Academic literature on the topic 'Feminin position'

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Journal articles on the topic "Feminin position":


Priyatna, Aquarini, Mega Subekti, and Indriyani Rachman. "EKOFEMINISME DAN GERAKAN PEREMPUAN DI BANDUNG." Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya 9, no. 3 (November 27, 2017): 439.

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AbstrakDengan menggunakan perspektif ekofeminisme, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kegiatan dan aktivisme gerakan perempuan di Bandung yang fokus pada persoalan lingkungan. Subjek penelitian adalah tiga perempuan yang terlibat aktif dalam komunitas lokal di Bandung dalam kapasitasnya sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif dari hasil wawancara dan observasi langsung. Hasilnya didapatkan bahwa alih-alih menempatkan tiga perempuan itu sebagai objek, kapasitasnya sebagai ibu rumah tangga memicu mereka untuk berperan sebagai subjek yang sadar lingkungan. Ketiganya menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman domestik/feminin sebagai ibu dan istri membuat mereka bergerak untuk mengatasi dan memperbaiki lingkungan yang ada di sekitar mereka. Meskipun acapkali dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang sederhana dan bersifat lokal, kegiatan dan aktivisme yang mereka lakukan bersama komunitasnya dapat dikategorikan sebagai sebuah gerakan ekofeminisme. Tidak saja karena posisi dan status mereka sebagai ibu rumah tangga akan tetapi juga karena kegiatan dan aktivisme itu mampu berdampak pada kelestarian lingkungan.AbstractBy using ecofeminism perspective, this paper aims to describe the activity and activism of women's movement in Bandung that focuses on environmental issues. The subjects of this research are three women who pioneered environmental movements in urban communities in Bandung in their capacity as housewives. This research uses qualitative methods that produce descriptive data from interviews and direct observation. The results of research reveals that despite positioning themselves as objects, their status as housewives and their domestic/feminine roles have enabled them to act as environmentally conscious subjects. Though often regarded as simple and local, their activities and activism can be categorized as an eco-feminist movement. Not only because of their position and their status as housewives but also because of the activities and activism have obviously a direct positive impact on environmental sustainability and improvement, particularly in the area where they live.

Nugraha, Dipa, and Suyitno Suyitno. "REPRESENTATION OF ISLAMIC FEMINISM IN ABIDAH EL KHALIEQY’S NOVELS." LITERA 18, no. 3 (November 26, 2019): 465–84.

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The Indonesian literary tradition during the reform period was marked by the rise of female writers who raised the issue of feminism. Within the framework of locality and contextuality, the feminism movement echoed by female writers comes in diverse expressions. This study aims to describe the reference figures and issues of Islamic feminism that are represented in novels by Abidah El Khalieqy. This research uses a feminist literary criticism approach. The data sources of the research are three novels by Abidah El Khalieqiy, namely Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, Geni Jora, and Mataraisa. The technique used to gather feminist voices in the three novels is a close reading. The analysis was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study are as follows. First, Islamic feminist figures who were referred to by the feminism movement were Fatima Mernisi and Riffat Hassan. Fatima Mernisi is known as a misogonic hadith critic, while Riffat Hassan uses the hermeneutic principle in the interpretation of the Quran. Second, the issues of feminism represented are: the lives of women in the pesantren tradition, the position of women in the family, the view of normal sexual relations and relationships, and the interpretation of the hadiths and verses of the Qur'an relating to women. Islamic feminism voiced by Abidah El Khalieqy brings its own color compared to the Western feminism movement which refers to the concept of ecriture feminine. Keywords: Islamic Feminism, ecriture feminine, Indonesian literary history, politics of difference, intersectionality REPRESENTASI FEMINISME ISLAM DALAM NOVEL-NOVEL KARYA ABIDAH EL KHALIEQY AbstrakTradisi sastra Indonesia masa reformasi ditandai maraknya penulis perempuan yang mengangkat permasalahan feminisme. Dalam bingkai lokalitas dan kontekstualitas, gerakan feminisme yang digaungkan para penulis perempuan hadir dalam ekspresi yang beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tokoh rujukan dan persoalan feminisme Islam yang direpresentasikan dalam novel-novel karya Abidah El Khalieqy. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kritik sastra feminis. Sumber data penelitian adalah tiga novel karya Abidah El Khalieqiy, yaitu Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, Geni Jora, dan Mataraisa. Teknik yang dipakai untuk mengumpulkan suara-suara feminisme di dalam ketiga novel adalah pembacaan cermat (close reading). Analisis dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, tokoh feminis Islam yang menjadi rujukan gerakan feminisme adalah Fatima Mernisi dan Riffat Hassan. Fatima Mernisi dikenal dengan kritik hadist misogonis, sedangkan Riffat Hassan dengan prinsip hermeneutika dalam tafsir Alquran. Kedua, persoalan feminisme yang direpresentasikan adalah: kehidupan perempuan dalam tradisi pesantren, kedudukan perempuan dalam keluarga, pandangan terhadap relasi dan hubungan seksual yang normal, dan tafsir terhadap hadist dan ayat Al-quran berkaitan dengan perempuan. Feminisme Islam yang disuarakan Abidah El Khalieqy membawa warna tersendiri dibandingkan dengan gerakan feminisme Barat yang merujuk pada konsep ecriture feminine. Kata kunci: feminisme Islam, ecriture feminine, sejarah sastra Indonesia, politik perbedaan, interseksionalitas.

Ekelund, Robin. "Young Feminist Men Finding their Way." Culture Unbound 12, no. 3 (February 2, 2021): 506–26.

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Men and feminism is a contentious topic. In theoretical discussions as well as in previous studies, men and feminism have been described as an oxymoron, that being a man and a feminist is a border land position and that it entails experiences of so-called gender vertigo or gender limbo. Still, there are men who identify themselves as feminists and engage in feminist settings, parties and organizations. In this article, I aim to explore how masculinity is constructed and shaped within feminism. The article is based on qualitative interviews with nine young feminist men in Sweden. Using Sara Ahmed’s queer phenomenology and the concepts of disorientation and reorientation, I analyse how the interviewees experience themselves as men and feminists and how they navigate within their feminist settings. The analysis illustrates that in contrast to previous research, the interviewees articulate an assuredness in their position as men and feminists. However, being a man and a feminist is still a somewhat disorienting position that promotes reflexive journeys through which the interviewees seek to elaborate a sensitive, perceptive and “softer” masculinity. Feminism can be seen as a way of doing masculinity, and the ways in which the interviewees (re)orient themselves in their feminist settings can be understood as processes of masculinity construction. These reorientations position the interviewees in the background of their feminist settings, where they carry out what I call political housekeeping and men-feminism. From this position, they also adopt a perspective of a theoretical as well as temporal distance and articulate themselves as actors in the history of feminism. Thus, the article highlights that feminist men can seek out a masculinity that is positioned in the background yet still experience themselves as subjects in the feminist struggle.

Funk, Nanette. "Contra Fraser on Feminism and Neoliberalism." Hypatia 28, no. 1 (2013): 179–96.

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This article is a critical examination of Nancy Fraser's contrast of early second‐wave feminism and contemporary global feminism in “Feminism, Capitalism and the Cunning of History,” (Fraser 2009). Fraser contrasts emancipatory early second‐wave feminism, strongly critical of capitalism, with feminism in the age of neoliberalism as being in a “dangerous liaison” with neoliberalism. I argue that Fraser's historical account of 1970s mainstream second‐wave feminism is inaccurate, that it was not generally anti‐capitalist, critical of the welfare system, or challenging the priority of paid labor. I claim Fraser mistakenly takes a minority feminist position as mainstream. I further argue that Fraser's account of feminism today echoes arguments from James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer (2001) to Hester Eisenstein (2009), but such arguments ignore contemporary feminist minority positions. I challenge Fraser's arguments that feminism legitimates neoliberalism to women, that women's NGOs are simply service‐providers enabling the state to withdraw services, and that criticisms of microcredit lending programs can be generalized into criticisms of women's feminism and women's NGOs today. I argue that these claims are vast over‐generalizations and ignore countertrends. I give empirical evidence to support my objections by considering women's activities in post‐communist European countries, which Fraser discusses.

Nugraha, Dipa, and Suyitno Suyitno. "Pendekatan Sastra Bandingan Feminis Atas Variasi Gubah Ulang Agni Pariksha Sita dalam Tiga Sajak Indonesia." ATAVISME 23, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 62–74.

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Babak Agni Pariksha (percobaan api atas Sita) di dalam kisah Ramayana telah menginspirasi banyak sastrawan Indonesia di dalam menghasilkan karya-karya sastra. Selama ini kajian mengenai karya yang terinspirasi oleh Agni Pariksha sudah banyak dilakukan, tetapi belum ada yang menggunakan pendekatan sastra bandingan feminis. Di samping itu, masih terdapat keraguan mengenai keterlibatan laki-laki di dalam feminisme dan/atau kritik terhadap sistem patriarki. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sastra bandingan feminis terhadap tiga sajak: Asmaradana karya Subagio Sastrowardoyo, Sita Sihir karya Sapardi Djoko Damono, dan Sepucuk Surat Sita Sebelum Labuh Pati karya Soni Farid Maulana. Pembacaan cermat dan analisis isi dilakukan atas ketiga sajak untuk menyibak makna laten bernuansa feminisme sembari dibandingkan dengan kisah asli Ramayana. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa ketiga sajak mengkritik representasi ideal dari konstruksi relasi gender heteroseksual di dalam sistem patriarki yang terbangun dari kisah Ramayana. Temuan ini memberikan bukti bahwa laki-laki pun dapat mengajukan kritik terhadap sistem patriarki dari posisi mereka sebagai laki-laki dan sekaligus mengartikulasikan pandangan mereka yang koheren dengan gerakan feminisme[A Comparative Feminist Approach on the Variety of Re-writing Sitas Agni Pariksha in Three Indonesian Poems] Agni Pariksha (Sitas Fire Ordeal) in Ramayana has inspired many Indonesian writers. Previous studies on the writings inspired by Agni Pariksha in Indonesian literature have never used feminist comparative literature approach. Moreover, there have been doubts on the involvement of men in feminism and/or in criticizing patriarchy. This study used feminist comparative literature approach on three Indonesian poems: Asmaradana by Subagio Sastrowardoyo, Sita Sihir by Sapardi Djoko Damono, and Sepucuk Surat Sita Sebelum Labuh Pati by Soni Farid Maulana. These poems were close read and analyzed using content analysis to reveal their potential profeminism messages whilst also compared to the story of Ramayana. This study found that the three poems criticize the ideal representation of heterosexual gender relation construction in the patriarchal system based on the story of Ramayana. The findings suggest that men are able to give criticism towards the patriarchal system from their subject position as men while at the same time also articulate their pro-feminism stance.Keywords: Agni Pariksha; feminist comparative literature; existentialist feminism; subject question;subject in situation

Penkala, Ana Paula, and Isadora Ebersol. "O cinema feminino como um retrato de si: o enquadramento feminino em 'Retrato de uma jovem em chamas'." Revista PHILIA | Filosofia, Literatura & Arte 2, no. 2 (November 10, 2020): 2–36.

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Retrato de uma jovem em chamas, filme de Céline Sciamma, propõe a discussão sobre o “olhar feminino”, tanto na pintura quanto no cinema. O artigo parte da perspectiva dos Estudos Feministas e busca correlações entre o filme e o cânone da literatura, da pintura e do cinema e o sistema patriarcal que lhes dá suporte. Observa como esse cânone instrumentaliza um culto à passividade feminina e sua inscrição enquanto objeto na História, estetizando “a mulher morta” como índice dessa representação. Parte da hipótese de que a imagem da mulher pode ser aprofundada pela narrativa de autoria feminina enquanto lugar de resistência política. Busca posicionar-se contra o apagamento das experiências lésbicas, ao torná-las visíveis e construir sentido sobre elas.Palavras-chave: Olhar Feminino. Cinema. Pintura. Cânone. Experiência Lésbica. AbstractPortrait of a lady on fire, film by Céline Sciamma, proposes a discussion on the “female gaze”, both in painting and in cinema. The article is based on the Feminist Studies perspective and seeks correlations between film and the canon of literature, painting, and cinema, and the patriarchal system that supports them. It observes how this canon instrumentalizes a cult of female passivity and its inscription as an object in history, aestheticizing “the dead woman” as an index of this representation. It is based on the hypothesis that the image of women can be deepened by the female authorship narrative as a site of political resistance. It seeks to position itself against the erasure of lesbian experiences, by making them visible and building meaning upon them.Keywords: Female Gaze. Cinema. Painting. Canon. Lesbian Experience.

Byrne, Jean. "Why I Am Not a Buddhist Feminist: A Critical Examination of ‘Buddhist Feminism’." Feminist Theology 21, no. 2 (December 17, 2012): 180–94.

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Feminist Buddhology is a burgeoning area of study, with many scholar-practitioners examining the interaction between Buddhism and feminist theory. Here I examine the contributions made by Buddhist Feminists and argue that, in general, Feminist Buddhology runs the serious risk of being ‘apologist’. I contrast the discrimination against women evident in Buddhist traditions with the claims of Buddhist Feminists that ‘Buddhism is feminism’ and ‘feminism is Buddhism’. In order to do so I provide a brief history or the position of women in Buddhism, an overview of Feminist Buddhology and lastly the beginnings of an alternate perspective from which we may interweave Buddhism and feminism, without an underlying apologist perspective.

Kirkpatrick, Jennet. "Introduction: Selling Out? Solidarity and Choice in the American Feminist Movement." Perspectives on Politics 8, no. 1 (March 2010): 241–45.

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This symposium examines an emergent orientation within the American feminist movement called “choice feminism.” Choice feminists are primarily concerned with increasing the number of choices open to women and with decreasing judgments about the choices that individual women make. Choice feminists are best known for their argument that a woman who leaves the remunerated labor market to care for her children is a feminist in good standing; she makes a feminist decision. While media coverage of choice feminism has been extensive, political scientists have been comparatively quiet. In this symposium, four political scientists analyze and evaluate choice feminism, revealing their disagreement about the validity of the choice feminist position and about the meaning of choice feminism for movement politics, political judgment, and liberal political theory.

Ilmonen, Kaisa. "Identity politics revisited: On Audre Lorde, intersectionality, and mobilizing writing styles." European Journal of Women's Studies 26, no. 1 (April 8, 2017): 7–22.

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‘Intersectionality’ has taken on a complex position in the field of feminist scholarship over the last decade. Debate on the concept has swung back and forth, from buzzword to harsh critique. Amid these discussions, many feminist scholars have thought about Audre Lorde and the role of her writings in the debates over intersectionality. Lorde’s radical literary feminism has often been seen both as reflecting a politics of identity, on the one hand, and as shifting and situational, on the other. Intersectionality has also been claimed either to be recycling the ideas of identity politics or to be forging new ways to grasp decentered identity positions and power structures. This article aims to tell a story about the roots of intersectionality through – and alongside – the legacy of Lorde’s feminism, by revisiting certain identity-political ideas. The radical nature of Lorde’s thinking is in many ways connected to politicized writing styles and rebellious literary forms. The main focus in this article is therefore extended to cover the role and implications of radical writing styles for intersectionality. The article argues that the oeuvre of telling the story of intersectionality through Lorde’s feminism opens up a new perspective on the genealogy of intersectionality.

Cuzovic-Severn, Marina. "The Geopolitics of Emilia Pardo Bazán’s La Quimera: Femme Fatale as Split Feminist Subject." Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 8, no. 5 (September 1, 2017): 31–40.

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AbstractThis paper analyzes the representation of the femme fatale in Emilia Pardo Bazán’s La Quimera (1905). Femme fatale is described by many critics as an expression of masculine anxieties and fears, caused by political crisis and growth of feminine independence in the nineteenth century. Male authors employed this figure to preserve patriarchal structure and the existent power balance between prescribed gender roles. I argue that Pardo Bazán, through imitation of male writers and manipulation of hidden meanings in La Quimera, employs this masculinist projection to express latent feminist ideas and a critique of the contemporary social position of women. In her novel, Pardo Bazán creates a feminist femme fatale and, through her geopolitically split formation (France/Latin America/Spain), criticizes Spanish patriarchy, domesticity and non-modernity. She achieves this without overtly violating masculine narrative structure or demeaning patriarchal order, as she appropriates the originally masculinist imagery of fatal woman. Nevertheless, the eventual fate of Pardo Bazán’s femme fatale—especially the elaboration of internal dialogs and her presentation not as antagonist and invasive Other but as protagonist and subject—demonstrates fundamental differences of a feminist perspective within her elaboration of this masculine fantasy. In this way, in a time and space where feminism as a movement did not yet exist or was in its formative years, Pardo Bazán immensely contributed to the development of European/Spanish feminist thought.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Feminin position":


Sabri, Hanane. "La spécificité de la position féminine et le Nom chez le créateur : théorie et clinique différentielle des logiques subjectives de la création." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022.

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La position féminine comme spécificité et condition de la création, en lien avec la question du Nom chez le créateur, représente aujourd’hui une théorie importante dans la clinique du sujet. Cette théorie fonde une approche clinique de la création autour de laquelle s’articule ce travail de thèse. A partir d’une clinique différentielle des logiques subjectives de la création dans le champ de l’Art, de la science et de la religion, l’expression de la-dite position féminine se présente comme une certaine opération sur la jouissance et un rapport particulier avec l’Autre de la création. La peintre impressionniste Mary Cassatt, le scientifique Albert Einstein, le poète mystique Jalal Eddine Rùmi, l’écrivaine et la psychanalyste Lou Andreas Salomé, ainsi que d’autres sujets de la création, nous renseigne sur la spécificité de la position féminine dans le processus créateur, mais nous enseigne aussi sur la place qu’occupe la fonction du Nom dans leurs ré-inventions subjectives en tant que création du lien social
The féminin position as specificity and condition of the creation, in connexion with the question of the Name at the creator’s, represents today an important theory in the clinic of the human subject. This theory is the basis of a clinical approch of the creation around wich this thesis work is based. From a diffrential clinic of the subjective logics of creation in the field of art, science and religion, the expression of the so-called feminin position is presented as a certain operation on enjoyement and a particular relationship with the « Other » of the creation. The impressionist painter Mary Cassatt, the scientist Albert Einstein, the mystical poet Jalal Eddine Rùmi, the writer and psychoanalyst Lou Andreas-Salomé, as well as other subjects of creation, inform us about the specificity ot the feminin position in the creation process, but also teaches us about the place occupied by the fonction of the Name in their subjective re-inventions as a creation of the social bond

Braithwaite, Ann. "Writing and cultural analysis : claiming a feminist positional voice." Thesis, McGill University, 1989. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=61982.

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Andersson, Johanna, and Sara Nylander. "Kvinna inta position! : Kritisk diskursanalys av podcasten 'Penntricket'." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för medier och journalistik (MJ), 2018.

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The aim of the study is to examine how feminist activists in Sweden observe and talk about social problems related to feminism to resist existing power discourses. The questions examined is: What stereotypical portrayals of women were noticed by feminist activists in the podcast ‘Penntricket’?; in which manner does the feminist activists talk of these stereotypical portrayals in order to resist existing power discourses? A critical discourse analysis was carried out on six chosen parts of the podcast Penntricket where the hosts talked about stereotypical portrayals of women and how to resist existing power discourses. The results of the study demonstrates that the feminist activists observed and talked about three stereotypic portrayals of women; ‘the responsible mother’; how ‘the woman is expected to have children’ and ‘the attractive woman’. The resistance differed within the stereotypic portrayals of women. The feminist activists resistance of the stereotypic portrayal of ‘the responsible mother’ was to make the unequal parenting visible. In resisting the stereotypic portrayals of how ‘the woman is expected to have children’ the feminist activists talked about the importance of opening up for more acceptable categories for women who does not desire to have children. The feminist activists resistance of the stereotypic portrayals of ‘the attractive women’ was to make visible that mothers manners can affect their daughters and make visible what happens when women give each other compliment for their looks.

Curtin, Brian Anthony. "Assuming the 'feminine' position : erotic masculinities and the visual representation of sexual difference." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2000.

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GONCALVES, LICARI GONCALVES FERR LUZILA. "Voix et positions des femmes dans les feuilletons feminins au dix-neuvieme siecle (1880-1890)." Paris 7, 1996.

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Les feuilletons-romans ecrits par des femmes a la fin du dix-neuvieme siecle sont un champ favorable a l'etude de la litterature feminine et de l'histoire des femmes a l'oree du feminisme. Nous en avons etudie le caractere de representation, les avatars de l'auteure, ses idees, son savoir, sa maniere d'exercer le pouvoir dans l'espace qu'elle a su se creer, les conditions d'enonciation et le dialogue avec l'actualite immediate, installe par cette parole. Trois types de feuilletons sont deceles dans cette production dont nous avons etudie la thematique : le feuilleton catholic, le feuilleton feministe et le feuilleton "litteraire
The "feuilletons-romans" (novels published in chapters on the newspapers) written by women in the xixth century are a fertile approper field for studying female novel and women's history. We have studied their representation character, the ways os appearence, the authors's ideas, their culture, their way of exercising power in the fields they have choosen, their enonciation condition. We have studied three kinds of "feuilletons" : the catholics, the feminists and the litteracy

Silva, Gabriela Peixoto Vieira. "Sub-representação feminina em partidos políticos em Goiás." Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014.

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Submitted by Liliane Ferreira ( on 2018-10-22T12:54:06Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Gabriela Peixoto Vieira Silva - 2014.pdf: 1666300 bytes, checksum: e696737b500c4db63727f87491433167 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ( on 2018-10-22T14:17:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Gabriela Peixoto Vieira Silva - 2014.pdf: 1666300 bytes, checksum: e696737b500c4db63727f87491433167 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-22T14:17:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Gabriela Peixoto Vieira Silva - 2014.pdf: 1666300 bytes, checksum: e696737b500c4db63727f87491433167 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-15
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
This work purpose to investigate the female participation in leading positions on political parties. The hypothesis that guides the research is that this participation is low, corroborating the existence of a under representation of women in leading positions on the analyzed political parties. This under representation is analyzed on two directions: the function/position in the party which identify or not the inclusion of women in the elite party and the identification of elements that shape this participation. The research is divided in two different parts one is documental, which it will be approached positions occupied by women, and finally the analysis of the interviews with male and female leadership from the parties analysed: PMDB, PSDB, DEM, PT and PCdoB.
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a participação e a representação feminina nos cargos de direção de partidos políticos em Goiás. A hipótese que norteia a pesquisa é que a intensidade desta representação é baixa, corroborando a existência de uma sub-representação feminina política nos cargos de direção dos partidos políticos analisados. Essa sub-representação é analisada em duas dimensões: funções/cargos dentro do partido que identifiquem ou não a inclusão de mulheres na elite partidária e a identificação de elementos que moldam essa participação. A pesquisa está dividida em duas etapas – documental, em que se abordará cargos e funções ocupados pelas mulheres; e por fim, análise das entrevistas em profundidade com lideranças masculinas e femininas dos partidos analisados: PMDB, PSDB, DEM, PT e PCdoB.

Holloway, Hannah R. "The thin ideal : the role of positive and negative expectancies /." Read thesis online, 2009.

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Wasell, Clara. "Femtio nyanser av kvinnlig frigörelse : En studie om hur pornografi och sexualisering påverkar kvinnlig autonomi." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Teologiska institutionen, 2021.

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The sexual revolution was a movement in the United States that challenged traditional ways of thinking about sexuality. The heart of the revolution was the "radical" idea that women, just like men, had sexual needs and were able to enjoy sex. In the name of the revolution, feminists demanded women’s right to the same sexual freedom as men had been given. The revolution led to the normalization and increased acceptance of sex outside of marriage, as well as birth control. However, despite these achievements, some feminists believed that the achievements occurred at the expense of women.  Although the sexual revolution was intended to lead to female liberation, some people argue that the revolution instead resulted in other forms of female oppression. To investigate this further, this study analyzed three different works of feminists with different views on the revolution and its consequences.  This study will discuss the following topics: pornography and sexualization. These have been analyzed in relation to various theories of autonomy. Finally, this study will discuss how the subjects affects women's rights contained in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The questions in this study are answered throughout by using the method of critique of ideas. The method is based on the ideology that the authors themselves claim to defend as their own, in this essay it is the values of feminism. The critique is thus internal in the sense that no other values, other than those already stated in the material, are used in the assessment.  Products that are marketed using the female body are often packaged with feminist messages, which is a well-known paradox in feminism. Women today have achieved some success by being able to represent themselves as sexual subjects, but that does not mean that the sexualization that permeates the culture should be mixed with "girl power" or other feminist slogans. It is time to stop accepting objectification as a symbol of liberation and instead acknowledge it for what it really is, a contradiction. A culture where women are constantly and in various ways being sexualized should be considered a threat to her ability to choose her preferences in an autonomous way. In the same way, a society that is strongly influenced by pornography's notions of male dominance should be considered a threat towards women’s autonomy. States that have ratified CEDAW are required by Article 2 to pursue policies to eliminate discrimination against women and to take measures to promote gender equality. Thus, the affiliated states should take appropriate action in all sectors of society where women are discriminated.

Simu, Hanna, and Emma Waleij. "Får det lov att vara lite feminism? : Att definiera femvertising." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, 2017.

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PROBLEMFORMULERING OCH SYFTE: En standard inom reklam har länge varit att attraktivitet säljer, denna standard har tagit sig uttryck i en homogen porträttering av kvinnor i media. Standarden leder till att många kvinnor inte representeras, vilket i sin tur bidrar till att skadliga normer och könsstereotyper cementeras. Detta har under de senaste årtiondena kritiserats starkt. Att fokusera mer på reklamens eventuella positiva effekter kan vara ett första steg i att uppmuntra ansvar för att undvika oavsiktliga negativa effekter, samt undersöka och ta hänsyn till potentiella positiva effekter. Som begrepp är femvertising tämligen nytt och trots att femvertising är ett välanvänt begrepp har det hittills blivit förbisett i akademiska sammanhang. Därför syftar denna studie till att undersöka begreppet femvertisings innebörd samt ta fram ett förslag på en definition för femvertising. METOD OCH MATERIAL: Studien antar en kvalitativ ansats där en litteraturstudie på 508 inspekterade titlar och 14 granskade artiklar lägger en vetenskaplig grund för förståelsen för och definitionen av begreppet. Metoden kompletteras med en intervjustudie där tre representanter från verksamhetsområden inom design och kommunikation bidrar med ett branschperspektiv. HUVUDRESULTAT: Femvertising definieras som: en reklamstrategi som ämnar att stärka
kvinnor och utmana reklamens könsstereotypa porträtteringar. Femvertising bör: vara stärkande för kvinnor; utmana könsstereotyper och normer; porträttera kvinnor på ett mångfacetterat
och autentiskt sätt; sträva efter att anställa kvinnor i reklamproduktionen. Studien visar att ‘empowerment’ lyfts som den mest centrala beskrivningen av femvertising, följt av att femvertising ska vara normkritisk och innehålla autentiska porträtteringar av kvinnor. Även representationen
i produktionen bakom reklamen anses ha betydelse. Studien visar också att det råder delade meningar om huruvida femvertising bör betraktas som trend eller strategi. I anslutning till detta lyfts kritik mot fenomenet feminism i reklam.

Fortune-Wood, Janet. "The relationship between christology and the position of women in the Church of England from a feminist theological perspective." Thesis, University of Exeter, 1991.

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Books on the topic "Feminin position":


Pöge, Kathleen, Yvonne Franke, Kati Mozygemba, Bettina Ritter, and Dagmar Venohr. Feminismen heute: Positionen in Theorie und Praxis. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2014.

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Morgan, Lynn M., and Meredith Wilson Michaels, eds. Fetal Subjects, Feminist Positions. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999.

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B, Ballou Mary. A feminist position on mental health. Springfield, Ill: Thomas, 1985.

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White, Carol Wayne. Poststructuralism, feminism, and religion: Triangulating positions. Amherst, N.Y: Humanity Books, 2002.

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Kress, Susan. Carolyn G. Heilbrun, feminist in a tenured position. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1997.

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Norris, Pippa. Politics and sexual equality: The comparative position of women in Western democracies. Boulder: Rienner, 1987.

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Probyn, Elspeth. Sexing the self: Gendered positions in cultural studies. London: Routledge, 1993.

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Brito, Nair. Fios da vida: Tecendo o feminino em tempos de aids. Brasília, DF: Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria de Políticas de Saúde, Coordenação Nacional de DST e Aids, 2000.

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Hock, Beata. Gendered artistic positions and social voices: Politics, cinema, and the visual arts in state-socialist and post-socialist Hungary. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013.

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Norris, Pippa. Politics and sexual equality: The comparative position of women in Western democracies. Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1987.

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Book chapters on the topic "Feminin position":


Sotoudehnia, Maral. "An uncomfortable position." In Writing Intimacy into Feminist Geography, 33–40. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, [2017]: Routledge, 2017.

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Michaels, Meredith W., and Lynn M. Morgan. "Introduction: The Fetal Imperative." In Fetal Subjects, Feminist Positions, edited by Lynn M. Morgan and Meredith Wilson Michaels, 1–10. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999.

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Ussher, Jane M., and Janette Perz. "Resisting the Mantle of the Monstrous Feminine: Women’s Construction and Experience of Premenstrual Embodiment." In The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies, 215–31. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Abstract This chapter uses a feminist material-discursive theoretical framework to examine how women adopt the subject position of ‘monstrous feminine’ via the role of premenstrual embodiment. In this examination, Ussher and Perz draw on interviews they conducted with women who self-diagnose as ‘PMS sufferers.’ They theorize that this self-positioning is subjectification, wherein women take up cultural discourse regarding idealized femininity and the stigmatized fat body; according to the authors, this results in distress, self-objectification, and self-condemnation. However, they argue that women can reduce premenstrual distress and resist negative cultural constructions of premenstrual embodiment and fat bodies through women-centered psychological therapy, which increases awareness of embodied change and leads to greater self-care and acceptance of the premenstrual body.

Peng, Altman Yuzhu. "Stereotyping Women in Powerful Positions." In A Feminist Reading of China’s Digital Public Sphere, 105–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Williams, Tamara, and Erin McKenna. "Negotiating Subject Positions in a Service-Learning Context." In Twenty-First-Century Feminist Classrooms, 135–54. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2002.

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Ambjörnsson, Fanny, and Ingeborg Svensson. "Vulnerable Viewer Positions: Queer Feminist Activists Watching Paradise Hotel." In Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture, 195–219. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Cervin, Georgia. "Feminine and Feminist?" In Degrees of Difficulty, 127–72. University of Illinois Press, 2021.

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Chapter 5 problematizes the position of women’s artistic gymnastics as a sport designed to adhere to gender norms and asks whether it can offer any kind of feminist experience for the gymnasts involved. Over the twentieth century, the sport transformed from its balletic origins into an acrobatic pursuit. Correspondingly, gymnasts’ ages and bodies changed. Injuries prevailed and the sport was notoriously authoritarian. Through these different styles, gymnasts demonstrated diverse interpretations of femininity and apologized for their gender transgressions. Yet, at the same time, they experienced the freedom of complete mastery over their own bodies in space. This chapter shows how collaboration across borders can be subtle. Social ideals about “race” and gender from around the world were inscribed on the sport and the bodies that practice it as the result of officials, technologies, gymnasts, and coaches working together, shaping the sport to align with contemporary ideals of womanhood.

"Position Statement: Femicide." In Feminist Manifestos, 630–34. NYU Press, 2018.

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Dabrowski, Vicki. "Austerity and Feminism(s)." In Austerity, Women and the Role of the State, 113–36. Policy Press, 2020.

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This chapter draws on feminist identification to further examine austerity's moral discourses. Feminism, as this chapter illustrates, is a productive site through which to examine austerity practices. The chapter also exposes how feminism becomes an active force field that reinforces and questions certain aspects of the austerity project, and a way through which moral, classed and racialized differences are opposed and further reproduced. It highlights that some women do not claim a feminist position, or are unsure about the label, however, this does not mean that feminism is rejected by all. Some women's locations do not mediate feminist consciousness in predictable ways and their struggle is not narrated solely in terms of gender relations. The chapter argues that many women, on the other hand, do claim a feminist position. Some women identify with a particular form of neoliberal feminism which converges with, and reinforces austerity policies and discourses. Ultimately, it shows how women are identifying with and advocating for antineoliberal forms of feminism. Making interventions in the austerity project, collective action was seen as necessary to aid social justice and the common good.

Rose, Lucy Ella. "‘Woman is Now Beginning to Take Her Place’." In Suffragist Artists in Partnership. Edinburgh University Press, 2018.

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‘The hope of the future lies greatly in the fact that woman is now beginning to take her place’, wrote Mary Watts in her diary (1893: 4 April). A year later, feminist writer Sarah Grand coined the term ‘New Woman’ and wrote, ‘women generally are becoming conscious that some great change is taking place in their position’ (Grand 1894: 707). An increasing preoccupation with woman’s place – and specifically, the evolving role and shifting socio-political position of women – is perceptible in much art and literature of the later nineteenth century, the period that engendered active feminism in the form of the women’s suffrage movement. Woman’s place was a primary focus of Victorian–Edwardian feminist discourse, and remains central to present-day feminism. This book shows how neglected nineteenth-century women writers and artists transgressed traditional female spheres and restrictive feminine norms in their professional creative practices and unconventional creative partnerships with men, and how their literary and visual texts can be read as sites of struggle against – rather than submission to – patriarchy. These marginalised Victorian women, traditionally defined as subordinate gender ‘others’ in relation to their famous husbands, can be seen as ‘significant others’ who were not passive and peripheral but rather active and influential in their creative partnerships as well as in contemporary debates, through which they achieved and promoted greater personal and political empowerment and freedom.

Conference papers on the topic "Feminin position":


Bohm, Emanuelle Fick, and Ernesto de Paula Guedes Neto. "Metástase de carcinoma de sítio primário de mama para o trato genital feminino: relato de caso e revisão de literatura." In 44° Congresso da SGORJ - XXIII Trocando Ideias. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2020.

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Introdução: Os sítios mais comuns de metástases de câncer de mama são pulmões, ossos, fígado e cérebro. Sítios menos comuns incluem trato gastrointestinal, pâncreas, baço, tireoide, adrenais, rins, coração e trato genital feminino (TGF). As metástases no TGF de sítios primários distantes são incomuns, mas quando se apresentam, tendem a estar envolvidas com os ovários ou o endométrio. O relato deste estudo retrata a ocorrência de neoplasia maligna metastática paratubária em paciente com carcinoma primário de mama. Objetivos: Relatar o caso de uma paciente com metástase de carcinoma de sítio primário de mama para o TGF e revisar na literatura disponível tal ocorrência. Material e Métodos: As informações do caso foram obtidas a partir da revisão de prontuário, registro fotográfico diagnóstico da paciente e revisão de literatura. A revisão foi realizada na base de dados do PubMed, em estudos publicados nos últimos 20 anos (2000‒2020), com os termos “breast cancer” AND “metastasis” AND “female genital tract”. Os artigos selecionados foram estudos meta-analíticos, casos clínicos e revisões na língua inglesa. Resultados e Conclusão: Paciente, sexo feminino, 70 anos, G1P1. Há 20 anos submetida à mastectomia esquerda apresentando carcinoma ductal invasor (CDI), com RE e RP positivo e Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor-type 2 (HER2) negativo. Realizou histerectomia com anexotomia profilática com diagnóstico de neoplasia maligna metastática em tuba esquerda com 1:1 cm no maior eixo. Exame imuno-histoquímico apresentando GATA3 negativo, CK7, Mamoglobina, PAX8, RP e RE positivos. Exames laboratoriais e de imagem pré-operatórios negativos para neoplasia. O CDI é o tipo mais comum de câncer de mama invasivo, seguido pelo carcinoma lobular invasivo (CLI). Contudo, metástases para o TGF são mais frequentemente associadas ao CLI do que ao CDI. Estima-se que mais de 80% dos cânceres de mama que metastatizam para o TGF são CLI. Um estudo realizado em mulheres com metástase ginecológica (n=54) demonstrou que 42,6% tinham câncer de mama correspondente a CLI; 48,1%, carcinoma invasor sem tipo específico; e 9,3%, outros. Além disso, o estudo revelou que os sítios de metástases ginecológicas mais envolvidos foram os ovários, seguido das tubas e do útero. A respeito da expressão de biomarcadores de tumores primários que se espalharam para sítios ginecológicos, 93,5% expressou RE positivo; 65,7%, RP positivo; e 0%, HER2 positivo. Uma avaliação de 13 casos mostrou que, enquanto a expressão de RE e FOXA1 foi mantida ou aumentada durante a progressão para órgãos ginecológicos, a expressão de proteínas acessórias envolvidas com a regulação hormonal diminuiu. Conforme o aumento do tumor, as células que expressam RP, RA e GATA3 em metástases distantes diminuíram em 69,2, 38,5 e 46% dos casos, respectivamente. O relato em questão confirma os resultados obtidos nos estudos, já que apresenta semelhança na expressão gênica de carcinomas primários de mama com metástase para o TGF. No entanto, apresenta um histotipo incomum para metástases ginecológicas.

Ribeiro, Karen Da Silva Figueiredo Medeiros, and Cristiano Maciel. "Fatores de Influência na Escolha pela Continuidade da Carreira em Computação pelas Estudantes de Ensino Médio Técnico em Informática." In Women in Information Technology. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020.

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Este artigo tem como objetivo a identificação de fatores que influenciam de forma positiva e negativa a escolha de 78 estudantes de gênero feminino de Ensino Médio Integrado com a Educação Profissional (EMIEP) em Informática pela continuidade da carreira na área em uma profissão ou curso de nível Superior em Computação, utilizando a Teoria Sociocognitiva da Carreira. A partir das projeções profissionais traçadas pelas próprias estudantes, descobre-se que apenas 27% das estudantes vislumbram uma opção profissional em Computação e que elas consideram, principalmente, fatores pessoais no seu processo de escolha.

Moro, Francielli Freitas, Rafaela Oliveira Padilha, and Luciana Bolan Frigo. "Impactos do Projeto Meninas Digitais em Egressas de TI: Meninas Digitais - UFSC." In Women in Information Technology. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021.

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A baixa representatividade feminina na área de TI vem sendo discutida há décadas em diferentes regiões do mundo. A participação das mulheres nesta área é fundamental para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Projetos associados ao Programa Meninas Digitais atuam no sentido de diminuir estes problemas. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa feita com as alunas egressas participantes do projeto Meninas Digitais - UFSC. Os resultados apontam que a participação no projeto teve reflexos positivos na vida profissional destas mulheres, impactando desde a contratação até a participação delas em outras ações semelhantes.

Ramírez Rivera, Jessica Beatriz. "Prácticas Feministas en Museos y sus Redes Sociales en México: una respuesta ante la pandemia. Feminist Practices in Museums and their Social Networks in Mexico: a response to the pandemic." In Congreso CIMED - I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias Digitales. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.

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El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar algunas prácticas feministas que han hecho uso de las tecnologías en los museos de México, así como reflexionar en torno a la soberanía digital, los derechos culturales que se ejercen en las redes sociales y si estos se inscriben en la “internet feminista” desde los museos.En los últimos años, los movimientos feministas en México han tomado relevancia política, en ámbitos públicos y de intervención social. Muchas de ellas, han sido juzgadas negativamente por hacer uso de bienes culturales, lo cual ha desencadenado opiniones polarizadas.Si bien, la postura de los museos mexicanos a este respecto es reservada, existe una apertura a prácticas con perspectiva de género, desde sus investigaciones, oferta cultural y exposiciones temporales. Con las medidas de confinamiento derivadas del COVID-19, quedó claro que las estrategias de los museos para continuar sus actividades, se centraron y volcaron en las Redes Sociales y sus páginas web. Asimismo, se lograron continuar no solo con las prácticas con perspectiva de género que incipientemente se realizaban en estos espacios, si no que se incrementaron los contenidos de corte feminista y de acción política cultural.Entre los ejemplos más notables estuvieron la apertura de nuevos espacios virtuales como lo hizo el Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, con su Instagram Brillantinas MUAC, en donde se publican diversos materiales feministas desde la cultura y se ínsita al diálogo y la profundización de varios temas con perspectiva de género.Por otro lado, la actividad digital y cultural a raíz de la Conmemoración del Día Internacional para la Eliminación de las Violencias contra las Mujeres, fue adoptada por una gran cantidad de museos desde privados hasta estatales, ya sea con una mención al tema o una actividad o serie de actividades al respecto. Fue un ejercicio que trascendió a los 10 días de activismo y que obtuvo una interesante respuesta tanto negativa como positiva dentro de los públicos.Finalmente, uno de los ejercicios más interesantes que se lograron a pesar de las dificultades por la situación sanitaria, fue la iniciativa “Laboratoria: Mujeres en el Museo” lanzada por el Observatorio Raquel Padilla del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, que por medio de diversas herramientas digitales, se pudo llevar a cabo un ejercicio feminista y de soberanía digital en la elaboración de prototipos con perspectiva de género y para la prevención de las violencias contra las mujeres.-------- The objective of this communication is to present some feminist practices that have made use of technologies in museums in Mexico, as well as to reflect on digital sovereignty, the cultural rights that are exercised in social networks and if they are registered in the "Feminist internet" from museums.In recent years, feminist movements in Mexico have taken on political relevance, in public spheres and social intervention. Many of them have been judged negatively for making use of cultural property, which has triggered polarized opinions.Although the position of Mexican museums in this regard is reserved, there is an openness to practices with a gender perspective, from their research, cultural offerings and temporary exhibitions. With the confinement measures derived from COVID-19, it was clear that the museums' strategies to continue their activities were focused and turned over to Social Networks and their web pages. Likewise, it was possible to continue not only with the practices with a gender perspective that were incipiently carried out in these spaces, but also the contents of a feminist nature and of cultural political action were increased.Among the most notable examples were the opening of new virtual spaces such as the University Museum of Contemporary Art, with its Instagram Brillantinas MUAC, where various feminist materials from culture are published and the dialogue and the deepening of various issues are encouraged. gender perspective.On the other hand, the digital and cultural activity as a result of the Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, was adopted by a large number of museums from private to state, either with a mention of the subject or an activity or series of activities in this regard. It was an exercise that transcended 10 days of activism and that obtained an interesting negative and positive response from the public.Finally, one of the most interesting exercises that were achieved despite the difficulties due to the health situation, was the initiative "Laboratory: Women in the Museum" launched by the Raquel Padilla Observatory of the National Institute of Anthropology and History, which through various digital tools, it was possible to carry out a feminist exercise and digital sovereignty in the development of prototypes with a gender perspective and for the prevention of violence against women.

Najmah, Sari Andajani, and Sharyn Graham Davies. "From Drawings to Puppet Shows: Creating a Collective Space for HIV-Positive Women: Learning from Feminist-Participatory Action Research." In 2nd Sriwijaya International Conference of Public Health (SICPH 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Sousa, André Maroccolo de, Ana Luíza Fleury Luciano, Samantha Santos Veloso, Rafaianne Santos Veloso, Thamiris de Souza Lopes, and Juarez Antônio de Sousa. "Sarcoma de mama: tumor filodes maligno de alto grau:relato de caso." In 45º Congresso da SGORJ XXIV Trocando Ideias. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.

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Introdução: O tumor filodes representa de 0,3 a 1% de todos os tumores de mama, e o tumor filodes maligno ocorre em 10 a 15% dos casos. Usualmente, dá-se em mulheres de meia-idade (entre 35 e 55 anos) e seu tamanho varia entre 4 e 7 cm. Os tumores filodes malignos são caracterizados por massas indolores, unilaterais, nodulares, com pleomorfismo estromal e rápido crescimento, tendo frequentes mitoses e margens infiltrantes. Além disso, podem ocorrer recorrência local e metástases. A cirurgia é a principal escolha de tratamento, mas também se realiza terapia adjuvante (radioterapia ou quimioterapia). Relato do caso: Paciente E.F.V.C., do sexo feminino, com 50 anos, que foi submetida a mastectomia esquerda por tumor filodes benigno de mama e realizou reconstrução com silicone há quatro anos. A paciente apresentou novo nódulo medindo 4 cm em região retroareolar de mama esquerda, o que revelou recidiva com rápido crescimento. Na core biopsy realizada há seis meses, foi diagnosticado um fibroadenoma. O tumor evoluiu rapidamente para 7,5 cm e então foi feita a retirada da lesão, que apresentou margens livres. O diagnóstico final foi de tumor filodes maligno de alto grau (apresentou 18 mitoses/campo de grande aumento). O exame imuno-histoquímico evidenciou ceratinas (AE1/AE3) positivas em componente epitelial, P-63 (DAK-P63) positivo em células basais, vimentina (V9) positiva, desmina (D33) negativa, proteína S-100 negativa e Ki-67 (MIB-1) positivo em 40%. Iniciou-se tratamento adjuvante com radioterapia, não sendo indicada a quimioterapia. Conclusão: O tumor filodes maligno é um tipo raro de tumor e que necessita rápida intervenção. Este relato evidencia o tratamento cirúrgico com retirada da lesão e identificação do tumor filodes maligno de alto grau. Ademais, enfoca-se a utilização de radioterapia adjuvante para auxiliar no controle de recorrências e metástases. O relato também mostra a importância do acompanhamento e da rápida conduta.

Melo, Matheus Fonseca de, Consuelena Lopes Leitão, Jaila Dias Borges Lawani, Eligelson dos Santos Guadalberto, Carla Larissa de Souza Monteiro, and Thainá Guedes Caldas. "O impacto da sorologia positiva na adesão à terapia antirretroviral em jovens que vivem com vírus da imunodeficiência humana." In XIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de DST - IX Congresso Brasileiro de AIDS - IV Congresso Latino Americano de IST/HIV/AIDS. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.

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Introdução: Sem a terapia antirretroviral (TARV), as pessoas que vivem com vírus da imunodeficiência humana (PVHIV) ficam sujeitas a infecções oportunistas e podem ir a óbito. Com a evolução do tratamento, a infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana se tornou uma condição crônica tratável, porém dificuldades psicossociais comprometem a sua adesão. Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, os farmacêuticos são fundamentais na epidemia contra a aids. Para adaptar suas ações profissionais à necessidade de cada paciente, esses profissionais devem compreender os fatores psicossociais relacionados ao vírus. O Amazonas registrou 706 novos casos de vírus da imunodeficiência humana em 2019 e possuía 16.122 pacientes em terapia antirretroviral. A Policlínica Dr. Antônio Reis possui 850 pacientes ativos cadastrados para terapia antirretroviral. Deste total, 192 possuem idades entre 15 e 24 anos, correspondendo a 22,58% do total de pacientes da unidade. A amostra final do estudo é composta por 40 pacientes, que correspondem a 20,83% dos pacientes de 15 a 24 anos da unidade, sendo 35 do sexo masculino e 5 do sexo feminino. Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores sociais que influenciam na adesão à terapia antirretroviral de jovens que vivem com vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo desenvolvido no Sistema de Atendimento Especializado da Policlínica Dr. Antônio Reis com 40 pacientes soropositivos de 15 a 24 anos submetidos a um questionário estruturado para avaliar o impacto psicossocial na terapia antirretroviral. Resultados: 72,5% dos pacientes avaliados compreendem correlação do vírus com a imunidade, 30% não aceitam a sorologia. 90% se sentem deprimidos e ansiosos. 45% já pensaram em desistir do tratamento e 5% já chegaram a desistir. Conclusão: Destacam-se, como agravantes para a adesão, as dificuldades nas relações interpessoais, medo da exposição, problemas familiares, aceitação da sorologia, ansiedade, depressão, efeitos colaterais dos medicamentos, informações errôneas sobre o vírus e dificuldade em adequar o tratamento à rotina.


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Introdução: A alergia alimentar ocorre em 6% das crianças. Na literatura há descrição de pacientes com sensibilidade ao glúten e alergia ao trigo. No entanto, existe a possibilidade do paciente apresentar alergia ao glúten, com sensibilização mediada por IgE com presença de sintomas cutâneos, gastrointestinais e/ou respiratórios. Objetivo: O intuito do estudo foi avaliar a presença de sensibilidade ao glúten mediada por IgE e sintomas de alergia em pacientes atendidos no ambulatório de alergia alimentar da Policlínica Municipal de Taubaté. Métodos: Foram analisados os dados de 87 prontuários de pacientes atendidos entre 2013 a 2017 do ambulatório. Todos esses pacientes apresentavam sensibilidade positiva em exames séricos de IgE específico ao glúten. Os dados avaliados foram: sexo, faixa etária, sintomatologia cutânea, gastrointestinal e respiratória relacionados à ingestão desse alimento. Resultados: A porcentagem de pacientes com alergia alimentar ao glúten foi predominante no sexo feminino (58,62%). Quanto à distribuição etária, a idade mais prevalente foi entre 5 a 8 anos (40,23%), seguido de 9 a 12 anos (33%), entre 1 a 4 anos (17,24%), e entre 13 a 16 anos (9,2 %). Apresentaram como sintomas cutâneos: dermatite atópica (50,57%), angioedema (18,39%) e urticária foi referido em (17,24%) dos casos. Considerando os sintomas respiratórios na alergia ao glúten, relataram rinite (63,22%) dos pacientes, seguido de infecções de repetição (12,64%), tosse (3,45%) e asma/chiado no peito (1,15%). No que diz respeito aos sintomas gastrointestinais na alergia ao glúten, identificou-se a diarreia foi mais predominante (21,14%) dos casos, seguido por constipação (11,49%), dor abdominal recorrente (8,05%), dermatite perianal (6,91%), sangramento nas fezes (5,95%), vômitos (4,6%) e refluxo (3,45%). Entre os pacientes alérgicos ao glúten também eram sensibilizados (IgE positivos) ao trigo (94,25% dos casos) à proteína do leite de vaca (56,47%), à clara de ovo (54,87%), à soja (45,67%), amendoim (40,69%), ao milho (40,29%) e à gema de ovo (33,33%). Conclusão: Sendo assim, apesar de existirem poucas pesquisas relacionadas ao perfil de pacientes com sensibilidade ao glúten essa proteína deve ser considerada importante na faixa etária pediátrica.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A pandemia pelo novo coronavírus, vem produzindo repercussões em escala global, acarretando impactos sem precedentes na história. Isso, somado ao agravamento da doença, com evolução para a necessidade de terapia dialítica. Estudos mostram que a Insuficiência Renal Aguda (IRA), consequente à infecção pelo COVID, está entre 0,5-7% dos casos e entre 2,9-23% dos pacientes em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Portanto, este trabalho visa levantar dados estatísticos relacionados à estas ocorrências. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar pacientes COVID POSITIVO admitidos num hospital público estadual de Campo Grande/MS, no ano de 2020 que necessitaram realizar hemodiálise. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo realizado através da coleta de dados em prontuários eletrônicos e registros desse hospital, tendo caráter descritivo, transversal e de abordagem quantitativa RESULTADOS: Foram levantados dados de 1° de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2020, das admissões de pacientes COVID POSITIVO. Dos 3540 pacientes admitidos, 342 (9,66%) necessitaram de hemodiálise, destes, 73 (21,34%) já apresentavam insuficiência renal crônica e 269 (78,65%) apresentaram IRA. Dos 269, 176 (65,42%) eram do sexo masculino e 93 (34,58%) do sexo feminino, 257 (95,54%) estavam entre 40 e 80 anos, sendo a maioria entre 70 e 79 anos (29,74%); 5 pacientes (1,86%) evoluíram para doença crônica, 80 (29,74%) foram à óbito, 184 (68,40%) recuperaram a função renal. Dos 269 pacientes, 115 (42,75%) não apresentaram nenhuma doença de base, 12 (4,46%) apresentavam Diabetes mellitus (DM), 54 (20,08%) apresentavam hipertensão arterial (HAS) e 88 (32,71%) apresentavam as duas comorbidades. CONCLUSÃO: Dos 3540 pacientes COVID positivo admitidos em 2020 neste hospital, 269 (7,60%) apresentaram IRA e necessitaram de hemodiálise, acompanhando estudos já realizados. 154 (57,25%) apresentavam DM, HAS isoladas, ou as duas patologias concomitantemente. Conclui-se que, pacientes acima de 40 anos, acometidos de DM, HAS e/ou ambas, são a maioria dos que necessitam de hemodiálise durante a internação por COVID 19. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: COVID, HEMODIÁLISE, HOSPITAL

Ferreira, Klayver Samuel Santos. "MORBIMORTALIDADE POR DOENÇA HEMOLÍTICA DO FETO E DO RECÉM-NASCIDO, ENTRE 2009 E 2019, NO ESTADO DO MARANHÃO." In I Congresso Brasileiro de Hematologia Clínico-laboratorial On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2021.

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Introdução: A Doença Hemolítica Perinatal é um tipo de anemia hemolítica, resultante da agressão provocada pelos anticorpos maternos contra antígenos das hemácias do concepto. Na maioria dos casos justifica- se pela mãe possuir Rh negativo e o pai Rh positivo, sendo assim a criança herda caráter do pai Rh positivo, ocasionando em incompatibilidade sanguínea materno-fetal. Objetivo: Analisar a morbimortalidade por doença hemolítica do feto e do recém-nascido no estado do Maranhão no período de 2009 a 2019. Material e métodos: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo, longitudinal e observacional. Os dados foram coletados no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS (SIH/SUS), referentes à doença hemolítica do feto e do recém-nascido, no período entre 2009 e 2019, no estado do Maranhão, levando em consideração número de internações, taxa de mortalidade, óbitos, sexo e faixa etária. Resultados: Entre 2009 e 2019, foram registradas 359 internações por doença hemolítica do feto e do recém-nascido no estado do Maranhão, sendo que o ano de 2019 foi o que apresentou o maior número de internações (n= 85;23,67%) e o ano de 2014 (n= 10;2,78%) o menor número de internações. Em relação ao sexo, a maior prevalência de internações ocorreu no sexo feminino, sendo 54,87% (n= 197). A faixa etária mais acometida foi em menores de 1 ano, com 356 casos (99,16%). No Maranhão, os óbitos ocorreram apenas na faixa etária de menores de 1 ano, com 5 óbitos no total, e o sexo masculino foi o que apresentou maior taxa de mortalidade (1,85%). Conclusão: A doença hemolítica do feto e do recémnascido ainda é um problema importante de saúde pública no estado do Maranhão, indicando falha nos protocolos anti-RhD, no diagnóstico pré-natal. Assim, o estudo indica a necessidade de melhorar a assistência perinatal, priorizando a profilaxia, dadas as desigualdades econômicas e sociais existentes no estado maranhense.

Reports on the topic "Feminin position":


Connor, Helene. Thesis Review: Dis/identifications and Dis/articulations: Young Women and Feminism in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Unitec ePress, February 2015.

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In this thoroughly researched, skillfully written thesis, the author explores young women’s dis/identifications with feminism, and dis/articulations of feminism, within contemporary Aotearoa/New Zealand. The premise of the research is that whilst many young women value the work of the early feminists in terms of gender equality and individual freedom for themselves, only a small number position themselves as feminist. Indeed, the author identified research with young women in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and Canada which supported this premise. Comparative research on young women’s identifications with feminism in Aotearoa/New Zealand, was, however, absent within the literature and this thesis set out to address this gap. Overall, the thesis addresses the New Zealand context with considerable scholarly integrity and depth, demonstrating originality and a well-considered analytical response to the data.

Connor, Helene. Thesis Review: Dis/identifications and Dis/articulations: Young Women and Feminism in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Unitec ePress, February 2015.

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In this thoroughly researched, skillfully written thesis, the author explores young women’s dis/identifications with feminism, and dis/articulations of feminism, within contemporary Aotearoa/New Zealand. The premise of the research is that whilst many young women value the work of the early feminists in terms of gender equality and individual freedom for themselves, only a small number position themselves as feminist. Indeed, the author identified research with young women in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and Canada which supported this premise. Comparative research on young women’s identifications with feminism in Aotearoa/New Zealand, was, however, absent within the literature and this thesis set out to address this gap. Overall, the thesis addresses the New Zealand context with considerable scholarly integrity and depth, demonstrating originality and a well-considered analytical response to the data.

Smith-Taylor, Heather C. The Feminist Movement and Equality in the Federal Workforce: Understanding the Position of Women in USAID's Foreign Service. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2015.

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