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Статті в журналах з теми "Training in professional ethics":


Hooke, Alexander E. "Training Police in Professional Ethics." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 12, no. 3 (August 1996): 264–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/104398629601200305.

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Throughout the twentieth century, efforts have been made by police agencies to achieve professional status. However, it remains problematic if police work can be conceptualized as being that of professionals. This paper argues that while the objections to calling the police a profession as well as the disjunctives between public perceptions and those of the police themselves are sometimes great, claims to professional status can be legitimate. Tables are developed to show how training can both identify tensions and provide ethical resolutions. Such training in ethics is viewed as a way to help police become professionals and minimize many of the serious errors that law enforcement agencies are currently under attack for allegedly committing and/or condoning.

Bergenhenegouwen, G. J. "Professional code and ethics for training professionals." Journal of European Industrial Training 20, no. 4 (June 1996): 23–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03090599610117054.

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Araya, Carlos. "On ethics and professional training." Journal of Oral Research 7, no. 4 (April 27, 2018): 118–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.17126/joralres.2018.039.

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Zozulyak-Sluchyk, Roksoliana. "BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE SYSTEM OF FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE SPECIALISTS IN THE SOCIAL SPHERE." Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: «Pedagogy. Social Work», no. 1(48) (May 27, 2021): 153–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.24144/2524-0609.2021.48.153-156.

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The problem of ethics is acute in the modern Ukraine.Its relevance is due to the general level of our society, the low level of social responsibility for what is done in society in all its spheres and what society does. We come across misunderstandings, disrespect for ethics all the time in the process of our lives. Higher education also does not pay due attention to the formation of professional ethics of future professionals. The relevance of the topic is due to the need of Ukrainian society for social workers with a high level of professional ethics and responsibility for performing professional duties and solving complex life problems of the social sphere, as well as updating the search for an effective pedagogical system of professional and ethical competence of future social workers. The aim of the article is a scientific reasoning and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the pedagogical system of formation of professional and ethical competence of future specialists in the social sphere to improve the quality of their professional training. The following research methods are used in the article: logical-structural analysis – to determine the essence and structure of the concept: «professional and ethical competence of future professionals in the social sphere»; structural-systematic analysis – to ensure the complexity of reasoning of the concept and structure of the pedagogical system of formation of professional and ethical competence; modeling – to develop a model for the formation of professional and ethical competence of future professionals in the social sphere; questionnaire-diagnostic methods (questionnaires, testing, interviews, diagnostics) – to establish the effectiveness of the pedagogical system of formation of professional and ethical competence of future specialists in the social sphere. As a result of our research, a pedagogical system of formation of professional and ethical competence of future social specialists was developed and experimentally tested that its effectiveness is ensured by the principles of systemic, humanistic, deontological, axiological, acmeological, personal-activity, subject-subject, competence, andragogical approaches, specific principles, pedagogical conditions and factors. It was based on the author's concept of formation of professional and ethical competence and a model aimed at the formation of moral and ethical values, professional and ethical knowledge, skills and personal-moral and professionally important qualities during training was designed. The obtained results allow us to state that the diagnosis of professional and ethical competence was carried out at the ascertaining and formative stages of the experiment, gave us the opportunity to compare the levels of professional ethics of students of the studied groups and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the proposed author’s pedagogical system.

Kucner, Lauren K. "Professional Ethics Training for Engineering Firms." Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 119, no. 2 (April 1993): 170–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(asce)1052-3928(1993)119:2(170).

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Semenoh, Olena, and Olena Kravchenko. "PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN LINGUA-CULTURAL DIMENSIONS: AMERICAN EXPERIENCE." Aesthetics and Ethics of Pedagogical Action, no. 16 (September 9, 2017): 70–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.33989/2226-4051.2017.16.175981.

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The article outlines the concepts "nurse", "professional ethics of nurses." The professional ethics of nurses has been defined as a component of medical ethics which studies moral consciousness, moral and ethical aspects of professional activity, moral principles and values that regulate the moral relationship between s nurse and s patient, the patient's family, other members of the medical community and community. The analysis of foreign and Ukrainian experience of formation of nurses’ professional ethics gives grounds to characterize the quality as a set of interrelated cognitive, praxeological, communicative components; their presence allows to interact productively with the professional and social environment on the basis of professionally important ethical knowledge, skills, professional important qualities that are aimed at the effective organization of the medical-preventive process and the solution of professional tasks. The content of the professional ethics of a future nurse consists of ethical categories and professionally important ethical qualities such as: professional duty, responsibility, dignity, conscience, honor, respect, mercy, empathy, tolerance.The peculiarities of educational programs of future licensed younger nurses training (LPN) in the United States aimed at the formation of professional ethics have been outlined. A review of the linguistic- cultural aspect of the formation of nurses’ professional ethics at American higher education institutions has been conducted. The experience of classes on "Nursing Ethics", "Foreign Language" at Cherkasy Medical Academy has been presented; they are aimed at understanding the world of the profession, the culture of communication in medical community, ethical behavior, moral relations, prevention of conflict situations, and provision of psychological support.

Verbovska, R. I. "DEONTOLOGICAL APPROACH TOWARD PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE DENTAL DOCTORS." Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини: Вісник Української медичної стоматологічної академії 19, no. 1 (April 26, 2019): 93–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.31718/2077-1096.19.1.93.

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The article is devoted to the issues of medical ethics and deontology, the essence of the deontological approach to the training of future dental doctors. The moral and ethical components are one of the important criteria demonstrating the readiness of future doctors to a high quality professional activity that would meet at demands of the latest medical achievements. Modern medical reform requires the improvement of the medical education system in order to prepare highly skilled health care specialists. A new generation of healthcare professionals should continuously improve and deepen their professional knowledge, be quick in handling complicated clinical situations and making adequate decisions, and demonstrate a high level of deontological culture. Scientists point out the growing requirements for the professional training of the doctors in general and for the level of their deontological culture in particular: "A few decades ago, the content of medical ethics was exhausted by two problems: first, the rules of the behaviour of medical personnel in relation to patients, and, secondly, the rules of the relationship in the medical corporation Today, radical revisions are subject to traditional problems, as well as many new problems. All this led to the need for an integrated approach to these problems and, above all, to the need and integration of theoretical and practical medicine and ethics". General moral and ethical requirements for the activities of medical workers are represented in a number of leading state and international regulatory documents that regulate the theoretical, organizational and methodological basis for the training of future health care professionals and outline the main directions toward the fostering their deontological culture, namely: the International Code of Medical Ethics adopted The General Assembly of the World Medical Association (London, 1949), the provisions of the Geneva Declaration (International Oath of Physicians) (1948), the Ethical Code Doctor I of Ukraine (2009), the Concept of development of public health care for the population of Ukraine "(2000) and others. In this regard, one of the most pressing issues the modern medical institutions of higher education are facing is to raise deontological culture among the future doctors. After all, the unfair performance of doctor’s professional duties, careless or non-ethical attitude to the patient can lead to undesirable and even tragic consequences. Each of us, seeking for a doctor’s advice, wants to be sure of his / her high professional and moral qualities. This imposes a huge responsibility on the doctors and the system of their professional training, because health and life are the most valuable treasure that a person can possess. The doctors of all specialties, including those in dentistry, have a direct relation to the performance of their professional duties by their general professional training, responsibility, decency, respectful attitude to colleagues and patients, high personal culture. These components are the essence of the deontological approach to the training of future dental doctors. If the dentists perform their work poorly, in most cases this remains unnoticed by the patient and does not cause any special conflicts. In such cases, the professional ethics of the doctors and their decency are of particular importance. It is the deontological approach to the training of future dentists that ensures fostering their moral and ethical standards, the acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities, their awareness of moral and ethical values, the development of the required traits of character. Among the prospects for further research within this direction we can single out the synthesis of the results obtained by of the analysis of scientific sources in order to distinguish the actual aspects of the training of future dental doctors.

Suvachittanont, Wilailuck. "An Improvement of Content and Teaching Methods for Codes of Conduct and Ethics in Mass Communication Courses of Thailand’s Universities." Journal of Education and Vocational Research 6, no. 2 (June 30, 2015): 61–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.22610/jevr.v6i2.190.

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This research examines the content about ethical issues in Thailand’s mass communication courses, teaching methods and guidelines for improving the content and teaching methods about codes of conduct cultivation. This research uses 3 methods in collecting data: content analysis of syllabus in mass communication courses, focus group of experts and in-depth interviews of instructors and professionals. The results show that most media courses emphasize every-day life and professional ethics. Their main content focuses on principles law and ethics which are taught by lecture in classes without any professional organizations’ collaboration. Most instructors and students do not aware of the significance of mass communication ethics’ courses. Guidelines for improving content and teaching methods which suggested by experts and instructors are: 1) collaborating of third parties—mass communication/professional organizations, institutions and enterprises 2) emphasizing practices in reallife situations/scenarios and discussions 3) training and adjusting instructors’ attitudes toward mass communication’s ethics including a role model 4) updating ethical courses’ content and interposing it in every course.

Kont, Kate-Riin, Kateriina Rannula, and Kristiina Puura. "Professional Ethical Aspects in the Study and Internship Environment: Research in Tallinn Health Care College." Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia 46 (September 8, 2021): 148–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.15388/actpaed.46.2021.10.

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The exposure of healthcare professionals to (un)ethical situations starts in the educational institution, and the first serious cases occur during internships. The aim of the current study is to investigate the problems and causes (concerning unethical situations) related to students’ perception of ethics in the study and practice environment and to describe the awareness of Tallinn Health Care College’s students of professional ethics and the use of existing support systems in solving unethical problems.The findings indicated the importance of ethical communication and behaviour by all respondents. Empathy, ethical feedback, and confidentiality were perceived to be an integral part of ethical standards within the study and training environment. Respondents pointed out that ethical issues may occur not only between a health care professional and a patient, but also between a health care professional and doctor, supervisor, or teacher. A practical approach to ethical decision-making integrated into professional training has been assessed by all respondents.

Wilson, Linda S., and Victor A. Ranft. "The State of Ethical Training for Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students." Counseling Psychologist 21, no. 3 (July 1993): 445–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0011000093213009.

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Ethics training in graduate psychology programs has blossomed in the last decade but the debate continues regarding how graduate ethics training should be taught. Although an effective model of ethics training is being discussed among professors, student input has been negligible and information from students in counseling psychology programs nonexistent. The present study surveyed student representatives from APA-accredited doctoral programs in professional psychology for 1990 on their exposure and type of ethics education as well as their perception of preparedness to deal with ethical dilemmas. Results indicate that 94% of the programs require training in ethics and that most students feel prepared for both legal and ethical issues that may arise in their professional roles. Students feel more prepared in the decision-making process than in factual information of ethics; this finding was surprising given that the reported emphasis of their training was much stronger on content than on process.

Дисертації з теми "Training in professional ethics":


Whiting, Denise. "Conceptions of professional ethics and professional codes in education." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/1983/5f483e2f-9631-4ec6-82f9-ce7e21a43721.

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Skalbeck, Paul A. "Key components to an effective ethics training program." Menomonie, WI : University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2007. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/thesis/2007/2007skalbeckp.pdf.

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Oliveira, Anthony J. "Ethics and the principalship." Diss., This resource online, 1990. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-07282008-135736/.

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Chase, Nicole Marie. "A cognitive development approach to professional ethics training for counselor education students." W&M ScholarWorks, 1998. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539618273.

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The study examined the effects of integrating a cognitive-developmental approach with professional ethics training on the moral and conceptual development, self-presentation styles, and ethical decision-making skills of graduate counseling students. The sample was comprised of students who enrolled in counseling courses at the College of William and Mary. The ethics intervention group was compared to two groups; one group who received the traditionally taught ethics course, and one group who had not taken the ethics course at William and Mary. Instruments used included the Defining Issues Test (DIT), Paragraph Completion Method (PCM), and Concern For Appropriateness scale (CFA). Students were also administered an adapted format of the Moral Judgment Interview that depicted ethical dilemmas in counseling. The intervention methodologies used included the components of Deliberate Psychological Education (DPE), moral discussions, and a Conceptual Matching Model approach.;The results failed to support expectations that students in the intervention group would obtain significantly higher DIT and PCM post-test scores than the other two groups. A significant inverse relationship was only found between CFA and PCM pre-test scores. Stages 3-3 /4 levels of reasoning were largely used in responding to ethical dilemmas. A qualitative analysis of interview and journal responses indicated that the intervention course did impact students' personal and professional growth.

Chishimba, Felix Nkalamo. "Raising student teachers’awareness around issues of professional conduct : an action research project." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1016338.

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The teaching profession, like many other professions, has rules and regulations that guide the conduct of its members. Teachers and those who aspire to take up teaching are expected to conduct themselves and discharge their duties in an impeccably professional manner. However, there is concern especially among education authorities regarding unprofessional conduct of some of those employed in schools and colleges. This action research study is a response to this concern. Its goal was to explore issues of professional conduct as part of the induction process of new members entering the teaching profession, and to thereby develop a better understanding of how best to raise student teachers’ awareness around professional conduct issues. The study used a qualitative research framework located in the interpretive paradigm. Three theoretical frameworks informed the design and subsequent analysis of the findings, namely, Burn’s transformational leadership, Mezirow’s transformative learning and Kolb’s theory of experiential learning. Two cycles of workshops around issues of professional conduct were conducted over a period of four weeks with a sample of 40 pre-service student teachers: final year students enrolled in the college’s three year Diploma in Education programme, all members of a science education class. Data collection strategies used were semi-structured interviews, observation and the use of reflective journals, among others. Analysis of the data involved identification of emerging themes and patterns. Initial findings indicate that prior to the commencement of the cycles of action research, participants appeared to have a limited understanding around issues of professional conduct, but that this changed as they participated in the workshops. The data of the study suggest that further steps need to be taken to establish optimal ways of incorporating professional conduct issues into the college’s teaching curriculum.

Serra, Vizern Montse. "Education in ethical values: a pedagogical proposal for the training of ICT professionals." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/362637.

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Aquest treball de recerca investiga la formació en valors ètics dels professionals de les TIC amb l’objectiu de destacar un marc educatiu on portar a terme el procés d’aprenentatge dins de les escoles d’enginyeria. Aquest marc educatiu s’estudia a través de tres eixos principals: quin paper juga l’ètica dins del context de les TIC; quines implicacions morals té l’ètica professional; quins són els requeriments educatius essencials necessaris per tal que els professionals de les TIC puguin desenvolupar un perfil ètic adequat. Conseqüentment, les principals contribucions d’aquest treball són dues. En primer lloc, detectar les implicacions morals de la tecnologia i com aquestes configuren i influencien l’exercici pràctic diari del professional de les TIC. En segon lloc, proveir els estudiants de les escoles d’enginyeria d’una ètica professional, la qual és implementada mitjançant un conjunt de recursos metodològics i pedagògics, per tal d’ensenyar-los a treballar d’acord amb els valors socials conjunturals, els quals són la base per a un ensenyament ètic adient. Els enfocaments de recerca sobre els quals basem aquest estudi són tres: l’hermenèutica, l’ètica discursiva i l’ètica de la virtut, aplicades a l’àmbit de l’ètica professional. Aquests mitjans busquen suscitar i representar els diferents punts de vista i experiències dels estudiants quan s’enfronten a dilemes morals. Per això, aquests plantejaments de recerca, conjuntament amb les eines d’aprenentatge corresponents permeten als estudiants augmentar la seva consciència respecte les qüestions ètiques relacionades amb la seva construcció moral, alhora que desenvolupen l’expertesa tècnica pròpia de la titulació d’enginyeria. Així doncs, la proposta presentada proporciona un marc de treball que consta d’un conjunt educatiu de recursos basats en eines d’aprenentatge que permeten la reflexió de qüestions ètiques i l’assoliment d’un ensenyament centrat en la millora pràctica de l’estudiant d’enginyeria. Els resultats d’aquest estudi culminen amb les conclusions següents: 1. La necessitat d’emfatitzar que el comportament ètic és sempre necessari en l’exercici d’una professió social com l’enginyeria, però no només quan les coses van malament. 2. La incorporació d’una dimensió ètica que ens permeti analitzar les accions, les conseqüències i les responsabilitats respecte a la relació existent entre la tecnologia i la professió de l’enginyeria tenint en compte el context social on es desplega. 3. La cerca d’una ètica amb característiques pròpies implementada a través de mètodes, eines d’aprenentatge i recursos tecnològics. Tot això amb la mirada posada a realitzar bones pràctiques que potenciïn la sensibilitat ètica entre els estudiants d’enginyeria. Basant-nos en els resultats anteriors, el professorat i l’alumnat dels graus d’enginyeria, on les tecnologies de les TIC tenen un paper rellevant i de lideratge, haurien de ser capaços d’avaluar com aborden l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge ètic professional, si apunten per promoure una professió de qualitat i d’un evident vincle social, basada en una plena consciència de l’ètica dins de l’actual món professional de les TIC.
This study investigates the training in ethical values of ICT professionals with a view to highlighting an educative framework from which to carry out the learning process within engineering schools. This educative framework is explored through the following central points: what is the role of ethics within the context of ICT; what moral implications professional ethics has; what are the essential educative requirements that ICT professionals need to develop an appropriate ethical profile Consequently, the study’s principal contributions are twofold. On one hand, identifying moral involved with technology and how these shape the daily practical exercise in the scope of ICT professionals. On the other hand, providing the students of engineering schools with professional ethics by means of a set of methodological and pedagogical resources, in order to train students to work in accord with the relevant social values on which suitable ethics instruction is based. The research approaches employed in this study are three: the hermeneutic approach, the discursive ethics and the virtue ethics, applied within the field of professional ethics. These methods seek to elicit and represent the different perspectives and experiences of the students when facing ethical dilemmas. Thus, this research work approaches jointly the corresponding set of learning tools that allow students to raise their awareness regarding the ethical issues related to their moral construction, at the same time as they develop the technical expertise typical of an engineering degree. So this proposal provides a framework that consists of a set of educational resources based on learning tools that allow the deliberation of ethical issues, and the fulfilment of a training process aimed at the experiential improvement of the student of engineering. The study’s findings culminate in the following remarks: 1. The necessity of emphasizing that ethical behaviour is always appropriate in the exercise of a social profession such as engineering, not only when things goes wrong. 2. The incorporation of an ethical dimension that allows us to analyse the actions, outcomes and responsibilities with regard to the existing relationship between technology and the engineering profession taking into account the social context in which it is deployed. 3. The search for an ethics with typical features implemented through appropriate methods, learning tools, and technological resources. All of this with the aim of achieving good practice which strengthens ethical sensitivity among the students of engineering. Based on the preceding results, teaching staff and the student body of engineering degrees, where ICT technologies have an prominent and leading role, should be able to evaluate how they approach ethical professional training and learning, if they aim to promote a profession of quality and of clear social connectivity, based on a full awareness of the ethics within the current ICT professional world.

Savvides, Savvas. "Education and ethnic minorities : the political, institutional and professional responses in the United Kingdom." Thesis, Goldsmiths College (University of London), 1987. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.284192.

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Meyers, Jared James. "Training Security Professionals in Social Engineering with OSINT and Sieve." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2018. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/6863.

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This research attempts to create a novel process, Social Engineering Vulnerability Evaluation, SiEVE, to use open source data and open source intelligence (OSINT) to perform efficient and effectiveness spear phishing attacks. It is designed for use by "œred teams" and students learning to conduct a penetration test of an organization, using the vector of their workforce. The SiEVE process includes the stages of identifying targets, profiling the targets, and creating spear phishing attacks for the targets. The contributions of this research include the following: (1) The SiEVE process itself was developed using an iterative process to identify and fix initial shortcomings; (2) Each stage of the final version of the SiEVE process was evaluated in an experiment that compared performance of students using SiEVE against performance of those not using SiEVE in order to test effectiveness of the SiEVE process in a learning environment; Specifically, the study showed that those using the SiEVE process (a) did not identify more targets, (b) did identify more information about targets, and (c) did lead to more effective spear phishing attacks. The findings, limitations, and future work are discussed in order to provide next steps in developing formalized processes for red teams and students learning penetration testing.

Johansson, Ida, and Victoria Rydberg. "Revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang i mindre- och större revisionsbyråer : En jämförelse." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för handel och företagande, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:his:diva-20556.

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Revisorer ställs ofta inför olika yrkesetiska dilemman då olika lösningar måste vägas mot varandra. Revisorns yrkesetiska regler anses då vara ett viktigt hjälpmedel. Det anses dock att ett yrkesetiskt problem inte kan lösas genom endast reglering då det är svårt att med hjälp av regler förhindra oetiskt handlande i praktiken. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka huruvida revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang skiljer sig mellan revisorer anställda i mindre- respektive större revisionsbyråer. Studien undersökte även om olika aspekter skiljer sig mellan revisorer i mindre- och större revisionsbyråer samt huruvida dessa påverkar revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte har en empirisk undersökning i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med revisorer från såväl mindre- som större revisionsbyråer genomförts. Studiens resultat påvisar att revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang skiljer sig mellan mindre- och större revisionsbyråer; dock inte på grund av revisionsbyrån storlek. En slutsats som kunnat dras av studiens resultat är att revisionsklientens storlek påverkar revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang. Större revisionsbyråer erhåller oftast större revisionsklienter vilket ställer högre krav på de yrkesetiska reglerna som tillämpas.
Auditors often find themselves in situations where different solutions must be weighed against each other. In such dilemmas, applying the auditors’ rules of work ethics can be helpful. It is considered that a professional ethical problem cannot be solved merely by regulation as it is difficult to solely use preventative measures to control unethical actions. The intention with the study was to investigate whether auditors professional ethical reasoning differs between auditors in smaller- or larger firms. The study has also explored the different circumstances facing auditors in smaller- and larger firms and whether these circumstances affect the reasoning of the auditors’ professional ethics. To address these questions, semi structured empirical interviews with auditors of both smaller- and larger firms have been conducted. The results suggest that auditors’ professional ethics reasoning differs between smaller- and lager firms, however, not solely because of the size of the firm; a conclusion that was drawn during the study was that the size of the audit client affects the professional ethical reasoning among auditors. Larger audit firms often hold larger audit client which increases the demand on the auditor’s professional ethic rules.

Al-Khatib, Amal Jamal. "A case study of an early childhood minority teacher and how she formed her professional identity." Thesis, Kent State University, 2014. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3618938.

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This qualitative case study is an investigation of the role of race, school context, and personal and professional experiences in the formation of an early childhood teacher's professional identity. Data sources included interviews, observations, conversations, field notes, and school artifacts. Member checking, triangulation, and extended observation supported the trustworthiness of the results. The findings of the research indicate that major themes related to identity formation included family influence, teaching values and beliefs, and identity shift. Main themes related to the minority status of the participant were emotions and feeling of alienation. Finally, major themes related to school context and personal and professional experiences included relationships with children and parents, relationships with teachers and staff members at the school, early learning experiences, and images of a good teacher. The study concludes with suggestions for early childhood education programs and future researchers.

Книги з теми "Training in professional ethics":


Schlabach, Gretchen A. Professional ethics in athletic training. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby, 2008.

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Passmore, Jonathan. Supervision in coaching: Supervision, ethics, and continuous professional development. London: Kogan Page, 2011.

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Vacc, Nicholas A. Professional orientation to counseling. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Brunner-Routledge, 2000.

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Milgrom, Jeanette Hofstee. Boundaries in professional relationships: A training manual. Minneapolis, MN: Walk-in Counseling Center, 1992.

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Vacc, Nicholas A. A professional orientation to counseling. 2nd ed. Muncie, Ind: Accelerated Development, 1994.

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Ethics, United States Office of Government. [Training manual]. [Washington, D.C.?: The Office, 1993.

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Yi, Tong-hŭi. Chʻŏngsa chʻŏngsa ŭi pʻyŏnji. 8-ме вид. Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Samjungdang, 1986.

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Tosco, Luciano. Professione educatore: L'operatore pedagogico nel settore socio-sanitario. Milano: Angeli, 1993.

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Räsänen, Rauni. Eettinen kasvatus opettajankoulutuksessa =: Ethics teaching in teacher education. Oulu: Oulun yliopiston Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, 1993.

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Berenbeim, Ronald. Corporate ethics: International survey and interviews examine how 300 leading companies define ethical issues, respond to ethical dilemmas, develop and communicate codes of ethics , design ethics training programs. New York: Conference Board, 1987.

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Частини книг з теми "Training in professional ethics":


Franco, Zeno E., Mark Flower, Jeff Whittle, and Marie Sandy. "Professional Ethics and Virtue Ethics in Community-Engaged Healthcare Training." In Advances in Medical Education, 211–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-02603-9_13.

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Phalen, Robert F. "Compliance and Online Training." In Core Ethics for Health Professionals, 63–73. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-56090-8_6.

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Fisher, Celia B. "Multicultural ethics in professional psychology practice, consulting, and training." In APA handbook of multicultural psychology, Vol. 2: Applications and training., 35–57. Washington: American Psychological Association, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/14187-003.

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Morrissey, Jean. "Training supervision." In The Handbook of Professional, Ethical and Research Practice for Psychologists, Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Psychiatrists, 232–45. 3rd edition. | Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2020.: Routledge, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780429428838-19.

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Arakelian, Catharine. "9. Professional Training: Creating Intercultural Space in Multi-ethnic Workplaces." In Becoming Interculturally Competent through Education and Training, edited by Anwei Feng, Michael Byram, and Mike Fleming, 174–92. Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.21832/9781847691644-013.

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Pujol, Lynette A., and Bret A. Moore. "Professional psychology in the context of psychopharmacology: Ethical issues, education, and training." In APA handbook of psychopharmacology., 649–61. Washington: American Psychological Association, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0000133-029.

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Porche-Burke, Lisa. "Ethnic minority issues in clinical training at the California School of Professional Psychology-Los Angeles." In Ethnic minority perspectives on clinical training and services in psychology., 111–16. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1991. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/10102-014.

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Callan, Joanne E. "Ethnic minority issues in clinical training at the California School of Professional Psychology-San Diego." In Ethnic minority perspectives on clinical training and services in psychology., 117–22. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1991. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/10102-015.

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Lewis, Carol, and Ronald S. Drabman. "Professional Training." In Behavioral Medicine and Developmental Disabilities, 180–98. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4613-8844-9_8.

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Bell, David A. "Professional Ethics." In Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 4968–73. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20928-9_899.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Training in professional ethics":


Northcut, Kathryn, Alanna Krolikowski, Clair Reynolds-Kueny, Kaidi Yang, and Rainer E. Glaser. "Transnational Science Publication Ethics Training Using Scenarios." In 2020 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm). IEEE, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/procomm48883.2020.00008.

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Vlcek, Brian L., and Eleanor Haynes. "Case Studies and Online Training Used to Enhance Engineering Ethics at the Undergraduate and Graduate Level." In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2012-87833.

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In a progressively materialistic and relativistic society, professional engineering ethics has become an increasingly important safeguard, but remains neglected in most formal engineering education. In response, at our university ethics content has been implemented and measured in both an undergraduate and graduate engineering course as a trial for further implementation across the university. In a senior-level seminar course, instructional emphasis was placed upon ethics in general, and engineering case studies readings reinforced with written responses were used to more effectively impart discipline specific knowledge. Other written activities such as current event articles and term papers with ethical content were implemented to promote higher level cognitive reasoning skills Students were surveyed at the end of the course and submitted work analyzed using a rubric to assess learning. On senior exit surveys, program graduates identified a 17.1 increase from 2009 to 2011 in their ability to understand professional, ethical and social responsibilities-this timeline was concurrent with the sited changes in the seminar course. For the graduates, emphasis was placed upon ethics with regards to research. An online series of training modules that meets the NSF minimum content as expressed by the COMPETES Act was used in the graduate course to supplement instructor lectures. In the case of the graduate learning experience, a pre and post training survey was conducted to determine changes in knowledge and understanding as a result of ethical training. On a pre-survey, forty-eight percent of the graduate students demonstrated a lack of understanding with regards to ethical issues relating to authorship. Fifty-two percent of graduate students pretested also incorrectly responded that a conflict of interest was always an issue of academic misconduct. These misconceptions were minimized by the end of the online training. Additionally, embedding profession ethics content into a senior-level seminar course has contributed significantly to satisfying our ABET learning outcomes and program objectives, while the graduate-level training has begun a fundamental change in the ethical culture of our graduate student researchers.

Heinz, Manuela, Mary Fleming, Pauline Logue, and Joseph McNamara. "Collaborative learning, role play and case study: Pedagogical pathways to professionalism and ethics in school placement." In Learning Connections 2019: Spaces, People, Practice. University College Cork||National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.33178/lc2019.26.

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Teachers are moral agents. Acting professionally in loco parentis teachers have a legal and moral duty of care to students (DES, 2017). Moreover, they can be regarded as moral ‘role models’ (Bergen, 2006; Lumpkin, 2013). Professional codes of practice assist teachers in their moral agency (Alberta Teachers’ Association, 2004; CDET, 2017; DfE, 2011; Education Council, 2017; Teaching Council, 2012; 2016; World Class Teachers, 2017). In conjunction with official codes of conduct, TE ethics programmes contribute to the development of “a moral language” and raise awareness of moral agency in teaching (Shapira-Lishchinsky, 2010). In 2014 the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) and the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) jointly developed a cross-institutional training programme entitled ‘The Ethical Teacher Programme’, designed to facilitate student teachers to reflect upon professionalism and ethics during School Placement. The programme incorporated both a study of the Teaching Council Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers (Code) (2012) and explorations of selected ethical ‘case studies’ in teaching, using collaborative learning (CL) and role play strategies. The ‘ethical dilemma’ approach employed mirrored literature studies (Colenerud, 1997; Husu & Tiri, 2003; Klassen, 2002). Unique to the approach, however, was the method of application of selected classical and contemporary ethical philosophies to moral dilemmas in teaching. The programme was designed to include a one-hour introductory lecture on professionalism and ethics (from the perspectives of moral literacy and ethical theory) followed by a two-hour applied workshop. The workshop employed student-centred, active teaching and learning methods, specifically, collaborative learning, role play and case study analysis. Six ethical philosophical principles (or ‘lenses’) were integrated into programme delivery - teleology, deontology, virtue ethics, justice ethics, care ethics and relationality ethics. These lenses were applied to real-world teaching case studies. One cohort to which this training programme is offered annually is the student teachers on the Professional Master of Education (PME) programme in NUIG. The PME cohort (2015-2016) is the focus of the present study. The study sought a critical reflection on, and evaluation of, this training programme, from a student perspective. This study is phase one of a larger on-going study.

Gotterbarn, Don, and Keith Miller. "Using the Software Engineering Code of Ethics in Professional Computing Issues." In 2008 IEEE 21st Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEET). IEEE, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/cseet.2008.23.

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Gullo, Jan-Olof, and Joran Hok. "JOURNALISM STUDENTS, VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND THE PROFESSIONAL ETHICS OF MASS MEDIA." In 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.21125/inted.2018.0989.

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Pascual, Belén, Marga Vives, Joan Amer, Rosario Pozo, and M. Antonia Gomila. "ETHICS IN THE DEGREE OF SOCIAL EDUCATION. AN INNOVATIVE TEACHING PERSPECTIVE: SOCIAL EDUCATION, PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND TRAINING." In International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.21125/inted.2016.2074.

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Peirson, Bradley, and Nael Barakat. "Global Engineering Ethics: A Marketing Approach." In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2009-12789.

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There is no doubt that the world is shrinking in many ways, including the ways that engineers from various nations collaborate and share ideas. Along with major international projects such as the international space station, corporations in the United States and abroad are carrying out international engineering tasks on a daily basis. Such collaborations have been of great benefit to the engineering profession because of the free exchange of ideas and engineering talents. One of the main problems facing engineers in the international arena, however, is the lack of a common ethical background. The debate about how to create a common, global code of ethics for engineers has been carried out for several years. The aim of this paper is not add to the arguments about what should be included in a global code of ethics. The purpose of this paper is, in fact, to present a method by which an international organization tasked with the development and administration of such a code could go about attracting potential members. A common code of ethics, containing tenets that most engineering societies around the world already agree upon, is laid down as the framework. From this the basic operation of an international engineering society is outlined. With this basic starting point established the discussion proceeds to the techniques that an international society would need to employ in order grow in numbers and gain credibility among the profession. Further discussion leads to incorporation of these ideas into the education of engineers at the undergraduate level. Ethical training is currently incorporated into undergraduate curricula at many universities in the US. In many cases, however, this portion of the curriculum is limited to western ethical philosophies and the codes of ethics of the American engineering societies. Undergraduate engineering education is designed to develop the next generation to lead their engineering fields. With the prevalence of international collaboration in engineering it is almost assured that these future engineers will be international engineers, to some degree. This paper presents not only a method for attracting potential members to an international engineering society, but also means to prepare future engineers to be responsible members of the international engineering community.

Marusynets, Mariana, Dmytro Korchevskyi, and Vitalii Lapinskyi. "Social Aspects of Information System and Computer Technology Professionals’ Practice-oriented Training." In ATEE 2020 - Winter Conference. Teacher Education for Promoting Well-Being in School. LUMEN Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/lumproc/atee2020/17.

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The article describes the social and pedagogical aspects of training a computer specialist in the modern information space. The features of the virtual environment of activity are considered, attention is paid to the social directions of professional training of a computer specialist, in particular, ethical responsibility. Attention is focused on the nature and types of social consequences and spiritual and cultural changes generated by the informatization of society, determined by the social conditions in which the informatization process takes place, and the problem itself is due to the relationship between the man, computer, and society. The advantages and risks of training professionals in the given specialty are indicated and the main possible approaches are substantiated. It is shown that with the emergence of a new type of information life, which is considered as a general humanitarian philosophical problem, it is necessary to humanize professional education. The problems of the theoretical analysis and determination of the ontological status of virtual reality, the phenomenon of human computer dependence are described. It is indicated that a special responsibility lies with computer specialists, whose professional training should include not only the assimilation of educational material to ensure successful professional activity in the future, but it must take into account the social needs of society.

Schmaltz, Kevin, Christopher Moore, and Joel Lenoir. "Professional Tools Instruction Within an Overall ME Design Curriculum." In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2009-11150.

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The Mechanical Engineering faculty at Western Kentucky University have developed and implemented a Professional Plan to assure that graduates of the program have experienced key areas of the engineering profession and demonstrated their abilities to perform in a professional manner. The Professional Components within the plan include Engineering Design, Professional Communications, Professional Tools and Engineering Ethics; students receive instruction in at least one course per academic year and are expected to develop within each component. This paper will detail the Professional Tools component, which provides students with computational design tools and prototype realization skills supporting the Engineering Design demands placed on them. Computational tools include software for traditional communication and data processing, solid modeling and analysis, engineering computation and project management. Prototype realization skills encompass the typical metal machining operations necessary to create a functioning reciprocating air-powered engine and activities required for electro-mechanical device construction and testing. Higher level prototyping skills, such as rapid prototyping and CNC machining, are presented to students who can choose to become proficient with these activities or can engage other trained students to assist with their design project needs. The foundation of the four-year Professional Plan is centered on engineering design and problem solving. By exposing freshmen to hands-on projects, sophomores to design-analyze-and-build internal projects, and juniors to team-based prototype realization and external projects, a meaningful senior capstone design sequence involving external customers can validate and refine professional competencies of graduates, rather than introducing students to project activities. Professional tools instruction is interwoven with the other Professional Component instruction. While prototyping training is structured to provide a safe and efficient environment for the students at all times, computational tools are sometimes introduced as required for a project, and at other times well before needed for projects. Refinement to the Professional Plan has been guided by ongoing assessment, which is performed at course level at the end of a semester, and through program outcome assessment reviewed on an annual basis. The paper will detail the Western Kentucky University Professional Tools component of the overall Professional Plan, which provides a framework developing necessary student competencies, building upon previous coursework, assessing student progress, and adjusting course coverage based on prior assessments to assure that departing graduates will be capable of immediately contribute in their professional careers.

Peens, Shaun. "HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS’ NEED TO INITIATE CHANGE TO THE ACCOUNTING CURRICULUM DURING THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION (4IR)." In International Conference on Education and New Developments. inScience Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.36315/2021end032.

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In South Africa, the Further Education and Training phase (FET) in Accounting faces a major decline in learner numbers. The current format of FET Accounting serves little purpose in preparing learners for Accounting courses at tertiary level, if FET Accounting is not a precondition to Professional and Chartered Accountant courses. This study followed a qualitative research approach, from five Focus Groups at five Secondary schools in the Motheo Educational district, comprising of 16 FET Accounting Teachers to consider possible reasons for the decline of learners in FET Accounting. As result, uncertainty exists regarding the future of FET Accounting and the Accounting profession, when guidance teachers are presumably advising learners to take less suitable subjects, like Mathematical Literacy, History of Geography to enhance school reports. These findings influence the social responsibility of teachers; and it also results in many Accounting students having to spend two or more additional years at university due to their apparent lack of basic Accounting skills. Additionally, the negative perception towards FET Accounting might impact learners’ choices who might not plan a career in Accounting, thereby limiting their ability to secure any career in the financial sector. Collaborative social change is required from the Accounting profession and university alike, especially in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era, where a high degree of ethics and transparency are required.

Звіти організацій з теми "Training in professional ethics":


Downey, James E. Professional Military Ethics: Another Oxymoron? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada209233.

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Potts, Robert E. Professional Military Ethics: Are We on the Right Track? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada170278.

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Anderson, Katherine A. A Code Of Ethics And Professional Conduct For NSA Intelligence Professionals. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada620280.

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Wilson, Raymond P. An Ethics Comparison Between the Military and Business Professional: Does Society Hold the Military Professional to a Higher Standard. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada424963.

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CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON DC. Training: Professional Development of First Tour USACE Officers. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada404314.

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Nazarenko O.S., Edyshev D.V. The Main Directions of a Teacher Professional Training Improvement. Povolzhskaya State Academy of Physical Culture of Sports and Tourism, September 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.14526/03_2017_250.

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Evuarherhe, Obaro, William Gattrell, Richard White, and Christopher Winchester. Association between professional medical writing support and the quality, ethics and timeliness of clinical trials reporting: a systematic review. Oxford PharmaGenesis, January 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.21305/ismppeu2018.004.

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Davignon, Laure-Jeanne. Integration of Solar Training into Allied Professional Development Platforms - Final Technical Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1488920.

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Piland, William. Surface Warfare Officer Training: A Study of Undergraduate Education and Professional Development. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada212661.

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Dreier, M. J. Training the Trainers: A Call for Change in Combat Engineer Professional Military Education. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada506119.

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