Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Community policing – South Africa – Tembisa'

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Scharnick, Colleen Ann. "A sustainable governance model for metropolitan policing in South Africa." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/49413.

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Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Having just celebrated ten years of democratic rule, South Africa, as a young democracy, is an emerging country in the international world. It is also emerging, from a history of police brutality in apartheid South Africa, towards embracing human rights, accountability, police-community relations and a people-orientated approach to safety issues. It is this young democratic country that is paving the way for metropolitan policing on the African continent, by setting the example in South Africa. Metropolitan/ Municipal police has found its legislative mandate through the South African Police Amendment Act (Act No. 83 of 1995). It provides an opportunity to enable positioning of local government policing in a manner that will ensure that ‘quality of life’ for all is achieved through effective, efficient and sustainable policing. This study aims to give essence to a governance model as a strategy for sustainable metropolitan policing. The research provided for the following concepts of sustainable governance as a basis or foundation to build metropolitan policing: • Institutional/ Managerial/Leadership/Sustainability; • Political Sustainability; • Representivity; • Development and Growth; • Equitable Allocation and Distribution Resources; • People-centred Approaches; • Democratic Rights; • Professionalism and Ethics; • Financial sustainability; • Effective and Efficient Processes; • Co-ordination and Integration; • Sustainable decision making; • Sustainable results The framework for sustainable governance in Metropolitan Policing is broad and key aspects that influence the main objective of this research, namely co-ordination and integration have been included, for the purpose of this study. The study provides opportunity for deep reflection on how future policing at local government level in this country is structured, shaped and managed. The international basis of the study provides lessons conceptualised within a ‘learning organisation’ context. Metropolitan police services can enrich their organisation through learning from their international counterparts and sister organisations, inclusive of the South African Police Service (SAPS). It is also the relationship with the SAPS that will be the most challenging for the metropolitan police service. A key element that shapes the interaction between the Metropolitan Police organisations and the South African Police Services is based on sharing of policing power and distribution of resources. A sustainable relationship between the SAPS and metropolitan police services is important. It directly impacts on how policing is executed. It also requires consideration when co-ordination and integration processes in metropolitan police organisations are considered. The study aims to prove the importance and necessity of integration and co-ordination; however, it also emphasises the relevance of proper systems, processes and structures within an environment prior to embracing co-ordination and integration initiatives. It binds the concept of co-ordination and integration into all facets of organisational life, arguing the basis for technological assistance to consolidate such transformation. The study brings metropolitan policing into a transit from a ‘local government traffic organisation linked to council policies’ to a modern-day police organisation that embraces the complexities within which such organisations exist, both externally and internally, finding sustainable solutions and strategies for service delivery that fits our young democratic heritage of a single decade. The challenge to shape metropolitan policing to be different from the historic apartheidstyle municipal police force will eventually be a task for leadership of the metropolitan police organisation (across all levels) in its responses to society in terms of service delivery outcomes, which will be determined by how the organisation has shaped its future (vision), what it presents to society in terms of service delivery and the measures taken to achieve sustainability. The latter refers, in principle, and for purposes of this study, to good governance and sustainable development, both of which form the cornerstone of effective and efficient policing.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Teen die agtergrond van die onlangse viering van ‘n dekade van demokrasie, staan demokratiese Suid Afrika as ‘n opkomende land op die wêreldhorison. Die land is ook besig on weg te beweeg vanaf ‘n geskende verlede wat gekenmerk was deur polisiebrutaliteit in apartheid-Suid-Afrika na die omhelsing van menseregte, verantwoordelikheid, polisie-gemeenskaps verhoudinge en ‘n mensgeoriënteerde benadering tot veiligheidsaspekte. Dit is hierdie jong demokrasie wat leiding in Afrika neem met die konsep van metropolitaanse polisiëring. Die Metropolitaanse/ Munisipale polisie verkry wettige bestaansreg in die Suid Afrikaanse Polisie Wysigingswet, (Wet Nr 83 van 1995). Dit voorsien die geleentheid om polisiëring deur middel van plaaslike regering tot reg te laat kom op ‘n manier wat verseker dat “lewenskwaliteit” vir almal deur effektiewe , doeltreffende en volhoubare polisiëring verwesenlik kan word. Hierdie studie beoog om ‘n basis te vind vir volhoubare beheer in metropolitaanse polisiering, te wete deur: • Institutionele / bestuur/ leierskap/ volhoubaarheid; • Politieke volhoubaarheid; • Verteenwoordiging; • Ontwikkeling en groei; • Gelyke verspreiding en toekenning van hulpbronne; • Mens-georiënteerde strategieë; • Demokratiese regte; • Professionalisme en etiek; • Finansiële volhoubaarheid; • Effektiewe en doeltreffende prosesse; • Ko-ordinering en integrasie; • Volhoubare besluitneming; • Volhoubare resultate. Die raamwerk vir volhoubare beheer in metropolitaanse polisiëring is wyd. Kernaspekte wat die hoofdoelwit van hierdie ondersoek affekteer, naamlik ko-ordinering en integrering, word vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie ingesluit om die argument te versterk. Die studie bied geleentheid vir nabetraging oor hoe die toekoms van polisiëring op plaaslike regeringsvlak gestruktureer, geposisioneer en bestuur word. Die internasionale grondslag van die studie bied lesse wat binne ‘n ‘lerende organisasie’ beslag gekry het. Metropolitaanse polisie-organisasies kan hul organisasies bemagtig deur van hul internasionale eweknieë en susterorganisasies soos die nasionale Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens. (SAPD) te leer. Dit is ook die verhouding met die SAPD wat die meeste uitdagings meebring. Naas die verhouding met die publiek, blyk dit die belangrikste te wees as gevolg van die polisiëringsmagte en standaarde wat op beide organisasies van toepassing is. Volhoubaarheid in die verhouding tussen die SAPD en die metropolitaanse polisiedienste is belangrik aangesien dit ‘n direkte impak op dienslewering asook integrasie en ko-ordinering kan hê. Hierdie studie beoog om die belangrikheid en noodsaaklikheid van integrasie en koordinering te toon. Dit beklemtoon egter ook die noodsaaklikheid daarvan dat behoorlike stelsels, prosesse en strukture in organisasies geïmplimenteer word voordat koordinering en intergrasie aangepak word. Die studie verbind die konsepte van koordinering en intergrasie met alle ander fasette van ‘n organisatoriese stelsel, met ‘n sterk fokus op die rol van tegnologie ten einde transformasie te bewerkstellig. Die studie beoog om die transformasie van ‘verkeersdienste-organisasies wat met raadsbeleid skakel’ na ‘n metropolitaanse polisiëringsdiens te vergemaklik, ten einde ‘n moderne organisasie daar te stel wat in staat is om kompleksiteit, as ‘n integrale deel van die interne en eksterne omgewing, deur middel van volhoubare strategieë te bestuur en aan die vereistes van dienslewering in ‘n jong demokrasie van tien jaar te voldoen. Die uitdaging om metropolitaanse polisiedienste in ooreenstemming met hedendaagse demokratiese en konstitutionele beleid te vestig, berus op die leierskap (op alle vlakke) in die organisasie. So ook is daar die verantwoordelikheid om te verseker dat metropolitaanse polisiedienste die diensleweringsuitkomstes behaal deur middel van ‘n volhoubare visie, die tipe en gehalte van dienste wat gelewer word en die prosesse/strategieë wat gevolg word ten einde volhoubaarheid te bereik. Laasgenoemde (volhoubaarheid) verwys, vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie, na goeie beheer en volhoubare ontwikkeling, beide deel van die hoeksteen van effektiewe en doeltreffende polisiëring.

Falk, Wollberg Casper. "As a Community We Are Saying No to Gangs: Community Peacebuilding in South Africa." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-21311.

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Dan village in rural South Africa managed to eradicate organised crime by resiliently mobilising the community to patrol the area and collectively take a stance against violence. The purpose of this qualitative instrumental case study is to critically engage the empirical data consisting of interviews and secondary sources to explore the theories of webbing and community policing. Both these theories struggle empirically to identify and cooperate with stakeholders who have the capacity to mobilise the population. To address this problem, the study engages the questions: How did community stakeholders cooperate to address crime? The findings argue that community stakeholders cooperated through a network of formal and informal relations which were centred around community meetings that generated the initiative to mobilise for neighbourhood patrols. Combining the two theories proved to yield analytical benefits when studying the case by overcoming their individual shortcomings.

Brereton, Catherine Margaret. "Mapping Grahamstown's security governance network : prospects and problems for democratic policing." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006323.

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The security of its citizens is often regarded as the democratic state's primary raison d'etre. However, with increasing crime and perceptions of insecurity among citizens, along with actual and perceived state policing inadequacies, citizens around the world have sought to make alternative arrangements for their security. The explosion of private alternatives to state policing has resulted in the need for the replacement of former static definitions of policing by more fluid understandings of what policing entails. Policing is no longer an activity undertaken exclusively by the 'state police.' Policing needs to be understood within a framework which recognises the existence of a variety of state, commercial, community groups and individuals which exist within loose and sometimes informal, sometimes formal, networks to provide for the security of citizens. Preceding the country's transition to democracy in 1994 'state' policing in South Africa was aimed at monitoring and suppressing the black population and as a result it conducted itself in a largely militaristic way. When the government of national unity assumed power in 1994 it was indisputable that the South African Police had to undergo major reform if it was to play an effective, co-operative and accountable role in a democratic South Africa. While state policing has unquestionably undergone enormous changes since the advent of democracy in 1994, so too has non-state policing. It is widely accepted that the dividing line between state and non-state policing in South Africa is increasingly blurred. Policing, by its very nature, holds the potential to threaten democracy. Consequently it is important that policing is democratically controlled. According to the Law Commission of Canada four values and principles - justice, equality, accountability, and efficiency - should support policing in a democracy. This thesis is a case study of policing in Grahamstown, a small city in South Africa's Eastern Cape province. It will be shown that the policing problem that currently plagues Grahamstown, and by extension South Africa, is not simply the result of a shortage of providers but rather a problem of co-coordinating and monitoring security governance to ensure that the city does not further develop into a society where the wealthy have greater access to security than the poor.

Persson, Magnus. "Building trust : The contradiction between security and democracy in post Apartheid South Africa." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för socialt arbete, SA, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-17110.

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Abstract Title: Building Trust: The contradiction between security and democracy in post apartheid South Africa Author: Magnus Persson Supervisor: Svante Lundberg This paper aims to investigate the contradiction between security and democracy in post-apartheid South African policing, and was executed on the field together with the South African Police Service (SAPS). The theoretical point of departure is that trust between people, in relation to the institutions of society, is fundamental to democratic development. This in combination with previous research on police reform, police academy socialization, community policing and militarization has lead to the conclusion that a remilitarization process is under way and that a militaristic approach to policing is likely to be counterproductive in terms of achieving democratic development. The study has been executed on a South African police academy as well as at two different police stations with the combined methods of participatory observation and interviews.

Malatji, Madintshi Modjadji. "An evaluation of the effectiveness of community policing forums in the Makhwibidung Village under Greater Tzaneen Municipality in Limpopo." University of Limpopo, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/1813.

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Thesis (M. A. (Criminology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016
Community Policing Forum is a forum established in terms of section 19(1) of the SAPS Act 68 of 1995 aimed at ensuring police accountability, transparency and effectiveness in the community. It was aimed at bridging the gap between the police and the community at large and builds a harmonious relationship between them. This study was aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of Community Policing Forums (CPF) in reducing crime in Makhwibidung village. Using structured and non-structured questionnaires, a total of 40 participants consisting of three groups, namely SAPS, CPF committee and residents, were conveniently selected to provide their knowledge of CPF in the above mentioned village. The findings revealed, by majority (82.50%) of respondents, identified lack of resources as the main challenge against the functioning of CPF, whilst 55% of 40 respondents pointed out poor relationship between the police and the community among other things. These challenges may therefore lead to the downfall of CPF, and thus showing that CPF still needs full support not only from the residents but from the provincial and national government. However, beside the challenges, the community and the police still manage to work jointly to fight against crime in their area as it is mandated by the Interim Constitution of 1993 that CPF must be established in each and every police station so that together they can fight crime. KEYWORDS: Policing. Effectiveness. Crime Prevention. Community Policing Forum. Community

Retief, Rita Theresa. "Police officers' experiences of policing domestic violence in the Western Cape Province." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/85678.

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Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Domestic violence is one of the most prevalent forms of violence that police officials encounter on a daily basis. The effects of domestic violence are far-reaching and long-lasting. Globally, the police function as “gatekeepers” in terms of domestic violence victims’ access to the criminal justice system. Intervening in domestic violence has become a controversial process, as domestic violence is a very complex issue, which has been compounded by misunderstandings, stereotyping and myths. Since 1998, police officials in the South African Police Service (SAPS) are expected to promote redress and prevent crimes against women and children through multifaceted approaches, including the building of trust between police officials and citizens. Research reports indicate that victims of domestic violence are hesitant to approach SAPS for assistance, for various reasons. Police officers’ personal experiences of policing domestic violence are however largely unexplored. Consequently, the goal of this research was to gain insight into the experiences and perceptions of frontline police officials, who have to provide maximum protection to victims of domestic abuse in terms of the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998. To achieve the goal and objectives of the study, a combination approach was followed, in which the qualitative research approach dominated and the quantitative approach was applied to a lesser degree. An exploratory study guided by a literature review and a phenomenological approach was conducted at seven (7) police stations in the Western Cape Province. Twenty-eight (28) frontline police officials’ subjective experiences and perceptions of their policing of domestic violence were determined through in-depth interviews based on a questionnaire. Data were analysed by means of thematic analysis, and presented as narratives focusing on four major themes relating to the phenomenon under investigation. The conclusions drawn from the study indicated that the pervasive police culture, lack of insight by some police officials, and their continuous adherence to an outdated concept of domestic violence contribute to the weakening implementation of current domestic violence legislation, leaving police officials frustrated, hopeless and powerless to effect real change. The overall finding of the study is that, in practice, little has changed because of inconsistencies in the actions of the police and society as a whole in rejecting and condemning the brutalisation and intimidation of women and children. What is most unfortunate, however, is that SAPS has yet to accord the same weight to domestic violence in practice as it does to other violent crimes. In order for law enforcement to be effective, law reforms need to be accompanied by fundamental changes in attitudes, values and behaviours on the part of SAPS and all relevant role players, including the communities SAPS serves. The study concludes with recommendations on how to improve police officials’ ability to provide maximum protection to victims of domestic violence, as well as to provide programme developers and policy makers in SAPS with information on which to base policy decisions regarding training interventions and national instructions aimed at the policing of domestic violence.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huishoudelike geweld is een van die algemeenste vorme van geweld wat polisiebeamptes daagliks teëkom. Die gevolge van huishoudelike geweld is verreikend en langdurig. Wêreldwyd dien die polisie as “hekwagters” wat slagoffers van huishoudelike geweld se toegang tot die strafregstelsel betref. Ingryping in huishoudelike geweld is deesdae ’n omstrede proses, want huishoudelike geweld is ’n uiters komplekse saak wat deur misverstande, stereotipering en mites vererger word. Sedert 1998 word daar van polisiebeamptes in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) verwag om deur middel van meervlakkige benaderings, onder meer die opbou van vertroue tussen polisiebeamptes en burgers, herstel te bevorder en misdaad teen vroue en kinders te voorkom. Navorsingsverslae toon dat die slagoffers van huishoudelike geweld om verskeie redes huiwerig is om die SAPD om hulp te nader. Tog is navorsing oor polisiebeamptes se persoonlike ervarings van die polisiëring van huishoudelike geweld baie skaars. Hierdie navorsing was dus daarop toegespits om insig te bekom in die ervarings en opvattings van frontlinie-polisiebeamptes, wat ingevolge die Wet op Huishoudelike Geweld 116 van 1998 maksimum beskerming aan slagoffers van huishoudelike geweld moet bied. Om die doel en oogmerke van die studie te bereik, is ’n kombinasie benadering gevolg waarin die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering hoofsaaklik, en die kwantitatiewe benadering in ’n mindere mate, toegepas is. ’n Ondersoekende studie is aan die hand van ’n literatuuroorsig en ’n fenomenologiese benadering by sewe (7) polisiestasies in die provinsie Wes-Kaap onderneem. Agten- twintig (28) frontlinie-polisiebeamptes se subjektiewe ervarings van, en opvattings oor, hul polisiëring van huishoudelike geweld is deur middel van diepte-onderhoude op grond van ’n vraelys bepaal. Data is met behulp van tematiese analise ontleed en word aangebied as narratiewe wat oor vier hooftemas met betrekking tot die studieonderwerp handel. Die gevolgtrekkings van die studie doen aan die hand dat die heersende polisiekultuur, sommige polisiebeamptes se gebrek aan insig, en hul voortgesette navolging van ’n verouderde konsep van huishoudelike geweld tot die al hoe swakker toepassing van huidige wetgewing oor huishoudelike geweld lei. Dít laat polisiebeamptes gefrustreerd, moedeloos en magteloos om werklike verandering teweeg te bring. Die algehele bevinding van die studie is dat weinig in die praktyk verander het weens teenstrydigheid in die optrede van die polisie en die samelewing in die geheel om geweld en intimidasie teenoor vroue en kinders te verwerp en te veroordeel. Straks méér betreurenswaardig is dat die SAPD nog nie in die praktyk dieselfde gewig aan huishoudelike geweld as aan ander geweldsmisdade heg nie. Wetstoepassing sal slegs doeltreffend wees indien regshervorming gepaardgaan met grondliggende veranderinge in houdings, waardes en gedrag deur die SAPD en alle tersaaklike rolspelers, met inbegrip van die gemeenskappe wat deur die SAPD bedien word. Die studie sluit af met aanbevelings oor hoe polisiebeamptes beter in staat gestel kan word om maksimum beskerming aan die slagoffers van huishoudelike geweld te bied, en oor die bemagtiging van programontwikkelaars en beleidskrywers in die SAPD met inligting as grondslag vir beleidsbesluite oor opleidingsintervensies en nasionale instruksies rakende die polisiëring van huishoudelike geweld.

Visser, A. J. (Abraham Johannes). "Community policing as a crime prevention strategy for the Cape Town City Police." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/53332.

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Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to establish if community policing is being implemented by the Cape Town City Police and if so, to what extent. The study further aims to establish whether the full implementation of community policing could be expected to have a positive impact on the reduction of crime in Cape Town. To this end, the reader is presented with a brief overview of local government in South Africa, an in-depth discussion of the transformation process which resulted in the current municipal structures, and an introduction to the non-traditional local government function of crime prevention. Local government's increasing involvement in crime prevention and the resulting establishment of municipal police services are discussed and it is argued that crime prevention strategies of municipal police services should build on existing local government efforts and should therefore focus on removing the root causes of crime. Further to the above, a detailed discussion of community policing is embarked upon. This section provides a theoretical account of what community policing entails, as well as a theoretical framework against which the researcher's empirical study with regard to the implementation of community policing by the Cape Town City Police, can be planned, executed and the results thereof be evaluated. It deals with the relevant historical perspectives, presents a workable definition for community policing that will direct the further conduct of the research and provides detailed discussions on each of the elements of community policing. Implementation of this policing method with specific reference to South Africa, the requirements of a community police officer, as well as the relationship between fear, disorder and crime are also dealt with here. The results of the researcher's empirical study are furthermore presented and it is concluded that certain steps have indeed been taken by the Cape Town City Police towards the institutionalisation of community policing and that the full implementation of community policing by this service can be expected to have a significant impact on the prevention of crime in Cape Town. In closing, the reader is presented with practical recommendations which will ensure the effective implementation of community policing by the Cape Town City Police.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is om vas te stel of gemeenskapspolisieëring tans deur die Kaapstad Stadspolisie toegepas word, en indien wel, tot watter mate. Die studie poog verder om vas te stel of dit verwag kan word dat die implementering van gemeenskapspolisieëring 'n positiewe impak op die vermindering van misdaad in Kaapstad sal hê. Om hieraan te voldoen, word die leser voorsien van 'n oorsig van plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika, 'n in-diepte bespreking van die transformasieproses wat gelei het tot die huidige munisipale strukture, asook 'n bekendstelling van die nie-tradisionele plaaslike regeringsfunksie van misdaadvoorkoming. Plaaslike regering se toenemende betrokkenheid by misdaadvoorkoming en die gevolglike vestiging van munisipale polisiedienste word bespreek en dit word aangevoer dat misdaadvoorkomingstrategieë van munisipale polisiedienste behoort te bou op bestaande plaaslike regeringspogings en behoort derhalwe te fokus op die verwydering van die onderliggende oorsake van misdaad. In aansluiting met bogemelde word 'n breedvoerige bespreking van gemeenskapspolisieëring aangebied. Hierdie afdeling voorsien 'n teoretiese oorsig oor wat gemeenskapspolisieëring behels, asook 'n teoretiese raamwerk waarteen die navorser se empiriese studie ten opsigte van die implementering van gemeenskapspolisieëring deur die Kaapstad Stadspolisie, beplan, uitgevoer en die resultate daarvan ge-evalueer kan word. Dit bied 'n oorsig van die relevante historiese perspektiewe, 'n werkbare definisie van gemeenskapspolisieëring wat die verdere navorsing sal rig, asook 'n breedvoerige bespreking van die elemente van gemeenskapspolisieëring. Implementering van hierdie metode van polisieëring met spesifieke verwysing na Suid-Afrika, die vereistes van 'n gemeenskapspolisieëringsbeampte, asook die verwantskap tussen vrees, wanorde en misdaad word ook hier behandel. Die resultate van die navorser se empiriese studie word verder aangebied en die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat sekere stappe wel geneem is deur die Kaapstad Stadspolisie ten opsigte van die instelling van gemeenskapspolisieëring en dat verwag kan word dat die volle implementering van gemeenskapspolisieëring 'n daadwerklike impak op die voorkoming van misdaad in Kaapstad sal hê. Ten slotte word praktiese aanbevelings aangebied wat die effektiewe implementering van gemeenskapspolisieëring deur die Kaapstad Stadspolisie sal verseker.

Visser, Cassandra. "In search of alternative policing : Kylemore Neighbourhood Watch, the protectors of their beloved community." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/2717.

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Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
This thesis explores the notion and practice of community policing as an alternative mechanism. Community policing originated in developed countries, but soon obtained the status of a traveling model as this notion moved across the globe even reaching South Africa

Els, Deon. "An analysis of community-police partnerships: a case study of the Thornhill policing area." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/8617.

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In this case study, an effective community-police partnership in the Thornhill area is described and explored as a function of the successful application of conflict management approaches. The partnership was implemented in a quest to solve the problem of increasing suicides at the Van Stadens Bridge. Indications are that partnership between government agencies and the community have generally failed in democratic South Africa with respect to the education, health and policing sectors. Partnerships between the community and policing system are challenging because the South African Police Service (SAPS) is continuously plagued by incidents of police brutality, police killings and leadership crises.In order to understand the context of the Thornhill community-police partnership and establish if the operation of the partnership is successful, a wide-ranging conflict management approach is taken to evaluate the partnership. The literature review includes the history of conflict in SA, SAPS and Community Policing, leadership in conflict management, theories of social conflict, and suicidology.

Mamosebo, Senamolela Phineas. "A descriptive analysis of the implementation of community policing forums in the Lebowakgomo area." Thesis, University of Limpopo, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/1260.

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Pfigu, Tinashe. "Local responses to a travelling model of crime prevention and crime management : community policing in Stellenbosch, South Africa." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/71604.

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Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The mention of any form of crime in South Africa for the most part invokes fear of both an unknown or known perpetrator who may strike at any time and inflict harm to one’s body and property. Through ethnographic work that generated qualitative data, the study explores, interprets and analyses what community policing is in practice from three selected localities: Die Boord, Kayamandi and Kylemore in the Stellenbosch Municipality of the Western Cape. This is illustrated throughout the thesis by the descriptions and analysis of processes, ideas and performances of community policing from the local level. Therefore, the important issues the thesis brings out centre on how people define and perform community policing and their perceptions of it. In light of the above statements, how people understood community policing and how they created local sensibilities about community policing as a response to crime informs the discussion and analysis in the thesis. In the process, I bring out what informed people’s perceptions of community policing, how people talked about crime or conceived of security. In so doing, the study aims to use local examples to reveal the at times muted and ignored responses to not only community policing, but also to broader issues around crime prevention and crime management policy and practice. Moreover, the thesis illustrates the numerous ways in which local experiences and constructions of crime shape the practice of community policing. Through the use of ethnography, the study analyses the notion of security in terms of local perspectives, local history and local security needs. The study further explores the relevance of the ‘racialised’ and class experiences of crime and security, as well as social divisions of age and gender in order to understand the differences in perceptions and reactions to community policing at the local level. The notions of the ‘travelling model’ and ‘translation’ provide theoretical constructs to examine how community policing is conceived of in policy at the national and provincial levels in South Africa and the links with the constant changes in the international discourse of crime prevention and crime management. The thesis concludes by illuminating the complexities involved in reforms to crime prevention and crime management in South Africa in response to changing patterns of crime and to criminals who have become ever bolder in their endeavours. In the process, the thesis offers a critique of and sheds light on, to what extent the realities of crime and its related problems in South Africa inform the re-reading of community policing and broader issues around crime prevention and crime management.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die noem van enige vorm van misdaad in Suid-Afrika roep ’n vrees van beide ’n onbekende of bekende oortreder op wat op enige oomblik kan toeslaan en skade aan ’n mens se liggaam en eiendom kan aanrig. Deur die gebruik van etnografiese werk wat kwalitatiewe data opgelewer het, verken, interpreter en analiseer hierdie studie die praktyk van gemeenskapspolisiëring in drie geselekteerde woonbuurte: Die Boord, Kayamandi en Kylemore in die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit van die Wes-Kaap. Dit word in die proefskrif geïllustreer deur die beskrywings en analise van prosesse, idees en opvoerings van gemeenskapspolisiëring op die plaaslike vlak. Die belangrike kwessies wat die proefskrif dus na vore bring, sentreer rondom mense se definisies van gemeenskapspolisiëring, hoe hulle dit opvoer en hul persepsies daarvan. Die bespreking en analise in die tesis word, in die lig van die bogenoemde stellings, ingelig deur hoe mense gemeenskapspolisiëring verstaan en hoe hulle plaaslike denkbeelde oor gemeenskapspolisiëring as ’n antwoord op misdaad geskep het. Ek bring in hierdie proses na vore wat mense se persepsies van gemeenskapspolisiëring ingelig het, sowel as die manier waarop mense oor misdaad gepraat het of oor sekuriteit gedink het. Die studie probeer om op hierdie wyse plaaslike voorbeelde te gebruik om die somtyds onderdrukte en geïgnoreerde reaksies, nie slegs op gemeenskapspolisiëring nie, maar ook op wyer kwessies rondom misdaadvoorkoming en misdaadbestuur, in beleid en praktyk, te onthul. Die tesis illustreer verder die verskeie maniere waarop plaaslike ervarings en konstruksies van misdaad die praktyk van gemeenskapspolisiëring vorm. Deur die gebruik van etnografie analiseer die studie die begrip sekuriteit in terme van plaaslike perspektiewe, plaaslike geskiedenis en plaaslike sekuriteitsbehoeftes. Die studie verken verder die relevansie van ’rasiale’ en klaservarings van misdaad en sekuriteit, sowel as sosiale verdelings van ouderdom en geslag om sodoende die verskille in persepsies en reaksies op gemeenskapspolisiëring op die plaaslike vlak te verstaan. Die opvattings rondom die ‘reisende model’ en ’vertaling’ bied teoretiese konstrukte om ondersoek in te stel na hoe gemeenskapspolisiëring in beleid op nasionale en provinsiale vlakke in Suid-Afrika verstaan word en die skakels met konstante veranderings in die internasionale diskoers oor misdaadvoorkoming en misdaadbestuur. Die tesis sluit af deur die kompleksiteite wat by misdaadvoorkoming en misdaadbestuur in Suid-Afrika betrokke is, te belig, in antwoord op veranderende patrone van misdaad en op misdadigers wat steeds meer vrypostig geword het. In die proses bied die tesis ’n kritiese blik op en belig dit die mate waartoe die realiteite van misdaad en verwante probleme in Suid-Afrika die herlees van gemeenskapspolisiëring, sowel as wyer kwessies rondom misdaadvoorkoming en misdaadbestuur, inlig.

Bardien, Zubaida. "Developing a model to improve service delivery regarding the monitoring of policing conduct." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/2327.

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Thesis (MPA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a new model to improve service delivery regarding the monitoring of policing conduct. A comparative study of international civilian oversight bodies dealing with complaints against the police will be conducted to develop and implement an appropriate model to replace the current referral model with an investigative monitoring system to improve processes that ensure that the police remain accountable for their performance and conduct. The research design will both encompass model building and comparative studies. The basis of the theoretical framework of this thesis is service delivery which is the significance of developing a new model for the Policing Complaints Centre. Service delivery is dealt with in terms of the service industry and service processes, its functioning regarding problem solving, finance and accountability, the challenges facing service delivery and the basic principles and values governing public administration and the role and function of the Public Service Commission. The Legislative Framework for Monitoring Policing Conduct is stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996 and the South African Police Service Act, Act 68 of 1995. This includes the policing functions vested in the Provinces and particularly the mandate of the Policing Complaints Centre in terms of the monitoring policing conduct as well as the limitations set on the provinces. Independent Police Complaints Commission of the United Kingdom. These models will be used because both these civilian oversight bodies operate independently from the policing agencies and therefore the credibility and integrity of the complaints model will be upheld. The main objectives of the new model will be to address the issues of the complainants and provide feedback as soon as possible to the complainants so that public confidence and trust in the police and in the complaints system of the Department can be increased. The new model will concentrate on a different method of dealing with complaints in that all complaints will firstly be evaluated to ascertain whether it is an inquiry or if it is a complaint. If is an enquiry it will be referred to the relevant authority and if it is a complaint it must be decided if an investigation will be conducted, or if an intervention in the form of a formal mediation or informal mediation must take place or in the monitoring of an investigation/inquiry. It has been recommended that the new complaints model and the database management system be implemented to ascertain whether this new model is keeping the police accountable for their performance and conduct.

De, Lange Romeo. "An integrated development approach for policing : the case of Operation Good - Hope." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/51602.

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Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was embarked upon to identify an alternative approach to policing. It was an attempt to investigate whether an integrated development approach will be more successful in preventing crime and violence than heterogeneous police task teams and operations. Operation Good - Hope in the Western Cape, a SAPS crime prevention strategy to police the urban terror and related crimes (PAGAD and gang violence), was the focus of the study. Plurality of research methodology was introduced to compile data. The data collected was analysed in relation to the topic and the objective of the study and to the research hypothesis. Based on the data analysis the following are the main research findings: • a working relationship existed between various SAPS components within Operation Good - Hope, but was not properly managed and coordinated; • Operation Good - Hope did not allowed for external collaboration with relevant stakeholders and showed no sense of partnership; • Operation Good - Hope did not police the social crime problems; and • Operation Good - Hope was not shaped by a clear analysis and cohesive strategy. The findings of the study gave rise to the following recommendations: • That a local - based strategy for crime prevention be develop and lead by local government to normalise crime and violence; • That a provincial framework be developed for an integrated development approach to police and stabalise serious violent crimes; • That crime prevention solutions must be based on factors that causes crime; and • A crime prevention strategy be designed and implemented. Finally, the study indicates that provincial crime prevention strategies should be supplementive to local - based crime prevention strategies, to simultaneously stabalise and normalise crime and violence.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is onderneem om 'n alternatiewe benadering tot polisieëring te identifiseer. Dit is ook 'n poging om uit te vind of 'n geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsbenadring meer suksesvol is as hetrogene polisie taakspanne en operasies met die bekamping van misdaad en geweld. Operasie Goeie - Hoop in die Wes - Kaap, 'n SAPD misdaadvoorkoming strategie om stedelike terreur en verwante misdade (PAGAD en bende geweld) te polisieer, was die fokus van die studie. Data was ingesamel deur middel van 'n pluraliteit van navorsingsmetodologie. Die ingesamelde data was geanaliseer in verhouding tot die tema, doelwitte van die studie en met die navorsingshipotese. Gebaseer op die data analise, is die volgende die hoof bevindinge van die studie: • Daar was samewerking tussen verskillende SAPD komponente betrokke by Operasie Goeie - Hoop, maar dit was nie deeglik bestuur en gekoordineer nie; • Operasie Goeie - Hoop het nie voorsiening gemaak vir eksterne samewerking en vennootskap met relevante rolspelers nie; • Operasie Goeie - Hoop het nie die sosiale - misdaad probleme gepolisieër nie; en • Operasie Goeie - Hoop was nie bestuur deur 'n deeglike analise en deur 'n samehangende strategie nie. Die studie het tot die volgende aanbevelings gelei: • Die ontwikkeling van 'n plaaslike - gebaseerde strategie vir misdaadvoorkoming onder leiding van die plaaslike regering om misdaad en geweld te normaliseer; • Die ontwikkeling van 'n provinsiale raamwerk vir 'n geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsbenadering tot polisieëring en om ernstige geweldsmisdade te stabaliseer; • Dat oplossings tot misdaadvoorkoming gebaseer moet wees op faktore wat misdaad veroorsaak; en • Dat 'n misdaadvoorkomingstrategie ontwerp en geïmplimenteer moet word. Ten slotte toon die studie aan dat 'n provinsiale misdaadvoorkomingstrategie ondersteunend moet wees tot 'n plaaslike - gebaseerde misdaadvoorkomingstrategie, om te gelyke tyd misdaad en geweld te stabaliseer en te normaliseer.

Baloyi, Nyiketani Jackson. "An evaluation of the impact of community participation and multi-organisational partnerships on the implementation of sector policing in the rural areas of the Limpopo Province." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/80340.

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Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sector Policing is understood to be a relatively new community-based policing approach that finds its initial mandate in the National Instruction 3 of 2009, of the South African Police Service (SAPS). This said National Instruction states that community participation and partnership policing can be promoted through Sector Policing. The mandate for the implementation of the principle of Sector Policing also flows from section 205 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The significant part of this study is that it provoked an interest in Sector Policing, both within the SAPS and the community; and it attracted a large number of participants. The IAP2 Public Participation Model regarding community participation as discussed by Theron, Ceaser and Davids (2007:8), adapted from the International Association for Public Participation (2007) can play an important role in the implementation of Sector Policing. Sector Policing has been found to fail where there is no community participation or multi-organisational partnerships. The study focused on the Limpopo Province in order to encourage the effective implementation of Sector Policing in rural areas. The study targeted twelve (12) stations out of ninety five (95) police stations found in all the five (5) districts of the Limpopo Province in order to cover a wider policing spectrum, and ensure a representative sample. The study has found that Sector Policing could be better implemented if the project management approach can be adopted in order to carry out work in terms of timeframes, and ensure monitoring as demonstrated in Chapter 5 (Figure 5.2). The study recommended the introduction of implementation teams to oversee the implementation of Sector Policing at provincial, cluster and station levels. A quarterly multi-organisational forum has been proposed to ensure sustainable community participation. Community participation in policing is entrenched in sections 18 to 23 of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act 68 of 1995), the White Paper on Safety and Security (1998) and the National Crime Prevention Strategy (1996). The most recent community participation model, especially category C (levels 7-9), which is positioned to empower the community as “the influencer, director, controller and owner” of both decision-making processes is also recommended as a vehicle for effective community participation in Sector Policing (Gwala Participation Model). Monitoring, evaluation and feedback have been identified as effective tools to ensure the effective implementation of Sector Policing, which is currently lacking.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sektorpolisiëring blyk ‘n relatief nuwe gemeenskapsgebaseerde polisiebenadering te wees wat sy aanvanklike mandaat in Nasionale Instruksie 3 van 2009 van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) vind. Die vermelde nasionale instruksie stel dit duidelik dat gemeenskapsdeelname en vennootskapspolisiëring deur Sektorpolisiëring bevorder kan word. Die mandaat vir die implementering van die beginsel van Sektorpolisiëring spruit ook uit onderafdeling 205 (3) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (1996). Die beduidende deel van hierdie studie is dat dit belangstelling in Sektorpolisiëring ontlok het, beide binne die SAPD en die gemeenskap, en dit het ook ‘n groot aantal deelnemers gelok. Die IAP2 openbare deelnamemodel met betrekking tot gemeenskapsdeelname, soos bespreek deur Theron, Ceaser en Davids (2007:8), wat van die Internasionale Vereniging rakende Openbare Deelname (2006) aangepas is, kan ‘n belangrike rol vertolk in die implementering van Sektorpolisiëring. Daar is bevind dat Sektorpolisiëring ‘n mislukking blyk te wees wanneer gemeenskapsdeelname of multi-organisatoriese vennootskappe afwesig is. Die studie is gerig op die Limpopo Provinsie ten einde die doeltreffende implementering van Sektorpolisiëring in plattelandse gebiede aan te moedig. Die studie het gesentreer op twaalf (12) polisiestasies uit die vyf en negentig (95) wat in die vyf (5) distrikte van die Limpopo Provinsie bestaan ten einde ‘n breër polisiëringspektrum te dek en om ‘n verteenwoordigende monster te verseker. Die studie het bevind dat Sektorpolisiëring beter geïmplementeer sou kon word indien die projekbestuurbenadering toegepas word, so dat werk in terme van tydsraamwerke uitgevoer kan word, en monitering te kan verseker soos in Hoofstuk 5 (Figuur 5.2) gedemonstreer is. Die studie het die aanbeveling gedoen dat implementeringspanne ingestel word om toesig te hou oor die implementering van Sektorpolisiëring op provinsiale, groep- en stasievlak. ‘n Kwartaallikse multi-organisatoriese forum is voorgestel om volhoubare gemeenskapsdeelname te verseker. Gemeenskapsdeelname in polisiëring is verskans in onderafdelings 18 tot 23 van die Suid Afrikaanse Polisiedienswet, 1995 (Wet 68 van 1995), die Witskrif oor Veiligheid en Sekuriteit (1998) en die Nasionale Misdaadvoorkomingstrategie (1996). Die mees onlangse gemeenskapsdeelnamemodel, veral kategorie C (vlakke 7-9 ) wat geposisioneer is om die gemeenskap te bemagtig as “die beinvloeder, direkteur, beheerder en eienaar” van besluitnemingsprosesse, word ook as ‘n middel vir doeltreffende deelname aan Sektorpolisiering aanbeveel (Gwala deelnamemodel). Monitering, evaluering en terugvoer is geidentifiseer as doeltreffende wyses om die effektiewe implementering van Sektorpolisiering te verseker, en dat dit juis die` is wat op die’ oomblik ontbreek.

Blum, Rebecca. "Service or Violence? Or A Violent Service : A fieldwork based study on the change in attitudes towards the use of force within the South African Police Service analysed using the community concept." Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-6254.

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This paper concerns the changes in attitudes towards the use of force within the South African police force after democratisation. The paper debates the current approaches towards the analysis of violence and a new theory on community and conflict management is developed. This new theory aims to provide a new framework for analysing the use of violence. The theory is then applied on a fieldwork conducted at a local police station in Cape Town, South Africa.


Beukes, Isak. "An integrated feedback and strategic management process for the SA Police Service in the Western Cape." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/51603.

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Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The year 1999 was announced as the year of service delivery by the National Commissioner of Police, and the Police Plan for the RSA underwent a name change to the "policy priorities and objectives" in the same year. The Police Plan, consisting of policy priorities and objectives and internal focus areas, can be seen as the strategic plan of the South African Police Service. Such a strategic plan needs an implementation plan to put it into operation and ensure the involvement of every member in the Service. The prime objective of the South African Police Service is the establishment of a safe and secure environment in partnership with the community. The emphasis should therefore be on - • improving the quality and effectiveness of service to the community; • supporting the transformation process in South Africa in general and in the South African Police Service in particular; • instituting a new style of Community Policing and Management; and • establishing a process for efficient and effective policing. The above priorities consist of a number of objectives to put actions into operation in order to reach a desired outcome. These actions will be addressed at all managerial levels from top to lower levels through the integrated planning process. The South African Police Service in the Western Cape is divided into four policing areas at present, namely the Eastern Metropole, Western Metropole, Boland and Southern Cape. Each area consists of stations which are responsible to the Area, and each station must give feedback to the Area on its strategic management plan. The strategic management plan of the SAPS in the Western Cape can be seen as a combination of the Policing Priorities and Objectives for the province, the Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SDIP) and the Area Operational Plan. The main goal of this research project is to design an integrated Strategic Management model through which every Police Station in the Western Cape can provide feedback in the Strategic Management processes.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die jaar 1999 is tot die jaar van dienslewering deur die Nasionale Kommissaris van Polisie verklaar, en die Polisieplan vir die RSA het 'n naamverandering na die "beleidsprioriteite en doelwitte" in dieselfde jaar ondergaan. Die Polisieplan, wat bestaan uit beleidsprioriteite en doelwitte en interne fokusareas, kan as die strategiese plan van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens beskou word. So 'n strategiese plan benodig 'n implementeringsplan om dit in werking te stel en die betrokkenheid van alle lede van die Diens te verseker. Die hoofdoelwit van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens is om 'n veilige en beveiligde omgewing in 'n vennootskap met die gemeenskap te bewerkstellig. Daarom behoort die klem te val op - • verbetering van die kwaliteit en doeltreffendheid van die diens aan die gemeenskap; • ondersteuning van die transformasieproses in Suid-Afrika in die algemeen en in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens in die besonder; • die instelling van 'n nuwe styl van Gemeenskapspolisiëring en bestuur; en • die vestiging van 'n proses vir doelmatige en doeltreffende polisiëring. Bovermelde prioriteite bestaan uit 'n aantal doelwitte om aksies in werking te stel ten einde 'n beoogde resultaat te bereik. Hierdie aksies moet op alle bestuursvlakke vanaf topbestuur tot die laer vlakke deur die geïntegreerde beplanningsproses geloods word. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens in die Wes-Kaap is in vier polisiëringsareas opgedeel, naamlik die Oos-Metropool, Wes-Metropool, Boland en Suid-Kaap. Elke area bestaan uit stasies wat aan die Area verantwoordelik is, en elke stasie moet aan die Area terugvoer verskaf oor sy strategiese bestuursplan. Die strategiese bestuursplan van die SAPD in die Wes-Kaap kan beskou word as 'n kombinasie van die Polisiëringsprioriteite en Doelwitte vir die provinsie, die Dienslewering Verbeteringsprogram (DVP) en die Area Operasionele Plan. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsingsprojek is om 'n geïntegreerde strategiese bestuursmodel te ontwerp waardeur alle polisiestasies in die Wes-Kaap terugvoer kan gee in die Strategiese Bestuursprosesse.

Rademeyer, Ignatius M. "Misdaadvoorkoming in Elsiesrivier : 'n gevallestudie." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/51830.

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Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The researcher focuses on the contributions made by community involvement, including community policing and crime prevention strategies, on the prevention of attempted murder in Elsies River, a gang ridden area. A theoretical overview of community policing and crime prevention is provided. The combination of crime prevention strategies, community involvement and role players to prevent the contribution caused that give rise to crime, receive attention. Against this background the applicability of social crime prevention - internationally tested policing strategies included - is discussed in order to review the act of attempted murder. Furthemore, the application of the solutions presented at ground level receive attention and reasons are offered for the successful implementation of the Elsies River Community- Police Crime Prevention Action Plan in 1998. The reality is compared to the theory and conclusions are drawn concerning the handling of the problem. Gang activities in Elsies River and the impact thereof on the reporting of attempted murder is summarised. The Elsies River Community- Police Crime Prevention Action Plan which was implemented between April and June 1998, is discussed and the influence thereof on the reporting of attempted murder is analysed statistically. In conclusion the findings of the research are enunciated and recommendations are made to the successful prevention of crime.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie werkstuk word die voorkoming van poging tot moord in Elsiesrivier, 'n bendegeteisterde gebied, deur middel van gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid, gemeenskapspolisiëring ingesluit, en misdaadvoorkomingstrategieë ondersoek. 'n Teoretiese oorsig van gemeenskapspolisiëring en misdaadvoorkoming word gegee. Die kombinering van misdaadvoorkomingstrategieë, gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en die betrokkenheid van rolspelers om die aanleidende faktore wat tot misdaad lei te voorkom, geniet aandag. Teen hierdie agtergrond word die toepaslikheid van sosiale misdaadvoorkoming, waarby ingesluit internasionaal getoetste polisiëringstrategieë, bespreek om die voorkoms van poging tot moord aan te spreek. Voorts geniet die toepassing van die voorgestelde oplossings op grondvlak aandag en redes word aangevoer waarom die implementering van die Elsiesrivier Gemeenskap- Polisie Misdaadvoorkomingsaksieplan in 1998 so suksesvol was. Die praktyk word met die teorie vergelyk en gevolgtrekkings word gemaak rakende die hantering van die probleem. Bendebedrywighede in Elsiesrivier en die impak daarvan op die aanmelding van poging tot moord word oorsigtelik behandel. Die Elsiesrivier Gemeenskap- Polisie Misdaadvoorkomingsaksieplan wat gedurende April tot Junie 1998 geïmplementeer was, word bespreek - die invloed wat dié strategie op die aanmelding van poging tot moord gehad het, word statisties ontleed. Ten slotte word die bevindings van die navorsing weergegee en aanbevelings word gemaak om misdaad suksesvol te voorkom.

Hlungwani, Freddy. "An evaluation of the implementation of sector policing in Tembisa." Diss., 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/14226.

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The research problem that was investigated in this research study was to evaluate the implementation of sector policing in Tembisa policing precinct. Even though there are policies and directives on how to implement it, there is still some challenges because it is yet to yield the intended results. Data was collected from focus group interviews, literature studies and polices. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the form of focus group interviews. Moreover, a literature study including material such as official SAPS documents, library sources and National Legislation regarding community policing has been presented. Data was also collected from sector managers, sector teams, CPF members and pastors who participated in four focus group interviews in Tembisa police station. The sample was chosen on the basis of what the researcher considers to be typical units. Participants were interviewed in stages. The collected data was broken into themes, patterns, trends and relationships. Data analysis followed verbatim transcription of interviews, that’s why the researcher followed Tesch’s approach of descriptive analysis. The research conducted indicated that although progress has been made in the implementation of sector policing In Tembisa, there still more which needs to be done. Specific concerns which require the attention of SAPS management were raised. It is clear that internal communication and consultation are a necessity. It is also clear that members on the ground are not well trained because they lack the actual knowledge on how to implement it. Training and development of all role players need to be prioritised to enhance their knowledge. All the role players need to be motivated during the implementation of sector policing to ensure that they are ready for the job ahead. The recommendations drawn from the conclusions made in this study may provide a proper direction on how to implement sector policing in the Republic.
Police Practice
M.Tech. (Policing)

Smith, Donovan. "Sector Policing to improve Community Policing in South Africa." Thesis, 2008. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_8697_1263767137.

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The study introduces and puts forward Sector Policing as a model to expand Community Policing and to broaden the scope of crime prevention. It also demonstrates how Sector Policing can be utilised to decentralise policing and deepen community participation.


Kadozo, Nothando. "Sustainable livelihood approaches : the future for income generating projects in urban areas? : an evaluation of five income generating projects in Tembisa." Diss., 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/3248.

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The traditional theories of development concentrated on stimulating economic growth and ignored the social aspects involved. Despite the massive injection of donor funds, the situation of the poor deteriorated. The projects in Tembisa are an example of this, as the community was not involved in the assessing of needs or designing of interventions and were only the implementers. The evaluation offers an alternative developmental paradigm that has been used with success in other similar circumstances – the sustainable livelihood approach (SLA). The SLA contends that urban communities should become planners, initiators and executors of local development in order for any transformation to occur. Urban communities have to change their behaviour and attitudes, be willing to accept change, and to take ownership of the projects. The facilitators, NGOs and government have to be willing to unlearn their traditional ways, listen, and accept that they are not the only experts in the field.
Development Studies
M.A. (Development Studies)

Ndala, Ephie Lebohang. "Migrant women labourers and “leaving children behind” : community women’s perceptions." Diss., 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/26549.

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Migration has always been part of South African history, both in the collective and as individuals. Under apartheid, children were separated from their fathers and sometimes mothers for long periods of time, and as a coping strategy, foster care was introduced. This trend is still noticeable as we continue to find both men and women moving from rural households in pursuit of employment. In countries where gender roles are still very inflexible and the mother’s main role is perceived as that of raising children and the father’s as providing for the family, migration of mothers is perceived as a much larger disruption in a child’s life than is the father’s absence. Drawing from critical feminist theory, which pays particular attention to issues of discrimination and oppression against women, my study aimed at exploring the perceptions Madelakufa community women have about migrant women labourers who leave their children. A qualitative approach was employed, and data were collected through conducting three focus groups. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data.
M.A. (Psychology: Research Consultation)

Vuma, Grace Moipone Bety. "A comparative analysis of police and community perceptions on the effectiveness of community policing forums in Soshanguve and Rietgat policing precincts amongst a selected group of respondents." 2013. http://encore.tut.ac.za/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1001281.

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M. Tech. Policing
This study is concerned with Community Policing Forums in the Gauteng North policing areas and the local communities, as well as police's knowledge, about the concept. The study investigates the implementation and effectiveness of Community Policing Forums as a crime prevention tool method and how it is managed.

Nxumalo, Siyanda Aubrey. "Community policing forum : strategies of the youth in crime prevention at KwaMashu." Thesis, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10530/1044.

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Submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Community Work in the Department of Social Work at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 2005.
This study is about the Community policing forum of Kwamashu and its strategy of putting the youth at the forefront in the fight against crime. The study was conducted on crime prevention with more emphasis placed on community participation as is the strategy of the Department of Safety and Security. A sampling technique was used where thirty respondents who reside at Kwamashu were interviewed about community policing and youth involvement in it. Related literature that focuses on community policing and its effect on the youth was reviewed. Various recommendations have been made based on the findings of the study. The findings of the study highlighted the need for the community policing forum to market itself to the community. Community members, especially the youth, need to be motivated so that they can be active participants in the fight against crime. Research findings also indicated that the strategies used were effective but failure to communicate with the community undermined their effectiveness.

Zwane, Sipho Selby. "Effectiveness of community policing forums (CPFs) in Mpumalanga." Thesis, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/10539/28563.

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Thesis submitted in 25% completion of the degree of Master of Management in the field of Security at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, March 2018
The provision of security to citizens had in the past been the sole responsibility of the state, this in many countries led to the militarization of the police services. The concept of community policing has since been adopted by many countries around the world as an alternative method of policing to shift policing from the traditional reactional method that focused on law enforcement, aggressive crime control with limited public interaction to an inclusive policing policy that involves communities in policing their areas. The traditional policing method isolated the police from the communities and the relationship between these parties was worsened. Previous researches on community policing found that successful implementation of the Community Policing Policy relies on a well-resourced police service and the opposite renders the concept dormant. The research focused on the South African context to explore challenges of effectiveness of Community Policing Forums (CPFs) as a vehicle in the implementation of the Community Policing Policy. CPFs are constitutional bodies established in terms of the South African Police Service Act, No 68 of 1995 to among others establish and maintain a partnership between the police and the communities, improve the delivery of police-service to the community and to ensure the police are accountable for their actions and conduct. An exploratory case study design was used to explore effectiveness of CPFs in two police stations, namely Nelspruit and Pienaar both found in the Mpumalanga Province. The research found that indeed community policing is resource intensive, and the South African Police Service is still struggling with basic resources that include functional vehicles to support CPFs to carry out their constitutional mandate.

Mabunda, Dumisani Quiet. "The challenges in establishing partnership policing in Soshanguve." Diss., 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/18575.

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Despite various policing strategies in the recent past, the police alone have not been able reduce crime in Soshanguve. Research into how partnerships in policing can assist in finding solutions to crime prevention is limited. The police have come to realise that they need the active involvement and cooperation of and support from the community and other role players to prevent crime. This research has as its aim the identification of the challenges in establishing partnerships in policing the Soshanguve policing area. A qualitative approach was adopted. An interview schedule with predetermined questions was designed, piloted and used in focus group interviews with participants who are actively involved in partnerships in policing in the area. Interviews were conducted with 45 participants in three focus group interviews to obtain their views, opinions and perceptions of partnerships in policing. The collected data was transcribed verbatim (using words and phrases of the participants), analysed and interpreted. The data was analysed and interpreted using manual open coding, with the aim of identifying and examining patterns of similarities or differences in the data. A literature study was conducted to gain a better understanding of partnerships in policing. Research indicates that partnerships in policing have been effectively implemented in other parts of the world and can be implemented in South Africa in general and in Soshanguve in particular. Factors that inhibit partnerships in policing between the police and the community as well as in other environments were identified. These factors include among others, lack of trust, communication and cooperation. Recommendations are made to all concerned; particularly to the South African Police Service management on how partnerships in policing can be effectively implemented.
Criminology and Security Science
M. Tech. (Policing)

Mabunda, Dumisani Quiet. "Analysis of the role of traditional leadership in partnership policing." Thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/23715.

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The main objective of this research is to analyse the role that traditional leadership plays in partnership policing in Limpopo, particularly in the Giyani and Malamulele areas, South Africa. Given the challenges associated with traditional initiation schools, the study investigated factors that hinder the effective participation of traditional leadership in partnership policing; explored the extent of partnership policing in rural areas in Limpopo that are led by traditional leaders; and examined best practices with regard to the roles of traditional leadership in partnership policing. Potential areas of non-compliance with and ignorance of the law, and the Constitution, were identified. The role of traditional leadership in other African countries, such as Ghana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana, was also analysed. A comprehensive literature study on traditional leadership and international best practices on partnership policing was conducted. Traditional leaders play a vital role in the development process. Furthermore, traditional leaders play a significant role in resource mobilisation and political stability. The primary question guiding this study is: What is the role of traditional leadership in partnership policing in the rural areas of Limpopo? During the research process, in-depth interviews, non-participative observation and focus group interviews were conducted with the relevant role players. These role players included Chiefs, Indunas and Headmen, SAPS representatives, representatives from the Department of Community Safety and Liaison, as well as representatives from the Department of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs in Limpopo. The study fulfilled the following objectives:  Identified factors that hinder the effective participation of traditional leadership in partnership policing;  Explored the extent of partnership policing in rural areas, in Limpopo, led by traditional leaders; and  Examined international best practices with regard to the role of traditional leadership in partnership policing. Based on the findings of this study, a Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Policing Strategy (MSPPS) was developed. This strategy could serve as a recommendation to advise the SAPS of a more substantial role that traditional leadership could fulfil in partnership policing in the rural areas of Limpopo; this would also contribute towards further identifying best practices with a view to benchmark such a strategy in rural areas throughout South Africa. This study makes a significant contribution to the improvement of working relations between the police and traditional leadership in Limpopo. Secondly, the study promotes nation-building, harmony and peace between traditional leadership, the SAPS and other relevant stakeholders in the quest to prevent crimes associated with traditional cultural practices.
Political Sciences
D. Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)

Nkwana, Mmabatho Portia. "Perspectives on policing domestic violence in Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality : the case of Lebowakgomo, Magatle And Zebediela policing area." 2015. http://encore.tut.ac.za/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1001935.

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M. Tech. Policing
Since the advent of democratic dispensation in South Africa, domestic violence is one of the societal issues that have increasingly emerged as a local as well as global concern. This study focused on analysing the prevalence of, and responses to domestic violence in the Lebowakgomo, Magatle and Zebediela policing areas of Limpopo Province, with the aim of the aim of investigating and evaluating perceptions by the police and community members regarding the prevalence of the domestic violence, and how the police responds towards policing domestic violence at the Lebowakgomo, Magatle and Zebediela policing area.

Mabasa, Hlupheka Michael. "Community policing and crime prevention : a community assesment [sic] from Eldorado Park, Gauteng." Thesis, 2012. http://encore.tut.ac.za/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1000693.

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Thesis (MTech. degree in Policing.)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2012.
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), prescribe Community policing as the style of policing to be adopted by the South African Police Service to meet the safety and security requirements of all people in the country. Fundamental transformation is therefore needed to ensure that the South African Police Service develops into a community-oriented police service which adopts a consultative approach to meeting the safety and security needs of the communities it serves, a service which therefore becomes more accessible and acceptable and more efficient and effective. Based on the philosophy of the establishment of community policing approach in South Africa and the time lag, one wonders if the cardinal objective has been met in terms of crime prevention, especially community and neighbourhood based ones as crime rate in South Africa appears to be on the increase. This study therefore investigated the impact of community policing approach on crime prevention in Eldorado Park Policing Area, specifically, the successes, failure and challenges facing community policing in the area where interrogated.

Masetshaba, Musa. "Experiences of long-term highly active antiretroviral treatment by adolescents in Tembisa, Gauteng Province." Thesis, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/22520.

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Adolescence is a significant period of change in physical and psychosocial development of human beings. Being HIV positive and growing up on a dynamically multifaceted HAART treatment, adds to the complexity of adolescence. This study was aimed at exploring the nature of experiences of adolescents who are on long-term Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in Tembisa, Gauteng province. The study is based on a qualitative research method using in-depth semi-structured open-ended interviews and a focus group for data collection. The sample consisted of seven individual adolescent participants, three parents, guardians and caregivers, as well as 11 health care professionals. The thematic data analysis and the phenomelogical analysis methods were used to analyse data qualitative data while descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative biographical data. The study findings cover the negative and positive experiences and the perceived role of HAART treatment over a long period of time. The predominant themes identified from adolescent participants were disclosure of HIV positive status and the stigma surrounding a positive status, early childhood experience of parental death, challenges of taking HAART treatment, factors influencing adherence and non-adherence to HAART treatment, and lastly, the impact of religion on HAART treatment adherence. The findings suggest that adolescents who are on HAART treatment over an extended period of time experience drug fatigue. Drug fatigue has far-reaching implications for the health of an adolescent, as it has a higher likelihood that poor adherence or even complete refusal to take HAART treatment will occur. Poor adherence or refusal to take HAART treatment will most likely lead to cross infection and further spread of HIV and AIDS. A recommendation was made to include the establishment of a youth and adolescent-friendly centre by the hospital – one that is designated for the provision of tailored adolescent services and sensitive to adolescent developmental stages so as to minimise the likelihood of infected adolescents falling through the health care cracks. The introduction of a hospital-based school, an education unit run by dedicated and qualified facilitators focusing on aiding hospitalised learners with catch-up scholarly programmes, was a further recommendation. It was further recommended that reproductive health care needs of adolescents who grow up on HAART treatment be given attention in further research.
Ph.D. (Psychology)

Buthelezi, Dumisani Sydwell. "An analysis of the implementation of sector policing in Soweto." Diss., 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/14222.

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As an approach to solve the crime problems affecting all the citizens of this country, South Africa adopted the sector policing concept. This approach is also seen as a means of bringing the community and the police closer by appointing sector commanders who do community liaison and problem-solving work in the geographically demarcated sectors. Sector policing is not a strategy on its own, as stated in the Final Draft National Instruction of Sector policing of 2003, the connection between sector policing and community-policing philosophy is very clear. Sector policing it described as a practical manifestation of community policing. The key elements of sector policing are its geographic focus, problem-solving methodologies and community consultation. On 13 July 2009, it (sector policing) became an official policing instrument in the country. The sanctioning of sector policing proposed that in the nine (9) South African provinces, 45 police stations (5 stations per province) implemented sector policing and the remainder had to be implemented before the end of 2012. As of now (2014), the assumption could be made that all police stations in South Africa implemented this strategy. Therefore, it should now be imperative to analyse the implementation in a specific area, for instance Soweto, where it had been in existence for a while, as well as to determine its effectiveness in this area. The results of the study summarily indicated that the efficiency and effectiveness of sector policing in Soweto is predominately reliant on sectors demarcation into manageable sizes and the provision of adequate and sufficient resources.
Police Practice
M. Tech. (Policing)

Mokoena, L. J. "The identification of a municipal policing model for Mangaung municipality." Diss., 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/2208.

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The researcher investigated and identified a municipal policing model for Mangaung Local Municipality. The five municipalities that have established a municipal police services in terms of the South African Police Service Amendment Act, Act 83/1998 were identified. Fifteen members of these municipalities who were involved in the establishment of a municipal police services, were interviewed to acquire First hand information on the process of establishing a municipal police service. The purpose of the study was to explore and therefore it required the research to be a qualitative approach, because the adversities the officials encountered were comprehended. Judgemental sampling was engaged to select participants since it was necessary to describe rather than to generalize and it also relevant to ensure that comparisons on the data collected are recognized. Three out of five municipalities that were investigated converted from traffic departments to municipal police services. Traffic officers of these municipalities undertook a bridging course determined by the National Commissioner of Police and to augment the numbers of the municipal police service members, these municipalities recruited and trained security officers. The Ethekweni municipality converted the then Durban City Police Department and other traffic departments that amalgamated with it to form a municipal police service. Unlike the other municipalities, Cape Town Metro recruited new members and trained them to formed a municipal police service in addition to the existing traffic departments and law enforcement agency. Mangaung Municipality should convert the existing traffic department and follow the route model to establish a municipal police service and augment the number of the municipal police service members by recruiting within the security division.
M.Tech. (Policing (School of Crtiminal Justice))

Netshitangani, Ntshengedzeni Albert. "An evaluation of the implementation of community policing in Westonaria." Diss., 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/26226.

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Community policing is a joint community and police effort to reduce the incidents of crime, to the benefit of the basic human need of safety. Without community assistance, police alone cannot reduce the crime levels. Since 2012, there have been attempts to implement community policing in Westonaria. However, the success of the implementation thereof has proved to be problematic. The question arose as to what the reason for this limited success is. The researcher formulated research questions to determine the meaning of community policing, as well as the factors affecting the successful implementation thereof in the Westonaria policing precinct. To achieve the desired results, the researcher used different methodologies, and identified target groups and data collection techniques, which was analysed and interpreted. Literature and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. Primary sources such as written materials of the South African Police Service (SAPS), National Development Plan 2030 and other documents that relate to community policing and crime prevention strategies were analysed. In addition, secondary sources such as dissertations and theses, newspaper articles and text books on community policing were also consulted. Interviews were conducted with SAPS members and local community members. The purposive sampling procedure was used to select participants who was knowledgeable and had experience on the research topic. This study gives an overall explanation of what community policing is, from the literature reviewed relevant to the study, with the aim to strengthen partnership between the SAPS and local community of Westonaria. Inhibiting factors in the police, as well as in the community, were identified and recommendations are made for the successful implementation of community policing in the area.
Criminology and Security Science
M.A. (Criminal Justice)

Khumalo, Bheka Mfundo Hopewell. "An evaluation of police service delivery to the Mamotintane Community." Thesis, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/1790.

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Thesis (M. A. (Criminology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016
The study focused on Community Policing Forums (CPFs), sector policing and visible policing which are the policing strategies that are currently used to bring police officers closer to the community in order to identify and address the root causes of crime. These strategies are also meant to improve police service delivery which will satisfy and meet the community’s expectations about police services. The study also focused on factors which affect the lack of police service delivery to the community. Quantitative research design was used to evaluate Mamotintane community’s level of satisfaction with police service delivery. Non-probability sampling was used in which purposive or judgmental sampling methodology was used to select the 120 community members from Mamotintane Village. A fixed-response questionnaire that was written in English then translated in Sepedi which is the language commonly used by the target population was used in the study. A Statistical Package for Social Science (IBM SPSS Statistics Version 22) software was then used to analyse the data which was presented in a form of graphs and tables. Summary of the empirical findings are that a large number of 33% community members disagree that CPFs are successfully established in the community where police officers have regular meetings with community members in order to discuss about crimes which are affecting the community. A large number of 43% respondents strongly agree that police corruption has a negative impact to the community.

Kalidheen, Rufus. "Policing mechanisms to counter terrorist attacks in South Africa." Diss., 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/1906.

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Terrorism remains a cardinal threat to national, regional, and international peace and security. It violates the fundamental principles of law, order, human rights and freedom and remains an affront to the Global Charter of the United Nations (UN) and the values and principles enunciated in Africa's Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU). Moreover, it presents a grave and direct threat to the territorial integrity, security and stability of States. In this regard, effective counter terrorism mechanisms and approaches remain fundamental tools in curbing the threats and devastating effects of terrorism. Since the advent of the 'war on terror', issues regarding terrorism and counter-terrorism have become pronounced norms within the international realm. Yet, while an abundance of literature has been focussed and analyzed on counter terrorism approaches within the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), Russia and India; little has been documented on effective counter terrorism approaches in South Africa post-2001. Given emerging trends of terrorist camps within the country and the fact that South Africa will be hosting the international event of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup, it is imperative that South Africa improves the overall direction of its counter terrorism strategy. Essentially, this study offers recommendations for the most effective counterterrorism mechanism, which will aid policing in South Africa. History and current events indicate that South African Police Service (SAPS) has the capacity and capability to successfully deal with threats of terrorism. What is lacking is a concrete proactive counter terrorism approach that makes SAPS stand out as the lead department in countering terrorism. Yet, it should be borne in mind that the most important principle of any counter terrorism operational concept is to co-ordinate an operation with an integrated approach. Bearing this in mind, this study includes an assessment of the counterterrorism methodologies of various agencies responsible for counter terrorism within South Africa, with SAPS being the focal point. To establish the most effective counter terrorism strategy applicable to the South African context, this study considers a comparative analysis of counter terrorism strategies adopted within specified developed (Russia, US and UK) and developing countries (India and Algeria) as well as a conceptual analysis of relevant policing mechanisms that are currently considered as appropriate mechanisms to counter terrorism within specified countries. The synopsis of best-case practices of counter terrorism in developed and developing countries as well as the relevant literature on policing mechanism are then synthesized and interrogated into conceptualising an effective policing mechanism to counter terrorism in South Africa.
M. Tech. (Policing)

Mabala, Tlou Mpekwa. "The effect of young civilians on patrol on community policing : a case of Seshego Police Station, Limpopo Province - South Africa." Thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/3343.

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Mabudusha, Sekgololo Angel. "The policing of illegal squatting in the greenbelts within Weltevreden Park area." Diss., 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/3458.

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After South Africa’s democratisation in 1994, the areas which had been deemed “only for whites” within the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (CoJ) were opened to all citizens. These changes attracted a high in-migration of people seeking better living in the CoJ. This influx not only challenged the provision of employment but also impacted negatively on the availability of land and housing and on the maintenance of safety and security by the police. Lack of accommodation forced immigrants to squat in the open spaces (including in the greenbelts) within the CoJ. A literature review provided an understanding of this problem locally and internationally. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with the affected stakeholders. The findings showed that the measures needed to combat the causes of illegal squatting are beyond police control. The involvement of departments such as Human Development, Labour, Home Affairs and Environmental Management is needed for a successful solution to the problem.
Police Practice
M. Tech.(Policing)

Mudau, Musiiwa Eric. "The implementation of sector policing in the Limpopo Province." Diss., 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/650.

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The aim of this research was to establish whether sector policing had been integrated in the SAPS in the Limpopo Province, and to supply information to the SAPS and community members that may improve their ability to implement sector policing. The research question ”How members in the Limpopo Province perceive sector policing” is investigated in this research. A literature study on sector policing was completed and thereafter a questionnaire was developed. An empirical study was done by questionnaire on the status of sector policing in the SAPS in the Limpopo Province during March, April, May and June 2008. The sample involved 333 police and community members were used in the analysis.
Police Practice
M.A. (Police Science)

Ngcangcela, Zwelinzima Isaiah. "The role of community policing in conflict management : a comparative study beween Mafikeng and Potchefstroom area in North West Province / Zwelinzima Isaiah Ngcangcela." Thesis, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/11407.

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The study made a comparative examination of the role of Community Policing in conflict management in the North West Province, with special reference to Mafikeng and Potchefstroom as case studies. The study found that, the competing values such as diversity in income, education, religion , experience, residential location, social class, race, gender, culture, influx of illegal immigrants, competition for limited resources due to power struggles, and poverty among different sections of the communities. These actors complicated the task of developing a shared vision of democratic community policing. They also made communication for managing conflict between the police and the community members difficult. The study recommends: first, the need to develop mechanisms to promote awareness among community members on the importance of community policing in conflict management including crime prevention. This is an integral part of promoting peace building for community sustainable development, second, the promotion of effective partnership between community and the police which should include mutual trust and information sharing between community members and the police.
M.A. (PSIS) North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2004

Olivier, Nicolaas Jacobus Campher. "Die beginsels van proaktiewe polisiëring met spesifieke verwysing na die Suid-Afrikaanse polisie." Thesis, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/15703.

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Text in Afrikaans
Summaries in English and Afrikaans
Misdaad is deesdae op almal se Iippe. Daar verloop nie 'n dag of die media lewer verslag oor een of ander vorm van misdaad wat plaasgevind het nie. Die vraag is nou wat gedoen kan word om die vlaag van misdaad in Suid-Afrika te stop en lewe en eiendom te beskerm. Feit is dat daar nie slegs 'n enkele stap is wat gedoen kan word om misdaad te voorkom nie. 'n Gesamentlike poging deur die hele gemeenskap is die enigste wyse waarop misdaad voorkom kan word. Proaktiewe polisiering kan aileen slaag indien die gemeenskap kollektief verantwoordelikheid vir misdaad aanvaar en daadwerklik optree om misdaad te voorkom. Die polisie, as aktiewe vennoot in die voorkoming van misdaad, het 'n opvoedingstaak deur die gemeenskap in te lig oor hoe misdaad gepleeg word, wanneer en waar dit gepleeg word en wat gedoen kan word om kwesbaarheid te verminder. 'n Gesindheid van omgee vir mekaar moet dus by die gemeenskap (die passiewe vennoot) gekweek word. Hieruit volg respek vir die lewe en eiendom van 'n ander en dit sal lei tot aktiewe optrede. Presipiterende polisiering deur die gemeenskap is 'n teken van geslaagde opvoeding. Dit word nie net ge"illustreer deur die verharding van die fisiese om9ewing nie, maar ook deur die betrokkenheid van die gemeenskap in die omgewing om dit veilig en aangenaam vir almal te maak. Blywende sukses kan slegs verseker word indien die polisie en die gemeenskap ondersteuning van ander departemente ontvang. Slegs wanneer die gemeenskap totale samewerking van aile belanghebbendes ervaar sal hulle gemotiveerd wees en voortgaan om betrokke te bly.
These days crime is on everybody's lips. Not a day passes without the media reporting on some or other crime which has taken place. The question that arises is what can be done to stop the crime wave in South Africa and protect lives and property. The fact is, there is no one single step that can be taken to prevent crime. A joint effort by the community as a whole is the only way in which crime can be prevente. Proactive policing can be successful only if the community accepts collective responsibility for crime and makes a conscious effort to prevent crime. The police as an active partner in crime prevention should educate the community about how crime is committed, when and where it is committed and what can be done to decrease vulnerability to crime. An attitude of caring for each other must be cultivated in the community (the passive partner). This will result in respect for lives and property of others and will lead to proactive conduct. Precipitating policing by the community is a sign of successful education. This is illustrated not only by the hardening of the physical environment, but also by the community's involvement in ensuring that the environment is a safe and pleasant place for all. Lasting success can only be ensured if the police and the community are supported by other departments. Only when the community has the full co-operation of all parties concerned, will members of the community be motivated to remain involved.
Police Practice
D.Litt. et Phil. (Police Practice)

Horn, Riana Elizabeth. "A pro-active approach to curb asset theft at a South African mine." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/6039.

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The South African mining industry has not been shielded from the criminal threat the country faces. In this case study, the nature and extent of asset theft at one of the largest mining companies in South Africa is analysed. The crime prevention strategy adopted by the mine to curb asset theft was studied over a period of five years. This involved a survey of the views of the security managers on the effectiveness of the strategy implemented by the mine. Against the background of the South African Government’s broad description of the crime prevention approach adopted by the country, the researcher explored whether it would be practicable to implement an integrated crime prevention strategy – encompassing situational, social and law enforcement crime prevention approaches on primary, secondary and tertiary level – at the participating mine in order to curb asset theft.
Police Practice
M. Tech. (Policing)

Buthelezi, Muzukhona Wilfred. "Implementation of sector policing in the Province of Kwazulu-Natal : the case of Nongoma and Newcastle Police Stations." Diss., 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/9355.

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The central issue of this research revolves around the implementation of sector policing in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. The research is based in two police stations, that is, Nongoma and Newcastle. Sector policing is a policing strategy introduced by South African Police Service in 1994. The aim of this policing strategy is the creation of structured consultation with regards to local crime problems between the police and respective communities. The objective of sector policing is to develop an organizational structure and environment that reflects community values and facilitates community involvement in addressing risk factors and solve crime-related problems. The research problem for this study is that there is little or no research conducted on the implementation of sector policing in South Africa in general and Nongoma and Newcastle in particular. Following this problem statement, the following five research questions were formulated: What is sector policing and how does its implementation differ between the USA, the UK and South Africa? What is the status of the implementation of the sector policing in South Africa, in particular the Province of KwaZulu-Natal? What are the challenges experienced in implementing sector policing in Nongoma and Newcastle police stations? What are best practices that can be observed in the implementation of sector policing in these two police stations? What is the best possible way of implementing sector policing in South Africa? The aim of the research is to assess and describe the manner in which sector policing was implemented in the two police stations in KZN. The research findings obtained through interviews are analysed and interpreted. In view of the findings, best practices, and recommendations were formulated on how to overcome challenges that may face the implementation of sector policing in the province of KwaZulu-Natal.
Public Administration & Management
M.Tech. (Public Administration & Management)

Pearce, Brenda. "A preventative policing style for public violence in the towns of Harrismith and Warden in the eastern Free State." Thesis, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/1813.

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This exploratory and qualitative investigation is used as a research strategy to indicate a preventative policing style for public violence in the Eastern Free State. The research's integration of problem-solving methods may be used in instances where public violence is common and pre-empted. The study researched the policing of public expression against poor service delivery in a democratic South Africa after the adoption of a new Constitution. The Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment Model is applied by way of a service-oriented, preventative policing style involving the principles of the Community Policing Style. The dissertation argues that though the South African Police Service's handling of public violence in the Eastern Free State, was reminiscent of the former public violence of political oppression, it should gradually move away from the military approach to a preferred community policing style and include relevant role players in using a systematic and service-orientated preventative policing style to address public violence.

Ratshili, Nyadzani Benedict. "An investigation into challenges and roles of the community policing forum with regard to the crime prevention on Limpopo Province." Diss., 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11602/162.

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Kole, Olaotse John. "Partnership policing between the South African Police Service and the private security industry in reducing crime in South Africa." Thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/19153.

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In South Africa, there are high numbers of criminal incidents that are reported to the police every year. Crime prevention needs different stakeholders to work together in order to reduce crime. The South African Police Service (SAPS) looks after the interests of all citizens while the Private Security Industry (PSI) looks after the interests of their paying clients. Only people who can afford to pay extra ‘private’ protection services that are rendered by private security service providers use these services. In this manner, the PSI is a very important stakeholder in crime reduction. Of critical importance is the effective collaboration between the PSI and SAPS in combating crime. The mixed methods approach was used in this study: qualitative (focus group discussions which were only used by the researcher to familiarise himself with the topic being studied and one-on-one interviews with the members of top management from both PSI and the SAPS) and quantitative (questionnaires completed by members of the PSI and members of SAPS from operational levels). The study revealed the following: • There are barriers to more effective partnership policing between the SAPS and PSI in combating crime. These barriers came from both sides (SAPS and PSI) whereby the SAPS are said to be looking down on PSI and taking time to respond to the crime scenes when called upon. On the other hand, the manner in which the security members behave on the crime scene was said to be problematic; • Lack of effective control of PSI by the regulating body makes it easy for fly-by-night security companies to operate in South Africa hence tarnishing the image of the PSI; • There is a need to give additional legal powers to the deserving private security officers, after thorough training, in order to qualify them as Peace Officers so as to strengthen their role in crime prevention in areas where they do not render their security services as opposed to the citizens powers that the private security officers have as outlined in section 42 of the Criminal Procedure Act No. 51 of 1977; • The Memorandum of Understanding between the SAPS and PSI should be formulated by the crime prevention stakeholders in order to combat crime effectively; • The security training should be improved in order to enable the security officers to help police combat crime effectively. Based on the research findings, the recommendations were formulated which, hopefully, would help the stakeholders to improve their roles in crime prevention.
Criminology and Security Science
D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

Pillay, Daniel. "An analysis of the policing of service delivery protests in the Free State." Diss., 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/22695.

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The study investigated the policing of service delivery protests in South Africa with specific reference to Free State province. Failure by local governments to provide basic services to the previously disadvantaged South Africans has led to a number of service delivery protests taking place. The manner in which these protests are managed by the police in South Africa more especially the Public Order Police who are specialists in this field, raises concerns. One would perceive that the police are losing the battle in dealing with protest action for they are criticised for their brutal tactics in quelling the violence. This brutal handling of protesters dates back to the apartheid era and not much has changed contrary to the expectations of a newly formed democratic country. This therefore led to the investigation as to why the police in South Africa fail to contain such protest actions. The South African Police Services (SAPS) as it is known in a democratic South Africa employed tactics from international countries in order to introduce more professionalism in the SAPS. Although better tactics have been introduced, this did not seem to improve the situation because not only are properties destroyed but many lives are also lost through police action. The researcher conducted his investigation in the central part of South Africa in the Free State Province concentrating in the three main areas; namely Bloemfontein, Welkom and Bethlehem where the Public Order Police units are based. The investigation resulted in the researcher arriving at the conclusion that there are a number of challenges that are experienced by the SAPS when dealing with protests and the main problem identified was that of a shortage of manpower. This problem create challenges when it came to managing the number of protests taking place and exacerbated by not allowing the police to use the tactics that they were trained in. As much as we acknowledge these challenges, there are best practices that can be learnt from international countries. The crowd psychology strategies applied by the Swedish police as well as the high tolerance level of the British police, are the good practices that can be recommended in dealing with protests in South Africa.
Police Practice
M.Tech. (Policing)

Vujovic, Marnie. "The community police forum as an approach to crime prevention in the informal settlement of Stanza Bopape, Mamelodi Township." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10210/6762.

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Crime hits the poor hardest since they are least able to cope with its consequences. In South Africa violent crime especially is increasing and in communities like Mamelodi, citizens are responding by taking the law into their own hands. Vigilantism proliferates necessitating police action and further straining a historically difficult community-police relationship which Community Police Forums (CPFs) aim to transform. This study looks at how residents of Stanza Bopape, an informal settlement in Mamelodi, organise themselves against crime. It considers the implications of this organisation for the CPF, a cornerstone of the Community Policing Model now enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, and examines ways in which the CPF can retain support and enhance its credibility within the community. The opportunity is provided for many different voices in the community to be heard so that diverse groups can participate in the ongoing quest for an effective strategy against crime.

Rushton, William. "An analysis of the prevention of police brutality in the Western Cape." Diss., 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/25795.

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South Africa has been synonymous with police brutality for many years. This stigma remains till this day. The South African Police Service and the Government has tried in vain to change the image of the South African Police Service. This research was conducted to analyse the prevention of police brutality in the Western Cape, focusing on Cape Town. This will include the effects police brutality has had on the community, and the resulting breakdown of relations between the police and the community. This study will compare statistics of police brutality related incidents from South Africa with that of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia and Nigeria. This comparison will indicate if South Africans do suffer more brutality cases at the hands of the police or is brutality by police officers a worldwide phenomenon. The research questions that were asked during this study are if police brutality is a problem, why does police brutality occur, how does it affect the community and what can be done to prevent police brutality. This study used a mixed method of research methodology to attempt the answer the complex questions asked. This included survey questionnaires that were distributed to police officials, Community Police Forum members and the community around the Cape Town Central Business District. Semi structured interviews were held with members of the police’s departmental hearing section. Literature was also obtained regarding police brutality. Prevention of police brutality strategies from the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia and Nigeria were obtained to compare these strategies and determine which have been successful and could be a benefit to the South African Police Service. The current strategies the South African Police Service have also put in place will be discussed which will include legislation, white paper on safety and security, the green paper on police practice and the National Development plan 2030. Combining all the information obtained, this research will provide findings regarding the phenomenon of police brutality and possible recommendations that could assist with the prevention of police brutality. This in turn will help build a better relationship between the South African Police Service and its Citizens that they swore to protect and serve.
Criminology and Security Science
M. A. (Criminal Justice)

Hlungwani, Freddy. "An assessment of the Youth Crime Prevention Desk programme." Thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/25529.

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The aim of this study is to assess the implementation of the Youth Crime Prevention Desk (YCPD) programme in the Ekurhuleni North Cluster in Gauteng. Since the Social Crime Prevention Strategy was introduced in the South African Police Service (SAPS), no study has been conducted in the organisation to assess whether this strategy has yielded the expected results in line with its objectives. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews as well as focus group interviews with Community Policing Forum (CPF) members, YCPD programme community volunteers, SAPS social crime prevention coordinators, Department of Community Safety (DoCS) social crime prevention coordinators and a station commander in the Ekurhuleni North Cluster. These participants are closely involved with the YCPD programme and freely expressed their views, understanding, knowledge and beliefs in relation to the implementation and associated activities of the YCPD programme. In addition, the researcher conducted a comprehensive literature study of the national legislation, SAPS policies and directives that oversee and promote social crime prevention in South Africa, as well as library resources and international studies. Various objectives were fulfilled in the execution of this study:  It was determined that social crime prevention guidelines are not complied with regarding the implementation of the YCPD.  It was determined that the YCPD is not achieving its proposed aims and objectives. In addition, this study and its results provide a framework for mitigating the challenges encountered during the implementation of strategies for improving the establishment of the YCPD in the Ekurhuleni North Cluster. The findings of the research indicate that the YCPD programme has not been effectively implemented within the Ekurhuleni North Cluster, since it became evident that the YCPD role-players are confronted by various challenges, which impede the proper implementation of the programme. Based on the findings of this study, a Youth Crime Prevention Desk Implementation Framework was developed. This framework could serve as a guideline advising the South African Police Service, Department of Community Safety, Community Policing Forums and Youth Crime Prevention Desk programme’s community volunteers in the Ekurhuleni North Cluster how the implementation of the programme could be improved. This framework could also contribute towards further identifying best practices with a view to benchmarking such a framework in other areas in South Africa. This study makes a significant contribution to the improvement of the implementation of the Youth Crime Prevention Desk programme in the Ekurhuleni North Cluster and to youth social crime and violence in general.
Police Practice
D. Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)

De, Beer Marlene. "The implementation of equality and elimination of discriminatory practices by police officials at station level." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10210/5791.

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Although all forms of apartheid control legislation have been repealed and the Constitution and Bill of Rights adopted, it is questionable in what way these principles of equality and non-discrimination are effectively implemented and whether changes have occurred in practice. Chapter one therefore provides an overview of the study. The discussion of legislation viz. the Constitution, the Equality Clause and Employment Equity Act urges the elimination of discrimination and the implementation of equality. The legacy of policing also provides the challenge to change. Several SAPS policies and directives such as the SAPS Policy Document on Affirmative Action and Fundamental Equality Directives in theory indicate the movement towards change and initiatives to implement equality and eliminate discrimination. It is therefore impressive to have legislation, policies and directives, but the question is in what way these are effectively being implemented and whether one can notice a change in the actual behaviour of police officials. Equality and non-discrimination, which are at the heart of effective policing, underpin good community and human relations. It is important to assess in what way the SA police culture and working climate have changed from a traditional partisan and discriminatory approach to a service provider that celebrates diversity and human rights. The research therefore investigates in what way the rhetoric of equality and non-discrimination have been implemented and its effect on individuals in a policing environment. The perceived gap between policy legislation and reality in practice was a further motivational aspect of the study, as policy alone will not ensure the implementation of equality principles. The goal and objectives of the study narrow the focus and the presentation of definitions provides further clarity. The research nature for this study was primarily explorative, and also descriptive. The goal of the study was to explore and describe police officials' experience and behaviour in the implementation of equality and the elimination of discriminatory practices in the working environment at police station level during the period 1996-7. This research was primarily of a qualitative nature and a single embedded case study design strategy was used. The unit /item of analysis or sampling element was police officials working under the jurisdiction of one specific police station in Gauteng. The demographic profile and characteristics of the police officials in the study sample was presented and analysed quantitatively (SSPS descriptive statistics according to frequency counts and cross tabulations) and achieved the first secondary objective of exploring and describing the level of representivity at the police station being studied. A non-probability sampling method - based on convenience and reliance on available subjects - was the primary sampling strategy used. Other secondary types of sampling used in this study were snowball or chain, confirming and disconfirming cases, opportunistic, and a combination or mixed strategies.

Mthiyane, Refilwe Cynthia. "An evaluation of the practices and operations of community police forums in Tshwane." Diss., 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/27213.

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The purpose of the study is to evaluate practices and operations of Community Police Forums and their sub-structures in Tshwane. This includes various approaches that are used to implement and manage the operations of Community Police Forums and their sub-structures. This research is designed to determine different operational approaches that are used by the Community Police Forums and their sub-structures to curb the criminal activities including those of their respective members. The qualitative research method was utilised for this study, achieving stated research objectives and answering the research questions. The population in the study included members of the South African Police Service and Community Police Forums in Tshwane District, as well as officials in the Directorate Community Police Relations within the Gauteng Department of Community Safety. The study revealed that Community Police Forums and their sub-structures are essential in the reduction of crime and they can be used as force multipliers to the South African Police Service. It also shows that there are legislative framework that Community Police Forums and their sub-structures are supposed to function under and adhere to. Monitoring mechanisms are in place to ensure that these structures function within the stipulated framework. Therefore, based on these findings, recommendations were made on practices and operations of Community Police Forums and their sub-structures.
Criminology and Security Science
M.A. (Criminal Justice)

To the bibliography