Academic literature on the topic 'Chakren'

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Journal articles on the topic "Chakren":


Schindhelm, Katja. "Chaos im Hormonhaushalt – wie Rhythmische Hormontherapie beim Tier helfen kann." Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 34, no. 01 (February 2020): 28–35.

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ZusammenfassungChronische Entgleisungen des Hormonhaushalts beruhen zumeist auf einer Schwäche der Hypophyse, in deren Folge die untergeordneten endokrinen Drüsen weniger Hormone produzieren und ausschütten. Ziel der Rhythmischen Hormontherapie ist, durch alternierende Anwendung endokriner Komplexmittel die Drüsen wieder zu vermehrter Tätigkeit zu stimulieren, statt die fehlenden Hormone zu substituieren. Gleichzeitig soll das gestörte Gleichgewicht der Chakren behoben werden. Somit schlägt die Rhythmische Hormontherapie eine Brücke zwischen der körperlichen und energetischen Behandlung. Sie ist kompatibel zu allen anderen Therapieformen und kann deshalb als regulative Basistherapie eingesetzt werden.

Jadán, Oswaldo, Sven Günter, Bolier Torres, and Daniela Selesi. "Riqueza y potencial maderable en sistemas agroforestales tradicionales como alternativa al uso del bosque nativo, Amazonia del Ecuador." Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú 12, no. 28 (December 29, 2014): 13.

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En este estudio se evaluó un sistema de bosque y tres sistemas agroforestales SAFs, tradicionales denominados localmente “chakras” con cultivo de cacao propagado sexual y asexualmente dentro de cuatro sistemas de uso de la tierra: 1) bosque primario, 2) chakra con cacao por semilla; 3) chakra con cacao injerto y 4) chakra sin cultivo comercial, en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sumaco, Ecuador. Se analizó las variables por área total de muestreo en 6,92 has y promedios por parcela aplicando ANDEVA, correlaciones de Pearson y regresiones lineales. La riqueza, abundancia, área basal y volumen comercial en las especies arbóreas maderables potenciales con dap ≥ 10 cm, es superior en el bosque frente a las chakras. La chakra de cacao por semilla e injerto registra mayores valores que la chakra sin cultivo comercial. El volumen comercial aprovechable en el bosque fue superior 1,6 veces que la chakra de cacao semilla; 3,7 que el cacao injertado y 57 veces que la sin cultivo comercial. El bosque y chakra de cacao por semilla, registran valores superiores a los promedios aprovechados a nivel nacional (11,3 m3 ha-1), por lo que un aprovechamiento legal podría generar ingresos económicos a los finqueros. A pesar de estas existencias, probablemente solo se reduce la presión hacia el bosque con herramientas de planificación silvicultural integral en base a diversificación forestal, fomentando el cultivo de especies maderables en las chakras y otros espacios con aptitud forestal, con especies comerciales nativas del bosque y de alta demanda en el mercado maderero.

Dhakad, Jyoti, and Pankaj Gupta. "APPLIED ASPECT OF SHADCHAKRAS AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN SHARIR VIGYAN." International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 8, no. 9 (September 23, 2020): 4456–60.

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The Chakra is thought to be an energy point or node in the subtle of body. which is thought to flow among them along pathway called Nadis. There are six primary Chakras namely Muladhara, Swadhithana, Ma-nipura, Anahat, Visudha, Ajna Chakra. Sthana of Muladhara Chakra and Swadhithana Chakra is Ling and Gud which can be correlate with inferior hypogastric and sacral plexus. Sthana of Manipura Chakra is Nabhi and is represented by solar plexus. Hrudiya is the sthana of Anahat Chakra and it is represented by cardiac plexus. Sthana of Visuddha Chakra is kantha and is represented by cervical plexus. Sthana of Ajna chakra is between eyebrow and it is Avyakta (union of Prakriti and Purush) hence not related to any plexus. these are directly related to physiological as well as physic centers whose structures correspond more or less with traditional description.

Heredia-R, Marco, Bolier Torres, Jhenny Cayambe, Nadia Ramos, Marcelo Luna, and Carlos G. H. Diaz-Ambrona. "Sustainability Assessment of Smallholder Agroforestry Indigenous Farming in the Amazon: A Case Study of Ecuadorian Kichwas." Agronomy 10, no. 12 (December 15, 2020): 1973.

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In the Amazon, the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve (YBR) is considered a natural and cultural diversity hotspot. It is populated by several indigenous groups, including the Kichwa, who are characterized by their traditional systems of production, which are a means of subsistence and socio-ecological integration. The objective of this research was to evaluate the sustainability of small farmers who use a traditional agroforestry system (chakra) within the buffer, transition, and core zones of the YBR. We conducted 133 interviews with Kichwa heads of households. The socio-demographic structure and distribution were identified, and the response-inducing sustainability evaluation (RISE) methodology was used to evaluate chakra sustainability according to social, economic, and ecological dimensions, expressed using 10 indicators from 50 parameters, valued from 0 (worst case) to 100 (best case). The results are expressed in a polygon, defined by the areas: (1) good performance, (2) medium performance, and (3) poor performance. We employed the multivariate classification hierarchical cluster technique and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to identify dissimilarities between groups of chakras and the existence of statistical differences, respectively. Among the studied indigenous Kichwas, a pyramidal structure progressive type was identified, which is characteristic of young populations and the nonexistence of significant differences between the RISE indicators and chakras. The lowest-scoring indicators using the RISE guidelines were: use of materials and environmental protection, animal production, economic viability and chakra administration. We provide suggestions for decision makers who support Kichwa populations in socio-productive management with sustainability goals. We to taking actions on the indicators identified with high priority to improve the sustainability in the chakras and sociodemographic dynamics.

Wei Ling, Huang. "Chakras’ Energies Alterations in Patients with Chronic Gastritis." Gastroenterology Open Access Open Journal I, no. 1 (December 8, 2020): 20–23.

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Introduction Gastritis is a general term for inflammation of the stomach. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), gastritis is a disharmony between Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood and Heat retention of Liver, Stomach, Spleen or other disharmonies. Purpose To demonstrate that gastritis has energies alterations and chakras’ energies deficiencies as the root of its problem. The correction and replenishment of the chakras’ energies meridians are the most important goals in patient’s recovery. Methods Two case reports. The first, a 34-year-old male patient with complaints of chronic fatigue and epigastric pain, not improving with any medication the doctors prescribed. The second patient was a 32-year-old female who started having pain on the stomach and a burning sensation, as well as strong headache since she was 16-years-old. She was diagnosed with reflux through an endoscopy and treatment was started lansoprazole and pantoprazole and diet for reflux. She performed this treatment for four years, with no success. Both patients did the chakras’ energies meridian measurement through radiesthesia procedure. The result was that six out of seven chakras’ were completely lack of energies rated one (the minimum level) out of eight (the normal level), with the exception of the seventh chakra that was normal. Both patients were treated with Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, systemic acupuncture and replenishment of the chakras’ energies with homeopathic medication according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal based medications. Results Both patients recover from all their symptoms very fast, including the epygastric pain discomfort without the necessity of using any antacid and proton-pump inhibitors medications. Conclusion Gastritis has an energy alteration and chakras’ energies deficiencies as a root and the treatment of these energy imbalances and replenishment of this lack of energies is essential for the patient’s improvement in the deepest level, not only treating the symptom. Keywords: Gastritis; Energy; Chakra; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Homeopathy; Crystal-based medication.

Gunawan, Anak Agung Ngurah, Albert Sulaiman, Anak Agung Ngurah Franky Kusumanegara, Mada Ramadan, and Mulana Ramadan. "FTIR Measurement of Human Energy Fields (Evidence of the Existence of Human Inner Power)." Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie 20, no. 3 (June 30, 2021): 167–71.

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It was argued that human energy consists of physical energy that related to metabolism in the human body and the invisible part represented by the human energy field (HEF). This energy can be generated by a person by using a special excercise. In term of Indian metaphysical theories this energy is called “Chakras” which represents an integrated energy centers. The paper investigates the measurement the Chakra energy by looking at the effect of this energy on the molecular structure of mineral water. The experiment is carried out by providing Chakra energy generated by varying Jurus to a water sample and measured in FTIR. The existence of Chakra energy then analyzed by its effect on the spectrum. The results show that Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of the mineral water has given Chakra energy have transmitance lower than normal mineral water. The Chakra energy reduce the transmittance but the majority of them does not change a pattern or shift the top of the spectrum. The explicit energy of molecular vibration will be studied by using the Fourier decomposition. This shows that a weakening of molecular vibration occurs to the higher Jurus with a decline in the amplitude of vibration almost half or less.

Mele, Claudia. "O exercício da amorosidade no trabalho criador da/do artista da cena." Urdimento - Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas 1, no. 40 (April 27, 2021): 1–32.

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O artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre como o exercício da amorosidade pode auxiliar na transformação de si, no entendimento da importância do trabalho colaborativo e na ampliação das possibilidades criativas na prática da/o atriz/ator. A pesquisadora, professora de disciplinas corporais em faculdades de artes cênicas, observou uma mudança significativa nas relações entre as/os estudantes, dentro e fora da sala de aula, após a realização de práticas através do estudo da teoria milenar hindu do sistema de chakras, com enfoque no chakra do coração. São apresentadas sugestões de exercícios, citações de percepções das/dos alunas/os e reflexões a respeito das práticas da amorosidade.

WL, Huang. "Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in Patient with Ulcerative Colitis." Gastroenterology Open Access Open Journal 2, no. 1 (January 21, 2021): 35–42.

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Introduction Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a chronic, idiopathic inflammatory disease that affects the colon, most commonly afflicting adults aged 30 years to 40 years, resulting in disability. It is characterized by relapsing and remitting mucosal inflammation, starting in the rectum and extending to proximal segments of the colon. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the invasion of external pathogenic factors causing Damp-Cold and Damp-Heat, inadequate diet and violent emotions are the source of the disease. Purpose The aim of this study is to demonstrate that patients with ulcerative colitis have energies alterations and chakras’ energies deficiencies as underline causes. Methods A case report of a 32 years-old female patient with diagnosis of ulcerative colitis ten years ago (2010) and a very difficult childhood when her mother died before the disease began. The UC symptoms started with a bloated belly and excessive intestinal gas. She has been treated by proctologist doctor and was receiving Sulfasalazine medications but she was willing to have another type of treatment without using so many medications. She searched for traditional Chinese medicine treatment and the doctor did the diagnosis of Yin, Yang, Qi deficiency and Heat retention and was submitted to the radiesthesia procedure to see how her internal organs energy was. The result of this measurement was that all her six chakras were without energy (rated one out of eight) with the exception of the seventh chakra that was normal (rated in eight). The treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishment the chakras energies using homeopathies according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal based medications. Results The patient showed a significant improvement after the treatment performed. Conclusion The conclusion of this study is that patients with ulcerative colitis have energies imbalances and chakras’ energies deficiencies as demonstrated in this case report. The corrections of these energies imbalances is important to treat the root of the problem that are the energies imbalances and chakras´energies deficiencies and not just the symptoms presented by the patient. Keywords: Ulcerative colitis; Energy; Chakras; Diet; Traditional Chinese medicine; Acupuncture; Homeopathy; Crystal-based medications.

Cheon, Hyejung. "‘Chakhan’ consumption of ‘chakhan’ companies’ ‘chakhan’ products: A study on meanings and uses of ‘chakhan’ represented in Chosun Ilbo." Media, Gender & Culture 34, no. 1 (March 31, 2019): 255–95.

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Robbins, Helen G. "Joseph Chakman." Clinical and Experimental Optometry 96, no. 5 (September 2013): 513–16.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Chakren":


Smit, Jeanne. "'N Vergelykende kwalitatiewe beskrywing van die ontwikkelingstadia van Erik Erikson en Chakra-ontwikkeling." Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2003.

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[Verfasser], Chakrit Potchanasin. "Simulation of the sustainability of farming systems in Northern Thailand / Chakrit Potchanasin." Hohenheim : Inst. of Farm Management, 2008.

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Blomgren, Aubree Sky. "Bodies and Other Firewood." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2012.

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The chakra system consists of seven energetic vortexes ascending up the spine that connect to every aspect of human existence. These vortexes become blocked and unblocked through the course of a life, these openings and closings have physiological and mental repercussions. Knowledge of these physical and mental manifestations, indicate where the chakra practitioner is in need, the practitioner can then manipulate their mind and body to create a desired outcome. These manipulations are based upon physical exercises and associative meditations for the purpose of expanding the human experience. As a poem can be thought of as the articulation of the human experience, and the chakra system can be thought of as a means to understand and enhance that experience, it is interesting and worthwhile leap to explore the how the chakras can develop and refresh the way we read and write poetry. This critical preface closely reads seven poems, one through each chakra, finding what the chakras unveil. Here, each chakra is considered for its dynamic creative capabilities and for its beneficial potentiality in the reading and writing process, finding each chakra provides tools: idea generators with the potential to free the poet from usual patterns of creativity while broadening vision and expressivity. In this collection of poetry poems are experiences chopped into consumable units that show and tell the constant negotiation between what is actually happening and the stories we tell ourselves about what is happening.

Chaker, Jamil [Verfasser], and Moritz [Akademischer Betreuer] KaßMann. "Analysis of anisotropic nonlocal operators and jump processes / Jamil Chaker ; Betreuer: Moritz Kaßmann." Bielefeld : Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, 2017.

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Chakroun, Karima [Verfasser], and Jan [Akademischer Betreuer] Peters. "Dopaminergic modulation of the explore/exploit trade-off in human decision making / Karima Chakroun ; Betreuer: Jan Peters." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2019.

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Chakroun, Karima Verfasser], and Jan [Akademischer Betreuer] [Peters. "Dopaminergic modulation of the explore/exploit trade-off in human decision making / Karima Chakroun ; Betreuer: Jan Peters." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2019.

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Kanchanahud, Nipat. "Exploring the Integration of Thai Traditional Music in Chakra by Narong Prangchareon, with a Conductor’s Guide." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2015.

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This dissertation explores the integration of Thai traditional music in Chakra, for wind band, by Narong Prangchareon. Nipat Kanchanahud explores how Narong, inspired by Eastern philosophy, integrates elements of Thai traditional music and the types, styles, scales, and dialects of Thai culture with the formal elements of Western music and the instrumentation of the Western wind band. Chakra uniquely spans Eastern and Western cultures, creating a new musical language for both worlds to appreciate and enjoy. Further, the composition richly demonstrates the viability of the wind band as an international medium. The orchestration of Chakra reveals Narong’s musical lineage from Edgard Varèse through Chen Yi. A conductor’s guide, included with this dissertation, is designed to aid and encourage performances of Chakra throughout the world.

Godfrey, Edward. "A Case for the Cakras: Finding their Place in Contemporary Discourse." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2015.

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The intention of this project is to make a case for the cakras by finding their place in contemporary discourse. The assumption that allows for this project is that the structure and context of the cakras as psycho-physical phenomenon are not sufficiently established in scholarship. The method employed is to illuminate the cakras, which are primarily addressed as historical/textual entities, as phenomenological and psychological entities. This will be done through the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the additions to his depiction of the lived body as per YUASA Yasuo, who introduces the “unconscious quasi-body” (i.e., the subtle body) as a level of the body of which one may become aware. The cakras will also be presented as that which function similarly to psychological entities, introducing the depth psychology and commentary of C.G. Jung. By doing so, the human component of the cakras will be drawn out of historical/textual matters and into the lived experience of the human body where they may become the subject of phenomenological and psychological analysis. Through arguing for the addition of these standpoints, future dialog with other disciplines, especially contemporary cakra practitioners, may be facilitated.
Temple University--Theses

Abou-Chaker, Khalil [Verfasser]. "Entwicklung eines Partikel-Gel-Agglutinationstests zum Nachweis von Einzelnukleotidpolymorphismen und zur Phänotypisierung granulozytärer Antigene / Khalil Abou-Chaker." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2011.

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Kamoun, Besma. "La poésie arabe contemporaine : métaphore et traduction : Adonis, Abdelwahab Al Bayati, Mahmoud Darwich, Badr Chaker Es-Sayyâb." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014.

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L'objectif de ce travail de recherche est de mettre en lumière, à travers ces deux entrées que sont la métaphore et la traduction, l'universalité dont se réclame la poésie arabe contemporaine. Nous étudierons à cet effet les recueils traduits en français de Badr Chaker Es-Sayyâb, d'Abdelwahab Al Bayati, de Mahmoud Darwich et d'Adonis, poètes qui demeurent fidèles à un héritage métaphorique remontant à la poésie arabe traditionnelle mais qui s'inspirent dans le même moment de métaphores appartenant à l'imaginaire occidental pour renouveler le "vivier métaphorique" de la poésie arabe. Nous nous intéresserons également aux mécanismes grâce auxquels ces métaphores sont traduites de l'arabe au français car si le poète arabe se donne pour tâche d'atteindre l'universalité, son traducteur doit veiller à ce que transparaisse dans le texte cible ce désir d'unité et de totalisé qui anime la poésie arabe contemporaine
The objective of this research is to highlight, through the meticulous study of metaphor and translation, the universality of contemporary Arabic poetry. The study will dwell on the French translations of the poetry collections of Badr Chaker Es-Sayyâb, Abdelwahab Al Bayati, Mahmoud Darwich and Adonis, poets who remain faithful to the metaphoric heritage of traditional Arabic poetry and yet, at the same time, seek inspiration from metaphors pertaining to the western imagination as to renew the "metaphoric pond". This research will equally draw on the mechanisms through which these metaphors were translated from Arabic to French for if the Arab poet does not aim at reaching universality, his translator must ensure that the target text convey the desire for unity which animates contemporary Arabic poetry

Books on the topic "Chakren":


Sanders, Lea. Die Farben deiner Aura: Wie wir lernen ko nnen, unsere Aura und unsere Chakren zu sehen, um uns besser zu verstehen. Mu nchen]: Goldmann, 1989.

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Loderbauer, Matthias. Ein Weg zum bewussten Sein - Meine neue Realität. Germany: Bewusstseins-Akademie Loderbauer SL, 2016.

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Pond, David. Chakras for beginners: A guide to balancing your chakra energies. St. Paul, Minn: Llewellyn Publications, 1999.

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Castro, Jorge Veiga e. Chakra sūtra =: Cakra-sūtra : the 7 main chakras in Yoga. Lisbon: Rei dos Douradores, 2000.

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Wills, Pauline. Chakra workbook: Rebalance your body's vital energies. Boston: Journey Editions, 2002.

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Johari, Harish. Chakras. Rochester, Vt: Destiny Books, 1987.

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DesRuisseaux, Pierre. Chakras. Montréal: Éditions du Noroît, 2008.

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Ozaniec, Naomi. The chakras. Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element, 1996.

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W, Leadbeater C. The chakras. Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Pub. House, 1994.

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Fenton, Sasha. Simply chakras. New York: Sterling/Zambezi, 2009.

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Book chapters on the topic "Chakren":


Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Chakren, auch: Chakras." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 100. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Walch, Sylvester. "Chakren." In Wörterbuch der Psychotherapie, 108. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2000.

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O’Sullivan, Trish. "Chakras." In Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, 294–97. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2014.

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Ennis, Mark William, Alice Mills, Jaco J. Hamman, Anais N. Spitzer, Stefanie Teitelbaum, David Waldron, M. J. Drake Spaeth, et al. "Chakras." In Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, 134–36. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2010.

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O’Sullivan, Trish. "Chakras." In Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, 378–81. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Chakras." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 100. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Singh, N. K. "Guidelines for Swadhyaya Chakra The Concept and Practices of Swadhyaya Chakra (SC): Guided Self-learning in Teams." In Management for Professionals, 151–54. India: Springer India, 2012.

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Pavlovich, Kathryn. "A Return to Virtue: Embodiment, Chakras, and Management Education." In Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation, 1–22. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Rappa, Antonio L. "Kingdom of violence and the Grand Chakri Narrative." In The King and the Making of Modern Thailand, 96–111. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. | Series: Routledge contemporary Southeast Asia series ; 87: Routledge, 2017.

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Jridi, Ichraf, Badreddine Jerbi, and Hichem Kamoun. "Modeling and Simulation in Dialysis Center of Hedi Chaker Hospital." In Operations Research and Simulation in Healthcare, 103–21. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Conference papers on the topic "Chakren":


Rao, Mandavilli M., Vladimir Blazek, and Hans J. Schmitt. "Neurological and physiological aspects of chakras using optical sensors." In BiOS '99 International Biomedical Optics Symposium, edited by Alexander V. Priezzhev and Toshimitsu Asakura. SPIE, 1999.

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Cevallos Trujillo, Byron, Valeria Fárez Román, and María Fernanda Acosta. "La experiencia de la Chakra, como ambiente de aprendizaje, en el Centro de Educación Infantil de Innovación UNAE." In IN-RED 2019: V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. València: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019.

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La chakra es el espacio agrícola ancestral, con un tipo de cultivo asociado, propio de la región andina, proveniente de los pueblos kichwas/quechuas, que propicia la construcción del conocimiento desde los saberes colectivos (Arévalo, 2017). Esta experiencia transdisciplinaria de innovación plantea a la chakra escolar, como un ambiente de aprendizaje colaborativo intercultural y como núcleo pedagógico articulador, en las interacciones de la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), el Centro de Educación Infantil (CEI) de innovación anexo a la UNAE, la familia y la comunidad circundante. En esta comunicación presentamos los distintos contextos en los que hemos tejido esta propuesta, los procesos educativos ejecutados por la comunidad de aprendizaje dentro del CEI y las acciones pedagógicas que hemos realizado desde la docencia en la UNAE. La experiencia, ha generado un aprendizaje vivencial significativo para las y los diferentes actores que participan de su cuidado, a través del intercambio de saberes y la creación de vínculos entre ellas, ellos y a su vez con el entorno natural.

Kumar, P. Ramesh, K. L. Sailaja, S. S. Dhenakaran, and P. SaiKishore. "Chakra: A new approach for symmetric key encryption." In 2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT). IEEE, 2012.

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Nakkach, Houda, Sofiene Haboubi, and Hamid Amiri. "CHAKEL-DB: Online Database for Handwriting Diacritic Arabic Character." In 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2020.

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Roy, S. M., and N. C. Karmakar. "Investigation into a Printed Chakra (Wheel) Filter Exhibiting Multiple Resonances." In 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. IEEE, 2006.

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Haron, Mohamad Hushnie, Mohd Nasir Taib, Megat Syahirul Amin Megat Ali, and Megawati Mohd Yunus. "Gender classification based on human radiation frequencies of chakra points and brain regions." In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Electronics Design, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA). IEEE, 2012.

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Ruxpaitoon, Kanakarn, and Thitiporn Lertrusdachakul. "Color Analysis on the Symbolic Temple of King in Chakri Dynasty of Thailand." In 2019 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST). IEEE, 2019.

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Chakraborty, Imon. "Design Overview of the Hexa-Chakra Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Personal Air Vehicle." In AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019.

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Lee, Ya-Ting, Chii-Fang Hwang, Mei-Hui Chen, Ju-Zhen Luo, and Hsin-I. Chen. "Appling GM(0,N) in the ranking of aromatherapy by using heart chakra essential oils." In 2013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII). IEEE, 2013.

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Rosdi, Mastura, Ros Shilawani Sheikh Abd Kadir, Zunairah Hj Murat, and Nadiah Kamaruzaman. "The comparison of human body Electromagnetic radiation between Down Syndrome and Non Down Syndrome person for brain, chakra and energy field stability score analysis." In 2012 IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC). IEEE, 2012.

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