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Ng, Jenna. The Post-Screen Through Virtual Reality, Holograms and Light Projections. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5117/9789463723541.

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Screens are ubiquitous today. They display information; present image worlds; are portable; connect to mobile networks; mesmerize. However, contemporary screen media also seek to eliminate the presence of the screen and the visibilities of its boundaries. As what is image becomes increasingly indistinguishable against the viewer’s actual surroundings, this unsettling prompts re-examination about not only what is the screen, but also how the screen demarcates and what it stands for in relation to our understanding of our realities in, outside and against images. Through case studies drawn from three media technologies – Virtual Reality; holograms; and light projections – this book develops new theories of the surfaces on and spaces in which images are displayed today, interrogating critical lines between art and life; virtuality and actuality; truth and lies. What we have today is not just the contestation of the real against illusion or the unreal, but the disappearance itself of difference and a gluttony of the unreal which both connect up to current politics of distorted truth values and corrupted terms of information. The Post-Screen Through Virtual Reality, Holograms and Light Projections: Where Screen Boundaries Lie is thus about not only where the image’s borders and demarcations are established, but also the screen boundary as the instrumentation of today’s intense virtualizations that do not tell the truth. In all this, a new imagination for images emerges, with a new space for cultures of presence and absence, definitions of object and representation, and understandings of dis- and re-placement – the post-screen.

Cosentino, Gabriele. Social Media and the Post-Truth World Order. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-43005-4.

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Brueggemann, Walter. Deep memory, exuberant hope: Contested truth in a post-Christian world. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2000.

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Polak, Sara, and Daniel Trottier, eds. Violence and Trolling on Social Media. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5117/9789462989481.

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‘Trolls for Trump’, virtual rape, fake news — social media discourse, including forms of virtual and real violence, has become a formidable, yet elusive, political force. What characterizes online vitriol? How do we understand the narratives generated, and also address their real-world — even life-and-death— impact? How can hatred, bullying, and dehumanization on social media platforms be addressed and countered in a post-truth world? Violence and Trolling on Social Media: History, Affect, and Effects of Online Vitriol unpacks discourses, metaphors, dynamics, and framing on social media, in order to begin to answer these questions. Written for and by cultural and media studies scholars, journalists, political philosophers, digital communication professionals, activists and advocates, this book connects theoretical approaches from cultural and media studies with practical challenges and experiences ‘from the field’, providing insight into a rough media landscape.

Cole, Catherine M. Performing South Africa's Truth Commission: Stages of transition. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.

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Wilber, Ken. Trump and a post-truth world. 2017.

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Baggini, Julian. Short History of Truth: Consolations for a Post-Truth World. Quercus, 2018.

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Mackey, Thomas P., Troy A. Swanson, and Trudi E. Jacobson. Metaliterate Learning for the Post-Truth World. American Library Association, 2018.

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James, Ball. Post-truth: How bullshit conquered the world. 2017.

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Metaliterate learning : for the post-truth world. ALA, 2019.

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Murray, Abdu. Saving Truth: Finding Meaning and Clarity in a Post-Truth World. Zondervan on Brilliance Audio, 2018.

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Murray, Abdu. Saving Truth: Finding Meaning and Clarity in a Post-Truth World. Zondervan, 2018.

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Rabin-Havt, Ari. Lies, incorporated: The world of post-truth politics. 2016.

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Institute of Contemporary Arts (London, England). Dismantling Truth: Reality in the Post-Modern World. Palgrave Macmillan, 1989.

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Dickerson, John S. Hope of Nations: Standing Strong in a Post-Truth, Post-Christian World. Zondervan, 2018.

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Zinkin, John. Sustainability and Corporate Governance in a Post-Truth World. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2020.

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Jones, Benjamin T., and Marius Gudonis. History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Zinkin, John. Sustainability and Corporate Governance in a Post-Truth World. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2020.

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Zinkin, John. Sustainability and Corporate Governance in a Post-Truth World. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2020.

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Jones, Benjamin T., and Marius Gudonis. History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Jones, Benjamin T., and Marius Gudonis. History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Jones, Benjamin T., and Marius Gudonis. History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Murray, Abdu. Saving Truth Study Guide: Finding Meaning and Clarity in a Post-Truth World. HarperCollins Publishers, 2019.

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Ward, Frances. Full of Character: Being Human in a Post-Truth World. Kingsley Publishers, Jessica, 2019.

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Randall, Margaret. The Morning After: Poetry and Prose in a Post-Truth World. Wings Press, 2017.

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McCracken, Brett. The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World. Crossway, 2021.

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Katz, Rebecca, and Kimiz Dalkir. Navigating Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Misinformation in a Post-Truth World. IGI Global, 2020.

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Katz, Rebecca, and Kimiz Dalkir. Navigating Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Misinformation in a Post-Truth World. IGI Global, 2020.

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Katz, Rebecca, and Kimiz Dalkir. Navigating Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Misinformation in a Post-Truth World. IGI Global, 2020.

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Katz, Rebecca, and Kimiz Dalkir. Navigating Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Misinformation in a Post-Truth World. IGI Global, 2020.

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Katz, Rebecca, and Kimiz Dalkir. Navigating Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Misinformation in a Post-Truth World. IGI Global, 2020.

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Chenecey, Sean Pillot de. The Post-Truth Business: How to Rebuild Brand Authenticity in a Distrusting World. Kogan Page, 2018.

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Baron, Ilan Zvi. How to Save Politics in a Post-Truth Era: Thinking Through Difficult Times. Manchester University Press, 2018.

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Baron, Ilan Zvi. How to save politics in a post-truth era: Thinking through difficult times. 2018.

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Jalloh, Charles Chernor. Toward Greater Synergy between Courts and Truth Commissions in Post-conflict Contexts. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190272654.003.0022.

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After a brutal civil war (1991–2002), Sierra Leone became the first country to experiment with simultaneously having a truth commission and a special criminal tribunal. The former, to which Bill Schabas was appointed international commissioner, sought to create an impartial historical record of the human rights violations perpetrated during the conflict and to promote healing and reconciliation. The latter aimed to address impunity, through prosecution of those most responsible for grave international crimes committed during the latter part of the war. This chapter examines the challenge that the two separate institutions, each with its unique mandate and working method, faced in their interactions with each other. It argues that the truth commission and special court’s attempt to forge a complementary relationship was largely unsuccessful because of structural and other factors. The author identifies key lessons of the Sierra Leone experiment for future transitions in Africa and around the world.

Sidky, H. Science and Anthropology in a Post-Truth World: A Critique of Unreason and Academic Nonsense. Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020.

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Volkman, Ernest. History of Espionage: The Secret World of Spycraft, Sabotage and Sabotage and Post-Truth Propaganda. Carlton Books, Limited, 2019.

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Bendib, Khalil, Mickey Huff, and Andrew Lee Roth. Censored 2018: Press freedoms in a "post-truth" world : the top censored stories and media analysis of 2016-17. Edited by Project Censored (U.S.). 2017.

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Liston, Noelle Molé. The Truth Society. Cornell University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.7591/cornell/9781501750786.001.0001.

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This book seeks to understand how a period of Italian political spectacle, which regularly blurred fact and fiction, has shaped how people understand truth, mass-mediated information, scientific knowledge, and forms of governance. The book scrutinizes Italy's late-twentieth-century political culture, particularly the impact of the former prime minister and media mogul Silvio Berlusconi. By doing so, the book examines how this truth-bending political era made science, logic, and rationality into ideas that needed saving. With the prevalence of fake news and our seeming lack of shared reality in the “post-truth” world, many people struggle to figure out where this new normal came from. The book argues that seemingly disparate events and practices that have unfolded in Italy are historical reactions to mediatized political forms and particular, cultivated ways of knowing. Politics, then, is always sutured to how knowledge is structured, circulated, and processed. This book offers Italy as a case study for understanding the remaking of politics in an era of disinformation.

Edenberg, Elizabeth, and Michael Hannon, eds. Political Epistemology. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192893338.001.0001.

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As current events around the world have illustrated, epistemological issues are at the center of our political lives. It has become increasingly difficult to discern legitimate sources of evidence, misinformation spreads faster than ever, and the role of truth in politics has allegedly decayed in recent years. It is therefore no coincidence that political discourse is currently saturated with epistemic notions like “post-truth,” “fake news,” “truth decay,” “echo chambers,” and “alternative facts.” This book brings together leading political philosophers and epistemologists to explore ways in which the analytic and conceptual tools of epistemology bear on political philosophy, and vice versa. It is organized around three broad themes: truth and knowledge in politics; epistemic problems for democracy; and disagreement and polarization. This book investigates topics such as: the extent and implications of political ignorance, the value of democratic deliberation, the significance of epistemic considerations for political legitimacy, the epistemology of political disagreement, identity politics, political bullshit, and weaponized skepticism. A premise underlying the development of political epistemology is that, beyond a certain point, progress on certain foundational issues in both political philosophy and epistemology cannot be achieved without sharing insights across fields. By bringing political philosophers into conversation with epistemologists, this volume promotes more cross-pollination of ideas while also highlighting the richness and diversity of political epistemology as a newly emerging field.

Hilary, Lawson, Appignanesi Lisa, and Institute of Contemporary Arts (London, England), eds. Dismantling truth: Reality in the post-modern world : based on a series of papers presented at a conference at the ICA and related materials. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989.

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Dismantling truth: Reality in the post-modern world : based on a series of papers presented at a conference at the ICA and related materials. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.

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Kaufman, Allison B., and James C. Kaufman, eds. Pseudoscience. The MIT Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/9780262037426.001.0001.

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In a post-truth, fake news world, we are particularly susceptible to the claims of pseudoscience. When emotions and opinions are more widely disseminated than scientific findings, and self-proclaimed experts get their expertise from Google, how can the average person distinguish real science from fake? This book examines pseudoscience from a variety of perspectives, through case studies, analysis, and personal accounts that show how to recognize pseudoscience, why it is so widely accepted, and how to advocate for real science. Contributors examine the basics of pseudoscience, including issues of cognitive bias; the costs of pseudoscience, with accounts of naturopathy and logical fallacies in the anti-vaccination movement; perceptions of scientific soundness; the mainstream presence of “integrative medicine,” hypnosis, and parapsychology; and the use of case studies and new media in science advocacy.

Heffer, Chris. All Bullshit and Lies? Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190923280.001.0001.

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In a post-factual world in which claims are often held to be true only to the extent that they partisanly confirm one’s preexisting beliefs, this book asks the following crucial questions: How can one identify the many forms of untruthfulness in discourse? How can one know when their use is ethically wrong? How can one judge untruthfulness in the messiness of situated discourse? Drawing on pragmatics, philosophy, psychology, and law, All Bullshit and Lies? develops a comprehensive framework for analyzing untruthful discourse in situated context. The TRUST (Trust-Related Untruthfulness in Situated Text) framework sees untruthfulness as encompassing not just deliberate manipulations of what you believe to be the truth (the insincerity of withholding, misleading, and lying), but also the distortions that arise pathologically from an irresponsible attitude toward the truth (dogma, distortion, and bullshit). Truth is often not “in play” (as in jokes or fiction), or concealing it can achieve a greater good (as in saving another’s face). Untruthfulness becomes unethical in discourse, though, when it unjustifiably breaches the trust an interlocutor invests in the speaker. In such cases, the speaker becomes willfully insincere or epistemically negligent and thus culpable to a greater or lesser degree. In addition to the theoretical framework, the book provides a clear, practical heuristic for analyzing discursive untruthfulness and applies it to such cases of public discourse as the Brexit “battle bus,” Trump’s tweet about voter fraud, Blair’s and Bush’s claims about weapons of mass destruction, and the multiple forms of untruthfulness associated with the Skripal poisoning case.

Tanaka, Mariko Hori, Yoshiki Tajiri, and Michiko Tsushima, eds. Samuel Beckett and trauma. Manchester University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.7228/manchester/9781526121349.001.0001.

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Samuel Beckett and trauma is a collection of essays that opens new approaches to Beckett’s literary and theoretical work through the lens of trauma studies. Beginning with biographical and intertextual readings of instances of trauma in Beckett’s works, the essays take up performance studies, philosophical and cultural understanding of post-traumatic subjectivity, and provide new perspectives that will expand and alter current trauma studies. Chapter 1 deals with a whole range of traumatic symptoms in Beckett’s personal experiences which find their ways into a number of his works. Chapter 2 investigates traumatic symptoms experienced by actors on stage. Chapter 3 examines the problem of unspeakability by focusing on the face which illuminates the interface between Beckett’s work and trauma theory. Chapter 4 explores the relationship between trauma and skin – a psychic skin that reveals the ‘force and truth’ of trauma, a force that disrupts the apparatus of representation. Chapter 5 considers trauma caused by a bodily defect such as tinnitus. Chapter 6 focuses on the historically specific psychological structure in which a wounded subject is compelled to stick to ordinary life in the aftermath of some traumatic calamity. Chapter 7 provides a new way of looking at birth trauma by using the term as ‘creaturely life’ that is seen in the recent biopolitical discourses. Chapter 8 speculates on how Beckett’s post-war plays, responding to the nuclear age’s global trauma, resonate with ethical and philosophical thoughts of today’s post-Cold War era.

Allen, Douglas. Gandhi after 9/11. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199491490.001.0001.

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The author sees Gandhi, in his writings and his life, as offering the most profound and influential theory, philosophy, and engaged practices of ahimsa. Embracing Gandhi’s insightful critiques of modernity, the book sees his approach as a creative and challenging catalyst to rethink our positions today. As expressed in the book’s title, we live in a post-9/11 world that is defined by widespread physical, psychological, economic, political, cultural, religious, technological, and environmental violence and that is increasingly unsustainable. The author’s central claim is Gandhi’s writings, philosophy, and practices, when selectively appropriated and creatively reformulated and applied, are essential for formulating new positions that are more nonviolent and more sustainable. These provide resources and hope for dealing with our contemporary crises. Two central questions the author poses for the reader are the following: What would a Gandhi-informed, valuable but humanly limited swaraj technology look like and what would a Gandhi-informed, more egalitarian, interconnected, bottom-up, decentralized world of globalization look like? In response, through a collection of essays, the book focuses on key themes in Gandhi’s thought, such as violence and nonviolence, Absolute Truth and relative truth, ethical and spiritual living. Challenging us to consider nonviolent, moral, and truthful transformative alternatives today, the author moves through essays on Gandhi in the age of technology; Gandhi after 9/11 and 26/11 terrorism; Gandhi’s controversial views on the Bhagavad-Gita and Hind Swaraj; Gandhi and Vedanta; Gandhi on socialism; Gandhi and marginality, caste, class, race, and oppressed others.

Branch, Lori. Bunyan, Theory, and Theology. Edited by Michael Davies and W. R. Owens. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199581306.013.32.

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This chapter makes the case for integrating theory and theology in our reading of Bunyan as fruitful for a deeper understanding of his works and as exemplary of the potential of emerging post-secular criticism. By taking up the thematic of faith in Grace Abounding (1666), The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678), and select works by Jacques Derrida, it shows how these texts illuminate faith as faith—not faith reconstituted as knowledge—as an inherent part of the linguistic condition. It claims that the particular mode of Bunyan’s literary recasting of the epistemological uncertainty faced in Grace Abounding into the fantasy form of The Pilgrim’s Progress suggests the contours of a larger understanding of the significance of fantasy fiction for Anglophone Protestant Christianity in modernity: that is, that fantasy fiction is where a spirituality that has imagined faith as knowledge embodies the fuller truth of its status as faith.

Unger, Matthew Peter. Contingency and the Symbolic Experience of Christian Extreme Metal. Edited by Jonathan Dueck and Suzel Ana Reily. Oxford University Press, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199859993.013.22.

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This chapter explores Christian extreme metal as a window on the way religion is expressed in contemporary Western culture, drawing on continental theorists of the post-secular. Christian extreme metal lyrics, sonic and structural musical features, and visual features are remarkably continuous with “secular” extreme metal, which positions itself in explicit opposition to Christianity and the “mainstream” world. But Christian extreme metal fans see Christian metal as qualitatively different from “secular” extreme metal. This apparent contradiction shows powerfully how religious symbols circulate in Western late modernity: religious symbols (e.g., biblical texts, stories, languages, and characters—and their symbolic inversions and opposites, drawn on in “secular” extreme metal) have been divested of their truth value and instead circulate as symbols, as meanings with experiential consequences. This allows for a surprising flow of symbols and meanings between secular and Christian extreme metal, and at the same time for qualitatively unique experiences.

Gleason, Philip. Contending with Modernity. Oxford University Press, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780195098280.001.0001.

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How did Catholic colleges and universities deal with the modernization of education and the rise of research universities? In this book, Philip Gleason offers the first comprehensive study of Catholic higher education in the twentieth century, tracing the evolution of responses to an increasingly secular educational system. At the beginning of the century, Catholics accepted modernization in the organizational sphere while resisting it ideologically. Convinced of the truth of their religious and intellectual position, the restructured Catholic colleges grew rapidly after World War I, committed to educating for a "Catholic Renaissance." This spirit of militance carried over into the post-World War II era, but new currents were also stirring as Catholics began to look more favorably on modernity in its American form. Meanwhile, their colleges and universities were being transformed by continuing growth and professionalization. By the 1960's, changes in church teaching and cultural upheaval in American society reinforced the internal transformation already under way, creating an "identity crisis" which left Catholic educators uncertain of their purpose. Emphasizing the importance to American culture of the growth of education at all levels, Gleason connects the Catholic story with major national trends and historical events. By situating developments in higher education within the context of American Catholic thought, Contending with Modernity provides the fullest account available of the intellectual development of American Catholicism in the twentieth century.

Prinzing, Marlis, Bernhard S. Debatin, and Nina Köberer, eds. Kommunikations- und Medienethik reloaded? Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/9783748905158.

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Media environments and public communication are becoming increasingly digital, and the coronavirus crisis has accelerated this development. The changes connected to this relate to key ethical values and norms, such as informational autonomy, privacy and transparency. This not only demands an empirically based discourse underpinned by theory, but also consideration of what courses of action may result from this and, from a normative perspective, what recommendations for action can be formulated. Media and communication ethics is thus confronted with some fundamental questions: Are its existing concepts and models still viable in the face of these digitally induced changes? Should they be altered or expanded? Where should this ‘reloading’ start? The contributions in this book develop important guidelines in this respect, for example on ethical demands on innovations and on truth and our world view in this post-factual society. With contributions by Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen, Christian Augustin Christoph Bieber, Roger Blum, Ekkehard Brüggemann Bernhard Debatin, Tobias Eberwein, Rainer Erlinger, Daniel Fiene, Alexander Filipović, Andrea Günter, Matthias Karmasin, Nina Köberer, Larissa Krainer, Geert Lovink, Colin Porlezza, Marlis Prinzing, Matthias Rath, Pierre Rieder, Christian Schicha, Josephine B. Schmitt, Sonja Schwetje, Saskia Sell, Ingrid Stapf, Hansi Voigt, Thomas Zeilinger and Marc Ziegele.

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