Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Climate diagnostic'

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Rosch, Jan, Thijs Heus, Marc Salzmann, Johannes Mülmenstädt, Linda Schlemmer, and Johannes Quaas. "Analysis of diagnostic climate model cloud parameterisations using large-eddy simulations: Analysis of diagnostic climate model cloud parameterisations usinglarge-eddy simulations." Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (2015), 141, 691, Part B, S. 2199–2205, 2015. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A14689.

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Current climate models often predict fractional cloud cover on the basis of a diagnostic probability density function (PDF) describing the subgrid-scale variability of the total water specific humidity, qt, favouring schemes with limited complexity. Standard shapes are uniform or triangular PDFs the width of which is assumed to scale with the gridbox mean qt or the grid-box mean saturation specific humidity, qs. In this study, the qt variability is analysed from large-eddy simulations for two stratocumulus, two shallow cumulus, and one deep convective cases. We find that in most cases, triangles are a better approximation to the simulated PDFs than uniform distributions. In two of the 24 slices examined, the actual distributions were so strongly skewed that the simple symmetric shapes could not capture the PDF at all. The distribution width for either shape scales acceptably well with both the mean value of qt and qs, the former being a slightly better choice. The qt variance is underestimated by the fitted PDFs, but overestimated by the existing parameterisations. While the cloud fraction is in general relatively well diagnosed from fitted or parameterised uniform or triangular PDFs, it fails to capture cases with small partial cloudiness, and in 10 – 30% of the cases misdiagnoses clouds in clear skies or vice-versa. The results suggest choosing a parameterisation with a triangular shape, where the distribution width would scale with the grid-box mean qt using a scaling factor of 0.076. This, however, is subject to the caveat that the reference simulations examined here were partly for rather small domains and driven by idealised boundary conditions.

Cardoso, José Helder Leitão. "Desenvolvimento e validação de um modelo de diagnóstico de clima organizacional : o caso Lusoponte." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/10391.

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Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver e validar um modelo de diagnóstico de clima organizacional para a Lusoponte. Pela revisão da literatura científica existente sobre o tema do clima organizacional, com particular foco nos instrumentos de diagnóstico, são identificadas as dimensões mais constantemente referidas e as que maior aplicabilidade têm na organização em estudo. Com base no modelo desenvolvido, procura-se apreender a relação entre as dimensões assinaladas e a satisfação dos colaboradores. É submetido um questionário aos colaboradores da organização, que revela, após análise, que o clima organizacional da Lusoponte é globalmente positivo, embora moderado, sendo apontados os pontos fortes e os que carecem de melhoria.
This study aims to develop and validate an organizational climate diagnostic model to Lusoponte. Upon the review of the scientific literature on the subject of organizational climate, with particular focus on diagnostic tools, the most constantly referred dimensions are identified, and those that have greater applicability in the organization under study. Based on the developed model, we seek to grasp the relationship between the indicated dimensions and employee satisfaction. A questionnaire is submitted to the organization's employees, and, after analysis, it reveals the organizational climate of Lusoponte as overall positive, although moderately. Both strengths and points of improvement are presented.

Rosch, Jan, Thijs Heus, Marc Salzmann, Johannes Mülmenstädt, Linda Schlemmer, and Johannes Quaas. "Analysis of diagnostic climate model cloud parameterisations using large-eddy simulations." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2016. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-202452.

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Current climate models often predict fractional cloud cover on the basis of a diagnostic probability density function (PDF) describing the subgrid-scale variability of the total water specific humidity, qt, favouring schemes with limited complexity. Standard shapes are uniform or triangular PDFs the width of which is assumed to scale with the gridbox mean qt or the grid-box mean saturation specific humidity, qs. In this study, the qt variability is analysed from large-eddy simulations for two stratocumulus, two shallow cumulus, and one deep convective cases. We find that in most cases, triangles are a better approximation to the simulated PDFs than uniform distributions. In two of the 24 slices examined, the actual distributions were so strongly skewed that the simple symmetric shapes could not capture the PDF at all. The distribution width for either shape scales acceptably well with both the mean value of qt and qs, the former being a slightly better choice. The qt variance is underestimated by the fitted PDFs, but overestimated by the existing parameterisations. While the cloud fraction is in general relatively well diagnosed from fitted or parameterised uniform or triangular PDFs, it fails to capture cases with small partial cloudiness, and in 10 – 30% of the cases misdiagnoses clouds in clear skies or vice-versa. The results suggest choosing a parameterisation with a triangular shape, where the distribution width would scale with the grid-box mean qt using a scaling factor of 0.076. This, however, is subject to the caveat that the reference simulations examined here were partly for rather small domains and driven by idealised boundary conditions.

SMALL, DAVID LEROY. "A DIAGNOSTIC STUDY OF A POSSIBLE ACCELERATION OF THE HYDROLOGIC CYCLE." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2006. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1159210962.

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Coron, Laurent. "Les modèles hydrologiques conceptuelssont-ils robustes face à un climat en évolution ? Diagnostic sur un échantillon de bassins versants français et australiens." Phd thesis, AgroParisTech, 2013. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00879090.

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Les hydrologues sont questionnés au sujet de l'évolution à moyen et long terme de la ressource en eau. Pour répondre à ces questions, ils ont recours à des modèles hydrologiques. Une quantification des incertitudes associées à leurs projections leur est souvent demandée et pose la question de la robustesse de ces modèles conceptuels, notamment dans le contexte d'un climat en évolution. En effet, l'utilisation d'un modèle dans des conditions différentes de celles où il a été calé repose sur une hypothèse de transférabilité des paramètres, c'est-à-dire la possibilité d'utiliser les paramètres d'un modèle dans des conditions différentes de celles de saconstruction. Nous traitons cette problématique en tentant d'apporter des éléments de réponse aux questions suivantes :* Quel est le niveau de robustesse des modèles hydrologiques conceptuels face à des conditions climatiques variables ?* Quelles sont les causes des situations de manque de robustesse et y a-t-il des façons de s'en prémunir ?Nous y répondons à travers l'étude des performances de modèles conceptuels lors de nombreux tests de transfert temporel de leurs paramètres. Les résultats montrent des corrélations entre les problèmes de robustesse et les écarts de conditions climatiques entre les périodes de calage et de validation des modèles. Des situations de biais systématiques corrélés à des changements de température de l'air ressortent en particulier de ces analyses. Une hétérogénéité existe cependant sur notre échantillon, les variables climatiques ou le type d'erreurs associées aux problèmes détectés pouvant varier d'un bassin à un autre.L'étude des biais de simulation sur les bassins où les modèles ne sont pas robustes montre des alternances de phases de sous-estimation et surestimation des débits, le biais sur le module décennal pouvant atteindre 20%. Nos travaux révèlent que des comportements très similaires sont obtenus pour diverses périodes et méthodes de calage. Pour les modèles conceptuels utilisés dans ces travaux, les problèmes de robustesse détectés ne résultent pas simplement de quelques "mauvais" calages conduisant à la sélection de paramètres inadaptés pour reproduire le comportement du bassin considéré. Ils semblent plutôt découler de difficultés générales de ces outils de modélisation à reproduire convenablement les bilans moyens de façon simultanée sur différentes périodes.Ces travaux ouvrent des pistes de réflexion sur la capacité insuffisante de certains modèles hydrologiques conceptuels à reproduire des dynamiques basse fréquence et sur le rôle des erreurs d'estimation des forçages, notamment les variations temporelles de l'évapotranspiration, dans les situations de modélisation incorrecte.

Tallieu, Clara. "État sanitaire et croissance radiale des arbres : Analyse spatiale et temporelle des données du réseau systématique de suivi des dommages forestiers." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LORR0185.

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Depuis 30 ans, les mesures annuelles de déficit foliaire des arbres sur la partie française du réseau européen de suivi des dommages forestiers (ICP Forests, niveau 1), constituent la base du suivi de l’état de santé des forêts. Pourtant, l’utilisation du déficit foliaire comme indicateur de l’état de santé de l’arbre est régulièrement remise en cause pour des raisons méthodologiques mais aussi en raison du manque de connaissances sur le déterminisme du déficit foliaire et de son impact fonctionnel sur l’arbre. Dans ce contexte, au travers des notations de déficit foliaire de 9 essences (feuillues et résineuses) réparties sur plus de 300 placettes en France, nous avons 1) décrit et interprété les variations spatiales et interannuelles de déficit foliaire, en plus de 2) discuté de l’utilisation du déficit foliaire comme indicateur de l’état sanitaire des arbres à partir de l’analyse conjointe des variations interannuelles de déficit foliaire et de croissance radiale. L’analyse des variations géographiques du déficit foliaire a montré de multiples relations avec les facteurs édaphiques et climatiques, mais avec un pouvoir explicatif relativement modéré. L’analyse des variations interannuelles de déficit foliaire a permis de confirmer que les facteurs climatiques de l'année précédente contrôlent les variations interannuelles de déficit foliaire. Cependant, comparativement à la croissance radiale, le déficit foliaire présente une réponse au climat moins dynamique et peu cohérente entre arbres d’une même placette. L’analyse conjointe des deux signaux a montré l’existence d’un lien ténu entre la croissance et le déficit foliaire. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence une diminution de la croissance de l’arbre dans le cas de déficit foliaires importants lors d’années d’aléas climatiques extrêmes (sec ou froid). Cependant, l’introduction du déficit foliaire en tant que prédicteur de la croissance radiale n’a eu que peu ou pas d’effet significatif pour le hêtre et le sapin. Enfin, la mise en évidence de l’influence majeure de l’âge sur la notation du déficit foliaire empêche l’interprétation de déficit foliaire brut comme indicateur de la santé de l’arbre
For the past 30 years, annual visual assessments of crown condition, on the French part of the transnational monitoring network (ICP Forests, level 1), was essential for monitoring forest health. However, the use of crown condition as an indicator of tree health is regularly questioned for methodological reasons but also because of the lack of knowledge on the determinism of crown condition and its functional impact on the tree. In this context, and through the records of 9 tree species’ crown condition (deciduous and coniferous) spread over more than 300 plots in France, we have 1) described and interpreted the spatial and inter-annual variations of leaf loss, in addition to 2) discussing the use of crown condition as an indicator of tree health status based on the joint analysis of inter-annual variations of leaf loss and radial growth. The analysis of spatial variations in crown condition between plots showed multiple relationships with edaphic and climatic factors, but with relatively moderate explanatory power. The study of inter-annual variations in crown condition confirmed that the climatic factors of the previous year control crown condition of the current year. However, compared to radial growth, crown condition presents a less dynamic and inconsistent response to climate between trees in the same plot. The joint analysis of the two signals showed the existence of a weak link between growth and crown condition. We only observed a decrease in tree growth in the case of important leaf loss during years of extreme climatic hazards (dry or cold). However, the introduction of leaf loss as a predictor of radial growth had little or no significant effect for beech and fir. Finally, the evidence of the major influence of age on leaf loss precludes the interpretation of raw crown condition as an indicator of tree health

Barandiaran, Daniel A. "Investigation into Regional Climate Variability using Tree-Ring Reconstruction, Climate Diagnostics and Prediction." DigitalCommons@USU, 2016. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/5024.

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This document is a summary of research conducted to develop and apply climate analysis tools toward a better understanding of the past and future of hydroclimate variability in the state of Utah. Two pilot studies developed data management and climate analysis tools subsequently applied to our region of interest. The first investigated the role of natural atmospheric forcing in the inter-annual variability of precipitation of the Sahel region in Africa, and found a previously undocumented link with the East Atlantic mode, which explains 29% of variance in regional precipitation. An analysis of output from an operational seasonal climate forecast model revealed a failure in the model to reproduce this linkage, thus highlighting a shortcoming in model performance. The second pilot study studied long-term trends in the strength of the Great Plains low-level jet, an driver of storm development in the region’s wet spring season. Our analysis showed that since 1979 the low-level jet has strengthened as shifted the timing of peak activity, resulting in shifts both in time and location for peak precipitation, possibly the result of anthropogenic forcing. Our third study used a unique tree-ring dataset to create a reconstruction of April 1 snow water equivalent, an important measure of water supply in the Intermountain West, for the state of Utah to 1850. Analysis of the reconstruction shows the majority of snowpack variability occurs monotonically over the whole state at decadal to multidecadal frequencies. The final study evaluated decadal prediction performance of climate models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5. We found that the analyzed models exhibit modest skill in prediction of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and better skill in prediction of global temperature trends post 1960.

Izumi, Kenji. "Application of Paleoenvironmental Data for Testing Climate Models and Understanding Past and Future Climate Variations." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1794/18510.

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Paleo data-model comparison is the process of comparing output from model simulations of past periods with paleoenvironmental data. It enables us to understand both the paleoclimate mechanism and responses of the earth environment to the climate and to evaluate how models work. This dissertation has two parts that each involve the development and application of approaches for data-model comparisons. In part 1, which is focused on the understanding of both past and future climatic changes/variations, I compare paleoclimate and historical simulations with future climate projections exploiting the fact that climate-model configurations are exactly the same in the paleo and future simulations in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5. In practice, I investigated large-scale temperature responses (land-ocean contrast, high-latitude amplification, and change in temperature seasonality) in paleo and future simulations, found broadly consistent relationships across the climate states, and validated the responses using modern observations and paleoclimate reconstructions. Furthermore, I examined the possibility that a small set of common mechanisms controls the large-scale temperature responses using a simple energy-balance model to decompose the temperature changes shown in warm and cold climate simulations and found that the clear-sky longwave downward radiation is a key control of the robust responses. In part 2, I applied the equilibrium terrestrial biosphere models, BIOME4 and BIOME5 (developed from BIOME4 herein), for reconstructing paleoclimate. I applied inverse modeling through the iterative forward-modeling (IMIFM) approach that uses the North American vegetation data to infer the mid-Holocene (MH, 6000 years ago) and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21,000 years ago) climates that control vegetation distributions. The IMIFM approach has the potential to provide more accurate quantitative climate estimates from pollen records than statistical approaches. Reconstructed North American MH and LGM climate anomaly patterns are coherent and consistent between variables and between BIOME4 and BIOME5, and these patterns are also consistent with previous data synthesis. This dissertation includes previously published and unpublished coauthored material.

Ahmadnejad, Farzaneh. "Circulation du virus West-Nile dans les populations équines d'Iran : impact épidémiologique de l'environnement et du climat." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00683646.

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L'épidémie de West-Nile en Amérique du Nord en 2002, qui a touché plus de quarante états aux Etats-Unis, a conduit les Agences de santé à s'interroger sur le risque d'émergence, à l'extérieur de la zone intertropicale, de zoonoses vectorielles. Cette épidémie associée au changement climatique, a bien mis en évidence le rôle central de l'avifaune migratrice dans la diffusion du virus. La biologie des oiseaux, tout particulièrement le phénomène migratoire, permet un transport des virus sur de longues distances et entre espèces très diversifiées. Le Moyen-Orient, qui est situé au carrefour de différents continents, est extrêmement propice à la propagation des virus émergents dans les pays du Nord. La circulation du virus West Nile a été rapportée dans différents pays de la région, tels que l'Egypte, Israël, Liban, Irak, Emirats Arabes Unis et Iran. Saidi et al. (1970) ont montré la présence d'anticorps anti-virus du Nil occidental au sein de la population de la côte caspienne (Nord de l'Iran), des provinces du Khorassan (Nord-Est) et du Khuzestan (Sud-Ouest). Notre étude, conduite dans le cadre d'un programme associant TIMC-IMAG UMR 5525 UJF CNRS VetAgroSup, le Réseau International des Instituts Pasteurs et le Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, vise: (i) à caractériser la circulation du virus de West-Nile au sein des populations équines d'Iran ; et (ii) et à modéliser l'impact sanitaire de l'environnement et du climat sur la transmission. Les résultats acquis permettent d'apprécier le risque associé à la dissémination spatio-temporelle du virus par les oiseaux migrateurs. Une attention toute particulière est portée à l'étude des déterminants environnementaux et climatiques susceptibles d'accroitre le potentiel de transmission du virus.

Fosu, Boniface Opoku. "Towards the Prediction of Climate Extremes with Attribution Analysis Through Climate Diagnostics and Modeling: Cases from Asia to North America." DigitalCommons@USU, 2018. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/7233.

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This project summarizes the findings of research organized in two parts. The first involved the characterization of changes in the variability of climate that lead to extreme events. The second focused on the predictability of extreme climate on time-scales ranging from short forecast lead-times to long-lead climate predictions exceeding a year. Initial studies focused on three interrelated, yet regionally unique extreme climate phenomena. First, the relationship between increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and particulate matter (PM) concentration in basin terrain was investigated. Next, we evaluated changes in large-scale atmospheric circulation associated with two climate phenomena at either extreme side of the water cycle--droughts and floods. In the final analysis, an attempt was made to understand the mechanisms that link two North Pacific ENSO precursor patterns to the ENSO cycle.

Hirschi, Martin. "Seasonal variations in terrestrial water storage : diagnosis and climate model analyses /." Zürich : ETH, 2006. http://e-collection.ethbib.ethz.ch/show?type=diss&nr=16902.

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Promchote, Parichart. "Linkage of Climate Diagnostics in Predictions for Crop Production: Cold Impacts in Taiwan and Thailand." DigitalCommons@USU, 2019. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/7512.

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This research presents three case studies of low temperature anomalies that occurred during the winter–spring seasons and their influence on extreme events and crop production. We investigate causes and effects of each climate event and developed prediction methods for crops based on the climate diagnostic information. The first study diagnosed the driven environmental-factors, including climate pattern, climate change, soils moisture, and sea level height, associated with the 2011 great flood in Thailand and resulting total crop loss. The second study investigated climate circulation and indices that contributed to wet-and-cold (WC) events leading to significant crop damage in Taiwan. We developed empirical–dynamical models based on prominent climate indices to confidently predict WC events as much as 6 months before they occur. The final study extends from the second study and predict chronic damage to rice crops from climate change by using a crop simulation model. The long-term prediction of rice growth and yield effectively illustrated both decreases and increases in yield depending on climate scenarios. The three studies are different in location and circumstances but the methodologies can be applied across Thailand, Taiwan, and other areas with similar agroclimatology.

Houndenou, Constant. "Variabilité climatique et maïsiculture en milieu tropical humide : l'exemple du Bénin, diagnostic et modélisation." Dijon, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999DIJOL033.

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A partir d'une approche systémique, on identifie la variabilité climatique sur la période 19311990 et on évalue ses conséquences agroclimatiques sur les indices de satisfaction des besoins en eau à chaque phénophase de deux variétés de maïs (cycle court de 90 jours et cycle long de 1. 20 jours) à l'aide d'un modèle de simulation de bilan hydrique des cultures. Le découpage de la période 1931-1990 en deux normales 1930-1960 et 1961-1990 montre que le Bénin traverse une péjoration climatique depuis deux décennies et que le climat béninien du sud a beaucoup plus varié que le climat soudanien au nord du pays. Cette péjoration climatique se manifeste par une réduction de la durée des saisons agricoles, une diminution du potentiel pluviométrique accompagnée d'une réduction du nombre de jours de pluie et une hausse des températures. La baisse de la pluviométrie couplée au réchauffement thermique et à l'action anthropique induit une dégradation du milieu écologique, une modification du bilan hydrique des cultures et un désarroi au niveau du monde paysan qui se réfère à la métaphysique pour expliquer le phénomène climatique. Le diagnostic agroclimatique de la culture du maïs dans ce contexte de péjoration climatique atteste une réduction des indices de satisfaction des besoins en eau du maïs précoce de 90 jours au cours de la deuxième saison des pluies au sud du Bénin. Ainsi, le risque de stress hydrique est permanent au sud-ouest du pays dans la zone littorale. Cette situation s'explique par le dérèglement du cycle pluviométrique saisonnier par rapport à la longueur du cycle végétatif du maïs à cycle court de 90 jours. En revanche, on ne note pas de modification importante des indices de stress agroclimatique pour le maïs de 120 jours sur les deux périodes. Au contraire cette variété de maïs se porte bien dans le Borgou car elle bénéficie surtout de l'arrière effet de la fumure du coton. Dans le sud, il bénéficie aussi de l'atténuation de la petite saison sèche intercalaire. Le dérèglement pluviométrique saisonnier et son corollaire la réduction de l'indice de satisfaction des besoins en eau, met la campagne agricole du maïs de la deuxième saison dans une situation inconfortable. Pour surmonter la péjoration climatique et pallier ses conséquences agronomiques, les agriculteurs adoptent des stratégies anti-risques en accord avec les agents d'encadrement du développement.

Xu, Guangzhi. "Diagnosis of the atmospheric hydrological cycle and its variability in the present-day climate." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 2016. https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/59363/.

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This thesis investigates some important aspects of the atmospheric branch of the hydrological cycle in the modern day climate from an observational perspective. Data quality is evaluated, focusing on two state-of-the-art reanalysis products, ERA-I and JRA-55. Regional-scale discrepancies among reanalyses and observations, especially in their annual cycles, are found in the warm pool, Amazon, Gulf stream and Indian subcontinent regions. In the tropics, oceanic evaporation and its temporal variability are notably greater in JRA-55 than in ERA-I and satellite-based estimates, while both reanalyses overestimate precipitation. Higher tropical precipitation and evaporation, accompanied by a slightly lower level of total column water (TCW), might suggest a more intense hydrological cycle, but this can be an ill-defined concept especially when analysis increments mask “spin-down” errors in reanalysis models. Analysis increments arise to remove unphysical residuals in the atmospheric water budget, and these are explored via a cluster analysis to identify regimes with common behavior. Consistent for ERA-I and JRA-55, the regime with the largest negative residuals (greater moisture outputs than inputs) exceeding 50% of mean precipitation occurs during the dry season of some low latitude regions that feature strong seasonality, high evapotranspiration and high moisture divergence. Errors in the moisture divergence are likely responsible because they correlate strongly with the budget residual. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) and Self Organizing Map (SOM) analyses are applied to identify the dominant inter-annual patterns of vertically-integrated moisture divergence variability. They reveal that the transition from strong La Niña through to extreme El Niño events is not a linear one and that the EOF orthogonality constraint results in the patterns being split between leading EOFs that are non-linearly related. The SOM analysis captures the range of responses to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), indicating that the distinction between the moderate and extreme El Niños can be as great as the difference between La Niña and moderate El Niños, from a moisture divergence point of view. On diurnal time scales, horizontal moisture fluxes vary in response to thermodynamic and dynamic effects. TCW shows a global scale diurnal cycle that peaks around 1800 - 2100 local time with a peak-to-trough magnitude of 0.4mm. Semi-diurnal variations in surface winds and pressure, consistent with atmospheric tidal theory, create a westward propagating moisture convergence/divergence wave along the equator. Finally, the importance of Tropical Cyclones (TCs) as a source of freshwater for the North American continent is estimated using an ensemble of schemes designed to attribute onshore moisture fluxes to TCs. Averaged over the 2004–2012 hurricane seasons and integrated over the western, southern and eastern coasts of North America, the seven schemes attribute 7 to 18% (mean 14 %) of total net onshore flux to Atlantic TCs. A reduced contribution of 10% (range 9 to 11 %) was found for the 1980–2003 period, though only two schemes could be applied to this earlier period. Over the whole 1980–2012 period, a further 8% (range 6 to 9% from two schemes) was attributed to East Pacific TCs, resulting in a total TC contribution of 19% (range 17 to 22 %) to the ocean-to-land moisture transport onto the North American continent between May and November. The inter-annual variability does not appear to be strongly related to ENSO.

Jaiser, Ralf. "Dreidimensionale Diagnostik der großskaligen Zirkulation der Tropo- und Stratosphäre." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2013. http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2013/6906/.

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In dieser Arbeit werden Konzepte für die Diagnostik der großskaligen Zirkulation in der Troposphäre und Stratosphäre entwickelt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Energiehaushalt, auf der Wellenausbreitung und auf der Interaktion der atmosphärischen Wellen mit dem Grundstrom. Die Konzepte werden hergeleitet, wobei eine neue Form des lokalen Eliassen-Palm-Flusses unter Einbeziehung der Feuchte eingeführt wird. Angewendet wird die Diagnostik dann auf den Reanalysedatensatz ERA-Interim und einen durch beobachtete Meerestemperatur- und Eisdaten angetriebenen Lauf des ECHAM6 Atmosphärenmodells. Die diagnostischen Werkzeuge zur Analyse der großskaligen Zirkulation sind einerseits nützlich, um das Verständnis der Dynamik des Klimasystems weiter zu fördern. Andererseits kann das gewonnene Verständnis des Zusammenhangs von Energiequellen und -senken sowie deren Verknüpfung mit synoptischen und planetaren Wellensystemen und dem resultierenden Antrieb des Grundstroms auch verwendet werden, um Klimamodelle auf die korrekte Wiedergabe dieser Beobachtungen zu prüfen. Hier zeigt sich, dass die Abweichungen im untersuchten ECHAM6-Modelllauf bezüglich des Energiehaushalts klein sind, jedoch teils starke Abweichungen bezüglich der Ausbreitung von atmosphärischen Wellen existieren. Planetare Wellen zeigen allgemein zu große Intensitäten in den Eliassen-Palm-Flüssen, während innerhalb der Strahlströme der oberen Troposphäre der Antrieb des Grundstroms durch synoptische Wellen verfälscht ist, da deren vertikale Ausbreitung gegenüber den Beobachtungen verschoben ist. Untersucht wird auch der Einfluss von arktischen Meereisänderungen ausgehend vom Bedeckungsminimum im August/September bis in den Winter. Es werden starke positive Temperaturanomalien festgestellt, welche an der Oberfläche am größten sind. Diese führen vor allem im Herbst zur Intensivierung von synoptischen Systemen in den arktischen Breiten, da die Stabilität der troposphärischen Schichtung verringert ist. Im darauffolgenden Winter stellen sich barotrope bis in die Stratosphäre reichende Änderungen der großskaligen Zirkulation ein, welche auf Meereisänderungen zurückzuführen sind. Der meridionale Druckgradient sinkt und führt so zu einem Muster ähnlich einer negativen Phase der arktischen Oszillation in der Troposphäre und einem geschwächten Polarwirbel in der Stratosphäre. Diese Zusammenhänge werden ebenfalls in einem ECHAM6-Modelllauf untersucht, wobei vor allem der Erwärmungstrend in der Arktis zu gering ist. Die großskaligen Veränderungen im Winter können zum Teil auch im Modelllauf festgestellt werden, jedoch zeigen sich insbesondere in der Stratosphäre Abweichungen für die Periode mit der geringsten Eisausdehnung. Die vertikale Ausbreitung planetarer Wellen von der Troposphäre in die Stratosphäre ist in ECHAM6 mit sehr großen Abweichungen wiedergegeben. Somit stellt die Wellenausbreitung insgesamt den größten in dieser Arbeit festgestellten Mangel in ECHAM6 dar.
In this study concepts for the diagnostics of the large-scale circulation in the troposphere and the stratosphere are developed. Therefore the energy budget, wave propagation and the interaction between waves and the mean flow are analyzed. A corresponding set of diagnostic methods is derived. Furthermore a new type of localized Eliassen Palm Fluxes including moisture fluxes is introduced. These diagnostic methods are then applied to the ERA-Interim reanalysis and to a run of the ECHAM6 atmospheric model forced with observed sea surface temperatures and sea ice data. The diagnostics of the large scale circulation are useful to enhance the understanding of the climate system dynamics. Furthermore the knowledge of the relation between energy sources and sinks, atmospheric waves on planetary and synoptic scales and their forcing of the mean flow is applicable to validate global climate models. The results presented here show small deviations in terms of the energy balance in ECHAM6 but large discrepancies in terms of wave propagation. On the one hand Eliassen Palm fluxes connected to planetary waves are generally too strong. On the other hand the mean flow forcing within upper tropospheric jet streams by synoptic scale waves does not agree with observations, since the vertical propagation is shifted. A second part of this study analyses the influence of Arctic sea ice anomalies at the sea ice minimum in August/September on atmospheric conditions. Strong positive temperature anomalies with their maximum at the surface are observed. In autumn they lead to intensified synoptic scale systems, because of a reduced atmospheric vertical stability. A large-scale barotropic circulation pattern up to the stratosphere appears in winter related to previous late summer sea ice changes. A reduced meridional pressure gradient leads to a pattern related to a negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation in the troposp here as well as related to a weaker stratospheric polar vortex. The same analysis performed with an ECHAM6 model run shows a too small warming of Arctic latitudes. While tropospheric changes in the Arctic are covered by the model to some degree, the stratosphere shows large discrepancies in reproducing the observed changes in the low ice period. The vertical propagation of planetary waves from the troposphere into the stratosphere is reproduced with large differences. Accordingly this study shows the largest errors in ECHAM6 related to atmospheric wave propagation.

Gouttevin, Isabelle. "Contribution à la représentation des hautes latitudes dans un modèle de surface : gel des sols et diagnostics de performances." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00845651.

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L'importance climatique des hautes latitudes est exacerbée par le contexte actuel du réchauffement climatique, de part de leur forte sensibilité à ces changements et en raison des rétroactions globales majeures qu'elles sont susceptibles d'engendrer. La modélisation offre un moyen d'estimer ces impacts dans les temps passés, présents et futurs, tout en quantifiant les incertitudes procédant des imperfections de notre connaissance de ces environnements et de leur représentation. L'amélioration et l'évaluation de la représentation des hautes latitudes dans les modèles de climat globaux répondent donc à de forts enjeux scientifiques et sociétaux : c'est dans ce cadre précis que s'inscrit mon travail de thèse. Le gel des sols est une spécificité majeure des régions circum-arctiques, porteuse d'implications climatiques aux plans thermiques, hydrologiques et biogéochimiques. Une paramétrisation des impacts hydrologiques du gel des sols a été introduite dans le schéma hydrologique multi-couches du modèle de surfaces continentales ORCHIDEE : ses effets sur le contenu en eau des sols et le régime hydrologique des principaux bassins de l'Arctique ont été évalués par comparaison à des données de terrain, révélant la plus-value d'une telle représentation mais aussi les lacunes résiduelles de la modélisation, qui touchent à l'absence de représentation des réservoirs temporaires d'eau de surface et, sans doute, d'une paramétrisation sous-maille du gel des sols. Parallèlement, une représentation des effets thermiques du gel des sols développée pour un modèle antérieur à ORCHIDEE a été révisée et évaluée à différentes échelles spatiales par comparaison à des données observationnelles : si la représentation de l'énergie de chaleur latente augmente la température des sols soumis au gel saisonnier, un biais froid subsiste dans la modélisation, imputable à une représentation imparfaite de la neige. Une étude de sensibilité conduite sur cette variable en confirme les implications thermiques mais aussi biogéochimiques à l'échelle des régions circum-arctiques, sous-tendues par les importantes quantités de matière organique que ces régions renferment. Alors que les caractéristiques de la neige sont souvent représentées comme spatialement uniformes dans les modèles de climat globaux, la simple prise en compte du caractère particulièrement isolant de la neige de taïga engendre des changements importants dans le cycle du carbone aux hautes latitudes, et souligne les incertitudes entachant notre représentation actuelle de ces écosystèmes. Les propriétés thermiques de la neige n'en sont pas l'unique vecteur, mais une évaluation détaillée de notre modélisation sur un site de permafrost arctique (station de Bayelva, Svalbard) désigne la neige comme une source majeure des incertitudes associées à notre modélisation des hautes latitudes, au travers de représentations inadaptées de son albédo, sa rugosité de surface, son contenu variable en eau liquide pouvant accommoder de l'eau de pluie. En termes hydrologiques, l'absence de représentation spécifique des zones de montagne, des caractéristiques hydrauliques des sols à granulométrie grossière du Haut-Arctique, et des nombreuses étendues d'eau libre des régions circum-arctiques, limite notre capacité à représenter raisonnablement des principales caractéristiques de l'hydrologie de surface de ces régions. Le diagnostique de ces limites définit autant de potentiels d'amélioration de la modélisation des hautes latitudes, sources possibles de développements futurs.

Philippon, Nathalie. "Une nouvelle approche pour la prévision statistique des précipitations saisonnières en Afrique de l'Ouest et de l'Est : méthodes, diagnostics (1968-1998) et applications (2000-2001)." Dijon, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002DIJOL015.

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Ce travail teste une nouvelle approche pour la prévision des précipitations en Afrique de l'Ouest et de l'Est basée sur des prédicteurs relatifs au forçage continental et atmosphérique régional et la période 1968-1998. La partie diagnostique s'appuie sur les fichiers CRU, CRC, les réanalyses NCEP/NCAR. Les saisons des pluies ouest africaines sont précédées par des modifications du champ d'Energie Statique Humide. Une mémoire inter-saison est portée par l'humidité du sol, la végétation puis le champ d'ESH au printemps. Les saisons est africaines sont associées à des signaux dynamiques : mousson indienne et circulation type Walker pour les short rains, advections humides du Congo, interactions avec les latitudes subtropicales pour les long rains. La partie méthodologique propose des modèles de Régression Multiple, Analyse Discriminante et Réseaux Neuronaux basés sur les prédicteurs détectés. On obtient un gain moyen de 27% de variance expliquée et des prévisions correctes pour 2000-2001 au Sahel
A new approach for West and East African seasonal rainfall forecasting, based on continental and atmospheric forcing predictors and the 1968-1998 homogeneous period is developed. CRU and CRC precipitation databases, NCEP/NCAR reanalyses are used for diagnoses. The West African rainy seasons are preceded by Moist Static Energy field anomalies. An inter-season memory involving soil moisture, vegetation, then MSE over Guinea is found. The East African ones are related to atmospheric dynamics signals: Indian monsoon and Walker type circulation for the short rains, Congo basin air mass intrusion and subtropical stationary waves for the long rains. A 27% explained variance gain is obtained with multiple regression, discriminant analysis and neural networks models fed with these predictors. The 2000-2001 Sahelian rainy seasons real-time forecasts made with these models were correct

Leblanc, Florian. "Controverses économiques et environnementales autour des hydrocarbures non conventionnels : les enseignements de la modélisation intégrée." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEH116.

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Sous l’angle des controverses économiques et environnementales autour des hydrocarbures non conventionnels, cette thèse contribue au développement des outils de la modélisation intégrée sous deux aspects : leur capacité à représenter la dynamique de long terme des marchés de l’énergie ; la prise en compte des liens entre l’économie et la dynamique des différents gaz à effet de serre.Dans le premier cas, un jeu de simulations avec le modèle Imaclim-R met en évidence les impacts économiques du gaz et pétrole de schiste à travers (i) les liens entre trajectoires de crois-sance et inerties techniques ; (ii) la conditionnalité des gains de compétitivité des États-Unis aux stratégies implicites ou explicites de ce pays en matière de spécialisation internationale et de régime de change. Au détour de ces simulations nous étudions (α) les processus d’ajustement vers l’équilibre de long terme, en regardant les conditions d’obtention et de convergence des équilibres temporaires du modèle ; (β) les limites de tractabilitéd’une maquette stylisée du modèle reproduisant les mécanismes centraux.Dans le deuxième cas est traitée la question du rôle du méthane à court et long terme dans les stratégies climatiques. L’intégration du modèle réduit du système terrestre Oscar2.2 aumodèle Imaclim-R permet d’apprécier le rôle du méthane dans les coûts de l’atténuation et d’évaluer le risque d’émissions fugitives en tête de puits de gaz de schiste. Les simulations montrent que d’une part, l’avantage économique de la disponibilité en gaz de schiste peut être nuancé au regard du coût induit par ces émissions fugitives. D’autre part, les stratégies climatiques ambitieuses visant à limiter les augmentations de température bien en deçà de 2° voir 1.5°C nécessitent un contrôle plus immédiat des émissions de méthane
From the perspective of economic and environmental controversies over unconventional oil and gas resources, this thesis contributes to the development of integrated modelling tools intwo aspects : their ability to reflect the long-term dynamics of energy markets ; and the consideration of the links between the economy and the dynamics of the various greenhouse gases.In the first case, a set of simulations with the Imaclim-R model highlights the economic impacts of shale gas and light tight oil through (i) the links between growth paths and technicalinertia ; (ii) the conditionality of US competitiveness gains on implicit or explained strategies ; and (iii) the conditionality of US competitiveness gains on this country implicit or explicit strategies in terms of international specialization and exchange rate regime. In the course of these simulations, we study (α) the adjustment processes towards the long-term equilibrium, looking at the conditions of existence and convergence of the model temporary equilibria ; (β) the tractability limits of a stylized model of Imaclim-R reproducing the main mechanisms.In the second case, the question of the role of methane in short and long term climate strategies is addressed. The integration of the Oscar2.2 Earth System model into the Imaclim-Rmodel is used to assess the role of methane in terms of mitigation costs and to assess the risk of emissions leakage at shale gas wellheads. The simulations show that, on the one hand, theeconomic advantage of shale gas availability can be balanced against the costs induced by these emissions leakage. On the other hand, the ambitous climate strategies aiming at limitingtemperature increases well below 2° or 1.5°C require a more instant control of methane

Wabolou, François. "La Nutrition azotée du cotonnier, Gossypium hirsutum L., sous climat méditerranéen recherches sur l'effet des basses températures et la possibilité d'un diagnostic précoce de la déficience azotée /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37601754g.

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Roucou, Pascal. "Impact des températures de surface océanique d'échelle globale sur la dynamique de l'atmosphère et les précipitations tropicales en Amérique du Sud à l'est des Andes : diagnostic et simulations numériques." Dijon, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997DIJOL025.

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La variabilité océanique est décrite à partir des principaux modes de variabilité. L'évolution temporelle des anomalies de températures de surface océanique (tso) montre que les décennies 70 et 80 ont été marquées par un réchauffement de l'atlantique sud et un refroidissement de l'atlantique nord. Durant cette même période le pacifique tropical et l'océan indien se sont réchauffés et les épisodes enso (El Nino/southern oscillation) se sont renforcés. La variabilité pluviométrique en Amérique tropicale à l'est des Andes est appréhendée grâce à un fichier en points de grille constitué à partir de 186 postes pluviométriques. L'évolution des précipitations continentales est associée à celle du gradient thermique atlantique et est modulée par les épisodes enso entre les années 50 et 70. Lors des enso récents on observe des déficits plus importants, en particulier au Nordeste. Des simulations numériques effectuées sur le modèle du laboratoire de météorologie dynamique, forcées par les tso observées entre 1970 et 1988, montrent que les déficits, en année enso et lorsque le gradient atlantique est oriente sud/nord, sont associés à des anomalies de subsidence sur le Nordeste et l'atlantique équatorial liés à des anomalies de la circulation cellulaire méridienne et zonale. Une série d'expériences effectuées avec le modèle arpège-climat force par des conditions de surface idéalisées indiquent, conformément à l'observation, que le gradient thermique atlantique favorise l'installation d'une cellule de circulation méridienne sur le Nordeste et l'atlantique. Le champ de pression de surface traduit les subsidences et ascendances de cette cellule. Les enso plus puissants des années 70 et 80 sont associés à un renforcement de la subsidence sur l'atlantique équatorial et le Nordeste, liée à la circulation zonale, cohérente avec les déficits accrus des dernières décennies
Oceanic variability is described through the main modes of variability. Time evolution of sea surface temperature (sst) show a warmer south Atlantic and a colder north Atlantic during the 70's and the 80's. This is concomitant of a warming of the pacific and Indian ocean and of stronger El Nino/southern oscillation (enso) episods. Rainfall variability in tropical South America (east of Andes) is described with a new dataset based on 186 stations. Rainfall time evolution, between the 50's and the 70's, is associated with the Atlantic sst gradient but is also modulate by enso. During the recent enso episods rainfall deficits are stronger, particularly in nordeste. Numerical experiments realised with the laboratoire de meteorologie dynamique atmospheric model show that, during an enso and when the atlantic gradient is south/north, subsidence anomalies occur on nordeste and equatorial atlantic. Numerical experiments conduct with the arpege-climat atmospheric model forced with idealised surface conditions show that the atlantic thermic gradient emphasizes a meridian circulation cell on nordeste and atlantic. Anomalies of the sea level pression field are associated with ascending and subsiding anomalies. During the 70's and 80's, subsiding anomalies are reinforced on equatorial atlantic and are linked with more important deficits in nordeste

FEHER, ANA C. M. "Validacao de instrumento para diagnostico e analise do clima organizacional a partir da serie historica de aplicacao no IPEN." reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2003. http://repositorio.ipen.br:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/11123.

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Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Ward, Neil M. "Tropical North African rainfall and worldwide monthly to multi-decadal climate variations : directed towards the development of a corrected ship wind dataset, and improved diagnosis, understanding and prediction of North African rainfall." Thesis, University of Reading, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.385252.

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Trigui, Ahmed. "Relations entre le climat, le sol et la production de la variété d'olivier Chemlali (Olea europea L. ) dans la région de Sfax (Tunisie) : contribution à l'étude bioclimatique de l'espèce par l'analyse des propriétés biophysiques, structurales et spectrales des feuilles et des arbres." Montpellier 2, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987MON20267.

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L'etude du milieu edapho-climatique de la region de sfax (tunisie) montre que le regime des pluies est caracterise par une insuffisance et une irregularite chroniques; la periode d'activite de l'olivier coincide avec une longue periode seche accentuee par le climat solaire et le regime thermique; le role du sol est par consequent determinant dans la vie de la plante. L'analyse de series de donnees de 47 annees de productions d'olives montre que celle-ci presente des variations qui sont liees aux pluviometries accentuees par le type de sol, de meme qu'a l'age et a l'etat productif ou non des oliviers. Les etudes de cas realisees debauchent sur des propositions d'amenagement et sur des alternatives d'amelioration de la production des olivettes

Some, Léopold. "Diagnostic agropédoclimatique du risque de sécheresse au Burkina Faso : étude de quelques techniques agronomiques améliorant la résistance pour les cultures de sorgho, de mil et de mai͏̈s." Montpellier 2, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989MON20251.

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Dans la premiere partie, l'etude par simulation a porte sur des series chronologiques de donnees climatiques. Elle a permis de cerner les degradations recentes des potentialites agropedoclimatique qui traduisent la secheresse persistante au burkina faso. Le risque d'apparition des phases de secheresse y est frequent, comme du reste, dans toute la zone soudano-sahelienne de l'afrique. Mais a elle seule, la secheresse n'explique pas completement les faibles rendements des cultures actuellement observes chez les paysans: les ecarts de productivite, des cereales entre les potentialites et le milieu reel en attestent. Dans la deuxieme partie, apres avoir effectue des simulations des conditions actuelles d'adaptation de plusieurs durees de cycle de culture pour les sorghos, des mils et des mais sur l'ensemble du pays, on a presente une cartographie des indices de leurs rendements a la frequence d'occurence de 8 ans sur 10. L'interpretation des rerultats agronomiques, a porte successivement sur des essais puriannuels et multilocaux concernant des techniques de travail du sol "en humide avec introduction de la traction bovine; des essais plus localises de travail du sol en sec, conduits avec motorisation ainsi que des essais comportant des irrigations de complement destinees a reduire les risques pendant des phases sans pluie en periode humide. Labour, billonnage, cloisonnement et scarifiage du sol ont ete compares isolement ou en association. Ces techniques ont pour but de controler le ruissellement et l'erosion provoques par certains types de pluie de forte intensite tombant sur des sols generalement a faible permeabilite. Dans la troisieme partie, on a mis en evidence le role de ces techniques sur l'amelioration du bilan hydrique des cultures. Pour les trois cereales etudiees, la valeur etr/etm doit etre la plus elevee possible a partir de la phase epaiaison-floraison pour garantir une meilleure effi

Gitau, Wilson. "Diagnosis and predictability of intraseasonal characteristics of wet and dry spells over equatorial east Africa." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00794889.

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Most of Eastern Africa has arid and semi-arid climate with high space-time variability in rainfall. The droughts are very common in this region, and often persist for several years, preceded or followed by extreme floods. Most of the livelihoods and socio-economic activities however remain rain-dependent leading to severe negative impacts during the periods of occurrence of climate extremes. It has been noted that one extreme event was capable of reversing national economic growth made over a period of several years. Thus no sustainable development can be attained in eastern Africa without effective mainstreaming of climate information in the development policies, plans and programmes. Many past studies in the region have focused on rainfall variability at seasonal, annual and decadal scales. Very little work has been done at intraseasonal timescale that is paramount to most agricultural applications. This study aims at filling this research gap, by investigating the structure of rainfall season in terms of the distribution of wet and dry spells and how this distribution varies in space and time at interannual time scale over Equatorial Eastern Africa. Prediction models for use in the early warning systems aimed at climate risk reduction were finally developed. The specific objectives of the study include, delineate and diagnose the some aspects of the distribution of the wet and dry spells at interannual timescale; investigate the linkages between the aspects of the distribution of wet and dry spells identified and dominant large scale climate fields that drive the global climate; and assess the predictability of the various aspects of wet and dry spells for the improvement of the use in the early warning systems of the region.Several datasets spanning a period of 40 years (1961 - 2000) were used. The data included gauged daily rainfall amount for the three Eastern Africa countries namely Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania; Hadley Centre Sea Surface Temperature (SST); re-analysis data and radiosonde observations from Nairobi (Kenya) and Bangui (Central Africa Republic) upper air stations. The indices of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Indian Ocean Dipole and SST gradients which constituted the predefined predictors were also used [...]

Ferreira, Vasco Guedes. "The analysis of primary metered half-hourly electricity and gas consumption in municipal buildings." Thesis, De Montfort University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2086/3268.

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This thesis addressed the need for improved analysis and interpretation of primary meter half-hourly energy consumption data. The current work offers a novel benchmarking technique that was tested for 6 types of municipal buildings. This approach is different from conventional annual benchmarking mainly because it uses electricity and gas data in half-hourly periods, together with outside temperature data. A survey to European local authorities’ metering and monitoring practices was conducted in order to assess municipal energy managers' current procedures and needs in terms of data analysis to assess building energy performance and to identify potential energy saving opportunities. The benchmarking approach was developed considering the energy managers’ needs, but also the state-of the art in terms of building energy monitoring techniques, particularly building energy signatures, and the analysis techniques used on electricity grid demand forecasting. The benchmarking approach is based on the use of a metric composed of several indicators that are related to the load demand shape profile and the building energy signature. The comparison of indicators for buildings of the same type using standard scores identifies uncommon load demand profile characteristics and/or gas dependency on outside temperature in specific buildings. The metric is able to support the identification of potential energy wastage, which is linked to the detection of opportunities to save energy. The benchmarking technique was tested in 81 municipal building owned by Leicester City Council. This methodology can be applied to any non-domestic building equipped with primary meters for registering half-hourly electricity and gas consumption. In theory, this approach can also be applied to residential buildings, and to other short time series data types, for example quarter-hourly or 10 minutes interval data. The main contribution of this thesis is to improve the objectivity of building primary meter half-hourly electricity and gas consumption data analysis and interpretation by using quantitative parameters, instead of subjective visualisation techniques. The interpretation of building consumption data in short time series periods can now be streamlined, automated and perhaps incorporated in existing energy analysis software. This thesis raises questions that can lead to future research projects aiming to improve the metric and also to enlarge the scope of its application to national and European scale, to other building types and to other utilities.

CHING-HUI, CHIU, and 邱靖惠. "Diagnostic Test and Adaptive Remedial Instruction Design of 「Taiwan Weather And Climate」Unit in Junior High School Geography Course By using Bayesian Network." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/24359634275778706976.

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The study was to develop a computerized adaptive diagnostic testing and computerized adaptive remedial instruction system based on the probabilistic reasoning of Bayesian Network and ordering theory(OT) into Weather And Climate In Taiwan in first-grade geography course to induce the error types, sub-skills and unit target and to validate the effect of the system. The results of this study are as follow. First, Bayesian Network was employed to diagnose accuracy of the error types, sub-skills and unit target in Weather And Climate In Taiwan. The results had the 97.23% correspondence to the expert judgment, which show excellent diagnostic effects. Second, the computerized adaptive diagnostic testing system could save 30% of test items. The reaction of the test answers could be predicted and the accuracy achieved 95%, which showed the predictive ability of this system was similar to the complete test. The accuracy rate of prediction on the error types, sub-skills and unit purposes was over 95%, showing that the computerized adaptive diagnostic testing highly corresponded to the diagnosis in error types, sub-skills and unit target of the complete test. Apparently, the effect of the system was quite satisfying. Third, with the design, almost 95% of the students progressed in studies. The error types were decreased and the sub-skills were increased. All students’ average achievements on pre-tests and the post-tests had significant differences. The significant differences were also shown among the high-score, medium-score and low-score groups in the computerized adaptive diagnostic testing. The testers could receive the proper adaptive remedial instruction in time and enhance their learning.

Kubátová, Tereza. "Klima školní třídy v alternativní a tradiční škole." Master's thesis, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-336921.

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The climate of the class in a conventional and in an alternative basic school is the main topic of this master thesis. The master thesis is divided into two parts, the first part is theoretical and the second one practical. It the theoretical part the main focus is dedicated to an explanation of the terms concerning the theme. The thesis deals with the methods of diagnostics in a class climate. The second part, the practical one, consists of the research held in the school classes of the conventional and alternative type. The research is considered to be a quantitative analysis and its research instrument is a questionnaire. The practical part is intended as a comparison between the climate in the both types of schools. The main goal of the master thesis is firstly to compare school climate in the alternative and conventional school. Secondly the master thesis should interpret the discovered information.

Vejvodová, Eva. "Psychosociální klima tříd na středních školách různého zaměření." Master's thesis, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-354095.

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Master's thesis "Classrooms' psychosocial chmate in the secondary schools of different focus" is divided into the theoretical part and the practical part. In the theoretical part the main focus is dedicated to an explanation of the basic terms concerning the theme followed by the analysis of its parts. This is mainly an analysis of classroom development, stages, types of class climate and mapping the factors that contribute to create the climate in the class including gender difference. The key attitudes towards the class climate research, the exploratory method which has been used in the practical part also play an important role in the theoretical part. The empirical part focuses on diagnosis of classrooms'climate at selected secondary schools of different focus in the region Klatovy and summarizes the results received by quantitative method through selected standardized questionnaire KLIT. The aim of this part is firstly to compare school climate in the secondary schools of different focus including evaluation of stated hypothesis in the research and secondly interpret the discovered information.

KURČÍKOVÁ, Martina. "Klima třídy na 1. stupni základní školy." Master's thesis, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-55198.

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The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with terms related to its main theme ? the social climate of the classroom. This is especially the concepts of environment lighting, climate, atmosphere, teaching communication and socialization. The thesis focuses on explaining the formation process of class change its stakeholders, especially students and teachers, the possibilities of class climate and provides a brief overview of research results so far analyzed interested professionals. Marginally provides information on the developmental psychology of children younger than school age, school social climate and social climate of the teaching staff. The practical part focuses on research into the social climate in real classrooms. Studies were conducted at third, fourth and fifth classes of three elementary schools in the South region, using a standardized questionnaire "My class inventory?. The content of the practical work is to introduce readers to the used diagnostic method, the interpretation of the award process questionnaires, the completion and analysis of results of research in particular. The research results are presented graphically and accompanied by commentary. Finish their part of the practical conclusions that have been raised prior to the compilation of hypotheses.

MELKOVÁ, Blanka. "Způsoby řešení kázeňských problémů začínajícím učitelem na 1. stupni ZŠ." Master's thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-371688.

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The aim of the diploma thesis is to introduce the way in which beginning teachers perceive and solve disciplinary problems. This work is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the theoretical knowledge that includes the characteristics of the child at primary school level, the personality of the beginning teacher and the teacher in general, discipline, imprisonment, educational problems and the theoretical idea of solving school problems. In the second part, we rely on the results of a mixed research survey, which was carried out through quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research seeks to find out what disciplinary problems are going on exactly where teachers face problems, who or what helps them most, about what types of children have preaching problems, and how teachers address the issue of religion. Qualitative research deals with specific issues and a subjective approach to their solution. The diploma thesis is based on the GAJU institutional project (GAJU 154/2016/S) "Preparing students and fresh graduates of PFU to solve educational problems of pupils."

Svobodová, Martina. "Klima třídy." Master's thesis, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-338549.

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The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the criteria of the school class climate quality, to deal with the role of the primary school teacher as a co-creator of the climate, with the requirements that are laid on the teacher and the required proffesional competences. The thesis also deals with analysis of the conditions that create the school climate from the pupils' point of view - especially the development compliance that originates from the dependence on the class composition. Another aim of the thesis is to describe issue of newly-made casses on the grounds of created relationships between the pupils both during and outside the lessons. The methods of educational survey and educational-psychological diagnosis were used.

Blessing, Simon [Verfasser]. "Adjoint modelling for assimilation and diagnosis on climate timescales / vorgelegt von Simon Blessing." 2008. http://d-nb.info/989406601/34.

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Oumarou, Nikiema. "Diagnostic de la variabilité interne d'un ensemble de simulations du Modèle Régional Canadien du Climat." Mémoire, 2010. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/3392/1/M11456.pdf.

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Les Modèles Régionaux du Climat (MRC) ont longtemps été considérés comme des outils performants, de haute résolution à aire limitée permettant une meilleure compréhension du climat passé, présent et futur. Le plus souvent, les MRC sont pilotés à leurs frontières latérales par des Modèles Globaux du Climat (MGC) de basse résolution, et qui couvrent le reste du globe terrestre. Ces modèles ont la particularité de reproduire différentes solutions de l'état de l'atmosphère à cause de leur sensibilité aux conditions initiales (CI). Outre la solution due aux forçages externes (forçage aux frontières latérales et le forçage de surface), les MRC reproduisent une seconde solution associée à la variabilité interne (VI) du modèle du fait de leur sensibilité aux CI. Cette sensibilité est en grande partie causée par la nature non-linéaire de la physique et la dynamique atmosphériques. À l'instar de précédentes études, nous analysons la variabilité interne du Modèle Régional Canadien du Climat (MRCC) en utilisant un ensemble de simulations aux CI différentes. Ce projet de recherche consiste à effectuer un diagnostic quantitatif des termes dynamique et diabatique qui contribuent à la variation temporelle et la distribution spatiale de la VI. L'originalité de ce travail est qu'il propose des équations bilans de la VI pour deux variables atmosphériques: la température potentielle et le tourbillon relatif. Les deux équations établies présentent des termes similaires, notamment les termes relatifs au transport de la VI par l'écoulement de la moyenne d'ensemble et la covariance des fluctuations agissant sur le gradient de la moyenne d'ensemble de la variable considérée. Concrètement, nous avons utilisé un ensemble de 20 simulations aux CI différentes pour analyser les caractéristiques de la VI, afin de déterminer une période et une région d'intérêt caractérisées par une forte croissance de la VI. Ensuite, nous avons validé les équations établies en montrant l'égalité entre les deux parties de chaque équation. Enfin, une étude de bilan a permis d'évaluer la contribution des différents termes au développement et à l'évolution de la VI. Les résultats révèlent que les termes dominants responsables de l'accroissement de la VI sont soit les termes de covariance impliquant les fluctuations de température potentielle et de chauffage diabatique, ou les termes de covariance de fluctuations inter-membres agissent sur le gradient de la moyenne d'ensemble de la variable considérée. Les résultats révèlent également que les épisodes de fortes diminutions de la VI se produisent lorsque les maxima de la VI sont proches de la frontière nord-est, indiquant leur transport en dehors de la zone d'étude par l'écoulement moyen. Enfin, nos résultats ont montré qu'en moyenne, les termes du troisième ordre sont négligeables, mais peuvent devenir importants lorsque la VI est importante. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Équation de la variabilité interne, modèle régional de climat, ensemble de simulations, climat de l'Amérique du Nord

Ondráčková, Kamila. "Sociální status integrovaného žáka s Aspergerovým syndromem v třídním kolektivu." Master's thesis, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-335040.

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The goal of this diploma thesis is to map the issue of social integration of students with Asperger syndrome into a regular class of elementary school. The theoretical part is based on analysis of publications related to the topic. It deals with the description of the Asperger syndrome diagnosis and its symptoms, the concept of integration, mainly the integration of a student with Asperger syndrome, and the issue of classroom climate and the possibilities of its diagnostics and development. The practical part is based on the theoretical part. In it, the author focuses on the analysis of social status of integrated students with Asperger syndrome. Sociometrical techniques are combined with projective method and both are supplemented with a questionnaire for teachers and qualitative methods, primarily interviews with teachers and observation in class. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Chen, Yong-Jhih, and 陳勇志. "Cloud and Radiative Balance Changes in Response to Inter-Decadal Pacific Oscillation: Global Climate Model Diagnostics and Evaluation." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/wn5zh4.

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The goal of this study is to investigate the cloud responses to Inter-decadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), and estimate how IPO contributes to the observed cloud cover trend. In the past 30 years, the reliability of observational cloud data has been largely improved by satellite measurement. During this period, in addition to the background warming of global mean surface temperature, a phase shift of IPO had also occurred, introducing changes in sea surface temperature, large-scale circulations and clouds. A better understanding of cloud changes associated with IPO may be helpful for understanding the variability of clouds in satellite records. We investigated the IPO-related cloud changes in four global climate models (GCMs) that have the most different global mean cloud feedbacks under global warming. All of the models simulate similar IPO-related cloud changes that are consistent with observations. The contribution of IPO to observed cloud cover trend is estimated, and the magnitude is comparable to the cloud cover trend in observation. When comparing to the global warming related cloud cover trend, there are indications that the IPO and global warming may both contribute to the observed cloud cover trend in a few regions: (1) the reduction of cloud cover in the mid-latitude northwest/southwest Pacific between 30~40⁰N/S, and (2) a positive trend between 5⁰N~20⁰S and a negative trend between 25~40⁰S in the eastern Pacific. In some other regions, such as the northeast Pacific, the IPO and global warming may have the opposite contributions to the observed cloud cover trend. Our results suggest the influence of IPO may be important to the cloud cover trend observed in Pacific.

Lu, Mengqian. "From Diagnosis to Water Management: The role of Atmospheric Dynamics and Climate Variability on Hydrological Extremes." Thesis, 2014. https://doi.org/10.7916/D8T72FRW.

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The recent extreme hydrological extremes over the globe highlight the importance of understanding the role of atmospheric dynamics and climate variability on the occurrence of these extreme events and the associated temporal and spatial characteristics of sequences of the precipitation events. Most of the studies have been focusing on overall average impacts of long-term global climate change on extremes. Majority are driven largely by considering the changes of the moisture holding capacity as a function of temperature, as indicated by the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Given the complex dynamical structure of the atmosphere, one needs to also consider the attendant atmospheric circulation and moisture transport mechanisms that lead to extreme precipitation and subsequent floods as evidenced in the recent major floods. This study first develops insights into the causative climatic factors associated with precipitation induced regional floods events and understand the roles of Atmospheric Rivers (AR) or Tropical Moisture Exports (TME) and atmospheric circulation patterns associated with the frequency and/or persistency of such events in the midlatitudes. The second part explores the spatiotemporal relationship between climate variability and global extreme precipitation occurrence using a graph based approach based upon the concept of reciprocity to investigated the linkages and influences of the slowly changing boundary conditions on the development or propagation of atmospheric circulations, to assess the predictability of global precipitation extremes given the leading modes of identified climate dipole networks. A multi-timescale statistical, climate informed, stochastic streamflow forecast model serves as the bridge linking the first two parts to the application in the third part: application on water resources management by developing a multi-timescale climate informed stochastic hybrid stimulation-optimization model for multi-purpose reservoir systems, which enables the utilization of the streamflow forecast. The novel reservoir operation model attempts to change the game of water resources management from its conservative, rigid rule-following scheme to a robust, market-based, reliable water allocation strategy. Part I. Tropical Moisture Exports, Extreme Precipitation and Major Flood Atmospheric Rivers are being increasingly identified as associated with some extreme floods. More generally, such floods may be associated with tropical moisture exports that exhibit relatively robust teleconnections between moisture source regions and flood regions. First, a large-scale flood event that persisted over Western Europe in January 1995 is studied. During the last ten days of the month, two rare flooding events, associated with heaviest rainfall in 150 years, occurred in two places, one over Brittany (West of France), and the second in the France-Germany border region and parts of neighboring countries. In this study, we explore the month-long evolution of tropical moisture exports (TME) and their connection to the precipitation events that led to the Brittany event. The persistent large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns that led to the birth, death and evolution of these TME as atmospheric rivers with landfalls in Western Europe are identified, and the relationship of daily extreme precipitation to these patterns is examined. Singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis and a generalized linear model (GLM) are used to assess whether knowledge of the atmospheric circulation patterns from the prior record is useful for explaining the occurrence of their rare events. The analysis establishes the importance of both global and regional atmospheric circulation modes for the occurrence of such persistent events and the hydrologic importance of diagnosing global atmospheric moisture pathways. Part II. Seasonal to Interannual Variability of Tropical Moisture Exports, Extremes and ENSO A statistically and physically based framework is put forward that investigates the relationship between Tropical Moisture Exports (TMEs), Extreme Precipitation and Floods. TMEs is the more general phenomena than Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) in terms of (1) facilitates the poleward transport of warm and moist air masses from low latitudes, primarily tropical oceanic areas, to higher latitudes; (2) contributes to the global climatology precipitation and its extremes; (3) closely relates to floods events, especially in the midlatitudes. The TMEs itself has seasonal and interannual variability that is regulated by slowly changing boundary conditions and climate variability, such El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), while the trajectories and movements are presumably led by atmospheric circulations patterns driven by the balance of global energy and water budgets. In this study, we take Northwest US (NE US) to show how the TMEs is related to extreme precipitation and then floods, and the results of the variability of TMEs, coupled with atmospheric circulation patterns, on the extremes. Historical large floods events in NE US in different seasons are studied for their link to the TMEs. Major moisture sources of TMEs that contributes to precipitation, extremes and floods in NE US are identified, together with the sources' seasonally and interannually varying characterizes in terms of both birth and entrance to the NE US, with the consideration of large scale climate regulations and atmospheric circulation patterns. Part III. Correlation Networks for Identifying Predictors for Extended Range Forecasts for Extreme Precipitation Correlation networks identified from financial, genomic, ecological, epidemiological, social and climate data are being used to provide useful topological insights into the structure of high dimensional data. Strong convection over the oceans and the atmospheric moisture transport and flow convergence indicated by atmospheric pressure fields may determine where and when extreme precipitation occurs. Here, the spatiotemporal relationship between climate and extreme global precipitation is explored using a graph based approach that uses the concept of reciprocity to generate cluster pairs of locations with similar spatiotemporal patterns at any time lag. A global time-lagged relationship between pentad sea surface temperatures (SST) anomalies and pentad sea level pressure (SLP) anomalies is investigated to understand the linkages and influence of the slowly changing oceanic boundary conditions on the development of the global atmospheric circulation. We explore the use of this correlation network to predict extreme precipitation globally over the next 30 days, using a Principal Component logistic regression on the strong global dipoles found between SST and SLP. Unprecedented success of the predictive skill under cross validation for 30 days precipitation higher than the 90th percentile is indicated for selected global regions for each wet season considered. Part IV. Applications of Climate Informed Streamflow Forecasts for Water Management Streamflow forecasts at multiple time scales (e.g., season and year ahead) provide a new opportunity for reservoir management to address competing objectives. Market instruments such as forward contracts with specified reliability are considered as a tool that may help address the perceived risk associated with the use of such instruments in lieu of a traditional operation and allocation. A water allocation process that enables multiple contracts with different durations, to facilitate participatory management of the reservoir by users and system operators, is presented here. Since these contracts are based on a verifiable reliability they may in turn be insurable. A Multi-timescale climate informed Stochastic Hybrid Simulation - Optimization Model (McISH) is developed, featuring (1) dynamic flood control storage allocation at a specified risk level; (2) multiple duration energy/water contracts with user specified reliability and prices; and (3) contract sizing and updating to reflect changes in both demands and supplies. The model incorporates multi-timescale (annual and seasonal) streamflow forecasts, and addresses uncertainties across both timescales. The intended use is as part of an interaction between users and water operators to arrive at a set of short-term and long term contracts through disclosure of demand or needs and the value placed on reliability and contract duration. An application is considered using data for the Bhakra Dam, India. The issues of forecast skill and contract performance given a set of parameters are examined to illustrate the approach. Prospects for the application in a general setting are discussed.

Lim, Young-Kwon Kim Kwang-Yul. "Diagnosis of the Asian summer monsoon variability and the climate prediction of monsoon precipitation via physical decomposition." 2004. http://etd.lib.fsu.edu/theses/available/etd-06282004-155058.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Florida State University, 2004.
Advisor: Dr. Kwang-Yul Kim, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Meteorology. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed Sept. 24, 2004). Includes bibliographical references.

Trnková, Miluše. "Osobnostní a sociální výchova a její vliv na klima třídy." Master's thesis, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-353964.

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The topic of my Diplome Thesis is Personal Education and its influence on the class climate at Primary School. In the theoretical part i describe the class climate, its participants, types, approaches and methods of its research. Thereafter, I explore how to optimize class climate. In the second part I describe the Personal and Social Edusation. I analyse the benefits of this croos- curricular topic, I split its contents on the topics and in conclusion, I analyse methodology principles and scheme of work with the aktivity of the Personal and Social Education. In the practical part I do the initial diagnosis of the climate in my class. It builds long- term interventions implemented activities of the Personal and Social Education, which is topped off with the final diagnosis. The comparison of both of the diagnostics, where it is showed a very positive shift, it illustrates the influence of Personal and Social Education in the class climate. Key words Primary school, class climate, diagnostics, Personal and Social Education, method, teacher action research

"Diagnostico de clima organizacional del departamento de conservación de la Universidad de las Américas, Puebla." Tesis, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, 2004. http://catarina.udlap.mx/u_dl_a/tales/documentos/lad/ortiz_m_a/.

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Selešiová, Hana. "Případová studie problémového soužití a šikany v 7. ročníku ZŠ Waldorfské." Master's thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-372564.

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The theoretical frame of the dissertation is, with regard to the topic of the study, aimed at the structure, dimension and socialization of student's personality, conception of behavioral patterns at school as well as group dynamics. The current development phase of students in the 7th grade is dealt with in the chapters concerning the processes in adolescence and educational problems. The dissertation describes in detail characteristics of both the agressor as well as the victim of bullying, causes of agresivity and anxiety. The theoretical part of the dissertation is concluded by rich sources of how to prevent and cure groups who have to face problematic behaviour or bullying. The practical part of the disserta- tion has a form of case study, with the help of analysis, comparison of ethopedic and special educational and educational diagnostics.Data have been gathered concerning the disruption and dynamics of social contacts among 7th grade students of waldorf school. Cohesion and climate in the class are dealt with here. The results of this study offer the basis for a realization of a preventive programme. KEYWORDS character, empathy, discipline, socialization, group dynamics, climate in the class, bullying, agressor, victim, diagnostics, prevention

Rosero, Ramirez Enrique Xavier. "Evaluating enhanced hydrological representations in Noah LSM over transition zones : an ensemble-based approach to model diagnostics." 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/7681.

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This work introduces diagnostic methods for land surface model (LSM) evaluation that enable developers to identify structural shortcomings in model parameterizations by evaluating model 'signatures' (characteristic temporal and spatial patterns of behavior) in feature, cost-function, and parameter spaces. The ensemble-based methods allow researchers to draw conclusions about hypotheses and model realism that are independent of parameter choice. I compare the performance and physical realism of three versions of Noah LSM (a benchmark standard version [STD], a dynamic-vegetation enhanced version [DV], and a groundwater-enabled one [GW]) in simulating high-frequency near-surface states and land-to-atmosphere fluxes in-situ and over a catchment at high-resolution in the U.S. Southern Great Plains, a transition zone between humid and arid climates. Only at more humid sites do the more conceptually realistic, hydrologically enhanced LSMs (DV and GW) ameliorate biases in the estimation of root-zone moisture change and evaporative fraction. Although the improved simulations support the hypothesis that groundwater and vegetation processes shape fluxes in transition zones, further assessment of the timing and partitioning of the energy and water cycles indicates improvements to the movement of water within the soil column are needed. Distributed STD and GW underestimate the contribution of baseflow and simulate too-flashy streamflow. This work challenges common practices and assumptions in LSM development and offers researchers more stringent model evaluation methods. I show that, because of equifinality, ad-hoc evaluation using single parameter sets provides insufficient information for choosing among competing parameterizations, for addressing hypotheses under uncertainty, or for guiding model development. Posterior distributions of physically meaningful parameters differ between models and sites, and relationships between parameters themselves change. 'Plug and play' of modules and partial calibration likely introduce error and should be re-examined. Even though LSMs are 'physically based,' model parameters are effective and scale-, site- and model-dependent. Parameters are not functions of soil or vegetation type alone: they likely depend in part on climate and cannot be assumed to be transferable between sites with similar physical characteristics. By helping bridge the gap between the model identification and model development, this research contributes to the continued improvement of our understanding and modeling of environmental processes.

KOTĚŠOVSKÁ, Hana. "Diagnostika vybraných didaktických pojmů u studentů učitelství a učitelů 1. stupně ZŠ." Master's thesis, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-173001.

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This diploma work raises the issues of preconcepts for didactics of students of teaching, deals with the perception of those concepts by primary school teachers, and subsequently with their diagnosis. The aim of this work is to find out to what extent the perception of some chosen didactic concepts are connected comparing students of pedagogical faculty and experienced primary school teachers. The theoretical part aims to define the concepts involved in the research and concerns with constructivists didactics. In the practical part the data relating to preconcepts were found and processed by method of semantic differential.

Almeida, Paulo Alexandre Macedo de. "Diagnóstico e mudança de clima organizacional, em uma amostra de executivos que passaram por um programa de coaching executivo, aplicando a metodologia 360º." Master's thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/3508.

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O seguinte estudo tem por objetivo geral determinar a percepção com relação ao desenvolvimento de Competências Interpessoais, para fim de diagnóstico e mudança de clima organizacional, em uma amostra de executivos que passaram por um programa de coaching executivo, aplicando a metodologia 360º. Para atingir este objetivo foi proposta uma pesquisa de tipo descritivo, usando um desenho não-experimentaltranseccional. A população de estudo foi composta por executivos do setor de engenharia de termoelétricas pertencentes a uma concessionária de serviços públicos brasileira que participaram de um programa de coaching executivo e que cumpriram com os seguintes requisitos: que houvesse decorrido um período de tempo mínimo de seis (6) meses desde o término do programa de coaching executivo, que fossem residentes no território nacional e, que, além disso, possuíssem uma equipe de trabalho que permitisse avaliá-los através de uma metodologia 360º, portanto deviam ter: um (1) supervisor imediato, três (3) colegas e três (3) supervisionados. A amostra foi selecionada através de uma amostragem intencional. A variável de estudo é a percepção do desenvolvimento de Competências Interpessoais dos executivos que passaram por um programa de coaching executivo, que foi medida através de um questionário ad hoc, composto por dezoito (18) itens baseados em perguntas fechadas. Foi utilizada uma escala Likert de resposta do um (1) ao quatro (4), onde, um (1) representava “nunca”, dois (2) “raramente”, três (3) “freqüentemente” e quatro (4) “sempre”, mais cinco perguntas abertas (apenas para os executivos do coaching). Os dados obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente através de uma análise descritiva, da qual foi possível evidenciar que os diferentes atores envolvidos em uma metodologia 360º coincidem em que o grupo total de competências, que encerra a dimensão Competências Interpessoais, está presente “com freqüência” na atuação profissional cotidiana dos executivos coachees. Estes, por sua vez, se auto-percebem com uma pontuação mais alta que a percepção que sua equipe de trabalho tem deles.
The following study aims to determine the general perception with regard to the development of interpersonal skills, for purposes of diagnosis and change of organizational climate in a sample of executives who have gone through an executive coaching program, applying the methodology 360. To achieve this goal we proposed a descriptive survey, using a non-experimental design-transeccional. The study population was composed of thermoelectric industry executives belonging to a Brazilian utility company who participated in an executive coaching program and who met the following requirements: that there was a period of time elapsed at least six (6 ) months from the end of the coaching program executive, who were resident in the country and who also possessed a team that allowed to evaluate them using a method 360, therefore should have: one (1) immediate supervisor, three (3) colleagues and three (3) supervised staff. The sample was selected through a purposeful sampling. The outcome measure is the perception of the development of interpersonal skills of executives who have had an executive coaching program, which was measured by an ad hoc questionnaire, composed of eighteen (18) items based on closed questions. It was used a Likert scale response of one (1) to four (4), where one (1) represented "never", two (2) "rarely", three (3) "often" and four (4) "always", another five open questions (only for executives coaching). The data were statistically analyzed using a descriptive analysis, which could show that the different actors involved in a method 360 º agree that the total pool of skills, is present "often" in the performance coachees everyday professional executives. These, in turn, perceive themselves with a score higher than the perception that their staff have them.

ŽIŽKOVÁ, Iveta. "Diagnostika vybraných didaktických pojmů v sémantickém prostoru studentů učitelství pro 1. stupeň ZŠ." Master's thesis, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-136585.

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This diploma work raises the issues and subsequently the diagnostics selected didactis koncept of Students Primary School Teachers. The aim of this work was to find out to what extent the perception of some chosen didactic concepts are related comparing students of pedagogical faculty and primary school teachers. The theoretical part aims to the technical definition of the semantic differential research method and defines of the concepts. In the practical part the data relating to conception didactic concepts were found and processed by method of semantic differential.

Gerber, Frans Jacobus. "Invloed van organisasieklimaat op werkmotivering." Diss., 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/2188.

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Text in Afrikaans
Hierdie navorsing het ten doel om die verband tussen organisasieklimaat en werksmotivering te bepaaL Organisasieklimaat is met die Organisasiediagnosevraelys (ODV) gemeet en werksmolivering is met die Verwagtingsmotiveringsvraelys (VMV) gemeet, 'n skaal wat gefundeer is in die teoretiese model van Edward E Lawler, III, en deur die navorser aangepas is vir die steekproef en deur faktorontleding valideer is. Die interalcsie deur biografiese en organisatoriese veranderlikes (ras, geslag, hierargiese posvlak, werkspan, ouderdom en diensjare) is dear ontleding van variansie en korrelasieontleding ondersoek. AI die korrelasies tussen die hoofdimensies van organisasieklimaat en werksmotivering, met die uitsondering van valensie, ondersteun die navorsingshipoteses met totale organisasieklimaat en totale werlcsmotivering (volgens die Lawler-formule) se korrelasie gelyk aan 0,549 teen die 0,01 peil. Deur stapsgewyse regressie-ontleding is twee dimensies van organisasieklimaat, naamlik taakeienskappe asook bestuur en leierskap, gebruik om totale werksmotivering volgens Lawler se formule te voorspel. Ongeveer 30% van die variansie van werksmotivering is hierdeur voorspel.
The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between organisational climate and work motivation. Organisational climate was measured by the Organisational Diagnostic Questionnaire (ODQ), and work motivation was measured by the Expectancy Motivation Questionnaire (EMQ), a scale based on the model of Edward E. Lawler, III, and validated by means of factor analysis for the population. The interaction of the biographical and organisational variables on the main variables was studied by means of ANOVA as well as correlations. The correlation between total organisational climate and total work motivation (calculated according to the Lawler formula) was 0,549 at the 0,01 level, thus supporting the research hypothesis. By following the stepwise regression analytical procedures, the two dimensions of organisational climate (task characteristics and manager/leadership) used to forecast work motivation (as calculated by the Lawler formula), explained 30% of the variance of work motivation.
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Vacková, Veronika. "Klima školní třídy." Master's thesis, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-331957.

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Master's thesis "the climate of the school class" is divided into two parts - theoretical and empirical. Theoretical part deals with subject matter definition of school climate and subsequent analysis and characteristics of related areas. This is mainly an analysis of social class and school climate, mapping factors that contribute to the climate change. Conduction of the mechanisms involved in the formation of school climate closer to analysing in particular iterms of the actors, teachers and pupils. Furthermore, in this part of the work I explore the definition and description of approaches for investigating social climate with a brief analysis of the specific diagnostic methods. Part of the work is also a framework defining the results of current research activities of domestic and foreign research in the above mentioned area. Empirical part focuses on diagnosis of classrooms'climate at selected high schools in the region. Research is focused on mapping the climate changes with an emphasis on quantitative study through selected diagnostical methods. The aim of this part is to find out how the climate of the class differs at secondary technical schools and secondary vocational schools. Conclusion of the theoretical part is dedicated to the importance of the class climate, together with the...

Svobodová, Ilona. "Vliv sociálního klimatu ve třídě na kvalitu integrace žáka s handicapem." Master's thesis, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-313218.

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AND KEYWORDS This diploma thesis deals with the impact of school climate that has a strong effect on the success in integration of handicapped pupil into the mainstream school. In this respect main terms which are related to "school climate" and "integration" are defined. Work more specifically focuses on individual types of handicaps, analyses principles of various handicaps and specific educational requirements needed for social relations. It furthers deals with the subjectivity of success in integration. Presented diploma thesis further concentrates on the social status of the handicapped pupil among his schoolmates, his social interactions and the role of the teacher as the main factor in the problem of integration. Empirical survey is oriented in a narrative way; the key method used is narrative dialogue, as it is able to recognise autobiographical experience of respondents. Each narrative dialogue is interpreted and completed by narrative reconstruction of core narration. Keywords: - school climate - integration and inclusion - pupil with specific educational requirements - handicap, disablement - success in school integration - family - school - teacher - chicane - relations among schoolmates - diagnosis of school climate - narrative attitude - narrative dialogue

Pienaar, Emily. "Relasieterapieteorie : 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige teorie vir diagnose en terapie." Thesis, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/15773.

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Summaries in Afrikaans and Engish
There is at present a lack of consensus in the Educational Psychological domain to a universal point of departure of a uniform approach for Educational Psychologists. Educational Psychologists have become increasingly aware that the therapy and theories that they use for diagnoses and therapy are not based on educational theories. They frequently fall back on existing psychological schools of thought with the result that very few of the educational theories feature there in. The purpose of this dissertation is therefore: • To devise an accountable educational psychological theory which will lead to the integrating of psychological and educational insights. • To devise diagnostic and research models to create an accountable design in practice. • To utilize the essence of educational psychology educational psychologists for diagnoses and therapy.
Daar bestaan tans in die Opvoedkundige Sielkundige vakgebied 'n gebrek aan konsensus ten opsigte van 'n gemeenskaplike vertrekpunt vir 'n eenheidsbenadering vir opvoedkundige sielkundiges. Opvoedkundige sielkundiges het toenemend daarvan bewus geword dat die terapie en teoriee wat hulle gebruik vir diagnose en terapie nie gebaseer is op opvoedkundige teoriee nie, maar gewoonlik terugval op bestaande sielkundige skole en denkrigtings met die gevolg dat baie min van die opvoedkundige teoriee daarin voorkom. Die doel van die proefskrif is gevolglik om: • 'n Verantwoordbare opvoedkundige sielkundige teorie: "Die Relasieterapieteorie" daar te stel wat sal lei tot die integrering van sielkundige- en opvoedkundige insigte. • Diagnoserings- en navorsingsmodelle daar te stel ten einde 'n verantwoordbare praktykontwerp te skep. • Die Relasieterapieteorie in praktyk te veroperasionaliseer om die opvoedkundige sielkundige essensies in die praktyk in te dra en aan opvoedkundige sielkundiges 'n gemeenskaplike vertrekpunt te gee vir diagnose en terapie.
Psychology of Education
D.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

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