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Knox, Heather. "Using Writing Strategies in Math to Increase Metacognitive Skills for the Gifted Learner." Gifted Child Today 40, no. 1 (January 2017): 43–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1076217516675904.

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Metacognition is vital for a student’s academic success. Gifted learners are no exception. By enhancing metacognition, gifted learners can identify multiple strategies to use in a situation, evaluate those strategies, and determine the most effective given the scenario. Increased metacognitive ability can prove useful for gifted learners in the mathematics classroom by improving their problem-solving skills and conceptual understanding of mathematical content. Implemented effectively, writing is one way to increase a student’s metacognitive ability. Journal writing in the mathematics classroom can help students by clarifying their thought process while further developing content knowledge. Implementing writing can lead to increased understanding of the problem, identification of additional strategies that can be used to solve the problem, and reflective thinking during the problem-solving process. Reflective writing in mathematics can help students evaluate solution strategies and identify strengths and areas of improvement in their mathematical understanding.

Nida Ayaz, Dr. Muhammad Naeem Butt, and Summiya Ahmad. "Interlinking Metacognition with University Students’ Academic Achievements in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan." sjesr 3, no. 4 (December 25, 2020): 239–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.36902/sjesr-vol3-iss4-2020(239-246).

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This study aims at investigating the association between metacognitive awareness and student’s academic achievements. The study undertakes the objectives and hypotheses on Low, Average and High achievers in addition to assess the effects of metacognition awareness level on student’s academic achievement. Through multistage stratified random sampling, data was collected from 160 undergraduate students, studying in Department of Mathematics & Department of English in Abdul Wali Khan University, Khyber Pukhtunkwa. Data was collected through Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) by Schraw and Dennison (1994), CGPA of the students, and self-developed objective type subject test. Descriptive Statistics & statistical tests (Chi-square & Linear Regression) were applied for data analyses. The results showed that metacognitive awareness had significant effect on student’s academic achievement (CGPA) in Department of English whereas it was found to be insignificant in Department of Mathematics. The study recommends an introductory course on Educational Psychology, which cater the metacognitive needs of the students. Moreover, research studies are recommended in the subjects except English and Mathematics. The cultural difference of the students, teachers, and locality of the universities might be taken care of future perspective of researchers.

Pangestuti, Dini Aji, Rini Rita T. Marpaung, and Neni Hasnunidah. "Pengaruh Discovery Learning terhadap Kesadaran Metakognisi dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik." Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education 2, no. 2 (September 30, 2019): 52. http://dx.doi.org/10.17509/aijbe.v2i2.19267.

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This study was conducted to find out the effect of discovery learning on student’s metacognitive awareness and cognitive learning achievement. The population of this research was all of the 11th grade MS (Mathematics and Science Program) students of Sumberejo 1 Senior High School. The research sample were students of 11th MS-1 and MS-3 class taken by cluster random sampling technique. This study was quasi-experimental with Pretest Post-test Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. In this study, student’s metacognitive awareness was measured by using MAI (Metacognitive Awareness Inventory) and SEMLI-S (Self-Efficacy and Metacognition Learning Inventory—Science). Meanwhile, student’s cognitive learning achievement was measured by using cognitive test. The data were analyzed statistically by independent sample t-test respectively at 5% significance level. The results showed that the discovery learning model significantly influenced student’s metacognitive awareness and cognitive learning achievement with significant value of each were 0,000. Through this research, we found that the discovery learning model significantly influenced student’s metacognitive awareness and cognitive learning achievement rather than discussion method.

Darmawan, Ericka, Yuli Brasilita, Siti Zubaidah, and Murni Saptasari. "Enhancing metacognitive skills of students with different gender using simas eric learning model at state senior high school 6 Malang." Biosfer 11, no. 1 (April 3, 2018): 48–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.21009/biosferjpb.11-1.5.

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The aim of the research is to know the influence of Simas eric (Skimming, Mind mapping, Questioning, Exploring, Writing, Communicating) cooperative learning model on difference gender on the XIth grade student’s metacognition skills of Biology in State Senior High School 6 Malang. This research was quasi-experimental with non-equivalent pretest posttest control group design. The sample used was XI MIA 1 and XI MIA 2 class of the State Senior High School 6 Malang. The data had been collected by observation of students’s metacognition skills. The data analysed by Anacova techniques showed that Simas eric learning model on difference gender effect on the XIth grade student’s metacognition skills in State Senior High School 6 Malang. The result of the research showed that Simas eric learning model influenced the XIth grade student’s metacognition skills, the difference gender and interaction of learning model and gender did not influence student’s metacognition skills.

Engen, Thor Ola. "How metacognition and (reading) strategies develop according to Vygotsky." Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji 42, no. 3 (September 30, 2018): 28–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.26881/pwe.2018.42.04.

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The paper addresses the concepts of metacognition and (reading) strategies, the origin of which is usually traced back to the 1970s. However, the paper argues that conscious awareness, which Vygotsky introduced as early as the 1930s, is another term for metacognition. Further, according to Vygotsky, “… conscious awareness enters through the gate opened up by scientific concept” (Vygotsky 1987: 191, italics added), meaning that metacognitive skills develop in instruction, as a function of student’s work with academic concepts. This hypothesis, however, seems to be ignored by contemporary, mainstream researchers. For example, an influential study like PIRLS, contradictory to Vygotsky’s hypothesis, assumes that students already at the end of the elementary stage apply metacognitive skills – included reading strategies – in order to construct meaning in reading.

Antonio, Ronilo, and Maricar Prudente. "Effectiveness of Metacognitive Instruction on Students’ Science Learning Achievement: A Meta-Analysis." International Journal on Studies in Education 4, no. 1 (April 18, 2021): 43–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.46328/ijonse.50.

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This study examined the effectiveness of metacognitive instruction on science learning achievement using a meta-analytic procedure. Statistical analyses were performed using the software Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) Version 3 developed by Biostat, Inc. Based on the findings, the overall effect size (ES=0.808) revealed that the use and integration of metacognition in science instruction has a significantly large and positive effect on student learning achievement. Moderator analysis showed that there was a significant difference in the effect sizes of the individual studies when grouped according to the student’s level of education and the scientific disciplines being studied. However, the obtained positive and large effect sizes suggested that the use and integration of metacognition can be effectively implemented whether students are in the elementary, secondary or tertiary level, be it Biological or Physical Science. Moreover, the metacognitive strategies employed by individual studies are mostly found to be integrated with ICT mainly metacognitive prompts; other practices were student-led metacognitive discussions, concept mapping, metacognitive writing, and metacognitive practice and training. This result establishes the effectiveness of the use and integration of different metacognitive strategies to improve student learning. Thus, science teachers must be equipped with pedagogical knowledge on the implementation and integration of metacognition in classroom instruction.

Feyzioğlu, Eylem Yıldız, Ercan Akpinar, and Nilgün Tatar. "EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY-ENHANCED METACOGNITIVE LEARNING PLATFORM ON STUDENTS’ MONITORING ACCURACY AND UNDERSTANDING OF ELECTRICITY." Journal of Baltic Science Education 17, no. 1 (February 20, 2018): 43–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.33225/jbse/18.17.43.

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The aim of this research was to explore the effect of a Technology-enhanced Metacognitive Learning Platform (TeMLP) on student’s monitoring accuracy and understanding of electricity. An interactive TeMLP was prepared on the electricity unit covering the topics of static and current electricity for 7th graders; the platform contained computer animations, science experiments, e-diaries, and metacognitive prompts. In this research, pre-test/post-test control group semi-experimental model was used. The Metacognition Scale and Essay Questions on Static and Current Electricity were used as data collection tools in this research. In addition, Essay Questions on the Learning Platform and the self-explanations of students in the learning platform database were also used in the experimental group. The pre-test and post-test comparisons regarding the Metacognition Scale for the group showed that the students in the experimental group had significantly higher post-test scores compared to control group students in terms of the control and monitoring subscales. The results of the essay questions on static and current electricity revealed an important difference between the groups favoring learning platform. The views of the students about the software support these results. The conclusions drawn by the research led to recommendations for researchers about the metacognitive prompts to be employed in technology-enhanced learning platforms. Keywords: metacognition prompt, science teaching, technology-enhanced learning.

Sapitri, Alfi, Ely Djulia, and Herbert Sipahutar. "Hubungan Metakognitif, Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis, Bimbingan Orang Tua dan Guru tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi dengan Persepsi Perilaku Seksual Siswa SMA Se-Kota Medan." Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 7, no. 2 (September 13, 2018): 117. http://dx.doi.org/10.24114/jpb.v7i2.10625.

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This research intended to identify: (1) Student metacognition about reproduction health, (2) student critical thinking skill about reproduction health; (3) Student perception of sexual behaviour, (4) Parents’ and teachers’ guidance about reproduction health, (5) Teachers’ guidance about reproduction health, (6) The correlation among metacognitive, critical thinking, parents’ and teachers’ guidance about reproduction health into perception of sexual behaviour. This correlation study was conducted at Senior high schools in district Medan, North Sumatra Indonesia at 2013 academic year. Research instruments consist of metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive skill, critical thinking, parents’ and teachers’ guidance, and student perception of sexual behaviour that had been tested for validation, reliability, differential index and difficulty level. Data were analyzed through applied correlation analysis by using SPSS 21.0 for windows. The result of this study indicated that: (1) student metacognitive knowledge are moderately categorized as urban and rural while metacognitive skill are highly categorized for urban and rural; (2)student’s critical thinking are classified as moderate in urban and rural; (3) the student’s perception of sexual behaviour are moderate urban and rural;(4) parents’ guidance contributed moderately in urban and rural; (5) teachers’ guidance contributed moderately in urban and lowly in rural; (6) there is significant correlation between student perception of sexual behaviour and metacognition, critical thinking skill, parents’ and teachers’ guidance about reproduction health with Sig 0,049 < 0,05.

Плющ В. М., Бохан Ю. В. та Форостовська Т. О. "СТРАТЕГІЇ МЕТАКОГНІТІВНОГО РОЗВИТКУ МАЙБУТНІХ УЧИТЕЛІВ ПРИРОДНИЧИХ ДИСЦИПЛІН". World Science 3, № 8(36) (30 серпня 2018): 24–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30082018/6074.

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The article discusses studies of the student’s metacognition. The scientific approaches which are characterized reflect the problem of the research. The article attempts to define the place of the students in the pedagogical process and to identify the role of metakognitsy as a factor of success in vocational training.Metacognitive knowledge, covering knowledge of a subject, knowledge about the subject and about its cognition, about oneself and once own development in this process, is the most effective with relation to cognitive and personal development of a student.The paper states that the formation of metacognitive skills in future teacher’s does not occur spontaneously, but requires the specific program - metacognitive training. Conclusion is made that the development of metacognitive abilities of students in the learning process provides control and prediction of their intellectual and creative activity. It is assumed that entering metacognitive stance will allow students to overcome the difficulties of their development and manage their own resources.

Rokhima, Nur, and Harina Fitriyani. "STUDENT’S METACOGNITION: DO INTRAPERSONAL INTELLIGENT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE?" Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 7, no. 2 (May 31, 2018): 167–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.31980/mosharafa.v7i2.36.

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AbstrakMetakognisi adalah kesadaran seseorang tentang proses berpikirnya untuk merencanakan, mengamati, dan mengevaluasi. Selain itu, kecerdasan siswa memiliki peran penting untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses metakognitif siswa dalam rangka menyelesaikan masalah matematika yang ditinjau dari kecerdasan intrapersonal mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek ini terdiri dari tiga jenis siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan intrapersonal tinggi, rata-rata, dan rendah. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, tes pemecahan masalah matematika (TPMM) dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek yang memiliki kecerdasan intrapersonal tinggi dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika melakukan perencanaan, pengamatan, dan evaluasi kegiatan di setiap tahap polya. Subyek intelijen interpersonal rata-rata berada di tahap memahami masalah, mengatur dan menerapkan rencana pemecahan masalah. Mereka telah melakukan semua kegiatan metakognitif, tetapi tidak melakukan perencanaan, mengamati, dan mengevaluasi kegiatan di tahap crosschecking. Subjek kecerdasan intrapersonal rendah berada di tahap memahami masalah, perencanaan, pengamatan, dan evaluasi. Namun, dalam mengatur penyelesaian masalah, mereka hanya melakukan perencanaan dan pengamatan tanpa mengevaluasi. Dalam tahap menerapkan rencana pemecahan masalah, mereka hanya melakukan perencanaan tanpa mengamati dan mengevaluasi. Selain itu, mereka tidak melakukan kegiatan metakognitif dalam tahap evaluasi. AbstractMetacognition is the awareness of someone about his thinking process in order to plan, observe, and evaluate. Besides, the student’s intelligence has an important role to accomplish the problem. The objective of this research is to know the students’ metacognitive process in order to accomplish mathematic problem reviewed from their intrapersonal intelligence. This research used descriptive qualitative approach. The subject consists of three kinds of students who have high, average, and low intrapersonal intelligence. The instruments are questionnaire, mathematic problem solving test (TPMM) and interview. The data were analyzed by using reduction of data, presentation of data, and conclusion. The result showed that the subject who has high intrapersonal intelligence in accomplishing the mathematic problem did planning, observing, and evaluating activities in every polya stage. The average interpersonal intelligence subject was in the stage of understanding the problem, arranging and implementing the problem solving plan. They had done all metacognitive activities, but did not do planning, observing, and evaluating activities in the crosschecking stage. The low intrapersonal intelligence subject was in the stage of understanding the problem, planning, observing, and evaluating. However, in arranging the problem solving, they only did planning and observing without evaluating. In the stage of implementing the problem solving plan, they only did the planning without observing and evaluating. In addition, they did not do metacognitive activities in the evaluation stage.

Amrin, Amrin, Amri Tanduklangi, and Mursalim Mursalim. "THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ METACOGNITION AND THEIR ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN ENGLISH SUBJECT AT SMAN 8 KENDARI." Journal of Teaching English 4, no. 3 (September 8, 2019): 289. http://dx.doi.org/10.36709/jte.v4i3.13958.

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The study aimed at investigating the correlation between students’ metacognition and their academic achievement at the eleventh grade of SMAN 8 Kendari. The objective of the study is to answer the following research question: is there any significant correlation between student’s metacognition and their academic achievement in English subject at SMAN 8 Kendari?. The study was correlation research study, which employed quantitative research methods. The data was collected from 46 participants who are from SMA N 8 Kendari class XI IPA I and IPS II. The data collection was carried out by using a Metacognition questionnaire and English achievement students from report card. Researcher used cluster random sampling technique in taking the sample. The data of the study was analyzed through Spearman correlation analysis of SPSS 16. The result shows that the coefficient correlation that obtained from the computation is 0,443 and categorized as moderate correlation. The result shows that there is a significant correlation between students’ metacognition and their academic achievement in English subject. This conclusion of this study was drawn through the result of computation which showed that the value of coefficient correlation (r) between two variables, that was students’ metacognition as the variable X and academic achievement as the variable Y, is as moderate as that of the Spearman correlation table with 0,05 level significant. Further, the data showed that there was a moderate correlation. Therefore, it means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected. Keywords: Metacognition, Academic Achievement

Pradana, Harsya Danang, and Ouda Eda Tena. "A Qualitative Research on Self-Regulation Practices of ELT Students in Reading Class." Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 6, no. 2 (July 22, 2021): PRESS. http://dx.doi.org/10.18196/ftl.v6i2.11625.

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This paper investigates the self-regulation practices in reading classes among students from a private university in Yogyakarta. In an era where students and their thinking process are the centers of the teaching and learning process, each student’s metacognition skills need to adjust the teaching methods used inside and outside the classroom. To that end, students must be aware of their metacognitive skills and self-regulating behaviors. The research method used in this paper was the quantitative method. The researchers used the interview and focused group discussion (FGD) method on gaining information regarding students' awareness of their metacognitive skills and self-regulation habits. The participants were students from a pre-determined private university in Yogyakarta, where the reading classes are known to be student-centered. The results showed that while the students could create strategies and reflect upon said strategies, they still lacked a critical component of self-regulation, namely the preparation phase. This discovery means that the students need to be aware of the importance of preparing to meet specific goals and self-motivation.

Safitri, Prahesti Tirta, Eprilita Yasintasari, Santi Adhitama Putri, and Uswatun Hasanah. "Analisis Kemampuan Metakognisi Siswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika Model PISA." Journal of Medives : Journal of Mathematics Education IKIP Veteran Semarang 4, no. 1 (January 16, 2020): 11. http://dx.doi.org/10.31331/medivesveteran.v4i1.941.

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena pentingnya kemampuan metakognisi sebagai salah satu syarat penguasaan pemecahan masalah yang belum banyak mendapat perhatian dan pengevaluasian oleh guru. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan metakognisi siswa kelas VIIA dalam memecahkan masalah matematika model PISA. Dalam pemecahan masalah pada soal model PISA terdapat aspek-aspek yang meliputi Planning, Monitoring, dan Evaluation. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di MTS Al-Kamil pada siswa kelas VIIA semester genap tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah 3 siswa kelas VIIA yang telah dipilih secara purposive sampling yaitu 1 siswa dengan metakognisi sangat baik, 1 siswa dengan metakognisi baik, dan 1 siswa dengan metakognisi tidak baik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes berupa soal model PISA, dan angket metakognisi yang telah diuji dengan menggunakan uji kredibilitas data. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa siswa dengan metakognisi sangat baik dan siswa dengan metakognisi baik dalam menyelesaikan masalah soal model PISA tergolong sedang karena siswa belum dapat memaksimalkan aspek-aspek metakognisi, sedangkan siswa dengan metakognisi tidak baik dalam menyelesaikan soal PISA tergolong rendah karena hampir semua aspek-aspek metakognisi tidak diperhatikan dengan baik. Kata kunci: kemampuan metakognisi, pemecahan masalah, soal model PISA. ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the importance of metacognition abilities as one of the mastery requirements for problem solving that has not received much attention and evaluation by the teacher. International Student Assessment (PISA) is a system for measuring student’s ability in problem solving. The research aimed to determine the metacognition ability of class VIIA students in solving mathematical problems in the PISA model which include aspects of Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation. This qualitative research was conducted in VII class of MTS Al-Kamil 2018/2019. The subjects in this study were 3 students of class VIIA who were selected by purposive sampling, namely 1 student with very good metacognition, 1 student with good metacognition, and 1 student with poor metacognition. Data collection techniques using tests in the form of PISA model questions, and metacognition questionnaires. The results showed that students with very good metacognition and students with good metacognition in solving problems with the PISA model were classified as moderate because students had not been able to maximize the aspects of metacognition abilities, however students with poor metacognition in completing PISA questions are classified as low because almost all aspects of metacognition are not considered well. Keywords: metacognition ability, problem solving, PISA model problems.

Mumpuni, Kistantia Elok, Puguh Karyanto, and Bowo Sugiyarto. "The Influence of INSTAD Learning Strategies Toward Metacognition And Student’s Cognitive Achievement In Studying Biology." BIO-PEDAGOGI 1, no. 1 (April 1, 2012): 28. http://dx.doi.org/10.20961/bio-pedagogi.v1i1.5250.

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<p>Learning biodiversity using INSTAD learning strategy to improve metacognition awareness and student’s cognitive achievement : a study toward student of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta.This research is considered as a quantitative research, and analyzed as according to quasi-experimental paradigm. The research was designed using pretest-posttest randomized subject control-group. Experimental group was determined and upon which INSTAD strategy was applied. Instead of the non experiment one. Such the aforementioned strategy was conducted upon student of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta as a population. Sampling was taken randomly upon two chosen the X-5 (experiment class) and the X-4 (control class). Data was collected using questionnaire, test and observation form. The data were analyzed by anacova.Results of the study showed that metacognition was significantly affected by INSTAD. However the application of INSTAD has taken effect on student’s cognitive achievement in studying biology of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta.</p><p> </p><p class="0jTULISANKATAKUNCIKEYWORDS">Key Words: INSTAD learning strategies, metacognition, student’s cognitive achievement</p>

Thufaila, Dewi, and Sugiman. "Identification of student’s metacognition level in solving modeling mathematical problem." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1320 (October 2019): 012093. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1320/1/012093.

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Mazumder, Quamrul H., and Mary Jo Finney. "Improvement Of Confidence And Motivation Using Online Metacognition Tool." American Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) 3, no. 1 (March 21, 2012): 53–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.19030/ajee.v3i1.6889.

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The use of technology such as laptop computers in the classroom has long been recognized as destructive behavior since it diverts a student’s attention from course topics. However, it is conceivable that every student will be using some form of technology in the near future. Determining the effects of interactive software on students’ learning outcomes can have a profound effect on engineering education. The ultimate aim of this research is to transform students into active learners who are able to better comprehend, are less distracted, and can achieve higher academic performance. In this study, first year engineering students used online metacognition software while interactively participating in the classroom. Both qualitative and quantitative methods using the pre- and post-test experimental designs as well as a debriefing questionnaire were utilized. The academic achievement of students’ through the integration of interactive technology was the output variable, while the input variables were divided into four categories: students’ understanding of the concepts, confidence level, apprehension level, and motivation. In addition, this study also examined the amount of class participation to measure students’ communication apprehension and its correlation to academic performance. In order to improve students' learning outcomes using metacognitive strategies, it was discovered that the use of interactive technology followed by group discussions and class assignments greatly enhanced students' comprehension of scientific facts and their ability to explain them. In addition, the current study showed that engineering students' communication apprehension was also reduced resulting in improvement in confidence and motivation towards academic success.

Fahreza, Rizki, Parham Saadi, and Syahmani Syahmani. "PROFIL METAKOGNISI SISWA BERDASARKAN SELF-REGULATED LEARNING (SRL) DALAM MEMECAHKAN MASALAH KIMIA." Vidya Karya 33, no. 2 (January 27, 2019): 118. http://dx.doi.org/10.20527/jvk.v33i2.5561.

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Abstract. This research aims to (1) know the student’s metacognitive charactersitics in solving chemistry problem, especially based on Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and (2) identify the factors influence student’s SRL capability. Research design used in this research was one-shot case study with pre-test. The research sample was the 11th grade students of Science classroom chosen by purposive sampling method. The instruments were pre-test, post-test, and Metacognition Self Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The data were collected by test, observation, dan questionnaire. Analysis method used descriptive analysis. The finding of this research showed that (1) the low metacognitive students show the such characteristics; tend to explained problem unclearly, couldn’t formulate problem correctly, explained planning and monitor the strategy unclearly, could’t imlpement the strategy and and less detailed in explain evaluation result. On the contrary, the higher metacognitive students had the such characteristics like could explain the problem more clearly, could formulate the problem exactly, could explain planning and monitor the strategy more detailed, could implement the strategy properly, and could explained evaluation result more detail; (2) there are fourt main factors that influence student’s SRL capability, that are cognitive strategy, student’s intrinsic value, self-efficacy, and anxiety. Keywords: metacognitive skill, problem solving, SRL, colloid Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) karakteristik metakognisi siswa dalam memecahkan masalah kimia koloid berdasarkan Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) dan (2) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan siswa dalam penerapan model pembelajaran SRL. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah one-shot case study with pre-test. Sampel penelitian yaitu peserta didik kelas XI IPA yang ditentukan melalui metode purposive sampilng. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes, lembar observasi dan kuesioner MSLQ. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) siswa yang metakognisinya rendah memiliki karakteristik seperti; kurang jelas mengungkapkan permasalahan, kurang tepat merumuskan rumusan masalah, kurang rinci mengungkapkan perencanaan, kurang rinci dalam pemantauan strategi, kurang mampu menerapkan strategi, dan kurang rinci mengungkapkan hasil evaluasi. Adapun siswa yang metakognisinya lebih tinggi memiliki karakteristik seperti mampu mengungkapkan permasalahan dengan jelas, mampu merumuskan masalah dengan tepat, mampu mengungkapkan perencanaan dan cara pemantauan strategi dengan rinci, mampu menerapkan strategi dengan baik, dan rinci dalam mampu mengungkapkan hasil evaluasi; (2) terdapat 4 faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kemampuan siswa dalam model pembelajaran SRL, yakni strategi kognitif, nilai intrinsik siswa, self-efficacy, dan kecemasan. Kata kunci: Keterampilan metakognisi, pemecahan masalah, SRL, koloid

Febrianto, Kelvin, and Yunus Fadhillah. "IMPLEMENTASI SELF-REGULATED LEARING PADA APLIKASI PEMBELAJARAN MANAJEMEN PROYEK SISTEM INFORMASI PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI SWASTA X DI JAKARTA." Jurnal Riset Informatika 1, no. 1 (December 12, 2018): 51–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.34288/jri.v1i1.15.

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Failing IT Projects has kept growing over the past recent years. Understanding of Project Management concepts must be taught in college. Recent studies at the conducted courses at college X in Jakarta over the past ten years has shown discrepancy between daily exercises with the exam result students received. Therefore, developing a new learning process is required to enhance the student’s understanding of Project Management concepts. Self-Regulated Learning method encompasses independent learning by metacognition, motivation, self-regulation, and self-evaluation. To develop such process would require a learning tools during the learning process. The technical specification for the learning tools in question needs to enable metacognition process by directing the students towards the learning steps and motivates the students by intuitive use of learning tools. The results is a learning software that explicitly help the learning process by generating project documents to help understanding Project Management concept and interactive user interface that is easy to use and motivates the learning process.

Waskitoningtyas, Rahayu Sri, and Ganjar Susilo. "Student’s critical thinking ability in completing metacognition problems of mathematical education students in Balikpapan University." Math Didactic: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 6, no. 1 (May 5, 2020): 87–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.33654/math.v6i1.928.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan soal metakognisi Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Balikpapan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa pendidikan matematika yang diberikan soal metakognisi materi Trigonometri. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan triangulasi yaitu dokumentasi berupa hasil jawaban mahasiswa, observasi terhadap lembar jawaban mahasiswa dan wawancara. Dari 8 soal yang diujicobakan diperoleh 6 soal yang layak digunakan (soal nomor 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, dan 7) dengan r11 = 0,82 ( butir soal dikatakan baik). Kemudian 6 soal tersebut diberikan kepada mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika berjumlah 25 mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada soal nomor 1 sebanyak 19,53 % mahasiswa mampu mengerjakan ini nilai dari 108. Untuk soal nomor 2 sebanyak 19,17 % dari nilai 106. Sedangkan soal nomor 4 sebanyak 19,26% dari nilai 106. Sebanyak 18,26% mahasiswa untuk soal nomor 5 dengan nilai 112. Pada soal nomor 6 sebanyak 13,92% mahasiswa dengan nilai 98. Untuk soal nomor 7 diperoleh 9,76% mahasiswa dari nilai 71.

Lake, Warren, William (Bill) E. Boyd, and Wendy Boyd. "Transforming student expectations through a real-time feedback process and the introduction of concepts of self-efficacy - surprising results of a university-wide experiment." Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 15, no. 5 (December 1, 2018): 51–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.53761/

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A core indicator of success at University is the grade a student achieves following a period of study. A student’s ability to achieve expected grades is often understood in terms of learning and study processes that the student is capable of, chooses to adopt, or masters. However, psychology tells us that our selfefficacy is a major determinant of how we select activities, how much effort we expend on them, and how long we sustain effort. The importance of self-efficacy in supporting a student’s study choices, effort and sustainability – and hence in the student’s capacity for success – is clear. Providing students with an understanding of the role of self-efficacy provides a transformative moment in the student’s growth as a university student. This paper examines the effectiveness of a specific method, point-of-contact feedback, in lifting students’ awareness of self-efficacy. The ability of the survey to support student metacognition through a social persuasion design, particularly for students originally targeting lower grades, demonstrates that point-of-contact feedback can assist students to improve their awareness and understanding of a learning concept. The outcome of this one-off survey is a demonstrated transformation of student expectations regarding their grades and the way they intend to engage their studies.

Sobieszczuk-Nowicka, Ewa, Eliza Rybska, Joanna Jarmużek, Małgorzata Adamiec, and Zofia Chyleńska. "Are We Aware of What Is Going on in a Student’s Mind? Understanding Wrong Answers about Plant Tropisms and Connection between Student’s Conceptions and Metacognition in Teacher and Learner Minds." Education Sciences 8, no. 4 (October 2, 2018): 164. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/educsci8040164.

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Problems with understanding concepts and mechanisms connected to plant movements have been diagnosed among biology students. Alternative conceptions in understanding these phenomena are marginally studied. The diagnosis was based on a sample survey of university students and their lecturers, which was quantitatively and qualitatively exploratory in nature (via a questionnaire). The research was performed in two stages, before and after the lectures and laboratory on plant movements. We diagnosed eight alternative conceptions before the academic training started. After the classes, most were not been verified, and in addition, 12 new conceptions were diagnosed. Additionally, we report that teachers are not aware of students’ possible misunderstandings. They do not perceive students’ troubles with switching between levels of representations, nor their alternative conceptions. A case of “curse of knowledge” was observed and academic teacher training is recommended. Additionally, the need for metacognition as a crucial element in laboratory activities seems supported by our presented results. Such metacognition refers to students as well as teachers, which leads to the conclusion that teachers should be aware of students’ way of thinking and the development of knowledge in one’s own mind.

Gim, Ga-yeong, and Seong-hwan Moon. "Comparison of Elementary School Student’s Metacognition According to Their Experience of Invention Education." Institute for Education and Research Gyeongin National University of Education 39, no. 1 (March 31, 2019): 351–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.25020/je.2019.39.1.351.

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Salam, Mohamad, and La Misu. "Searching of Student’s Metacognition Consciousness in Learning of Numbers Theory through Behavioral Learning Model." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1028 (June 2018): 012171. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012171.

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Han, Cheon-woo. "Structural Relations Among Junior College Student’s Growth Mindset, Grit, Metacognition, and Career Preparation Behavior." Korea University Institute of Educational Research 33, no. 4 (November 30, 2020): 191–215. http://dx.doi.org/10.24299/kier.2020.33.4.191.

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Safiati, O. A., Dafik, T. D. Prastiti, and Z. R. Ridlo. "On student’s metacognition skill in solving division operation under the research-based learning implementation." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 747, no. 1 (May 1, 2021): 012118. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/747/1/012118.

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Aini, Qurrotul. "Identifikasi Kemampuan Metakognisi Siswa SD dalam Pemecahan Masalah Berdasarkan Disposisi Matematis." Journal of Medives : Journal of Mathematics Education IKIP Veteran Semarang 3, no. 1 (January 4, 2019): 97. http://dx.doi.org/10.31331/medivesveteran.v3i1.688.

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi kemampuan metakognisi siswa SD dalam pemecahan masalah berdasarkan disposisi matematis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksploratif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 3 siswa kelas V yang masing-masing memiliki disposisi matematis rendah, disposisi matematis sedang, dan disposisi matematis tinggi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah angket/kuisioner, Tes Kemampuan Metakognisi (TKM), pedoman wawancara, dan lembar observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model Milles dan Huberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi teknik yaitu dengan cara mengambil data yang sama dengan teknik yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek dengan disposisi matematis rendah kurang mampu merencanakan, memonitor, dan mengevaluasi. Subjek dengan disposisi matematis sedang mampu merencanakan, memonitor, dan mengevaluasi. Subjek dengan disposisi matematis tinggi sangat mampu merencanakan, memonitor, dan mengevaluasi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tingkan disposisi matematis siswa mempengaruhi kemampuan metakognisi siswa SD dalam pemecahan masalah. Kata kunci: metakognisi, pemecahan masalah, disposisi matematis. ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to identify the metacognition abilities of elementary school students in problem solving based on mathematical dispositions. This research is a qualitative research with an explorative approach. The subjects in this study were 3 students from 5th grade with a low, medium, and high mathematical disposition. Questionnaire, Metacognition Ability Test (MAT), interview guidelines, and observation sheets are used in this study to get the data. Data analysis techniques used is the Milles and Huberman models, which are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The data validity is checkec by using technical transcription by taking the same data with different techniques. The results are subject with low mathematical dispositions is not able to plan, monitor, and evaluate. Subject with mathematical dispositions is able to plan, monitor, and evaluate. Subject with high mathematical dispositions is very capable in planning, monitoring, and evaluating. The conclusion of this study is student’s mathematical disposition affects the ability of elementary school students in problem solving. Keywords: metacognition, problem solving, mathematical dispositions.

Mukasyaf, Fikri, Kms M. Amin Fauzi, and Mukhtar Mukhtar. "Building Learning Trajectory Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in Circle Tangent Topic by Applying Metacognition Approach." International Education Studies 12, no. 2 (January 30, 2019): 109. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v12n2p109.

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Mathematical problem solving ability is one of the most important abilities students must have to process the information provided in solving problems. Before using mathematical problem solving skills, prior knowledge becomes the most crucial thing that makes students able to connect all available information so that they can construct new knowledge through the process of assimilation or accommodation.The purpose of this reseach is to:(1) Analyze prior knowledge what student has so the student can solve the problem of tangent circle given; (2) Know how learning trajectory in student’s mathematical problem solving ability by applying metacognition approach. This reaseacrch is a design research to improve the quality of learning. In this reseacrh researchers gave 3 test questions on students’ mathematical problem solving abilities. One trial was conducted in class VIII-B and trial II was conducted in class VIII-A, each consisting of 30 students junior high school. The result of students answer analysis shows the mast problematic topic that makes the studnts are difficult to solve the problem is about the tangent cicrcle that is the elements of the circle and the concept of circle circumtance there are three phased in learning path of students mathematical problem solving skill that are under standing the problem, making the problem solving plan by prrior knowledge and doing problem solving and evaluating it. From this explanation, it is better for teachers to ensure students have sufficient prior knowledge to make it easier to construct new knowledge, as well as make the learning process fun and meaningful so that students will remember knowledge in long-term memory.

Tampi, Wasti, ,. Subanji, and ,. Sisworo. "Proses Metakognisi Siswa dalam Pemecahan Masalah Aljabar Berdasarkan Taksonomi SOLO." Jurnal Matematika 7, no. 1 (June 10, 2017): 30. http://dx.doi.org/10.24843/jmat.2017.v07.i01.p80.

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This study describes the metacognition process of students in problem solving based on the SOLO taxonomy. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive research. The results of this study suggest that the metacognition process of students that occurs in problems solving of algebra at the levels of unistructural, multistrucural, relational and extended abstract includes the process: metacognitive awareness, metacognitive evaluating and regulating metacognitive. Keywords: problem solving, metacognition, SOLO taxonomy.

Samuel, Naomi N. C., and Ifeoma G. Okonkwo. "Relationship between Metacognition, Locus of Control, and Academic Achievement in Secondary School Chemistry Students in Anambra State, Nigeria." Education Research International 2021 (August 7, 2021): 1–7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2021/6698808.

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This study examined the relationship between metacognition, locus of control, and academic achievement in secondary school chemistry students in Anambra state, Nigeria. The sample consisted of 135 chemistry students in Awka Education Zone, Anambra state. Descriptive survey research design was adopted, and two instruments—Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) and Academic Locus of Control Scale—were used as instruments for data collection. Correlation and regression analyses were used to explore the intervention effects of metacognition between locus of control and academic achievements of chemistry students on the hypothesis that metacognition affects locus of control and academic achievement. The result revealed that metacognitive awareness overall, metacognitive knowledge (declarative, procedural, and conditional), and metacognitive regulation (planning, information management, monitoring, debugging, and evaluation) aspects showed a positive relationship with the students’ academic achievement and a negative relationship with locus of control. The study has implication for teachers and students since metacognition can be taught. The students should avail themselves the opportunity to acquire metacognitive skill and strategies, while teachers should themselves train students on the most effective metacognitive skills and strategies for effective increase on academic achievement and locus of control.

A. Al-Hunaiyyan, Ahmed, Andrew T Bimba, Norisma Idris, and Salah Al-Sharhan. "A Cognitive Knowledge-based Framework for Social and Metacognitive Support in Mobile Learning." Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management 12 (2017): 075–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.28945/3670.

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Aim/Purpose: This work aims to present a knowledge modeling technique that supports the representation of the student learning process and that is capable of providing a means for self-assessment and evaluating newly acquired knowledge. The objective is to propose a means to address the pedagogical challenges in m-learning by aiding students’ metacognition through a model of a student with the target domain and pedagogy. Background: This research proposes a framework for social and meta-cognitive support to tackle the challenges raised. Two algorithms are introduced: the meta-cognition algorithm for representing the student’s learning process, which is capable of providing a means for self-assessment, and the social group mapping algorithm for classifying students according to social groups. Methodology : Based on the characteristics of knowledge in an m-learning system, the cognitive knowledge base is proposed for knowledge elicitation and representation. The proposed technique allows a proper categorization of students to support collaborative learning in a social platform by utilizing the strength of m-learning in a social context. The social group mapping and metacognition algorithms are presented. Contribution: The proposed model is envisaged to serve as a guide for developers in implementing suitable m-learning applications. Furthermore, educationists and instructors can devise new pedagogical practices based on the possibilities provided by the proposed m-learning framework. Findings: The effectiveness of any knowledge management system is grounded in the technique used in representing the knowledge. The CKB proposed manipulates knowledge as a dynamic concept network, similar to human knowledge processing, thus, providing a rich semantic capability, which provides various relationships between concepts. Recommendations for Practitioners: Educationist and instructors need to develop new pedagogical practices in line with m-learning. Recommendation for Researchers: The design and implementation of an effective m-learning application are challenging due to the reliance on both pedagogical and technological elements. To tackle this challenge, frameworks which describe the conceptual interaction between the various components of pedagogy and technology need to be proposed. Impact on Society: The creation of an educational platform that provides instant access to relevant knowledge. Future Research: In the future, the proposed framework will be evaluated against some set of criteria for its effectiveness in acquiring and presenting knowledge in a real-life scenario. By analyzing real student interaction in m-learning, the algorithms will be tested to show their applicability in eliciting student metacognition and support for social interactivity.

Pelton, Julie A. "Teaching about Learning: The Effects of Instruction on Metacognition in a Sociological Theory Course." Teaching Sociology 47, no. 4 (July 25, 2019): 325–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0092055x19861684.

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This article investigates the effects of teaching about metacognition in a sociological theory course. I created a series of teaching interventions to introduce students to the science of learning, including an interactive lecture on metacognition, a discussion that models metacognitive strategies, and activities for students to practice metacognition. This article describes those teaching interventions and assesses whether direct instruction led to greater use of metacognitive and cognitive strategies, confidence, and motivation to learn. Data were collected over seven semesters using a pretest–posttest approach. Comparison of means showed that students who received metacognitive instruction did not differ significantly from a control group on strategy use, confidence, or motivation. Regression analyses show that metacognitive instruction did lead to greater use of metacognitive strategies. While instruction in metacognition did not produce all desired effects, this research illustrates the value of incorporating the science of learning in sociology courses.

Yandari, Indhira Asih Vivi, Supartini Supartini, Aan Subhan Pamungkas, and Etika Khaerunnisa. "The Role of Habits of Mind (HOM) on Student's Mathematical Problem Solving Skills of Primary School." Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 10, no. 1 (June 13, 2019): 47–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/ajpm.v10i1.4018.

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The research aims to describe the role of habits of minds on the student’s mathematical problem solving skills. Habits of mind studied are persisting, metacognition, thinking flexibly, and applying past knowledge to a new situation. The method used in this research is quantitative correlational. Samples were taken as much as 49 fifth grade students at SDN Walantaka 1. Data collection techniques using HOM scale and essay tests. Based on data analysis results obtained average habits of mind score of 68.26 including into medium category and problem solving skills of 53.68 in low category. The results of the regression test on a significant level of α = 0.05 obtained a conclusion that there is a significant influence between habits of mind on the mathematical problem solving, with a contribution of 67.40%. Based on the findings, the habits of mind plays an important role in problem solving and teachers should be able to develop that aspect.

Kordigel Aberšek, Metka, Kosta Dolenc, and Domen Kovačič. "ELEMENTARY AND NATURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ ONLINE READING METACOGNITION." Journal of Baltic Science Education 14, no. 1 (February 20, 2015): 121–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.33225/jbse/15.14.121.

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A new generation of students should learn from e-materials on tablets, notebooks and smart phones. This consequently means that teachers must be competent to teach new literacies, needed for reading/learning from PDF texts, hypertexts and/or World Wide Web. The presented research investigated future teachers’ metacognitive awareness in the process of reading online texts. The sample of 53 2nd year students at the university study program Elementary education and 28 students of natural science and mathematics, pedagogical study, was tested with the OSORS, method for measuring three types of online metacognitive awareness: general reading metacognition, problem-solving reading metacognition and support reading strategies. The results give an insight into future teachers’ online metacognitive skills and guide toward conclusions concerning further investigation in the field of new literacies didactics. Key words: reading metacognition, linear text reading metacognition, online metacognition, informative and explicatory text online reading metacognition.

Alifa, Fadhilla Cahya, Sri Widoretno, and Joko Ariyanto. "PENINGKATAN KUANTITAS DAN KUALITAS PERTANYAAN PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI PENERAPAN MODEL PROJECT BASED LEARNING PADA PEMBELAJARAN BIOLOGI." BIO-PEDAGOGI 8, no. 2 (November 18, 2019): 68. http://dx.doi.org/10.20961/bio-pedagogi.v8i2.20828.

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<p><em>This research aimed to enhance quantity and quality of student’s questions </em><em>in biology </em><em>at grade X MIPA 1 of</em><em> </em><em> SMAN 7 Surakarta academic year 2014/2015 through the implementation of project based learning.</em><em> </em><em></em></p><p><em>This research was a Classroom Action Research which consisting of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Subject of the research was grade X MIPA 1 of SMAN 7 Surakarta academic year 2014/2015, consisting of 28 students.</em> <em>Data were collected through observation, interview, and video recording, then its collected based on revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Data were analyzed describe qualitatively. Data were validated using triangulation methods. Research procedure using spiral model.</em></p><p><em>The result of the research showed that quantity and quality of student’s questions enhance from Preaction, Cycle I, and Cycle II. Quantity of student’s questions enhance from 24 to </em><em>180</em><em> questions.</em> <em>Quality of students’ questions enhanced from the factual, conceptual, and procedural dimension at the C1, C2, and C3 become the factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognition dimension at the C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6.</em><em> </em><em></em></p><p><em>Based on the data analysis result, it can be concluded that the implementation of project based learning is able to enhance quantity and quality of student’s questions</em><em> in biology</em><em> at grade X MIPA 1 of SMAN 7 Surakarta academic year 2014/2015.</em></p>

Murni, Atma. "METAKOGNISI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA." Jurnal Prinsip Pendidikan Matematika 1, no. 2 (May 30, 2019): 1–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/prinsip.v1i2.23.

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Metacognition is the students’ ability in learning that includes about how learning should be done, so that it can determine what already known and not known yet. Metacognition has two components: metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive skills. Metacognitive knowledge relates to declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and conditional knowledge. Metacognitive skills relate to planning, monitoring, and evaluation towards the completion of a particular task. Metacognition has three stages: (1) planning about what, how, and when to learn it; (2) monitoring of learning process that being carried out; and (3) evaluating of what has been planned, done, and the results of that process. Metacognition of students in mathematics learning can be arisen at every stage of mathematical problem solving: understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back.

Perikova, Ekaterinа Igorevna, and Valentina Mihailovna Byzova. "Undergraduate students’ metacognition of learning (with the main focus on students with different levels of mental self-regulation)." Science for Education Today 10, no. 5 (October 31, 2020): 104–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.15293/2658-6762.2005.06.

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Introduction. A number of researchers have reported the influence of metacognition and self-regulation on learning and academic performance. However, to date there has been little agreement on how these processes are related to each other. This study is aimed at identifying the relationship between metacognition and mental self-regulation of learning, as well as comparing the components of metacognitive awareness among students with different levels of mental self-regulation. Materials and Methods. A theoretical framework of this study included J. Flavell and A. Brown’s Metacognition Theory; Konopkin’s Structural-Functional Approach to Studying Conscious Self-Regulation and B. Zimmerman’s Self-Regulated Learning Theory. The study used the following psychological testing techniques: (a) V. Morosanova’s Style of Behaviour self-regulation questionnaire, (b) G. Schraw & R. Dennison’s Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (short version) adapted by Perikova and Byzova, (c) E. Y. Mandrikova’s Self-regulation questionnaire, (d) D. V. Lyusin’s Emotional intelligence inventory, (e) D. A. Leontiev’s Differential reflexivity diagnostic. The sample consisted of 186 students of St. Petersburg State University aged 19,51±1,39 years. Results. The results indicate a wide range of relationships between mental self-regulation and metacognitive, cognitive, motivational and emotional components. Self-regulation is primarily linked with metacognitive processes of control and regulation of cognition, as well as cognition management. Metacognitive awareness of general and individual patterns, cognitive abilities and strategies are included in the process of self-regulation to a lesser extent. However, the results of factor analysis and regression analysis indicate that metacognition components did not affect self-regulation. Analysis of the variance confirmed that individuals with a low level of self-regulation demonstrate significantly less pronounced metacognitive, motivational and emotional components. Conclusions. The study demonstrates the systemic nature of the relationship between mental self-regulation and metacognitive components, as well as cognitive, motivational and emotional components.

Soicher, Raechel N., and Regan A. R. Gurung. "Do Exam Wrappers Increase Metacognition and Performance? A Single Course Intervention." Psychology Learning & Teaching 16, no. 1 (August 19, 2016): 64–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1475725716661872.

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Previous research has indicated that an intervention called “exam wrappers” can improve students’ metacognition when they are using wrappers in more than one course per academic term. In this study, we tested if exam wrappers would improve students’ metacognition and academic performance when used in only one course per academic term. A total of 86 students used either exam wrappers (an exercise with metacognitive instruction), sham wrappers (an exercise with no metacognitive instruction), or neither (control). We found no improvements on any of three exams, final grades, or metacognitive ability (measured with the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory, MAI) across conditions. All students showed an increase in MAI over the course of the semester, regardless of condition. We discuss the challenges of improving metacognitive skills and suggest ideas for additional metacognitive interventions.

Agustina, Wilyati. "Peningkatan Ketrampilan Metakognisi Mahasiswa IKIP Budi Utomo Malang Melalui Penerapan Tutor Sebaya Dipadukan dengan The Power of Two dalam Matakuliah Kimia Dasar." Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya 25, no. 1 (March 4, 2019): 36–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.33503/paradigma.v25i1.481.

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Based on the observation showed that the student’s do not use the concept they had to solve new problems that is solved by using they had. The basic chemical is general courses that must be taken by students of MIPA (Mathematics and Science), where subjects are abstract and difficult to understand, the calculation of the chemical needs to optimize the students’ ability, it is expected to be able to form: independent personality, patterned science thought, creative, and an objective that has a character (soft skills) in appearance , attitude, and behavior levels. One of the parameters to find out is through the skill improvement metacognition. In the reserach problem is wether peer teaching merged with the power of two in The basic chemical can improve IKIP Budi Utomo student’smetacognitive skill. The design of this reserch is Class action reserach that developed by Kemmis and Taggart. There are four steps/ phases. 1) planning, 2) acting, 3) observing, 4) analyzing and reflecting. The result of study reserach, there is significant improvement from the average of cicle I to II from 44,5 score- 69,3 and the score of completness is 40,3 %

Fiani, Ani. "STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TOWARD THE ENACTMENT OF METACOGNITIVE INSTRUCTION IN AN EFL WRITING CLASS: LESSON LEARNED FROM A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN INDONESIA." Research and Innovation in Language Learning 3, no. 3 (October 31, 2020): 220. http://dx.doi.org/10.33603/rill.v3i3.4105.

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Metacognition plays an important role in developing EFL students to become successful learners who are able to plan their learning goals, monitor their learning progress, and evaluate their learning outcomes in the disruption era. Because of the crucial role of metacognition in language learning, the implementation of metacognitive instruction in an EFL writing class had been investigated during one semester. Thus, this article discussed the students’ responses towards the use of the teaching program. This research study conducted with thirty three students in a private university in Lubuklinggau used a case study by collecting data through a questionnaire and reflective journals. The research results revealed that most of the EFL students had highly positive responses towards the implementation of metacognitive instruction in an EFL writing class including three aspects, namely the learning materials, learning activities, and benefits of the learning processes. Therefore, the teaching program had encouraged and benefited to the students in learning to write. Metacognitive instruction, as an alternative of effective methods, should be considered by teachers to help their students to become more independent learners.Keywords: Metacognition, metacognitive instruction, writing

Iftikhar, Shabnum. "The importance of Metacognitive Strategies to Enhance Reading Comprehension Skills of Learners: A Self-directed Learning Approach." Journal of English Language and Literature 2, no. 3 (December 30, 2014): 191–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.17722/jell.v2i3.38.

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This article “The importance of Metacognitive Strategies to Enhance Reading Comprehension Skills of Learners: A Self-directed Learning Approach” deals with an in-depth study and implementation of Metacognitive strategies. This study investigates as to what extent the teaching of metacognition is feasible in the classroom and how students could get the maximum from applying metacognitive strategies and styles. This research aims at emphasizing the use of metacognitive strategies as a useful resource to enhance reading comprehension of students. The purpose of the literature review in this study is to more elaborate this topic to get the profound insights into the actual framework of metacognition so that implementations could be made as much as possible. Furthermore, to explore literature review is an authentic source to know as how much research has been conducted so far. It will be identified also that what is missing that needs to be addressed. The themes that would be explored in the review of literature are as following: Theoretical Framework, Motivation and Performance, Metacognitive strategies, Metacognitive instruction; and Empirical evidence of teaching metacognition.

Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo, Dini Fithria Nurul Aisyah, and Ahmad Fauzi. "Kesadaran metakognitif siswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran modifikasi cooperative script dipadu Hybrid-PjBl." JINoP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran) 7, no. 1 (May 20, 2021): 10–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.22219/jinop.v7i1.10376.

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Empowering students’ metacognitive awareness is among the 21st century learning strategies. This research aims to determine the profile of students’ metacognitive awareness in Biology subject through the implementation of Cooperative Script (CS) modification strategy combined with Hybrid-PjBl. It employed quantitative method with the participants of students from XI IPA SMA 5 Malang. The instrument for data collection was Metacognitive Awareness Inventory, with descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment as data analysis techniques. Results show that 20% of students’ metacognitive awareness was in the “very good” category; 40% of students in the “good” category; while the remaining 40% were in the “fair” category. Based on more detailed analyses, one component of metacognition is classified as “fair”, six components are classified as “good”, while the rest is classified as “very good”. Most metacognition components are correlated with each other. These findings indicate that Biology learning with CS modification combined with Hybrid-PjBL potentially empowers students’ metacognitive awareness.

Antika, Rindi Novitri. "The Effect of Core Learning Model on Students’ Metacognitive Skills in Lipid Material." IJIS Edu : Indonesian Journal of Integrated Science Education 2, no. 1 (January 31, 2020): 35. http://dx.doi.org/10.29300/ijisedu.v2i1.2609.

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Metacognitive is one of the important factors must have by student. This study aims to determine the effect of the CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending) learning model on students' metacognitive sklills and find out the students' responses about it’s implementation. This research is a pre-experimental study with one group pretest-posttest design. The subject of this study was grade 3rd of biology education students. The instrument in this study is an essay and metacognition descriptor rubric to assess students' metacognitive skill, then questionnaires to obtain data on student responses that implemented the CORE learning model. Based on the results of the paired sample t test on student metacognition scores obtained sig. 0.00 <0.05, it means that there are differences between the results of the student's pretest and posttest. Then, based on N-gain analysis pretest and posttest data, it is known that the N-gain value is 0.71, it’s means high increase category,. Then the result of pearson correlation test to analyze correlation between cognitive learning outcomes and student metacognitive skills obtained sig. 0,00, it means that there was a correlation between the two of them. Based on some of these analyzesit can be concluded that the CORE learning model influences students' metacognitive skills on lipid material. This was supported by the results of a questionnaire showed that students gave positive responses about the application of the CORE learning model, it was known from questionnaire data, more than 85% of students felt the CORE model had a positive impact on learning.

Misu, La, I. Ketut Budayasa, Agung Lukito, and Rosdiana Rosdiana. "Comparison of Metacognition Awareness of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Students Based on the Ability of Mathematics." International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research 2, no. 3 (June 30, 2019): 124. http://dx.doi.org/10.33122/ijtmer.v2i3.118.

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Awareness of metacognition is one of mental process that occurs when a person knows what he thinks, including the knowledge and awareness to do something or realize the reason that. The purpose of this study is (1) to describe how the metacognition awareness of mathematics student and mathematics education student based on mathematical ability, and (2) to know the difference metacognitive awareness between of mathematics students with math education students based on mathematical ability. This research subject are the Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Education students of Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia. This research is ex post facto by the data analysis using descriptive and inferential approach. Descriptive approach used to describe the level of metacognitive awareness of mathematics students and mathematics education students based on his mathematical abilities, whereas inferential approach used to see the difference in metacognition awareness of mathematics students and mathematics education students based math skills. The results of this study are: (1) the level of students metacognition awareness of Mathematics Department, generally located on level strategic use and level reflective use, while the level of students metacognition awareness of Education Mathematics Department, generally located on level aware use; (2) there is a significant difference between the awareness metacognition of math students with mathematics education student based on his mathematical abilities, and awareness metacognition of math student better than mathematics education students.

Machfauzia, Ayu Niza, Dr Djohan, and Phakkharawat Sittiprapaporn. "Intellectual character of metacognition in thinking strategies." Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 11, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 51–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/ajms.v11i1.26519.

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Background: Metacognition is one aspect of intellectual character about a concept that has been used to refer to a variety of epistemological processes. Metacognition essentially means cognition about cognition; that is, it refers to second-order cognitions: thoughts about thoughts, knowledge about knowledge or reflections about actions. Previous research explained that metacognition is useful in many educational settings and can be transferred from the music classroom to other subject areas. Aims and Objective: This study aims to reveal aspects of student metacognition as a strategy used in playing music. Materials and Methods: In this observational study, the spontaneous metacognitive behavior of students during guitar lessons in guitar classroom was analyzed. Results: Data from interviews revealed that students were weak in metacognitive behavior, so that students do not use thinking ways of thinking. This is because the lecturer cannot promote metacognition by designing and implementing instructional strategies that encourage music students to engage in reflection, self-assessment, and thinking critically.Based on the results of research that has been obtained, it can be said that in playing music, especially in the guitar class, it is important to know what is known about the music that will be played. Conclusion: Lecturers need to promote metacognitive awareness in students, so that students are able to develop their thinking strategies well in playing music, especially in guitar classes.

Yanti, Helda, I. Wayan Distrik, and Isra Khasyyatillah. "Profile of Senior High School Metacognitive Ability in Solving Problems of Abstraction on Physics Material." Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni 6, no. 2 (October 28, 2017): 241. http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/jipfalbiruni.v6i2.2061.

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This study aims to determine the ability of students’ metacognition in solving abstract problems in physical material. The study involved students who took through the test. Metacognition ability data obtained through written test consisting of questions metacognitive knowledge and metacognition skills. Data analysis is done descriptively. The result of the research shows that declarative knowledge dominates students metacognition knowledge, that is students can recognize the difficult problem and able to interpret in other forms but less able to recognize method used and how to finish, while students' metacognition skills are more dominant in planning and monitoring fields. Prediction and evaluation skills are still relatively low. Overall, metacognition ability of students included in the low category.

Suwandi, Roisyah Ashshaddiqah, Amelia Happy Beauty, Sulis Pujiyanti, Avis Alfara, Fattahu Husna Nurisma, and Baskoro Adi Prayitno. "Profil Keterampilan Regulasi Metakognisi Ditinjau dari Strata Angkatan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi." Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 9, no. 1 (September 30, 2020): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.24114/jpb.v9i1.12011.

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This research aims to determine the profile of metacognition regulation skills and determine the differences in metacognition regulation skills of Biology Education students at one of the Universities in Surakarta based on the strata of the class. This research method uses a survey method. The research population was Biology Education students at one of the Universities in Surakarta consisting of 4 classes totaling 240 students. The research sample was obtained by stratified random sampling technique as much as 30% of the population, namely 18 students per class. The research data was obtained through a questionnaire that referred to the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) with indicators of Metacognitive Regulations, including Planning, Information Strategy, Monitoring, Coordination Errors, Understanding Strategies, and Evaluation. Analysis of research data was carried out in quantitative descriptive and ANAVA test. The results of the research showed that the profile of metacognition regulation skills in each class averaged 79.51% with a well-developed category. The profile of the 2015 metacognition regulation skills is 77.80% with a category that has developed well, the 2016 class is 82.48% with a category that has developed well, the 2017 class is 79.81% with a well-developed category, and 2018 is 79, 97% with a well developed category. Skill in regulating metacognition of Biology Education students in Surakarta in 2018/2019 has developed well. The 2016 Biology Education students have the highest average metacognition skills with a score of 82.48%. ANAVA test results showed no difference in metacognitive regulation for each class with a significance value of 0.054.

Stanton, Julie Dangremond, Xyanthe N. Neider, Isaura J. Gallegos, and Nicole C. Clark. "Differences in Metacognitive Regulation in Introductory Biology Students: When Prompts Are Not Enough." CBE—Life Sciences Education 14, no. 2 (June 2015): ar15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1187/cbe.14-08-0135.

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Strong metacognition skills are associated with learning outcomes and student performance. Metacognition includes metacognitive knowledge—our awareness of our thinking—and metacognitive regulation—how we control our thinking to facilitate learning. In this study, we targeted metacognitive regulation by guiding students through self-evaluation assignments following the first and second exams in a large introductory biology course (n = 245). We coded these assignments for evidence of three key metacognitive-regulation skills: monitoring, evaluating, and planning. We found that nearly all students were willing to take a different approach to studying but showed varying abilities to monitor, evaluate, and plan their learning strategies. Although many students were able to outline a study plan for the second exam that could effectively address issues they identified in preparing for the first exam, only half reported that they followed their plans. Our data suggest that prompting students to use metacognitive-regulation skills is effective for some students, but others need help with metacognitive knowledge to execute the learning strategies they select. Using these results, we propose a continuum of metacognitive regulation in introductory biology students. By refining this model through further study, we aim to more effectively target metacognitive development in undergraduate biology students.

Stephanou, Georgia, and Fotini Tsoni. "Effects of Metacognition on Performance in Mathematics and Language- Multiple Mediation of Hope and General Self-Efficacy." International Journal of Psychological Studies 11, no. 4 (October 3, 2019): 30. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijps.v11n4p30.

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This study examined (a) students&rsquo; reported use of metacognitive knowledge (declarative, procedural, conditional) and metacognitive regulation (planning, monitoring, information management, evaluation) when they are doing school work or homework, and the effect of metacognition on school performance in language and mathematics and (b) the role of hope (agency thinking, pathway thinking) in general self-efficacy, in the impact of general self-efficacy on metacognition, and in the effect of metacognition on school performance. One hundred and sixty-five 5th and 6th grade students (83 boys, 82 girls), randomly selected from 10 state primary schools of various regions of Greece, participated in the study. Data gathered at the second school term of the total three terms. The results revealed that: (a) the reported frequency of use of metacognitive knowledge (mainly, conditional) and metacognitive regulation (mainly, monitoring) was at a moderate extent, (b) hope (predominately, pathway thinking) was a positive formulator of general self-efficacy and of its impact on metacognition, but the influential role of the two constructs differed between and within the components of metacognition, (c) the three sets of predictors had complementary and positive effects on school performance but their relative power in influencing it varied between mathematics and language and within each school subject, with agency thinking being the most powerful predictor and (d) general self-efficacy mediated the impact of metacognition on school performance, while hope had direct impact on school performance beyond that of metacognition and general self-efficacy. The findings are discussed for their practical applications in education and future research.

Baltaci, Serdal, Avni Yildiz, and Bilal Özcakir. "The Relationship between Metacognitive Awareness Levels, Learning Styles, Genders and Mathematics Grades of Fifth Graders." Journal of Education and Learning 5, no. 4 (August 30, 2016): 78. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jel.v5n4p78.

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<p>Previous studies have shown that students, who have high levels of metacognitive awareness, perform better achievement levels than other students.<strong> </strong>Besides,<strong> </strong>it can be said that learning styles may affect metacognitive awareness of students. In the literature, studies about metacognition focused on problem solving and learners’ mathematical achievement, improvement in metacognition, and supporting some learning environments with metacognition. Therefore, in this study, relationship between metacognitive differences, learning styles, genders and mathematics grades of the fifth grade students are examined. This study was designed as descriptive study and conducted by using relational screening model. The participants consist of 330 fifth grade students from public middle schools. Data collection tools of this study are “Metacognitive Awareness Scale for Children” and “Learning Styles Scale”. The data gathered through these scales were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 21.0. As a result, there is no statistically significant relationship between learning styles and gender. But, there is statistically significant relationship between learning styles-mathematics grades, metacognitive awareness levels<strong> </strong>(MAL)—grade levels in mathematics, MAL-gender and MAL-learning styles. Learning styles may affect individuals’ way of thinking in every moment of the life. Thus, this result has a significant part in education. In fact, parents, teachers and administrators should know metacognitive awareness and learning styles. Thus, knowing these terms can be helpful to understand how the problematic and unsuccessful students show undesirable behaviors since those students’ learning styles and metacognitive awareness levels are not considered.</p>

Menz, Petra, and Cindy Xin. "Making Students' Metacognitive Knowledge Visible Through Reflective Writing in a Mathematics-for-Teachers Course." Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching 9 (June 20, 2016): 155. http://dx.doi.org/10.22329/celt.v9i0.4426.

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Metacognition directly contributes to learning, performance, and beliefs about the self as a learner. This paper describes the rationale, implementation, and assessment of a weekly online reflection activity based on instructor prompts designed for post-secondary students who aspire to be elementary school teachers. Our study defines four categories of metacognitive knowledge that speak to the specific goals of the course and the characteristics of the students. Using these categories, 71 students’ written responses to four reflection prompts from three course offerings were coded, and their effects were examined in terms of types of metacognitive knowledge demonstrated. Our results not only confirm that students were engaged in metacognition through the reflection activity but also show that students exhibited different categories of metacognitive knowledge in relation to the varying emphases of the prompts.

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