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Speich, Marco, Wolfgang Rimkus, Markus Merkel, and Andreas Öchsner. "Large Deformation of Metallic Hollow Spheres." Materials Science Forum 623 (May 2009): 105–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.623.105.

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Hollow sphere structures are a new group of advanced lightweight materials for multifunctional applications. Within the scope of this paper, the uniaxial deformation behaviour in the regime of large deformations is investigated. Appropriate computational models are developed to account for the deformation mechanisms occurring under high deformations. Macroscopic stress-strain curves are derived and the influence of different material parameters is investigated.

Nimmer, Ronald P. "Predicting large strain deformation of polymers." Polymer Engineering and Science 27, no. 1 (January 1987): 16–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pen.760270104.

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KAWAI, Masamichi. "On strain hardening in large deformation." Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series A 56, no. 522 (1990): 346–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1299/kikaia.56.346.

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Sevillano, J. Gil, C. García–Rosales, and J. Flaquer Fuster. "Texture and large–strain deformation microstructure." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 357, no. 1756 (June 15, 1999): 1603–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.1999.0392.

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Lee, Seongeyl, Jihong Hwang, M. Ravi Shankar, Srinivasan Chandrasekar, and W. Dale Compton. "Large strain deformation field in machining." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 37, no. 5 (May 2006): 1633–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-006-0105-z.

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Dolzhanskyi, A. M., T. A. Ayupova, O. A. Nosko, O. P. Rybkin, and O. A. Ayupov. "Transition from engineering strain to the true strain in analytical description of metals hardening." Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals, no. 1 (92) (May 11, 2021): 66–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.30838/j.pmhtm.2413.230321.66.736.

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Purpose of the work is related with the impossibility of correctly estimating the strain hardening of metals (alloys) in the area of their large total deformations due to absence of additivity in the traditionally used value of engineering strain g, its nonlinear change in the area of large values, and absence of data in the technical literature Hall-Petch coefficient Ai for logarithmic true deformations, which led to the task of correct transition from the values of the engineering strain 0 < g < 50...60 % to the value of the true logarithmic strainn 0 < e < 1...3. Methodology. The theoretical analysis of the regularities of deformation hardening of metals (alloys) from the engineering strain is carried out, the transition from engineering to logarithmic ("true") strain of metals (alloys) by analytical representation of metal hardening graphs as a function of logarithmic (true) strain. in contrast to the degree of engineering strain is presented. Originality. Analytical expressions are presented that allow the use of known theoretical data on the strain hardening of metals (alloys) at small (50...60 %) total engineering strains g during cold pressure treatment to transition to logarithmic (true) strain e with large total deformations. Practical value. The obtained mathematical expressions allow to use the accumulated in the technical literature experimental data on the hardening of metals and alloys with small engineering strains in the processes of cold processing of metals (alloys) by pressure to determine the hardening with large total logarithmic (true) strains. These data can also be used to solve metallophysical problems of metal processing by pressure associated with large total compressions. Keywords: cold forming of metals and alloys; hardening; degree of deformation

Gurao, N. P., and Satyam Suwas. "Deformation mechanisms during large strain deformation of nanocrystalline nickel." Applied Physics Letters 94, no. 19 (May 11, 2009): 191902. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3132085.

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le Joncour, Lea, Benoit Panicaud, Andrzej Baczmanski, Manuel François, Chedly Braham, and Anna Maria Paradowska. "Large Deformation and Mechanical Effects of Damage in Aged Duplex Stainless Steel." Materials Science Forum 652 (May 2010): 155–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.652.155.

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The lattice strains in large tensile deformations, up to the fracture of the sample were measured using neutron TOF method. For the first time, the range of large deformation was studied measuring lattice strain in the deformation neck and using special correction for macrostress value. It was found that during large plastic deformation the lattice stresses arise almost linearly with the macrostress value. The relaxation of elastic strains in some groups of ferritic grains (corresponding to reflections 211 and 200) can be connected with initiation of damage process in the ferritic phase.

Hansen, N., X. Huang, R. Ueji, and N. Tsuji. "Structure and strength after large strain deformation." Materials Science and Engineering: A 387-389 (December 2004): 191–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2004.02.078.

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Zhang, Chong, Yue Wang, Hongchun Shang, Pengfei Wu, Lei Fu, Yanshan Lou, Till Clausmeyer, A. Erman Tekkaya, and Qi Zhang. "Strain hardening under large deformation for AA5182." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 967 (November 19, 2020): 012030. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/967/1/012030.

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Brodland, G. W., and H. Cohen. "Large-Strain Axisymmetric Deformation of Cylindrical Shells." Journal of Applied Mechanics 54, no. 2 (June 1, 1987): 287–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.3173009.

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Nonlinear equations are derived for the axisymmetric deformation of thin, cylindrical shells made of Mooney-Rivlin materials and subject to arbitrarily large strains and rotations. These equations are then implemented numerically using an energy minimization technique. Finally, an extensive parametric analysis is done of cylindrical shells which are clamped at one end and loaded with either a radial force or an edge moment uniformly distributed along the circumference of the other end.

Huang, X., Q. Xing, Dorte Juul Jensen, and Niels Hansen. "Large Strain Deformation and Annealing of Aluminium." Materials Science Forum 519-521 (July 2006): 79–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.519-521.79.

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TEM, Kikuchi diffraction analyses, EBSD, neutron diffraction and hardness measurements have been applied in a study of commercial purity aluminum (AA1200) cold rolled to strains 2 and 4 and afterwards recovered by a heat treatment for 2h at temperatures up to 220 °C. The deformation microstructure is a lamellar structure delineated by dislocation boundaries and high angle boundaries ( ) parallel to the rolling plane. The macrotexture is a typical rolling texture which is composed of individual texture components present as micrometer- and submicrometre-sized volumes. In the lamellar structure, correlations have been established between microstructural parameters and the local texture, showing for example that the density of high angle boundaries and the stored energy vary locally. The local variations affect the annealing behaviors in a way that some regions coarsen faster than others, leading to a recovered structure which is heterogeneous.

Zhao, Gang, Peng Pan, Jia Ru Qian, and Jin Song Lin. "Experimental Study of Viscoelastic Dampers under Large Deformation." Applied Mechanics and Materials 166-169 (May 2012): 2226–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.166-169.2226.

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The paper presents an experimental study on a new type viscoelastic damper, which is expected to have better energy dissipation capability. Tests on the dampers’ mechanical properties, including shear storage modulus, shear loss modulus, and loss factor, were conducted using reduced scale specimens, and took strain amplitude, loading frequency and ambient temperature as test parameters. Aging tests, low cycle and high cycle fatigue tests were also conducted. Particularly, the low cycle fatigue behavior under a strain of 300% and the basic mechanical behavior under strains of 300%-420% were investigated. Test results suggest that the dependency of the mechanical properties on frequency and temperature is small, the energy dissipation capacity is stable for both large and small displacement, and the damper reaches a strain of 420% without failure.

Elad, D., A. Foux, and Y. Kivity. "A Model for the Nonlinear Elastic Response of Large Arteries." Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 110, no. 3 (August 1, 1988): 185–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.3108429.

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The nonlinear elastic response of large arteries subjected to finite deformations due to action of biaxial principal stresses, is described by simple constitutive equations. Generalized measures of strain and stress are introduced to account for material nonlinearity. This also ensures the existence of a strain energy density function. The orthotropic elastic response is described via quasi-linear relations between strains and stresses. One nonlinear parameter which defines the measures of strain and stress, and three elastic moduli are assumed to be constants. The lateral strain parameters (equivalent to Poisson’s ratios in infinitesimal deformations) are deformation dependent. This dependence is defined by empirical relations developed via the incompressibility condition, and by the introduction of a fifth material parameter. The resulting constitutive model compares well with biaxial experimental data of canine carotid arteries.

Tsuzaki, Kaneaki, Andrey Belyakov, and Yuuji Kimura. "Deformation Microstructures in a Two-Phase Stainless Steel during Large Strain Deformation." Materials Science Forum 503-504 (January 2006): 305–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.503-504.305.

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Deformation microstructures were studied in a two-phase (about 60% ferrite and 40% austenite) Fe – 27%Cr – 9%Ni stainless steel. Severe plastic working was carried out by rolling from 21.3×21.3 mm2 to 7.8×7.8 mm2 square bar followed by swaging from Ø7.0 to 0.6 mm rod at an ambient temperature, providing a total strain of 6.9. After a rapid increase in the hardness at an early deformation, the rate of the strain hardening gradually decreased to almost zero at large strains above 4. In other words, the hardness approached a saturation level, leading to an apparent steadystate deformation behaviour during cold working. The severe deformation resulted in the evolution of highly elongated (sub)grains aligned along the rolling/swaging axis with the final transverse (sub)grain size of about 0.1 μm and the fraction of high-angle (sub)boundaries above 60%. However, the kinetics of microstructure evolution in the two phases was different. In the ferrite phase, the transverse size of deformation (sub)grains gradually decreased during the processing and approached 0.1 μm at strains of about 6.0, while the transverse size of the austenite (sub)grains rapidly reduced to its final value of 0.1 μm after a relatively low strain about 1.0.

Zhang, Qing Ping, and Zhi Geng Fan. "Large Deformations of Low Density Open-Cell Elastomeric Foams: Kelvin Model Study." Applied Mechanics and Materials 117-119 (October 2011): 550–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.117-119.550.

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Based on Kelvin model, the large deformations of elastomeric foams were simulated by finite element method (FEM). Numerical results indicated that edge bending, edge stretching and edge torsion were important deformation mechanisms of low density open-cell Kelvin foam. The hyperelasticity of the cell material had little effect on the macro-mechanical properties of the foam at low strain in [111] direction and finite compressive strain in [100] direction when edge bending was the main deformation mechanism of the foams. With the increase of the uniaxial tensile strain, edge stretching played notable roles, which resulted in that the hyperelasticity of the solid had significantly influence on the deformation of the foam at large uniaxial tensile strain. And the high strain compressive stress-strain curves in the [111] direction based on the hyperelastic relation differed from the linear elastic results remarkably as edge torsion was an important deformation mechanism of the foam.

Dolzhenko, Anastasiia, Marina Tikhonova, Rustam Kaibyshev, and Andrey Belyakov. "Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Steels and Alloys Subjected to Large-Strain Cold-to-Warm Deformation." Metals 12, no. 3 (March 8, 2022): 454. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/met12030454.

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The effect of large-strain cold-to-warm deformation on the microstructures and mechanical properties of various steels and alloys is critically reviewed. The review is mainly focused on the microstructure evolution, whereas the deformation textures are cursorily considered without detailed examination. The deformation microstructures are considered in a wide strain range, from early straining to severe deformations. Such an approach offers a clearer view of how the deformation mechanisms affect the structural changes leading to the final microstructures evolved in large strains. The general regularities of microstructure evolution are shown for different deformation methods, including conventional rolling/swaging and special techniques, such as equal channel angular pressing or torsion under high pressure. The microstructural changes during deformations under different processing conditions are considered as functions of total strain. Then, some important mutual relationships between the microstructural parameters, e.g., grain size vs. dislocation density, are revealed and discussed. Particular attention is paid to the mechanisms of microstructure evolution that are responsible for the grain refinement. The development of an ultrafine-grained microstructure during large strain deformation is considered in terms of continuous dynamic recrystallization. The regularities of the latter are discussed in comparison with conventional (discontinuous) dynamic recrystallization and grain subdivision (fragmentation) phenomenon. The structure–property relations are quantitatively represented for the structural strengthening, taking into account various mechanisms of dislocation retardation.

Moscoso, W., M. R. Shankar, J. B. Mann, W. D. Compton, and S. Chandrasekar. "Bulk nanostructured materials by large strain extrusion machining." Journal of Materials Research 22, no. 1 (January 2007): 201–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2007.0021.

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Large strain extrusion machining (LSEM) is presented as a method of severe plastic deformation for the creation of bulk nanostructured materials. This method combines inherent advantages afforded by large strain deformation in chip formation by machining, with simultaneous dimensional control of extrusion in a single step of deformation. Bulk nanostructured materials in the form of foils, plates, and bars of controlled dimensions are shown to result by appropriately controlling the geometric parameters of the deformation in large strain extrusion machining.

Belyakov, Andrey, Zhanna Yanushkevich, Marina Tikhonova, and Rustam Kaibyshev. "On Regularities of Grain Refinement through Large Strain Deformation." Materials Science Forum 838-839 (January 2016): 314–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.838-839.314.

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The recent studies on grain refinement in austenitic stainless steels during large strain deformations are critically reviewed. The paper is focused on the mechanism of structural changes that is responsible for the development of submicrocrystalline structures that can be interpreted as continuous dynamic recrystallization developing under conditions of warm working. The final grain size that is attainable by large strain warm working can be expressed by a power law function of temperature compensated strain rate with an exponent of about -0.15. The development of submicrocrystalline structures is assisted by the deformation microbanding and dynamic recovery, which are characterized by opposite temperature dependencies. The grain refinement kinetics, therefore, are characterized by a weak temperature dependence for a wide range of warm working conditions.

Wu, C. L., Z. R. Wang, and Wen Zhang. "Research of Formation Mechanics on Nanostructured Chips by Multi-Deformations Based on Finite Element Method." Advanced Materials Research 989-994 (July 2014): 352–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.989-994.352.

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Formation of chip is a typical severe plastic deformation progress in machining which is only single deformation stage. The rake angle of tool is governing parameter to create large strain imposed in the chip. Effect of rake angle and deformation times on effective strain, mean strain, strain variety and strain rate imposed in the chip are researched respectively. The result of simulation have shown that the chip with large strain and better uniform of strain along the longitudinal section of chip can be produced with negative rake angle at some lower cutting velocity by multi-deformations in large strain machining.

Tamrakar, Sandeep, Raja Ganesh, Subramani Sockalingam, Bazle Z. (Gama) Haque, and John W. Gillespie. "Strain rate-dependent large deformation inelastic behavior of an epoxy resin." Journal of Composite Materials 54, no. 1 (June 27, 2019): 71–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0021998319859054.

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The objective of this paper is to model high strain rate and temperature-dependent response of an epoxy resin (DER 353 and bis( p-aminocyclohexyl) methane (PACM-20)) undergoing large inelastic strains under uniaxial compression. The model is decomposed into two regimes defined by the rate and temperature-dependent yield stress. Prior to yield, the model accounts for viscoelastic behavior. Post yield inelastic response incorporates the effects of strain rate and temperature including thermal softening caused by internal heat generation. The yield stress is dependent on both temperature and strain rate and is described by the Ree–Erying equation. Key experiments over the strain rate range of 0.001–12,000/s are conducted using an Instron testing machine and a split Hopkinson pressure bar. The effects of temperature (25–120 ℃) on yield stress are studied at low strain rates (0.001–0.1/s). Stress-relaxation tests are also carried out under various applied strain rates and temperatures to obtain characteristic relaxation time and equilibrium stress. The model is in excellent agreement over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures including temperature in the range of the glass transition. Case studies for a wide range of monotonic and varying strain rates and large strains are included to illustrate the capabilities of the model.

Broerse, Taco, Nemanja Krstekanić, Cor Kasbergen, and Ernst Willingshofer. "Mapping and classifying large deformation from digital imagery: application to analogue models of lithosphere deformation." Geophysical Journal International 226, no. 2 (March 27, 2021): 984–1017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggab120.

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SUMMARY Particle image velocimetry (PIV), a method based on image cross-correlation, is widely used for obtaining velocity fields from time-series of images of deforming objects. Rather than instantaneous velocities, we are interested in reconstructing cumulative deformation, and use PIV-derived incremental displacements for this purpose. Our focus is on analogue models of tectonic processes, which can accumulate large deformation. Importantly, PIV provides incremental displacements during analogue model evolution in a spatial reference (Eulerian) frame, without the need for explicit markers in a model. We integrate the displacements in a material reference (Lagrangian) frame, such that displacements can be integrated to track the spatial accumulative deformation field as a function of time. To describe cumulative, finite deformation, various strain tensors have been developed, and we discuss what strain measure best describes large shape changes, as standard infinitesimal strain tensors no longer apply for large deformation. PIV or comparable techniques have become a common method to determine strain in analogue models. However, the qualitative interpretation of observed strain has remained problematic for complex settings. Hence, PIV-derived displacements have not been fully exploited before, as methods to qualitatively characterize cumulative, large strain have been lacking. Notably, in tectonic settings, different types of deformation—extension, shortening, strike-slip—can be superimposed. We demonstrate that when shape changes are described in terms of Hencky strains, a logarithmic strain measure, finite deformation can be qualitatively described based on the relative magnitude of the two principal Hencky strains. Thereby, our method introduces a physically meaningful classification of large 2-D strains. We show that our strain type classification method allows for accurate mapping of tectonic structures in analogue models of lithospheric deformation, and complements visual inspection of fault geometries. Our method can easily discern complex strike-slip shear zones, thrust faults and extensional structures and its evolution in time. Our newly developed software to compute deformation is freely available and can be used to post-process incremental displacements from PIV or similar autocorrelation methods.

TORIZUKA, Shiro. "Grain Refinement by High Z-Large Strain Deformation." Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity 50, no. 578 (2009): 206–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.9773/sosei.50.206.

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Başar, Y., and Y. Ding. "Shear deformation models for large-strain shell analysis." International Journal of Solids and Structures 34, no. 14 (May 1997): 1687–708. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0020-7683(96)00121-7.

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Belyakov, A., T. Sakai, H. Miura, and K. Tsuzaki. "Grain refinement in copper under large strain deformation." Philosophical Magazine A 81, no. 11 (November 2001): 2629–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01418610108216659.

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Belyakov, T. Sakai, H. Miura, K. Ts, A. "Grain refinement in copper under large strain deformation." Philosophical Magazine A 81, no. 11 (November 1, 2001): 2629–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01418610110042876.

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Beheshti, Alireza. "Large deformation analysis of strain-gradient elastic beams." Computers & Structures 177 (December 2016): 162–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruc.2016.07.013.

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Yao, Jie, and Yong Hong Zhu. "The Further Exploration of Applying Small-Strain and Large-Strain Formulations to SMA." Advanced Materials Research 529 (June 2012): 228–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.529.228.

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Recently, our research team has been considering to applying shape memory alloys (SMA) constitutive model to analyze the large and small deformation about the SMA materials because of the thermo-dynamics and phase transformation driving force. Accordingly, our team use simulations method to illustrate the characteristics of the model in large strain deformation and small strain deformation when different loading, uniaxial tension, and shear conditions involve in the situations. Furthermore, the simulation result unveils that the difference is nuance concerning the two method based on the uniaxial tension case, while the large deformation and the small deformation results have huge difference based on shear deformation case. This research gives the way to the further research about the constitutive model of SMA, especially in the multitiaxial non-proportional loading aspects.

Liu, Cai Ping, and Qing Quan Duan. "Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Large Deformation Measurement Methods for Metal Materials." Advanced Materials Research 146-147 (October 2010): 1769–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.146-147.1769.

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The stress-strain curve in the large plastic deformation process is always not available due to the strain gauge deficiencies in large deformation measurement. Considering this problem, digital marker identification technique is used to measure large deformation of Steel Q235 with images taken by with charge-coupled device. Then together with the deformation measured by traditional stain gauge at small deformation stage, the total stress and strain curve is obtained at macroscale. The mesoscopic deformation is measured by a material testing system assembled with scanning electronic microscope. The images from the initial stage to the rupture stage are captured synchronously. What’s more, using the grid method, the strain and rotation in rational mechanics is analyzed.

Kalsar, Rajib, and Satyam Suwas. "Deformation mechanisms during large strain deformation of high Mn TWIP steel." Materials Science and Engineering: A 700 (July 2017): 209–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2017.05.039.

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Torizuka, Shiro, Akio Ohmori, S. V. S. Narayana Murty, and Kotobu Nagai. "High Z - Large Strain Deformation Processing and Its Applications." Materials Science Forum 503-504 (January 2006): 329–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.503-504.329.

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Ultrafine-grained structures formed dynamically through simple compression at warm deformation temperatures were investigated in a 0.15%C- 0.4%Si-1.5%Mn steel. The effects of strain, strain rate and deformation temperature on the microstructural evolution were examined using an isothermal plane strain compression technique with a pair of anvils. The maximum strain was 4, the deformation temperature was below the AC1 temperature, and the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) ranged between 1012 s-1 and 1016 s-1. Ultrafine ferrite grains surrounded by high angle boundaries are generated by simple compression when the strain exceeded a critical value. The number of newly generated ultrafine grains increased with the strain; however, the average sizes were found to be independent of strain. The grain size, `d`, was found to depend on Z parameter. An equation, d (μm) =102.07Z-0.16, was found to satisfy the experimentally obtained data. This study demonstrates the possibility of obtaining ultrafine ferrite through multi-pass caliber rolling as a high Z- large strain deformation technique for producing bulk engineering components. It was also noted that the empirical relation established based on single pass compression tests is valid for multi-pass caliber rolling.

Wyatt, Hayley, Alexander Safar, Alastair Clarke, Sam L. Evans, and L. Angela Mihai. "Nonlinear scaling effects in the stiffness of soft cellular structures." Royal Society Open Science 6, no. 1 (January 2019): 181361. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.181361.

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For cellular structures with uniform geometry, cell size and distribution, made from a neo-Hookean material, we demonstrate experimentally that large stretching causes nonlinear scaling effects governed by the microstructural architecture and the large strains at the cell level, which are not predicted by the linear elastic theory. For this purpose, three honeycomb-like structures with uniform square cells in stacked distribution were designed, where the number of cells varied, while the material volume and the ratio between the thickness and the length of the cell walls were fixed. These structures were manufactured from silicone rubber and tested under large uniaxial tension in a bespoke test fixture. Optical strain measurements were used to assess the deformation by capturing both the global displacements of the structure and the local deformations in the form of a strain map. The experimental results showed that, under sufficiently large strains, there was an increase in the stiffness of the structure when the same volume of material was arranged as many small cells compared to when it was organized as fewer larger cells. Finite element simulations confirmed our experimental findings. This study sheds light upon the nonlinear elastic responses of cellular structures in large-strain deformations, which cannot be captured within the linear elasticity framework.

To´th, La´szlo´ S., Alain Molinari, and Yuri Estrin. "Strain Hardening at Large Strains as Predicted by Dislocation Based Polycrystal Plasticity Model." Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 124, no. 1 (June 26, 2001): 71–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.1421350.

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A recent strain hardening model for late deformation stages (Estrin, Y., To´th, L.S., Molinari, A., and Bre´chet, Y., Acta Materialia, 1998, “A dislocation-based model for all hardening stages in large strain deformation,” Vol. 46, pp. 5509-5522) was generalized for the 3D case and for arbitrary strain paths. The model is based on a cellular dislocation arrangement in which a single- phase material is considered as a composite of a hard skeleton of cell walls and soft cell interiors. An important point in the approach is the evolution of the volume fraction of the cell walls which decreases with the deformation and gives rise to a plateau-like behavior (Stage IV) followed by a drop-off (Stage V) of the strain hardening rate observed at large strains. The hardening model was implemented into the viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal model to predict hardening curves corresponding to different proportional loading paths. The calculated curves were evaluated to elucidate the path dependence of hardening.

Wang, Bing, Haiyan He, Muhammad Naeem, Si Lan, Stefanus Harjo, Takuro Kawasaki, Yongxing Nie, et al. "Deformation of CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy at large strain." Scripta Materialia 155 (October 2018): 54–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.06.013.

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Blesgen, T. "Deformation patterning in three-dimensional large-strain Cosserat plasticity." Mechanics Research Communications 62 (December 2014): 37–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mechrescom.2014.08.007.

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Korbel, Andrzej, Włodzimierz Bochniak, Pawel Ostachowski, Anna Paliborek, Marek Łagoda, and Adelajda Brzostowicz. "A new constitutive approach to large strain plastic deformation." International Journal of Materials Research 107, no. 1 (January 8, 2016): 44–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.3139/146.111311.

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Olley, P., and J. Sweeney. "A multiprocess eyring model for large strain plastic deformation." Journal of Applied Polymer Science 119, no. 4 (August 27, 2010): 2246–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/app.32951.

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Rodak, Kinga, Rafal M. Molak, and Zbigniew Pakiela. "Structure and properties of copper after large strain deformation." physica status solidi (c) 7, no. 5 (April 14, 2010): 1351–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pssc.200983392.

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Humphreys, F. J., P. B. Prangnell, J. R. Bowen, A. Gholinia, and C. Harris. "Developing stable fine–grain microstructures by large strain deformation." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 357, no. 1756 (June 15, 1999): 1663–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.1999.0395.

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Fortunier, R. "Large strain plastic deformation by crystallographic slio in metals." International Journal of Plasticity 7, no. 8 (January 1991): 749–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0749-6419(91)90016-r.

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Holmes, D. W., J. G. Loughran, and H. Suehrcke. "Constitutive model for large strain deformation of semicrystalline polymers." Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 10, no. 4 (May 10, 2007): 281–313. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11043-007-9023-8.

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Kassner, M. E., M. M. Myshlyaev, and H. J. McQueen. "Large-strain torsional deformation in aluminum at elevated temperatures." Materials Science and Engineering: A 108 (February 1989): 45–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0921-5093(89)90405-x.

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Nagtegaal, J. C., and D. D. Fox. "Using assumed enhanced strain elements for large compressive deformation." International Journal of Solids and Structures 33, no. 20-22 (August 1996): 3151–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0020-7683(95)00250-2.

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Tupper, Catherine N., Don W. Brown, Robert D. Field, Thomas A. Sisneros, and Bjorn Clausen. "Large Strain Deformation in Uranium 6 Wt Pct Niobium." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, no. 2 (November 15, 2011): 520–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-011-0931-5.

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Sun, Jiapeng, Jing Han, Zhenquan Yang, Huan Liu, Dan Song, Aibin Ma, and Liang Fang. "Rebuilding the Strain Hardening at a Large Strain in Twinned Au Nanowires." Nanomaterials 8, no. 10 (October 18, 2018): 848. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nano8100848.

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Metallic nanowires usually exhibit ultrahigh strength but low tensile ductility, owing to their limited strain hardening capability. Here, our larger scale molecular dynamics simulations demonstrated that we could rebuild the highly desirable strain hardening behavior at a large strain (0.21 to 0.31) in twinned Au nanowires by changing twin orientation, which strongly contrasts with the strain hardening at the incipient plastic deformation in low stacking-fault energy metals nanowires. Because of this strain hardening, an improved ductility is achieved. With the change of twin orientation, a competing effect between partial dislocation propagation and twin migration is observed in nanowires with slant twin boundaries. When twin migration gains the upper hand, the strain hardening occurs. Otherwise, the strain softening occurs. As the twin orientation increases from 0° to 90°, the dominating deformation mechanism shifts from slip-twin boundary interaction to dislocation slip, twin migration, and slip transmission in sequence. Our work could not only deepen our understanding of the mechanical behavior and deformation mechanism of twinned Au nanowires, but also provide new insights into enhancing the strength and ductility of nanowires by engineering the nanoscale twins.

Meyer, Arnd, and Hansjörg Schmidt. "Viscoelasticity at Large Strain Deformations." PAMM 14, no. 1 (December 2014): 843–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pamm.201410402.

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Shakhova, Iaroslava, Yoshikazu Sakai, Andrey Belyakov, and Rustam Kaibyshev. "Microstructure Evolution in a Cu-Ag Alloy during Large Strain Deformation and Annealing." Materials Science Forum 667-669 (December 2010): 493–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.667-669.493.

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The structural changes and the strengthening of a Cu-3%Ag alloy subjected to large strain drawing and subsequent annealing were studied. The cold working was carried out at an ambient temperature up to total strain above 8. The hardness increased from 600 MPa in the initial state to about 1800 MPa with increasing the total strain. The annealing treatment at 400°C resulted in increase in the hardness to about 2000 MPa for the samples cold worked to total strains above 2. On the other hand, the hardness change of the samples annealed at 450°C dependent significantly on the preceding cold strain. Namely, annealing softening took place in the samples processed to strains below 5, while the samples processed to larger strains were characterized by remarkable hardening after annealing. The value of annealing hardening increased with increasing the previous cold strain, leading the hardness to 2500 MPa in the sample strained to 7.4. The cold worked and annealed samples were characterized by the development of lamella-type microstructure consisting of highly elongated copper grains with uniform distribution of nano-scaled silver particles having a size of about 2 nm.

Dudipala, Sathvik Reddy. "Large Deformation Analysis of Rubber by Software Fusion 360." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. 8 (August 31, 2021): 2098–103. http://dx.doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2021.37690.

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Abstract: This paper articulates you the large deformation procedure of a rubber sheet. Nowadays, material selection of a component is very important as per the trend and compact ability, materials like rubber nitrile, rubber silicone is considered for the structural analysis of rubber. By the application of Fusion 360 software with the boundary conditions, the parameters like stress, strain and deformation is known for the specific material. Keywords: Fusion 360, rubber, silicone, nitrile, stress, strain, deformation.

Yao, Jie, Young Hong Zhu, and Yun Zhang Wu. "The Research of the Difference between Small-Strain and Large-Strain Formulations for Shape Memory Alloys." Applied Mechanics and Materials 229-231 (November 2012): 3–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.229-231.3.

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Based on thermodynamics and phase transformation driving force, we apply a SMA constitutive model to analyze the large and small deformation of SMA materials. Simulations under different loading, uniaxial tension and shear conditions, illustrate the characteristics of the model in large strain deformation and small strain deformation. The results indicate that the difference between the two methods is small under the uniaxial tension case, while the large deformation and the small deformation results are very different under shear deformation case. It lays a foundation for the further studies of the constitutive model of SMA, especially in the multiaxial non-proportional loading aspects.

Guo, Y., M. Efe, W. Moscoso, D. Sagapuram, K. P. Trumble, and S. Chandrasekar. "Deformation field in large-strain extrusion machining and implications for deformation processing." Scripta Materialia 66, no. 5 (March 2012): 235–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2011.10.045.

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