Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Digital signal transmission'

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Moore, Philip John. "Adaptive digital distance protection." Thesis, City University London, 1989. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.328244.

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Dogheche, El Hadj. "Transmission optique d'un signal analogique hyperfréquence et digital bas débit." Lille 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993LIL10056.

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Le centre national d'études spatiales de Toulouse a envisagé, dans ses projets spot 2000 et radar 2000, la possibilité de remplacer les liaisons classiques (câble coaxial) reliant l'antenne active et le cur du satellite, par des liaisons à fibre optique. Cette étude a consisté à étudier le transport microonde d'une liaison optohyperfréquence. Celle-ci est réalisée à l'aide de composants optoélectroniques commerciaux fibres, et utilise la modulation directe de l'émetteur. Nous démontrons la possibilité d'améliorer le bilan de transfert de la liaison par l'adaptation d'impédance passive réactive des composants d'extremité. Une amélioration de l'ordre de 7 db a été obtenue dans une bande de 400 mhz autour de 2,2 ghz (20%). La caractérisation microonde de la transmission optique avec adaptation, menée à 2,2 ghz, a permis de relever des pertes d'insertion de 9 db, ainsi qu'une dynamique en sortie de 65 db. Mhz. L'étude du transport d'un signal microonde module a ensuite été entreprise. Après avoir comparé les divers types de modulation, nous nous sommes plus particulièrement attachés à analyser le comportement de la liaison, pour un signal hyperfréquence modulé en phase par un signal digital (modulation bpsk). Les principaux paramètres expérimentaux caractéristiques (plots de phase, réponse temporelle et spectrale,. . . ) n'ont montré qu'aucune dégradation significative n'était apportée par le transport optique. Le prolongement de ce travail a consisté à augmenter la fréquence du signal microonde dans la liaison optique. Une première démonstration a ainsi été réalisée à 6 ghz sur une liaison utilisant des composants de laboratoire fabriqués à thomson-lcr. Nous avons également envisagé l'utilisation des non-linéarites du laser pour la régénération de signaux microondes harmoniques.

Sant'Ana, Roberto Garcia Rosa. "Investigation of new digital protection for multi-terminal power lines." Thesis, University of Manchester, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.334628.

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Shahri, Javad Yazdani Kohneh. "High frequency digital power line transmission for terrestrial and marine networks." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.288950.

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Usta, Ö. "A power based digital algorithm for the protection of embedded generators." Thesis, University of Bath, 1992. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.251234.

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Lundbäck, Jonas. "On signal processing and electromagnetic modelling : applications in antennas and transmission lines /." Karlskrona : Department of Signal Processing, School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, 2007. http://www.bth.se/fou/Forskinfo.nsf/allfirst2/62a51cd9a6f3d716c12572c1003f0063?OpenDocument.

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Wong, K.-H. H. "Transmission of channel coded speech and data over mobile radio channels." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1989. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.235340.

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Irizar, José María Zabalegui. "Combined equalisation and decoding for OFDM over wireless fading channels." Thesis, Staffordshire University, 2003. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.272580.

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Loasby, J. M. "Real time transmission line modelling of the vocal tract using multiple digital signal processors." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.339551.

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Prodaniuc, Cristian. "Advanced Signal Processing for Pulse-Amplitude Modulation Optical Transmission Systems." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/117315.

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[ES] Los sistemas de transmisión óptica no-coherente se emplean actualmente en las redes ópticas de corto alcance (< 80 km), como son las redes de ámbito metropolitano. La implementación más común en el estado del arte se basa en sistemas que emplean multiplexación por división en longitud de onda (WDM, wavelength division multiplexing) de cuatro longitudes de onda (¿) proporcionando un régimen binario de 100 Gbps (4¿×25 Gbps). En los últimos años, los sistemas de transmisión ópticos no-coherentes están evolucionando desde 100 Gbps a 400 Gbps (4¿×100 Gbps). Dado que este mercado comprende un gran número de sistemas, el coste es un parámetro importante que debe ser lo más bajo posible. El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar distintos aspectos del procesado de señal en general y, específicamente, investigar nuevas técnicas de procesado digital de señal (DSP, digital signal processing) que puedan ser utilizadas en sistemas de transmisión óptica no-coherentes empleando la modulación por amplitud de pulsos (PAM, pulse-amplitude modulation). Para que una técnica DSP sea interesante en el contexto de una red óptica WDM no-coherente, esta debe mitigar de manera efectiva al menos una de las tres limitaciones principales que afectan a estos sistemas: limitaciones de ancho de banda, limitaciones por dispersión cromática (CD), y el ruido. En esta tesis se proponen y examinan una serie de algoritmos cuyo su rendimiento es analizado mediante simulación y experimentalmente en laboratorio: - Feed-forward equalizer (FFE): este es el esquema de ecualización más común que se emplea principalmente en las transmisiones ópticas no-coherentes de alto régimen binario. Puede compensar grandes limitaciones en el ancho de banda. - Estimación de la secuencia de máxima verosimilitud (MLSE): el MLSE es un detector óptimo y, por lo tanto, proporciona las mejores prestaciones en detección cuando se abordan las limitaciones por CD y de ancho de banda. - Conformación geométrica de la constelación: en los esquemas de modulación de intensidad óptica multinivel, la distancia entre los niveles de amplitud puede ajustarse adecuadamente (de manera que no son equidistantes) a fin de aumentar la tolerancia de la señal frente al ruido. - Conformación probabilística: técnica diseñada específicamente para esquemas de modulación multinivel. Esta técnica ajusta la probabilidad de cada nivel de amplitud de modo que se incrementa la tolerancia al ruido óptico. - Señalización de respuesta parcial (PRS, partial signaling response): este es un enfoque basado en DSP donde una interferencia entre símbolos (ISI, inter-symbol interference) controlada es introducida intencionalmente de tal manera que la señal resultante requiere menos ancho de banda. La técnica PRS puede adaptarse para combatir también el efecto de CD. - Pre-énfasis digital (DPE, digital pre-emphasis): esta técnica consiste en aplicar el inverso de la función de transferencia del sistema a la señal en el transmisor, lo que reduce el impacto de las limitaciones de ancho de banda en el receptor. - Modulación con codificación Trellis (TCM, Trellis-coded modulation): esquema de modulación que combina elementos de corrección de errores (FEC, forward error correction) con técnicas de partición en conjuntos y modulación multidimensional para generar una señal más resistente al ruido. - Modulación multidimensional por partición en conjuntos: muy similar a TCM, pero sin ningún elemento FEC. Tiene menos ganancias que TCM en términos de tolerancia al ruido, pero no es tan sensible al ISI. Utilizando estas técnicas, esta tesis demuestra que es posible lograr una transmisión óptica con régimen binario de 100 Gbps/¿ empleando componentes de bajo coste. En esta tesis también demuestra regímenes binarios de más de 200 Gbps, lo que indica que la transmisión óptica no-coherente con modulación PAM puede ser una solución viable y eficiente en coste
[CAT] Actualment, s'utilitzen sistemes òptics no coherents en xarxes òptiques de curt abast ( < 80 km), com són les xarxes d'àmbit metropolità. La implementació més comuna que podem trobar en l'estat de l'art es correspon amb sistemes emplenant multiplexació per divisió en longitud d'ona (WDM, wavelength division multiplexing) de quatre longituds d'ona (¿) proporcionant un règim binari de 100 Gbps (4¿×25 Gbps). En els últims anys, els sistemes de transmissió òptica no-coherents han evolucionat des de 100 Gbps cap a 400 Gbps (100 Gbps/¿). Atès que el mercat de sistemes de curt abast compren un gran volum de dispositius òptics instal·lats, el cost unitari és molt important i ha de ser el més baix possible. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és analitzar aspectes del processament de senyal en general i, específicament, investigar noves tècniques de processament digital de senyal (DSP, digital signal processing) que puguen ser utilitzades en sistemes de transmissió òptica no-coherent que utilitzen la modulació per amplitud d'impulsos (PAM, pulse-amplitude modulation). Per tal que una tècnica DSP es considere interessant per a una xarxa òptica WDM no-coherent, aquesta ha de mitigar efectivament almenys una de les tres principals limitacions que afecten aquests sistemes: limitacions d'ample de banda, limitacions per dispersió cromàtica (CD), i el soroll. En aquesta tesi s'examinen una sèrie d'algoritmes, el seu rendiment s'analitza per simulació i experimentalment en laboratori: - Feed-forward equalizer (FFE): aquest és l'esquema d'equalització més comú i s'utilitza bàsicament en les transmissions òptiques no coherents d'alt règim binari. Pot compensar grans quantitats de limitacions d'ample de banda. - Estimació de la seqüència de probabilitat màxima (MLSE): el MLSE és un detector òptim i, per tant, proporciona el millor rendiment quan es tracta de limitacions d'ample de banda i de CD. - Conformació geomètrica de la constel·lació: en esquemes de modulació òptica d'intensitat multinivell es pot ajustar la distància entre els nivells d'amplitud (de manera que ja no són equidistants) per augmentar la tolerància del senyal al soroll. - Conformació probabilística: una tècnica dissenyada específicament per als esquemes de modulació multinivell; ajusta la probabilitat de cada nivell d'amplitud de manera que augmenta la tolerància al soroll òptic. - Senyalització de resposta parcial (PRS, partial signaling response): és un enfocament basat en DSP on la interferència entre símbols (ISI, inter-symbol interference) controlada s'introdueix intencionalment de manera que el senyal resultant requereix menys ample de banda. La tècnica PRS es pot adaptar per combatre els efectes del CD. - Pre-èmfasi digital (DPE, digital pre-emphasis): aquesta tècnica consisteix a aplicar la inversió de la funció de transferència del sistema a la senyal en el transmissor de manera que es redueix l'impacte de les limitacions d'ample de banda en la senyal en el receptor. - Modulació amb codificació Trellis (TCM, Trellis-coded modulation): esquema de modulació que combina els elements de correcció d'errors avançats (FEC, forward error correction) amb tècniques de partionament de conjunts i modulació multidimensional per generar un senyal més resistent al soroll. - Modulació multidimensional per partició en conjuntes: molt similar a TCM però sense elements FEC. Té guanys menors que TCM en termes de tolerància al soroll, però no és tan sensible a l'ISI. Mitjançant l'ús d'aquestes tècniques, aquesta tesi demostra que és possible aconseguir una transmissió òptica amb un règim binari de 100 Gbps/¿ utilitzant components de baix cost. Esta tesi també demostra règims binaris de més de 200 Gbps, el que indica que la tecnologia no-coherent amb modulació PAM és una solució viable i eficient en cost per a una nova generació de sistemes transceptors òptics WDM funcionant a 800 Gbps (4¿×200 G
[EN] Non-coherent optical transmission systems are currently employed in short-reach optical networks (reach shorter than 80 km), like metro networks. The most common implementation in the state-of-the-art is the four wavelength (¿) 100 Gbps (4¿×25 Gbps) wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) transceiver. In recent years non-coherent optical transmissions are evolving from 100 Gbps to 400 Gbps (4¿×100 Gbps). Since in the short-reach market the volume of optical devices being deployed is very large, the cost-per-unit of the devices is very important, and it should be as low as possible. The goal of this thesis is to investigate some general signal processing aspects and, specifically, digital signal processing (DSP) techniques required in non-coherent pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) optical transmission, and also to investigate novel algorithms which could be applied to this application scenario. In order for a DSP technique to be considered an interesting solution for non-coherent WDM optical networks it has to effectively mitigate at least one of the three main impairments affecting such systems: bandwidth limitations, chromatic dispersion (CD) and noise (in optical or electrical domain). A series of algorithms are proposed and examined in this thesis, and their performance is analyzed by simulation and also experimentally in the laboratory: - Feed-forward equalization (FFE): this is the most common equalizer and it is basically employed in every high-speed non-coherent optical transmission. It can compensate high bandwidth limitations. - Maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE): the MLSE is the optimum detector and thus provides the best performance when it comes to dealing with CD and bandwidth limitations. - Geometrical constellation shaping: in multilevel optical intensity modulation schemes the distance between amplitude levels can be adjusted (such that they are no longer equidistant) in order to increase the signal's tolerance to noise. - Probabilistic shaping: another technique designed specifically for multilevel modulation schemes; it adjusts the probability of each amplitude level such that the tolerance to optical noise is increased. - Partial response signaling (PRS): this is a DSP-based approach where a controlled inter-symbol interference (ISI) is intentionally introduced in such a way that the resulting signal requires less bandwidth. PRS can be customized to also mitigate CD impairment, effectively increasing transmission distances up to three times. - Digital pre-emphasis (DPE): this technique consists in applying the inverse of the transfer function of the system to the signal at the transmitter side which reduces the impact of bandwidth limitations on the signal at the receiver side. - Trellis-coded modulation (TCM): a modulation scheme that combines forward error correction (FEC) elements with set-partitioning techniques and multidimensional modulation to generate a signal that is more resistant to noise. - Multidimensional set-partitioned modulation: very similar with TCM but without any FEC elements. It has lower gains than TCM in terms of noise tolerance but is not so sensitive to ISI. By using the techniques enumerated above, this thesis demonstrates that is possible to achieve 100 Gbps/¿ optical transmission bitrate employing cost-effective components. Even more, bitrates higher than 200 Gbps are also demonstrated, indicating that non-coherent PAM is a viable cost-effective solution for next-generation 800 Gbps (4¿×200 Gbps) WDM transceivers.
Prodaniuc, C. (2019). Advanced Signal Processing for Pulse-Amplitude Modulation Optical Transmission Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/117315

Guiomar, Fernando Pedro Pereira. "Digital nonlinear equalization for optical transmission systems." Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/15977.

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Doutoramento em Engenharia Eletrotécnica
This thesis focuses on digital equalization of nonlinear fiber impairments for coherent optical transmission systems. Building from well-known physical models of signal propagation in single-mode optical fibers, novel nonlinear equalization techniques are proposed, numerically assessed and experimentally demonstrated. The structure of the proposed algorithms is strongly driven by the optimization of the performance versus complexity tradeoff, envisioning the near-future practical application in commercial real-time transceivers. The work is initially focused on the mitigation of intra-channel nonlinear impairments relying on the concept of digital backpropagation (DBP) associated with Volterra-based filtering. After a comprehensive analysis of the third-order Volterra kernel, a set of critical simplifications are identified, culminating in the development of reduced complexity nonlinear equalization algorithms formulated both in time and frequency domains. The implementation complexity of the proposed techniques is analytically described in terms of computational effort and processing latency, by determining the number of real multiplications per processed sample and the number of serial multiplications, respectively. The equalization performance is numerically and experimentally assessed through bit error rate (BER) measurements. Finally, the problem of inter-channel nonlinear compensation is addressed within the context of 400 Gb/s (400G) superchannels for long-haul and ultra-long-haul transmission. Different superchannel configurations and nonlinear equalization strategies are experimentally assessed, demonstrating that inter-subcarrier nonlinear equalization can provide an enhanced signal reach while requiring only marginal added complexity.
A presente tese foca-se no tema da equalização digital de distorções não lineares da fibra em sistemas coerentes de transmissão ótica. Tirando partido de modelos físicos bem conhecidos para a propagação de sinal em fibras óticas mono-modo, novas técnicas de equalização não linear são propostas, testadas numericamente e validadas por demonstração experimental. A estrutura dos algoritmos propostos é fortemente condicionada pela otimização do compromisso entre complexidade e desempenho, tendo em conta a sua futura implementação prática em transcetores comerciais operando em tempo-real. O trabalho desenvolvido foca-se inicialmente na mitigação das distorções não lineares intra-canal, aplicando o conceito de propagação digital inversa realizado através de filtros de Volterra. Após uma análise sistemática do núcleo de Volterra de terceira ordem, é identificado um conjunto de simplificações críticas, culminando no desenvolvimento de algoritmos de equalização não linear de baixa complexidade, formulados no domínio do tempo e frequência. A complexidade de implementação das técnicas propostas e analiticamente descrita em termos de esforço computacional e latência de processamento, através da determinação do número de multiplicações reais por amostra e do número de multiplicações realizadas em série, respetivamente. O desempenho da equalização e avaliado recorrendo a simulação numérica e validação experimental através da medição da taxa de erros. Por fim, a questão da compensação não linear inter-canal é abordada no contexto da propagação de supercanais 400G para sistemas de transmissão metro e longa distância. Nesse âmbito são experimentalmente testadas diferentes configurações de supercanal e estratégias de equalização não linear, demonstrando assim que a implementação de equalização inter-subportadora permite estender consideravelmente o alcance, requerendo apenas um esforço computacional ligeiramente superior.

Kim, Dukhyun. "Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for digital broadcasting." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/13704.

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Frappé, Antoine. "All-digital RF signal generation using delta-sigma modulation for mobile communication terminals." Lille 1, 2007. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2007/50376-2007-Frappe.pdf.

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Dans le cadre de la radio logicielle, un transmetteur numérique, basée sur la modulation delta-sigma, est proposé. Son architecture est construite autour de deux modulateurs delta-sigma passe-bas suréchantillonnés du 3ème ordre qui fournissent un signal multiplexé sur 1 bit à haute cadence, qui code directement le signal RF dans le domaine numérique. La séquence de sortie peut ensuite être appliquée à l'entrée d'un amplificateur de puissance commuté ayant une bonne efficacité. Le standard UMTS a été choisi comme exemple d'application et un générateur de signaux RF 1 bit à 7. 8Géch/s a été réalisé dans une technologie 90nm CMOS. Une arithmétique redondante comprenant des signaux complémentaires, une quantification de sortie non exacte et une évaluation anticipée de la sortie ont été implémentées pour parvenir à la cadence désirée. Une logique dynamique différentielle sur 3 phases d'horloge, générées par une DLL, a été utilisée au niveau circuit. Le circuit intégré du transmetteur prototype démontre une fonctionnalité complète jusqu'à une fréquence d'horloge de 4GHz, permettant ainsi d'atteindre une bande passante de 50MHz autour d'une fréquence porteuse de 1GHz. Si la bande image est utilisée, la fréquence d'émission peut être déplacée jusqu'à 3GHz. Avec une fréquence d'horloge de 2. 6GHz et un canal WCDMA de 5MHz modulé autour d'une fréquence porteuse à 650MHz, 53. 6dB d'ACLR sont obtenus pour une puissance de canal en sortie de -3. 9dBm. Pour la bande image (1. 95GHz), l'ACPR est de 44. 3dB pour une puissance maximale du canal en sortie de -15. 8dBm, ce qui rentre dans les spécifications UMTS. L'aire active du circuit est de 0. I5mm² et sa consommation de 69mW sous IV à cette fréquence.

Shehata, Mohamed. "Hybrid Analogue and digital techniques applied to massive MIMO systems for 5G transmission at millimeter waves." Thesis, Rennes, INSA, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019ISAR0026.

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L’objectif principal de ce travail est d’analyser analytiquement les performances de la formation de faisceaux hybrides (HBF) dans des systèmes MIMO massifs à ondes millimétriques (mmWave), de développer des algorithmes HBF de faible complexité et optimiser les systèmes hybrides comprenant des analogiques et numériques pour s’adapter à ces systèmes et enfin de vérifier la validité pratique de ces algorithmes. Le système MIMO massif fournit un gain de transmission élevé, permettent de compenser les pertes importantes en espace libre inhérentes aux transmissions mmWave. D'autre part, l’utilisation de système HBF dans des canaux clairs offre une performance proche de l'efficacité spectrale (SE) par rapport à la formation de faisceau entièrement numérique, avec un coût matériel et une consommation d'énergie inférieurs. Dans cette thèse, nous commençons par définir les conditions pour lesquelles le HBF et la formation de faisceau entièrement numérique peuvent atteindre des performances SE similaires. Ensuite, nous analysons l’écart de performance SE qui se produit entre eux dans des canaux MIMO mmWave. De plus, nous fournissons des modèles analytique SE pour les techniques de base analogiques et HBF dans des canaux MIMO mmWave typiques. Nous considérons ensuite une structure MIMO HBF massive multi-utilisateurs (MU) qui prend en compte plusieurs techniques de traitement de signaux spatiaux de faible complexité afin de fournir un système HBF de faible complexité de mise en oeuvre pour les futurs réseaux de communication sans fil
The main aim of this work is to analytically analyze the performance of Hybrid Beamforming (HBF) in Millimeter Wave (mmWave) massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems, to develop low complexity HBF algorithms to adapt with such systems and finally to verify the practical validity of these algorithms. The massive MIMO antenna array provides high transmit gain overcoming the severe path-loss limitation of the mm Wave systems. On the other had applying HBF in sparse channels achieves close Spectral Efficiency (SE) perfonnance compared to the full digital beamforming, however with lower hardware cost and power consumption. In this thesis we start by defining the conditions for which bath the HBF and full digital beamfonning can achieve exactly similar SE performance. Then, we analyze the SE perfonnance gap that arise between them in sparse mmWave MIMO channels. Moreover, we provide closed form SE models for basic analog and HBF techniques in typical mmWave MIMO channels. Later we consider a Multi User (MU) massive MIMO HBF framework that considers multiple spatial signal processing techniques for the analog domain processing, digital domain processing, power allocation and users scheduling. We develop low complexity algorithms for such framework in order to provide a low complexity practical HBF framework for future wireless communication networks that can cope with the challenges of mm Wave channels

Shibahara, Kohki. "Advanced Signal Processing for Fiber-Optic Communication Systems Scaling Capacity Beyond 100 Tb/s." Kyoto University, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/227663.

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Xu, Tianhua. "Digital Dispersion Equalization and Carrier Phase Estimation in 112-Gbit/s Coherent Optical Fiber Transmission System." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Optik, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-34034.

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Coherent detection employing multilevel modulation format has become one of the most promising technologies for next generation high speed transmission system due to the high power and spectral efficiencies. With the powerful digital signal processing (DSP), coherent optical receivers allow the significant equalization of chromatic dispersion (CD), polarization mode dispersion (PMD), phase noise (PN) and nonlinear effects in the electrical domain. Recently, the realizations of these DSP algorithms for mitigating the channel distortions in the transmission system are the most attractive investigations.  The CD equalization can be performed by the digital filters developed in the time and the frequency domain, which can suppress the fiber dispersion effectively. The PMD compensation is usually performed in the time domain with the adaptive least mean square (LMS) and constant modulus algorithms (CMA) equalization. Feed-forward and feed-back carrier phase estimation algorithms are employed to mitigate the phase noise from the transmitter and local oscillator lasers. The fiber nonlinearities are compensated by using the digital backward propagation methods based on solving the nolinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation and the Manakov equation.  In this dissertation, we present a comparative analysis of three digital filters for chromatic dispersion compensation, an analytical evaluation of carrier phase estimation with digital equalization enhanced phase noise and a brief discussion for PMD adaptive equalization. To implement these investigations, a 112-Gbit/s non-return-to-zero polarization division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (NRZ-PDM-QPSK) coherent transmission system is realized in the VPI simulation platform. With the coherent transmission system, these CD equalizers have been compared by evaluating their applicability for different fiber lengths, their usability for dispersion perturbations and their computational complexity. Meanwhile, the bit-error-rate (BER) floor in carrier phase estimation using a one-tap normalized LMS filter is evaluated analytically, and the numerical results are compared to a differential QPSK detection system.
QC 20110629

Bai, Neng. "Mode-Division Multiplexed Transmission in Few-mode Fibers." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2013. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/5761.

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As a promising candidate to break the single-mode fiber capacity limit, mode-division multiplexing (MDM) explores the spatial dimension to increase transmission capacity in fiber-optic communication. Two linear impairments, namely loss and multimode interference, present fundamental challenges to implementing MDM. In this dissertation, techniques to resolve these two issues are presented. To de-multiplex signals subject to multimode interference in MDM, Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) processing using adaptive frequency-domain equalization (FDE) is proposed and investigated. Both simulations and experiments validate that FDE can reduce the algorithmic complexity significantly in comparison with the conventional time-domain equalization (TDE) while achieving similar performance as TDE. To further improve the performance of FDE, two modifications on traditional FDE algorithm are demonstrated. i) normalized adaptive FDE is applied to increase the convergence speed by 5 times; ii) master-slave carrier recovery is proposed to reduce the algorithmic complexity of phase estimation by number of modes. Although FDE can reduce the computational complexity of the MIMO processing, due to large mode group delay (MGD) of FMF link and block processing, the algorithm still requires enormous memory and high hardware complexity. In order to reduce the required tap length (RTL) of the equalizer, differential mode group delay compensated fiber (DMGDC) has been proposed. In this dissertation, the analytical expression for RTL is derived for DMGDC systems under the weak mode coupling assumption. Instead of depending on the overall MGD of the link in DMGD uncompensated (DMGDUC) systems, the RTL of DMGDC systems depend on the MGD of a single DMGDC fiber section. The theoretical and numerical results suggest that by using small compensation step-size, the RTL of DMGDC link can be reduced by 2 orders of magnitude compared to DMGDUC link. To compensate the loss of different modes, multimode EDFAs are presented with re-configurable multimode pumps. By tuning the mode content of the multimode pump, mode-dependent gain (MDG) can be controlled and equalized. A proto-type FM-EDFA which could support 2 LP modes was constructed. The experimental results show that by using high order mode pumps, the modal gain difference can be reduced. By applying both multimode EDFA and equalization techniques, 26.4Tb/s MDM-WDM transmission was successfully demonstrated. A brief summary and several possible future research directions conclude this dissertation.
Optics and Photonics
Optics and Photonics

Abayaje, Furat. "Transmission numérique sans fil en bande de base pour la communication à courte distance avec des circuits cryogéniques." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017GREAT017/document.

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Les circuits logiques "Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum" (RSFQ) à base de jonctions Josephson supraconductrices sont utilisés pour générer, traiter et transmettre des impulsions ultra-courtes dont l'aire quantifiée est celle du quantum de flux magnétique h/2e et correspond à 2.07 mV.ps. De tels circuits sont utilisés pour traiter le signal à très haute fréquence avec des fréquences d'horloge dans la gamme 10-120 GHz et une puissance consommée environ 100 à 1000 fois plus faible (incluant le coût énergétique du refroidissement à 4,2 K) que celle des meilleurs circuits semi-conducteurs équivalents. La logique RSFQ est une alternative intéressante pour les super-ordinateurs et offre des performances inégalées pour traiter les signaux micro-ondes à la volée. Une fois les signaux numérisés et traités à température cryogénique, le défi principal est de transférer à température ambiante les signaux numériques de faible tension (dans la gamme 200-1000µV) à des débits de 1 à 10 Gbps par voie, tout en limitant la charge thermique sur le système de réfrigération cryogénique, afin de construire un système performant à très haut débit numérique. Une solution à ce verrou est de transmettre les signaux par un système d'émission-réception sans fil avec la bande passante suffisante. Ce travail examine différents systèmes de transmission sans fil à courte distance, correspondant à la configuration physique entre les étages à températures cryogénique et ambiante, pour des taux de transmission de quelques Gbps. Il s'est construit sur quatre points cruciaux à résoudre :• le choix et l'étude du codage numérique approprié pour être utilisé comme support de transmission en bande de base des signaux sans utiliser de modulation analogique, comme les codages Polar Return-to-Zero et Manchester ;• l'étude et la sélection d'antennes ultra large bande avec une attention particulière portée sur les antennes Vivaldi antipodales et les antennes monopôles pour satisfaire aux contraintes cryogéniques ;• l'étude du taux d'erreur du système de transmission. Deux méthodes ont été développées pour récupérer les signaux numériques et minimiser le taux d'erreur ;• la comparaison entre simulations et mesures afin d'évaluer la performance du système global
Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum (RSFQ) logic circuits based on superconducting Josephson junctions are using to generate, process and transmit very short quantized pulses whose area is the quantum of magnetic flux h/2e and corresponds to 2.07 mV.ps. Such circuits are used to process signals at very high speed with clock frequencies in the 10-120 GHz range and a power consumption about 100 to 1000 times lower that their best available semiconductor counterparts (including the cost of cooling down to 4,2K). RSFQ logic is an interesting alternative for supercomputers and offers unsurpassed performances for processing microwave signals on the fly. Once digital signals are processed at cryogenic temperature the key challenge is to transfer at room temperature the low-voltage output digital signals (about 200-1000µV) at high rates of about 1-10Gbps per channel, by limiting the thermal burden on the cryogenic system, in order to build high performance high throughput systems.A solution is to transmit the signals with a wireless emitting-receiving antenna set with a suitable bandwidth. This work examines several wireless baseband transmission systems in a short distance configuration, associated to the distance between the cryogenic and room temperature stages, for data rates in the range of a few Gbps. It elaborates on four crucial issues :• the choice and study of the proper line codes to be used for baseband transmission of digital signals without the need for analogue modulations, such as Polar Return-to-Zero and Manchester encodings ;• the study and selection of ultra-wide bandwidth antennas with a focus on small size Antipodal Vivaldi Antennas and monopole antennas to meet cryogenic constraints ;• the study of the Bit Error Rate (BER) of the transmitting system. Two methods were developed to recover the digital output signals and minimize the BER.• the comparison between simulations and measurements to assess the performance of the overall system

Le, Bidan Raphaël. "Turbo-equalization for bandwidth-efficient digital communications over frequency-selective channels." Rennes, INSA, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003ISAR0012.

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Cette thèse traite de la combinaison des fonctions d'égalisation et décodage pour les transmissions haut-débits avec modulations codées sur canaux sélectifs en fréquence. Nous considérons la Turbo-Egalisation, qui instaure un échange itératif d'information entre l'égaliseur et le décodeur. Nous étudions dans un premier temps le turbo-égaliseur reposant sur le critère maximum-a-posteriori, et montrons que ce récepteur offre des gains de performances importants en comparaison avec les récepteurs traditionnels. Nous considérons ensuite une seconde classe de turbo-égaliseurs de moindre complexité reposant sur des égaliseurs à base de filtres linéaires, optimisés selon le critère de la minimisation de l'erreur quadratique moyenne (MEQM). Nos études montrent que ce récepteur constitue une solution attractive pour les transmissions à grande efficacité spectrale sur canaux sélectifs en fréquence. Finalement, nous présenterons la mise en oeuvre d'un turbo-égaliseur MEQM sur un DSP virgule-fixe.

Bailey, Brian Douglas. "Design of a video measurement system." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/80071.

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Fernandez, de Jauregui Ruiz Ivan. "Advanced modulation formats and nonlinear mitigation for spectral efficient optical transmission systems." Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TELE0009/document.

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La majeure partie des communications mondiales est transportée par des systèmes transocéaniques à fibre optique. Il est estimé que d'ici 2020 le trafic de données atteindra 4.3 ZB par an. Afin de faire face à cette demande, différentes technologies sont actuellement étudiées pour augmenter la capacité des systèmes de transmission très longue distance. Avec l'avènement des circuits intégrés à haute vitesse, des formats de modulation avancés et des techniques de traitement de signal numérique (DSP) peuvent être utilisés pour maximiser l'efficacité spectrale de transmission. Par ailleurs, la capacité des systèmes modernes est fortement limitée par les effets non-linéaires de type Kerr dans la fibre. Ainsi, la première partie de ce travail est axée sur l’étude de la performance et des gains réalisables par des techniques DSP à faible complexité pour mitiger les effets non-linéaires monocanal. En outre, l’utilisation des formats de modulation multiniveaux à haute efficacité spectrale au-delà de 16QAM a pris de l'ampleur pour augmenter le débit de transmission des systèmes, notamment avec l’introduction des formats QAM avec mise en forme probabiliste (PCS-QAM), plus performants que les formats QAM classiques. La deuxième partie de ce travail présente donc une comparaison théorique ainsi qu’expérimentale du format PCS-64QAM avec d’autres formats à haute efficacité spectrale pour les distances transatlantiques. La mise en œuvre d’un format PCS-64QAM conçu pour les distances transpacifiques est également abordée. Enfin, la dernière partie de ce travail concrétise les résultats des travaux menés dans les deux sections précédentes en présentant plusieurs records de transmission
Global data traffic is expected to reach up to 4.3 ZB per year by 2020. With the majority of the global communications being transported on submarine point-to-point fiber-optic systems, different cutting-edge technologies have been under research to cope with this unprecedented traffic growth. Continuous advances in high-speed integrated circuits have allowed the use of advanced modulation formats and digital signal processing (DSP) techniques to maximize the transmission spectral efficiency. With mitigation of fiber linear effects efficiently carried out by DSP with relative low-complexity, the capacity of modern fiber optic systems rests limited by fiber nonlinearities. To this extent, in the first part of this work, the performance and achievable benefits of low-complexity DSP techniques aiming to mitigate fiber Kerr nonlinear effects are investigated. Besides nonlinear compensation techniques, the use of multi-level modulation formats beyond 16QAM and high symbol rate channels have gained momentum to increase the system spectral efficiency. One of the major breakthroughs in the recent years, has been the introduction of QAM-based probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS-QAM), which has proven to outperform regular QAM formats. In this sense, in the second part of this work, the practical achievable rate increase brought by PCS-QAM for transoceanic distances is investigated. A theoretical and experimental comparison with other high-capacity formats is performed, and the design of a PCS-QAM for trans-Pacific distances is addressed. Finally, in the last section, several transmission records using the two above techniques are reported

Lange, Werner R., and Martin Ravensbergen. "TIME REFERENCE SYSTEM OF THE ESO VERY LARGE TELESCOPE." International Foundation for Telemetering, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/608540.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 30-November 02, 1995 / Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
The necessity of supplying precise time information in large telemetry ground stations and astronomical observatories is very similar. Therefore the way of solving this problem as it is done in the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory can be easily adopted to telemetry stations and ranges, especially when fiber optics are used. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is building a new observatory in Chile for the Very Large Telescope (VLT). This VLT consists of 4 telescopes, each of them has a primary mirror diameter of 8 meters. the control architecture is based on workstations and VMEbus computers. The VMEbus computers are distributed over the whole building and are using real time operating system. Since the availability of the Global Positioning System (GPS) the generation of highly accurate timing signals on remote locations without the use of expensive Cesium standards does not create problems any more. However, distribution of a timing signal to many computer with high accuracy is an issue. The accuracy of the commonly used IRIG B-code is not adequate if the requirements are in the 10 microseconds range. This paper presents the design of a timing system that is adopted to the VLT. An overview of the requirements of the Time Reference System (TRS) is given. These requirements have been defined on the basis of experiences with the timing system of the ESO NTT telescope. The hardware units are described. These are a Central Time Standard, a Time Distribution System and a VME Time Interface Module. The distribution is based on fiber optic transmission, using a simple digital modulation that outperforms the analog IRIG B modulation. The Time Interface Module in the computer does not only perform the timing signal decoding but contains also user-programmable timers that are synchronously clocked from the time source. Presently all units of the TRS have been tested and the series production of the distribution and the Time Interface Modules are in progress.

YE, Zi. "Traitement statistique de l'information et du signal pour l'internet des objets sous-marins." Thesis, Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2021. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03179373.

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On assiste au développement des activités humaines liées au monde océanique, mais aucune norme n'a encore émergé pour l'Internet des objets appliqué aux objets autonomes marins. Bien qu'elle possède une bande passante limitée, l'onde acoustique est le seul moyen de communiquer sur des distances importantes et elle est donc utilisée par de nombreux systèmes sous-marins pour communiquer, naviguer ou déduire des informations sur l'environnement. Cela a conduit à une forte demande de réseaux sans fil qui nécessitent à la fois une bonne efficacité spectrale et énergétique avec la faible complexité des algorithmes associés. Par conséquent, au cours de ce doctorat, nous avons proposé plusieurs solutions originales pour relever le défi de développer des techniques numériques, capables de faire face au canal acoustique.En raison d’une diversité inhérente d'espace du signal (SSD), les constellations tournées permettent de meilleures performances théoriques que les constellations conventionnelles et ce, sans détérioration spectrale. Nous passons en revue les propriétés structurelles des constellations tournées M-QAM uniformément projetées, afin de proposer une technique de demapping souple à faible complexité pour les canaux à fading. Puis, nous proposons une technique originale de réduction du PAPR pour les systèmes OFDM utilisant les constellations tournées. Afin de réduire la complexité du décodage aveugle, nous nous appuyons sur les propriétés des constellations tournées M-QAM uniformément projetées, pour concevoir un estimateur de faible complexité. De plus, pour faire face à la sélectivité du canal acoustique, nous avons proposé un turbo-détecteur parcimonieux adaptatif avec seulement quelques coefficients à mettre à jour afin de réduire la complexité. Enfin, nous avons proposé un algorithme original auto-optimisé pour lequel les tailles de pas de l'égaliseur sont mises à jour de manière adaptative et assistées par des informations souples de manière itérative, afin de répondre à l'exigence de convergence rapide et de faible erreur quadratique sur des canaux variant rapidement dans le temps
There has been recently a large development of human activities associated to the ocean world, where no standard has emerged for the Internet of Things (IoT) linked to marine autonomous objects. Though it has a limited bandwidth, the acoustic wave is the only way to communicate over average to large distances and it is thus used by many underwater systems to communicate, navigate, or infer information about the environment. This led to a high demand for wireless networks that require both spectral efficiency and energy efficiency with the associated low-complexity algorithms. Therefore, in this Ph.D. thesis, we proposed several original solutions to face this challenge.Indeed, due to the inherent Signal Space Diversity (SSD), rotated constellations allow better theoretical performance than conventional constellations with no spectral spoilage. We review the structural properties of uniformly projected rotated M-QAM constellations, so as to propose a low complexity soft demapping technique for fading channels. Then, we present an original blind technique for the reduction of the PAPR for OFDM systems using the rotated constellations with SSD. In order to reduce the complexity of blind decoding for this technique, we again rely on the properties of uniformly projected M-QAM rotated constellations to design a low-complexity estimator. Moreover, to face the selectivity of the acoustic channel, we suggest a sparse adaptive turbo detector with only a few taps to be updated in order to lower down the complexity burden. Finally, we have proposed an original self-optimized algorithm for which the step-sizes of both the equalizer and the phase estimator are updated adaptively and assisted by soft-information in an iterative manner, so as to meet the requirement of fast convergence and low MSE over time-varying channels

Stanton, Kevin Blythe. "Jitter and Wander Reduction for a SONET DS3 Desynchronizer Using Predictive Fuzzy Control." PDXScholar, 1996. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/1164.

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Excessive high-frequency jitter or low-frequency wander can create problems within synchronous transmission systems and must be kept within limits to ensure reliable network operation. The emerging Synchronous Optical NETwork (SONET) introduces additional challenges for jitter and wander attenuation equipment (called desynchronizers) when used to carry payloads from the existing Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH), such as the DS3. The difficulty is primarily due to the large phase transients resulting from the pointer-based justification technique employed by SONET (called Pointer Justification Events or PJEs). While some previous desynchronization techniques consider the buffer level in their control actions, none has explicitly considered wander generation. Instead, compliance with jitter, wander, and buffer-size constraints have typically been met implicitly--through testing and tuning of the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) controller. We investigated a fuzzy/rule-based solution to this desynchronization/constraint-satisfaction problem. But rather than mapping the input state to an action, as is done in standard fuzzy logic, our controller maps a state and a candidate action to a desired result. In other words, this control paradigm employs prediction to evaluate which of a set of candidate actions would result in the "best" predicted performance. Before the controller could predict an action's affect on buffer and wander levels, appropriate models were required. The model of the buffer is simply the integral of the frequency difference between the input and output of the PLL, and a novel MTIE Constraint Envelope technique was developed to evaluate future wander performance. We show that a predictive knowledge-based controller is capable of achieving the following three objectives: (1) Reduce jitter implicitly by avoiding unnecessary frequency changes such that the jitter limits specified in relevant standards are met, (2) Explicitly satisfy both buffer-level and wander (MTIE) constraints by trading off performance in one to meet the hard limit of the other, (3) When both buffer-level and wander constraints are in danger of violation and cannot be satisfied simultaneously, maintain the preferred constraint by sacrificing the other. We also show that the computation required for this control algorithm is easily within the reach of modern microprocessors.

Bustamante, Danilo. "High-Precision, Mixed-Signal Mismatch Measurement of Metal-Oxide-Metal Capacitors and a 13-GHz 5-bit 360-Degree Phase Shifter." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2020. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/9240.

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A high-precision mixed-signal mismatch measurement technique for metal-oxide metal (MoM) capacitors as well as the design of a 13-GHz 5-bit 360-degree phase shifter are presented. This thesis presents a high-precision, mixed-signal mismatch measurement technique for metal-oxide–metal capacitors. The proposed technique incorporates a switched-capacitor op amp within the measurement circuit to significantly improve the measurement precision while relaxing the resolution requirement on the backend analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The proposed technique is also robust against multiple types of errors. A detailed analysis is presented to quantify the sensitivity improvement of the proposed technique over the conventional one. In addition, this thesis proposes a multiplexing technique to measure a large number of capacitors in a single chip and a new layout to improve matching. A prototype fabricated in 180 nm CMOS technology demonstrates the ability to sense capacitor mismatch standard deviation as low as 0.045% with excellent repeatability, all without the need of a high-resolution ADC. The 13-GHz 5-bit 360-degree phase shifter consists of 2 stages. The first stage utilizes a delay line for 4-bit 180-degree phase shift. A second stage provides 1-bit 180-degree phase shift. The phase shifter includes gain tuning so as to allow a gain variation of less than 1 dB. The design has been fabricated in 180 nm CMOS technology and measurement results show a complete 360◦ phase shift with an average step size of 10.7◦ at 13-GHz. After calibration the phase shifter presented an output gain S21 of 0.5 dB with a gain variation of less than 1 dB across all codes at 13-GHz. The remaining s-parameter testing showed a S22 and S11 below -11 dB and a S12 below -49 dB at 13 GHz.

ALENCAR, Raphael Tavares de. "Diversidade de modulação aplicada a canais com múltiplos percursos." Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2014. http://dspace.sti.ufcg.edu.br:8080/jspui/handle/riufcg/443.

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Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-20T22:42:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RAPHAEL TAVARES DE ALENCAR - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEE 2014..pdf: 1279047 bytes, checksum: 21e02690d9f7fa6020cc8bc9de97b124 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-20T22:42:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RAPHAEL TAVARES DE ALENCAR - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEE 2014..pdf: 1279047 bytes, checksum: 21e02690d9f7fa6020cc8bc9de97b124 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08
O canal sem fio tem características de desvanecimento devido ao multipercurso, visto que há reflexões e espalhamentos ao longo do caminho percorrido pelo sinal. O desvanecimento é considerado uma das principais causas de degradação do desempenho em um sistema de comunicações móveis, visto que depende fortemente do canal em que se propaga o sinal transmitido. A diversidade de modulação é uma técnica eficiente em termos de utilização de banda de frequência, que consiste na rotação da constelação do sinal digital transmitido associado ao entrelaçamento das componentes de modulação em fase e em quadratura da constelação do sinal. O objetivo da diversidade em modulação é mitigar os efeitos do desvanecimento em comunicações sem fio. Esta dissertação aborda o estudo da diversidade de modulação no cenário de múltiplos raios de propagação Osresultadosapresentamsimulaçõesdecenárioscom múltiplos raios, isto é, o sinal é transmitido por múltiplos percursos, cada um associado a um fator de desvanecimento e um atraso aleatórios. São feitas comparações entre as taxas de erros para oito cenários com e sem interferência intersimbólica, de um a seis raios, com e sem linha de visada, para os esquemas de modulação digital 4-PSK e 8-PSK. São apresentadas as comparações entre os resultados de taxas de erros com e sem o uso da técnica de diversidade de modulação, com a intenção de avaliar o ganho desta técnica nestes cenários. Também é feita uma análise para obter o ângulo de rotação ótimo para as constelações mencionadas, considerando diferentes cenários de multipercurso. Para tanto, são empregados os conceitos de esquemas de modulação digital, múltiplos percursos, distribuições de probabilidade, canais de comunicação e técnicas de diversidade.
The wireless channel has characteristics of multipath fading,due to reflections and scattering that the signal suffers over the propagation path. Fading is considered one of the main causes of performance degradation of a mobile communications system, as it strongly depends on the channel through which the signal is transmitted. Modulation diversity is a bandwidth-efficient technique that consist on the rotation of the digital signal constellation. assiciated with the interleaving of the in-phase and quadrature modulation components. The objective of the modulation diversity technique is to mitigate the effects of fading in wireless communications The results present simulations of multipath scenarios, that is, the signal is transmitted through multiple channels, each one associated with a stochastic fading factor and random delay Biterrorratesareevaluatedandcomparedforforeightdifferentscenarioswithandwithout intersymbolicinterference,fromonetosixpaths,withandwithoutlineofsight,for4-PSKand 8-PSKdigitalmodulationschemes. Transmissionbiterrorratevalues,withandwithouttheuse ofmodulationdiversityarecompared,astoevaluatethegainofthisdiversitytechniqueforsuch scenarios. Also, an analysis is performed to obtain the optimum rotation angle for the mentioned constellations, considering the different multipath scenarios. In this regard, concepts of digital modulation schemes, multiple paths, probability distributions, communication channels and diversity techniques are used.

Jiang, Jeng-Shiann. "Measurement, Modeling, and Performance, of Indoor MIMO Channels." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/5035.

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The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the performance of the recently proposed MIMO technology in real indoor environments based on channel measurements centered at 5.8 GHz. First, a MIMO channel measurement system is implemented based on the virtual antenna array infrastructure. This measurement testbed can acquire the wideband channel matrices of MIMO systems with arbitrary array geometries. The measurement system structure and measurement procedure are described in detail in the first part. The second part is about MIMO channel modeling. Two novel number-of-sources detection algorithms, which are more robust and suitable for practical applications than traditional methods, are proposed. The MIMO path parameters, including delay, DOA, and DOD are estimated from measured data by several estimation schemes based on the ESPRIT algorithm. The accuracies of these estimation schemes are evaluated in terms of the estimation error between the capacities of the directly measured and the reconstructed channels. Moreover, based on ray tracing and measurement results, the spherical wave model is suggested to replace conventional plane wave model in order to prevent the capacity underestimation of short-range MIMO channels. An important observation is that short-range MIMO can achieve full capacity in free space channel. A threshold distance is derived to determine whether the spherical wave model is necessary. In the final part, measurements conducted in the Residential Laboratory are used to investigate the impact of element spacing, LOS, interference, spatial correlation between the interfering and data links, and stream control. A capacity enhancement scheme, which improves the performance by adapting the element locations, is implemented using our measurement system. Finally, the performances of beam selection and antenna selection in combination with MIMO technologies are compared in both narrowband and wideband channels.

Gareus, Robin. "The Ardour DAW – Latency Compensation and Anywhere-to-Anywhere Signal Routing Systems." Thesis, Paris 8, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA080116/document.

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Dans des systèmes numériques essentiellement latents, compenser la latence n’est pastrivial, en particulier lorsque les graphes de routage du signal sont complexes commec’est souvent le cas dans une station audionumérique (DAW).Tandis que le problème général est de nature mathématique, des complicationsapparaissent dans la conception de systèmes audio en temps réel à cause des contraintesdu matériel, de l’architecture du système, ou de l’ingénierie.Pour construire un système fournissant une compensation de latence sur l’intégralitédu graphe avec possibilité de connecter n’importe quelle source à n’importe quelledestination, uniquement décrire les mécanismes est insuffisant. Le système completdoit être conçu d’un bloc à l’aide de prototypes pour prendre en compte les limitationsdu monde réel.Cette recherche a été menée en utilisant Ardour, une station audionumériquelibrement disponible sous licence libre GPL. Cette thèse est autant un rapport deconception qu’une documentation de recherche.Une analyse complète des éléments de base et de leurs interactions est présentée.La plupart ont été implémentés au delà de la démonstration de faisabilité, dans lebut de combler l’écart entre les systèmes professionnels de production audio et ladocumentation librement accessible pour la recherche et le développement.Même si elle s’attache ostensiblement à Ardour, cette thèse décrit les conceptgénériques des station audio tels que les Ports, les pistes (Tracks), les bus (Busses)et les processeurs de traitement numériques du signal (Processors) ainsi que lesinteractions opérationnelles entre eux.Les concepts de base communs à toutes les entrées/sorties numériques sont expliquésainsi que les sources de latence. Les graphes de traitement et de latence sont illustréspour présenter une vue d’ensemble.Les problèmes généraux rencontrés lors de l’alignement temporel, tant local que
In inherently latent digital systems it is not trivial to compensate for latency, particularlyin situations of complex signal routing graphs as is the case in a Digital AudioWorkstation.While the general problem is of mathematical nature, design complexities arisein real-time audio systems due to constraints by hardware, system-architecture andengineering.To construct a system providing for full-graph latency compensation with anywhereto-anywhere routing capabilities, it is insufficient to merely describe mechanisms.The complete system has to be designed as one and prototyped to take real-worldlimitations into account.This research was carried out using Ardour, a digital audio workstation, whichis freely available under the GPL free-software licence. This thesis is as much adesign-report as it is research documentation.A complete breakdown of building-blocks and interaction is presented, most of whichhas also been implemented beyond a proof-of-concept with the goal to bridge the gapbetween professional audio production systems and freely accessible documentationfor research and development.While ostensibly focusing on Ardour, this thesis describes generic concepts of AudioWorkstations like Ports, Tracks, Busses, and DSP Processors, as well as operationalinteraction between them.Basic concepts common to all digital I/O processes an,d sources of latency areexplained, and process- and latency graphs are illustrated to provide a completepicture. General issues related to time-alignment, both local, and global, as wellas more DAW specific cases like parameter-automation and parallel-execution arediscussed. Algorithms are modelled with pseudocode where appropriate and applicationprogramming interfaces are presented as examples to concepts throughout the text

Muñoz, Limay Katherine, and Rentería David Alonso Barrios. "Mejoramiento de calidad de servicio de señal abierta en una empresa televisiva de la Región de Ica." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2015. http://cybertesis.urp.edu.pe/handle/urp/1289.

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La calidad de servicio de televisión de señal abierta en el Perú ha sido un inconveniente en las últimas décadas debido a la mala calidad que se brinda a los usuarios, la llegada de las implementaciones de estaciones terrestres digitales de la Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) podrá brindar a los ciudadanos de provincias y lugares lejanos una mejor calidad de imagen en sus televisores, en el cual están involucradas las emisoras televisivas. Una de las características de la señal de la televisión digital es la forma eficiente que tiene para transmitir en cualquier lugar, con alta calidad tanto en video como en audio, ofreciendo al usuario producto mucho mejor, con una de sus cualidades la interacción y acceso a información. En este trabajo se desea realizar una investigación adecuada para el mejoramiento de servicio de televisión de señal abierta de una empresa televisiva en la región de Ica, utilizando una estación terrena digital a través del estándar ISDB-Tb. Se utilizara el método de implementación de una estación terrena digital, con la finalidad de identificar los factores que influyen al ser implementadas con relación a las estaciones televisivas pequeñas. Se establecerá las diferencias que existen en la calidad de servicio para la transmisión análoga y digital en una señal abierta, ya sean sus ventajas o desventajas; y a la vez especificar el cambio que ocasionará al transmitir una señal abierta de estación televisiva pequeña a través de una señal digital. The quality of service television networks in Peru has been a drawback in recent decades due to the poor quality that users are provided, the arrival of the deployments of digital terrestrial stations of the Digital Terrestrial Television may giving citizens and far places better image quality on their TVs, which are involved in television stations. One feature of the digital tv signal is the efficient way it has to transmit anywhere, with high quality in both video and audio, providing users with better product, with one of his qualities interaction and access information. In this work we want to do adequate research to improve service broadcast television from a television company in the region of Ica, using a digital earth station through the ISDB-Tb standard. The method of implementing a digital earth station, in order to identify the factors that influence to be implemented in relation to small television stations were used. The differences in the quality of service for analog to digital signal transmission in an open, whether the advantages or disadvantages will be established; and simultaneously specify the change will cause a small open when transmitting television station signal through a digital signal.

Axelberg, Peter. "On Tracing Flicker Sources and Classification of Voltage Disturbances." Doctoral thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Ingenjörshögskolan, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-3416.

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Developments in measurement technology, communication and data storage have resulted in measurement systems that produce large amount of data. Together with the long existing need for characterizing the performance of the power system this has resulted in demand for automatic and efficient information-extraction methods. The objective of the research work presented in this thesis was therefore to develop new robust methods that extract additional information from voltage and current measurements in power systems. This work has contributed to two specific areas of interest.The first part of the work has been the development of a measurement method that gives information how voltage flicker propagates (with respect to a monitoring point) and how to trace a flicker source. As part of this work the quantity of flicker power has been defined and integrated in a perceptionally relevant measurement method. The method has been validated by theoretical analysis, by simulations, and by two field tests (at low-voltage and at 130-kV level) with results that matched the theory. The conclusion of this part of the work is that flicker power can be used for efficient tracing of a flicker source and to determine how flicker propagates.The second part of the work has been the development of a voltage disturbance classification system based on the statistical learning theory-based Support Vector Machine method. The classification system shows always high classification accuracy when training data and test data originate from the same source. High classification accuracy is also obtained when training data originate from one power network and test data from another. The classification system shows, however, lower performance when training data is synthetic and test data originate from real power networks. It was concluded that it is possible to develop a classification system based on the Support Vector Machine method with “global settings” that can be used at any location without the need to retrain. The conclusion is that the proposed classification system works well and shows sufficiently high classification accuracy when trained on data that originate from real disturbances. However, more research activities are needed in order to generate synthetic data that have statistical characteristics close enough to real disturbances to replace actual recordings as training data.

Teichmann, Jürgen. "Untersuchung allgemeiner Eigenschaften, Optimierung und integrierte Realisierung logischer Schaltungen mit hystereseförmiger Übertragungskennlinie." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2014. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa-132705.

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Zur Verbesserung der Störsicherheit bei der digitalen Signalübertragung wird eine Hysterese in die Übertragungskennlinie des Gatters eingefügt. Der Einfluss der Höhe der beiden Schwellwerte auf die Anzahl der auftretenden Fehler wird mittels eines Rechnerprogrammes untersucht. Ein Zufallsgenerator erzeugt Signale in verschiedenen Höhen und Breiten, die sich den ungestörten Signalen überlagern. Es erfolgt eine Umsetzung einer integrierten Schaltung auf einem TTL Master. Die Schaltung wird mittels eines eigens entwickelten Netzwerkanalyseprgrammes berechnet. Messergebnisse werden mitgeteilt
To enhance the noise immunity of digital signal transmission, a hysteresis is introduced to the transfer characteristic of integrated digital circuit. The influence of height of the two threshold values to the number of occurring errors is examined by a computer program. A random number generator generates signals of different heights and widths, which are superimposed on the undisturbed signals. There is an implementation of an integrated circuit on a TTL master. The DC performane is calculated by means of a specially developed circuit analysis program. Measurement results are presented

Amari, Abdelkerim. "Compensation des effets nonlinéaires pour les transmissions WDM longue distance à 400Gbps et au-delà." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ENST0031/document.

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Les systèmes de communications optiques jouent un role important pour satisfaire la demande incessante de trafics de données. Cette demande, induite par des applications gourmandes en termes de bande passante et débit, necéssite une augmentation de la capacité des réseaux optiques d’accès et par conséquent une augmentation des capacités de réseaux de transports métropolitains et longues distances. La prochaine génération de systèmes WDM longue distance devrait opérée à des débits de 400Gbps ou 1Tbps. Cette montée en débit s’appuiera sur des nouvelles formes d’ondes avancées de type mono-porteuse (Nyquist-WDM) ou multi-porteuse (OFDM multi-bande). Ces approches sont basées sur le multipléxage de plusieurs porteuses espacées par des intervalles de garde réduits. D’autre part, pour générer ces très haut débits, des modulations multi-états sont utilisées pour chaque porteuse grâce à leur efficacité spectrale élevée. Ces types de systèmes, qui combinent à la fois les approches multi-bande et les modulations multi-états, sont extrêmement vulnérables aux effets nonlinéaires de la fibre optique. En fait, les effets nonlinéaires sont dépendants de la puissance de transmission et inversement proportionels à l’intervalle de garde. Cela rend leur compensation indispensable pour maintenir des bonnes performances des systèmes en terme de distance de transmission. Grâce à l’emploi de récepteurs à détection cohérente, des techniques de traitement du signal numérique sont utlisées pour combattre les effets nonlinéaires. Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé des nouvelles techniques basées sur les séries de Volterra et les égaliseurs à retour de decision pour compenser respectivement les effets nonlinéaires intrabande et les interférences nonlinéaires inter-bande
Optical communication systems have evolved since their deployment to meet the growing demand for high-speed communications. Over the past decades, the global demand for communication capacity has increased exponentially and the most of the growth has occurred in the last few years when data started dominating network traffic. In order to meet the increase of traffic demands fueled by the growth of internet services, an increase of access network capacity and consequently metro and long-haul network capacities is required. Next generation of long-haul WDM transmission systems is expected to operate at 400Gbps or 1Tbps bit rate. Superchannel approaches, such as Nyquist WDM and multi-band OFDM, allow both high spectral efficiency and small guardband which makes them promising candidates to generate these high bit rates in combination with multi-level modulations formats. Such transmission systems are strongly disturbed by fiber nonlinear effects which increase with the data rate and the small guard band. Therefore, fiber nonlinearities compensation is required to get the desired performance in terms of transmission reach. DSP based approaches such as digital back propagation and third-order Volterra based nonlinear equalizer have been already proposed to deal with intra-channel or intra-band nonlinear effects. In the context of superchannel systems, we have proposed two new compensation techniques to deal with fiber nonlinear effects. The first one, called fifth-order inverse Volterra based nonlinear equalizer, compensate for intra-band nonlinear effects. The second approach, which is the interband/ subcarrier nonlinear interference canceler, is proposed to combat the nonlinear interference insuperchannel systems

Le, Son Thai. "Advanced digital signal processing for coherent optical OFDM transmissions." Thesis, Aston University, 2016. http://publications.aston.ac.uk/28889/.

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Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) has been actively considered as a potential candidate for long-haul transmission and 400 Gb/s to 1 Tb/s Ethernet transport because of its high spectral efficiency, efficient implementation, flexibility and robustness against linear impairments such as chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion. However, due to the long symbol duration and narrow subcarrier spacing, CO-OFDM systems are sensitive to laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity induced penalties. As a result, the development of CO-OFDM transmission technology crucially relies on efficient techniques to compensate for the laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity impairments. In this thesis, high performance and low complexity digital signal processing techniques for laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity compensation in CO-OFDM transmissions are demonstrated. For laser phase noise compensation, three novel techniques, namely quasipilot-aided, decision-directed-free blind and multiplier-free blind are introduced. For fibre nonlinear compensation, two novel techniques which are referred to as phase conjugated pilots and phase conjugated subcarrier coding, are proposed. All these abovementioned digital signal processing techniques offer high performances and flexibilities while requiring relatively low complexities in comparison with other existing phase noise and nonlinear compensation techniques. As a result of the developments of these digital signal processing techniques, CO-OFDM technology is expected to play a significant role in future ultra-high capacity optical network. In addition, this thesis also presents preliminary study on nonlinear Fourier transform based transmission schemes in which OFDM is a highly suitable modulation format. The obtained result paves the way towards a truly flexible nonlinear wave-division multiplexing system that allows the current nonlinear transmission limitations to be exceeded.

Mavares, Terán Dimas. "Estimación de canal y selección adaptativa de código espacio-tiempo en sistemas de diversidad en transmisión." Doctoral thesis, Universidad de Cantabria, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/10662.

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Las técnicas de estimación de canal y de adaptación de la transmisión a las condiciones del entorno son temas de interés actual al estudiar la aplicación de técnicas de diversidad en transmisión en la tercera y cuarta generación de sistemas inalámbricos. En esta tesis se realiza un análisis del impacto del error de estimación de canal y la correlación en sistemas OFDM con diversidad en transmisión basados en codificación espacio-tiempo por bloques (STBC), se proponen técnicas de estimación de canal para estos sistemas y se propone una técnica de adaptación de la transmisión mediante la selección de código espacio-tiempo. En primer lugar, una técnica sencilla de mínimos cuadrados en el dominio de la frecuencia permite la estimación de canal en sistemas con dos antenas y constelaciones complejas, y con tres o cuatro antenas y constelaciones reales o complejas, utilizando STBCs ortogonales como bloques de entrenamiento. En segundo lugar, una representación 'sobre-completa' permite hacer una estimación diferencial de canal para un sistema con tres antenas transmisoras mediante la selección a partir de un banco de posibles estimadores, basándose en la redundancia provista por la matriz de transmisión no cuadrada del código ortogonal esporádico de tasa 3/4 para tres antenas transmisoras.En el contexto de sistemas con adaptación del transmisor, la técnica propuesta de diversidad por selección adaptativa de código espacio-tiempo se basa en el estado instantáneo del vector de canal y en un conjunto de niveles umbrales hallados fuera de línea en función del período de realimentación. Los resultados indican que esta técnica proporciona buenas prestaciones en canales correlados e incorrelados. Su aplicación a sistemas OFDM ha sido estudiada, superando a técnicas de selección de antena y a otras técnicas de transmisión adaptativa.
Channel estimation and adaptive transmission techniques are areas of increasing interest these days when considering transmit diversity systems for the 3G and 4G wireless communication systems. In this thesis an analysis of the channel estimation and channel correlation impact on transmit diversity OFDM systems based on space-time block coding (STBC) is presented, two channel estimation techniques are outlined and an adaptive space-time code selection technique is proposed. First, a simple frequency domain least square technique allows channel estimation for two transmitter systems with complex constellation, and three or four transmitter systems with real or complex constellation, using orthogonal STBCs as training blocks. Second, an 'overcomplete' representation allows a di.erential channel estimation for three transmitter systems through the instantaneous selection from a bank of estimators, based on the redundacy provided by the non-square transmission matrix of the sporadic 3/4-rate STBC for three transmitters.In the context of transmit adaptive systems, the proposed adaptive space-time code selection technique is based on both the instantaneous channel vector state and a set of predetermined threshold levels found o.-line as a function of the feedback period. Analytical and simulation results show that the proposed technique has a good performance in the presence of correlated and uncorrelated channels. Its application to OFDM systems has been considered, outperforming classical antenna selection techniques and other closed-loop adaptive transmission techniques.

Malkoc, Veysi. "Sequential alignment and position verification system for functional proton radiosurgery." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2004. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/2535.

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The purpose of this project is to improve the existing version of the Sequential Alignment and Position Verification System (SAPVS) for functional proton radiosurgery and to evaluate its performance after improvement .

Ribeiro, Moises Vidal. "Tecnicas de processamento de sinais aplicadas a transmissão de dados via rede eletrica e ao monitoramento da qualidade de energia." [s.n.], 2005. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/261263.

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Orientador: João Marcos Travassos Romano
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T03:58:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ribeiro_MoisesVidal_D.pdf: 5330417 bytes, checksum: ebf89b90c9327ce0ba7f3c169b5e260f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005
Resumo: A presente tese tem por objetivo propor e discutir o uso de algumas técnicas de processamento de sinais e de inteligência computacional para a melhoria da transmissão digital de dados via redes elétricas e da análise da qualidade da energia elétrica em sistemas de potência. No que tange à transmissão de dados via rede elétrica, novas técnicas são introduzidas para solucionar os problemas de cancelamento de ruídos impulsivos e equalização de canais de comunicação. Para a melhoria do monitoramento da qualidade da energia elétrica, propõem-se novas técnicas para a análise espectral das componentes fundamental e harmônicas, e para a detecção, a classificação e a compressão de distúrbios. As várias técnicas apresentadas no presente trabalho são fundamentadas no princípio de dividir e conquistar, largamente utilizado em diversas áreas do conhecimento. A aplicação adequada desse princípio através de técnicas de processamento de sinais e de inteligência computacional nos permitiram fornecer análises mais precisas dos problemas estudados e propor novas soluções para os mesmos. Os resultados numéricos obtidos nas simulações computacionais confirmam a relevância das técnicas propostas
Abstract: This thesis is aimed at proposing and discussing the use of signal processing and computational intelligence techniques to improve digital communications through power line channels and a more precise power quality analysis of power systems. Regarding power line communication applications, advanced techniques for impulse noise mitigation and channel equalization are introduced. For power quality monitoring applications, novel techniques are proposed for spectral analysis of power line signals and for detection, classification and compression of disturbance events. The techniques proposed are developed on the light of the divider and conquer principle. The appropriate application of such principle, by means of signal processing and computational intelligence techniques, enable us to offering a more precise analysis of the problems investigated and novel solutions for them. By introducing a set of signal processing techniques along with some computational intelligence ones, this contribution succeeds in offering improvements for all the problems investigated. Numerical results obtained by computational simulations verify such improvement and confirm the relevance of the techniques proposed.
Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica

Simão, Daniel Hayashida. "Análise do consumo energético em redes subaquáticas utilizando códigos fontanais." Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2017. http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/2774.

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O presente trabalho aborda a aplicação de códigos fontanais em redes subaquáticas. Tais redes transmitem dados abaixo da água fazendo uso de sinais acústicos e possuem diversas aplicações. No entanto, é sabido que esse tipo de rede é caracterizado por uma baixa velocidade de propagação e largura de banda menor que as redes que operam em meios de transmissão mais conhecidos, tais como a transmissão sem fio via ondas de rádio frequência, resultando num maior atraso na entrega de pacotes. Para tentar minimizar estes atrasos e aumentar a eficiência energética das redes subaquáticas, o trabalho otimizou o sistema de transmissão inserindo um código corretor de erros fontanal no transmissor de mensagens. Dentro desse contexto, foi necessário modelar o consumo energético necessário para a transmissão correta de pacotes de dados em redes subaquáticas utilizando códigos fontanais. Dentre os resultados do trabalho, o mais relevante conclui que o uso dos códigos fontanais é capaz de reduzir em até 30% o consumo de energia quando a distância de transmissão é de 20 km para o caso com a taxa de erro de quadro alvo (FER) de Po = 10^−5, e em ate 25% para a FER alvo de Po = 10^−3.
The present work employs fountain codes in an underwater network, in which data is transmitted using acoustic signals and has many applications. However, underwater networks are usually characterized by low propagation speed and smaller bandwidth than networks that use radio frequency signals, resulting in larger transmission delays. Then, aiming at minimizing the delays and increasing the energy efficiency of underwater networks, the present work employs fountain error-correcting codes at the transmitter. To that end, it was first necessary to model the energy consumption of a success data packet transmission in an underwater network using fountain codes. Our results show that the use of fountain codes is able to reduce up to 30% of energy consumption when the transmission distance is of 20 km for the case with a target frame error rate (FER) of Po = 10^−5 , and 25% for the same distance with a target FER of Po = 10^−3.

Schmidt, Gunnar. "A compatible modulation strategy for embedded digital data streams within high quality video signal transmissions." Thesis, University of South Wales, 1999. https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/studentthesis/a-compatible-modulation-strategy-for-embedded-digital-data-streams-within-high-quality-video-signal-transmissions(b5ada1e2-8055-4c94-aa9b-d1dee4f41359).html.

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Major activity and interest has focused upon High and Enhanced Definition Television systems, for at least the past few decades. From the initial analogue approaches, which concentrated on purely television enhancements, the focus continues to fade more towards fully digital multi-program distribution and ultimately to multimedia solutions. The actual activities throughout Europe and America in launching the Digital Video Broadcasting, DVB and the Advanced Television System Committee, ATSC system, clearly identify that television enhancements are still alive. In parallel, discussions upon data broadcasting, predominantly within the current analogue television systems also have taken place. The underlying premise of the work presented, is based upon the objective to transmit a compatible enhanced definition television signal within the PALplus standard. A conceptual system is proposed as the framework for this research, containing both a pre-processing and data modulation block, which are coupled via suitable data compression methods. The preprocessing and the additional digital modulation technique has been identified as providing the potential of innovation from which the modulation provides generic digital sub-channels either for multimedia or enhanced resolution extensions. The originality of the pre-processing techniques is based upon the design of a dual channel sub-band system, which employs two dimensional diagonal filtering together with a Quadrature Mirror Filter bank. From a high definition input, this processing block produces only two sub-bands, rather than the usual four, from which the low pass element represents the compatible component. The high pass element conveys the residual in such a way that full horizontal and vertical resolution can be reconstructed during decoding. The proposed embedded data modulation strategy is based upon a double occupation of the colour subcarrier. This exploitation is possible due to the inherent phase alternation of the PAL systems so that an additional quadrature modulation of the two colour sub-carriers is feasible. Both, the pre-processing and modulation blocks introduce crosstalk distortions which compromise the overall efficiency and further encroach on the sensitive issue of compatibility. The thesis provides a complete analysis both theoretical and practical of the implications of these distortions and subsequently proposes solutions which either eliminate or suppress them to a level below a perceptual threshold.

Dangl, Markus A. "Iterative estimation and detection for single carrier block transmission." Tönning Lübeck Marburg Der Andere Verl, 2007. http://d-nb.info/986923419/04.

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Maurandi, Victor. "Algorithmes pour la diagonalisation conjointe de tenseurs sans contrainte unitaire. Application à la séparation MIMO de sources de télécommunications numériques." Thesis, Toulon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOUL0009/document.

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Cette thèse développe des méthodes de diagonalisation conjointe de matrices et de tenseurs d’ordre trois, et son application à la séparation MIMO de sources de télécommunications numériques. Après un état, les motivations et objectifs de la thèse sont présentés. Les problèmes de la diagonalisation conjointe et de la séparation de sources sont définis et un lien entre ces deux domaines est établi. Par la suite, plusieurs algorithmes itératifs de type Jacobi reposant sur une paramétrisation LU sont développés. Pour chacun des algorithmes, on propose de déterminer les matrices permettant de diagonaliser l’ensemble considéré par l’optimisation d’un critère inverse. On envisage la minimisation du critère selon deux approches : la première, de manière directe, et la seconde, en supposant que les éléments de l’ensemble considéré sont quasiment diagonaux. En ce qui concerne l’estimation des différents paramètres du problème, deux stratégies sont mises en œuvre : l’une consistant à estimer tous les paramètres indépendamment et l’autre reposant sur l’estimation indépendante de couples de paramètres spécifiquement choisis. Ainsi, nous proposons trois algorithmes pour la diagonalisation conjointe de matrices complexes symétriques ou hermitiennes et deux algorithmes pour la diagonalisation conjointe d’ensembles de tenseurs symétriques ou non-symétriques ou admettant une décomposition INDSCAL. Nous montrons aussi le lien existant entre la diagonalisation conjointe de tenseurs d’ordre trois et la décomposition canonique polyadique d’un tenseur d’ordre quatre, puis nous comparons les algorithmes développés à différentes méthodes de la littérature. Le bon comportement des algorithmes proposés est illustré au moyen de simulations numériques. Puis, ils sont validés dans le cadre de la séparation de sources de télécommunications numériques
This thesis develops joint diagonalization of matrices and third-order tensors methods for MIMO source separation in the field of digital telecommunications. After a state of the art, the motivations and the objectives are presented. Then the joint diagonalisation and the blind source separation issues are defined and a link between both fields is established. Thereafter, five Jacobi-like iterative algorithms based on an LU parameterization are developed. For each of them, we propose to derive the diagonalization matrix by optimizing an inverse criterion. Two ways are investigated : minimizing the criterion in a direct way or assuming that the elements from the considered set are almost diagonal. Regarding the parameters derivation, two strategies are implemented : one consists in estimating each parameter independently, the other consists in the independent derivation of couple of well-chosen parameters. Hence, we propose three algorithms for the joint diagonalization of symmetric complex matrices or hermitian ones. The first one relies on searching for the roots of the criterion derivative, the second one relies on a minor eigenvector research and the last one relies on a gradient descent method enhanced by computation of the optimal adaptation step. In the framework of joint diagonalization of symmetric, INDSCAL or non symmetric third-order tensors, we have developed two algorithms. For each of them, the parameters derivation is done by computing the roots of the considered criterion derivative. We also show the link between the joint diagonalization of a third-order tensor set and the canonical polyadic decomposition of a fourth-order tensor. We confront both methods through numerical simulations. The good behavior of the proposed algorithms is illustrated by means of computing simulations. Finally, they are applied to the source separation of digital telecommunication signals

Hatae, Daniel Lopes. "Comparação entre esquemas de transmissão e recepção com única e múltiplas portadoras." Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2007. http://tede.mackenzie.br/jspui/handle/tede/1448.

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Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa

Farhat, Jamil de Araujo. "Eficiência energética e throughput seguros em decode-and-forward seletivo com alocação de potência distribuída." Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2015. http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/1368.

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Investiga-se a eficiência energética e o throughput seguros em sistemas de comunicações sem fio cooperativos, em que um par de usuários legítimos (Alice e Bob) são auxiliados por um nó relay e em que a comunicação ocorre na presença de um espião passivo (Eve). Diversos protocolos cooperativos são comparados em relação a estas medidas e se utiliza um algoritmo iterativo e distribuído, baseado no algoritmo Dinkelbach, para alocação de potência entre Alice e o relay. A alocação de potência é utilizada visando maximizar a eficiência energética segura, medida em bits seguros/J/Hz, ou o throughput seguro, medido em bits seguros/s/Hz. Em relação aos protocolos, consideramos o caso onde Alice tem conhecimento perfeito do estado instantâneo do canal apenas em relação aos usuários legítimos. Desta forma, empregamos o protocolo Decode-and-Forward Seletivo (SDF), que realiza a escolha entre o melhor tipo de comunicação entre Alice e Bob (comunicação direta ou cooperativa) de forma a aumentar a segurança do sistema. Para comparação, consideramos outros esquemas clássicos de cooperação como o Amplify-and-Forward (AF), Decode-and-Forward Fixo (DF) e o Cooperative Jamming (CJ). Nossos resultados demostram que o SDF supera o AF, o DF e o CJ em grande parte das situações. Contudo, quando a taxa de transmissão aumenta ou quando Eve está muito próxima aos nós legítimos, o CJ apresenta um melhor desempenho.
We investigate the secure energy efficiency and throughput in cooperative wireless communications systems, in which a pair of legitimate users (Alice and Bob) are assisted by a relay node and the communication occurs in the presence of a passive eavesdropper (Eve). Several cooperative protocols are compared with respect to these measures and we use of an iterative and distributed algorithm, based on Dinkelbach algorithm, to allocate power between Alice and the relay. The power allocation is performed in order to increase the secure energy efficiency, measured in secure bits/J/Hz, or secure throughput, measured in secure bits/s/Hz. About the protocols, we consider the case where Alice has perfect knowledge only about the instantaneous channel state of the legitimate channel. So, we employ a Selective Decode-and-Forward (SDF) protocol, which chooses the best type of communication between Alice and Bob (direct or cooperative communication) in order to improve security. For comparison, we consider other classical cooperative schemes such as the Amplify-and-Forward (AF), the Fixed Decode-and-Forward (DF) and the Cooperative Jamming (CJ). Our results show that SDF outperforms AF, DF and CJ in most situations. However, when the transmit rate increases or when Eve is close to the legitimate nodes, CJ has a better performance.

Dghais, Wael. "Behavioral modeling optimization and enhancement for high-speed analog mixed-signal I/O interfaces." Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/12094.

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Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotécnica
A integridade do sinal em sistemas digitais interligados de alta velocidade, e avaliada através da simulação de modelos físicos (de nível de transístor) é custosa de ponto vista computacional (por exemplo, em tempo de execução de CPU e armazenamento de memória), e exige a disponibilização de detalhes físicos da estrutura interna do dispositivo. Esse cenário aumenta o interesse pela alternativa de modelação comportamental que descreve as características de operação do equipamento a partir da observação dos sinais eléctrico de entrada/saída (E/S). Os interfaces de E/S em chips de memória, que mais contribuem em carga computacional, desempenham funções complexas e incluem, por isso, um elevado número de pinos. Particularmente, os buffers de saída são obrigados a distorcer os sinais devido à sua dinâmica e não linearidade. Portanto, constituem o ponto crítico nos de circuitos integrados (CI) para a garantia da transmissão confiável em comunicações digitais de alta velocidade. Neste trabalho de doutoramento, os efeitos dinâmicos não-lineares anteriormente negligenciados do buffer de saída são estudados e modulados de forma eficiente para reduzir a complexidade da modelação do tipo caixa-negra paramétrica, melhorando assim o modelo standard IBIS. Isto é conseguido seguindo a abordagem semi-física que combina as características de formulação do modelo caixa-negra, a análise dos sinais eléctricos observados na E/S e propriedades na estrutura física do buffer em condições de operação práticas. Esta abordagem leva a um processo de construção do modelo comportamental fisicamente inspirado que supera os problemas das abordagens anteriores, optimizando os recursos utilizados em diferentes etapas de geração do modelo (ou seja, caracterização, formulação, extracção e implementação) para simular o comportamento dinâmico não-linear do buffer. Em consequência, contributo mais significativo desta tese é o desenvolvimento de um novo modelo comportamental analógico de duas portas adequado à simulação em overclocking que reveste de um particular interesse nas mais recentes usos de interfaces de E/S para memória de elevadas taxas de transmissão. A eficácia e a precisão dos modelos comportamentais desenvolvidos e implementados são qualitativa e quantitativamente avaliados comparando os resultados numéricos de extracção das suas funções e de simulação transitória com o correspondente modelo de referência do estado-da-arte, IBIS.
Signal integrity (SI) simulation of high-speed digital interconnected system via transistor level models is computational expensive (e.g. CPU time and memory storage), and requires the availability of physical details information of device’s internal structure. This scenario raises the interest for a behavioral modeling alternative which describes the device’s operation characteristics based on the observed input/output (I/O) electrical signal. I/O buffers that interface memory’s interconnects have major share in the computational load containing a very active complex functional part and high numbers of pins. Particularly, output buffers/drivers are forced to distort the I/O signals due to their nonlinear dynamics. In this concern, they constitute the integrated circuit (IC) bottleneck of ensuring reliable data transmission in the high-speed digital communication link. In this PhD work, the previously neglected driver’s nonlinear dynamic effects are efficiently captured to significantly reduce the state of the art black-box parametric modeling complexities and enhance the input/output buffers information specifications (IBIS). This is achieved by following the gray-box approach that merges the features of the black-box model’s formulation, the analysis of the observed I/O electrical signals and the buffer’s physical structure properties under practical operation conditions. This approach leads to physically inspired behavioral model’s construction procedure that overcomes the issues of the previous modeling approaches by optimizing the resources used at different model’s generation steps (i.e. characterization, formulation, extraction, and implementation) to mimic the driver’s nonlinear dynamic behavior. Moreover, the most important achievement is the development of a new two-port analog behavioral model for overclocking simulation that copes with the recent trends in I/O memory interfaces characterized by higher data rate transmission. The effectiveness and the accuracy of the developed and implemented behavioral models are qualitatively and quantitatively assessed by comparing the numerical results of their functions extraction and transient simulation to the ones simulated and extracted with transistor level models and the state of the art IBIS in order to validate their predictive and the generalization capabilities.

Almehmadi, Fares Saleh S. "Secure Chaotic Transmission of Digital and Analog Signals Under Profiled Beam Propagation in Acousto-Optic Bragg Cells with Feedback." University of Dayton / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=dayton1426781250.

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Qian, Hua. "Power Efficiency Improvements for Wireless Transmissions." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/11649.

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Many communications signal formats are not power efficient because of their large peak-to-average power ratios (PARs). Moreover, in the presence of nonlinear devices such as power amplifiers (PAs) or mixers, the non-constant-modulus signals may generate both in-band distortion and out-of-band interference. Backing off the signal to the linear region of the device further reduces the system power efficiency. To improve the power efficiency of the communication system, one can pursue two approaches: i) linearize the PA; ii) reduce the high PAR of the input signal. In this dissertation, we first explore the optimal nonlinearity under the peak power constraint. We show that the optimal nonlinearity is a soft limiter with a specific gain calculated based on the peak power limit, noise variance, and the probability density function of the input amplitude. The result is also extended to the fading channel case. Next, we focus on digital baseband predistortion linearization for power amplifiers with memory effects. We build a high-speed wireless test-bed and carry out digital baseband predistortion linearization experiments. To implement adaptive PA linearization in wireless handsets, we propose an adaptive digital predistortion linearization architecture that utilizes existing components of the wireless transceiver to fulfill the adaptive predistorter training functionality. We then investigate the topic of PAR reduction for OFDM signals and forward link CDMA signals. To reduce the PAR of the OFDM signal, we propose a dynamic selected mapping (DSLM) algorithm with a two-buffer structure to reduce the computational requirement of the SLM method without sacrificing the PAR reduction capability. To reduce the PAR of the forward link CDMA signal, we propose a new PAR reduction algorithm by introducing a relative offset between the in-phase branch and the quadrature branch of the transmission system.

Glock, Henry Saute. "Metodologia para implantação de redes de frequência única Single Frequency Network – SFN em televisão digital." Programa de Pós-graduação em Sistemas de Comunicação e Automação, 2016. http://bdtd.ufersa.edu.br:80/tede/handle/tede/742.

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Submitted by Lara Oliveira (lara@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-06-27T22:29:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 HenrySG_DISSERT.pdf: 34025203 bytes, checksum: 2defdce123ba16681be74520906f9baf (MD5)
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This paper presents a methodology that includes the structure and the care needed to design and implement a Single Frequency Network (SFN), with the benefits of energy conservation, transmitted power, and optimization of coverage area. It shows the network synchronization options and how to adjust the converged signal coverage areas within a region, showing clearly that this technology is a good and safe technological investment option. It also contains a history of one of the greatest technological developments that has occurred, indicating their form and difficulty in analog times. In the theoretical review are evidenced the technical limitations and the actions towards building a new, modern and robust digital transmission technology
Neste trabalho é apresentada uma metodologia que contempla a estrutura e cuidados necessários para projetar e implantar uma Single Frequency Network (SFN), apresentando os benefícios da racionalização de energia, potência transmitida, e otimização das áreas de cobertura. Apresenta as opções de sincronismo de rede bem como ajustar as regiões de cobertura de sinais convergentes a uma mesma região, mostrando com clareza que a tecnologia é uma boa e segura opção de investimento tecnológico. Também contém um histórico de um dos maiores desenvolvimentos tecnológicos já ocorridos, indicando sua forma e dificuldades em épocas analógicas. Na revisão teórica são é evidenciado o porquê das limitações técnicas até então existentes bem como as ações rumo a construção de uma nova, moderna e robusta tecnologia de transmissão digital

Martins, Vinicius Antonio de Oliveira. "Verificação funcional para circuitos de transmissão e recepção de sinais mistos." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3140/tde-12072017-081700/.

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Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a verificação circuitos integrados de sinais mistos de uso em sistemas de comunicação que operem em modo simplex. Deseja-se aproveitar as características inversas de recepção e transmissão para otimizar o processo de verificação. Para o desenvolvimento desta metodologia de verificação, teve-se como objetivo estudar metodologias de verificação de circuitos integrados de sinais mistos existentes e sua evolução, as quais têm garantido cada vez mais a funcionalidade de circuitos integrados que são compostos por blocos analógicos e digitais. A metodologia é aplicada a um dos circuitos que compõem um sistema otimizado de transmissão de dados via satélite (Transponder para Satélite). O sistema de transmissão de dados via satélite, foco do trabalho, é composto por receptores, transmissores e conversores analógico digital e um Processador Digital de Sinais - Digital Signal Processing (DSP), todos desenvolvidos em hardware. A metodologia de verificação compreende no desenvolvimento de uma estrutura de verificação capaz de estimular os blocos digitais e analógicos com o objetivo de garantir a funcionalidade de cada um dos componentes do IP Transponder. Em uma etapa seguinte, foi possível estimular o IP Transponder de forma integrada, no que se refere aos os blocos digitais e analógicos, assim como os de transmissão e recepção. Ressalta-se ainda que todo o desenvolvimento foi realizado em alto nível, ou seja, todas as características e propriedades foram observadas utilizando-se somente simuladores para garantir a funcionalidade do circuito integrado de sinais mistos que compõe o IP Transponder para satélite.
This work proposes the development of a verification methodology, used during the verification process of a mixed signal integrated circuit, which represents a communication system operating in simplex mode. In order to optimize the verification process, reverse reception and transmission will be used. With the intention of developing our verification methodology, a study on other methodologies used for the verification of mixed signals integrated circuits and the evolution of such methodologies was carried out. The proposed methodology has been applied in an advanced circuit used to establish data transmission by satellite (Transponder for Satellite). The targeted data transmission system is composed by analog receptor and transmitter, analog to digital converters and a digital signal-processing unit, all developed in hardware. The verification methodology consists of two steps: first, the development of a verification structure that are able to stimulate digital and analog blocks in order to guarantee the functionality of each system component. In a following step, the developed verification environment provides the stimulation for all the Transponder IP (digital and analog blocks), and for transmission and reception blocks as well. The verification process development was performed in high level, meaning all the characteristics and properties has been observed using only simulators with the purpose of guarantee the functionality of the mixed signal integrated circuit that composes the satellite Transponder IP.

Donzelli, Valderez de Almeida. "Polarização elíptica: influência no desempenho de cobertura da TV digital." Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2011. http://tede.mackenzie.br/jspui/handle/tede/2748.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T21:39:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 8 Valderez de Almeida Donzelli1.pdf: 2513417 bytes, checksum: 39732bb9cc22ff6c7d8b226a01c7fbb3 (MD5) Valderez de Almeida Donzelli2.pdf: 3170782 bytes, checksum: 5bec891551d4e67354a5cb930c33b44a (MD5) Valderez de Almeida Donzelli3.pdf: 3092150 bytes, checksum: d7f43803b4c7e0a2393cc4faa9f5db7f (MD5) Valderez de Almeida Donzelli4.pdf: 3808963 bytes, checksum: 80f16c085a45c26b9ee5aa087fecb887 (MD5) Valderez de Almeida Donzelli5.pdf: 2761540 bytes, checksum: 6b89bedf4c70eb288d052ad64721157d (MD5) Valderez de Almeida Donzelli6.pdf: 3455846 bytes, checksum: 29fde75066aafda6127105ade4238eca (MD5) Valderez de Almeida Donzelli7.pdf: 3390797 bytes, checksum: bea566456cc4e0ff6ddf3fffb614b78a (MD5) Valderez de Almeida Donzelli8.pdf: 2402725 bytes, checksum: 1447647552515388643c1d9896a3803b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-05
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The technology environment in the broadcast area using analog technology was defined and did not offer a great research interest, in specific topics related to development of the transmitting antenna for broadcast television. With the implementation of the transmission system employing digital technology, which adds as main news the possibility of mobility and portability of the receiving system, the interest in studies and researches returned, showing one of the main themes to be developed using circular polarization or elliptical compared with horizontal polarization, that was most used by broadcasters. Given this new scenario and the need for evaluation by a scientific methodology of the radiating system in the transmission station performance, goals were established that define the scope for this research: to analyze the influence of the radiating system depending on the desired coverage area and the reception possibilities internal fixed , external fixed, portable and mobile, considering the diversity specific propagation environment of the region studied due to topographical and environmental condition. The criteria to be used will be the theoretical propagation prediction and field survey of the signals received which will provide data for the analysis of variables that influence the behavior of the transmission system, considering the location and technical characteristics of the main transmission station installation and different polarization of the radiating system configurations in horizontal, vertical and elliptical.
O cenário tecnológico na área de transmissão empregando tecnologia analógica estava bem segmentado e não oferecia um ambiente de grande interesse em pesquisas específicas para desenvolvimentos de temas relacionados a antena de transmissão para televisão aberta. Com a implantação do sistema de transmissão empregando a tecnologia digital, que agrega como principal novidade a possibilidade de mobilidade e portabilidade do sistema de recepção , o interesse nos estudos e pesquisas retomou, apresentando como um dos principais temas a serem desenvolvidos a utilização de polarização circular ou elíptica comparada com a polarização horizontal, que era a mais utilizada pela emissoras. Tendo em vista este novo cenário e a necessidade de avaliação por meio de uma metodologia científica do comportamento do sistema irradiante de transmissão no resultado no desempenho da estação transmissora, foram estabelecidas as metas que definem o escopo para este trabalho: analisar a influência do tipo de sistema irradiante em função da área de cobertura desejada e das possibilidades de recepção fixa interna, fixa externa, portátil e móvel, frente às diversidades específicas do ambiente de propagação da região estudada devido às condições topográficas e ambientais. Os critérios a serem empregados serão os teóricos de predição de propagação e prático de levantamento de campo dos sinais recebidos os quais irão fornecer dados para a análise das variáveis que influenciam no comportamento do sistema de transmissão, considerando o local e as características técnicas de instalação da estação de transmissão principal e variando a polarização do sistema irradiante nas configurações horizontal, vertical e elíptica.

Nguyen, Trung-Hiên. "Theoretical and experimental study of optical solutions for analog-to-digital conversion of high bit-rate signals." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015REN1S110/document.

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Les formats de modulation bidimensionnels (i.e. basés sur l’amplitude et la phase de l’onde porteuse) ont gagné depuis peu le domaine des transmissions par fibre optique grâce aux progrès conjoints de l’électronique rapide et du traitement du signal, indispensables pour réaliser les récepteurs opto-électroniques utilisant la détection cohérente des signaux optiques. Pour pallier les limites actuelles en rapidité de commutation des circuits intégrés électroniques, une voie de recherche a été ouverte il y a quelques années, consistant à utiliser des technologies optiques pour faciliter la parallélisation du traitement du signal, notamment dans l’étape d’échantillonnage ultra-rapide du signal rendu possible par des horloges optiques très performantes. Le thème principal de cette thèse concerne l’étude théorique et expérimentale de la fonction de conversion analogique-numérique (ADC) de signaux optiques par un récepteur opto-électronique cohérent, associant les étapes d’échantillonnage optique linéaire, de conversion analogique-numérique et de traitement du signal. Un prototype, utilisant une solution originale pour la source d’échantillonnage, est modélisé, réalisé et caractérisé, permettant la reconstruction temporelle de signaux optiques modulés selon divers formats : NRZ, QPSK, 16-QAM. Les limitations optiques et électroniques du système sont analysées, notamment l’impact sur la reconstruction des signaux de divers paramètres : le taux d’extinction de la source optique, les paramètres de l’ADC (bande passante BW, temps d’intégration et nombre effectif de bits ENOB). Par ailleurs, de nouveaux algorithmes de traitement du signal sont proposés dans le cadre de la transmission optique cohérente à haut débit utilisant des formats de modulation bidimensionnels (amplitude et phase) : deux solutions sont proposées pour la compensation du déséquilibre de quadrature IQ dans les transmissions mono-porteuses: une méthode originale de l’estimation du maximum du rapport signal sur bruit ainsi qu’une nouvelle structure de compensation et d’égalisation conjointes; ces deux méthodes sont validées expérimentalement et numériquement avec un signal 16-QAM. Par ailleurs, une solution améliorée de récupération de porteuse (décalage de fréquence et estimation de la phase), basée sur une décomposition harmonique circulaire de la fonction de maximum de vraisemblance logarithmique, est validée numériquement pour la première fois dans le contexte des transmissions optiques (jusqu’à une modulation de 128-QAM). Enfin les outils développés dans ce travail ont finalement permis la démonstration d’une transmission sur 100 km d’un signal QPSK à 10 Gbaud fortement limité par un bruit de phase non linéaire et régénéré optiquement à l’aide d’un limiteur de puissance préservant la phase basé sur une nanocavité de cristal photonique
Bi-dimensional modulation formats based on amplitude and phase signal modulation, are now commonly used in optical communications thanks to breakthroughs in the field of electronic and digital signal processing (DSP) required in coherent optical receivers. Photonic solutions could compensate for nowadays limitations of electrical circuits bandwidth by facilitating the signal processing parallelization. Photonic is particularly interesting for signal sampling thanks to available stable optical clocks. The heart of the present work concerns analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) as a key element in coherent detection. A prototype of linear optical sampling using an original solution for the optical sampling source, is built and validated with the successful equivalent time reconstruction of NRZ, QPSK and 16-QAM signals. Some optical and electrical limitations of the system are experimentally and numerically analyzed, notably the extinction ratio of the optical source or the ADC parameters (bandwidth, integration time, effective number of bits ENOB). Moreover, some new DSPs tools are developed for optical transmission using bi-dimensional modulation formats (amplitude and phase). Two solutions are proposed for IQ quadrature imbalance compensation in single carrier optical coherent transmission: an original method of maximum signal-to-noise ratio estimation (MSEM) and a new structure for joint compensation and equalization; these methods are experimentally and numerically validated with 16-QAM signals. Moreover, an improved solution for carrier recovery (frequency offset and phase estimation) based on a circular harmonic expansion of a maximum loglikelihood function is studied for the first time in the context of optical telecommunications. This solution which can operate with any kind of bi-dimensional modulation format signal is numerically validated up to 128-QAM. All the DSP tools developed in this work are finally used in a demonstration of a 10 Gbaud QPSK 100 km transmission experiment, featuring a strong non-linear phase noise limitation and regenerated using a phase preserving and power limiting function based on a photonic crystal nanocavity

Lecointre, Aubin. "Interface radio IR-UWB reconfigurable pour les réseaux de microsystèmes communicants." Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ISAT0026/document.

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Les travaux présentés lors de cette thèse s’inscrivent dans le cadre des réseaux de microsystèmes communicants dont les réseaux de capteurs sont l’exemple le plus connu. La problématique adressée est la conception d’une interface radio communicante répondant aux besoins spécifiques des microsystèmes communicants : simplicité, faible coût, faible consommation, faible encombrement, haut débit et reconfigurabilité. Les technologies actuelles sans fil comme le WiFi, le Bluetooth, et Zigbee ne sont pas en mesure de répondre à ces contraintes spécifiques. L’étude se focalise sur la technologie IR-UWB (Impulse Radio Ultra-WideBand). Dans un premier temps, une étude conjointe sur la capacité du canal et l’implémentation matérielle est menée pour déterminer l’architecture optimale des émetteurs-récepteurs en IR-UWB. Cette étude propose l’utilisation d’une architecture multi bandes IR-UWB (MB-IR-UWB) à implémentation mixte à 60 GHz avec des antennes directives. Cette solution est optimisée sur les critères de débit et puissance consommée. Afin de supporter l’ensemble des besoins des applications des réseaux de microsystèmes communicants et l’évolution de l’environnement d’opération, la reconfigurabilité doit être implémentée dans les émetteur-récepteurs proposés. Ces travaux présentent une proposition de reconfigurabilité par paramètres, qui permet de supporter la plus grande gamme de reconfigurabilités multi propriétés (débit, taux d’erreur, portée, puissance consommée, …) de l’état de l’art. Enfin, pour valider par la mesure les travaux sur la reconfigurabilité et sur les architectures d’émetteur-récepteurs IR-UWB, des implémentations FPGA et ASIC sont réalisées. Un nouveau procédé de synchronisation et démodulation conjointe reconfigurable est proposé dans le récepteur IR-UWB BPSK S-Rake. Les mesures montrent que le circuit de traitement proposé améliore les performances en synchronisation, démodulation, efficacité, débit du réseau, consommation et complexité du circuit. L’émetteur-récepteur IR-UWB reconfigurable proposé atteint un débit et une gamme de reconfigurabilité supérieure à l’état de l’art
The research work presented in this thesis is situated in the framework of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The issue addressed is the design of a radio interface answering the specific needs of WSNs: simplicity, low cost, low power, small size, high data rate and reconfigurability. Current wireless technologies like WiFi, Bluetooth, and Zigbee are not able to respond to these requirements. Thus this study focuses on Impulse Radio Ultra-WideBand (IR-UWB) technology. At first, a joint study of the channel capacity and the hardware implementation is carried out to determine the optimal architecture of IR-UWB transceivers. This study proposes an architecture using multi-band IR-UWB (MB-UWB-IR) with a mixed implementation at 60 GHz with directional antennas. This solution is optimized according to the criteria of data rate and power consumption. To support the all the needs of WSN applications and to adapt to the evolution of the WSN’s environment, reconfigurability must be implemented in the proposed IR-UWB transceiver. This thesis presents a new solution: the reconfigurability by parameters. It supports the widest range of multi-property reconfigurability (with respect to data rate, bit error rate, radio range, power consumption, ...) of the state of the art. Finally, to validate these techniques by measurements, FPGA and ASIC implementations are realized by using the reconfigurability and the IR-UWB transceiver architecture proposed. A new method for joint synchronization and demodulation is proposed for a reconfigurable IR-UWB BPSK S-Rake receiver. The measurements show that the proposed technique improves the circuit performance: synchronization, demodulation, efficiency, network throughput, power consumption and complexity of the circuit. The proposed IR-UWB reconfigurable transceiver achieves a data rate and a wider range of reconfigurability compared to the state of the art

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