Academic literature on the topic 'Fredegar'

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Journal articles on the topic "Fredegar":


Halfond, Gregory I. "The Endorsement of Royal-Episcopal Collaboration in the FredegarChronica." Traditio 70 (2015): 1–28.

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The terse and politically oriented narrative of the seventh-century chronicle attributed to Fredegar often has been compared unfavorably to one of its principal sources, Gregory of Tours'sDecem Libri Historiarum, a complex and layered composition in which historical and theological programs converge. Although a superficial comparison with Gregory'sHistoriaewould seem to indicate Fredegar's own relative disengagement from ecclesiastical and spiritual concerns, a closer examination of theChronicareveals a programmatic effort to endorse royal-episcopal collaboration so that thepax ecclesiaemight be preserved and earthly governance perfected. Writing, as he believed, in the end times, Fredegar shared Gregory of Tours's eschatological conviction that such collaboration would help to prepare theregnum Francorumfor final judgment. A close examination of those twenty-one cases in which Fredegar refers explicitly to the involvement of bishops in court affairs suggests the chronicler's conviction that the professional, political, and spiritual obligations of Frankish bishops were not mutually exclusive. Furthermore, theChronica's ecclesiastical topography, while limited geographically and personalized according to Fredegar's attachment to specific cults and institutions, provides the setting for the author's collaborative ideal, with holy places providing both a context and an impetus for the integration of royal and clerical agendas. While Fredegar recognized signs of divine judgment everywhere, the chronicler's perspective ultimately was optimistic, envisioning aregnum Francorumcleansed of oppression by the judgment of God, preparing the way for the perfection of the world in the age to come.

Köbler, Gerhard. "Collins, Roger, Die Fredegar-Chroniken." Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung 127, no. 1 (August 1, 2010): 497–98.

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CORRADINI, RICHARD. "Die Fredegar-Chroniken - By Roger Collins." Early Medieval Europe 18, no. 3 (July 22, 2010): 345–48.

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Fischer, Andreas. "Reflecting Romanness in the Fredegar Chronicle." Early Medieval Europe 22, no. 4 (October 8, 2014): 433–45.

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Halfond, Gregory I. "The Endorsement of Royal-Episcopal Collaboration in the Fredegar Chronica." Traditio 70, no. 1 (2015): 1–28.

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Tishin, V. V. "TO THE NAME OF THE “KING OF TÜRKS” IN THE CHRONICLE OF FREDEGAR." Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, no. 3 (13) (2020): 90–99.

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The paper looks into the discussion on identifying the ethnogonic legend, placed in the Frankish compilation source of the middle of the 7th century, known as the “Chronicle of Fredegar”, of the name of the “king” (rex) of the Turks (Turci), found in the forms Torquotus and Torcoth, with the name of the Turkic prince Τούρξαθος, mentioned at Menander the Protector under the year 576. The main focus is on the hypothesis put forward by K. Bekwiz on the possibility of reconstruction the form *Türkwač, reflecting the reconstruction of the ethnonym’s sound by the named researcher, transmitted in Chinese sources through tu-jue (突厥). The author offers another solution to this issue. According to J. Marquart, the explanation of the name Τούρξαθος, reconstructed by most researchers as *Türk šad, implies comparison with the word du-lu (都 陸), do-lu (咄陸), do-lu (咄六), known in ancient Türkic onomastics and ethnonymy, as well as du-lu (都六), presumably reflecting the original *türük. The possibility of such a comparison is phonetically permissible; in addition, it is indirectly confirmed by the fact that the combination du-lu (都陸) or do-lu (咄陸), registered in Chinese sources as an element of Western Turkic khagans’ titles, can be parallelled with the Sogdian legend on a known specimen of coins of the Western Turkic khagan containing the element twrk in its title..The argumentation follows the development of Marquart’s hypothesis, suggesting that the Chinese sources reflected two versions of the ethnonym *türük ~ *türk transliterration, one of which is just hidden behind the combinations du-lu (都陸), do-lu (咄陸), do-lu (咄六), du-lu (都六), while another, known in the form of tu-jue (突厥), most likely reflects the Mongolian, as P. Peliot suggested, form *türküt.

Curta, Florin. "Slavs in Fredegar and Paul the Deacon: medieval gens or ‘scourge of God’?" Early Medieval Europe 6, no. 2 (February 26, 2003): 141–67.

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Helmrath, Johannes. "Deutsche Geschichtsquellen - von Fredegar bis zur Hanse. Die 'Freiherr vom Stein-Gedächtnisausgabe1 und ihre Neuerscheinungen." Geschichte in Köln 17, no. 1 (December 1985): 157–65.

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Hen, Yitzhak. "Roger Collins, Die Fredegar-Chroniken. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Studien und Texte, 44.) Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007. Pp. xv, 152. €20." Speculum 85, no. 1 (January 2010): 124–25.

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Kazakov, Igor Valentinovich. "The daily life of the Francs according to written sources at the time of Gregory of Tours: diseases, medicine, hygiene and food." Samara Journal of Science 8, no. 1 (February 28, 2019): 145–51.

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This paper is an attempt to collect and systematize information about the material conditions of life in the Frankish state of the Merovingians in the 6th century. The choice of the topic is due to the need to compose a complete picture of a persons life from the beginning of the early Middle Ages, which until now has remained poorly researched, unlike the Carolingian period. The sources used are the writings of Gregory of Tours, Venantius Fortunatus, Apollinaris Sidonius, The Chronicle of Fredegar, The History Book of the Franks and others. The paper contains data on the diseases and epidemics that were widespread during the mentioned period, methods of their treatment and the state of medicine in general, hygiene in the Frankish society, as well as the diet and composition of products. The collected material says that: a) the sources of the early Merovingian period are extremely scarce data in the field of life descriptions; b) the Frankish society was very vulnerable to a wide variety of diseases, and the priority of faith over medicine did not allow them to resist; c) ideas about the absence of elementary hygiene in the early Middle Ages are greatly exaggerated, and d) the set of consumed products was distinguished by simplicity and at the same time diversity with rudimentary skills in cooking.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Fredegar":


Gayno, Maryse. "Le participe latin au VIème siècle après Jésus-Christ : morpho-synthaxe et sémantique. Les constructions absolues chez l’Anonyme de Valois, Grégoire de Tours et Frédégaire." Thesis, Paris 4, 2012.

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Au VIème siècle après J.-Ch., les structures de la langue latine ne correspondent plus tout à fait aux normes de la langue classique, aussi bien du point de vue morphologique et sémantique que syntaxique. A travers l’étude comparative des constructions absolues entre un corpus d’auteurs classiques et un corpus d’auteurs tardifs, nous montrons l’émergence de nouvelles valeurs du participe, particulièrement le participe passé actif de verbes non déponents, en latin tardif, ou plus exactement une fréquence accrue de valeurs parfois attestées en latin classique et archaïque
In the 6th century A.D., the structures of the Latin language no longer entirelycorrespond to the norms of Classical Latin, from a morphological and semantic perspective aswell as a syntactical one.By means of a comparative study of absolute constructions in a corpus of classicalauthors and a corpus of later authors, we show the emergence of new participle values, inparticular the active passive participle of non-deponent verbs in Late Latin, or more precisely,a greater frequency of values sometimes attested in Classical and Archaic Latin

Freder, Julia Verfasser], Anke [Akademischer Betreuer] Detken, Heinrich [Akademischer Betreuer] Detering, and Ruth [Akademischer Betreuer] [Florack. "Es ist bloß ein Anstoß von Schwindel : Ohnmachten bei Heinrich von Kleist im Vergleich mit Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, J. M. R. Lenz, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Sophie La Roche und Sophie Mereau / Julia Freder. Gutachter: Anke Detken ; Heinrich Detering ; Ruth Florack. Betreuer: Anke Detken." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014.

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Freder, Julia Verfasser], Anke [Akademischer Betreuer] [Detken, Heinrich [Akademischer Betreuer] Detering, and Ruth [Akademischer Betreuer] Florack. "Es ist bloß ein Anstoß von Schwindel : Ohnmachten bei Heinrich von Kleist im Vergleich mit Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, J. M. R. Lenz, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Sophie La Roche und Sophie Mereau / Julia Freder. Gutachter: Anke Detken ; Heinrich Detering ; Ruth Florack. Betreuer: Anke Detken." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014.

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Freder, Janine [Verfasser]. "Die mittelalterlichen Skelette von Usedom : anthropologische Bearbeitung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ethnischen Hintergrundes / vorgelegt von Janine Freder." 2010.

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Books on the topic "Fredegar":


Collins, Roger. Die Fredegar-Chroniken. Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007.

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Woodruff, Jane Ellen. The Historia epitomata (third book) of the Chronicle of Fredegar: An annotated translation and historical analysis of interpolated material. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1988.

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Chateau, Jorge. Programa de Educación Campesina: CIDE--FREDER. [Santiago, Chile]: CIDE, 1986.

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Sundberg, Ulf. Svenska freder och stillestånd 1249-1814. Hargshamn: Arete, 1997.

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Galle, Heinz J. Sun Koh, der Erbe von Atlantis und andere deutsche Supermänner: Paul Alfred Müller alias Lok Myler alias Freder van Holk : Leben und Werk. Zürich: SSI, 2003.

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Straw, Carole Ellen. Gregory the Great: Perfection in imperfection. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.

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Straw, Carole Ellen. Gregory the Great. Aldershot, UK: Variorum, 1996.

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Svenska freder och stillestånd 1249-1814. Stockholm, Sweden: Hjalmarson & Högberg, 2002.

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1928-, Fredeman William E., and Latham David 1950-, eds. Haunted texts: Studies in Pre-Raphaelitism in honour of William E. Fredeman. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003.

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Alexander, Heine, ed. Die Chronik Fredegars und der Frankenkönige: Und die Lebensbeschreibungen des Abtes Columban, der Bischöfe Arnulf, Leodegar und Eligius, der Königin Balthilde. Essen: Phaidon, 1985.

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Book chapters on the topic "Fredegar":


Fischer, Andreas. "The Appropriation of History: The Austrasians, Gregory of Tours, and Fredegar." In Historiography and Identity II: Post-Roman Multiplicity and New Political Identities, 213–36. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2020.

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Haubrichs, Wolfgang. "Sagenhafte Schatzfunde bei Gregor, Fredegar, Paulus Diaconus und anderen. Narrative von der Entstehung und Rechtfertigung von Schätzen." In Gold in der europäischen Heldensage, edited by Heike Sahm, Wilhelm Heizmann, and Victor Millet, 51–71. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.

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Murray, Alexander Callander. "Gregory of Tours (Hist. II 10) and Fredegar (Chron. III 9) on the Paganism of the Franks : The Relation of the Texts and What they Say." In Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 45–55. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2016.

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Murray, Alexander Callander. "Gregory of Tours (Hist. II 10) and Fredegar (Chron. III 9) on the Paganism of the Franks: The Relation of the Texts and what they Say." In The Merovingians, 32–40. London: Routledge, 2022.

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"6.Fredegar." In Shifting Ethnic Identities in Spain and Gaul, 500-700, 147–64. Amsterdam University Press, 2017.

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Wallace-Hadrill, J. M. "Fredegar and the History of France 1." In The Long-Haired Kings, 71–94. Routledge, 2019.

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Murray, Alexander Callander. "7. Post vocantur Merohingii: Fredegar, Merovech, and 'Sacral Kingship'." In After Rome's Fall, edited by Alexander Callander Murray. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.

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"Lethe and ‘Delete’—Discarding the Past in the Early Middle Ages: The Case of Fredegar." In Collectors’ Knowledge: What Is Kept, What Is Discarded / Aufbewahren oder wegwerfen: wie Sammler entscheiden, 69–96. BRILL, 2013.

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Esders, Stefan. "Herakleios, Dagobert und die „beschnittenen Völker“ Die Umwälzungen des Mittelmeerraums im 7. Jahrhundert in der Chronik des sog. Fredegar." In Jenseits der Grenzen, edited by Andreas Goltz, Hartmut Leppin, and Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009.

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"Other Alleged Indications of Early Knowledge of the Dialogues: The Chronicle of Fredegar, the Vitas Patrum Emeretensium and the Vita Fructuosi." In The "Gregorian" Dialogues and the Origins of Benedictine Monasticism, 331–61. BRILL, 2003.

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