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Статті в журналах з теми "Ultramarin":


Köhler, P., G. Winter, F. Seel, and K. P. Klos. "Ultramarin-Gelb II: Herstellung und Charakterisierung einer Rarität / Ultramarine-Yellow II: Preparation and Characterization of a Rarity." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 42, no. 6 (June 1, 1987): 663–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/znb-1987-0601.

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Abstract The missing link in the series of ultramarine pigments, a synthetic sodalite containing yellow S2- ions, was prepared by thermal decomposition of a thiocyanate sodalite under vacuum or nitrogen. The nature of the product has been elucidated through X-ray powder analysis, VIS/UV-and ESR-spectrometric measurements, and by the observation of the brilliant red fluorescence of the sulfur radical ion S2-.

Lamy, T., A. Bourreau, O. Carceles, Y. Doussy, C. Formet, B. Glasman, L. Nielsen, and N. Quirin. "Typologie des calculs urinaires dans un territoire ultramarin." Néphrologie & Thérapeutique 13, no. 5 (September 2017): 374–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nephro.2017.08.253.

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Macagno, Lorenzo. "Anthropologists in “Portuguese Africa”: The History of a Secret Mission." África, no. 35 (February 16, 2015): 87. http://dx.doi.org/10.11606/issn.2526-303x.v0i35p87-118.

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Entre 1956 e 1957, o antropólogo Marvin Harris, professor da Universidade de Columbia, visitara Moçambique para realizar uma investigação sobre a exploração da força de trabalho africana naquela “Província Ultramarina”. Devido às suas críticas ao regime, Marvin Harris foi declarado pessoa non grata pelas autoridades coloniais e teve que abandonar Moçambique. Em 1960, para tentar desfazer as críticas negativas de Harris, o antropólogo português Jorge Dias convida a outro antropólogo da Universidade de Columbia, o “brasilianista” Charles Wagley, para realizar uma viagem ao longo das “Províncias Ultramarinas” (a viagem começou em Moçambique e finalizou em Guiné-Bissau). Seguindo os rastros da ideologia lusotropicalista, Jorge Dias esperava que, após essa viagem, Charles Wagley se posicionasse favoravelmente em relação à presença portuguesa na África e, a partir desse momento, apoiasse a criação de estudos superiores na “África portuguesa”. A viagem contava com o apoio do Ministro do Ultramar português, Adriano Moreira, e era parte de uma tentativa de intercâmbio acadêmico entre o Instituto Superior de Estudos Ultramarinos (ISEU) de Lisboa e a Universidade de Columbia. O artigo indaga sobre as consequências políticas e acadêmicas dessa viagem “confidencial” realizada, justamente, nas vésperas das lutas pela independência nas colônias portuguesas

L’Horty, Yannick. "La persistance du chômage ultramarin : un problème aux causes multiples." Revue française des affaires sociales 1, no. 4 (2014): 114. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/rfas.144.0115.

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Bicalho, Maria Fernanda. "«Sobre este modo de resolver e despachar os negócios». El declive del Conselho Ultramarino y el auge de los secretarios de Estado en Portugal durante la primera mitad del siglo XVIII." Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV, Historia Moderna, no. 34 (October 30, 2021): 47–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/etfiv.34.2021.29356.

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Uno de los aspectos que llama la atención a quienes estudian los imperios ultramarinos de la Edad Moderna es la producción de un «océano de papeles». La Corona portuguesa construyó una red de comunicación y circulación de informaciones y saberes relativamente sofisticada con el objetivo de establecer formas de gobierno y de explotación económica sobre territorios alejados entre sí y con poblaciones diferenciadas. La propuesta de este artículo será un análisis de las dos institucionales principales –el Conselho Ultramarino y la secretaría de Estado– responsables de la elaboración de las políticas dirigidas al gobierno de las conquistas, así como para la producción de conocimiento y circulación de informes entre el reino y el Ultramar. El objetivo específico será el análisis de la interlocución entre las diferentes instituciones y agentes de Brasil –ministros reales y elites coloniales–, el Conselho Ultramarino, las secretarías de Estado y, en última instancia, el monarca.

Raminelli, Ronald. "CONSTRUIR COLÔNIAS Reformas nas Américas c. 1760-90." Anos 90 28 (July 1, 2021): 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.22456/1983-201x.108912.

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Em perspectiva historiográfica e comparativa, o artigo analisa as reformas borbônicas e pombalinas. Essas intervenções se originaram das disputas entre as monarquias europeias e alteraram o pacto entre os reis e seus súbitos ultramarinos. Provocaram ainda revoltas comandadas por diversos setores da sociedade, mas essas reações diferiram bastante nas Américas. Reformas e revoltas elevaram as pressões econômicas e políticas no ultramar e tornaram mais nítidos os conflitos sociais. Antes pouco empregado, o termo “colônia” tornou-se mais usual e fundamental para entender os vínculos entre as monarquias e as possessões ultramarinas. Além de produzir em larga escala matérias-primas, as colônias destacaram-se pela mestiçagem e conflitos raciais.

Lanthier, Aude. "La famille martiniquaise à l’épreuve des migrations de retour : nouvelles pratiques de mobilité transatlantique et dynamiques transnationales." Diversité urbaine 12, no. 2 (February 21, 2014): 113–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1022853ar.

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On assiste de nos jours à de nouvelles pratiques de mobilité entre l’Île-de-France et son département ultramarin, la Martinique, dont les migrations de retour font partie intégrante. Si circuler entre la métropole et l’archipel est aujourd’hui de l’ordre du quotidien, on constate pourtant une certaine irritation à l’égard des migrants de retour. En effet, une étude ethnographique a permis de révéler que ceux-ci témoignent de plusieurs obstacles à l’heure de réintégrer leur terre d’origine. Le présent article s’attardera plus spécifiquement aux bouleversements des rapports familiaux engendrés par les phénomènes de retour au pays natal et aux nouvelles dynamiques d’hypermobilité circulatoire entre la France et son ex-colonie, dynamiques qui confèrent à ces familles réparties de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique des allures de familles dites « transnationales ».

Si Moussa, Azzedine. "Évaluations nationales en France et contexte ultrapériphérique : un enjeu significatif pour l’école à La Réunion ?" Mesure et évaluation en éducation 38, no. 1 (June 3, 2016): 31–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1036550ar.

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La France a organisé, entre 1989 et 2012, des évaluations standardisées sur l’ensemble du territoire national à l’attention des élèves en école primaire ou en début d’enseignement secondaire. Dans les départements d’outre-mer, comme celui de La Réunion, ces évaluations nationales représentent un enjeu particulier au regard du degré de développement local du système éducatif et des caractéristiques contextuelles très spécifiques de l’environnement ultramarin sur les plans historique, social, culturel et économique. Alors que ces évaluations sont actuellement suspendues dans leur application à l’échelle nationale, leur pertinence sur le plan local est interrogée, tandis que les résultats scolaires témoignent de difficultés importantes et récurrentes. La discussion intègre des arguments tenant de l’intérêt de ce type d’évaluations pour ce qu’elles représentent au point de vue des enjeux théoriques sous-jacents ainsi que des arguments issus des réflexions pédagogiques recueillies auprès des enseignants des écoles de La Réunion.

Díaz Álvarez, Elisa. "El Gobierno de los territorios de Ultramar en las primeras constituciones. Problemas jurídicos del gran mito imperial." Anuario de la Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Extremadura, no. 37 (February 13, 2022): 441–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.17398/2695-7728.37.441.

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La pérdida de las posesiones españolas en el continente americano durante las primeras décadas del siglo XIX reabrió el debate sobre la integración de los territorios ultramarinos restantes en el Estado liberal que se estaba construyendo tras el paréntesis absolutista del reinado de Fernando VII. La Constitución de 1837, inspirada en gran medida por el texto de Cádiz, introdujo un marco jurídico peculiar para Ultramar: el sistema de ley especial, que habría de convertirse en una auténtica fuente de conflicto a lo largo de la centuria. Todavía aferrada a sus tiempos dorados de gran potencia colonial, la metrópoli volcó sus esfuerzos en conservar en las provincias ultramarinas un sistema jurídico-político desfasado, ajeno a los cambios que la revolución liberal había desatado. El objeto de este artículo es analizar los factores que dieron lugar a este controvertido sistema, así como sus orígenes gaditanos y su configuración en la Constitución de 1837.

Fernandes, Renata Silva. "O Conselho Ultramarino e as queixas e agravos do ultramar português (Minas Gerais, 1750-1808)." Revista de História, no. 181 (January 4, 2022): 1–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9141.rh.2020.183693.

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O objetivo deste artigo é examinar alguns dos tipos de queixa a partir das quais os súditos do ultramar buscavam e muitas vezes logravam a intercessão do monarca e de seu Conselho Ultramarino frente às condutas antijurídicas dos oficiais. Explicar esses mecanismos requer identificar suas conformações, considerando a “condição” de quem pedia, a forma a partir da qual se pedia, as razões pelas quais se pedia, os “remédios” efetivamente pedidos e, não menos importante, os procedimentos institucionais que suscitaram no Conselho Ultramarino – aspectos que podem, como argumentarei, ser, em boa medida, lastreados na sedimentação documental e arquivística da instituição. Para tanto, parto do corpus documental da instituição pertinente à capitania de Minas Gerais na segunda metade do século XVIII. Meu enfoque será o mundo formal e institucional tomando-o como dimensão relevante para compreensão da cultura jurídica do período e dos dispositivos a partir dos quais o poder régio, através de seu Conselho Ultramarino, se fazia presente nos territórios do ultramar e exercia, direta ou indiretamente, uma função de controle, ou ao menos, de tutela e disciplina sobre o oficialato.

Дисертації з теми "Ultramarin":


Gacha, Philippe. "L'entreprise coloniale en Côte d'Ivoire : des pionniers rochelais à l'indépendance, 1861-1960." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022LAROF002.

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Au XIXe siècle, le refus du déclin des grands ports français, mais surtout l’éviction des négociants girondins sur le théâtre méditerranéen par leurs concurrents havrais et marseillais, poussèrent la France à implanter de nouveaux comptoirs commerciaux dans le golfe de Guinée. Les territoires de la Côte de l’Or devinrent officiellement la colonie française de la Côte d’Ivoire le 10 mars 1893 grâce aux actions des pionniers rochelais. À partir de cette date, celle-ci était ouverte à l’exploitation sous le régime des concessions qui mobilisa diverses branches d’activités : capitaux et savoir-faire afin d’y prélever rapidement les innombrables richesses.Ce modèle d’exploitation connut un échec à la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale car il généra des conflits d’intérêts et des résistances de la part des peuples autochtones. À partir de 1918, la métropole intensifia davantage l’exploitation de la colonie afin d’éponger sa dette, réduire le coût de la vie et répondre rapidement aux besoins croissants en matières premières. Ainsi, de nouvelles grandes firmes commerciales, forestières, agricoles et industrielles s’y implantèrent et transformèrent le paysage économique du territoire colonial.Néanmoins, l’élan, freiné en 1929, reprit aussitôt grâce au plan Maginot qui ouvrit la politique des grands travaux, dont la construction du port d’Abidjan qui devint la pièce maîtresse à partir de 1951. Secondée par San Pedro, l’armature portuaire de la Côte d’Ivoire favorisa l’équipement et le développement rapide des infrastructures économiques, urbaines et sociales qui préparèrent le pays à amorcer le « miracle ivoirien ».Mais cela reste le produit d’une mutation profonde de l’œuvre coloniale qui, à travers la coopération franco-ivoirienne, renforça l’influence économique et politique de la France après l’indépendance de son ancienne colonie
In the 19th century the refusal of the great French ports to decline, and mainly the expulsion of Girondist merchants on the Mediterranean Sea by their competitors from Le Havre and Marseille have made France to set up new trading post in the Guinea Gulf. The territories of Gold Coast became officially a French colony of Cote d’Ivoire on March 10th 1893 thank to the actions of pioneers from La Rochelle. From that date on the colony was opened to exploitation under the system of concession that mobilized several activity branches, capitals, and know-how in order to collect rapidly uncounted wealth.This kind of exploitation encountered a failure at the end of the World War I because it created interest conflicts and resistances of the native populations. From 1918 on Metropolis intensified the exploitation of the colonies in order to pay their debt and reduce the cost of life and face the rapid increase of raw material needs. So some great new trading companies timber and agricultural industries were created. And that transformed the economy of the territorial colony.Nevertheless, the rush that slowed down in 1929 resumed immediately thank to Maginot became plan that leaded to great works as the building of the port of Abidjan which became the centerpiece from 1951 on. The second port of San Pedro will favor the equipments and the rapid development of economic, urban and social infrastructures that prepared the country to the « miracle ivoirien » But that remains the result of a deep mutation of the colonial work through France and Cote d’Ivoire cooperation. That cooperation reinforces the economic and political influence of France after the independence of their former colony

Polónia, Amélia. "Vila do Conde : um porto nortenho na expansão ultramarina quinhentista." Doctoral thesis, Porto : [Edição do Autor], 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/10216/16146.

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A dissertação pretende abordar a articulação do porto de Vila do Conde com o processo de expansão ultramarina portuguesa no decurso do séc. XVI. Destacam-se como vectores de análise: 1- O estudo do universo espacial infra-estrutural e humano do porto de V. Conde, no sentido de identificar os condicionalismos que assistem ao envolvimento em estudo; 2- A avaliação da dimensão desse envolvimento, tendo em conta quer a logística naval (estaleiros, frota e náuticos), quer os particulares desempenhos e rumos assumidos a nível das navegações, comércio, colonização e evangelização ultramarinos; 3- As repercussões internas dessa dinâmica, a nível do espaço urbano, economia, sociedade, estruturas e comportamentos demográficos e mentalidades colectivas.

Polónia, Amélia. "Vila do Conde : um porto nortenho na expansão ultramarina quinhentista." Tese, Porto : [Edição do Autor], 1999. http://aleph.letras.up.pt/F?func=find-b&find_code=SYS&request=000100952.

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A dissertação pretende abordar a articulação do porto de Vila do Conde com o processo de expansão ultramarina portuguesa no decurso do séc. XVI. Destacam-se como vectores de análise: 1- O estudo do universo espacial infra-estrutural e humano do porto de V. Conde, no sentido de identificar os condicionalismos que assistem ao envolvimento em estudo; 2- A avaliação da dimensão desse envolvimento, tendo em conta quer a logística naval (estaleiros, frota e náuticos), quer os particulares desempenhos e rumos assumidos a nível das navegações, comércio, colonização e evangelização ultramarinos; 3- As repercussões internas dessa dinâmica, a nível do espaço urbano, economia, sociedade, estruturas e comportamentos demográficos e mentalidades colectivas.

Booth, Douglas Geoffrey. "Synthesis and struture of ultramarine pigments." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.250047.

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Landman, Andreas Adriaan. "Aspects of solid-state chemistry of fly ash and ultramarine pigments." Thesis, Pretoria : [s.n.], 2004. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-06042004-062900.

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Canton-Fourrat, Altide. "L'état unitaire français et les collectivités ultramarines (contribution à l'étude d'un droit des collectivités ultramarines)." Paris 5, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA05D003.

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Les collectivités " ultramarines " font partie de l'Etat Français. Elles bénéficient d'une évolution constante portée par la décentralisation. Elles font l'objet d'un droit spécial dont la connaissance n'est point aisée. Ce droit spécial doit être en harmonie avec l'ensemble du droit français et s'intégrer, ainsi, dans l'Etat de droit. Des dispositions de la Constitution lui servent d'ossature. L'art. 75 de la Constitution reconnaît un statut local de droit commun à des populations identifiées. Dans ce contexte, la loi, expression de la volonté générale, se trouve en concurrence avec d'autres sources normatives. Ces collectivités sont soumises au pouvoir normatif de l'Etat et à d'autres sources normatives locales. Ces dernières, secondaires, ne doivent pas être contraires aux normes supérieures émanées de la République. La République française œuvre dans le sens de l'harmonisation afin d'élaborer un droit ultramarin qui répond aux impératifs desdites collectivités sans méconnaissance de la gestion unitaire de la République. La modification constitutionnelle de mars 2003 est intervenue dans cette continuité
Overseas communities that form part of the French State, benefit from the continuous and constant evolution brought about by decentralisation. They are subject to special rights, whose knowledge is not easy. These rights have to be in harmony with the rest of the French laws and integrated into the State's (written and natural) laws. It uses the provisions of the Constitution as a framework. Article 75 of the Constitution recognizes local statute of common rights for each identified population. In this context, the law, an expression of general will, finds itself in competition with other normative sources. These communities are subjected not only to the power of the State but also to that of local normative sources. These secondary laws should not be against the emanated higher standards of the Republic. The French Republic in its bid towards harmonization of its laws is working on ultramarine rights and laws which will meet the requirements of the aforesaid communities, this with no ignorance of the unit management of the Republic. The new constitutional law of March 2003 intervenes in this continuity

Fachin, Phablo Roberto Marchis. "Estudo paleográfico e edição semidiplomática de manuscritos do conselho ultramarino (1705-1719)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8142/tde-23082007-120203/.

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Edição semidiplomática de documentos manuscritos do século XVIII (1705-1719) lavrados pelo Conselho Ultramarino, com vistas a oferecer edição confiável para a pesquisa em História da Língua Portuguesa e Lingüística Histórica. Trata-se de estudo baseado em critérios paleográficos que busca oferecer subsídios para a escrita desse século, visto que a bibliografia a respeito é muito escassa. Este trabalho está dividido em três partes: 1) descrição do corpus e comentário sobre o provável escriba dos documentos do Conselho Ultramarino; 2) caracterização da escrita presente no corpus, seu processo de leitura e levantamento detalhado do alfabeto, com descrição do processo de formação de cada letra e classificação das abreviaturas; 3) edição semidiplomática dos documentos.
Semidiplomatic edition of manuscripts documents of XVIII century (1705-1719), cultivated by the Conselho Ultramarino, in Portugal, with sights to offer trustworthy edition for the research in Portuguese Language and Historical Linguistic. One is about study based on paleographical criteria that it searches to offer subsidies for the writing of this century, since the bibliography the respect is very scarce. This work is divided in three parts: 1) description of the corpus and brief explanation about the probable scribe of documents of the Conselho Ultramarino; 2) characterization of the present writing in the corpus, its process of reading and the detailed survey of the alphabet, with description of the process of formation of each letter and classification of abbreviations; 3) the semidiplomatic edition of documents.

Souza, Erica Cristina Camarotto de. "Apontamentos diplomáticos sobre consultas do Conselho Ultramarino referentes à Capitania de São Paulo." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8142/tde-20022008-103155/.

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A proposta deste trabalho é a análise diplomática de Consultas do Conselho Ultramarino, relativas à Capitania de São Paulo. Entende-se aqui por Diplomática o estudo da criação, forma e transmissão dos documentos, bem como a sua relação com os fatos que os geraram e com o órgão administrativo de onde emanaram. A proposta gerada neste trabalho decorreu da análise de 40 (quarenta) Consultas datadas dos séculos XVII e XVIII. As Consultas, transcritas com base em normas de edição semidiplomática, foram agrupadas de acordo com semelhanças estruturais e tiveram, então, seu discurso analisado do ponto de vista diplomático. A análise determinou estruturas formulares distintas para as Consultas de Mercê, de Partes e de Serviço Real. Assim, com o apoio da teoria diplomática, fica evidenciado que, apesar de todas as Consultas se caracterizarem como documentação opinativa, na qual o Conselho Ultramarino auxilia o rei de Portugal na tomada de decisões administrativas com relação às colônias, a diferenciação de cada uma delas se dá mais pela ação que originou a produção do documento do que pelo assunto nele tratado, de modo que essa ação resulta em diferentes estruturas e em fórmulas lingüisticamente diversificadas.
This paper proposes the diplomatic analysis of \"Consultas\" produced by \"Conselho Ultramarino, and concerning to \"Capitania de São Paulo\". It is understood by Diplomatics the study of creation, form and transmission of records, as well as their relationship with the facts that originated them, and with their creator. The assertions formulated in the paper are substantiated on the analysis of 40 (forty) \"Consultas\" dated from XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries. The transcription of the corpus is based on rules of semidiplomatic edition and it was gathered according to structural similitudes, followed by the analysis of its discourse, under the diplomatic point of view. The analysis lays down distinctive patterns for each kind of \"Consulta\": \"de Merce\", \"de Parte\" and \"de Serviço\". Then, with the support of diplomatic theory, it is possible to assume that although \"Consultas\" are documents that help the king in his resolutions concerning to the colonies, the differences between each one of them derive from the action that originated the writing of the document, rather than from the subject comprised on it, so that the action results on different structures and on different linguistic formulae.

Scoon, Roger N. "Discordant bodies of postcumulis, ultramafic rock in the upper critical zone of the Bushveld complex : iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite bodies at Amandelbult and the Driekop platiniferous ultramafic pipe." Thesis, Rhodes University, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004912.

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From the abstract: In the layered sequence of the Bushveld Complex a number of distinct, but possibly genetically related groups of transgressive, postcumulus, ultramafic and mafic rock are recognised. The main part of this thesis investigates a suite of postcumulus rocks for which the name iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite is proposed. The majority of iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite bodies examined are from the upper critical zone of the layered sequence at Rustenburg Platinum Mines Amandelbult Section, in the northern sector of the western Bushveld Complex. Field relationships imply that the iron-rich ultramafic pegmatites should be considered as an integral feature of the layered sequence, even though they transgress the cumulates. Consequently, this thesis also includes a study of the cumulate sequence at Amandelbult. A second group of postcumulus, ultramafic rocks which is investigated comprises latiniferous ultramafic pipes; the Driekop pipe has been selected as a case­ study. This thesis is presented in four sections, namely, an introduction and verview, and studies on the Driekop pipe, the cumulate sequence at mandelbult and the iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite suite. A new classification scheme of discordant bodies of postcumulus, ultramafic rock in he Bushveld Complex is proposed (see also Viljoen & Scoon, in press). In he scheme presented here, two main varieties of postcumulus, ultramafic rock re recognised, namely, non-platiniferous magnesian dunites and iron-rich ltramafic pegmatites.

Monteiro, Ana Rita Amaro. "Legislação e actos de posse do Conselho Ultramarino : (1642 - 1830) /." Porto : Universidade Portucalense, 1997. http://www.gbv.de/dms/sub-hamburg/247678511.pdf.

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Книги з теми "Ultramarin":


Prodanović, Mileta. Ultramarin: Roman bez slika. Beograd: Stubovi kulture, 2010.

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Prodanović, Mileta. Ultramarin: Encore : roman bez reči. Beograd: Stubovi kulture, 2010.

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Prodanović, Mileta. Ultramarin: Encore : roman bez reči. Beograd: Stubovi kulture, 2010.

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Nimmo, Jenny. Ultramarine. London: Mammoth, 1992.

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Zarzoso, Paco. Ultramarins. Tarragona: Arola Editors, 2000.

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Lowry, Malcolm. Ultramarine. New York: Overlook Press, 2005.

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Sousa, Luís Amorim de. Ultramarino. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1997.

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Carver, Raymond. Ultramarine. New York: Random House, 1986.

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Woerden, Henk van. Ultramarijn. Amsterdam: Podium, 2005.

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Sousa, Luís Amorim de. Ultramarino. Lisboa: Impr. Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1997.

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Частини книг з теми "Ultramarin":


Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Ultramarin." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 571. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-71095-0_10846.

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Bareham, Tony. "Ultramarine." In Malcolm Lowry, 23–40. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-19973-0_2.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Brilliant Ultramarine." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 94. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6247-8_1584.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Cobalt Ultramarine." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 150. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6247-8_2518.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Ultramarine Blue." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 778. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6247-8_12289.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Ultramarine Green." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 778. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6247-8_12291.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Ultramarine Violet." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 778. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6247-8_12292.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Artificial Ultramarine." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 49. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6247-8_808.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Factitious Ultramarine." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 294. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6247-8_4756.

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Gooch, Jan W. "French Ultramarine." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 326. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6247-8_5301.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Ultramarin":


Vyboishchik, A. V. "Contemporary Methods for Production of Ultramarine." In Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644901755-43.

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Abstract. The article describes the features of ultramarine, its modifications, viz. ultramarine blue. The requirements for ultramarine blue grades are observed, the one-stage and two-stage technologies for the production of ultramarine blue are described, the advantages and disadvantages of both methods are listed, new recommendations for the production of ultramarine blue are offered.

Azevedo, Evelyne. "Visões do exotismo na Roma barroca: a fonte dos quatro rios e o obelisco da praça Navona." In Encontro da História da Arte. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.20396/eha.2.2006.3564.

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Esta comunicação tratará das representações do exótico no monumento de Bernini, a Fonte dos quatro rios e o obelisco que a encima, situado na Praça Navona em Roma. Centrando-nos nos elementos iconográficos vinculados ao exotismo de matiz tanto egípcio como americano e articulando simultaneamente a idéia de dominação reivindicada por Roma através de seu passado imperial e sua afirmação presente através da representação do mundo ultramarino conquistado pelo Cristianismo.

Kremer, Christopher Henry, John F. Mustard, and Michael S. Bramble. "A WIDESPREAD ULTRAMAFIC SANDSTONE ON MARS." In GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018. Geological Society of America, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/abs/2018am-320588.

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Yousufi, Atal. "DISTRIBUTION OF ULTRAMAFIC COMPLEXES IN AFGHANISTAN." In 19th SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference EXPO Proceedings. STEF92 Technology, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5593/sgem2019/1.1/s01.020.

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KLYACHKOVSKAYA, E. V., S. V. VASCHENKO, A. N. HARBACHOVA, M. V. BELKOV, S. V. GAPONENKO, and N. D. STREKAL. "ENHANCED RAMAN SCATTERING OF ULTRAMARINE WITH NANOSIZED Ag PARTICLES." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanomeeting 2009. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789814280365_0042.

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Sonnenberg, Emily A., Connor J. Harris, Meridith A. Miska, and Paul A. Mueller. "GEOCHEMISTRY OF DADEVILLE COMPLEX MAFIC-ULTRAMAFIC ROCKS." In GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 2019. Geological Society of America, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/abs/2019am-335143.

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Ilyina, V. P., and P. V. Frolov. "Ultramafic rocks of the Aganozero chromium ore deposit (South Karelia) as a non-conventional magnesium-silicate raw material for the production of new ceramic materials." In Mineralogical and technological appraisal of new types of mineral products. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Center of RAS, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.17076/tm13_11.

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Ultramafic rocks of the Aganozero chromium ore deposit located in South Karelia are of practical interest as a high-Mg raw material for industrial application. The preliminary results of the study of high-Mg rocks and minerals from the Aganozero deposit for the production of new materials are reported. The high technological level and economic efficiency of the ceramic materials produced, based on Karelia’s high-Mg rocks and industrial minerals, were achieved by reducing energy consumption and simplifying the technological process. The practical application of local types of mineral products will increase the raw materials potential for the production of various types of refractories and industrial ceramics.

Oskierski, Hans Christoph, Tobias Kluge, Andreas Beinlich, and Paul M. Ashley. "Ultramafic Rock Carbonation between 40° and 255° C." In Goldschmidt2020. Geochemical Society, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.46427/gold2020.2001.

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Cardace, Dawn. "METABOLIC POTENTIALS IN SOILS DERIVED FROM ULTRAMAFIC BEDROCK." In 54th Annual GSA Northeastern Section Meeting - 2019. Geological Society of America, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/abs/2019ne-328217.

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Kerrigan, Ryan J. "PETROGENESIS OF ULTRAMAFIC BODIES IN THE PENNSYLVANIAN PIEDMONT." In GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA - 2017. Geological Society of America, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/abs/2017am-302540.

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Звіти організацій з теми "Ultramarin":


Duke, J. M. Ultramafic-hosted asbestos. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/207990.

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Duke, J. M. Mafic/ultramafic-hosted chromite. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/208046.

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LeCheminant, A. N., and J. H. Bedard. Diamonds associated with ultramafic complexes and derived placers. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/211743.

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Fox, D., and J. T. van Berkel. Mafic-ultramafic occurrences in metasedimentary rocks of southwestern Newfoundland. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1988. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/122420.

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Baragar, W. R. A., U. Mader, and G. M. Lecheminant. Lac Leclair carbonatitic ultramafic volcanic centre, Cape Smith Belt, Québec. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/132853.

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Bailey, D. G., G. S. Langdon, J. Malpas, and P. T. Robinson. Ultramafic and Related Lavas From the Margi area, Troodos Ophiolite. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/133539.

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Peterson, T. D., M. Sanborn-Barrie, and J. Chakungal. Petrological investigation of ultramafic-mafic plutonic rocks, Southampton Island, Nunavut. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/289244.

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Newberry, R. J., L. E. Burns, and G. H. Pessel. Preliminary report - geology of the Red Mountain ultramafic complex, Seldovia, Alaska. Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1985. http://dx.doi.org/10.14509/1132.

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Paktunc, A. D. St. Stephen Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusion and Related Nickel-Copper Deposits, New Brunswick. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/120381.

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Goff, F., G. Guthrie, D. Counce, E. Kluk, D. Bergfeld, and M. Snow. Preliminary investigations on the carbon dioxide sequestering potential of the ultramafic rock. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/563233.

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