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Jain, Varsha, and Subhadip Roy. "Understanding meaning transfer in celebrity endorsements: a qualitative exploration." Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 19, no. 3 (June 13, 2016): 266–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/qmr-03-2015-0020.

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Purpose Of the three major streams of research in celebrity endorsements, the “Meaning Transfer Model (MTM)” has received the least attention from researchers. In the present study, the authors aim to investigate the basic components of the “Meaning Transfer Model” proposed by McCracken (1986, 1989) and outcome of the flow of meaning through celebrity endorsements. Design/methodology/approach The authors used an interpretive approach to address four broad research questions framed after a comprehensive literature review. Eight focus group discussions (FGD) (along with embedded word association techniques) were conducted among audience from heterogeneous demographic backgrounds from India. Content and thematic analysis were carried out on the FGD transcripts and the word association test results to generate findings. Findings The findings indicate seven themes of celebrity meaning, namely, personality, credibility, physical appearance, feelings, performance, values and cogent power. Most meanings were found to be transferred to a brand via the endorsement. The possibility of reverse meaning transfer and the change of celebrity meanings overtime were also observed. Research limitations/implications The major contribution of the present study is the development of a measurable and applicable model of meaning transfer in celebrity endorsements, along with a set of testable propositions. Practical implications The findings provide a guiding framework for practitioners who would like to use a celebrity endorsement strategy. Originality/value This is one of the first attempts to develop a comprehensive model of meaning transfer in celebrity endorsements that includes sub-constructs of “meaning” and the moderators in the process.

ONG, Zu Qian. "The Impact of Celebrity Credibility on Consumer’s Purchase Intention toward the Footwear Industry in Malaysia: The Mediating Effect of Attitude toward Advertisement." Information Management and Business Review 7, no. 4 (August 30, 2015): 55–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v7i4.1163.

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Practices of using celebrities as spokespeople for commercialized products are continuously favoured toward the effort of marketing and positioning. The popularity of celebrity advertising is founded upon advertiser’s belief on message credibility by well-known personalities to achieve greater attention, recall and behavioural intention among consumers. The present study assesses the impact of celebrity credibility on the underlying purchase intention of Malaysian consumers toward the footwear industry, by exploring the mediating role of attitude toward advertisement between celebrity credibility and purchase intention. The influence of endorser’s characteristics and cultures on consumer’s behavioural intention is explained through the applications of the Theory of Identification (Kelman, 1961, 2006) and the Meaning Transfer Model (McCracken, 1989) in this study. Descriptive findings collected from 200 potential consumers have suggested attitude toward advertisement as the catalyst of endorser’s identification, for cultivating dimensions of celebrity credibility (trustworthiness, expertise and attractiveness) into transactional intention. The phenomenon of integration approaches of single phenomenon, with two theoretical perspectives (Mayer & Sparrowe, 2013) is demonstrated in this product marketplace.

Pramesthi, Jasmine Alya. "Meaning Transfer Model pada Social Media Influencer." Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi 19, no. 1 (May 1, 2021): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.31315/jik.v19i1.4293.

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Tidak sedikit usaha milik social media influencer ramai dikunjungi oleh masyarakat pada awal peluncuran, namun usaha yang dijalankan tidak dapat bertahan lebih lama atau bahkan tidak memiliki brand attitude yang lebih baik dibandingkan brand yang di-endorse. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji meaning transfer model untuk mengetahui perbandingan dari seorang social media influencer sebagai brand endorser dan brand entrepreneur pada pengaruhnya terhadap brand attitude dari kedua marketplace. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui survei kepada 110 responden yaitu followers Arief Muhammad. Hasil penelitian membuktikan Arief Muhammad sebagai social media influencer memiliki kredibilitas untuk memengaruhi brand attitude secara signifikan baik Tokopedia maupun Grebe, namun kredibilitas Arief Muhammad memiliki pengaruh lebih besar kepada brand attitude Tokopedia dibandingkan pengaruh kredibilitasnya terhadap brand attitude Grebe. Keahlian yang dimiliki oleh Arief Muhammad memiliki pengaruh paling besar terhadap brand attitude Tokopedia dan Grebe. Substansi penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi berupa kebaruan studi meaning transfer model untuk dilakukan pada social media influencer untuk menguji pengaruh kredibilitas yang dimiliki baik sebagai brand endorser dan brand entrepreneur.

D'Antone, Simona, and Dwight Merunka. "The brand origin meaning transfer model (BOMT): an integrative theoretical model." International Marketing Review 32, no. 6 (November 9, 2015): 713–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/imr-09-2013-0175.

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Roy, Subhadip, and Varsha Jain. "Exploring meaning transfer in celebrity endorsements: measurement and validation." Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 9, no. 2 (June 5, 2017): 87–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/apjba-06-2016-0058.

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Purpose The “meaning transfer model (MTM)” is one of the less researched models in celebrity endorsement. The purpose of this paper is to empirically measure and validate a comprehensive model of meaning transfer in celebrity endorsements. Design/methodology/approach Based on a conceptual model of meaning transfer that starts from celebrity identity as an antecedent of perceived celebrity meaning (CM), the study integrates CM, brand meaning (BM) and consumer behavior (CB) and two moderators leading to six studied hypotheses. The model is empirically tested using survey data (of 483 consumers) from India with the application of factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Findings Major results indicate a positive effect of CM on BM and BM on subsequent CB. The moderating effect of consumer knowledge and product involvement in successful meaning transfer is also observed. Research limitations/implications Contribution of the present study lies in the validation of a comprehensive model of meaning transfer in celebrity endorsements that may pave the way to the explanation of previous confounding results. Practical implications The present study provided an actionable model for marketers that would lead to successful meaning transfer and the various factors that need to be controlled. Originality/value This is the first study to validate the MTM that integrates the basic tenets of celebrity endorsement theory.

Haberman, Heather, and Sharon M. Danes. "Father-Daughter and Father-Son Family Business Management Transfer Comparison: Family FIRO Model Application." Family Business Review 20, no. 2 (June 2007): 163–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-6248.2007.00088.x.

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The purpose of the study was to investigate power structures and interactions among father-daughter and father-son family business decision teams experiencing management transfer. Analytic induction was the methodology used to test the family FIRO theory. Support was found for the theoretical premise of sequential and developmental relationships among the three dimensions (inclusion, control, and integration). The women in the father-son business experienced feelings of exclusion, incidents of higher conflict among family members, which produced less shared meaning, and lower levels of integration among family members. On the other hand, women in the father-daughter business experienced feelings of inclusion, resulting in lower conflict that created high levels of shared meaning, collaboration, and integration among family members. In management transfer consultations, if the entire family business decision team is not included in information gathering, and if the decision team is not observed interacting as a group, with individuals being allowed to confidentially confirm or refute the group interaction data, biased information may be obtained. For more successful adaptations in management transfers, power structures and interactions need to be reconstructed; failure to do so leads to confusion and conflict, resulting in distrust and lack of fellowship within the management decision team.

Dominey, Peter Ford, Michel Hoen, and Toshio Inui. "A Neurolinguistic Model of Grammatical Construction Processing." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18, no. 12 (December 2006): 2088–107. http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/jocn.2006.18.12.2088.

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One of the functions of everyday human language is to communicate meaning. Thus, when one hears or reads the sentence, “John gave a book to Mary,” some aspect of an event concerning the transfer of possession of a book from John to Mary is (hopefully) transmitted. One theoretical approach to language referred to as construction grammar emphasizes this link between sentence structure and meaning in the form of grammatical constructions. The objective of the current research is to (1) outline a functional description of grammatical construction processing based on principles of psycholinguistics, (2) develop a model of how these functions can be implemented in human neurophysiology, and then (3) demonstrate the feasibility of the resulting model in processing languages of typologically diverse natures, that is, English, French, and Japanese. In this context, particular interest will be directed toward the processing of novel compositional structure of relative phrases. The simulation results are discussed in the context of recent neurophysiological studies of language processing.

Rao, Yong Hui, and Wei Dong Liu. "The Analysis of Rural Collective Construction Land Transfer." Advanced Materials Research 718-720 (July 2013): 301–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.718-720.301.

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Firstly, the paper interpreted the meaning of the rural collective construction land transfer in a comprehensive and parochial way. Secondly, taking Jiangshan Town of China as an example, the paper interpreted the present situation and problems of land transfer in present China. Thirdly, the paper interpreted the principles, conditions, patterns of the rural collective construction land transfer. Lastly, the paper introduced the distribution model of land income taking Wuhu City of China for example and pointed out the essential purpose of land transfer is to safeguard rights and interests of farmers better.

Korawan, Agus Dwi, Sudjito Soeparman, Widya Wijayanti, and Denny Widhiyanuriyawan. "Increased Melting Heat Transfer in the Latent Heat Energy Storage from the Tube-and-Shell Model to the Combine-and-Shell Model." Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 2017 (2017): 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2017/8574184.

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The melting of paraffin in thermal storage tube-and-shell and combine-and-shell models was conducted with the numerical research aim of decreasing the charge time through changing the shape of the tube into combining form. The results discussed are temperature contour, liquid-solid interface contour, temperature distribution, liquid fraction, and the average Nusselt number. The results show that the charge time in the tube-and-shell model is 2000 s, while the combine-and-shell model is 1200 s, meaning an overall decrease in charge time in the combine-and-shell model by 40% when compared to that of the tube-and-shell model.

Narasimhan, Karthik, Regina Barzilay, and Tommi Jaakkola. "Grounding Language for Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning." Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 63 (December 19, 2018): 849–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1613/jair.1.11263.

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In this paper, we explore the utilization of natural language to drive transfer for reinforcement learning (RL). Despite the wide-spread application of deep RL techniques, learning generalized policy representations that work across domains remains a challenging problem. We demonstrate that textual descriptions of environments provide a compact intermediate channel to facilitate effective policy transfer. Specifically, by learning to ground the meaning of text to the dynamics of the environment such as transitions and rewards, an autonomous agent can effectively bootstrap policy learning on a new domain given its description. We employ a model-based RL approach consisting of a differentiable planning module, a model-free component and a factorized state representation to effectively use entity descriptions. Our model outperforms prior work on both transfer and multi-task scenarios in a variety of different environments. For instance, we achieve up to 14% and 11.5% absolute improvement over previously existing models in terms of average and initial rewards, respectively.

Ding, Heng Min, and Lv Chun Pu. "Thermal Kinetics Phase Field Model for the Metals' Solidification - Mathematic Derivation of the Dendrite Growth Phase Field Variable Diffusion Model." Applied Mechanics and Materials 364 (August 2013): 614–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.364.614.

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Phase field equations for simulation of dendritic growth have a history of nearly twenty years. The existing phase field equations are directly derived through the Ginzburg-Landau equations. However, though widely used, the physical meaning of each variable in the equations is not clear. So the domestic and foreign researchers have made a lot of mistakes and interpretation. In this paper, with the solid fraction as a phase field variables in the field, based on thermodynamics and heat transfer theory, author gives a rigorous scientific phase variable diffusion model of the pure metal solidification and its derivation process.

WANG, HUILI, XIAOLI YAN, SHUO CAO, LINXI LI, and ADA KRITIKOS. "Interfering ACE on comprehending embodied meaning in action-related Chinese counterfactual sentences." Language and Cognition 11, no. 3 (August 19, 2019): 479–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/langcog.2019.29.

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abstractThe present study explores whether embodied meaning is activated in comprehension of action-related Mandarin counterfactual sentences. Participants listened to action-related Mandarin factual or counterfactual sentences describing transfer events (actions towards or away from the participant), and then performed verb-compatible or -incompatible motor action after a transfer verb (action towards or away from the participant) onset. The results demonstrated that motor simulation, specifically the interfering action-sentence compatibility effect (ACE), was obtained in both factual and counterfactual sentences. Additionally, the temporal course of motor resonance was slightly different between factual and counterfactual sentences. We concluded that embodied meaning was activated in action-related Chinese counterfactual sentences. The results supported a neural network model of Chersi, Thill, Ziemke, and Borghi (2010), proposed within the embodiment approach, which explains the interaction between processing action-related sentences and motor performance. Moreover, we speculated that the neural network model of Chersi et al. was also applicable to action-related Mandarin counterfactual comprehension.

Guo, Wen Liang, and Zheng Guo. "Nozzle Spraying Model of Combustion Thermal Spray." Advanced Materials Research 655-657 (January 2013): 211–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.655-657.211.

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The flame used in combustion flame spraying is typical of a high-temperature free jet. The flow fields of free jets are multi-phase flows that couple the mass and heat transfer. The analytical and numerical solutions to turbulent flows are engineering approximations. This work uses Prandtle’s mixing-length theory to describe the flame spreading of free combustion spray jet and uses nozzle spray model to describe the distribution of the powder particles sprayed from powder nozzle to the substrate surface. The nozzle geometry and the parameters determine the distribution of the powder particles. The nozzle spray model has the same physical meaning with the jet spreading angle. Experimental measurements were carried by a high-speed CCD camera.

Kilduff, J., J. X. Liu, and S. J. Komisar. "Membrane-based gas transfer: an environmental engineering laboratory." Water Science and Technology 49, no. 8 (April 1, 2004): 49–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wst.2004.0485.

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We propose an educational experience in which students design a membrane gas transfer reactor, construct a bench-scale version in the laboratory, and employ the reactor to measure mass transfer coefficients. The membrane reactor is useful for teaching mass transfer principles because the mass transfer interface is well defined and easily observed. The system can be modeled successfully using straightforward mathematics. The reactor can be designed and constructed by students, using the mathematical model as a basis, providing insight into the physical meaning of model parameters. The proposed membrane system can be readily operated to obtain data that can be employed to develop or modify existing mass transfer correlations. This can provide students with significant insight into the development of mass transfer correlations and how the constants in such correlations are typically determined. These features help promote a deeper understanding of mass transfer principles.


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Almost all wakifs who surrendered their land to Nazhir did not include funds to finance productive business operations, this of course became a serious problem and obstacle in managing their waqf. This research was conducted with juridical normative, taking into account the existing provisions as well as provisions related to BOT or the practice of BOT agreement models with a case study approach and methods, meaning that this research was conducted to see what the expectations of legal products are in terms of this is about waqf and how it is in reality in the field so that the materials found in the field can be used as tertiary legal materials in order to develop which one is better than alternative solutions. The result of this research is to produce a modelwaqf land productivity based on BOT and it is hoped that it can be known and become a model that is believed by everyone who wants waqf.Keywords : Waqf Land; Productive; Build Operate Transfer.

XIAO, BO-QI, GUO-PING JIANG, YI YANG, and DONG-MEI ZHENG. "PREDICTION OF CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER OF NANOFLUIDS BASED ON FRACTAL-MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS." International Journal of Modern Physics C 24, no. 01 (January 2013): 1250090. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0129183112500908.

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With the consideration of the Brownian motion of nanoparticles in fluids, the probability model for the size of nanoparticles and the model for convective heat transfer of nanofluids are derived based on the fractal character of nanoparticles. The proposed model is expressed as a function of the size of nanoparticles, the volumetric nanoparticle concentration, the thermal conductivity of base fluids, fractal dimension of nanoparticles and the temperature, as well as the random number. It is found that the convective heat flux of nanofluids decreases with increasing of the average diameter of nanoparticles. This model has the characters of both analytical and numerical solutions. The Monte Carlo simulations combined with the fractal geometry theory are performed. Every parameter of the proposed formula on convective heat transfer of nanofluids has clear physical meaning. So the proposed model can reveal the physical mechanisms of convective heat transfer of nanofluids.

Šlekienė, Violeta, Loreta Ragulienė, and Vincentas Lamanauskas. "INTERDISCIPLINARY RELATION REALISATION DIDACTIC POSSIBILITIES: SUBJECT HEAT TRANSFER PHYSICAL MODEL." GAMTAMOKSLINIS UGDYMAS / NATURAL SCIENCE EDUCATION 12, no. 2 (August 25, 2015): 75–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.48127/gu-nse/15.12.75.

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One of the natural science education aims is to help students understand what is going on in nature, how and why? In other words, how natural phenomena function. Quite often, going deeper into natural phenomena, seeking to cognise them, we split the cognition process itself into separate spheres or parts. In this case we have separate teaching/learning subjects, such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry and other. It is understandable in itself, in order to sufficiently exhaustively perceive and understand the analysed spheres. On the other hand, it is equally important to integrally perceive the phenomena and/ or processes going on in nature. In the second part of the 20th century, the developing synergetics states, that everything in nature is integrally interrelated. Education science and practice constantly search for the ways how to realise transdisciplinarity in natural science education process. Integrated education programmes are created and improved and the other teaching/learning devices. However, integrated natural science education content is the only one from the system elements. Integral and transdisciplinary should be the process itself. One of the ways to realise such process is Natural science and Maths teachers’ cooperation. In this analysis, relationship realisation didactic possibilities between the subjects of Natural science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and Maths are analysed, analysing heat transfer model. Giving one lesson example, Natural science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and Maths subject relationship realisation didactic possibilities are revealed in the presented analysis. Specimen scenario of the heat exchange research Water containing a clay jug is presented. The pupils, having performed the experiment in Natural science lessons, draw the graphs of temperature and humidity change in time, integrally analyse the results obtained during the experiment. For the result analysis they apply Mathematics knowledge about dependent and independent variables, remember how the relationship between two variables is expressed by graphs. The lesson’s structural parts are presented: discussion of theoretical material, explanation of practical work meaning and experiment procedure, the experiment and the task performance, discussion of the obtained results and their meaningfulness will enable natural science teachers to give a lesson about heat transfer, using integration possibilities. The research is carried out during implementation of the international project „Materials for Teaching Together: Science and Mathematics Teachers collaborating for better results“. Number of the contract: 539242-LLP-1-2013-1-AT-COMENIUS-CMP/. Key words: integrated education programmes, heat transfer, science education, science teachers, transdisciplinarity in science education.

BELPAEME, TONY, and ANTHONY MORSE. "WORD AND CATEGORY LEARNING IN A CONTINUOUS SEMANTIC DOMAIN: COMPARING CROSS-SITUATIONAL AND INTERACTIVE LEARNING." Advances in Complex Systems 15, no. 03n04 (May 2012): 1250031. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0219525912500312.

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The problem of how young learners acquire the meaning of words is fundamental to language development and cognition. A host of computational models exist which demonstrate various mechanisms in which words and their meanings can be transferred between a teacher and learner. However these models often assume that the learner can easily distinguish between the referents of words, and do not show if the learning mechanisms still function when there is perceptual ambiguity about the referent of a word. This paper presents two models that acquire meaning-word mappings in a continuous semantic space. The first model is a cross-situational learning model in which the learner induces word-meaning mappings through statistical learning from repeated exposures. The second model is a social model, in which the learner and teacher engage in a dyadic learning interaction to transfer word-meaning mappings. We show how cross-situational learning, despite there being no information to the learner as to the exact referent of a word during learning, still can learn successfully. However, social learning outperforms cross-situational strategies both in speed of acquisition and performance. The results suggest that cross-situational learning is efficient for situations where referential ambiguity is limited, but in more complex situations social learning is the more optimal strategy.

Yang, Wan. "Star power: the evolution of celebrity endorsement research." International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30, no. 1 (January 8, 2018): 389–415. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ijchm-09-2016-0543.

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Purpose The aim of this paper is to summarize the celebrity endorsement literature to identify trends and challenges related to key research areas. Based on a critical review of existing literature, this paper presents several recommendations regarding potential future directions of celebrity endorsement research in hospitality and tourism. Design/methodology/approach The paper presents a critical review of literature from both the general marketing and hospitality and tourism fields. Findings Over the past decade, significant progress has been made in hospitality and tourism celebrity endorsement research, with several new constructs being revealed and tested. However, the extant findings are rather mixed and inconclusive because industry features have not been systematically examined and study contexts and samples have varied widely. To advance the hospitality and tourism celebrity endorsement research, an extended meaning transfer model with six propositions is proposed. Several areas for future research are also discussed. Practical implications This paper offers up-to-date findings on celebrity endorsement to practitioners, and the proposed extended meaning transfer model can provide marketers useful guidelines on selecting appropriate endorsers for their products/brands. Originality/value In previous studies, scholars mainly used one or more of the three types of celebrity endorser selection models and only examined specific antecedents of effective endorsement. To date, researchers have not yet conceptualized a modified model that captures the unique features of the hospitality and tourism industry and reconciles the mixed findings in the extant literature. This paper proposes an extended meaning transfer model to explain the endorser selection process, provides a good foundational understanding of the extant celebrity endorsement research and makes several recommendations regarding future research directions for hospitality and tourism scholars with implications for practitioners.

Wu, Chunhua, Xiaolong Chen, and Xingbiao Li. "Mask Transformer: Unpaired Text Style Transfer Based on Masked Language." Applied Sciences 10, no. 18 (September 6, 2020): 6196. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app10186196.

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Currently, most text style transfer methods encode the text into a style-independent latent representation and decode it into new sentences with the target style. Due to the limitation of the latent representation, previous works can hardly get satisfactory target style sentence especially in terms of semantic remaining of the original sentence. We propose a “Mask and Generation” structure, which can obtain an explicit representation of the content of original sentence and generate the target sentence with a transformer. This explicit representation is a masked text that masks the words with the strong style attribute in the sentence. Therefore, it can preserve most of the semantic meaning of the original sentence. In addition, as it is the input of the generator, it also simplified this process compared to the current work who generate the target sentence from scratch. As the explicit representation is readable and the model has better interpretability, we can clearly know which words changed and why the words changed. We evaluate our model on two review datasets with quantitative, qualitative, and human evaluations. The experimental results show that our model generally outperform other methods in terms of transfer accuracy and content preservation.

Zhou, Ping, Zhe Zhao, Hong-Yuan Huo, and Zhansheng Liu. "Retrieval of Photometric Parameters of Minerals Using a Self-Made Multi-Angle Spectrometer Based on the Hapke Radiative Transfer Model." Remote Sensing 13, no. 15 (August 1, 2021): 3022. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs13153022.

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In this paper, a self-made, mineral, multi-angle, spectrum measurement device is employed to measure the multi-angle spectra of olivine and plagioclase; the multi-angle spectra of ilmenite in the Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) Spectral Library are collected; and the optimized retrieval of the photometric parameters of the Hapke model is realized. Importantly, the derived result of the single-scattering albedo (SSA) is stable and has both mathematical meaning and physical meaning. The derived Legendre polynomial coefficients of the phase function can better simulate the variation in the mineral spectra with angle. This paper compares the effects of multi-angle and single-angle spectral data on the photometric parameter derived results. The setting of the Legendre polynomial coefficient of the scattering phase function mainly affects the simulation accuracy of the mineral spectra as a function of angle. Using this coefficient to optimize the retrieval, the simulation accuracy is moderately improved compared with the single-angle simulation. The estimation of photometric parameters based on multi-angle spectral data can provide a basis for setting the empirical values of the phase function parameters from single-angle spectral calculations, which can more truly reflect the law of reflectance spectra changing with angle than Lucey’s traditional empirical value of the phase function (b = −0.4 and c = 0.25). The results of multi-angle spectra retrieval in this paper show that the Legendre polynomial coefficients of the phase function vary with wavelength rather than being constant and that different minerals differ greatly.

Roušar, I., and P. Ditl. "Numerical Simulation of Multicomponent Isobaric Adsorption in Fixed Bed Columns." Adsorption Science & Technology 3, no. 2 (June 1986): 49–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/026361748600300201.

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A model has been formulated for multicomponent isobaric adsorption in fixed bed columns. The following mass transfer mechanisms were used: convective flow, axial dispersion, external particle mass transfer and intraparticle diffusion. Analysis was applied on the system of governing equations to obtain controlling dimensionless criteria for the fixed bed adsorber. The derived criteria can be divided into three groups, namely: main dynamic criteria, equilibrium criteria and multicomponent dynamic criteria, their physical meaning has been discussed. The system of equations has been numerically solved using a finite difference method with an implicit conservative scheme. On the basis of this model a numerical simulation has been made to determine the influence of external particle mass transfer, axial dispersion, intraparticle diffusion and adsorption equilibrium on adsorber dynamics.

Hu, Deyong, Manqing Liu, Yufei Di, Chen Yu, and Yichen Wang. "USRT: A Solar Radiative Transfer Model Dedicated to Estimating Urban 3D Surface Reflectance." Urban Science 4, no. 4 (November 27, 2020): 66. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/urbansci4040066.

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Urban 3D surface reflectance is a critical parameter for the modeling of surface biophysical processes. It is of great significance to enhance the accuracy of reflectance in urban areas. Based on the urban solar radiative transfer (USRT) model, this study presents a methodology for estimating urban reflectance using the sky view factor (SVF) derived from airborne LiDAR data. Then, the USRT model was used to retrieve urban 3D surface reflectance from Landsat 8 data over the typical area of Beijing. The reflectance from USRT model was compared with the estimated value obtained from the model without considering the impact of morphological characteristics of the urban underlying surface (flat model). The results showed that the urban sample reflectance estimated by the USRT model was close to the sample reflectance of the suburban underlying surface which was less affected by morphological characteristics. The research summaries are as follows: (1) The definite physical meaning is presented in the USRT model, and can be applied to estimate the physical parameters of the urban underlying surface. (2) The reflectance from the USRT model is slightly larger than the reflectance derived from the flat model, which indicates that the accuracy of urban 3D surface reflectance is improved by the USRT model. (3) The effects of the SVF and building reflectance are different. The SVF presents a strong sensitivity to the estimation of the urban 3D surface reflectance, and the variations of building reflectance setting have little impact on urban reflectance, which is characterized by low sensitivity. Generally, the methodology of estimating urban reflectance proposed in this study can better clarify the impact mechanism of urban geometry on the radiative transfer processes and further promote the application and development of urban quantitative remote sensing.

Irham, Irham, and Yudril Basith. "REVITALISASI MAKNA GURU DARI AJARAN TASAWUF DALAM KERANGKA PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER." ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam 19, no. 1 (June 25, 2018): 44. http://dx.doi.org/10.18860/ua.v19i1.4901.

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<p><em>This article seeks to describe the meaning of teachers based on the teachings of Sufism that can be a reference to revitalize the important role of educators in order to build character. It uses the perspective of Sufism since this teaching focuses on pupil’s moral development both outwardly and inwardly. The purpose of this article is to adapt the meaning of teacher in islamic mysticism perspective into the meaning of teacher in general for character education. It employs literary study by referring to the thoughts of figures or scholars of islamic mysticism and supported by the theory outside the study of islamic mysticism, then formulated into a conceptual construct of this article. The conclusion shows that the teacher in Sufism with his qualifications has the task of educating pupil’s moral that is not limited in a certain space and time. Teacher builds closeness with the pupils from the inner and outer sides. They are treated like a teacher treating himself. Teacher in this sense is as role model, counselor, director, advisor, to shape pupil’s moral. This meaning can improve the weaknesses of the modern education theory, which generally interprets teacher as facilitator, mediator, or as teachers (transfer of knowledge/transfer of values), which has not touched on pupil’s inner side.</em></p>

Suryani, Nunuk. "VCT (VALUE CLARIFICATION TECHNIQUE) LEARNING MODEL APPLICATION TO IMPROVE HISTORICAL VALUE UNDERSTANDING." Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah 11, no. 2 (August 8, 2018): 198. http://dx.doi.org/10.17509/historia.v11i2.12382.

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Learning the history referred to as the transfer of value. The role of history education is very important in teaching about values, moral and spiritual. By internalizing these values will be formed nationalism in student attitudes. Establishment of nationalistic attitude is important to anticipate the global challenges and a variety of shocks that hit the disintegration of Indonesia recently. Historical experience proves the attitude of nationalism can generate social dynamics in the past. Education history can be said to have educational value if the history of education can contribute to make students become someone who has a wise attitude or have a noble moral values. For history has educative function, then the teacher can make learning history with a moral approach. Moral approach is an approach that emphasizes the value of the meaning contained in the material presented history. Students should be actively involved in learning activities. In order to more meaningful learning history or high value, teachers can use the methods that can internalize the values in it. One is the model of value clarification. Value clarification learning model first used by Louis Raths in the 1950s while teaching at New York University. VCT learning model (Value Clarification Technique) is a “learning model which to assist students in finding and determining a value that is considered good in dealing with problems through the process of analyzing the existing value in the self-student. This approach will help students understand and find value / meaning of historical events in depth (ultimate meaning). Based on the data analysis it is found that the VCT model to produce an understanding of history better than the conventional models. Students with high emotional quotient have the understanding of historical value better than students with low emotional quotient.

Wright, L. Kate, J. Nick Fisk, and Dina L. Newman. "DNA → RNA: What Do Students Think the Arrow Means?" CBE—Life Sciences Education 13, no. 2 (June 2014): 338–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1187/cbe.cbe-13-09-0188.

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The central dogma of molecular biology, a model that has remained intact for decades, describes the transfer of genetic information from DNA to protein though an RNA intermediate. While recent work has illustrated many exceptions to the central dogma, it is still a common model used to describe and study the relationship between genes and protein products. We investigated understanding of central dogma concepts and found that students are not primed to think about information when presented with the canonical figure of the central dogma. We also uncovered conceptual errors in student interpretation of the meaning of the transcription arrow in the central dogma representation; 36% of students (n = 128; all undergraduate levels) described transcription as a chemical conversion of DNA into RNA or suggested that RNA existed before the process of transcription began. Interviews confirm that students with weak conceptual understanding of information flow find inappropriate meaning in the canonical representation of central dogma. Therefore, we suggest that use of this representation during instruction can be counterproductive unless educators are explicit about the underlying meaning.

Wu, Wei Yi, Ping Gu, Jie Liu, and Bin Liu. "Equipment Maintenance Support Analysis Model Based on Field-Theory." Applied Mechanics and Materials 347-350 (August 2013): 2721–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.347-350.2721.

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At present military activities have been influenced deeply by the information revolution, in the same way the equipment support activities are confronted with tremendous challenge and many problems appeared. The equipment support ability is not satisfied with its target in the traditional method along with in-depth research, so needed to quest for a new research angle of view. Through the investigation of electric-particles' movement in physics field, a field-theory point of view from the comparability between the electric-particles and the equipment support elements is introduced which based on spatial distributing of equipment support elements around battlefield and characteristic of support activities. Moreover, the theory and method of the field-theory in the transfer of the support element and energy in support activity is described as the basic for the next application research. The appropriate combination between the natural science and military science has the important meaning for enrichment and development of equipment support theory.

Sasaki, Yoshinori. "English and Japanese interlanguage comprehension strategies: An analysis based on the competition model." Applied Psycholinguistics 12, no. 1 (March 1991): 47–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0142716400009371.

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ABSTRACTIn an experiment based on the competition model, 12 native Japanese speakers (J1 group) and 12 native English speakers studying Japanese (JFL group) were requested to report sentence subjects after listening to Japanese word strings which consisted of one verb and two nouns each. Similarly, 12 native English speakers (E1 group) and 12 native Japanese speakers studying English (EFL group) reported the sentence subjects of English word strings. In each word string, syntactic (word order) cues and lexical-semantic (animacy/inanimacy) cues converged or diverged as to the assignment of the sentence subjects. The results show that JFL-Ss (experimental subjects) closely approximated the response patterns of J1-Ss, while EFL-Ss showed evidence of transfer from their first language, Japanese. The results are consistent with the developmental precedence of a meaning-based comprehension strategy over a grammar-based one.

Lai, Tian Wen, and Qi Yun Zhou. "Analysis of Influencing Factor of Super-Long Single Pile’s Effective Pile Length." Advanced Materials Research 250-253 (May 2011): 1790–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.250-253.1790.

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Taking Clough & Duncan’s hyperbolic model as the transfer function, the influencing factor of super-long single pile’s effective pile length are analyzed. Discussed four kinds factors, which are the pile elastic modulus Ep, the external friction angle σ, the material parameters k1 and the allowable settlement Sa, effect on the effective pile length. The conclusion has some active meaning to super-long single piles’ the theoretical study and the application to engineering.

Bölücü, Necva, and Burcu Can. "A Cascaded Unsupervised Model for PoS Tagging." ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 20, no. 1 (April 2021): 1–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3447759.

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Part of speech (PoS) tagging is one of the fundamental syntactic tasks in Natural Language Processing, as it assigns a syntactic category to each word within a given sentence or context (such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.). Those syntactic categories could be used to further analyze the sentence-level syntax (e.g., dependency parsing) and thereby extract the meaning of the sentence (e.g., semantic parsing). Various methods have been proposed for learning PoS tags in an unsupervised setting without using any annotated corpora. One of the widely used methods for the tagging problem is log-linear models. Initialization of the parameters in a log-linear model is very crucial for the inference. Different initialization techniques have been used so far. In this work, we present a log-linear model for PoS tagging that uses another fully unsupervised Bayesian model to initialize the parameters of the model in a cascaded framework. Therefore, we transfer some knowledge between two different unsupervised models to leverage the PoS tagging results, where a log-linear model benefits from a Bayesian model’s expertise. We present results for Turkish as a morphologically rich language and for English as a comparably morphologically poor language in a fully unsupervised framework. The results show that our framework outperforms other unsupervised models proposed for PoS tagging.

López-López, Manuel, Plácido Cárdeno, Francisco J. del Castillo, Luis González, Ana R. Méndez, and Ana I. Platero. "Influence of DNA on the Reaction Rate of an Electron Transfer Process: A Kinetic Study of the Reaction Between [Co(Pyrazinecarboxylate)(NH3)4]2+ and [Fe(CN)6]4- in Aqueous Solutions in the Presence of DNA." Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 67, no. 8 (2002): 1165–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1135/cccc20021165.

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The kinetics of the electron transfer reaction between tetraammine(pyrazinecarboxylate)cobalt(III), [Co(pyrazinecarboxylate)(NH3)4]2+, and hexacyanoferrate(II), [Fe(CN)6]4- was studied in aqueous solutions in the presence of DNA at concentrations 0-2.28 · 10-3 mol dm-3. A decrease in the rate constant with increasing DNA concentration was observed. The results are interpreted on the basis of the pseudophase model. The meaning of its parameters for the second-order reaction is discussed.

Shi, Wen, and Zhuo Ping Yu. "A Stability Estimation Approach in Vehicle Planar Motion Considering Longitudinal Dynamics." Applied Mechanics and Materials 719-720 (January 2015): 268–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.719-720.268.

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A stability estimation approach is proposed to support complementary stability criterion design in vehicle planar motion. The comprehensive effect of tangential force and axle load transfer on tire cornering characteristics is considered corresponding to the longitudinal dynamics effects. The effectiveness of different stability concept is discussed in terms of the physical meaning of state variables in 3DOF differential systems. Based on the sense of technical stability, the 3DOF model is simplified according to longitudinal dynamics characteristic within definite observation time interval. The central equilibrium points continuum properties of the simplified model can be used to estimate the vehicle behavior in planar motion.

Walicka, A., and B. Iwanowska-Chomiak. "Fractal Model of Transdermal Drug Delivery." International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 23, no. 4 (November 1, 2018): 989–1004. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/ijame-2018-0056.

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Abstract Skin, separating the vital organs of a human body, is a desirable route for drug delivery. However, the intact skin is normally permeable only for drug molecules with a low molecular weight. The stratum corneum (SC), being the outermost layer of the skin and the epidermis being the second – more permeable – layer of the skin, play an essential function in transdermal drug delivery. Physical and chemical methods of skin poration are used to enhance transdermal drug delivery. Each poration leads to an irregular system of pores which are connected with a system of micro-capillaries passing through the epidermis. Both the systems by their irregularity form a fractal porous matrix. Drugs administrated by this matrix can be either suspensions and solutions or creams and gels, therefore they have to be modelled as non-Newtonian fluids. To analyse the fluid flow through the porous matrix the model of the epidermis is assumed as gobbet-andmortar with the tortuous mortar of variable thickness and after transition from the mortar to the tube one considered classical and fractal capillary flows of selected non-Newtonian fluids. Fractal expressions for the flow rate, velocity and permeability of fluids flow in a porous matrix are derived based on the fractal properties of the epidermis and capillary model. Each parameter in the proposed expressions does not contain any empirical constant and has a clear physical meaning and the proposed fractal models relate the flow properties of considered fluids with the structural parameters of the epidermis as a porous medium. The presented analytical expressions will help understand some of the physical principles of transdermal drug delivery.

Healy, Christina. "Construal of content." Signed Language Interpreting and Translation 13, no. 1 (March 2, 2018): 27–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/tis.00003.hea.

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Abstract Interpreting requires a nuanced understanding of language, and Wilcox and Shaffer (2005) propose that interpreting is enhanced by adopting a cognitive model of communication rather than the conduit model implicit in many interpreting pedagogy models. The present study used a cognitive linguistic approach to investigate affective constructions in American Sign Language (ASL). Relative cognitive linguistic principles are reviewed in the context of English affective constructions and applied in reporting the ASL findings. Then the article explores how these theoretical concepts can support meaning-transfer work. Specifically, Langacker’s Stage Model (2008) is expanded as a framework for comparing source and target text construals of events and for presenting a message with equivalent impact through different language-specific strategies.

Viaene, S., A. Nersesian, J. Fritz, S. Verstocken, M. Baes, S. Bianchi, V. Casasola, et al. "High-resolution, 3D radiative transfer modelling." Astronomy & Astrophysics 638 (June 2020): A150. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202037476.

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The star formation rate and the mass of interstellar medium (ISM) have a high predictive power for the future evolution of a galaxy. Nevertheless, deriving such properties is not straightforward. Dust emission, an important diagnostic of star formation and ISM mass throughout the Universe, can be powered by sources unrelated to ongoing star formation. In the framework of the DustPedia project we set out to disentangle the radiation of the ongoing star formation from that of the older stellar populations. This is done through detailed 3D radiative transfer simulations of face-on spiral galaxies. We take special care in modelling the morphological features present for each source of radiation. In this particular study, we focus on NGC 1068, which in addition contains an active galactic nucleus (AGN). The effect of diffuse dust heating by an AGN (beyond the torus) has so far only been investigated for quasars. This additional dust heating source further contaminates the broadband fluxes that are used by classic galaxy modelling tools to derive physical properties. We aim to fit a realistic model to the observations of NGC 1068 and quantify the contribution of the several dust-heating sources. Our model is able to reproduce the global spectral energy distribution of the galaxy. It matches the resolved optical and infrared images fairly well, but deviates in the UV and the submillimetre (submm). This is partly due to beam smearing effects, but also because the input dust distribution is not sufficiently peaked in the centre. We find that AGN contamination of the broadband fluxes has a strong dependency on wavelength. It peaks in the mid-infrared, drops in the far-infrared, and then rises again at submm wavelengths. We quantify the contribution of the dust-heating sources in each 3D dust cell and find a median value of 83% for the star formation component. The AGN contribution is measurable at the percentage level in the disc, but quickly increases in the inner few hundred parsecs, peaking above 90%. This is the first time the phenomenon of an AGN heating the diffuse dust beyond its torus is quantified in a nearby star-forming galaxy. NGC 1068 only contains a weak AGN, meaning this effect could be stronger in galaxies with a more luminous AGN. This could significantly impact the derived star formation rates and ISM masses for such systems.

Chen, Ming, Yan Ting Yu, Bo Wang, and Yong Tang. "Test of IGBT Transient Thermal Impedance and Modeling Research on Thermal Model." Advanced Materials Research 148-149 (October 2010): 429–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.148-149.429.

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As the operation performances and reliability of semiconductor devices are tightly related to its operating temperature, the research on the heat transfer characteristic and thermal modeling do a significant meaning to extend services lifetime and improve application reliability of the IGBT modules. The physical structure and the conception, RC component network of thermal resistance, test principle and platform of the transient thermal impedance of IGBT module and three modeling methods are briefly introduced. The parameters of Cauer RC thermal network of a certain type IGBT is derived based on transmission line method. The junction-case thermal resistance can be deduced by Finite Element Method in the numerical simulator ANSYS and the transient thermal impedance curve. Thermal compact model can also be deduced from the numerical simulation and experimental results. An excellent agreement is obtained between experimental results derived by the transient thermal impedance curve and numerical simulation results based on FEM. The thermal compact model and experimental results could be helpful for modeling of thermal model and heat sink design for such electronic devices.

Capogna, Stefania. "Lo stage tra orientamento ed empowerment del soggetto Uno studio di caso." SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE, no. 88 (December 2009): 106–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.3280/sr2009-088005.

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- The starting point is observation of the crisis of the traditional model of transfer, which has oriented education practice in the past. The meaning and value or alternating theory and practice in training are taken into consideration in order to assess the importance of internships as an empowering device for the subject, destined to increase young people's employment potential. This article aims to rethink internships as a guidance, training and pre-educating device that penetrates (or should) a wider area of innovative and shared teaching methods in the academic world.

Cruz-Escalona, Víctor H., María V. Morales-Zárate, Jonathan Franco- López, Leonardo A. Abitia-Cárdenas, Armando Hernández-López, Emigdio Marín-Enríquez, and Adrián F. González-Acosta. "Food-Web Structure and Functioning of Coastal Marine Ecosystems: Alvarado Lagoon and Adjacent Continental Shelf, Northern Gulf of Mexico." Open Fish Science Journal 11, no. 1 (December 31, 2018): 73–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1874401x01811010073.

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Introduction:The aim of the present study was to develop a trophic model characterizing simultaneously the structure and function of the two coastal marine ecosystems: Alvarado Lagoon, Mexico and adjacent continental shelf, important area for penaeid shrimps and demersal fish species.Method:The model was based on the assumption of biomass balance and describes the trophic relationships, flows of energy, and transfer efficiency of the food web, and includes 66 functional groups.Results:Results shows that 33% of the aggregate biological community biomass comes mainly second and third trophic levels. Size of aggregate flows as well as the transfer effectiveness among groups, results like those saw in other similar works. Connectance index (CI) was 0.12, meaning that there is only 12% only of the total theoretical connections exist. Results also shows that primary producers and detritus (lagoon and shelf) contribute with 60.1% of the total ascendency. Our work can be the basis for future research, which allow us to contrast alternate hypotheses about the functioning of the system.

Rosti, Federico, Maria Francesca Sfondrini, Davide Bressani, Marina Consuelo Vitale, Paola Gandini, and Andrea Scribante. "Digital Workflow for Indirect Bonding with 2D Lingual Brackets: A Case Report and Procedure Description." Case Reports in Dentistry 2019 (April 28, 2019): 1–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2019/6936049.

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Objective. During orthodontic therapy, accuracy in bonding procedures makes it easier to correct tooth alignment by decreasing the need for midcourse corrections by changing bracket positions. Indirect bonding allows the transfer of the appliance components from model casts to patient’s teeth potentially meaning shorter appointments for bracket bonding and rebonding and best comfort during chairside practice. At the same time, there has been a steady increase in requests for invisible lingual orthodontic treatment.Clinical Considerations. Accordingly, the aim of the present report is to illustrate the workflow to realize a complete digital indirect bonding for lingual brackets (2D, Forestadent). The procedure starts with intraoral digital scans, digital 3D model, and virtual bracket positioning, ending with the realization of a CAD-CAM prototyped transfer tray. A 3D intraoral scanner (True Definition, 3M) is used to create digital scans and digital models. A virtual bracket positioning is performed using software (NemoCast, Dentaurum), and a prototyped transfer tray is created by a CAD-CAM device. 2D lingual brackets were positioned inside the tray, so the appliance was bonded to the dental surface using light curing adhesive resin.Conclusions. During orthodontic treatment, CAD/CAM technology could help clinicians. Computer-constructed transfer trays can reduce clinician error and improve the everyday workflow in the office.

Müller, Kai-Uwe, Michael Neumann, and Katharina Wrohlich. "The family working-time model: Towards more gender equality in work and care." Journal of European Social Policy 28, no. 5 (February 15, 2018): 471–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0958928717753581.

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Since the millennium, the labour market participation of women and mothers is increasing across European countries. Several work/care policy measures underlie this evolution. At the same time, the labour market behaviour of fathers, as well as their involvement in care work, is relatively unchanging, meaning that employed mothers are facing an increased burden with respect to gainful employment and providing care. We propose a family working-time model that incentivizes fathers and mothers to both work in extended part-time employment. It provides a benefit in the form of a lump-sum transfer or income replacement for each parent if, and only if, both parents work 30 hours/week. Thus, it explicitly addresses fathers and – contrary to most conventional family policies – actively promotes the dual earner/dual carer paradigm. Combining microsimulation and labour supply estimation, we empirically analyse the potential of the family working-time model in the German context. The relatively small share of families already choosing the symmetric distribution of about 30 working hours would increase by 60 percent. By showing that a lump-sum transfer especially benefits low-income families, we contribute to the debate about redistributive implications of family policies. The basic principles of the model generalize to other European countries where families increasingly desire an equal distribution of employment and care. In order to enhance the impact of such a policy, employers’ norms and workplace culture as well as the supply of high-quality childcare must catch up with changing workforce preferences.

Joe Louis Paul, I., S. Sasirekha, D. Naveen Kumar D, and P. S. Revanth. "A Working Model for Mobile Charging using Wireless Power Transmission." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 3.12 (July 20, 2018): 584. http://dx.doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.12.16434.

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Portable electronic devices are very popular nowadays. Almost all portable devices are battery powered, meaning that eventually, they all must be recharged–using the wired chargers currently being used. As the usage of these portable electronic devices is increasing, the demands for longer battery life are also increasing. These batteries need to be recharged or replaced periodically. It is a hassle to charge or change the battery after a while, especially when there is no power outlet around. Now instead of plugging in a cell phone, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), digital camera, voice recorder, mp3 player or laptop to recharge it, it could receive its power wirelessly. The technology for Wireless Power Transmission or Wireless Power Transfer or Transmission (WPT) is in the forefront of electronic development. WPT systems are designed to transmit power without using wires more efficient than transmitting it while using wires. There could be large number of applications for wireless power systems. Hence, in this work, a wireless battery charger has been proposed for mobile phone charging which is expected to eliminate all the hassles with today’s battery technology. The advantage of this device is that it can wirelessly charge up the batteries which can save time and money in a long run for the general public.

Karasiewicz, Grzegorz, and Martyna Kowalczuk. "Effect of Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising Activities by Product Type." International Journal of Management and Economics 44, no. 1 (December 1, 2014): 74–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/ijme-2015-0010.

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Abstract This article seeks to answer two related questions: are celebrity endorsements more likely to be result in a higher evaluation of the product being advertised than use of an anonymous individual (e.g. a typical consumer); and, if present, do these positive effects vary by product category? To answer these two questions research was conducted on a 237 student sample employing a quasi-experiment consisting of four groups (two product categories and two types of endorsers) using data collected through an online survey. The results indicate that celebrity endorsements do have a positive impact on the evaluation of durable goods, but do not affect the evaluation of frequently purchased products. This finding largely confirms the assumptions of the match-up model, the meaning transfer model, and the ELM model.

Steiniger, Yannik, Dieter Kraus, and Tobias Meisen. "Generating Synthetic Sidescan Sonar Snippets Using Transfer-Learning in Generative Adversarial Networks." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, no. 3 (February 24, 2021): 239. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jmse9030239.

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The training of a deep learning model requires a large amount of data. In case of sidescan sonar images, the number of snippets from objects of interest is limited. Generative adversarial networks (GAN) have shown to be able to generate photo-realistic images. Hence, we use a GAN to augment a baseline sidescan image dataset with synthetic snippets. Although the training of a GAN with few data samples is likely to cause mode collapse, a combination of pre-training using simple simulated images and fine-tuning with real data reduces this problem. However, for sonar data, we show that this approach of transfer-learning a GAN is sensitive to the pre-training step, meaning that the vanishing of the gradients of the GAN’s discriminator becomes a critical problem. Here, we demonstrate how to overcome this problem, and thus how to apply transfer-learning to GANs for generating synthetic sidescan snippets in a more robust way. Additionally, in order to further investigate the GAN’s ability to augment a sidescan image dataset, the generated images are analyzed in the image and the frequency domain. The work helps other researchers in the field of sonar image processing to augment their dataset with additional synthetic samples.

Sahar, Maleki,, and Eslamieh, Razieh. "Gender Impact on Translation of Particular Textual Aspects in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice based on Robinson’s Model of Criterion-Referenced Rating Scale." International Journal of Linguistics 10, no. 1 (February 28, 2018): 123. http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v10i1.12751.

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The present paper means to study the impact of gender on specified textual aspects of the translated text limiting to degree of naturalness, explicitation, content, register, vocabulary, terminology, translation brief and orientation to target text type based on Robinson’s model of Criterion-referenced rating scale. Jane Auston’s world famous classic work, Pride and Prejudice along with two Farsi translations rendered by a male and a female translator compose the corpus of this study. Assuming that particular textual aspects are more likely to come under the influence of the translator's gender, the basic assumption was that there is a possibility that the male translator would not transfer the minutes of the narrative of a female writer. The findings revealed that the female translator in terms of Cultural Specific Items and terminology, triumphs on explicitation, in terms of language, style and tone, she triumphs on ethics of formality and totally she has more footnotes and more omissions. The male translator, more informal in tone and style, utilizes more slang equivalents. The male translator has very few number of footnotes and no omissions. However, in terms of transference of meaning there appeared no meaningful difference between the two translators. In other words, the differences were on the level of form and aesthetic aspects rather than meaning and message. The present paper was based on one case study. Doing the same research on more cases, the findings have the potentiality of generalization.

Tucker, Claire, and Michael Miller. "The Impact of Transfer Shock in a Dental Hygiene Program at a Four-Year Health-Sciences University." Journal of Studies in Education 10, no. 4 (October 8, 2020): 31. http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/jse.v10i4.17604.

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Health-sciences medical universities that host dental hygiene programs typically work on the model of offering upper division coursework, meaning that they enroll only students who complete their first two years at a different institution. The current study investigated the impact of ‘transfer shock’ on students who transferred into a dental hygiene program from community colleges compared to those transferring from four-year universities. This included testing for differences between student grade point average and NBDHE pass rates for the two groups of transfer students. A total of 166 students who graduated from a dental hygiene program at a mid-southern health-sciences university from 2014-2018 were included in the study. The subjects were placed into two groups by the location of their lower division courses: community college or four-year university. Paired t-tests suggested the presence of transfer shock for both groups. First-attempt pass rates: 95.5%, with a program GPA of 3.12 for the community college group and 98%, with a program GPA of 3.27 for the four-year university group. Transfer shock did occur in the program in the study, so program administrators in dental hygiene academic units should be aware of the impact of transfer and help build bridges that support students to aid in their success.

Yao, Bi Qiang, and Xue Jun Zhu. "Drying Model of Paste Materials in Fluidized Bed with Inert Particles and Immersed Heating Tubes." Advanced Materials Research 412 (November 2011): 463–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.412.463.

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The mechanism of drying paste materials was investigated in a fluidized bed with inert particles and inner heats. A mathematical model is proposed to predict the specific water evaporation. The drying properties of dryer can be predicted based on the correlation equations. The drying of paste CaCO3materials was industrial-mode experimentally carried out in a fluidized bed with inert particles and immersed heating tubes. The paste material was spray droplet in sizes range of 200~400μm with pressure nozzles or air-blast nozzles, and spray to the surface of inert particles, and the feasible drying conditions were researched. The feasible drying parameters, operation parameters and equipment parameters were researched. The results show that this drying technology can be enhanced the heat transfer and the paste materials of high viscosity can be effectively distributed into the fluidized bed, well distributed temperature in beds, large elasticity of operation, the low energy consumption. The new drying equipment has high drying capacity, small equipment size. The results can provide important meaning on theory and instructing practice for developing the new drying technology with high drying efficiency and low dissipation of energy.

Lindseth Bygdås, Arne. "The translocation of organizational practices – knowledge creation in Greenfield Plants." Learning Organization 21, no. 2 (April 8, 2014): 83–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/tlo-05-2012-0039.

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Purpose – The literature on knowledge transfer is dominated by a one-way transmission model logic where knowledge is captured and transferred from one source to another, assuming the source and receiver resemble each other and have some common knowledge. The social learning processes, what is learned and the phases and sequences of the developmental processes by which learning take place are more or less black boxed in the literature. This paper investigates the social dynamics of the formation and shaping of organizational practice from scratch in a greenfield organizational setting where no prior organizational practice exist. Design/methodology/approach – The paper builds on a case study approach applied in two greenfield organizational settings. A descriptive process model is developed to analyze the translocation and sociogenesis of organizational practices. Findings – A transfer-approach provides a too simplistic and narrow understanding of the process of “moving” organizational practices. Establishing an organizational practice can be described as a community of knowing “in the making” following various modes of cultural learning characterised by mutual adjustments, joint interactions, and alignment of shared understandings, and as such is more learned than transferred. Practical implications – The process model developed in the paper provides a platform for better understanding, planning and execution of intra-firm knowledge transfer and regeneration. Originality/value – The paper provides an in-depth empirical analysis of organizational practice generation from scratch emphasizing the social dynamics and co-construction of meaning when a collective capability is being acquired and built up.

Lin, Pei-Jian, Yih-Chearng Shiue, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, and Shan-Lin Huang. "Developing a Sustainable Long-Term Ageing Health Care System Using the DANP-mV Model: Empirical Case of Taiwan." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no. 8 (April 15, 2019): 1349. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16081349.

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Most of the baby boomers born after the Second World War (WWII) have passed the age of 65, meaning they have gradually lost their social functions and positions, and are facing the need for care. In Taiwan, the lack of a long-term care mechanism is having a certain degree of impact on society as a whole, and thus, it is important to have a mechanism to take care of the elderly. In order to make this system sustainable, sufficient funds and continuous improvement are important factors. In the past, in order to avoid the illegal transfer of benefits, the social welfare mechanism avoided the use of for-profit organizations. However, as the economic environment declines, the role of for-profit organizations should be considered. This study defines the long-term ageing health care system using five major dimensions and 20 criteria. The DANP-mV model was used to analyze Taiwan’s current system and identify problems, and then to develop a continuous improvement strategy from the perspective of the source of the problem in order to improve long-term ageing health care.

Moshinskiy, Aleksandr I., Pavel G. Ganin, Alla V. Markova, Larisa N. Rubtsova, and Vladislav V. Sorokin. "ABOUT ONE APPROACH TO CALCULATION OF PARAMETERS OF HEAT TRANSFER THROUGH WALL IN PRESENCE OF CONDENSING VAPOR." IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENIY KHIMIYA KHIMICHESKAYA TEKHNOLOGIYA 61, no. 8 (August 21, 2018): 89. http://dx.doi.org/10.6060/ivkkt20186108.5672.

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The article is dedicated to the study of heat exchangers operation. The main goal of the work was to improve a standard method for calculating a typical heat exchanger based on dependencies approved in engineering practice. The noted technique is presented in educational literature for chemical engineers and it is included in the educational process for the training of engineers. On the basis of practical recommendations stated in literature the working formulas of the process are taken in approximate form. Further, a correction is calculated, which, as calculations show, leads (together with the initial approximation) to an almost exact satisfaction of the initial equations. It is expedient because traditional equations of a heat transfer have not really high precision, which is determined by the processing of numerous experiments. These experiments are rather rough. It is reasonable that the accuracy of the analysis has to be consistent with the model accuracy. This factor justifies the need to simplify the models (use of various recommendations based on the experience of equipment operation, etc.). At the same time, it is desirable to simplify the mathematical model equation so that it is possible to calculate the corrections, i.e. to clarify the solution. We clarify the equation solution meaning more and more exact satisfaction with the initial equation of the mathematical model. In this direction, various variants of perturbation methods can be used. The search for analytical solutions is complicated by the fact that the equations of the mathematical model of energy transfer in a heat exchanger are nonlinear. The three-layer heat transfer problem in a stationary mode is considered. The first layer is the space of the heat exchanger where a phase transition (first heat transfer agent vapor condensation) occurs. The second layer is the space of the heat exchanger where convective movement of the second heat transfer agent takes place without phase transition. The third layer is a wall separating the heat transfer agent providing some resistance to the heat transfer process. As a result of the simplified model analysis, it became possible to obtain an analytical solution to the problem with such accuracy that the calculated correction turned out to be insignificant i.e. the correction is not appropriate to take into account. The solution found was almost exactly approximated by a simple analytic dependence.


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The effective thermal conductivity (ETC) of roughened porous media (RPM) is of interest in a number of applications of heat transfer. In this work, a fractal analytical model for the ETC of RPM with microscale effect is proposed. The proposed fractal model is expressed in terms of relative roughness, the molecular mean free path, porosity, fractal dimensions (pore area fractal dimension and tortuosity fractal dimension), maximum pore diameter, capillary straight length, and the thermal conductivity of the solid matrix and gas. It is observed that the dimensionless ETC of RPM decreases with increasing relative roughness, pore area fractal dimension and tortuosity fractal dimension. Besides, it is found that the dimensionless ETC of RPM increases with thermal conductivity ratio of gas phase over solid phase. In addition, it is found that the dimensionless ETC of RPM is slightly dependent on the relative roughness and tortuosity fractal dimension when [Formula: see text]. The determined dimensionless ETC of RPM is in good agreement with experimental data and existing models reported in the literature. With the proposed fractal model, the physical mechanisms of heat transport through RPM with microscale effect are better elucidated. Every parameter in the fractal analytical model has clear physical meaning, with no empirical constant.

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