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Yahaya, Ros Aizan. "Immersive virtual reality learning environment : learning decision-making skills in a virtual reality-enhanced learning environment." Queensland University of Technology, 2007. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/16489/.

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New advances in computer programming and more powerful technology have opened up new opportunities for learning though immersive virtual reality simulations. This research highlighted the importance of the role of a lecturer in fostering learning in a technology rich learning environment. Undergraduate business studies students worked collectively to try resolve a problem depicted through an immersive simulation involving a burning factory. The simulation provided a rich personal experience that enabled students with lecturer support to generate effective strategies to address the problem.

Maddox, Winston H. "Adapting to a Virtual Learning Environment." Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=antioch1429557429.

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Nakhal, Bilal. "Generation of communicative intentions for virtual agents in an intelligent virtual environment : application to virtual learning environment." Thesis, Brest, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017BRES0156/document.

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La réalité virtuelle joue un rôle majeur dans le développement de nouvelles technologies de l’éducation, et permet de développer des environnements virtuels pour l’apprentissage, dans lesquels, des agents virtuels intelligents jouent le rôle de tuteur. Ces agents sont censés aider les utilisateurs humains à apprendre et appliquer des procédures ayant des objectifs d’apprentissage prédéfini dans différents domaines. Nous travaillons sur la construction d’un système temps-réel capable d’entamer une interaction naturelle avec un utilisateur dans un Environnement d’Apprentissage Virtuel (EAV). Afin d’implémenter ce modèle, nous proposons d’utiliser MASCARET (Multi-Agent System for Collaborative, Adaptive & Realistic Environments for Training) comme modèle d’Environnement Virtuel Intelligent (EVI) afin de représenter la base de connaissances des agents, et de modéliser la sémantique de l’environnement virtuel et des activités des utilisateurs. Afin de formaliser l’intention des agents, nous implémentons un module cognitif dans MASCARET inspiré par l’architecture BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) qui nous permet de générer des intentions de haut-niveau pour les agents. Dans notre modèle, ces agents sont représentés par des Agents Conversationnels Animés (ACA), qui sont basés sur la plateforme SAIBA (Situation, Agent, Intention, Behavior, Animation). Les agents conversationnels de l’environnement ont des intentions communicatives qui sont transmises à l’utilisateur via des canaux de communication naturels, notamment les actes communicatifs et les comportements verbaux et non-verbaux. Afin d’évaluer notre modèle, nous l’implémentons dans un scénario pédagogique concret pour l’apprentissage des procédures d’analyse de sang dans un laboratoire biomédical. Nous utilisons cette application afin de réaliser une expérimentation et une étude pour valider les propositions de notre modèle. L’hypothèse de notre étude est de supposer que la présence d’un ACA dans un Environnement Virtuel (EV) améliore la performance du processus d’apprentissage (ou qu’au moins, ça ne le dégrade pas) dans le contexte de l’apprentissage d’une procédure spécifique. La performance de l’utilisateur est représentée par le temps requis pour l’exécution de la procédure, le nombre d’erreurs commises et le nombre de demande d’assistance. Nous analysons les résultats de cette évaluation, ce qui confirme partiellement l’hypothèse de l’expérience et affirme que la présence de l’ACA dans l’EV ne dégrade pas la performance de l’apprenant dans le contexte de l’apprentissage d’une procédure
Virtual Reality plays a major role in developing new educational methodologies, and allows to develop virtual environments for learning where intelligent virtual agents play the role of tutors. These agents are expected to help human users to learn and apply domain-specific procedures with predefined learning outcomes. We work on building a real-time system able to sustain natural interaction with the user in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). To implement this model, we propose to use the Multi-Agent System for Collaborative, Adaptive & Realistic Environments for Training (MASCARET) as an Intelligent Virtual Environment (IVE) model that provides the knowledge base to the agents and model the semantic of the virtual environment and user’s activities. To formalize the intention of the agents, we implement a cognitive module within MASCARET inspired by BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) architecture that permits us to generate high-level intentions for the agents. Furthermore, we integrate Embodied Conversational Agents (ECA), which are based on the SAIBA (Situation, Agent, Intention, Behavior, Animation) framework. The embodied agents of the environment have communicative intentions that are transmitted to the user through natural communication channels, namely the verbal and non-verbal communicative acts and behaviors of the ECAs. To evaluate our model, we implement it in a concrete pedagogical scenario for learning blood analysis procedures in a biomedical laboratory. We use this application to settle an experiment to validate the propositions of our model. The hypothesis of this experiment is to assume that the presence of anECA in a Virtual Environment (VE) enhances the learning performance (or at least does not degrade it) in the context of a learning procedure. The performance is represented by the time of execution, the number of committed errors and the number of requests for assistance. We analyze the results of this evaluation, which partially confirms the hypothesis of the experiment and assure that having an ECA in the VLE does not degrade the performance of the learner in the context of a learning procedure

Wong, Kah Wei. "NUS libraries in a virtual learning environment." School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/106036.

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Providing collections of resources â books, journals, videos, CDs, papers â was and still is a major function of academic libraries to support learning. When resources were offered electronically, libraries responded proactively, integration was done naturally into a virtual environment of learning. Leveraging on the convenience and speed of technology to meet the information needs of students was a challenge that could not be ignored. This paper highlights user education initiatives that relate to the support of learning and teaching in the virtual environment.

Byron, Suzanne M. "Information Seeking in a Virtual Learning Environment." Thesis, University of North Texas, 1999. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc2212/.

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Duplicating a time series study done by Kuhlthau and associates in 1989, this study examines the applicability of the Information Search Process (ISP) Model in the context of a virtual learning environment. This study confirms that students given an information seeking task in a virtual learning environment do exhibit the stages indicated by the ISP Model. The six-phase ISP Model is shown to be valid for describing the different stages of cognitive, affective, and physical tasks individuals progress through when facing a situation where they must search for information to complete an academic task in a virtual learning environment. The findings in this study further indicate there is no relationship between the amount of computer experience subjects possess and demonstrating the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions described by the ISP Model. The study demonstrates the ISP Model to be independent of the original physical library environments where the model was developed. An attempt is made to represent the ISP model in a slightly different manner that provides more of the sense of motion and interaction among the components of thoughts, feelings, and action than is currently provided for in the model. The study suggests that the development of non-self-reporting data collection techniques would be useful in complementing and furthering research to enhance and refine the representation of the ISP Model. Additionally, expanding the research to include the examination of group interaction is called for to enhance the ISP Model and develop further applications that could potentially aid educational delivery in all types of learning environments.

KOJIRI, Tomoko, and Toyohide WATANABE. "Seamless Virtual Learning Environment Supporting for Inducing Ideas." INTELLIGENT MEDIA INTEGRATION NAGOYA UNIVERSITY / COE, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/10430.

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Ellaway, Rachel Helen. "Evaluating a virtual learning environment in medical education." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/885.

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The use of technology-supported teaching and learning in higher education has moved from a position of peripheral interest a few years ago to become a fundamental ingredient in the experience of many if not most students today. A major part of that change has been wrought by the widespread introduction and use of ‘virtual learning environments’ (VLEs). A defining characteristic of VLEs is that they combine a variety of tools and resources into a single integrated system. To use a VLE is not just to employ a single intervention but to change the very fabric of the students’ experience of study and the university. Despite this, much of the literature on VLEs has concentrated on producing typologies by listing and comparing system functions, describing small scale and short duration applications or providing speculative theories and predictions. Little attention has so far been paid to analysing what effects a VLE’s use has on the participants and the context of use, particularly across a large group of users and over a substantial period of time. This work presents the evaluation of a VLE developed and used to support undergraduate medical education at the University of Edinburgh since 1999. This system is called ‘EEMeC’ and was developed specifically within and in support of its context of use. EEMeC provides a large number of features and functions to many different kinds of user, it has evolved continuously since it was introduced and it has had a significant impact on teaching and learning in the undergraduate medical degree programme (MBChB). In such circumstances evaluation methodologies that depend on controls and single variables are nether applicable or practical. In order to approach the task of evaluating such a complex entity a multi-modal evaluation framework has been developed based on taking a series of metaphor-informed perspectives derived from the organisational theories of Gareth Morgan(Morgan 1997). The framework takes seven approaches to evaluation of EEMeC covering a range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. These are combined in a dialectical analysis of EEMeC from these different evaluation perspectives. This work provides a detailed and multi-faceted account of a VLE-in-use and the ways in which it interacts with its user community in its context of use. Furthermore, the method of taking different metaphor-based evaluation perspectives of a complex problem space is presented as a viable approach for studying and evaluating similar learning support systems. The evaluation framework that has been developed would be particularly useful to those practitioners who have a pressing and practical need for meaningful evaluation techniques to inform and shape how complex systems such as VLEs are deployed and used. As such, this work can provide insights not just into EEMeC, but into the way VLEs are changing the environments and contexts in which they are used across the tertiary sector as a whole.

Parizotto, Rosamelia. "Aesthetics and usability of virtual learning environment interfaces." Thesis, University of York, 2007. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/9905/.

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Ortiz, Francisco. "Description of a virtual learning environment for preliminary schools." Thesis, Växjö University, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:vxu:diva-1548.

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This project is associated with the field of Information Systems and more specifically with Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs). These environments are becoming very popular the last years, especially in higher education. However we decided to focus in lower level education since there is lack of these learning platforms and their spreading is limited.

More specifically our project will focus on the description of a Virtual Learning Environment for preliminary schools. The target age will be 5-8 years old. The design of our system is based on the guidelines of a preliminary schoolteacher in Spain, who is actually our stakeholder. Designing a system for so young students means that various aspects have to be taken into consideration such as their level of computer knowledge, their maturity, their not still developed studying abilities and the fact that it is their first approach to school as a learning environment. However we believe that if they can be integrated in the information society in such an early age, it will be beneficial for their future and the future of information technologies as well. We hope that through this project we will be able to contribute to computer based education and equip the young students with new ways and potentials of learning.

On a theoretical basis, we could say that our project contains two different parts: a theoretical part and a more practical one. In the theoretical part, all the related work of similar VLEs is presented in an effort to see what products already exist in the market and try to create a new, innovative system taking into consideration various educational aspects. In addition, a review of our literature research concerning computer based education and VLEs is included in order to provide the necessary theoretical background before starting to design our system. Finally, a summary of our research made including questionnaires and interviews as well as the analysis and the conclusions of this research are presented since before designing our system we tried to include the opinion of the different people involved in this system like the students and their parents, the teachers and the pedagogues. On the other hand, the second more practical part focuses on the description of the learning platform. The architecture of the system as well as the use cases is included here. A prototype of the system is also provided but we were not able to complete the whole implementation due to time limitations.


Tsamis, Thanassis. "Description of a virtual learning environment for preliminary schools." Thesis, Växjö University, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:vxu:diva-1245.

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This project is associated with the field of Information Systems and more specifically with Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs). These environments are becoming very popular the last years, especially in higher education. However we decided to focus in lower level education since there is lack of these learning platforms and their spreading is limited.

More specifically our project will focus on the description of a Virtual Learning Environment for preliminary schools. The target age will be 5-8 years old. The design of our system is based on the guidelines of a preliminary schoolteacher in Spain, who is actually our stakeholder. Designing a system for so young students means that various aspects have to be taken into consideration such as their level of computer knowledge, their maturity, their not still developed studying abilities and the fact that it is their first approach to school as a learning environment. However we believe that if they can be integrated in the information society in such an early age, it will be beneficial for their future and the future of information technologies as well. We hope that through this project we will be able to contribute to computer based education and equip the young students with new ways and potentials of learning.

On a theoretical basis, we could say that our project contains two different parts: a theoretical part and a more practical one. In the theoretical part, all the related work of similar VLEs is presented in an effort to see what products already exist in the market and try to create a new, innovative system taking into consideration various educational aspects. In addition, a review of our literature research concerning computer based education and VLEs is included in order to provide the necessary theoretical background before starting to design our system. Finally, a summary of our research made including questionnaires and interviews as well as the analysis and the conclusions of this research are presented since before designing our system we tried to include the opinion of the different people involved in this system like the students and their parents, the teachers and the pedagogues. On the other hand, the second more practical part focuses on the description of the learning platform. The architecture of the system as well as the use cases is included here. A prototype of the system is also provided but we were not able to complete the whole implementation due to time limitations.


Novella, Enrique. "User interface for e-learning in a virtual environment." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-260477.

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The company Virtual eTraining wants to expand their line of products by adding a version of their 3D environments with a cheaper to produce 2D version of it. They decided that they would start by making a proof of concept to showcase in World Aviation Training Conference and tradeshow, Orlando USA, in late April 2015. Taking inspiration from the tools that the company ThingLink has developed and evolving it to be used for educational purposes that mimic what Virtual eTraining is currently using in its 3D environment tool is what this paper describes. The paper highlights the difficulties of developing an application that is easy to use, self explanatory and that delivers good looking content for the end user with the limited screen size that is offered by an Ipad. Being able to produce courses with pictures of environments/tools that the student is going to be in/use is a very powerful way of learning. The application was later named TagLinked.

Garcia, Ruiz Miguel Angel. "Molecular binder : a multimodal virtual environment to assist learning." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2003. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.289232.

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Lindfors, J. (Juha). "A modern learning environment for Control Engineering." Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2002. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:951426911X.

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Abstract Teaching in the university has been under pressure to change in recent years. On the one hand, there is financial pressure to decrease resources on the other, there is a need to keep quality and quantity of education offered high and to give due consideration to changes in technology and learning methods. One response to these pressures has been to study if it is possible to build a learning environment for Control Engineering that is available to students virtually. It could help to distribute materials and facilitate overall communication, from course information through student feedback. It could also make studying more efficient by enabling better follow-up of learning and use of interactive functions. The development of a Web-based learning environment for Control Engineering started from a simple model of learning theories and course content. This model was applied to that context, and an open learning environment was developed and implemented. The implementation is referred to as Control Web. Functions were added to Control Web and tuned according to student feedback. The probe method was utilised in the validation. Two courses were subjected to under full validation in order to carry out validation for the whole system. Student feedback, grades, and credits during the years 1993 to 2000 were analysed. According to the results, the system implemented has performed well. However, the explicit influence of using the Web-based learning environment can be seen in only few cases; there are too many variables in the overall learning situation. The results and experiences yield an enhanced model for developing a learning environment and a tool that indicates a need to change course parameters.

Wang, Wei 1974. "Computer-supported virtual collaborative learning and assessment framework for distributed learning environment." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/84815.

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Barker, Timothy. "Collaborative learning with affective artificial study companions in a virtual learning environment." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2003. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/15213/.

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This research has been carried out in conjunction with Chapeltown and Harehills Assisted Learning Computer School (CHALCS) and local schools. CHALCS is an 'out-of-hours' school in a deprived inner-city community where unemployment is high and many children are failing to meet their educational potential. As the name implies CHALCS provides students with access to computers to support their learning. CHALCS relies on many volunteer tutors and specialist tutors are in short supply. This is especially true for subjects such as Advanced Level Physics with low numbers of students. This research aimed to investigate the feasibility of providing online study skills support to pupils at CHALCS and a local school. Research suggests that collaborative learning that prompts students to explain and justify their understanding can encourage deeper learning. As a potentially effective way of motivating deeper learning from hypertext course notes in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), this research investigates the feasibility of designing an artificial Agent capable of collaborating with the learner to jointly construct summary notes. Hypertext course notes covering a portion of the Advanced Level Physics curriculum were designed and uploaded into a WebCT based VLE. A specialist tutor validated the content of the course notes before the ease of use of the VLE was tested with target students. A study was then conducted to develop a model of the kinds of help students required in writing summary notes from the course-notes. Based on the derived process model of summarisation and an analysis of the content structure of the course notes, strategies for summarising the text were devised. An Animated Pedagogical Agent was designed incorporating these strategies. Two versions of the agent with opposing 'Affectations' (giving the appearance of different characters) were evaluated with users. It was therefore possible to test which artificial 'character' students preferred. From the evaluation study some conclusions are made concerning the effect of the two opposite characterisations on student perceptions of the agent and the degree to which it was helpful as a learning companion. Some recommendations for future work are then made.

Nagel, Lynette. "The dynamics of learner participation in a virtual learning environment." Pretoria : [s.n.], 2007. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03032009-160447.

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Nunes, Felipe Becker. "UVLEQoC: A UBIQUITOUS VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT WITH QUALITY OF CONTEXT." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/5426.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
U -Learning environments seek to collect information about users' preferences and needs to formulate its context and make adjustments to their content and interface to suit the user's profile, whereas in traditional VLEs, such as Moodle, this profile is hardly considered. Added to this, context information that are collected are characterized by being very volatile, which increases the probability that there are inconsistencies and inaccuracies. Based on this, the Quality of Context aims to treat this information with the application of quality standards that aim to create greater assurance that the context information reflects the momentary situation of the user. This paper presents a ubiquitous virtual learning environment, in which was developed three modules and integrated with Moodle, which was used as the basis for the development of this work. Parameters and metrics for Quality of Context are applied on the information collected in the environment, so that greater assurance can be created so that the context made the environment is appropriate to the preferences and needs of the user. Adaptations to the environment are performed using the Adaptive Hypermedia, and the types of information collected are cognitive user profile and your connection speed, which are captured through SEDECA 2.0 and U -SEA 2.0, respectively modules and that also suffered a restructuring in its mode of operation. Moreover, an automatic adaptation module provides the interface to the environment of use on mobile devices. As a result, testing software and users have shown that the environment UVLEQoC operated satisfactorily, based on the assessments made by the group of people who tested the modules and their operation. The questionnaire on the SUS and the developed modules, which included the validation of the technique through Cronbach's alpha, showed results within a range considered good, which reproduces the completion of the objectives proposed in this work, even if some difficulties and problems have been identified during development.
Os ambientes U-Learning buscam coletar informações referentes às preferências e necessidades dos usuários para formular o seu contexto e realizar adaptações no seu conteúdo e interface para se adequar ao perfil do usuário, visto que em AVAs tradicionais, como o Moodle, este perfil dificilmente é considerado. Agregado a isto, as informações de contexto que são coletadas têm como característica serem muito voláteis, o que aumenta a probabilidade de existirem inconsistências e imprecisões. Com base nisso, a Qualidade do Contexto busca tratar estas informações, com a aplicação de parâmetros de qualidade que objetivam criar maiores garantias de que as informações de contexto reflitam a situação momentânea do usuário. Essa dissertação apresenta um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem ubíquo, no qual foram desenvolvidos três módulos e integrados ao Moodle, que foi utilizado como base para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. São aplicados parâmetros e métricas de Qualidade do Contexto sobre as informações coletadas no ambiente, de forma que possam ser criadas maiores garantias para que o contexto formulado no ambiente esteja adequado às preferências e necessidades do usuário. As adaptações no ambiente são realizadas utilizando a Hipermídia Adaptativa, sendo que os tipos de informações coletadas são o perfil cognitivo do usuário e sua velocidade de conexão, que são capturados por meio dos módulos SEDECA 2.0 e U-SEA 2.0, respectivamente e que também sofreram uma reestruturação em seu modo de operação. Além disso, um módulo provê a adaptação automática da interface para o uso do ambiente em dispositivos móveis. Como resultados, os testes de Software e com usuários demonstraram que o ambiente UVLEQoC operou de forma satisfatória, tendo como base as avaliações feitas pelo grupo de pessoas que testou os módulos e seu funcionamento. Os questionários aplicados do SUS e sobre os módulos desenvolvidos, que contou com a sua validação por meio da técnica de Alfa de Cronbach, apresentaram resultados dentro de uma escala considerada como boa, o que reproduz a completude dos objetivos propostos neste trabalho, mesmo que algumas limitações e dificuldades tenham sido identificados durante o desenvolvimento.

Bin, Fryan Latefa. "Good practice framework for virtual learning environment in higher education." Thesis, Brunel University, 2015. http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/13812.

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Many higher education institutions (HEIs) around the world are investing in the implementation of different Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) to support the teaching and learning process. However, there is a lack of detailed guidelines or a practical framework for the VLE system implementation without which an effective VLE system implementation framework, many of the full potential of VLE system cannot be realised objectives and benefits remain underachieved. A small number of frameworks specific for VLE system implementation are reported in the literature; however, these are not comprehensive in terms of covering the entire end-to-end implementation, do not consider all the key elements of a VLE system implementation and are far from integrated. Moreover, a practice-based framework that considers various organisational, pedagogical, and technological aspects and covers the entire end-to-end implementation, is not available in the current literature, and there is no complete set of guidelines to be used by HEIs to support and manage an effective VLE system implementation. Therefore, further research is needed for investigating various key elements and for identifying aspects of a good-practice framework for the implementation of VLE systems in HEIs. Particularly, an integrated good-practice framework that is comprehensive and integrates elements from existing literature and current practices or case studies would be a significant and useful contribution to this field, which highlights the importance of this study. Hence, research into investigating a good-practice VLE system implementation framework is important, and this thesis builds and presents a good-practice-in-context framework for the implementation and use of VLE systems in HEIs. This is done through identifying and exploring the key elements that build-up such a comprehensive practice-based framework for VLE system implementation through literature and good practices by considering various pedagogical, technical, and organisational aspects. These key elements include stages, processes, critical success factors (CSFs) considered, challenges (CLG) faced, associated risks, stakeholders (SHs) involved, and various tools, technologies, and methods, integrated with the VLE system. The key elements provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental issues and success factors underlying the successful implementation and sustainability of a VLE system. Initially, a conceptual framework was developed encapsulating various key elements of a VLE system implementation framework based on an extensive literature review and an analysis of existing frameworks and models, encapsulating various key elements of a VLE system implementation framework, where the elements were integrated and mapped with each other highlighting and depicting interrelations and interactions among them. The conceptual framework was validated by empirical data from the two case studies (of HEIs, at local and national level) to propose a refined, novel, and practice-based framework for VLE system implementation in HEIs, which also contains mappings to Technology Enhance Learning (TEL) strategy components. Thus, the proposed good-practice-in-context framework can be used as a tool to assist or guide HEIs to implement VLE system successfully. Finally, the proposed framework could lead to a successful VLE system implementation and it could also serve as an effective approach that not only facilitates enhancement in the learning and teaching experience, but also fosters end-user engagement and supports flexibility and customization according to the end-user needs of HEIs.

Nagel, Lynette. "The dynamics of learner participation in a virtual learning environment." Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/22951.

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While online students should take charge of their own learning and form collaborative learning communities, constructivist instructors should scaffold online learning without dominating course discussions. This research continues the longitudinal investigation of web-based courses at the Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria. The mixed methodological approach this investigation followed consisted predominantly of qualitative methods, augmented with quantitative approaches. I used two distinct online tools to explore student participation in an eight-week online Masters’-level course delivered via the WebCT™ platform. First, I reviewed the use of metaphors in the literature by a framework of requirements for successful online learning. The use of metaphor supports constructivism, facilitates course interaction, helps to avoid students’ initial inertia in online discussions, and contributes to the development of virtual learning communities. I researched how an explanatory metaphor as tool supported online participation and indicated that metaphors eased students’ communication of important and difficult issues. Secondly, I used the tool of a covert virtual student that also acted as an additional facilitator and course helper. I examined the ethical implications of the carefully concealed real identity of the mythical online helper, methical Jane. As she took part in all course activities and assignments, as well as providing her co-students with cognitive and technical support, the students accepted and integrated her presence in their virtual learning community. I consequently analysed students’ reactions to her identity after disclosure of her origin after the course. Although the exposure precipitated students’ shock, disbelief and dismay as she was a convincing virtual student, they did not object to the presence of a virtual student, but rather felt betrayed due to her hidden real identity. The benefits of this teaching intervention include experts supplying technical expertise, multiple faculty enriching the learning experience, and support and teaching assistants and tutors participating with smaller groups in large online classes. I further examined how frequency of course access, discussion postings, collaborative behaviour and integration into a virtual learning community relate to learning and course completion. Quantitative indices indicated highly significant differences between the stratifications of student performance. Absent and seldom-contributing students risked missing the benefits of the online learning community. Students were discontent with peers who rarely and insufficiently contributed to group assignments. Low participation varied from only reading, skimming, or deliberately harvesting others’ contributions, to high student contributions of little value. Conclusions on the formation of an online learning community indicate that the passport to membership of the community is quality participation, rather than prior peer acquaintance. I indicated that students’ learning benefited from contributing high quality inputs to online learning communities while students with poor participation did not benefit from the online learning community. Online facilitators contribute to students’ learning through the timeliness and quality of tailored scaffolding. Recommendations for future research include uncovering the reasons for students’ stressful experiences of online learning; the effect of online assessment on student course participation; the alignment of learning metaphors in multi-cultural learning environments; and the support of non-participating online students.
Thesis (PHD)--University of Pretoria, 2009.
Curriculum Studies

Gustavsson, Hanna, and Hanna Karlsson. "The Virtual Learning Environment : Patterns for Structuring Web based Teaching." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för programvaruteknik och datavetenskap, 2003. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-4851.

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Online education creates new demands on organization and structure in order to make use of its advantages with the technology for learning. Research in this area elucidates new possibilities with the computer as a medium, to individualize and make the learning more flexible. Meanwhile, the empirical study shows practical limitations, which affects the design of web-based teaching. As a result, we have started to develop a guideline, which describes these new possibilities and common problems with the new learning environment. We have structured the guideline by first defining the problem area and then giving recommendation or in some cases proposal of improving the technique. The purpose with the guideline is to illustrate and support teachers with knowledge and inspiration to make the design of this new form of education suitable in its practice.

Kerr, Steven John. "Scaffolded learning in virtual environments." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.423650.

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Miao, Yongwu. "Design and implementation of a collaborative virtual problem-based learning environment." Phd thesis, [S.l. : s.n.], 2000. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=960586490.

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Johansson, Megan. "Teachers' Lived Experiences of the Virtual Learning Environment: A Phenomenological Inquiry." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för hälsa, lärande och teknik, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-85127.

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This research project is about the lived experiences of upper secondary school and adult education teachers from a remote region of Sweden, during the global pandemic of 2020 – 2021. Educational change can be understood in terms of experiences, through listening to teachers’ voices, which have the capacity to bring new knowledge for future usage of digital platforms in education. Teaching is an embodied experience and opportunities for movement have become limited in the virtual learning environment. A radical change in the methods of communication has also occured, in particular the verbal and non-verbal clues of oral interaction, which differ in physical and virtual classrooms. Interpersonal relationships have been shown to be of the utmost importance for successful learning, and these need to be formed and maintained both online and offline. Some students are at risk of falling behind academically and socially due to remote learning. The research has shed light on this situation and illustrates how governments should work effectively with teachers to ensure that all students can succeed, regardless of individual setbacks experienced during the global pandemic. This is an ethical responsibility of importance to ensure that no student will be disadvantaged as a result of remote learning.

Thorsteinsson, Gisli, and Tom Page. "COMPUTER SUPPORTED COLLABORATIVE LEARNING IN TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH VIRTUAL REALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS." 名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科 技術・職業教育学研究室, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/12115.

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Omosule, Samson Taiwo. "Cultural trust in virtual learning environments." Thesis, University of East London, 2008. http://roar.uel.ac.uk/3369/.

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Past research has striven to decompose the elements that constitute virtual trust often through the device of designing generalised online trust models or frameworks. Understandably most of these efforts have been centred on online trust with regards to buying and selling of commodities or services over the internet but this work extends these to Virtual Learning Environments. A number of online trust models and frameworks have been proposed but there remains an important omission (contribution to knowledge) in regards to trust within learning institutions. Within this omission, this investigation examines and reveals the factors that constitute students trust in Virtual Learning Environments. It also reveals how these trust factors and the elements that constitute them in Virtual Learning Environments vary in parametric values across cultures. The revealed trust factors (usability, Influence, trial and self-decision-making power) are what we used as constructs for the development of our Culture Influence Virtual Learning Environments Trust (CIVLET) framework. In CIVLET, culture is used as a major construct to determine the associated parametric values with these trust factors. Hence culture is seen as a major determinant of trust and students trust in VLEs is seen to vary with cultures. From the analysis of past work/literature in the field of Information Systems, Virtual environments, Virtual trust and Culture we derived the dependent and independent variables used in this work. The dependent variables were grouped under these four headings for questions to be asked in regards to students' opinion toward their intentions to participate and their experiences after participation to trusting VLEs across cultures: Behavioural Intention towards Virtual Learning Environments, Attitude towards Virtual Learning Environments, Subjective norm towards Virtual Learning Environments and Perceived Behavioural control. The cultures in questions are of the Europeans, Africans, Asians and the South American/Caribbean. We raised two hypotheses and set four research questions. From our hypotheses, we rejected hypothesis (HO) in favour of (HI). We derived Usability trust factor, Influential trust factor, Trial trust factor and Self-decisionmaking power trust factor as the factors that constitute students trust in Virtual Learning Environments across cultures. Our work also confirm that Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) are IS research theories that can be used to model behavior and on the bases of which our CIVLET framework was developed. We collected qualitative data (students' experiences) through a Web-based questionnaire survey and these data were coded into quantitative data for statistical analysis. We applied Principal Component Analysis technique to establish the linear components (factors) that exist within our data and to establish how each of the variables contribute to the components (factors) and to demonstrate the chances that the characteristics of our selected samples were found in the populations in questions.

Dolatabadi, Hamid Reza. "Intercultural discourse in virtual learning environments." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10036/110262.

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The potential of community building through computer-mediated communication (CMC) in virtual learning environments has received increasing attention in recent years, yet little empirical research has been conducted in this field in Middle Eastern countries particularly based on a social constructivist approach as in this case. This research is concerned with the processes of community building as experienced by university students in computer-mediated distance education classes in Iran. Its overarching concern was to see if convergence happens in an on-line university discussion forum in a Middle Eastern cultural context, and if so, to explore how it happens and with what strategies it can be supported in such environment. The research addressed the role of collaborative interaction as the process of co-construction of knowledge and identities, by looking at: (i) the students’ beliefs as reflected in a survey; (ii) patterns and outcomes of interaction derived from an analysis of on-line transactions; (iii) students’ perspectives based on interviews and their responses to a survey. The participants came from four different Middle Eastern cultural and linguistic backgrounds and were all students studying at Masters Level. The academic context was an Iranian university that has a large face-to-face student population as well as a large number of distance students. The participants’ common meeting ground was primarily a virtual environment created for the students to share their learning experience and to communicate with each other and the tutors. The participants’ beliefs and ideas in terms of choice, opportunity, culture and expectations were examined through a survey in the first phase of the study. Then, to investigate their roles in shaping the on-line community, an additional university e-forum was designed and implemented by the researcher in the second phase of the study. In this forum the participants were free to contact each other without pre-planned tasks or interventions by the class tutors. Social constructivist approaches were used to analyse interactions between students and the outcomes of these interactions. The findings suggest that participants moved their communicative competence from tangible topics towards shaping new beliefs and ideas; creating the VSD-Virtual Social Development- model. These developments are regarded as something unique for an area such as the Middle East where gaining confidence is hard especially when there is no face-to-face contact with other participants, and individuals often have concerns about revealing their real personalities in untried situations. The findings of the interviews support the findings of the second phase of the study and show what strategies the participants used in community building. The research also highlighted many issues for further study, one of which is the various interpretations of the concept of community building in on-line contexts.

Yu, Jian Qing. "Virtual learning environments and life sciences." Thesis, Nottingham Trent University, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.442337.

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Wang, RouLan. "Cultural disconnection in virtual learning environments." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.436423.

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Lindgren, Robb. "Perspective-based learning in virtual environments /." May be available electronically:, 2009. http://proquest.umi.com/login?COPT=REJTPTU1MTUmSU5UPTAmVkVSPTI=&clientId=12498.

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Sykes, Jonathan Robert. "Supporting spatial learning in virtual environments." Thesis, Edinburgh Napier University, 2003. http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2786.

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This thesis explores the acquisition of spatial knowledge as a means to support wayfinding in virtual environments. Specifically, the thesis presents an investigation into the potential benefits one might gain through the application of a variety of tools, each of which has been designed to support one of the three stages of cognitive map development - landmark-based representation, route-based representation, and survey-based representation (Siegel & White, 1975). Each tool has been evaluated with respect to improvements in wayfinding, and also in their support for environmental learning. Measures were taken of each tool used in isolation, and also when used together as a complete toolset. The between-subjects evaluation process involved 101 participants, randomly assigned to one of five conditions. Each participant was asked to navigate a virtual environment to locate three specific items. To evaluate wayfinding, participants were asked to perform the same task on six occasions within the same session. After discovering all items, a measure indicating route efficiency was recorded. On completing all six trials participants were asked to produce a map of the virtual environment. It was hypothesised that the presence of tools would improve the acquisition of spatial knowledge, and thus route efficiency and map production. Comparing the 'no-tool' and the 'all tool' conditions, a 2x6 repeated measures ANOVA found that when providing the tools concurrently there was a statistically significant improvement in the efficiency of route taken (F(1,38)=4.63, p<0.05). However, when evaluating the tools in isolation, no significant improvement in route efficiency was found. Also, no significant difference between conditions was identified when comparing the quality of maps produced by participants across conditions. The thesis concludes by arguing that the application of the complete toolset benefits wayfinding, although it is noted that the evidence does not support the hypothesis that this is caused by improved spatial learning.

Norrstig, Andreas. "Visual Object Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks in a Virtual Environment." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Datorseende, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-156609.

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Visual object detection is a popular computer vision task that has been intensively investigated using deep learning on real data. However, data from virtual environments have not received the same attention. A virtual environment enables generating data for locations that are not easily reachable for data collection, e.g. aerial environments. In this thesis, we study the problem of object detection in virtual environments, more specifically an aerial virtual environment. We use a simulator, to generate a synthetic data set of 16 different types of vehicles captured from an airplane. To study the performance of existing methods in virtual environments, we train and evaluate two state-of-the-art detectors on the generated data set. Experiments show that both detectors, You Only Look Once version 3 (YOLOv3) and Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD), reach similar performance quality as previously presented in the literature on real data sets. In addition, we investigate different fusion techniques between detectors which were trained on two different subsets of the dataset, in this case a subset which has cars with fixed colors and a dataset which has cars with varying colors. Experiments show that it is possible to train multiple instances of the detector on different subsets of the data set, and combine these detectors in order to boost the performance.

Masterton, Simon J. "The virtual participant : story telling in a computer supported collaborative learning environment." Thesis, Open University, 1999. http://oro.open.ac.uk/54429/.

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This thesis presents a study of a novel approach for supporting students in text based electronic conferencing. It describes the development of a concept known as the Virtual Participant. An initial prototype was developed which was tested on the Open University Business School MBA course on Creative Management. The Virtual Participant first presented itself to the users as Uncle Bulgaria. a metaphor for collecting and recycling important information. The Virtual Participant approach is to store the discussions students have had in previous years that the course has run. and to retrieve those discussions at a time most appropriate to helping the students studying this year. It was never intended to provide 'the answer' but rather examples of similar discussions on similar topics. Uncle Bulgaria interacted with the students over a period of 16 weeks. during which time the students prepared two assignments and completed the first half of the course. The information gained from the students' interactions with the system and their feedback to a questionnaire survey was then fed back into a second prototype' which was again tested on the same course. In the second study the system was known to the students as the Active Archive. an active component of an archive of past student discussions. Through cross year comparisons it was possible to evaluate the improvements made between the Active Archive and Uncle Bulgaria systems. The Active Archive interacted with the students on a much larger scale than Uncle Bulgaria had. but with no increased negative impact. The second study provided examples where the Active Archive stimulated discussion amongst the students and vicarious learning could be said to have taken place. Taking the lessons learned from these two studies a number of guidelines for the development of such systems have been produced and are described and discussed.

Wang, Airong. "Learning English in a Multi-User Virtual Environment : Exploring Factors Affecting Participation." Doctoral thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för humaniora, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-30795.

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Online language learning and teaching is a field that has received a significant amount of research attention. What factors could affect student participation in simpler online learning environments has been investigated by researchers, but there has been limited study of factors affecting participation in complex Multi-User Virtual Environments. By using the typical Multi-User Virtual Environment Second Life, three English courses offered by Swedish universities were examined in this thesis. The courses were video-recorded, and selected parts of the recordings were transcribed. The transcribed recordings were complemented by author(s)’ observation, participants’ reflection, an online questionnaire and an online interview. Participation from the courses was measured both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative methods were used to measure, for example, floor space, number of utterances, turn length, number of turns; the qualitative analysis centered on, for instance, utterance functions, discourse analysis, and Conversational Analysis. The results were published in five papers that focused on different central factors affecting participation in Second Life. In this thesis, the findings from those articles are synthesized. Furthermore, on the basis of the findings, a general model of factors affecting participation is presented and discussed to highlight that different factors interrelate and that some factors are particularly important in terms of affecting participation in Multi-User Virtual Environments. These are students’ technical skills, task design, course design, technical support, and Second Life technology. The complex technology also places critical demands on teachers’ technical skills, teaching strategies, and roles that teachers should play. Finally, this thesis argues that it is important to choose a suitable technology for an English course.

Page, T., M. Lehtonen, G. Thorsteinsson, E. Yokoyama, and H. Ruokamo. "A Virtual Learning Environment in Support of Blended and Distance Learning in Technology & Design Education." 名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科 技術・職業教育学研究室, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/12015.

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Lo, Yip-tai Darryl. "A study of a 3D virtual learning environment in education : active world Eduverse /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2002. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B25148369.

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Economou, Daphne. "The role of virtual actors in collaborative virtual environments for learning." Thesis, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.392215.

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Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) transform today's computer networks into navigable and inhabited spaces for collaborative work and social play. Various domains have experienced the beneficial use of CVEs, particularly in training and entertainment. Inhabitants are represented as virtual actors, which convey their presence, identity and status of activity, issues that are essential for enhancing social interaction. However, understanding social interaction in CVEs and the way virtual actors could enhance this, is still a challenge for human factors. Various issues complicate such a study: the vast amount of factors involved in the construction of CVEs and virtual actors; the current immaturity of the technology and the prototypical nature of current applications, which restrict the full potential of the technology to be investigated; the lack of a rigorous research methodology for studying and informing CVE design. The research studies the role the virtual actors adopt in CVEs for learning; it provides guidelines for their use in such environments to support social interaction and pedagogical concerns; and directs the underlying CVE technology development to satisfy real user and application needs. To determine requirements for the use of virtual actors in CVEs for learning the research uses as its case study the work of the Manchester Museum Education Service with children at Key Stage Level 2 (-9-11 years old) of the National Curriculum. The learning situation is based on `sent', an ancient Egyptian board game from the Museum's collection of artefacts from the pyramid builders' town of Kahun. The study is structured in three distinct phases of increasing sophistication in terms of: the technology used for building prototypes; the population involved in each phase; and the study of user actions and activities in real life to identify interaction requirements between virtual actors within a CVE. The prototypes are studied with `real users'. This process gradually builds on knowledge of interaction and communication issues that arise in the learning situation. This knowledge forms a set of design guidelines for the use of virtual actors in CVEs for learning. These are implemented using the Deva CVEs system developed by the Advanced Interfaces Group at Manchester University. The prototype is studied with real users. This process refines and extends the design guidelines; and derives technology requirements for the development of the underlying CVE and virtual actors technology by clarifying where the current CVE technology fails to support the design guidelines developed in this research

Keller, Christina. "Virtual Learning Environments in Higher Education : A Study of User Acceptance." Doctoral thesis, Linköping : Department. of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-9665.

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Nix, Rebekah Kincaid. "Virtual Field Trips: Using Information Technology to Create an Integrated Science Learning Environment." Curtin University of Technology, Science and Mathematics Education Centre, 2003. http://espace.library.curtin.edu.au:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=12780.

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This study evaluated a new Integrated Science Learning Environment (ISLE) that bridged the gaps between the traditionally separate classroom, field trip, and information technology milieus. The ISLE model involves a multi-faceted design to address the three basic forms of learning: acquisition of knowledge, change in emotions or feelings, and gain in physical or motor actions or performance. A holistic approach to teaching at the university level encompassed a step-wise, cumulative strategy that reinforced all scales of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (Personal Relevance, Uncertainty of Science, Shared Control, Critical Voice, and Student Negotiation) and minimised the potentially detrimental effects of information overload and non-linear processing. By addressing individuals and recognising limitations, the same conceptual and logistical frameworks were applied to teachers and to students uniformly in the classroom and in the field. This key factor of the ISLE program broadened all participants’ horizons and enabled them to see their role within the ‘big picture’. Thus, the common elements (knowledge) and basic components (understanding) in each realm became evident and the power of transfer for both content and concept was realised. A process approach to information technology provided a logical and meaningful mechanism for continuously scaling the program perspective from the classroom setting to the unique global environment of the World Wide Web. The final product of the ISLE program (virtual field trip) was constructed by linking the elements common to the supporting learning environments (university classroom, field trip, and information technology) at their basic levels: newness, massiveness, and appropriateness.
A combination of qualitative methods and quantitative measures provided insight into the field trip milieu and evaluation of the near- and far-term effects of exposure to constructivist pedagogy answering the general question of whether changing teachers’ learning environments might affect a change in their respective students’ learning environments. Quantitative assessment through learning environment dimensions, attitude scales, and concept map analyses was supported by qualitative data derived from reflective field journals, interviews, and observations to investigate the impact of the emergent model. Data were collected from classroom teachers and their students to assess the impact of the ISLE program in terms of promoting a constructivist classroom learning environment, teachers’ attitudes toward information technology, and teachers’ conceptual development. School teacher and student subgroups were compared in terms of the teachers’ university/field trip program experience and content background. To this end, three new versions of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) were shown to be valid and useful in secondary schools and graduate university courses in Texas. Data from 1079 students in 59 classes in north Texas were subjected to principal components factor analysis confirmed the factor structure, internal consistency reliability, discriminant validity, and the ability to distinguish between different classes and groups for the comparative student form (CLES-CS). Descriptive statistics supported the usefulness of the comparative teacher (CLES-CT) and adult (CLES-A) forms. Administration of these versions of the same instrument was used to characterise the learning environment of the ISLE university/field trip program, as well as the public/private school classrooms.
Further analysis and interpretation of these data suggest that the ISLE program was effective in terms of the degree of implementation of constructivist teaching approaches in the teachers’ school classrooms as assessed by teachers’ perceptions of the learning environment of their current classroom environment relative to other classes taught by them previously and students’ perceptions of the learning environment of their classroom environment relative to classes taught by other teachers in their school classrooms. Additional data suggest that the ISLE program was effective in terms of teachers’ perceptions of the university/field trip learning environment; changes in teachers’ attitudes to information technology; and teachers’ conceptual development. When an ANOVA was used to compare students’ perceptions of THIS and OTHER classes, statistically significant differences were found for some CLES scales. In particular, students whose teachers had attended the ISLE program (THIS) perceived higher levels of Personal Relevance and Uncertainty of Science in their classrooms relative to the classrooms of other teachers in the same schools (OTHER). From a practical point of view, this study documents a new model for improving learning and understanding in the field of education, specifically science education. Participation in the ISLE program provided a tangible opportunity for teachers to gain organised knowledge to make practical changes in their school classrooms. From a research point of view, this study makes a unique contribution to the field of learning environments by evaluating a comprehensive professional development program that used information technology to initiate teacher change from the central perspective of the learning environment.
Development and validation of the CLES-CS contributes to a useful range of instruments for a variety of classroom contexts within the burgeoning field of learning environments research. The real world is where theory and practice come together and science becomes relevant, making sense that leads to understanding. The conceptual and logistical frameworks of the ISLE model seamlessly merged theory and practice with science and education through effective applications of information technology to create a rich learning environment. Virtual field trips, based on the ISLE model, can enable the principles of student-centred inquiry and constructivism to be practised for the benefit of all styles and ages of lifelong learners.

Nix, Rebekah Kincaid. "Virtual field trips : using information technology to create an integrated science learning environment /." Full text available, 2002. http://adt.curtin.edu.au/theses/available/adt-WCU20030331.133750.

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Ouyang, Xun. "Image synthesis of virtual environment construction for real time internet based e-learning." Thesis, University of Derby, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10545/232372.

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魯葉大 and Yip-tai Darryl Lo. "A study of a 3D virtual learning environment in education: active world Eduverse." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2002. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31256405.

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Lee, Ka-ming Samuel, and 李家明. "Investigation of the effectiveness of using virtual collaborative learning environment in computer studies." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2002. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31256375.

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Gouveia, Luis Manuel Borges. "A visualisation design for sharing knowledge : a virtual environment for collaborative learning support." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2001. http://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/11950/.

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Zhang, Qing. "Non-native speakers and virtual language learning environment : user behaviours and social discourse." Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2003. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.288506.

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Lee, Ka-ming Samuel. "Investigation of the effectiveness of using virtual collaborative learning environment in computer studies /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2002. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B25148308.

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Wyatt, Erin Drankwalter. "Middle School Students in Virtual Learning Environments." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2010. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc30529/.

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This ethnographic study examined middle school students engaged in a virtual learning environment used in concert with face-to-face instruction in order to complete a collaborative research project. Thirty-eight students from three eighth grade classes participated in this study where data were collected through observation of student work within the virtual learning environment, an online survey, and focus group sessions with students involved in the project. Results indicated students found the virtual learning environment to be valuable as a platform to complete a collaborative research assignment because of portability, ease of use, and organization. Embedded resources within the environment were helpful because of the convenience. Other people, including peers and teachers, were the preferred source of help when problems navigating the environment or finding information arose. Students communicated within the virtual learning environment as a social outlet, a way to check in, and a means to offer content related comments. Ideally the study's findings will give insight into student experiences in a virtual learning environment in order to help educators design more effective learning experiences and incorporate useful supports within such environments.

Basiel, Anthony. "ePedagogy for virtual learning environments : professional doctorate." Thesis, Middlesex University, 2006. http://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/2536/.

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Three projects were conducted to generate data to validate the eLearning theories, models and pedagogical design principles[1] offered in the concluding chapter. Through this study the overall research question addressed is: ‘How can the learning process (a virtual learning environment event) be facilitated and supported through the research and development of web-based technology that is appropriately matched to eLearning pedagogy and online epistemology?’ The projects discussed are: Project 1: Educational Web-based Video Conferencing - This study aims to answer the question, ‘How can web-based video conferencing and related tool sets (white boards, shared desktop, text chat, recording utility, etc.) be pedagogically designed appropriately and applied to a virtual research environment (VRE) context to address the collaborative and support needs of trans-disciplinary (across subjects and levels) work based learning practitioner researchers? Project 2: eLearning Teaching Templates – This study will answer the research question, “How can eLearning model templates be used to promote the online teaching/learning process?” Project 3: VLE Denouement Profile methodology and Toolkit - The research question, ‘How can a common understanding of VLE design and implementation between the NCWBLP stakeholders be facilitated and supported?’ is addressed.

Weng, Ng Giap. "Modelling skill learning for augmented and virtual reality learning environments." Thesis, University of Salford, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.502807.

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Voss, Gleizer Bierhalz. "TCN5 - TEACHING COMPUTER NETWORKS IN A FREE IMMERSIVE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/5425.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Teaching technical themes in the area of Computer Networks involves difficult concepts to be understood in the traditional educational way, i.e. statically. At the same time, technological advances have created many opportunities in education, requiring the development of new pedagogical practices that contribute to the process of teaching and learning. The creation of immersive virtual environments and the addressing of issues related to context-aware computing can support this process. For that, in this dissertation it was developed an immersive virtual environment for teaching Computer Networks that uses learner context information -e.g. technology, cognitive style, and quality of context-, while providing a significant learning from the integration and interaction between users and technology. To achieve the objectives of this study, an exploratory research with a case study was performed in order to verify whether the use of an immersive virtual environment can facilitate and/or improve the process of learning the discipline of Computer Networks. The construction of this environment, named TCN5, has as basis four main elements, these being,WampServer, OpenSimulator, Sloodle and UVLEQoC Moodle, which adds features from modules like U-SEA 2.0 and SEDECA 2.0, in addition to Bootstrap theme, applying QoC parameters and metrics about the information collected in the environment, aiming to ensure the suitability of the connection for the preferences and needs of the students. In order to verify the practical feasibility of the work and the usage of the environment through mobile devices, a case study was conducted, which showed that despite mobile technologies allow the realization of most of the proposed activities, there are still some technological limitations that make difficult the usage of such devices in the educational context. At the same time, a comparative analysis between different viewers for virtual worlds was performed, pointing out advantages and disadvantages by considering aspects of available resources for processing and supported file types. Finally, a non-experimental study was conducted, using a Pedagogical Architecture, which served as the basis for the use and evaluation of the environment by a group of 25 students from the Computer Networks discipline of Computer Science program at the Federal University of Santa Maria. The results obtained during the evaluation with students accomplished the desired expectations, achieving a rating of "Excellent" on the scale of the SUS usability test and a considerable increase in the average obtained in the elaboration of the conceptual maps after using TCN5, an indication that the environment helped, at least in part, to the construction of knowledge of this group, despite the limitations and difficulties encountered during its development.
O ensino de temas técnicos na área de Redes de Computadores envolve conceitos difíceis de serem entendidos na forma pedagógica tradicional, ou seja, de forma estática. Ao mesmo tempo, os avanços tecnológicos criaram diversas possibilidades na educação, exigindo o desenvolvimento de novas práticas pedagógicas que contribuam para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. A criação de ambientes virtuais imersivos e o tratamento de questões relacionadas com a computação sensível ao contexto podem auxiliar nesse processo. Para isso, foi desenvolvido nesta dissertação um ambiente virtual imersivo para o ensino de Redes de Computadores que trata informações de contexto do aluno (e.g., tecnologia, estilo cognitivo e qualidade do contexto), proporcionando ao mesmo uma aprendizagem significativa, a partir da integração e interação entre usuários e tecnologia. Para atingir os objetivos deste trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com estudo de caso, a fim de verificar se a utilização de um ambiente virtual imersivo pode facilitar e/ou melhorar o processo de aprendizagem da disciplina de Redes de Computadores. A construção desse ambiente, denominado TCN5, teve como base quatro elementos principais, sendo esses, o WampServer, o OpenSimulator, o Sloodle e o Moodle UVLEQoC, que agrega as características tanto dos módulos U-SEA 2.0 e SEDECA 2.0 como do Tema Bootstrap, aplicando parâmetros e métricas de QoC sobre as informações coletadas no ambiente, com o objetivo de garantir que o contexto formulado esteja adequado às preferências e necessidades dos alunos. Para verificar a viabilidade prática do trabalho quanto à utilização do ambiente por meio do uso de dispositivos móveis foi realizado um estudo de caso, que demonstrou que apesar das tecnologias móveis permitirem a realização da maioria das atividades propostas, existem ainda algumas limitações tecnológicas que dificultam a utilização desses dispositivos no contexto educacional. Ao mesmo tempo, foi realizada uma análise comparativa entre os diversos visualizadores de mundos virtuais disponíveis, apontando vantagens e desvantagens, considerando aspectos de processamento, recursos disponibilizados e tipos de arquivos suportados. Por fim, foi realizado um estudo Não-Experimental utilizando uma Arquitetura Pedagógica, que serviu como base para a utilização e avaliação do ambiente por uma turma de 25 alunos da disciplina de Redes de Computadores do Curso de Ciência da Computação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Os resultados obtidos durante a avaliação com os alunos atenderam as expectativas, alcançando uma classificação Excelente na escala do teste de usabilidade SUS, bem como um aumento considerável na média obtida na elaboração dos mapas conceituais após a utilização do TCN5, um indício de que o ambiente auxiliou, pelo menos em parte, na construção do conhecimento dessa turma, apesar das limitações e dificuldades encontradas durante o seu desenvolvimento.

Osadiya, Taye Timothy. "The introduction of virtual learning environment e-learning technology at a sixth form college : a case study." Thesis, University of Leicester, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/9954.

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The use of technology to support teaching and learning in further education has moved from a mere experiment to become a fundamental part of many colleges' curriculum. This has brought a significant change into the FE colleges' operations and management of course delivery. A major part of that change has been intensified by the widespread introduction and use of VLE e-Learning technology. One of the characteristics of the technology is that it combines a variety of tools and resources into a single integrated system. To embed VLE into a college curriculum is not merely to employ a single intervention but to change the fabric of students and teachers' experiences of teaching and learning as well as that of the senior management of the institution concerned. In the past, much of the literature on VLEs has concentrated on studies which list and compare system functions, describing small scale and short term applications or providing speculative theories and predictions. Little attention has so far been paid to analysing what effects a VLE's use has on the participants particularly across a large group of users and over a long period of time. To this extent, this study presents an evaluation of the introduction and management of the recently introduced VLE e-Learning technology at a sixth form college. The study attempted to answer four fundamental questions: - How effective was the case study college in managing the introduction and implementation of the technological change to enhance the use of e-learning? - What was the impact of the VLE e-learning on teaching across the case study college? - What was the impact of the VLE e-learning technology on students' learning? - Did the VLE e-Learning technology cut the costs of course delivery? To answer these questions, a case study research method was used so as to have a real life scenario rather than making hypothetical statements. The impacts of the technology were carefully evaluated against the four stated questions by using the Davis Technology Acceptance Model and change management concepts. The study concluded that the introduction and management processes of a technological change in an academic institution play significant roles in its acceptance and use.

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