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Статті в журналах з теми "Software assistant":


Hayden, Charles C., John C. Mitchell, Jishnu Mukerji, and Frederick A. Schmidt. "The Software Development Assistant." AT&T Technical Journal 69, no. 2 (March 4, 1990): 76–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.1538-7305.1990.tb00331.x.

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Benner, Kevin M. "Knowledge-based software assistant." Knowledge-Based Systems 1, no. 4 (September 1988): 221–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0950-7051(88)90032-9.

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Karimi, J., and B. R. Konsynsky. "An automated software design assistant." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 14, no. 2 (1988): 194–210. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/32.4638.

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Hýža, Martin, Tomáš Skřont, and Petr Šilhán. "Drug interactions - experience with the software assistant." Psychiatrie pro praxi 21, no. 3 (December 10, 2020): 120–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.36290/psy.2020.021.

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Persons, Warren L. "The Safety-Critical Software Evaluation Assistant (SEA) *." IFAC Proceedings Volumes 28, no. 25 (November 1995): 95–100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s1474-6670(17)44830-0.

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Halvoník, Dominik, and Peter Psenak. "Design of an Educational Virtual Assistant Software." International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 16, no. 11 (June 4, 2021): 308. http://dx.doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v16i11.19847.

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Despite the great creators’ efforts of e-learning educational materials, it is not possible to define the content of these materials specifically for all students. Based on this, it is necessary to provide in e-learning education the possibility of a more detailed interpretation of specific parts of the educational material that may be unclear to specific students. Based on this fact, we decided to take the first step in the form of software design, which will represent a virtual assistant in teaching computer science. The role of this assistant will be the ability to answer technical questions related to the presented curriculum. From an architectural point of view, it will be a set of micro-services, each of which will serve a specific task. The prerequisite is the use of decision trees to determine a specific micro-service, which will be implemented in the form of a neural network. Main aim of this paper is to provide detail description of global software architecture for such a virtual assistant

Nagargoje, Prof Vivek. "J.A.R.V.I.S Organizational Virtual Assistant." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. VI (June 30, 2021): 4664–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2021.35066.

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Chatbots, or conversational interfaces as they are also known, present a new way for individuals to interact with computer systems. Traditionally, to get a question answered by a software program involved using a search engine, or filling out a form. A chatbot allows a user to simply ask questions in the same manner that they would address a human. The most well known chatbots currently are voice chatbots: Alexa and Siri. However, chatbots are currently being adopted at a high rate on computer chat platforms. The technology at the core of the rise of the chatbot is natural language processing (“NLP”). A simple chatbot can be created by loading an FAQ (frequently asked questions) into chatbot software. The functionality of the chatbot can be improved by integrating it into the organization’s enterprise software, allowing more personal questions to be answered, like“When is the meet?”, or “What is the schedule of my day?”. A chatbot can be used as an “assistant” to a live agent, increasing the agent’s efficiency.

Bornemann, Lars, Volker Dicken, Jan-Martin Kuhnigk, Dag Wormanns, Hoen-Oh Shin, Hans-Christian Bauknecht, Volker Diehl, et al. "OncoTREAT: a software assistant for cancer therapy monitoring." International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 1, no. 5 (December 15, 2006): 231–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11548-006-0059-z.

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Bornemann, L., J. M. Kuhnigk, V. Dicken, S. Zidowitz, D. Wormanns, H. Shin, S. Krass, and H. O. Peitgen. "OncoTREAT—a software assistant for oncological therapy monitoring." International Congress Series 1281 (May 2005): 429–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ics.2005.03.050.

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Mertel, Adam, David Zbíral, Zdeněk Stachoň, and Hana Hořínková. "Historical geocoding assistant." SoftwareX 14 (June 2021): 100682. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2021.100682.

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Дисертації з теми "Software assistant":


Sereesathien, Siriwan. "A GitHub-based Voice Assistant for Software Developers and Teams." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2021. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/2334.

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Software developers and teams typically rely on source code and tasks management tools for their projects. They tend to depend on different platforms such as GitHub, Azure DevOps, Bitbucket, and GitLab for task-tracking, feature-tracking, and bug-tracking to develop and maintain their software repositories. Individually, developers may lose concentration when having to navigate through numerous screens consisting of various platforms to perform daily tasks. Additionally, while in meetings (non-virtual), teams are often separate from their machines and often would have to rely on pure recollection of the tasks and issues related to their work. This can delay the decision-making process and take away valuable focus hours of developers. Although there is usually one person with their laptop to guide the meeting and has access to the source code management tools, this can take a lot of time as they are not familiar with all the developers’ independent works. Therefore, a new tool needs to be introduced to help accelerate individual and team meetings’ productivity. In this paper, we continued the work on Robin, a voice-assistant built to answer questions regarding GitHub issues and source code management. Robin has the ability to answer questions in addition to completing actions on the behalf of the developer. This thesis presents Robin's abilities, architecture, and implementation while also examining its usability through a user study. Our study suggests that some people love the idea of having a conversational agent for software development. However, a lot more research and iterations must be done to fully make Robin give the user experience we imagined. In this thesis, we were able to set the foundation of this idea and the lessons that we learned.

Provenzano, Heugel Lisa Michelle. "WARM : Wearable Assistant with Remote Monitoring." [Tampa, Fla] : University of South Florida, 2007. http://purl.fcla.edu/usf/dc/et/SFE0001904.

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Poon, Josiah Chun-Fai, and josiah poon@deakin edu au. "An intelligent assistant to re-configure parameter-driven systems." Deakin University, 1994. http://tux.lib.deakin.edu.au./adt-VDU/public/adt-VDU20061207.143623.

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Parameter-Driven Systems (PDS) are widely used in commerce for large-scale applications. Reusability is achieved with a PDS design by relocating implicit control structures in the software and the storage of explicit data in database files. This approach can accommodate various user requirements without tedious modification of the software. In order to specify appropriate parameters in a system, knowledge of both business activities and system behaviour are required. For large, complex software packages, this task becomes time consuming and requires specialist knowledge, yet the consistency and correctness still cannot be guaranteed. My research studied the types of knowledge required and agents involved in the PDS customisation. The work also identified the associated problems and constraints. A solution is proposed and implemented as an Intelligent Assistant prototype than a manual approach. Three areas of achievement have been highlighted: 1. The characteristics and problems of maintaining parameter instances in a PDS are defined. It is found that the verification is not complete with the technical/structural knowledge alone, but a context is necessary to provide semantic information and related business activities (thus the implemented parameters) so that mainline functions can relate with each other. 2. A knowledge-based modelling approach has been proposed and demonstrated via a practical implementation. A Specification Language was designed which can model various types of knowledge in a PDS and encapsulate relationships. The Knowledge-Based System (KBS) developed verifies parameters based on the interpreted model of a given context. 3. The performance of the Intelligent Assistant prototype was well received by the domain specialist from the participating organisation. The modelling and KBS approach developed in my research offers considerable promise in solving practical problems in the software industry.

Savary-Leblanc, Maxime. "Augmenting software engineers with modeling assistants." Thesis, Université de Lille (2018-2021), 2021. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/EDMADIS/2021/2021LILUB027.pdf.

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La connaissance du domaine est une condition préalable à la conception et à la mise en œuvre de logiciels adaptés aux exigences des parties prenantes. Une façon courante de formaliser cette connaissance est réalisée par des modèles conceptuels, qui sont couramment utilisés pour décrire ou simuler un système. L'acquisition d'une telle expertise nécessite de discuter avec des parties prenantes bien informées et/ou d'avoir accès à des documents utiles, qui ne sont pas toujours facilement accessibles. Dans le même temps, de plus en plus d'échantillons de modèles peuvent être rassemblés à partir de sources multiples, ce qui représente un nombre croissant d'éléments de connaissance déjà formalisés et accessibles. Par exemple, certaines entreprises conservent des archives de référentiels de modèles internes. Il existe également de nombreux projets open source qui contiennent des modèles, tandis que certains outils de modélisation offrent même la possibilité de créer des projets publics que l'on peut parcourir librement. Ces sources de données pourraient être exploitées pour créer une connaissance du domaine qui pourrait être fournie aux ingénieurs logiciels lors de la modélisation. Pour être utile, cette connaissance doit être de haute qualité, mais doit aussi être bien intégrée dans le processus de modélisation du logiciel. L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir un cadre pour exploiter les connaissances afin d'aider les utilisateurs d'outils de modélisation informatique avec des assistants de modélisation logicielle. Cette thèse présente d'abord nos questions de recherche basées sur une étude de cartographie systématique sur les assistants logiciels pour l'ingénierie logicielle, et se concentre ensuite sur les assistants logiciels pour la modélisation. Elle rend compte de la conception d'assistants de modélisation basée sur une approche centrée sur l'utilisateur. Nous présentons les conclusions des entretiens menés avec des experts en modélisation, une étape au cours de laquelle les exigences sont recueillies. Ensuite, nous développons la création d'un prototype de base de connaissances en modélisation permettant (i) de créer des connaissances artificielles générales et spécifiques en modélisation, et (ii) de les mettre à disposition de tout client logiciel via des recommandations. Après avoir présenté les résultats d'une expérience concernant la précision du système, nous discutons ces résultats préliminaires. Enfin, cette thèse présente l'implémentation d'un assistant de modélisation logiciel intégré à l'outil Papyrus, qui vise à cognifier l'environnement de modélisation UML en intégrant les connaissances précédemment créées. Notre travail permet de clarifier le besoin d'assistance pendant les travaux de modélisation de logiciels, de présenter une première approche de la conception d'assistants logiciels pour la modélisation de logiciels, et d'identifier les défis de recherche dans l'assistance à la modélisation
Domain knowledge is a prerequisite to produce software design and implementation tailored to stakeholders’ requirements. One common way to formalize that knowledge is achieved through conceptual models, which are commonly used to describe or simulate a system. Acquiring such expertise requires to discuss with knowledgeable stakeholders and/or to get an access to useful documents, which both might not always be easily accessible. In the same time, more and more model samples can be gathered from multiple sources, what represents an increasing number of already formalized and accessible knowledge pieces. For example, some companies keep archives of internal model repositories. There also exist numerous open source projects that contain models while some modeling tools even offer the possibility to create public projects that are free to browse. Such data sources could be exploited to create domain knowledge that could be provided to software engineers while modeling. To be useful, this knowledge must be of high quality, but must also be well integrated into the software modeling process. The focus of this thesis is to provide a framework to exploit knowledge to assist users of computer-based modeling tools with software modeling assistants. This thesis first introduces our research questions based on a systematic mapping study about software assistants for software engineering, and then focuses on software assistants for modeling. It reports on the design of modeling assistants based on a user-centered approach. We present the conclusions of interviews conducted with experts in modeling, a stage in which requirements are collected. Then, we develop the creation of a prototype modeling knowledge base allowing (i) to create general and specific artificial modeling knowledge, and (ii) to make them available to any software client via recommendations. After introducing the results of an experiment regarding the accuracy of the system, we discuss these preliminary results. Finally, this thesis presents a software modeling assistant implementation integrated to the Papyrus tool, which aims to cognify the UML modeling environment by integrating the previously created knowledge. Our work helps to clarify the need for assistance during software modeling work, presents an initial approach to the design of software assistants for software modeling, and identify research challenges in modeling assistance

Keltner, Jason R. Miller Paul C. "Integration of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) devices into the Military Healthcare Clinic Environment." Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2001. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA397190.

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Thesis (M.S. in Information Technology Management) Naval Postgraduate School, Sept. 2001.
Thesis advisors, Jones, Carl ; Brutzman, Don. "September 2001." Includes bibliographical references (p. 171-175). Also Available in print.

Miller, Paul C. "Integration of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) devices into the Military Healthcare Clinic Environment." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/2114.

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The business drivers within managed care are mandating that physicians have point-of-care access to medical reference data, patient specific data, formularies, treatment protocols, and billing/coding information. One emerging technology that has the potential to provide this access with little economic investment is the mobile Personal Digital Assistant. The authors address a variety of wireless technologies and security concerns regarding real-time access to patient data. The family practice staff at the Naval Hospital Lemoore explored and contrasted the capabilities of commercially available PDAs, wireless interfaces, and medical software applications to ascertain their value within the Military Health System. A production-ready interface between the Composite Health Care System and the Nutrition Management Information Server demonstrates the potential for eliminating the difficulties associated with documenting patient encounters and capturing charges. Survey tools generate a requirements standard for deployment of this technology within the Military Health System on an enterprise-wide scale with a hybrid approach to packaging based on functionality. The authors recommend the Military Health System embrace this technology as a means to realize its vision of best value health services.
US Navy (USN) author

Di, Tuccio Gianluca. "Smart Hospital Assistant: studio ed implementazione di un assistente vocale ospedaliero tramite tecnologie semantiche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/24006/.

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In questo elaborato è stata proposta l’implementazione di un assistente vocale ospedaliero, denominato Mario, fondato su tecnologie semantiche. La sua realizzazione è stata possibile grazie alla creazione di un’ontologia e all’implementazione dell’assistente vocale basato sul linguaggio Python. Per l’inserimento dei dati diagnostici è stato realizzato un software usato sia per la registrazione della parte anagrafica di operatori sanitari e pazienti, sia per l’inserimento o la modifica dei dati di una cartella clinica elettronica. Verranno discussi i vantaggi di queste tecnologie, tra cui l’interoperabilità tra sistemi diversi ed il poter realizzare queries personalizzate ad hoc per l’assistente vocale.

O'Connor, Rory V. "An architecture for an intelligent assistant system for use in software project planning." Thesis, City University London, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.340375.

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Botla, Purushotham (Purushotham Shriramulu). "Designing personal assistant software for task management using semantic web technologies and knowledge databases." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/90684.

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Thesis: S.M. in Engineering and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, System Design and Management Program, 2013.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 100-102).
Adoption of social network sites and use of smart phones with number of sensors in them has digitized user's activities in real-time. Smart phone applications such as calendar, email, and notes contain lot of user information and provide a view into user's activities, while sensors such as GPS sensor can be used to passively find information about the user. In addition to this user and device data, these devices have access to the Internet that can be leveraged to build powerful applications. Personal assistant software (smart agent) can be used as an interface to the digital world to make the consumption of this information timely and efficient for the user's specific tasks. Goal of the thesis is to design personal assistant software that understands the semantics of the task, is able to decompose the task into multiple tasks within the context of the user and plan these tasks for the user. It will be designed using semantic web technologies and knowledge databases to understand the relations between the tasks. Agent will be integrated with online web-services to harvest the data available on-line with the data available on the device and help the user to manage his or her tasks. Two use cases are covered in this thesis document to explore automation capabilities and planning capabilities of the agent. Design of the agent using the two use cases helped in the design of sub-modules within the agent system, and also highlighted the requirements on external data and knowledge sources.
by Purushotham Botla.
S.M. in Engineering and Management

Benson, T. J. Graeme. "Towards the development of a mathematician's assistant for the specification and implementation of parallel linear algebra software." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.388070.

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Книги з теми "Software assistant":


Regoczei, Stephen. Sortal analysis with SORTAL, a software assistant for knowledge acquisition. Toronto: Computer Systems Research Institute, University of Toronto, 1989.

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Burton, Kevin R. Advanced applications for PFS and the IBM assistant series. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: TAB Books, 1985.

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Burton, Kevin R. Increasing productivity with PFS and the IBM assistant series. 2nd ed. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books, 1986.

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Felter, Ralf. Decision support assistant: Ein Konzept für ein Software-Verwaltungssystem, mit dem vorhandene Software effizient zu leistungsfähigen entscheidungsunterstützenden Systemen zusammengestellt werden kann. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts Verlag, 1989.

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Shelby, Gloria Bryant. Introduction to Q&A write, version 3.0 file/report/intelligent assistant. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown, 1992.

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Lester, Neil. Assisting the software reuse process through classification and retrieval of software models. [s.l: The Author], 2000.

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International Institute for Software Technology. UNU/IIST: International Institute for Software Technology. Macau: United Nations University, International Institute for Software Technology, 1994.

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Wagner, Marc. A change-oriented architecture for mathematical authoring assistance. [Amsterdam]: IOS Press, 2011.

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Ontario, Ministry of Industry Trade and Technology. Government assistance to the software and service industry: Programs of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology. [Toronto]: The Ministry, 1989.

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Tyurina, Nadiya. Formation of habilitation competence of parents raising a child of infant and early age. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/1058944.

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The textbook deals with the actual problem of the formation of habilitation competence of parents who have a child with disorders of psychophysical development of infancy and early age. The article reveals a scientifically based socio-pedagogical model of the phenomenon of abilitation competence of parents, identifies the conditions for the effectiveness of its formation, presents modern approaches to interaction with a family raising an atypical child, and offers original software and methodological developments for the formation of their abilitation competence. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students studying in the direction of training "Special (defectological) education" at the bachelor's and master's level, as well as specialists (defectologists, psychologists, social educators) of educational, social and interdepartmental institutions that implement programs of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with psychophysical development disorders of infancy and early age.

Частини книг з теми "Software assistant":


Ansari, Zuha Kareem, Bushra Taher, Nida Arshad, Sadiyya Fayaz, and Fathima Khader. "The New Era of Healthcare: Smart Healthcare Assistant." In Communication Software and Networks, 47–54. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5397-4_6.

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Park, Youngmin, Sangwoo Kang, Myungwan Koo, and Jungyun Seo. "Dialogue Platform for Interactive Personal Assistant Software." In Natural Language Dialog Systems and Intelligent Assistants, 247–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19291-8_24.

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Felter, Ralf. "Der Decision Support Assistant (DSA): Ein allgemeines Konzept für ein Softwaretool, mit dem sich vorhandene Software effizient zu Systemen für die individuelle Entscheidungsunterstützung zusammenstellen läßt." In Decision Support Assistant, 12–56. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-91018-9_1.

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Kezadri, Mounira, Benoît Combemale, Marc Pantel, and Xavier Thirioux. "A Proof Assistant Based Formalization of MDE Components." In Formal Aspects of Component Software, 223–40. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-35743-5_14.

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Aubry, R., M. Maranzana, and J. J. Schwarz. "Methodology assistant in a graphical design of real-time applications." In Achieving Quality in Software, 249–61. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-34869-8_21.

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Schwartz, Daniel G. "Formal Specifications for a Document Management Assistant." In Innovations in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, 111–16. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-9112-3_19.

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Pant, Tanay. "Integrating the Software with Raspberry Pi, and Next Steps." In Building a Virtual Assistant for Raspberry Pi, 81–92. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2167-9_9.

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Costa, Angelo, Stella Heras, Javier Palanca, Paulo Novais, and Vicente Julián. "A Persuasive Cognitive Assistant System." In Ambient Intelligence- Software and Applications – 7th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI 2016), 151–60. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-40114-0_17.

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Clotet, Eduard, Dani Martínez, Javier Moreno, Marcel Tresanchez, and Jordi Palacín. "Development of a High Mobility Assistant Personal Robot for Home Operation." In Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications, 65–73. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19695-4_7.

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Diaz-Pace, Andres, Hyunwoo Kim, Len Bass, Phil Bianco, and Felix Bachmann. "Integrating Quality-Attribute Reasoning Frameworks in the ArchE Design Assistant." In Quality of Software Architectures. Models and Architectures, 171–88. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-87879-7_11.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Software assistant":


Sison, R. "Personal software process (PSP) assistant." In 12th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'05). IEEE, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/apsec.2005.87.

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Dart, S. "Tool configuration assistant." In SCM: 2nd Intl Workshop on Software Configuration Mgmt. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/72910.73354.

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Iarussi, Emmanuel, Adrien Bousseau, and Theophanis Tsandilas. "The drawing assistant." In UIST'13: The 26th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2501988.2501997.

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Schuster, Helmut R., and Anton H. Basson. "A Software “Design Assistant” for Specification Development." In ASME 1996 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/96-detc/dac-1039.

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Abstract The Design Assistant is primarily a computer-based tool for teaching a systematic mechanical design procedure and improving a novice designer’s productivity while doing so. Provision is made for recording experienced designers’ intent for education through case studies. Record is kept of the relationships amongst design decisions to ensure consistency. QFD and techniques suggested by Pahl and Beitz are adapted for the specification development procedure employed in the Design Assistant. The implementation details of the Windows-based software, including ease of use, hypertext-based help, and relational database issues, are discussed. Practical evaluation of the Design Assistant is underway.

Rexilius, Jan, Olaf Konrad, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen. "A software assistant for the design of realistic software phantoms." In Medical Imaging, edited by Joseph M. Reinhardt and Josien P. W. Pluim. SPIE, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.771608.

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Atasoy, Mehmet Emre, and Altan Kocyigit. "An Extensible Software Architecture for Intelligent Assistant." In 2021 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK). IEEE, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ubmk52708.2021.9558940.

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Akbiyik, M. Eren, Cagan S. Coban, Elif Aygun, Huseyin Ziya Imamoglu, Doga Gurgunoglu, and Duygu Ider. "ThermoCam: Smart Baby Monitoring Assistant." In 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). IEEE, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/compsac48688.2020.0-185.

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Czap, Laszlo, Attila Karoly Varga, and Bela Illes. "Concept of a Speech Assistant System." In 2013 Fourth World Congress on Software Engineering (WCSE). IEEE, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/wcse.2013.37.

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Canfora, Gerardo, Massimiliano Di Penta, Stefano Giannantonio, Rocco Oliveto, and Sebastiano Panichella. "YODA: Young and newcOmer Developer Assistant." In 2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). IEEE, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icse.2013.6606710.

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Tuncer, Isilay, Sevval Az, Askin Karakas, and Mehmet Gokturk. "Context-Based Corporate Business Intelligence Assistant." In 2019 1st International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (UBMYK). IEEE, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ubmyk48245.2019.8965648.

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Звіти організацій з теми "Software assistant":


Bachmann, Felix, Len Bass, and Mark Klein. Preliminary Design of ArchE: A Software Architecture Design Assistant. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada421618.

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Carozzoni, Joseph A. Initial Definition of a Knowledge-Based Software Quality Assistant. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada265866.

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Kahn, Larry, and Steve Keller. The Assistant for Specifying the Quality Software (ASQS) Operational Concept Document. Volume 1. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1990. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada227893.

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Blosser, Dennis. In-Plant Technical Assistance for Software. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada182340.

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Kaiser, Gail E., and Peter H. Feiler. An Architecture for Intelligent Assistance in Software Development. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada181743.

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Waraniak, John. Unsettled Issues on Sensor Calibration for Automotive Aftermarket Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems. SAE International, March 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/epr2021008.

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Many automotive industry safety advocates have been pushing for greater market penetration for active safety and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), with the goal of ending deaths due to car crashes. However, there are far-reaching implications for the collision repair, specialty equipment, and performance aftermarket sectors—after a collision or modification, the ADAS system functionality must be preserved to maintain, driver, passenger, and road user safety. To do this, sensor recalibration and ADAS functional safety validation and documentation after repair, modification, or accessorizing are necessary. Unsettled Issues on Sensor Calibration for Automotive Aftermarket ADAS tackles the challenges of accelerating the pace of ADAS implementation; increasing industry understanding of systems, sensors, software, controllers; and minimizing the overwhelming variety of sensor calibration procedures and automaker targets. Additionally, this report addresses the liability concerns that are challenging the industry as it seeks to move forward safely.

Pulugurtha, Srinivas S., and Raghuveer Gouribhatla. Drivers’ Response to Scenarios when Driving Connected and Automated Vehicles Compared to Vehicles with and without Driver Assist Technology. Mineta Transportation Institute, January 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.31979/mti.2022.1944.

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Traffic related crashes cause more than 38,000 fatalities every year in the United States. They are the leading cause of death among drivers up to 54 years in age and incur $871 million in losses each year. Driver errors contribute to about 94% of these crashes. In response, automotive companies have been developing vehicles with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that aid in various driving tasks. These features are aimed at enhancing safety by either warning drivers of a potential hazard or picking up certain driving maneuvers like maintaining the lane. These features are already part of vehicles with Driver Assistance Technology, and they are vital for successful deployment of connected and automated vehicles in the near future. However, drivers' responses to driving vehicles with advanced features have been meagerly explored. This research evaluates driver participants' response to scenarios when driving connected and automated vehicles compared to vehicles with and without Driver Assistance Technology. The research developed rural, urban, and freeway driving scenarios in a driver simulator and tested on participants sixteen years to sixty-five years old. The research team explored two types of advanced features by categorizing them into warnings and automated features. The results show that the advanced features affected driving behavior by making driver participants less aggressive and harmonizing the driving environment. This research also discovered that the type of driving scenario influences the effect of advanced features on driver behavior. Additionally, aggressive driving behavior was observed most in male participants and during nighttime conditions. Rainy conditions and female participants were associated with less aggressive driving behavior. The findings from this research help to assess driver behavior when driving vehicles with advanced features. They can be inputted into microsimulation software to model the effect of vehicles with advanced features on the performance of transportation systems, advancing technology that could eventually save millions of dollars and thousands of lives.

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