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Gibson, Jordi Díaz, Mireia Civís Zaragoza, Jordi Longás Mayayo, and López Murat. "The Study of Educative Network Organizations in the City of Barcelona." International Journal of Knowledge Society Research 1, no. 2 (April 2010): 26–37.

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This paper describes the inside organization of Educative Networks (ENs) and the aspects that allowed their growth and success in the city of Barcelona, Spain. ENs emerged over the past ten years in Catalonia, Spain, as a way to incorporate social and educative challenges in the territory. These educative proposals are based on the connection between the different educative institutions in the community to tackle social and education challenges in cooperation through transversality and a common project. The intent of ENs is to create synergies between cooperating organizations and coordinate community action to avoid overlap and redundant work. This study shows how these educative structures use context possibilities to improve educative impact and develop a new vision of organizing and conceiving education.

Muñoz Cantero, Jesús Miguel, María Paula Ríos de Deus, and Eva María Espiñeira Bellón. "Atención a la diversidad de calidad." REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía 15, no. 2 (February 2, 2014): 413.

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RESUMENExisten numerosos trabajos sobre temas de calidad educativa. Parece necesario reflexionar sobre aspectos que, en principio, no afectan de manera directa a toda la comunidad educativa: la atención a la diversidad y las necesidades educativas especiales (NEE). Elaboramos unos instrumentos para identificar aquellos elementos que pudieran ser identificativos de una atención a la diversidad de calidad y para que el profesorado, familia, inspección educativa, ... nos diesen su opinión sobre ello. Partiendo de lo anterior: a) Se enfocó hacia la atención a la diversidad en los centros educativos de educación secundaria integrando aspectos referentes a la planificación, organización, materiales, ... b) Se estructura de forma similar al modelo CIPP de Stufflebeam (Context, Input, Process, Product) para analizar los aspectos contextuales, de entrada y recursos que condicionan una atención de calidad para evaluar la utilidad y calidad de los resultados obtenidos.ABSTRACTThere are many works about quality education themes. It seems necessary think about some aspects that, at the beginning do not affect in a direct way to all educative community: the attention to the diversity and special educative necessities. We elaborated an instrument to identify those elements which could be identificatives of an attention to the quality diversify and for teachers, family, educative inspection, ... give us their opinion about them. a) It was focused towards the attention of diversity in the educative centers of primary and secondary education including aspects which make reference to planification, organisation and materials. b) It is structured in a similar way to the model CIPP of Stufflebeam (Context, Input, Process, Product) to analyse the contextual aspects of entry and and materials which cause an quality attention and evaluate the utility and quality of got results.

Bembry, James X. "Forming an Educative Community in the Village." Middle School Journal 30, no. 1 (September 1998): 18–24.

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Lomax, Pamela. "Working Together for Educative Community through Research." British Educational Research Journal 25, no. 1 (February 1999): 5–21.

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Valencia Medina, Elvia, Adriana Lourdes Robles Altamirano, and Felix Chenche Muñoz. "Liderazgo Educativo en el desarrollo comunitario / Educative leadership in community development." Ciencia Unemi 8, no. 13 (June 11, 2015): 39.

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El presente artículo es producto de la investigación etnográfica conjunta de docentes y estudiantes de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro, UNEMI, involucrados en el área de Investigación Formativa y Vinculación, iniciada desde la gestión docente al impartir la Asignatura Antropología Cultural, que permitió al aplicar técnicas dialógicas evidenciar la problemática que afectaba a la Ciudadela Huancavilca, sector sureste del cantón Milagro, provincia del Guayas, Ecuador, como es el caso de: apatía por la participación, inexistencia de organización, desunión y desconfianza hacia todo aquel que tenía la intención de liderar acciones ciudadanas. La intervención de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro fue pertinente, analizada la situación se consideró oportuno formar brigadas con los estudiantes, en las cuales se integró a personas de la comunidad mencionada, en el proyecto se aplicó la técnica Observación participante. En el proceso, al trabajar en equipo y en acciones de recreación, deportes, rescate del patrimonio cultural, protección del medio ambiente, emprendimiento educativo-productivo se restauró la confianza; al término del proyecto, se incrementó de 30% a 90% la participación comunitaria, se logró motivar y capacitar, para mejorar las potencialidades y conocimientos de los integrantes de la comunidad.Palabras Clave: Liderazgo educativo, desarrollo comunitario, brigadas, participación, formación ciudadana, trabajo cooperativo. This paper is the result of joint ethnographic research by faculty and students at the Public University of Milagro (UNEMI), involved in the area of Formative Research and Bonding. This initiative by the teaching staff on the Cultural Anthropology course, applied dialogic techniques to highlight the problems affecting the Huancavilca Citadel in the southeastern part of the canton of Milagro, province of Guayas, Ecuador: apathy regarding participation, lack of organization, disunity and distrust of anyone who intended to lead citizen action. The Public University of Milagro activity involved first analyzing the situation and then forming brigades with students, with community participation as observers. In the process, workingin teams and recreational activities, sports, cultural preservation, environmental protection, educational and productive enterprise confidence was restored; at the end of the project increased from 30% to 90% community participation was achieved motivating and training, to enhance the potential and skills of community members.

Rudolph, Norma. "Building an educative community for early childhood development." International Journal of Early Years Education 4, no. 3 (October 1996): 61–71.

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Robinson, Daniel B., Joe Barrett, and Ingrid Robinson. "Culturally Relevant Physical Education: Educative Conversations with Mi’kmaw Elders and Community Leaders." in education 22, no. 1 (June 13, 2016): 2–21.

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This paper presents results from a recently completed inquiry that investigated culturally relevant physical education for Aboriginal students. Employing a decolonizing research methodology (storywork), we engaged seven Mi’kmaw Elders and three Mi’kmaw community physical activity/education leaders in conversations about culturally relevant physical education. Attending to Halas, McCrae, and Carpenter’s (2012) framework for culturally relevant physical education, we share our findings related to Mi’kmaw students and school communities. The results ought to be of notable interest to those who share an interest in culturally relevant pedagogy, physical education, and/or Aboriginal education.

Aakre, J. A., L. B. Holteng, and I. Testad. "Community-dwelling older adults’ experience with an educative nutritional intervention." Gerontechnology 19, s (October 3, 2020): 1.

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Morales Espinosa, Mtra María Del Coral. "Hacia una comunidad de práctica con enfoque intercultural: la escuela telesecundaria Tetsijtsilin en Tzinacapan, Cuetzalan, Puebla." CPU-e, Revista de Investigación Educativa, no. 14 (October 30, 2012): 18–43.

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El presente trabajo pone a consideración una propuesta de intervención pedagógica con enfoque intercultural, impulsada desde hace 30 años en una telesecundaria indígena ubicada en la sierra nororiental del estado de Puebla. Se expone el proceso de gestión del modelo educativo, caracterizado desde sus inicios por responder a las necesidades y problemáticas tanto de las y los jóvenes como de la comunidad, así como la reflexión de sus propuestas educativas a partir de sus coincidencias con planteamientos teóricos actuales, tales como el aprendizaje situado, las comunidades de práctica y el enfoque intercultural que hoy en día enriquecen el proyecto educativo de la escuela Tetsijtsilin. Se describen también los cinco ejes rectores de la propuesta educativa que evidencian, por un lado, las bondades de la flexibilidad del currículo y, por otro, la factibilidad de empatar un modelo propio de educación culturalmente pertinente con un modelo escolarizado formal como es la telesecundaria.AbstractThis investigation offers to analyse a pedagogic proposal with an intercultural approach that has been constructed for the last 30 years in an indigenous Television guided-Secondary School in the NortheasternMountain Range in the State of Puebla, México. I expose the management process of the educative model, which is characterized since the beginnings by attending to boys and girls, and community necessities and problematic, educational proposes reflection fromtheir matches with theoretical issues as the situated learning theory, the construction of communities focused on practice and the intercultural approach that enrich the Tetsijtsilin educational project. I finally describe the five axes of the educative proposal that shows both; the benefits of the flexible curriculum and the feasibility of the union between a model of culturally pertinent education with a formal model as a Television guided-Secondary School.Recibido: 20 de octubre de 2010 Aceptado: 30 de marzo de 2011

Rué Rosell, Lourdes, and Maria Ángeles Serrano Alfonso. "Educación Física y promoción de la salud: estrategias de intervención en la escuela (Physical Education and health promotion: strategies of intervention in the school)." Retos, no. 25 (March 7, 2015): 186–91.

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Este trabajo pretende profundizar, desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, en las posibilidades de estrategias e intervenciones que ofrece la Educación Física en el contexto educativo, concretamente en la educación primaria, y que contribuyen al establecimiento de hábitos saludables en el alumnado y que pueden extenderse más allá del propio alumnado. La identificación de tales intervenciones se ha realizado a partir de una revisión profunda de las bases de datos que recogen las publicaciones de más impacto internacional a través de la Web of Knowledge. Asimismo, se presenta la potencial aplicabilidad de estas prácticas, por compartir algunas de las características que las definen o por ser propuestas ya compartidas, en centros educativos que se han transformado en Comunidades de Aprendizaje. Palabras clave: Educación Física, Educación Primaria, Estrategias de intervención en la escuela, Promoción de la salud, Comunidades de aprendizaje.Abstract: This paper focus, from a multidisciplinary approach, on the strategies and interventions that physical education offers in the establishment of healthy habits in the educative context, specifically in primary education. Physical education is contributing to establish healthy habits among students and can be extended further the students, to the community. The identification of these strategies and interventions has been done through the literature review of publications with the highest international impact and which are collected on the ISI Web of Knowledge. Moreover, the paper also presents the applicability of these interventions to educative centers that have decided to transform into Learning Communities, because sharing some of their characteristics or proposals. Key words: Physical Education, Primary Education, Strategies of intervention in the school, Health promotion, Learning Communities.

Macintyre Latta, Margaret, Leyton Schnellert, Kim Ondrik, and Murray Sasges. "Modes of Being: Mobilizing Narrative Inquiry." Qualitative Inquiry 26, no. 10 (July 12, 2018): 1222–32.

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Narrative inquiry’s capacities to reveal relational complexities and nuances of individuals and settings in varied contexts purposefully shape the lived curriculum within a community middle school setting. The experiential narratives of students, teachers, administrators, parents, and mentors contributing to the curricular documentation of the makings of this community have not only provided a medium to access these relations but also become an educative catalyst, opening into ongoing deliberations concerning the nature of education, knowledge, and what it means to be a community, by all involved. Grounded in Dewey’s primary notion of experience, participatory practices position each community member to bring their narratives of experience into the makings and remakings of community, elucidating modes of being and associated habits. Representative voices illuminate the mobilizing potential of narrative inquiry as a vital medium for reframing education within all institutions, communities, and beyond.

Díaz-González, Esteban E., Rogelio Danis-Lozano, and Gonzalo Peñaloza. "Schools as centers for health educational initiatives, health behavior research and risk behavior for dengue infection in school children and community members: a systematic review." Health Education Research 35, no. 5 (September 20, 2020): 376–95.

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Abstract Dengue virus is the main arboviral disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes and affects mainly school-aged children and teens. Many methods have been developed for dengue control, including health education strategies for elementary and high school students. The objective of this study is to provide an update on the status of health education on dengue in schools and provide new perspectives on health behavior research in order to reduce the proliferation of mosquitoes and spread of arboviral diseases among school-aged children and other community members. A systematic review about health educational initiatives was carried out. This research discusses the effectiveness of these strategies in educating students about dengue disease and mosquito control and how the school is relevant for community-based participation in research on dengue education. The study found that employing ludic strategies and directly involving children in mosquito control in their households have been the most attractive and effective strategies for dengue education in children and teens. However, the sustainability of protective behaviors has been poorly evaluated, and new approaches for health behavior research are needed. Inasmuch as, schools are important places for gathering community members, and students can serve as an essential link between educative interventions and the community.

López-Carril, Samuel, Miguel Villamón Herrera, and Vicente Añó Sanz. "Interculturalidad e inclusión en Educación Física: innovación educativa Erasmus in Schools (Interculturality and inclusion in Physical Education: educative innovation Erasmus in Schools)." Retos, no. 34 (January 28, 2018): 393–94.

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Se describe la propuesta de innovación educativa Erasmus in Schools realizada en las clases de Educación Física y Lengua Extranjera: Inglés. a través de una unidad didáctica de 12 sesiones para dos grupos de 4º de la ESO. El objetivo principal de la innovación, fue mejorar la convivencia escolar en las aulas y lograr la inclusión del alumnado inmigrado. Para ello, la innovación educativa siguió la tipología de distribución del alumnado conocida como ‘inclusion’, que incorpora la participación de otros miembros de la comunidad educativa en las clases. Así, estudiantes con beca Erasmus+ y voluntarios de la asociación Erasmus Student Network, compartieron su diversidad y experiencias con los estudiantes locales, incorporándose durante las clases al equipo docente. Los resultados indican un aumento de la participación y motivación de todo el alumnado en las clases de EF. Se percibió una disminución de los conflictos relacionados con el origen étnico y el género de los alumnos. Los erasmus que participaron en esta experiencia, se sintieron más incluidos en la sociedad de acogida. Se concluye que la puesta en práctica de la innovación educativa Erasmus in Schools, favorece la inclusión del alumnado inmigrado en las clases de EF.Abstract. It is described the educative innovation proposal Erasmus in Schools, which took place during the Physical Education and Foreign Language: English, lessons, through a didactic unit of 12 sessions for two groups of 4rth grade of a Spanish Secondary School. The main goal was to improve the coexistence and to achieve the inclusion of the foreign students. To do so, the educative innovation was based on a type of distribution named ‘inclusion’, which includes the participation of other members of the educative community in the classes. Thus, students with the Erasmus+ scholarship and volunteers of the Erasmus Student Network association shared their cultural diversity and experiences with the local students, involving themselves to the teaching team during the lessons. The results show a growth of the participation and motivation of all the students during the Physical Education lessons. Furthermore, it was perceived a decrease of the conflicts related with the ethnic origin and gender of the students. The Erasmus students that participated in this experience felt themselves more included into the host society. It is concluded that the implementation of the educative innovation Erasmus in Schools fosters the inclusion of the foreign students during the Physical Education classes.

Trapé, Carla Andrea, and Cássia Baldini Soares. "Educative practice of community health agents analyzed through the category of praxis." Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 15, no. 1 (February 2007): 142–49.

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This study aimed to: analyze the conceptions of health education that guide educational practices of community health agents in the Family Health Program of the Butantã Health Coordination, São Paulo, Brazil, and analyze the character of these educational activities. Data were collected through focus groups and in-depth semi-structured interviews with 39 agents. The analysis procedures followed the recommendations of thematic content analysis, and praxis was the analytical category. Regarding theoretical activity as a component of praxis, we found that most health education conceptions were based on the transmission of normative information learned from health technicians. This theoretical activity ended up guiding a practical activity typical of repetitive praxis, in which the agents do not participate in the health work planning process and do not dominate the "ideal object", reproducing tasks planned by others.


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Uno de los problemas más apremiantes en el proceso pedagógico de la educación especial es la integración social de los egresados. Problemática que repercute en las escuelas especiales del municipio de Urbano Noris, provincia Holguín, por lo que el objetivo de la presente investigación es proponer una concepción teórica- metodológica para desarrollar el trabajo comunitario por parte de la escuela especial que favorece la integración social de egresados con retraso mental leve. La escuela especial tiene el encargo social de centralizar y dirigir las influencias educativas intencionales que caracterizan sus funciones de carácter profesional y especializado dentro de la formación de la personalidad de niños, adolescentes y jóvenes, que puede incluso extenderse directo o indirectamente a los adultos y a la comunidad. Para que la escuela especial pueda cumplir de manera óptima su propósito de socializar y entrenar a los educandos, en la responsabilidad social de manera que puedan vivir en una sociedad auténtica y democrática, requiere mayor flexibilidad y capacidad en la realización de sus proyectos educativos más allá de sus muros; respondiendo a las exigencias del trabajo comunitario integrado. La construcción de estos proyectos educativos debe tener un carácter colectivo y mediacional donde prime la orientación socio comunitaria para estimular el desarrollo de las potencialidades creativas de los alumnos con énfasis en los egresados en función de la integración social plena. PALABRAS CLAVE: Mediación social; retraso mental leve; trabajo comunitario integrado; orientación sociocomunitaria; integración social. THE INTEGRATED COMMUNITY WORK THAT IT DEVELOPS THE SPECIAL SCHOOL: A ROAD TO FAVOR THE SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF GRADUATED FROM THE EDUCATION SPECIAL WITH LIGHT MENTAL DELAY ABSTRACT One of the most urgent problems in the pedagogic process of the special education is the social integration of the graduated from the education special. Problematic that rebounds in the special schools of the municipality of Urbano Noris, county Holguín, for what the objective of the present investigation is to propose a theoretical conception - methodological to develop the community work on the part of the special school that favors the social integration of graduated from the education special with light mental delay. The special school has the social task to centralize and lead the intentional educative influences that characterize its professional and specialized functions in the formation of the personality of children, adolescents and young people and this function could even be extended direct or indirectly to adults and to the community. In order to fulfill its purposes rightly to socialize and train the students in the social responsibility so that they could live in a democratic society the so called Special School requires a greater flexibility and capacity in the realization of its educative projects in such a way that it could answer to the requirement of the Integrated Communitarian Work. The elaboration of these educative projects should has a collective nature centered in the sociocommunitarian orientation to encourage the development of the creative potentialities of the students in function to the plain social integration. KEYWORDS: Social mediation; light mental delay; integrated communitarian work; social mediation, socio-communitarian orientation; social integration.

Nugrahani, Farida, S. Sri Wahono, and Ali Imron. "ECRANISATION OF LASKAR PELANGI NOVEL AND ITS FUNCTION AS EDUCATIVE MEDIA (STUDY OF LITERATURE RECEPTION)." Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7, no. 3 (April 23, 2019): 221–27.

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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to describe the reception of the community about ecranisation of Laskar Pelangi novel and its function as educative media. Methodology: This descriptive qualitative research was conducted by the literature reception synchronized approach. The research data was collected through the reference technique, content analysis, and in-depth interviewing. Data validation was checked through a triangulation source. Data analysis was performed by a synchronized analysis in literature reception and then analyzed by an inductive method, with interactive analysis model. Results: The results of this research are first, the community has good reception about ecranisation of the best-seller Laskar Pelangi that being box office film. Generally, the community assumes that the beauty of the story in the novel can be well visualized through the image and dialogue of the character’s cast, although there is a slight change in storyline and characterizations. Secondly, Laskar Pelangi film is a product of a successful creative industry both at home and abroad. Implications: Thus, the Laskar Pelangi film has functioned as an educative media for people to understand the value of human relationships with themselves, with others and environment, and with God, which is the moral value conveyed by the author. The education process is effective because the values are delivered through a means of beautiful, interesting, and touching stories.

Laici, Chiara, and Lorenza Orlandini. "“Avanguardie Educative”: paths of innovation for schools." Research on Education and Media 8, no. 1 (June 1, 2016): 53–61.

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Abstract This article presents “Avanguardie Educative” (, a cultural movement founded to gather the most significant experiences of organizational and educational innovation in Italian schools and encourage transformation of the traditional lecture-based school model. With the aim of supporting an innovation process that has emerged from bottom -up reasoning, INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research) and 22 founder member schools (advanced schools) have produced a manifesto based on seven pillars that inspired the “Gallery of 12 Ideas” -experiences of innovation re-elaborated by researchers based on experience gained in certain Italian schools, which, some time ago, began to gradually change the organization, school time and space for teaching in ways that would encourage pupils to take an active role in teaching -learning processes. The Avanguardie Educative movement currently includes 416 schools that are trying out the ideas, with support from the advanced schools and INDIRE, aided by a blended coaching process designed to build a professional community of practice.

Kwan, Ming, Anthony Kong, and David Liu. "Extraordinary Educative Environmental Events." Journal of Management and Sustainability 9, no. 1 (March 24, 2019): 101.

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Using educative environmental protection events such as “Environmental Protection Pioneer Campaign”, “Rewarding Recycling Campaign”, “Green Efforts Give Great Rewards Event”, “Environmental Protection Workshop”, “Environmental Campaign Day”, “Environmental Protection Carnival” and “Second-hand Bazaar” held in Park Island, Hong Kong, as a case study, the purpose is exploring how educative environmental protection events contribute to demonstrate environmentally friendly property management and raise the environmental protection awareness and encourage residents’ involvement to live green. Design/Methodology/Approach—This paper identifies environmental protection events as an effective strategy to raise environmental awareness for all of the estate residents. The objectives of environmental protection events aimat showing the importance of community involvement, demonstrating educative environmentally friendly property management and encourage residents to live green. Authors conducted twenty-five in-depth semi-structured interviews with participants so as to fully understand the contributions made by the events. Findings—Educative environmental protection events were perceived by all of the study participants as effective and educative events, which raised environmental awareness, upheld moral obligation to engage in environmental protection, and induced greater pro-environmental behavior to sustainability. Based on the results, the framework of 10 Cs is revealed which contributes to environmentally friendly environment for the next generation. These contributions are: 1) Circulating surplus materials to the needy 2) Choosing public transportation 3) Committing to green education 4) Cultivating pro-environmental behavior 5) Caring for sustainable development 6) Cutting Carbon lifestyle 7) Coordinating efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle 8) Consuming less electricity 9) Concerning ocean creatures protection 10) Ceasing ozone depleting chemicals products Practical implications—Based on the insights gained from participants, the 10 Cs contributions are made by educative environmental protection events for nurturing moral obligation to demonstrate environmentally friendly property management and raise the environmental protection awareness and encourage residents’ involvement to live green. Participants should take part in all environmental-protection measures daily. The Estate Management Company and government should deepen cooperation in environmental protection, intensify ecological preservation and build a green living environment. Originality/value—This paper urges for the importance of all residents, all estate management companies and government to engage in environmental protection for sustainable development. The aim of such an episode is to arouse all stakeholders to participate in environmental protection actively and attentively for green environment.

Haynes, Joanna. "Gifts of Time and Space: Co-educative Companionship in a Community Primary School." Studies in Philosophy and Education 32, no. 3 (January 11, 2013): 297–311.

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Ubad, Irsyadul, Silfia Hanani, and Iswantir M. "Nilai Edukatif Tradisi Peringatan Hari Kematian di Kenagarian Manggopoh, Sumatra Barat." Jurnal Fuaduna : Jurnal Kajian Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan 4, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 30.

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<p><em>The Nagari Manggopoh community has a tradition of commemorating the day of one's death which takes place on the third, seventh, fourteenth, fortieth, hundredth, and thousandth days, but the community does not yet understand the educational values. The focus of the research is educative values </em><em></em><em>in the tradition of commemorating the day of death, and their implications for strengthening Minangkabau traditional values. The object of this research is the Islamic community in Nagari Manggopoh that carries out a tradition of commemorating one's death by analyzing the educational values </em><em></em><em>contained in it. The population in this study is the community who carry out the tradition of the commemoration of death. Data collection techniques are observation and interviews, then analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques, with inductive, deductive, and descriptive methods. </em><em>The results of this research showed that there were some educative values contained in the tradition, namely sociological, cultural and cultural educational values, historical, and leadership.</em><em></em></p>

Curren, Randall. "Punishment and motivation in a just school community." Theory and Research in Education 18, no. 1 (March 2020): 117–33.

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This article addresses the ethical and motivational dimensions of punishment in schools, focusing on the idea of a just school community. Lawrence Kohlberg’s account of a just school community is examined and systematically revised to reflect advances in psychology and a more adequate conceptualization of justice. A eudaimonic conception of justice is articulated with respect to five distinct dimensions of a just school community. This is informed by Self-determination Theory (SDT) and an account of the basis of educational authority over minor children. The resulting account of a eudaimonically just school community clarifies the limited value of punishments as motivators and the importance of needs-support to enlisting students’ cooperation. It resists the growing reliance on criminal justice responses to student misconduct and holds that discipline and punishment in schools should be diagnostic, educative, restorative, and community building.

Tamura, Eileen H. "Education in a Multi-Ethnoracial Setting: Seattle's Neighborhood House and the Cultivation of Urban Community Builders, 1960s–1970s." History of Education Quarterly 57, no. 1 (February 2017): 39–67.

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During the mid-1960s, the War on Poverty ushered in a change in outlook on the poor and stimulated Neighborhood House (a social service agency that began as a settlement house) to focus on educative, community-building initiatives. Yet ironically, while staffers offered educational programs for residents, they were themselves becoming educated. The space Neighborhood House provided emerged as a powerful venue in which staffers developed their talents to become socially minded civic leaders. This study of the post–World War II transformation of settlement work in a city in the Pacific Northwest reveals commonalities with other places as well as distinctiveness to Seattle conditions. The article expands the extant scholarship on multi-ethnoracial communities, War on Poverty programs, and settlement house responses to societal changes. In doing so, it reveals the ways in which Neighborhood House provided an important educative space for those who worked there, a place that nurtured their growth as civically minded community builders.

Bissett, Susan Zela. "Bala ga lili: Meeting Indigenous Learners Halfway." Australian Journal of Environmental Education 28, no. 2 (December 2012): 78–91.

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AbstractThe author's experience of the day-to-day issues faced as an educator in an Aboriginal school are recounted, along with perspectives gained as part of a research project. The proposition is argued that an Education for Sustainability approach, where learning is structured around a negotiated environmental issue within local community, represents a cultural accommodation or halfway point between mainstream formal schooling and the needs of Indigenous learners. This article contends that such an educative approach meets Indigenous learners ‘halfway’, through compatibility with Indigenous values frameworks and employing culturally appropriate pedagogical methods. The argument is made that by demonstrating a willingness to negotiate worthwhile environmentally based projects that address community ecological concerns, EfS may be able to improve community support and mitigate impediments to the engagement of Indigenous learners with formal education. A critical pedagogy of place (Grunewald, 2003) is discussed as a theoretical framework that combines place-based pedagogy with empowering educational theory. Indigenous learners’ connection with place is recognised in this approach and ascribed a positive rather than negative value.

Acosta, Abril. "La universidad de Papel." CPU-e, Revista de Investigación Educativa, no. 1 (November 14, 2012): 200–209.

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Luis Porter. (2003). La universidad de Papel. Ensayos sobre la educación superior en México. México: CEICH-UNAM.El texto reseñado es un ejercicio de reflexión en torno a la planeación de políticas educativas en el nivel superior, a la construcción de nuevos paradigmas de aprendizaje y a la participación de los universitarios; en él se intenta proporcionar a los investigadores y estudiantes en el campo de la educación herramientas conceptuales y técnicas apoyadas con ejemplos prácticos, que fortalezcan sus propios criterios y pensamientos.AbstractThe described text is an exercise in reflection on educative policy planning at the higher education level, the construction of new learning paradigms and the participation of the university community. Said text attempts to provide researchers and students in the educational field with conceptual and technical tools supported by practical examples that strengthen their criteria and thoughts.

Kusmiyati, Kusmiyati, and Ni Nyoman Sarmi. "Environmentally Friendly Based Educative Game Development Training For Teachers Early Childhood Education Programs." Jurnal Karya Abdi 1, no. 02 (December 21, 2020): 79–94.

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Educational play equipment is something that can be used as a means or equipment for playing that contains educational value and can develop all children's abilities. Knowledge and understanding of educational teaching aids is very important for a teacher, but the understanding and skills of making educational game tools are still lacking, this is influenced by teacher education who is not a teacher education graduate even there are high school graduates, this results in low motivation of the teachers to make educational game tools, for that it is necessary to hold training on the development of educational game tools for educators with the aim of providing knowledge and understanding as well as the skills of teachers to make educational play tools that are creative, innovative and environmentally friendly. The making of this educational game tool comes from unused used materials that are easily obtained from the surrounding environment. This training was attended by early childhood education teachers in Wonokromo Village, Surabaya. The method of implementation is divided into four stages, namely material presentation, discussion, practice of making educational game tools and simulations. As a result of the training, all participants gained knowledge and skills in making educational games that are safe for children and are environmentally friendly. Through community service activities, early childhood education teachers are able to develop educational games that are environmentally friendly and able to increase professionalism in learning activities.

Eviningrum, Sulistya. "Educative Penalty System as a Protection Implementation for Children who Commit Crime." Journal of Morality and Legal Culture 1, no. 1 (July 30, 2020): 38.

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Penalizing children who commit crime is actually intended for their-own sake. This kind of penalty has been created in such a way to suit the children. Therefore, the investigation carried out by the authorities before imposing the penalty should not eliminate the aspect of guidance and protection. The punishment formulations that give deterrent effect to those juvenile criminals should be the best effort through non-formal processes that have an optimal role to develop, such as families, schools, or social monitoring institutions. Namely: a). Informal warning; which involves the police to warn the children that they have done the wrong thing and make them not to do it again. There will not be any criminal minutes for this kind of punishment. b). Redeem mistakes with good deeds/ restitution: the children are asked to redeem their mistakes with good deeds, for example by paying compensation to the victim according to the children's capability. c). Community service: those children are ordered to do serve the community or fulfill certain tasks for several hours.

Harris, Judith. "Experiential Learning in Circles of Safety: Reflections on Walls to Bridges and Dewey’s Theory of Experience." Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning 4, no. 1 (May 28, 2018): 197–211.

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This paper discusses a Winnipeg-based community-university partnership structured as a set of interlinked “Circles of Safety” to support criminalized women while incarcerated and after their release. The four Circles include university, community, social co-operatives, and corrections; these circles contain the action research activities we are undertaking to provide greater safety for women transitioning from prison into the community. The motivation for our prison education program, which draws on the American Inside-Out Program and the newer Canadian Walls to Bridges Program, comes from these four directions and is energized by a belief in the human right to education. This paper argues that the success of both American and Canadian programs is explained by an approach to prison education that is complementary to John Dewey’s principles of educative experience, specifically principles based on continuity and interaction. Adapting and extending Dewey, the Circles of Safety model described in this paper maintains the value of experiential learning, which is defined as learning in situations that begin with the experience that the learners already have and subject matter that is within the scope of their ordinary life-experience, leading to their formation of purpose.

Giardiello, Mauro. "The Neglected Educative Function of Public Space on Preadolescent Development." Journal of Early Adolescence 37, no. 6 (January 7, 2016): 737–59.

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The crisis of public spaces implies a closure to the private sphere and, as a consequence, the inanity of the education processes. Space privatization involves the supremacy of the “οίκος” (house) on the “αγορα” (public space), so that the house assumes the role of an enclosed community. The effect of this closure is a weakening of the spatial identification and socialization of preadolescents and the exclusion of differences and relationships with their peers. This break prevents and reduces the autonomous exploration of the space as a place of free expression, the communicative acting, the conflict. This article analyzes the efficacy of the educative role of the quarter and its incidence on the preadolescent development from a sheltered to an open space both through a deep relationship with the environment and an aptitude to explore the external world. The validity of these hypotheses has been proved through a study carried out in three cities.

Boboshko, V. I. "Formation and development of educative capacity integration of family, school and community in Great Britain." Science and Education a New Dimension VI(154), no. 64 (February 20, 2018): 7–10.

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홍원표. "How to enhance the educative function of school-based community service: Integrating service and learning." Journal of Curriculum Studies 31, no. 3 (September 2013): 227–51.

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Katinah, Kuswandi, Sigit Priyo Sembodo, and Surachmad Surachmad. "Prevention of Human Trafficking with AMP Model with based vilage education." International Journal of Management Excellence 13, no. 1 (June 30, 2019): 1882–90.

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This study offers a framework for the prevention of human trafficking using the action means purpose (AMP) model in "Kampunge arek surobayo ". This model has the goal of creating an educative, safe, comfortable, friendly, healthy, creative living environment (kampong) and literacy for the process of child development in community support that guarantees the fulfillment of children's rights and seeks optimal protection of children. KAS KP raised AREK's local culture, which became the spirit of the village, including togetherness, mutual cooperation, ownership, help, tolerance and concern for the environment, especially in the growth and development of children around it and the development of a variety of activities in 6 (six) variables include; educative village, foster village, safe village, healthy village, innovative creative village and literacy village.

Moreno Sánchez, Emilia, and Carmen Márquez Vázquez. "Determinantes implicados en la construcción de la violencia de género. El caso de las escuelas primarias en una provincia de España." education policy analysis archives 24 (January 31, 2016): 11.

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In this work we present a descriptive correlational study that took place in some primary schools of Huelva (Andalusia, Spain) financed with public funds, in which gender differences in the comprehension of violence at primary school are analyzed. With the information obtained, we can conclude with the fact that the violence perceived by students in the educative environment has a clear component of gender and in both sexes internalization is showed since their childhood. They reproduce models of differential socialization between boys and girls. Because of this, it is necessary to create a debate in the school's community and an involvement of the gender's perspective in teaching, training and researching and especially in educative politic in order to progress towards the equal rights between men and women since their childhood.

Sari, Nova Nurwinda, and Herlina Herlina. "SUPPORTIVE EDUCATIVE SYSTEM DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMANDIRIAN MERAWAT KAKI PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE II." Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal 9, no. 2 (April 29, 2019): 63–72.

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Diabetes mellitus dapat menyebabkan cukup banyak komplikasi seperti kelainan mata, kelainan ginjal, kelainan pembuluh darah dan kelainan pada kaki. Penderita diabetes mellitus yang mengalami komplikasi kronis perlu diberikan upaya preventif untuk mencegah komplikasi, salah satunya adalah kemampuan perawatan kaki. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji efektivitas supportive educative system dalam meningkatkan kemandirian perawatan kaki pada pasien dengan diabetes mellitus Tipe II di Puskesmas Permata Sukarame, Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasy eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest with control group dengan total masing-masing kelompok sebanyak 18 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi penelitian. Penelitian ini diuji menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat dan uji T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata dalam kemandirian perawatan kaki pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol dengan p-value 0,000. Pendidikan dan praktik perawatan kaki harus diberikan sejak dini sebagai upaya pencegahan untuk komplikasi. Kata kunci : Supportive educative system, kemandirian perawatan kaki SUPPORTIVE EDUCATIVE SYSTEM IN IMPROVING INDEPENDENCE OF FOOT CARE IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus can cause quite a lot of complications such as eye disorders, kidney disorders, vascular disorders and abnormalities in the legs. Patients with diabetes mellitus who have chronic complications need to be given a preventive effort to prevent complications, one of which is foot care ability. This research was conducted to examine the effectiveness of supportive educative systems in increasing the independence of foot care in patients with Type II diabetes mellitus in the Permata Sukarame Health Center Bandar Lampung Working Area. This study used a quasi-experimental method with pretest-posttest with control group design with a total of 18 respondents each. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to respondents who meet the research inclusion criteria. This study was tested using univariate, bivariate, T-Test analysis. The results showed that the mean differences in the independence of foot care in the intervention group and the control group in the Permata Sukarame Community Health Center work area with a p-value of 0,000. Education and practice of foot care should be given early as a preventative effort for complications. Keywords: Supportive educative system, independence of foot care

Fraser, Patti. "The Story of Summer Visions: The Creation of a New Public in a Community-Engaged Youth Media Program." LEARNing Landscapes 10, no. 1 (October 1, 2016): 95–103.

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Over the course of the last two decades, youth media programs have become increasingly popular as models for community-engaged digital storytelling projects. This narrative re ection is based on the author’s experience as the creative mentor and story editor within a nationally recognized youth-run media production program. Drawing on Arendt’s (1954) thinking on the educative project and on Poyntz’s (2009) argument that holds "agonistic struggle" over creative expression within a community of youth engagement is critical to developing a shared sense of the world. This narrative re ects on the collective work of story creation within a community-engaged media art practice as a vehicle for developing capacity to hold pluralistic points of view, perspective, and voice essential for the sustainment of democratic movements.

Bianco, Alessia, and Vincenza Triolo. "Architectural Conservation and Cultural Inclusion - The Applicative Case of Motta San Giovanni (Reggio Calabria-Italy) and its Romanian Community." Advanced Engineering Forum 11 (June 2014): 447–51.

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The paper describes a proposal for restoration and reuse of the Praci neighborhood in Motta San Giovanni, an inland town of the Reggio Calabria Province, aimed to accommodate and facilitate the integration of its migrant Romanian community. The project proposes a plan of self-constructive restoration, to be used as the residence of Romanian migrants, that for the Municipality could be a tool to make the whole community responsible for management and conservation of now abandoned a vernacular building heritage and for the migrant community could constitute not only an opportunity for improving its living, as well as social, condition, but also for taking advantage of a educative experience, considering that a significant part of Romanian migrants in Motta San Giovanni is employed in construction.

Yaqinah, Siti Nurul. "DAKWAH DAN FENOMENA KEKERASAN DALAM RUMAH TANGGA." TASAMUH 15, no. 2 (June 1, 2018): 25–44.

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The behavior of domestic violence is a tendency of behavior that is not in accordance with human nature and not in accordance with Islamic teachings. The causes of domestic violence can be classified into two factors, internal and external factors. Internal factors concerning the personality of the perpetrators of violence that makes it very easy to commit violence when faced with situations that cause anger or frustration. External factors are factors outside the abuser's self. For example economic difficulties, infidelity husband or wife, child and so forth. To minimize cases of domestic violence, the da'wah perpetrators promoted counselling of community-based da'wah, for example by promoting education on human rights and women's empowerment, and to socialize gender equality. Equally important is to build a mosque-based community economy and empower the work ethic of Muslims. This can be done through majlis taklim or other studies. Other efforts that can be done are preventive, educative, curative and rehabilitative

Burant, Terry J., and Dan Kirby. "Beyond classroom-based early field experiences: understanding an “educative practicum” in an urban school and community." Teaching and Teacher Education 18, no. 5 (July 2002): 561–75.

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Downing, Melissa, Michael Jones, Cathy Humphreys, Gavan McCarthy, Cate O’Neill, and Rachel Tropea. "An educative intervention: assisting in the self-assessment of archival practice in 12 community service organisations." Archives and Manuscripts 41, no. 2 (July 2013): 116–28.

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Moreira, Diego Gouveia, Sheila Borges de Oliveira, and Giovana Borges Mesquita. "A extensão universitária durante a pandemia do coronavírus: experiências educomunicativas do curso de Comunicação Social da UFPE." Comunicação & Educação 25, no. 2 (December 4, 2020): 184–96.

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Our article seeks to discuss extension projects developed by professors from the Social Communication undergraduate course, from the Design and Communication Center, from the Centro Acadêmico do Agreste, a campus of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco in Caruaru, state of Pernambuco, during the Covid-19 pandemic. For the development of the paper, we opted for a bibliographic review and an experience report. Our study analyzes four extension projects: “Rádio Cordel: na frequência do Agreste”; “Radionovela: Literatura nas ondas do rádio” and “Solte sua voz: os invisíveis midiáticos”. Finally, extension projects are understood as relevant educative communicative experiences because they democratize communication, contribute to the education of university community and train the students involved in contemporary communicational experiences.

Morilla García, Cristina, and Víctor Pavón Vázquez. "Factores psicopedagógicos que afectan a la adquisición de la comprensión oral de la L2 en diversos contextos españoles bilingües y no bilingües: influencia de las inteligencias múltiples." Journal of English Studies 16 (December 18, 2018): 185.

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Research on the mind, the brain and education has shed light on the process of learning a foreign language in bilingual education. The present study attempts to investigate the relationship between L2 listening skills and multiple intelligences in bilingual and non-bilingual contexts. The research was conducted on fourth year primary school students. It involved two schools in the province of Cordoba (Andalusia, Spain) and one school in the Community of Madrid, that had implemented different educative programmes for the acquisition of listening skills: Advanced Methods Corporation (AMCO) which is a bilingual education program that integrates multiple intelligence strategies into the curriculum, Content and Language integrated learning (CLIL) and the traditional method of teaching English a foreign language (TEFL). The results of this eclectic study indicate that a bilingual education program that includes multiple intelligence strategies benefits students´ listening proficiency by promoting motivation in the learning process.

Tyler, William. "Community-Based Strategies in Aboriginal Criminal Justice: The Northern Territory Experience." Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 28, no. 2 (June 1995): 127–42.

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Recent attempts to involve the remote and small town communities of Northern Australia in their own policing and correctional services have often been held up as a model for developing Aboriginal criminal justice policies. Such a proposal raises important questions as to both the construction of the post-colonial ‘community’ in remote and settled Australia and the sociological principles by which these criminal justice schemes (eg night patrols, community wardens, community corrections) have been constituted. The paper explores the constructions of the Aboriginal community over the past two decades (ethnographic, politico-administrative and postmodernist) as a background to the development and implementation of community-based criminal justice schemes in the Northern Territory. A typology of post-colonial criminal justice strategies is developed which identifies four ‘ideal types’ in which the initiatives may be positioned. These are the mediative (community wardens, night patrols), the educative (community justice programs), the neo-colonialist (new forms of imposed European laws and policing) and the incorporative (pervasive and totalising forms of control). The possibility of transposing these Northern Territory schemes to other Aboriginal situations is then critically evaluated in the light of differing socio-political constructions of ‘community’.

Bruegel, Irene, and Simon Warren. "Family Resources and Community Social Capital as Routes to Valued Employment in the UK?" Social Policy and Society 2, no. 4 (October 2003): 319–28.

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This paper analyses existing research on social capital, school choice and educational attainment to consider the questions that need to be answered if the role of social capital in reducing or extending social inequality is to be addressed. We identify a need to distinguish between: social surveillance and genuinely educative forms of social capital; between parent–pupil interactions and family: school links that generate positive external spin-overs and those that simply enhance the competitive position of the individual child. We argue for a more gendered and more child-centred analysis of social capital that considers the role of social capital in protecting and enhancing school reputation, and for an analysis which considers possible linkages between bonding, bridging and linking social capital.

Marjanovic-Shane, Ana, Fran Fox, Bruce Pollack-Johnson, Lisa Pack-Allender, Brian Girard, and Karen Rothschild. "Project learn school community: An educational practice meets an educational activity theory." Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja 38, no. 1 (2006): 25–44.

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Project Learn School community is a unique school coop in Philadelphia Founded 30 years ago, Project Learn was created as a cooperative between teachers, parents and students. The main philosophical principle, derived from J. Dewey?s educational theories is the principle of equality between the parties in the educative process. Other guiding philosophical principles are: the emphasis on the unique constellation of abilities of every student creating opportunities for meaningful personal involvement in the learning process, developing a sense of responsibility in students for themselves and for the larger world, and, finally, educating the whole person rather than just teaching academic skills. Although Cultural Historical Activity theory of L.S. Vygotsky was not very well known in the United States at the time of it?s founding, this school embodies several basic principles of Cultural Historical Activity theory. Among them is the principle of social mediation of the relationship between the subject and the object. The same principle is actualized through the rich use of cultural tools and symbols such as very developed programs in art, music and drama, as well as the frequent use of play and play like activities both to motivate and to create a collaborative learning atmosphere. Furthermore, the unique style of governance, where all families participate without delegation of their decision making powers, provides for a powerful model of human relationships, rules and norms believed to be the most beneficial for individual learning and the over all social development.

Rahardja, Untung, Ninda Lutfiani, Sudaryono Sudaryono, and Rochmawati Rochmawati. "The Strategy of Enhancing Employee Reward Using TOPSIS Method as a Decision Support System." IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) 14, no. 4 (October 31, 2020): 387.

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Giving rewards for good performance and achievement of tasks needs to be done as a form of recognition and appreciation by the organization/institution to employees, as well as being part of the process of achieving organizational goals. This study aims to develop a Decision Support System that uses the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity (TOPSIS) method with the PHP programming language to select reward recipients at University. The data used came from 2 groups, namely educational staff (lecturers) and non-educative staff (employees). Determination criteria applied to the educative group are 10 things, namely: tenure, DP3 value, the value on the percentage of work attendance, value on the percentage of teaching attendance, value on lecturer functional position, value on research implementation, the value on implementation of community service, value on the results of the questionnaire by students, the value of employment status, and the value of sanctions. There are 5 determinant criteria used in the non-educative group, namely: tenure, DP3 value, percentage of work attendance, the value of employment status, and value of sanctions. The results of this study are in the form of an information system program as a decision-making tool for the process of selecting reward recipient employees.

Sarti, Aimee J., Rola Ajjawi, Stephanie Sutherland, Angele Landriault, John Kim, and Pierre Cardinal. "Comparison of simulation debriefs with traditional needs assessment methods: a qualitative exploratory study in a critical care community setting." BMJ Open 8, no. 10 (October 2018): e020570.

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ObjectiveTo better understand the potential of a needs assessment approach using qualitative data from manikin-based and virtual patient simulation debriefing sessions compared with traditional data collection methods (ie, focus groups and interviews).DesignOriginal data from simulation debrief sessions was compared and contrasted with data from an earlier assessment of critical care needs in a community setting (using focus groups and interviews), thus undertaking secondary analysis of data. Time and cost data were also examined. Debrief sessions were coded using deductive and inductive techniques. Matrices were used to explore the commonalities, differences and emergent findings across the methods.SettingCritical care unit in a community hospital setting.ResultsInterviews and focus groups yielded 684 and 647 min of audio-recordings, respectively. The manikin-based debrief recordings averaged 22 min (total=130 min) and virtual patient debrief recordings averaged 31 min (total=186 min). The approximate cost for the interviews and focus groups was $13 560, for manikin-based simulation debriefs was $4030 and for the virtual patient debriefs was $3475. Fifteen of 20 total themes were common across the simulation debriefs and interview/focus group data. Simulation-specific themes were identified, including fidelity (environment, equipment and psychological) and the multiple roles of the simulation instructor (educative, promoting reflection and assessing needs).ConclusionsGiven current fiscal realities, the dual benefit of being educative and identifying needs is appealing. While simulation is an innovative method to conduct needs assessments, it is important to recognise that there are trade-offs with the selection of methods.

Mulyadi, Edi. "Strategi Pengembangan Budaya Religius di Madrasah." Jurnal Kependidikan 6, no. 1 (May 25, 2018): 1–14.

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As an educational institution characterized by Islam, madrasah must be able to fulfill the community needs on the education of their children in order to avoid the negative effects of technological developments. This matter will be one of the attractions for the community to send their children to madrasah. One of the efforts to realize it is by developing a religious culture among madrasahs, ie continuously practicing religious habits, so that religious values can be internalized and practiced in everyday life. Among the strategies of religious culture development that can be done is through power strategy, persuasive strategy, and normative re-educative. The first strategy was developed through a command approach and a ban or reward and punishment. The second and third strategies are developed through habituation, exemplary, and persuasive approach or inviting to its citizens in a subtle way. In practice, the implementation of the development of religious culture requires the support and active role of various implementers and stakeholders such as teachers, students, parents, communities and governments.

Wandukusi, Susan, Japheth Barasa, Risper Konzoolo, Patrick Olutwati, Stephen Mukubuyi, Patrick Barasa, David Loeseps, John Masinde, Florance Chemayiek, and Ruth Imbuye. "EFFECTS OF BUKUSU MALE CIRCUMCISION SONGS METAPHOR ON THE EDUCATION OF THE BOY CHILD AMONG THE BUKUSU COMMUNITY (A CASE STUDY TRANS-NZOIA COUNTY, KENYA.)." International Journal of Advanced Research 8, no. 11 (November 30, 2020): 1186–92.

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The purpose of the study was to determine how Bukusu Male Circumcision Songs Metaphor have affected the Education of the Boy Child among the Bukusu Community in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya.. The study was guided by the following objectives: To establish the importance of Luhya male Circumcision songs metaphor among the Bukusu community, to establish the effect of Luhya Male Circumcision songs metaphor on the behavioral development of the Bukusu youth. To determine how Bukusu male circumcision songs metaphor have affected the Education of the Boy child among the Bukusu Community in Trans-Nzoia County.. The researcheradopted mixed research design whereby mixed research method utilizes both qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data was collected using open ended questionnaires while quantitative data collection method included closed ended questioners. The study was done in Trans-NzoiaCounty. The study targeted a total population of 2000 youths from 10 locations. Simple Random sampling procedure was employed. Stratified sampling technique was also used. The scope was limited to youths in Trans-Nzoia County. The study made use of questioners and interview guide. Validity of the instruments was established through pilot testing while reliability was established from consistency of the results obtained from the field. In chapter two empirical literatures was done on independent variable, dependent variable, and the four indicators of independent variable.. It also revealed that the circumcision songs metaphor affects the education of the boy child greatly and as a result it also affects the behavioral development of the youth immorally. In conclusion this therefore calls for the Bukusu community this songs metaphor in such a way that the messages they carry be moral and educative to boy child.

Zarkasi, Fatchullah. "Educative Values of Peace Mind Mysticism of Sunan Bonang In the view of Islam." International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education 1, no. 2 (March 24, 2020): 134–50.

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The majority of Javanese which many called "abangan" has its own perspective on the major religions in the world. For Niels Mulder in his book, the Javanese tend to view Islam as a religion is Arab, so that Islam seemed to fizzle placed as the basis of life for the Javanese belief. However, virtually no Muslims in Indonesia who have never heard the name Wali Songo, collective unit 9 guardian. Sunan Kalijaga better known than all eight other guardians with various famous work. Puppet world is said to be the work of these guardians, as sekaten, which has been called, is a tradition of the Prophet's birth day celebration that is celebrated officially the Kingdom of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, until today. Sidi Gazalbarevealed that: "Value is something that is abstract. Value is not a concrete object, not a fact, not just a question of right and wrong that demands empirical evidence, but rather a matter of appreciation that is desired, liked and disliked.While Educative education comes from the word that means pendidikan.Sedangkan education question in this case is the Islamic education. So according to Prof. Dr. Omar M. Taomy al Pendidikaan Syaibany in his philosophy of Islam, it can be concluded that: "Islamic Education is an attempt to change the behavior of individuals in the life of their community and also in the surrounding environment through the education process. The changes are based on the values of Islam.”

Zarkasi, Fatchullah. "Educative Values of Peace Mind Mysticism of Sunan Bonang In the view of Islam." International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education 1, no. 2 (March 25, 2020): 128–41.

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The majority of Javanese which many called "abangan" has its own perspective on the major religions in the world. For Niels Mulder in his book, the Javanese tend to view Islam as a religion is Arab, so that Islam seemed to fizzle placed as the basis of life for the Javanese belief. However, virtually no Muslims in Indonesia who have never heard the name Wali Songo, collective unit 9 guardian. Sunan Kalijaga better known than all eight other guardians with various famous work. Puppet world is said to be the work of these guardians, as sekaten, which has been called, is a tradition of the Prophet's birth day celebration that is celebrated officially the Kingdom of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, until today. Sidi Gazalbarevealed that: "Value is something that is abstract. Value is not a concrete object, not a fact, not just a question of right and wrong that demands empirical evidence, but rather a matter of appreciation that is desired, liked and disliked.While Educative education comes from the word that means pendidikan.Sedangkan education question in this case is the Islamic education. So according to Prof. Dr. Omar M. Taomy al Pendidikaan Syaibany in his philosophy of Islam, it can be concluded that: "Islamic Education is an attempt to change the behavior of individuals in the life of their community and also in the surrounding environment through the education process. The changes are based on the values of Islam.”DOI:

Carvalho, Josiane das Graças, and Lourdes Helena Da Silva. "ALTERNANCE IN THE FORMATION OF COUNTRYSIDE EDUCATORS: LOOKING FOR MARKERS IN THE ACADEMIC PRODUCTIONS AND SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF EDUCATION STUDENTS." Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação 11, no. 26 (June 28, 2018): 339–50.

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The Education in the Countryside is part of a national movement that, starred by collective individuals of the countryside, has conquered several social, political and academic accomplishments. Among them, the Program of Support to Higher Education in Countryside Teaching – PROCAMPO, which has its origins in the fights and claims of social movements, allowed the creation of 42 new courses of Education in Rural Teaching in different Brazilian Higher Education Institutions. These courses work under Alternance training, between Time-School and Time-Community, contributing to the expansion, in our society, of the Formation by Alternance in the Higher Education, particularly in the Rural Education Graduation Courses, constituting a very recent phenomenon in the Brazilian Universities. Aiming to find a better comprehension about this educative phenomenon, the present paper has the purpose of presenting an overview of the national academic production about the alternance in the courses of formation of countryside educators, analyzing the social representations of alternance built by Rural Education students of the Federal University of Viçosa, looking for advance makers, challenges and perspectives in this pedagogical dynamic in the Higher Educaction.

To the bibliography