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Carlson, Stephanie. "Knowledge Workers: A Psychological Approach to Living and Working." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1305893312.

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David, Natalie [Verfasser], and Olaf N. [Akademischer Betreuer] Rank. "Workers, work, and coworkers: How organizational psychology interacts with employees’ embeddedness in knowledge exchange networks." Freiburg : Universität, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1141575728/34.

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Wang, Jijie. "Controlling telework an exploratory investigation of portfolios of control applied to remote knowledge workers /." unrestricted, 2008. http://etd.gsu.edu/theses/available/etd-01092009-131242/.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Georgia State University, 2008.
Title from file title page. Daniel Robey, committee chair; Karlene C. Cousins, Balasubramaniam Ramesh, Michael Gallivan, committee members. Description based on contents viewed July 1, 2009. Includes bibliographical references (p. 102-105).

Rebholz, Christina H. "Life in the Uncanny Valley: Workplace Issues for Knowledge Workers on the Autism Spectrum." Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=antioch1363118807.

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Salchow, Kenneth J. Jr. "Evaluating expertise of knowledge workers through structural dimensional analysis of mental representation (SDA-M)." Thesis, Capella University, 2017. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10243523.

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The role of superior human capital in creating and maintaining competitive advantage in the global marketplace is an increasing priority. The problem for business leaders is that despite the purported benefits of superior human capital, contemporary human capital assessments prove incapable of reliably identifying the best employees to hire, promote, or retain. Research into the use of mental models as a means to differentiate expert and novice performers suggested that a simple and reliable means of eliciting and comparing mental models might address this gap. Prior studies following the Structural Dimensional Analysis of Mental Representations (SDA-M) methodology produced reliable and repeatable differentiation of expert and novice performers in professional sports, but had not been applied to the knowledge-work driving today’s businesses. The purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental study was to evaluate the use of SDA-M in the identification and classification of expert knowledge workers. Specifically, this research sought to answer two specific research questions concerning the use of SDA-M: what is the similarity of expert knowledge worker mental models produced via SDA-M analysis; and, what is the similarity of novice knowledge worker mental models when compared to those of experts? Following the SDA-M methodology, customer support personnel purposefully selected to represent expert (n = 6) and novice (n = 6) performers completed a sorting task designed to elicit and record individual mental models of a critical job task. Experts were selected from senior-level positions with a minimum of five years organizational tenure; novices were selected from entry-level positions with no more than one year of organizational tenure. The individual mental models where then compared using Qsplit to determine the degree of similarity between them. SDA-M analysis proved ineffective at differentiating expert and novice performers on the study stimulus task. Although SDA-M analysis differentiated subjects into two groups, these groups did not align with the ex ante definitions of expert and novice performers. Additional analysis suggested an incompatibility between the job task selected for eliciting mental models and the criteria used in sampling; industry tenure proved a better indicator of expert performance of the study task than organizational tenure. Although the results of this study can only be considered inconclusive, SDA-M analysis demonstrated the ability to clearly differentiate participants based on the structure and consistency of their mental model constructions. Continued research into the use of SDA-M as a means to identify superior human capital is warranted.


Wise, Shelby. "Turning Interruptions Into Engagement? A Daily Approach to the Study of Interruptions on the Employee Engagement of Knowledge Workers." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1563132936916241.

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Sudjainark, Sompratthana. "Enhancing knowledge and attitudes towards play and the play environment among Thai nursery workers." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2013. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/369966/.

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With the increased number of childcare centres in Thailand, the role of nursery workers has become pivotal to promoting optimal child development. The importance of learning though play is generally not recognised as an important factor in promoting child growth by nursery workers in Thailand. This aim of this study was to enhance the knowledge and attitudes of Thai nursery workers towards play and the play environment by using a multimedia teaching package (MMTP). Based on a pragmatic paradigm using mixed methods approach, this study was broken down into two phases: 1) the design of the MMTP based on a content analysis of UK and Thai curricula for training Thai nursery workers, and 2) evaluating the effectiveness of the MMTP by comparing knowledge and attitudes among three sample groups of Thai nursery workers. Three sample groups consisted of a total of 226 Thai nursery workers: 1) those who received the MMTP training, 2) those who received no training and 3) those who only received official government training. Data collection was conducted over three periods: before training, immediately after training and four weeks after training. Nursery workers from the first group, who had received the MMTP training, were found to have a significant improvement in knowledge and attitudes towards the importance of play and the play environment immediately after training. The improvements increased even further after four weeks. On the other hand, there were no comparable changes in the other two groups (those who did not have any training or had only official government training). Five weeks after training, semi-structured interviews were carried out with eight participants from the first sample group. These provided insights into lessons learned from three main areas: 1) participating in the MMTP training, 2) applying the MMTP to work at childcare centres and 3) barriers that occurred as a result of using the MMTP. The findings indicated that the MMTP had a positive effect on the knowledge and attitudes of Thai nursery workers towards the importance of play and the play environment as a means to promote child development. It was concluded that using the MMTP training package to train all nursery workers in Thailand may improve knowledge and attitudes towards play and the play environment and would have the potential to enhance child development in the future.

Ivins, Tiffany. "Localization of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Nepal: Strategies of Himalayan Knowledge-Workers." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2011. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/2616.

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This dissertation examines localization of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Himalayan community technology centers of Nepal. Specifically, I examine strategies and practices that local knowledge-workers utilize in order to localize educational content for the disparate needs, interests, and ability-levels of learners in rural villages. This study draws on insights from non-formal education (NFE) stakeholders in Nepal, including government, UN, international and national NGOs, local knowledge-workers, and learners from different villages. I specifically focus on a sample of seven technology centers to better understand how localization is defined, designed, and executed at a ground level. I illuminate obstacles knowledge-workers face while localizing content and strategies to overcome such barriers. I conclude by offering key principles to support theory development related to OER localization. This study is anchored in hermeneutic inquiry and is augmented by interpretive phenomenological analysis and quasi-ethnographic research methods. This qualitative study employed interviews, focus group discussions, observations, and artifact reviews to identify patterns of localization practices and themes related to localization of critical content in Himalayan community technology centers of Nepal. This dissertation provides valuable evidence not only why localization matters (a statement that has been hypothesized for the past decade); but also provides proof of how localization is executed and concrete ways that localization could be improved in order for OER to reap efficacious learning gains for more rural people in developing countries and in other rural communities across the globe. The full text of this dissertation may be downloaded for free from http://etd.byu.edu/

Mhangara, Taremeredzwa. "Knowledge and acceptance of male circumcision as an HIV prevention procedure among plantation workers at Border Limited, Zimbabwe." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/6867.

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Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study sought to establish the level of knowledge of people on the medical benefits of male circumcision, especially the protective effect against HIV, with the aim of gathering baseline information on the subject for future health promotion programmes. A cross-section survey was conducted at Border Timbers Limited forest management units with 220 respondents that were conveniently selected into the study, and of these 49% were males and the reminder females. The data were collected using two questionnaires; one for females and the other for males. The data was analyzed using an Epi Info programme. The findings showed that, there was little knowledge on the benefits of male circumcision as they scored an average score of three out of eight, and 66% scored less than 50%. Striking was that that females were more knowledgeable than their male counterparts. Less than 20% knew of the protective effect of male circumcision against HIV. Fifty eight percent of the respondents had negative perceptions of the procedure, and 55% of the respondents were of the opinion that, male circumcision should be stopped with as little as twenty percent of the uncircumcised men willing to be circumcised. Under a third of the total respondents (26.7%) expressed their willingness to circumcise their male children. Medically conducted circumcision was preferred by 95% of the respondents over traditionally conducted circumcision. Based on the above; the study concluded that, raising people's knowledge on benefits of male circumcision would help in changing people's perceptions and increase the acceptability of the procedure. It is recommended that the government together with the private sector urgently need to carry awareness campaigns to raise workplace on how male circumcision can reduce chances of getting HIV. Furthermore, traditional circumcision practice should be encouraged and the practitioners trained to carry the procedure in a safe way. Further studies are recommended to assess the impact of stigma on the already circumcised in order to effectively plan and overcome societal barriers for the recommended strategies to make an impact.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om die vlak van kennis van mense rakende die mediese voordele van manlike besnyding te vestig, veral die voorkomende effek teen MIV met die doel om basislyn inligting oor die onderwerp van toekomstige gesondheidsbevoordelings programme te bevorder. 'n Proefopname is uitgevoer by die Border Timbers Beperk bosbestuur eenhede met 220 respondente wat gerieflik gekies is, waarvan 49% mans en die res vroue is. Data is ingesamel met behulp van twee vraelyste vir vrouens en mans onderskeidelik. Die data was ontleed deur gebruik te maak van die Epi Info program. Die bevindinge het getoon dat daar min kennis oor die voordele van manlike besnyding is, aangesien 'n gemiddelde telling van drie uit agt behaal is en 66% respondente het minder as 50% behaal. Wat opvallend was, is dat vroue meer kennis as hul manlike eweknieë oor die onderwerp gehad het. Minder as 20% het geweet van die beskermende effek van manlike besnyding teen MIV. Agt en vyftig persent van die respondente het negatiewe persepsies oor die proses en 55% van die respondente was van mening dat manlike besnyding gestop moet word en so min as twintig persent van die onbesnyde mans is bereid om besny te word. Minder as 'n derde van die totale respondente (26,7%) was bereid om hul manlike kinders te besny. Medies uitgevoerde besnyding was verkies deur 95% van die respondente teenoor tradisionele besnyding. Gegrond op bogenoemde, het hierdie studie bevind dat die verhoging van mense se kennis oor die voordele van manlike besnyding sal help om mense se persepsies asook die verhoging van aanvaarbaarheid van die proses te verander. Daar word aanbeveel dat die regering, tesame met die privaatsektor dringend bewusmakingsveldtogte moet uitvoer om die werksplek op te voed oor hoe manlike besnyding die kanse om MIV te verminder. Verder moet tradisionele besnydingspraktyke aangemoedig word en praktisyne moet opgelei word om die prosedure op „n veilige manier uit te voer. Verdere studies word aanbeveel om die impak van stigma op die reeds besnydes te assesseer om doeltreffend te beplan en om maatskaplike hindernisse te oorkom vir die aanbevole strategieë om 'n impak te maak.

Onyedinachi, Okezie Enyinnaya. "The relationship between knowledge of HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviour among care workers (HCWs) in General Hospital Ogoja." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/17838.

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Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nigeria has the second highest disease burden of HIV/AIDS in sub Saharan Africa after South Africa with adult HIV prevalence of 4.1%, with an estimated 3,130 million people living with HIV (Male-1,320,000: Female-1,820,000-2010) (FMOH, 2010). The HIV epidemic in Cross River state is 7.1% in 2010; and ranks as the 9th highest in the country. General Hospital Ogoja is one of the secondary level hospitals in Cross River State of Nigeria that offers Comprehensive HIV/AIDS services. Although the prevalence of HIV is very high in Cross River state (7%) that of General Hospital is not readily known. The uptake of HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) among health care workers is relatively low, despite the fact that the awareness of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria by adult population is said to be generally very high (93.8%).The use of condom in the last sex act was low (16%) despite the fact that sexual transmission is the predominant mode of HIV spread in Nigeria (NARHS 2007) To determine whether the knowledge health care workers in GH Ogoja have about HIV/AIDS affect their sexual behaviour; a quantitative approach of research design was used through a questionnaire A total of one hundred and thirty questionnaires were distributed and all were returned. There were few abstentions on some of the questions possibly due to its private nature but generally the overall responses were devoid of inconsistencies and the response rate was well over 98%. The findings from the study showed that greater that 90% of the respondents are quite knowledgeable with the cause of HIV, modes of transmission and prevention of HIV. While the respondents exhibit a high knowledge with respect to modes of transmission through sexual intercourse(96.8%); their knowledge with respect to safer sex practices with use of condom in penetrative sex calls for further review. It would be expected that 100% of all respondent will be fully abreast with information on the modes of transmission of HIV and its prevention. Condom use in stable relationship connotes different meanings to the respondents. While 109(85.2%) of the 128 respondents agreed to the use of condom among couples when the status of one of their partner is unknown. The response to the question on whether the use of condom affects sexual relationship portrays an interesting finding. 71(55.4%) of the total respondents disagreed with the fact that condom use affect sexual relationship while 42(32.8%) respondents agreed. It may not be out of place to assume that a lot of HCWs may not be condomizing effectively based on the impression that condom use during sex affect sexual relationship. Health care workers live and interact freely with other members of the society and are potential bridging group for disseminating HIV into the larger population. The finding from GH Ogoja portrays the fact that though the knowledge of HIV among them is very high their full application of the knowledge with respect to sexual behavioural change is still doubtful. A more qualitative study like focus group discussion will assist in unraveling this observation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nigerië het die tweede grootste voorkoms van MIV in Afrika suid van die Sahara. ‘n Beraamde 3,130 miljoen mense leef na beraming met MIV en die voorkoms in die Cross River Staat van die land was 7.1% in 2010; die negende grootste voorkoms in die land. Die doel van die studie was die bepalin van die kennisvlakke van werkers in die Algemene Hospitaal van Ogoda en ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering en navorsingsontwerp is vir die studie gebruik. ‘n Totaal van 130 vraelyste is geadministreer en ongeveer 90% s terug ontvang. Bevindings van die studie het aangetoon dat meer as 90% van die respondente ‘n bevredigende kennis van MIV het en dat hulle ook goed ingelig is oor die wyses waarop die epidemie versprei word en die metodes waarvolgens verspreiding van die epidemie beperk kan word. Die data van die studie word verder ontleed en meer spesifiekebevindings word gerapporteer. Aabeveling vir die beter opleiding van werkers by die Ogoda Hospitaal word gemaak en voorstelle vir verdere studies word ook gemaak.

Marques, Ana Isabel dos Santos. "Decent work clues in knowledge work job advertisements." Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/21932.

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O conceito de Decent Work, proposto pela International Labour Organization, recebe a contribuição de várias disciplinas, como a psicologia, para a sua definição, aprofundamento e aplicabilidade. O objetivo deste estudo é a descrição e caracterização de indícios de Decent Work em anúncios de empregos para trabalhadores do conhecimento. A amostra é composta por 1000 anúncios de emprego. Os principais resultados demonstram que embora alguns Elementos Substantivos de Decent Work estejam geralmente presentes nos anúncios de emprego outros estão ausentes. Os três Elementos Substantivos totalmente ausentes são: “Safe Work”, “Work that should be abolished” e “Social and Economic Context”. Este estudo realça a importância da informação e transparência para uma futura relação de maturidade e confiança entre empregador e empregado. Realça ainda a importância de um compromisso aberto dos empregadores relativamente à oferta de trabalho que possa ser adjetivado como Decent Work. Muito se evidenciou estar por fazer a respeito disso; Abstract: The concept of Decent Work, proposed by the International Labour Organization, receives the contribution of several fields, such as psychology, for its definition, deepening and applicability. The purpose of this study is to describe and characterize Decent Work clues in job advertisements for knowledge workers. The sample consists in 1000 jobs. The main results demonstrate that although some Decent Work Substantive Elements are usually present in job advertisements, others are absent. The three totally missing Substantive Elements are: "Safe Work", "Work that should be abolished" and "Social and Economic Context". This study highlights the importance of information and transparency for a future relationship of maturity and trust between employer and employee. It also stresses the importance of an open commitment of employers on the job offer that can be termed Decent Work. Evidences suggest that much remains to be done.

Kanengoni, Herbert. "Relationship between employee knowledge, personal contact and attitudes towards chronically ill co-workers: case of selected organisations within the banking sector." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10353/494.

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As chronic illnesses continue to be a burden in today’s organisations, it remains a very crucial call for management to find ways to eradicate the associated organisational problems. While people of all ages are affected by chronic illnesses, there is a higher risk of the elderly developing chronic diseases. However, as much as chronic illnesses are inevitable among employees, there should be ways at least to curb negative social and goal achievement impact which they bring in organisations. In this regard, a survey of 80 employees was conducted to examine the relationship between employees' knowledge about, contact with, and attitudes towards their co-employees with chronic illnesses (CI). Results indicated that employees' knowledge about and contact with individuals diagnosed with chronic illnesses were significantly related to better attitudes toward this population. The findings also revealed that knowledge was related to positive attitudes among employees who had more personal contact with individuals with Chronic illnesses (CI) and such findings indicate the importance of exposing employees to information about chronic illnesses and direct practice experience with individuals who have these illnesses. To be noted also is that 39% of the respondents preferred to be exposed to health bulletins and magazines; 18% of the respondents preferred the help of health workers and about a third (30%) favoured brochures, posters and printed materials such as flyers. Managerial implications for employees with chronic illness are discussed

Jordan, C. Greer. "Rethinking Inclusion: Case Studies of Identity, Integration, and Power in Professional Knowledge Work Organizations." Cleveland, Ohio : Case Western Reserve University, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1238548485.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--Case Western Reserve University, 2009
Title from PDF (viewed on 30 July 2009) Department of Organizational Behavior Includes abstract Includes bibliographical references Available online via the OhioLINK ETD Center

Olson, Branka V. "Experiential Workplace Design for Knowledge Work Organizations: A Worker Centered Approach." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1459278058.

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Dreves, Parker A., Sheri L. LaDuke, Kathleen Klik, Emma G. Fredrick, and Stacey L. Williams. "The Mediating Roles of Knowledge in Contact and Attitudes." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2014. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/8093.

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Much evidence has revealed that heterosexuals’ attitudes towards sexual minorities can be predicted by their amount of contact with sexual minority individuals. As contact with sexual minorities increases, attitudes toward these groups tend to become more positive. However, there has been little investigation into the possible mechanisms that explain this relationship. The aim of this study was to examine knowledge as a mediating factor in the relationship between contact and attitudes. The present study suggests that the strong correlation between contact and attitudes is, at least in part,in part due to increased knowledge. Data was gathered from a survey of 1580 participants who responded to the Study of Attitudes towards Sexual Minorities Survey. Mediation was tested using the bootstrap (Preacher & Hayes, 2008) method. Results showed that when accounting for knowledge, the relationship between contact and attitudes was significantly reduced for three groups (gay men, lesbians, bisexuals). These findings suggest that knowledge does indeed partially mediate the relationship between contact and attitudes. This information could be helpful for future interventions aimed at promoting positive attitudes towards sexual minorities.

Bennett, Eleanor Davis. "Effects of a mental health training program on health care worker's knowledge and attitude and practice in Belize." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/7713.

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ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess mental health knowledge, attitude and practices among health care workers in Belize before and immediately after a competency based training program in mental health. A baseline Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey was given to health personnel, mainly nurses, working primary and secondary care. The intervention was a 13-week face-to-face training course for health care professionals with the objective of increasing their competency in mental health and reducing stigma. After the training a post intervention KAP survey was conducted among the original respondents. 88 health care workers completed the baseline survey and 61 of those respondents completed the post-intervention questionnaire. The results showed that the level of knowledge of the participants had improved by the training intervention and that in general, the intervention was effective in correcting some misconceptions about mental illness and reducing stigmatizing attitudes among the participants.

Heck, Alison, Alyson Chroust, Hannah White, Rachel Jubran, and Ramesh S. Bhatt. "Development of Body Emotion Perception in Infancy: From Discrimination to Recognition." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/2730.

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Research suggests that infants progress from discrimination to recognition of emotions in faces during the first half year of life. It is whether the perception of emotions from bodies develops in a similar manner. In the current study, when presented with happy and angry body videos and voices, 5-month-olds looked longer at the matching video when they were presented upright but not when they were inverted. In contrast, 3.5-month-olds failed to match even with upright videos. Thus, 5-month-olds but not 3.5-month-olds exhibited evidence of recognition of emotions from bodies by demonstrating intermodal matching. In a subsequent experiment, younger infants did discriminate between body emotion videos but failed to exhibit an inversion effect, suggesting that discrimination may be based on low-level stimulus features. These results document a developmental change from discrimination based on non-emotional information at 3.5 months to recognition of body emotions at 5 months. This pattern of development is similar to face emotion knowledge development and suggests that both the face and body emotion perception systems develop rapidly during the first half year of life.

Miller-Cotto, Dana. "The role of prior knowledge, executive function, and perceived cognitive load on the effectiveness of faded worked examples in geometry." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2017. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/439545.

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Educational Psychology
Mathematics remains a subject many students fail to become competent in by the time they graduate from high school. Most students often require one on one, individualized tutoring to help them reach competence. That remains a challenge since most classrooms are understaffed and underfunded, frequently having only one teacher in a overpopulated classroom. One strategy that has been used to alleviate some of this over reliance on the teacher has been faded worked examples, or fading. Fading is the successive removal of the last steps in a series of problems until the student is solving problems completely on their own. The current study aimed to determine whether fading improves learning, and for whom. The goal was to compare fading with business as usual (control), worked examples with self-explanations, and fading with self-explanations. Specifically, I was interested in the following research questions: (1) Do the three experimental conditions differ in promoting posttest scores on surface area and volume? (2) Do the three experimental conditions differ in promoting conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge of surface area and volume at posttest? and (3) When interaction terms are created between student profiles and conditions within regression analyses, which profiles explain significant variance in posttest scores? Repeated measures analysis of variance, principle axis factor analysis, and simple linear regressions were used to examine the differences between conditions at posttest, to create propensity scores, and to determine whether there were any interactions between propensity scores and conditions. Results indicated a significant effect of fading on posttest scores. A regression with propensity factors indicated that the fading conditions appeared to benefit low propensity students moreso than high propensity students. Findings are discussed in terms of educational implications and future research that can complement these findings to contribute to future research.
Temple University--Theses

Martinez-Amador, Josefina. "REMOTE AND ON-SITE KNOWLEDGE WORKER PRODUCTIVITY AND ENGAGEMENT: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF VIRTUAL INTENSITY AND WORK LOCATION PREFERENCE." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1459176938.

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Baker, Joseph O., and Buster G. Smith. "Atheism, Agnosticism, and Irreligion." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2015. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/442.

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Research on the topics of atheism, agnosticism, and irreligion has been limited during much of the last century. We explain the reasons for a lack of research in this field and discuss the recent interest in this topic. The most recent wave of research has been concentrated during the past decade and tends to look at the dual issues of who composes the religiously unaffiliated and why they choose this self-identification. Recent research has begun to take a much wider and deeper view on the subject. This includes research on particular segments of the population such as atheists, as well as understanding how the religiously unaffiliated are viewed by the broader culture. We conclude by describing important directions for future research. In particular, there is a need to break out the separate forms of irreligion and use creative new methodologies to find and study this significant portion of the population.

Baker, Joseph O., and Ashley Palmer-Boyes. "Evil: Did Sin Cause the Hurricane?" Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2008. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/454.

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Book Summary: A shocking snapshot of the most current impulses in American religion. Rodney Stark reports the surprising findings of the 2007 Baylor Surveys of Religion, a follow up to the 2005 survey revealing most Americans believe in God or a higher power. This new volume highlights even more hot-button issues of religious life in our country. A must-read for anyone interested in Americans' religious beliefs and practices.

Garris, Bill R., and Amy Weber. "Putting the Patient Back in Patient Care: Health Decision-Making from the Patient’s Perspective." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/5343.

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This research explored health decision-making processes among people recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Our analysis suggested that diagnosis with type 2 was followed by a period of intense emotional and cognitive disequilibrium. Subsequently, the informants were observed to proceed to health decision-making which was affected by three separate and interrelated factors: knowledge, self-efficacy, and purpose. Knowledge included cognitive or factual components and emotional elements. Knowledge influenced the degree of upset or disequilibrium the patient experienced, and affected a second category, agency: the informants’ confidence in their ability to enact lifestyle changes. The third factor, purpose, summarized the personal and deeply held reasons people gave as they made decisions concerning their health, eating and exercising. We propose this model, grounded in informant stories, as a heuristic, to guide further inquiry. From these stories, the patient is seen as more active and the interrelated influences of knowledge, agency, and purpose, synergistically interact to explain changes in health behaviors.

Engelbrecht, Louise. "Constructing a career satisfaction and employability profile for knowledge workers." Thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/27462.

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English, Afrikaans and Northern Sotho summaries
Die algemene doel van hierdie navorsing was om ’n loopbaantevredenheids- en indiensneembaarheidsprofiel vir kenniswerkers saam te stel, gebaseer op die verhoudingsdinamika tussen individue se biografiese eienskappe (ouderdom, ras en indiensnemingstatus), loopbaankognisies (loopbaanaanpasbaarheid en psigososiale loopbaanpreokkupasies as voorgangers), hulle psigososiale loopbaanhulpbronne (indiensneembaarheidskenmerke, loopbaanankers en loopbaanwaardes as moderators) en hulle loopbaantevredenheid en selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheid (gevolge of uitkomste). Die einddoel van die navorsing was om gevolgtrekkings te maak oor die verhoudingsdinamika (omvang en rigting) tussen die konsepte ten einde organisatoriese loopbaanontwikkelingspraktyke vir die kenniswerker voor te stel. ’n Kwantitatiewe deursneenavorsingsbenadering is gevolg en het ’n steekproef van N = 404 kenniswerkers behels wat by professionele Suid-Afrikaanse liggame geregistreer is. Beskrywende, korrelasie- en meerveranderlike inferensiële statistiek is ingespan. Aanvullend tot die kanoniese korrelasieresultate, het regressie and strukturele vergelykingsmodellering ontledings aangetoon dat die loopbaantevredenheidsprofiel unieke beïnvloedingsfaktore het terwyl die selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheidsprofiel ook oor sy eie unieke beïnvloedingsfaktore beskik. Moderering regressie-ontleding het gewys dat individue se loopbaankognisies (dit is die vlakke van loopbaanaanpasbaarheid en loopbaanpreokkupasies) nie voorwaardelik ten opsigte van hulle psigososiale loopbaanhulpbronne was (dit is, indiensneembaarheidseienskappe, loopbaanankers en loopbaanwaardes) om hulle vlakke van loopbaantevredenheid en selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheid te verduidelik nie. Die loopbaankognisies en psigososiale loopbaanhulpbronne het individuele, bepaalde hoofgevolge om te oorweeg ten einde kenniswerkers se loopbaantevredenheid en selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheid te verstaan. Stapsgewyse regressie en hiërargies-moderering regressie-ontleding het gewys dat ouderdom, ras en indiensnemingstatus belangrike oorwegings was wat betref die loopbaantevredenheidsprofiel van kenniswerkers. Ras in die besonder het geblyk belangrik te wees om in aanmerking te neem ooreenkomstig hulle selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheid. Verskille tussen die biografiese groepe het ook aan die hand gedoen dat unieke loopbaanontwikkeling oorweeg moet word in multikulterele, diverse werkskontekste. Die loopbaantevredenheid en indiensneembaarheidsprofiel is saamgestel, gebaseer op die belangrikste insigte wat uit die essensiële, betekenisvolle bevindings bekom is. Loopbaantevredenheid en indiensneembaarheidsteorie is in hierdie navorsing uitgebrei. Aanbevelings vir organisatoriese loopbaanontwikkelingondersteuningspraktyke is gemaak, gebaseer op die voorgestelde profiel vir die professionele kenniswerker.
Maikemisetsomagolo a dinyakisiso e bile go go hlama phrofaele ye e kgotsofatsago mosomo le go thwalega mosomong go basomi ba tsa tsebo go lebeletswe seemo sa dikamano magareng ga dipharologantsi tsa dipalopalo ka ga batho (e lego mengwaga, bong, mohlobo le maemo a mosomo), go kwesisa ka ga mesomo (go tlwaela mosomo le seemo sa menagano ya setshaba ka ga mesomo bjalo ka dilo tseo di tlago peleng), methopo ya bona mosomo mabapi le menagano ya setshaba (dikokwane tsa go kgona go thwalega mesomong, dihlohleletsi tsa go hwetsa mesomo le maitshwaro a mesomong bjalo ka dilo tseo di lekolago mesomo) le go kgotsofatsa ga dinyakwa tsa mesomo le go ipona bjalo ka yo a thwalegago (seo se tlago ka moragonyana goba bjalo ka poelo). Maikemisetso ao a nepilwego a dinyakisiso e bile go tla ka dipheto mabapi le seemo sa dikamano (bogolo bja tsona le fao di lebilego gona) magareng ga kago ya maikemisetso a go sisinya ditiro tsa tlhabollo ya basomi ka dikhamphaning go mosomi yo a somago ka menagano. Mokgwa wa dinyakisiso wa bontsi wa mafapha a mantis o dirisitswe gomme sampole ya N = 404 ya basomi ba tsa tsebo o dirisitswe le go akaretsa mekgatlo ya sephrofesenale ya ka Afrika Borwa. Dipalopalo tsa go hlatholla, tsa papetso le tsa tshupetso ya makala a mantsi di dirilwe. Dipoelo tsa papetso tsa tatelano di laeditse gore go phrofaele ya go kgotsofatsa mosomo e na le dintlha tsa khuetso tsa go swana di nnosi mola e le gore phrofaele ya go ipona bjalo ka yo a thwalegago le yona e na le dintlha tsa khuetso tsa go swana di nnosi. Tshekatsheko ya poelomorago yeo e hlokometswego e laeditse gore dikwesiso tsa batho ka ga mosomo (ke gore, maemo a tsinkelo mosomong le go tlwaelo go phethagatsa mosomo) ga se tsa lebana le seemo sa methopo ya go phethagatsa mosomo wa mabapi le menagano ya setshaba (ke gore, dipharologantshi tsa go thwalega mesomong, dihlohleletsi tsa mesomo le maitshwaro a mesomong) go hlalosa maemo a bona a go kgotsofatsa phethagatso ya mesomo le go ipona o thwalega mosomong. Dikwesiso ka ga mesomo le methopo ya mesomo mabapi le menagano ya setshaba di bile le diabe tse itsego go batho tseo di swanetsego go hlokomelwa gore re kwesise go kgotsofatsa ga mesomo ka basomi ba tsa tsebo le go ipona ba thwalega mesomong. Tshekatsheko ya poelomorago ka dikgato tse mmalwa le ya poelomorago ya basomi go ya ka tatelano ya bona di laeditse gore mengwaga, morafe le maemo a mosomo di bile bohlokwa go di hlokomela mabapi le phrofaele ya go kgotsofatsa mesomo ga basomi ba tsa tsebo. Morafe o bonagala o tloga o le bohlokwa kudu go hlokomela mabapi le go ipona ba thwalega mesomong. Diphapano magareng ga dihlopha tsa merafe le mehlobo le tsona di sisintse gore go hlokega tlohabollo ya ka mesomong ye e swanago e nnosi yeo e swanetsego go dirwa ka seemong sa mesomo fao go somago batho ba ditso tse di fapafapanego. Phrofaele ya tlhabollo ya basomi le go thwalega mesomong go hlamilwe go lebeletswe tsebo ye bohlokwa ye e hweditswego go dikutollo tsa motheo tse bohlokwa. Dinyakisiso di katolositse teori ya mabapi le tlhabollo ya basomi le ya go thwalega mesomong. Go dirilwe ditshisinyo mabapi le ditiro tsa thekgo ya tlhabollo ya basomi ka dikhamphaning ka ga phrofaele ye e sisintswego ya mosomi wa tsa tsebo wa sephrofesenale.

Ellison, Susan. "The effects of 'no-fault' termination on employees of organisations where 'living the brand' is advocated as an HR strategy." Thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/2657.

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Living the Brand has become a useful Human Resources strategy in post-Fordist organisations. This is due to globalized competition and decreased control structures leading to organisations needing to obtain ever higher levels of productivity and performance from highly skilled knowledge workers. Because of the nature of their work, knowledge workers are difficult to manage and control through traditional practices and are usually looking for more than just monetary remuneration. Living the Brand organisations provide a strong social identity, positive self-esteem and a sense of achievement to these employees. This small-scale qualitative study used inductive thematic analysis to investigate the after-effects of Living the Brand, using knowledge workers who had been retrenched from such organisations. The results show that the positive aspects of Living the Brand comes at the expense of the employees‟ social identity outside of the organisation. These include the identification with family, as well as their health and a sense of self beyond the organisation. As one can see in this study, this power imbalance, along with an increasingly unbalanced psychological contract, is a reality that was only truly realized by the employees after being retrenched from the organisation. Unfortunately Durban does not have a plethora of Living the Brand organisations, which in turn limits the available sample of research participants. This meant that the findings may not be applicable across cultures, and that the participants had all had several years to come to terms with their retrenchment. Further studies using a wider spectrum of participants are suggested, including those who have been more recently retrenched.
Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.

Mokgoatsana, Sekgothe Ngwato Cedric. "Identity : from autobiography to postcoloniality : study of representations in Puleng's works." Thesis, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/2130.

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