2009.

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Becker, Bernard. Becker-Shaffer's diagnosis and therapy of the glaucomas. 6th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1989.

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Global, AIGS Consensus Meeting (2nd 2005 Ft Lauderdale Fla ). Glaucoma surgery: Open angle glaucoma : reports and consensus statements of the 2nd Global AIGS Consensus Meeting on "glaucoma surgery-open angle glaucoma". The Hague, Netherlands: Kugler Publications, 2005.

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Edward, Deepak P. Glaucoma. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

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Pfeiffer, Norbert. Glaukom: Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Therapie, Compliance. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme, 2001.

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Gupta, Deepak. Glaucoma diagnosis and management. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005.

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Ramakrishan, R. Diagnosis and management of glaucoma. Panama City, Panama: Jaypee-Highlights Medical Publishers, Inc., 2013.

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Elseid, Arwa Ahmed Gasm, and Alnazier Osman Mohammed Hamza. Computer-Aided Glaucoma Diagnosis System. First edition. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2020.: CRC Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9780367406288.

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Weinreb, Robert N., Paul R. Healey, and Fotis Topouzis. Glaucoma screening: Screening for open angle glaucoma, primary angle-closure and primary angle-closure glaucoma : the 5th consensus report of the World Glaucoma Association. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Kugler Publications, 2008.

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Hodapp, Elizabeth. Clinical decisions in glaucoma. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby, 1993.

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Giaconi, JoAnn A. Pearls of glaucoma management. Berlin: Springer, 2010.

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Alward, Wallace L. M. Glaucoma. St. Louis: Mosby, 2000.

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Power, Elaine J. Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, 1988.

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Power, Elaine J. Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, 1988.

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Power, Elaine J. Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, 1988.

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Quigley, Harry A. Diagnosing early glaucoma with nerve fiber layer examination / Harry A. Quigley. New York: Igaku-Shoin, 1996.

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Tsai, James C. Medical management of glaucoma. 2nd ed. West Islip, N.Y: Professional Communications, 2004.

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Tsai, James C. Medical management of glaucoma. West Islip, N.Y: Professional Communications, 2003.

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Kanski, Jack J. Glaucoma: A colour manual of diagnosis and treatment. 2nd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996.

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Kanski, Jack J. Glaucoma: A colour manual of diagnosis and treatment. London: Butterworths, 1989.

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National Collaborating Centre for Acute Care (Great Britain). Glaucoma: Diagnosis and management of chronic open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension : methods, evidence & guidance. London: National Collaborating Centre for Acute Care at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2009.

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Fisch, Barry M. Gonioscopy and the glaucomas. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993.

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Mandal, Anil K. The pediatric glaucomas. Philadelphia: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 2006.

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Alward, Wallace L. M. Glaucoma: The requisites in ophthalmology. St. Louis: Mosby, 2000.

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Singh, Digvijay. Optical coherence tomography in current glaucoma practice: Pearls and pitfalls. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD, 2014.

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Power, Elaine J. Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, 1988.

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Power, Elaine J. Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, 1988.

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Power, Elaine J. Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, 1988.

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Gross, Ronald L. Clinical Glaucoma Management: Critical Signs in Diagnosis and Therapy. W.B. Saunders Company, 2001.

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Kanski, Jack, and John Salmon. Glaucoma. 3rd ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003.

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Drake, Michael V., Robert L. Stamper, and Marc F. Lieberman. Becker-Shaffer's Diagnosis and Therapy of the Glaucomas. 7th ed. Mosby, 1999.

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Imaging in glaucoma. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, 1996.

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Lewis, Thomas L., and Murray Fingeret. Primary Care of the Glaucomas. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill Medical, 2000.

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Scheuerle, A. F., and E. Schmidt. Atlas of Laser Scanning Ophthalmoscopy. Springer, 2004.

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Glaucoma: Diagnosis and therapy. New Orleans, La: New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology, 1993.

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Coleman, Anne L. Glaucoma: Diagnosis and Management. American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1994.

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Ashok, Garg, ed. Glaucoma: Diagnosis and treatment. New Delhi, India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2008.

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Ashok, Garg, ed. Glaucoma: Diagnosis and treatment. New Delhi, India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2008.

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Gupta, Deepak. Glaucoma Diagnosis and Management. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004.

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Coleman, Anne L. Glaucoma: Diagnosis and Management. American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1994.

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Glaukom und okuläre Hypertension: Grundlagen – Diagnostik – Therapie. 2nd ed. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme, 2005.

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Elseid, Arwa Ahmed Gasm, and Alnazier Osman Mohammed Hamza. Computer-Aided Glaucoma Diagnosis System. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Weinreb, Robert N. Glaucoma Diagnosis: Structure And Function. Edited by Robert N. Weinreb. Kugler Publications, 2004.

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Elseid, Arwa Ahmed Gasm, and Alnazier Osman Mohammed Hamza. Computer-Aided Glaucoma Diagnosis System. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Elseid, Arwa Ahmed Gasm, and Alnazier Osman Mohammed Hamza. Computer-Aided Glaucoma Diagnosis System. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Elseid, Arwa Ahmed Gasm, and Alnazier Osman Mohammed Hamza. Computer-Aided Glaucoma Diagnosis System. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Elseid, Arwa Ahmed Gasm, and Alnazier Osman Mohammed Hamza. Computer-Aided Glaucoma Diagnosis System. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Diagnosis and Management of Glaucoma. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.5005/jp/books/11801.

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G, Lemij Hans, and Schuman Joel S, eds. Shape of glaucoma: Quantitative neural imaging techniques. The Hague: Kugler, 2000.

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