Dissertations / Theses on the topic '1900-century'

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Wanambisi, Monica Nalyaka. "Eight major exemplars of the twentieth-century american novel, 1900-1959." DigitalCommons@Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center, 1987. http://digitalcommons.auctr.edu/dissertations/1069.

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This dissertation is a study of twentieth-century American novels which can be used in a course by Kenyan and other East African students and teachers. The selected novels can be studied as models for exemplification of the most significant developments and trends in longer American narrative fiction in the period covered by the study. Because of time limits and for purposes of presenting quality fictional works to be covered in one semester, eight novels were analyzed in this study. These are: Sister Carrie (1900) by Theodore Dreiser, The Great Gatsby (1925) by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Sun Also Rises (1926) by Ernest Hemingway, intruder in the Dust (1948) by William Faulkner, The Catcher in the Rye (1951) by J. D. Salinger, Invisible Man (1952) by Ralph Ellison, Go Tell It On The Moutain (1953) by James Baldwin and Brown Girl. Brownstones (1959) by Paule Marshall. Each of the selected novels represents a component of significance in American literature during the era designated. Sister Carrie's strengths lie in its reflection of American life as affected by industrialization and consequent urbanization. The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises vividly present significant themes of the First World 1 War's 111 effects on some Americans and others. Intruder in the Dust examines tensions created by racial discrimination in the Southern United States. The Catcher in the Rye treats the theme of adolescence eloquently. Go Tell It on the Mountain vividly presents Baldwin's view of the damange that racial prejudice inflicts on both blacks and whites. Invisible Man is a powerful presentation of the black experience in the United States. Brown Girl, Brownstones vividly treats a range of subjects such as the crisis of adolescence, religion, poverty and the importance of tradition for the black American, to name but a few. In addition to other reasons, all were chosen because they are artistically significant literary works, some, for example, having won for their authors Pultizer prizes or other major literary awards. Of course each novel was chosen for various other reasons which are elaborated in the study, but the above-named are most important. In addition to those fundamental themes, which provide the focuses in analyzing each of the novels, the dissertation assembles specific types of information that teachers would find essential to furnish their students by way of introduction to and as the basis for study of the novels. Some of this material is for teacher-development, providing instructors kind of information that would give shape to their teaching of the course. The study also provides an organizational framework within which the course would be designed.

Zhang, Qin 1968. "Civil justice in early twentieth-century Northeast China : Fengtian Province, 1900-1928." Thesis, McGill University, 2005. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=102235.

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Drawing upon court files in the Liaoning Provincial Archives, this dissertation addresses the question of the transformation of the civil justice system in Fengtian Province in the early twentieth century. Fengtian Province was among the few provinces where judicial-legal reforms were first launched during the late Qing's New Policies period. In the early Republic, judicial-legal reforms were continuously pursued under the governance of the warlord Zhang Zuolin. The accommodation of judicial-legal modernity within warlord politics was a result of the simultaneous presence of local elite activism, nationalism and the dominance of republican ideology.
To demonstrate judicial-legal modernity in this frontier province, this dissertation covers four main areas: the bureaucratization of the court system and mediation mechanism; the formalization of civil procedures; the "discovery" and modernization of custom in judicial process; and the narrowing of the power disparity in gender in divorce law and practice.
The bureaucratization of the court system reveals not only the tendency of separating judicial power from executive power, but also the professionalization of judicial officials, including lower-level judicial personnel. The bureaucratization of mediation locates the point at wards under the ward-village system implemented in the 1920s by the Fengtian provincial authority. The ward head, as a salaried sub-village government official was able to exercise his power to mediate civil disputes. This point epitomizes the early effort made by the modern state to interfere in the arena of popular justice. The formalization of civil procedures reflects the transformation of court practice from a simple, customary way of finding facts and applying laws to a practice guided by a complex, codified procedural law based on a Germanic-Japanese model. In speaking of the "discovery" and modernization of custom, I address not only the phenomena of "discovering" local customs and recognizing them as a source of authority for adjudicating cases by judges who had modern legal training, but also of the elaborate, selective screening policy towards custom, ushered in by the Supreme Court due to their concern with public policy and social morals. Narrowing the power disparity in gender is examined in the light of changes to divorce law and practice. By following the precedents laid down by the Supreme Court, the lower courts attempted to readdress the unbalanced power relationship between men and women inherited from Qing law.

Spengler, Birgit. "Vision, gender, and power in nineteenth-century American women's writing, 1860-1900 /." Heidelberg : Universitätsverl. Winter, 2008. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb412726089.

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Burt, Philippa. "The ideal of ensemble practice in twentieth-century British theatre, 1900-1968." Thesis, Goldsmiths College (University of London), 2015. http://research.gold.ac.uk/12256/.

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The central purpose of this thesis is to chart the ideal of ensemble theatre in Britain and its development in the country throughout the twentieth century, referring specifically to selected directors. The Stanislavskian model of the ensemble, as exemplified by the Moscow Art Theatre, served this ideal, pursued by Edward Gordon Craig, Harley Granville Barker, Theodore Komisarjevsky, Joan Littlewood and Peter Hall, who are the focus of the argument. Craig and Barker’s understanding of ensemble work was significantly influenced by their meetings with Stanislavsky in 1908 and 1914 respectively, while Littlewood and Hall were influenced by his writings on the theatre. Following Stanislavsky, the thesis offers a definition of ensemble as a permanent group based on shared values. The chosen directors are the most representative of attempts to establish ensemble companies in Britain in the twentieth century. They are also landmark cases in the sense that they initiated change in the perception of what a theatre company could be. The thesis argues, however, that the continued domination of the commercial theatre over the art theatre has been an impediment to each director’s attempts. Each chapter of the thesis is dedicated to a specific director, and, with the exception of Craig’s work at the Moscow Art Theatre, analysis is confined to the directors’ work in Britain. Methodologically rooted within the sociology of the theatre, the thesis maps the progression of ensemble practices in British society. It interweaves extensive archival research with an exploration of the sociological, economic and political factors that underpin both the attempts to establish a permanent company and the resistance to it. The thesis explores the pervasive influence of individualism and commercialism in all areas of British life, arguing that their principles generate a theatre climate that was not conducive to the establishment of a permanent ensemble company and was even antithetical to it. Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of culture, and Maria Shevtsova’s development of Bourdieu’s theory in relation to theatre, provides the theoretical frame of the thesis.

Manenzhe, Jacob. "The politicisation of Funerals in South Africa during the 20th century (1900 – 1994)." Diss., Pretoria : [s. n.], 2007. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-05282008-143310/.

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Russell, Ona Claire. "Discourses of crossing : reconceptualizing representation in the nineteenth-century United States, 1840-1900 /." Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 1998. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/ucsd/fullcit?p9835396.

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Harrington, A. "Hemisphere differences and 'Duality of Mind' in nineteenth-century medical science, c. 1860-1900." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.371664.

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Ng, Man-Yee Sandy. "Lin Fengmian (1900-1991) : figure painting and hybrid modernity in twentieth century Chinese art." Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.430075.

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Shinner, Peter J. "The exercise of power in nineteenth century Britain : the case of Grimsby 1840-1900." Thesis, University of Lincoln, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.342430.

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Barthé, Darryl G. "Becoming American in Creole New Orleans : family, community, labor and schooling, 1896-1949." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2016. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/61508/.

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The Louisiana Creole community in New Orleans went through profound changes in the first half of the 20th-century. This work examines Creole ethnic identity, focusing particularly on the transition from Creole to American. In "becoming American," Creoles adapted to a binary, racialized caste system prevalent in the Jim Crow American South, and transformed from a primarily Francophone/Creolophone community (where a tripartite although permissive caste system long existed) to a primarily Anglophone community (marked by stricter black-white binaries). These adaptations and transformations were facilitated through Creole participation in fraternal societies, the organized labor movement and public and parochial schools that provided English-only instruction. The "Americanization of Creole New Orleans" has been a common theme in Creole studies since the early 1990's, but no prior study has seriously examined the cultural and social transformation of Creole New Orleans by addressing the place and role of public and private institutions as instruments and facilitators of Americanization. By understanding the transformation of Creole New Orleans, this thesis demonstrates how an historically mixed-race community was ultimately divided by the segregationist culture of the early-twentieth century U.S. South. In addition to an extensive body of secondary research, this work draws upon archival research at the University of New Orleans' Special Collections, Tulane University Special Collections, the Amistad Research Center, The Archdiocese of New Orleans, and Xavier University Special Collections. This thesis makes considerable use of census data, draws upon press reports, and brings to bear a wide assortment of oral histories conducted by the author and others. Most scholars have viewed New Orleans Creoles simply as Francophone African Americans, but this view is limited. This doctoral thesis engages the Creole community in New Orleans on its own terms, and in its own idioms, to understand what "becoming American" meant for New Orleans Creoles between 1896-1949.

Laurance, Emily. "Varieties of operatic realism in nineteenth-century France : the case of Gustave Charpentier's Louise (1900) /." Ann Arbor (Mich.) : UMI, 2005. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40026052k.

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Dauncey, Sarah. "The uses of silence : a twentieth-century preoccupation in the light of fictional examples, 1900-1950." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2003. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/4054/.

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A striking feature of twentieth-century Western cultural history was a preoccupation with silence. This thesis is a survey of the phenomenon across a broad range of literary and theoretical discourses actively engaged in the period in exploring and exploiting silence's expressive and philosophical potential. Its focus, and unifying principle, is the dynamic resourcefulness of the motif-the diversity of its uses and significations. The meaning of silence shifts according to its context and the discourse deploying it. By analysing an array of novels and theoretical formulations-by writers as diverse as James, Chopin, Conrad, H. D., Forster, Lawrence, Faulkner, and Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Blanchot, Hassan, Macherey, Irigaray, Spivak, Derrida-the mobility of silence as a construct is exposed. Silence is identified in the fiction of the period 1900-1950, and its implications are assessed in the light of the various ways in which its uses were understood and interpreted by twentieth-century theorists. Theory provides a heuristic device for the comprehension of the fiction selected for scrutiny whilst further highlighting the extent of the past century's dedication to the motif. Fiction and theory are regarded as two different manifestations of a fascination with silence: fiction dramatizes a commitment to the motif which comes to be formally registered in theoretical discourse as the century progresses. After an introductory chapter outlining the expanse of the phenomenon to be studied, the thesis is divided into two parts illustrating the discrete implications attaching to the motif: 'Social Silences' and 'Ontological Silences'. The project questions whether the multiplicity of silence's usage may work to depotentiate its signifying power; in particular, whether its role in abstract 'ontological' formulations diminishes its force for emancipatory 'social' discourses. In conclusion, by means of the synchronic organization of the thesis, silence's import is shown to lie in its resourcefulness rather than in any intrinsic characteristic it might be thought to possess.

Brown, Ronald Melrose. "Suicide, representation and gender from antiquity to c.1900 : with an emphasis on the nineteenth century." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.313981.

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Lomas, Michael John. "Amateur brass and wind bands in southern England between the late eighteenth century and circa 1900." Thesis, n.p, 1990. http://ethos.bl.uk/.

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Starr, Mike. "Untimely mutations : deterritorializing H.G. Wells's scientific romances." Thesis, University of Northampton, 2011. http://nectar.northampton.ac.uk/5517/.

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This thesis unites a selection of H. G. Wells’s scientific romances with the theoretical approaches of philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Deleuzian theory provides a challenging yet powerful set of conceptual tools, used to rethink existing texts and critical paradigms, allowing the revaluation of literature, film and other fields. Within specific case studies, various aspects of Wellsian texts are used to exemplify a number Deleuzian concepts; for example, ‘Becoming-Animal’ in The Island of Doctor Moreau, the ‘Body Without Organs’ in The War of The Worlds and ‘Nomadology’ in The Time Machine. Characteristically, rather than simply applying philosophy to the arts, Deleuzian theory attempts to extract philosophy from them, and this approach should aim to engage positively and constructively with a text, serving to demonstrate ‘productive use of the literary machine…that extracts from the text its revolutionary force’ (Anti-Oedipus 116). Via this process, various Wellsian conceits are examined that have subsequently become synonymous with the science fiction genre, such as transhumanism, alien invasion and time travel. In performing this process, Wells is recast as a writer and thinker who demonstrates resonance with Deleuze’s theoretical approach. Having established the value of a Deleuzian reading via the medium of the specific textual case-studies, the thesis concludes with an argument concerning whether Wells himself can be positioned in terms of a Deleuzian ‘conceptual persona’, and ultimately the question of his adherence to the concept of ‘minor’ literature and writing is addressed. Deleuze maintains that any work of art ‘points a way through life, finds a way through the cracks’ (Negotiations 143), and how Wells’s oeuvre engages with this process is demonstrated, taking into account the myriad of ‘mutations’ to which it has been subject. Ultimately, this serves to demonstrate the ‘untimely’ power of Wells’s literature; ‘acting counter to our time and thereby acting on our time and, let us hope, for the benefit of a time to come’ (Difference xix).

Pei, Yun. "The prophetic Wordsworth : anxiety and self-fashioning." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2015. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/58875/.

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The thesis investigates the prophetic in Wordsworth's ‘golden decade' (1798-1808). It establishes the following arguments: the prophetic in Wordsworth should not be treated of only incidental interest; it is a mode of his self-fashioning, as well as a mode of his writing, channelling the poet's anxieties about his authorship, readership, reception and posterity. The thesis contains an introduction and a short conclusion, with two main sections amounting to 7 chapters. Chapter 1 to 3 form Part I, focusing on the prophetic as a mode of self-fashioning. Chapter 1 re-examines The Prelude, arguing that self-doubts and struggle are inherent to Wordsworth's prophetic aspirations. Chapter 2 discusses three major reasons that make Wordsworth's self-fashioning as a poet of prophetic quality possible: personal aspirations, knowledge economy, and prophetic discourse of his time. Chapter 3 investigates anxieties generated in self-fashioning: anxiety of influence and anxiety about reception. Chapter 4 to 7 form Part II, exploring the prophetic as a mode of writing. Chapter 4 studies the apocalyptic vision of the rupture in human history in Lyrical Ballads. Chapter 5 looks into Wordsworth's concern with the nation in ‘Sonnets Dedicated to Liberty'. Chapter 6 focuses on the dual prophetic quality of The White Doe of Rylstone and its links to discourse of duty and Catholic Emancipation. Chapter 7 studies the prophet-like speaker and the prophetic nature of the narrative in Peter Bell. It also considers the discrepancy between the poet's ideal reader and his actual reader as the reason why the poem fails to appeal. The claim to innovation in the thesis is that it offers a corrective reading of the prophetic as a mode of self-fashioning and a mode of writing in Wordsworth. It also sheds new light on the poet's acclaimed major works such as Lyrical Ballads, as well as widely criticised minor ones such as Peter Bell.

Bell, Barbara Alexandra Erskine. "Nineteenth-century stage adaptations of the works of Sir Walter Scott on the Scottish stage, 1810-1900." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1991. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.589614.

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Thapa, Anirudra. "The Indic Orient, nation, and transnationalism exploring the imperial outposts of nineteenth-century U.S. literary culture, 1840-1900 /." [Fort Worth, Tex.] : Texas Christian University, 2008. http://etd.tcu.edu/etdfiles/available/etd-12052008-162349/unrestricted/Thapa.pdf.

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Dumbrell, Kathy. "Athlone in the early twentieth century - a precursor to working class housing on the Cape Flats, 1900-1930." Bachelor's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/5607.

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Bibliography: leaves 56-58.
The initial work for this project was a photographic survey of the existing wood and iron buildings in Athlone. I was at the time a volunteer in the Urban Conservation Unit of the Cape Town City Council (hereafter UCU). My task was to docment the existing wood-and-iron buidlings in order to aid later development control decision-making. to a large extent, it was the results of the fieldwork, which both uncovered a need for further research and directed later archival and textual research.

Keeling, Charles Paul. "Cuvier in context : literature and science in the long nineteenth century." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2017. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/66734/.

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This study investigates the role and significance of Cuvier's science, its knowledge and practice, in British science and literature in the first half of the nineteenth century. It asks what the current account of science or grand science narrative is, and how voicing Cuvier changes that account. The field of literature and science studies has seen healthy debate between literary critics and historians of science representing a combination of differing critical approaches. This study asks whether we can continue work to synthesise historicist and formalist approaches, and suggests using a third narrative based approach to achieve a full complement of methodological tools. This in turn should provide more nuanced critical readings. In certain novels it has allowed me to shift the focus on literature and science enquiry to different decades. This study looks for “science stories” from scientific discourses in The Last Man, The Mill on the Floss and Bleak House. I have demonstrated the centrality of Cuvier to British science in the first half of the nineteenth century and that science's role as a model for the natural and human world, as well as informing the unstable systems of narrative characteristic of the novel genre and form. Cuvier's Essay initiated a lasting period of scientific centrality and legitimacy in British science and representation in British novels. His law of correlations applied to geology made his science both an important narrative and analogous to the empirical truth-seeking mode of the novel. The paleontological process becomes both a model for organic unity in Victorian fiction and a mode of narrative production. Cuvier's science and its discourse both produce and are reproduced in nineteenth century novels.

Vowles, Michael. "The middle class define their world : some features of the sociology of an early twentieth century Staffordshire town; Tamworth 1900-1914." Thesis, Keele University, 1988. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.277137.

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Daw, Gillian Jane. "The Victorian poetic imagination and astronomy : Tennyson, De Quincey, Hopkins and Hardy." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2012. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/39743/.

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Coates, Oliver Richard. "A social history of military service in South-Western Nigeria, 1939-1955." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2013. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.607779.

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Burnett, David Andrew. "Unionism and the new century : the structure, organisation and mechanics of the Unionist Party in Britain and Ulster, 1900-22." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.295366.

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Carlyle, Leslie. "The artist's assistant : oil painting instruction manuals and handbooks in Britain 1800-1900 : with reference to selected eighteenth-century sources /." London : Archetype, 2001. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38879533t.

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Knight, Henry. "Semi-tropical America : popular imagery and the selling of California and Florida, 1869-1919." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2011. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/6911/.

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This thesis examines the promotion of California and Florida from 1869 to 1919, a period when both states were transformed from remote, under-populated locales into two of the most publicised states in America. Using an interdisciplinary approach which analyses cultural representations of the states within a broader socioeconomic context, the thesis traces how railroad and land companies, agriculturists, chambers of commerce, state agencies, and journalists fashioned new identities for California and Florida as Semi- Tropical American lands. As their boosters competed in a bid to attract settlers, tourists, and investors, they played upon republican and colonialist discourses within American society and expansion. Evoking ideas about race, climate, and environment, promoters depicted California and Florida as parts of a benign middle zone between an increasingly urban-industrial North and socially “primitive” tropics. At a time of traumatic industrial change, California and Florida promised American rebirth in nature, through renewing health and leisure, prosperous agriculture, and superior cities. The selling visions were created by and for white Americans, however, and focused on the “semi-tropical” benefits for Anglo visitors and residents. Ethnic and racial minorities were marginalised as romantic, unprogressive peoples who were best suited to manual labour roles which reinforced Anglo-American progress. The thesis thus argues that boosters alloyed republican ideals of independent living to processes of racial hierarchy, creating a seductive, expansionist imagery which sold semi-tropical California and Florida.

Matters, Emily Helene. "AENEAS IN THE ANTIPODES The teaching of Virgil in New South Wales schools from 1900 to the start of the 21st century." University of Sydney. Classics and Ancient History, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/716.

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Aeneas in the Antipodes offers an Australian perspective on the teaching of Virgil�s poetry in the secondary school. The study examines practices in the State of New South Wales from 1900 to the early years of the twenty-first century. The changing role of Latin in the curriculum is traced through a historical account showing the factors which caused a decline in the status and popularity of the subject from the beginning of the century to the 1970s. This decline, not confined to Australia, stimulated the introduction of new teaching methods with different emphases which were, to some extent, successful in preserving Latin from extinction in schools. Against this background of change, Virgil remained the Latin author most frequently studied in the final year of school. Because this poetry was so consistently prescribed for public examinations, a detailed investigation is made of the questions set and of the examiners� comments on candidates� performance, as evidence of changes in expectations and hence, in teaching methods. The influence of trends in Virgilian scholarship is assessed by means of a review of all the officially recommended commentaries and secondary works. The growth of literary criticism from the 1960s is shown to have had a marked effect on syllabuses and examinations, and consequently on the approach taken in the classroom. The role of local professional organizations in supporting the teaching of Virgil has been documented, showing how the disappearance of official support for Latin teaching was to some extent counterbalanced by an increase in voluntary effort. The resources and methods used to introduce Virgil to comparative beginners are classified and reviewed. An assessment is also offered of approaches made to teaching Virgil in English at both junior and senior secondary levels. The final chapter reviews the changes brought about since 2000. Current teaching practices are documented through classroom observations and teacher surveys, substantiating the impression that while most students at the beginning of the twenty-first century are less prepared than their predecessors to translate Virgil independently, they are expected to attempt a far more sophisticated analysis of the literary features Note: For appendix 3-10 please see hardcopy edition.

Klaiber, Jeffrey. "DAVIES, Jr., THOMAS M., Indian Integration in Peru: A Half Century of Experience, 1900-1948, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1974;204págs." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/122123.

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Vavlas, Belinda A. "Anti-Chinese Discrimination in Twentieth Century America: Perceptions of Chinese Americans During the Third Bubonic Plague Pandemic in San Francisco, 1900-1908." Youngstown State University / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ysu1299600446.

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SOUZA, Amós Bernardino de. "Padeiros - educadores: coisa que o tempo levou...(1875-1900)." http://www.teses.ufc.br, 2005. http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/3369.

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SOUZA, Amós Bernardino de. Padeiros - educadores: coisa que o tempo levou...(1875-1900). 2005. 163 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2005.
Submitted by Raul Oliveira (raulcmo@hotmail.com) on 2012-07-03T14:26:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2005_Dis_ ABSouza.pdf: 840192 bytes, checksum: 4e202def4066c8d7741881bd98838b47 (MD5)
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Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-20T11:47:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005_Dis_ ABSouza.pdf: 840192 bytes, checksum: 4e202def4066c8d7741881bd98838b47 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005
This work is the undertaken result of a historical reasearch, concerning the insert of literary association, “Spiritual Baker” (Padaria Espiritual), and their social-historical agents, with their involviment in education practices in the end of the XIX century. By literary association, we understood a series of groups among them, unions, cabinets of readings, literary clubs, intellectuais, learned, novelists, writers, scientists, naturalistic-realist, poets, nefelibatas, parnasos, total intellectuais, citizen writers, men of literacy, intellectuais, that moved by a literary passion, were centered in a dynamic of national identify formation. It was in the XIX century, that science was establishing its foundations as the guardian of the truth, influencing with their ideas, theories and currents, the construction of knowledge and fields.The “Bakers” pedagogyzives the literature of that time, guiding the learned reader’s view, on the provincial Ceará. Using some authors to compose a theoretical referential that could manage to express the immensity of the problem, and the retlessness, we accomplished the research based on a Bourdieu’ methodology because they are theoretical head offices of cultural history. Crossing primary, secondary and romance literature sources we’ve chosen to accompany and to guide us the perspective of : Svescenko, Williams, Ginzburg, Certeau, Darton, Chartier and Bourdieu. This research tells the reports and narratives of those historical agents, which moved a series of symbolic capitais, while people, or even better individual beings were historical and social agents in their time, it’s exactly in this period, which education is seen as a characteristic of social evilness.
Este trabalho é o resultado empreendido de uma pesquisa historiográfica acerca da inserção de uma agremiação literária, Padaria Espiritual, e seus agentes sócio-históricos, com o envolvimento em práticas docentes no final do século XIX. Por agremiação literária, entendemos uma série de grupos, entre eles, grêmios, gabinetes de leituras, clubes literários, reunião de intelectuais, letrados, romancistas, literatos, escritores, cientistas, naturalistas-realistas, poetas, nefelibatas, parnasos, intelectuais-totais, escritores-cidadãos, homens de letras, intelectuais engajados que, movidos por uma paixão literária, estavam centrados dentro de uma dinâmica de formação da identidade nacional, compondo a República das Letras. Era o século XIX o século em que a ciência firmava suas bases, como guardiã da verdade, influenciando com suas idéias, teorias e correntes, a construção de saberes e campos. Era a época em que a pedagogia, influenciada pelas idéias científicas, como também as literaturas, estabeleceram intercambiamento entre os campos de saberes. O trabalho privilegia exatamente isso: a agremiação Literária, no final do século XIX, que não fazia somente pilhérias e ironias sobre a educação em um jornal chamado o Pão. Para melhor análise do objeto pesquisado, criou-se uma categoria, fundamentando-a no trabalho. Os ideais pedagógicos dos Padeiros podem assim ser evocado. A pesquisa foi realizada com base na teoria de Pierre Bourdieu, por ser matriz teórica da história cultural. Entrecruzando fontes primária, secundárias e literaturas de romance, elegemos para nos acompanhar e orientar Bourdieu nos possibilitou a compreensão e a noção de campos, saberes, doxa e habitus. Acompanharam ainda os nossos olhares Sevcenko, Williams, Ginzburg, Certeau, Darton, Chatier o que nos levaria a criar uma categoria, Padeiros–Educadores, para contar o envolvimento desses integrantes com a educação e a prática docente.Esta pesquisa conta os relatos e narrativas desses agentes históricos que movimentavam uma série de capitais simbólicos. Enquanto pessoas, ou melhor, seres individuais, eram agentes históricos e sociais em seu tempo. É exatamente nesse período que a educação é vista como um apanágio dos males sociais. Civilizar-se, higienizar-se, modernizar-se, educar-se eram as tônicas no Brasil do século XIX. É por estes tempos, o final do século XIX, que os intelectuais e setores médios urbanos embarcam no entusiasmo pela educação. Eram ao nosso ver o Padeiros-Educadores, Escritores-cidadão, fazendo literatura como missão.

Lundström, Sofia. "Jakten på anarkister : En undersökning utifrån Stockholmspolisens förbrytarporträtt under sekelskiftet 1900." Thesis, Södertörn University College, Lärarutbildningen, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-3692.

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This essay is called ”The hunt for anarchists- a study about the police in Stockholm's collection of bandit portrait during the turn of the century 1900 and it is about the criminal category ”Anarchists” who the police in Stockholm used at the turn of the century 1900.  In the archive from the police in Stockholm during the essays time perspective, 1899-1909,  there are about one hundred photographs in the category ”Anarchists”, about half of these pictures have no information besides the names of the people, but the other half, 48 persons, have some information about age, work title and where the person come from. The information showed that the people in the pictures where not from Sweden, and after controlling them in all different kinds of archives I found only ten of them have left any traces in Stockholm. What I realized then was that the people on the pictures are anarchists from different countries in Europe, mostly from Italy, and that the police in Stockholm had these pictures because different police stations around Europe had sent them to the police in Stockholm. The police in Stockholm where on the lookout for fugitive anarchists.

The literature about the anarchist movement in Italy during this time describe the hard situation for Italian anarchists. The police had persecuted, arrested and executed manyof them so many anarchists had fled abroad. The same was for Russian anarchists after the unsuccessful revolution in 1905. Eight of the ten anarchists of the police photographs who had been in Stockholm where Russians. They were a group who was accused of trying to kill the Russian czar visiting Stockholm in 1909.

None of the anarchists on the pictures have ever in Stockholm committed a political crime so to find out what a anarchist crime is have not been possible. But the general picture of the anarchists in the photographs is of a man in his 30’s with a working class job, in short: an everyday man.


BARKER, STEPHEN FREDERIC. "ARTICULATION, 'ETRANGETE,' AND POWER: ASPECTS OF NIETZSCHE IN THEORY AND PRACTICE." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/184183.

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Although Derrida, Deleuze, and others have shown the centrality of Friedrich Nietzsche's work for contemporary philosophy, the breadth of his influence is only just beginning to be understood in literature. Nietzsche saw himself as a philosopher and as a poet, and wrote in all his major works of the importance of understanding the vital interaction of conceptual thinking and its "practical" application by the litterateur. The place of the philosopher/poet, modelled on Nietzsche himself, was to be considered the highest attainable by man. Yet Nietzsche's elevation of poetic thought contains a dynamic paradox, which he himself not only saw but which was for him a--perhaps the --pivotal aspect of his philosophy: since both thinking and writing occur in the same place, language, man must acknowledge that to engage in either is to accept the destruction of his "unity," and to place his attention "out" into language. To articulate, then, is to establish a double focus, an outer one first (in language), and then an inner one posited in that outer medium. The paradox is that this distancing is both necessary to man and disruptive to his sense of himself. Once one perceives this condition as, after Nietzsche, endemic to man, one can begin to see how pervasively the dilemma can be used as a strength, a source of power, by the writer. This study explores applications of Nietzsche's etrangete. Part One considers Nietzsche's writings themselves, selectively, and some precursors on whom he depended for his insights. Part Two applies these ideas to criticism of a number of contemporary writers, showing how the Nietzschean triangulation of articulation, etrangete, and power (Nietzsche's "eternal recurrence," "Overman," and "will to power") informs such diverse writers as Joyce, Faulkner, John Fowles, and Samuel Beckett. Each of the chapters of Part Two explores an aspect of Part One's conclusions relative to a particular writer, showing how he works within the Nietzschean paradigm whether he would repudiate that paradigm (as in the cases of Faulkner and Fowles), or acknowledge it (as with Joyce and Beckett). The dissertation's effort is to demonstrate that Nietzsche's pervasive influence on contemporary literature is systematic, indigenous, and inescapable.

Carlyle, Leslie Anne. "A critical analysis of artists' handbooks, manuals and treatises on oil painting published in Britain between 1800-1900 : with reference to selected eighteenth century sources." Thesis, Courtauld Institute of Art (University of London), 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.320006.

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Ljunggren, Johanna. "Inte enbart av kärlek till böcker : Tre kvinnliga bibliotekariers yrkesliv i Sverige 1900-1930. Greta Linder, Hildur Lundberg och Maria Larsen." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för ABM, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-296382.

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This two-year master thesis in Library and information science, explores how femininity is created within the librarian profession year 1900-1930 in Sweden. By using three Swedish female librarians as case studies I study how female librarians responded to norms for women within the profession. I also ask if the librarians were able to break these norms or if the standards for women formed how the librarian profession was shaped.The thesis has a queer theoretical framework and uses hermeneutic methodology together with Judith But-lers performativity theory and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivaks deconstruktivism. Queer theory and hermeneutic methodology can be used on historical sources to gain new perspectives and still be aware of the ideals and norms that existed within the historical period. I use “woman” and “femininity” as socially constructed gender categories that changes according to the context they are created within and in relation to.My main source material consists of articles and letters written by the librarians together with a rich materi-al of women’s rights history and Swedish public library history. By using the female librarians own words I try to get a first-hand perspective, described by the women who worked and lived as librarians during the first dec-ades of the 20th century. They worked in an important and ground-breaking time for public libraries and wom-en´s self-sufficiency.My thesis shows that the female librarians used different pronouns and adjectives to describe their profes-sion depending on which context they spoke or published their texts. Greta Linder, Hildur Lundberg and Maria Larsen used different strategies to survive within the profession. In some cases, it was important to emphasize the category “woman”, but in many cases their professional identity as librarians was of greater significance. As self-sufficient and unmarried librarians, they could create other possibilities than within the limited space that existed for married women.

Agnevik, Maja. "Sara Wennerberg-Reuter : att vara kvinna och kompositör kring sekelskiftet 1800 / 1900." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för musikvetenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-203498.

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This essay presents an example of the musical life of a female composer active in Sweden during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Through a case study on composer Sara Wennerberg-Reuter (1875-1959), the essay contributes information to her biography, which had been lacking specific details. Wennerberg-Reuter's biography has been discussed regarding traditional roles of women in music, her relationship to her own artistry and other active women composers, and finally the contemporary reception of Wennerberg-Reuter as a legitimate composer. Aesthetical theories prevalent during Wennerberg-Reuter’s life has been applied in these discussions, such as those presented by Citron, Öhrström and Hanson, combined with Citron's additional theories considering masculine/feminine elements in the musical approach. The main conclusions reached regarding the specific conditions enabling a professional status as a composer and woman in Sweden during the given time are; a) the liberal permission by the family to pursue higher education in composing, since this was in opposition to the traditions of the time. b) the access to a network of musically active women, from which a sense of being part of a female community can be created. c) the acceptance from musical institutions such as higher educations, composer's societies and media critics.

Byström, Christoffer. "Urmakarens undergång : En kulturhistorisk undersökning om urmakeriets utveckling och motgångar under 1900-talet." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper (KV), 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-71015.

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The following study examines watchmakers and the watchmaking school in Sweden, how these changed during the 20th century. This is done through Geert Hofstede´s theory about levels of analyzes, his different steps to reach culture history. The source material of the study is based on public investigations, scientific articles, newspaper articles, literature and interviews. The purpose of this study is to reach and understand what and why changes occur in the world of watchmaking, and if the watchmaker managed to survive these changes during the 20th century. Results from the study confirm that very little has changed in the watchmaking school, they still use the same methods as they did 300 years ago. The watchmakers in Sweden showed that they had the durability and flexibility to survive several changes, even if the world was in motion during most of the 20th century.

Hammerling, Anna. "Kökets väggbeklädnad i svenska hem mellan åren 1890-1920." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Konstvetenskapliga institutionen, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-417774.

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During the twenty first century the enthusiasm among the general public the turn of the century 1900’s kitchen has increased in Sweden. Since around 2010 media is overflowing of imagery that cater to and perhaps even with an intention to further stimulate interest in the century 1900’s kitchens. The wallcovering plays a huge part in achieving that estetic. With the increase of serious interest in properly reconstructing and rebuilding these kinds of spaces the scientifically based conservation is vital. But how accurate is the public picture of the turn of the century 1900’s kitchen? How accurate is even the more academically recognized image of the kitchen in Sweden between 1890 to 1920? With this thesis, my intention is to expand the view and knowledge regarding wall coverings in the private kitchens in Sweden between 1890 - 1920. Also to increase underlying information to proper conservation for buildings. The knowledge in both private and state funded conservation in this aspect is, according to findings during the course of writing this thesis, is lacking due to the spars scholar level interest in this subject. This bachelor thesis purpose is to contribute to the advancement of scientifically based knowledge of the private kitchen wallcovering between 1890-1920 in Sweden and compare the popularized image of the kitchen wallcovering, with the result from my study. With different types of archive material, both figurative and written, this bachelor thesis aim at broadening the popularized image of the wallcovering in Sweden's home kitchens between the years 1890-1920. Iconology/iconography, conservation, pop culture and feminist theories have been considered when making this thesis. One among several findings, as presented in this thesis, is that the popularized image of wall covers in home kitchens in Sweden between the years of 1890-1920 differs significantly from their usual appearance.

Page, Alexander Robert. "Resurrecting the democracy : the Democratic party during the Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1884." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2017. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/70466/.

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This thesis places the Democratic party at the centre of the Reconstruction narrative and investigates the transformation of the antebellum Democracy into its postbellum form. In doing so, it addresses the relative scarcity of scholarship on the postwar Democrats, and provides an original contribution to knowledge by (a) explaining how the party survived the Civil War and (b) providing a comprehensive analysis of an extended process of internal conflict over the Democracy's future. This research concludes that while the Civil War caused a crisis in partisanship that lasted until the mid-1870s, it was Democrats' underlying devotion to their party, and flexibility over party principle that allowed the Democracy to survive and reestablish itself as a strong national party. Rather than extensively investigating state-level or grassroots politics, this thesis focuses on the party's national leadership. It finds that public memories of the party's wartime course constituted the most significant barrier to rebuilding the Democratic national coalition. Following an overview of the fractures exposed by civil war, the extent of these splits is assessed through an investigation of sectional reconciliation during Presidential and Radical Reconstruction. The analysis then shifts to explore competing visions of the party's future during the late 1860s and early 1870s when public confidence in the Democracy hit its lowest point. While the early years of Reconstruction opened the party to the possibility of disintegration, by the mid-1870s Democrats had begun to adopt a stronger national party organisation. Through a coherent national strategy that turned national politics away from issues of race and loyalty and towards those of economic development and political reform, while simultaneously appealing to the party's history, national Democratic leaders restored public confidence in the Democracy, silenced advocates of the creation of a new national party, and propelled the party back to power in 1884.

Sjöberg, Erik. "Förintelser - en studie av svenska historieläromedels framställning av 1900-talets folkmord (Holocausts - a study of how the genocides of the 20th century are represented in Swedish history textbooks)." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen (LUT), 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-36083.

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Med utgångspunkt i det förnyade politiska intresse för historieundervisningens innehåll, som följde på regeringens informationssatsning ”Levande historia”, undersöks bilden av 1900-talets folkmord i ett antal läroböcker i historia för gymnasiet från 1990-talet och början av 2000-talet, med särskild tonvikt på vilket urval författarna gör samt vilka förklaringar som presenteras till att de kunde äga rum. Även principerna för urvalet av det kunskapsstoff som förmedlas samt möjliga konsekvenser av detta diskuteras. Den kvalitativa textanalysen utgår från teoretiska begrepp som historiemedvetande och historiebruk, med vissa referenser till orientalismperspektiv som diskuterats i tidigare forskning. Undersökningen visar att styrdokumentens inflytande över läromedlens framställning har ökat sedan 1994 och att förändringen också tagit sig uttryck i en renodling av det europeiska perspektivet i urvalet samt i ett ökat intresse för i första hand Förintelsen, både före och efter 1997 då ”Levande historia” initierades.
With the renewed political interest in the content of history teaching in Sweden as a point of departure, this study deals with how the genocides of the 20th century are represented in Swedish history textbooks, aimed at pupils aged 16-19 years, from the 1990ies and the beginning of the 21st century. The analysis revolves around such theoretical concepts as history-awareness and uses of history, with certain references made to the concept of orientalism, that has been discussed in previous research. The study concludes that the influence of policy makers over the contents of the history textbooks has increased since 1994, which has resulted in a larger emphasis on the European perspective and the Holocaust.

Bromling, Laura Cappello, and University of Lethbridge Faculty of Arts and Science. "From the pens of the contrivers : perspectives on fiction in the nineteenth-century novel." Thesis, Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Arts and Science, 2003, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10133/154.

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This thesis investigates the way that moral and aesthetic concerns about the relationship between fiction and reality are manifested in the work of particular novelists writing at different periods in the nineteenth century, Chapter One examines an early-century subgenre of the novel that features deluded female readers who fail to differentiate between fantasy and reality, and who consequently attempt to live their lives according to foolish precepts learned from novels. The second chapter deals with the realist aesthetic of W. M. Thackeray; focusing on the techniques by which his fiction marks its own relationship both to less realistic fiction and to reality itself. The final chapter discusses Oscar Wilde's critical stance that art is meaningful and intellectually satisfying, while reality and realism are aesthetically worthless: it then goes on the explore how these ideas play out in his novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray.
iv, 120 leaves ; 28 cm.

Morrison, Becky L. "The chest voice function in the classically trained soprano| A survey of selected vocal pedagogy treatises from the seventeenth century through the twentieth century and recording analysis from 1900 to the present with discussion of the implications for the modern vocal pedagogue." Thesis, The University of Oklahoma, 2013. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3590374.

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The purpose of this research is to document the use of chest voice in sound recordings of sopranos from the early 1900s through the twentieth century and to survey the vocal pedagogy informing performance practice of chest voice throughout the twentieth century. The research includes a survey of the chest voice in vocal pedagogy treatises from the seventeenth century through the twentieth century, and the performance practice of singers throughout the twentieth century in regard to the use of chest voice. The research also includes recording practices as they pertain to the different time periods of sound recordings used in this study. Three singers from each recording era are documented in regard to their rise to fame, voice teachers, training, use of chest voice in recordings, and approach to singing. Three arias will be used to trace the use of chest voice throughout the different eras of recorded history to document changes in style and approach to chest voice singing. The arias are "Una voce poco fa" from Rossini's Il Barbiere di Siviglia , "Salce, Salce" from Verdi's Otello, and "Air des bijoux" (The Jewel Song) from Gounod's Faust. The views about the use of chest voice over the past four hundred years inform the modern vocal pedagogue in regard to the changes in methodology, ideology, and practice due to the advances in vocal science and technology used to explore the voice and its function. However, until the beginning of sound recording the only form of documented historical performance lay in the opinions of critics and those who wrote about the performers of their day. In the research of this document the archival recordings provide the impetus for comparing vocal pedagogy instruction with performance practice in the use of chest voice.


Sridharan, Preetham. ""Agglutinating" a Family: Friedrich Max Müller and the Development of the Turanian Language Family Theory in Nineteenth-Century European Linguistics and Other Human Sciences." PDXScholar, 2018. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/4341.

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Some linguists in the nineteenth century argued for the existence of a "Turanian" family of languages in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia, claiming the common descent of a vast range of languages like Hungarian, Finnish, Turkish, Mongol, Manchu, and their relatives and dialects. Of such linguists, Friedrich Max Müller (1823-1900) was an important developer and popularizer of a version of the Turanian theory across Europe, given his influence as a German-born Oxford professor in Victorian England from the 1850s onwards. Although this theory lost ground in academic linguistics from the mid twentieth century, a pan-nationalist movement pushing for the political unity of all Turanians emerged in Hungary and the Ottoman Empire from the Fin-de-siècle era. This thesis focuses on the history of this linguistic theory in the nineteenth century, examining Müller's methodology and assumptions behind his Turanian concept. It argues that, in the comparative-historical trend in linguistics in an age of European imperialism, Müller followed evolutionary narratives of languages based on word morphologies in which his contemporaries rationalized the superiority of "inflectional" Indo-European languages over "agglutinating" Turanian languages. Building on the "Altaic" theory of the earlier Finnish linguist and explorer Matthias Castrén, Müller factored in the more primitive nomadic lifestyle of many peoples speaking agglutinating languages to genealogically group them into the Turanian family. Müller's universalist Christian values gave him a touch of sympathy for all human languages and religions, but he reinforced the hierarchical view of cultures in his other comparative sciences of mythology and religion as well. This picture was challenged in the cultural pessimism of the Fin de siècle with the Pan-Turanists turning East to their nomadic heritage for inspiration.

Brahamcha-Marin, Jordi. "La réception critique de la poésie de Victor Hugo en France (1914-1944)." Thesis, Le Mans, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LEMA3006/document.

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Cette thèse étudie la réception critique de la poésie de Hugo en France entre 1914 et 1944. Elle se fonde sur une conception large et englobante de la « réception critique ». Ainsi, elle envisage la manière dont l’œuvre poétique hugolienne est reproduite et diffusée (dans des éditions savantes, des éditions populaires bon marché, des livres de luxe, des manuels scolaires, des anthologies…) ou fait l’objet d’adaptations (mises en musique, parodies et pastiches) ainsi que les discours tenus sur la poésie de Hugo, que ceux-ci émanent d’universitaires, d’écrivains et intellectuels, de journalistes, de militants, d’hommes politiques, etc. En mobilisant un corpus riche et varié, en confrontant des démarches critiques provenant de champs très différents, notre travail fait apparaître quelques problématiques récurrentes.Celles-ci sont notamment relatives au statut de Hugo comme auteur patrimonial, à la centralité de la poésie dans son œuvre (et en particulier à la centralité des trois grands recueils de l’exil, Les Châtiments, Les Contemplations, La Légende des siècles), aux lectures et aux appropriations politiques auxquelles cette poésie donne lieu, à la manière de situer Hugo dans l’histoire de la poésie française (selon les cas, aux côtés de Lamartine et Musset ou aux côtés de Baudelaire, Rimbaud et Mallarmé). Au-delà du seul cas Hugo, notre travail jette aussi quelques éclairages sur la place de la poésie dans l’imaginaire du premier XXe siècle et sur la manière dont cette période se définit par rapport à un double héritage poétique, « romantique » et « moderne »
This dissertation studies the critical reception of the poetry of Victor Hugo in France over the period 1914-1944. Relying on an inclusive conception of “critical reception”, it considers the way in which Hugo’s poetic work was reproduced and circulated (in scholarly editions and cheap popular editions, in luxury books and school textbooks, in poem collections...) or adapted (turned into parody or pastiche and set to music by various composers). It also looks at the many discourses that were held on Hugo’s poetry, whether by academics, professional writers and intellectuals, journalists, political men and activists, etc. Drawing on an extensive corpus and a wide range of sources, confronting methodological approaches borrowed from different study fields, our work helps to throw light on Hugo’s importance as an integral part of French cultural heritage; on the centrality of poetry (especially of the three major collections published while Hugo was in exile, Les Châtiments, Les Contemplations, La Légende des siècles) within his work; on the political readings and the political uses that were made of Hugo’s poetry; on the competing ways of categorising Hugo’s work within French poetry and among French poets, as a Romantic akin to Lamartine and Musset or as a modernist equated with Baudelaire, Rimbaud and Mallarmé. Beyond the sole case of Hugo, our dissertation also sheds light on the importance of poetry in the imagination of the early 20th century, and on the way in which the literature of the period sought to define itself in relation to a two-fold poetic legacy, that of romanticism and that of modernism

Foreman, Chelsea. "Female Migration From Sweden to Britain : An investigation into how female migration from Sweden to Britain in 1894, 1914, 1925, and 1940 was affected by the economy and political changes to women’s rights." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för samhälls- och kulturvetenskap, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-65997.

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The purpose of this essay is to find out to what female migration from Sweden to Britain looked like in 1894, 1914, 1925, and 1940, and to what extent any changes seen were affected by the economy and political changes to women’s rights. In order to do this I have analysed statistics found in archive material, in addition to literature relating to migration into Britain, the economy, and women’s rights, in order to see if there is a correlation between changes in the statistics presented and changes in society. In doing this, I found that although there are immense changes to the rights of women between 1894 and 1940 in both Sweden and Britain, such as the right to vote, the right to equal work, and the right to equal pensions, migration patterns lean much further towards the economical changes than the political changes. The biggest of these economic factors in Britain was quite clearly the industrial revolution, which affected multiple sectors of work for every type of person. Meanwhile Sweden had a situation where there was an excess of women in the country, and 90% of those that worked were agricultural workers, leading to a large outlier of ‘pigor’ or female farmhands who emigrated in 1894.
Syftet med denna uppsatsen är att undersöka hur kvinnlig migration från Sverige till Storbritannien såg ut under år 1894, 1914, 1925 och 1940. Jag har även undersökt till vilken grad eventuella ändringar, av migrationen, påverkades av ekonomin och även de politiska förändringarna gällande kvinnliga rättigheter. För att uppnå syftet har jag analyserat statistik samlad från arkivmaterial. Detta tillsammans med litteratur kring migration till Storbritannien, ekonomin och kvinnliga rättigheter, för att kunna se ifall det finns en korrelation mellan skillnaderna i den presenterade statistiken och hur samhället ändrades. Genom att göra detta fann jag att fastän det finns stora skillnader i kvinnornas rättigheter mellan 1894 och 1940 i både Sverige och Storbritannien, som till exempel rösträtten, rätt till arbete och rätt till samma pension som män, så lutade ändringen i migrationen mycket mer åt i hur ekonomin ändrade sig än själva politiken. Den största ekonomiska faktorn i Storbritannien var den industriella revolutionen, vilket påverkade många olika arbetssektorer för alla i samhället. Under tiden detta pågick i Storbritannien fann Sverige sig i en situation där det fanns ett överflöd av kvinnor i landet, varav 90% arbetade inom jordbruket. En följd av situationen var den konstaterade utflyttningen av många pigor till Storbritannien år 1894.

Oliveira, Helder Manuel da Silva de. "Olhar o mar : um estudo sobre as obras 'Marinha com Barco' (1895) e Paisagem com Rio e Barco ao Seco em São Paulo "Ponte Grande" (1895) de Giovanni Castagneto." [s.n.], 2007. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/281530.

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Orientador: Luciano Migliaccio
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
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Resumo: A origem deste estudo são as obras Marinha com barco (1895) e Paisagem com rio e barco ao seco em São Paulo 'Ponte Grande¿ (1895) de autoria de Giovanni Castagneto. Este se inicia com um breve histórico da pintura de marinha correlacionando a produção européia e brasileira. Em seguida, analisamos a produção do artista sob a prática da pintura de série, pois é possível identificar nas obras do pintor uma freqüente repetição de motivos. A partir disto avaliamos a série 'barcos ao seco¿ realizada pelo pintor ao longo de sua carreira e na qual incluímos as obras acima. Por fim, tratamos do período em que o artista expôs em São Paulo e as relações estabelecidas no ambiente cultural paulista. O trajeto foi necessário tanto para uma compreensão da produção paulista e de sua importância no meio artístico da cidade de São Paulo, bem como perceber o lócus do pintor no panorama da pintura de paisagem marinha e no meio artístico brasileiro do século XIX
Abstract: Giovanni Castagneto's Marinha com barco (1895) and Paisagem com rio e barco ao seco em São Paulo 'Ponte Grande' (1895) are the origin of this present study which begins with a brief story of seascape co-relating both the European and Brazilian productions. The following step consists on the analysis of the artist's production under the practice of his serial paintings due to the possibility of identification of a frequent repetition of motives in the painter's works. From this point, we evaluate the series 'barcos ao seco' released by the painter throughout his career and which includes the paintings mentioned previously. Finally, we focus on the period in which the artist exhibited in São Paulo and the relationship established in the cultural environment of the city. This course was necessary for a deeper comprehension of the painter's production in São Paulo as well as his importance in the forming cultural class. Therefore we intend, throughout the chosen paintings, to notice the importance of Castagneto in the both sea and landscape production context and in the Brazilian artistic class
Historia da Arte
Mestre em História da Arte

Borbor, Taraneh. "Towards a new geographical consciousness : a study of place in the novels of V.S. Naipaul and J.M. Coetzee." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2011. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/7143/.

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Focusing on approaches to place in selected novels by J. M. Coetzee and V. S. Naipaul, this thesis explores how postcolonial literature can be read as contributing to the reimagining of decolonised, decentred or multi-centred geographies. I will examine the ways in which selected novels by Naipaul and Coetzee engage with the sense of displacement and marginalization generated by imperial mappings of the colonial space. My chosen texts contribute to the decentralizing tendencies of postcolonialism by deconstructing the tropes of boundaries from the perspective of those who have been marginalized on the basis of their race, gender or geographical origins. The work of Edward Said, bell hooks, Edward Soja, Gillian Rose and Homi Bhabha provide a means for me to explain how the displaced subjects relate to places in the postcolonial context. Accordingly, Coetzee's and Naipaul's visions of place and geography are examined in this study in relation to the situational complexity of their habitats. Naipaul's view of place in terms of the binary oppositions between the colonial and metropolitan places is discussed in relation to the sense of displacement that is generated by his colonial upbringing. On the other hand, Coetzee's view of place as the product of imperialist divisive discourses is also interpreted against the historical contest over land and belonging in South Africa. It is argued that both writers contribute to the decentralizing mission of postcolonialism by locating themselves in the margins and advocating sensitivity towards the tropes of boundaries that subject people to displacement and marginalization. Part I discusses A House for Mr Biswas, The Enigma of Arrival, Half a Life and Magic Seeds. I will explore how Naipaul's sense of marginality results in his view of the world in terms of a binarism between the centre and the margin. However, I will argue that among these novels, the last three acknowledge that the longing for homeliness is an unlikely quest for a displaced subject, and that the imperative of the postcolonial world requires the displaced to see the world as unhomely, changing and hybrid. Part II interprets Coetzee's experience of apartheid in South Africa as a legitimate reason for resisting the ways in which the dominant powers in the social and cultural spheres implement marginality. In Waiting for the Barbarians, and Life and Times of Michael K and Foe, Coetzee deconstructs boundaries and asserts the entitlement of the displaced and the marginalized to the land and its representation. The distinctive approaches taken by these two canonical writers remind us of the increasing necessity, yet the complexity, of moving towards a decentralised and dynamic view of the world.

Vang, Pamela. "Good Guys : A Cultural Semiotic Study of the Print Advertising of the Oil Industry (1900-2000)." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Avdelningen för språk och kultur, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-106721.

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Oil is central to our lives and is the source of many of the conveniences that we take for granted. It can bring wealth and prosperity to individuals and to nations, but is also a source of political conflict and the consequences of its impact on the environment are only now beginning to be fully recognised. The oil companies have been leaders in the development of marketing and branding and this thesis traces the history of the oil industry and analyses the different forms of print advertisements that its major companies have produced over a period of some hundred years, from the industry’s infancy until 2012. It takes a cultural semiotic perspective to investigate and reveal the ways in which the companies have adapted their advertising messages to the prevailing socio-political conditions to reflect current attitudes and to guide both public opinion and national policy. The analyses demonstrate how the companies have responded to different crises and to increasing globalisation and how they have engineered a shift from product to presence and from oil to energy to communicate a more environment-friendly image. A close reading of the advertisements produced by the companies shows how they have cast themselves in the mythical role of the indefatigable hero whose mission is the common good. Moreover, it uncovers the different heroic personalities that they have acquired and adopted over time to differentiate their products and services.
Olja är en central faktor i våra liv och en källa till många av de bekvämligheter som vi tar för givna. Den kan bringa nationer och individer rikedom och välstånd men den kan också ge upphov till politiska konflikter – och dess miljökonsekvenser börjar först nu bli helt klarlagda. Oljebolagen har varit ledande inom marknadsföring och branding. Denna avhandling följer oljeindustrins historia och analyserar de tryckta annonser som de stora oljebolagen har producerat under en period av drygt hundra år, från oljeindustrins barndom till och med 2012. Utifrån ett kultursemiotiskt perspektiv undersöks och klarläggs hur bolagen har anpassat sina reklambudskap till rådande sociopolitiska förhållanden och på så sätt sökt både spegla gängse attityder och styra opinionsbildning och politik. Analyserna visar hur bolagen, som svar på olika kriser och en ökande globalisering, har förändrat sina budskap. Dels har ett fokus på produkten ersatts av ett fokus på närvaro, dels har olja ersatts av energi, allt för att kommunicera en mer miljövänlig image. En närläsning av bolagens annonser visar hur de konstant har framställt sig själva som den oförtröttlige hjälten vars mål är det allmänna bästa samt vilka olika hjälteskepnader de har iklätt sig över tid.

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Ivarsson, Lilieblad Björn. "Moulin Rouge på svenska : Varietéunderhållningens kulturhistoria i Stockholm 1875‐1920." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema Kultur och samhälle, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-17693.

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Syfte med den här avhandlingen är att empiriskt kartlägga framväxten och utvecklingen av varietéunderhållningen i Stockholm 1870-1920, för att kunna förstå både förhållandet till dess transnationella förebilder, ekonomiska dynamik, kulturella dragningskraft, samt förklara hur genren kom att uppfattas i den offentliga debatten. Med teorier hämtade från Antonio Gramsci och Pierre Bourdieu diskuteras varietéerna som ett uttryck för det sena 1800-talets samhällsförändringar och marknadskapitalistiska dynamik, som bl.a. synliggjordes i nya urbana livsstilar och mönster. Resultatet av dessa undersökningar visar hur den tyska, brittiska, amerikanska och franska varietéunderhållningen influerade den svenska motsvarigheten. Samtidigt var faktorer som de nationella och lokala ekonomiska, politiska och sociala förhållandena avgörande i skapandet av de specifika uttrycksformer varietéunderhållning fick i Stockholm. Avhandlingen visar också hur varietésalongernas sociala praktiker, genom en medveten disciplineringssträvan från såväl entreprenörer som politiker, kom att genomgå en förändringsprocess där den sociala samvaron minskade till förmån för en allt starkare fokus på föreställningarnas innehåll. Genom sina samhällsutmanande drag kom varietéunderhållningen även att fungera som plattform varifrån viktiga värden och normer förhandlades och medierades. Detta bidrog till att underhållningsformen blev en måltavla för sedlighets- och nykterhetsrörelsen. Moulin Rouge på svenska är, genom att sätta fokus på hur entreprenörer, artister, skribenter, musikkompositörer och kritiker tänkte och agerade i den framväxande offentliga urbaniteten, ett viktigt bidrag i förståelsen av hur den tidiga svenska massproducerade populärkulturen tog form i slutet av 1800-talet.
The purpose of this dissertation is to chart and analyze the growth and development of variety entertainment in Stockholm 1870-1920 in order to reach an understanding of its transnational models, economic dynamics, and cultural attraction, as well as to explain how this genre was understood in the public debate. With the help of theories derived from Antonio Gramsci and Pierre Bourdieu variety entertainment is discussed as an expression of the social changes and the dynamics of market capitalism that became visible in new urban life styles and patterns at the end of the 19th century. The results of this investigation show how German, British, American and French variety entertainment influenced their Swedish counterparts. At the same time factors such as national and local economics and existing political and social conditions were determinants in the creation of the specific forms of expression that variety entertainment assumed in Stockholm. The dissertation also shows how social practice in the variety halls went through a process of change due to a conscious attempt on the part of both the entrepreneurs and politicians to discipline behaviour. In this process social interaction declined and a sharper focus came to be placed on the content of the performances. Because many of its characteristics challenged social values, variety entertainment came to function as a platform for the mediation of important norms and values. This was a contributing factor in making this form of entertainment a target for the temperance and morality movements. By focussing on how the entrepreneurs, actors, writers, composers and critics thought and acted in the growing public urbanity, Moulin Rouge in Swedish makes an important contribution to understanding how early mass produced Swedish culture took shape in the end of the 19th century.

Meyer, Helena. "En ny fluga på utdöende : Hur tatueringen och den tatuerade människan konstruerats i svensk dagspress under två sekel." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Historia, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-45649.

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In this thesis, I argue that the modern view on tattooing as a new trend and its former association with antisocial people is an old trope, in many ways constructed by the newspapers.  Tattooing is a practice with a long and multifaceted history. From Ötzi the iceman to the presumed tattoo-boom or tattoo-renaissance in the late twentieth century, it has waxed and waned in popularity but never fully got out of sight. The inhabitants of Sweden's capital city Stockholm are said to be the world's most tattooed people.  The Swedish word for tattoo: tatuering, was introduced in 1799 in an article about natives in the South Pacific. For about half a century, the newspapers mostly wrote about tattooing as a native practice in faraway countries. But, as far back as 1869, the Swedish newspapers started to report on a more western-centered tattoo interest. Approximately 30 years later, it was also reported as a trend attracting new target groups such as women and nobility in America and Britain. Since then, Swedish newspapers have repeatedly described tattooing alternatively as a new trend reaching out to new target groups, a practice on the brink of extinction, a danger to the health, or a stigmatizing mark. The tattooed person has been depicted as odd, self-destructive, an outcast, or incapable of making their own decisions. Authorities such as medics, scholars, social workers, and journalists have taken a right to interpret, discuss and judge the choices of other people. From researching Swedish Newspapers from 1799 to 1999, I conclude that the modern reports on tattooing as a trend, a danger, or a sign of deviance is a narrative with a long history. The view of tattooed people as odd, strange, and victims of self-destructive behavior is a discourse with an equally long tradition. Further, I argue that the tattooed person, when interviewed or depicted to this day, is constructed by old conceptions and stereotypes. The result is that people with an interest in tattooing internalizes prejudices as a self-image. This image is either promoted and self-encouraged, or the object of denial, and a wish to be seen as a whole person, not a stereotype or cliché.

Wright, Judith Helen. "In their own image : Nuwara Eliya, a British town in the heart of Ceylon." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/28315.

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The thesis is a study of Ceylon's only hill-station, Nuwara Eliya. Nuwara Eliya was established in 1829 as a military sanitarium and gradually assumed the role of a seasonal resort in the second half of the century. Located at 6,280 feet elevation in the temperate hill region, Nuwara Eliya came to have an important role in the social and recreational life of the British in Ceylon. The landscape resembled that of the English countryside, which inspired the British to shape the landscape in the image of their homeland. This thesis explores the sentimental attachment that British expatriates formed for Nuwara Eliya. Based on evidence from the nineteenth century writings of expatriates arid travellers who visited the hill-station, it suggests that the Romanticism prevalent during the period had a significant influence on the manner in which expatriates perceived and interpreted the landscape of Nuwara Eliya. Romanticism alone did not account for the emergence of Nuwara Eliya as an English village. It argues that romanticism, in conjunction with the following factors, contributed to the development of the English landscape of the Nuwara Eliya. The hill-station provided an accessible locale with a temperate climate and vegetation that offered an alternative to the heat of the lowlands. The British possessed a set of ethno-medical beliefs which held that such an environment was the one to which Europeans were best suited. In addition, the recreational preferences of the British and the specific recreational and social needs of the expatriate community contributed to the development of the recreational infrastructure of Nuwara Eliya. The development of the plantation economy was a further prerequisite for the growth of the hill-station. Perhaps the most important consideration, though, was the longing British expatriates experienced for their homeland which made them desire a viable substitute for England. The study was conducted through a survey of nineteenth century travel writings of individuals who visited or resided at Nuwara Eliya. A content analysis was performed on the travel literature to determine the attributes of Nuwara Eliya that were noted in the writings and which indicated the expatriate's and traveller's perceptions of the hill-station. Subsequent to the literature analysis, fieldwork was undertaken in Sri Lanka for a three month period in 1987. Archival research, conducted at the National Archives, Colombo, involved an examination of the diaries of the Assistant Government Agent of the Nuwara Eliya District, as well as nineteenth century English-language newspapers to assess the role of the hill-station in the social life of colonial. Ceylon. Fieldwork also entailed a period of time at Nuwara Eliya to compile photographic evidence and to permit observation of the landscape and the built environment.
Arts, Faculty of
Geography, Department of

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