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Статті в журналах з теми "Indiko Plus":


Köhler, Katharina M., Raija Hammer, Kathrin Riedy, Volker Auwärter, and Merja A. Neukamm. "Evaluation of CEDIA and DRI Drugs of Abuse Immunoassays for Urine Screening on a Thermo Indiko Plus Analyzer." Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 31, no. 1 (June 27, 2016): e22021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jcla.22021.

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Bonnifet, F., N. Cieniewski, M. Deflandre, F. Foviaux, J. Vaze, S. Verchain, and A. Gruson. "Vérification de la méthode CEDIA pour le dépistage des toxiques urinaires sur le système Thermo Scientific™ Indiko Plus." Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique 28, no. 2 (June 2016): S34—S35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.toxac.2016.03.058.

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Lanah, Sanii, Vanisri S, Abdul Fiyaz R, Sreedhar Mulinti, Durga Rani CHV, and Ramesh T. "Correlation studies in magic indica plus population and Indian rice germplasm." International Journal of Chemical Studies 8, no. 5 (September 1, 2020): 901–3. http://dx.doi.org/10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i5m.10411.

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Sundar, Shyam, Prabhat Kumar Sinha, Deepak K. Verma, Nawin Kumar, Shahnawaj Alam, Krishna Pandey, Poonam Kumari, et al. "Ambisome plus miltefosine for Indian patients with kala-azar." Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 105, no. 2 (February 2011): 115–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trstmh.2010.10.008.

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Volodin, A. "“Growth plus Development”, or Indian Experience of Economic Reforms." World Economy and International Relations, no. 10 (2010): 91–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.20542/0131-2227-2010-10-91-98.

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The development philosophy in India has always attached prime significance to large-scale participation of Indians in modern economic and political processes, to their fullest openness and transparency. It included deconcentration of economic power, diversification of political authority sources, creation of additional value improvement incentives by means of small commodity mode development, productive forces system improvement in lower segments of society. Every historical period of India's economic development is thoroughly examined.

Brosnan, James T., Roy K. Nishimoto, and Joseph DeFrank. "Metribuzin-Resistant Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in Bermudagrass Turf." Weed Technology 22, no. 4 (December 2008): 675–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1614/wt-08-014.1.

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Applications of metribuzin plus MSMA have been used to control goosegrass in bermudagrass turf for over 20 yr. In 2003, two goosegrass biotypes on the island of Kauai, Hawaii were found to be resistant to applications of metribuzin plus MSMA. Metribuzin plus MSMA applied at rates of 0.28 kg ai/ha plus 2.2 kg/ha, respectively, followed by MSMA at 2.2 kg/ha 7 d later, provided 100% control of two susceptible goosegrass biotypes, but no control of two resistant biotypes. At the flowering growth stage, metribuzin applied at a rate of 0.28 kg/ha controlled both susceptible biotypes (> 92%), but did not control the two resistant biotypes. Two applications of MSMA applied at a rate of 2.2 kg/ha (7 d apart) did not control any of the four biotypes at the flowering growth stage. The two resistant biotypes were approximately 100 to 200 times less sensitive to increasing rates of metribuzin than the two susceptible biotypes. The two biotypes that were resistant to metribuzin plus MSMA were also resistant to applications of simazine plus MSMA. However, all four biotypes were susceptible to applications of glyphosate and foramsulfuron.

Elleouet, C., F. Quentel, and C. L. Madec. "Détermination en milieu naturel du dioxide de chlore, des ions chlorite et chlorate basée sur l'utilisation du carmin indigo: étude des interférences." Revue des sciences de l'eau 12, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 561–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/705366ar.

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Différentes méthodes fondées sur l'exploitation d'un même réactif à savoir le carmin indigo ont été mises en œuvre pour réaliser le suivi du dioxyde de chlore et des sous-produits de dégradation que sont les ions chlorite et chlorate. L'étude de la stabilité du carmin indigo a permis de montrer que la détermination du dioxyde de chlore doit être effectuée dans les premières heures qui suivent l'ajout de carmin indigo, une légère diminution de l'absorbance étant observée au delà de vingt heures. L'absorbance du carmin indigo en présence d'ions chlorite et chlorate reste en revanche stable plusieurs jours. La recherche d'éventuelles interférences (substances humiques, ozone, hypochlorite) a également été effectuée. Les ions chlorite et chlorate réagissent avec les substances humiques en milieu acide selon une cinétique réactionnelle beaucoup plus lente que celle des ions chlorite et chlorate sur le carmin indigo. De ce fait, les pourcentages d'erreur sur les concentrations restent faibles. L'hypochlorite ou plus précisément l'acide hypochloreux réagit avec le carmin indigo ce qui conduit à des erreurs dans la détermination du dioxyde de chlore, des ions chlorite et chlorate. Dans le cas du dosage du dioxyde de chlore, les sources d'erreur peuvent être éliminées en ajoutant de l'ammoniaque avant l'introduction du carmin indigo dans l'échantillon. Après avoir été validés dans des milieux synthétiques, les protocoles ont été appliqués à un milieu naturel : l'eau de distribution de la ville de Brest. Une analyse statistique a été effectuée dans le but de comparer les résultats avec ceux déduits d'autres méthodes basées sur des principes différents.

Sasijareonrat, Natthaporn, Nikolaus Jahn, Patompong Ungprasert, and Weerapat Owattanapanich. "Efficacy and the Adverse Effects of Oral Versus Intravenous Arsenic for Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized-Controlled Studies." Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 19 (January 1, 2020): 153303382093700. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1533033820937008.

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Acute promyelocytic leukemia, a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia, is highly curable. In subgroup of patients with non-high-risk acute promyelocytic leukemia, intravenous arsenic trioxide plus all-trans-retinoic acid is considered the preferred regimen for acute promyelocytic leukemia. Recently, there are interests in the use of the oral form of arsenic, named the Realgar-Indigo naturalis formula, but the data on its efficacy and safety are still relatively limited. The current study was conducted with the aims to identify and summarize the results of all available randomized-controlled studies. A systematic review was conducted in the 2 major databases, utilizing the terms for arsenic and acute promyelocytic leukemia. Eligible studies had to be randomized-controlled studies that compared efficacy and/or adverse effects of oral arsenic versus intravenous arsenic for treatment of patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia. The Mantel-Haenszel method was used to pool the effect estimates and 95% confidence intervals of the included studies together. A total of 4 randomized controlled studies with 482 patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (258 in Realgar-Indigo naturalis formula group and 224 in intravenous arsenic trioxide group) were included in the meta-analysis. The chances of achieving complete remission were numerically higher in the Realgar-Indigo naturalis formula group but the difference was not statistically significant (pooled odds ratio: 4.59, 95% CI: 0.74-28.57, I 2 = 0%). Similarly, other efficacy outcomes, including 30-day mortality rate, overall survival, and event-free survival, also tended to favor the Realgar-Indigo naturalis formula group but the difference was not statistically significant. There was no significant difference in the chance of developing differentiation syndrome, cardiac complications, grades 3 to 4 liver toxicity, grades 3 to 4 renal toxicity, and infection between the 2 groups. The results may suggest that all-trans-retinoic acid plus oral Realgar-Indigo naturalis formula regimen is, at minimum, not a worse alternative to the standard all-trans-retinoic acid plus intravenous intravenous arsenic trioxide regimen for treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia, especially for patients with low-to-intermediate risk.

Srivastava, A., A. K. Trivedi, H. G. Lele, P. Munshi, and K. K. Vaze. "Best estimate plus uncertainty analysis of LBLOCA for Indian PHWR." Kerntechnik 77, no. 5 (November 2012): 333–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.3139/124.110217.

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Lascar, Daniel. "Autour De La Propriété Du Petit Indice." Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society s3-62, no. 1 (January 1991): 25–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1112/plms/s3-62.1.25.

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Дисертації з теми "Indiko Plus":


Borg, Johanna. "Jämförelse av kemiinstrument och validering av referensintervall hos hund och katt." Thesis, Högskolan Kristianstad, Fakulteten för naturvetenskap, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-22058.

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Klinisk kemiska analyser har hög klinisk relevans. I serum/plasma kan olika parametrar kvantifieras. Dessa parametrar kan vara proteiner, enzymer, joner, metaller, lipider och kolhydrater. Med hjälp av referensintervall kan veterinärer ställa diagnos, följa behandling och sjukdomsförlopp. Parametrar detekteras med olika analysprinciper/metoder; kolorimetri, immunturbidimetri, enzymatisk metod och potentiometri. Djursjukhuset, AniCura, i Hässleholm mottagas både hundar och katter. Cirka 120 kemianalyser analyseras varje dag. AniCura har köpt in ett nytt våtkemiiinstrument, Indiko Plus, som ska ersätta Cobas C111. Med Indiko Plus tillkommer fler provpositioner, 8 nya analyser, ökad kapaciteten och underlättad användning.  Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra instrumenten och ta fram eget referensintervall som jämfördes med referensintervall framtaget av Thermo Fisher. Verifiering av det nya instrumentet genomfördes med precisionsstudie och linjäritetsstudie. Provtagning på hundar och katter utfördes av personal på AniCura. Jämförelsen gjordes med patientprover och referensintervall togs fram med hjälp av prover från friska hundar och katter. Jämförelsen visade att 9 av 13 analyser hade statistisk signifikant skillnad. Orsaken till det beror troligen på skillnaden av reagens, instrumentens ålder och tid mellan mätningar. Ett nytt referensintervall utarbetades och skiljde sig inte mycket från Thermo Fishers intervall. Vidare validering på grund av liten population rekommenderades. Precisionen för Indiko Plus blev godkänd. Linjäriteten blev icke linjär och berodde troligen på en dålig pipett och bör göras om.
Clinical chemical analyzes has high clinical relevance. In serum/plasma, different parameters can be quantified. Parameters can be proteins, enzymes, ions, metals, lipids, and carbohydrates. With reference intervals, veterinarians can set diagnosis, follow treatment and development of the disease. Parameters are detected with different analysis principles/methods; colorimetry, immunoturbidimetry, enzymatic method and potentiometry. The animal hospital, AniCura, in Hässleholm accept dogs and cats. About 120 chemical analyzes are analyzed every day. AniCura purchased a new instrument, Indiko Plus, which will replace Cobas C111. Indiko Plus provide, more sample positions, 8 new analyzes, increased capacity, and facilitated use. The purpose of this study was to compare the instruments and produce a new reference interval which was compared to the reference interval provided by Thermo Fisher. To verify Indiko Plus, a precision and linearity study were conducted. Blood sampling of dogs and cats was performed by staff at AniCura. The comparison was made with patient samples and the reference intervals were obtained using samples from healthy animals. The comparison showed 9 of 13 analyzes had a statistically significant difference. The reason for this is probably due to the difference in reagents, the age of the instruments and the time between measurements. A new reference interval was developed and did not differ much from the Thermo Fisher interval. Further validation due to low population was recommended. The precision for Indiko Plus was approved. The linearity study shows not linear trend but was likely due to a bad pipette and should be redone.

Guin, Jean-Pierre. "Comportement mécanique des verres inorganiques du plus fragile au plus tenace." Rennes 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001REN10116.

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De nos jours il existe de nombreuses familles de verres (chalcogénures oxyazotés, oxycarbonés dont les propriétés et le comportement mécaénique sont parfois mal connus. Ce trail se décompose en trois étapes : une étude bibliographique de la structure de ces différentes familles de verres, la présentation des méthodes expérimentales utilisées, les résultats expérimentaux et leur interprétation. Les propréts mécaniques mesurées sont : les modules élastiques E,G et v obtenus par échographie ultrasonore, la dureté Meyer par indentation Vickers et la ténacité qui est obtenue par deux méthodes : l'I. F. M. (indentation fracture méthod) et la méthode de l'éprouvette entaillée en chevron sollicitée en flexion trois points. Une attention particulière est protée sur l'étude du comportement à l'indentation des différents matériaux. Ces propriétés sont discutées en fonction de la composition (par exemple le pourcentage de germanium et d'antimoine introduits pour les verres de chalcogénures). Un certain nombre de comportements caractéristiques ont été mis en évidence ; en particulier le retour élastique significatif après indentation et le fluage sous charge

Grincourt, Yves. "Synthèse, étude structurale et électrochimique des matériaux d'électrode positive d'oxydes mixtes LiCo[indice]yNi[indice]1-yO[indice]2 (0[plus petit ou égal à] y [plus petit ou égal à] 1) pour les batteries rechargeables au lithium." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 1998.

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Grincourt, Yves. "Synthèse, étude structurale et électrochimique des matériaux d'électrode positive d'oxydes mixtes LiCo[indice]yNi[indice]1-yO[indice]2 (0[plus petit ou égal à] y [plus petit ou égal à] 1) pour les batteries rechargeables au lithium." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 1998. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/4988.

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Depuis une dizaine d'années, on observe un intérêt grandissant pour les batteries rechargeables au lithium de tension supérieure à 4 volts. La commercialisation de ces batteries pour l'électronique grand marché tend de plus en plus à supplanter celle des accumulateurs Ni-Cd et Ni-MH, de tension nominale 1,2 V. Ces batteries au lithium font appel à des matériaux d'électrode positive (cathode à la décharge) du type oxydes mixtes de métaux de transition LiMnO2, LiMn2O4, LiNiO2 ou LiCoO2. Si le composé LiCoO2 est relativement aisé à synthétiser, il n'en demeure pas moins que le cobalt reste un métal plus coûteux comparé au nickel et au manganèse. La synthèse de LiNiO2, quart à elle, demeure un problème du point de vue stoechiométrique. Un défaut de lithium (5 à 10% molaire) conduira à des propriétés électrochimiques médiocres de la batterie. Dans cette étude nous nous proposons donc de préparer par voie humide et par voie sèche les matériaux d'électrode positive de la famille LiCoyNi1-yO22 avec (0 ≤ y ≤ 1) et d'étudier en détail l'influence du pourcentage de nickel et de cobalt sur les propriétés électrochimiques des oxydes mixtes Li-Ni-Co. Une des caractéristiques est la morphologie plus fine des poudres de matériaux, observés par microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB). Un traitement thermique à plus basse température (750°C) que pour LiCoO2 (850°C) ainsi qu'un léger excès de lithium dans la préparation, ont permis d'aboutir à un matériau de stoechiométrie quasi parfaite. Néanmoins, le rôle de pilier joué par 2 à 4% de moles de Ni2+ présents sur les sites lithium, permet de conserver intacte la structure hexagonale de la maille entre deux cycles consécutifs. Afin de mieux comprendre l'influence du vieillissement d'une demi-pile Li / LiMeO2 (Me = Ni, Co) à température ambiante, des études électrochimiques et d'impédance spectroscopique ont été menées en parallèle. Le vieillissement de la cellule s'accompagne seulement d'une chute de son potentiel due à son auto-décharge. Néanmoins, il est encore possible de la relancer en cyclage par la suite. Une baisse de la valeur de la résistance totale interfaciale et des fréquences au sonnet semble indiquer une modification chimique et/ou structurale des films de passivations, peut-être due à une transformation de ces films lors du cyclage ou à leur dégradation."--Résumé abrégé par UMI

Grincourt, Yves. "Synthèse, étude structurale et électrochimique des matériaux d'électrode positive d'oxydes mixtes LiCo[indice]yNi¦1-[indice]yO¦2 (0[plus petit ou égal] y [plus grand ou égal] 1) pour les batteries rechargeables au lithium." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape11/PQDD_0015/NQ57002.pdf.

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Salvi, Nicola. "Soluzioni impiantistiche plug-play per la riqualificazione energetica di edifici esistenti con addizioni volumetriche esterne." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.

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L'obiettivo della Tesi di Laurea si inserisce tra quelli del progetto europeo ProGETonE, in particolar modo la riqualificazione energetica attraverso l'inserimento di impianti performanti e l'uso di fonti di energia rinnovabile al fine di ridurre al massimo i consumi energetici, fino ad arrivare ad avere un edificio NZEB. L'oggetto di intervento della Tesi di Laurea è un complesso residenziale in Provincia di Reggio Emilia di 13 appartamenti di edilizia popolare, nel quale è previsto un incremento di volumetria al fine di aumentarne il valore. É previsto inoltre l'inserimento di un isolamento a cappotto sulle pareti esterne esistenti e la sostituzione degli infissi. La tesi di Laurea parte da queste ipotesi progettuali e ha come fine quello di proporre diverse soluzioni impiantistiche di fattibilità, al fine di ottenere un miglioramento energetico. Nello stato di fatto è presente un impianto termico centralizzato per il riscaldamento degli ambienti e per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria, con un generatore di calore alimentato a metano; non è presente nessuna forma di impianto di raffrescamento. Vengono proposte tre soluzioni che vanno ad evidenziare modalità diverse di intervento su un edificio esistente, ma in tutti i casi si ottiene un miglioramento in termini di riscaldamento invernale, raffrescamento estivo e qualità dell'aria interna all'abitazione. Per tutte tre le soluzioni è previsto l'inserimento di fonti di energia rinnovabile, ovvero pannelli fotovoltaici da collocarsi nel tetto; Il fine di questa tesi è quello di proporre soluzioni impiantistiche per il miglioramento energetico, i risultati sono stati valutati tramite simulazioni energetiche con il software EdilClima e confrontate con quelle svolte sullo stato di fatto e post intervento.

Da, Costa Soares Jean-Jérôme. "Compréhension moléculaire et prédiction des propriétés physicochimiques dans les produits pétroliers." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSE1310/document.

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La diminution en pétrole brut léger nécessite de convertir les fractions lourdes en produits valorisables (essences, gazoles, huiles, etc.). Dans ce contexte, l'hydrocraquage (HCK) fournit des produits de très haute qualité à partir de distillats sous vide (DSV) du pétrole brut. La qualité des coupes obtenues est caractérisée par des propriétés physico-chimiques qui sont soumises à des spécifications. L'optimisation du procédé nécessite des expérimentations longues et coûteuses. IFPEN a donc de plus en plus recours à des tests sur unité d'expérimentation haut débit (EHD). Ces derniers posent cependant un problème d'accessibilité aux coupes d'intérêt. Par ailleurs, pour comprendre et prédire l'impact des conditions opératoires sur la qualité des produits, des simulateurs sont développés. Certaines propriétés de produits sont cependant complexes et difficiles à modéliser voire mal comprises. Ce travail de thèse a porté sur l'amélioration de la compréhension moléculaire des propriétés produits pour une meilleure prédiction. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes focalisés sur le point de trouble (PT) de la coupe gazole et l'indice de viscosité (VI) de l'huile obtenue lors de l'hydrocraquage de DSV. Deux techniques d'analyse moléculaire ont été utilisées : la chromatographie en phase gazeuse bidimensionnelle (GC×GC) qui permet de déterminer la composition par famille chimique des différentes coupes et la résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) du 13C qui fournit des informations sur la structure chimique des hydrocarbures présents dans ces mélanges. Nous présentons les résultats obtenus par une régression multivariée parcimonieuse (sparse Partial Least Squares) appliquée aux données GC×GC et 13C RMN. Il s'agit d'une variante de la PLS classique qui permet de réduire le nombre de facteurs tout en privilégiant ceux qui sont les plus corrélés à une propriété d'intérêt donnée. Globalement, cette étude a notamment permis de mieux comprendre l'impact des différents hydrocarbures (n-paraffines, isoparaffines, aromatiques,…) et de leur structure moléculaire (longueur de chaînes, degrés de branchements,…) sur le PT des gazoles et le VI des huiles. La bonne qualité des modèles obtenus par sparse PLS montre par ailleurs la possibilité d'accéder à la qualité des produits lors de l'utilisation d'EHD. Des modèles de prédiction par krigeage ont également été développés. Cette méthode d'interpolation permet de prédire une propriété en un point donné en effectuant une moyenne pondérée des observations au voisinage de ce point. Les modèles de krigeage sont des modèles locaux adaptés aux structures de données complexes. Ce sont des approches probabilistes qui permettent d'estimer les incertitudes de prédiction. Aussi bien dans le cas du PT de la coupe gazole que dans celui du VI de la coupe huile, les résultats montrent une amélioration des performances. Cette approche est tout à fait novatrice dans le domaine des produits pétroliers. Lors de l'utilisation d'unités EHD, elle permet d'accéder au VI des huiles de base plus aisément que via des données chromatographiques ou spectroscopiques, qui sont de plus non accessibles en raffinerie
The rapid decline in light crude oils requires to convert heavy petroleum fractions into more valuable products (naphtha, diesel, lubricants, etc.). In this context, hydrocracking process (HCK) consists on upgrading vaccum gas oil (VGO) into high quality products. The quality of petroleum products is based on some chemical and physical properties that should fulfill prerequisite specifications. The hydrocracking process optimization requires to set up time consuming and costly experiments for developing catalysts and setting operating conditions. High throughput experimentation (HTE) units are then increasingly used at IFPEN. However, these units do not enable to obtain end products. Otherwise, predictive models were developed in order to understand and predict the impact of operating conditions about products quality. However, some complex properties are very difficult to model and require a better understanding. This work is mainly concerned with the understanding of diesel cloud point (CP) and viscosity index (VI) of base oils. Two analytical techniques were used: the two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) that enables to identify hydrocarbons compounds in petroleum products and the 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy which provides structural characteristics of these compounds. A sparse multivariate regression (sparse Partial Least Squares) was performed using chromatographic and spectroscopic data. The sparse PLS is derived from classical PLS. It allows to reduce the number of factors by performing a variable selection. The selected factors are the most correlated to the property to model. Globally, this approach enabled to better understand how hydrocarbon compounds (nparaffins, isoparaffins, aromatics,…) and their molecular characteristics (carbon number, degree of branching,…) affect the diesel CP and the VI of base oil. Furthermore, the good performances of developed sparse PLS models show that it is possible to access to the products quality when using HTE units. Kriging models were also developed. Kriging is an interpolation method that predicts the value of a function at a given point by computing a weighted average of the known values of the function in the neighborhood of the point. Kriging models have local aspect which is well adapted to complex data. Its probabilistic approach enables to provide an estimate of predicted value uncertainty. Results show that kriging improves predictive performances for both diesel CP and VI of base oil. This approach is quite innovative in modelling of petroleum products properties. When using HTE units, it allows to estimate the VI of base oil more easily than from chromatographic or spectroscopic data which are not available for the refiners

Louis-Jean, Laurent. "Étude de la pêche artisanale côtière aux filets de fond aux Antilles françaises afin de réduire les captures accidentelles de tortues marines et obtenir une activité plus durable." Thesis, Paris, EPHE, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EPHE3028/document.

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Le plan de restauration des tortues marines aux Antilles françaises a été validé par le Conseil National pour la Conservation de la Nature en 2006. Les captures accidentelles dans les filets de fond, i.e. les trémail, folle et filet droit, sur le plateau continental constituent la principale menace. Des filets faisant varier la hauteur, le maillage et l’inclinaison ont été comparés à des filets professionnels au cours de 226 pêches expérimentales. Le trémail est peu sélectif. Des filets à profil bas permettent d’obtenir des rendements comparables et réduiraient les captures de tortues. Les captures accidentelles sont plus abondantes dans les trémails et les folles. Les pêches à longs temps de calée provoquent plus de 90% de taux de mortalité de tortues et augmentent les quantités de rejets. Près de deux milliers de tortues seraient capturées chaque année aux Antilles françaises, avec une mortalité avoisinant les 60%. Les tortues adultes pêchées l’ont été en période de nidification et les tortues dites résidentes sont dans la grande majorité des juvéniles ou sub-adultes, cause de la surexploitation locale passée et signe de populations non stables. La menace « pêche » est d’autant plus importante qu’elle touche les femelles nidifiantes, meilleurs espoirs de rétablissement des stocks. En étroite collaboration participative avec les professionnels de la mer, la protection des tortues et des ressources marines passerait par une réduction de la hauteur des filets et de leurs temps de calée et l’interdiction totale ou partielle de ceux à mailles larges
The national marine turtles recovery plan in FWI was adopted in 2006 by the National council for the nature conservancy. The bottom nets bycatch, i.e. the trammel, folle and gill nets, on the continental shelf are the main threat. Experimental nets with different heights, meshing and incline was compared to professional ones during 226 experimental trials. Trammel net is non selective. Low profile nets maintain a similar productivity and reduce the turtle bycatch. Trammel and folle nets cause more bycatch. The long soak times lead to more than 90 % of turtles mortality and more discards. Each year, about two thousands of turtles would be captured in FWI, with a mortality rate closed to 60 %. The mature turtles were captured during the nesting season and the resident ones are mostly juveniles or sub-adults, because of the local past overexploitation and indicator of non stable populations. The “fishery” threat is particularly important it affect nesting females, best stocks recovery hope. Closely to the marine professionals, the marine turtle and resources protection would be effective thanks to the reduction of the height and soak times nets and the total or partial ban of large meshing size nets

Jung, Youjin. "L’imposition des plus-values de cessions directes et indirectes des entreprises dans l’Etat de la source : les exemples de la Chine, de la Corée du Sud et de l’Inde." Thesis, Paris 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA020029.

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L’Asie est une des principales destinations, en termes de volume, des investissements mondiaux. Or, l’existence d’une sécurité tant juridique que fiscale est un paramètre majeur dans les choix des investisseurs étrangers. Quelques affaires récentes dans cette région, notamment « Lone Star Fund » en Corée du Sud et « Vodafone » en Inde, semblent remettre en question l’existence d’une telle sécurité. Les activités de nombreuses entreprises étrangères articulées autour d’opérations d’achat et de revente de parts de sociétés sont spéculatives. La Chine, la Corée du Sud et l’Inde, ayant constaté l’importance des profits générés par une telle pratique spéculative, ont choisi de les imposer, en tant qu’Etat de la source, soit avec l’adoption des règles dites « general anti-avoidance rules (GAAR) », soit avec l’interprétation extensive d’un principe découlant d’une loi fiscale, soit encore avec l’amendement des règles des revenus réputés de source. Ce faisant, elles n’ont pas tenu compte de l’existence de société-relais et n’ont pas nécessairement justifié cette imposition qui semble contrevenir à leurs conventions fiscales. La première partie de cette thèse consiste à étudier le droit interne et la pratique judiciaire de ces Etats. Dans un second temps, elle examine dans quelle mesure cette imposition s’articule avec leurs conventions fiscales. Enfin, elle cherche à comprendre pourquoi elles ont choisi une telle politique fiscale et propose quelques solutions pour rehausser le degré de prévisibilité de leur système juridique
Asia is one of the main destinations in terms of global investment volume. But the existence of legal and fiscal certainties is an important factor for investors’ choices. Several recent cases in the region, including “Lone Star Fund” in South Korea and “Vodafone” in India, seem to question the existence of such certainties. Many foreign enterprises focus on the shares’ purchase and re-sale, which could be linked to speculation. China, South Korea and India, as source states, having identified speculative business which is making huge profits, decided to tax them, with adopting General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR) or a broad interpretation of a tax law principle and also the rule amendment on income deemed to accrue. In so doing, they ignored the presence of conduit companies and did not justify this taxation which would seem to be a breach of their tax treaties.Firstly, this study examines domestic law and judicial practice of these states. In the second phase, it evaluates the extent to which this taxation relates to their tax treaties. Finally, it seeks to understand why they opt for such a tax policy and proposes some solutions to raise the level of predictability of their legal system

Stampa, Henri P. de. "Exploration informatisée de l'écriture de Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes dans la "Historia general y natural de las indias" : description terminologique relationnelle du discours dans lequel s'insèrent les indo-américanismes les plus fréquents du lexique des éléments naturels." Paris 8, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA080879.

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Menee dans le cadre du laboratoire d'analyse relationnelle informatique des textes (arit) a l'universite de paris viii, l'exploration informatisee de l'oviedo dans cette oeuvre est une description terminologique du discours dans lequel s'integrent les trois indo-americanismes les plus frequents du lexique des elements naturels, a savoir "jaguey" sorte de puits peu profond creuse bien souvent a la main pour etancher sa soif, "huracan" l'ouragan et "sabana" la savan le corpus de travail rassemble les enonces qui contiennent ces indo-americanismes. L'ensemble des enonces comprenant un meme indo-americanisme constitue un sous-corpus. Notion fondamentale pour cette demarche, l'enonce est une succession de formes, c'est-a-dire de composants significatifs ou structurants : les mots grammaticaux ou lexicaux et la ponctuation, reperables dans l'ordre lineaire. I delimite par le point qui acheve l'enonce precedent et par celui qui l'acheve a son tour. Tout au long de l'etude, la forme, en tant qu'element constitutif de l'enonce peut etre etudiee dans l'exhaustivite de s contexte textuel : elle se voit toujours associer l'ensemble de ses caracteristiques morphologiques, fonctionnelles et spatiales. La base de donnees constituee pour l'exploration informatisee de l'ecriture d'oviedo se presente comme un vaste tableau contenant 150. 746 informations. Les moyens informatiques retenus apres diverses experimentations comprennent d'une part deux progiciels destines au grand public, le tableur lotus 1. 2. 3 et le systeme de gestion de bases de donnees. D. Ba iii plus, d'autre part le dispositif d'analyse factorielle spadn. L'efficacite de la recherche tient en grande partie a l'enchainement judicieux d'un tableur, d'un systeme de gestion de bases de donnees et d'un dispositif d'analyse factorielle, enchainement qui permet de disposer tout au long des travaux d'une grande variete et d'une excellente complementarite des fonctionnalites
At the beginning of the sixteenth century, gonzalo fernandez de oviedo y valdes decides to write "la historia general y natural de las indias". Official chronicler of the spanish conquest of america, he describes expeditions and historical events, he shows natural and social universe. The exploration of this work of oviedo within the framework of research of the arit (laboratoire d'analyse relationnelle informatique des textes, universite de paris vii) is a description of the terminology when the chronicler uses the three most frequent indian words of the natural elements vocabulary, that is to say "huracan", "sabana" and "jaguey". The corpus groups together all sentences including, at least, one of these indian terms, each component of the sentence (grammatical or lexical words and punctuation marks) is identified in the linear order withi its morphological, function and spatial characteristics. The data file necessary for such a compilation contains 150. 746 informations. After several experiences, three kinds of data processing tools are chosen : lotus 1. 2. 3, d. Base iii plus and spadn which is a factor analysis system. Such a research finds its efficiency in linguistic and organizational principles : at any moment each component of a sentence may be observed in the most exhaustive context, data processing systems have to offer a large variety and an excellent complementarity of functionalities,, actually, a flexible, evolutive and complete organization permets investigations which were not conceivable at the beginning of the work

Книги з теми "Indiko Plus":


P, Singh S. Sulabh sanitation movement: Vision-2000 plus. 3rd ed. New Delhi: Sulabh International Social Service Organisation, 2002.

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P, Singh S. Sulabh sanitation movement: Vision-2000 plus. New Delhi: Sulabh International Social Service Organisation, 1998.

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Pargeter, Fredi. Wild plums and cabbages: A taste of the past. Thompson Falls, Mont: Sanders County Historical Society, 2008.

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Pargeter, Fredi. Wild plums and cabbages: A taste of the past. Thompson Falls, Mont: Sanders County Historical Society, 2008.

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Pargeter, Fredi. Wild plums and cabbages: A taste of the past. Thompson Falls, Mont: Sanders County Historical Society, 2008.

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McCombie, Karen. Oups, j'ai perdu mes plus meilleures amies. Montréal: La Courte échelle, 2008.

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Pargeter, Fredi. Wild plums and cabbages: A taste of the past. Thompson Falls, Mont: Sanders County Historical Society, 2008.

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Pargeter, Fredi. Wild plums and cabbages: A taste of the past. Thompson Falls, Mont: Sanders County Historical Society, 2008.

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Pargeter, Fredi. Wild plums and cabbages: A taste of the past. Thompson Falls, Mont: Sanders County Historical Society, 2008.

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McCombie, Karen. Je suis la plus (mal)chanceuse de l'école! Montréal: La Courte échelle, 2009.

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Частини книг з теми "Indiko Plus":


Tan, See Seng. "ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus." In Minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific, 120–34. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY : Routledge, 2020.: Routledge, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003000839-8.

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Hancock, James F. "The Portuguese build an empire." In Spices, scents and silk: catalysts of world trade, 222–34. Wallingford: CABI, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1079/9781789249743.0017.

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Abstract Albuquerque's victory in Malacca gave Portugal a major foothold in the Far Eastern pepper trade, but the Portuguese were never able to fully dominate it. The chapter summarizes the struggles of Portugal's building of its empire. It also discusses the cartaz system, where the Portuguese claimed suzerainty over the Indian Ocean and no one else was allowed to sail unless they purchased a safe conduct pass. The cartaz obliged Asian ships to call at a Portuguese-controlled port and pay customs duties before proceeding on their voyage. Ships without this document were considered fair game and their goods could be confiscated. It was, pure and simple, a protection racket. The cartaz system, plus customs duties and outright piracy, provided most of the funds defraying the costs of the Portuguese navy and its garrisons. The chapter also outlines the importance of Indian cotton in the Spice Trade and the routes of spices into Europe. Further, the chapter provides highlights of the Portuguese profits on spices. Portuguese imports of pepper held strong over most the sixteenth century. The total weight of the spice cargoes averaged 40,000 to 50,000 quintals (1 quintal = 130 pounds or 59 kilograms) annually in the first half of the century and 60,000 to 70,000 quintals later on. Records have been left of one cargo in 1518 that totalled almost 5 million pounds (2.27 million kilograms), of which 4.7 million pounds (2.13 million kilograms) was pepper, 12,000 pounds (5443 kilograms) cloves, 3000 pounds (1360 kilograms) cinnamon and 2000 pounds (907 kilograms) mace (Krondl, 2007). Most of the pepper and other spices were purchased in Malabar on the open market. Portuguese profits on the pepper trade could run as high as 500%. Lastly, the chapter briefly discusses how other European countries looked for alternative routes to the spices.

Jaffrelot, Christophe, and Pratinav Anil. "Introduction." In India's First Dictatorship, 1–20. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197577820.003.0001.

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This chapter begins by describing the Emergency as the panic button and ne plus ultra which could be triggered by Article 352 of the Indian constitution. It elaborates on how this provision in the Indian constitution was used to erode the institutional pillars of democracy: the judiciary, parliament and media. It also traces the events that led to the imposition of the Emergency in India on 25 June 1975. The two major setbacks for Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the Gujarat elections and the Allahabad High Court ruling in the lead up to the Emergency are explained in detail. The introductory chapter attempts to make sense of this period in Indian history and set the stage for the chapters to follow.

Biberman, Yelena. "“Guns Plus Interest”." In Gambling with Violence, 64–96. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190929961.003.0004.

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This chapter shows that the principal factors driving the state-nonstate alliances in Kashmir (1989–2003) were the local balance of power and actors’ interests. It was only when the Indian army demonstrated force employment prowess through a string of military victories that it was able to attract opportunists. These were former rebels seeking local power, profit, and security. The proxies—most notably the Ikhwan-ul-Muslimoon in the north, as well as the Jammu and Kashmir Ikhwan and Muslim Mujahideen in the south of the Kashmir Valley—helped to shift the balance of power in India’s favor. This prompted the insurgency to move to the mountainous Jammu region. There, the security forces turned to local activists. These, mostly Hindu, villagers formed the so-called Village Defense Committees.

La Forgia, Gerard, and Somil Nagpal. "RSBY Plus Scheme, Himachal Pradesh." In Government-Sponsored Health Insurance in India, 345–55. The World Bank, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1596/9780821396186_app-h.

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"Java Plum, Black Plum, Jambolana, Indian Blackberry, Indian Allspice, Jambhool, Jamun, Jaman, Jamoon." In Major Flowering Trees of Tropical Gardens, 205–7. Cambridge University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781108680646.110.

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"From Plum Stones: Cartoons of No Heaven, 2002." In Of Indigo and Saffron, 185–310. University of California Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/9780520947337-018.

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Mathur, Somesh, and Naman Agarwal. "Evaluation of India's Proposed Regional Trade Agreements With Major Economies Using General Equilibrium Analysis." In Handbook of Research on the Empirical Aspects of Strategic Trade Negotiations and Management, 211–34. IGI Global, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7568-0.ch011.

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This chapter attempts to analyze trade effects of India's liberalization with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and five Asia-Pacific countries (ASEAN Plus Five), Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), European Union (EU), India-Japan-Australia trilateral framework, and Southern African Customs Union (SACU). It also tries to look at how they can create new opportunities for trade among the member countries. The authors sort out which of the above-recorded arrangements will be the most welfare upgrading for India. The chapter attempts to comprehend whether India ought to pull out for the occasions to be essential for value-chains in the areas. Maximum gains occur when India liberalizes with all, that is, liberalizes multilaterally followed by ASEAN 10, RCEP, Indo Pacific, CPTPP, MENA, EU 27, 54 nations African FTA, GCC, among others. Services and investment liberalization would bring further dividends to India.

Negi, Saurav, and Neeraj Anand. "Wastage and Cold Chain Infrastructure Relationship in Indian Food Supply Chain." In Supply Chain Management Strategies and Risk Assessment in Retail Environments, 247–66. IGI Global, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-3056-5.ch014.

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India, the world's second-largest producer and one of the centers of origin of Fruits and Vegetables is also one of the biggest food wasters in the world. The challenge of feeding India's billion plus people is not really about agriculture and food production but getting the quality food to the concerned people in a right time. The biggest contributors to this waste are lack of temperature controlled transport and inadequate quality of cold storage facilities for both Farmers and Food sellers i.e. retailers. What India lacks, and needs, is a well-developed, world-class cold chain infrastructure. Without it, India's problems are vast and likely to grow. In this chapter, the authors tries to outlines the extent of Fruits and Vegetables waste in India (at various stages from farm to retail) and its ramifications on food production and safety. Authors also highlighted the challenges faced by cold chain sector in India and a roadmap for improvements. As Indian economy is based on agriculture, development of Cold Chain infrastructure from farm to retail points will play a crucial role.

Negi, Saurav, and Neeraj Anand. "Wastage and Cold Chain Infrastructure Relationship in Indian Food Supply Chain." In Research Anthology on Food Waste Reduction and Alternative Diets for Food and Nutrition Security, 481–500. IGI Global, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-5354-1.ch024.

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India, the world's second-largest producer and one of the centers of origin of Fruits and Vegetables is also one of the biggest food wasters in the world. The challenge of feeding India's billion plus people is not really about agriculture and food production but getting the quality food to the concerned people in a right time. The biggest contributors to this waste are lack of temperature controlled transport and inadequate quality of cold storage facilities for both Farmers and Food sellers i.e. retailers. What India lacks, and needs, is a well-developed, world-class cold chain infrastructure. Without it, India's problems are vast and likely to grow. In this chapter, the authors tries to outlines the extent of Fruits and Vegetables waste in India (at various stages from farm to retail) and its ramifications on food production and safety. Authors also highlighted the challenges faced by cold chain sector in India and a roadmap for improvements. As Indian economy is based on agriculture, development of Cold Chain infrastructure from farm to retail points will play a crucial role.

Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Indiko Plus":


Rao, Prabhat Kumar, and Arindam Biswas. "Measuring Housing Affordability Using Residual Income Method for Million-plus Cities in India." In 4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism – Full book proceedings of ICCAUA2020, 20-21 May 2021. Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.38027/iccaua2021257n3.

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Housing affordability is an ever-growing concern in rapidly urbanizing countries like India. The need for affordable housing can hardly be overemphasis in India. Government has many policies and programs running for fulfilling the requirement. But it is essential to define affordability standards for the success of any such policies and programs. The Ratio Method, which is currently used as the base for determining affordable housing, doesn’t have the flexibility to match the varied scale and standards across Indian cities. This paper is based on Michel E stone’s residual income’ method to measure housing affordability for India’s million-plus city. It gives a new approach for measuring housing affordability based on the minimum living cost for survival. It uses Poverty Line data (2014) and NSSO economic survey data (2012) for defining the minimum standard of living in the city. Stakeholders can use the city-specific measurement for affordable housing generated from this paper in affordable housing policies and programs.

Chauhan, Udit, Md Tabish Ansari, and Mohd Kashif. "A load dump transient subduer for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles." In 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON). IEEE, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/indicon.2015.7443219.

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Sharma, Prakash, Srikanth Reddy, Sandeep Shrivastava, and Rajesh Kumar. "Strategic plug load management system for smart buildings with rooftop photovoltaic system." In 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON). IEEE, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/indicon.2015.7443466.

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Upadhyay, Ankur, Ashish Gupta, and Vishal Kumar. "Comparative study of narrow band PLCs physical layer under AWGN and narrowband interferer." In 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON). IEEE, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/indicon.2015.7443190.

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Babu, Ajay, and S. Ashok. "Algorithm for selection of motor and vehicle architecture for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle." In 2012 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON). IEEE, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/indcon.2012.6420740.

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Khatana, Vivek, and Ravikumar Bhimasingu. "Review on Three-Phase PLLs for Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources." In 2017 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON). IEEE, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/indicon.2017.8488071.

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Jayaraman, K. "Development of Pyro Igniter for Gas Turbine Engine Application." In ASME 2013 Gas Turbine India Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/gtindia2013-3517.

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As the initiation of ignition of gas turbine combustor is relying on conventional spark plug methods, it has some limitations at fuel lean mixture conditions, turbulence streams and high altitude relight conditions. Severely reduced spark plug performance and durability is an unfortunate consequence as engines are simultaneously being pushed to higher power densities and leaner stoichiometry in order to improve efficiency and lower emissions. However, an important parameter is the ignition under extreme conditions, lean combustible mixture and high initial pressure, requiring high voltage when using conventional spark plug technology and also significantly reduces the lifetime. An alternative solution to standard spark plug is the use of pyro materials to igniter applications. The overall energy conversion efficiency from chemical energy to electrical energy and mechanical energy will be less when compared to direct conversion of chemical energy to the required applications. Also, the pyro type sources are compact in size. In the gas turbine the exploitation of pyro igniter is inevitable. This research paper involves the demonstration of chlorine free propellant formulation, burning rate studies, application and compatibility of pyro igniter to initiate the ignition of gas turbine combustor. Ammonium Nitrate (AN) plus polymer binder (Hydroxyl Terminated Poly Butadiene – HTPB) and Ammonium Dichromate (ADC) catalyst based composite propellant pyro igniter material have been considered. This composite propellant delivers comparatively low performance, low temperature and low burn rate when compared to Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) based propellant. But AP based propellants discharges corrosive (HCl) gases. AN based composite propellant have chosen for the clean exhaust and non-toxic gases. The impact sensitivity of AN based propellant is quite normal comparable with AP based compositions and low when compared to double based propellants. The burning rate of the propellant is measured in 10 to 60 bar pressure range. The pyro igniter is fabricated and ignition tests are conducted. Average energy release rate of the pyro igniter is 16.6 KJ/s in the designed configuration.

Baraha, Satyakam, and Ajit Kumar Sahoo. "Plug-and-Play Priors Enabled SAR Image Inpainting in the Presence of Speckle Noise." In 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON). IEEE, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/indicon49873.2020.9342397.

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Raj, Ritu, Akshay Sharma, and Siddharth Chauhan. "Response of Square and Plus Shaped Buildings on Varying Wind Loads." In ASCE India Conference 2017. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/9780784482032.022.

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Ramachandran, Kausalya, and Y. S. Ramakrishna. "Programs for Watershed- Plus phase for rainfed regions in India." In Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium, edited by Robert J. Kuligowski, Jai S. Parihar, and Genya Saito. SPIE, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.706495.

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Звіти організацій з теми "Indiko Plus":


Aznar, Alexandra, Thomas Bowen, and Owen Zinaman. An Overview of Behind-the-Meter Solar-Plus-Storage Program Design: With Considerations for India. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1665766.

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