Books on the topic 'French Science fiction'

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Guiot, Denis. La science-fiction. Paris: MA Editions, 1987.

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Murail, Lorris. La science-fiction. [Paris]: Larousse, 1999.

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Carpentier, André, ed. Dix nouvelles de science fiction québécoise. Montréal: Quinze, 1985.

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1954-, Côté Denis, ed. Planéria: Anthologie de science-fiction. Montréal: P. Tisseyre, 1985.

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Sernine, Daniel. Boulevard des étoiles: Nouvelles de science-fiction. Montréal, QC: Publication Ianus, 1991.

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-P, April J., ed. SF: Dix années de science-fiction québécoise. Montréal, Québec: Editions Logiques, 1988.

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Michel, Lord, ed. Anthologie de la science-fiction québécoise contemporaine. [Montréal]: BQ, 1988.

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Streissguth, Thomas. Science fiction pioneer: A story about Jules Verne. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 2000.

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Bergeron, Alain. Corps-machines et rêves d'anges: Récits de science-fiction. Hull (Québec): Vents d'Ouest, 1997.

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Yves, Meynard, Pelletier Claude J. 1962-, and Champetier Joël 1957-, eds. Sous des soleils étrangers: Anthologie de science fiction québécoise. Îles Laval, Laval: Publications Ianus, 1989.

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1957-, Champetier Joël, and Meynard Yves, eds. Escales sur Solaris: Anthologie de science-fiction et de fantastique. Hull, Québec: Vents d'Ouest, 1995.

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Aznar, Gwenaëlle. Destination Jules Verne: L'aventure de la science-fiction. Paris: Tana, 2005.

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Torres, Anita. La science-fiction française: Auteurs et amateurs d'un genre littéraire. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1997.

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1957-, Champetier Joël, and Meynard Yves, eds. Escales sur Solaris: Anthologie de science-fiction et de fantastique : nouvelles. Hull, Québec: Editions Vents d'Ouest, 1993.

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Lyau, Bradford. The Anticipation novelists of 1950s French science fiction: Stepchildren of Voltaire. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co., 2011.

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-H, Rosny J. Three science fiction novellas: From prehistory to the end of mankind. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2011.

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Bréan, Simon. La science-fiction en France: Théorie et histoire d'une littérature. Paris: PUPS, 2012.

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Foundation, Voltaire, ed. Correspondence and epistolary fiction, La fête, Science and medicine, Voltaire. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2002.

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Aziza, Claude. Encyclopédie de poche de la science-fiction: Guide de lecture. Paris: Presses Pocket, 1986.

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Angenot, Marc. Les dehors de la littérature: Du roman populaire à la science-fiction. Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur, 2013.

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Ransom, Amy J. Science fiction from Québec: A postcolonial study. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co., Publishers, 2009.

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1938-, Duffy Dennis. Le grand transit moderne: Mobility, modernity and French naturalist fiction. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004.

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Delmas, Henri. Le rayon SF: Catalogue bibliographique de science-fiction, utopies, voyages extraordinaires. Toulouse: Éditions Milan, 1985.

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Vas-Deyres, Natacha. Ces français qui ont écrit demain: Utopie, anticipation et science-fiction au XXe siècle. Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur, 2012.

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1954-, Barbéri Jacques, ed. Aux limites du son: Nouvelles. Paris: Volte, 2006.

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Boivin, Aure lien. Bibliographie analytique de la science-fiction et du fantastique Que be cois: 1960-1985. Que bec, Que bec: Nuit blanche e diteur, 1992.

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Lofficier, Randy, and Jean-Marc Lofficier. Handbook of French Science Fiction., LLC, 2022.

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Schroeder, Karl. Permanence (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2008.

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Vance, Jack. Madouc (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2004.

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Brust, Steven. Jhereg (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2008.

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Resnick, Mike. Ivoire (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2010.

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Berthelot, Franc. Hades Palace (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2007.

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Vallet, Dominik. BD de Kiosque & science-fiction (French Edition). LULU BOOKS, 2012.

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Vance, Jack. Croisades Vance (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2005.

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Escales sur l'horizon: Seize récits de science-fiction. [Paris]: Fleuve noir, 1998.

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Walton, Jo. Morwenna (Folio. Science-fiction t. 549) (French Edition). Editions Gallimard, 2016.

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Jaworski, J. Gagner La Guerre (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2011.

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Simonay, Bernard. Porte de Bronze (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2008.

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Depotte, Jean-Ph. Demons de Paris (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2011.

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Barrow, Wayne. Bloodsilver (Folio Science Fiction) (English and French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2010.

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Vance, Jack. Langages de Pao (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2008.

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Priest, Christopher. L'inclinaison (Folio. Science-fiction t. 611) (French Edition). Editions Gallimard, 2018.

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Lord, Christina. Reimagining the Human in Contemporary French Science Fiction. Liverpool University Press, 2023.

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Quint, Michel. Billard à l'étage (Policier/Science-fiction) (French Edition). CALMANN-LEVY, 2001.

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Wul, Stefan. Rayons Pour Sidar (Folio Science Fiction) (French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2007.

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Dick/Zelazny. Deus Irae (Folio Science Fiction) (English and French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2001.

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Zelazny/Lindsko. Lord Demon (Folio Science Fiction) (English and French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2003.

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Kloetzer, L. L. Anamnèse de Lady Star (FOLIO SCIENCE FICTION) (French Edition). GALLIMARD, 2016.

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Jaworski, J. Janua Vera (Folio Science Fiction) (English and French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2009.

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Alfred, Bester. Homme Demoli (Folio Science Fiction) (English and French Edition). Gallimard Education, 2011.

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