Academic literature on the topic 'Boundary Constructions'

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Journal articles on the topic "Boundary Constructions":


Jing-Schmidt, Zhuo, Jun Lang, Heidi Hui Shi, Steffi H. Hung, and Lin Zhu. "Aspect construal in Mandarin: a usage-based constructionist perspective on LE." Linguistics 60, no. 2 (January 17, 2022): 541–77.

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Abstract Despite extensive research efforts to explain the Mandarin Chinese particle le, confusion persists in the absence of a unitary theory and sufficient empirical evidence. This study provides a unitary account of le by adopting a usage-based constructionist approach, one that liberates grammatical aspect from, and is able to accommodate, lexical aspect. We argue that le participates in two distinct family resemblance constructions of aspect construal associated with two distinct sentential positions. The clause-internal le construction construes the closing or final boundary of an event and the clause-final le construction construes the opening or initial boundary of an event. Corpus analysis showed that the two aspect constructions have distinct patterns in natural language uses that are consistent with the proposed construals. Results from elicited response data showed that native speakers paid attention to construction-level formal and semantic cues in making family resemblance judgments about tokens of the two constructions. This study has both theoretical and methodological implications for crosslinguistic research on grammatical aspect in relation to lexical aspect and for usage-based constructionist approaches to grammatical categories beyond aspect.

Van Goethem, Kristel, and Nikos Koutsoukos. "How typology shapes the constructional network: Denominal verb constructions in English, Dutch and German1." Zeitschrift für Wortbildung / Journal of Word Formation 6, no. 1 (January 1, 2022): 7–57.

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Abstract: This study proposes a cross-linguistic, corpus-based, and constructionist analysis of denominal verbs (DNVs) in English, Dutch and German. DNV constructions include various morphological construction types, such as conversion (e.g. English bottle > to bottle), prefixation (e.g. Dutch arm ‘arm’ > omarmen ‘to embrace’) and suffixation (e.g. German Katapult ‘catapult’ > katapultieren ‘to catapult’). We investigate the correlation between the distribution of DNV constructions and the typological properties of the languages, focusing on boundary permeability, inflectional complexity, syntactic configurationality and word-class assignment. The study shows that, although the three languages have the same repertoire of DNV constructions at their disposal, a Germanic cline can be detected in their preferences for non-overt vs overt marking of the word-class change. As such, the study highlights the impact of typological factors on the shape of language-specific constructional networks.

Lozano, María Teresa. "Constructions of arcbodies." Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 101, no. 1 (January 1987): 79–89.

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The concept of arcbody was introduced in [4] as a generalization of prime tangles used by Lickorish[3] and Bleiler[l]. The pair (A, l), where A is a compact 3-manifold with boundary ∂A, and l is a 1-submanifold properly embedded in A, is an arcbody if:(i) the inclusion ∂ A – l ↪ A – l is monic, i.e. A – l has incompressible boundary;(ii) no component of (A, l) is homeomorphic to (D2, 0) × I or (D2, 0) × S1; and(iii) every sphere of ∂A intersects l.


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Johnson, Art, and Laurie Boswell. "Geographic Constructions." Mathematics Teacher 85, no. 3 (March 1992): 184–87.

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Constructions are usually presented to students as mathematical exercises with little or no practical applications included. To help students appreciate the real-life application of standard constructions, this article presents two activities that apply to boundary lines in geography. By integrating mathematics with other disciplines, we can demonstrate that mathematics does not exist in a vacuum.

Vasilyev, A. V., V. B. Vasilyev, and O. A. Tarasova. "Discrete Boundary Value Problems as Approximate Constructions." Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 43, no. 6 (June 2022): 1446–57.

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Holford, W. David. "Revisiting the concept of boundary objects across the lens of boundary constructions." International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 5, no. 1 (2011): 57.

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Mesón, Alejandro M., and Fernando Vericat. "Geometric constructions and multifractal analysis for boundary hyperbolic maps." Dynamical Systems 17, no. 3 (August 2002): 203–13.

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zhiquan, Kuang, and Liang canbin. "On the Rácz and Szabados constructions of thec-boundary." Physical Review D 46, no. 10 (November 15, 1992): 4253–56.

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Delgado, Berenice B., and Jorge Eduardo Macías-Díaz. "An Exterior Neumann Boundary-Value Problem for the Div-Curl System and Applications." Mathematics 9, no. 14 (July 8, 2021): 1609.

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We investigate a generalization of the equation curlw→=g→ to an arbitrary number n of dimensions, which is based on the well-known Moisil–Teodorescu differential operator. Explicit solutions are derived for a particular problem in bounded domains of Rn using classical operators from Clifford analysis. In the physically significant case n=3, two explicit solutions to the div-curl system in exterior domains of R3 are obtained following different constructions of hyper-conjugate harmonic pairs. One of the constructions hinges on the use of a radial integral operator introduced recently in the literature. An exterior Neumann boundary-value problem is considered for the div-curl system. That system is conveniently reduced to a Neumann boundary-value problem for the Laplace equation in exterior domains. Some results on its uniqueness and regularity are derived. Finally, some applications to the construction of solutions of the inhomogeneous Lamé–Navier equation in bounded and unbounded domains are discussed.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Boundary Constructions":


Fehlinger, Luise. "Boundary constructions for CR manifolds and Fefferman spaces." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2014.

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In dieser Dissertation werden Cartan-Ränder von CR-Mannigfaltigkeiten und ihren Fefferman-Räumen besprochen. Der Fefferman-Raum einer strikt pseudo-konvexen CR-Mannigfaltigkeit ist als das Bündel aller reellen Strahlen im kanonischen, komplexen Linienbündel definiert. Eine andere Definition nutzt die Cartan-Geometrie und führt zu einer starken Beziehung zwischen den Cartan-Geometrien der CR-Mannigfaltigkeit und des zugehörigen Fefferman-Raumes. Allerdings wird hier die Existenz einer gewissen Wurzel des antikanonischen, komplexen Linienbündels, dessen Existenz nur lokal gesichert ist, vorausgesetzt. Für Randkonstruktionen benötigen wir jedoch eine globale Konstruktion des Fefferman-Raumes. Dennoch können lokale Resultate zum Fefferman-Raum von einer Konstruktion zur anderen übertragen werden können, da konforme Überlagerungen von beiden vorliegen. Der Cartan-Rand einer Mannigfaltigkeit wird mithilfe der zugehörigen Cartan-Geometrie konstruiert, welche eine globale Basis und damit auch eine Riemannsche Metrik auf dem Cartan-Bündel definiert, welches per Cauchy-Vervollständigung abgeschlossen wird. Division durch die Strukturgruppe ergibt den Cartan-Rand der Mannigfaltigkeit. Der Cartan-Rand ist eine Verallgemeinerung des Cauchy-Randes, da beide im Riemannschen übereinstimmen. Allgemein ist der Cartan-Rand nicht unbedingt Hausdorffsch, was nicht wirklich überrascht, sind doch Rand-Phänomene "irgendwie singulär". Wir stellen fest, dass für CR-Mannigfaltigkeit und ihre Fefferman-Räume die Projektion des Cartan-Randes des Fefferman-Raumes den Cartan-Rand der CR-Mannigfaltigkeit enthält. Schließlich betrachten wir die Heisenberg-Gruppe, eines der grundlegenden Beispiele für CR-Mannigfaltigkeiten. Sie ist flach aber - anders als der homogene Raum - nicht kompakt. Wir finden, dass der Cartan-Rand der Heisenberg-Gruppe ein einzelner Punkt und der Cartan-Rand des zugehörigen Fefferman-Raumes eine nicht-ausgeartete Faser über diesem ist.
The aim of this thesis is to discuss the Cartan boundaries of CR manifolds and their Fefferman spaces. The Fefferman space of a strictly pseudo-convex CR manifold is defined as the bundle of all real rays in the canonical complex line bundle. Another way of defining the Fefferman space of a CR manifold uses the tools of Cartan geometry and leads to a strong relationship between the Cartan geometries of a CR manifold and the corresponding Fefferman space. However here the existence of a certain root of the anticanonical complex line bundle is requested which can solely be guarantied locally. As we are interested in boundaries we need a global construction of the Fefferman space. Still we find that local results on the Fefferman space can be transferred from one construction to the other since we have conformal coverings of both. The Cartan boundary of a manifold is constructed with the help of the corresponding Cartan geometry, which defines a global frame and hence a Riemannian metric on the Cartan bundle which can be completed by Cauchy completion. Division by the structure group gives the Cartan boundary of the manifold. The Cartan boundary is a generalization of the Cauchy boundary since both coincide in the Riemannian case. In general the Cartan boundary is not necessarily Hausdorff, which is not really surprising since boundary phenomena are somehow ``singular''''. For CR manifolds and their Fefferman spaces we especially prove that the projection of the Cartan boundary of the Fefferman space contains the Cartan boundary of the CR manifold. We finally discuss the Heisenberg group, one of the basic examples of CR manifolds. It is flat but - contrary to the homogeneous space - not compact. We find that the Cartan boundary of the Heisenberg group is a single point and the Cartan boundary of the corresponding Fefferman space is a non degenerate fibre over that point.

Fehlinger, Luise [Verfasser], Helga [Akademischer Betreuer] Baum, Andreas [Akademischer Betreuer] Juhl, and Matthias [Akademischer Betreuer] Hammerl. "Boundary constructions for CR manifolds and Fefferman spaces / Luise Fehlinger. Gutachter: Helga Baum ; Andreas Juhl ; Matthias Hammerl." Berlin : Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2014.

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Michelucci, Dominique. "Les représentations par les frontières: quelques constructions ; difficultés rencontrées." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 1986.

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Cette thèse traite de la construction de quelques représentations par les frontières, ou BREP (pour "Boundary REPresentation"), et des difficultés rencontrées. Aussi cette introduction rappelle-t-elle très brièvement ce que sont les BREP; on se reportera à [PERO 87] pour un exposé plus détaillé et pour d'autres références. La synthèse d'images et la CAO utilisent diverses modélisations des solides pour les visualiser et calculer leurs propriétés géométriques et mécaniques : masse, aire de l'enveloppe, centre de gravité, axes principaux d'inertie, etc. Plusieurs modèles informatiques des solides ont été proposés :

Michelucci, Dominique. "Les représentations par les frontières : quelques constructions; difficultés rencontrées." Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 1987.

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La synthèse d'images et la CAO utilisent diverses modélisations des solides. Les représentations par les frontières "Boundary Representations" sont l'une d'elles. Leurs constructions se heurtent à plusieurs difficultés : l'imprécision numérique dont les conséquences néfastes ont peut être été sous-estimées, les possibles incohérences (comment être sûr qu'une représentation par frontières décrit bien un solide, au sens physique du terme?) provoquées par les imprécisions numériques et/ou la redondance des représentations par les frontières, et enfin le foisonnement des cas particuliers. Cette thèse détaille les difficultés et quelqes solutions nouvelles.

Alaoui, Miloud. "Coherent structures and wall-pressure fluctuations modeling in turbulent boundary layers subjected to pressure gradients." Thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2016.

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L'écoulement autour des véhicules produit une couche limite turbulente très proche de la paroi. Le caractère turbulent induit des fluctuations de pression pariétale qui font vibrer les panneaux du véhicule. Ces vibrations sont alors transmises à travers la structure et rayonnent du bruit dans l’habitacle. Les niveaux sonores dus à l'écoulement augmentent avec la vitesse du véhicule. Pour cette raison, cette problématique connaît un intérêt croissant dans le secteur aéronautique.Le but de cette thèse est double : comprendre les mécanismes à l’origine de ces fluctuations de pression à la paroi et prédire l’excitation de la structure avion due à l’écoulement turbulent.Pour ce faire, des calculs Large Eddy Simulation (LES) sont disponibles. Il s’agit de bases de données numériques d’écoulements de couches limites turbulentes en présence de gradients de pression favorable, adverse et nul. Ceci permet de caractériser l’écoulement sur des géométries courbes telles que la pointe avant d’un avion. L’effet du gradient de pression sur des structures cohérentes de type « hairpins » et paquets de « hairpins » a pu être identifié et quantifié à travers des méthodes de visualisation et d’analyse statistique. Une méthode d’estimation stochastique du champ de vitesse a révélé la présence de tourbillons contra-rotatifs au-dessus des paquets de hairpins. Ces tourbillons ont une vorticité opposée à celle des hairpins et un modèle de « hairpins inversé » a été proposé.En s’inspirant du travail de Ahn et al. (2010), un modèle stochastique de spectre de la pression pariétale a été développé. Il s’agit de reconstruire un champ stochastique de vitesse instantanée et d’en déduire le champ de pression à la paroi en résolvant une équation de Poisson sur la pression. Le champ de vitesse est obtenu en soumettant des structures de type paquets de hairpins à un écoulement moyen. Les caractéristiques des paquets de hairpins en fonction du gradient de pression sont basées sur l’analyse des bases LES. Les résultats de ce modèle sont comparés à ceux issues de bases de données numériques et expérimentales. Enfin, ce modèle est utilisé pour caractériser l’écoulement de couche limite turbulente dans une simulation de Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) afin de prédire les niveaux de vibration des panneaux d’une portion de fuselage d’avion
The flow around vehicles creates a turbulent boundary layer in the vicinity of the wall. The turbulent behavior induces pressure fluctuations that make the panels vibrate. These vibrations are then transmitted though the structure of the vehicle and radiate noise inside the cabin. The flow-induced noise levels increase with the speed of the vehicle. For this reason, aircraft manufacturers show a great interest in this topic.There are two objectives for this thesis: understand the mechanisms responsible for the wall-pressure fluctuations and predict this source of aircraft panel excitation.A study of available Large Eddy Simulation (LES) computations was performed. The database consists in simulations of turbulent boundary layer flows submitted to favorable, adverse and zero pressure gradients. This is necessary to understand the nature of the flow over curved geometries such as the aircraft flight deck. The effect of pressure gradients on coherent hairpin structures and hairpin packets could be identified and quantified based on visualization and statistical analysis methods. Linear stochastic estimation of the velocity fields revealed a pair of counter-rotating streamwise vortices above hairpin packets. These vortices have a vorticity opposite to that of the hairpins and an “inverse hairpin” model was proposed.Following the work of Ahn et al. (2010), a stochastic model for wall-pressure spectrum was developed. The idea is to build a stochastic turbulent velocity field using hairpin packets which are subjected to a mean flow. The characteristics of the packets depending on the pressure gradient are based on the analyses of the LES database. The pressure field at the wall is obtained by solving a Poisson equation. The results of the hairpin packet model are compared to numerical and experimental data. Finally, the model is used as input for a Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) simulation in order to predict the levels of vibrations of panels submitted to a turbulent boundary layer flow over a portion of an aircraft cabin

Portioli, Marco. "Kapranov's realization of the moduli spaces of n-pointed stable curves of genus zero and generalizations." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.

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This work presents an introduction to the geometry of the moduli space M_{0,n} of smooth algebraic curves of genus zero and presents two ways of compactifying it, yielding the space \overline{M}_{0,n}. In his first construction Kapranov, starting from a result by Castelnuovo, compactifies M_{0,n} by means of Veronese curves and their limit positions, yielding boundary divisors. On the other hand, Kapranov compactifies M_{0,n} by iterated blow-up of the projective space P^{n-3} at n-1 points in general position and at all linear spaces spanned by them, yielding exceptional divisors and the hyperplane class. Focusing on the correspondence between boundary divisors and Veronese curves and on the role of the hyperplane class, we show that there is a dictionary between boundary divisors, exceptional divisors and the hyperplane class. In particular, we present a realization of \overline{M}_{0,5} as a del Pezzo surface of degree 5 and we compare the space \overline{M}_{0,6} with the Segre cubic. We conclude by presenting some generalizations of Kapranov’s construction by Hassett and Losev Manin in order to appreciate the modular structure of the rounds of blow-up.

Ashley, Michael John Siew Leung, and ashley@gravity psu edu. "Singularity theorems and the abstract boundary construction." The Australian National University. Faculty of Science, 2002.

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The abstract boundary construction of Scott and Szekeres has proven a practical classification scheme for boundary points of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. It has also proved its utility in problems associated with the re-embedding of exact solutions containing directional singularities in space-time. Moreover it provides a model for singularities in space-time - essential singularities. However the literature has been devoid of abstract boundary results which have results of direct physical applicability.¶ This thesis presents several theorems on the existence of essential singularities in space-time and on how the abstract boundary allows definition of optimal em- beddings for depicting space-time. Firstly, a review of other boundary constructions for space-time is made with particular emphasis on the deficiencies they possess for describing singularities. The abstract boundary construction is then pedagogically defined and an overview of previous research provided.¶ We prove that strongly causal, maximally extended space-times possess essential singularities if and only if they possess incomplete causal geodesics. This result creates a link between the Hawking-Penrose incompleteness theorems and the existence of essential singularities. Using this result again together with the work of Beem on the stability of geodesic incompleteness it is possible to prove the stability of existence for essential singularities.¶ Invariant topological contact properties of abstract boundary points are presented for the first time and used to define partial cross sections, which are an generalization of the notion of embedding for boundary points. Partial cross sections are then used to define a model for an optimal embedding of space-time.¶ Finally we end with a presentation of the current research into the relationship between curvature singularities and the abstract boundary. This work proposes that the abstract boundary may provide the correct framework to prove curvature singularity theorems for General Relativity. This exciting development would culminate over 30 years of research into the physical conditions required for curvature singularities in space-time.

Cairns, Paul A. "Boundary properties and construction techniques in general topology." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1995.

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The aim of this thesis is twofold. First, we investigate spaces defined by asserting that their nowhere dense subsets have certain properties. Secondly, we develop some techniques for the construction of topological spaces. We consider spaces where the nowhere dense sets are asserted to have some property P, calling such spaces boundary-P. We show that if there are no Lusin spaces then every compact boundary-metrizable space is metrizable. Boundary-separability is also studied and we show that if there are no L-spaces then every boundary-separable space is separable. By adapting the absolute dimension function of Arhangel'skii, we define the new concept of cohesion. We show that every compact cohesive and every Hausdorff, sequential cohesive space is scattered. However, we construct regular, crowded spaces of all finite cohesions though there are no regular spaces of transfinite cohesion. We consider too the preservation of cohesion under various mappings and under the formation of products. Turning to construction, we consider the class of compact monotonically normal spaces. It is well-known that it contains the class of spaces which are the continuous images of compact ordered spaces but it is still open as to whether they are actually distinct classes. Using Watson's resolutions, we give a method for constructing monotonically normal spaces. Though this also preserves continuous images of arcs, we show that it is because of a powerful result of Cornette rather than any trivial observation. We also examine more closely monotone normality in images of compact ordered spaces using the Collins-Roscoe structuring mechanism. From this, we extract a strong instance of the mechanism, linear chain (F), which is held by all images of ordered compacta and all proto-metrizable spaces and implies Junnila's concept of utter normality. Elementary submodels are an important tool in the construction of topological spaces. We develop a general method for applying them in varying circumstances and illustrate it by constructing three examples: Balogh's Q-set space, Rudin's normal but not collectionwise Hausdorff space and Balogh's small Dowker space.

Adams, Jon. "Unconventional therapies in general practice : boundary construction, identity and authentication." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2000.

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Forgues, Daniel. "Using boundary objects to generate better value in the construction industry." Thesis, University of Salford, 2008.

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Value generation in construction is about meeting client requirements. Problems in handling client requirements within fragmented practices in sequential design and contractual arrangements are widely recognized. Some authors suggest reconfiguring project coalitions around integrated teams to overcome this problem. Little is said, however, about the impact of adopting this new form of work in traditional design practice, processes and tools, and about possible socio-cognitive barriers that may hinder the collaborative work of design professionals, clients and users.The aim of the research is to improve the abiUty of integrated teams to maximize value generation.

Books on the topic "Boundary Constructions":


1944-, Spohn Willfried, and Triandafyllidou Anna, eds. Europeanisation, national identities, and migration: Changes in boundary constructions between Western and Eastern Europe. New York: Routledge, 2003.

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Parker, Kenneth P. The Boundary-Scan handbook. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.

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Parker, Kenneth P. The boundary-scan handbook. 3rd ed. Boston, Mass: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.

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Chiavassa, G. On the effective construction of compactly supported wavelets satisfying homogeneous boundary conditions on the interval. Hampton, Va: ICASE, 1996.

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Parker, Kenneth P. The boundary-scan handbook: Analog and digital. 2nd ed. New York: Kluwer Academic, 2002.

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International, Seminar on "Assuring Structural Integrity of Steel Reactor Pressure Boundary Components" (5th 1987 Davos Switzerland). Assuring structural integrity of steel reactor pressure boundary components. London: Elsevier Applied Science, 1988.

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Parker, Kenneth P. The boundary-scan handbook: Analog and digital. 2nd ed. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

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Salgado, Nelson. Boundary element methods for damage tolerance design of aircraft structures. Southampton, UK: Computational Mechanics Publications, 1998.

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Bleeker, Harry. Boundary-scan test: A practical approach. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.

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Baur, Benedict. Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Construction of Lp-Strong Feller Processes with Singular Drift and Reflection. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014.

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Book chapters on the topic "Boundary Constructions":


Grubb, Gerd. "Parametrix and Resolvent Constructions." In Functional Calculus of Pseudodifferential Boundary Problems, 292–367. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1996.

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Grubb, Gerd. "Parametrix and Resolvent Constructions." In Functional Calculus of Pseudo-Differential Boundary Problems, 280–358. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1986.

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Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm, and Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski. "Glueing Constructions. Relative Index Theorem." In Elliptic Boundary Problems for Dirac Operators, 59–63. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1993.

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Vasilyev, V. B. "New Constructions in the Theory of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems." In Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, 629–41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Ryaben’kii, Viktor S. "General Constructions of Potentials and Boundary Equations for Difference Operators." In Method of Difference Potentials and Its Applications, 159–206. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Shearer, Christine. "Roles, Responsibilities and Boundary Riding." In Constructing the Craft of Public Administration, 211–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Costa, Antonio F., and Eran Makover. "Constructing Random Klein Surfaces Without Boundary." In Contributions to Statistics, 277–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Traas, Cornelis. "Construction of Monotone Extensions to Boundary Functions." In Numerical Methods in Approximation Theory, Vol. 9, 347–57. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 1992.

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Azarenok, Boris. "Mesh Construction with Prescribed Properties Near Boundary." In Proceedings of the 19th International Meshing Roundtable, 35–48. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Sage, Daniel J., Lise Justesen, Andrew Dainty, Kjell Tryggestad, and Jan Mouritsen. "Organizing Space and Time Through Relational Human–Animal Boundary Work: Exclusion, Invitation and Disturbance." In Societies under Construction, 237–64. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Conference papers on the topic "Boundary Constructions":


Holford, W. David, Mehran Ebrahimi, Omar Aktouf, and Laurent Simon. "Viewing boundary 'objects' as boundary constructions." In 2008 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE, 2008.

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Holford, W. David. "Knowledge Construction as Movement via Boundary Constructions and Dialogue." In 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). IEEE, 2015.

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Fayed, Marwan, and Hussein T. Mouftah. "A Method to Identify Boundary Nodes for Virtual Coordinate Constructions in Large Wireless Networks." In 2007 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. IEEE, 2007.

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Завойкин, А. А. "The ditch No. 744 on “The Upper City” of Phanagoria." In Древности Боспора. Crossref, 2018.

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The article is devoted to the chronological analysis of finds from the ditch (No. 744), found out inside of the trench “The Upper City” at Phanagoria in 2016. First of all, the ditch is interesting to that it is the latest constructions of the such sort, which were characteristic for this district of the city (acropolis) in the second half of the VI–V centuries BC. It is obvious that the such short-lived objects of utility purpose digging in the earth, couldn’t be simultaneous to land constructions (including public houses). Therefore it is possible to assume that generally they appear here during the periods after destruction of houses or on the eve of construction of new buildings. In some cases the thesis can be confirmed with a stratigraphy. The ditches of 470th years BC divided houses of the most ancient construction period (the 2nd half of VI – the first decades of the V centuries BC) and houses of the 2nd quarter – the middle of the V century BC. The ditch No. 744 was filled up at a boundary of the V–IV centuries BC or in the first years of the IV century BC. This dating probably marks the beginning of a new building stage on “The Upper City” in Phanagoria.

Koukounian, Viken N., and Chris K. Mechefske. "FEM-BEM Modeling and Experimental Verification of the Vibro-Acoustic Behaviour of a Section of Aircraft Fuselage." In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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The aerodynamics of an aircraft in flight impose significant stresses upon the structure. Specifically, the mechanics of fluid flow are highly turbulent and, the layer around the aircraft, is referred to the turbulent boundary layer (TBL). The TBL incites a gradient of pressure fluctuations across the fuselage skin resulting in its vibration, and in turn, the generation of noise inside the passenger cabin. The investigation herein proposes a hybrid FEM-BEM modeling technique to predict the aforementioned vibro-acoustic response and an experimental methodology to verify the results (following ASTM and ANSI international testing standards). The described expectations required construction of an acoustic facility consisting of a reverberation chamber and a semi-anechoic room, the development of DAQ software using LabVIEW, an assembly of DAQ hardware using National Instruments products, and the post-processing of test data using Microsoft Excel. The principal quantity of interest is transmission loss (though insertion loss, absorption and other metrics are also calculated). Two panels (0.04in (40thou) and 0.09in (90thou) in thickness) were simulated and tested (0.01in = 1thou). The calculated error of the proposed methodology is within a maximum of 5dB, with an average of 1dB. Ongoing work is investigating complex constructions and the use of damping materials.

Solarino, Fabio, Daniel V. Oliveira, and Linda Giresini. "A review on wall-to-timber floor anchorages in URM buildings." In IABSE Symposium, Guimarães 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019.

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<p>Out of plane failure of unreinforced masonry walls is considered one of the most vulnerable seismic hazards in medium and high earthquake-prone regions. Efficient structural connections enable global equilibrated mechanisms, ensuring the “box-behavior”. Timber floors are widely used as horizontal diaphragm in historical constructions, and their connection to the boundary walls is crucial to facilitate internal force redistribution and to restrain out of plane walls. Wall-to-floor anchorages are typical in existing historical buildings, and innovative solutions are proposed nowadays by engineers as strengthening devices. Unfortunately, they are often too invasive or unsustainable solutions, applied without reliable seismic design and evaluation through valid models.</p><p>This paper presents a literature review on the traditional and innovative wall-to-timber floor anchors used in unreinforced masonry buildings taking into account experimental works, analytical and numerical studies.</p>

Bellendir, K., and Hans A. Eschenauer. "Optimal Design of Composite Lightweight Rollers." In ASME 1993 Design Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993.

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Abstract A well-aimed layout of fibre-reinforced lightweight rollers does not only require an efficient structural analysis procedure but also the application of structural optimization methods. Therefore, an analytical procedure is introduced for the calculation of the static behaviour of cylindrical shells subject to axisymmetric and/or nonaxisymmetric loads. In the scope of this procedure, arbitrary, unsymmetrical laminates as well as various boundary conditions will be considered. Basis is the shell theory by Flügge enhanced by anisotropic constitutive equations (material law) in the scope of the classical laminate theory. By means of mathematical optimization procedures we then determine optimal lightweight rollers, using different design and evaluation models. For that purpose, coated and uncoated roller constructions as well as hybrid types made of CFRP/GFRP will be applied. Concluding, we will discuss possible improvements and advantages of anisotropic lightweight rollers in contrast to isotropic ones made of steel or aluminium.

Ванкевич, Р., R. Vankevich, А. Исаев, A. Isaev, Е. Софьина, and E. Sof'ina. "ESTIMATION AND FORECASTING OF THE FLOODING OF COASTAL AREAS AS A RESULT COMMISSIONING OF THE COMPLEX OF PROTECTION CONSTRUCTIONS (CPC) IN THE NEVA BAY." In Sea Coasts – Evolution ecology, economy. Academus Publishing, 2018.

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Closing the water and navigation gates, preventing flooding on the coast of the Neva Bay in St. Petersburg, causes an additional increase in the level rise and flooding of coastal areas of the Gulf of Finland to the west from the complex of protection constructions (CPC). The magnitude of this flooding and its distribution along the coast have not been investigated. There is only a model for evaluating the likely level rise caused by CPC closing. It should be noted also that sea level rise event to the west of the dam leads to a shift of the area undergoing active wave influence in the direction of the coast. The situation is complicated by the fact that ground in this area not previously exposed to hydrodynamic forces and therefore can be easily washed out. Also due to the fact that flooding is almost always accompanied by stormy waving in flooded areas we can expect a significant morphological transformation: coastal erosion, as well as change the contour of the shore. It is planned the implementation of operational three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the coastal areas with a horizontal spatial resolution of about 100 m and variable eastern boundary, simulating the closure of the water and navigation gates, as well as built-in procedure that simulates the drying zone and flooding. As a result will be new knowledge on the effects of hydraulic constructions to the level variations during the flooding, the quantitative assessment of flooding potential areas and drying shores, GIS maps to visualize the results, developed a method for rapid prediction of flooding coasts.

Zelkowicz, Andres, Josh Iorio, and John E. Taylor. "Layered Boundary Spanning in Global Virtual Project Networks: Exploring the Role of Cultural Boundary Spanners at Knowledge Domain and Technological Boundaries." In Construction Research Congress 2014. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014.

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Su, Xing, and Hubo Cai. "Enabling 3D Topological Analysis for Building Models with Boundary Representation." In Construction Research Congress 2014. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014.

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Reports on the topic "Boundary Constructions":


Zhang, Yongjie, Wenyan Wang, and Thomas J. Hughes. Conformal Solid T-spline Construction from Boundary T-spline Representations. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 2012.

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Siebke, Christian, Maximilian Bäumler, Madlen Ringhand, Marcus Mai, Felix Elrod, and Günther Prokop. Report on integration of the stochastic traffic simulation. Technische Universität Dresden, 2021.

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As part of the AutoDrive project, the OpenPASS framework is used to develop a cognitive-stochastic traffic flow simulation for urban intersection scenarios described in deliverable D1.14. This framework was adapted and further developed. The deliverable D5.13 deals with the construction of the stochastic traffic simulation. At this point of the process, the theoretical design aspects of D4.20 are implemented. D5.13 explains the operating principles of the different modules. This includes the foundations, boundary conditions, and mathematical theory of the traffic simulation.

S.R. Hudson, D.A. Monticello, A.H. Reiman, D.J. Strickler, S.P. Hirshman, L-P. Ku, E. Lazarus, et al. Constructing Integrable High-pressure Full-current Free-boundary Stellarator Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium Solutions. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2003.

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Rhoades, W. A. The TORSED method for construction of TORT boundary sources from external DORT flux files. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 1993.

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R. Axford. Applications of Lie Groups and Gauge Functions to the Construction of Exact Difference Equations for Initial and Two-Point Boundary Value Problems. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2002.

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ROCKY MOUNTAIN ARSENAL DENVER CO. Proposed Decision Document for the Interim Response Action for the Improvement of the North Boundary System at Rocky Mountain Arsenal Via Construction of Groundwater Recharge Trenches. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1988.

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ROCKY MOUNTAIN ARSENAL DENVER CO. Final Decision Document for the Interim Response Action for the Improvement of the North Boundary System at Rocky Mountain Arsenal via Construction of Groundwater Recharge Trenches. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 1988.

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Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) or ultra-high-strength concrete (UHSC) are alternatively used to reduce construction materials, thereby achieving more sustainable constructions. Moreover, engaging the advantages of concrete cores and outer steel tubes in concrete-filled steel tubes (CFST) or ductile concrete-filled double-skin tubes (CFDST) is of great interest for the better performance of such members under fire. Nevertheless, current design provisions do not provide design models for UHPC-filled double-skin tubes under fire, and existing finite-element (FE) methodologies available in the literature may not accurately simulate the behaviour of CFDST exposed to fire. Therefore, this paper develops a comprehensive FE protocol implementing the scripting technique to model CFDST members for heat transfer and coupled (simultaneously or sequentially) thermal-stress analyses. Various modelling parameters incorporated in the proposed FE routine include the cross-sectional geometry (circular, elliptical, hexagonal, octagonal, and rectangular), the size (width, diameter, and wall thickness), interactions, meshing, thermal- and mechanical-material properties, and boundary conditions. The detailed algorithm for heat transfer analysis is presented and elaborated via a flow chart. Validations, verifications, and robustness of the developed FE models are established based on extensive comparison studies with existing fire tests available in the literature. As a result, and to recognize the value of the current FE methodology, an extensive parametric study is conducted for different affecting parameters (e.g., nominal steel ratio, hollowness ratio, concrete cylindrical strength, yield strength of metal tubes, and width-to-thickness ratio). Extensive FE results are used for optimizing the fire design of such members. Consequently, a simplified and accurate analytical model that can provide the axial load capacity of CFDST columns under different fire ratings is presented


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Orthotropic steel decks (OSDs) are widely used in the construction of steel bridges due to their high bearing capacity and low material consumption. Current investigations into OSDs mainly focus on issues associated with static, stability, fatigue, etc. However, from the perspective of dynamics, structures with low dead loads may be susceptible to excessive vibration and noise, which occurs when shocks caused by moving traffic loads are transferred to the bridge deck and other components. Hence, bridge vibration and the associated noise are critical issues in steel bridges. This paper investigates the vibration and noise characteristics of OSDs under moving vehicle loads by using analytical method. First, the forced vibration response of the OSDs is solved by the Finite Element Method(FEM), and then the obtained response is used as the boundary condition of the OSDs boundary element model to solve the acoustic radiation. Finally, the variation rules of the vibration and sound radiation of the OSDs are analyzed when the load parameters, boundary conditions and structural parameters are changed. The results show that when analyzing the high-frequency vibration and noise of the OSDs, the all-shell-element model should be selected. The high frequency part of vibration and sound pressure of the OSDs is greater than the low frequency part under moving load. Increasing the load speed will increase the low-frequency part of vibration and sound pressure, but increasing the load eccentricity will have the opposite result. Strengthening the boundary constraints and increasing the number of ribs will suppress the vibration and reduce the sound pressure.

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