Academic literature on the topic 'ADL Rainbow'

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Journal articles on the topic "ADL Rainbow":


Derindo, Haves, Lyra Yulianti, and Syafrizal Sy . "BILANGAN STRONG RAINBOW CONNECTION PADA GRAF BEADED WHEEL." Jurnal Matematika UNAND 7, no. 1 (February 14, 2018): 76.

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Abstrak. Suatu graf dikatakan bersifat strong rainbow connected, jika untuk setiap duatitik u dan v, lintasan rainbow antara kedua titik tersebut adalah lintasan geodesic,yaitu lintasan dengan panjang d(u; v). Graf Beaded Wheel, dinotasikan dengan BW,untuk m 3, didenisikan sebagai suatu graf dengan 2m + 1 titik, yang diperolehdengan cara menambahkan satu titik pada setiap jari-jari yang ada pada graf roda W,untuk m 3. Graf BW, untuk m 3, didenisikan dengan cara serupa, yaitu denganmenambahkan dua titik pada setiap jari-jari yang ada pada graf roda W3;m, untuk m 3.Cara menentukan bilangan strong rainbow connection untuk BW2;mmdan BWadalahdengan mendenisikan pewarnaan terhadap semua sisi pada graf sedemikian sehinggagraf tersebut bersifat strong rainbow connected. Untuk m = 4, pada tulisan ini diperolehbilangan strong rainbow connection pada graf Beaded Wheel yaitu, src(BW) = 4 dansrc(BW3;4) = 5.Kata Kunci: Beaded Wheel, strong rainbow connection3;m2;42;mm

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah, Syafrizal Sy, and Lyra Yulianti. "BILANGAN RAINBOW CONNECTION UNTUK BEBERAPA GRAF CORONA SISI." Jurnal Matematika UNAND 4, no. 2 (July 26, 2019): 16.

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Suatu lintasan uP v dikatakan sebagai rainbow path pada G jika tidak ada dua sisi pada P yang berwarna sama. Suatu graf G dikatakan rainbow-connected terhadap pewarnaan sisi-sisi, jika G memuat lintasan rainbow u − v untuk setiap dua titik u dan v pada G. Suatu pewarnaan sisi dimana G bersifat rainbow connected dinamakan rainbow coloring terhadap G. Pada tulisan ini akan ditentukan bilangan rainbow connection untuk corona sisi dari beberapa graf sederhana, yaitu rc(G H) untuk G atau H adalah graf lengkap Kn, graf lintasan Pn dan graf siklus Cn, n ≥ 3.Kata Kunci: Graf lengkap, lintasan, siklus, bilangan rainbow connection

Medika, Gema Hista. "RAINBOW CONNECTION PADA BEBERAPA GRAF." Jurnal Matematika UNAND 2, no. 2 (June 10, 2013): 17.

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Misalkan G adalah graf terhubung tak-trivial. Denisikan pewarnaan c :E(G) ! f1; 2; :::; kg, k 2 N, dimana dua sisi yang bertetangga boleh memiliki warnayang sama. Suatu u 􀀀 v path P di G dikatakan rainbow path jika tidak ada dua sisi diP yang memiliki warna sama. Graf G dikatakan rainbow connected jika setiap dua titikyang berbeda di G dihubungkan oleh rainbow path. Pewarnaan sisi yang menyebabkan Gbersifat rainbow connected dikatakan rainbow coloring. Rainbow connection number darigraf terhubung G, ditulis rc(G), didenisikan sebagai banyaknya warna minimal yangdiperlukan untuk membuat graf G bersifat rainbow connected. Misalkan c adalah rainbowcoloring dari graf terhubung G. Untuk dua titik u dan v di G, rainbow u-v geodesic padaG adalah rainbow u-v path yang panjangnya d(u; v), dimana d(u; v) adalah jarak antarau dan v (panjang u-v path terpendek di G). Graf G dikatakan strongly rainbow-connectedjika G memiliki suatu rainbow u-v geodesic untuk setiap dua titik u dan v di G. Mini-mum k yang terdapat pada pewarnaan c : E(G) ! f1; 2; :::; kg sedemikian sehingga Gadalah strongly rainbow-connected dikatakan strong rainbow connection number, src(G);di G. Jadi, rc(G) src(G) untuk setiap graf terhubung di G. Pada paper ini akan di-ulas kembali tentang strong rainbow connection number dari graf bipartit lengkap Ks;tdengan 1 s t dimana s; t 2 N adalah src(Ks;t) = d spte, sedangkan rainbow connec-tion number dari graf bipartit lengkap Ks;t dengan 2 s t dimana s; t 2 N adalahrc(Ks;t) = minfd spte; 4g.

Reveco, Felipe E., and Murray D. Drew. "Fractionation of wheat distillers' dried grains and solubles by particle size and density improves its digestible nutrient content for rainbow trout." Canadian Journal of Animal Science 92, no. 2 (June 2012): 197–205.

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Reveco, F. E. and Drew, M. D. 2012. Fractionation of wheat distillers' grains and solubles by particle size and density improves its digestible nutrient content in rainbow trout. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 197–205. The nutritional value of wheat distillers' dried grains and solubles (WDDGS) in aquaculture is poor because of its relatively low crude protein (CP) and high fibre content. In this study WDDGS was fractionated using grinding, sieving and elutriation sequentially. The WDDGS was ground in a hammer mill using a 3-mm screen and sieved using six sieves (20M, 30T, 40T, 50T, 60M and 80M) into seven fractions (>841, 590–840, 426–589, 298–425, 251–297, 178–250 and<177 µm). Elutriation was then performed to further fractionate based on particle shape and density. The higher density sub-fractions from the three smallest particle size fractions were mixed to produce a fractionated WDDGS containing 20.7 MJ kg−1 gross energy (GE), 454.6 g kg−1 CP, 260.4 g kg−1 neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and 93.2 g kg−1 acid detergent fibre (ADF). The digestibility of the unprocessed and fractionated WWDGS products was assessed in rainbow trout. Apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of DM, GE, acid ether extract (AEE), ash and amino acids (AA) did not differ between the unprocessed material and the fractionated WDDGS (P>0.05). However, the ADC of CP was higher for fractionated WDDGS (0.88) than the unprocessed WDDGS (0.85) (P<0.05). This fractionation scheme can be used to improve the nutritional value of WDDGS for rainbow trout.

Snozek, Christine L. H., James S. Hernandez, and Stephen J. Traub. "“Rainbow Draws” in the Emergency Department: Clinical Utility and Staff Perceptions." Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine 4, no. 2 (September 1, 2019): 229–34.

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Abstract Background Collecting a predefined set of blood tubes (the “rainbow draw”) is a common but controversial practice in many emergency departments (EDs), with limited data to support it. We determined the actual utilization of rainbow draw tubes at a single facility and evaluated the perceptions of ED staff regarding the utility of rainbow draws. Methods We analyzed 2 weeks of ED visits (1326 visits by 1240 unique patients) to determine blood tube utilization for initial and add-on testing, as well as the incidence of additional venipunctures. We also surveyed ED staff regarding aspects of ED phlebotomy and test ordering. Utilization data analysis was structured to satisfy specific concerns addressed in the ED staff survey. Results Observed tube utilization data showed that fluoride/oxalate, citrate, and serum separator tubes were frequently discarded unused, and that the actual utility of the rainbow draw for add-on testing and avoiding additional venipunctures was low. ED staff perceived that the rainbow draw was highly valuable, both to expedite add-on testing and to avoid additional venipunctures. Contrasting the objective (utilization data) and subjective (survey results) to drive changes in the standard ED blood collection reduced the estimated waste blood by 175 L/year. Conclusions Comparison of perceptions and objective utilization data drove process changes that were mutually agreeable to ED and laboratory staff. Although specifics of ED and laboratory work flows vary between institutions, the principles and strategy of this study are widely applicable.

Muhardiansyah, Muhardiansyah, Lyra Yulianti, and Admi Nazra. "RAINBOW CONNECTION PADA GRAF AMALGAMASI TANGGA SEGITIGA DIPERUMUM HOMOGEN." Jurnal Matematika UNAND 8, no. 1 (July 5, 2019): 209.

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Untuk graf G terhubung dan tak trivial, dan k suatu bilangan bulat positif, misalkan c : E(G) → {1, 2, ..., k} suatu pewarnaan sisi di G, dimana sisi yang bertetangga boleh diberi warna yang sama. Suatu lintasan di G dikatakan lintasan rainbow jika tidak ada dua sisi di lintasan tersebut memiliki warna yang sama. Graf G dikatakan rainbow connected oleh pewarnaan c jika G memuat lintasan rainbow u − v untuk setiap titik u dan v di G. Dalam konteks ini, pewarnaan c disebut rainbow edge coloring. Jika c adalah rainbow edge coloring dengan k warna digunakan, maka c disebut rainbow k-coloring. Jika k adalah bilangan bulat positif yang minimum, maka k adalah bilangan rainbow connection dari graf G yang dinotasikan dengan rc(G) = k.Untuk m ∈ N dan m ≥ 2, misalkan {G1, G2, . . . , Gm} adalah kumpulan hingga dari graf terhubung dan tak trivial, dan v0,i adalah sebuah titik graf Gi untuk 1 ≤ i ≤ m. Amalgamasi G1, G2, . . . , Gm yang dinotasikan dengan Amal{Gi, v0,i}m i=1 adalah graf yang berasal dari graf G1, G2, . . . , Gm dengan mengidentifikasi titiktitik v0,1, v0,2, . . . , v0,m sedemikian sehingga v0,1 = v0,2 = . . . = v0,m pada graf Amal{Gi, v0,i}m i=1. Graf Amal{T r4, v}m adalah graf amalgamasi m buah graf T r4, untuk m ≥ 2.Pada makalah ini akan ditentukan bilangan rainbow connection pada graf amalgamasi tangga segitiga diperumum homogen Amal{T r4, v}m.Diterima: Direvisi: Dipublikasikan :Kata Kunci: bilangan rainbow connection, graf amalgamasi tangga segitiga diperumum homogen

Chemello, Giulia, Manuela Renna, Christian Caimi, Inês Guerreiro, Aires Oliva-Teles, Paula Enes, Ilaria Biasato, Achille Schiavone, Francesco Gai, and Laura Gasco. "Partially Defatted Tenebrio molitor Larva Meal in Diets for Grow-Out Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum): Effects on Growth Performance, Diet Digestibility and Metabolic Responses." Animals 10, no. 2 (January 31, 2020): 229.

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Insect meals are good candidates to replace fishmeal as new protein sources in aquafeeds. This study evaluated the effects of fishmeal replacement with different dietary inclusion levels of a partially defatted Tenebrio molitor (L.) larva meal (TM) on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) growth, diet digestibility, and hepatic intermediary metabolism. A 154-day growth trial was performed with 252 rainbow trout (78.3 ± 6.24 g) randomly divided into twelve tanks and fed four experimental diets containing increasing levels of TM: 0% (TM0), 25% (TM25), 50% (TM50), and 100% (TM100) of fishmeal substitution, corresponding to TM dietary inclusion levels of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 20%, respectively. A digestibility trial was performed feeding 180 rainbow trout (94.6 ± 7.31 g) with the experimental diets used in the growth trial. The growth parameters were not affected by TM dietary inclusion. Regarding the evaluated apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC), only the ADC of crude protein was affected, showing the following trend: TM0 = TM25 > TM50 > TM100. The activities of key hepatic amino acid catabolic and lipogenic enzymes were not affected by the dietary composition. The results suggest that a partially defatted TM could totally replace fishmeal in commercial rainbow trout diets without negative effects on fish performance.

Fatimah, Fatimah, Dwi Sandri, and Nana Yuliana. "PENENTUAN UMUR SIMPAN GETUK PISANG RAINBOW YANG DIKEMAS MENGGUNAKAN KEMASAN PLASTIK POLIETILEN." Jurnal Teknologi Agro-Industri 4, no. 1 (June 19, 2017): 35.

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Getuk pisang adalah makanan kue yang tebuat dari pisang masak yang dikukus laluditumbuk halus bersama gula pasir dan kemudian digulung dengan daun pisangsehingga berbentuk bulat panjang. Sedangkan getuk pisang rainbow terbuat daripisang uli (Musa paradisiaca Sapientum) khas Kalimantan dengan pewarna daribahan alami sehingga berwarna warni dan dikemas menggunakan plastik kemasan.Pengolahan pisang uli di Kalimantan Selatan belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal.Getuk pisang rainbow yang berbahan dasar pisang uli sudah ada dilakukan, tetapimasih belum dilakukan pengujian untuk lama umur simpan terhadap produk tersebut.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan umur simpan getuk pisang rainbowmenggunakan jenis kemasan plastik Polietilen (PE) berdasarkan penerimaan panelis,pengamatan bakteri dan analisis kadar air. Getuk pisang rainbow yang dikemasmenggunakan kemasan plastik PE dapat bertahan selama 2 hari. Hasil iniberdasarkan uji organoleptik terhadap produk getuk pisang rainbow yang dapatditerima oleh panelis selama 2 hari penyimpanan. Umur simpan getuk pisangrainbow juga ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah bakteri yang telah melewati ambangbatas yang diperbolehkan pada penyimpanan selama 2 hari.

Davis, Mary B. "WHEN THE RAINBOW TOUCHES DOWN. Tryntje Van Ness Seymour." Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 9, no. 2 (July 1990): 118–19.

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Pye, David. "To add another hue unto the rainbow—Near ultraviolet in nature." Optics & Laser Technology 43, no. 2 (March 2011): 310–16.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "ADL Rainbow":


Ahl, Gullan. "Reliabilitets- och validitetstestning av ADL-instrument RAINBOW - ett teamdokument." Thesis, Högskolan i Örebro, 1998.

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Ett nytt instrument utvecklades från Katz´ ADL-index, vilket visat sig vara ett allt för grovt instrument, för att kartlägga patientens aktivitetsförmåga och självständighetsutveckling. Bedömningsinstrumentet innehåller patientdata samt kategori-index och kom att kallas RAINBOW på grund av att instrumentet är i fyrfärgstryck. En kontroll av det nykonstruerade team-instrumentet utfördes i syfte att mäta dess tillförlitlighet. Mellanbedömar reliabilitet mellan oberoende bedömare har prövats. Validiteten har analyserats på 4 patienter ur materialet och jämförts med Katz´ ADl-index. Studien, som bestod av parvisa oberoende bedömningar, utfördes av sjuksköterskor, sjukgymnaster och arbetsterapeuter. 40 patienter deltog i studien. Delaktivitetsbedömningarna uppgick till 950 och innehöll 36 avvikelser. Resultaten visade på 96 % samstämmighet i bedömningarna. Den kvalitativa analysen visade, i jämförelse med Katz´ ADL-index, att RAINBOW kategori-index gav utförligare information om patientens självständighetsnivå samt hjälpbehov. I denna studie bedömdes endast strokepatienter, men då begreppen som ingår i instrumentet kan anses allmängiltiga, torde det även kunna användas på andra diagnosgrupper. En gemensam rehabiliteringsterminologi gav teamarbetet en ökad kvalitet gällande bedömning, planering samt utvärdering av den enskilde patientens aktivitetsförmåga.

Uppsatsarbete omfattande 10 poäng, C-nivå, inom ramen för arbetsterapeutprogrammet 120 p., Högskolan i Örebro, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och omsorg. Författarens namn i uppsatsen är Gull-Britt Johansson.


Ahl, Gullan. "Språkets betydelse för kvalitetssäkring i vård och rehabiliteringsinsatser : en validitetsstudie av terminologin i ADL-verktyget Rainbow." Thesis, Jönköping University, HHJ, Institutet för gerontologi, 2017.

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Titel: Språkets betydelse för kvalitetssäkring i vård och rehabiliteringsinsatser en validitetsstudie av terminologin i ADL-verktyget Rainbow Sammanfattning INLEDNING Vårdplaneringar kräver ett entydigt och nyanserat språk för att identifiera patienternas förmåga och insatsbehov gällande aktiviteter i det dagliga livet (ADL). Studiens utgångspunkt är KASAM, människans behov av sammanhang, begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet i sitt dagliga liv. SYFTE Att belysa och validera ADL-terminologin inom sjukvård och rehabilitering. METOD Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats. ADL-verktyget Rainbow användes som mall. Materialet har insamlats genom enkäter och fokusgruppsintervjuer. Biståndshandläggare och arbetsterapeuter har intervjuats. Studien beskriver även hur en grupp seniorer, utan relation till eller erfarenhet av vård eller vårdplanering, tolkade terminologin och synonymerna. Intervjuerna behandlade följande teman: ADL-terminologi, synonymer, uppfattningar samt kategorisering utifrån en hierarkisk ordning. RESULTAT Nuvarande terminologi och tillvägagångssätt kan innebära att patienterna och deras anhöriga upplever otrygghet angående teamets planerade insatser. Studiens resultat visar att sjukvårdens team och patienter kan dela och använda ett gemensamt språk. SLUTSATS Språket är nyckeln till att förstå sammanhang. KASAM som ledstjärna i språket skapar en värdegrund för vad som har överenskommits och kvalitetssäkrar patienternas vård- och rehabiliteringsinsatser.   Nyckelord: ADL-terminologi, validering, team, språk, uppfattningar, deduktiv ansats.
Title: The importance of language for the quality in care and rehabilitation actions a validity testing of the terminology in ADL tool Rainbow Summary  INTRODUCTION Healthcare planning require an unambiguous and varied language to identify patient´s ability and effort needs regarding activities of daily living (ADL). The study's starting point is KASAM, the human need for coherence, comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness in their daily lives. AIM To highlight and validate ADL terminology of medical care and rehabilitation. METHODOLOGY The thesis is a combined, descriptive study with a deductive approach. ADL Rainbow tool was used as a template. The material was collected through questionnaires and focus group interviews. Care managers and occupational therapists were interviewed. The study also describes how a group of seniors, without relation to or experience of care or care planning, interpreted the terminology and synonyms. The interviews covered the following themes: ADL terminology, synonyms, views and categorization based on a hierarchical order. RESULTS Current terminology and approach could mean that the patients and their relatives could feel insecure regarding the team's planned interventions. The study results show that the medical team and patients can share and use a common language. CONCLUSION Language is the key to understanding the context. KASAM as a guiding-star in language, creates a value base for what has been agreed and ensures quality assures patient´s care and rehabilitation efforts.   Keywords: ADL terminology, validation, team, language, perceptions, deductive approach.

Musso, Anne Teresa, and n/a. "Rainbows of Possibilities: Reading Difference in Catholic Women's Nomadic Feminist Theologizing." Griffith University. School of Theology, 2001.

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In this thesis I analyze the presence of difference in the nomadic feminist theologizing of a group of eight Catholic women from an Australian diocese. This small christian community named Sophia-of which I am a member-has been meeting since October 1993 to support one another and share stories of our experiences as marginalized Catholics. In attempting to name and understand the various levels of rejection we had encountered, group members reflected on the performances of Catholic Church leaders, and we theologized on church leadership as well as other ecclesial and doctrinal issues. Participants readily agreed to be involved in the research project I was proposing, and they became interactive partners with me during the period that produced the theological discourses analyzed in the thesis. This production stage involved four phases: firstly, open or non-directed theologizing on issues raised by participants; secondly, a guided study-with myself as facilitator-of five traditional Matthean leadership texts; thirdly, a guided study of five Matthean women's leadership texts-again facilitated by me; and fourthly, a return to open or non-directed theologizing. My analysis of the group's theologizing focuses on d~'erence. Using Rosi Braidotti's work on embodied sexual difference which identifies three coexistent levels of difference, I explore and account for difference as it occurs: between women (Sophia) and men (the male representative voice of the institutional church); among women (in the seemingly homogeneous Sophian group); and within individual women (in Sophia). The analysis identifies signifiers of difference that signal Sophia ~s nomadic feminist renegotiations of dominant canonical Catholic discourses. Moreover, I account for the resisting readings mobilized by various Sophian members by exploring ideologies and key elements of interest-specifically power, conflict, desire, agency-that underpin Sophia 's theologizing. In doing this, difference, as evidenced in the multiple voices/perspectives that constitute the Catholic tradition and that feature in Sophia ~ theologizing, is valorized. The designing and de-signing of Sophia ~s nomadic feminist theological discourses in this thesis demonstrates that Sophia 's theological 'acts of going' intensified difference and engendered for participants multiple, transformative pathways and kaleidoscopic rainbows of ever so beautiful theological possibilities.

Taylor, Sean Charles. "Flow cytometric enumeration of the blood cells of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and New Zealand freshwater crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons)." 2009.

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Howard, S. W. "Effects of trout on galaxiid growth and antipredator behaviour : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Ecology in the University of Canterbury /." 2007.

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Books on the topic "ADL Rainbow":


Ada, Alma Flor. How the rainbow came to be. Compton, CA: Santillana Pub. Co., 1991.

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Ada, Alma Flor, and Bernice Randall. How the Rainbow Came to Be (Ada, Alma Flor. Stories the Year 'round.). Santillana USA Publishing Company, 1995.

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Editors of Thunder Bay Press. Love Is Like a Rainbow: Just Add Water. Printers Row Publishing Group, 2019.

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Nguyen-Phan, Kim-Anh, and Nguyen-Phan Kim-Anh. Vietnamese Word Book (Rainbow International Word Book Series). Bess Press, 1997.

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Clausen, Josie, and Teresita V. Ramos. Filipino Word Book (Rainbow International Word Book Series). Bess Press, 1997.

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Clausen, Josie, and Teresita V. Ramos. Filipino Word Book (Rainbow International Word Book Series). Bess Press, 1997.

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Edens, Cooper. If You're Afraid of the Dark, Remember the Night Rainbow: Add One More Star to the Night. Chronicle Books, 2007.

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De Witte, Kristof, Oliver Holz, and Lotte Geunis, eds. Somewhere over the rainbow. Discussions on homosexuality in education across Europe. Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2018.

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Schools should offer a safe and secure environment for all young people to develop, to learn, and to thrive. Sadly, for many, they fall short. Homophobic and transphobic behaviour is still painfully common in schools across Europe. A significant number of LGBT pupils experience homophobic and transphobic bullying, and they are more likely to experience violence than heterosexual peers. This publication explores the underlying attitudes towards homosexuality in eight European countries: Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Turkey. It is the product of a strategic partnership (KA2) between fifteen European secondary and higher education institutions, launched in 2016 under the auspices of the European Commisson’s ERASMUS+ programme. The project supported by this partnership, Homo’poly, promotes greater understanding and acceptance of homosexuality with the explicit aim of improving the school life of LGB pupils.

Schmidt, Dieter, and Simon Shorvon. Is the End of Epilepsy in Sight? Oxford University Press, 2016.

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The best proxy for the end of epilepsy is the complete cessation of seizures and the permanent ending of the need for further treatment. This marks the end of the biology of epilepsy, but not necessarily of all its societal consequences. The good news is that today over 80% of people developing epilepsy will reach this goal after a few years of treatment. Unfortunately, though, not all patients can reach this point, and it is for these patients that we seek improvements in the future. The end of epilepsy is not always easy to predict at the beginning. The taking of drugs is an issue, as always, of risk versus benefit, and although there are some benefits to discontinuation, this has to be balanced against the risk of seizure recurrence. Even if drugs alone don’t work, additional surgery may end epilepsy in as many as one in four people with amenable epilepsy. New thinking and new strategies for drug treatment, which not only control seizures but also address the underlying processes resulting in epilepsy, offer new horizons. The bottom line is that a revolution in discovery and development is needed. Epilepsy is, as pointed out throughout this book, more than having seizures, and so thus the scope of its treatment should be broader than simple seizure suppression. The end of epilepsy is, like the end of the rainbow, on the horizon, but equally tantalisingly difficult to reach.

Mitchell, Jennifer. Ordinary Masochisms. University Press of Florida, 2020.

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Ordinary Masochisms argues for literary alternatives to pervasive dictatorial norms about masochism that first surface in Victorian literature, reach their pioneering pinnacle in the modernist moment, and are expressly mourned in post-modern texts. In particular, the literary works discussed all challenge the more popular term “sadomasochism” as a conglomerate form of perversion that was named and studied in the late nineteenth century. Underscoring close textual analyses with modern theories of masochism as empowering, this book argues that Charlotte Brontë Villette (1853), George Moore’s A Drama in Muslin (1886), D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow (1915), and Jean Rhys’s Quartet (1928) all experiment with masochistic relationships that extend far beyond reductive early readings of inherently feminine or sexually aberrant masochism. Ordinary Masochisms begins with a historical and theoretical examination of masochism’s treatment during the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries before moving to an examination of the Biblical tale of Samson and Delilah in conjunction with Leopold von Sacher-Masoch’s Venus in Furs (1870), from which masochism garners its name. An intermediary chapter treats Octave Mirbeau’s The Torture Garden (1903) as a case study transitioning between sexological and psychoanalytical discourses of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, while the conclusion about Ian McEwan’s The Comfort of Strangers (1981) addresses masochism’s seeming inability to recuperate itself from categories of deviance, despite the success of contemporary popular culture representations. The book closes with a brief consideration of masochistic reading, a subtle undercurrent of the project as a whole.

Book chapters on the topic "ADL Rainbow":


Wasshede, Cathrin. "Rainbow Flag and Belongings/Disbelongings: Öckerö Pride and Reclaim Pride in Gothenburg, Sweden 2019." In Pluralistic Struggles in Gender, Sexuality and Coloniality, 147–75. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Abstract In spite of the rainbow flag’s importance as a symbol for transnational queer belonging and its meanings for the survival of queers all over the world, much critical queer Anglo-Saxon research and activism concerning the rainbow flag and the celebration of Pride claims that it has lost its radical potential through processes of normalisation, mainstreaming, homonationalism and commercialisation. In order to address other queer political issues, alternative Pride events are organized in parallel with conventional Pride celebrations. This chapter will discuss two Pride events held in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2019, Reclaim Pride and Öckerö Pride, drawing on auto-ethnographic methods. It will reflect on two connected questions: What meanings, emotions, actions and temporalities are (re)produced as a result of the relationship between the events, the rainbow flag, the concept of Pride and the activists/participants—including the author? In what ways do the rainbow flag and the concept of Pride work as co-producers of belongings as well as disbelongings—and how does the author’s position as a Swedish, middle-class, white, lesbian, feminist, mother, former activist and now sociologist affect her feelings of belonging and disbelonging? It is shown that the rainbow flag is a very topical and heated cultural artefact in the Swedish political arena, in which racism, homophobia and Islamophobia are growing. The author’s experiences and emotions at the two Pride events reflect the ambivalent struggle that takes place at the borders of belonging and disbelonging. Temporality and space are important aspects of the contextualisation that needs to be applied in order to grasp the different effects that processes of inclusion and exclusion have on queer people in different places and situations.

West, Amy E., Sally M. Weinstein, and Mani N. Pavuluri. "Family Problem Solving." In RAINBOW, 77–80. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Session 9 of the RAINBOW treatment protocol focuses on improving family problem-solving and coping (ingredient O: Oh, how do we solve this problem? of RAINBOW), and is conducted with the parent/caregiver(s), child, and siblings. It is important for all family members to have opportunities to talk about their experiences and to have that experience respected by the family. The therapist works with the family to improve interactions at home by problem-solving difficult situations and developing a family plan to minimize behavioral escalation once it occurs. In addition, the session aims to foster affiliation among family members through emphasizing shared experiences, positive feelings, and common goals.

West, Amy E., Sally M. Weinstein, and Mani N. Pavuluri. "Reflecting on RAINBOW Experience and Tools Learned." In RAINBOW, 87–90. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Session 11 of the RAINBOW treatment protocol focuses on the internalization and consolidation of treatment gains, as well as reflections on the treatment process and experience, in preparation for the end of treatment. Session 11 is conducted individually with the child, followed by a portion with child and parents. The child and therapist create a Rainbow Binder with all of child’s therapy materials completed during the course of treatment. Through this activity, therapist and child review the concepts and skills learned in RAINBOW and ways to apply RAINBOW skills to future situations. The RAINBOW binder is shared with the parents to facilitate further consolidation of treatment skills and gains, as well as to celebrate the family’s successes. Last, the family is prepared for the end of treatment via discussion of ways to maintain gains post-treatment.

"Propagated Fish in Resource Management." In Propagated Fish in Resource Management, edited by DANIEL B. FENNER, MAUREEN G. WALSH, and DANA L. WINKELMAN. American Fisheries Society, 2004.

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<em>Abstract.</em>—Private angling groups in Oklahoma have requested permission to stock rainbow trout <em>Oncorhynchus mykiss </em>into streams of northeastern Oklahoma although little is known regarding interactions between introduced rainbow trout and native fishes in these systems. Our study objectives were to assess diet overlap between introduced rainbow trout and native smallmouth bass <em>Micropterus dolomieu</em>, shadow bass <em>Ambloplites ariommus</em>, and bluegill sunfish <em>Lepomis macrochirus </em>in Brush Creek, Oklahoma, a small spring-fed Ozark stream. Rainbow trout diet composition differed from that of all three native fishes in the 2 months of comparison (March and May 2001), and rainbow trout diets contained relatively low numbers of prey. It is unlikely that exploitative competition for food resources occurred between rainbow trout and these three native fishes.

Chrostowski, Waldemar. "A Rainbow in Black." In Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 13, translated by Gwido Zlatkes, 310–16. Liverpool University Press, 2000.

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This chapter provides an answer to the argument of the previous chapter, considering the complex matter of Christian–Jewish relations. One must not treat anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism lightly. Expressions of it have occurred, and still occur, among Christians. However, they should not be equated with racist antisemitism. Most Jews, and their religion, have survived in the Christian world. Their mutual contacts resemble ‘a rainbow in which one can find all colours’. To present it as all black, as a chain of persecution and loathing, is to falsify history and to offend common sense. And that is where the search for the roots of National Socialism in Christianity comes in.

"OVER THE RAINBOW — A BRIEF HISTORY OF CalArts." In Steven D. Lavine. Failure is What It's All About, 145–64. De Gruyter, 2021.

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"Propagated Fish in Resource Management." In Propagated Fish in Resource Management, edited by JERRI L. BARTHOLOMEW, M. MATTES, MANSOUR EL-MATBOULI, TERRY S. MCDOWELL, and RONALD P. HEDRICK. American Fisheries Society, 2004.

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<em>Abstract.</em>—Laboratory challenges of two rainbow trout <em>Oncorhynchus mykiss </em>strains with <em>Myxobolus cerebralis </em>triactinomyxons confirm the resistance to whirling disease of the Hofer trout strain. Although the number of fish that became infected and developed clinical disease was similar for the Hofer and the Trout Lodge strains at all challenge doses, the median spore numbers were lower at all challenge doses for the Hofer rainbow trout. Parasite challenge doses required to produce lesions of high severity were 10-fold lower for the Trout Lodge strain (100 triactinomyxons) than the Hofer strain (1,000 triactinomyxons). Challenges of the Hofer strain with other common salmonid pathogens; the myxozoans <em>Ceratomyxa shasta </em>and <em>Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae</em>, the bacterium <em>Yersinia ruckeri</em>, and the viruses Salmonid herpes-like virus type 1 and infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus demonstrate that the susceptibility of the Hofer strain was similar to what would be expected for other strains of rainbow trout, either domestic or wild. These pathogen challenges provide evidence that the Hofer trout present a low risk for introducing any pathogen that might be detrimental to native or established fish populations or further amplifying those that are endemic.

"Whirling Disease: Reviews and Current Topics." In Whirling Disease: Reviews and Current Topics, edited by E. RICHARD VINCENT. American Fisheries Society, 2002.

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<EM>ABSTRACT. </EM>There are many factors that govern the susceptibility of salmonids to the parasite <em>Myxobolus cerebralis</em>, such as fish size and age, the water temperature in which the fish is exposed to the infective spore stage (triactinomyxon), and the dosage (concentration level) of the infective spore. This study examined changes in infection intensity (degree of cartilage loss and cell inflammation in cranial cartilage) following exposure to 100–4,000 triactinomyxons per fish in 7.6 L of water for 2 h. The infection intensity in each fish was determined by histological examination of the cranial cartilage of each exposed fish, and then, a numerical score of zero to five was assigned to each fish based on this cartilage tissue damage. A total of ten rainbow trout <em>Oncorhynchus mykiss </em>strains, three strains of cutthroat trout <em>O. clarki</em>, and five other salmonid species that included brown trout <em>Salmo trutta</em>, bull trout <em>Salvelinus confluentus</em>, chinook salmon <em>O. tshawytscha</em>, eastern brook trout <em>Salvelinus fontinalis</em>, and kokanee salmon <em>O. nerka </em>were examined. Rainbow trout was the most susceptible species tested, having the most severe cranial cartilage damage and cell inflammation at all dosage levels. The only exception within the rainbow trout strains tested was the DeSmet strain, which showed a much lower infection severity, especially at the lower triactinomyxon dosages (100 triactinomyxons/fish and 1,000 triactinomyxons/fish), but even this strain showed severe infection intensities when exposed to higher triactinomyxon dosages (>2,000 triactinomyxons/ fish). Of the nine other salmonids tested, only eastern brook trout showed an infection intensity similar to rainbow trout.

Engelhardt, Nina. "Mathematics and Fiction: Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’S Rainbow." In Modernism, Fiction and Mathematics, 126–56. Edinburgh University Press, 2018.

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Chapter 4 sets the engagement with modernist mathematics into broader context when examining the rise, fall and transformation of Enlightenment thinking and science in Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow. This chapter also zeroes in on a topic that runs through all chapters: the interrelations of mathematics and fiction. The analysis focuses on illustrations of fictionality regarding the mathematical concepts of infinitesimals, the calculus, and probability theory and their philosophical and ethical consequences. The examination of interdependent ‘real’ and ‘fictional’ elements in mathematics provides a new perspective on Brian McHale’s identification of ontological uncertainty as the novel’s definitive postmodernist trait: the chapter shows that the novel’s renegotiation of mathematics is a decisive factor in its introduction of postmodernist features. As the title ‘Gravity’s Rainbow’ with its combination of a scientific and a poetical image implies, Pynchon’s novel suggests that the shared use of fictional concepts both in mathematics and in literature connects the seemingly opposed realms.

Pennock, Pamela E. "Seeking Integration." In Rise of the Arab American Left. University of North Carolina Press, 2017.

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The chapter explains how Arab American activism became more connected to mainstream progressive political organizing. The Palestine Human Rights Campaign, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), and Arab American Institute (AAI) tried to collaborate with liberal religious and political organizations, especially moderate African Americans. The work of the ADC and AAI with Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition and his campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination signalled the inclusion of Arab Americans in mainstream civil rights coalitions.

Conference papers on the topic "ADL Rainbow":


Rocha, Aleffer, Sheila M. Almeida, and Leandro M. Zatesko. "The Rainbow Connection Number of Triangular Snake Graphs." In Encontro de Teoria da Computação. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020.

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Rainbow coloring problems, of noteworthy applications in Information Security, have been receiving much attention last years in Combinatorics. The rainbow connection number of a graph G is the least number of colors for a (not necessarily proper) edge coloring of G such that between any pair of vertices there is a path whose edge colors are all distinct. In this paper we determine the rainbow connection number of the triple triangular snake graphs.

Neff, Robert A., Gerald B. Katz, B. Nagaraj, and Rachel Tarvin. "Metallurgical Analysis of Rainbow Rotor Coatings: Analysis of Fleet Blades." In ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2004.

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In a continuing effort to increase component lifespan and decrease overhaul cost, the US Navy has completed a 2nd phase of the Rainbow Rotor project. This project, initiated in the early 1990’s, consists of three LM2500 main propulsion engine, high pressure turbines (HPT) built up with refurbished blade pairs protected by various coatings. This turbine was operated for over 7,000 hours on a Cruiser-class ship where it was subjected to a typical operating profile. Six coatings were examined ranging from differing chemical compositions to application processes. The coating compositions were of four types, CoCrAlHf, PtAl, Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) Zirconia thermal barrier coating (TBC) with a PtAl bond coat and a silicon aluminide type coating. The BC-22 (CoCrAlHf) overlay coatings were applied by either a plasma spray process or an electroplating process. The PtAl coatings, supplied by two vendors, and the TBC were applied by standard commercial processes. The goal behind this study is to find a coating that has the best balance between cost and performance. With the already realized cost savings in using refurbished components to overhaul the gas turbine engine, the emphasis is now placed on delaying the deterioration of the reprocessed blade pairs. The following discussion covers all aspects of this completed phase.

Dennis, Kadeem, and Kamran Siddiqui. "A Multicolor Grid Technique for Volumetric Velocity Measurements." In ASME 2017 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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Turbulent flows are three-dimensional by nature. A major challenge in turbulence research is the simultaneous measurement of all three velocity components in three-dimensional space. Recently, Rainbow Volumic Velocimetry (RVV) has emerged as a promising technique to visualize and measure three-dimensional flow fields. The RVV technique projects a multicolor light beam in the measurement region. Currently, the technique utilizes beam color variations in one plane i.e. perpendicular to the camera field of view but is restricted to small measurement volumes. In this paper, a new approach of light beam projection using a multicolor grid is proposed that allows beam color variations in multiple planes relative to the camera field of view. This enables the extension of the light beam width through multiple color combinations. Details of the technique and its implementation are presented along with the preliminary results that demonstrates the viability of this technique.

Cernat, Bogdan, Marek Pátý, Cis De Maesschalck, and Sergio Lavagnoli. "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Optimized Blade Tip Shapes: Part I — Turbine Rainbow Rotor Testing and CFD Methods." In ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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Blade tip design and tip leakage flows are crucial aspects for the development of modern aero-engines. The inevitable clearance between stationary and rotating parts in turbine stages generates high-enthalpy unsteady leakage flows that strongly reduce the engine efficiency and can cause thermally induced blade failures. An improved understanding of the tip flow physics is essential to refine the current design strategies and achieve increased turbine aerothermal performance. However, while past studies have mainly focused on conventional tip shapes (flat tip or squealer geometries), the open literature suffers from a shortage of experimental and numerical data on advanced blade tip configurations of unshrouded rotors. This work presents a complete numerical and experimental investigation on the unsteady flow field of a high-pressure turbine, adopting three different blade tip profiles. The aerothermal characteristics of two novel high-performance tip geometries, one with a fully contoured shape and the other presenting a multi-cavity squealer-like tip with partially open external rims, are compared against the baseline performance of a regular squealer geometry. The turbine stage is tested at engine-representative conditions in the high-speed turbine facility of the von Karman Institute. A rainbow rotor is mounted for simultaneous aerothermal testing of multiple blade tip geometries. On the rotor disk, the blades are arranged in sectors operating at two different clearance levels. A numerical campaign of full-stage simulations was also conducted on all the investigated tip designs to model the secondary flows development and identify the tip loss and heat transfer mechanisms. In the first part of this work, we describe the experimental setup, instrumentation and data processing techniques used to measure the unsteady aerothermal field of multiple blade tip geometries using the rainbow rotor approach. We report the time-average and time-resolved static pressure and heat transfer measured on the shroud of the turbine rotor. The experimental data are compared against CFD predictions. These numerical results are then used in the second part of the paper to analyze the tip flow physics, model the tip loss mechanisms and quantify the aero-thermal performance of each tip geometry.

Cheruvu, Narayana S., Thomas J. Carr, John Dworak, and James Coyle. "In-Service Degradation of Corrosion Resistant Coatings." In ASME 1996 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.

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The rainbow test was performed to evaluate the effects of cooling hole design modifications and the MCrAlY coating deterioration with and without top aluminide. The cooling design modifications considered in this program include a) camberline cooling hole design, b) peripheral cooling hole design with a turbulated leading edge hole and c) peripheral cooling hole design with all turbulated holes. Following approximately 16,700 hours of operation, one blade from each category was removed for metallurgical evaluation. The MCrAlY coating on the camberline cooled blade without the top aluminide and coat had degraded the most at the blade tip region and along a portion of the leading edge. In some regions, the coating on the leading edge of the blade was oxidized through thickness. However, no oxidation of coating was noted on the leading edge of the blade with the MCrAlY with top aluminide coating. The results show that the top aluminide coating and the cooling hole design modifications extend service life of the MCrAlY coating. The coating deterioration results on these blades are correlated with the β NiAl depleted zone in the coating and the oxide thickness at the cooling hole surfaces. Variations of coating degradation and cooling hole surface oxidation among the blades are discussed in terms of estimated service temperatures measured from γ′ particle size. The cooling hole design modifications significantly lower metal temperature and extend service life of the MCrAlY coating.

Resvanis, Themistocles L., Zhibiao Rao, and J. Kim Vandiver. "Effects of Strake Coverage and Marine Growth on Flexible Cylinder VIV." In ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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In this paper we present some results from the recent SHELL tests at the MARINTEK basin. The tests involved towing densely instrumented flexible cylinders at Reynolds numbers up to 220,000. The main objective is to present the experimental results describing the effectiveness of different amounts of strake coverage and to explore the influence of simulated marine growth. The data is presented in terms of CF response amplitudes and rainflow-counted damage rates due to the combined CF and IL bending stresses. All results are compared with the bare cylinder cases which will be used as a reference to determine how effective the strakes are in suppressing VIV and how this effectiveness can be affected by marine growth. The results show that even small bare sections (missing strakes) can lead to significant VIV response. We also observe that moderate amounts of marine growth can quickly negate any suppression coming from the strakes.

Nickol, Jeremy B., Randall M. Mathison, Michael G. Dunn, Jong S. Liu, and Malak F. Malak. "Unsteady Heat Transfer and Pressure Measurements on the Airfoils of a Rotating Transonic Turbine With Multiple Cooling Configurations." In ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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Measurements are presented for a high-pressure transonic turbine stage operating at design-corrected conditions with forward and aft purge flow and blade film cooling in a short-duration blow-down facility. Four different film-cooling configurations are investigated: simple cylindrical-shaped holes, diffusing fan-shaped holes, an advanced-shaped hole, and uncooled blades. A rainbow turbine approach is used so each of the four blade types comprise a wedge of the overall bladed disk and are investigated simultaneously at identical speed and vane exit conditions. Double-sided Kapton heat-flux gauges are installed at midspan on all three film-cooled blade types, and single-sided Pyrex heat-flux gauges are installed on the uncooled blades. Kulite pressure transducers are installed at midspan on cooled blades with round and fan-shaped cooling holes. Experimental results are presented both as time-averaged values and as time-accurate encoder-averages. In addition, the results of a steady RANS CFD computation are compared to the time-averaged data. The computational and experimental results show that the cooled blades reduce heat transfer into the blade significantly from the uncooled case, but the overall differences in heat transfer among the three cooling configurations is small. This challenges previous conclusions for simplified geometries that show shaped cooling holes outperforming cylindrical holes by a great margin. It suggests that the more complicated flow physics associated with an airfoil operating in an engine-representative environment reduces the effectiveness of the shaped cooling holes. The experimental results appear to show a small benefit to the advanced cooling holes, but this is on the order of the variation caused by changes in the alignment of heat-flux gauges with cooling holes.

Schurb, Julius, Matthias Hoebel, Hartmut Haehnle, Harald Kissel, Laura Bogdanic, and Thomas Etter. "Additive Manufacturing of Hot Gas Path Parts and Engine Validation in a Heavy Duty GT." In ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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Additive manufacturing and in particular Selective Laser Melting (SLM) are manufacturing technologies that can become a game changer for the production of future high performance hot gas path parts. SLM radically changes the design process giving unprecedented freedom of design and enabling a step change in part performance. Benefits are manifold, such as reduced cooling air consumption through more efficient cooling schemes, reduced emissions through better mixing in the combustion process and reduced cost through integrated part design. GE is already making use of SLM for its gas turbine components based on sound experience for new part production and reconditioning. The paper focuses on: a) Generic advantages of rapid manufacturing and design considerations for hot gas path parts b) Qualification of processes and additive manufacturing of engine ready parts c) SLM material considerations and properties validation d) Installation and validation in a heavy duty GT Additive Manufacturing (AM) of hot gas path components differs significantly from known process chains. All elements of this novel manufacturing route had to be established and validated. This starts with the selection of the powder alloy used for the SLM production and the determination of essential static and cyclic material properties. SLM specific design features and built-in functionality allow to simplify part assembly and to shortcut manufacturing steps. In addition, the post-SLM machining steps for engine ready parts will be described. As SLM is a novel manufacturing route, complementary quality tools are required to ensure part integrity. Powerful nondestructive methods, like 3D scanning and X-ray computer tomography have been used for that purpose. GE’s engine validation of SLM made parts in a heavy duty GT was done with selected hot gas path components in a rainbow arrangement including turbine blades with SLM tip caps. Although SLM has major differences to conventional manufacturing the various challenges from design to engine ready parts have been successfully mastered. This has been confirmed after the completion of the test campaign in 2015. All disassembled SLM components were found in excellent condition. Subsequent assessments of the SLM parts including metallurgical investigations have confirmed the good part condition.

Nijssen, R. P. L., D. R. V. van Delft, and A. M. van Wingerde. "Alternative Fatigue Lifetime Prediction Formulations for Variable-Amplitude Loading." In ASME 2002 Wind Energy Symposium. ASMEDC, 2002.

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Possible alternative fatigue formulations to predict lifetime under variable-amplitude loading are investigated. Test results of WISPER and WISPERX variable-amplitude tests on a material representative for wind turbine rotor blades are used. All fatigue calculations are performed using Rainflow counting of the WISPER(X) load histories and employing the Miner summation. The formulation of the SN-curve and the constant-life diagram are varied. Commonly, a log-log SN-curve is used in combination with a linear Goodman constant-life relation. However, in previous work, it was found that these formulations overestimate lifetime of specimens subjected to the variable-amplitude WISPER and WISPERX load histories. This previous work suggested that the SN-formulation be changed and also used an alternative constant-life formulation with parallel lines. These formulations and variations on them are investigated. Also, constant-amplitude data for R = 0.1 are included to construct an alternative constant-life diagram. Including R = 0.1 constant-amplitude data in the lifetime predictions for WISPER(X) seems to improve the accuracy of the calculation. The alternative constant-life formulation might remove the non-conservatism from the lifetime prediction and account for the difference in lifetime between WISPER and WISPERX.

Heinz, Benedikt. "AREVA Fatigue Concept: A New Method for Fast Fatigue Evaluation." In ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division/K-PVP Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.

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Within the AREVA Fatigue Concept (AFC) a new method for fast fatigue evaluation for highly loaded nuclear power plant components was developed. This method uses FAMOS (FAtigue MOnitoring System) measured data from the outside surface of a pipe and can evaluate a fatigue level for the component for the thermal event plug flow. The measuring location of FAMOS is chosen close to a fatigue relevant component and the points of interest are at the inner surface of the component. The calculated inner wall temperature time history will be transferred to the inner surface of the component. The thermal load cycles are well known after that step and the stress time history and also the strain rates would be calculated with the Green’s function approach. Unit transients will be used to calculate principle stresses and shear stresses in all fatigue relevant locations within the monitored component. Pressure cycles will also be evaluated with the Green’s function approach. After the calculation of the equivalent stresses the mechanical load cycles can be classified by the use of the rainflow algorithm. Comparisons (Miner’s rule) with the fatigue curve results in fatigue levels for all relevant locations within a component. In the current approach, the conservatism will be reduced with this method, and an enveloping fatigue level can still be calculated. In another words, for highly loaded components, using the current methodology can provide a more realistic stress calculation and enveloping fatigue level calculation. Depending on the number of load cycles, the new and more stringent requirements can be complied.

To the bibliography