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Статті в журналах з теми "Sbfet":


Gravenkamp, Hauke, Albert A. Saputra, and Sascha Eisenträger. "Three-dimensional image-based modeling by combining SBFEM and transfinite element shape functions." Computational Mechanics 66, no. 4 (August 4, 2020): 911–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00466-020-01884-4.

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Abstract The scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) has recently been employed as an efficient tool to model three-dimensional structures, in particular when the geometry is provided as a voxel-based image. To this end, an octree decomposition of the computational domain is deployed, and each cubic cell is treated as an SBFE subdomain. The surfaces of each subdomain are discretized in the finite element sense. We improve on this idea by combining the semi-analytical concept of the SBFEM with a particular class of transition elements on the subdomains’ surfaces. Thus, a triangulation of these surfaces as executed in previous works is avoided, and consequently, the number of surface elements and degrees of freedom is reduced. In addition, these discretizations allow coupling elements of arbitrary order such that local p-refinement can be achieved straightforwardly.

LI, SHANGMING. "SCALED BOUNDARY FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR SEMI-INFINITE RESERVOIR WITH UNIFORM CROSS SECTION." International Journal of Computational Methods 09, no. 01 (March 2012): 1240006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0219876212400063.

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A unified scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) in the frequency domain was proposed for a semi-infinite reservoir with uniform cross section subjected to horizontal and vertical ground excitations, and a methodology was presented to solve the unified SBFEM through decomposing the unified SBFEM into two parts; one part modeling the reservoir subjected to horizontal excitations and the other part modeling the whole reservoir subjected to vertical excitations. The accuracy of the unified SBFEM and its solving methodology was validated through analyzing numerical examples. The SBFEM solutions were in good agreement with analytical or other numerical method's solutions.

Li, Shang Ming. "Transient Analysis of Dam-Reservoir Interaction Based on Dynamic Stiffness of SBFEM." Advanced Materials Research 378-379 (October 2011): 213–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.378-379.213.

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The scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) was extended to solve dam-reservoir interaction problems in the time domain and a dynamic stiffness used in the SBFEM of semi-infinite reservoir in the time domain was proposed, which was evaluated by the Bessel function. Based on the dynamic stiffness, transient responses subjected to horizontal ground motions were analyzed through coupling the SBFEM and finite element method (FEM). A dam was modeled by FEM, while the whole fluid in reservoir was modeled by the SBFEM alone or a combination of FEM and SBFEM. Two benchmark examples were considered to check the accuracy of the dynamic stiffness. Results were compared with those from analytical or substructure methods and good agreements were found.

Leshem, Eyal. "Antibiotics for travelers' diarrhea in children?: To SBET or not to SBET?" Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 34 (March 2020): 101681. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tmaid.2020.101681.

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Galardi, Nicholas, Jay Collins, and Kara Friend. "Use of Early Gastrografin Small Bowel Follow-through in Small Bowel Obstruction Management." American Surgeon 79, no. 8 (August 2013): 794–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/000313481307900820.

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Small bowel follow-through (SBFT) is a diagnostic tool commonly used in the management of patients with small bowel obstruction (SBO). This study assessed whether early implementation of Gastrografin SBFT would reduce the time to resolution of the SBO and decrease the time to operative intervention. In this retrospective chart review, 103 patients with the clinical diagnosis of adhesive SBO were evaluated. End points of the study were resolution of SBO with non-operative management or operative intervention. The patient group that had received a SBFT was then compared with those that did not receive a SBFT. There were 103 patients with adhesive SBO who met inclusion criteria for this study. Seventy-two of 103 patients had undergone Gastrografin SBFT and 31 did not. In the SBFT group, mean time to the operating room was 1.0 days after SBFTs, whereas in the group that did not receive SBFT, it was 3.7 days ( P < 0.0001). Mean time to nonoperative resolution of SBO in the SBFT group was 1.8 days and 4.7 days in the no SBFT group ( P < 0.0001). There were no Gastrografin-related complications. Obtaining Gastrografin SBFT in patients with adhesive SBO leads to both a shorter time in identifying the need for operative intervention and to resolution of SBO with nonoperative management. SBFT seems to be a more definitive assessment of whether an SBO will resolve on its own or if operative intervention is necessary.


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The scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) is a semi-analytical computational method initially developed in the 1990s. It has been widely applied in the fields of solid mechanics, oceanic, geotechnical, hydraulic, electromagnetic and acoustic engineering problems. Most of the published work on SBFEM has focused on its theoretical development and practical applications, but, so far, no explicit discussion on the numerical stability and accuracy of its solution has been systematically documented. However, for a reliable engineering application, the inherent numerical problems associated with SBFEM solution procedures require thorough analysis in terms of its causes and the corresponding remedies. This study investigates the numerical performance of SBFEM with respect to matrix manipulation techniques and their properties. Some illustrative examples are given to identify reasons for possible numerical difficulties, and corresponding solution schemes are proposed to overcome these problems.

Liu, Jun Yu, Feng Lin Xu, Bao Kuan Ning, and He Fan. "Evaluation of the T-Stress and the Higher Order Terms of the Elastic Crack Based on the SBFEM." Advanced Materials Research 838-841 (November 2013): 2275–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.838-841.2275.

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The Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method (abbr. SBFEM) developed by Wolf and Song is a numerical method which has a half analytical nature. In the paper, the asymptotic fields of central crack tip and single edge crack tip of the plane elastic plates are evaluated based on the SBFEM. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate its high accuracy and effectiveness, and the numerical results show that SBFEM can calculate the SIFs, T-stress and the coefficients of higher order terms with higher efficiency and accuracy. The singular fields of crack-tip with complex configuration can be evaluated combining the sub-structuring technique (or super-element).

Daniel Junga, Jonathan, and Wilfried Beckerb. "An SBFEM Element for Thin-Walled Beams." International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures (IJALS) 3, no. 2 (2013): 207. http://dx.doi.org/10.3850/s2010428613000615.

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Liu, Jun Yu, Ping Zhang, Meng Han Liao, and Bao Kuan Ning. "Evaluation of the SIF for the Multiple Crack Problems." Applied Mechanics and Materials 638-640 (September 2014): 66–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.638-640.66.

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In elastic fracture mechanics the evaluation of the stress intensity factor (SIF) for multiple cracks problems is an important issue. In the paper the scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) is used to solve the SIF of mode I of multiple crack problems. The solving domain is partitioned into several sub-domains according to the number of cracks. Every sub-domain has its own scaling center. The characteristics of the SBFEM are preserved in every sub-domain. Numerical examples show that the SBFEM is effective with high accuracy in evaluating the multiple cracks fracture problems. It can be applied to treat the anisotropic materials conveniently. The stress intensity factors of unequal double-edged cracks in orthotropic material are provided.

Xu, Feng Lin, Jun Yu Liu, Bao Kuan Ning, and He Fan. "Evaluation of the Higher Order Terms of the Wedge-Splitting Specimen Based on the SBFEM." Applied Mechanics and Materials 477-478 (December 2013): 25–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.477-478.25.

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The scaled boundary finite element method (abbr. SBFEM) is a semi-analytical method developed by Wolf and Song. The analytical advantage of the solution in the radial direction allows SBFEM converge to the Williams expansion. The coefficients of the Williams expansion, including the stress intensity factor, the T-stress, and higher order terms can be calculated directly without further processing. In the paper the coefficients of higher order terms of the crack tip asymptotic field of typical wedge splitting specimens with two different loading arrangements are evaluated using SBFEM. Numerical results show the method has high accuracy and effectiveness. The results have certain significance on determining crack stability of the wedge-splitting specimen.

Дисертації з теми "Sbfet":


Yaseri, Alireza. "Analysis of earth dam-flexible canyon interaction by 3D hybrid FEM-SBFEM." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/70281.

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La géométrie et la flexibilité d'un canyon sont les paramètres qui affectent grandement la valeur des périodes naturelles dans les barrages en terre. Le canyon entourant des barrages peut être considéré comme un domaine illimité. Pour prendre en compte ces deux effets, le canyon a été modélisé par SBFEM et le barrage en terre, à géométrie limitée, par FEM. La technique hybride SBFEM-FEM pour l'analyse tridimensionnelle dynamique de l'interaction sol-barrage a été validée avec les résultats disponibles dans la littérature. Comme la matrice de rigidité dynamique du domaine non borné est complexe et dépendante de la fréquence, la méthode classique de superposition de modes n'est pas simple pour le système d'interaction sol-structure. Ainsi, pour obtenir la fréquence propre fondamentale, le barrage a été excité en direction amont-aval. Les périodes naturelles du barrage de terre pour des canyons de formes géométriques et de coefficient de impédance différents ont été obtenues. Ils se sont avérés avoir des effets significatifs sur la période naturelle. Les résultats ont été comparés aux données enregistrées réelles. Il a été constaté que les graphiques proposés dans cette étude peuvent être utilisés par des concepteurs de barrages pour l'estimation des périodes naturelles des barrages en terre dans des canyons de formes et de propriétés matérielles différentes. Plusieurs fonctions d'amplification correspondant à différentes conditions de canyon ont été obtenues en appliquant un déplacement uniforme à la limite du canyon. Une étude approfondie a été réalisée pour examiner les effets de la géométrie et de la flexibilité du canyon sur la réponse en régime permanent du barrage. Ces deux effets ont influencé de manière importante les fonctions d'amplification. Alors que la flexibilité du canyon affecte de manière significative la valeur de la fonction d'amplification maximale, cette valeur ne change pas pour les barrages en terre dans lesquels les canyons ont des formes différentes et la même longueur. De plus, la réponse latérale du barrage de terre dans le domaine temporel a été calculée pour analyser les effets susmentionnés lors d'un tremblement de terre réel. Les fonctions d'amplification proposées ont été utilisées pour comparer les spectres de réponse enregistrés du barrage d'El Infiernillo lors des tremblements de terre de 1966 avec la fonction d'amplification calculée. Un accord raisonnable a été observé entre eux. La méthode linéaire équivalente (EQL) a été implémentée dans le FEM. La technique FEMSBFEM a été étendue pour prendre en compte l'effet du comportement non linéaire des barrages en terre. Il a été observé que le comportement non linéaire affecte grandement la fréquence naturelle, la fonction d'amplification et l'accélération de crête maximale du barrage de terre situé dans les canyons. Les effets de la géométrie et de la flexibilité du canyon sur le comportement non linéaire ont été examinés, et on a vu qu'en augmentant la flexibilité du canyon, l'effet de la non-linéarité était diminué. Le barrage d'El Infiernillo a été modélisé par FEM-SBFEM non linéaire 3D, et une comparaison de la fonction d'amplification de crête obtenue par la méthode proposée avec les données enregistrées montre la précision du FEM-SBFEM non linéaire.
The canyon surrounding a dam can be assumed as an unbounded domain, and the geometry and flexibility of a canyon are parameters that greatly affect the values of natural periods in earth dams. In this thesis, in order to take into account these two effects, canyons are modeled by SBFEM, and earth dams, which have limited geometries, are modeled by FEM. The hybrid FEM-SBFEM technique used for the dynamic three-dimensional analysis of soil-earth dam interactions is validated with results available in the literature. Because the dynamic-stiffness matrix of the unbounded domain is complex and frequency-dependent, the classical mode-superposition method is not straightforward for a soil-structure interaction system, and thus, to obtain their fundamental natural frequencies, the modeled dams were excited in the upstream-downstream direction. The natural periods of earth dams in canyons with different geometries shapes and impedance ratios are obtained, and are found to have significant effects on the dams’ natural periods. The results are compared with actual recorded data, and it is found that the graphs put forward in this study may be used by practical engineers for the estimation of natural periods of earth dams in canyons with different shapes and material properties. Several amplification functions corresponding to different canyon conditions are obtained by applying a uniform displacement at the canyons’ boundaries. A comprehensive study is performed to examine the effects of canyon geometry and flexibility on the steady-state responses of the dams, and it is found that these two effects significantly influence the amplification functions. While the flexibility of the canyon does affect the maximum amplification function value, this value does not change for earth dams in canyons that have different shapes but the same length. In addition, the lateral responses of earth dams in the time domain are computed in order to analyze the aforementioned effects under an actual earthquake. The proposed amplification functions are used to compare the recorded response spectra of the El Infiernillo dam under the two 1966 earthquakes with the calculated amplification function, and a reasonable agreement is observed between them. The equivalent linear method (EQL) is implemented into the FEM, and the FEM-SBFEM technique is extended in order to take into consideration the effect of earth dams’ nonlinear behavior. It is observed that such nonlinear behavior greatly affects the natural frequency, the amplification function, and peak crest acceleration of earth dams located in canyons. The effects of canyon geometry and flexibility on the nonlinear behavior are examined, and it is found that by increasing canyon flexibility, the effect of nonlinearity is decreased. The El Infiernillo dam is modeled by the 3D nonlinear FEM-SBFEM, and comparison of the crest amplification function obtained by the proposed method with the recorded data shows the accuracy of the nonlinear FEM-SBFEM.

Hutin, Louis. "Etude des transistors MOSFET à barrière Schottky, à canal Silicium et Germanium sur couches minces." Grenoble INPG, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010INPG0159.

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Jusqu’au début des années 2000, les règles de scaling de Dennard ont permis de réaliser des gains en performance tout en conservant la structure de la brique de base transistor d’une génération technologique à la suivante. Cependant, cette approche conservatrice a d’ores et déjà atteint ses limites, comme en témoigne l’introduction de la contrainte mécanique pour les générations sub-130nm, et les empilements de grille métal/high-k pour les nœuds sub-65nm. Malgré l’introduction de diélectriques à forte permittivité, des limites en termes de courants de fuite de grille et de fiabilité ont ralenti la diminution de l’épaisseur équivalente d’oxyde (EOT). De façon concomitante, la diminution de la tension d’alimentation (VDD) est devenue une priorité afin de réduire la densité de puissance dissipée dans les circuits intégrés. D’où le défi actuel : comment continuer de réduire à la fois la longueur de grille et la tension d’alimentation plus rapidement que l’EOT sans pour autant dégrader le rapport de performances aux états passant et bloqué (ON et OFF) ? Diverses solutions peuvent être proposées, passant par des architectures s’éloignant du MOSFET conventionnel à canal Si avec source et drain dopés tel que défini en 1960. Une approche consiste en réaliser une augmentation du courant passant (ION) tout en laissant le courant à l’état bloqué (IOFF) et la tension de seuil (Vth) inchangés. Concrètement, deux options sont considérées en détail dans ce manuscrit à travers une revue de leurs motivations historiques respectives, les résultats de l’état de l’art ainsi que les obstacles (fondamentaux et technologiques) à leur mise en œuvre : i/ la réduction de la résistance parasite extrinsèque par l’introduction de source et drain métalliques (architecture transistor à barrière Schottky) ; ii/ la réduction de la résistance de canal intrinsèque par l’introduction de matériaux à haute mobilité à base de Germanium (CMOS Ge, canaux SiGe en contrainte compressive, co-intégration Dual Channel n-sSi/p-sSiGe). En particulier, nous étudions le cas de couches minces sur isolant (substrats SOI, SiGeOI, GeOI), un choix motivé par : la préservation de l’intégrité électrostatique pour les nœuds technologiques sub-22nm; la limitation du courant de fuite ambipolaire dans les SBFETs; la limitation du courant de fuites de jonctions dans les MOSFETs à base de Ge (qui est un matériau à faible bandgap). Enfin, nous montrons pourquoi et dans quelles conditions l’association d’une architecture SBFET et d’un canal à base de Germanium peut être avantageuse vis-à-vis du CMOS Silicium conventionnel
Until the early 2000’s Dennard’s scaling rules at the transistor level have enabled to achieve a performance gain while still preserving the basic structure of the MOSFET building block from one generation to the next. However, this conservative approach has already reached its limits as shown by the introduction of channel stressors for the sub-130 nm technological nodes, and later high-k/metal gate stacks for the sub-65 nm nodes. Despite the introduction of high-k gate dielectrics, constraints in terms of gate leakage and reliability have been delaying the diminution of the equivalent oxide thickness (EOT). Concurrently, lowering the supply voltage (VDD) has become a critical necessity to reduce both the active and passive power density in integrated circuits. Hence the challenge: how to keep decreasing both gate length and supply voltage faster than the EOT without losing in terms of ON-state/OFF-state performance trade-off? Several solutions can be proposed aiming at solving this conundrum for nanoscale transistors, with architectures in rupture with the plain old Silicon-based MOSFET with doped Source and Drain invented in 1960. One approach consists in achieving an ION increase while keeping IOFF (and Vth) mostly unchanged. Specifically, two options are considered in detail in this manuscript through a review of their respective historical motivations, state-of-the-art results as well as remaining fundamental (and technological) challenges: i/ the reduction of the extrinsic parasitic resistance through the implementation of metallic Source and Drain (Schottky Barrier FET architecture); ii/ the reduction of the intrinsic channel resistance through the implementation of Germanium-based mobility boosters (Ge CMOS, compressively-strained SiGe channels, n-sSi/p-sSiGe Dual Channel co-integration). In particular, we study the case of thin films on insulator (SOI, SiGeOI, GeOI substrates), a choice justified by: the preservation of the electrostatic integrity for the targeted sub-22nm nodes; the limitation of ambipolar leakage in SBFETs; the limitation of junction leakage in (low-bandgap) Ge-based FETs. Finally, we show why, and under which conditions the association of the SBFET architecture with a Ge-based channel could be potentially advantageous with respect to conventional Si CMOS

Bransch, Martin [Verfasser], and L. [Akademischer Betreuer] Lehmann. "Elasto-plastic analysis with a coupled FEM/SBFEM approach / Martin Bransch ; Betreuer: L. Lehmann." Braunschweig : Technische Universität Braunschweig, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1175824437/34.

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Schauer, Marco Matthias Verfasser], and Sabine [Akademischer Betreuer] [Langer. "Ein effizienter gekoppelter FEM-SBFEM Ansatz zur Analyse von Boden-Bauwerk-Interaktionen im Zeitbereich / Marco Matthias Schauer ; Betreuer: Sabine Langer." Braunschweig : Technische Universität Braunschweig, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1175820148/34.

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Wang, Xiaofeng. "Computational technology for damage and failure analysis of quasi-brittle materials." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2015. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/computational-technology-for-damage-and-failure-analysis-of-quasibrittle-materials(a7c91eb6-5058-4e73-95de-b2f3efd645d2).html.

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The thesis presents the development and validation of novel computational technology for modelling and analysis of damage and failure in quasi-brittle materials. The technology is demonstrated mostly on concrete, which is the most widely used quasi-brittle material exhibiting non-linear behaviour. Original algorithms and procedures for generating two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) heterogeneous material samples are developed, in which the mesoscale features of concrete, such as shape, size, volume fraction and spatial distribution of inclusions and pores/voids are randomised. Firstly, zero-thickness cohesive interface elements with softening traction-separation relations are pre-inserted within solid element meshes to simulate complex crack initiation and propagation. Monte Carlo simulations (MCS) of 2D and 3D uniaxial tension tests are carried out to investigate the effects of key mesoscale features on the fracture patterns and load-carrying capacities. Size effect in 2D concrete is then investigated by finite element analyses of meso-structural models of specimens with increasing sizes. Secondly, a 3D meso-structural damage-plasticity model for damage and failure analysis of concrete is developed and applied in tension and compression. A new scheme for identifying interfacial transition zones (ITZs) in concrete is presented, whereby ITZs are modelled by very thin layers of solid finite elements with damage-plasticity constitutive relations. Finally, a new coupled method named non-matching scaled boundary finite element-finite element coupled method is proposed to simulate crack propagation problems based on the linear elastic fracture mechanics. It combines the advantage of the scaled boundary finite element method in modelling crack propagation and also preserves the flexibility of the finite element method in re-meshing. The efficiency and effectiveness of the developed computational technology is demonstrated by simulations of crack initiation and propagation problems.

Xu, Qi Mao, та 許啟茂. "[Et4N]3[SbFe4(CO)16]與鹵烷之反應研究". Thesis, 1995. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/32674108075348449857.

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Yao, Ming Ming. "Earthquake wave-soil-structure interaction analysis of tall buildings." Thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1828/2848.

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Earthquakes cause damages to structures and result in great human casualties and economic loss. A fraction of the kinetic energy released from earthquakes is transferred into buildings through soils. The investigation on the mechanism of the energy transferring from soils to buildings during earthquakes is critical for the design of earthquake resistant structures and for upgrading existing structures. In order to understand this phenomena well, a wave-soil-structure interaction analysis is presented. The earthquake wave-soil-structure interaction analysis of tall buildings is the main focus of this research. There are two methods available for modeling the soil-structure interaction (SSI): the direct method and substructure method. The direct method is used for modeling the soil and a tall building together. However, the substructure method is adopted to treat the unbounded soil and the tall building separately. The unbounded soil is modeled by using the Scaled Boundary Finite-Element Method (SBFEM), an infinitesimal finite-element cell method, which naturally satisfies the radiation condition for the wave propagation problem. The tall building is modeled using the standard Finite Element Method (FEM). The SBFEM results in fewer degrees of freedom of the soil than the direct method by only modeling the interface between the soil and building. The SBFEM is implemented into a 3-Dimensional Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis program (DSSIA-3D) in this study and is used for investigating the response of tall buildings in both the time domain and frequency domain. Three different parametric studies are carried out for buildings subjected to external harmonic loadings and earthquake loadings. The peak displacement along the height of the building is obtained in the time domain analysis. The coupling between the building’s height, hysteretic damping ratio, soil dynamics and soil-structure interaction effect is investigated. Further, the coupling between the structure configuration and the asymmetrical loadings are studied. The findings suggest that the symmetrical building has a higher earthquake resistance capacity than the asymmetrical buildings. The results are compared with building codes, field measurements and other numerical methods. These numerical techniques can be applied to study other structures, such as TV towers, nuclear power plants and dams.

Faukner, Tomáš. "Iontové polymery a polymerní sítě polyacetylenického typu připravené metodou kvaternizační polymerizace." Doctoral thesis, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-353396.

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(Doctoral Thesis, 2016, Mgr. Tomáš Faukner, IONIC POLYACETYLENE TYPE POLYMERS AND POLYMER NETWORKS BY CATALYST FREE QUATERNIZATION POLYMERIZATION) The composition and structure of a series of ionic π-conjugated poly(monosubstituted acetylene)s prepared via catalyst-free quaternization polymerization (QP) of 2-ethynylpyridine (2EP) activated with equimolar amount of alkyl halide [RX = ethyl bromide, ethyl iodide, nonyl bromide and haxadecyl (cetyl) bromide] as a quaternizing agent (QA) have been studied in detail. The performed QPs gave ionic polymers well soluble in polar solvents, with approximately half of pyridine rings quaternized, which implies that also non-quaternized monomers were involved in the process of QP. The configurational structure of polyacetylene main chains was suggested based on 1 H NMR, IR as well as Raman (SERS) spectral methods. The QPs in bulk gave more expected irregular cis/trans polymers while the QPs in acetonitrile solution gave high-cis polymers. A series of prepared symmetrical bi-pyridylacetylene based monomers has been polymerized via QP approach resulting into a series of new ionic π-conjugated poly(disubstituted acetylene) type materials. It is therefore obvious that the mechanism of quaternization activation frequently applied on monosubstituted...

Книги з теми "Sbfet":


Luiz Bevilacqua de Castro, Renato, Alex Guedes, Alfredo Scarton, André Cicone Liggieri, André Kruel, Glauco Bianco Pimentel, Joelington Dias Batista, and Nivaldo Antonio Parizotto, eds. Tratado de Medicina Regenerativa da SBRET: Primeiro Tratado Brasileiro de Medicina Regenerativa. Brazil Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.31012/978-65-5861-644-3.

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Частини книг з теми "Sbfet":


Luo, T., E. T. Ooi, A. H. C. Chan, and S. J. Fu. "Modeling the Particle Breakage by Using Combined DEM and SBFEM." In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 281–88. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-1926-5_31.

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Schauer, Marco, Francesca Taddei, and Sissy Morawietz. "A Strategy to Conduct Numerical Simulation of Wind Turbine Considering the Soil-Structure-Interaction by Using a Coupled FEM-SBFEM Approach in Time Domain." In IUTAM Symposium on Solver-Coupling and Co-Simulation, 255–68. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-14883-6_13.

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Rahnema, H., A. Baghlani, B. Javidsharifi, and S. Mohasseb. "Evaluation of interaction forces for coupled rigorous-substructure SSI analysis using SBFEM." In Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, 797–802. CRC Press, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b17435-137.

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Li, Shangming. "Hydrodynamic Pressure Evaluation of Reservoir Subjected to Ground Excitation Based on SBFEM." In Hydrodynamics - Natural Water Bodies. InTech, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/26842.

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Marouf, Reda, Nacer Dali, Nadia Boudouara, Fatima Ouadjenia, and Faiza Zahaf. "Study of Adsorption Properties of Bentonite Clay." In Montmorillonite Clay. IntechOpen, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.96524.

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The clay used in this study was the bentonite from Mostagnem, Algeria. This material is used in many fields such as drilling, foundry, painting, ceramics, etc. It can also be applied in the treatment of wastewaters from chemical industries by means of adsorption. In this chapter the physicochemical properties of bentonite were determined by using several analyses techniques such as chemical composition, XRD, FTIR and SBET. The bentonite was intercalated by aluminum poly-cations solution and cethytrimethyl ammonium bromide. The acid activation of natural bentonite was performed by treatment with hydrochloric acid at different concentrations. The surface water pollutants removed by the modified bentonites are bemacid yellow E-4G and reactive MX-4R dyes, and fungicide chlorothalinil. The Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models were applied to describe the related isotherms. The pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order kinetic models were used to describe the kinetic data. The changes of enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy of adsorption process were also calculated.

Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Sbfet":


Du, Xiong-Xiong, Lei Sun, Xiao-Yan Liu, and Ru-Qi Han. "A comparative study of double gate MOSFET with asymmetric barrier heights at source/drain and the symmetric DG-SBFET." In 2009 International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT). IEEE, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/iwjt.2009.5166217.

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Ren, Mengye, Andrei Pokrovsky, Bin Yang, and Raquel Urtasun. "SBNet: Sparse Blocks Network for Fast Inference." In 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/cvpr.2018.00908.

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Du, J. G., G. Lin, and Z. Q. Hu. "Hydrodynamic Pressure on Dams Based on SBFEM." In GeoShanghai International Conference 2006. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/40863(195)29.

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Sung-Young Lee, Min-Sang Kim, Eun-Jung Yoon, Sung-Min Kim, Lian Jun, Dong-Won Kim, and Donggun Park. "Highly Manufacturable Single-Bridge-Channel MOSFET (SBCFET)." In 2006 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology. IEEE, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icicdt.2006.220811.

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Tao, Longbin, and Hao Song. "Scaled Boundary FEM Solution of 2D Steady Incompressible Viscous Flows." In ASME 2008 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/omae2008-57285.

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In this paper, the scaled boundary finite-element method (SBFEM) proposed for wave-structure interaction [Tao et al, 2007] is extended to solve two-dimensional (2D) steady incompressible viscous flows governed by the Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations. The present SBFEM scheme is validated against existing analytical solutions of the 2D viscous flow with a constant vorticity. Comparisons clearly demonstrate the excellent accuracy and computational efficiency associated with the present SBFEM. Such superiority in significantly outperforming its counterparts in currently available CFD software ensures a great potential of direct application of the present method to many engineering problems. As a crucial step in expanding the application of the SBFEM, further extension of the SBFEM to to solve viscous flow of variable vorticity or even more complex viscous fluid-structure interactions will be a welcome development.

Song, Hao, and Longbin Tao. "Scaled Boundary FEM Solution of Wave Diffraction by a Circular Cylinder." In ASME 2007 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/omae2007-29223.

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The scaled boundary finite-element method (SBFEM) is a novel semi-analytical approach, with the combined advantages of both finite-element and boundary-element methods. The basic idea behind SBFEM is to discretize the surface boundary by FEM and transform the governing partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations of the radial parameter. The radial differential equation is then solved analytically. It has the inherent advantage for solving problems in unbounded medium with discretization to the interface only. In this paper, SBFEM is applied to solve the wave diffraction by a circular cylinder. The final radial matrix differential equation is solved fully analytically without adoption of any numerical scheme. Comparisons to the previous analytical solutions demonstrate the excellent computation accuracy and efficiency of the present SBFEM approach. It also revealed the great potential of the SBFEM to solve more complex wave-structure interaction problems.

Golan Gueta, Guy, Ittai Abraham, Shelly Grossman, Dahlia Malkhi, Benny Pinkas, Michael Reiter, Dragos-Adrian Seredinschi, Orr Tamir, and Alin Tomescu. "SBFT: A Scalable and Decentralized Trust Infrastructure." In 2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). IEEE, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/dsn.2019.00063.

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Lim, Serena, and Longbin Tao. "Wave Diffraction Forces on Offshore Wind Turbine Piles With an Octagonal Cross Section." In ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/omae2013-10368.

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Traditional offshore wind turbines are normally supported by circular monopiles which are fabricated by rolling thick plates and welding them longitudinally. Due to the significant capital cost associated with the fabrication of such large circular cylinders, a new recommended innovative design to overcome such problem is introduced by replacing the circular cylinder with a vertical pile of octagonal cross-sectional shape. An efficient and very accurate semi-analytical/numerical solution based on the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method (SBFEM) is developed to calculate the wave diffraction forces acting on the octagonal cylinders where no fundamental solutions known exist. Compared to the traditional Boundary Element Method (BEM), the SBFEM is free from the irregular frequency difficulty which means that it does not suffer from computational stability problems at sharp corners. The SBFEM solution also exhibits an enormous reduction of elements used to calculate the wave diffraction compared to the Finite Element Method (FEM), hence, a significant reduction in computational time. The SBFEM computation of the diffraction force demonstrates highly accurate results with a small number of surface elements. The presented method shows significant advantages, and is suitable for engineering applications especially the wave-structure interaction in the practical design.

Song, Hao, and Longbin Tao. "Scaled Boundary FEM Solution of Wave Diffraction by a Square Caisson." In ASME 2008 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/omae2008-57279.

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In this paper, the scaled boundary finite-element method (SBFEM) proposed for interaction of wave and circular cylinder [Tao et al, 2007] is modified and applied to wave diffraction by a vertical square caisson. By introducing a virtual circular cylinder surrounding the square caisson, the whole fluid domain is divided into one unbounded subdomain and four bounded subdomins. The corresponding boundary value problems in bounded and unbounded domains are solved by the SBFEM using different base solutions. Comparisons to the previous BEM solutions demonstrate the excellent computation accuracy and efficiency of the present SBFEM approach, as well as the benefit of not suffering from the difficulties of irregular frequency and singularity problems, which are often encountered by BEM. The method can be extended to solve more complex wave-structure interaction problems resulting in direct engineering applications.

Lee, Sangrok, Taekang Woo, and Sang Hun Lee. "SBNet: Segmentation-based Network for Natural Language-based Vehicle Search." In 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). IEEE, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/cvprw53098.2021.00457.

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