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Статті в журналах з теми "Towed sensor":


Curtis, C. S. "Towed underwater acoustic speed sensor." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 96, no. 3 (September 1994): 1942. http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.410216.

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Dugan, J. P., and B. W. Stalcup. "Comparison of Towed Conductivity Sensor Performance." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 5, no. 1 (February 1988): 116–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0426(1988)005<0116:cotcsp>2.0.co;2.

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Fraser, Douglas C., and Greg Hodges. "Induction-response functions for frequency-domain electromagnetic mapping system for airborne and ground configurations." GEOPHYSICS 72, no. 2 (March 2007): F35—F44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/1.2405845.

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A helicopter-towed electromagnetic (EM) sensor of the type typically flown in frequency-domain surveys may be towed over the ground on a trailer. The in-phase and quadrature components measured by a trailer-towed sensor will be dramatically different from those determined when the sensor is flown. For the airborne case, the in-phase and quadrature curves of the induction-response function are governed by the superposed-dipole behavior, in which flying height substantially exceeds the transmitting-receiving coil separation. In contrast, for a ground-based sensor, the coil separation substantially exceeds the sensor height, yielding the infinitely separated dipole case in which the sensor height is negligible compared to the coil separation. These two end cases — the superposed dipole and the infinitely separated dipole —yield EM amplitudes and phase angles that are very different from each other. For the superposed-dipole case of the airborne sensor, the in-phase component reaches a high positive value as the EM response approaches the inductive limit, whereas for the infinitely separated dipole case of the ground sensor, the in-phase component reaches a large negative value. Consequently, there must be a sensor height where the in-phase becomes zero at the inductive limit. This critical height is approximately 35% of the coil separation for the maximum coupled horizontal coplanar coils of the helicopter-towed EM system. The resolution of the ground sensor is superior to that of the airborne sensor, whereas the depth of exploration for the airborne sensor is superior to that of the ground sensor. This finding is to be expected from a consideration of the size of the footprint of the sensor.

Jahan, Kausar, and Koteswara Rao Sanagapallea. "Fusion of Angle Measurements from Hull Mounted and Towed Array Sensors." Information 11, no. 9 (September 9, 2020): 432. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/info11090432.

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Two sensor arrays, hull-mounted array, and towed array sensors are considered for bearings-only tracking. An algorithm is designed to combine the information obtained as bearing (angle) measurements from both sensor arrays to give a better solution. Using data from two different sensor arrays reduces the problem of observability and the observer need not follow the S-maneuver to attain observability of the process. The performance of the fusion algorithm is comparable to that of theoretical Cramer–Rao lower bound and with that of the algorithm when bearing measurements from a single sensor array are considered. Different filters are used for analyzing both algorithms. Monte Carlo runs need to be done to evaluate the performance of algorithms more accurately. Also, the performance of the fusion algorithm is evaluated in terms of solution convergence time.

Orji, Okwudili, Walter Söllner, and Leiv Jacob Gelius. "Imaging the sea surface using a dual-sensor towed streamer." GEOPHYSICS 75, no. 6 (November 2010): V111—V118. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/1.3496439.

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Sea-surface profile and reflection coefficient estimates are vital input parameters to various seismic data processing applications. The common assumption of a flat sea surface when processing seismic data can lead to misinterpretations and mislocations of events. A new method of imaging the sea surface from decomposed wavefields has been developed. Wavefield separation is applied to the data acquired by a towed dual-sensor streamer containing collocated pressure and vertical particle velocity sensors to obtain upgoing and downgoing wavefields of the related sensors. Time-gated upgoing and downgoing wavefields corresponding to a given sensor are then extrapolated to the sea surface where an imaging condition is applied so that the time-invariant shape of the sea surface can be recovered. By sliding the data time-window, the temporal changes of the sea surface can be correspondingly estimated. Ray tracing and finite-difference methods were used to generate different controlled data sets used in this feasibility study to demonstrate the imaging principle and to test the image accuracy. The method was also tested on a first field data example of a marginal weather line from the North Sea.

Barr, Frederick J. "Noise reference sensor for use in a dual sensor towed streamer." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114, no. 1 (2003): 23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.1601052.

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Day, Anthony, Tilman Klüver, Walter Söllner, Hocine Tabti, and David Carlson. "Wavefield-separation methods for dual-sensor towed-streamer data." GEOPHYSICS 78, no. 2 (March 1, 2013): WA55—WA70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/geo2012-0302.1.

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A dual-sensor towed streamer records the pressure and vertical component of particle motion associated with the incident wavefield that may be used to separate the wavefield into its up- and downgoing parts. This procedure requires information about the water properties (wave-propagation velocity and density) and is robust in the presence of errors in the estimation of these quantities of the magnitude likely to be encountered. In practice, the particle motion data recorded by current towed marine streamers encounter very strong mechanical noise such that, for the lowest frequencies, the wavefield separation must be approximated by deconvolving the ghost function from the pressure data. This procedure requires information about the streamer depth and is robust to small depth errors over the frequency range for which it is required for dual-sensor streamer processing, but it is much more sensitive if applied over the bandwidth necessary to deghost pressure data acquired at a conventional streamer depth. The signal-to-noise ratio can be further enhanced by recombining the up- and downgoing pressure fields at the sea surface, which has the effect of applying a ghostlike filter to noise that is recorded by only one of the two sensors. In practical marine acquisition scenarios, spatial sampling is often insufficient to yield an accurate result, especially in the crossline direction. If each streamer is processed independently assuming that the wavefield propagation is purely inline, significant errors can be introduced. For arrivals with high emergent angles, errors may also be introduced even if the wavefield propagation actually is purely inline due to incorrect treatment of spatially aliased energy. However, these effects are almost entirely confined to very shallow events. They can be mitigated by using independently derived information about the crossline propagation angle and, for data comprising predominantly forward scattered energy, appropriate application of linear moveout.

Korte, Holger. "Track Control of a Towed Underwater Sensor Carrier." IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33, no. 9 (June 2000): 89–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s1474-6670(17)38129-6.

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Capps, Rodger N. "Exploratory materials development for towed array sensor systems." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 94, no. 3 (September 1993): 1840. http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.407751.

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Lampert, Astrid, Jörg Hartmann, Falk Pätzold, Lennart Lobitz, Peter Hecker, Katrin Kohnert, Eric Larmanou, Andrei Serafimovich, and Torsten Sachs. "Comparison of Lyman-alpha and LI-COR infrared hygrometers for airborne measurement of turbulent fluctuations of water vapour." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11, no. 4 (May 2, 2018): 2523–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/amt-11-2523-2018.

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Abstract. To investigate if the LI-COR humidity sensor can be used as a replacement of the Lyman-alpha sensor for airborne applications, the measurement data of the Lyman-alpha and several LI-COR sensors are analysed in direct intercomparison flights on different airborne platforms. One vibration isolated closed-path and two non-isolated open-path LI-COR sensors were installed on a Dornier 128 twin engine turbo-prop aircraft. The closed-path sensor provided absolute values and fluctuations of the water vapour mixing ratio in good agreement with the Lyman-alpha. The signals of the two open-path sensors showed considerable high-frequency noise, and the absolute value of the mixing ratio was observed to drift with time in this vibrational environment. On the helicopter-towed sensor system Helipod, with very low vibration levels, the open-path LI-COR sensor agreed very well with the Lyman-alpha sensor over the entire frequency range up to 3 Hz. The results show that the LI-COR sensors are well suited for airborne measurements of humidity fluctuations, provided that a vibrationless environment is given, and this turns out to be more important than close sensor spacing.

Дисертації з теми "Towed sensor":


Tillet, Joris. "Safe localization and control of a towed sensor." Thesis, Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021ENTA0013.

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L’exploration des océans devient de plus en plus accessible, notamment grâce aux avancées en robotique. Les applications pour les robots sous-marins sont nombreuses. Dans cette thèse, on s’intéresse particulièrement à la recherche d’épaves, telle que celle de La Cordelière, qui a coulé dans la Rade de Brest en 1512. Le système robotique proposé consiste à tracter un magnétomètre susceptible de détecter les matériaux ferromagnétiques de l’épave. Le capteur ne peut pas être directement embarqué car il est sensible aux perturbations du robot. C’est pourquoi il est déporté. Deux problématiques sont alors étudiées pour appréhender ce système. La première est liée au contrôle de la position du magnétomètre alors que l’on ne peut agir que sur le robot tractant. Une méthode de linéarisation par bouclage est alors utilisée pour construire un contrôleur. Ce contrôleur est ensuite validé sous certaines contraintes d’état en utilisant des outils d’analyse par intervalles. La seconde problématique concerne la localisation sous l’eau de manière fiable. Sont alors étudiés des moyens d’appréhender les incertitudes et les données aberrantes collectées par un capteur acoustique. L’analyse par intervalles permet d’obtenir des premiers résultats, et la logique floue vient compléter l’approche en donnant plus de souplesse dans la priorisation des contraintes. Finalement, des expérimentations sont présentées avec différents robots, et notamment la localisation d’un ROV dans une piscine
The oceans’ exploration becomes more and more reachable, especially thanks to robotics progress. Applications for underwater robots are plentiful. In this thesis, we particularly focus on the search of wrecks, as the Cordelière, which sank in the Bay of Brest (France) in 1512. The proposed robotic system consists of towing a magnetometer likely to detect the ferromagnetic materials of the wreck. The sensor cannot be directly embedded because it is sensitive to the perturbations from the robot. This is why it is deported. Two issues are studied to approach this system. The first one is linked to the control of the magnetometer’s position, whereas we can only act on the towing robot. A feedback linearization method is used to design a controller. Then, this controller is validated under some state constraints by using tools from interval analysis. The second issue relates to underwater localization in a reliable manner. Ways to approach uncertainties and outliers gathered by acoustic sensors are studied. The interval analysis allows to obtain first results, and the fuzzy logic completes the approach by giving more suppleness in the prioritization of the constraints. Finally, some expérimentations are presented with different robots, and especially the localization of a ROV in a pool

Meng, Rui Daniel. "Design and implementation of sensor fusion for the towed synthetic aperture sonar." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/1199.

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For synthetic aperture imaging, position and orientation deviation is of great concern. Unknown motions of a Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) can blur the reconstructed images and degrade image quality considerably. Considering the high sensitivity of synthetic aperture imaging technique to sonar deviation, this research aims at providing a thorough navigation solution for a free-towed synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) comprising aspects from the design and construction of the navigation card through to data postprocessing to produce position, velocity, and attitude information of the sonar. The sensor configuration of the designed navigation card is low-cost Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) Magnetic, Angular Rate, and Gravity (MARG) sensors including three angular rate gyroscopes, three dual-axial accelerometers, and a triaxial magnetic hybrid. These MARG sensors are mounted orthogonally on a standard 180mm Eurocard PCB to monitor the motions of the sonar in six degrees of freedom. Sensor calibration algorithms are presented for each individual sensor according to its characteristics to precisely determine sensor parameters. The nonlinear least square method and two-step estimator are particularly used for the calibration of accelerometers and magnetometers. A quaternion-based extended Kalman filter is developed based on a total state space model to fuse the calibrated navigation data. In the model, the frame transformations are described using quaternions instead of other attitude representations. The simulations and experimental results are demonstrated in this thesis to verify the capability of the sensor fusion strategy.

Ekdahl, Filipsson Fabian. "Trajectory and Pulse Optimization for Active Towed Array Sonar using MPC and Information Measures." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för systemteknik, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-420532.

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In underwater tracking and surveillance, the active towed array sonar presents a way of discovering and tracking adversarial submerged targets that try to stay hidden. The configuration consist of listening and emitting hydrophones towed behind a ship. Moreover, it has inherent limitations, and the characteristics of sound in the ocean are complex. By varying the pulse form emitted and the trajectory of the ship the measurement accuracy may be improved. This type of optimization constitutes a sensor management problem. In this thesis, a model of the tracking scenario has been constructed derived from Cramér-Rao bound analyses. A model predictive control approach together with information measures have been used to optimize a filter's estimated state of the target. For the simulations, the MATLAB environment has been used. Different combinations of decision horizons, information measures and variations of the Kalman filter have been studied. It has been found that the accuracy of the Extended Kalman filter is too low to give consistent results given the studied information measures. However, the Unscented Kalman filter is sufficient for this purpose.

Martin, Gregory Isaac. "Legitimizing the Senses and Provoking Emotions." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/33309.

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Davalbhakta, Aneesh. "Improved configurations of sensors for the measurement of tower footing resistance a thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate School, Tennessee Technological University /." Click to access online, 2008. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=0&did=1597632921&SrchMode=1&sid=4&Fmt=6&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1279309880&clientId=28564.

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Upadrashta, Raviteja. "Design and Development of a Passive Infra-Red-Based Sensor Platform for Outdoor Deployment." Thesis, 2017. http://etd.iisc.ernet.in/2005/3439.

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This thesis presents the development of a Sensor Tower Platform (STP) comprised of an array of Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensors along with a classification algorithm that enables the STP to distinguish between human intrusion, animal intrusion and clutter arising from wind-blown vegetative movement in an outdoor environment. The research was motivated by the aim of exploring the potential use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) as an early-warning system to help mitigate human-wildlife conflicts occurring at the edge of a forest. While PIR sensors are in commonplace use in indoor settings, their use in an outdoor environment is hampered by the fact that they are prone to false alarms arising from wind-blown vegetation. Every PIR sensor is made up of one or more pairs of pyroelectric pixels arranged in a plane, and the orientation of interest in this thesis is one in which this plane is a vertical plane, i.e., a plane perpendicular to the ground plane. The intersection of the Field Of View (FOV) of the PIR sensor with a second vertical plane that lies within the FOV of the PIR sensor, is called the virtual pixel array (VPA). The structure of the VPA corresponding to the plane along which intruder motion takes place determines the form of the signal generated by the PIR sensor. The STP developed in this thesis employs an array of PIR sensors designed so as to result in a VPA that makes it easier to discriminate between human and animal intrusion while keeping to a small level false alarms arising from vegetative motion. The design was carried out in iterative fashion, with each successive iteration separated by a lengthy testing phase. There were a total of 5 design iterations spanning a total period of 14 months. Given the inherent challenges involved in gathering data corresponding to animal intrusion, the testing of the SP was carried out both using real-world data and through simulation. Simulation was carried out by developing a tool that employed animation software to simulate intruder and animal motion as well as some limited models of wind-blown vegetation. More specifically, the simulation tool employed 3-dimensional models of intruder and shrub motion that were developed using the popular animation software Blender. The simulated output signal of the PIR sensor was then generated by calculating the area of the 3-dimensional intruder when projected onto the VPA of the STP. An algorithm for efficiently calculating this to a good degree of approximation was implemented in Open Graphics Library (OpenGL). The simulation tool was useful both for evaluating various competing design alternatives as well as for developing an intuition for the kind of signals the SP would generate without the need for time-consuming and challenging animal-motion data collection. Real-world data corresponding to human motion was gathered on the campus of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), while animal data was recorded at a dog-trainer facility in Kengeri as well as the Bannerghatta Biological Park, both located in the outskirts of Bengaluru. The array of PIR sensors was designed so as to result in a VPA that had good spatial resolution. The spatial resolution capabilities of the STP permitted distinguishing between human and animal motion with good accuracy based on low-complexity, signal-energy computations. Rejecting false alarms arising from vegetative movement proved to be more challenging. While the inherent spatial resolution of the STP was very helpful, an alternative approach turned out to have much higher accuracy, although it is computationally more intensive. Under this approach, the intruder signal, either human or animal, was modelled as a chirp waveform. When the intruder moves along a circular arc surrounding the STP, the resulting signal is periodic with constant frequency. However, when the intruder moves along a more likely straight-line path, the resultant signal has a strong chirp component. Clutter signals arising from vegetative motion does not exhibit this chirp behavior and an algorithm that exploited this difference turned in a classification accuracy in excess of 97%.

Tseng, Kuan-Chieh, and 曾冠傑. "Factor Analysis of Latency Uncertainty in a TSCH based Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Network for Transmission Tower Monitoring." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/76d4m5.

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The temperature, current and inclination angles are continuous collecting and monitoring in the application of transmission tower monitoring, and these data need to be transfer over the wireless channel to the remote gateway reliably and periodically. Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) is a suitable transmission technology to achieve this goal. TSCH combines the concepts of TDMA and frequency hopping to increase the reliability of communication and data transmission in a fixed interval. However, the implementation of TSCH requires dividing the time slot precisely, while several hardware and software factors introduce various latency uncertainties and affect performance of TSCH system. This study adapts transmission tower monitoring as an example application to analyze the latency uncertainty of different software and hardware factors, and discuss how to improve the hardware and software architecture according to different requirements.

Книги з теми "Towed sensor":


Riley, Andrew George. Signal processing for towed arrays in the presence of imprecisely known sensor locations. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1992.

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San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. City Services Auditor Division. Board of Supervisors: North Tower Environmental, Inc. did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2007.

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San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. City Services Auditor Division. Board of Supervisors: San Francisco Senior Action Network did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2006.

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San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. City Services Auditor Division. Board of Supervisors: Political activity audit : Footloose Dance Company, Inc. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2006.

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Division, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project, Inc. did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2007.

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San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. City Services Auditor Division. Board of Supervisors: A review of RCN Telecom Services, Inc. franchise fee payments. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2006.

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San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. City Services Auditor Division. Board of Supervisors: A review of Comcast of California III, Inc.'s franchise fee payments 2003 through 2005. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2007.

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San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. City Services Auditor Division. Board of Supervisors: NRG Energy Center San Francisco LLC owes additional franchise fees for 2003 through 2005. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2006.

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San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. City Services Auditor Division. Board of Supervisors: The Family School did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2007.

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San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. City Services Auditor Division. Board of Supervisors: Plaza Apartment Associates did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2007.

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Частини книг з теми "Towed sensor":


Riley, J. L., D. A. Gray, and B. G. Ferguson. "Estimating the Shape of a Towed Array of Hydrophones Using Both Acoustic and Non-Acoustic Sensor Techniques." In Acoustic Signal Processing for Ocean Exploration, 225–30. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-1604-6_22.

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Vergara, José Antonio, Rafael Castro-Triguero, David Bullejos, Rafael Gallego, and Diego Zamora. "Optimal Sensor Placement for Structural Health Monitoring of Power Transmission Tower-Line Systems." In Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4, 415–22. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-6555-3_45.

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Jamil, Taimur. "Crown Castle Towers LLC, Senior Secured Tower Revenue Notes, Series 2005-1." In Introduction to Structured Finance, 321–34. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781119197249.app5.

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Aldinger, Lotte, Simon Bechert, Dylan Wood, Jan Knippers, and Achim Menges. "Design and Structural Modelling of Surface-Active Timber Structures Made from Curved CLT - Urbach Tower, Remstal Gartenschau 2019." In Impact: Design With All Senses, 419–32. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29829-6_33.

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Voet, Eli, Geert Luyckx, Ives De Baere, Joris Degrieck, J. Vlekken, E. Jacobs, and Hartmut Bartelt. "High Strain Monitoring during Fatigue Loading of Thermoplastic Composites Using Imbedded Draw Tower Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors." In Emboding Intelligence in Structures and Integrated Systems, 441–46. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/3-908158-13-3.441.

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Burt, R., J. Aiken, T. J. Dunning, and R. Williams. "A proposed new ship-of-opportunity towed vehicle and sensor suite designed for coastal, shelf and ocean basin survey." In Elsevier Oceanography Series, 119–24. Elsevier, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0422-9894(97)80017-7.

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Hu, Xie, Huikun Pei, Bingcai Liu, Chen Wang, and Changjin Hao. "Real Time Warning Model of Transmission Tower Tilt Based on Multi-Sensor Data." In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/faia210220.

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Transmission line operation environment is complex, prone to tilt collapse accident, so a transmission tower tilt real-time early warning model based on multi-sensor data is established to judge whether the tower is stable operation by detecting the tilt state of the early warning tower. The pressure and inclination sensors are deployed at different positions of the transmission tower to collect the inclination and stress of the tower in real time, and transmit them to the remote monitoring terminal through the wireless network to send out an alarm. The operators can timely adjust according to the alarm situation to maintain the safe operation of the transmission line. The experimental results show that the model can realize the real-time warning of transmission tower tilt, the measurement accuracy can meet the needs of comprehensive detection of tower state, and the application can effectively ensure the safety of staff and reduce the work intensity.

Zugasti, E., L. E. Mujica, J. Anduaga, and F. Martinez. "An Implementation of a Complete Methodology for Wind Energy Structures Health Monitoring." In Emerging Design Solutions in Structural Health Monitoring Systems, 274–99. IGI Global, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-8490-4.ch012.

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In this chapter a complete methodology for a SHM damage detection solution is explained, and how this is validated in a laboratory tower model. Several methodologies are proposed for the typical process of SHM. Starting with sensor placement (the best possible sensor locations are found), selecting the more representative data, classifying the different environmental and operational conditions, applying a damage detection methodology, including sensor fault detection. The paradigm of damage detection can be tackled as a pattern recognition problem (comparison between the data collected from the structure without damages and the current structure in order to determine if there are any changes). There are lots of techniques that can handle the problem. In this work, accelerometer data is used to develop statistical data driven approaches for the detection of damages in structures. As the methodology is designed for wind turbines, only the output data is used to detect damage; the excitation of the wind turbine is provided by the wind itself or by the sea waves, being those unknown and unpredictable.

Hadžić, Lejla, Elena Mamani, and Anisa Lloja. "The Post-earthquake Recovery of Tower C in Durrës, Albania." In Heritage Reconstruction and People: Integrated Recovery After Trauma, 309–19. Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.56500/c-r2039.

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After the devastating earthquake that struck Albania on 26 November 2019, Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania launched a recovery project for one of the Roman-era towers of Durrës city walls. Tower C had partially collapsed, exposing three phases of historical development: the turn of the 5th to the 6th century C. E., the 13th century, and the 17th century. Destruction of this valuable heritage site at the centre of the largest port city in Albania prompted considerable reaction from the citizens of Durrës and the recovery process is being kept under tight scrutiny by both the local and the professional community. The site is visited by scores of locals every day, each with a different opinion of what to do and whether or not to reconstruct. This chapter explores aspects of stakeholder inclusion, drawing on our experience engaging and empowering professionals and local communities through conservation processes. The site is being used to bring together senior and ancillary craftspeople, professors and students, and senior and young professionals, so that the conservation process can serve continuous intergenerational learning and exchange. Training and engagement with the real challenges involved in any new conservation provides them an exceptional opportunity to learn about cultural heritage and their selves. Working together means challenging and hopefully overcoming differences and animosities.

Moland, Lydia L. "Externality as Symbol." In Hegel's Aesthetics, 151–76. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190847326.003.0007.

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Architecture is the first of Hegel’s “individual arts”—which also include sculpture, painting, music, and poetry—discussed in Part III of his lectures on aesthetics. These arts are defined by the senses they engage. Architecture’s task is to give shape to tactile materials in order to house the spiritual. Hegel describes architecture’s origins in the Tower of Babel and figures representing natural forces, then considers the emergence of architecture proper in Egyptian pyramids. Architecture reached its highest point in the classical world, where its function—housing the spiritual—was made explicit by structures that balanced the organic and the mathematical. Romantic architecture, for instance the gothic splendor of the Cologne Cathedral, instead hides its functionality and becomes more sculptural. Hegel also discusses horticulture as an example of humans defining space in an architectural way.

Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Towed sensor":


Morris, W., R. Hill, and M. Karweit. "Towed Ocean Sensor System (TOSS)." In OCEANS '87. IEEE, 1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/oceans.1987.1160848.

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Tenghamn, R., S. Vaage, and C. Borresen. "GeoStreamer, a Dual-sensor Towed Marine Streamer." In 70th EAGE Conference and Exhibition - Workshops and Fieldtrips. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.20147611.

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Rao, Wei, Yongming Hu, Zhengliang Hu, and Shuidong Xiong. "Towed vector fiber optic sensor used in ocean seismic exploration." In OFS2012 22nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensor, edited by Yanbiao Liao, Wei Jin, David D. Sampson, Ryozo Yamauchi, Youngjoo Chung, Kentaro Nakamura, and Yunjiang Rao. SPIE, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.975227.

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Söllner, Walter, Svein Vaage, David Carlson, Martin Widmaier, Anthony Day, and Stephen Pharez and Maz Farouki. "Marine Acquisition and Processing Using Dual Sensor Towed Streamer." In PGCE 2008. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609-pdb.258.gp01.

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Widmaier, M. T., A. Day, C. Reiser, and A. Long. "Enhanced Seismic Resolution from Dual Sensor Towed Streamer Acquisition." In EAGE/SEG Research Workshop - Frequency Attenuation and Resolution of Seismic Data 2009. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.20147489.

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Qiu, Qianbao. "A data transmission method for towed line array." In 2013 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation & Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation (IMSNA). IEEE, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/imsna.2013.6743459.

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Söllner, Walter, Svein Vaage, David Carlson, Martin Widmaier, and Anthony Day and Stephen Pharez. "A dual-sensor towed marine streamer cable: Acquisition and processing." In GEO 2008. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609-pdb.246.326.

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Sollner, W., E. Brox, M. Widmaier, and S. Vaage. "Surface Related Multiple Suppression in Dual-sensor Towed Streamer Data." In 70th EAGE Conference and Exhibition - Workshops and Fieldtrips. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.20147751.

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Söllner, Walter, Eli Brox, Martin Widmaier, and Svein Vaage. "Surface‐related multiple suppression in dual‐sensor towed‐streamer data." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2007. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/1.2792994.

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Orji, Okwudili C., Walter Söllner, and Leiv J. Gelius. "Imaging the sea surface using a dual‐sensor towed streamer." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2009. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/1.3255449.

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Звіти організацій з теми "Towed sensor":


Myrick, Richard K. Detecting Temperature Anomalies in Towed Sensor System Data. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada297961.

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Nelson, H. H., B. Barrow, T. Bell, R. S. Jones, and B. SanFilipo. Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic Induction Sensors for the Multi-Sensor Towed Array Detection System. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, November 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada409115.

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McDonald, J. R., and Herbert H. Nelson. Man-Portable Adjuncts for the Multi-Sensor Towed Array Detection System (MTADS). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada607108.

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Cook, DR. Tower Temperature and Humidity Sensors (TWR) Handbook. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1020277.

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Greinert, Jens. Mine Monitoring in the German Baltic Sea 2020; Dumped munition monitoring AL548, 03rd – 16th November 2020, Kiel (Germany) – Kiel (Germany) „MineMoni-II 2020“. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.3289/cr_al548.

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ALKOR cruise AL548 took place as part of the EMFF (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund)-funded project BASTA (Boost Applied munition detection through Smart data inTegration and AI workflows; https://www.basta-munition.eu) and as continuation of the munition monitoring started within the BMBF-funded project UDEMM (Environmental Monitoring for the Delaboration of Munition in the Sea; https://udemm.geomar.de/). In October 2018, a first cruise (POS530 MineMoni2018) was conducted, to gather data for a broad baseline study in the German Baltic Sea. Results show a moderate contamination level on regional and coastal scale, but indicate higher levels for specific local areas. Within UDEMM, expertise was developed to detect, exactly locate and monitor munition (e.g. torpedoes, sea mines, ground mines) on the seafloor using optical and hydroacoustic means. In addition, chemical analyses of dissolved contaminants in the water and sediments was performed. Data acquired during this cruise are used in BASTA, which aims for enhanced munition detection via AUV-based artificial intelligence applied on multi-sensor datasets. At the same time, the project ExPloTect (Ex-situ, near-real-time exPlosive compound deTection in seawater) (also EMFF-funded) addresses the need for an innovative approach to detect explosive compounds in seawater. A prototype system was used and successfully tested for the first time during this cruise. The main focus was placed onto the two already known dumpsites Kolberger Heide and Lübeck Bight. Additionally, new areas Falshöft (Schleswig-Holstein) and Cadet Channel, Trollegrund and Großklützhöved (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) were explored. In each area high-resolution multibeam mapping was performed and contact lists, indicating potential munition objects were produced on board. AUV surveys were conducted to ground-truth possible contacts via detailed photograph and magnetometer mapping. This was complemented with towed video (TV)-CTD profiles. The transits to and between those sites were planned along former constraint routes during WWII. These routes were main targets of the British Air Force and mines and bombs can be expected along these ways. During transits water samples were taken with on a CTD- (conductivity, temperature, depth) rosette-mounted Niskin bottles in regular distances, in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding munition compounds (inter alia trinitrotoluene (TNT)) measurements across the German Baltic Sea.

Andrews, Anne M., Erik Rosen, and Isaac Chappell. Review of Unexploded Ordnance Detection Demonstrations at the Badlands Bombing Range--NRL Multisensor Towed-Array Detection System (MTADS) and ORNL High-Sense Helicopter-Mounted Magnetic Mapping (HM3) System. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada400144.

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