Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Anna A'

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Perandini, Lucia. "Anna, sette anni al fronte. Analisi e proposta di sottotitolaggio del film documentario Anna, sem' let na linii fronta." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/8133/.

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The aim of the present work was to make more accessible a documentary film that focuses on the life and work of the Russian journalist killed in Moscow in 2006: Anna Politkovskaja. The film, entitled “Anna, seven years at the frontline” is a collage of several video-interviews with Politkovskaja’s friends and colleagues, in which they talk about who she was, what was her job about and how she tried to make the public aware about the Chechen wars. Working on this translation gave me a unique opportunity to deepen one of the most controversial issues in the recent history of Russia and to create a useful final product for those who have a particular interest in this topic but do not have the necessary linguistic competence to understand this documentary film.

Müller-Kelwing, Karin. "Anna Löwenthal." Böhlau Verlag, 2020. https://slub.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A75093.

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Medici, Anna. "Les gènes de transporteurs de sucres dans la réponse au déficit hydrique et le rôle des protéines ASR dans la régulation de l'expression du gène du transporteur d'hexoses VvHT1 chez la Vigne (Vitis vinifera)." Poitiers, 2010. http://theses.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/theses/2010/Medici-Anna/2010-Medici-Anna-These.pdf.

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La répartition des sucres requiert l'activité de transporteurs membranaires et représente une étape cruciale dans la réponse de la plante au déficit hydrique. Les séquences de 63 transporteurs de sucres ont été identifiées chez la Vigne. L'analyse in silico a identifié 7 sous familles de tranporteurs de monosaccharides et plusieurs élements cis de régulation dans les promoteurs. L'analyse d'expression par macroarray a permis d'identifier 4 gènes de transporteurs fortement exprimés dans tous les organes végétatifs (VvHT1, VvHT3, VvPMT5, VvSUC27), d'autres préférentiellement exprimés dans les feuilles matures (VvHT5), les racines (VvHT2) et les pépins (VvHT3, VvHT5) et 3 régulés au cours du développement de la baie (VvHT2, VvTMT1, VvTMT2). L'analyse par macroarray révèle que l'expression de VvHT5, VvSUC11, VvGIN2 et VvMSA est induite dans les feuilles matures, en réponse au déficit hydrique alors que l'expression de VvHT1 est inhibée. La carence en eau déclenche l'accumulation de glucose, fructose et saccharose dans les feuilles matures de Vigne. Le gène VvMSA a été surexprimé ou réprimé dans des cellules embryogènes de Vigne génétiquement modifiées. La répression de VvMSA diminue l'activité d'absorption du glucose et l'expression de VvHT1. Le phénotype des vitroplants régénérés ainsi que l'expression de VvHT1 et VvMSA ont été étudiés en condition in vitro et ex vitro. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent la présence d'une voie de régulation de l'expression du gène VvHT5 par le fructose. Un modèle de la signalisation glucidique dans l'expression du gène VvHT1 est proposé, comprenant une voie de régulation par les disaccharides et deux par le glucose, un VvMSA-dépendant et un VvMSA-indépendant
Sugar allocation mediated by membrane transporters is strongly affected by water deficit. The sequences of 63 sugar transporters were identified in Grapevine. The in silico analysis identify 7 monosaccharide transporters subfamilies and several cis elements in the promoter regions. Macroarray expression analysis showed that 4 sugar transporter genes are strongly expressed in all vegetative organs (VvHT1, VvHT3, VvPMT5, VvSUC27), some others are preferentially expressed in mature leaf (VvHT5), in root (VvHT2), in seed (VvHT3, VvHT5) and 3 genes are regulated during berry development (VvHT2, VvTMT1, VvTMT2). Macroarray gene expression analysis showed that VvHT5, VvSUC11, VvGIN2 and VvMSA are up-regulated in mature leaves under drought conditions and that VvHT1 was down-regulated. Water deficit triggers a strong accumulation of glucose, fructose and sucrose in water stressed leaves. VvMSA gene was overexpressed or silenced in grape embryogenic cells by genetic transformation. The silencing of VvMSA affects glucose uptake activity and VvHT1 expession. The Grapevine plants phenotype and the expression of VvHT1 and VvMSA expression were studied under both in vitro and ex-vitro conditions. For the first time, the involvement of sugar transporters and VvMSA in the response to water stress in Grapevine is demonstrated. A model for sugar signalling involved in VvHT1 gene expression is proposed, including a disaccharide pathway and two glucose regulatory mechanisms, one VvMSA-dependent and another VvMSA-independent. Finally, our results reveal the importance of VvHT1 hexoses transporter under heterotrophic conditions

Blomstrand, Nicole, and Maria Andersson. "Kvinnan, kändisen, konfliktkatalysatorn : Bilden av kändisen Anna Anka i svensk nyhetsjournalistik." Thesis, University of Kalmar, School of Communication and Design, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hik:diva-2682.

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The aim of this thesis was to examine how newspaper journalism represented the celebrity Anna Anka. Which roles and qualities did the media ascribe Anna Anka and in what way did the media frame her as a woman.

We examined texts and photographs from two Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, 16 texts were analysed. The method we used were discourse analysis with focus on relations, identities and representation.

The result showed that Anna Anka was represented in an essentially equal way in both newspapers. The image of Anna Anka seems to be multifaceted. In the texts Anna Anka becomes a symbol for conflicts that emerge in discourses regarding gender, celebrity and Swedish values. As a woman she is both portrayed as controversial and appearance-fixated. As a wife she is traditional, a woman who takes care of house and family and lets her husband be the provider. On the other hand she is described as a woman who does not follow the traditional norm, she is independent and has a possibility to support herself.

As a celebrity, Anna Anka is framed as fairly new in the public appearance. But in some texts the newspapers define her as a woman who does not deserve to be the celebrity she is. Anna Anka is well aware of how the celebrity culture works, what the media finds interesting. As a Swede Anna Anka is framed as a person who no longer quite belongs in Sweden, and therefore is allowed to criticize Sweden and the Swedish values.


Norell, Jesper, and Lina Storfors. "En annan Anna och Thomas nya steg : En diskursanalys av svenska nyhetstidningars förändrade framställning av Anna Holmlund och Thomas Fogdö efter funktionsnedsättningar." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för medier och journalistik (MJ), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-79909.

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The aim of this thesis was to examine how the media representation of elite skiers Anna Holmlund and Thomas Fogdö was altered following their accidents resulting in disabilities. In order to examine this a critical discourse analysis was performed on 16 newspaper articles from Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-posten, Sundsvalls Tidning and Aftonbladet, out of which eight of them had been published before the skiers respective accidents and the other eight afterwards. The results showed that swedish newspapers shifted their focus from how the skiers performed in competitions prior to their accidents to how their bodies functioned and how they would perform everyday tasks following the accidents. We found that this would distance Holmlund and Fogdö, representing them as deviants when compared to non-disabled people. In contrast to this we found that Holmlund and Fogdö would be allowed to talk about or show their lives and bodies in great detail. This would seem to function as a way of teaching non-disabled people of what it’s like to live with a disability. Through this Holmlund and Fogdö were represented as ambassadors for the disabled collective. We also found that there was a risk of objectification which would increase in connection with a decrease in Holmlund and Fogdö’s represented ability to communicate and function as a non-disabled person does. This also appears to increase the risk of having one’s voice excluded by other people talking in one’s place.

Dietz, Anne [Verfasser], and Anna [Akademischer Betreuer] Friedl. "Charakterisierung interindividueller Strahlenempfindlichkeit in Zellen aus Tumorpatienten / Anne Dietz. Betreuer: Anna Friedl." München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1076980767/34.

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Bircken, Margrid. "Anna Seghers (1900 - 1983)." Universität Potsdam, 2001. http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2005/146/.

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"Deutsche, Jüdin, Kommunistin, Schriftstellerin, Frau, Mutter - so viele Identitäten, so dicht besetzt ihr Leben, so eindeutig ihr Werk. Am 19. November 2000 wurde sie 100 Jahre alt - Anna Seghers. Die Universität Potsdam hat der großen deutschen Schriftstellerin und engagierten Kommunistin, die mit ihren Exilromanen "Das siebte Kreuz" (1942) und "Transit" (1944) Weltruhm erlangte, eine Website gewidmet, die in ihrer präzisen und konzentrierten Darstellung Seghers Werk treffend widerspiegelt. Neben Links zur Biographie und eine Auswahlbiographie der Primär- und Sekundärliteratur findet der Leser Querverweise auf Archiv, Stiftung, Gedenkstätte und Gesellschaft der Literatin ..."
Quelle: Literatur online : mit den 700 wichtigsten Adressen zum Thema / Hrsg.: Jörg Krichbaum ... - Köln : Arcum, Vectrum, 2000. - 215 S. (deutsche-internetadressen.de ; Bd. 22). - ISBN: 3-930912-92-9

Holmberg, Gustaf. "Stiftelsen Anna Geijers Barnhem." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-353988.

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I denna uppsats undersöks levnadsstandarden på Anna Geijers barnhem i Uppsala mellan åren 1876 och 1895. Syftet är att genom en mikrohistorisk skildring och en ekonomisk analys belysa en liten del av Sveriges sociala historia. Det huvudsakliga källmaterialet är stiftelsen Anna Geijers barnhems arkiv som finns bevarat på Uppsala landsarkiv. Undersökningens frågeställning är denna: Hur god kan man säga att omsorgen var på Anna Geijers barnhem i förhållande till levnadsstandarden i samhället i övrigt mellan åren 1876 och 1895? Frågeställningen besvaras med en jämförelse av de utgifter som barnhemmet hade som användes för omsorg, den genomsnittliga bidragsnivån och medelinkomsten i Uppsala. Uppsatsen finner att barnen på barnhemmet hade det generellt bättre än bidragstagarna i staden men sämre än löntagarna.

Rogler, Anna [Verfasser]. "Inklusive Immaterialgüterrechte. / Anna Rogler." Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1238487599/34.

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Eichinger, Anna [Verfasser], and Ania Carolina [Akademischer Betreuer] Muntau. "Charakterisierung eines Mausmodells zur BH4-sensitiven Phenylketonurie / Anna Eichinger ; Betreuer: Ania Carolina Muntau." München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1186629355/34.

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Elnikova, Anna. "Rannjaja lirika Anny Achmatowoi tekstowoj i tematicheskij analiz = Anna Achmatowas lyrisches Frühwerk : Text- und Themenanalyse /." St. Gallen, 2005. http://www.biblio.unisg.ch/org/biblio/edoc.nsf/wwwDisplayIdentifier/01665579001/$FILE/01665579001.pdf.

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Hänsel, Rosemarie. "Die Stenographin Anna Grigorjewna Dostojewskaja." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2008. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-ds-1200393215164-64357.

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Dresden ist nach Baden-Baden die zweite deutsche Stadt, die Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski ein Denkmal setzte. Es steht am linken Elbufer, hinter dem Landtag in Höhe des Hotels „Maritim“ und wurde am 10. Oktober 2006 in Gegenwart der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin feierlich eingeweiht.

Dorr, Priscilla Diaz. "Anna Kavan: a critical introduction /." Access abstract and link to full text, 1988. http://0-wwwlib.umi.com.library.utulsa.edu/dissertations/fullcit/8811006.

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Tromp, Anna Kira [Verfasser]. "Multipartikuläre Minitabletten / Anna Kira Tromp." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1219475068/34.

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Wilde, Anna [Verfasser]. "Arbeitnehmerüberlassung im Binnenmarkt / Anna Wilde." Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1160479305/34.

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Gölz, Christine. "Anna Achmatova - Spiegelungen und Spekulationen /." Frankfurt am Main : P. Lang : Europäischer Verl. der Wissenschaften, 2000. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38912920t.

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Serwotka, Anna [Verfasser]. "Außenvertretung des Euroraums / Anna Serwotka." Frankfurt : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1102804908/34.

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Canteloube, Marie-Laure. "Anna Seghers et la France." Paris 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA030061.

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Ce travail de thèse étudie le rapport singulier, complexe et changeant entre l’écrivain Anna Seghers et la France. Il analyse l’accueil des émigrés en France de 1933 à 1939, le cas particulier de l’écrivain (1933-1941) et il confronte le vécu à sa transcription littéraire. De par ses origines rhénanes, sa famille et ses parents, la France a eu pour Anna Seghers, très tôt, une signification particulière. La nécessité de l’exil (Paris/Meudon, Pamiers, Marseille et enfin les Antilles) l’a conduite à découvrir une autre France, bien éloignée de sa vision première, très idéalisée. Cette période est à la fois marquée par un grand dynamisme littéraire mais aussi, au fur et à mesure que la menace nazie s’intensifie, par des difficultés quotidiennes de plus en plus grandes. La réalité vécue n’a plus rien à voir avec l’image rêvée de la jeune Netty. La France, admirée pour ses idées humanistes et révolutionnaires, devient un lieu de cauchemars et de danger absolu. Transit témoigne admirablement de cette période noire pour Anna Seghers et sa famille en France. Aux difficultés matérielles s’ajoutent celles d’ordre psychique. La famille doit fuir à nouveau, le Mexique sera son deuxième pays d’accueil. Au-delà de l’exil, Anna Seghers continue de s’intéresser à la France et d’y séjourner. Après 1945, elle essaye de gommer l’image négative donnée dans Transit. Mais l’intensité de ce qu’elle y a vécu et la douleur ressentie à bien des moments, ne peuvent totalement s’effacer de ses écrits, même si elle tente de redonner une image positive de ce pays qu’elle a aimé et aime malgré tout
This thesis studies the unique, complex and changing relationship between the writer Anna Seghers and France. It analyses how immigrants were welcomed in France from 1933 to 1939, the writer’s own case (1933-1941) and it confronts real life with literary work. Because of her Rhineland origins, her family and her parents, Anna Seghers was attracted to France early on. The need for exile (Paris/Meudon, Pamiers, Marseille and finally the West Indies) leads her to discover another France, quite far from her first very idealised vision. This period is marked by great literary dynamism but also, as the Nazi threat grows, by mounting difficulties of daily life. Real life has no longer anything to do with young Netty’s dream image. France, admired for its humanist and revolutionary ideas, becomes then a nightmarish, dangerous place. Transit is an admirable testimony of this black period for Anna Seghers and her family in France. On top of practical difficulties, there are also problems of a psychological nature. The family is forced to flee again and Mexico is to become thier second host country. Beyond exile, Anna Seghers remains interested in France and stays there for periods of time. After 1945 she tries to rub out the negative image given in Transit. However, the intense experience she lived through and the pain it caused her at many times cannot be completely blotted out from her written work, even if she attempts to give a positive image of the country she loved and loves nonetheless

Enthoven, Anna [Verfasser]. "Schleichwerbung als Medienrechtsproblem. / Anna Enthoven." Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1238491782/34.

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Buschmann, Anna [Verfasser]. "Quick and dirty / Anna Buschmann." Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2020. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:11-110-18452/22873.2-3.

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Scheepers, Rajah. "Regentin per Staatsstreich? : Landgräfin Anna von Hessen (1485 - 1525)." Königstein, Taunus Helmer, 2007. http://deposit.d-nb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=2886561&prov=M&dokv̲ar=1&doke̲xt=htm.

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Dreise-Beckmann, Sandra. "Herzogin Anna Amalia von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach (1739-1807), Musikliebhaberin und Mäzenin : Anhang: Rekonstruktion der Musikaliensammlung, Handschriften und Briefe /." Schneverdingen : Verl. für Musikbücher Wagner, 2004. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=013019723&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.

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Raschke, Conrad [Verfasser], Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Wachowski, and Anna-Kathrin [Gutachter] Hell. "Kinematik der Wirbelsäule Literaturanalyse / Conrad Raschke. Betreuer: Martin Wachowski. Gutachter: Anna-Kathrin Hell ; Anna-Kathrin Hell." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1112325239/34.

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Steck, Anna-Lena [Verfasser]. "Oligonucleotide-modified Nuclotides / Anna-Lena Steck." Konstanz : Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1058325981/34.

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Paasch, Anna-Louise [Verfasser]. "Monoidalgebren von Projektionsfunktoren / Anna-Louise Paasch." Wuppertal : Universitätsbibliothek Wuppertal, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1018299696/34.

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Heinle, Anna [Verfasser]. "Interne Dynamik mariner Ökosystemmodelle / Anna Heinle." Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1038412277/34.

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Bircks, Anna [Verfasser]. "Syphilis - eine szientometrische Analyse / Anna Bircks." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2009. http://d-nb.info/1023784750/34.

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Grodecka, Anna [Verfasser]. "Essays on Business Cycles / Anna Grodecka." Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1077266847/34.

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Lesniak, Anna Katharina [Verfasser]. "Strukturierung von Blasensäulen / Anna Katharina Lesniak." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1194289010/34.

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Falk, Anna [Verfasser]. "Enantioselektive, Nickel-katalysierte Hydrocyanierung / Anna Falk." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1067707948/34.

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Jordan, Anna Maria [Verfasser]. "Entgeltdiskriminierung in Frauenberufen? / Anna Maria Jordan." Frankfurt : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2012. http://d-nb.info/1042459576/34.

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Henseler, Daniel. "Texte in Bewegung : Anna Achmatovas Spätwerk /." Frankfurt am Main : P. Lang, 2004. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40033985h.

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Gallep, Larissa Tannus [UNESP]. "Anna dos 6 aos 18 anos." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/86901.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-08-22Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:27:48Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 gallep_lt_me_ia.pdf: 1157277 bytes, checksum: b706aed8e8a39902338d9b0401639ea1 (MD5)
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Com esta pesquisa a minha intenção foi a de realizar uma investigação do filme/documentário russo Anna dos 6 aos 18 e como ele expõe os momentos históricos do fim dos anos 1980 e começo dos 1990, com a queda da União Soviética e o surgimento da Perestroika. Tentei aqui apresentar uma análise de como esta obra, enquanto objeto de arte e documento histórico, se relaciona com as transformações e o discurso oficial do final da URSS. Foram analisadas as diferentes formas de articulação entre os elementos verbais e sonoros, mas com foco nos elementos estético-visuais (signos, ícones, sinais, movimentos de câmera, composições cênicas) e principalmente a montagem. O trabalho aqui aprestado é um estudo sobre o papel da montagem, do filme documentário enquanto documento histórico e do papel do diretor enquanto ―escultor do tempo‖. Para a realização deste trabalho foram realizadas entrevistas com profissionais desta área, bem como pesquisa e observação de diferentes obras cinematográficas e de artes plásticas que abordam a montagem. Também realizo a minha análise sobre algumas imagens escolhidas pelo diretor Nikita Mikhalkov que contam uma visão sobre este período da história russa vivenciada por ele juntamente com o crescimento de sua filha Anna, a heroína do filme objeto do nosso estudo
With this research the intention was to investigate the russian documentary film called Anna from 6 to 18 and how he exposes historic moments in the late 1980s and beggining of 1990s among the Soviet Union fall and the emergence of Perestroyka. We try to present how this work, as art object and historic document, relates itself with the changes and the official version about the end of URSS. We analyzed the different forms of articulation between the verbal elements and sound, but with a focus on aesthetic and visual elements (signs, icons, signs, camera movements, scenic compositions) and especially the assembly. The study presented here is a study on the role of the assembly, the documentary film as a historical document and the role of director as sculptor of the time. For this study, interviews were conducted with experts in this area as well as research and observation of different films and visual arts that address the assembly. Also realize my analysis on some images chosen by director Nikita Mikhalkov who have a vision about this period of Russian history experienced by him along with the growth of his daughter Anna, the heroine of the film object of our study

Gallep, Larissa Tannus. "Anna dos 6 aos 18 anos /." São Paulo : [s.n.], 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/86901.

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Orientador: José Leonardo do Nascimento
Banca: Omar Khoury
Banca: Simonetta Persichetti
Resumo: Com esta pesquisa a minha intenção foi a de realizar uma investigação do filme/documentário russo Anna dos 6 aos 18 e como ele expõe os momentos históricos do fim dos anos 1980 e começo dos 1990, com a queda da União Soviética e o surgimento da Perestroika. Tentei aqui apresentar uma análise de como esta obra, enquanto objeto de arte e documento histórico, se relaciona com as transformações e o discurso oficial do final da URSS. Foram analisadas as diferentes formas de articulação entre os elementos verbais e sonoros, mas com foco nos elementos estético-visuais (signos, ícones, sinais, movimentos de câmera, composições cênicas) e principalmente a montagem. O trabalho aqui aprestado é um estudo sobre o papel da montagem, do filme documentário enquanto documento histórico e do papel do diretor enquanto ―escultor do tempo‖. Para a realização deste trabalho foram realizadas entrevistas com profissionais desta área, bem como pesquisa e observação de diferentes obras cinematográficas e de artes plásticas que abordam a montagem. Também realizo a minha análise sobre algumas imagens escolhidas pelo diretor Nikita Mikhalkov que contam uma visão sobre este período da história russa vivenciada por ele juntamente com o crescimento de sua filha Anna, a heroína do filme objeto do nosso estudo
Abstract: With this research the intention was to investigate the russian documentary film called Anna from 6 to 18 and how he exposes historic moments in the late 1980s and beggining of 1990s among the Soviet Union fall and the emergence of Perestroyka. We try to present how this work, as art object and historic document, relates itself with the changes and the official version about the end of URSS. We analyzed the different forms of articulation between the verbal elements and sound, but with a focus on aesthetic and visual elements (signs, icons, signs, camera movements, scenic compositions) and especially the assembly. The study presented here is a study on the role of the assembly, the documentary film as a historical document and the role of director as "sculptor of the time." For this study, interviews were conducted with experts in this area as well as research and observation of different films and visual arts that address the assembly. Also realize my analysis on some images chosen by director Nikita Mikhalkov who have a vision about this period of Russian history experienced by him along with the growth of his daughter Anna, the heroine of the film object of our study

Lesniak, Anna [Verfasser]. "Strukturierung von Blasensäulen / Anna Katharina Lesniak." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1194289010/34.

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Ferguson, Janice Y. "Anna Julia Cooper: A Quintessential Leader." Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=antioch1420567813.

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Cojocariu, Nicoleta. "Anna de Noailles : identité et écriture." Thesis, Paris Est, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PEST0008.

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Les femmes de lettres de la fin du XIXème siècle ont illuminé cette période de transition culturelle et sociale, mais, dans une époque de «mondialisation» de la littérature et de la culture, elles ne présentent plus d’intérêt. Cette thèse se propose d’interroger les enjeux sociaux et poétiques d’une oeuvre qui est restée dans un coin d’ombre. Vu que personne ne lit plus l’oeuvre d’Anna de Noailles, on s’est demandé si, de nos jours, sa poésie n’est plutôt démodée. La réponse est en «demi-teinte» : Anna de Noailles avait été tellement glorifiée de son vivant, ses contemporains lui avaient fait la preuve d’une admiration excessive ; elle avait été également très caricaturée, phénomène qui s’avère être injuste, mais le souvenir d’un être qui s’apparentait aux plus grands de son époque, le pincement durable d’un esprit cosmopolite comme le sien mérite à être éclairé et revécu. Il semble que la malédiction qui couvre l’oeuvre d’Anna de Noailles ne soit pas de rester dans l’oubli, mais d’avoir joui de tant de gloire. Les différentes étapes de notre recherche seront traversées par un souci permanent de retrouver les particularités poétiques au niveau textuel en tant que traits qui définissent l’esprit cosmopolite d’Anna de Noailles.Après avoir défini la position que la poétesse occupait au sein de sa famille culturelle et littéraire, nous proposons une analyse comparative aux différents textes de ses contemporains. L’analyse des poèmes et de son autobiographie nous permet, par la suite, de nuancer de différents traits de son écriture, le sanglot et les émotions qu’elle transmet au lecteur. Les deux derniers chapitres tenteront de définir la poéticité au niveau d’un texte en prose par une analyse comparative qu’on déploie entre des écrivains qui sont, à la fois, poètes et autobiographes
The women writers of the late nineteenth century illuminated this period of cultural and social transition but because of the globalization of literature and culture, they present no interest anymore. The aim of our study is to analyse the social and poetic issues of a literary work that remained yet unknown to many. Considering the fact that nobody reads Anna de Noailles’ work, we wondered if today her poetry is rather old-fashioned. The answer has a double meaning since Anna de Noailles used to be so glorified in her lifetime and her contemporaries admired her excessively, but she was also caricatured, phenomenon that appears to be unfair. The memory of one who ressembled the greatest figures of her times deserves to be cherished and presented to those who are yet unaware of it. It seems that the curse that covers the work of Anna de Noailles is not to remain in oblivion, but having enjoyed so much glory. The different stages of our research are concerned to find the poetic features at a textual level as features that define the cosmopolitan spirit of Anna de Noailles. After setting the position that the poet held within its cultural and literary family, we offer a comparative analysis of the various texts of his contemporaries. The analysis of her poems and her autobiography allows us subsequently to qualify the different traits of her writing, the sob and emotions it conveys to the reader. The last two chapters attempt to define the poeticity in her poetical prose by a comparative analysis that unfolds between writers who are both poets and autobiographers

Hoheisel, Anna Lena [Verfasser]. "Elektrospinnen von Herzklappenprothesen / Anna Lena Hoheisel." Garbsen : TEWISS - Technik und Wissen GmbH, 2021. https://www.tewiss-verlag.de/.

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Werner, Birte Gmeyner Anna. "Illusionslos, hoffnungsvoll : die Zeitstücke und Exilromane Anna Gmeyners /." Göttingen : Wallstein, 2006. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=2746471&prov=M&dok_var=1&dok_ext=htm.

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Heuer, Anna [Verfasser], and Anna [Akademischer Betreuer] Schubö. "Flexible updating of visual working memory - The joint roles of attention and action / Anna Heuer ; Betreuer: Anna Schubö." Marburg : Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1120583551/34.

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Perchermeier, Anna [Verfasser]. "Landwirtschaftskammern als Modell funktionaler Selbstverwaltung / Anna Perchermeier." Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1108810225/34.

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Noffke, Anna [Verfasser]. "Phosphorus cycling in anoxic sediments / Anna Noffke." Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1063933595/34.

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Lindkvist, Anders. "Anna Nordgren – En kosmopolit på sekelskiftets konstscen." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Konstvetenskapliga institutionen, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-150745.

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Slavutskaya, Anna [Verfasser]. "Three Essays on Hedge Funds / Anna Slavutskaya." Konstanz : Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1058825739/34.

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Jacobi, Anna [Verfasser]. "Optimierung der Lichtverteilung in Photobioreaktoren / Anna Jacobi." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1037286944/34.

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Spiekermann, Jane Anna [Verfasser]. "Gewalttätige Frauen und Mentalisierung / Jane Anna Spiekermann." Ulm : Universität Ulm. Medizinische Fakultät, 2013. http://d-nb.info/103310910X/34.

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Baccaro, Anna [Verfasser]. "Enzymatic Synthesis of Functionalized DNA / Anna Baccaro." Konstanz : Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2010. http://d-nb.info/1029291632/34.

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Llobera, i. Serra Laia. "Anna Murià: l’obra narrativa per a adults." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/310616.

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Anna Murià: l'obra narrativa per a adults se centra en la figura de l'escriptora Anna Murià i pretén omplir el buit bibliogràfic que existeix amb relació a l'estudi de la seva obra narrativa per a adults, que abraça des de les primeres novel·les, aparegudes abans i durant la guerra civil, fins a la darrera, publicada el 1986. L'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral l'estudi de quatre aspectes principals: la literaturització de la condició femenina, la importància del rerefons ideològic, l'autobiografisme i el llenguatge líric com a base d'una concepció vital marcada per la poesia. La contribució de l'escriptora és interessant pel tractament del món de la dona i d'aquells aspectes que se'n deriven (l'amor, la maternitat, el sexe, la vellesa...) des del punt de vista psicològic. També en destaca el component ideològic pel que fa a la ruptura dels preceptes de l'antiga moral, la lluita per les llibertats, el catalanisme militant i el dubte existencial. Una altra tendència constant de la seva narrativa és la passió pel lirisme i l'univers dels símbols, fet que revela el caràcter pòetic d'aquesta producció. La seva faceta literària no pot deslligar-se de la trajectòria vital, per això una de les característiques més importants és el pes autobiogràfic de tota l'obra.
Anna Murià: this narrative work for adults focuses on the writter Anna Murià and seeks to fill the bibliographic vacuum encompassing all of her work, from the first novels, which appeared before and during the Spanish Civil War, to her last published work in 1986. The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is the study of four main issues: literaturising of feminine condition, the importance of ideological background, autobiography and lyrical language as the basis of a life conception marked by poetry. The writter's contribution is interesting as the treatment of woman's world (love, maternity, sex, old age...) from a psychological point of view. Her work is also notable for its ideological components as they relate to the rupture of traditional moral principles, the fight for freedoms, Catalanism and existencial doubt. Another constant tendency in her work is passion for lyrical language, which shows the poetic character of her novels.The body of her literary work goes hand in hand with her life story, a characteristic which only adds weight to the story that she tells in written word.

Cordaro, Luisa. "Anna Maria Ortese, a testimony of time." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape9/PQDD_0005/NQ41129.pdf.

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Beggel, Anna [Verfasser]. "Identifizierung von Risikofaktoren stillabhängiger Beschwerden / Anna Beggel." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2009. http://d-nb.info/1023664496/34.

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