Books on the topic 'Dessin par ordinateur – Logiciels'

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Blais, Esther. Logiciels de conception et dessin assistés par ordinateur: Guide terminologique. Québec: Publications du Québec, 1996.

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Harrington, David Julian. AutoCAD 2005. Paris: CampusPress, 2004.

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Andre, Pascual. Dessiner ses plans avec QCad: Le DAO pour tous. Paris: Eyrolles, 2009.

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Couwenbergh, Jean-Pierre. AutoCAD 2008: Guide de référence. Paris: Eyrolles, 2007.

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Taurisson, Alain. Le sens des mathématiques au primaire: L'ordinateur et la gestion mentale pour penser les opérations. Mont-Royal, Qué: Éditions Modulo, 1999.

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Baril, Ste phane. Colorisation de BD: Du traditionnel au nume rique. Paris: Eyrolles, 2005.

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Mathieu, Gil. Flash CS4: 88 recettes pour maîtriser Flash. Paris: Pearson, 2009.

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Meyer, J. J. 3 D et vrai relief: Images de synthèse. Paris: Editions Radio, 1986.

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Maran, Ruth. Apprendre PowerPoint 2000 visuel. Paris: First Interactive, 1999.

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Lapresté, Jean-Thieerry. Aide-mémoire MATLAB. Paris: Ellipses, 2002.

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Morrison, Mike. Becoming a computer animator. Indianapolis, IN: Sams Pub., 1994.

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Saint-Denis, Nathalie Massey-de. QuarkXPress 7: Pour PC-Mac. St Herblain: Ed. ENI, 2006.

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Lamarche, Rolande. Ordinateur et pédagogie de l'orthographe: Typologie de didacticiels. Montréal, Qué: Programme de perfectionnement des maîtres de français au primaire, Université de Montréal, 1985.

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Otwaschkau, Françoise. La PAO facile sur Macintosh. Alleur, Belgique: Marabout, 1988.

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Lowe, Doug. PowerPoint 2003 pour les nuls. Paris: First Interactive, 2004.

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Blanc, Xavier. MDA en action: Ingénierie logicielle guidée par les modèles. Paris: Eyrolles, 2005.

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Gardonio, Stella. PowerPoint 2010: Simple et facile. Brossard, Québec: Éditions Logitell, 2011.

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systems, Adobe. Adobe InDesign CS. Paris: Peachpit Press, 2004.

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Caouissin, Arzhur. ActionScript 3 et le motion design. Paris: Pearson, 2010.

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Parkinson, John. Making CASE work: Strategies for the successful introduction of CASE technology in commercial information systems development. Oxford: NCC Blackwell, 1991.

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Breton-Schreiner, Cédric. L'essentiel de la PAO: Mise en pages, logiciels, polices, images. Paris: Eyrolles, 2009.

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Lewis, T. G. CASE: Computer-aided software engineering. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.

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Saint-Denis, Nathalie Massey-de. QuarkXpress 6 et 6.5: Pour PC/Mac. Nantes: Éditions Eni, 2005.

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Fox, Lay Christopher. Introducing and implementing Autodesk Revit building. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning, 2005.

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Girard, Annie. PowerPoint XP. Outremont, Québec: Éditions Logiques, 2002.

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Cecchi, Roberta. Artlantis R & studio: The missing book. Milan, Italy: Edizioni FAG Milano, 2007.

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Lavant, Mathieu. XPress en production: Apprenez à réaliser, une carte de visite, une plaquette, une affiche, un livre--. Paris: Eyrolles, 2007.

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Gross, Phil. Macromedia Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio for 3D: Training from the source. Berkeley, CA: Macromedia Press, 2002.

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Prost, Bernard. XML pour l'e dition: Structurer saisir publier. Paris: Eyrolles, 2011.

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Brathwaite, Ken S. Applications development using CASE tools. San Diego: Academic Press, 1990.

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Feng, Jin. Basic CAD for interior designers: AutoCAD®, Architectural Desktop, and VIZ® Render 2007. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson / Prentice Hall, 2008.

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Ulrich, Katherine. Flash 4 for Windows and Macintosh. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 1999.

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Meinhardt, Hans. The algorithmic beauty of sea shells. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer, 1998.

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Meinhardt, Hans. The algorithmic beauty of sea shells. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995.

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Williams, David Brian. Experiencing music technology. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2008.

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Williams, David Brian. Experiencing music technology. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2008.

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Williams, David Brian. Experiencing music technology. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson, Schirmer, 2006.

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Williams, David Brian. Experiencing music technology: Software, data, and hardware. New York: Schirmer Books, 1996.

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Williams, David Brian. Experiencing music technology. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson, Schirmer, 2006.

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Williams, David Brian. Experiencing music technology: Software, data, and hardware. 2nd ed. New York: Schirmer Books, 1999.

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Garrec, Lionel. Adobe After Effects version 4.0. Paris: CampusPress France, 1999.

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Niederst, Jennifer. Designing for the web: Getting started in a new medium. Bonn: O'Reilly & Associates, 1996.

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Tardiveau, David. La vidéo dans Flash. Paris: Eyrolles, 2007.

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Winsor, Phil. Computer-assisted music composition: A primer in BASIC. Princeton, N.J: Petrocelli Books, 1987.

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Heiny, Loren. Windows graphics programming with Borland C++. New York: Wiley, 1992.

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Heiny, Loren. Windows graphics programming with Borland C&&. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1994.

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Heiny, Loren. Windows graphics programming with Borland C⁺⁺. 2nd ed. New York: J. Wiley, 1994.

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Heiny, Loren. Windows graphics programming with BorlandC[plus plus]. New York: Wiley, 1992.

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Charles, Rich. The Programmer's apprentice. New York, N.Y: ACM Press, 1990.

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Moock, Colin. ActionScript: The definitive guide. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2001.

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