Academic literature on the topic 'Bigakkō'

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Journal articles on the topic "Bigakkō":


Skinner, I. D. "DR RUDOLPH BIGALKE FRSSAf." Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 47, no. 3 (January 1990): 360–61.

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Ahrens, I., K. Peter, and C. Bode. "Literatur zum Artikel: Bigalke, Lindemann, Gawaz." Hämostaseologie 27, no. 05 (September 2007): 328.

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Heinze, H., and H. Darius. "Literatur zum Artikel: Bigalke, Lindemann, Gawaz." Hämostaseologie 27, no. 05 (2007): 338–39.

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Owen, Dennis. "Rudolph (Rudi) Carl Bigalke (1932-2002)." Southern African Forestry Journal 197, no. 1 (March 2003): 43.

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Nel, Jan A. J. "Professor Rudolph Carl Bigalke FRSSAf 1932–2002." Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 57, no. 1-2 (January 2002): 54–55.

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Fabian, Eginhard. "Heinrich Heesch: Kristallgeometrie, Parkettierungen, Vierfarbenforschung. Hans-Günther Bigalke." Isis 82, no. 3 (September 1991): 590–91.

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Wessel, W. "Bigalke, H.-G., Heinrich Heesch: Kristallgeometrie, Parkettierungen, Vierfarbenforschung. Basel etc., Birkhäuser Verlag 1988. 320 S., sfr 66.-. ISBN 3-7643-1954-2 (Vita Mathematica 3)." ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 69, no. 9 (1989): 310.

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Miner, Earl. "Kyōgen no bigaku—engekigakuteki apurochi [Aesthetics of kyōgen—a theatrical approach]. By Kobatake Motoo. Osaka: Sōgensha, 1986. x, 218, vi pp. Illustrations, Notes. ¥ 2,800." Journal of Asian Studies 46, no. 2 (May 1987): 411–12.

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Smith, Jeffrey Chipps. "Hans-Günther Bigalke. Geschnitzte Bilder und Figuren an Fachwerkhäusern: In Deutschland 1450–1700. Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2008. 463 pp. index. illus. €78. ISBN: 978–3–422–06820–9." Renaissance Quarterly 62, no. 4 (2009): 1277–78.

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KITLV, Redactie. "Book Reviews." Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 162, no. 2 (2008): 352–405.

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Michael Williams; Deforesting the earth; From prehistory to global crisis (Greg Bankoff) Alexander Adelaar, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann (eds); The Austronesian languages of Asia and Madagascar (René van den Berg) Wim Ravesteijn, Jan Kop (eds); Bouwen in de archipel; Burgerlijke Openbare Werken in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesië 1800-2000 (Freek Colombijn) Susan Rodgers; Print, poetics, and politics; A Sumatran epic in the colonial Indies and New Order Indonesia (Bernhard Dahm) Robert A. Scebold; Central Tagbanwa; a Philippine language on the brink of extinction; Sociolinguistics, grammar, and lexicon (Aone van Engelenhoven) Adrian Vickers; Journeys of desire; A study of the Balinese text Malat (Amrit Gomperts) B.J. Terwiel; Thailand’s political history; From the fall of Ayutthaya to recent times (Hans Hägerdal) Robert van Niel; Java’s Northeast Coast 1740-1840; A study in colonial encroachment and dominance (Mason C. Hoadley) Terence H. Hull (ed.); People, population, and policy in Indonesia (Santo Koesoebjono W.L. Korthals Altes; Tussen cultures en kredieten; Een institutionele geschiedenis van de Nederlandsch-Indische Handelsbank en Nationale Handelsbank, 1863-1964 (Koh Keng Weh) William van der Heide; Malaysian cinema, Asian film; Border crossings and national cultures (Benjamin McKay) Angela Romano; Politics and the press in Indonesia; Understanding an evolving political culture (Soe Tjen Marching) Simon Harrison; Fracturing resemblances; Identity and mimetic conflict in Melanesia and the West (Toon van Meijl) Daniel Fitzpatrick; Land claims in East Timor (Johanna van Reenen) Susi Moeimam, Hein Steinhauer; Nederlands-Indonesisch Woordenboek (Stuart Robson) Terance W. Bigalke; Tana Toraja: a social history of an Indonesian people (Dik Roth) K. Alexander Adelaar (with the assistance of Pak Vitus Kaslem); Salako or Badameà; Sketch grammar, texts and lexicon of a Kanayatn dialect in West Borneo (Hein Steinhauer) John Bowden, Nikolaus Himmelmann (eds); Papers in Austronesian subgrouping and dialectology (Hein Steinhauer) Sebastiaan Pompe; The Indonesian Supreme Court; A study of institutional collapse (Bryan S. Turner) Gerd R. Zimmermann; Indonesien; Eine geographische Landeskunde (Robert Wessing) REVIEW ESSAY Dick van der Meij; Latest editions of Indonesian classical texts A. Teeuw, R. Dumas, Muhammad Haji Salleh, R. Tol, M.J. van Yperen (eds); A merry senhor in the Malay world; Four texts of the Syair Sinyor Kosta Julian Millie; Bidasari; Jewel of Malay Muslim culture. A. Teeuw, S.O. Robson (eds); Bhomāntaka; The death of Bhoma J. Noorduyn, A. Teeuw; Three Old Sundanese poems In: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (BKI), no. 162 (2006), no: 2/3, Leiden

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Bigakkō":


Shimada, Yoshiko. "Gendaishicho-sha Bigakko : undercurrents in Japanese art and politics from 1960-1975." Thesis, Kingston University, 2015.

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This thesis investigates the explicit interconnection of radical art and politics in Japan in the 1960s and early 1970s through an in-depth study of the alternative art school Gendaishicho-sha Bigakko (1969-75). Founded in 1969 in Tokyo in the aftermath of the student movement by the radical publishing company Gendaishicho¬sha, Bígakko was the brainchild of the director Ishii Kyoji, the editor Kawani Hiroshi, and art critic Imaizumi Yoshihiko. Although some of the most important Japanese artists of the 1960s such as Nakanishi Natsuyuki and Akasegawa Genpei (of Hi Red Center), the painters Nakamura Hiroshi and Kikuhata Mokuma (of Kyushu-ha), and Matsuzawa Yutaka - who is regarded as a forerunner of Japanese Conceptualism - were among the teachers there, this is the first detailed study of Bigakko. Based upon extensive primary research, including interviews with the founders, administrators, teachers and students, and the recovery of significant original material from several personal archives, I establish and assess both the school's significance in the history of Japanese art and the part it played in the country' s socio-political history, which have hitherto been largely ignored. As part of the re-construction of Bigakko's history and teaching methods, the PhD includes practice based components: a visual chronology of Gendaishicho-sha Bigakko as a supplement to the thesis ; the documentation of my-re-enactments of Nakanishi Natsuyuki's drawing class exercises at Kyoto Art Center in 2010, at Bigakkö in 2011, and in London in 2012, and documentation of two exhibitions I curated and installed : the Bigakko section of the 'Anti-Academy' exhibition (realized between Novomber 2013 and January 2014 at the John Hansard Gallery in Southampton, UK) and 'World Uprising'(April 2014 at Bunpodo Gallery, Tokyo), an exhibition of mail art originally conceived and realized by Matsuzawa Yutaka and his Final Art Thoughts workshop at Bigakko in 1971- 1973. This includes the documentation of Matsuzawa's 'Psy Room' at Suwa, Nagano. Through this body of PhD research, I argue that the various experiments conducted by the artists/teachers at Bigakko - with their emphasis on the revival of handwork and communal, physical experience - had the potential to bring about the new artistic language for communication and changes. Although the Bigakko experiment was prematurely terminated in 1975, I propose that the fundamental questions it raised are still relevant today, and their notion of embracing contradictions presents an important agency in confronting the stagnation that Japanese society faces today.

Mitter, Diana [Verfasser], Gudrun [Gutachter] Ahnert-Hilger, and Hans [Gutachter] Bigalke. "Cholesterol und der Synaptophysin-Synaptobrevin-Komplex / Diana Mitter ; Gutachter: Gudrun Ahnert-Hilger, Hans Bigalke." Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2003.

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Bigalke, Janna Margareta [Verfasser]. "Analyse der Regulation von P-TEFb durch Hexim1, 7SK snRNA und Larp7 / Janna Margareta Bigalke." Dortmund : Universitätsbibliothek Technische Universität Dortmund, 2011.

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Bigalke, Andreas [Verfasser]. "Sprachunterricht des Französischen im Europa der Aufklärung : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Grammatiken, Lehrwerke und pädagogischer Schriften / Andreas Bigalke." Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2011.

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Remke, Kristin [Verfasser], Johannes [Akademischer Betreuer] Bigalke, and Andreas [Akademischer Betreuer] Rummel. "Generierung einer zweiten Gangliosidbindungstasche in Botulinum Neurotoxin A / Kristin Remke ; Akademische Betreuer: Johannes Bigalke, Andreas Rummel ; Institut für Toxikologie." Hannover : Bibliothek der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, 2018.

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Remke, Kristin [Verfasser], Hans [Akademischer Betreuer] Bigalke, and Andreas [Akademischer Betreuer] Rummel. "Generierung einer zweiten Gangliosidbindungstasche in Botulinum Neurotoxin A / Kristin Remke ; Akademische Betreuer: Johannes Bigalke, Andreas Rummel ; Institut für Toxikologie." Hannover : Bibliothek der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, 2018.

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Bigalke, Nikolaus [Verfasser]. "Constraining Hydrate-Mediated Transfer of the Greenhouse Gases CO2 and CH4 to the Ocean at Controlled Thermodynamic and Hydrodynamic Forcing / Nikolaus Karl Bigalke." Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2008.

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Bigalk, Debora [Verfasser]. "Lernförderlichkeit von Arbeitsplätzen - Spiegelbild der Organisation? : eine vergleichende Analyse von Unternehmen mit hoch und gering lernförderlichen Arbeitsplätzen / Universität Kassel, IfA, Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft. Debora Bigalk." Kassel : Kassel Univ. Press, 2006.

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Bigalke, Wiebke [Verfasser]. "Entwicklung einer HPLC-DAD/FLD-Analysenmethode zur simultanen Bestimmung von Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxin, Folat und verschiedenen Vitameren im Blutserum von Milchkühen sowie Auswirkungen von Fütterungsregime und Laktation auf die Konzentration der B-Vitamine im bovinen Serum / Wiebke Bigalke." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2012.

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Bigalke, Heiko Wolfgang [Verfasser]. "Wahrnehmungswechsel mehrdeutiger Bilder in Abhängigkeit vom Präsentationsmodus : Untersuchung visuell evozierter Potentiale / vorgelegt von Heiko Wolfgang Bigalke." 2008.

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Books on the topic "Bigakkō":


Kurosawa, Kiyoshi. Eiga no jugyō: Eiga bigakkō no kyōshitsu kara. Tōkyō: Seidosha, 2004.

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Ishida, Akira. Kankyō bigaku eno tojō: Sonzairon bigaku kara kankyō bigaku e. Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō, 2005.

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Tanaka, Yukuko. Ikiru bigaku. 8th ed. Tōkyō: WAVE Shuppan, 2007.

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Satō, Tadao. Sutā no bigaku. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1987.

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Yoshinobu, Ashihara. Machinami no bigaku. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 2001.

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Yoshida, Hiromi. Hanakabuki no bigaku. 8th ed. Kyōto-shi: Tankōsha, 2009.

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(Japan), Jitsuzon Shisō Kyōkai. Jitsuzon no bigaku. 8th ed. Matsudo-shi: Risōsha, 2010.

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1922-, Imamichi Tomonobu, ed. Bigaku no shōrai. 8th ed. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 1985.

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Kitakage, Yūkō. Bushidō no bigaku. 8th ed. Tōkyō: Bensei Shuppan, 2011.

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Tsugami, Eisuke. Kiken na "bigaku". Tōkyō: Kabushiki Kaisha Shūeisha Intānashonaru, 2019.

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Book chapters on the topic "Bigakkō":


Wittmann, Erich Christian. "Mathematics Education as a ‘Design Science’." In Connecting Mathematics and Mathematics Education, 77–93. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractMathematics education (didactics of mathematics) cannot grow without close relationships to mathematics, psychology, pedagogy and other areas. However, there is the risk that by adopting standards, methods and research contexts from other well-established disciplines, the applied nature of mathematics education may be undermined. In order to preserve the specific status and the relative autonomy of mathematics education, the suggestion to conceive of mathematics education as a “design science” is made. In a paper presented to the twenty second Annual Meeting of German mathematics educators in 1988 Heinrich Bauersfeld presented some views on the perspectives and prospects of mathematics education. It was his intention to stimulate a critical reflection’among the members of the community’ on what they do and what they could and should do in the future (Bauersfeld 1988). The early seventies have witnessed a vivid programmatic discussion on the role and nature of mathematics education in the German speaking part of Europe (cf., the papers by Bigalke, Griesel, Wittmann, Freudenthal, Otte, Dress and Tietz in the special issue 74/3 of the Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik as well as Krygowska 1972). Since then the status of mathematics education has not been considered on a larger scale despite the contributions by Bigalke (1985) and Winter (1986). So the time is overdue for redefining the basic orientation for research; therefore, Bauersfeld’s talk could hardly have been more appropriate. In recent years the interest in a better understanding of the nature and role of mathematics education has also grown considerably at the international level as indicated, for example, by the ICMI-study on ‘What is research in mathematics education and what are its results?’ launched in 1992 (cf., Balacheff et al. 1992). The following considerations are intended both as a critical analysis of the present situation and an attempt to capture the specificity of mathematics education. Like Bauersfeld, the author presents them ‘in full subjectivity and in a concise way’ as a kind of ‘thinking aloud about our profession’. (The present paper concentrates on the didactics of mathematics although the line of argument pertains equally to the didactics of other subjects and also to education in general (cf., Clifford and Guthrie 1988, a detailed study on the identity crisis of the Schools of Education at the leading American universities).)

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