Journal articles on the topic 'Assistant logiciel'

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Contamines, Julien, Gilbert Paquette, and Richard Hotte. "LÉO, assistant logiciel pour une scénarisation pédagogique dirigée par les compétences." Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire 6, no. 2-3 (2009): 26.

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Ribaud, Vincent, Philippe Saliou, and Claude Y. Laporte. "Un assistant de mémoire pour les très petits projets d’ingénierie du logiciel." Études de communication, no. 36 (June 1, 2011): 67–86.

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Donin, Nicolas, and Jacques Theureau. "L’atelier d’un réalisateur en informatique musicale." Circuit 18, no. 1 (April 29, 2008): 31–38.

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Résumé Cet entretien avec Gilbert Nouno interroge le travail quotidien d’un assistant musical (ou réalisateur en informatique musicale). En février 2007, Nouno achevait une collaboration avec Xavier Dayer pour son oeuvre Delights (pour choeur, ensemble et électronique) et poursuivait une collaboration au long cours avec Jonathan Harvey à l’occasion de deux oeuvres : Wagner Dream et une nouvelle oeuvre pour orchestre. Ces projets impliquent des modalités de collaboration variées (périodicité, type d’implication du compositeur dans l’informatique, etc.) et divers usages du logiciel Max/MSP et de programmes associés. Nouno évoque également des interactions avec Pierre Boulez, Michael Jarrell et Marc Monnet. Enfin sont interrogées la variabilité, la plasticité, voire la précarité de l’activité de réalisateur en informatique musicale (et de son atelier).

Chaix, B., G. Lobre, S. Mahboub, G. Delamon, J. E. Bibault, and B. Brouard. "Le chatbot, outil d’accompagnement thérapeutique de la dépression chez les patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein." Psycho-Oncologie 14, no. 1-2 (March 2020): 17–21.

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Objectif : Le chatbot est un logiciel qui utilise l’apprentissage statistique et a pour objectif de simuler une conversation par message textuel ou vocal. Le chatbot Vik a été développé dans le but d’améliorer la qualité de vie des patients atteints d’un cancer ou d’une maladie chronique. L’objectif de cette étude pilote est de mesurer l’humeur de patients atteints d’un cancer du sein, avant et après accompagnement par le chatbot Vik. Matériel et méthodes : Les patients ont été recrutés lors de la première utilisation de Vik. Ils ont été triés en fonction des critères d’inclusion (âge > 18 ans, atteints d’un cancer du sein et en cours de traitement, non-opposition, connaissance d’Internet). Ils ne devaient pas être suivis pour des troubles dépressifs ou en cours d’une psychothérapie. Le questionnaire PHQ-9 a été utilisé pour l’évaluation des symptômes de dépression. Seuls les patients ayant un score supérieur à 5 étaient inclus dans l’étude (j0). Le PHQ-9 était ensuite reproposé à j+15 puis à j+30. Résultats : Les utilisateurs recrutés (n = 74) avaient entre 26 et 78 ans. La moyenne d’âge était de 50 ans. Le taux de satisfaction globale était de 94 %. Le score moyen obtenu au PHQ-9 avant utilisation du chatbot (j0) était de 9,73 (ET : 2,02). À l’issue des 30 jours de l’expérimentation, il était de 5,00 (ET : 2,82). L’évolution de l’humeur au cours du temps était croissante à mesure que les participants discutaient avec le chatbot. Conclusion : Cette étude apporte des éléments prometteurs sur la possibilité d’un assistant virtuel conçu pour soutenir les patients d’offrir une méthode attrayante de suivi et de complémentarité aux méthodes traditionnelles de thérapie.

Chandrakar, Chandu Lal, and Yuan Bentao. "From Learning Theory to Academic Organisation: The Institutionalisation of Higher Education Teaching Assistant Position in China." International Journal of Higher Education 7, no. 3 (May 28, 2018): 124.

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This exploratory study critically investigates the teaching assistant regulations of higher education institutions of China. On the basis of content analysis of the teaching assistant regulations of five premier universities of China this study analyses the possible discrepancies that might compromise the principles of transparency, equal opportunity and encouraging excellence as stipulated in the vision, mission, and goal of the regulations. Teacher assistants do make more than two third of the academic staff at the universities in China. Besides, China has a second largest higher education system in terms of scale in the world. Practices of sharing skills and imparting knowledge at these institutions have been intermediated by a semi-institutionalized position, called ‘teacher assistants’. It’s therefore, the informal submission of assignments without record at the PhD level questions the purpose of integrity and academic freedom of the higher education at the universities. On the basis of an instrumentalised framework guided by the dimensions of decision making and learning organization theories this study using content analysis has formulated the recommendations for the institutions while selecting and training the students as teaching assistants. A critical but logical illustration of the teaching assistant regulations has also been detailed regarding academic integrity in this study.

Niu, Yue, Jonathan Sterling, Harrison Grodin, and Robert Harper. "A cost-aware logical framework." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 6, POPL (January 16, 2022): 1–31.

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We present calf , a c ost- a ware l ogical f ramework for studying quantitative aspects of functional programs. Taking inspiration from recent work that reconstructs traditional aspects of programming languages in terms of a modal account of phase distinctions , we argue that the cost structure of programs motivates a phase distinction between intension and extension . Armed with this technology, we contribute a synthetic account of cost structure as a computational effect in which cost-aware programs enjoy an internal noninterference property: input/output behavior cannot depend on cost. As a full-spectrum dependent type theory, calf presents a unified language for programming and specification of both cost and behavior that can be integrated smoothly with existing mathematical libraries available in type theoretic proof assistants. We evaluate calf as a general framework for cost analysis by implementing two fundamental techniques for algorithm analysis: the method of recurrence relations and physicist’s method for amortized analysis . We deploy these techniques on a variety of case studies: we prove a tight, closed bound for Euclid’s algorithm, verify the amortized complexity of batched queues, and derive tight, closed bounds for the sequential and parallel complexity of merge sort, all fully mechanized in the Agda proof assistant. Lastly we substantiate the soundness of quantitative reasoning in calf by means of a model construction.

St Dizier de Almeida, Valérie. "Modélisation d'une assistance interactive pour améliorer l'accessibilité d'un logiciel." Sciences et techniques éducatives 4, no. 1 (1997): 13–39.

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Guha, Joy. "Student Assistant: Bot Acting as a Students Personal Assistant." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. VI (June 10, 2021): 317–28.

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Chat-bots assistant area of computer programs coded to possess a matter or verbal spoken language that is logical or intelligent. Chat-bots area unit designed to create humans believe that they're reprimand a human; however instead they're actually reprimand a machine. Taking advantage of this transparency property of chat-bot, a man-made character and temperament may be given to a chat-bot that acts sort of a person of a particular profession. This paper describes AN approach the concept of implementing “STUDENT ASSISTANT” a larva can solve several issues associated with students studies or teachers. The necessary options of this project is, when the required or necessary info from the students WhatsApp group (like-examdate’s, result, faculty raise something etc ) it'll cue the scholars if they are doing not seen the message. Chatbot helps the scholars in fixing schedule and adding them within the calendar. And conjointly it helps as a pursuit engine.

Fleurquin, Régis, and Chouki Tibermacine. "Une assistance pour l'évolution des logiciels à base de composants." L'objet 13, no. 1 (March 7, 2007): 9–44.

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Kuokka, Daniel, Stanley Jefferson, Lee Barford, and Felix Frayman. "A parametric design assistant for concurrent engineering." Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 9, no. 2 (April 1995): 135–44.

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AbstractThe Explorer parametric design assistant, an interactive tool that provides intelligent support for searching concurrent-engineering trade-spaces under multiple, conflicting objectives, is described. The system provides a convenient means for specifying multiple, cross-disciplinary constraints in terms of tables, formulas, and logical sentences. Based on these data, the system performs interactive constraint checking, computes feasible designs, and provides graphical analysis facilities, allowing users to compare designs based on multiple criteria. As a first application, Explorer has been used as a printed circuit board (PCB) construction design assistant. In initial tests, Explorer has helped users to find design configurations not previously considered that yield comparable performance and cost while offering better manufacturability and reliability. The capabilities and use of the Explorer system are described in detail, the underlying technologies are outlined, and an evaluation of the prototype system is presented.

BINDER, ROBERT V., and JEFFREY J. P. TSAI. "KB/RMS: AN INTELLIGENT ASSISTANT FOR REQUIREMENT DEFINITION." International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 01, no. 04 (December 1992): 503–22.

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In this paper, we present a conceptual framework and a system model for an intelligent assistant for requirement definition, KB/RMS. The requirement definition process is characterized by the Requirement Context Model. Informal and formal methods for requirement definition are considered in the light of this model, which serves as the logical schema for the KB/RMS database. We summarize conventional and knowledge-based system support for requirement definition. The use of natural language processing, a semantic model of the problem and solution spaces, domain and technology models, inference driven augmentation, validation, and verification of the semantic model is discussed. Finally, we present the production of design representations from the augmented semantic model.

Tzvetkova, Galia V. "ROBONAUT 2: MISSION, TECHNOLOGIES, PERSPECTIVES." Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 44, no. 1 (March 1, 2014): 97–102.

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Abstract The paper focuses on key aspects of scientific and techno- logical solutions implemented in the joint project of NASA and General Motors, Robonaut 2, a humanoid robot designed to work in space as a real assistant to astronauts.

Huang, Zhouli, Ying Zhou, Tommy Tanu Wijaya, and Ke Yan. "Improve The Logical Reasoning Ability of Primary School Students by Using Video Learning Assistant Teaching." Journal on Education 3, no. 4 (August 27, 2021): 329–39.

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Under the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, to ensure the continuous progress of student learning, Chinese Ministry of Education put forward the initiative of "suspension of classes without suspension of school". Primary and secondary schools have adopted online learning at home for students to "open schools in the cloud. There is a big difference between online learning and classroom learning. In this process, problems such as increased teaching burden of teachers, lack of interaction between teachers and students, and students' lack of active learning are also exposed. Video learning are a new type of teaching resource. It can improve the efficiency of primary school mathematics teaching by using video learning reasonably. Based on the above analysis, the purpose of this research is to investigate the development of primary school students' logical reasoning ability through the use of video leanings for auxiliary teaching. The research method adopts the experimental method and is divided into the experimental class and control class. The subjects of the study were 72 students from a primary school in Indonesia. Experimental results show that video learning for auxiliary teaching can effectively develop students' logical reasoning ability.

Əzizxan oğlu Eyyubov, Ramazan, Leyla Elxan qızı Bayramova, and Zeynəb Mirsəməd qızı Sadıqova. "Computer architecture and John von Neumann principles." SCIENTIFIC WORK 15, no. 2 (March 9, 2021): 11–15.

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The program is stored in the machine's memory from any external device. The control device organizes its execution, taking into account the program in memory. The mathematical-logical device performs mathematical and logical calculations in accordance with the entered commands. Thus, the computer performs calculations without human assistance. Key words: computer, software, device, information, scheme

Kowalski, R. "Reflections on the role of logical frameworks in the management of development assistance." International Journal of Management Practice 2, no. 4 (2007): 297.

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AbstractPrincipia Logico-Metaphysica contains a foundational logical theory for metaphysics, mathematics, and the sciences. It includes a canonical development of Abstract Object Theory [AOT], a metaphysical theory (inspired by ideas of Ernst Mally, formalized by Zalta) that distinguishes between ordinary and abstract objects.This article reports on recent work in which AOT has been successfully represented and partly automated in the proof assistant system Isabelle/HOL. Initial experiments within this framework reveal a crucial but overlooked fact: a deeply-rooted and known paradox is reintroduced in AOT when the logic of complex terms is simply adjoined to AOT’s specially formulated comprehension principle for relations. This result constitutes a new and important paradox, given how much expressive and analytic power is contributed by having the two kinds of complex terms in the system. Its discovery is the highlight of our joint project and provides strong evidence for a new kind of scientific practice in philosophy, namely, computational metaphysics.Our results were made technically possible by a suitable adaptation of Benzmüller’s metalogical approach to universal reasoning by semantically embedding theories in classical higher-order logic. This approach enables one to reuse state-of-the-art higher-order proof assistants, such as Isabelle/HOL, for mechanizing and experimentally exploring challenging logics and theories such as AOT. Our results also provide a fresh perspective on the question of whether relational type theory or functional type theory better serves as a foundation for logic and metaphysics.

Sanford, John F., and Jaideep T. Naidu. "Mathematical Modeling And Computational Thinking." Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER) 10, no. 2 (March 31, 2017): 158–68.

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The paper argues that mathematical modeling is the essence of computational thinking. Learning a computer language is a valuable assistance in learning logical thinking but of less assistance when learning problem-solving skills. The paper is third in a series and presents some examples of mathematical modeling using spreadsheets at an advanced level such as high school or early college.

Romanov, S. F. "Analysis of functionality requirements for digital assistant software of Arctic offshore drilling platforms." Transactions of the Krylov State Research Centre S-I, no. 2 (December 21, 2021): 66–69.

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This paper describes the study intended to work out functionality requirements of a digital assistant software for Arctic offshore drilling platforms. The study followed the method of logical analysis. The criteria used to formulate key requirements to the software functionality were based on the interview with competent experts working at marine drilling platforms and chosen as per their respective work experience in offshore drilling. Arctic developments have become especially relevant in the last years because oil and gas reserves of the Eastern Siberia and mainland fields in the Russian North are depleting, so it becomes necessary to go for offshore oil and gas in the Arctic. The progress in digital technologies is one of the ways to make Arctic oil & gas production more efficient and safe, which is especially relevant taking into account its harsh environments. Development and induction of personalized tools could improve both occupational and personal discipline of the staff manning offshore platforms, as well as optimize working hours and mitigate industrial injuries.

Yan-Ling, Li, Fang Mao-Fa, and Zeng Ke. "One scheme for remote quantum logical gates with the assistance of a classical field." Chinese Physics B 19, no. 1 (January 2010): 010307–5.

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Supardi, Moh, and Frans Sayogie. "The Logical Pattern of Argument: A Case Study of National University Debating Championship." Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies 4, no. 1 (April 7, 2022): 65–76.

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In academic field, argument is an essential factor of understanding statements. In this regard, the present paper aims to analyse National University Debate Contest (NUDC) 2016 using Toulmin model argumentative structure and its relation with the implied meaning from National University Debate Contest. This paper employs descriptive qualitative analysis to examine the logical pattern of arguments through linguistic expressions that occurred in the debate. The data were taken from NUDC in Mercu Buana University focusing on (part 1) the statement of the government proponent (Bina Nusantara University) and the opposite speaker (Brawijaya University). The data were analysed using the Toulmin model of logical argument. The findings showed that the government opposite speaker very often made the rebuttal claim by showing the weaknesses from the government side; while the government proponent speaker has claimed almost in every pattern of argument proposed by Toulmin model. The paper concludes that both speakers’ patterns of argument have utilized Toulmin model such as claims, data, qualifiers, rebutting conditions, and warrants. Even though there are so many grammatical mistake and unwell-organized structure, but the logical structure can be analysed using Toulmin model.

Stašys, Rimantas, and Gintautas Virketis. "Conceptual models of emergency management." Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 36, no. 3 (October 14, 2014): 644–52.

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The essence of emergency medical assistance management comprise: accident and disease prevention, preparation to act in case of accident or disease, quick response and treatment. The point of entire emergency assistance management is to reduce the number of deaths and disabil ty. The purpose of research is to review the components of emergency medical assistance, generalise and teoretically compare the emergency medical assistance management models, which are used worldwide. For evaluation of emergency medical assistance structure, there are used systematic given practice regulating documentation analysis, general and logical analysis of scientific publications. Seeking to ascertain an amount of emergency consultative assistance and to predict a tendency of development there are used statistical processing of data, comparison and summation. It were observed, that during 2009–2013 years, the amount of emergency consultative assistance increased but volume of specialized emergency consultative assistance decreased. Anglo-american and Franco- german model suitability in Lithuanian health care system depends on complexity or particularity of accidents, availablility of human resources and also respective infrastructure.

TREU, SIEGFRIED. "RECOGNITION OF LOGICAL INTERFACE STRUCTURES TO ENHANCE HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION." International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 03, no. 02 (June 1989): 217–36.

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The objects of pattern recognition have in the past been primarily physical in nature, describable in terms of some physical units of measurement. The patterns of interest in this paper are conceptual or logical. They are to be representative of structures known to be operative in the human mind. A hybrid technique is proposed, involving the use of structural prototypes from pattern recognition combined with production systems from artificial intelligence. The purpose is to enable the computer interface to observe, detect, identify and anticipate conceptual structures. As a result, the interface system should have a more comprehensive “perspective” on what the user is doing and likely to do next. It should therefore be better prepared to provide him/her with adaptive assistance.

Prasetyono, Rizki Noor, and Rito Cipta Sigitta Hariyono. "Pengaruh Flipbook Gerbang Logika dengan Menggunakan Livewire Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Logis Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika." Joined Journal (Journal of Informatics Education) 2, no. 2 (January 1, 2020): 50.

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The purpose of the research to explain how the effect of the use of logic gates flipbook using livewire against logical thinking ability of students. The research subjects were informatics engineering students who took digital circuit courses in semester 6 of 2018/2019. The research design was pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest type. From the results of simple regression data using SPSS that is obtained p Value Sig. 0,000 <0,05, which means that the use of flipbook logic gates using livewire has an effect on the ability to think logically in informatics engineering students. The percentage 64.5% of logical thinking ability is influenced by the use of flipbook material for livewire logic gate assistance. The simple regression equation as follows Y = = -81,776 + 18,503x, that’s means the flipbook using livewire in logical gate material has a positive influence on students' logical thinking abilities.

Habibah, Siti Maizul. "PENGUATAN KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR LOGIS PADA GURU-GURU PPKn DI MGMP MAGETAN." Jurnal ABDI: Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 7, no. 1 (July 14, 2021): 50.

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Logical thinking is a way of thinking that leads a person to be able to make correct statements and decisions based on logic and rationale. This skill is indispensable in communicating and writing scientific papers. Based on preliminary observations made, this is one of the obstacles experienced by PPKn teachers in Magetan in scientific writing. Therefore, through this logical thinking exercise, efforts were made to strengthen the logical thinking skills of teachers who are members of the MGMP PPKn Magetan. In accordance with that, the purpose of this service activity is to increase teacher understanding of the rules of logical thinking and increase the ability of teachers to think logically in the context of scientific writing. The activity which was attended by 25 PPKn teachers was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Magetan, with stages: revealing fallacy in thinking through exercises, discussions about logical thinking fallacies, strengthening logical thinking rules, and logic-based writing exercises. This service activity has been successful in improving the basics of the teacher's ability to think logically. The teacher better understands that in writing, careful thinking logic is needed, the ability to compose simple logical writing also increases, but to be able to write scientifically that can be published, further training and assistance is needed.

Tchigirinsky, Julius, Nadezhda Gribanova, Alina Gontar, and Nataly Chigirinskaya. "Multidimensional Model of Product Quality Formation." MATEC Web of Conferences 346 (2021): 01006.

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Based on the analysis of the functional capabilities of modern information systems, the paper substantiates the applicability of multidimensional combined information structures for computer-assistant planning in machinery production. A multidimensional optimization model has been developed for elementary technological surface-treatment routing in the case of using complex quality indicators determined by the operational properties of products. The dimensions of its coordinate space are determined by the number of technical constraints that govern the quality of the product. The paper provides an example of an algorithm that uses logical algebra operations to reduce the coordinate space of the model and to reduce the computational complexity of the design task.

Tulchinskii, V. V., V. I. Tulchinskii, S. I. Kondratyev, and A. L. Boran-Keshishian. "Automatic assistance system for visual control of targets." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2061, no. 1 (October 1, 2021): 012076.

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Abstract The article discusses the possibility of creating a system for automating the process of searching and assessing the danger of targets using machine vision and existing ship systems. The technologies for processing images from the ship’s camera system are analyzed: object recognition by a ready-made convolutional neural retrained network, as well as object detection by SURF algorithms. The parameters of the danger of goals within the framework of the problem to be solved have been analyzed and developed, and a structural analysis has been elaborated. The functionality of the automatic operation of the system as a closed circuit has been considered. To achieve the technical result in the system as an integrated part of the ship’s equipment based on cognitive information processing, a composite information object from the ship’s sensors and control systems was introduced. It is decomposed into blocks in which the associated logical information processing takes place using basic modules consisting of adaptive cells-approximators as learning elements capable of independently processing information. The following units are included in the local area network: an information support unit (ISU), a decision making unit (DMU), a command-organizational unit (COU) with an operator’s workstation. The ISU is connected by a two-way communication output with aggregate LAN units, the other output is connected in series with a situation determination unit and the “model of the surrounding space” block. The survey was carried out on board a modern LNG gas carrier using ship systems.

Ignatenko, Evgeniy A., Anzhelika I. Lyakhova, Elena F. Lukyanchikova, Irina V. Savelieva, and Galina V. Starodubova. "International Standards for the Safety of Persons Assisting in Criminal Justice." Cuestiones Políticas 37, no. 65 (August 6, 2020): 74–81.

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The objective of the research was to analyze some international standards for the safety of people who attend criminal justice from different approaches and perspectives of analysis. Based on a meaningful analysis of the provisions of international and regional regulatory legal acts, the document presents approaches to the formation of standards to ensure the safety of persons who contribute to criminal justice. Methodologically, the work applied the provisions of dialectics, general, special and particular scientific methods. In the course of the study, scientific-historical, formal-legal, formal-logical, systemic and comparative methods were also used. It is concluded that the system of security measures for people who cooperate with criminal justice has significant differences in the different national criminal justice systems, which complicates international relations and cooperation in this area and does not allow the international community to advise effectively and comprehensively, while continuously generating challenges and threats.

Lie, Yann, Pablo Ortiz, Richard Vendamme, Karolien Vanbroekhoven, and Thomas J. Farmer. "BioLogicTool: A Simple Visual Tool for Assisting in the Logical Selection of Pathways from Biomass to Products." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58, no. 35 (April 12, 2019): 15945–57.

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Yamada, Yasunori, Kaoru Shinkawa, Masatomo Kobayashi, Hironobu Takagi, Miyuki Nemoto, Kiyotaka Nemoto, and Tetsuaki Arai. "Using Speech Data From Interactions With a Voice Assistant to Predict the Risk of Future Accidents for Older Drivers: Prospective Cohort Study." Journal of Medical Internet Research 23, no. 4 (April 8, 2021): e27667.

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Background With the rapid growth of the older adult population worldwide, car accidents involving this population group have become an increasingly serious problem. Cognitive impairment, which is assessed using neuropsychological tests, has been reported as a risk factor for being involved in car accidents; however, it remains unclear whether this risk can be predicted using daily behavior data. Objective The objective of this study was to investigate whether speech data that can be collected in everyday life can be used to predict the risk of an older driver being involved in a car accident. Methods At baseline, we collected (1) speech data during interactions with a voice assistant and (2) cognitive assessment data—neuropsychological tests (Mini-Mental State Examination, revised Wechsler immediate and delayed logical memory, Frontal Assessment Battery, trail making test-parts A and B, and Clock Drawing Test), Geriatric Depression Scale, magnetic resonance imaging, and demographics (age, sex, education)—from older adults. Approximately one-and-a-half years later, we followed up to collect information about their driving experiences (with respect to car accidents) using a questionnaire. We investigated the association between speech data and future accident risk using statistical analysis and machine learning models. Results We found that older drivers (n=60) with accident or near-accident experiences had statistically discernible differences in speech features that suggest cognitive impairment such as reduced speech rate (P=.048) and increased response time (P=.040). Moreover, the model that used speech features could predict future accident or near-accident experiences with 81.7% accuracy, which was 6.7% higher than that using cognitive assessment data, and could achieve up to 88.3% accuracy when the model used both types of data. Conclusions Our study provides the first empirical results that suggest analysis of speech data recorded during interactions with voice assistants could help predict future accident risk for older drivers by capturing subtle impairments in cognitive function.

Ranjan, Ranjeeva, Juan Luis López, Kanhaiya Lal, Suraj Saxena, and Sanjeev Ranjan. "Adopting A New Hybrid Force Model: A Survey During Covid-19 In Indian Higher Education." International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 16, no. 16 (August 23, 2021): 169.

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This quantitative study proposes and validates the Hybrid force model by analysing the challenges and opportunities in online education during COVID-19 through an online survey from students and teachers of Indian higher education institutions. The proposed model considers the learner as a system of study and talks about the amalgamation of knowledge, human force (teacher), and techno-logical force for better online learning opportunities and experience. The results show Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Team as the main online platforms for imparting the classes while almost 80% of the students prefer a non-traditional teaching method (online and hybrid). The results highlight that more than 88% of the students prefer to have a personal teaching assistant in their learning trajectory.

ADAMS, ROBIN, and ZHAOHUI LUO. "A pluralist approach to the formalisation of mathematics." Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 21, no. 4 (July 1, 2011): 913–42.

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We present a programme of research for pluralist formalisations, that is, formalisations that involve proving results in more than one foundation.A foundation consists of two parts: a logical part, which provides a notion of inference, and a non-logical part, which provides the entities to be reasoned about. An LTT is a formal system composed of two such separate parts. We show how LTTs may be used as the basis for a pluralist formalisation.We show how different foundations may be formalised as LTTs, and also describe a new method for proof reuse. If we know that a translation Φ exists between two logic-enriched type theories (LTTs) S and T, and we have formalised a proof of a theorem α in S, we may wish to make use of the fact that Φ(α) is a theorem of T. We show how this is sometimes possible by writing a proof script MΦ. For any proof script Mα that proves a theorem α in S, if we change Mα so it first imports MΦ, the resulting proof script will still parse, and will be a proof of Φ(α) in T.In this paper, we focus on the logical part of an LTT-framework and show how the above method of proof reuse is done for four cases of Φ: inclusion, the double negation translation, the A-translation and the Russell–Prawitz modality. This work has been carried out using the proof assistant Plastic.

Smith, Brian. "The Canadian Red Cross Society and the Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions." International Review of the Red Cross 27, no. 259 (August 1987): 376–78.

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The Canadian Red Cross Society has strongly supported the adoption of the Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 as logical, essential extensions of the Conventions. The Protocols bring the Conventions of 1949 up to date. They make the true application of international humanitarian law (IHL) in armed conflicts relevant, meaningful and possible in the modern world to fulfil its ultimate aim—to provide protection and assistance to all victims of all conflicts.

Paraskevopoulou, Zoe, John M. Li, and Andrew W. Appel. "Compositional optimizations for CertiCoq." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 5, ICFP (August 22, 2021): 1–30.

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Compositional compiler verification is a difficult problem that focuses on separate compilation of program components with possibly different verified compilers. Logical relations are widely used in proving correctness of program transformations in higher-order languages; however, they do not scale to compositional verification of multi-pass compilers due to their lack of transitivity. The only known technique to apply to compositional verification of multi-pass compilers for higher-order languages is parametric inter-language simulations (PILS), which is however significantly more complicated than traditional proof techniques for compiler correctness. In this paper, we present a novel verification framework for lightweight compositional compiler correctness . We demonstrate that by imposing the additional restriction that program components are compiled by pipelines that go through the same sequence of intermediate representations , logical relation proofs can be transitively composed in order to derive an end-to-end compositional specification for multi-pass compiler pipelines. Unlike traditional logical-relation frameworks, our framework supports divergence preservation—even when transformations reduce the number of program steps. We achieve this by parameterizing our logical relations with a pair of relational invariants . We apply this technique to verify a multi-pass, optimizing middle-end pipeline for CertiCoq, a compiler from Gallina (Coq’s specification language) to C. The pipeline optimizes and closure-converts an untyped functional intermediate language (ANF or CPS) to a subset of that language without nested functions, which can be easily code-generated to low-level languages. Notably, our pipeline performs more complex closure-allocation optimizations than the state of the art in verified compilation. Using our novel verification framework, we prove an end-to-end theorem for our pipeline that covers both termination and divergence and applies to whole-program and separate compilation, even when different modules are compiled with different optimizations. Our results are mechanized in the Coq proof assistant.

Paraskevopoulou, Zoe, and Anvay Grover. "Compiling with continuations, correctly." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 5, OOPSLA (October 20, 2021): 1–29.

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In this paper we present a novel simulation relation for proving correctness of program transformations that combines syntactic simulations and logical relations. In particular, we establish a new kind of simulation diagram that uses a small-step or big-step semantics in the source language and an untyped, step-indexed logical relation in the target language. Our technique provides a practical solution for proving semantics preservation for transformations that do not preserve reductions in the source language. This is common when transformations generate new binder names, and hence α-conversion must be explicitly accounted for, or when transformations introduce administrative redexes. Our technique does not require reductions in the source language to correspond directly to reductions in the target language. Instead, we enforce a weaker notion of semantic preorder, which suffices to show that semantics are preserved for both whole-program and separate compilation. Because our logical relation is transitive, we can transition between intermediate program states in a small-step fashion and hence the shape of the proof resembles that of a simple small-step simulation. We use this technique to revisit the semantic correctness of a continuation-passing style (CPS) transformation and we demonstrate how it allows us to overcome well-known complications of this proof related to α-conversion and administrative reductions. In addition, by using a logical relation that is indexed by invariants that relate the resource consumption of two programs, we are able show that the transformation preserves diverging behaviors and that our CPS transformation asymptotically preserves the running time of the source program. Our results are formalized in the Coq proof assistant. Our continuation-passing style transformation is part of the CertiCoq compiler for Gallina, the specification language of Coq.

Fforde, Adam. "What Might International Development Assistance Be Able to Tell Us About Contemporary “Policy Government” in Developed Countries?" Administration & Society 50, no. 3 (May 5, 2015): 372–401.

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The article examines international development assistance—aid. Donors assert that experts possess predictive knowledge and project belief in such knowledge into organizational form—the Logical Framework Approach. While such beliefs lack predictive power, as aid operates under multiple sovereignty conditions, no single authority determines truth. Donors ease pressure on experts by accepting variation in intervention logics, yet assert the validity of “single truth” knowledge; knowledge production practices have not basically changed. Belief that what is believed is true, revealed in aid work, illuminates the nature of policy in rich countries and helps explain low confidence in government.

Palcu, Pavel, and Anca Florina Morostes. "Profiling as a logical form of reasoning in order to solve controversial circumstances on the crime scene." Journal of Legal Studies 17, no. 31 (June 1, 2016): 46–57.

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Abstract While conducting research on the scene or during the entire phase of criminal prosecution, especially for the identification of the authors or settlement of the controversial circumstances, criminal profiling by a forensic psychologist will reduce the circle of suspects, as well as provide assistance in determining possible connections with other crimes and offer to judicial organs sustainable strategies for the solution of the case. In addition to identifying and processing the material traces found on the scene, concern falling strictly within forensics, in the future, efforts against criminality of the third millennium will be oriented towards the interpretation of human behaviour with criminogenic finality.

GEVORGYAN, HAYKUHI. "PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION AS LIFELONG PROCESS." Main Issues Of Pedagogy And Psychology 6, no. 3 (December 16, 2014): 30–35.

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What profession to choose? The question is inevitable; the answer is seeking every individual in some stage of his age or social development. The solution of the issue is very importance not only for his personality but generally for society. Professional orientation helps the youth for professional consciousness. Professional orientation is normal continuation of educational work and is considered to be its logical end in some respects. Providing consultancy to individual for professional orientation aims not only assisting to organize his learning process, but assuring confidence towards his future from psychological point of view.

GEVORGYAN, HAYKUHI. "PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION AS LIFELONG PROCESS." Main Issues Of Pedagogy And Psychology 8, no. 2 (September 29, 2015): 45–49.

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What profession to choose? The question is inevitable; the answer is seeking every individual in some stage of his age or social development. The solution of the issue is very importance not only for his personality but generally for society. Professional orientation helps the youth for professional consciousness. Professional orientation is normal continuation of educational work and is considered to be its logical end in some respects. Providing consultancy to individual for professional orientation aims not only assisting to organize his learning process, but assuring confidence towards his future from psychological point of view.

DENISIEV, SERGEY A. "Improving the efficiency of integrated security systems at guarded facilities of the penal system." Vedomosti (Knowledge) of the Penal System 233, no. 10 (2021): 69–76.

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The article discusses topical issues of organizing the functioning of security and alarm systems, CCTV, access control and management systems, which are part of the integrated security system of a penal system facility. The purpose of the study is a substantive analysis of the problems arising in the process of equipping with technical means of security and supervision the control panel for technical means of protection, the premises of the duty-assistant of the head of the colony, the checkpoint for the passage of people, the restricted areas of a penal system facility. The subject of the article is the realized and possible integration links at the software and hardware levels between the security and alarm system, the CCTV system, the access control and management system. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the statistical method, analysis, synthesis, induction, system-structural and formal-logical methods. The conclusions on the need to equip the premises of the duty-assistant to the head of the colony with an automated workstation of the integrated security system have been substantiated; to equip the gates for access to the restricted area with proximity card readers to control an electromechanical lock. In addition, proposals were made on the need of mandatory informing the chief of the guard about the alarming situation arising in the biometric control and access control system at the checkpoint for the passage of people; on the feasibility of considering the possibility of verifying alarming events in the restricted area by installing dome cameras on observation towers. The practical significance of the work results lies in the fact that the conclusions we have declared can be used to reequip integrated security systems used at the penal system facilities. Key words: engineering and technical means of security and supervision, an integrated security system, a security and alarm system, a security television system, a control and access control system, the chief of the guard, an assistant to the head of the colony, security and fire control devices.

CERVESATO, ILIANO. "NEXCEL, a deductive spreadsheet." Knowledge Engineering Review 22, no. 3 (September 2007): 221–36.

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AbstractUsability and usefulness have made the spreadsheet one of the most successful computing applications of all times: millions rely on it every day for anything from typing grocery lists to developing multimillion-dollar budgets. One thing spreadsheets are not very good at is manipulating the symbolic data and helping users make decisions based on them. By tapping into recent research in Logic Programming, Databases and Cognitive Psychology, we propose a deductive extension to the spreadsheet paradigm that precisely addresses this issue. The accompanying tool, which we call NEXCEL, is intended as an automated assistant for the daily reasoning and decision-making needs of computer users, in the same way as a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel assists them every day with simple and complex calculations. Users without formal training in Logic or even Computer Science can interactively define logical rules in the same simple way as they define formulas in Excel. NEXCEL immediately evaluates these rules, thereby returning lists of values that satisfy them, again just like with numerical formulas. The deductive component is seamlessly integrated into the traditional spreadsheet so that a user not only still has access to the usual functionalities but is also able to use them as part of the logical inference and, dually, to embed deductive steps in a numerical calculation.

Zhang, Yizhou, and Nada Amin. "Reasoning about “reasoning about reasoning”: semantics and contextual equivalence for probabilistic programs with nested queries and recursion." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 6, POPL (January 16, 2022): 1–28.

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Metareasoning can be achieved in probabilistic programming languages (PPLs) using agent models that recursively nest inference queries inside inference queries. However, the semantics of this powerful, reflection-like language feature has defied an operational treatment, much less reasoning principles for contextual equivalence. We give formal semantics to a core PPL with continuous distributions, scoring, general recursion, and nested queries. Unlike prior work, the presence of nested queries and general recursion makes it impossible to stratify the definition of a sampling-based operational semantics and that of a measure-theoretic semantics—the two semantics must be defined mutually recursively. A key yet challenging property we establish is that probabilistic programs have well-defined meanings: limits exist for the step-indexed measures they induce. Beyond a semantics, we offer relational reasoning principles for probabilistic programs making nested queries. We construct a step-indexed, biorthogonal logical-relations model. A soundness theorem establishes that logical relatedness implies contextual equivalence. We demonstrate the usefulness of the reasoning principles by proving novel equivalences of practical relevance—in particular, game-playing and decisionmaking agents. We mechanize our technical developments leading to the soundness proof using the Coq proof assistant. Nested queries are an important yet theoretically underdeveloped linguistic feature in PPLs; we are first to give them semantics in the presence of general recursion and to provide them with sound reasoning principles for contextual equivalence.

FILLIÂTRE, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE. "Verification of non-functional programs using interpretations in type theory." Journal of Functional Programming 13, no. 4 (June 25, 2003): 709–45.

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We study the problem of certifying programs combining imperative and functional features within the general framework of type theory. Type theory is a powerful specification language which is naturally suited for the proof of purely functional programs. To deal with imperative programs, we propose a logical interpretation of an annotated program as a partial proof of its specification. The construction of the corresponding partial proof term is based on a static analysis of the effects of the program which excludes aliases. The missing subterms in the partial proof term are seen as proof obligations, whose actual proofs are left to the user. We show that the validity of those proof obligations implies the total correctness of the program. This work has been implemented in the Coq proof assistant. It appears as a tactic taking an annotated program as argument and generating a set of proof obligations. Several nontrivial algorithms have been certified using this tactic.

Gavrikova, Yulia A., and Darya A. Ishina. "Formation of language-based guessing at English lessons." Psychological-Pedagogical Journal GAUDEAMUS, no. 49 (2021): 47–52.

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We consider the language-based guessing as one of the ways by which it is possible to make the process of mastering any foreign language simpler. Language-based guessing plays the role of a faithful assistant in working with text and at the same time it is a necessary skill that develops logical thinking, memory and increases the level of proficiency in foreign language speech. The study is relevant due to language-based guessing is very often ignored by both teachers and students though it is one of the most important language skill, its formation and development is influenced by a whole complex of factors. The practical significance of this study is in the fact that its theoretical and methodological materials can be used to effectively form a language guess among students in the process of learning a foreign language. As examples, we consider words formed using one of the most common ways of word formation – affixation.

Bertrand-Gastaldy, Suzanne, and Gracia Pagola. "L’analyse du contenu textuel en vue de la construction de thésaurus et de l’indexation assistées par ordinateur; applications possibles avec SATO." Analyse de l’information textuelle 38, no. 2 (February 13, 2015): 75–89.

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L’intervention de l’ordinateur, longtemps réservée aux tâches mécaniques effectuées en aval de l’analyse des documents et de la constitution des thésaurus, se déplace en amont vers l’analyse elle-même. Des logiciels existent désormais qui assistent l’exploration des textes. On montre comment SATO (système d’analyse de textes par ordinateur), utilisé par des chercheurs de plusieurs disciplines, peut faciliter les tâches de contrôle et de structuration du vocabulaire ainsi que l’indexation. On présente ses caractéristiques importantes : possibilité d’ajouter des propriétés aux mots et aux segments textuels, génération de lexiques, analyses lexico-statistiques diverses, définition de sous-ensembles de textes et de lexiques. On examine ensuite l’aide apportée dans l’élaboration de thésaurus : extraction d’unités lexicales simples et complexes, pondération pour faciliter le choix, regroupements divers, repérage en contexte de formes équivalentes, de synonymes, de termes génériques et spécifiques, de termes associés. L’indexation assistée par ordinateur est également illustrée, avec des perspectives d’analyse « sur mesure », de même que plusieurs stratégies d’interrogation. On conclut sur la nécessité de résoudre les questions théoriques auxquelles l’analyse du contenu confronte désormais les spécialistes de l’information.


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The purpose of the article is to present the basic results of a social media analysis of the specifics of online communications about migration in the Runet space and digital environments in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Research methods: carried out by structural and logical methods of content analysis of messages relevant to the subject of the study of online conversations and data interpretation of automated statistical options of the blog hosting sites «VKontakte» and «Facebook». As a result of the analysis, a characteristic common for digital communications about the migration of the Russian and European segments of social media was revealed, associated with the intensive circulation of information flows created by informal online network leaders and opinion centers and aimed at the formation of an unofficial system of mutual assistance and support by migrants. each other and the indigenous population. A key characteristic of social and media flows about migration and migrants in European segments of digital communication is their focus on discussing the possibilities of volunteer assistance to migrants from the indigenous population.

Griekspoor, Andre, and Egbert Sondorp. "Enhancing the Quality of Humanitarian Assistance: Taking Stock and Future Initiatives." Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 16, no. 4 (December 2001): 209–15.

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AbstractDuring the last five years, the debate on the performance of humanitarian assistance has intensified. The motivation to “do better” has come both from within the humanitarian agencies as well as from pressure exerted by the donors and the media. Paradoxically, until now, the voice of those who are to benefit from this assistance has not been heard.This paper is an overview of the most important initiatives to increase the quality of humanitarian assistance. The introduction of the logical framework and the increasing body of knowledge made available through guidelines have improved project management by measuring process and outcomes. Increasingly, evaluations are used to give account and to learn from experiences. But, current evaluation practice must develop in a wider variety of approaches more appropriate to create change of the operations in the field. Some agencies oppose new developments like the Sphere and the Humanitarian Accountability Projects, arguing that standards and regulation would undermine necessary flexibility to adjust responses to the local context, or be a threat to their independence. Nonetheless, standards are considered to be a prerequisite as reference to assess performance. Furthermore, it is hoped that a new breakthrough will be achieved by improved accountability towards beneficiaries.An option to address some of the gaps in the current quality assessment tools was to widen the perspective on performance from projects to the organisations behind them. Quality management models may provide the required framework, and they also can be used to embed current initiatives by organisations. Humanitarian organisations may want to develop forms of self-regulation rather than waiting for accreditation by donors. Another area in which progress is needed is a system-wide approach to performance. At this level, the influence of political actors, donors, national governments, and other representatives of the parties in a conflict also should be assessed. It is their legal obligation to protect the basic right to assistance of persons affected by disasters, as enshrined in international law.

Yeh, Chih-Yang, Syu-Jyun Peng, Hsuan Chia Yang, Mohaimenul Islam, Tahmina Nasrin Poly, Chien-Yeh Hsu, Stanley M. Huff, Huan-Chieh Chen, and Ming-Chin Lin. "Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®) Applied to Microbiology: A National Laboratory Mapping Experience in Taiwan." Diagnostics 11, no. 9 (August 28, 2021): 1564.

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Background and Objective: Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) is a universal standard for identifying laboratory tests and clinical observations. It facilitates a smooth information exchange between hospitals, locally and internationally. Although it offers immense benefits for patient care, LOINC coding is complex, resource-intensive, and requires substantial domain expertise. Our objective was to provide training and evaluate the performance of LOINC mapping of 20 pathogens from 53 hospitals participating in the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS). Methods: Complete mapping codes for 20 pathogens (nine bacteria and 11 viruses) were requested from all participating hospitals to review between January 2014 and December 2016. Participating hospitals mapped those pathogens to LOINC terminology, utilizing the Regenstrief LOINC mapping assistant (RELMA) and reported to the NNDSS, beginning in January 2014. The mapping problems were identified by expert panels that classified frequently asked questionnaires (FAQs) into seven LOINC categories. Finally, proper and meaningful suggestions were provided based on the error pattern in the FAQs. A general meeting was organized if the error pattern proved to be difficult to resolve. If the experts did not conclude the local issue’s error pattern, a request was sent to the LOINC committee for resolution. Results: A total of 53 hospitals participated in our study. Of these, 26 (49.05%) used homegrown and 27 (50.95%) used outsourced LOINC mapping. Hospitals who participated in 2015 had a greater improvement in LOINC mapping than those of 2016 (26.5% vs. 3.9%). Most FAQs were related to notification principles (47%), LOINC system (42%), and LOINC property (26%) in 2014, 2015, and 2016, respectively. Conclusions: The findings of our study show that multiple stage approaches improved LOINC mapping by up to 26.5%.

Kruchanytsia, Vasyl V., Vasyl V. Skryp, Ivan S. Myroniuk, and Hennady O. Slabkiy. "ON THE ISSUES OF PROVISION OF DRUG AID AT THE PRIMARY LEVEL OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE." Wiadomości Lekarskie 73, no. 10 (2020): 2188–92.

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The aim: Establish the types of narcological care to be provided at the primary level, develop a functional and organizational model of anti-narcotic activity of general practitioners/ family doctors and an algorithm for its integration at the primary level. Materials and methods: Determination of types of anti-narcotic activity of GPs/family doctors was carried out expertly. The experts were 36 health care providers, doctors and alcohol abusers. The experts evaluated the proposed activities on a 10 point scale: full support – 10 points, and total ineligibility – 0 points. Expert opinion confidentiality saved. The bibliosemantic method and the method of structural-logical analysis were used in the work. The statistical method was used for statistical processing of the obtained results. Results: The list of types of medical care is grounded and the functional-organizational model of anti-narcotic activity of general practitioners-family doctors is developed, as well as the algorithm of integration into the primary level of complex anti-narcotic medical care to the population and the motivational mechanisms for the employees of primary level are offered to encourage them to the anti-narcotics activities. Conclusions: implementation of the proposed innovations will increase the availability and effectiveness of anti-narcotic activities at the local level.

Rempel, Hannah Gascho. "A Longitudinal Assessment of Graduate Student Research Behavior and the Impact of Attending a Library Literature Review Workshop." College & Research Libraries 71, no. 6 (November 1, 2010): 532–47.

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This article discusses findings from a longitudinal research study that examined the way graduate students carry out the literature review and how they were impacted by attending a library literature review workshop. The literature review research process serves as an important gateway for graduate students into their scholarly communities’ practices and can be a logical place for librarians to offer assistance. This study was carried out to gain insights into the ways librarians can better meet graduate students’ needs to shape the services offered to graduate students. Findings reveal a lack of a single path through the literature review research process, but they do indicate that attending a literature review workshop can have long-term benefits.

Carson, Ewart R. "Measurement, Models and Medicine: Computer Modelling in hEalth Care Delivery." Measurement and Control 26, no. 4 (June 1993): 105–8.

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Computational modelling is becoming of increasing importance in assisting with, and enhancing, the processes of decision-making in clinical medicine and in health care delivery, processes which depend upon the effective interpretation of data yielded by measurement practice. Using conceptual models of health care delivery, a framework can be established within which the role of specific computational modelling paradigms can be clearly identified. Some of the methodological issues which underpin computer modelling are considered across the range of realizations (mathematical, logical, statistical and graphical) that find application in the clinical and health care domains. Examples are given of both quantitative modelling and qualitative model-based reasoning as important adjuncts to measurement practice.

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