Academic literature on the topic 'Engpassmanagement'

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Journal articles on the topic "Engpassmanagement":


Brauner, Günther. "Versorgungssicherheit und Engpassmanagement." e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 121, no. 11 (November 2004): 405.

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Boltz, W., and T. Kapetanovic. "Regulatorische Sicht von Versorgungssicherheit und Engpassmanagement." e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 121, no. 11 (November 2004): 412–19.

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Brauner, G. "Simulationsverfahren für das Engpassmanagement zur Abwehr von Großstörungen." e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 121, no. 11 (November 2004): 425–29.

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Haucap, Justus, Christoph Helle, Ina Loebert, and Oliver Raschka. "Transparenzdefizite beim kurz- und langfristigen Engpassmanagement der Übertragungsnetzbetreiber." Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 43, no. 4 (November 20, 2019): 231–44.

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Dummer, A., and H. Popelka. "Engpassmanagement im hoch ausgelasteten Übertragungsnetz von Verbund-Austrian Power Grid." e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 121, no. 11 (November 2004): 420–24.

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Sobótka, Michał. "„Die Zeit des Abwartens geht zu Ende“." BWK ENERGIE. 71, no. 04 (2019): 31–32.

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SMART METERING | Die GWAdriga GmbH & Co. KG in Berlin, Dienstleister für intelligentes Messwesen und Smart-Meter-Gateway (SMGW)-Administration, steht in den Startlöchern für den bevorstehenden Pflicht-Rollout intelligenter Messsysteme. Geschäftsführer Dr. Michał Sobótka glaubt nicht, dass sich trotz Verzögerung bei der Gateway-Zertifizierung bei den Fristen etwas ändern wird 1). Handlungsbedarf des Gesetzgebers sieht Sobótka beim marktbasierten Engpassmanagement, bei der Abrechnung netzdienlicher Flexibilitäten und bei der Sicherheit von Systemen hinter dem Gateway.

Wawer, Tim. "Effizientes Engpassmanagement zur Schaffung eines europäischen Strombinnenmarktes — die Rolle von finanziellen Übertragungsrechten." Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 33, no. 2 (June 2009): 91–97.

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Meyer, Roland. "Regulatorische Anreize für ein zukünftiges Engpassmanagement unter NABEG 2.0: FlexShare und FOCS." Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 45, no. 2 (February 23, 2021): 109–18.

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Klabunde, Christian, and Martin Wolter. "Linearisierung der Prozesse Kraftwerkseinsatzplanung und Redispatch." at - Automatisierungstechnik 69, no. 5 (March 20, 2021): 364–75.

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Zusammenfassung Die Optimierung von Engpassmanagementmaßnahmen ist ein bedeutender Forschungsschwerpunkt in der elektrischen Energieversorgung. Hierfür haben sich unterschiedlichste Methoden etabliert. Diese Methoden verwenden sowohl klassische als auch heuristische Optimierungsalgorithmen, um das Engpassmanagementproblem zu lösen. Der Fokus dieser Veröffentlichung liegt auf der Darstellung aller Schritte, die zur Linearisierung des Engpassmanagementproblems notwendig sind. Darauf aufbauend wird ein gemischt ganzzahliges lineares Optimierungsproblem aufgebaut, das sowohl die Kraftwerkseinsatzplanung als auch das Engpassmanagement umfasst. Die entwickelten Optimierungsalgorithmen werden auf ein Testszenario basierend auf dem IEEE 24 Knoten Netz angewandt. Mit Hilfe des vorgestellten Algorithmus ist es möglich, das Netz engpassfrei zu betreiben. Zum Ausgleich des Linearisierungsfehlers muss der Algorithmus auf das Beispielnetz dreimal angewandt werden.

Bracht, U., and M. Lueddecke. "Anwenderzentrierte Entscheidungsunterstützung*/User-centered decision support - Intelligent visualization to manage material shortages in the automotive industry." wt Werkstattstechnik online 105, no. 03 (2015): 128–35.

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Die Materialflusssteuerer im Engpassmanagement der Materiallogistik benötigen ein anwenderzentriertes Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem, um die steigende Komplexität ihres Arbeitsumfeldes in Zeiten umfassenden Wandels beherrschen zu können. Neuartige Formen intelligenter Visualisierung führen in Kombination mit einem modularen Aufbau der Benutzerschnittstelle zu einem tieferen sowie umfassenderen Prozessverständnis und bilden die Grundlage für optimierte Entscheidungen in zeitkritischen Situationen.   In times of fundamental change, it is important for material flow managers dealing with shortages in material supply to have a user-centered decision support system to control the increasing complexity of their work environment. Novel forms of intelligent visualization in combination with a modular structure of the user interface provide a deeper and more comprehensive insight into the process and provide the basis for optimized decision-making in time-critical situations.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Engpassmanagement":


Pawellek, Arne [Verfasser]. "Entwicklung und Modellierung von Konzepten für das Engpassmanagement im Netzregelverbund / Arne Pawellek." Garbsen : TEWISS - Technik und Wissen GmbH, 2021.

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Schurtz, Annika [Verfasser]. "Verfahren zur Zustandsschätzung und ihr Beitrag zum Engpassmanagement in Mittelspannungsnetzen / Annika Schurtz." Düren : Shaker, 2020.

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Kunz, Friedrich. "Managing Congestion and Intermittent Renewable Generation in Liberalized Electricity Markets." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2013.

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This dissertation focuses on selected aspects of network congestion arising in liberalized electricity markets and their management methods with a special weight placed on the integration of increased renewable generation in Europe and Germany. In a first step, the theoretical concepts of congestion management are introduced complemented by a review of current management regimes in selected countries. In the second step, the European approach of managing congestion on international as well as national transmission links is analyzed and the benefits of an integrated congestion management regime are quantified. It is concluded that benefits can be achieved by a closer cooperation of national transmission system operators (TSOs). Thirdly, the German congestion management regime is investigated and the impact of higher renewable generation up to 2020 on congestion management cost is determined. It is shown that a homogeneous and jointly development of generation and transmission infrastructure is a prerequisite for the application of congestion alleviation methods and once they diverge congestion management cost tend to increase substantially. Lastly, the impact of intermittent and uncertain wind generation on electricity markets is analyzed. A stochastic electricity market model is described, which replicates the daily subsequent clearing of reserve, dayahead, and intraday market typical for European countries, and numerical results are presented.

Kunz, Friedrich. "Managing Congestion and Intermittent Renewable Generation in Liberalized Electricity Markets." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2015.

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This dissertation focuses on selected aspects of network congestion arising in liberalized electricity markets and their management methods with a special weight placed on the integration of increased renewable generation in Europe and Germany. In a first step, the theoretical concepts of congestion management are introduced complemented by a review of current management regimes in selected countries. In the second step, the European approach of managing congestion on international as well as national transmission links is analyzed and the benefits of an integrated congestion management regime are quantified. It is concluded that benefits can be achieved by a closer cooperation of national transmission system operators (TSOs). Thirdly, the German congestion management regime is investigated and the impact of higher renewable generation up to 2020 on congestion management cost is determined. It is shown that a homogeneous and jointly development of generation and transmission infrastructure is a prerequisite for the application of congestion alleviation methods and once they diverge congestion management cost tend to increase substantially. Lastly, the impact of intermittent and uncertain wind generation on electricity markets is analyzed. A stochastic electricity market model is described, which replicates the daily subsequent clearing of reserve, dayahead, and intraday market typical for European countries, and numerical results are presented.

Hahn, Robert Westermann Dirk. "Wirtschaftliche Bewertung von Maßnahmen zum Engpassmanagement /." 2006.

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Dieckmann, Birgit [Verfasser]. "Engpassmanagement im Europäischen Strommarkt / vorgelegt von Birgit Dieckmann." 2008.

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Zipf, Michael Markus. "Economics of Ancillary Services for Electricity: Managing Uncertain Power Generation and Grid Operation in the Distribution Network." 2020.

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The ancillary services are of immanent importance for secure and reliable network operation. As a result of the energy turnaround in Germany, conventional power plant capacities that have so far provided these ancillary services will significantly be reduced. Particularly with regard to frequency control and grid operation, it has already become apparent today that high costs can be expected if current practice and market conditions are maintained. The aim of this thesis is to investigate options for a cost-efficient transformation of the electricity system with a focus on the ancillary services frequency control and grid operation. In a first step, the ancillary services and their development in the recent past is addressed. In a second step, the effects of different cooperation between network operators on network operation are investigated. Here it is shown that in the medium term an intensified cooperation on transmission grid operator level has a positive impact on the operation of the grid. In the long term, it is necessary for distribution system operators to cooperate more closely in order to ensure cost-efficient and secure network operation. In a third step, options for the market design of balancing power markets are examined. The results show that it is necessary to make tendering times more flexible so that renewable energies can participate in the markets and, at the same time, more players can participate in these markets. With these adjustments it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of balancing power to levels below those of 2014. Finally, it is examined which market inefficiencies may occur in more flexible balancing markets due to strategic bidding behavior. Especially in the upward markets it can be seen that increasing market inefficiencies are to be expected, which, however, can be limited by increased international cooperation and the participation of renewable energies.

Kunz, Friedrich. "Managing Congestion and Intermittent Renewable Generation in Liberalized Electricity Markets." Doctoral thesis, 2012.

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This dissertation focuses on selected aspects of network congestion arising in liberalized electricity markets and their management methods with a special weight placed on the integration of increased renewable generation in Europe and Germany. In a first step, the theoretical concepts of congestion management are introduced complemented by a review of current management regimes in selected countries. In the second step, the European approach of managing congestion on international as well as national transmission links is analyzed and the benefits of an integrated congestion management regime are quantified. It is concluded that benefits can be achieved by a closer cooperation of national transmission system operators (TSOs). Thirdly, the German congestion management regime is investigated and the impact of higher renewable generation up to 2020 on congestion management cost is determined. It is shown that a homogeneous and jointly development of generation and transmission infrastructure is a prerequisite for the application of congestion alleviation methods and once they diverge congestion management cost tend to increase substantially. Lastly, the impact of intermittent and uncertain wind generation on electricity markets is analyzed. A stochastic electricity market model is described, which replicates the daily subsequent clearing of reserve, dayahead, and intraday market typical for European countries, and numerical results are presented.

Qu, Yan Westermann Dirk. "Untersuchung der systemtechnischen und volkswirtschaftlichen Integration des Engpassmanagements in das vorhandene Verbundsystem /." 2008.

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Book chapters on the topic "Engpassmanagement":


Plecher, Klaus. "CSR und Engpassmanagement (EKS)." In CSR und Organisationsentwicklung, 53–71. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.

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Lismann, Christian. "Kapitel 7: Kosten und Erlöse aus grenzüberschreitendem Engpassmanagement." In Effizienzanforderungen in den Festlegungen einer wirksamen Verfahrensregulierung nach § 11 Abs. 2 S. 2-4 ARegV, 261–88. Nomos, 2015.

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