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Ward, Geoff K. "RACIALIZED CRIME CONTROL AND SOCIETAL EXCLUSION." Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race 9, no. 1 (2012): 245–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1742058x12000112.

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In 1930, W. E. B. Du Bois warned of an approaching backlash of racialized crime control and the two-pronged threat this posed to Black civil society. These were not altogether new threats—American criminal law and crime control practices had always been mechanisms of racialized societal exclusion—but Du Bois anticipated unprecedented levels of Black criminalization and incarceration in the second half of the twentieth century, and some of the collateral damage that would ensue. Du Bois's (1930) warning focused on juvenile crime and justice, “a problem which one can easily see among the better colored people of New York and Philadelphia, of Indianapolis and Chicago, of Pittsburgh and Baltimore, and all of our major cities” (p. 352). Du Bois (1916) had long been concerned with issues of child development and youth justice, since the fate of the “immortal child” inevitably defined the prospects and conditions of the race (Diggs 1976).

Ghenţa, Mihaela, and Elen-Silvana Bobârnat. "Determinanți ai excluziunii sociale în rândul persoanelor vârstnice." Sociologie Romaneasca 19, no. 1 (May 31, 2021): 87–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.33788/sr.19.1.4.

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The paper presents the results of a qualitative research conducted among providers of social and socio-medical services for older persons. The research objectives were to collect opinions with regard to the societal transformations that constitute risk factors for the social inclusion of the elderly; to identify the dimensions of social inclusion of the elderly in Romania most impacted by the societal transformations, as well as measures and actions that could counter acting the negative effects of social exclusion of the elderly. Data collection included semi-structured interviews with experts from social and health care services providers. Technological transformations, the ageing phenomenon, the migration, the negative perceptions regarding the elderly population; the uneven development of urban areas compared to rural areas, are most likely to influence the social exclusion of older persons. Participation in cultural, sports, and voluntary activities, access to appropriate social and health care services and housing conditions may lead to a better social inclusion.

Tobias, Elina I., and Sourav Mukhopadhyay. "Disability and Social Exclusion." Psychology and Developing Societies 29, no. 1 (March 2017): 22–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0971333616689203.

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This article explores the experiences of social exclusion of individuals with visual impairment (IWVI) as they negotiate their daily lives in their homes and societal settings in the Oshana and Oshikoto regions of Namibia. Employing qualitative research approach, this research tried to better understand the lived experiences of IWVI. Nine IWVI with ages ranging from 30 to 90 years were initially engaged in focus group discussions, followed by semi-structured in-depth individual interviews. The findings of this research indicated that IWVI experience exclusion from education, employment and social and community participation as well as relationships. Based on these findings, we suggest more inclusive policies to address social exclusion of IWVI. At the same time, this group of individuals should be empowered to participate in community activities to promote interaction with people without visual impairments.

Howe, Adam E. "Discourses of Exclusion: The Societal Securitization of Burma’s Rohingya (2012–2018)." Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs 5, no. 3 (October 15, 2018): 245–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2347797018799000.

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The contemporary persecution of Burma’s Rohingya has rapidly evolved from isolated episodes of communal violence into a global humanitarian crisis. The article analyses the evolution of the recent violence in Rakhine State from 2012 to the present. Specifically, I argue that Buddhist nationalist monks, including members of the ‘969’ Movement and Ma Ba Tha, in concert with the Burmese government, have acted as authoritative voices in society, depicting the Rohingya ethno-religious group as an existential threat to the country’s majority Buddhist population. As such, hate-filled rhetoric has provided a politically unstable Burmese regime with an ideological justification for human rights abuses committed in Rakhine State. This phenomenon is analysed through Barry Buzan and Ole Waever’s securitization thesis as a means of better understanding the discursive relationship among Buddhist nationalist monks, the Burmese government and the Burmese Buddhists. Ontologically, this article focuses on anti-Rohingya discourse and major episodes of violence in western Burma’s Rakhine State from 2012 to 2018. As a discursive process, securitization has not merely amplified Islamophobia within Burma, but significantly endangers future generations of Rohingya civilians.

Cass, Noel, Elizabeth Shove, and John Urry. "Social Exclusion, Mobility and Access." Sociological Review 53, no. 3 (August 2005): 539–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-954x.2005.00565.x.

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Much of the literature on social exclusion ignores its ‘spatial’ or ‘mobility’ related aspects. This paper seeks to rectify this by examining the mobile processes and infrastructures of travel and transport that engender and reinforce social exclusion in contemporary societies. To the extent to which this issue is addressed, it is mainly organized around the notion of ‘access’ to activities, values and goods. This paper examines this discourse in some detail. It is argued that there are many dimensions of such access, that improving access is a complex matter because of the range of human activities that might need to be ‘accessed’, that in order to know what is to be accessed the changing nature of travel and communications requires examination, and that some dimensions of access are only revealed through changes in the infrastructure that ‘uncover’ previously hidden social exclusions. Claims about access and socio-spatial exclusion routinely make assumptions about what it is to participate effectively in society. We turn this question around, also asking how mobilities of different forms constitute societal values and sets of relations, participation in which may become important for social inclusion. This paper draws upon an extensive range of library, desk and field research to deal with crucial issues relating to the nature of a fair, just and mobile society.

Dewitt, Barry, Baruch Fischhoff, Alexander L. Davis, Stephen B. Broomell, Mark S. Roberts, and Janel Hanmer. "Exclusion Criteria as Measurements II: Effects on Utility Functions." Medical Decision Making 39, no. 6 (August 2019): 704–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0272989x19862542.

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Background. Researchers often justify excluding some responses in studies eliciting valuations of health states as not representing respondents’ true preferences. Here, we examine the effects of applying 8 common exclusion criteria on societal utility estimates. Setting. An online survey of a US nationally representative sample ( N = 1164) used the standard gamble method to elicit preferences for health states defined by 7 health domains from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®). Methods. We estimate the impacts of applying 8 commonly used exclusion criteria on mean utility values for each domain, using beta regression, a form of analysis suited to double-bounded scales, such as utility. Results. Exclusion criteria have varied effects on the utility functions for the different PROMIS health domains. As a result, applying those criteria would have varied effects on the value of treatments (and side effects) that change health status on those domains. Limitations. Although our method could be applied to any health utility judgments, the present estimates reflect the features of the study that produced them. Those features include the selected health domains, standard gamble method, and an online format that excluded some groups (e.g., visually impaired and illiterate individuals). We also examined only a subset of all possible exclusion criteria, selected to represent the space of possibilities, as characterized in a companion article. Conclusions. Exclusion criteria can affect estimates of the societal utility of health states. We use those effects, in conjunction with the results of the companion article, to make suggestions for selecting exclusion criteria in future studies.

Sarda Devi, Mayanglambam. "EXCLUSION OF WOMEN IN CONTEXT OF MANIPUR." International Journal of Advanced Research 8, no. 10 (October 31, 2020): 326–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/ijar01/11860.

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Exclusion of Women in many disciplines becomes an emerging issue all over the world. In the patriarchal society, male is the heads of households and breadwinners and women were confined to household responsibilities.In reality, the assignment of men to the public sphere and women to the family. Regarding this, feminists (1792) started a revolution against male domination all over the world and under the pressure of Feminist Movement this traditional model came to change in the 1960s and 1970s, partly in response to equality issues and to reducing gender bias in mainstream economic knowledge. Manipuri women has unique status and share a major contribution to the state economy, whereas, much of her work is still invisible. The paper is an attempt to analyze the extent to which exclusion of women in the societal and institutional contexts influence the gender division of labour and gender gap in context of Manipur.

Dönmez, Rasim Özgür. "The Justice and Development Party's Perspective of Social Exclusion: Between Societal Security and Morality." Middle East Critique 20, no. 1 (January 2011): 67–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19436149.2011.544536.

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Schneider, Justine, and Carole J. Bramley. "Towards social inclusion in mental health?" Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 14, no. 2 (March 2008): 131–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1192/apt.bp.106.003350.

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This article explores the uses of the terms social exclusion and social inclusion in a mental health context. We briefly describe the origins of the term social exclusion and analyse its connotations in relation to four key dimensions: the relative, multifactorial, dynamic and transactional. We discuss Levitas's three discourses concerning social exclusion (the redistributionist, moral underclass and social integrationist) and present a case in favour of a fourth perspective, societal oppression. Focusing on social inclusion as a remedy for the ills of social exclusion, we discuss implications for contemporary mental health policy, practice and research. We highlight the potential contribution of social psychology to social inclusion theory. We conclude that a better theoretical understanding of causal mechanisms is needed to enable the development of more socially inclusive mental health services.

Turnbull, Beth, Melissa L. Graham, and Ann R. Taket. "Social Exclusion of Australian Childless Women in Their Reproductive Years." Social Inclusion 4, no. 1 (February 29, 2016): 102–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/si.v4i1.489.

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Research suggests Australian childless women are at risk of pronatalism-driven social exclusion. This exploratory, mixed methods, cross-sectional study described and explored the social exclusion of Australian childless women aged 25 to 44 years, and asked: what are the nature and extent of social exclusion of childless women; and do the nature and extent of exclusion vary for different types of childless women? A total of 776 childless female Australian residents aged 25 to 44 years completed a self-administered questionnaire. Quantitative data were collected on childlessness types, indicators of exclusion and perceived stigmatisation and exclusion due to being childless. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, One Way ANOVAs and Kruskal Wallis Analysis of Ranks. Qualitative data on childless women’s experiences were inductively thematically analysed. Findings suggest societal-level pronatalism drives exclusion of Australian childless women. While exclusion occurs in all domains of life, childless women experience more exclusion, and perceive more exclusion due to being childless, in the social and civic domains than the service and economic domains. Circumstantially and involuntarily childless women, followed by voluntarily childless women, perceive more exclusion due to being childless than undecided and future childed women. Experiences are influenced by the nature of women’s ‘deviance’ from pronatalism.

Dow, Briony, and Melanie Joosten. "Understanding elder abuse: a social rights perspective." International Psychogeriatrics 24, no. 6 (January 12, 2012): 853–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1041610211002584.

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Elder abuse is generally understood in terms of the types of abuse that older people can be subjected to – financial, physical, psychological, sexual, and neglect. However, these definitions often fail to take into account the broader social context in which elder abuse is allowed to occur. Older people are rarely asked about what elder abuse means to them but when they are, they define it in societal terms – social exclusion, the belittling of their views and contribution, and violation of their rights. An effective approach to elder abuse requires intervention at a societal level to combat ageism and age discrimination.

Ewart, Jacqui, and Collette Snowden. "The Media's Role in Social Inclusion and Exclusion." Media International Australia 142, no. 1 (February 2012): 61–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1329878x1214200108.

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Definitions of social inclusion and exclusion are fluid, and researchers and policy-makers have not agreed upon an all-encompassing definition. For wider society, social inclusion requires the transformation of these emerging definitions into ‘lived experience’ and actions. For the media, reporting on social inclusion is complicated by the confusion about what social inclusion is and to whom it is intended to apply, and by the gap between the ideal and the slower pace of societal change. Until recently, media studies researchers have focused largely on the issue of social exclusion and the media. The goal of this themed issue of MIA is to address some of the gaps in scholarly knowledge about the media's role in social inclusion and exclusion, and the context of that role within the wider social and political discourses. Our aim is to move beyond existing understandings of the media's role in social exclusion to look at spaces and places where there have been attempts to provide inclusion and whether they have worked, but also what issues and problems might have beset them.

Dewitt, Barry, Baruch Fischhoff, Alexander L. Davis, Stephen B. Broomell, Mark S. Roberts, and Janel Hanmer. "Exclusion Criteria as Measurements I: Identifying Invalid Responses." Medical Decision Making 39, no. 6 (August 2019): 693–703. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0272989x19856617.

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Background. In a systematic review, Engel et al. found large variation in the exclusion criteria used to remove responses held not to represent genuine preferences in health state valuation studies. We offer an empirical approach to characterizing the similarities and differences among such criteria. Setting. Our analyses use data from an online survey that elicited preferences for health states defined by domains from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®), with a U.S. nationally representative sample ( N = 1164). Methods. We use multidimensional scaling to investigate how 10 commonly used exclusion criteria classify participants and their responses. Results. We find that the effects of exclusion criteria do not always match the reasons advanced for applying them. For example, excluding very high and very low values has been justified as removing aberrant responses. However, people who give very high and very low values prove to be systematically different in ways suggesting that such responses may reflect different processes. Conclusions. Exclusion criteria intended to remove low-quality responses from health state valuation studies may actually remove deliberate but unusual ones. A companion article examines the effects of the exclusion criteria on societal utility estimates.

Shafique, Saima, Abou Bakar, Fatima Farooq, and Kishwar Perveen. "Social Exclusion, Entrepreneurship and Public Policy Challenges for Pakistan." Review of Economics and Development Studies 4, no. 2 (December 30, 2018): 219–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.26710/reads.v4i2.406.

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Social exclusion is manifested in inability of the masses to eradicate its causes resulting in perpetual obstruction in attaining vital facilities of life. A level of human and social progress is directly linked with enabling populous to maintain sustained level of financial depth and development. Societies with sufficient supply of entrepreneurs comfortably sustain a balanced progression of societal goals especially in current global atmosphere. With weak institutional setting and vaguely defined goals, there is a need to change the orientation of public sector in developing countries like Pakistan. The public sector entrepreneurship is essential to create enabling environment for creating entrepreneur friendly policies. It is especially important for Pakistan with CPEC connecting most poor of the regions of the country with the main stream to create policies that can reduce the impact of social exclusion of people of these regions. Urban fringe and labor skills development with efficient institutions having participatory and modern outlook (e-governance) to cater for the needs of entrepreneurs are essentially required for creating a socially vibrant and thriving population in Pakistan.

Agadjanian, Victor. "Exclusion, violence, and optimism: Ethnic divides in Kyrgyzstan." Ethnicities 20, no. 3 (May 20, 2019): 457–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1468796819835657.

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The nation-building projects in much of post-socialist Eurasia have been characterized by the promotion of ethnic majorities and marginalization of minority groups. In dialogue with the scholarship on nation-building, ethnic exclusion and conflict, and ethnic migration, this study examines individual views on current and future interethnic relations, assessments of prospects for own ethnicity, expectations for future economic changes, and intentions to migrate abroad in the multiethnic nation of Kyrgyzstan. I use nationally representative survey data to model differences in these outcomes across the majority-minorities divides and between regional subgroups of the nation’s ethnic majority. The results show that a native minority that experienced recent ethnic violence has the most negative assessment of current interethnic relations. However, the minority group of outside origin, which never suffered direct violence but whose size and societal preeminence have eroded rapidly, is least optimistic about the future and is most inclined to migrate. Yet, the analyses also detect substantial regional differences within the ethnic majority, underscoring the complexity of historically-rooted ethnocultural and socioeconomic cleavages as well as of more recent political experiences. I interpret these findings within the context of evolving meanings of ethnic identity and national belonging in this rapidly changing society.

Pégram, Scooter. "Pris pour cible dans la banlieue: Self-identity, language maintenance, racism and exclusion amongst African youths in the Paris suburbs." Ethnicities 20, no. 1 (June 27, 2019): 93–114. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1468796819857242.

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Young people of African descent from the suburbs surrounding Paris are in a state of crisis and are feeling increasingly ostracised from a majority French society that marginalises them via institutional and structural racism. With little hope of ever being considered as equal partners, and increased societal and media scrutiny placed upon them, some of these youths of African descent are either ‘checking out’, whilst others choose to express their anger against State institutions via protests and riots. Our study surveyed youths from many peripheral communities of Paris on questions relating to identity, language, racism and inclusion. The findings of our research demonstrate how this group of young people of African descent navigate the duality of their dual societal paradigms by analysing topics of identity, language, racism and inclusion.

Bhatta, Chandra D. "Dialectics of ‘Inclusion and Exclusion’ in Nepal: A Review." Journal of Political Science 21 (February 26, 2021): 50–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/jps.v21i0.35263.

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Nepal’s post 1990s political discourse has witnessed many issues and the most important ones, among them, are also related to inclusion and exclusion. Both of them have taken the centre stage for their own reasons. Yet, the debate itself is not going toward the right direction and there is more than one reason for that. A closer look of the discourse on the subject indicates that it certainly has not been much helpful to address problems coming out of it. In contrast, it has not only weakened the social fabric of society but also preparing grounds for the latent conflicts as well. If Nepal’s problems of inclusion and exclusion are to be resolved, there certainly is a need to revisit the debate itself. There are certainly problems in Nepali society as they are in others societies as well. Having said this, however, the crux of the matter is that the narrative that has been established in society over the years and their role in guiding the process is not free problem. Among many other factors, they do not necessarily take societal realities and its foundations into consideration.

Aydin, Erhan, and Emir Ozeren. "Inclusion and exclusion of sexual minorities at organisations." Journal of Organizational Change Management 33, no. 3 (January 15, 2020): 567–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jocm-01-2019-0025.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the inclusion and exclusion of LGBT individuals at organisations towards providing evidence from LGBT non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Turkey and the UK. Design/methodology/approach In order to achieve this aim, 40 semi-structured qualitative in-depth interviews (20 in each country) were conducted. The empirical dimension of this study was invigorated by thematic analysis of interviews that composed of the individuals and members who work in LGBT organisations in Turkey and the UK. Findings The significance and the role of context in shaping public discourse, policies and practices of LGBT organisations in Turkey and the UK were explored in greater details. Based on the coding and thematic analysis of the interviews, three main findings were presented, which are “inclusion and exclusion at work”, “inclusion and exclusion in politics” and “inclusion in LGBT organisations”. Originality/value The originality of this research comes from its unique nature with a comparative approach on the contrary of current LGBT research that mostly focusses on an individual level of analysis and workplace discrimination. Research evidence demonstrates that there are a number of complexities, contradictions and tensions based on the specific characteristics of each country setting where various cultural, societal, political and legislative/regulative forces come into play in LGBT inclusion at organisations. Consequently, this research provides valuable insights for the inclusion of sexual minorities drawing on the evidence from LGBT NGOs in Turkey and the UK.

Nyqvist, Fredrica, Emilia Häkkinen, Alexandre Renaud, Louise Bouchard, and Cynog Prys. "Social Exclusion Among Official Language Minority Older Adults: A Rapid Review of the Literature in Canada, Finland and Wales." Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 36, no. 3 (June 8, 2021): 285–307. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10823-021-09433-z.

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AbstractIt has been suggested that older adults from minority linguistic and ethnic communities face higher risks of being socially excluded. The aim of this review was, therefore, to explore and review social exclusion studies conducted among official language minority older adults in three countries, namely Canada, Finland and Wales. A rapid review approach was used to review scientific literature in line with six social exclusion domains. The literature searches were made in Finnish, Swedish, English, French and Welsh and were restricted to research published within the timeline of 2001 – September 2019 and yielded 42 articles. The included studies were categorized into three different domains: socioeconomic influences, social participation and societal conditions. Converging and diverging patterns of social exclusion in old age were identified between the linguistic minorities. Linguistic barriers regarding access to health care and receiving health information were common across the three linguistic contexts, whereas exclusion from social participation was noticed amongst the linguistic minorities in Canada and Wales. Some connections between belonging to a linguistic minority and being exposed to a lower socioeconomic status and higher poverty risk were made, however, these findings were not robust across all three countries. The findings indicated that experiences of exclusion could be considered fairly common among linguistic minority older adults. We conclude that the research evidence presented in the review sheds light on issues of social inequality in old age between linguistic majorities and minorities, thus identifying important aspects of social exclusion to guide future research as well as policy and practice.

Ramaškienė, Laura, and Eglė Šumskienė. "The Impact of Social Business on the Development of Communities’ Social Capital." Socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika 21 (December 28, 2020): 66–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.15388/stepp.20.23.

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There have been a lot of interest in social economics development in Europe, and social business has stood out for its social impact, having a potential approach to such societal problems as social exclusion, poverty, unemployment. The creation of social capital and social entrepreneurship are related by positive social change and economic benefits, which are achieved through personal and community bonding, innovation, and social initiatives. Social business has stood out for its social impact, having a potential approach to such societal problems as social exclusion, poverty, unemployment. The aim of the present article is to reveal social entrepreneurship impact on building social capital in Lithuanian communities. For this reason, a qualitative study was conducted based on social business activities related to community change, as well as identifying the interrelations between social business and social capital. This article introduces the theoretical approach of concepts social capital and community, followed by discussion of social business benefits and impact on the growth of community’s social capital. The results of the analysis of the research data were analytically coded based on grounded theory methodology and reveals the potential and perspective of social business in creating social change in the community following by building new relationships, trust and values, and new norms for community development. The positive changes initiated by social business are relevant to the goals of social work and reveal the need of further research in this field.

Kohls, Johannes, and Manuel Müller. "Die Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament 2019: drei Ursachen für die Transformation im europäischen Parteiensystem." integration 42, no. 3 (2019): 218–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/0720-5120-2019-3-218.

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The results of the European Parliament elections 2019 are a reflection of a longer-term transformation in the European party system, whereby (left-)liberal and right-wing forces are gaining votes at the expense of traditional centre-left and centre-right catch-all parties. This contribution highlights three societal reasons for this transformation: a new cleavage between inclusion and exclusion which gains importance with respect to the left-right cleavage, changes in the structure of public communication, and the catalytic effect of the European crises of the last years.

Ramanuj, Parashar P. "Bearing the cost of the American dream: reflecting on street homelessness in America." BJPsych International 16, no. 1 (April 18, 2018): 11–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1192/bji.2017.32.

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This paper is a British psychiatrist's personal reflection of the treatment of homeless people in American societies. Drawing upon theories of social distance, exclusion, discrimination and internalised stigma, this reflective piece suggests that homelessness is one price that certain societies pay to invest in the notion of individualised success and self-sufficiency. In reflecting on his own dissonance, the author argues that these societal processes exert a powerful influence on us as individuals, even if we as psychiatrists might think that our understanding confers on us a certain level of understanding.

Sevignani, Sebastian. "The Problem of Privacy in Capitalism and the Alternative Social Networking Site Diaspora*." tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 10, no. 2 (May 25, 2012): 600–617. http://dx.doi.org/10.31269/triplec.v10i2.394.

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In this paper, l examine the alternative social networking site Diaspora* from a Marxist standpoint. The investigation focuses on privacy, and contributes to a better understanding of this issue within the context of capitalism in general. First, I describe Diaspora*’s way of production by pointing out its alternative character as part of the free software and copyleft movement. Second, dominant theories of privacy related to individual control, exclusion, and property are introduced. Third, the problem of privacy in capitalism is described wherein dominant concepts of privacy will be contextualised on behalf of a critical political economy analysis that refers to the Marxian concept of ideology critique, Marx’s differentiation between a societal sphere of production and a societal sphere of circulation, and his analysis of capitalist fetishisms. Fourth, taking into account the problem of privacy in capitalism, the alternative potential of Diaspora* is evaluated. Finally, a brief outline of a Marxist theory of privacy is proposed.

Jones, Marion E., Micheal L. Shier, and John R. Graham. "Social exclusion and self-esteem: The impact of the identity – bureaucracy nexus on employed people experiencing homelessness in Calgary, Canada." Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 29, no. 2 (June 2013): 134–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21699763.2013.821951.

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This article argues that homelessness in Calgary, Canada is entrenched, in part, due to a systemic cycle of exclusion and defensive tactics carried out by those who are homeless and employed. A major proportion of this systemic exclusion occurs via a number of societal institutions: the provincial welfare structure in place to assist those in need; the provincial registry system for identification and licensing; the banking system, employment service providers; and the civil society organizations that provide shelter. Through one-to-one interviews with employed people experiencing homelessness in Calgary (n = 61) we found four identifiers that contribute to maintaining the adverse situation facing those who find themselves homeless: security of, and access to, replacement identification; access to banking; access to a mailing address; and accessibility to stable, permanent employment. Without access to these elements re-establishing social inclusion and navigating the transition to stable housing and non-vulnerable employment is far more difficult.

Miller, Lucy J. "Meritocracy and the Maintenance of Order." Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 8, no. 4 (2019): 76–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/dcqr.2019.8.4.76.

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Meritocracy is one of many systems in the United States that is built around maintaining order by prioritizing the appearance that everything is functioning as it should while actively excluding those in marginalized or oppressed groups who are perceived as disrupting societal order. Meritocracy intersects with other American values, particularly individual freedom and whiteness, to create the illusion that people succeed or fail based on their own individual merit and effort. This essay surveys examples of exclusion in higher education to show that the ideals of meritocracy are frequently abandoned in order to preserve the existing order of the institution.

Heynders, Odile. "The Figure of the Migrant: Tommy Wieringa’s Intellectual Intervention." Werkwinkel 12, no. 2 (November 27, 2017): 23–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/werk-2017-0011.

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Abstract In today’s transforming European public sphere various literary authors position themselves publicly and engagingly in the debate on migration and exclusion. Dutch writer Tommy Wieringa is a clear voice in this context: his ideas on the topic are meaningfully expressed in literary novels. This article analyses Wieringa’s position as an authoritative public intellectual speaking with great moral weight about the figure of the migrant. Drawing on positioning theory, the main claim of the article will be that Wieringa’s literary articulation of migration contributes to the societal discussion and underlines a specific type of moral knowledge as well as an appeal to human solidarity.

O’Neill, Thomas, and Justin Wakefield. "Fifteen-minute consultation in the normal child: Challenges relating to sexuality and gender identity in children and young people." Archives of disease in childhood - Education & practice edition 102, no. 6 (May 11, 2017): 298–303. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2016-311449.

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Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) young people face several challenges in their daily lives, including specific healthcare inequalities. Negative societal attitudes towards sexual and gender minorities, and the effects of regular experiences of bullying and homophobia/transphobia exacerbate the normal trials and tribulations of childhood and adolescence. Barriers to accessing healthy activities, such as sport, are created by perceived stigma and real-life experiences. Healthcare environments are by default heteronormative and contribute to the isolation and exclusion of LGBT+ young people. Paediatricians are well placed to act on these healthcare inequalities and to advocate for LGBT+ youth, through simple changes to individual practice as well as system-wide improvements.

Lehavi, Amnon. "Is Law Unbounded? Property Rights and Control of Social Groupings." Law & Social Inquiry 35, no. 02 (2010): 517–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1747-4469.2010.01193.x.

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This review essay follows up on a suggested model for resolving problems of neighborhood externalities and exclusionary associational patterns in metropolitan areas. The model is based on a property rights regime of “alienable entitlements,” as articulated by Lee Anne Fennell in The Unbounded Home (2009). The essay frames this model as promoting a groundbreaking approach to the fundamental quandary over the role of law as a tool for broad‐based social change and asks if legal rules can fully absorb the multiple types of societal effects that influence the nature of contemporary homeownership. It assesses the normative desirability and practical feasibility of controlling social exclusion through property rights.

Ratzmann, Nora. "Deserving of Social Support? Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Decisions on EU Migrants’ Benefit Claims in Germany." Social Policy and Society 20, no. 3 (March 15, 2021): 509–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1474746421000026.

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Migration raises the question of how street-level bureaucrats treat non-citizens when it comes to the distribution of limited welfare resources. Based on a German case study, this article reveals how local social administrators rationalise practices of inclusion in and exclusion from social assistance receipt and associated labour market integration services for mobile EU citizens, who are perceived first and foremost as ‘foreigners’. The findings from fifty-five qualitative interviews with job centre representatives show how politics of exclusion are justified by nationalistic and ethnic criteria of membership. Insofar as EU migrants are considered outsiders to the imagined welfare community of their host country, they are seen as less deserving than German-born claimants. However, mobile EU citizens can earn their legitimacy to access benefit receipt through sustained participation in the host society, demonstrating knowledge of the German language and societal norms so as to appear ‘German’. Such a cultural performance-based logic of deservingness tends to be intertwined with nationality-based and racialising stereotypes of welfare fraud to frame exclusionary practice.

W. Born, Asmund, and Per H. Jensen. "Privilegering af perspektiver - en refleksion over begrebskonstruktionerne inklusion / eksklusion og intergrering /marginalisering i den sociologiske iagttagelse." Dansk Sociologi 9, no. 2 (February 14, 2007): 21–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.22439/dansoc.v9i2.767.

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Priviligizing perspectives: Reflection on the construction of the concepts of inclusion/exclusion and integration/marginalization in sociological perception Social “inclusion” and “exclusion” are “new” concepts which have emerged from “old” concepts such as inequality, poverty and marginalisation, and the purpose of this article is to examine and discuss the practical potentials and the intellectual limitations accompanying the use of conceptual dichotomies such as inclusion/exclusion and integration/marginalisation. It is argued that the concepts are hea¬vily dependent on political discourse, and that the concepts reduce sociology to be a provider of instrumental know¬ledge about efficient forms of social integration as a “with-in” society techni¬cal question. As such, the concepts screen out questions of social integrati¬on that are closely interrelated with the societal forms of solidarity and the soci¬al factors constituting a society. Furthermore, it is argued that the dichotomic and asymmetrical character of the concepts support a process in which certain perspectives are “privile¬ged”, while others are excluded, a pro¬cess in which the technical perspective is strengthened while a critical discus¬sion about solidarity is counter-indica¬ted. It is concluded that a dismantling of the stronghold of the dichotomies might imply Bourdieuian og Luhmannian in¬spired analyses in order to raise research questions which are contra-intui¬ti¬ve and oriented towards unhegemonic knowledge.

Grosse, Scott D., and Ying Zhou. "Monetary Valuation of Children’s Cognitive Outcomes in Economic Evaluations from a Societal Perspective: A Review." Children 8, no. 5 (April 29, 2021): 352. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/children8050352.

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Cognitive ability in childhood is positively associated with economic productivity in adulthood. Expected gains in economic output from interventions that protect cognitive function can be incorporated in benefit–cost and cost-effectiveness analyses conducted from a societal perspective. This review summarizes estimates from high-income countries of the association of general cognitive ability, standardized as intelligence quotient (IQ), with annual and lifetime earnings among adults. Estimates of the association of adult earnings with cognitive ability assessed in childhood or adolescence vary from 0.5% to 2.5% per IQ point. That range reflects differences in data sources and analytic methods. We take a conservative published estimate of a 1.4% difference in market productivity per IQ point in the United States from a recent study that controlled for confounding by family background and behavioral attributes. Using that estimate and the present value of lifetime earnings calculated using a 3% discount rate, the implied lifetime monetary valuation of an IQ point in the United States is USD 10,600–13,100. Despite uncertainty and the exclusion of non-market productivity, incorporation of such estimates could lead to a fuller assessment of the benefits of public health and clinical interventions that protect the developing brains of fetuses, infants, and young children.

Stegwee, Sanne I., Ângela J. Ben, Mohamed El Alili, Lucet F. van der Voet, Christianne J. M. de Groot, Judith E. Bosmans, and Judith A. F. Huirne. "Cost-effectiveness of single-layer versus double-layer uterine closure during caesarean section on postmenstrual spotting: economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial." BMJ Open 11, no. 7 (July 2021): e044340. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044340.

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ObjectiveTo evaluate the cost-effectiveness of double-layer compared with single-layer uterine closure after a first caesarean section (CS) from a societal and healthcare perspective.DesignEconomic evaluation alongside a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial.Setting32 hospitals in the Netherlands, 2016–2018.Participants2292 women ≥18 years undergoing a first CS were randomly assigned (1:1). Exclusion criteria were: inability for counselling, previous uterine surgery, known menstrual disorder, placenta increta or percreta, pregnant with three or more fetuses. 1144 women were assigned to single-layer and 1148 to double-layer closure. We included 1620 women with a menstrual cycle in the main analysis.InterventionsSingle-layer unlocked uterine closure and double-layer unlocked uterine closure with the second layer imbricating the first.Main outcome measuresSpotting days, quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), and societal costs at 9 months of follow-up. Missing data were imputed using multiple imputation.ResultsNo significant differences were found between single-layer versus double-layer closure in mean spotting days (1.44 and 1.39 days; mean difference (md) −0.056, 95% CI −0.374 to 0.263), QALYs (0.663 and 0.658; md −0.005, 95% CI −0.015 to 0.005), total healthcare costs (€744 and €727; md €−17, 95% CI −273 to 143), and total societal costs (€5689 and €5927; md €238, 95% CI −624 to 1108). The probability of the intervention being cost-effective at willingness-to-pay of €0, €10 000 and €20 000/QALY gained was 0.30, 0.27 and 0.25, respectively, (societal perspective), and 0.55, 0.41 and 0.32, respectively, (healthcare perspective).ConclusionDouble-layer uterine closure is not cost-effective compared with single-layer uterine closure from both perspectives. If this is confirmed by our long-term reproductive follow-up, we suggest to adjust uterine closure technique guidelines.Trial registration numberNTR5480/NL5380.

Sian, S. "PATTERNS OF PREJUDICE: SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND RACIAL DEMARCATION IN PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANCY IN KENYA." Accounting Historians Journal 34, no. 2 (December 1, 2007): 1–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.2308/0148-4184.34.2.1.

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Racial demarcation and social exclusion were common features in the organization of racially diverse colonial societies. British settlement in colonial Kenya and the import of immigrant workers resulted in the creation of a hierarchical society in which the Europeans enjoyed privileges to the exclusion of the immigrant Asians and the indigenous Africans. This study sets out to show how changes in the organization of this society and commonly held prejudices within it were reflected and even amplified in the organization of the accountancy profession. Drawing from archival and oral history data, the study traces the patterns of participation in accountancy of all three races. The paper covers the period from the turn of the 20th century, which marked the arrival of the first British accountants, to 1970, the advent of Kenyan professional accountancy examinations. The growth of commercial activity in the colony and new legislation to regulate it in the early 20th century resulted in a demand for providers of accountancy services and a preponderance of British accountants. The entry of Asian participants in the formal profession in Kenya, through membership of British accountancy bodies, is recorded after World War II. However, it was the achievement of political independence in 1963 and the ensuing societal transformations that signaled African participation. Such changing patterns of participation reflect the increasingly permeable boundaries to be found in wider Kenyan society after independence despite the continuing manifestation of racial prejudice.

van Riel, Kristijn, and Ashraf M. Salama. "Using Auto-Photography to Explore Young People's Belonging and Exclusion in Urban Spaces in Accra, Ghana." Open House International 44, no. 1 (March 1, 2019): 62–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ohi-01-2019-b0008.

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This paper examines young people's ‘lived' experience of urban spaces in Accra, the capital of Ghana, by focusing on the use of auto-photography as an appropriate method for this investigation. Accra has a very young population and low rates of employment among the young people, demographics that are often associated with societal instability and increased risk of civil conflict. Research into African youth and the urban spaces they occupy is scarce and involves real challenges, but it is necessary and urgent due to various issues of exclusion and identity. This paper reports part of a larger phenomenological study on the spatial exclusion of youth in Accra's urban spaces. The theoretical framework builds on Lefebvrian dialectics of space and focuses on how notions of belonging and exclusion are reflected in the mode of ‘lived space'. The fieldwork was completed on a small sample of young people in two distinct neighborhoods of Accra. In essence, the focus of the paper is on the urban spaces occupied by young people and on the utility of the participatory research tool adopted, auto-photography. In this context, the tool is less intrusive than direct observation and therefore well equipped to allow an ‘insider' view into personal experiences and perceptions of place that are otherwise difficult to access and study. The paper concludes with a call for urban professionals and decision makers to produce inclusive urban environments that cater for all while allowing for differences and belonging to co-exist.

Ingalsbee, Timothy. "Whither the paradigm shift? Large wildland fires and the wildfire paradox offer opportunities for a new paradigm of ecological fire management." International Journal of Wildland Fire 26, no. 7 (2017): 557. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/wf17062.

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The growing frequency of large wildland fires has raised awareness of the ‘wildfire paradox’ and the ‘firefighting trap’ that are both rooted in the fire exclusion paradigm. However, a paradigm shift has been unfolding in the wildland fire community that seeks to restore fire ecology processes across broad landscapes. This would involve managing rather than aggressively suppressing large fires. Examples of recent fire science publications demonstrating ‘new paradigm’ thinking or critical questioning of ‘old paradigm’ assumptions are offered as evidence of this shift in thinking. However, integration of fire ecology science is lagging in fire-related policies and legislation, media representations of wildland fires, and conventional management responses to most wildland fires. Sociocultural, political and economic factors are functioning as barriers to change in fire management policies and practices. However, the growing risks, costs and impacts of large wildland fires will continue to highlight the crisis of the dominant fire exclusion paradigm. The general inability to prevent and effectively suppress large wildland fires may be the means to break through these institutional and societal barriers and propel efforts to shift philosophy and practice to a new paradigm of ecological fire management.

Engelschmidt, Peter, and Chris Steyaert. "In/Out and the Fold." Concepts and Transformation 4, no. 2 (December 31, 1999): 181–204. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/cat.4.2.05eng.

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In this paper we attempt to write a conceptual contribution on the possibilities for intervening in contexts of exclusion and where 'raising voices' is at stake. It can be argued that organizations can only be vehicles, i.e. spaces for intervention, which need explicitly to be related to societal discourses. This conceptual framework is developed in the context of a research project focusing on intervention initiatives in Danish social psychiatry, re-addressing the position of psychiatric patients. It is effected through exploring three conceptual lines. First, we re-read the literature of OD from a becoming ontology, indicating its exclusion of history and time as part of its analytic frame. Second, we develop the notion of 'care of the self as a way to understand how one can work patiently at one's own (discursive) limits. Third, we develop a conceptual frame of nomadic intervention, through the writings of Deleuze and Guattari, which makes such a nomadic practice of the care of the self possible. The paper seeks to be stone thrown in the water, where OD and HRM is active, and where the expanding circles in the water remind us that every concrete intervention is a matter of politics/ ethics.

Thiemann, Inga K. "Beyond Victimhood and Beyond Employment? Exploring Avenues for Labour Law to Empower Women Trafficked into the Sex Industry." Industrial Law Journal 48, no. 2 (July 11, 2018): 199–224. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/indlaw/dwy015.

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Abstract This article explores under which circumstances a labour law approach could make a meaningful contribution to combatting human trafficking into the sex industry. In this, I critique the existing criminal law approach to human trafficking and its policies, which focus on trafficked persons as idealised victims in need of protection, rather than on their rights as workers, migrants and women. Furthermore, I also challenge the exclusion of sex workers from arguments for a labour law response to human trafficking, as they maintain the construction of trafficking for sexual exploitation and trafficking for labour exploitation as separate phenomena. Instead, this article advocates an alternative labour law approach to human trafficking, which incorporates wider interdisciplinary issues of gender equality and societal exclusions for women and migrants, and particularly female migrant sex workers, within a labour response. My focus is therefore on exclusions maintained by existing labour legislation, which are based on the standard employment contract and amplified by barriers to labour protections faced by workers in female-dominated service jobs in general and by sex workers in particular. As sex workers’ embodied feminised labour is deemed not to be ‘real work’, they seem to be unworthy of labour protections. My proposed labour response to human trafficking into the sex industry therefore combines some of the strengths of the existing labour rights-focussed anti-trafficking and exploitation discourse with arguments from feminist labour law theory in order to tackle the intersectional dimension of human trafficking into the sex industry.

Zhou, Luyang. "Historical origins of the party-army relations in the Soviet Union and China." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 52, no. 3 (September 1, 2018): 197–207. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.postcomstud.2019.07.006.

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It is established that Party-army relation followed a “separated” pattern in the Soviet Union as opposed to an “infused” pattern in China. This article explores the historical origin of this difference in the revolutionary periods. By analyzing the biographies of communist military elites, it argues that this discrepancy took shape before the revolutionary takeover and resulted from the differentiated intensities of warfare across Russia and China. In China, the numerous civil wars and military defeats, radicalized the old military structure and boosted societal militarization; thus, eroding the mutual exclusion between the military and revolutionaries. The effect was lesser in Tsarist Russia than in prerevolutionary China, making the old military a conservative and professional corporate that the Bolsheviks could not completely subordinate to Party control.

Bachan, Amitha K. H., and Maya M. "Rethinking Institutional Frameworks in Conservation and Governance of Forests in the Background of FRA in Kerala: From Exclusion to Inclusion." Artha - Journal of Social Sciences 16, no. 2 (April 1, 2017): 57. http://dx.doi.org/10.12724/ajss.41.4.

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The forward and backward linkages between conservation, governance and people’s initiatives have been a widely accepted paradigm in the domain of sustainable forest management. Forest Rights Act, 2006, is remarkable as it is the only law which is based on the principles of inclusion by recognizing the decision making authority of hamlet level Gram Sabhas in conservation. This paper looks at the existing institutional frameworks for conservation, i.e. forest and its resource management including land tenureship and to address societal needs of ethnic communities. The analysis is done within the backdrop of the assigned roles of hamlet level Gram Sabhas in FRA with special focus on the Anamalai region, Central Kerala within the distribution area of Kadar (notified particularly vulnerable) ethnic community. The progress of FRA implementation in this region has been discussed as a measure of the shifting of exclusive institutional frameworks to an inclusive one

Clarke, Charlotte L., Jane Wilcockson, Julie Watson, Heather Wilkinson, Sarah Keyes, Lindsay Kinnaird, and Toby Williamson. "Relational care and co-operative endeavour – Reshaping dementia care through participatory secondary data analysis." Dementia 19, no. 4 (September 11, 2018): 1151–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1471301218795353.

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Dementia is emerging from the shadows of societal exclusion and stigma. The engagement within society for people who are marginalised is co-constructed through the everyday practices that take place between them and those around them. However, this is inherently political, positioning people as active and activist in the relationship of their lives with their communities. The research aimed to interrogate an existing qualitative dataset in partnership with people living with dementia to inform the development of a way of working with people with dementia that is empowering. In this qualitative secondary data analysis project, we (1) analysed data through two theoretical lenses: Douglas’ cultural theory of risk and Tronto’s Ethic of Care, and (2) co-analysed the data together with people living with dementia during 16 workshops. The design involved cycles of presenting, interpreting, representing and reinterpreting the data and findings between multiple stakeholders. We identified a granular understanding of the way relationships change for people with dementia and how subtle factors and nuanced behaviour contribute to social exclusion, or support social inclusion. The results support relational care through the co-operative endeavour (of co-operative communication, co-operative action and co-operative care) in promoting the inclusion of people living with dementia.

Dima, Cristina, Petrică Sorin Angheluță, Constantin Marius Profiroiu, and Petruț Cristian Vasilache. "Education and Employment in European Urban Communities." SHS Web of Conferences 92 (2021): 07017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20219207017.

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Research background: In the context of globalization, education processes are of great importance for the development of urban communities. Identifying the needs of the labour market should be the goal of any organization that provides education and training. Purpose of the article: Globalization leads to the emergence of new specializations and qualifications. In order to facilitate the acquisition of competencies and abilities specific to new qualifications and specializations, it is necessary to involve education and training providers. Methods: The article analyses the evolution of the employment rate, respectively of the unemployment rate. Urban communities need to respond to new societal, economic and environmental challenges. Findings & Value added: One of the major problems of urban communities is the risk of poverty and social exclusion. Thus, for the Member States of the European Union, the article presents the comparative situation of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion. For the Member States of the European Union, the evolution of the participation rate in education and training programs is followed in this article. The article also presents an analysis of the level of education of the urban population. Due to urban concentrations, the launch of new products and services is much easier.

Analoui, Bejan David, and Dinuka B. Herath. "Independent female escorts: Stigmatized, value-adding entrepreneurs." International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 20, no. 2 (August 12, 2018): 119–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1465750318792513.

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In this article we characterize an independent female escort (IFE) as a sex worker who provides sexual services and companionship in exchange for remuneration, makes use of the Internet for the solicitation of her clients, and solicits those clients and organizes her work in a largely independent manner. We draw on the typology of value-adding and value-extracting entrepreneurship to argue that the activities of IFEs can be considered as entrepreneurial activity that has clear individual and societal benefits. Despite undertaking value-adding entrepreneurial activity, IFEs, as with other sex workers, often face social stigma and concomitant social exclusion. We argue that such stigma is not warranted, and highlight the opportunities for undertaking research into the manner in which perceived and experienced social stigma may affect the entrepreneurial activity of IFEs.

Bartels, Koen PR. "Collaborative dynamics in street level work: Working in and with communities to improve relationships and reduce deprivation." Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 36, no. 7 (January 23, 2018): 1319–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2399654418754387.

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Joint service delivery is a well-established aspect of urban governance but does not necessarily improve interagency collaboration or reduce socio-spatial deprivation. What happens in interactions between street level workers has a large influence on collaborative processes and outcomes but is remarkably underexplored. This article develops an understanding of the nature and impact of the relational practices enacted in street level collaboration. I argue that community-centred working can foster effective and authentic collaborative processes and, as a result, generate better societal outcomes. Based on a participatory evaluation conducted in Amsterdam, I critically appraise how working in and with communities moved collaborative dynamics in street level work away from habitual routines and power relations that sustained exclusion and inequality of local disadvantaged youngsters towards better internal relationships and less socio-spatial deprivation.

Kohls, Johannes, and Funda Tekin. "Transformationsprozesse in den europäischen Parteiensystemen und ihre Folgen für die Zukunft der Europäischen Union." integration 43, no. 1 (2020): 19–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/0720-5120-2020-1-19.

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Transformation processes at both the political and societal level are decisive factors for the future integration process of the European Union. Among the member states, highly variable causes for change are evident and particularly the inclusion-exclusion cleavage stands out. In addition, the pan-European crises of recent years have proved to be catalysts for the transformation of European societies and party systems, which is also being driven forward by new communication structures. Although the European elections themselves did not turn out to be an “earthquake” for the European integration process, they do make it more difficult to find a majority and form a government. The campaign themes that shaped the 2019 European elections have proved to be diverse. Environmental and climate policy does not count among the crucial issues for the elections across Europe.

Clarke, Charlotte Laura, Mike Titterton, Jane Wilcockson, Jane Reed, Wendy Moyle, Barbara Klein, Sandra Marais, and Glenda Cook. "Risk time framing for wellbeing in older people: a multi-national appreciative inquiry." Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 13, no. 1 (January 8, 2018): 44–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jmhtep-12-2016-0060.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the experience of older people and their sense of developing wellbeing, including consideration of the strategies they employ to respond to perceived risk. Design/methodology/approach An Appreciative Inquiry study was used, which collected data with 58 participants in focus group and individual interviews. Interviews focussed on ways in which older people in South Africa, Australia, Germany and the UK understand and seek to maintain wellbeing. Findings The changing time horizons of older people lead to perceptions of risk and concerns that embrace societal as well as individual concerns. Often, this leads to a sense of societal responsibility and desire for social change, which is frustrated by a perceived exclusion from participation in society. Social implications In mental health practice and education, it is imperative to embrace the shift from ageist concerns (with later life viewed as risky and tragic in itself) towards a greater sensitivity for older people’s resilience, the strategies they deploy to maintain this, and their desire for more control and respect for their potential to contribute to society. Originality/value Variation in time horizons leads to changes in temporal accounting, which may be under-utilised by society. Consequently, societies may not recognise and support the resilience of older people to the detriment of older people as individuals and to the wider society.

Svensson, Eva. "Heritage and development outside the metropolis." Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 5, no. 1 (May 18, 2015): 4–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jchmsd-07-2013-0029.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the contribution of heritage and participation to sustainable development in a postindustrial context. Special attention is paid to the problematic fields of attractiveness, growth and participation. New ways of working this field are called for. Design/methodology/approach – The study relies on retrospectiveparticipatory observation, citizen participation and document analysis. Findings – There is a complex relationship between experts and citizens/participants, and heritage and history are considered to be domains of experts. Therefore heritage projects have problems surviving the exodus of experts. Heritage is not perceived as asset for building new businesses by most citizens, but as values “out there”. Heritage may function as a meeting place, attracting different groups of people, but there are complex mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion. A model and a method are put forward for uniting experts and citizens, and driving the integration of heritage in other sectors of society to create innovative sustainability processes. Research limitations/implications – A single case study, taking place under special conditions. However, both the results and the context correspond well with similar studies. Practical implications – Furthering of integration of heritage management and antiquarian actions in other societal sectors. Social implications – More stable networks of citizens/stakeholders and antiquarians. Originality/value – A fairly large project involving a multitude of stakeholders and societal interests.

Wiest, Karin. "Ordinary Places of Postmigrant Societies: Dealing with Difference in West and East German Neighbourhoods." Urban Planning 5, no. 3 (July 28, 2020): 115–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/up.v5i3.2960.

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The starting point of the contribution is the question of how the dynamics of social encounters in the city are shaped by specific migration histories, local discourses, economies and policies. Against this background, the article analyses the perceptions and localised practices in dealing with social difference and diversity in a comparison of East and West German neighbourhoods. However, this is not about a hierarchizing evaluation, but about understanding urban encounters in the migration society as contestations of social and class recognition, which are played out at different levels and in specific urban places. Based on narrative interviews and field observations, it is shown how urban coexistence is experienced and negotiated in everyday settings between routines and new conflicts. A postmigrant perspective—as a heuristic point of entry—aims to take hegemonic understandings of societal belonging and exclusion under migration-related conditions into question.

Tschöll, Christine. "Precarity: causes, effects and consequences of insecure working and living conditions in a multicultural, rural area of northern Italy (South Tyrol)." Journal of Education Culture and Society 5, no. 2 (January 6, 2020): 82–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.15503/jecs20142.82.90.

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The research project deals with the current issue of precarity, its mechanisms, risks, effects, coping strategies as well as coping competences and addresses the impact of work-based insecurities, rising social inequalities within and across nations, with a specific regional focus on South Tyrol - a multicultural, rural area in northern Italy, bordering with Austria. Finally, it is important to identify possible innovative solutions for the labour market, Human Resources strategies and social policies. The concept of work will be related to all securitized fundamental rights, their socialization context, the global change of values and the social change in the welfare state. The recent transformation from discourses on inequality and poverty towards social exclusion and inclusion indicates a conceptual shift in the societal management of social inequalities. The global financial crisis has highlighted the connectedness between corporate and household risk behaviour and management, and their socially inequitable effects. The interdisciplinary view enables a focus on multiple insecurities and how they interact to produceprecarious work relations, in reference to working conditions and the experience of social exclusion, the links between de-regulation, liberalization and the individualization of employment risks, but also the development of interest representation and social organizations for supporting labour market outsiders. The paper describes the current process of defining the research design, preliminary reflections for the case study and shows first outcomes of the project.

Bal, Ellen, and Nasrin Siraj. "“We are the True Citizens of This Country”." Asian Journal of Social Science 45, no. 6 (2017): 666–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15685314-04506004.

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Democracy has generally been understood the best remedy to prevent societal violence, as it gives different groups a channel to voice their interests and grievances. However, in this article, that focuses on the Chittagong Hills, which for many decades has formed one of the most violent spaces in Bangladesh, we argue that, in reality, democracy and violence can be two sides of the same coin. This is not to say that in Bangladesh, where full liberal democracy is not in place, ordinary citizens have no values and idea(l)s of democracy and citizenship. On the contrary, in order to make sense of the intricate connection between democratic idea(l)s, and violent imaginations and practices, we focus in particular on the process of what we call the vernacularisation of democratic politics. We connect this process to the appropriation of citizenship and nationalism, by ordinary but radically differently-positioned people, in their daily realities. We demonstrate that widely shared imaginations of Bangladeshi-ness, as Bengali-ness or Muslim-ness, and of Bengalis/Muslims as the true nation and citizens of Bangladesh, are intimately connected with popular understandings and practices of democracy, which are based on the exclusion of the not-genuine-Bengalis, with the legitimisation and continuation of violence, and the exclusion of ethnic minorities in the Chittagong Hills.

Blouchoutzi, Anastasia, Dimitra Manou, and Jason Papathanasiou. "A PROMETHEE MCDM Application in Social Inclusion: The Case of Foreign-Born Population in the EU." Systems 9, no. 2 (June 15, 2021): 45. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/systems9020045.

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Since the migrant surge in 2015, social inclusion has become a crucial issue to be addressed effectively by the European Union, given that 39% of the population born outside of the EU member states faces the risk of poverty or social exclusion. Adding to that, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected migrant households worldwide, rendering migrant integration an urgent matter for national governments. Discrimination, racism, xenophobia, and radicalization are all societal threats emerging in periods of massive migrant flows and need appropriate policy measures to be employed in migrant host countries to tackle them. This paper suggests the integration of a multiple criteria decision analysis method, namely PROMETHEE, for policy making with regard to migrant social exclusion. In light of previous research findings and the recent release of the Migrant Integration Policy Index 2020, the authors argue that the method proposed could help policy makers to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented policies, spot the discrepancies between policies and policy outcomes, and motivate knowledge sharing among the EU member states. The findings include a ten-year comparative list of the EU member states (2010–2019) driven by social inclusion indicators for the foreign-born (non-EU-born) population. The results are rather sensitive to changes in the data utilized but they provide an overall comparative picture of social inclusion policy effectiveness in the EU during the past decade.

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