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Hiramoto, Mie, and Cherise Shi Ling Teo. "Heteronormative love makes a house a home." Journal of Language and Sexuality 4, no. 2 (September 18, 2015): 223–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/jls.4.2.03hir.

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This study investigates how luxury apartment housing advertisements in Singapore function as meaning-generating institutions through visual and textual discourse. Advertisements are designed to ascribe a set of attitudes, values, and preoccupations to a group and to imbue their audiences with the idea that they belong to that group. Human models in advertisements represent idealized people and lifestyles, displaying aspirational images of men and women as consumers of products. Under the influence of Confucian patriarchal ideology, the Singapore government has promoted a narrow, heteronormative definition of family in its pro-family policies since 1987. In the advertisements for two different types of luxury apartments — one regulated by the government and the other not — we see two different ways of engaging with pro-family policies that suggest what is expected from ideal members of society in Singapore.

BRUNNBAUER, ULF, and KARIN TAYLOR. "Creating a ‘socialist way of life’: family and reproduction policies in Bulgaria, 1944–1989." Continuity and Change 19, no. 2 (August 2004): 283–312. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0268416004005004.

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This article explores the policies of the Bulgarian socialist regime (1944–1989) towards the family. Initially, the Bulgarian Communist Party focussed on the abolition of the patriarchal family, the emancipation of women and the struggle against ‘bourgeois residues’ in family life. However, the dramatic decline of the birth rate – a result of rapid urbanization and increasing female employment – led to a re-direction of official discourse. Reproduction became heavily politicized, as the 1968 ban on abortion makes evident. Despite pro-natalist measures, the government was unable to stop the fertility decline. This article demonstrates how socialist family policy was gradually modified through negotiation between the Party and the population.

Isański, Jakub, Michał Michalski, Krzysztof Szwarc, and Renata Seredyńska-Abou Eid. "Fertility potential and child benefits questioned: Polish migration in the UK and changes of family policies in Poland." Migration Letters 18, no. 4 (July 20, 2021): 381–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.33182/ml.v18i4.1165.

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This paper presents the discussion about evaluating and using „migrating fertility” potential as a useful approach for designing and implementing pro-natalist and family policies which may play significant role in managing migration processes especially in the context of low fertility in European countries. The analysis presented in the article is based on pilot empirical study conducted in the UK in 2017 and 2018. The aim was to capture the views of migrants who have been staying in the UK for several years on the “Family 500+” fertility-boost financial aid program introduced in Poland in 2016. A critical aspect of the adopted approach is the inclusion in the analysis of future demographic trends the fertility potential of those who emigrated from their home country, a factor often underestimated in migration studies. The results of the study, which was conducted shortly after the launch of the Program, clearly indicate that the new child benefit is not the only decisive factor for Polish migrants, and therefore they are not necessarily eager to return to their home country despite the new pro-family policy.

Hantrais, Linda. "Comparing Family Policy in Britain, France and Germany." Journal of Social Policy 23, no. 2 (April 1994): 135–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0047279400021607.

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ABSTRACTIn a context where the employment model of welfare is dominant, family policy has remained an area of limited and indirect competence for the European Community. Comparative analysis of Britain, France and the Federal Republic of Germany as examples of EC member states with different socio-cultural traditions and policy styles shows the limitations of theories about universalism, convergence and harmonisation of family structures and policies. Compared with Britain and Germany, the family policy making style in France is more explicit, visible, coherent and legitimate. Its objectives are overtly pro-natalist and it would seem to have had a stronger direct socio-economic impact.

Azhar, Luthfi Faishal, Lilis Siti Badriah, and Bambang Bambang. "Family Hope Program Evaluation in Poverty Alleviation: Benefit Incidence Analysis." Economics Development Analysis Journal 9, no. 1 (February 1, 2020): 97–110. http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/edaj.v9i1.38471.

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This research was conducted in the Cigalontang Sub-district, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java Province. This study aims to analyze: (1) the accuracy of the Family Hope Program in achieving its goals, (2) the characteristics of the Family Hope Program policies in poverty alleviation (pro-poor, progressive, or regressive), (3) the effectiveness of the Family Hope Program implementation. The number of respondents consisted of 195 Beneficiary Families of the Family Hope Program . This study uses primary data, which were collected using interview and questionnaire methods. This study uses analysis methods in the form of Proportion Analysis, Benefit Incidence Analysis, and Appraisal Effectiveness Program. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that : (1) The pattern of the Family Hope Program acceptance in the Cigalontang Sub-district is right on target. Because the proportion of the population with income below the poverty line per capita receives the most benefits from the Family Hope Program according to the target, namely, very-poor households. (2) The Family Hope Program in the Cigalontang Sub-district is Pro-Poor, (3) The Family Hope Program in the Cigalontang Sub-district is classified as an effective program.

Lee, Kun, and Asghar Zaidi. "How policy configurations matter: a critical look into pro-natal policy in South Korea based on a gender and family framework." International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 40, no. 7/8 (April 15, 2020): 589–606. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ijssp-12-2019-0260.

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PurposeSouth Korea has shown ultra-low fertility since the 2000s despite a massive expansion of pro-natal policies. The purpose of this research is to analyse institutional and socio-cultural configurations surrounding Korea's pro-natal policy and provide implications as to why the comprehensive packages have not produced intended outcomes.Design/methodology/approachThis study assumes institutional complementarities, suggesting that the effectiveness of policy depends on various support factors. Drawing out insights from the framework of de-familisation, the authors construct a gender and family framework to analyse the pro-natal policy configurations in Korea.FindingsLabour market policies in Korea have explicitly aimed to support dual-earner couples and protect women's employment status after childbirth. However, the dualistic labour market and remaining female-caregiver norms lead to the polarisation of couples into dual earners and male breadwinners. In family policy, the government has rapidly increased affordable childcare services, but widespread distrust in private services and generous birth-related cash benefits formulate a tension between de-familisation and continued familisation. Other welfare programmes that attach welfare rights to marital status also prolong female-caregiver norms in institutional arrangements. The findings suggest that the ambivalence between recent policy developments and the existing arrangements can limit the effectiveness of the policy packages.Originality/valueThe framework based on institutional complementarities addresses the limitations of previous studies concentrating on the statistical testing of individual policy effects. A similar approach can be applied to other countries showing major policy efforts but producing unsatisfactory outcomes.

Muhafidin, Didin. "Local Government Policies in Handling Domestic Violence (KDRT) During Pandemic COVID-19." Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences 4, no. 1 (January 22, 2021): 541–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.33258/birci.v4i1.1637.

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Corona Virus Disease 2019 or better known as COVID-19, has hit all countries in the world. It can be said that this pandemic is a human tragedy since a lot of people suffer and are seriously ill. The global economy and social institutions are struggling, which adds to totalitarian and oppressive regimes in many nations. In the household sector, COVID-19 has caused vulnerability to family resilience, where the pandemic of a family head has lost his job and income, which impacts the family economy. This will cause various further impacts, such as disharmony, leading to Domestic Violence (KDRT). Therefore, the government needs to make a policy breakthrough in dealing with Domestic Violence (KDRT). Therefore this study aims to discuss government policies, especially local governments, in handling domestic violence due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods to provide an overview of the object studied. The results showed that domestic violence increased along with the development of the COVID-19 pandemic. Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence is not capable of being the only way to deal with these acts of domestic violence. This is due to the implementation that is not running optimally because several regions have high patriarchal culture and have regional policies that contradict the law. This research also encourages local governments to make a policy that involves third parties such as NGOs and organizations dealing with discrimination against women and children. This policy can be more pro-domestic violence victims while being monitored with protocols that apply during the COVID -19 pandemic of this.

Tatarko, Alexander, Tomas Jurcik, and Andreas Hadjar. "How Migration Policy Shapes the Subjective Well-Being of the Non-immigrant Population in European Countries." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 52, no. 3 (March 12, 2021): 316–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00220221211001531.

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Existing studies show that there is a positive association between pro-migrant integration policies and the subjective well-being of immigrants. However, there is a lack of research elucidating the relations between migrant integration policies and the subjective well-being of the host (i.e., non-migrant) population. This study is based on European data and uses multilevel analysis to clarify the relations between migrant integration policy (both as a whole and its eight separate components such as: Labor market mobility and Family reunion) and the subjective well-being of the non-immigrant population in European countries. We examined relations between the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) for 22 countries in Europe and subjective well-being, as assessed by the European Social Survey (ESS) data. The results demonstrated that there is a positive relation between the MIPEX and subjective well-being for non-immigrants. Considering different components of the MIPEX separately, we found most of them being positively related to the subjective well-being of non-immigrants. As no negative relationship was identified between any of the eight MIPEX components and subjective well-being, policies in favor of immigrant integration also seem to benefit the non-immigrant population.

Nandi, Anik. "Parents as stakeholders: Language management in urban Galician homes." Multilingua 37, no. 2 (March 26, 2018): 201–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/multi-2017-0020.

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AbstractMacro-level policy makers, perceived as stakeholders of language management, employ a range of language policy strategies to legitimise hegemonic control over meso- (i.e. family) and micro- (i.e. individual) level language ideologies (Cassels-Johnson 2013). However, language policies of an individual are often difficult to detect because they are implicit, subtle, informal, and often hidden from the public eye, and therefore frequently overlooked by language policy researchers and policy makers. The primary focus of this study is to investigate how individual, as well as collective linguistic practices of Galician parents act as language governmentality (Foucault 1991) measures influencing their children’s language learning. Drawing from multiple ethnographic research tools, including observations, in-depth fieldwork interviews and focus group discussions with parents, this paper demonstrates that in Galicia’s language shift-induced shrinking Galician-speaker pool, pro-Galician parents can play an important role in the language revitalisation process. The goal is also to ascertain whether these parents’ grassroots level interrogation of the dominant Castilian discourse takes the form of bottom-up language policies.

Sági, Judit, and Csaba Lentner. "Certain Aspects of Family Policy Incentives for Childbearing—A Hungarian Study with an International Outlook." Sustainability 10, no. 11 (October 31, 2018): 3976. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su10113976.

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Decreasing trends in birth rates in developed countries during the past decades, which threaten the sustainability of their populations, raise concerns in the areas of employment and social security, among others. A decrease in willingness to bear children has been examined in the international literature from several (biological, socio-cultural, economic, and spatial, etc.) aspects. Among these, the question of the effectiveness of fiscal incentives has been raised, with arguments that these are positive, but not significant, to birth rates; our study also concludes this. In Hungary, from 2010 onwards, the government has introduced very high tax allowances for families and, from 2015, has provided direct subsidies for housing purposes, all within a framework of a new family policy regime. This paper presents an evaluation of family policy interventions (e.g., housing support, tax allowances, other child-raising benefits), with the conclusion that fiscal incentives cannot be effective by themselves; a sustainable level of birth rates can only be maintained, but not necessarily increased, with an optimal design of family policy incentives. By studying the Hungarian example of pro-birth policies there is shown to be a policy gap in housing subsidies.

Wetengere, Kitojo. "IS TANZANIA’S ECONOMIC GROWTH PRO-POOR?" International Journal of Advanced Economics 1, no. 1 (June 22, 2020): 1–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.51594/ijae.v1i1.42.

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The objective of this study was to investigate if the Tanzania’s economic growth is pro-poor or not. The information for this study was obtained from secondary data. The study found that for the 1991/91 - 2007 period, while economic growth made a notable positive change, reduction in poverty and inequality has not been significant. This was because the growth of the economy was driven by capital intensive sectors which were unable to absorb a good number of job seeker nor did they provide markets for the agriculture produce. In contrast, for the 2007 - 2011/12 period, poverty and inequality declined though disproportionately as economic growth expanded. The reduction in poverty and inequality was attributed to increased education levels, ownership of land and other assets, and access to employment opportunities and basic services and the returns from the endowments. The disproportionate benefits were related to rural status, family size, education level, wage employment and non-farm businesses, access to public infrastracture and internal migration. This study suggest that conscious efforts should be made to ensure that the emerged signs of pro-poor are spread to the majority poor. The study, therefore, recommends policies such as land reforms and strategies to improve land productivity, improve provision and access by the poor to social and economic services, promote off-farm activities, government redistributive measures, adoption of labour intensive techniques particularly for the activities undertaken by the poor and in areas where the majority poor live, and the introduction of safety net programmes.

SMITH, PATRICIA K. "Individual and County Level Correlates of Medicaid Births in Michigan." Michigan Academician 44, no. 3 (January 1, 2017): 319–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.7245/0026-2005-44.3.319.

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ABSTRACT Across Michigan the share of births covered by Medicaid varies widely, from a low of 15% in Menominee County to a high of 71% in Roscommon County in 2009 (Michigan League for Public Policy n.d.). This paper uses data on women who delivered a live infant in Michigan between 2009 and 2011 from Michigan's Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) matched to county level socioeconomic information to identify factors associated with the likelihood Medicaid is used to cover the medical costs of giving birth. The results suggest that strategies to reduce Medicaid births without reducing health care available to low-income women include stimulating economic growth and expanding access to family planning resources. This analysis does not find evidence that pro-marriage policies would reduce Medicaid births.

Moenne, María Elena Acuña. "Embodying Memory: Women and the Legacy of the Military Government in Chile." Feminist Review 79, no. 1 (March 2005): 150–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.fr.9400203.

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The article argues that the prohibition of abortion in Chile, other than when the mother's life is in danger, is a form of human rights violation targeting women specifically. The Pro-Birth Policy was established in Pinochet's Chile as a response to the previous government's attempts, under Allende, to encourage family planning and to educate and inform women about their choices. This had been done to put an end to the increase in back-street abortions with the inevitable toll on women's lives. Pinochet's regime reversed these women-oriented family planning policies, and criminalized abortion, on the basis of costs to the state and, more importantly, the need to increase the birth rate for reasons of national security. Women's bodies were used by the Pinochet regime, both by sexual violence and torture, and by the denial of women's reproductive and sexual rights, as a means to impose discipline and order on society. The fact that this is still not acknowledged in the construction of a collective memory indicates that the issue has not yet been resolved in democratic Chile.

Ray, Carola, Eva Roos, Johannes Brug, Isabel Behrendt, Bettina Ehrenblad, Agneta Yngve, and Saskia J. te Velde. "Role of free school lunch in the associations between family-environmental factors and children's fruit and vegetable intake in four European countries." Public Health Nutrition 16, no. 6 (September 14, 2012): 1109–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1368980012004181.

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AbstractObjectiveTo determine whether an association exists between different clusters of fruit- and vegetable-specific family-environmental factors and children's daily fruit and vegetable intake, and whether these associations differ between countries with different school lunch policies.DesignCross-sectional data from four European countries participating in the Pro Greens project in 2009. These countries have different school food policies: two serve free school lunches and two do not. Self-administered data were used. Food frequency questions served to assess fruit and vegetable intakes. The study assessed sixteen children-perceived family-environmental factors, which were clustered based on principal component analysis into five sum variables: fruit and vegetable encouragement; vegetable modelling, family routine and demand; fruit modelling; fruit and vegetable snacking practices; and fruit and vegetable allowing.SettingSchools in Finland, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands.SubjectsSchoolchildren aged 11 years (n3317).ResultsMultilevel logistic regression analyses revealed positive associations between nearly all clustered family-environmental factors and daily fruit and vegetable intake. The study tested a moderation effect between family-environmental factors and school lunch policy. In five out of twenty models significant interactions occurred. In the stratified analyses, most of the associations between family-environmental factors and raw and cooked vegetable intake were stronger in Germany and the Netherlands, neither of which provided free school lunches.ConclusionsChildren reporting more fruit- and vegetable-promoting family-environmental factors had a more frequent intake of fruits and vegetables; the associations were stronger for vegetable intakes in countries providing no free school lunches, suggesting that parental involvement is crucial when schools offer no vegetables.

Asteria, Donna, Habibulah Adi Negoro, and Dyah Utari. "The effects of higher education and financial literacy to pro-environmental behavior in women community." E3S Web of Conferences 211 (2020): 01002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202021101002.

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It is assumed that efforts to overcome environmental problems in urban areas can be overcome through education. The education provided to women will increase women’s contributions as strategic actors in environmental management. This study aimed to determine the effect of formal education and financial education on women on pro-environmental behavior. The research was conducted with a quantitative approach, with a survey by questionnaire to measure pro-environmental education and behavior based on women’s participation in waste management training. The primary data collection with purposive sampling to women population in Jagakarsa District, South Jakarta, Indonesia, where fair women who were recorded in essential information collection. The study has been driven on a person-level (not family level), with a total of 400 respondents. The findings in this study are that there is a significant relationship between formal education in higher education and women’s involvement in environmental management. Meanwhile, the relationship between financial literacy and environmental concerns shows insignificant results. The implication of this research is to provide alternative strategies to increase the involvement of women in urban areas in environmental management, especially waste management, through policies of equal access to higher education and equal opportunities in economic activities to improve their welfare.

Bouilly, Roberta, Giovanna Gatica-Domínguez, Marilia Mesenburg, Francisco I. Cáceres Ureña, Daniel G. P. Leventhal, Aluísio J. D. Barros, Cesar G. Victora, and Fernando C. Wehrmeister. "Maternal and child health inequalities among migrants: the case of Haiti and the Dominican Republic." Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 44 (November 20, 2020): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.26633/rpsp.2020.144.

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Objective. To assess coverage and inequalities in maternal and child health interventions among Haitians, Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic and Dominicans. Methods. Cross-sectional study using data from nationally representative surveys carried out in Haiti in 2012 and in the Dominican Republic in 2014. Nine indicators were compared: demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods, antenatal care, delivery care (skilled birth attendance), child vaccination (BCG, measles and DPT3), child case management (oral rehydration salts for diarrhea and careseeking for suspected pneumonia), and the composite coverage index. Wealth was measured through an asset-based index, divided into tertiles, and place of residence (urban or rural) was established according to the country definition. Results. Haitians showed the lowest coverage for demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods (44.2%), antenatal care (65.3%), skilled birth attendance (39.5%) and careseeking for suspected pneumonia (37.9%), and the highest for oral rehydration salts for diarrhea (52.9%), whereas Haitian migrants had the lowest coverage in DPT3 (44.1%) and oral rehydration salts for diarrhea (38%) and the highest in careseeking for suspected pneumonia (80.7%). Dominicans presented the highest coverage for most indicators, except oral rehydration salts for diarrhea and careseeking for suspected pneumonia. The composite coverage index was 79.2% for Dominicans, 69.0% for Haitian migrants, and 52.6% for Haitians. Socioeconomic inequalities generally had pro-rich and pro-urban pattern in all analyzed groups. Conclusion. Haitian migrants presented higher coverage than Haitians, but lower than Dominicans. Both countries should plan actions and policies to increase coverage and address inequalities of maternal health interventions.

Mihaylova, Svilena, and Silviya Bratoeva-Manoleva. "Social Transfers and Income Inequality in Bulgaria." South East European Journal of Economics and Business 12, no. 1 (April 1, 2017): 38–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/jeb-2017-0003.

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AbstractThe paper analyzes the distributional effects of social transfers in Bulgaria in the period 2000-2014, using income inequality decomposition by factor components. The results suggest that social transfers mitigate income inequality, but this effect varies depending on the type of transfer. Pensions exert the strongest influence due to their significant share in total income, which also rises over time. Family allowances are pro-poor in nature, but because of their small share in beneficiaries’ total income, their impact on overall inequality is much weaker. “Other social benefits” have the weakest inequality-reducing effect, which is due to their higher concentration towards the richest decile and increasing share in total income. Despite the inequality-decreasing impact of social transfers, we argue that they should not be regarded as the sole remedy for the sharp income disparities in the country, but need to be accompanied by relevant active labor market policies.

Doğangün, Gokten. "Gender Climate in Authoritarian Politics: A Comparative Study of Russia and Turkey." Politics & Gender 16, no. 1 (January 3, 2019): 258–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1743923x18000788.

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AbstractIn Russia and Turkey, the pro-authoritarian regimes have largely relied on nationalistic narratives appealing to cultural authenticity, tradition, and religion for legitimacy and cultural resonance at the mass level. Within this narrative, as it is argued, traditional notions of family and femininity are endorsed so as to represent national power against the West and to invigorate social unity and morality in Russian and Turkish societies. The revival of traditional gender norms and patterns that characterize the prevailing gender climates in Russia and Turkey is visible in the restructuring of gender equality mechanisms, the organization of reproduction in accordance with pronatalist policies, women's employment patterns, and state policy on combating domestic violence. This analysis relies on empirical data obtained through in-depth interviews with academics, representatives of international organizations and nongovernmental organizations, feminist activists, experts from women's shelters, and public officials based in Russia and Turkey. It is supplemented with a review of relevant examples from political discourse employed by political leaders, legal regulations, and public policies on these four areas. The article concludes that the revival of traditional gender categories and stereotypes aggravates the inferior position of women and unleashes discriminatory attitudes toward them at home, in society, and in the labor market.

Mohd. Razif, Nurul Huda. "Intimacy Under Surveillance: Illicit Sexuality, Moral Policing, and the State in Contemporary Malaysia." Hawwa 18, no. 2-3 (October 28, 2020): 325–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15692086-12341381.

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Abstract Malaysia’s Malay-Muslim majority adheres to heteronormative forms of sexuality that recognise marriage as the only means of securing access to lawful sexual intimacy. Islam, Malay customs (adat), and the Malaysian state impose strict sanctions on pre- and extramarital intimacy in its Syariah criminal laws. A Vice Prevention Unit responsible for moral policing is legally authorised to arrest couples who violate Islamic rules of behaviour, including sexual offences such as khalwat (illicit proximity)—a crime of passion punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment. This article compares two khalwat trials in Kota Bharu and Kuala Lumpur’s Syariah court to illustrate what Peletz (2002) calls the judges’ “cultural logic of judicial reasoning”. In these trials, Syariah judges extend beyond a narrowed focus on gender to also consider cultural understandings of age, profession, family circumstances, and marital status, thus reproducing Malay adat understandings of intimacy, marriage, and personhood. In an effort to steer young couples away from forbidden sexual temptations, the Malaysian state liberalises access to marriage by recognising cross-border marriages contracted in Southern Thailand, offering financial incentives to young couples intending to marry and defending existing legal provisions allowing the marriage of minors. The Malaysian state’s mix of punitive, preventative, and pro-marriage policies, I suggest, are various ways of surveilling sexuality by bringing uncontrolled desires under the purview of matrimony, where it may find its lawful expression.

Kurahman, Taufik, and Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy. "Moderasi Pemikiran Abdul Rauf Al-Singkili di Tengah Gejolak Pemikiran Tasawuf Nusantara Abad Ke-17." ESOTERIK 7, no. 1 (June 14, 2021): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/esoterik.v7i1.9297.

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<p><span style="color: black; line-height: 125%; font-family: 'Minion Pro',serif; font-size: 12pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-font-kerning: 14.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;" lang="EN-US">The thought of <em>wahdah al-wujud </em>in Aceh in the 16th century which was pioneered by Hamzah al-Fansuri continued to cause tragic conflicts in the following decades. When Nuruddin al-Raniri served as the mufti of the Kingdom, al-Fansuri’s <em>wujudiyyah </em>was labeled heretical, and his followers were considered <em>zindiqs, </em>even infidels. In that situation, Abdurraf al-Singkili appeared carefully not to go involved in the dispute between the two groups. This articles shows al-Singkili’s moderate thoughts in dealing with the polemic of sufisms-<em>wujudiyyah </em>thought above, beginning from his return from the Arabian peninsula until he served as the mufti. For this, research focuses on the al-Singkili’s <em>ilmiyyah </em>journey, the turmoil of Sufism in Aceh, and al-Singkili’s moderat policies. Data obtained through library research with documentation technique. The results show that al-Singkili’s moderate thought is influinced by the breadth of his knowledge. Al-Singkili was not only master in sufism, but also in fiqh. In his view, both of sufism and fiqh should be done in equal proportion. </span></p>

Stanescu, Nina. "The right to reproduction - The right to abortion." Technium Social Sciences Journal 18 (April 7, 2021): 604–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.47577/tssj.v18i1.3143.

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As for the attitude towards abortion, over time, it has fluctuated from one era to another. Thus, the ancient societies of Greece and Rome were tolerant of abortion, and with the Romans abortion could be performed at any time during pregnancy. One of the aspects that received special attention was the right of women to have a say in their own reproduction, namely the right of women to choose whether or not to keep a pregnancy, Immoral in terms of of the Church, outlawed by the legislation of some states, the right to abortion has had a sinuous evolution in the social scene of many states. This issue has many political, moral and social connotations, being politically regulated differently by different states. The extremes are represented on the one hand by China, which pursues a policy of limiting population growth, including through a pro-abortion policy and on the other hand by Islamic states, in which abortion for therapeutic purposes and on-demand abortion are prohibited. In Europe, most states have legalized abortion, but at the same time apply policies to limit it, by promoting family planning and contraceptive methods.

Bobic, Mirjana. "Acceleration of modernization of marriage as a condition to the rehabilitation of procreation in Serbia." Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke, no. 131 (2010): 431–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/zmsdn1031431b.

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The first part of the paper shows that Serbia (excluding Kosovo and Metohia), like other Former Yugoslav states, still has not entered 'the second demographic transition', even though the decline of the universality of marriage has been registered. Instead of behavioral shift towards postmodern, individualised types and forms of unions, the population of contemporary Serbia resorts to the strategy of passive adaptation to persisting structural barriers, which, in the aggregate, are manifested through: the postponement of marriage and ageing of fertility, practical absence of serial monogamies (high-ranking marriages), with the increase of enlarged family households, while on a demographic level, it causes familiar aggravating effects: long-lasting low fertility rates, negative population growth, depopulation and intensive ageing. Such demographic development has been occurring in a specific context of slow social transformation and globalisation (European and global integration). By making reference to the relevant socio-demographic literature and empirical research (national and international), the second part of the paper examines the hypothesis about relation between the 'decline' of traditional family and possible increase of fertility. We wonder whether the acceleration of the individualisation of marriage and family could be one of potential (unused) ways of rehabilitation of procreation in the forthcoming period, with determined generators of these processes, such as: modifications in the sense of gender equality/flexibility and decrease of the strict intergenerational cohesion, for the purpose of accepting different, pro-active and personally accountable pattern of life? This is the latest innovation in modern, interdisciplinary demography, which relevant authors created on the basis of the analysis of abundant empirical records. Finally, the purpose of this paper is not to disregard the significance of practical policies (population, social, housing, health care and others), which the author of this paper supports, but to point out some indirect means of their more efficient implementation. .

Delcea, Camelia, Liliana Crăciun, Corina Ioanăș, Gabriella Ferruzzi, and Liviu-Adrian Cotfas. "Determinants of Individuals’ E-Waste Recycling Decision: A Case Study from Romania." Sustainability 12, no. 7 (April 1, 2020): 2753. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su12072753.

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Due to the increase of the amount of electrical and electronical equipment waste (e-waste), the understanding of individual consumers’ main decision triggers represents a key point in increasing the quantity of recycled e-waste. A series of studies from the literature have shown a positive relationship between the consumers’ attitude, awareness, self-efficacy, social norms, and their e-waste recycling intention, as well as the positive influence between the intention and the manifested behavior. Additional to these determinants, in the present study, the influence of social media was analyzed along with the actions taken by the government and nongovernmental organizations, with the purpose to include and to capture, as much as possible, a high amount of determinants in the e-waste recycling process. Nevertheless, the demographic or socio-economic variables, such as age, gender, income, education, number of family members, etc., have shown over time to have a contribution to predicting the consumers’ pro-recycling behavior. As on one side, in the research literature, the opinions related to which of the demographic or socio-economic factors can have an impact on the recycling behavior have been divided and, on another side, a series of researchers believe that the discrepancies in the findings of different studies can be due to culture in various countries, in this paper we conducted such an analysis with reference to the Romania’s case. The results have shown that the demographic variables, such as age and gender, can have a contribution to predicting residents’ pro-e-waste recycling behavior. Based on these findings, the policymakers can gain a better understanding of the e-waste recycling phenomenon and on its main triggers, with results in creating better policies for sustaining a proper e-waste managing system.

Everitt, Julia. "Implications of Educational Policy-Making Which Encourages Schools to Collaborate with the Community, External Agencies, Private Companies, Employers and Voluntary Organisations." Social Sciences 9, no. 4 (April 2, 2020): 39. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/socsci9040039.

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Despite the move to state education, policy-makers since the early 1900s have encouraged the community, external agencies, private companies, employers and voluntary organisations to become involved in schools. The rationales for these collaborations are to address issues (e.g., delinquency, neglect, underachievement and low family support), which will be tackled through activities (e.g., extra-curricular clubs and one-to-one support) and to focus on the social aspects of schooling of wider audiences (e.g., adults). These activities are deemed as beneficial through implementation which is perceived to be issue free. Research is lacking with regard to how these policy responses are played out in practice and the perceptions of those involved. This paper reveals the individuals involved in four case study schools using an audit pro-forma, documentary analysis and interviews with school staff and external agencies. The findings highlight that several individuals were expected to deliver former statutory provision for free, but quality was a concern. Individuals may perceive that their activities contribute to the national curriculum, but staff had different perceptions. This paper reveals how policies are directing the individuals involved and their activities. There are questions over whose interests are intended to be served and the implications for pupils, parents, schools, communities and politicians.

Monserrati, Michele. "Fascist Samurais: the Japanese race in the Italian imaginary during the Second World War and beyond." Modern Italy 25, no. 1 (February 2020): 63–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/mit.2019.78.

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Between 1938 and 1943, Fascist intellectuals debated the problem of how to create a racial policy that would encompass the Japanese within the Aryan doctrine. This article demonstrates how internal divisions in the Fascist party over racial issues generated alternative versions of pro-Japanese propaganda, which influenced the racial thinking of the Italian far-right even long after the Second World War. I show how Italian racial theories developed to underpin the alliance with Japan were transnational in scope, as they involved both German and Italian scholars in a common effort to lobby state racial policies. Specifically, I consider George Montandon and Julius Evola as two transnational actors engaged in building a case for the inclusion of the Japanese in the family of Aryan races, speaking either from a ‘biological’ or ‘spiritual’ perspective. While by the end of the Second World War the ‘biological’ thesis for the inclusion of the Japanese race had evaporated, the ‘spiritual’ thesis would continue to influence a generation of Italian far-right militants, especially during the ‘Years of Lead’. To make sense of this legacy, I suggest that the foundational myth of Italian Fascism, based on the spiritual heritage of the multiethnic Roman empire, responded to the neofascist quest for transnational affiliations against Western materialism.

Patrčević, Sonja, and Maja Ernečić. "RAZVOJ DJECE U ISTOSPOLNIM OBITELJIMA – ČINJENICE, PREDRASUDE I ULOGA DRUŠTVA." Annual of Social Work 27, no. 3 (April 24, 2021): 563–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.3935/ljsr.v27i3.291.

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DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN IN SAME-SEX FAMILIES – FACTS, PREJUDICES AND THE ROLE OF SOCIETY Changes in the family structure which have been present in recent decades generated new forms of families, among which are same-sex families. These changes are mainly not accompanied by the same speed of changes in society through a change of the system of values, public perceptions and policies. Many same-sex couples raise children who were born in previous heterosexual relationships, realise parenthood through different reproduction techniques, and in some societies, which are more modern and mature than ours and which are pro-European and western oriented, adoption of children by same-sex couples was already legitimized a long time ago. A series of research studies connected to same-sex families and parenthood was conducted to date. The results of most scientific studies have shown that there are no significant changes between children who grow up in heterosexual unions and those who grow up in same-sex unions related to their mental and physical well-being, social competencies, behavioural adjustment, gender identity and role, sexual orientation, social relations and academic achievement. It seems that family processes, quality of parenthood and quality of the parent-child relationship influence the developmental outcomes far more than the family structure does. The influence of stigmatization seems to be controversial as the results are contradictory. The influence of stigmatization is negatively connected to mental health and quality of life of same-sex couples. In spite of that, their children develop into healthy persons in the homophobic society they grow up in. Nevertheless, society burdened by stereotypes and prejudice represents a certain social risk for same-sex families. Opposing scientific research which shows very few noticeable differences between the children of same-sex and heterosexual couples to social beliefs that are not based on scientific facts is important for the social survival of these different families. Scientific literature should be the only relevant factor in designing policies that position same-sex families within a wider social context. It is precisely due to this that this paper provides an overview of scientific research studies that are focused on the potential influences of same-sex unions on the children’s growing up,with an emphasis on the sexual and psychosocial development of the children. The presented results should form a basis for all discussions about the influence of same-sex parenthood on children and only they are relevant for policy-making based on scientific facts.

Boulad-Ayoub, Josiane, and Frank Cunningham. "Tout le mal vient de l'inégalité…" Dialogue 37, no. 4 (1998): 669–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0012217300009732.

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AbstractIn memory of Professor Louise Marcil, from the University of Montreal, who died prematurely in April 1995, this special issue of Dialogue is dedicated to Equality. In addition to presenting the various contributions, the Introduction traces the main strands of Louise Marcil's work on equality. The impressive corpus of her writings on the subject is characterized throughout by sensitivity to the historical and conceptual complexity of egalitarian theories and policies and by a depth of scholarship, the richness of which defies classification into traditional philosophical schools. Moreover, far from being merely abstract scholarship, this work was clearly intended to strengthen actual egalitarian social projects, to which Louise Marcil was passionately committed. The contributions to this special issue of Dialogue have been selected in large part to reflect the diversity and scholarly standards of Louise Marcil's approach to equality as well as its engaged spirit.After a short personal testimony by Jean-Claude Guidon, from the University of Montreal, Charles Coutel presents Condorcet as an original thinker of democratic equality. Paule-Monique Vernes argues in favour of seeing Hegel as the first philosopher who, before Marx, engaged in an in-depth analysis of the contradictions of the Civil Society and denounced the inequalities stemming from liberalism. Roberto Miguelez discusses equality among participants as a formal condition for action coordination based on dialogue, which is crucial to the democratic model.Brenda Baker addresses a current trend by governments to shift responsibility for social services to the family. Among the deficiencies in grounds for such policies, she argues, are that they reinforce gendered inequalities. In his article, Kai Nielsen stengthens pro-egalitarian dimensions of John Rawls's theories by articulating a more sophisticated criterion of “reasonableness” than is found in Rawls's work. Analogously, Maurice Rickard defends Ronald Dworkin's link between liberty and equality, but argues that Dworkin's justification for this is insufficient, requiring, instead, a defence in terms of personal autonomy.

Gorchilova, Denitsa. "BULGARIAN YOUNG PEOPLE, VOLUNTEERING AND SOCIAL CAPITAL: TRENDS IN 2019." Knowledge International Journal 34, no. 5 (October 4, 2019): 1209–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.35120/kij34051209g.

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Research on the Bulgarian youth in the last two decades detect disturbing trends of sharp decline in the trust towards different public institutions, preferences towards living in the closer family and friends’ environment, prevailing consumer attitudes. There is a necessity for injecting new energy and positive life attitude which is taken account of in the national youth policies but fails to become reality.Data from the annual government reports doesn’t show significant changes in the attitudes and ways of life of the Bulgarian young people regarding the use of their free time in a positive way like acquiring new knowledge and skills, or widening their net of social contacts. Researches show very small percentage of young people who are volunteers, low levels of membership in nongovernmental, activist or even political organizations, disinterest in civic activities.These disturbing results can be discussed in the light of the social capital theories that outline volunteering and civic activism as crucial methods in building bridging and linking social capital. The latter can help young people in their professional and personal fulfillment and in bettering the quality of their lives.The article studies the results of a research done in the first half of the year 2019 among 240 young people (mostly students). The data is gathered through a structured online questionnaire. It studies the motivation of those young people to take part in voluntary activities; as well as the attitudes of youngsters who have never participated in a voluntary activity. Other researchers in Bulgaria have found that the students are the most active volunteers in the country. The current research verifies that statement. It delves deeper in the reasons why a person would / wouldn’t take part in a voluntary activity, what are the preferred causes, what are the best information channels for attracting young volunteers, what are their expectations.So far governmental policies have failed to produce significant positive changes in the behavior of the young people in Bulgaria. But there is a large number of youth organizations, nonprofit organizations committed to promoting volunteering and international organizations and programmes that slowly are shifting the trends. To add to the portfolio of volunteering forms, an international project started in 2018 is trying to popularize the pro bono programmes and to make them a part of the typical life cycle of the students in Bulgaria and other EU countries.

Bhattacharya, Abantika, Mausumi Basu, Palash Das, Aditya Prasad Sarker, Prasanta Kumar Das, and Biman Roy. "Domestic violence: A hidden and deeply rooted health issue in India." South East Asia Journal of Public Health 3, no. 1 (January 18, 2014): 17–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/seajph.v3i1.17706.

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Domestic violence was identified as a major contributor to the global burden of ill health in terms of female morbid-ity leading to psychological trauma and depression, injuries, sexually transmitted diseases, suicide and murder. The study was conducted to find out the prevalence of different types of life time domestic violence against women; fac-tors associated with it and care seeking behavior. An observational cross-sectional study was done among 260 ever married women of 15-49 years of age using a predesigned pretested pro-forma from April 2011 to January 2012 by face to face interview. Data were compiled and analyzed by Epi Info 6 version and SPSS 17 version. The overall prevalence of any form of violence during the life time among the study population was 40.4%. Verbal/psychological violence was the most common form of domestic violence (85.7%) followed by physical (71.4%) and sexual violence (57.1%). Slapping and or beating, kicking, object throwing were the major forms of physical vio-lence; humiliation (91.1%) was the commonest form of psychological violence and most common form of sexual violence was forced sexual intercourse (58.3%). About 21% of the study population faced violence every day. Older age, lower age at marriage, longer duration of marriage, lower education of husband and wife, lower family income, unemployment of the husband and alcohol consumption of husband were associated with occurrence of domestic violence. We have found that the prevalence of domestic violence in this group of population is high. The alarming issue is that approximately one third of women (31.24%) who faced violence in their life-time had never sought any help. The findings indicate to develop appropriate and culturally relevant public health interventions to increase awareness and implement policies regarding violence against women. South East Asia Journal of Public Health 2013; 3(1): 17-23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/seajph.v3i1.17706

Sakamoto, Takayuki. "Social Investment Policy, Economic Growth, and Welfare States: Channels of Pro-Growth Effects of Policy." Social Forces 99, no. 2 (March 4, 2020): 590–615. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/sf/soz178.

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Abstract Social investment (SI) policies have been popular among industrial countries in the past two decades. Governments hope that SI policies will promote productivity and economic growth by creating high-skill labor forces that can adapt to the imperatives of the new knowledge economy and technological advances, or that can create new technologies themselves. They also hope that SI policies will mitigate new social risks, such as single-parent families and workers in precarious employment by better preparing workers for jobs and promoting social inclusion. However, little research exists that empirically investigates whether or not SI policies really produce these positive outcomes. Of all economic outcomes, this paper focuses on economic growth and the channels of economic growth—multifactor productivity (MFP), physical capital investment, and labor input—and investigates whether SI policies promote growth in GDP and its channels. Data from 17 industrial countries are analyzed. The analysis finds that family support, education, and ALMP spending (all measured as spending per child, student, and an unemployed person, respectively) is positively associated with MFP and GDP growth, and that MFP growth is the main channel through which SI policies enhance GDP growth. Education spending boosts the growth of all of MFP, physical capital stock, labor input, and GDP growth via those channels. While family support does not promote the growth of labor input, the results suggest that larger family support spending leads to higher levels of labor input. Overall, these types of SI spending have generally positive effects on economic growth.

Crompton, Rosmary, and Nicky Le Feuvre. "Gender, family and employment in comparative perspective: the realities and representations of equal opportunities in Britain and France." Journal of European Social Policy 10, no. 4 (November 1, 2000): 334–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/a014365.

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In this paper, we will explore how contrasting national discourses relating to women, and gender equality have been incorporated into and reflected in national policies. In the first section, we will outline the recent history of EU equal opportunities policy, in which positive action has been replaced by a policy of 'mainstreaming'. Second, we will describe the evolution of policies towards women and equal opportunities in Britain and France. It will be argued that whereas some degree of positive action for women has been accepted in Britain, this policy is somewhat alien to French thinking about equality - although pro-natalist French policies have resulted in favourable conditions for employed mothers in France. In the third section, we will present some attitudinal evidence, drawn from national surveys, which would appear to reflect the national policy differences we have identified in respect of the 'equality agenda'. In the fourth section, we will draw upon biographical interviews carried out with men and women in British and French banks in order to illustrate the impact of these cross-national differences within organizations and on individual lives. We demonstrate that positive action gender equality policies have made an important impact in British banks, while overt gender exclusionary practices still persist in the French banks studied. In the conclusion, we reflect on the European policy implications of our findings.

Yang, Hongyan, Jun Ma, Hongwei Hu, and Fanjie Li. "Identification, Trend Analysis and Influencing Factors of Mental Health Status of the Chinese Older Adults." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 21 (November 8, 2020): 8251. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17218251.

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This study aimed to analyse the classification, development trends and the influencing factors of the Chinese older adults’ mental health state. Based on longitudinal data of Chinese older adults from 2005 to 2014, 2077 older adults aged 64 to 105 were included and the Latent Class Model, Latent Growth Mixture Model and Multinomial Logit models were employed in this study. We find that there are three types of mental health state of the Chinese older adults: negative, positive and contradictory; and the contradictory type could easily turn into negative or positive mental health state. There are four types of dynamic trends of mental health state: persistently negative, persistently positive, pro-negative, and pro-positive. About 40% of the older adults could maintain positive mental health state, and the pro-negative accounts for larger proportion than the pro-positive. Better economic status, good living habits, cohabitation with family members and pension coverage are beneficial for positive mental health state of the Chinese older adults. There is significant heterogeneity in the state as well as development trends of mental health of the older adults. The older adults with contradictory and negative types of mental health state should get timely psychological help to avoid turning into negative state. A series of polices are needed to promote mental health for the older adults in China.

Kumar, Arun. "The impact of obesity on cardiovascular disease risk factor." Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 10, no. 1 (December 12, 2018): 1–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/ajms.v10i1.21294.

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Obesity has emerged as the most potential cardiovascular risk factor and has raised concern among public and their health related issues not only in developed but also in developing countries. The Worldwide obesity occurrence has almost has gone three times since 1975. Research suggests there are about 775 million obese people in the World including adult, children, and adolescents. Nearly 50% of the children who are obese and overweight in Asia in are below 5 years. There is a steep incline of childhood obesity when compared to 1971 which is not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. A considerable amount of weight gain occurs during the transition phase from adolescence to young adulthood. It is also suggested that those adultswho were obese in childhood also remained obese in their adulthood with a higher metabolic risk than those who became obese in their adulthood. In India, the urban Indian female in the age group of 30-45 years have emerged as an 〝at risk population” for cardiovascular diseases. To understand how obesity can influence cardiovascular function, it becomes immense important to understand the changes which can take place in adipose tissue due to obesity. There are two proposed concepts explaining the inflammatory status of macrophage. The predominant cause of insulin resistance is obesity. Epidemiological and research studies have indicated that the pathogenesis of obesity-related metabolic dysfunction involves the development of a systemic, low-grade inflammatory state. It is becoming clear that targeting the pro-inflammatory pathwaymay provide a novel therapeutic approach to prevent insulin resistance, particularly in obesity inducedinsulin resistance. Some cost effective interventions that are feasible by all and can be implemented even in low-resource settings includes - population-wide and individual, which are recommended to be used in combination to reduce the greatest cardiovascular disease burden. The sixth target in the Global NCD action plan is to reduce the prevalence of hypertension by 25%. Reducing the incidence of hypertension by implementing population-wide policies to educe behavioral risk factors. Reducing cigarette smoking, body weight, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood glucose all have a beneficial impact on major biological cardiovascular risk factors. A variety of lifestyle modifications have been shown, in clinical trials, to lower bloodpressure, includes weight loss, physical activity, moderation of alcohol intake, increased fresh fruit and vegetables and reduced saturated fat in the diet, reduction of dietary sodium intake, andincreased potassium intake. Also, trials of reduction of saturated fat and its partial replacement by unsaturated fats have improved dyslipidaemia and lowered risk of cardiovascular events. This initiative driven by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, State Governments, Indian Council of Medical Research and the World Health Organization are remarkable. The Government of India has adopted a national action plan for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with specific targets to be achieved by 2025, including a 25% reduction inoverall mortality from cardiovascular diseases, a 25% relative reduction in the prevalence of raised blood pressure and a 30% reduction in salt/sodium intake. In a nutshell increased BMI values can predict the nature of obesity and its aftermaths in terms inflammation and other disease associated with obesity. It’s high time; we must realize it and keep an eye on health status in order to live long and healthy life.

Kolomiyets, Lada. "The Psycholinguistic Factors of Indirect Translation in Ukrainian Literary and Religious Contexts." East European Journal of Psycholinguistics 6, no. 2 (December 27, 2019): 32–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.29038/eejpl.2019.6.2.kol.

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The study of indirect translations (IT) into Ukrainian, viewed from a psycholinguistic perspective, will contribute to a better understanding of Soviet national policies and the post-Soviet linguistic and cultural condition. The paper pioneers a discussion of the strategies and types of IT via Russian in the domains of literature and religion. In many cases the corresponding Russian translation, which serves as a source text for the Ukrainian one, cannot be established with confidence, and the “sticking-out ears” of Russian mediation may only be monitored at the level of sentence structure, when Russian wording underlies the Ukrainian text and distorts its natural fluency. The discussion substantiates the strategies and singles out the types of IT, in particular, (1) Soviet lower-quality retranslations of the recent, and mostly high-quality, translations of literary classics, which deliberately imitated lexical, grammatical, and stylistic patterns of the Russian language (became massive in scope in the mid1930s); (2) the translation-from-crib type, or translations via the Russian interlinear version, which have been especially common in poetry after WWII, from the languages of the USSR nationalities and the socialist camp countries; (3) overt relayed translations, based on the published and intended for the audience Russian translations that can be clearly defined as the source texts for the IT into Ukrainian; this phenomenon may be best illustrated with Patriarch Filaret Version of the Holy Scripture, translated from the Russian Synodal Bible (the translation started in the early 1970s); and, finally, (4) later Soviet (from the mid1950s) and post-Soviet (during Independence period) hidden relayed translations of literary works, which have been declared as direct ones but in fact appeared in print shortly after the publication of the respective works in Russian translation and mirrored Russian lexical and stylistic patterns. 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Український художній переклад та перекладачі 1920-30-х років: матеріали до курсу «Історія перекладу». Вінниця: «Нова книга», 2015. Іларіон, митр. Біблія – найперше джерело для вивчення своєї літературної мови / Митр. Іларіон // Віра і культура. 1958. Ч. 6 (66). С. 13–17. Іларіон, митр. Біблія, або Книги Святого Письма Старого и Нового Заповіту. Із мови давньоєврейської й грецької на українську дослівно наново перекладена. United Bible Societies, 1962. Jinyu L. (2012). Habitus of Translators as Socialized Individuals: Bourdieu’s Account. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(6), 1168-1173. Leighton, L. (1991). Two Worlds, One Art. Literary Translation in Russia and America. DeKalb, Ill.: Northwestern Illinois UP. Лукаш М. Прогресивна західноєвропейська література в перекладах на українську мову // Протей [редкол. О. Кальниченко (голова) та ін.]. Вип. 2. X.: Вид-во НУА, 2009. С. 560–605. Майфет, Г. [Рецензія] // Червоний шлях. 1930. № 2. С. 252-258. Рец. на кн.: Боккаччо Дж. Декамерон / пер. Л. Пахаревського та П. Майорського; ред. С. Родзевича та П. Мохора; вступ. ст. В. Державіна. [Харків]; ДВУ, 1929. Ч. 1. XXXI, 408 с.; Ч. 2. Цит за вид.: Кальниченко О. А., Полякова Ю. Ю. Українська перекладознавча думка 1920-х – початку 1930-х років: Хрестоматія вибраних праць з перекладознавства до курсу «Історія перекладу» / Укладачі Леонід Чернований і Вячеслав Карабан. Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2011. С. 344-356. Munday, J. (2010). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. 2nd Ed. London & New York: Routledge. Pauly, M. D. (2014). Breaking the Tongue: Language, Education, and Power in Soviet Ukraine. Toronto Buffalo London: University of Toronto Press. Pieta, H. & Rosa, A. A. (2013). Panel 7: Indirect translation: exploratory panel on the state-of-the-art and future research avenues. 7th EST Congress – Germersheim, 29 August – 1 September 2013. Retrieved from http://www.fb06.uni-mainz.de/est/51.php Плющ, Б. O. Прямий та неопрямий переклад української художньої прози англійською, німецькою, іспанською та російською мовами. Дис. …канд. філол. наук., Київ: КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка, 2016. Ringmar, M. (2012). Relay translation. In Yves Gambier, Luc van Doorslaer (Eds.), Handbook of Translation Studies, 4 (pp. 141-144). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Simeoni, D. (1998). The pivotal status of the translator’s habitus. Target, 10(1), 1-39. Солодовнікова, М. І. Відтворення стилістичних особливостей роману Марка Твена «Пригоди Тома Сойера» в українських перекладах: квантитативний аспект // Перспективи розвитку філологічних наук: Матеріали ІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (Хмельницький, 24-25 березня). Херсон: вид-во «Гельветика», 2017. С. 99-103. Sommer, D, ed. (2006). Cultural Agency in the Americas. [Synopsis]. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Špirk, J. (2014). Censorship, Indirect Translations and Non-translation: The (Fateful) Adventures of Czech Literature in 20th-century Portugal. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Venuti, L. (2001). Strategies of Translation. In M. Baker (ed.). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, (pp. 240-244). London & New York: Routledge. References (translated and transliterated) Beletskii, A. (1929). Perevodnaia literatura na Ukraine [Translated literature in Ukraine]. Krasnoe Slovo [Red Word], 2, 87-96. Reprint in: Kalnychenko, O. A. and Poliakova, Yu. (2011). In Leonid Chernovatyi and Viacheslav Karaban (Eds.). Ukraiins’ka perekladoznavcha dumka 1920-kh – pochatku 1930-kh rokiv: Khrestomatiia vybranykh prats z perekladosnavstva do kursu “Istoriia perekladu” [Ukrainian translation studies of the 1920s – early 1930s: A textbook of selected works in translation studies for a course on the “History of Translation”]. (pp. 376-391). Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, Burghardt, O. (1939). 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Rozmova Viacheslava Kyrylenka iz Patriarkhom Kyivskym ta vsiiei Rusy-Ukrainy Filaretom. Vira [A Conversation of Viacheslav Kyrylenko with Patriarch of Kyiv and all Rus-Ukraine Filaret. Faith]. In: Try rozmovy pro Ukrainu [Three Conversations about Ukraine], compiled and edited by V. Kyrylenko. Kharkiv: Family Leisure Club, 9-92. Flynn, P. (2013). Author and Translator. In Yves Gambier, Luc van Doorslaer (Eds.), Handbook of Translation Studies, 4, (pp. 12-19). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Gutt, E.-A. (1990). A theoretical account of translation – without a translation theory. Retrieved from http://cogprints.org/2597/1/THEORACC.htm Kolomiyets, L. (2015). Ukraiinskyi khudozhniy pereklad ta perekladachi 1920-30-kh rokiv: Materialy do kursu “Istoriia perekladu” [Ukrainian Literary Translation and Translators in the 1920s-30s: “History of translation” course materials]. Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha. Ilarion, Metropolitan (1958). Bibliia – naipershe dzherelo dlia vyvchennia svoiei literaturnoi movy [The Bible is the first source for studying our literary language]. Vira i kultura [Faith and Culture], No. 6 (66), 13–17. Ilarion, Metropolitan. 1962. Bibliia abo Knyhy Sviatoho Pusma Staroho i Novoho Zapovitu. Iz movy davnioievreiskoi i hretskoi na ukrainsku doslivno nanovo perekladena. Commissioned by United Bible Societies. Jinyu L. (2012). Habitus of Translators as Socialized Individuals: Bourdieu’s Account. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(6), 1168-1173. Leighton, L. (1991). Two Worlds, One Art. Literary Translation in Russia and America. DeKalb, Ill.: Northwestern Illinois UP. Lukash, M. (2009). Prohresyvna zakhidnoievropeiska literatura v perekladakh na ukraiinsku movu [Progressive West European Literature in Ukrainian]. Protei. Vol. 2. Edited by O. Kalnychenko. Kharkiv: Vydavnytstvo NUA, 560-605. Maifet, H. (1930). [Review]. Chervonyi Shliakh [Red Path], 2, 252-258. Review of the book: Boccaccio G. Decameron. Tr. by L. Pakharevskyi and P. Maiorskyi; S. Rodzevych and P. Mokhor (Eds.).; introduction by V. Derzhavyn. Kharkiv: DVU, 1929. Part 1. XXXI; Part 2. Reprint in: Kalnychenko, O. and Poliakova, Yu. (2011). In Leonid Chernovatyi and Viacheslav Karaban (Eds). Ukraiins’ka perekladoznavcha dumka 1920-kh – pochatku 1930-kh rokiv: Khrestomatiia vybranykh prats z perekladosnavstva do kursu “Istoriia perekladu” [Ukrainian translation studies of the 1920s – early 1930s: A textbook of selected works in translation studies for a course on the “History of Translation”]. (pp. 344-356). Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha. Munday, J. (2010). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and applications. 2nd Ed. London & New York: Routledge. Pauly, M. D. (2014). Breaking the Tongue: Language, Education, and Power in Soviet Ukraine. Toronto Buffalo London: University of Toronto Press. Pieta, H. & Rosa, A. A. (2013). Panel 7: Indirect translation: exploratory panel on the state-of-the-art and future research avenues. 7th EST Congress – Germersheim, 29 August – 1 September 2013. Retrieved from http://www.fb06.uni-mainz.de/est/51.php Pliushch, B. (2016). Direct and Indirect Translations of Ukrainian Literary Prose into English, German, Spanish and Russian. PhD thesis. Manuscript copyright. Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Ringmar, M. (2012). Relay translation. In Yves Gambier, Luc van Doorslaer (Eds.), Handbook of Translation Studies, 4 (pp. 141-144). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Simeoni, D. (1998). The pivotal status of the translator’s habitus. Target, 10(1), 1-39. Solodovnikova. M. I. (2017) Vidtvorennia stylistychnykh osoblyvostei romanu Marka Tvena “Pryhody Toma Soiera” v ukrainskykh perekladakh: kvantytatyvnyi aspekt. Perspektyvy rozvytku filolohichnykh nauk: Book of abstracts of III International Scientific Conference (Khmelnytskyi, 24-25 March). Kherson: Helvetyka Publishing House. (99-103). Sommer, D., Ed. (2006). Cultural Agency in the Americas. [Synopsis]. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Špirk, J. (2014). Censorship, Indirect Translations and Non-translation: The (Fateful) Adventures of Czech Literature in 20th-century Portugal. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Venuti, L. (2001). Strategies of Translation. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, (pp. 240-244). M. Baker (ed.). London & New York: Routledge.

Gómez-Sánchez, Pío-Iván Iván. "Personal reflections 25 years after the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo." Revista Colombiana de Enfermería 18, no. 3 (December 5, 2019): e012. http://dx.doi.org/10.18270/rce.v18i3.2659.

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In my postgraduate formation during the last years of the 80’s, we had close to thirty hospital beds in a pavilion called “sépticas” (1). In Colombia, where abortion was completely penalized, the pavilion was mostly filled with women with insecure, complicated abortions. The focus we received was technical: management of intensive care; performance of hysterectomies, colostomies, bowel resection, etc. In those times, some nurses were nuns and limited themselves to interrogating the patients to get them to “confess” what they had done to themselves in order to abort. It always disturbed me that the women who left alive, left without any advice or contraceptive method. Having asked a professor of mine, he responded with disdain: “This is a third level hospital, those things are done by nurses of the first level”. Seeing so much pain and death, I decided to talk to patients, and I began to understand their decision. I still remember so many deaths with sadness, but one case in particular pains me: it was a woman close to being fifty who arrived with a uterine perforation in a state of advanced sepsis. Despite the surgery and the intensive care, she passed away. I had talked to her, and she told me she was a widow, had two adult kids and had aborted because of “embarrassment towards them” because they were going to find out that she had an active sexual life. A few days after her passing, the pathology professor called me, surprised, to tell me that the uterus we had sent for pathological examination showed no pregnancy. She was a woman in a perimenopausal state with a pregnancy exam that gave a false positive due to the high levels of FSH/LH typical of her age. SHE WAS NOT PREGNANT!!! She didn’t have menstruation because she was premenopausal and a false positive led her to an unsafe abortion. Of course, the injuries caused in the attempted abortion caused the fatal conclusion, but the real underlying cause was the social taboo in respect to sexuality. I had to watch many adolescents and young women leave the hospital alive, but without a uterus, sometime without ovaries and with colostomies, to be looked down on by a society that blamed them for deciding to not be mothers. I had to see situation of women that arrived with their intestines protruding from their vaginas because of unsafe abortions. I saw women, who in their despair, self-inflicted injuries attempting to abort with elements such as stick, branches, onion wedges, alum bars and clothing hooks among others. Among so many deaths, it was hard not having at least one woman per day in the morgue due to an unsafe abortion. During those time, healthcare was not handled from the biopsychosocial, but only from the technical (2); nonetheless, in the academic evaluations that were performed, when asked about the definition of health, we had to recite the text from the International Organization of Health that included these three aspects. How contradictory! To give response to the health need of women and guarantee their right when I was already a professor, I began an obstetric contraceptive service in that third level hospital. There was resistance from the directors, but fortunately I was able to acquire international donations for the institution, which facilitated its acceptance. I decided to undertake a teaching career with the hope of being able to sensitize health professionals towards an integral focus of health and illness. When the International Conference of Population and Development (ICPD) was held in Cairo in 1994, I had already spent various years in teaching, and when I read their Action Program, I found a name for what I was working on: Sexual and Reproductive Rights. I began to incorporate the tools given by this document into my professional and teaching life. I was able to sensitize people at my countries Health Ministry, and we worked together moving it to an approach of human rights in areas of sexual and reproductive health (SRH). This new viewpoint, in addition to being integral, sought to give answers to old problems like maternal mortality, adolescent pregnancy, low contraceptive prevalence, unplanned or unwanted pregnancy or violence against women. With other sensitized people, we began with these SRH issues to permeate the Colombian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, some universities, and university hospitals. We are still fighting in a country that despite many difficulties has improved its indicators of SRH. With the experience of having labored in all sphere of these topics, we manage to create, with a handful of colleagues and friend at the Universidad El Bosque, a Master’s Program in Sexual and Reproductive Health, open to all professions, in which we broke several paradigms. A program was initiated in which the qualitative and quantitative investigation had the same weight, and some alumni of the program are now in positions of leadership in governmental and international institutions, replicating integral models. In the Latin American Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FLASOG, English acronym) and in the International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FIGO), I was able to apply my experience for many years in the SRH committees of these association to benefit women and girls in the regional and global environments. When I think of who has inspired me in these fights, I should highlight the great feminist who have taught me and been with me in so many fights. I cannot mention them all, but I have admired the story of the life of Margaret Sanger with her persistence and visionary outlook. She fought throughout her whole life to help the women of the 20th century to be able to obtain the right to decide when and whether or not they wanted to have children (3). Of current feminist, I have had the privilege of sharing experiences with Carmen Barroso, Giselle Carino, Debora Diniz and Alejandra Meglioli, leaders of the International Planned Parenthood Federation – Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF-RHO). From my country, I want to mention my countrywoman Florence Thomas, psychologist, columnist, writer and Colombo-French feminist. She is one of the most influential and important voices in the movement for women rights in Colombia and the region. She arrived from France in the 1960’s, in the years of counterculture, the Beatles, hippies, Simone de Beauvoir, and Jean-Paul Sartre, a time in which capitalism and consumer culture began to be criticized (4). It was then when they began to talk about the female body, female sexuality and when the contraceptive pill arrived like a total revolution for women. Upon its arrival in 1967, she experimented a shock because she had just assisted in a revolution and only found a country of mothers, not women (5). That was the only destiny for a woman, to be quiet and submissive. Then she realized that this could not continue, speaking of “revolutionary vanguards” in such a patriarchal environment. In 1986 with the North American and European feminism waves and with her academic team, they created the group “Mujer y Sociedad de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia”, incubator of great initiatives and achievements for the country (6). She has led great changes with her courage, the strength of her arguments, and a simultaneously passionate and agreeable discourse. Among her multiple books, I highlight “Conversaciones con Violeta” (7), motivated by the disdain towards feminism of some young women. She writes it as a dialogue with an imaginary daughter in which, in an intimate manner, she reconstructs the history of women throughout the centuries and gives new light of the fundamental role of feminism in the life of modern women. Another book that shows her bravery is “Había que decirlo” (8), in which she narrates the experience of her own abortion at age twenty-two in sixty’s France. My work experience in the IPPF-RHO has allowed me to meet leaders of all ages in diverse countries of the region, who with great mysticism and dedication, voluntarily, work to achieve a more equal and just society. I have been particularly impressed by the appropriation of the concept of sexual and reproductive rights by young people, and this has given me great hope for the future of the planet. We continue to have an incomplete agenda of the action plan of the ICPD of Cairo but seeing how the youth bravely confront the challenges motivates me to continue ahead and give my years of experience in an intergenerational work. In their policies and programs, the IPPF-RHO evidences great commitment for the rights and the SRH of adolescent, that are consistent with what the organization promotes, for example, 20% of the places for decision making are in hands of the young. Member organizations, that base their labor on volunteers, are true incubators of youth that will make that unassailable and necessary change of generations. In contrast to what many of us experienced, working in this complicated agenda of sexual and reproductive health without theoretical bases, today we see committed people with a solid formation to replace us. In the college of medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the College of Nursing at the Universidad El Bosque, the new generations are more motivated and empowered, with great desire to change the strict underlying structures. Our great worry is the onslaught of the ultra-right, a lot of times better organized than us who do support rights, that supports anti-rights group and are truly pro-life (9). Faced with this scenario, we should organize ourselves better, giving battle to guarantee the rights of women in the local, regional, and global level, aggregating the efforts of all pro-right organizations. We are now committed to the Objectives of Sustainable Development (10), understood as those that satisfy the necessities of the current generation without jeopardizing the capacity of future generations to satisfy their own necessities. This new agenda is based on: - The unfinished work of the Millennium Development Goals - Pending commitments (international environmental conventions) - The emergent topics of the three dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic, and environmental. We now have 17 objectives of sustainable development and 169 goals (11). These goals mention “universal access to reproductive health” many times. In objective 3 of this list is included guaranteeing, before the year 2030, “universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, including those of family planning, information, and education.” Likewise, objective 5, “obtain gender equality and empower all women and girls”, establishes the goal of “assuring the universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in conformity with the action program of the International Conference on Population and Development, the Action Platform of Beijing”. It cannot be forgotten that the term universal access to sexual and reproductive health includes universal access to abortion and contraception. Currently, 830 women die every day through preventable maternal causes; of these deaths, 99% occur in developing countries, more than half in fragile environments and in humanitarian contexts (12). 216 million women cannot access modern contraception methods and the majority live in the nine poorest countries in the world and in a cultural environment proper to the decades of the seventies (13). This number only includes women from 15 to 49 years in any marital state, that is to say, the number that takes all women into account is much greater. Achieving the proposed objectives would entail preventing 67 million unwanted pregnancies and reducing maternal deaths by two thirds. We currently have a high, unsatisfied demand for modern contraceptives, with extremely low use of reversible, long term methods (intrauterine devices and subdermal implants) which are the most effect ones with best adherence (14). There is not a single objective among the 17 Objectives of Sustainable Development where contraception does not have a prominent role: from the first one that refers to ending poverty, going through the fifth one about gender equality, the tenth of inequality reduction among countries and within the same country, until the sixteenth related with peace and justice. If we want to change the world, we should procure universal access to contraception without myths or barriers. We have the moral obligation of achieving the irradiation of extreme poverty and advancing the construction of more equal, just, and happy societies. In emergency contraception (EC), we are very far from reaching expectations. If in reversible, long-term methods we have low prevalence, in EC the situation gets worse. Not all faculties in the region look at this topic, and where it is looked at, there is no homogeneity in content, not even within the same country. There are still myths about their real action mechanisms. There are countries, like Honduras, where it is prohibited and there is no specific medicine, the same case as in Haiti. Where it is available, access is dismal, particularly among girls, adolescents, youth, migrants, afro-descendent, and indigenous. The multiple barriers for the effective use of emergency contraceptives must be knocked down, and to work toward that we have to destroy myths and erroneous perceptions, taboos and cultural norms; achieve changes in laws and restrictive rules within countries, achieve access without barriers to the EC; work in union with other sectors; train health personnel and the community. It is necessary to transform the attitude of health personal to a service above personal opinion. Reflecting on what has occurred after the ICPD in Cairo, their Action Program changed how we look at the dynamics of population from an emphasis on demographics to a focus on the people and human rights. The governments agreed that, in this new focus, success was the empowerment of women and the possibility of choice through expanded access to education, health, services, and employment among others. Nonetheless, there have been unequal advances and inequality persists in our region, all the goals were not met, the sexual and reproductive goals continue beyond the reach of many women (15). There is a long road ahead until women and girls of the world can claim their rights and liberty of deciding. Globally, maternal deaths have been reduced, there is more qualified assistance of births, more contraception prevalence, integral sexuality education, and access to SRH services for adolescents are now recognized rights with great advances, and additionally there have been concrete gains in terms of more favorable legal frameworks, particularly in our region; nonetheless, although it’s true that the access condition have improved, the restrictive laws of the region expose the most vulnerable women to insecure abortions. There are great challenges for governments to recognize SRH and the DSR as integral parts of health systems, there is an ample agenda against women. In that sense, access to SRH is threatened and oppressed, it requires multi-sector mobilization and litigation strategies, investigation and support for the support of women’s rights as a multi-sector agenda. Looking forward, we must make an effort to work more with youth to advance not only the Action Program of the ICPD, but also all social movements. They are one of the most vulnerable groups, and the biggest catalyzers for change. The young population still faces many challenges, especially women and girls; young girls are in particularly high risk due to lack of friendly and confidential services related with sexual and reproductive health, gender violence, and lack of access to services. In addition, access to abortion must be improved; it is the responsibility of states to guarantee the quality and security of this access. In our region there still exist countries with completely restrictive frameworks. New technologies facilitate self-care (16), which will allow expansion of universal access, but governments cannot detach themselves from their responsibility. Self-care is expanding in the world and can be strategic for reaching the most vulnerable populations. There are new challenges for the same problems, that require a re-interpretation of the measures necessary to guaranty the DSR of all people, in particular women, girls, and in general, marginalized and vulnerable populations. It is necessary to take into account migrations, climate change, the impact of digital media, the resurgence of hate discourse, oppression, violence, xenophobia, homo/transphobia, and other emergent problems, as SRH should be seen within a framework of justice, not isolated. We should demand accountability of the 179 governments that participate in the ICPD 25 years ago and the 193 countries that signed the Sustainable Development Objectives. They should reaffirm their commitments and expand their agenda to topics not considered at that time. Our region has given the world an example with the Agreement of Montevideo, that becomes a blueprint for achieving the action plan of the CIPD and we should not allow retreat. This agreement puts people at the center, especially women, and includes the topic of abortion, inviting the state to consider the possibility of legalizing it, which opens the doors for all governments of the world to recognize that women have the right to choose on maternity. This agreement is much more inclusive: Considering that the gaps in health continue to abound in the region and the average statistics hide the high levels of maternal mortality, of sexually transmitted diseases, of infection by HIV/AIDS, and the unsatisfied demand for contraception in the population that lives in poverty and rural areas, among indigenous communities, and afro-descendants and groups in conditions of vulnerability like women, adolescents and incapacitated people, it is agreed: 33- To promote, protect, and guarantee the health and the sexual and reproductive rights that contribute to the complete fulfillment of people and social justice in a society free of any form of discrimination and violence. 37- Guarantee universal access to quality sexual and reproductive health services, taking into consideration the specific needs of men and women, adolescents and young, LGBT people, older people and people with incapacity, paying particular attention to people in a condition of vulnerability and people who live in rural and remote zone, promoting citizen participation in the completing of these commitments. 42- To guarantee, in cases in which abortion is legal or decriminalized in the national legislation, the existence of safe and quality abortion for non-desired or non-accepted pregnancies and instigate the other States to consider the possibility of modifying public laws, norms, strategies, and public policy on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy to save the life and health of pregnant adolescent women, improving their quality of life and decreasing the number of abortions (17).

Sakamoto, Takayuki. "Do social investment policies reduce income inequality? An analysis of industrial countries." Journal of European Social Policy, July 16, 2021, 095892872110181. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/09589287211018146.

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Scholars and policymakers who call for social investment (SI) policies hope that SI policies reduce income inequality and poverty, among other policy goals. Meanwhile, some others point out potentially less pro-poor effects of SI policies. There are relatively few cross-national studies that empirically examine the distributional effects of SI policies. The current study seeks to fill the gap by investigating the effects of SI policies on income inequality in OECD countries. The empirical analysis finds mixed results. Parental leave benefits reduce market income inequality, but other family support policies do not lessen inequality, and family allowances and paid leave (the length of generous leave) even increase it. The effects of some family policies are partly context-specific. In contexts where there are a large number of single-mother households, parental leave benefits reduce market income inequality. There is no stable evidence that education and active labour market policy (ALMP) reduce market income inequality. Education and ALMP, however, reduce disposable income inequality (even after controlling for left governments and Nordic countries). The article suggests that in countries with high education and/or ALMP spending, the skills of workers towards the lower end of the income distribution may be relatively high (even though their pre-tax and transfer income may be low), and it may make their income salvageable with redistributive policies. In this sense, SI policies and conventional redistributive policies may be complementary in reducing disposable income inequality.

Mowlaei Aghblagh, Mahdi, and Saba Alempour Rajabi. "Alienated in my hometown: pro-official family language policies and identity conflict in the city of Tabriz." Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, November 6, 2020, 1–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2020.1842427.

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Frejka, Tomas, and Stuart Gietel-Basten. "Fertility and Family Policies in Central and Eastern Europe after 1990." Comparative Population Studies 41, no. 1 (June 30, 2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.12765/cpos-2016-03.

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This paper examines fertility and family policies in 15 Central and East European (CEE) countries to establish firstly, likely directions of cohort fertility trends for the coming decade; and secondly, to provide an overview and analysis of family policies in CEE countries, and to assess their impact on cohort fertility trends. Demographic analysis suggests that the cohort fertility decline of the 1960s cohorts is likely to continue at least among the 1970s birth cohorts; stagnation cannot be ruled out. Births that were postponed by women born in the 1970s were not being replaced in sufficient numbers for cohort fertility to increase in the foreseeable future, and shares of low parity women (childless and one child) were larger than shares of high parity women among the late 1960s cohorts than in older cohorts. Also, childbearing postponement which started in the 1990s is reflected in dramatic changes of childbearing age patterns. As period fertility rates have been increasing in the late 2000s throughout the region an impression of a fertility recovery has been created, however the findings of this project indicate that no such widespread childbearing recovery is underway.For the first time ever an overview and analysis of CEE family policies is conceptualized in this paper. It demonstrates that fertility trends and family policies are a matter of serious concern throughout the region. The following family policy types have been identified: comprehensive family policy model; pro-natalist policies model; temporary male bread-winner model; and conventional family policies model. The majority of family policies in CEE countries suffer from a variety of shortcomings that impede them from generating enhanced family welfare and from providing conditions for cohort fertility to increase. The likely further decline of cohort fertility, or its stagnation, may entail long-term demographic as well as other societal consequences, such as continuous declines in total population numbers, changes in age structures, as well as implications for health and social security costs.

Schultz, Susanne. "Familienpolitik und die „demografische Chance“." PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft 43, no. 173 (December 1, 2013). http://dx.doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v43i173.247.

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Since the reunification, and continuously established since 2002, we can observe a revival of demographic rationalities within German policies – after decades of abstinence from explicit population programs (at least within the Federal Republic), as reaction to cruel Nazi population policy. Demographic projections of the “aging” and “declining” of German population are since then the reference for selective pro-natalist programs. These family policy programs aim to increase the birth rate within academic and middle class sectors while excluding unemployed people from certain welfare services and reducing assistance for poor parents. At the same time, - and this is their public image – they are integrated within policies which tend to increase employment of women and which have accomplished a slight change towards a more liberal paradigm of the family and the role of women. The author analyses the current changes within demographic government programs considering a transition from a “catastrophic “to a “post-catastrophic” discourse. It does so, on the basis of an intersectional theory of the bio-political state – embedding the analysis of family policy within broader utilitarian strategies of administering national populations, also for example within migration policies. The article concludes with an appeal for a fundamental leftist, feminist and antiracist critique of demographic rationalities as part of a common critique of the nation state and continuous trends of economization of the political.

Bhatia, M., L. K. Dwivedi, K. Banerjee, A. Bansal, M. Ranjan, and P. Dixit. "Pro-poor policies and improvements in maternal health outcomes in India." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 21, no. 1 (May 19, 2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12884-021-03839-w.

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Abstract Background Since 2005, India has experienced an impressive 77% reduction in maternal mortality compared to the global average of 43%. What explains this impressive performance in terms of reduction in maternal mortality and improvement in maternal health outcomes? This paper evaluates the effect of household wealth status on maternal mortality in India, and also separates out the performance of the Empowered Action Group (EAG) states and the Southern states of India. The results are discussed in the light of various pro-poor programmes and policies designed to reduce maternal mortality and the existing supply side gaps in the healthcare system of India. Using multiple sources of data, this study aims to understand the trends in maternal mortality (1997–2017) between EAG and non EAG states in India and explore various household, economic and policy factors that may explain reduction in maternal mortality and improvement in maternal health outcomes in India. Methods This study triangulates data from different rounds of Sample Registration Systems to assess the trend in maternal mortality in India. It further analysed the National Family Health Surveys (NFHS). NFHS-4, 2015–16 has gathered information on maternal mortality and pregnancy-related deaths from 601,509 households. Using logistic regression, we estimate the association of various socio-economic variables on maternal deaths in the various states of India. Results On an average, wealth status of the households did not have a statistically significant association with maternal mortality in India. However, our disaggregate analysis reveals, the gains in terms of maternal mortality have been unevenly distributed. Although the rich-poor gap in maternal mortality has reduced in EAG states such as Bihar, Odisha, Assam, Rajasthan, the maternal mortality has remained above the national average for many of these states. The EAG states also experience supply side shortfalls in terms of availability of PHC and PHC doctors; and availability of specialist doctors. Conclusions The novel contribution of the present paper is that the association of household wealth status and place of residence with maternal mortality is statistically not significant implying financial barriers to access maternal health services have been minimised. This result, and India’s impressive performance with respect to maternal health outcomes, can be attributed to the various pro-poor policies and cash incentive schemes successfully launched in recent years. Community-level involvement with pivotal role played by community health workers has been one of the major reasons for the success of many ongoing policies. Policy makers need to prioritise the underperforming states and socio-economic groups within the states by addressing both demand-side and supply-side measures simultaneously mediated by contextual factors.

Cervero, Robert. "Effects of Light and Commuter Rail Transit on Land Prices: Experiences in San Diego County." Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, October 13, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.5399/osu/jtrf.43.1.741.

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Using hedonic price models, appreciable land-value premiums were found for multiple land uses in different rail corridors of San Diego County. The most appreciable benefits were for condominiums and single-family housing near commuter-rail stations in the north county, multifamily housing near light-rail stations, and commercial properties near downtown commuterrail stations and light-rail stops in the Mission Valley. Elsewhere, commercial properties accrued small or even negative capitalization benefits. Pro-development policies, worsening traffic congestion, and a generally healthy economy are thought to have generally boosted land values in San Diego County, though impacts are corridor- and land-use specific.

Cronley, Courtney, and Kirsten E. Ravi. "Maintaining Career Momentum: Women-Centered Strategies for Social Sciences Career Success in the Context of COVID-19." ADVANCE Journal 2, no. 3 (June 2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.5399/osu/advjrnl.2.3.9.

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The COVID-19 pandemic poses unforeseen risks to women’s academic career advancement. Women faculty are more likely to be grappling with new challenges related to caregiving and work-life balance, compared to their male colleagues, and may be facing more research obstacles due to the disruption of human-subjects data collection. In the following essay, we, two tenure-stream social scientists, describe four strategies that we have relied on to maintain career momentum: staying passionate, engaging in active mentorship, making virtual connections, and launching research in COVID. We conclude with recommendations for institutions of higher education to formalize specific policies to support gender and intersectional equity in career advancement. These include more formalized mentor programs, professional development for and access to technology resources for the purposes of research, institutional training and support in leading research teams, seed grants for racial and gender disparities research, and pro-family policies that provide financial supports and job security in the context of caregiving.

Serhal, Eva, Tomisin Iwajomo, Claire de Oliveira, Allison Crawford, and Paul Kurdyak. "Characterizing Family Physicians Who Refer to Telepsychiatry in Ontario." Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, September 10, 2020, 070674372095406. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0706743720954061.

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Introduction: Telepsychiatry can improve access to psychiatric services for those who otherwise cannot easily access care. Family physicians are gatekeepers to specialized care in Ontario, so it is essential to understand predictors relating to referrals to telepsychiatry to better plan services and increase telepsychiatry adoption. Methods: This study used an annual retrospective cross-sectional study design to compare physicians who referred their patients to telepsychiatry each year from fiscal year (FY) 2008 to FY 2016. A 1-year (FY 2016) comparison of family physicians who referred to telepsychiatry (FPTs) compared to family physicians who did not refer to telepsychiatry (FPNTs) matched (1:2) by region was also conducted. Finally, we used statistical modeling to understand the predictors of referring to telepsychiatry among physicians. Results: Between FY 2008 and FY 2016, the number of patients receiving telepsychiatry increased from 925 visits to 13,825 visits. Thirty-two percent of Ontario primary care physicians referred to telepsychiatry in 2016. Several characteristics were notably different between FPTs and FPNTs: FPTs were more likely to be from a residence with less than 10,000 people, to have more nurse practitioners in the practice, and to be from a family health team than FPNTs. Rostered patients of FPTs were more likely to reside in rural areas, have more clinical complexity, and to utilize more mental health services compared to FPNTs. Conclusions: There has been an increase in the use of telepsychiatry by patients and family physicians over the study period, although there remains opportunity for significant growth. Family physicians who live in rural areas, are part of an FHT, have more NPs, with more rural and complex patients were more likely to refer to telepsychiatry. As recent pro-telemedicine policies support the growth of telepsychiatry, this study will serve as an important baseline.

Ndubuizu, Rosemary. "In the State’s Shadow of Fair Housing: D.C. (White) Business Leaders and their Revanchist Desires." Urban Affairs Review, July 24, 2020, 107808742093551. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1078087420935515.

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This article traces D.C. White business leaders’ advocacy of (low-income) Black suburban relocation and White upper-class resettlement in D.C.’s central neighborhoods in the 1960s and 1970s. By examining the organizational papers and memos of meetings and policy documents from the Federal City Council, a D.C. nonprofit advocacy organization for the city’s leading business and real estate leaders, I document how predominantly White business leaders appropriated fair housing and regional fair share political stances to articulate revanchist desires. These leaders’ revanchist rhetoric depicted the Black poor—especially the single Black mother with children—as the primary figure of neighborhood blight and domestic deviance. In the wake of these revanchist politics, low-income Black mothers remained principal victims of pro-mobility policies and gentrification agendas that forced them to continually move to support demolition or redevelopment. This article affirms low-income Black mother activists’ political support for placemaking and low-cost, family-friendly, and well-maintained communities.

Moreira, Laísa Rodrigues, Fernanda Ewerling, Aluisio J. D. Barros, and Mariangela Freitas Silveira. "Reasons for nonuse of contraceptive methods by women with demand for contraception not satisfied: an assessment of low and middle-income countries using demographic and health surveys." Reproductive Health 16, no. 1 (October 11, 2019). http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12978-019-0805-7.

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Abstract Background Nonuse of contraceptive methods by women in need of contraception may impact their sexual and reproductive health. The aim of this study was to describe the reasons for nonuse of contraception among women with demand for contraception not satisfied in low and middle-income countries (considering both overall countries and various subgroups of women). Methods We used the latest Demographic and Health Survey data from 47 countries. A descriptive analysis of the reasons for nonuse of contraceptive methods was performed among sexually active women with demand for contraception not satisfied. The prevalence of each reported reason was also evaluated according to marital status, woman’s age and schooling, area of residence, wealth index, and parity. Wealth-related absolute inequality for each reason was also evaluated using the Slope Index of Inequality. A pro-rich inequality pattern means that the reason is more prevalent among the richest women while a pro-poor means the reason is more common among the poorest ones. Results On average, 40.9% of women in need of contraception were not using any contraceptive methods to avoid pregnancy. Overall, the most prevalent reasons for nonuse of contraceptives were “health concerns” and “infrequent sex,” but the prevalence of each reason varied substantially across countries. Nonuse due to “opposition from others” was higher among married than unmarried women; in turn, the prevalence of nonuse due to “lack of access” or “lack of knowledge” was about two times higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Women with less schooling more often reported nonuse due to “lack of access.” Pro-rich inequality was detected for reasons “health concerns,” “infrequent sex,” and “method-related”, while the reasons “other opposed,” “fatalistic,” “lack of access,” and “lack of knowledge” were linked to patterns of pro-poor inequality. Conclusions Family planning promotion policies must take into account the different reasons for the nonuse of contraceptive methods identified in each country as well as the contextual differences regarding women of reproductive age (such as social norms and barriers that prevent women from accessing and using contraceptives).

Shan, Tabia Binte, and Jasim Uddin Ahmed. "Determinants of Livelihood Diversification of Rural Households in Sylhet." Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, December 9, 2020, 97–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.9734/ajaees/2020/v38i1130457.

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Livelihood diversification is considered as a constructive way to improve the livelihood of poor people in rural Bangladesh. This study examines the level of livelihood diversification and the determinants of livelihood diversification of rural households in Sylhet division by using both primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected from two districts of Sylhet division by adopting simple random sampling procedures. A face to face interview was employed to collect cross section data of total 210 respondents in which semi-structured and pre-tested questionnaire was used. Descriptive statistics, Simpson diversification indexing and Logit model analysis were employed for analyzing the data in accordance with the objectives of the study. The socioeconomic attributes of different respondents indicate that characteristics of sampled respondents differ from each other in respect of their age, gender, literacy rate, family composition, land holdings, credit access etc. However, in rural Bangladesh, a considerable number of households have diversified their livelihoods at different levels through several income generating activities. Though medium and highly diversified households are majority in rural areas; which accounts for 37% and 26% of total households, respectively. Logit model was estimated to analyze the determinants and find that several factors either positively or negatively affect the extent of livelihood diversification. Gender, education level, land holdings and credit access had positive and significant effects on livelihood diversification. On the other hand, dependency ratio and savings had a negative but significant effect on diversification of livelihood in rural areas. Considering the findings, the study suggested some policy implication like encouraging entrepreneurship, expanding credit facilities, development of rural infrastructure along with market facilities; introducing effective pro-poor policies that may assist all poor people to generate more income and higher-return activities. Hence policies that widen the extent of income earning sources and livelihood diversification should be given proper attention.

Juliastuti, Dyah, Judith Dean, Yati Afiyanti, and Lisa Fitzgerald. "Inter-related Factors Influencing Sexual Quality of Life among Women Living with HIV in Banten Province, Indonesia: A Mixed Methods Study." Kesmas: National Public Health Journal 16, no. 2 (May 1, 2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.21109/kesmas.v16i2.4862.

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The sexual rights and well-being of women living with HIV (WLHIV) in developing countries are often restricted by socio-cultural concerns. Therefore, this convergent parallel mixed methods research combined quantitative and qualitative approaches to explore the factors influencing WLHIV sexual quality of life in Banten Province, Indonesia. Data from a 2017 cross-sectional survey of 207 reproductive-aged WLHIV were analyzed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression statistics. Furthermore, in-depth interviews with a sub-sample of survey participants (n = 30) were thematically analyzed. Most of the women (60%) involved reported loss of sexual pleasure and depressed sexual life. Meanwhile, 48% affirmed low sexual quality of life which was associated with unemployment (aOR: 2.90, and 95% CI: 1.51 – 5.58), limited sexual activities (aOR: 2.89, and 95% CI: 1.20 – 6.93), living with extended family (aOR: 2.68, and 95% CI: 1.27 –5.65), and experiencing intimate partner violence (aOR: 2.28, and 95% CI: 1.03 – 5.03). The respondents described unsatisfactory sexual life in relation to a belief that having sex is a wife's duty and choosing not to talk about sexual issues or refuse sexual invitation in fear of triggering intimate partner violence. Inter-related personal, social, cultural, and religious factors affected the sufferers’ sexual life. Developing health policy and strategies oriented towards building women’s capability to voice their sexual rights and needs, and also develop pro-women public health policies is essential.

Maierean, Serban M., and Matthew J. Oliver. "Health Outcomes and Cost Considerations of Assisted Peritoneal Dialysis: A Narrative Review." Blood Purification, February 24, 2021, 1–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000512839.

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Background: Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is underutilized in many parts of the world despite pro-PD health policies. The physical and cognitive demands of PD means that over half of eligible patients require some form of assistance. As such, many countries now offer assisted PD (aPD) programs to help patients start or stay on PD as opposed to in-center hemodialysis (HD). In order to evaluate the potential scope of aPD, it is important to review the outcomes and cost considerations of aPD. Summary: We reviewed available data from different countries and regions for health outcomes between aPD and in-center HD, with a focus on quality of life (QoL), mortality, hospitalization, and technique survival. We also evaluated studies discussing the overall costs of delivering aPD, including training, operating costs, and indirect costs and compared these to in-center HD costs for the same regions. Key Messages: aPD patients are older and more frail than either self-care PD patients and many in-center HD patients. We found no evidence for any difference in QoL, mortality, or hospitalization between aPD and in-center HD after adjustment for these differences. There is some evidence for an association between nurse assistance and improved technique survival as compared to family assistance or self-care PD. Despite increased cost of providing assistance in PD, it is still significantly less expensive than in-center HD in Western Europe and Canada.

Nguyen, Thi Kim Nhung. "Individuals' waste separation practice in a relationship with social bonds: a case study of Hanoi, Vietnam." International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy ahead-of-print, ahead-of-print (August 11, 2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ijssp-07-2021-0184.

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PurposeThe paper aims to ascertain whether residents in Nguyen Du ward still sort their waste at source following the end of the 3R project that ended in 2009. Additionally, this paper aims to explore the relationship between waste separation practices and social bonds.Design/methodology/approachThe Travis Hirschi theory of social control was applied, together with the mixed method research design which included a structured questionnaire survey. Twelve semi-structured interviews were also conducted with residents and the data processed by SPSS software, using Chi-Square test, Independent-Samples t-test and Pearson's correlation analysis.FindingsA proportion of respondents has continued practicing waste separation since the 3R project ended. The study also indicated that the greater the involvement in family and neighborhood activities the more the participants were likely to practice waste separation.Research limitations/implicationsThe small sample size limits the extent to which the most influential factors can be determined and therefore the degree to which the findings can be generalized.Practical implicationsThe study includes implications for rerunning the waste separation programs for households as together with community campaigns to improve individuals' attachment and commitment and thus their participation in pro-environmental behaviors.Originality/valueTo the author’s knowledge, this is the first study to take a sociological approach to investigate factors affecting household waste separation, which has attracted little attention in previous studies. Useful information is also provided to local authorities for a policy-making process to implement effective domestic waste policies.

Mills, Sarah D., Shelley D. Golden, Meghan C. O’Leary, Paige Logan, and Kristen Hassmiller Lich. "Using systems science to advance health equity in tobacco control: a causal loop diagram of smoking." Tobacco Control, September 17, 2021, tobaccocontrol—2021–056695. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-056695.

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ObjectivesDevelop and use a causal loop diagram (CLD) of smoking among racial/ethnic minority and lower-income groups to anticipate the intended and unintended effects of tobacco control policies.MethodsWe developed a CLD to elucidate connections between individual, environmental and structural causes of racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in smoking. The CLD was informed by a review of conceptual and empirical models of smoking, fundamental cause and social stress theories and 19 qualitative interviews with tobacco control stakeholders. The CLD was then used to examine the potential impacts of three tobacco control policies.ResultsThe CLD includes 24 constructs encompassing individual (eg, risk perceptions), environmental (eg, marketing) and structural (eg, systemic racism) factors associated with smoking. Evaluations of tobacco control policies using the CLD identified potential unintended consequences that may maintain smoking disparities. For example, the intent of a smoke-free policy for public housing is to reduce smoking among residents. Our CLD suggests that the policy may reduce smoking among residents by reducing smoking among family/friends, which subsequently reduces pro-smoking norms and perceptions of tobacco use as low risk. On the other hand, some residents who smoke may violate the policy. Policy violations may result in financial strain and/or housing instability, which increases stress and reduces feelings of control, thus having the unintended consequence of increasing smoking.ConclusionsThe CLD may be used to support stakeholder engagement in action planning and to identify non-traditional partners and approaches for tobacco control.

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