Academic literature on the topic 'Free will revisionism'

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Journal articles on the topic "Free will revisionism":


Weigel, Chris. "Experimental evidence for free will revisionism." Philosophical Explorations 16, no. 1 (July 25, 2012): 31–43.

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McConnell, Michael W. "Free Exercise Revisionism and the Smith Decision." University of Chicago Law Review 57, no. 4 (1990): 1109.

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Marshall, William P. "In Defense of Smith and Free Exercise Revisionism." University of Chicago Law Review 58, no. 1 (1991): 308.

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Vargas, Manuel. "Revisionism about free will: a statement & defense." Philosophical Studies 144, no. 1 (March 21, 2009): 45–62.

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Cachán, Manuel. "Justice Stephen Field and “Free Soil, Free Labor Constitutionalism”: Reconsidering Revisionism." Law and History Review 20, no. 3 (2002): 541–76.

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Progressive legal scholars from the 1930s through the 1960s sought to explain why the Supreme Court had set itself in such bald opposition to the concurrent branches of the federal government. The Court seemed profoundly committed, even to the point of risking its very existence, to an ideology that, in Justice Holmes's famously understated phrase, “a large part of the country d[id] not entertain.” What had led to the union between jurisprudence and conservative reaction?

Shuper, Viyascheslav A. "The shrunken voice of science. A View from the Fatherland." Science management: theory and practice 2, no. 1 (2020): 40–53.

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Bold and talented revisionism in international relations is combined with a dull weave in the tail of the mainstream in many of the most important issues of domestic policy, vital for the present and future of the country, including science. If the task of reviving the scientific potential of the country is set by the political leadership, then it is best to start with scientific journals, since positive results can be achieved faster and at a lower cost in the sphere of scientific knowledge circulation than in the sphere of its production. The first journals of a new type, a kind of “decree journals”, should be created by the decision of the Government. By the same decision, they should be equated in the Russian Federation to the top quartile of any international citation systems. The soft revisionism of scientific journals will be free from the adverse effects of the hard revisionism of propaganda. Its benefits to Russian science would inevitably result in the strengthening of the country’s international position and its growing attractiveness as an oasis of free thought.

Harel, Alon. "Revisionist Theories of Rights: An Unwelcome Defense." Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 11, no. 2 (July 1998): 227–44.

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Disputes over the scope of specific rights, e.g., over the right to free speech, the right to property, or the right to equality, often originate in differing assumptions concerning the reasons that justify the protection of these rights. Thus, those who believe that reasons of autonomy justify the right to free speech will identify the scope of this right differently from those who justify this protection through, say, appeal to the marketplace of ideas. Despite the diverse subject matter of these disputes, there is a uniform structure characterizing them. Some supporters of rights, call them “traditionalists,” locate the reasons that justify the protection of rights within individualistic concerns. Others, call them “revisionists,” deny this traditional claim and argue that rights can be partially or exclusively grounded in societal interests.Traditionalism’ and ‘revisionism’ are terms stipulated to clarify the conceptual difference between two different understandings of rights. These understandings are often implicit in the way the term ‘rights’ is used in political or legal debates concerning the scope of particular rights. At other times, these implicit understandings of the term ‘rights’ are articulated more or less explicitly by moral or political philosophers investigating the nature of rights. Thus, when the terms ‘revisionist’ or ‘traditionalist’ are used in this article, they are used in two different ways. Sometimes, they denote implicit fundamental presuppositions about the nature of rights—presuppositions which underlie many of the contemporary debates over the scope of particular rights. At other times, they denote philosophical theories exploring systematically the nature of rights and the reasons underlying them.

Sommerville, Johann P. "English and European Political Ideas in the Early Seventeenth Century: Revisionism and the Case of Absolutism." Journal of British Studies 35, no. 2 (April 1996): 168–94.

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The central argument of this article is that English political thinking in the early seventeenth century was not distinctively English. More particularly, we shall see that a number of English writers put forward political doctrines that were precisely the same as those of Continental theorists who are usually described as absolutists. If the Continental thinkers were absolutists, then so were the English writers. The theory of absolutism vested sovereign power in the ruler alone and forbade disobedience to the sovereign's commands unless they contradicted the injunctions of God Himself. It is with the theory of absolutism and not with its practice that this article is concerned.To claim that English and Continental ideas closely resembled each other, and that absolutism flourished on both sides of the Channel, is to challenge not only the old Whig interpretation of English history but also the newer views of so-called revisionists. True, the revisionists often say that they reject Whig ideas. But in fact they adopt some of the central contentions of the Whigs. In order to set what follows into a broad historiographical context, it may be worthwhile to elaborate a little on this theme.Whig historians of the nineteenth century were keen to emphasize the distinctiveness of England's political development. The Anglo-Saxons, they argued, brought free and democratic institutions into England from their Teutonic forests. Elsewhere in Europe, liberty succumbed to the authoritarianism of popes, kings, and Roman lawyers, but the sea kept foreigners and their unpleasant ways out of England, and there freedom lived on. When the Conqueror came, the old English liberties were for a while in jeopardy.


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Povzetek Evropski posthladnovojni red je temeljil na panevropskem konsenzu, da je demokracija edini vir legitimnosti, dokler se niso udejanjanju vizije celovite in svobodne Evrope, ki je v miru sama s seboj, uprle kremeljske oblasti. Prišlo je do spremembe paradigme – sistemsko tekmovanje namesto sodelovanja. Ruski revizionizem pomeni največjo varnostno grožnjo za Evropo. Narava grožnje ni bila pravočasno zaznana. Pri napadu na posthladnovojni red ni šlo le za klasično vojno, ki temelji na trdi moči, saj vojna poteka tudi v kognitivni sferi, kar za odprte, demokratične družbe pomeni poseben izziv. To je bil tudi normativni napad. Za učinkovit odgovor sta nujna mentalni premik in krepitev kognitivne odpornosti ter tudi solidarnosti kot ena najpomembnejših temeljev varnosti. Ključne besede Kognitivna odpornost, Evropska unija, informacijska vojna, normativni konflikt, revizionistična sila. Abstract The European post-Cold War order was based on a pan-European consensus that democracy was the only source of legitimacy – until the Kremlin opposed the realization of a Europe whole, free and at peace with itself. There has been a paradigm change from cooperation to systemic competition. Russian revisionism poses the greatest security threat to Europe. The nature of the threat was realized rather late. The assault on the post-Cold War order was not just a classic war, which relies on hard power; instead, the war also took place in the cognitive sphere, which represents a particular challenge for open, democratic societies. Furthermore, it was also a normative assault. An effective response requires a mental shift and the strengthening of cognitive resilience as well as solidarity as the key foundations of security. Key words cognitive resilience, European Union, information warfare, normative conflict, revisionist power.

Anikeev, Anatoly S. "The Kremlin and the Politics of Yugoslavia during the Years of the Soviet-Yugoslav Conflict, 1948–1953." Slavic World in the Third Millennium 15, no. 3-4 (2020): 69–84.

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Using extensive material from Russian archives, this article analyzes the problem of the Soviet leadership’s perception of the domestic and foreign policy of Yugoslavia during the years of the Soviet-Yugoslav conflict that arose in 1948. The article shows how relations developed between the two countries in the first post-war years, and what requirements were made of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) in the Kremlin: loyalty to Marxist theory, the idea of internationalism, and comprehensive support for the slogan of unity of all countries of “people’s democracy” led by the USSR. The article examines the process of gradual orientation towards the priority of national interests that the CPY leadership undertook and the subsequent reaction of Moscow, which accused the CPY of revisionism and nationalism. The nature of the contradictions between the two communist parties is investigated in the context of the geopolitical strategy of the USSR at that time and the regional policy of Yugoslavia. The refusal of Tito and his associates to admit the Kremlin’s accusations laid the foundation for the search for their own “authentic” model of socialism, based on “true” Marxist theory, free from the distortions of Stalinism, which was defined in Belgrade as state-bureaucratic capitalism. The gradual formation and evolution of the Yugoslav model, reforms in the economy and social sphere, and the introduction of workers’ self-government, which took place in the early 1950s, became the object of close attention and total criticism from the Soviet leadership. Moscow closely followed the foreign policy of Yugoslavia, whose main priority at that time was to preserve the country’s independence by any means. The rapprochement of Yugoslavia with the United States and other Western countries caused particular concern and irritation to the Kremlin, which believed that this would help strengthen NATO in the region and weaken the position of the Soviet bloc.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Free will revisionism":


Svensk, Diana. "Expanding Our Concept of 'Free Will' : A case for the Development of Eliminativist Revisionism." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier, 2021.

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This paper puts forth the thesis that free will skeptics should be motivated to develop revisionisteliminativist accounts of free will. As a starting point for this argument, it discusses and expands upon Shaun Nichols (2007) modeling of our reactive attitudes in narrow and widepsychological profiles. Utilizing this descriptive and prescriptive thesis, the paper then puts forthtwo main claims: 1. that revisionism is likely to produce our best descriptive accounts of free willbeliefs, and 2. that it is plausible that eliminativist revisionist is likely to produce our best prescriptive account of free will, as it is can capture some of the value in our “narrowpsychological profile” in ways its conventional counterpart is unable to. It is then argued that these two claims, in combination with the normative influence of free will beliefs, should provide sufficient motivations to develop eliminativist revisionist accounts of free will.

Smith, Parker T. "The Rise of China: Assessing "Revisionist" Behavior in the Global Economy." Ohio University Honors Tutorial College / OhioLINK, 2019.

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Auerbach, Jennifer Sadoff. "Drafts, Page Proofs, and Revisions of Schenker's Der freie Satz: The Collection at the Austrian National Library and Schenker's Generative Process." Thesis, connect to online resource, 2009.

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Senate, University of Arizona Faculty. "Faculty Senate Minutes December 2, 2013." University of Arizona Faculty Senate (Tucson, AZ), 2014.

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Storer, Kevin. "Explaining the Role of Scripture in the Economy of Redemption as it Relates to the Theological and Hermeneutical Contributions of David Tracy, Hans Frei, Kevin Vanhoozer and Henri de Lubac." 2012.,154105.

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This dissertation explores the hermeneutical impasses which have resulted from the recent debates about the theological interpretation of Scripture between revisionist theologian David Tracy and postliberal theologian Hans Frei and suggests that locating the role of Scripture in the economy of redemption would ease many of these methodological tensions. The works of Evangelical theologian Kevin Vanhoozer and Ressourcement theologian Henri de Lubac, it is argued, provide helpful resources for these discussions as these theologians explicitly seek to explain the role of Scripture in mediating the relationship between Christ and the Church. The dissertation suggests that examining the role of Scripture in the context of the economy does provide helpful insights for hermeneutical method as it shows the intrinsic unity between the literal reading of Scripture and Scripture's spiritual interpretation, as well as the intrinsic unity between Scripture and Church in receiving Scriptural mediation. It is concluded that these insights ease ongoing tensions between Frei and Tracy by showing that Frei's insistence on the plain sense of Scripture is compatible with Tracy's insistence on the transformative disclosure of Christ in Scripture.
McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts

Books on the topic "Free will revisionism":


Altman, Morris. Human agency and material welfare: Revisions in microeconomics and their implications for public policy. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.

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Garry, Patrick M. The American vision of a free press: An historical and constitutional revisionist view of the press as a marketplace of ideas. New York: Garland Pub., 1990.

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Traunspurger, Walter, ed. Ecology of freshwater nematodes. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract This book, with its 12 chapters, not only encourages all ecologists to consider free-living nematodes as a model organism in their investigations, but also shows how important it is to study the fundamentals of ecology, for example, the distribution and diversity of a group of organisms as well as the interactions of those organisms with others. Detailed studies of this type will ultimately provide a better understanding of food webs, their role in the respective habitat, and the changes therein caused by human activities. In this context, research during the past 20 years has determined that, in addition to aquatic environments, nematodes are good indicators of sediment and soil quality. This book takes into account much of the recent research on the ecology of freshwater nematodes. It contains many new chapters as well as revisions and updates of the chapters of the 2006 book. The objective was to write a comprehensive yet readable guide for interested biologists, from students to career scientists.

Office, General Accounting. [Impoundment control--revisions to President's 103rd special impoundment message for fiscal year 1992]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1992.

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Office, General Accounting. [Impoundment control--revisions to President's 103rd special impoundment message for fiscal year 1992]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1992.

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Canada. Pacific Salmon Treaty: Including: Yukon River agreement, revisions to December, 2002, memorandum of understanding (1985), exchange of notes--1985, 1999 & 2002. [Vancouver, B.C.?]: Pacific Salmon Commission, 2004.

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Canada. Pacific Salmon Treaty: Including: Yukon River agreement, revisions to December, 2002, memorandum of understanding (1985), exchange of notes--1985, 1999 & 2002. [Vancouver, B.C.?]: Pacific Salmon Commission, 2004.

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Canada. Pacific Salmon Treaty: Including: Yukon River agreement, revisions to December, 2002, memorandum of understanding (1985), exchange of notes--1985, 1999 & 2002. [Vancouver, B.C.?]: Pacific Salmon Commission, 2004.

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Canada. Pacific Salmon Treaty: Including: Yukon River agreement, revisions to December, 2002, memorandum of understanding (1985), exchange of notes--1985, 1999 & 2002. [Vancouver, B.C.?]: Pacific Salmon Commission, 2004.

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Cappelen, Herman. Fixing Language. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Fixing Language is a book about ways in which language (and other representational devices) can be defective and improved. In all parts of philosophy there are philosophers who criticize the concepts we have and propose ways to improve them. Once one notices this about philosophy, it’s easy to see that revisionist projects occur in a range of other intellectual disciplines and in ordinary life. That fact gives rise to a cluster of questions: How does the process of conceptual amelioration work? What are the limits of revision (how much revision is too much)? How does the process of revision fit into an overall theory of language and communication? This book is an effort to answer those questions. In so doing, it is also an attempt to draw attention to a tradition in twentieth- and twenty-first-century philosophy that isn’t sufficiently recognized as a unified tradition. There’s a straight intellectual line from Frege (e.g. of the Begriffsschrift) and Carnap to a cluster of contemporary work that isn’t typically seen as closely related: much work on gender and race, revisionism about truth, revisionists about moral language, and revisionists in metaphysics and philosophy of mind. These views all have common core commitments: revision is both possible and important. They also face common challenges: how is amelioration done, what assumptions need to be made, e.g., about the nature of concepts, and what are the limits of revision?

Book chapters on the topic "Free will revisionism":


Vargas, Manuel. "The Revisionist Turn: A Brief History of Recent Work on Free Will." In New Waves in Philosophy of Action, 143–72. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011.

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"Vargas’s revisionism." In Basic Desert, Reactive Attitudes and Free Will, 131–32. Routledge, 2017.

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"Revisionism and Some Remaining Issues." In Free Will, 286–306. New York, NY: Routledge, 2016. | Series: Routledge contemporary introductions to philosophy: Routledge, 2016.

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McConnell, Michael W. "Free Exercise Revisionism and the Smith Decision." In Religion and Equality Law, 195–239. Routledge, 2017.

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Segers, Mathieu. "The Beyen Plan (1951-1954)." In The Netherlands and European Integration, 1950 to Present. Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam Nederland: Amsterdam University Press, 2020.

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The rapid expansion of European integration after 1950 triggered lasting existential unease in The Hague, fuelling fierce Dutch revisionism. Alliance-building with supporters of Atlantic free trade remained a priority, and swift British (and Scandinavian) accession to the ‘Small Europe’ of the Six was seen as essential. The Dutch government had therefore been very sceptical about the proposed European Defence Community (EDC); after this failed in 1954, Dutch policymakers feared new negotiations for a relance européenne would strengthen Small Europe and its built-in traditions of politicisation and dirigisme. Ironically, the Common Market – proposed by Dutch Foreign Minister Johan Willem Beyen, and eventually enormously profitable for the Dutch export economy – was considered a ruse when it was presented in the Hague.

Deery, Oisín. "Reference, error, naturalism." In Naturally Free Action, 75–112. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter reinforces the HPC natural-kind view about free will by considering its advantages over other approaches in more detail, including Manuel Vargas’s revisionist approach. It is argued that Vargas’s view founders on a dilemma, which the natural-kind view escapes: Either Vargas’s approach is non-descriptivist, like the natural-kind view, in which case it is not revisionist; or it is revisionist, in which case it is not clear how it is descriptivist. Moreover, this chapter argues that the natural-kind view serves Vargas’s purposes better than his own view does. Finally, the chapter compares the natural-kind view to standard compatibilist, libertarian, and hard-incompatibilist views. Among all of these views, it is argued that only the HPC view is sufficiently methodologically naturalistic in its approach.

Travis, Charles. "Bedeutung." In Frege, 103–21. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Chapters 1–4 unfolded Frege’s general, fruitful, picture of the business of being true. Chapter 5 concerns some elaborations of that picture, in 1891–1895, with an eye on his then-central project: proving arithmetic to be logic. Here we find some interesting false steps, culminating in his technical notion, Bedeutung. This chapter examines and unravels some of these. They involve his treatment of the notion function, correlatively, a radical (but not properly motivated) syntactic revisionism, the conflation of two different sorts of Bedeutung, one having to do with evaluation and transmission of truth value, the other having to do with forming a representation, something to be either true or false.

Deery, Oisín. "Naturally free action." In Naturally Free Action, 45–74. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Adopting the alternative approach motivated in Chapter 1, this chapter argues that free will is a natural kind, by relying on the influential idea that natural kinds are homeostatic property clusters (HPCs). The resulting HPC natural-kind view about free will answers the existence question positively: free will exists and we act freely. Moreover, it does so without directly addressing the compatibility question, although the view favors compatibilism over libertarianism. The chapter also rebuts a prominent objection to natural-kind views about free will, including the HPC view. Finally, the HPC view builds on Andrew Sims’s recent view that agents are a natural kind and it yields an appealing alternative to standard approaches as well as to recent revisionist approaches to free will and moral responsibility.

"IV. A New Subject and First Revisions." In Rhetoric, the Bible, and the origins of free verse, 235–50. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1990.

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"Business Values: II. The Revisionist Neo-Liberal Free-Enterprise Model." In Ethics and Values in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, 274–93. Psychology Press, 2003.

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Conference papers on the topic "Free will revisionism":


Jonkman, Jason, Jeroen van Dam, Trudy Forsyth, and Dean Davis. "Investigation of the IEC Safety Standard for Small Wind Turbine Design Through Modeling and Testing." In ASME 2003 Wind Energy Symposium. ASMEDC, 2003.

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Since 1999, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Maintenance Team 2 (MT2) has been working on a revision of the IEC 61400–2 standard on the safety, quality, integrity, and design requirements of small wind turbines (SWTs). During this effort, a study was conducted to evaluate the quality of the structural design criteria specified by the original –2 standard. Test measurements and aeroelastic predictions of loads were gathered for a collection of SWTs and evaluated against the simplified load models and load cases specified in the standard. The collection of turbines included variations in rotor size, blade number, rotor location (upwind / downwind), hub type (rigid / teetered), yaw mechanism (free / active), and others. In general, the comparison of load measurements and model predictions exemplified the inaccuracy of the design load levels in the original –2 standard and suggested methods of improvement. Revisions being made to the standard include enhanced load models, new load cases, and improved safety factors. This work should culminate in a revised IEC 61400–2 standard that has a higher degree of applicability and dependability than the original.

Renu, Rahul Sharan, and Lynn Hanson. "A Rule-Based Decision Support System for Authoring Technical Instructions." In ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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The objective of this research is to investigate the viability of a decision support system for technical instruction authors who write instructions in free text. The foundation for the decision support system relies on mapping computational linguistic metrics to guidelines for authoring technical instructions. For example, the guideline Limit each sentence to 25 words or fewer maps to the computational linguistic metrics Word Count. As another example, the guideline Begin each step with a command (an imperative verb) maps to the Location of first imperative verb metric. Testing the decision support system shows its effectiveness and suggests a need to expand the computational rule-base to include even more guidelines. Doing so can further enhance the usability of the decision support system in writing environments. Faculty and students in academia and employees in industry need such a system to improve the quality of written instructions, accelerate revisions, and enhance productivity. In summary, a rule-base for providing feedback to technical authors has been investigated and established. With this rule-base as a foundation, a decision support system has been developed and tested, and the source code has been made publically available.

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