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Koon, Chung Lun. Studies of coke deposition, structure and regeneration during catalytic processing. Salford: University of Salford, 1991.

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Koker, Tracy. Site-specific white pine (Pinus strobus L.) regeneration and stand structure in Temagami, Ontario. Sudbury, Ont: Laurentian University, Department of Biology, 1996.

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Terzis, Julia K. The peripheral nerve: Structure, function, and reconstruction. Norfolk, Va: Hampton Press, 1990.

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Runzer, K. Temporal composition and structure of post-beetle lodgepole pine stands: Regeneration, growth, economics and harvest implications. Victoria, B.C: Pacific Forestry Centre, 2008.

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Bergeron, Marie-Josée. Age structure of white pine (Pinus strobus L.): Regeneration under a jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) canopy. Sudbury, Ont: Laurentian University, Department of Biology, 1994.

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Sippola, Anna-Liisa. Forest structure and biodiversity in northern boreal forests: Effects of regeneration cutting on flying beetles and wood-decomposing fungi. Rovaniemi, Finland: Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, 2001.

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Vicent, Maria J., and Manuel Monleón Pradas. Polymers in regenerative medicine: Biomedical applications from nano- to macro-structures. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2015.

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Omullo, Leonard. The plant species, structural differentiation and regeneration in Arabuko Sokoke Forest. Nairobi: Dept. of the Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, 2009.

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Workshop, on Soil Compaction: Consequences and Structural Regeneration Processes (1985 Avignon France). Soil compaction and regeneration: Proceedings of the Workshop on Soil Compaction : Consequences and Structural Regeneration Processes, 17-18 September 1985. Rotterdam: Published for the Commission of European Communities by A.A. Balkema, 1987.

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Karlštrēma, Inga. 9 conditions of Riga: Regeneration and transformation of the city -- urban environment and architecture. Rīga: Megaphone Publishers, 2013.

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Zoë, Thompson. Urban constellations: Spaces of cultural regeneration in post-industrial Britain. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2015.

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Murzyn, Monika A. Kazimierz: Środkowoeuropejskie doświadczenie rewitalizacji = The Central European experience of urban regeneration. Kraków: Międzynardowe Centrum Kultury, 2006.

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Cullen, Fiona. Newcastle's Grainger Town: An urban renaissance. London: English Heritage, 2003.

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Toth, Barbara L. Factors affecting conifer regeneration and community structure after a wildfire in western Montana. 1991.

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Human Sacrifices for Cosmic Order and Regeneration: Structure and Meaning in Moche Iconography, Peru, Ad 100-800. Not Avail, 2005.

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Hertz, L. Non-Neuronal Cells of the Nervous System: Function and Dysfunction: Part I: Structure, Organization, Development and Regeneration
Part II: Biochemistry, ... (Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology)
. 3rd ed. Elsevier Science, 2003.

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Vicent, Maria J., and Manuel Monleon Pradas. Polymers in Regenerative Medicine: Biomedical Applications from Nano- to Macro-Structures. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2015.

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Vicent, Maria J., and Manuel Monleon Pradas. Polymers in Regenerative Medicine: Biomedical Applications from Nano- to Macro-Structures. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2015.

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Clarke, Andrew. Temperature and reaction rate. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199551668.003.0007.

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All other things being equal, physiological reaction rate increases roughly exponentially with temperature. Organisms that have adapted over evolutionary time to live at different temperatures can have enzyme variants that exhibit similar kinetics at the temperatures to which they have adapted to operate. Within species whose distribution covers a range of temperatures, there may be differential expression of enzyme variants with different kinetics across the distribution. Enzymes adapted to different optimum temperatures differ in their amino acid sequence and thermal stability. The Gibbs energy of activation tends to be slightly lower in enzyme variants adapted to lower temperatures, but the big change is a decrease in the enthalpy of activation, with a corresponding change in the entropy of activation, both associated with a more open, flexible structure. Despite evolutionary adjustments to individual enzymes involved in intermediary metabolism (ATP regeneration), many whole-organism processes operate faster in tropical ectotherms compared with temperate or polar ectotherms. Examples include locomotion (muscle power output), ATP regeneration (mitochondrial function), nervous conduction and growth.

Stock Management For Sustainable Urban Regeneration. Springer, 2008.

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Fujino, Yozo, and Takafumi Noguchi. Stock Management for Sustainable Urban Regeneration. Springer, 2010.

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Rondinone, Troy. “And the Winner—Television!”. University of Illinois Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.5406/illinois/9780252037375.003.0002.

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This chapter traces boxing's crooked path to respectability in order to gain an understanding the incredible success of TV boxing in the middle of the twentieth century. Boxing was born in the late 1800s, when the adoption of the Queensberry rules ended the old bare-knuckle days of limitless rounds, neck choking, no weight classifications, and muddy deaths. The new rules imposed uniformly sized rings, three-minute rounds, standardized judging, weight categories, and padded leather boxing gloves. The new structure fit in well with Progressive Era concerns regarding social regulation and masculine regeneration. America was changing dramatically in the decades between the end of the Civil War and start of the First World War. Millions of non-English speaking New Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe poured into America's ports. By the 1940s, a single Mafia family managed to dominate the fight racket, led by a hit man named Frankie Carbo. When boxing came to television, the mob did not leave. In fact, it skimmed more money than ever. Home audiences were unaware that Gillette and the mob brought them the Friday Night Fights.

Chaudhry, Bill, José Luis de la Pompa, and Nadia Mercader. The zebrafish as a model for cardiac development and regeneration. Edited by José Maria Pérez-Pomares, Robert G. Kelly, Maurice van den Hoff, José Luis de la Pompa, David Sedmera, Cristina Basso, and Deborah Henderson. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780198757269.003.0029.

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The zebrafish has become an established laboratory model for developmental studies and is increasingly used to model aspects of human development and disease. However, reviewers and grant funding bodies continue to speculate on the utility of this Himalayan minnow. In this chapter we explain the similarities and differences between the heart from this distantly related vertebrate and the mammalian heart, in order to reveal the common fundamental processes and to prevent misleading extrapolations. We provide an overview of zebrafish including their husbandry, development, peculiarities of their genome, and technological advances, which make them a highly tractable laboratory model for heart development and disease. We discuss the controversies around morphants and mutants, and relate the development and structures of the zebrafish heart to mammalian counterparts. Finally, we give an overview of regeneration in the zebrafish heart and speculate on the role of the model organism in next-generation sequencing technologies.

Führung gestaltet. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/9783748903611.

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The central question addressed in the generational debate at the Socio-Economics Conference 2019 was ‘What do I expect from modern management culture?’. Generational change, digitalisation and cultural change are not only putting socio-economics and health management companies to the test, but the working world in general is becoming more dynamic, traditional business models and structures are undergoing transformation processes and disruptive developments are replacing normal phases of renewal and regeneration. These conference transcripts highlight, among other things, innovative ways of thinking, agile structures, management without a hierarchy, diversity management, managers in the future and a healthy business culture. The time of steady change is over; a time of radical change has begun.

Powell, Kenneth. City Reborn: Architecture and Regeneration in London, from Bankside to Dulwich. Merrell, 2005.

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The fuel cell in space: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Cleveland, Ohio: Lewis Research Center, 1989.

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Lau, Thomas, Volker Reinhardt, and Rüdiger Voigt, eds. Edmund Burke. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/9783748925644.

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Edmund Burke is considered the father of conservatism. With his ‘Reflections on the French Revolution’ (1790), Burke presented a work that was already controversial at the time of its publication. In Burke’s understanding, people and their social institutions are historical beings that are subject to change but unchanging in the face of all change. The central concept in Burke’s argument is heritage, which encompasses both collective, historical memory and social organisation, and specifically refers to constitutional traditions. Society is hierarchically structured and forms an organic unit based on a necessary balance between the principles of continuity and regeneration. According to Burke, the state is the coagulated historical rationality of people who must be taken at least as seriously as contemporaries in their efforts to shape a good order. With contributions by Michael Becker, Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo, Jürgen Kamm, Skadi Siiri Krause, Thomas Lau, Ulrich Niggemann, Henning Ottmann, Volker Reinhardt and Rüdiger Voigt.

SaintJean, LeShana, and H. S. Baldwin. Origin and diversity of embryonic endothelium/endocardium. Edited by José Maria Pérez-Pomares, Robert G. Kelly, Maurice van den Hoff, José Luis de la Pompa, David Sedmera, Cristina Basso, and Deborah Henderson. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780198757269.003.0005.

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The endocardium represents a distinct population of endothelial cells that arises during the initiation of heart development. Endocardial cells can easily be distinguished from most of the other cardiac cell types. However, endocardial and vascular endothelial cells contain a similar genetic profile that limits the ability to study each group independently. Despite these limitations, tremendous progress has been made in identifying the different roles of endocardial cells throughout heart development. Initial studies focused on the origin of endocardial cells and their role in valvulogenesis, trabeculation, and formation of the ventricular and atrial septum. With the advancement of microscopy and the availability of endocardial specific reporter models (in vitro and in vivo) we have obtained more insight into the molecular, structural, and functional complexity of the endocardium. Additional studies have demonstrated how the endocardium is also involved in the development of coronary vessels within the compact myocardium and in heart regeneration.

Schrader, Barbara A. Structural development of late successional forests in the central Oregon Coast Range: Abundance, dispersal, and growth of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) regeneration. 1998.

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Cullen, Fiona, and David Lovie. Newcastle's Grainger Town: An Urban Renaissance. English Heritage, 2005.

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Powell, Jenny. Normal skin function. Edited by Patrick Davey and David Sprigings. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780199568741.003.0243.

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In simplest terms, our skin is a layer that separates and protects us from the external environment. This assumes the skin is a passive covering to keep the insides safe and the outside out, and overlooks its enormous complexity. The skin is our largest organ and is constantly regenerating, but how efficiently it does so depends on a number of factors, some known, others unknown. It is an efficient mechanical barrier (designed for wear and repair), and a complex immunological membrane. It has a generous vascular, lymphatic, and nervous supply, all covering a considerable area. It has specialist structural and functional properties relating to specific areas, but also specialist cells within the layers of the skin. Most importantly, skin is the organ of display, an important part of social and sexual behaviour, immediately accessible to all, and often regarded as a barometer of the general state of health. Permanent scars inflicted on the skin may be a cause of great distress to the patient. Skin consists of a superficial layer, ‘the epidermis’ (concerned with producing protective keratin and a pigment called melanin), which adheres closely to the deeper layer, ‘the dermis’ (which provides the strength of the skin and houses the appendages), via the basement membrane. Loose connective tissue and fat underlie the dermis.

Sielepin, Adelajda. Ku nowemu życiu : teologia i znaczenie chrześcijańskiej inicjacji dla życia wiarą. Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.15633/9788374388047.

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TOWARDS THE NEW LIFE Theology and Importance of Christian Initiation for the Life of Faith The book is in equal parts a presentation and an invitation. The subject matter of both is the mystagogical initiation leading to the personal encounter with God and eventually to the union within the Church in Christ, which happens initially and particualry in the sacramental liturgy. Mystagogy was the essential experience of life in the early Church and now is being so intensely discussed and postulated by the ecclesial Magisterium and through the teaching of the recent popes and synods. Within the ten chapters of this book the reader proceeds through the aspects strictly associated with Christian initiation, noticeable in catechumenate and suggestive for further Christian life. It is not surprising then, that the study begins with answering the question about the sense of dealing with catechumenate at all. The response developed in the first chapter covers four key points: the contemporary state of our faith, the need for dialogue in evangelization, the importance of liturgy in the renewal of faith and the obvious requirement of follo- wing the Church’s Magisterium, quite explicit in the subject undertaken within this book. The introductory chapter is meant to evoke interest in catechumenate as such and encourage comprehension of its essence, in order to keep it in mind while planning contemporary evangelization. For doing this with success and avoiding pastoral archeology, we need a competent insight into the main message and goal of Christian initiation. Catechumenate is the first and most venerable model of formation and growth in faith and therefore worth knowing. The second chapter tries to cope with the reasons and ways of the present return to the sources of catechumenate with respect to Christian initiation understood to be the building of the relationship with God. The example of catechumenate helps us to discover, how to learn wisely from the history. This would definitely mean to keep the structure and liturgy of catechumenate as a vehicle of God’s message, which must be interpreted and adapted always anew and with careful and intelligent consideration of the historical flavour on particular stages within the history of salvation and cultural conditions of the recipients. For that reason we refer to the Biblical resources and to the historical examples of catechumenate including its flourishing and declining periods, after which we are slowly approaching the present reinterpretation of the catechumenal process enhanced by the official teaching of the Church. As the result of the latter, particularly owing to the Vatican Council II, we are now dealing with the renewed liturgy of baptism displayed in two liturgical books: The Rite of Baptism for Children and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This version for adults is the subjectmatter of the whole chapter, in which a reader can find theological analyses of the particular rites as well as numerous indications for improving one’s life with Christ in the Church. You can find interesting associations among the rites of initiation themselves and astounding coherence between those rites and the sacraments of the Eucharist, penance and other sacraments, which simply means the ordinary life of faith. Deep and convincing theology of the process of initiation proves the inspiring spiritual power of the initial and constitutive sacraments of baptism and confirmation, which may seem attractive not only for catechumens but also for the faithful baptized in their infancy, and even more, since they might have not yet had a chance to see what a plausible treasure they have been conveying in their baptismal personality. How much challenge for further and constant realization in life may offer these introductory events of Christian initiation, yet not sufficiently appreciated by those who have already been baptized and confirmed! We all should submit to permanent re-evangelization according to this primary pattern, which always remains essential and fundamental. Very typical and very post-conciliar approach to Christian formation appears in the communal dimension, which guards and guarantees the ecclesial profile of initiation and prepares a person to be a living member of the Church. The sixth chapter of the book is dealing with ecclesial issues in liturgy. They refer to comprehending the word of God, especially in the context of liturgy, which brings about a peculiar theological sense to it and giving a special character to proclaiming the Gospel, which the Pope Francis calls “liturgical proclamation”. The ecclesial premises influence the responsibility for the fact of accompanying the candidates, who aim at becoming Christ’s disciples. As the Church is teaching also in the theological and pastoral introduction to the RCIA, this is the duty of all Christians, which means: priests, religious and the lay, because the Church is one organism in whose womb the new members are conceived and raised. As this fact is strongly claimed by the Church the method of initiation arises to great importance. The seventh chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the catechumenal method stemming from Christ’s pedagogy and His mystery of Incarnation introducing a very important issue of implementing the Divine into the human. The chapter concerning this method opens a more practical part of the book. The crucial message of it is to make mystagogy a natural and obvious method which is the way of building bonds with Christ in the community of the people who already have these bonds and who are eager to tighten them and are aware of the beauty and necessity of closeness with Christ. Christian initiation is the process of entering the Kingdom of God and meeting Christ up to the union with Him – not so much learning dogmas and moral requirements. This is a special time when candidates-catechumens-elected mature in love and in their attitude to Christ and people, which results in prayer and new way of life. As in the past catechumenate nowadays inspires the faithful in their imagination of love and mercy as well as reminds us about various important details of the paschal way of life, which constitute our baptismal vocation, but may be forgotten and now with the help of catechumenate can be recognized anew, while accompanying adults on their catechumenal way. The book is meant for those who are already involved in catechumenal process and are responsible for the rites and formation as well as for those who are interested in what the Church is offering to all who consciously decide to know and follow Christ. You can learn from this book, what is the nature and specificity of the method suggested by the Rite itself for guiding people to God the Saviour and to the community of His people. The aim of the study is to present the universal way of evangelization, which was suggested and revealed by God in His pedagogy, particularly through Jesus Christ and smoothly adopted by the early Church. This way, which can be called a method, is so complete, substantial and clear that it deserves rediscovery, description and promotion, which has already started in the Church’s teaching by making direct references to such categories as: initiation, catechumenate, liturgical formation, the rereading the Mystery of Christ, the living participation in the Mystery and faith nourished by the Mystery. The most engaging point with Christian initiation is the fact, that this seems to be the most effective way of reviving the parish, taking place on the solid and safe ground of liturgy with the most convincing and objective fact that is our baptism and our new identity born in baptismal regenerating bath. On the grounds of our personal relationship with God and our Christian vocation we can become active apostles of Christ. Evangelization begins with ourselves and in our hearts. Thinking about the Church’s mission, we should have in mind our personal mission within the Church and we should refer to it’s roots – first to our immersion into Christ’s death and resurrection and to the anointment with the Holy Spirit. In this Spirit we have all been sent to follow Christ wherever He goes, not necessarily where we would like to direct our steps, but He would. Let us cling to Him and follow Him! Together with the constantly transforming and growing Church! Towards the new life!

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