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Статті в журналах з теми "Rituella handlingar":


Sørensen, Jesper F., Katrine F. Baunvig, and Peter B. Andersen. "Håndvask og fællessang. Ritualer og ritualiserede handlinger i Coronaens tid." Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift, no. 72 (May 13, 2021): 116–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/rt.vi72.126503.

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Baseret på data fra vores spørgeskemaundersøgelse undersøger vi i denne artikel, hvorledes og i hvilken udstrækning COVID-19 pandemien har påvirket danskerne brug af ritualer. På baggrund af en teoretisk redegørelse for forskelige ritualteorier, præsenterer vi en heuristisk model, der inddeler ritualer i 5 dimensioner: (1) ritualets formodede virkning; (2) ritualets erfarede betydning; (3) ritualets coping-potentiale; (4) ritualets evne til at skabe sammenhold; og (5) ritualets angstreducerende effekt. Disse fem dimensioner anvendes hernæst til at fortolke den kvantitative undersøgelses resultater, hvor vi lægger særlig vægt på nye instrumentelle handlinger som fx afspritnings rituelle egenskaber; på ændringer i deltagelsen i både kollektive og mere private ritualer samt i disses virtuelle versioner; og særligt på opblomstringen af virtuel fællessang som et sammenholdsritual. Vi konstaterer afslutningsvis, at COVID-19 pandemien kun i ringe grad har påvirket deltagerens holdning til og brug af ritualer og at den virtuelle fællessangs store popularitet derfor entydigt må betegnes som den afgørende rituelle fornyelse under COVID-19 pandemiens første bølge i foråret 2020.

Højbjerg, Christian Kordt. "MODSTANDSDYGTIGHED OVER FOR STATSSTYRET IKONOKLASME BLANDT LOMA I GUINEA." Tidsskriftet Antropologi, no. 53 (May 30, 2006). http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/ta.v0i53.106731.

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Denne artikel er det danske resumé af afhandlingen Resisting State Iconoclasm among the Loma of Guinea. Den 6. februar 2006 blev afhandlingen antaget til forsvar for den antropologiske doktorgrad af det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, og den er udgivet i Carolina Academic Press’ Ritual Studies Monograph Series. Resisting State Iconoclasm among the Loma of Guinea er et antropologisk studie af de årsagssammenhænge, der ligger til grund for en vestafrikansk lokalbefolknings vedvarende udøvelse af deres såkaldt traditionelle religion. Emnet vedrører en religiøs praksis, der fra at have været genstand for statsstyret voldelig undertrykkelse siden hen har udviklet sig til et instrument for vold begået mod nabofolk. Studiet af den tilsyneladende kontinuitet af religiøse forestillinger og rituelle handlinger baserer sig på to og et halvt års etnografisk feltarbejde udført i flere omgange blandt mande-talende lomafolk i det sydøstlige Guinea i perioden 1990-1999. Undersøgelsen inddrager desuden historisk og komparativt, regionalt materiale af både ældre og nyere dato fra det øvre Guineas skov- og kystområde, som foruden Guinea bl.a. omfatter landene Liberia og Sierra Leone.

Steno, Anne Mia. "Parallelle verdener. Magisk og rituel praksis blandt moderne hekse i Danmark." Kulturstudier 3, no. 1 (May 1, 2012). http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/ks.v3i1.6311.

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<p>Parallel Worlds - Magical Practice Among Modern Witches in Denmark</p><p><br />The purpose of the present article is to make a contribution to an understanding of what it means to be a witch in Denmark today. The article thus reviews the extent of the magical circle in Denmark and highlights special characteristics of the modern witch. The magical practice of the witches is elucidated and analysed through a ritual case, since the very magical practice appears to be characteristic of the witches and defines them in contrast to other similar new religious groups and communities.</p><p><br />The article advocates an analytical approach to magic; rather than studying magic as a symbol of something else, for instance as a way of handling uncertainty in difficult times, magical practice should be seen as an emic concept, and the way in which the witches exist in and understand this world. In this context, the understanding of the existence of two parallel universes is important: the profane and the magic universe, since it is the movements of the witches across the two that make magic possible and explain it. In continuation of this the questions are asked: What do the witches use the magic for, and how is magical practice meaningful in a wider social context? The article argues that the motivations and the subtle shades of the magical practice are overlooked if the analysis does not include the above questions and approach, and it underlines the importance of physicality in the magical practice.</p>

Дисертації з теми "Rituella handlingar":


Lindell, Sofia. "Meningsbärande skräp. : Spår av rituella handlingar vid yngre järnåldersgravar i Mälardalen." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-162352.

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The main purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the range of small finds and other materials often found deposited in the fills and stone settings above later Iron Age graves in the Mälar region of central Sweden. This study investigates how this material, especially potsherds, burnt clay, burnt and unburnt bones and teeth, flint, ice crampons, nails, rivets and knives, were distributed in eight different grave fields in the Mälar valley. The results shows that most of this material was indeed deliberately placed on or in the graves, with different object types added to particular areas of burial monuments.

Österberg, Sara. "Människosyn Offer Ritualer Dråp : En studie av rituella handlingar i isländska sagor." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper (KV), 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-32769.

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Abstract The aim of this essay is to understand the view of man as a creature in the Norse culture by studying rituals and ritual actions in conjunction with homicide. The material on which the study is based is called the Icelandic sagas, which are important source of information to the Norse culture. To achieve the purpose, I used a qualitative content analysis and qualitative narrative analysis along with ritual theories based on Roy A Rappaport among others. The questions are for instance: - What ritual actions occur in connection with the homicide, according to the Icelandic sagas? - What are the differences in how individuals are treated in passages where the ritual actions in relation to homicide and homicide cases investigated and why? The results show four different types of ritual acts in relation to homicide. These are rites of passage, seid, gifts and ritual acts related to the use of blood. That there existed differences between individuals in the saga litterature can be seen in the size of the tombs and the punishments awarded to various people portrayed in the textual material. The reasons for these differences were for instance, dependent upon the reputation and position which the slain individual received in the hierarchy of society, how many kinsmen the central actors had around them, and finally the honor code expressed in the saga litterature. The study shows that homicide could be both a give and take away status, which directly affected the honor of people within honor and shame system and in relation to their social relationships in the Norse society.

Bodin, Markus. "Rituella depositioner i våtmark under vikingatid : Kan politisk och religiös centralisering kopplas till kontroll av ritualer?" Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-446373.

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To date, previous discussions of the practise of ”weapon deposition” in prehistoric Scandinavia have focused primarily on the Roman Iron Age. The focus of these investigations have been the large offerings of weapons in bogs, which were presumably taken from enemies defeated in battle. Until recently, these particular kind of ritual practises were thought to have ceased in the middle of the 6th century. It is now widely acknowledged, however, that this sort of ritual practises did not simply dissappear, but instead re-emerged during the Vendel- and Viking age in a changed state. These rites, which are frequently associated with elite groups and so called ”central places” are embodied, for example, in the weapons and other valuable objects deposited in the lake adjacent to the Late Iron Age magnate site at Tissø, Denmark. Similar finds have been recovered in Scania and Gotland, but these practises have not received enough attention compared to other ritual aspects of the Viking Age. This essay therefore aims to investigate the ideologies and motivations underpinning these rites, and provide a reassessment of their possible connection to elites, political and religious centralization, and central places/manorial sites.

Lehtonen, Sofia. "För och emot omskärelse : debatten på 2000-talet med särskilt fokus på judendomen." Thesis, University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-614.

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Jag redogör i denna uppsats för debatten om religiös omskärelse inom judendomen i Sverige och internationellt under perioden 2000-2008. Jag redogör vidare för hur argumenten från båda sidor yttrar sig, både de som motsätter sig omskärelse och de som inte gör det. Detta gör jag utifrån olika perspektiv som religion, svensk lagstiftning, HIV och allmänhälsa. Mina frågeställningar är: Hur har debatten om omskärelse artat sig under 2000-talet? Vilka aspekter har debatterats mest om ingreppet omskärelse?

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