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Wieten, Els, Eline H. Schreuders, Esmée J. Grobbee, Daan Nieboer, Wichor M. Bramer, Iris Lansdorp-Vogelaar, Marco J. Bruno, Ernst J. Kuipers, and Manon C. W. Spaander. "Incidence of faecal occult blood test interval cancers in population-based colorectal cancer screening: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Gut 68, no. 5 (June 22, 2018): 873–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315340.

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ObjectiveFaecal immunochemical tests (FITs) are replacing guaiac faecal occult blood tests (gFOBTs) for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. Incidence of interval colorectal cancer (iCRC) following a negative stool test result is not yet known. We aimed to compare incidence of iCRC following a negative FIT or gFOBT.DesignWe searched Ovid Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, Science Citation Index, PubMed and Google Scholar from inception to 12 December 2017 for citations related to CRC screening based on stool tests. We included studies on FIT or gFOBT iCRC in average-risk screening populations. Main outcome was pooled incidence rate of iCRCs per 100 000 person-years (p-y). Pooled incidence rates were obtained by fitting random-effect Poisson regression models.ResultsWe identified 7 426 records and included 29 studies. Meta-analyses comprised data of 6 987 825 subjects with a negative test result, in whom 11 932 screen-detected CRCs and 5 548 gFOBT or FIT iCRCs were documented. Median faecal haemoglobin (Hb) positivity cut-off used was 20 (range 10–200) µg Hb/g faeces in the 17 studies that provided FIT results. Pooled incidence rates of iCRC following FIT and gFOBT were 20 (95% CI 14 to 29; I2=99%) and 34 (95% CI 20 to 57; I2=99%) per 100 000 p-y, respectively. Pooled incidence rate ratio of FIT versus gFOBT iCRC was 0.58 (95% CI 0.32 to 1.07; I2=99%) and 0.36 (95% CI 0.17 to 0.75; I2=10%) in sensitivity analysis. For every FIT iCRC, 2.6 screen-detected CRCs were found (ratio 1:2.6); for gFOBT, the ratio between iCRC and screen-detected CRC was 1:1.2. Age below 60 years and the third screening round were significantly associated with a lower iCRC rate.ConclusionA negative gFOBT result is associated with a higher iCRC incidence than a negative FIT. This supports the use of FIT over gFOBT as CRC screening tool.

Russbach, Rémi, Robin Charles Gray, and Robin Michael Coupland. "ICRC surgical activities." International Review of the Red Cross 31, no. 284 (October 1991): 483–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400070145.

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The surgical activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross stem from the institution's general mandate to protect and assist the victims of armed conflict.The war wounded are thus only one category of the victims included in the ICRC's terms of reference.The ICRC's main role in relation to the war wounded is not to treat them, for this is primarily the responsibility of the governments involved in the conflict and hence their army medical services. The task of the ICRC is first and foremost to ensure that the belligerents are familiar with the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and apply them, that is, care for members of the enemy armed forces as well as their own and afford medical establishments and personnel the protection to which they are entitled.

Daccord, Yves. "ICRC and confidentiality." Lancet 370, no. 9590 (September 2007): 823–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(07)61403-2.

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Setiyono, Joko. "PERAN ICRC DALAM PERKEMBANGAN HUKUM HUMANITER INTERNASIONAL DI ERA GLOBAL." LAW REFORM 13, no. 2 (September 28, 2017): 217. http://dx.doi.org/10.14710/lr.v13i2.16157.

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ICRC adalah salah satu organisasi internasional tertua yang ada di dunia. Selama berdiri hingga saat ini ICRC telah mengalami banyak hambatan, namun pada kenyataannya eksistensi ICRC sebagai organisasi internasional hingga saat ini tetap tidak terbantahkan. Bukan hanya eksis dalam menjalankan visi misinya selama ini, tetapi ICRC juga turut memberikan kontribusi terhadap perkembangan Hukum Humaniter Internasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada perkembangannya ICRC sebagai subyek Hukum Internasional memiliki eksistensi yang tidak terbantahkan. Hal ini setidaknya dipengaruhi oleh 3 hal pokok, yakni selama masih ada perang, eksistensi ICRC akan selalu terjaga; belum ada organisasi lain yg menjadi competitor; dan peran ICRC yang telah diakui oleh masyarakat internasional selama bertahun-tahun. Salah satu peran tersebut adalah pada bidang perkembangan Hukum Humaniter Internasional. ICRC berperan untuk memantau perubahan sifat konflik bersenjata, termasuk diantaranya adalah mengatur konsultasi dengan maksud untuk memastikan kemungkinan mencapai kesepakatan tentang aturan baru dan mempersiapkan rancangan teks untuk diserahkan kepada konferensi diplomatik. ICRC juga telah menyusun sebuah laporan tentang aturan-aturan Hukum Humaniter Internasional yang berasal dari Hukum Kebiasaan dan dapat berlaku dalam konflik bersenjata internasional maupun non internasional.

Daccord, Yves. "ICRC communication: Generating support." International Review of the Red Cross 87, no. 860 (December 1, 2005): 693–705. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1816383100184516.

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AbstractThe environment in which the ICRC works and communicates is constantly changing. The ICRC is also constantly seeking support that will allow it to gain access to victims, carry out its work, generate the diplomatic and financial backing needed for that work and ensure the safety of its delegates. The primary aim of communication is not merely to pass on messages from the organization effectively. It is just as necessary to understand the issues concerning the various audiences and how they perceive those issues as it is to inform them. The ICRC draws on a wide array of communication strategies and resources, depending on their complementarity and their potential impact, ranging from meetings with local armed groups to the use of mass communication tools. Communication is thus an integral part of the ICRC's decision-making process, both at headquarters and in each context in the field.

Franquet, Christine. "The ICRC on Internet." International Review of the Red Cross 36, no. 311 (April 1996): 263–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400084217.

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BRANNAGAN, CRAIG, and CHRISTOPHER WATERS. "ICRC Privilege in Canada." Canadian Yearbook of international Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international 53 (August 10, 2016): 144–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/cyl.2016.1.

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AbstractThis article explores whether the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) enjoys testimonial privilege before Canadian courts. The authors argue that there is strong evidence to suggest that customary international law requires that the ICRC be granted a privilege not to testify or disclose confidential information in domestic court proceedings. Such a privilege, they argue, is entailed by the ICRC’s mandate to engage in international humanitarian law protection activities using confidential means. Given that customary international law forms part of the common law in Canada, the authors argue that this privilege should be recognized by Canadian courts despite its potentially uneasy fit with traditional Canadian evidence law.

Baeryswil, E. "ICRC experience in Kosovo." Refugee Survey Quarterly 20, no. 2 (July 1, 2001): 130–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/rsq/20.2.130.

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Randelia, H. P., and V. S. Lalitha. "Megaoesophagus in ICRC mice." Laboratory Animals 22, no. 1 (January 1, 1988): 23–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1258/002367788780746502.

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The occurrence of megaoesophagus in ICRC/HiCri mice afforded opportunities to study the genetics and histology of this condition. The anomaly was found to be inherited as a recessive character. Histology indicated abnormality in the myenteric plexus.

Deo, M. G. "ICRC ‘anti-leprosy vaccine’." Vaccine 7, no. 2 (April 1989): 92–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0264-410x(89)90041-8.

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Sommaruga, Cornelio. "Humanity: Our Priority Now and Always." Ethics & International Affairs 13 (March 1999): 23–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1747-7093.1999.tb00323.x.

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Thomas Weiss oversimplifies when he identifies the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) with the classicist position of nonconfrontation. The ICRC defines humanitarian action to include advocacy through public and private channels to protect individuals and communities against violations of international humanitarian law. Weiss rightly points out the difficulty of making belligerents, or “unprincipled actors,” understand the value of nonpartisan and impartial action.Still, the ICRC remains committed to finding new language for communicating the principles of humanitarian action and new techniques of negotiation. In this regard the ICRC is classicist. But this classicism places the ICRC on the side of the solidarists in defending the interests of individuals and communities in distress, and on the side of the maximalists in its advocacy of international humanitarian law.

Hanley, Teresa, and John Mitchell. "British Red Cross cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross: delegated water project in Bosnia-Herzegovina." International Review of the Red Cross 38, no. 323 (June 1998): 263–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400091014.

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Cooperation between the International Committee of the Red Cross and the British Red Cross has traditionally been limited to the National Society providing cash, delegates and contributions in kind for ICRC programmes. At most, actual Society involvement in ICRC operations has extended to earmarking contributions for a particular country or programme; the Society has not been involved in planning, implementing or reviewing ICRC work. However, it has consistently contributed at least 25% of its budget for international activities to the ICRC and provided it with field delegates. The proportion is growing and, over the past three years, British Red Cross contributions to the ICRC have increased to over 50% of its international budget, more than £15 million in 1996. In addition, the Society currently provides 12% of the ICRC's delegates.

ICRC Press Division. "ICRC activities during the Second World War: The ICRC infiltrated by the Nazis?" International Review of the Red Cross 36, no. 314 (October 1996): 562–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400076154.

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A group of researchers in the United States who have set themselves the task of locating the fortunes deposited in Swiss banks by victims — mostly Jewish — of Nazi persecution have laid their hands on a series of documents originating from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the American intelligence service which was the predecessor of the CIA. These documents, bearing dates in 1944 and 1945, contain allegations concerning individuals who worked for the ICRC during the Second World War.

Binks, A. E., B. Rau, and L. Holey. "ICRC gap analysis of physiotherapy standards. ICRC PRP and Teesside University August 2014." Physiotherapy 101 (May 2015): e151. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2015.03.300.

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Hashemi, Valérie McKnight. "A balancing act: The revised rules of access to the ICRC Archives reflect multiple stakes and challenges." International Review of the Red Cross 100, no. 907-909 (April 2018): 373–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1816383119000316.

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AbstractThe International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) revised the access rules to its archives in 2017 for reasons that are complex, fascinating and deeply contemporary to our times. As these rules define when and to what extent the ICRC Archives are made available to the public, their contents are important for the institution as well as for wider audiences. The ICRC must ensure that it can implement its humanitarian mandate to protect and assist victims of armed conflicts and other situations of violence and preserve confidentiality, while sharing its past with the world at large. This article offers a historical overview of the ICRC Archives and the development of their access regulations until their latest revision in 2017. It shows that both today and in the past, the rules of access to the archives have resulted from choices made by the ICRC on how to balance its mandate and long-standing interests with contemporary opportunities and risks related to independent scrutiny.

Randelia, Homai P., K. N. S. Panicker, and V. S. Lalitha. "Megaoesophagus in the mouse: histochemical and ultrastructural studies." Laboratory Animals 24, no. 1 (January 1, 1990): 78–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1258/002367790780890338.

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Histochemical and ultrastructural studies of the muscle coat of the oesophagus from ICRC/HiCri mice (with megaoesophagus) and DBA/2fNCri mice (normal oesophagus) were carried out. The striking observation from histochemical studies was the presence of smooth muscle in the abdominal segment of the oesophagus from ICRC mouse in contrast to the control strain where smooth muscle was present only in the lowermost portion adjoining the stomach. Ultrastructural studies of the oesophageal wall from 5and 10-day-old ICRC mice revealed an apparently normal muscle coat. In 3-month-old ICRC mice the upper abdominal segment of the oesophagus showed several abnormalities of smooth muscle fibres and paucity of plexus tissue accompanied by interstitial collagen deposition. The abnormalities were more severe in 1-year-old animals and were seen throughout the abdominal segment. From this study it is suggested that the primary cause of megaoesophagus in ICRC mice is neurogenic and not myogenic.

Abu Sitta, Salman, and Terry Rempel. "The ICRC and the Detention of Palestinian Civilians in Israel's 1948 POW/Labor Camps." Journal of Palestine Studies 43, no. 4 (2014): 11–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/jps.2014.43.4.11.

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The internment of thousands of Palestinian civilians in Israeli-run prisoner of war camps is a relatively little known episode in the 1948 war. This article begins to piece together the story from the dual perspective of the former civilian internees and of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Aside from the day-to-day treatment of the internees, ICRC reports focused on the legal and humanitarian implications of civilian internment and on Israel's resort to forced labor to support its war effort. Most of the 5,000 or so Palestinian civilians held in four official camps were reduced to conditions described by one ICRC official as “slavery” and then expelled from the country at the end of the war. Notwithstanding their shortcoming, the ICRC records constitute an important contribution to the story of these prisoners and also expose the organization's ineffectiveness—absent a legal framework as well as enforcement mechanisms beyond moral persuasion, the ICRC could do little to intervene on behalf of the internees.

Emanuelli, Claude C. "Comments on the ICRC Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law." Canadian Yearbook of international Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international 44 (2007): 437–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0069005800009085.

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SummaryThis comment takes a critical look at the method used by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in its study of customary humanitarian law. It argues that the ICRC study reduces the concept of international custom to its definition under Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. It also argues that the study overlooks some of the problems raised by the application of Article 38. It contends that the positions taken by the ICRC to identify customary rules of humanitarian law are somewhat ambiguous and even slanted. Finally, this comment suggests that, beyond questioning the ICRC study, it is the role of custom as a source of international law that is in question.

Sassòli, Marco, and Marie-Louise Tougas. "The ICRC and the missing." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge/International Review of the Red Cross 84, no. 848 (December 2002): 727. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1560775500104146.

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Dind, Philippe. "Security in ICRC field operations." International Review of the Red Cross 38, no. 323 (June 1998): 335–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400091063.

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In any discussion about security, the primary consideration must be the need to preserve the neutrality, independence and impartiality of humanitarian action. This is the essential precondition for the ICRC's ability to protect and assist the victims of conflict. Sooner or later, any humanitarian activity which runs counter to these fundamental principles either incurs the mistrust of the people it intends to assist or becomes completely paralysed.

Russbach, Rémi. "The International Committee of the Red Cross and Health." International Review of the Red Cross 27, no. 260 (October 1987): 513–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400023196.

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The ICRC Medical Division, established in November 1977, works for the war wounded, for prisoners, for the civilian population and for the war disabled. Its essential purpose is to keep the victims alive, alleviate their suffering and prevent their sicknesses or wounds from ruining the rest of their lives.In his summary of ICRC activities during his term of office, (1976–1987) President Alexandre Hay said last May, “The medical sector, completely embryonic when I arrived, has developed considerably and has now achieved a highly praiseworthy quality and dimension. The ICRC and the victims of conflicts owe a great deal to the spirit of initiative, devotion and competence of its doctors”.The Review is particularly pleased to publish the following article by Dr. Remi Russbach, Chief Medical Officer of the ICRC, who traces the evolution of the Medical Division in the past ten years, emphasizing not only the progress achieved in the execution of its programmes but dealing as well with the problems which the ICRC has had to face in this domain.

Bradley, Miriam. "International humanitarian law, non-state armed groups and the International Committee of the Red Cross in Colombia." Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 4, no. 1 (September 24, 2013): 108–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/18781527-00401002.

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This article analyses the experiences of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Colombia, and has two main purposes: first, to elaborate on the relationship between international humanitarian law (IHL) and the practical work of the ICRC in internal armed conflict; and second, to use our enhanced understanding of that relationship to shed light on important questions regarding the nature and effectiveness of IHL with respect to non-State armed groups. It proceeds in three main parts. First, it provides background on the work of the ICRC to contextualise the subsequent analysis, establishing the importance of IHL in the work of the ICRC in general. Second, it shows that for the ICRC, IHL is a means to an end (namely protection) rather than an end in itself, and that it is not the only (or even necessarily the primary) means to that end. Third, it argues that the ICRC often finds that reference to IHL is counter-productive to achieving desired protection outcomes, and that this calls into question the adequacy and effectiveness of the IHL framework itself. Finally, it concludes by suggesting why the existing framework may be less than optimal for achieving its aims, and how future research could contribute to a more comprehensive assessment of the appropriateness and adequacy of existing IHL.

Wigger, Andreas. "Encountering perceptions in parts of the Muslim world and their impact on the ICRC's ability to be effective." International Review of the Red Cross 87, no. 858 (June 2005): 343–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s181638310018138x.

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AbstractThe growing and intensified manifestations of religion in politics and vice versa are part of the environment of ICRC operations in Muslim countries and mark especially the interaction with Islamists. Different perceptions held by Muslims are examined, problem areas regarding interaction with the ICRC are analysed and aspects are mentioned which, in the opinion of the author, can help the ICRC improve its activities in Muslim countries. The conclusions of the examination could be relevant in any relationship with conservative movements within other religions.

Terry, Fiona. "The International Committee of the Red Cross in Afghanistan: reasserting the neutrality of humanitarian action." International Review of the Red Cross 93, no. 881 (February 9, 2011): 173–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1816383111000026.

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AbstractNeutrality as a guiding principle of humanitarian action was roundly rejected by most actors in Afghanistan's latest conflict. One party to the conflict commandeered assistance and aid organizations into a counter-insurgency campaign, and the other rejected Western aid organizations as agents of an imperialist West. The murder in 2003 of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) water engineer Ricardo Munguia, because of what he symbolized, cast doubt on whether the ICRC could be perceived as neutral in this highly polarized context. Rather than abandon a neutral stance, however, as so many aid organizations did, the ICRC persevered and, through some innovative and sometimes risky initiatives, managed to show both sides the benefits of having a neutral intermediary in conflict. Today, the ICRC continues to expand its reach to Afghans in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

Sommaruga, Cornelio. "National Measures to Implement International Humanitarian Law: A new move by the ICRC." International Review of the Red Cross 28, no. 263 (April 1988): 121–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400061623.

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Ever since its foundation, the ICRC has made considerable efforts to develop humanitarian law and to ensure that it is accepted by the States. Indeed, its activity in this field is acknowledged both by the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and by those of the ICRC itself. However, the ICRC is aware of the fact that the treaties which constitute humanitarian law, even if they are duly accepted by the States, could well remain a dead letter unless internal legal and practical measures are taken within State systems to guarantee their application.

Makhnycheva, Yu, and Е. Gordienko. "International Red Cross and Red Crescent." Vrač skoroj pomoŝi (Emergency Doctor), no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 38–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.33920/med-02-2001-05.

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The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an international independent organization, staff of which provides humanitarian aid to affected and needy people. The ICRC works in armed conflict zones, in areas of natural disasters, natural and technogenic accidents. In peacetime, the organization’s employees fight against physical violence, provide assistance with water supply and improving housing conditions, visit prisoners, monitor the conditions of detention and respect for their rights in addition to large-scale rescue operations. The ICRC's work includes family reunification, humanitarian diplomacy, health care, mine action, economic security and much more. The movement includes the International Committee of the Red Cross, National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The management of the ICRC is represented by the Assembly, the Assembly Council, the Directorate. Peter Maurer, President of the ICRC, heads the Assembly Council and the Assembly of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Palmieri, Daniel. "Crossing the desert – the ICRC in Iraq: analysis of a humanitarian operation." International Review of the Red Cross 90, no. 869 (March 2008): 137–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1816383108000118.

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AbstractFor almost 60 years, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been doing its best to provide humanitarian assistance to those groups in Iraq that need it most. This article describes the humanitarian operations of the ICRC in Iraq from 1950 to the present day, in particular the support it has given to different minorities in the country and its humanitarian responses to the various armed conflicts. It shows that the legal framework that provides the basis for the ICRC's humanitarian activities also limits its ability to take action in situations beyond the scope of its mandate. In armed conflicts the ICRC faces the risk of being used by governments for their own ends. The challenge for the ICRC is to strike a balance between meeting its treaty-based obligations and exercising its right of humanitarian initiative, and to avoid selecting the recipients of its aid on the sole basis of opportunities made available by governments.

Forsythe, David P. "The ICRC: a unique humanitarian protagonist." International Review of the Red Cross 89, no. 865 (March 2007): 63–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1816383107000902.

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AbstractThe International Committee of the Red Cross, associated with four Nobel Peace Prizes, is a unique and widely respected humanitarian actor. There were times in its past, however, when it was not as independent, neutral and impartial as is sometimes pictured. Since about 1970 it has made important changes in its structure and functioning so as to improve on the past. In contemporary times the ICRC has carved out an enduring place for neutral humanitarianism in conflicts, but one that is not free from controversies and challenges.

"ICRC Assistance Policy." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge/International Review of the Red Cross 86, no. 855 (September 2004): 677. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1560775500181106.

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"ICRC Protection policy." International Review of the Red Cross 90, no. 871 (September 2008): 751–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1560775508000151.

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"Recent ICRC Publications." International Review of the Red Cross 28, no. 264 (June 1988): 316. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400085405.

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"Recent ICRC Publications." International Review of the Red Cross 28, no. 266 (October 1988): 488. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400085417.

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"Recent ICRC Publications." International Review of the Red Cross 28, no. 263 (April 1988): 152. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400061647.

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"New ICRC Publications." International Review of the Red Cross 32, no. 291 (December 1992): 609–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400071291.

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"Recent ICRC Publications." International Review of the Red Cross 28, no. 265 (August 1988): 412. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400074258.

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"SUDAN: ICRC Suspended." Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series 51, no. 1 (March 2014): 20271A—20272A. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6346.2014.05619.x.

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"Africa — Latin America — Asia and Pacific — Middle East." International Review of the Red Cross 25, no. 245 (April 1985): 102–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400022397.

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Dr. Athos Gallino, member of the ICRC, accompanied by Dr. Rémi Russbach, chief medical officer of the ICRC, went on mission from 20 January to 3 February, first to Mozambique and then to Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Sudan. As head of the “Special Fund for the Disabled”, created by the ICRC in 1983, — Dr. Gallino visited the centres for care of war amputees and paraplegics which have been set up in these countries by the ICRC with the support of local authorities and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The ICRC representatives went to Maputo (Mozambique), Bulawayo (Zimbabwe), Debre Zeit and Asmara (Ethiopia) and Kassala (Sudan).Dr. Gallino and Dr. Russbach also visited the ICRC feeding centres in Axum and Mekele (Ethiopia).

"ICRC elects new members." International Review of the Red Cross 33, no. 294 (June 1993): 248. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400077019.

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At its meeting on 29 April, the Assembly of the International Committee of the Red Cross elected two new members, Ms. Lilian Uchtenhagen and Mr. Georges-Andrè Cuendet.Lilian Uchtenhagen was born in 1928 in Sissach in the Canton of Basel-Land. She attended school in Olten and Neuchâtel before studying at Basel University and the University of London. Mrs. Uchtenhagen holds a doctorate in economics and was a member of the Swiss National Council from 1971 to 1991.

"New ICRC Vice-President." International Review of the Red Cross 34, no. 302 (October 1994): 470. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400078487.

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The Assembly of the International Committee of the Red Cross, at its meeting of 25 August 1994, elected Ambassador Eric Roethlisberger as new permanent ICRC Vice-President. He will take up his duties in the course of this autumn.

"Appointments within the ICRC." International Review of the Red Cross 29, no. 268 (February 1989): 61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400072235.

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At its meeting on 15 December 1988, the Assembly of the International Committee of the Red Cross made the following appointments to take effect on 1 January 1989:• Mr. Richard Pestalozzi, a member of the ICRC since 1977 and a member of the Executive Board, retired on reaching the age limit and was made an Honorary Member of the ICRC.• Mr. Dietrich Schindler, a member of the ICRC since 1980, was re-elected for a third term and Mr. Pierre Keller, a member of the ICRC since 1984, was re-elected for a second term.

"ICRC President in Belgium." International Review of the Red Cross 29, no. 269 (April 1989): 143–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400072417.

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Mr. Cornelio Sommaruga, President of the ICRC, Mr. Michel Convers, head of the ICRC's Operational Support Department and Mr. Andreas Lendorff, head of its General Relief Division, were in Brussels from 8 to 11 February to take part in celebrations to mark the 125th anniversary of the Belgian Red Cross and to meet representatives of the Belgian Government and the European Community.The National Society's 125th anniversary ceremony took place on 9 February in the presence of Their Majesties the King and Queen of the Belgians, members of the Government and the diplomatic corps, representatives of other National Societies and 2,000 Belgian Red Cross volunteers. Speeches were made by H.R.H. Prince Albert of Belgium, who is President of the National Society, Mr. Cornelio Sommaruga, Mr. Mario Villarroel Lander, President of the League, and the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister.

"ICRC President visits Cuba." International Review of the Red Cross 28, no. 264 (June 1988): 290. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400073952.

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ICRC President Cornelio Sommaruga paid an official visit to Cuba in mid-April at the invitation of the Cuban Government.President Sommaruga was able to discuss a number of international humanitarian issues during a two-hour meeting with the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. He had similar talks with several members of the State Council and Government, and met with the President, Secretary General and staff of the Cuban Red Cross.

"Visits to the ICRC." International Review of the Red Cross 30, no. 277 (August 1990): 345–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400075768.

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• ICRC President Comelio Sommaruga received the members of the International Law Commission (ILC) at ICRC headquarters on 7 June 1990.The Commission is a subsidiary body of the United Nations General Assembly. Its 34 members are elected from among the most eminent representatives of the world's different legal systems. The Commission is entrusted with the task of promoting the codification and development of international law. It is currently working on the codification of offences against the peace and security of mankind (which include war crimes) and the setting up of an international criminal court.

"A new ICRC member." International Review of the Red Cross 25, no. 244 (February 1985): 35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400022191.

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Since 1 January 1985 the International Committee of the Red Cross has a new member: Mr. Odilo Guntern, born in 1937, a citizen of Brig in the canton of Valais.After having studied law at the universities of Fribourg, Bern and Milan, Mr. Guntern obtained his bachelor degree in 1961 and his doctorate in 1968. He has been head of his own law and notary office in Brig since 1964.

"Presidential missions." International Review of the Red Cross 30, no. 274 (February 1990): 44–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400075161.

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The President of the ICRC, accompanied by Mr. Dieter Pfaff of the ICRC's Africa Zone, paid an official visit to Chad from 4 to 7 November 1989. He was received by Mr. Hissen Habré, President of the Republic of Chad, with whom he discussed the question of the Libyan prisoners of war detained in Chad, pointing out the advantages that Chad could derive from closer collaboration with the ICRC, particularly if the ICRC was allowed to carry out its mandate under the Geneva Conventions as regards visits to prisoners of war and their repatriation. An agreement in principle was concluded on this subject between the ICRC and Chad, and it was agreed that the procedure for implementing it should be finalized by, and with the mutual consent of, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ICRC. The President of the ICRC also had talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Health.

"Deaths of ICRC Staff on Mission: Tajikistan: ICRC delegate killed in plane accident." International Review of the Red Cross 33, no. 296 (October 1993): 446. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400081997.

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A delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Michel Kuhn, was killed on 28 August 1993, in a plane crash in Khorog in south-eastern Tajikistan.Mr. Kuhn, who was 44 years old, had carried out many humanitarian missions for the ICRC since he joined its staff in 1982, in particular in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Namibia, Sudan, Afghanistan and Nagorny-Karabakh. He was due to leave Tajikistan within the next few days to take up his new ICRC post in Azerbaijan.

"Africa—Asia—Latin America—Middle East." International Review of the Red Cross 28, no. 265 (August 1988): 390–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400074192.

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At the beginning of June the ICRC was compelled to put an end to its protection and assistance operations in aid of the victims of drought and conflict in the provinces of Eritrea, Tigray, Gondar and Wollo. In the interest of these victims, the ICRC sought agreement from the donor governments to transfer its foodstocks and logistic means in Ethiopia to other organizations. This was done after the Ethiopian authorities had confirmed the decisions conveyed to the ICRC in April and May and forced the ICRC to withdraw all its expatriate staff involved in the assistance operation. The ICRC nevertheless maintained a presence in Ethiopia to continue its activities on behalf of Somali prisoners of war. This aspect of its work, which falls within the Geneva Conventions, had not been called in question by the Ethiopian Government.

"An ICRC delegate killed in Sudan." International Review of the Red Cross 25, no. 245 (April 1985): 98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s002086040002235x.

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The ICRC has learned, with deep sorrow, of the sudden death of Mr Michel Zufferey, delegate to Sudan, in a road accident on 5 January 1985.Michel Zufferey, 40 years old, unmarried, joined the ICRC in 1972. He undertook his first mission in Bangladesh, and then was posted successively to Angola, Lebanon, Israel, Pakistan and Chad. He started his mission in Sudan on 22 January 1983.Michel Zufferey, having spent over twelve years in the service of the ICRC, made many lasting friendships, and his death is profoundly regretted by the whole organisation. The ICRC extended to his parents and friends its deepest sympathy and condolences.

"ICRC policy paper on immigration detention." International Review of the Red Cross 99, no. 904 (April 2017): 359–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1816383117000546.

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The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has worked on behalf of detained irregular migrants for many years as part of its activities for detainee populations in general, but has only recently started implementing specific programmes for detained migrants in countries of transit and destination. The ICRC visits detained migrants in both criminal and dedicated immigration detention facilities. During these visits, as with all detainees, the ICRC assesses whether detained migrants are treated humanely, held in conditions that preserve their dignity and afforded due process of law. The ICRC also evaluates whether they are able to maintain contact with the outside world, such as with their families and consular authorities, if they wish to do so. As part of its dialogue with the authorities, the ICRC also raises protection issues related to return to ensure that the authorities fulfil their obligations under relevant international law – in particular with respect to the principle of non-refoulement.

"ICRC President visits the United States of America." International Review of the Red Cross 29, no. 270 (June 1989): 228. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400073083.

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Mr. Cornelio Sommaruga, President of the ICRC, was in Washington from 14 to 17 May 1989, accompanied by Mr. André Pasquier, Director of Operations, and Mr. Jürg Bischoff from the Press Division.Mr. Sommaruga and Mr. Pasquier were received by the President of the United States, Mr. George Bush, in the presence of Mr. Richard F. Schubert, President of the American Red Cross. The ICRC representatives conveyed their warm thanks for the financial support provided by the American authorities to the ICRC; they also expressed the hope that the contribution would be increased, given the expansion in ICRC operational acitivities in many parts of the world. There was also an exchange of views as to ratification by the United States Government of the Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions, as well as talks on humanitarian mobilization and current ICRC activities. Mr. Bush assured Mr. Sommaruga that he could count on continued diplomatic and financial support from the United States.

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