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Sokolov, V. V., та G. A. Kut︠s︡. Kto estʹ kto ot A do I︠A︡: Ovt︠s︡evody Rossii i stran SNG : biograficheskiĭ spravochnik. Izhevsk: Izhevskiĭ gos. tekhn. universitet, 2004.

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Center, Langley Research, ed. Nonlinear adhesive behavior effects in a cracked orthotropic sheet stiffened by a semi-infinite orthotropic sheet. Hampton, Va: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 1985.

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Wang, Yaning. An advanced punch stretching test system with supporting computation analysis. 1991.

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Lott, Marie Sumner. Music for Men of Leisure. University of Illinois Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.5406/illinois/9780252039225.003.0003.

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This chapter demonstrates some of the ways that the musical style of string quartets and quintets from the 1830s and 1840s reflects specific social uses of music in middle-class life by examining works of three composers clearly linked to this cultural milieu: Louis Spohr, George Onslow, and Friedrich Kuhlau. These composers belonged to the middle classes, and their music appealed to their neighbors and friends, as well as to a broad audience of sheet music purchasers throughout Europe who shared the composers' middle-class identity. In addition to their professional activities as composers, performers, conductors, and teachers, these three men also engaged in private, recreational music making during their “off-duty” hours that mirrored the activities of their patrons and other consumers of music. Their musical creations for this audience reflect the practice of their social peers—members of the Bildungsbürgertum, or the upper middle classes.

Rones, Kevin. Ukulele 101: The Fun & Easy Ukulele Method. Centerstream Publications, 2013.

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McCormick, Finbar, and Emily Murray. The zooarchaeology of Medieval Ireland. Edited by Umberto Albarella, Mauro Rizzetto, Hannah Russ, Kim Vickers, and Sarah Viner-Daniels. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199686476.013.15.

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This paper presents an overview of the main trends in animal exploitation in the Medieval period in Ireland as revealed by the zooarchaeological data. Cattle dominated the farming economy and diet throughout the period with dairying being their principal role. Sheep are consistently present. The growth of the wool trade after the Anglo-Norman conquest is evident in assemblages from the east and southeast, though it is not a strong trend with their use as a source of meat persisting throughout the Medieval period. An urban–rural dichotomy is also evident in the exploitation of pigs, goats, cats, dogs, and domestic poultry. The native Irish clearly took little interest in the exploitation of wild animals, unlike the Anglo-Normans for whom the consumption and hunting of game played an important role.

Schibler, Jörg. Zooarchaeological results from Neolithic and Bronze Age wetland and dryland sites in the Central Alpine Foreland. Edited by Umberto Albarella, Mauro Rizzetto, Hannah Russ, Kim Vickers, and Sarah Viner-Daniels. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199686476.013.6.

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A small but very diverse structured landscape, a high degree of preservation of archaeological findings and structures because of waterlogged conditions, and very precise dendrochronological dating are the advantages of the archaeological and archaeozoological situation in Switzerland. These opportunities allow differentiating the topographic, environmental, and cultural conditions that influenced and shaped the role of domestic and wild animals in the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Because of the proximity to the Alps, unfavourable weather conditions had a strong impact on agricultural production, resulting frequently in a more intense use of wild resources. Therefore, during the Neolithic, but even in the Bronze Age, hunting played periodically an important role. On the other hand, the topographic situation, the extent of open landscapes resulting from human clearances, as well as cultural influences, are responsible for the variable importance of different domestic animals such as cattle, sheep, goat, and pig.

Donnelly, Catherine, ed. The Oxford Companion to Cheese. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acref/9780199330881.001.0001.

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Over 850 entriesThe Oxford Companion to Cheese is the first truly comprehensive reference work dedicated to the exploration of how four basic ingredients—milk, microorganisms, salt, and enzymes—are transformed into the more than fourteen hundred named cheese varieties enjoyed throughout the world. From cottage cheese to Camembert, from Gorgonzola to Gruyère, the Companion examines cheese on the farm, under the microscope, in the shop, and on the plate.More than just a pizza topping or cracker spread, cheese has been the founding capital of a few European banking systems, a religious sacrament, and an inspiration for writers and artists as far back as Homer. The Companion reveals these hidden depths in more than 850 wide-ranging entries. Here you will read about rightly famous cheeses, but also some that are not well known outside of their area of production, such as the traditional Turkish and Iranian cheeses ripened in sheep's or goat's skin. You will learn about animal species whose milk is commonly used (cow, goat, and sheep) and not so commonly used (yak, camel, and reindeer) in cheesemaking, as well as a few highly important breeds within each species (the Nubian goat or Lacaune sheep). You will explore regional cheesemaking traditions that date back millennia, and both ancient and modern cheesemaking technology and equipment. And you will delve into the vibrant interior world of cheese: the blooms, veins, sticky surfaces, gooey interiors, crystals, and yes, for some, the strong olfactory notes, are all due to microbial action and growth.To discuss cheese in its countless forms and contexts, the Companion enlisted 325 authors, including leading cheesemakers, mongers, dairy scientists, microbiologists, anthropologists, historians, journalists, archaeologists, and more, from backgrounds as diverse as cheese itself. This is the definitive guide to one of humankind's greatest discoveries.

Torgerson,, Paul R., C. N. L. Macpherson, and D. A. Vuitton. Cystic echinococcosis. Oxford University Press, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780198570028.003.0060.

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Cystic echinococcosis (CE)\cystic hydatid disease is one of the most widespread and important global helminth zoonoses. The parasite Echinococcus granulosus is maintained in a wide spectrum of intermediate hosts, including sheep, goats, camels, cattle, pigs and equines. A number of wild intermediate hosts occur, including cervids in the northern part of the North American continent and Eurasia, marsupials in Australia and wild herbivores in East and southern Africa. The application of a range of molecular techniques to the characterization of the parasite has confirmed the existence of mostly host-adapted strains and genotypes of the parasite and several new species have been proposed. The ubiquitous domestic dog serves as the most important definitive host for the transmission of the parasite throughout its wide geographical range.A wide range of diagnostic techniques, including necropsy, arecoline purgation, coproantigen ELISA and DNA based tests are available for detecting E. granulosus infection in the definitive host. In intermediate animal hosts, diagnosis at post mortem still remains the most reliable option. In humans, imaging techniques including ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) or computer aided tomography (CAT-scan provide not only a method of diagnosis but also reveal important clinical information on the location, condition, number and size of the hydatid cysts in man. Of these ultrasound is the most widely used diagnostic technique and is the only imaging technique for screening of populations in rural areas, where the disease is most common. A classification system has been developed which can be used to assess the likely development of a cyst and hence guide the clinician in treatment options for the patient. Treatment relies on surgery and/or percutaneous interventions, especially ‘Puncture, Aspiration, Injection, Re-aspiration’ (PAIR) and/or antiparasitic treatment with albendazole (and alternatively mebendazole).CE is largely a preventable disease. Successful elimination programmes have focused on frequent periodic treatments of dogs with anthelmintics and the control of slaughter of domestic livestock. In many regions elimination or even control remains a problem as the parasite is endemic over vast areas of low income countries where there may be limited resources for control. In some areas, such as former communist administered countries, the parasite is resurgent. New tools are becoming available to control the parasite, including a highly effective vaccine in sheep which prevents the infection in sheep and breaks the transmission cycle. In addition cost effective methods are being developed which may be appropriate in low income countries where financial resources are not available for intensive control programmes that have been successful in high income countries.

Konstan, David. Conclusion. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190887872.003.0007.

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In this short book, I have explored the way Greek and Roman conceptions of love affected their thinking about a range of sentiments in ways that may seem strange or at all events different to us today. The idea that love might erase the boundaries that separate two distinct selves puts in question our sense of what it is that constitutes an individual identity. It raises questions as well about the nature of altruism versus egoism, both because self-interest is often assumed to be the primary if not the sole motive for human action, and because, if friends really are another self, then it becomes difficult to distinguish at all what is done for the sake of another and what is done for one’s own sake. As an emotion, moreover, love stands apart from other motives for social interaction, for example, duty, obligation, a code of fairness or reciprocity, and sheer economic calculation, which is presumed to condition the behavior of the rational agent of choice postulated by modern economic theory....

Hope, Anthony. The Prisoner of Zenda. Edited by Nicholas Daly. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/owc/9780198841098.001.0001.

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‘If love were the only thing, I would follow you-in rags if need be ... But is love the only thing?’ Anthony Hope's The Prisoner of Zenda is a swashbuckling adventure set in Ruritania, a mythical pocket kingdom. Englishman Rudolf Rassendyll closely resembles the King of Ruritania, and to foil a coup by his rival to the throne, he is persuaded to impersonate him for a day. However, Rassendyll's role becomes more complicated when the real king is kidnapped, and he falls for the lovely Princess Flavia. Although the story is set in the near past, Ruritania is a semi-feudal land in which a strong sword arm can carry the day, and Rassendyll and his allies fight to rescue the king. But if he succeeds, our hero and Flavia will have to choose between love and honour. As Nicholas Daly's introduction outlines, this thrilling tale inspired not only stage and screen adaptations, but also place names, and even a popular board game. A whole new subgenre of ‘Ruritanian romances’ followed, though no imitation managed to capture the charm, exuberance, and sheer storytelling power of Hope's classic tale.

Gardner, Colin. Louis Malle’s Kleistian War Machine: Becoming-Animal, Becoming-Woman, Becoming-Imperceptible in Black Moon (1975). Edinburgh University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474422734.003.0005.

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Framed through an analysis of Kleist’s molecular war machine in his play, Penthesilea, in which Achilles and Penthesilea form a new assemblage of affective war, this chapter explores Louis Malle’s Black Moon (1975) where the battle of the sexes becomes the catalyst for a new series of becomings. The film takes the form of a waking dream as a teenage fugitive, Lily is led through a series of depersonalized movements by a unicorn to a secluded Dordogne farm where Kleist’s utopian “mad duality” is manifested though a strange, non-Oedipal family dynamic in which a mute brother and his sheep-herding sister – both also called Lily – live with a group of naked children and a bedridden elderly woman whose companion is a talking rat and where the animals are treated as equal agencies in the narrative. Although by film’s end Brother and Sister Lily become caught up in the ravages of a gender war, teenage Lily inherits this ‘deterritorialized velocity of affect’ by adopting the role of the breastfeeding mother to the unicorn, all in relation to the becoming multiplicity of the pack: in short, a true war machine that envelops both protagonists and spectators alike in a transformed zone of indiscernibility.

Reid, Hugh W., and Mark P. Dagleish. Poxviruses. Oxford University Press, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780198570028.003.0040.

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The poxviruses are a large family of complex viruses infecting many species of vertebrates as well as arthropods, and members of the three genera Orthopoxvirus, Yatapoxvirus and Parapoxvirus are the cause of sporadic zoonotic infections originating from both wildlife and domestic livestock. Infections of humans are generally associated with localized lesions, regarded as inconvenient rather than life-threatening, although severe illnesses have occurred, particularly in immunologically compromised individuals.The most celebrated of the orthopoxvirus infections is cowpox — a zoonotic infection which has been exploited to the enormous benefit of mankind as it had a pivotal role in the initiation of vaccination strategies that eventually led to the eradication of smallpox. Cowpox occurs only in Eurasia and in recent years it has become evident that infection of cattle is fortuitous and the reservoir of infection is in wild rodents. Monkeypox is another orthopoxvirus causing zoonotic infections in central and west Africa resembling smallpox and is the most serious disease in this category. While monkeypox does not readily spread between people, the potential of the virus to adapt to man is of concern and necessitates sustained surveillance in enzootic areas.The third orthopoxvirus zoonoses of importance is buffalopox in the Indian subcontinent, which is probably a strain of vaccinia that has been maintained in buffalo for at least 30 years following the cessation of vaccination of the human population. Likewise in Brazil, in recent years widespread outbreaks of vaccinia have occurred in milkers and their cattle.Orf virus, the most common of the parapoxviruses to cause zoonotic infection, is largely restricted to those in direct contact with domestic sheep and goats. Generally, infection is associated with a single localized macule affecting the hand which resolves without complications. Infection would appear to be prevalent in all sheep and goat populations and human orf is a relatively common occupational hazard. Sporadic parapoxvirus infections of man also occur following contact with cattle infected with pseudocowpoxvirus, and wildlife, in particular seals.A final serious consideration with the poxvirus zoonoses is the clinical similarity of such infections with smallpox. In view of the potential for smallpox virus to be employed by bio-terrorists there can be an urgency for laboratory confirmation of unexplained zoonotic poxvirus infections. Thus there is a requirement to maintain the capacity for rapid confirmation of poxvirus infections by molecular technique. As representatives of the known poxviruses have all been sequenced, generic and virus specific Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR) can readily be performed to ensure rapid confirmation of any suspect infection.

St. Clair, Robert. Poetry, Politics, and the Body in Rimbaud. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198826583.001.0001.

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Bodies abound in Rimbaud’s poetry in a way that is nearly unprecedented in the nineteenth-century poetic canon: lazy, creative, rule-breaking bodies, queer bodies, marginalized and impoverished bodies, revolting and revolutionary, historical bodies. The question that this book seeks to answer is: what does this sheer, corporeal density mean for reading Rimbaud? What kind of sense are we to make of this omnipresence of the body in the Rimbaldian corpus from the earliest poems celebrating the simple delight of running away from wherever one is and stretching one’s legs out under a table, to the ultimate flight away from poetry itself? In response, it argues that the body appears—often literally—as a kind of gap, breach, or aperture through which Rimbaud’s poems enter into contact with history and a larger body of other texts. Simply put, the body is privileged “lyrical material” for Rimbaud: a figure for human beings in their exposed, finite creatureliness and in their unpredictable agency and interconnectedness. Its presence in the early work allows us not only to contemplate what a strange, sensuous thing it is to be embodied, to be both singular and part of a collective, it also allows the poet to diagnose, and the reader to perceive, a set of seemingly intractable, real socio-economic, political, and symbolic problems. Rimbaud’s bodies are, in other words, utopian bodies: sites where the historical and the lyrical, the ideal and the material, do not so much cancel each other out as become caught up in one another.

Akyüz, Yilmaz. Playing with Fire. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198797173.001.0001.

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From the early 1990s many emerging and developing economies (EDEs) liberalized their capital accounts, allowing greater freedom for international lenders and investors to enter their markets, as well as for their residents to operate in international financial markets. Despite recurrent crises, liberalization has accelerated in the new millennium. Global financial integration of EDEs has been greatly facilitated by progressively looser US monetary policy, notably policies culminating in crises in the US and Europe and the ultra-easy monetary policies adopted in response. Not only have traditional cross-border financial linkages of EDEs deepened and their external balance sheets expanded rapidly, but also foreign presence in their domestic markets and the presence of their nationals in foreign markets have reached unprecedented proportions. As a result new channels have emerged for the transmission of financial shocks from global boom–bust cycles. Almost all EDEs are now vulnerable irrespective of their balance-of-payments, external debt, net foreign assets, and international reserves positions, although these play an important role in the way such shocks could impinge on them. This is a matter for concern since the multilateral system lacks mechanisms to prevent beggar-thy-neighbour policies in major advanced economies that exert strong impact on global economic and financial conditions or for orderly and equitable resolution of financial crises with international dimensions. This volume provides a comprehensive treatment of global financial linkages of EDEs and the vulnerabilities they entail, based on a rich set of data and information that have not been put together so far in the literature.

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