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Květoň, Petr. "Technicko-provozní faktory ovlivňující výkony letišť v civilním letectví." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2021. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-449714.

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The diploma thesis deals with factors that directly or indirectly affect the operation of the airport. The thesis contains theoretical notes of influencing factors, a list of aircraft and their characteristics, including mutual comparison in graphs. The next part focuses on the airport itself, where it tries to identify the factors that affect its operation, including historical events. The next part focuses on the selection of airports in Central Europe, determining the appropriate performance characteristics, which are then compared and evaluated.

Šlesinger, Jan. "Technický audit vodojemů." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-227632.

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This diploma thesis aims to design a methodology for technical audit of water tanks. The first part presents basic information on water tanks, followed by a brief summary of Czech legislation related to developing water tank renewal financing plans. The key part of the thesis is designing the structure of TEAA water tanks module, which will be included in TEA Water methodology, being developed at Institute of Municipal Water Management. The module under proposal is implemented as a MS Excel application, which is used to assess selected water tanks. The assessment results are compared to results obtained using TEA Water web application, which implements a draft of the TEAA module from October 2014, and to the results obtained using TAWAT.xls application.

Vaňourek, Jiří. "Lidský faktor v letectví." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-228601.

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Diploma work includes summary of aeroplanes accidents, incurred by human factor malfunction in general aviation and in ultralight aeroplanes category on Czech Republic territory since year 2000. It analyses accidents enclosures with a view to discover similarities near particular accidents. From ascertained lockworks ared proposal created for possibly steps, how prevent rise of these accidents. Part of this work are also attachments (formularies, etc.).

Geratová, Patrícia. "Nájemné bytu a faktory, které je ovlivňují ve vybraných lokalitách v Žilině." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Ústav soudního inženýrství, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-317086.

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The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of real estate market in Žilina, Slovakia. The aim of the thesis is to compare the rents of flats situated in three different localities and to examine the factors determining them. The data obtained in the research are sorted out into five categories according to floor space. The findings are summarized in tables and charts, emphasizing the factors determining the rent.

Heinzel, Lukáš. "Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících cenu akcií významných světových pojišťoven." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-197796.

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The aim of this work is the analysis of factors, which influence price of insurance companies' stock. This work firstly contents definition of basic differences in the space, which insurance company does business in and regular manufacturing plant or sales company. Emphasis is put on controlling risks and regulation of insurance companies. The main part of work is fundamental analysis of 3 european insurance companies. The analysis of each macroeconomics quantity and the stock rate uses correlative coefficients. This work researchs, whether in case of relationship of progress of stock rates and quantities of economics holds regular conclusion, which are described in literature of economics or whether not. Whole fundamental analysis further complete sectoral analysis with development of main characteristics of european insurance market and companies' analysis, where are different proportion indicatiors compared.

Hejný, Lukáš. "Tepelně technické vlastnosti rámu okenní výplně a připojovací spáry." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-234552.

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This thesis deals with the solution problem of fitting a window in the wall, especially for passive houses. It provides options to optimize the window connection joints, improve the thermal transmittance of the window frame, thereby reducing the total heat loss through the window. In the first part of the thesis is a research literature on the windows and heat technical and physical mechanisms. Are described equations and physical processes taking place in the windows and related building structures. This section describes the basic points in history, technical description of windows, etc. and present ways of assembly Installation the window and the influence of the thermal properties of the heat loss. The next part deals with the description of the work and the results obtained in the course of doctoral study. Describes the main objectives of the dissertation thesis, calculations and simulations of temperature fields and the results of the calculated values. Furthermore are described and analyzed measurement data and compared with the calculated values. At the end dissertation thesis are given opportunities to improve the current solution regarding the heat transfer coefficient of the frame, the optimal way of installation fillers windows in the perimeter wall and improve the thermal properties of the connecting joint.

Hedberg, Niclas. "Automated invoice processing with machine learning : Benefits, risks and technical feasibility." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-279617.

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When an organization receives invoices, accountants specify accounts and cost centers related to the purchases. This thesis investigated automated decision support with machine learning that gives suggestions to the accountant of what accounts and cost centers that can be used for invoices. The purpose was to identify benefits and risks of using machine learning automation for invoice processing and evaluate the performance of this technology. It was found that machine learning-based decision support for invoice processing is perceived to be beneficial by saving time, reducing the mental effort, create more coherent bookkeeping, detect errors, and enabling higher levels of automation. However, there are also risks related to implementing automation with machine learning. There is a high variety of how accounts and cost centers are used in different organizations and an uneven performance can be expected due to that some invoices are more complex to process than others. Machine learning experiments were conducted which indicated that the accuracy of suggesting the correct account was 73–76%. For cost centers, the accuracy was 50–62%. A method for filtering machine learning output was developed with the aim of raising the accuracy of the automated suggestions. With this method, the limited amount of suggestions that passed the filter achieved accuracy up to 100%.
När en organisation tar emot fakturor anges konton och kostnadsställen relaterade till inköpen. Detta examensarbete undersökte automatiserat beslutsstöd med maskininlärning som ger förslag på vilka konton och kostnadsställe som kan användas för fakturor. Syftet var att identifiera fördelarna och riskerna med att använda automatisering med maskininlärning för fakturahantering och utvärdera teknikens prestanda. Resultaten visade att maskininlärningsbaserat beslutsstöd för fakturabehandling uppfattas vara fördelaktigt genom att spara tid, minska mentala ansträngning, skapa mer sammanhängande bokföring, upptäcka fel, och möjliggöra högre automatiseringsnivåer. Men det finns också risker relaterade till implementering av automatisering med maskininlärning. Det är en stor variation gällande hur konton och kostnadsställen används i olika organisationer och en ojämn prestanda kan förväntas på grund av att vissa fakturor är mer komplexa att bokföra än andra. Maskininlärningsexperiment genomfördes som indikerade att korrektheten i att föreslå rätt konto var 73–76%. För kostnadsställe var korrektheten 50–62%. En metod för att filtrera maskininlärnings-förslagen utvecklades i syfte att höja korrektheten för automatiseringen. Med denna metod uppnådde den begränsade mängden förslag som passerade filtret en korrekthet upp till 100%.

Bolinder, Viktor, and Sebastian Börjesson. "Faktorer för refaktorisering vid teknisk skuld : En kvalitativ studie mellan olika branscher inom mjukvaruprojekt." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för informatik (IK), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-104464.

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I det teknikväxande samhället bidrar mjukvaruutveckling till stora it-relaterade utgifter och investeringar. Industrier utvecklar stödjande programvara för sin produktion och mjukvaruföretag levererar digitala system för kunder som behöver uppfylla ett behov. Utvecklingsteamen jobbar under press för att leverera så bra programvara som möjligt och samtidigt hålla sig inom budgetramar som satts upp enligt avtal. För att nå sina mål kan utvecklare introducera teknisk skuld i systemen, dvs. att bristfälliga lösningar byggs före kvalitetslösningar. Teknisk skuld behöver inte vara ett problem för stunden men på sikt kan konsekvenserna av skulderna bli problematiska och kräva resurser att kunna hanteras. Tidigare forskning visar att drygt en fjärdedel av en utvecklares tid går åt för att hantera teknisk skuld. Vid åtgärdande av teknisk skuld brukar refaktorisering vara ett vanligt verktyg att ta till, vilket innebär att skriva om källkod utan att förändra det visuella beteendet för användaren. Syftet med följande uppsats är att undersöka olika branscher som utvecklar mjukvaraoch deras hantering av teknisk skuld genom att belysa vilka faktorer som avgör om och när refaktorisering skall ske, och hur argumentationerna för refaktorisering skiljer sig åt mellan branscherna. Uppsatsen baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med aktörer från både industri- och mjukvaruföretag. Empirin från intervjuerna analyseras med hjälp av en ontologisk mappning kring typer av teknisk skuld, som sedan har applicerats i ramverket Technical Debt Quadrant. Resultatet visar att industribranschens avgörande faktorer för refaktorisering var konsekvensen av skuldens påverkan samt hur pass förändringsbenägen den skuldbelagda funktionaliteten var. Branschen ansåg att tidpunkten för att refaktoriseravar bäst lämpad i samband med vidareutveckling av en funktion som innehöll teknisk skuld. I konstrast visade resultatet för mjukvarubranschen att faktorerna för refaktorisering var konsekvensen av skuldens påverkan samt vilka ekonomiska förutsättningar som fanns för projektet. Tidpunkten för när refaktorsering var lämplig avgörs när företagen anser att avkastningen för investeringen att refaktorisera är som högst eller när inget annat val finns. Resultatet visar även att branscherna hade olika fokus för hur de argumenterar för refaktorisering. Industrin argumenterade mer med systemet i fokus, hur det kundeförändras med tiden och att det skulle bli lätthanterligt att underhålla med tiden. Mjukvarubranschen hade mer ekonomiska aspekter som argument, dvs. att de analyserade situationen och beslutade huruvida refaktoriseringen är lönsam eller inte.
In the technology-growing society, software development contributes to large itrelated expenditures and investments. Industrial companies develop supporting software for its production and software companies deliver digital systems for customers to satisfy a need. The development teams work under pressure to deliver as good software as possible and at the same time stay within budget frameworks according to agreements. To achieve their goals technical debt in systems can be introduced, which means that deficient solutions are built before quality solutions. Technical debt does not have to be a problem at first, but in the long run the consequences of the debts can become problematic and require resources to be managed. When fixing technical debt, refactorization is a common tool to resort to, which means to rewrite source code without changing the visual behaviour to the user. Previous research shows that just over a quarter of a developer's time is spent managing technical debt. The purpose of the thesis is to examine different industries that develop software and their management of technical debt by highlighting which factors determine if and when refactoring should take place, and how the arguing for refactorization differentiate between the industries. The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with actors from both industrial and software companies. The empirical data from the interviews are analysed with the help of an ontological mapping around types of technical debt, and later applied in the framework Technical Debt Quadrant. The results show that the industry companies' decisive factors for refactorization were the consequence of the debt's impact and how prone to change the indebtedness functionality was. The industry considered that the time to refactorize was best suited in connection with the further development of a function that contains technical debt. In contrast, for the software companies the results showed that the factors for refactorization were the consequences of the debt's impact and what financial prerequisites there were for the project. Appropriate timing for refactoring wasdetermined when the companies consider that the return on the investment to refactorize is at its highest or when there is no other choice. The results also show that the industries had different focus on how they argue for refactorization. The industry argued more with the system in focus, how it could change over time and that it should be easy to maintain while the software industry had more economic aspects as an argument, ie. that they analyzed the situation and made choices whether the refactorization is profitable or not.

Ibrahim, Rikard, and Christian Kackarovski. "Online banking - det framtida bankkonceptet : En kvantitativ studie om kundlojalitet och dess bakomliggande faktorer." Thesis, Högskolan Kristianstad, Sektionen för hälsa och samhälle, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-16900.

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Online banking är den mest framträdande faktorn till följd av digitaliseringen inom den finansiella världen. Det nya bankkonceptet har gett upphov till nya hot och utvecklingsmöjligheter bankerna har tvingats att anpassa sig till. Den största förändringen är att online banking erbjuder banktjänster som kan utföras oberoende av tid och plats vilket lett till att bankkontor avvecklats och den minskade fysiska kontakten mellan bank och kund blir uppenbar. En stor utmaning blir att skapa kundlojalitet, eftersom den personliga interaktionen via fysisk närvaro tidigare setts som en grundpelare för att knyta åt sig kunder. Tidigare forskning menar nu att servicekvalitet via onlinemöten, företagsimage samt teknikmognaden påverkan faktorn förtroende, som beskrivs som avgörande för kundlojalitet inom online banking. Studien har vidareutvecklat kunskapen inom forskningsområdet som har varit baserade på hypotetiska antaganden om vad som skapar kundlojalitet inom online banking. Urvalet för denna studie är unik då respondenterna har suttit på faktisk data baserad på upplevd erfarenhet gällande användningen av avancerade tjänster inom online banking. Studiens syfte är att skapa förståelse för hur kundlojalitet skapas inom online banking. Studiens har tillämpat en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi och deduktiv forskningsansats, där en kvantitativ datainsamlingsmetod i form av en internetenkät användes. Resultaten i studien baseras på 71 respondenter. Studiens resultat påvisar att faktorn förtroende inte är fullkomligt avgörande för skapandet av en lojal kund. Den påvisas uppfylla kravet för en medierad, men inte en perfekt sådan då faktorerna teknikmognad samt företagsimage påvisades ha ett signifikant samband med kundlojaliteten.
Online banking is an emerging factor due to the digitalization within the financial world. The banking concept causes threats and development opportunities which banks are facing. An attribute that online banking offers is banking services regardless of time and location. It makes the number of bank branches decrease as the physical customer meetings diminish. A challenge is to create customer loyalty as the diminishing personal interaction was a great resource to create boundaries with customers. Previous research states service quality, corporate image and technical maturity influence the trust, which is described as lethal in creating customer loyalty within the online banking concept. This study has developed knowledge within the field of sience that has been based on hypothetical assumptions regarding the creation of customer loyalty. The study is based on a unique sample since the respondents have an actual perceived experience regarding the use of advanced online banking services. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how customer loyalty is created in an online banking business. The study has implemented a positivistic research philosophy and a deductive research approach in which a quantitative data gathering method through questionnaires online was used. The results in the study are based on 71 respondents. The results of the study show that the trust was not perfectly lethal in creating customer loyalty. It fulfilled its role as a mediating variable, but not perfectly as corporate image and technical maturity also had a significant influence on customer loyalty.

Öhlin, Ebba. "The decision behind outsourcing New Product Development : An exploratory case study in the context of technical products." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-78905.

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In todays increased globalized business world and with a firms’ ongoing need for higher quality and lower costs, outsourcing is a popular strategy for companies to use. This thesis intends to study outsourcing in the context of new product development (NPD). The aim of this research is to contribute to the field of operations management. This is achieved by improving the understanding of decision-making during outsourcing NPD by investigating what factors affect the outsourcing decision. This will be fulfilled by addressing the research question What affect the choice between make or buy in outsourcing New Product Development?  By conducting an exploratory single case study and performing semi-structured interviews, the factors that influence decision-making in outsourcing of NPD could be generated. The findings show that competence, time, service, costs, strategy, and ability to collaborate with supplier were important factors that influenced the decision. The factors were analyzed and compared with transaction cost economics and resource-based views, which are theoretical perspectives commonly used to understand the firm’s strategical decisions. The factors from the findings were also used to conduct a cost model and a decision model. This can help a firm’s decision-making and increase the understanding of how the decision in outsourcing of NPD is made.  The results lend support to the argument that outsourcing decisions are complex. With different factors creating different influences, and all of them need to be considered in order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the decision. The findings also suggest that no theoretical perspective can alone completely explain the decision of outsourcing NPD, they need to be integrated with another demand-oriented perspective. A recommendation for further research should be to investigate how the cost model and decision model could be implemented in practical situations and in different contexts.
I dagens globala affärsvärld och företags konstanta strävande efter högre kvalité och lägre kostnader, så är utkontraktering en populär strategi att använda. Denna avhandling avser att studera utkontraktering i samband med ny produktutveckling (PU). Syftet med forskningen är att bidra till området för verksamhetsstyrning genom att förbättra förståelsen i beslutsfattande för utkontraktering av ny produktutveckling genom att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar beslutet av att utkontraktera. För att uppfylla detta ska forskningsfrågan Vad påverkar valet mellan att köpa eller göra i utkontraktering av ny produktutveckling? besvaras. Genom att genomföra en explorativ fallstudie och utföra semistrukturerade intervjuer så kan de påverkande faktorerna bakom utkontraktering av PU genereras. Resultatet visade att kompetens, tid, service, kostnad, strategi och förmågan att samarbeta med leverantör är viktiga faktorer att ta hänsyn till vid beslutet. Faktorerna analyserades och jämfördes med transaktionskostnad- och resursbaserad teori som är vanliga teoretiska teorier att applicera för att förstå ett företags strategiska beslut. De framtagna faktorerna användes också gör att konstruera en kostnad- och beslutsmodell som kan användas som stöd och hjälp för företags beslutsfattande och öka förståelsen för hur beslutet av att utkontraktera PU görs.  Resultatet ger stöd till tidigare forskning som menar på att beslutet av att utkontraktera är komplext vilket innebär att flera faktorer påverkar beslutet och alla faktorer behöver bli betraktade för att kunna få en heltäckande förståelse för beslutet. Resultatet visade också på att ingen av de teoretiska perspektiven kan ensamt förklara beslutet av att utkontraktera PU, utan de behöver bli integrerade med ett annat perspektiv för att fullt kunna förklara beslutet. En rekommendation till framtida forskning kan vara att undersöka praktisk tillämpning av kostnadsmodellen och beslutsmodellen och hur de kan användas i andra kontext.

Vogt-Humberg, Ilona. "Propagierung hämatopoetischer Stamm- und Vorläuferzellen mit Hilfe induzierbarer T-Zell-Faktoren und Identifizierung unbekannter mRNA-Spezies mittels der Differential-Display-Technik." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2002. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=965453049.

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Klaar, Jonathan, and Allen Masak. "Webbläsares inbyggda lösenordshanterare : Faktorer som påverkar privatpersoners användning/ickeanvändning av webbläsares inbyggda lösenordshanterare." Thesis, Jönköping University, JTH, Avdelningen för datateknik och informatik, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-53217.

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Kunskap om lösenord och deras säkerhet är idag något som förbises av den gemene datoranvändaren. Lösenordshanterare kan både hjälpa och skydda vid hanteringen av lösenord. De flesta webbläsare idag har inbyggda funktioner för lösenordshantering. Utifrån existerande litteratur kunde det identifieras att det behövs data kring vilka faktorer som påverkar webbläsares användare att använda respektive inte använda dessa inbyggda lösenordshanterare. Syftet med rapporten är att presentera en analys av faktorer som påverkar varför privatpersoner väljer att använda respektive inte använda webbläsares inbyggda lösenordshanterare. Resultatet presenteras med hjälp av kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer där 33 respondenter deltagit och besvarat frågor kring deras hantering av lösenord och användning av webbläsares inbyggda lösenordshanterare. Resultat från intervjuer visade att faktorer som var av betydande roll för ickeanvändande respondenter var starkt kopplade till datorvana och hur ofta respondenter använde datorn. De faktorer som spelade störst roll för användare av verktyget var enkelhet och tidseffektivitet. Icke-användare tenderade att ha en behovsbrist gällande verktyget, mestadels på grund av deras avsaknad av datoranvändning. Faktorer som påverkar användare och icke-användare visade sig stämma överens med tidigare forskning. Dessutom sammanfattades att antalet respondenter som var användare av lösenordshanterare var betydligt högre än vad som tidigare hävdats i litteratur. Majoriteten av respondenterna (79%) var användare av lösenordshanterare, vilket motsäger tidigare studier som utförts där endast 23% använder sig av lösenordshanterare.
Knowledge of passwords and their security is today something that is overlooked by the everyday computer user. Password managers can both help and protect when managing passwords. Most web browsers today have built-in password management features. Based on existing literature, it could be identified that there is a need for knowledge concerning which factors influence web browser users to use or not use their built-in password managers. The purpose of the report is to present an analysis of factors that affect why private individuals choose to use or not use browsers built-in password managers. The results are presented with the help of qualitative semi-structured interviews in which 33 respondents participated and answered questions about their handling of passwords and the use of web browsers built-in password managers. Results from the interviews showed that factors that were significant for non-user respondents were strongly linked to computer skills and how often respondents used the computer. The factors that played the biggest role for users of the tool were simplicity and time efficiency. Non-users tended to have a lack of need for the tool, mostly because of their lack of computer usage. Factors affecting users and non-users were found to be consistent with previous research. In addition, it was concluded that the number of respondents who were users of password managers was significantly higher than previously claimed in the literature. The majority of respondents (79%) were users of password managers, which contradicts previous studies conducted where only 23% use password managers.

Andersson, Sofia, and Olof Svensson. "A model to guide a company towards a decision of whether to change the due date of work orders or not: a case study." Thesis, Växjö University, School of Technology and Design, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:vxu:diva-1526.

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The purpose of this thesis is to develop a model that will guide a company towards a decision of whether to

change the current due date of work orders or not. The model will help the company to reveal the technical and

financial factors that will be affected and how these factors can be assessed. After accomplishing a thorough

literature review, we found no existing practical models in this specific area. We developed a model to cover this

gap in the existing theories. A case study approach was used to test the developed model on our case company

Elitfönster in Lenhovda who manufactures windows. We applied our model at the processing department and the

change concerned going from a weekly to a daily due date of work orders. The technical factors that would be

affected by the change of the due date are; setup times, lead time and output of components. The financial

factors that will be affected are the tied-up capital and the manning. We found that a change could not be carried

through without a purchase of an extra plane. The model also showed that the financial benefits that the change

generated could not surpass the costs that an extra plane would cause. Thereby, our recommendations to the

case company are to keep the current due date of work orders until the rest of the company can handle the extra

components that can be produced after the change.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utveckla en modell som ska vägleda ett företag mot ett beslut om man ska

ändra den nuvarande tidpunkt när en arbetsorder ska vara färdigställd, eller inte. Modellen kommer att hjälpa

företaget att påvisa de tekniska och finansiella faktorer som kommer att påverkas och hur dessa kan bedömas.

Efter att ha gjort en grundlig litteraturstudie kunde vi inte hitta några existerande modeller inom detta specifika

område. Vi utvecklade en modell för att täcka denna brist i den existerande teorin. Vi använde oss av en

fallstudie för att testa vår utvecklade modell på Elitfönster i Lenhovda som tillverkar fönster. Vi applicerade vår

modell på maskinverkstaden och förändringen handlade om att gå från att färdigställa arbetsorder på en vecka

till att färdigställa dem på en dag. De tekniska faktorer som skulle påverkas av en förändring är; ställtiderna,

ledtiden och mängden producerade komponenter. De finansiella faktorerna som kommer att påverkas är

mängden bundet kapital samt bemanningen. Vi kom fram till att en förändring inte kunde genomföras utan att

köpa in en extra hyvel. Modellen visade också att de finansiella fördelarna som en förändring skulle generera

inte skulle motsvara de kostnader som den extra hyveln skulle orsaka. Våra rekommendationer till företaget är

således att fortsätta med den nuvarande tidpunkt när en arbetsorder ska vara färdigställd tills resten av företaget

kan hantera de extra komponenter som skulle kunna bli producerade efter förändringen.


Matoušek, Petr. "Vyhodnocení účinnosti komplexních ochranných opatření k.ú. Jerlochovice v povodí Husího potoka." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-227551.

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A subject of this Thesis is the design of the complex system of measures of soil conservation in given catchment area, which will serve as a concept of complex land consolidation in cadaster Jerlochovice. Based on the analysis and the land survey, a feasible solution was designed using the hydrological and erosive tools of ArcGIS. For the identification of areas endangered by erosion and for the identification of runoff conditions, the Universal Soil Loss Equation of Wischmeier-Smith was used (in grid modification). Based on the calculated values, the suitable technical and agrotechnical measures of soil erosion control were designed. Each component was designed for the values of Qn from the model DesQ. Subsequently the efectivity of the designed measures was evaluated by the comparison of results of erosive and runoff conditions before and after the aplication of the soil and water conservation measures.

BAIEROVÁ, Eva. "Moderní manažerské metody a techniky jako faktor konkurenceschopnosti podnikatelského subjektu." Master's thesis, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-79988.

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There are many methods and management techniques, and given that competition strengthens significantly, it is necessary to introduce new management trends and elements. Prepared management is not afraid to go to change and achieve long-term strategic objectives. The aim of this study is to analyze the methods and techniques used by the proceedings of company and from the findings propose measures that would improve the current situation and contribute to the effectiveness of activities carried out and control systems. The research results showed that both organizations are applying modern techniques in management, the differences are minimal. Companies are approaching a general trend in the use of a participatory management style. The research results demonstrate that in the managerial positions are also women. The two companies does not competitive analysis. There are appeals for a change. In conclusion, the two companies pay attention to management systems, and are aware of the managers? mission in modern company.

ALENKOVÁ, Kateřina. "Studium faktorů ovlivňujících produkci mléka." Master's thesis, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-174226.

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The diploma thesis deals with the study of factors that influence the production of milk in terms of nutrition. On the given farm the standart of nutrition is evaluated on the basis of the composition of the feeding diet and optimal security needs nutrients and energy in relation to the desired production and the recommended values. The feeding technique, the quality of feed composition and feed rations are evaluated on the given farm, too. The work also focused on evaluating the basic economic indicators of milk production.

Kunert, Martin. "Tepelně technické posouzení novostavby rodinného domu." Master's thesis, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-179717.

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The thesis deals with the issue of thermal-technical assessment of new building of family house which is going to be built in the near future, based on provided documentation. Considering the building system, it is a wooden house, which is going to be realized through a "balloon frame" method. The goal of this thesis is to propose suitable composition of individual constructions, to asses them and to develop basic construction details of them which will be evaluated based on internal surface temperature and linear thermal transmission. Based on intermediate results the thermal loss of the family house will be calculated which is a crucial input for proposal of the heating system. Another part focuses on proposing of controlled ventilation system and creating energy performance certificates of the building.

Boudová, Iva. "Aktivační terapie při syndromu vyhoření." Master's thesis, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-300502.

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Title: Activation therapy and burnout syndrom Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to present the issue of burnout and the use of prevention, especially the activation of physical activity options and alternative therapies (eg, music therapy, dance therapy, drama therapy, art therapy). Methods: The research of available literature, and compilation and analysis of findings and obsevations were used in the empirical part of the thesis to design applications that could allow reduce the impact of burnout"disease". There has been used long-term observation of groups of workers - women from the government of social care for the disabled and underprivileged people in the region, district Trutnov. Results: The empirical part of the thesis(project), develops and evaluates the results of those methods (observation, questionnaire, questionnaire). Based on these results, I found that 52% of female respondents , administration officials from the region of Trutnov District syndrome are at risk of burnout. Keywords: risk factors, stress, prevention, alternative activation technics, regular physical activity

Linde, Jacoba Magdalena. "Faktore wat studente-evaluering van onderrig beinvloed." Thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10210/9613.

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M.Ed. (Didactics)
In this study attention is paid to the use of technical college student evaluators of teaching..Specia! attention is focused on certain factors which influence students in their evaluation of the teaching skills of lecturers. The problem addressed, is the vital role played by vocational training in South Africa as a developing country. In the light of the acute shortage of skilled manpOwer, it is essential that vocational training, as practised at technical colleges, should function optiIllally. Lecturers at technical colleges can play an important role in this resPect and what is needed is a willingness on the part of both lecturers and organisations responsible for vocational training, to optimalise effective teaching and the concomitant successful learning by students. The aim of this study centres round an overview of literature regarding methods of teaching evaluation as applied locally and internationally, the identification of the possible influence of certain factors on the evaluation by students and the e,d:ent 1;0 which these factors apply ~o male and female students of different seniority levels at six technical colleges. In the study of relevant Literature , attention is paid to the aim and function of technical colleges. Certain indicators of effective teaching, as well as teaching evaluation are dealt with and special attention is paid to self evaluation, peer evaluation and evaluation by means of objectives. Evaluation of teaching by students is investigated in depth, together with factors which influence students in" their evaluation of teaching, such as humour, sex of student and lecturer, seniority of students, class siZe, enthusiasm and course content. The research group consists of full-time N4, NS and N6 technical and commercial students at six technical colleges on the witwatersrand and in the Pretoria area. The lecturers teaching these students are evaluated by means of a questionnaire.

Zour, Jan. "Vybrané faktory úspěšnosti sportovního výkonu hokejových brankářů české extraligy a analýza herních činností brankáře v základní části Tipsport extraligy ČSLH 2017/2018." Master's thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-387830.

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Title of dissertation: Selected factors of success of Czech goalkeepers' sports performance and the analysis of the goalkeeper's game activities in the basic part of the Tipsport extraliga ČSLH 2017/2018 Objectives of dissertation: To find out whether there is an association between the body height and the total percent success of Czech goalkeepers in Czech Hockey Extraliga. Another aim was to analyse the success of particular game techniques in the matches of the basic part of the competition. Methods: Comparison of the body height and the achievement of players by using the Pearson-co- correlation coefficient. The research part of this thesis was carried out through the method of indirect observation of 14 Tipsport extraliga matches. It is particularly a technique of goalkeeper's selected game activities and the analysis of their success. Results: According to the results of correlation it is obvious that there is no relationship between the body height and the percent success of the goalkeeper. Goalkeepers of the Czech extraliga use the game activity butterfly more than 90 percent while responding to the kicked hockey puck in every hockey match. The success of the following game activity and its technique (reverse V-H) is bellow the boundary of 90 percent.

MÍČKOVÁ, Jaroslava. "Projekt praktické činnosti jako prostor rozvoje faktorů tvořivosti u žáka primární školy." Master's thesis, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-189291.

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My dissertation deals with the contribution of practical activities as scope for the factors developing creativity of primary school pupils. Firstly, the definitions of the terms creativity, technical education and project teaching, based on specialised literature, are introduced. These three theoretical spheres focus in detail on the creative process and product, creative factors, convergent and divergent thinking skills, the creative person and the methods that help develop his or her creativity. I try to clarify the technique as a means of development of practical activities. After that I deal with the educational area "Man and the World of Work" and present possible topics for the development of creativity in working education. My thesis demonstrates a project together with its types and focuses on the implementation and benefits of project-based learning. The practical part is focused on the development of individual projects. Fifteen individual projects, helping to develop creativity of pupils at primary schools, were offered to twenty-one teachers. These teachers participated in a questionnaire survey and they were given an opportunity to provide feedback on the above mentioned individual projects. The results of the survey are described in the sixth chapter of this thesis.

Kramer, Mario Wolfgang [Verfasser]. "Immunhistochemische Analyse prognostischer Faktoren von Hyaluronsäure und Hyaluronidase unter Verwendung der Tissue-Microarray-Technik beim Harnblasenkarzinom / vorgelegt von Mario Wolfgang Kramer." 2011. http://d-nb.info/1012923797/34.

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Vogt-Humberg, Ilona [Verfasser]. "Propagierung hämatopoetischer Stamm- und Vorläuferzellen mit Hilfe induzierbarer T-Zell-Faktoren und Identifizierung unbekannter mRNA-Spezies mittels der Differential-Display-Technik / von Ilona Vogt-Humberg." 2002. http://d-nb.info/965453049/34.

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Haruštiak, Tomáš. "Optimalizace předooperační a operační léčby karcinomu jícnu a ezfago-gatstrické junkce: využití PET/CT v diagnostice a hodnocení efektivity předoperační chemoterapie a technika konstrukce anastomozy jako faktor pooperačních komplikací po ezofagektomii." Doctoral thesis, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-372353.

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Key words: adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and esophagogastric junction, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, PET/CT, histopathological response, technique of esophagogastric anastomosis, anastomotic leak, anastomotic stricture Previous studies have shown that preoperative chemotherapy of locally advanced AEG is beneficial only for patients with a good histopathological response, the so-called responders. The aim of the first part of the thesis was to prospectively verify whether positron emission tomography (PET/CT) could be used for early identification of histopathological non- responders, who could be spared ineffective neoadjuvant treatment. Our study did not prove that the early metabolic response, expressed as the percentage change of the consumption of glucosis on PET/CT performed before (PET1) and 12 to 22 days after the start of the first cycle of preoperative chemotherapy (PET2) correlated with the histopathological response in the resection specimen in the entire population of 90 patients. In a post hoc explorative analysis we found the correlation between metabolic and histopathological response in a subgroup of patients with PET2 performed ≤16 days after the start of the therapy, but this hypothesis needs to be prospectively validated. Our study suggests that PET/CT performed after the first...

MAREŠOVÁ, Petra. "Nákupní chování a postoje zákazníků maloobchodní jednotky." Master's thesis, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-153624.

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The main objective of this diploma thesis was to analyze the buying behaviour and attitudes of customers and then propose concrete measures for improvement. The first part of the work contains theoretical information. There are characterized basic terms such as consumer and buying behavior, purchase decision process, factors affecting the purchase decisions of consumers, individual types of buyers, marketing research, marketing research process and marketing research techniques. Second part is the practical part and contains information about next companies - FLOP JIH spol. s r.o., FLOSMAN a. s., and also about the retail unit Flop Diskont Mladá Vožice. This part also contains analysis of buing behaviour and attitudes of customers of this chosen unit. The analysis was made through a questionnaire survey.At the end of the work there are suggested any recommendations in several areas in which the retail unit has some potential to improve.

HANDLÍŘOVÁ, Ludmila. "Identifikace náročných životních situací a jejich zvládání u adolescentů /gymnasistů/." Master's thesis, 2007. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-44480.

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This diploma work consists of theorethical and practical part. The theorethical part contains general characteristics of difficult life situations as stress, frustration and conflict. There are also mentioned techniques and factors for coping difficult life situations. The practical part contains a research, which deals perception difficult life situations by adolescents. The research was carried out by two questionnaires. At the end of the practical part there is a summary and an evaluation of results.

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