Academic literature on the topic 'Defined and undefined starter cultures'

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Journal articles on the topic "Defined and undefined starter cultures":


Giraffa, Giorgio. "The Microbiota of Grana Padano Cheese. A Review." Foods 10, no. 11 (October 29, 2021): 2632.

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Grana Padano (GP) is the most appreciated and marketed cheese with Protected Designation of Origin in the world. The use of raw milk, the addition of undefined cultures (defined as ‘sieroinnesto naturale’), the peculiar manufacturing proces, and the long ripening make the cheese microbiota play a decisive role in defining the quality and the organoleptic properties of the product. The knowledge on the microbial diversity associated with GP has been the subject, in recent years, of several studies aimed at understanding its composition and characteristics in order, on the one hand, to improve its technological performances and, on the other hand, to indirectly enhance the nutritional quality of the product. This review aims to briefly illustrate the main available knowledge on the composition and properties of the GP microbiota, inferred from dozens of studies carried out by both classical microbiology techniques and metagenomic analysis. The paper will essentially, but not exclusively, be focused on the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) derived from starter (SLAB) and the non-starter bacteria, both lactic (NSLAB) and non-lactic, of milk origin.

Parente, Eugenio, Angela Guidone, Attilio Matera, Francesca De Filippis, Gianluigi Mauriello, and Annamaria Ricciardi. "Microbial community dynamics in thermophilic undefined milk starter cultures." International Journal of Food Microbiology 217 (January 2016): 59–67.

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Smid, Eddy J., Oylum Erkus, Maciej Spus, Judith CM Wolkers-Rooijackers, Svetlana Alexeeva, and Michiel Kleerebezem. "Functional implications of the microbial community structure of undefined mesophilic starter cultures." Microbial Cell Factories 13, Suppl 1 (2014): S2.

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Frantzen, Cyril Alexander, and Helge Holo. "Unprecedented Diversity of Lactococcal Group 936 Bacteriophages Revealed by Amplicon Sequencing of the Portal Protein Gene." Viruses 11, no. 5 (May 16, 2019): 443.

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Lactococcus lactis is one of the most important bacteria in dairy fermentations, being used in the production of cheese and buttermilk. The processes are vulnerable to phage attacks, and undefined mixtures of lactococcal strains are often used to reduce the risk of bacteriophage caused fermentation failure. Other preventive measures include culture rotation to prevent phage build-up and phage monitoring. Phage diversity, rather than quantity, is the largest threat to fermentations using undefined mixed starter cultures. We have developed a method for culture independent diversity analysis of lytic bacteriophages of the 936 group, the phages most commonly found in dairies. Using, as a target, a highly variable region of the portal protein gene, we demonstrate an unprecedented diversity and the presence of new 936 phages in samples taken from cheese production. The method should be useful to the dairy industry and starter culture manufacturers in their efforts to reduce phage problems.

MORZEL, MARTINE, NICOLINE G. FRANSEN, and ELKE K. ARENDT. "Defined Starter Cultures used for Fermentation of Salmon Fillets." Journal of Food Science 62, no. 6 (November 1997): 1214–18.

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STAVRIC, S., and J. Y. D'AOUST. "Undefined and Defined Bacterial Preparations for the Competitive Exclusion of Salmonella in Poultry - A Review." Journal of Food Protection 56, no. 2 (February 1, 1993): 173–80.

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During the past two decades, there have been many studies on the efficacy of competitive exclusion for the control of Salmonella in poultry. Undefined preparations of cultured fecal or cecal microflora generally reduce the prevalence of infected chicks upon challenge with a standard dose of Salmonella under laboratory conditions; in contrast, results under field conditions are more variable. The protective capacity of undefined cultures can be affected by several factors including the source of microflora, method for protective culture administration, presence of poultry feed additives, in-laboratory or natural environmental challenge, and hygienic practices on the farm. The formulation of effective defined cultures is most difficult because of insufficient knowledge on the underlying protective mechanism(s) and interactions between gut microflora. Defined cultures are less effective than undefined cultures under laboratory conditions and afford little protection against natural Salmonella challenge; their potency decreases upon storage and manipulation of single or mixtures of defined culture isolates.

Carvalho, Erich H., Angélica S. Mendes, Sabrina E. Takahashi, Rosângela A. B. Assumpção, Douglas V. Bonamigo, Daniel Müller, and Rosana R. Sikorski. "Defined and undefined commercial probiotics cultures in the prevention of Salmonella Enteritidis in broilers." Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38, no. 2 (February 2018): 271–76.

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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of probiotics from different formations, defined and undefined cultures, applied in the control of Salmonella Enteritidis in broilers, identifying the compositions and states for which the probiotics are more effective. For that, 390 broilers were inoculated orally with 1.00 ml of Salmonella Enteritidis at a concentration of 1.2x109 CFU (Colony Forming Units). The experimental design used was randomized blocks with 5 treatments and 6 replications, totaling 30 boxes with 13 birds/box (13 birds/m2). The treatments were provided via drinking water 1 hour after inoculation, keeping a daily treatment of 12 hours with probiotics, for 3 consecutive days (birds at 1, 2 and 3 days of age). In general, the five treatments conducted were: T1 - Control without probiotic, T2 - Probiotic A (defined culture - lyophilized form, strain 7), T3 - Probiotic B (defined culture - lyophilized form, strain 11), T4 - Probiotic C (undefined culture liquid form), T5 - Probiotic D (undefined culture - liquid form). After treatments, performance was evaluated through average body weight, feed conversion and mortality counting. Microbiological analysis and Salmonella isolation were performed using MPN (Most Probable Number) and selective enrichment technique methods, respectively. Samples of ileum and liver pool, cecal tonsils, cecum, heart and spleen pool were collected at 5 and 31 days of age. No differences were observed on growth performance and isolation of Salmonella Enteritidis (p≥0.05). All probiotics applied were effective on reducing Salmonella Enteritidis colonization in the ileum, cecal tonsils, and cecum at 5 days of life. Probiotics T2 and T5 has shown effectiveness in reducing colonization at 31 days, being considered the most efficient on Salmonella Enteritidis control, for the intestines segments evaluated. It was not possible to affirm which probiotics formation, defined or undefined, is more efficient for Salmonella Enteritidis control.

García-Díez, Juan, and Cristina Saraiva. "Use of Starter Cultures in Foods from Animal Origin to Improve Their Safety." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 5 (March 4, 2021): 2544.

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Starter cultures can be defined as preparations with a large number of cells that include a single type or a mixture of two or more microorganisms that are added to foods in order to take advantage of the compounds or products derived from their metabolism or enzymatic activity. In foods from animal origin, starter cultures are widely used in the dairy industry for cheese, yogurt and other fermented dairy products, in the meat industry, mainly for sausage manufacture, and in the fishery industry for fermented fish products. Usually, microorganisms selected as starter culture are isolated from the native microbiota of traditional products since they are well adapted to the environmental conditions of food processing and are responsible to confer specific appearance, texture, aroma and flavour characteristics. The main function of starter cultures used in food from animal origin, mainly represented by lactic acid bacteria, consists in the rapid production of lactic acid, which causes a reduction in pH, inhibiting the growth of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, increasing the shelf-life of fermented foods. Also, production of other metabolites (e.g., lactic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid, benzoic acid, hydrogen peroxide or bacteriocins) improves the safety of foods. Since starter cultures have become the predominant microbiota, it allows food processors to control the fermentation processes, excluding the undesirable flora and decreasing hygienic and manufacturing risks due to deficiencies of microbial origin. Also, stater cultures play an important role in the chemical safety of fermented foods by reduction of biogenic amine and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contents. The present review discusses how starter cultures contribute to improve the microbiological and chemical safety in products of animal origin, namely meat, dairy and fishery products.

Bockelmann, Wilhelm. "Development of defined surface starter cultures for the ripening of smear cheeses." International Dairy Journal 12, no. 2-3 (January 2002): 123–31.

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Hati, Subrota, Surajit Mandal, and J. Prajapati. "Novel Starters for Value Added Fermented Dairy Products." Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal 1, no. 1 (August 27, 2013): 83–91.

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Starter cultures are those microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, and molds or their combinations) that initiate and carry out the desired fermentation essential in manufacturing cheese and fermented dairy products such as Dahi, Lassi, Yogurt, Sour cream, Kefir, and Koumiss amongst others. Starter culture is defined as “an active microbial preparation, deliberately added to initiate desirable changes during preparation of fermented products”. Starter cultures have a multifunctional role in dairy fermentations. The production of lactic acid by fermenting lactose is the major role of dairy starters. The acid is responsible for development of characteristic body and texture of the fermented milk products, contributes to the overall flavour of the products, and enhances preservation. Beyond the horizons of their conventional role in acid, flavour and texture development, they are being looked up on as burgeoning “cell factories” for production of host of functional biomolecules and food ingredients such as biothickeners, bacteriocins, vitamins, bioactive peptides and amino acids.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Defined and undefined starter cultures":


Saltaji, Sabrina. "Étude de l’apport de flores microbiennes issues du lait cru, purifiées par le procédé Bionatif®, appliquées à une production fromagère." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2020.

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Les ferments lactiques sont considérés comme un levier important de l’innovation pouvant apporter à la matrice fromagère de nouvelles propriétés organoleptiques, sensorielles et nutritionnelles. Cette thèse a eu pour sujet d’étude le procédé breveté Bionatif® qui purifie le lait cru de ses flores d’hygiène et d’altération de façon à restituer au fromager un ferment fonctionnel, composé d’une diversité bactérienne intra-spécifique propre au terroir de collecte (ferment indéfini). Ce travail s’est articulé autour de deux objectifs : i) caractériser la diversité des ferments indéfinis et étudier leur potentiel métabolique, ii) étudier l’expression des ferments en technologie fromagère pâte molle. Une diversité intra-spécifique des ferments indéfinis étudiés a été mise en évidence puisque plusieurs variants de L. lactis ont été découverts. Des isolats L. lactis du ferment indéfini présentaient des propriétés métaboliques supérieures et diversifiées notamment via l’expression de leur métabolisme des sucres (D-xylose, D-tagatose, etc.). Ce résultat a été confirmé par l’étude comparative de leur génome et pourrait être lié à leur origine environnementale. Les isolats L. lactis possèderaient également des ilots CRISPR-Cas particulièrement riches qui pourraient leur conférer une résistance accrue aux bactériophages. De plus, un potentiel antimicrobien a phénotypiquement été observé puis confirmé via l’étude génomique. En technologie fromagère pâte molle, la comparaison entre des ferments définis, conçus en conditions de laboratoire, et des ferments indéfinis, issus du procédé Bionatif®, a démontré que plus le consortium bactérien du ferment était complexe et diversifié, meilleures étaient les propriétés sensorielles et rhéologiques du fromage
Starter cultures confer enhanced properties to improve organoleptic, sensory and nutritional attributes upon the cheese matrix. The subject of this PhD project was the patented Bionatif® process. That process purifies raw milk from hygiene and spoilage microflora. Then, it restores a functional Undefined Mixed Starter Culture (UMSC) to the cheesemaker. That unique UMSC is composed of an intra-specific bacterial diversity specific to the terroir where the raw milk is collected.This work fixed two goals: i) to characterize the diversity of the UMSC and study their metabolic potential, ii) to study the expression of the UMSC in soft cheese technology. The UMSC intra-specific diversity study highlighted some bacterial variants of the L. lactis species. UMSC's L. lactis isolates showed superior and diversified metabolic properties through the expression of their sugar metabolism (D-xylose, D-tagatose, etc.). A comparative genome study confirmed this result and could link these metabolic properties to an environmental origin. L. lactis isolates also possess rich CRISPR-Cas clusters. These clusters could confer them a high resistance against bacteriophages. Besides, an antimicrobial potential has been phenotypically observed and then confirmed through genomic studies. In soft cheese technology, the comparison between defined starter cultures designed under laboratory conditions and UMSC from the Bionatif® process demonstrated that the more complex and diversified the bacterial consortium of the UMSC, the better the sensory and rheological properties of the cheese

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